HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/15/1996 I3 A K E R S F I E L D Kevin McDermott, Chair Randy Rowles Patricia M. Smith Staff: Gall E. Waiters AGENDA URBAN DEVELOPMENT COMMI'I-rEE Thursday, February 15, 1996 12:15 p.m. City Manager's Conference Room Second Floor - City Hall, Suite 201 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 1. ROLL CALL 2. APPROVAL OF JANUARY 29, 1996 SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES 3. PRESENTATIONS 4. PUBLIC STATEMENTS 5. DEFERRED BUSINESS A. DESTEC FUNDING - Andersen B. SPEED UNDULATION PROGRAM PROPOSAL- Rojas 6. NEW BUSINESS A. DESIGNATION OF SCENIC CORRIDORS - Rojas 7. ADJOURNMENT GEW:jp F' LE COPY B A K E R S F I E L D Alafi Tandy, City Mar~'~' ~ Randy Rowles Staff: Gall E. Waiters /,t Patricia M. Smith / / / AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT SPECIAL MEETING URBAN DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Monday, January 29, 1996 12:15 p.m. City Manager's Conference Room 1. ROLL CALL Call to Order at 12:25 p.m. Present: Councilmembers Kevin McDermott, Chair; Randy Rowles and Patricia M. Smith 2. APPROVAL OF JANUARY 17, 1996 MINUTES Approved as submitted 3. PRESENTATIONS None 4. PUBLIC STATEMENTS None 5. DEFERRED BUSINESS A. TRAILS PLAN At the January 10 Council meeting, the Council approved a resolution amending the Bikeways Master Plan Map; and a resolution identifying the parking area that URBAN DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT Monday, January 29, 1996 Page -2- connects the trail to the Kern River. Three additional resolutions and the ordinance relating to the acquisition and improvements of the trails were referred to the Urban Development Committee for further discussion. During the Committee meeting, staff reviewed the proposed Specific Trails Plan, costs associated with the construction development fee and potential funding for ongoing maintenance. The Committee recommended approving the first phase concept and adopting the final three resolutions and the ordinance. In addition, the Committee was supportive of amending the Park Development Fee for trails to reflect $670, which is consistent with the fee for single family dwellings. Staff was asked to develop a conceptual statement for maintenance costs that is in line with current City policy for the Specific Trails Plan purpose only. The Public Works and Community Services Departments will present to the Committee at a later date a proposed new tier level in the Consolidated Maintenance District that will specifically address the trails plan. 6. NEW BUSINESS A. UPDATE ON FREEWAYS The Mayor gave a brief report on his meeting with the California Transportation Commission. He and other representatives from Kern County testified at a hearing to advocate maintaining as a priority monies for freeways. The Commission did not take any action. The Mayor indicated that CalTrans does favor our position. Staff gave a written update on the specific status of certain freeways. It is anticipated that the EIR work on the South Beltway may cost $100,000. The County has said they will not pay into the EIR and does not want to be the lead agency on this project. Kern COG, the City and the County will need to get together to decide where the money will come from to bring the EIR up to standard. 7. ADJOURNMENT Adjourned 1:35 p.m. GEW:.ip JANUARY 31, 1996 CITY CODNClL 1501 T~UXTUN AVENUE FUNDS DON~TED BY DaST~C (EH~P. ~0~, SOC~A S~ ~ B~ ~S FA~AI~ OF ~. LIDIA SI~VO ADDRESS: . . . .i.:' ::".' ':-': ' .' .[. ,.,....~,-...... (805) 588-914Z --~0~6., . ~. .~ ........ ..... .i; . : POLICY OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD RELATIVE TO THE USE OF ROAD UNDULATIONS FOR TRAFFIC SPEED CONTROL ON PUBLIC STREETS PURPOSE The purpose of this policy is to set forth the process and criteria by which the installation of road undulations may be recommended to the City Council and to identify the conditions which they may be installed. BACKGROUND The use of road undulations is not intended as a solution for all traffic and speed control problems. It will be the City's policy to carefully review each request for the installation of a road undulation to ensure that the proposed location and attending circumstances meet all the criteria outlined in this policy. POLICY 1. The initiation of requests for Speed Hump installations shall be in accordance with the following: a. All requests shall originate from the residents of the street. b. All requests shall be in the form of a formal petition (forms will be supplied by the Public Works Department). c. All petitions shall be circulated by the residents themselves. The sponsor of the petition shall contact and obtain the signature of one resident residing at each residence that accesses the street segment on which undulations are being requested to be installed. If the sponsor is unable to contact a resident, "NO CONTACT," will be noted on the petition signature space with the days and times that contact was attempted. The sponsor must make at least two attempts to contact a resident. d. A separate petition shall be used for each street. e. Each petition supporting the installation of undulations shall contain the signatures of residents representing at least 75% of the residences that face directly on the street segment where undulations are to be placed and are located within 75 feet of the curb on the street and will include all residences that access the street segment. f. Completed petitions shall be returned to: City Engineer, City of Bakersfield, 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, Ca. 93301 g. A petition supporting the installation of undulations must be submitted containing signatures of residents desiring the installation of road undulations on the subject street. 2. Road Undulations shall only be installed in conformance with design guidelines that have been established by the City Engineer. 3. Since road undulations are still experimental roadway features, additions, alterations, or removals of any or all road undulations by the City may occur at any time. 4. Prior to the installation of road undulations, the City Engineer will notify the Fire Department, the Police Department and ambulance services of each installation. 5. If, after undulations are installed, residents wish to have the undulations removed, each petition requesting removal of the undulations shall contain the signature of residents representing at least 51% of the residences that face directly on the street segment where undulations have been placed and located within 75 feet of the curb on the street and will include all residences that access the street segment. A separate petition shall be provided for each segment. The petition for removal will be presented to the City Engineer for his consideration. WARRANTS The installation of road undulations on public streets will be considered only if all of the following conditions are met over the entire proposed street segment as determined by the City Engineer: 1. The average daily traffic volume shall be more than 500 but less than 2500 through vehicles per day. 2. The street shall have a posted speed limit of 25 mph or be unposted with a prima facia limit of 25 mph. 3. More than two-thirds (66.7%) of the surveyed motorists must exceed the posted or prima facia speed limit, or the 85th percentile must exceed the posted or prima facia speed limit by 10 mph. 4. The street shall not be over 44 feet wide. 2 5. The street shall have no more than 2 through traffic lanes. The curb adjacent to the road undulation locations must be of the raised six or eight inch standard barrier curb type and not roll-over curb. 6. The street shall have good vertical sight distance, pavement surface quality, horizontal sight distance, drainage and street lighting. It must be free of unusual features which might affect the operation of road undulations. 7. The street shall be residential or local street meeting the following definitions as stated in the California Vehicle Code: "A residential street is defined as a road having 13 or more buildings on one side of the road or 16 or more buildings on both sides of the road, within a distance of 1/4 mile. Buildings must be located within 75 feet of the roadway curb face and they must face and access the street. The street must be at least 300 feet in length and not exceed a total of one mile." 8. To avoid approach speeds of greater than 40 mph, the location of the first proposed road undulation shall be such that the approach speed in advance of the first undulation can be effectively controlled via a physical design feature such as a curve or controlled intersection. 9. Installation of a road undulation will not be permitted where substantial diversion of traffic to other local streets will occur as determined by the City Engineer. 10. Road Undulations shall not be considered for streets that serve as bus routes or are commonly used by emergency vehicles as an access corridor. 11. Road Undulations shall not be installed on a street where they would cause, an aggregate 30 seconds delay in Fire Department response time or if they cause the response to exceed six minutes. 12. Street Lighting must exist on the street blocks where undulations are proposed to be installed. PROCEDURES 1. After a petition is received, the City Engineer will: a. Verify that each petition contains the requisite number of signatures by calculating the total number of residents that are entitled to sign the petition and ensure that the 75% criterion has been met. b. Obtain necessary traffic data. c. Verify compliance with all warrants. 2. All requests for road undulations that meet all policies and warrants will be given to the City Engineer. The City Engineer will review all relevant issues and then make recommendations as to which streets should receive road undulations. 3. The City Engineer will make recommendations to the City Council for approval of installing road undulations on a particular street. 4. Staff will field locate the approved road undulations for the installation. INSTALLATION Construction 1. The City shall procure an annual contract for speed undulation installation. 2. All undulations should be constructed in accordance with Figure 3. The undulations shall be installed across the entire roadway to the lip of the gutter with the last one foot tapered flush with the pavement to minimize gutter running and to preserve gutter flows (see Figures ~.). 4. The residents shall pay the City the dollar amount required per the annual contract or, obtain a private Contractor to install all required speed undulations. 5. A private contractor shall obtain an "Open Street" permit prior to beginning construction. Warning Devices 1. A standard Caltrans W37 30" warning sign stating "Bumps" with 5 inch series E letters should be installed at least 100 feet from the undulation. 2. Speed advisory signs stating 10 mph should be installed below the "Bumps" warning signs. 3. Signs and markings shall be installed with undulation construction. 4. 8-foot high "Bump" legends should be painted in white at approximately 50 to 100 feet in advance of road each undulation. These legends should remain for up to one year after installation of the undulation after which time the legend may be removed. 5. One foot wide longitudinal ladder markings should be painted on each undulation at 6 feet on center. 6. Double yellow centerline may be provided in the vicinity of the undulation where determined by the City Engineer. Placement of Undulations Road Undulations should be placed according to the following guidelines: 1. Undulations should be placed from 200 to 300 feet away from intersections, stop signs or sharp curves so that drivers are unlikely to approach them at high speed. This ensures that sufficient driver reaction time is provided. 2. Undulations should be spaced from 200 to 400 feet apart. 3. The final positioning of the undulations should take into consideration the following which should be field verified prior to installation: a. All undulations shall not be located over manholes or within 30 feet of hydrants. b. Undulations should be located downstream of storm drains. c. Undulations should be located on property lines when possible. d. Undulations should be 10 feet away from driveways. e. Vertical curves and grades should be evalUated with respect to advance visibility of undulations. Typically, all undulations should be placed at least 200 feet away from sharp horizontal curves and be readily visible from at least 200 feet if placed near vehicle curves. f. Undulations should not be placed on horizontal curves of less than 300 feet radius. 4. Undulations should not be placed on streets with grades greater than 10% or in a location that is not clearly visible for at least 200 feet. Removal of Undulations 1. The City shall procure an annual contract for speed undulation removal. 2. The residents shall pay the City the dollar amount required per the annual contract or, procure a private Contractor to remove all speed undulations per City approved methodology. 3. A private contractor shall obtain an "Open Street" permit prior to beginning removal operations. 4. Removal shall be as follows: a) All signs must be removed. b) All markings must be obliterated in a rectangular pattern, so that the markings cannot be distinguished. c) The speed undulation must be removed to 1 1/2" below the finish pavement and the area repaved. Funding 1. All costs associated with removal of speed undulations shall be borne by the residents, whether done by the City annual contract or private contractor. MEMORANDUM January 29, 1996 TO: URBAN DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE FROM;;~'~'~**'/'/JACK HARDISTY, Development Services Director SUBJECT: Park Development Fee for Specific Trails Plan - Phase 1 Park acreage requirements for the Phase 1 trails boundary is estimated to be 60 acres. This is based on a projected population of 24,226 persons and park land dedication at 2.5 acres per 1,000 population. The plan gives a 1/2 acre credit against required park land for the required trails. With the 1/2 acre credit applied park acreage would be reduced from 60 acres to 49 acres. Correspondingly the total cost to build the park would be reduced if we apply strict proportionality. However, what is actually being reduced is the acreage and not the amenities. With the reduction in park size there is some savings in earthwork and related costs that could be applied to trails development instead of park enhancement. Applying those savings to trails would negate the need for a trails fee. Therefore, the trails and parks for the Phase 1 area could both be covered by the $670 for single family dwellings and $505 for multi-family dwellings. SG/Id MPDF January 17, 19q6 STATUS OF FREEWAY' AND STATE HIGHWAY PROJECTS METROPOLITAN'BAKERSFIELD AREA Public Works Department Marian P. Shaw, CE III This report is intended to update the members of the City COuncil on the progress of various freeway and State Highway projects in the metropolitan area since the December, 1995 status report. Kern River Corridor (Kern River Freeway) With the State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP), the basic state highway project funding, mechanism, out of cash, funding for the Kern River Freeway right-of-way has been considered a primary candidate for deferral. Kern COG is planning to propose that thc right-of-way funding for this project be split and postponed from the 1996 STIP to the 1998 and 2002 STIP. CalTrans District 0 is proposing that the funds stay in the 1996 STIP, that the adoption study be finished, and that a "useable segment" of the ultimate freeway be considered for future funding. This "useable segnncnt" would probab .ly be a four lane expressway connecting Truxtun Avenue at Coffee Road and Stockdale Highway l f2 mile west of Allen Road. At the request of Mr. Alan McCucn, the Deputy District Director for Planning and Development, CalTrans District 6, the City Council Passed a Resolution in support of tills plan and forwarded it to Kern COG for presentation to the California Transportation Commission (CTC) for consideration at their meeting on January. 23, 1996. Meanwhile, CalTrans continues to work on the environmental documents and en_~neers report for the route adoption. State Route 178 (Crosstown Freeway) There has been no change in the status of the. Crosstown Freeway from that last reported. State Route 99 o Work on the widening project is progressing according to schedule. The bridge decks for California Avenue, Truxtun Avenue, Gilmore Avenue and the Calloway Canal should be poured bv the end of January.. The bridge deck for Rosedale Highway should be poured by the end of February. CalTrans has closed the bike path at S.R. 99 during construction in the riverbed. Meanwhile, bicyclists can use the sidewalk on the north side of Truxtun Avenue to cross the freewav. South Beitway The mapping and legal description for the preferred alignment has been completed. The preferred alignment for the South Beltwaywas sent to County Planning and Roads Departments for review on November 20, 1995. A meeting with County staff, City planning and public works staff is set for Januarv 17th to plan. a strategy to accomplish the environmental process with the limited funding available. Freeway Status Report January 17, 1996 West Beltwa¥ There has been no change in the status of the West Beitwav since the last report. Coffee Road Grade Separation. City. Project: The City's projeCt is thc widening to six lanes (although initially the street will be striped for four lanes only) of Coffee Road from Brimhall Road north 700 fcct and from Roscdalc Highway south 700 feet. The gap in the project will for the time being, transition to the existing two lane road crossing the railroad lines. When the grade separation project is constructed, all of Coffee Road between Brimhall Road and Rosedale Highwaywiil be six lanes. This project was awarded on December 13, 1995, to Griffith Construction. Construction is expected to begin January 29, 1996. We are currently waiting for contracts to be signed. Grade Separation Project: The Separation of Grade District adopted the Resolutions of Necessity on November 30, 1995. The District has filed a condemnation suit against Sunland Oil for right-of-way acquisition. An agreement appears to be near with Pacific Gas & Electric for acquisition of their property. Negotiations.are underway with both Sunland Oil and Pacific Gas & Electric concerning relocation of their facilities. Relocation of utilities is in the prelimina~ stages. Contamination issues are actively being pursued. The District filled'a report with th~ State Regional Water Quality Control Board earlier this month. This report addresses the "near surface" contamination at the site and was required by the Board as a condition of the City's not.being held secondarily liable for contamination. This report must be reviewed and processed by .the.Stateprior to any remediation work starting on the site. The design for this project is on schedule. Plans and. Specifications are 90% complete. The project should be ready to advertise for bids in late March/early April if the above issues are completed.. seismic Retrofit of Bridaes Seven bridges within the City are scheduled for seismic retrofit. According to CalTrans only one, at Niles and Freeway 178, may require a detour.