HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/15/1997 BAKERSFIELD Kevin McDermott, Chair Randy Rowles Patricia M. Smith Staff: Dolores Teubner URBAN DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Wednesday, October 15, 1997 12:15 p.m. City Manager's Conference Room Second Floor - City Hall, Suite 201 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 1. ROLL CALL 2. APPROVAL OF SEPTEMBER 17, 1997 MINUTES 3. PRESENTATIONS 4. PUBLIC STATEMENTS 5. DEFERRED BUSINESS A. SMALL LOT SUBDIVISION AND APARTMENT PROJECTS - Grady 6. NEW BUSINESS A. TREE CITY USA DESIGNATION - Ford 7. ADJOURNMENT DBT:jp FILE DRAFT BAKERSFIELD AI.~. an~-Yl C~'t~an/ager Kevin McDermott, Chair Randy Rowles Staff. Dolores B. T;ner Patricia M. Smith AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT / URBAN DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Wednesday, September 17, 1997 12:15 p.m. City Manager's Conference Room 1. ROLL CALL Call to Order at 12:30 p.m. Present: Councilmembers Kevin McDermott, Chair; and Randy Rowles Absent: Councilmember Patricia M. Smith 2. APPROVAL OF AUGUST 13, 1997 MINUTES Approved as submitted. 3. PRESENTATIONS None 4. PUBLIC STATEMENTS None 5. DEFERRED BUSINESS A. UTILITY STREET CUT PERMITS Staff gave a report on the proposal for issuing street cut permits to reduce the frequent cutting of City streets by various utilities. The proposal includes requiring a warranty of work from franchise holders or charging a performance fee equal to the cost of repaving the patch area if the street patch fails. The City will institute a street cut moratorium after streets have been repaved. An infrastructure planning committee has DRAFT URBAN DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT Wednesday, September 17, 1997 Page -2- been formed between representatives of the city and utilities, to plan and coordinate projects requiring street cuts and repaving projects. Finally, the length of street that can be opened at one time is limited to 1,200 feet which is the minimum necessary for effective work by utilities. Representatives of the utilities were in attendance and supported the proposal. The Committee voted unanimously to recommend the item to the Council for adoption, with Councilmember Pat Smith absent B, PARK DEVELOPMENT FEES Staff presented the final draft of the proposed Park Development Fee which changes the standard park on which the fee is calculated from a 6 acre park to a 10 acre park. The fee calculation method is also changed from a graduated scale based on the average number of residents for different types of dwelling units to a fiat fee based on a single weighted average of residents per dwelling unit. The new method takes the park costs per person and multiplies it times the weighted average persons per dwelling unit to come up with a single fiat fee. This resulted in a decrease in the fee for single family units and an increase in the fee for multi-family and mobile home units. The BIA indicated that it did not support the fiat fee because it penalized multi-family developers by increasing the cost to build this type of housing. The Committee asked if we could give a higher fee credit as greater incentive to developers to address the recreation and park needs of their development on site, in order to offset the increased fee. Staff indicated that the City currently gives 7/10 of an acre credit for land used within the multi-family development to address recreation needs. The Committee asked staff to look at increasing the credit. This will be discussed at the next Urban Development meeting. The Park Development Fee proposal was unanimously recommended by the Committee to the City Council for approval, with Councilmember Pat Smith absent. 6. NEW BUSINESS A. METROPOLITAN TRANSPORTATION INVESTMENT STRATEGY (MTIS) A representative of Barton-Aschman Associates, the consulting firm hired to develop the MTIS, gave a presentation on the draft action plan. The plan prioritizes both funded and unfunded surface transportation projects in the metropolitan area. The highest priority unfunded project is the Crosstown Freeway. The consultant indicated that a comprehensive study like the MTIS may help in procuring federal funding for this and other identified projects. The plan will be updated on an annual basis to reflect changes in funding and priority. The Committee felt that air transportation should be addressed in future updates. Staff expressed ongoing concern that the County has DRAFT URBAN DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT Wednesday, September 17, 1997 Page -3- refused to contribute to the funding of the grade separation for the Kern River Freeway project, which could jeopardize the state funding. Staff will continue to update the Committee on the ongoing development of the Kern River Freeway funding. The MTIS will be discussed at an upcoming Council Workshop. B. 24TM AND BEECH TRAFFIC SIGNAL The City's Traffic Engineer has studied this intersection at the request of residents in the area. Staff does not recommend closure of Beech onto 24th as requested by residents, due to the anticipated increase of traffic onto neighboring streets that would result. In addition, staff has concerns about the traffic circulation impacts that would result from a traffic signal. Design of a traffic signal at that location is budgeted in the FY 97-98 CIP. Staff will continue to study this issue and bring other possible solutions back to the Committee for discussion at a later date. 7. ADJOURNMENT Adjourned at 1:43 p.m. cc: Honorable Mayor and City Council DBT:jp MEMORANDUM October 7, 1997 TO: CITY COUNCIL URBAN DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE FROM: STANLEY GRADY, PLANNING DIRECTOR SUBJECT: PLANNING COMMISSION SUBDIVISION & PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE RESPONSE TO REFERRAL REGARDING SMALL APARTMENT PROJECTS The committee believes that there is a lack of architectural diversity in many of the small apartment projects. Building height, bulk and facades are the same throughout the projects and there is too much hardscape in the projects because concrete pavement between structures dominates the landscape and tree specimens used in landscaping are too small. The Planning Commission Subdivision and Public Services Committee recommends development standards which promote visual diversity through architectural variation, setback staggering and landscape enhancement. Three options would be available to applicants. The Planning Commission committee arrived at these options after review of existing development standards and a mobile committee meeting in August of 1996 with City staff and representatives from the Building Industry Association (BIA). During the field visits to various four-plex development projects, Commissioner concerns focused on the need for architectural diversity, spatial diversity, increased landscaping and the screening of utility meters and mechanical equipment (air conditioners). The options are as follows: Option_A 1) When five or more adjacent lots exist for the purpose of providing multiple family housing, every third lot shall have a minimum front yard setback of 25 feet. 2) No more than two adjacent lots shall be occupied with multiple family structures having identical wall and roof lines on the street side elevations(s). 3) No more than two adjacent multiple family dwelling units shall have identical wall and rooflines. In the alternative, in addition to required landscaping, the developer shall provide one, 24" box size tree in front of each dwelling unit. 4) In addition to the landscaping required in the City's site plan review ordinance, every multiple family dwelling project shall include one "fast-growing" (begins to assume its mature landscape form in 1-4 years) 24" box tree within the front yard setback for every 50 feet of linear lot frontage (or portion thereof). 5) All mechanical equipment, whether on the roof or ground shall be screened from view from the street. Utility meters and equiPment must be placed in locations which are not exposed to view from the street or must be architecturally screened from view from the street. Urban Development Committee October 7, 1997 Page 2 _Qpt~on_B 1) Dwelling units subject to the front yard setback shall be designed so that the units front elevation and primary pedestrian entrance face the street. The garage for such a unit need not face the street. 2) No more than two adjacent lots shall be occupied with multiple family structures · having identical wall and roof lines on the street side elevation(s). 3) In addition to the landscaping required in the City's site plan review ordinance, every multiple family dwelling project shall include one "fast-growing" (begins to assume its mature landscape form in 1-4 years) 24" box tree within the front yard setback for every 50 feet of linear lot frontage (or portion thereof). 4) All mechanical equipment, whether on the roof or ground shall be screened from view from the street. Utility meters and equipment must be placed in locations which are not exposed to view from the street or must be architecturally screened from view from the street. Op_ti_on_C 1) Submission of development plans to the Planning Commission through the Planning Director for review and approval of architecture and site layout on a parcel-by-parcel basis or at the tentative tract stage. Plans shall adhere to city site plan review and ordinance design standards and be designed to meet the intent of this resolution and specifically address setbacks, architectural diversity, landscaping and shielding of mechanical equipment and utilities. Options A and B provide development standards for staggered front yard setbacks, variation in roof lines, increased landscaping and screening of mechanical equipment. These standards would be implemented and enforced during the normal site plan review process. No delays in permit processing would result from selection of Options A or B. Selection by the applicant of Option C would require review and approval of site plans and elevations at an advertised public headng by the Planning Commission at the tentative tract stage or on a parcel-by-parcel basis. A fee of $330 (current fee) would be charged to process such plans through the Commission. SG:pjt m\mudc8-27 ..SEP-24-97 WED 12:11 laEILL SBL)L; ~RX NU. ~Ub~'Zbt~U~ r.u~ Tree. Foundation .' 0f. Kem. -. · EXECUTIVE COM'~II2z'~' The Ho, b~r/eltl* Bu//~g .. 1~i2 17~ Str?t ' Suit'e 222 "Balcer~cld CA 93301 . 805/2}:~5-6650 Fa~:'805/322-5663 Har~' Smzkey. PI~idenr . ' ... . .:., , ..' :. .. . ~.~3'~P~ON~'ro~ .. . '.. ,. . .... .. . . K,~;ZN~NG, I~C. ,... : ,'. '" ~ ~ '.- '" ' Ging~ Moorho~e, ~ Pr~i~em ' "' ', '.~ )f~J~:~ ¢ ,~o~,~,,. "'" ~': ' .'.:Septemac 24,' 1997' CONSUl. TAN'tX. tnt.:. ' · "',. · ss~,~,~.~'~,,:o~.~ ..5 .. R~dy Rowles, Co~c~an ' ~, ,~II, Amd a~isin~- ' .....CITY OF B~RSF~,D mCkHewem'Tec~ic~ c0nmi~cc '.': 150L. ~t~ ve e ..... ~.C~ $~Pg~NT~DgNT OF $CII~ · ... . . .., . .. .":...o~rsnem~.~ul .... BOARD Ok' DIREC~&~ ·· ~. ' '..: . :. , . . ..... ': !'. :. . -';' ,' Dick Bmctt -' , :' . : ' . ,.- . '~ Bclluc, RCfl~ ':: ' : ' - · ' '.;A:~?:;'".~:}}"'":' "' ""' ..:~g~' COU~4 ~R a~NCY : ' " "' .. 't ~-'ack : · :':. · e~ Co~cilman Ro~: '::':: ;t':::':-. ' x - ' ?.'. 7';,.": :5~.'::':':'.._ - e:::?.?:'::L ':;':t ;'. .' ;-. '. " - ' . ,. ' , :~ .... " · . : < ":'7-,:: ~ :.,.." . ' .. :~-.- .:"~::;':.,~';~,~:';. '".~:,~:.:":". r:~. :.'<):.~}{::: ~- :..,.: : ..' ' .. ~' LolI. BI¢~S, Re~r~ ... * . = ' ' ' .. · '.--..- ~ ~'.':'.;:" '.-'. · · ' . '.'.?:::u.-i.-:.. ,<.:~-:.,"::.~ :~<. ':;. ~.'.,,-,:, ....., .... . .,. nl~tmo~cO~am~ ..;...:~. aS ~OU are aware, me ~ree~,Om~a~on of. Kem='~S:~m~.,Tt~.~5~'qa ..... . : . . . ......~ . . . , ..... , . ?. .,~' .~..:..: .' .. 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' ..' :.. 5~'"...~?:~;:?~':~rDa~4 ~l~fiOn~d:p~elamafio~ "· ,' ".... extra. . · ',.;. , ob~i~ng a Tree Ci~ USA · - PGA ~ ' . · ' Lh~t~ Robi~mon ' "l*~'~o,t,n,b ... :~; .' mv~A~I~iOn of s~et ~s m~'d['42?U~¢~'grm of do,tom '~d look "..:: .-..mn" ~"~s~,~*~"" "" "' ~")' "f~t~: ~}:~e~.fi:g' 0'm finding' to the Ci~s U~a~' Developm~t Co~aee. ' ',. ... · 'president' .... .~ - - ~ · ....,.. ..... . ,..,. m'szaa.' ... :'.... . . . ...,.. .'x. . > '. ' ' ' ' · ': 'EROM : SUZAN D. HOPPER PHONE NO. : 805 J28 1780 ;~.. uhimaleJy dave ops should h~ dcsijf~ed to ~..,~,,,. (,..~ L,~. m B.,,. o.i ~,,, lamp ~]r obuluCl Iht ~,ew of any ~lreel ir. mr. ltl its 5pacific nccd~, e--.. *,-~-~ ~ ,m~ sy~ .... * ~ect~on and ~ Jh~l lh~fP ~haJJ J~ ~ c~e~r Id~d Mul~y. I~ SAMPLE ,..,,, ,, .... ~., n. ,~ ~0.0.,,,, Ii,th. CITY ......... '-. m,u~. z~,. c~,~.k.. ~.~. ~ r~.~, k, ~ .... ~.,. wh.. any fr~ or shrub o~ 1,,1~1,. ~m~rly ~ ....... i~ integer.s w;Ih fh~ prnp~r ~pr~l ~f h8~l TREE ORDINANCE s..-..~ ~ s,,.~ i.~ .,o.~ ,~. ,,,., ~,o. · ,,,.~ ~eh, .... ~,.,.,. fares with vi~ihihl~ o( any haffic COntrOl The spacin8 of Street Tr~s will ~ in ac device or thc City Of ................ ._, trees may ~ planted close, to~ethe~ tl~a,, on Private ~lale I~e fl~lluwing: Small Tlees. 30 feet. Medk m The City shall have the risht lo cause the ' anova/of any dead or diseased trees Streel Iree~: "~lteel IreeR" are herein de- cepl in special planfinSs de~iKn~ uf ap- prlvale properly whhln the ('lly. when euc h fintd u~ I,er~, ~l.ubs, bu~l,.~, dlltJ .11 ulhe~ proved by a landscape archile~'l Iree~ constitute e hazard tn llfe and p'oo- wn~y vegelation on la~ lying ~t~een Jet. t/un 9. Distance from Curb .andSidewal~ arty, or ha~r insecls o, disease which slilule a potential ih~.al It) ulher lites w;Ihni p,ul)eely Ii.es o,, either Side R*l all ~lr~ts. The distance trees may ~ plnnted avenues, or weys within tim City. ruths nr curbline~ and side~,alk~ will be the ~ity. Th~ City ~,e~ Oo,~rd will n~t~f~ P~lk Tl~>: "re,~ h~" a~ h~,~i,, ,t~ri,,~ in ~ccord~nce with the throe ~p~ie~ ~iz~ writin~ the owners of ~uch Ire~s. as trees, 51,,ubs, hushes and all other w~dy classes t 5 ed in ~.cl tm 7 of this ordir, ance, 5hall be done hy said ow.ets al thel~ ~e~ic¢ of nUliCe. In the event o~ fail~,~' ,,an'ms, and aU areas own~ by Ibc City, or curb of sidewalk Ihan the f~llnwins: Small to which the public has free acCesS as a park. Tr~e~. 2 [~1; M~iu'. T ~5. 3 feet; and owners lO coral)fy wilh such prov ~lnns City Trer Board [or thc Oily nfl. N~ Street 1 ret sl,~/I be planted clo~er than Section 16. RCnlt>~.al c~l (.~are) ~'hich shall consiil o( (i-c mcmbcr:., the pt, iht OI nea,e~t inler~tin8 cc,r~s o, removed ~low Iht &u~face o( the ~idzert) a,td ,e~kJe,,[~ u( tl,lf city, wht', shall curbl nas ~Jo Street Tr~ ~hall be plant~ so Ihat thc lop of the ~t,,mp ~holl not I'm appc, inlcd by thc mayor ~itk the ap- clo~ef thnn 10 feel o( arW firepl,.JE,, above Ibp ~urface ()1 Iht gruu,~d. proual o(th,' ~,,nmksb., $~fion I I. Lllil;(ies Section I7.1nferl~,ente~,(~h),Tr,..,.A, by lhe maynr ~hall t~ d.ec yea~s except ordinance may be planted ~ndcr o~ whhir~ Board, or any of its aSems, whil. Ihal 1he term o( two of the members ap- 10 lateral feel ~( ally overhead utilifv wire, in and ahnul Iht planting, CuIlival'n~, p,jil~le~'l h', Ihc firsl board shall be for only u, u~, ~,, ,,.hhh, R lale,'al leer o( 3r, y ur,~er- mul~hi-B, I,,,,,,h,~, H~,ay;,,~. OI (mc yeal dlld tll~ [~llll U( twu Illell,~l~ Of 8, o-r,d water line. sewer tine, trancmis~ion o( a-y Strut Tr~s. Park Tree~, or t~ee~ Iht fh~l ~',ald shall be (or two years. In the line or othe~ .tility. private ground~, p~ aulhnri~ed in this ~uent that a va~:ancy shall occur durJn~ the 5¢clion 12. Public Tr~ Care o~dinaace. apl~uinled fo, the uno~pi,~ pon;on of the maintain and remove tree~, plant~ and It shall ~ unlawft,t fu, ;.,y pe.,r,n or fi,n. Ir, lerm. shrubs w{thm the hmo5 of all qrP~t% AtlPy~, e,~Sage ;,~ the business or occtJpalio~ cnmpen~aflon, o, lO plese~e Or enhance the symmel~ and for and pr~u?inB; ]i~'en~e The liccn~,. 5ec(~o~ 5, ~.lms an~ Rrsp~n~ihilhic~ t~..~y o~ ~uch public 8rounds. ~haU ~ $~S annually in advanr~: II ~hall be Iht ~esponsibilily of ~h~ Roard ~o The City T~ee Board may ~emnve or cause however, ~ha~ nu hca.se d~all ~ stndy, investiRalc, council and de~elo~ or orde~ to be re~ov~, any flee ~. pall of any public ~e~.i(e ~.()mp~my n~ Cily em and/o~ update annua{Iy, and administer a thcrt~f whicl~ is in an unsa(e rondihnn nr ployee doan8 such work in th~ pu~su,: wrillen plan I(. Iht care. p~eser~alion, prun- which by rea~un o[ its nalu~e is injc. io~.~s to their public service endeavors. Re(().~ any in~, planlii~8, ~eplantin~, removal or dis- sewers, el~i~ power lines, ga~ lin~. wale~ license ~hall ~ i~u~, eact~ aPl~licanl shaft position of tree5 and shmb~ in park~, alon~ line~, or nlher public improveme~ffs, or is flr~l lilt evidence ol possession o[ slreels and in olher public areas. Such plan affecl~ with any injurious funssJ% Jns~'l nr insLIrJnce ;n Iht minimum am(Jun~s of will ~ presenled hnnua~ly to ~heCity Corn- other p~l. This Section d~s not prohibit S50.~0 lot ~ily injury and $1~.000 mi~i~m and upon II~ei~ acce~lance and Iht planlin8 of ~.ee~ Trees by adjacent ~openy d~m~ indemnifyi.~ Iht City approval shall cons~ilu~ ~h~ official cnn- pmlserty ownet~ plovldJn~ thai lhe ~lec- ~ny ~n inju~ or damaSed pr~h~n?ive city .et plau fu~ I1~ CJly of lion ~nd Iocat nn of said tr~s is in accord- f~om the pur~ull uf ~uch endeavors as here- State .... . ance with Sections 7 Ihroush 11 of this in de~cri~ Cun..i~iu,i, ~hdll ~u.~de,, .,vc~li~ele, .~ccdon I], Tr~ Toppln8 The Cily Commi~sio~ ~hall kz~,n Ih. right n,ake find;n8, ,epo, I und ,ecof,n,,end upon h shd]l ~ unlaw(uf a~ a nurmaf I.al.lit ~ fur review Iht conduct, icts an(( dm i~iem~ ;n Ihc scope of hs work. ' anySt~ccl Tree. Park Tree. u~ ulhur tree un from any rullnBnr n,der u( the Cily Tlec ~PCr/nn 6. C)pera[icJn public propc~. Top~ i5 defined a~ the Bo~d Io the Cily Commis~inn ~ho ~y lite ~oatd shall ch~se tis own ollicers. ~ve,~ ~.ulfi,,~ back uff Ih,,bs Io stt,b~ larser hcaf the m~lmr n~ mnkl, final n~a~e ils own ~ulcs a~ regulalio.~ .t~d than thr~ i~ches in diameter whhin the S~'l;un ~0. Pe,,ahr. linc haf,sac1Jon Of bus;ness, t, ee. Tr~. ~everely dam3~ by storms or plea o( ~uihy, ~ubjc~l lC, ,, (htn i.,t W, 1he Iollowin8 li5~ ~:on~li~utes Iht official wire~ or other nhstructons where othe~ Sl~el Ircc ~l.~.i~ (,.,, pruning practice~ are im~rac'lic al may he 'Ple,~..,? ,,ot~. The a~c)ve ~cle~ a~e offered than those in( ludcd in Ibis li~t may be t~.,,,,h,.~li,..~ uf I1.: ~=ily T~ Ri-laid suilable for planlinK in y~[,f ..,..,~ P,,,.,.,. IId~iu,, Of thc City 1~C~ Boe,d. Evc~ owner of any t~ee o~er~nS;~B any sp~;~ I~{I far y~lle arPa. " FROM : SUSAN D. HOPPER PHONE NO. : 805 ~28 1780 IllEE Cl'lq USA Application , The 'J'R~ CITY LISA a~ra is made in rmcfl~it.lnn ofwm'k completer by thc city during thc eulcndm' your. As nf the city of .... ....... ~'~ti~ - ~avor or other city herewith makc~ t~pplieutiu~ fur thi~ c~mznu~ity ~ ~ u~ciuUy r~cugnizvd u~d dc. uignutc, d u:~ u 'J'J~ CITY U~A lbr ....... , having N~ndard I: A '~, ll~nrd nr IlelmHme.t manager. ~ta~dard 2: A C.mmunlty Tree Ordinance Dnt~ nrclitmnc. E~sl~,hli~h,.d . ._ At.ch ordinance. ~tnnelard R: A emnm.~slty ~e.rs-sl.ry Program with an ~asual Budget of al ~t. al cnmmu~ity Core~t~ eX.halites ........................................................................... ~.mmunit.~ ~pulal.i~m At'ch annual Work pl~ ouUinlng the work cnrri~ mst d. Hng the pngt year. At.ch annual budget. *Note: $1 ~r c~pi~ will ~ m:c~lds. I through ~tandnrd 4: An Arbor Day Obser~snce and Pr~lamatims I)n~ (,bm~n,:e ~n held At~e~ Arl.,r Day pr~ml~nmLi.n. ~l~e~ .................. Title Plen~ t.yiw: .r print tim fulluwJng; MRvor or ~uivalent Uily ~ml~ Cunt~t Name: Hame: ..... TiUe: ....... Title: ~.. ~e~ificntim~ (~ ~ ~mple~ by ~e S~ ((:ornmunity) q_"~le all¢,ve named community has made fo~ app~cation application and hu~, ~n~uded that, b~ on the info~ation mnL~inod her. in, said commtmil,y ia uli~ble ~ be reo~gnlzed and deoi~a[~ ~ a~EE CI~ USA, for the ....... calendar year, having in my opinim~ met the fi,ur etandn~s of ~hi~ement in urban ~uresL~. ~igned ..... ~on in State ~ste~ ~ce ~ho shoed ~eei~ ~o~tionz mnteriM: Agency: ......................... 'FROM : SUZAN D. HOPPER PHONE NO. : 805 328 As a TREE CITY USA, your community will receive.. teeeqn, usa /.. ...hlahway signs for community ..II ~cc City lISA tim .... a ~alnul-m.ualcd plaqllC ...slang with the ~y d~e~tp ~:d ~e ~titude .f ~re gene~tio:m in c~peration with the U.S. ~ru:,L 8ur- gram i~ desired ~ recn~ize tho~e stuCu fi,r.x er~ office, and provlfh~ I~r prn~nm. TREE ~I~ Ug~ a~ndm'd., munlty~ pi'ida, u.d it will put you in At ]anal half nf t,he trees in a typical ~ese four atm~dard~ pruvldc ~Lruc- touch with ~th,~r communities nmi oily ara un public prnpert,y.., alohg L.re for a community foree[ry program, m.art~a which cnn help y,,u improve etreot, g. in pnr~g, trod around puhlie ~irc ~hat program tu ~num~tr~de yo~' prugr, m. ~plication Pr.ced. res ~e TREE (wry 11~A npplicatJot~ than D~ember El. Your ethic f. reat. r R~auee your TREE (~1~ USA -vpli- musf bo completed hy afl appropriste ~ill evuluu~ your application nnd R.- carlo, muaL let t:e~rti~ied by your state city n~einl (mayur~ city farceur, chair- war~ it b The NuLh,n.l Ar~r D~ forever you are encouraged t. man ortho tr~ board, e~.). ~daUon. You will be advised I.~rore y-ur state lbrv~r~ hmce early in the Mai] the enmplet.~d application t. R~brun~ l~ whether your community applicatiuu pl'~'c~ r.r technical advice your state furest~r along with .il re- qualitas for ~E CIq'Y I~SA and assistance In m~t. ing I,he~ stnndnrds ~EE criT USA S~n&~r~ 8TANDARD 1: A ~ Board or ~erlafll ~le el e~h tree ere naiad (i e heaflhy, n~d~ pruning, she. d AIree board iH a g~up of con~m~ c~izens, uuuully ~lunleer, remS, otc.) m~ tho i.vo~tory dna is sumlllali~ i~ u wrillen reporl chor~ by o~dtnen~ Io devel~ and admi~sler ~ ~m~chuH.iv. lu~ ~es~tal~ and ~proval by i~e oily c~t.~il IIm re.ti ~hmdd be property. ~ee ~a~dg ~ally fu~Jen with the aid of profc~ional r~mmendalio.s fu~ lutu~ mar~a~menl Tne es~nflal, all.in0 fomslore. In ~mmueilie= ~th · ~laflne o1 ~re t~n 10.000. oily ~ivily f~ Ih~ ~n,e ul lr~s alo~ 5lreel;, In ~;ks, altd ill oilier public Ioreslry dmpertmenll ~h salaried employoo~ are o~ten feaoiblu. The~e places is Ihe community fore.try pr~m.. The m.tual ~b ~peflmenll may or m~ ~I be =Up. Hod by advioury boards or ehould a~re~ plantin, waterin~ a)aJ fe~ llh.lt ~, d~ ulld hazardous gdml~glvellv, c~mi;liofl&. Ir~ re~l, ~fety and fine prun ~, m~. m~l mai disease mnhok STANDARD ~: A C~munlly ~ Ordinance To ~ n~ as a TREE CITy USA. a I~n or 0ily mtml annually Tho ~n~y lr~ ordinna~ needs to ~eignale Ihe tree ~ard ~ al ~l $2 p~ ~.mpilu fur ils annual communlly forestry prwram, ~ deparlment and g~ Ihom Ibc toopunaibility for writing and ~nstder all fund5 spout lu~ he~ car~ -- ~l for slreel tree implemnnflmg tho annual ~mmu~l;y Iore~lry w~k plan. The o~dinance departmenl o; I~md. park deparlmenl~ tr~ ex~;tditurea, dead 1rea ;~uld dolorm~o publ~ ;rea care ~l~ies for plenUmS, maintenance, removal. I~ removals. Ideally. tho city hoe ordina~ will make provi~ion~ for '~e: $1 per c~a w be acccptu~ through 19~0. eelabliehing and u~a~ng ~ li~l of ca.remanded elreel hoe ~p~;co lo BTANDARD 4: an A~; Day ODsmvance end Proclammlon nr~fna~e may ~ ~la~d by writing ~ NatUral Ar~r all-~ek ~rva~e. A p'~l..[.llo, ia=uad by the ma~ must Day Fo~dol~n. ~om~nv Ihs n~n~anee a~d declare the obRer~an~ ~ Ar~r Day 8Ta.D&nD 3: a C~munlty Forestry Pi~m. ~ilh an Annual ~ ~ul ~m~lly. You can oberon a tree 'Celebtatu Atbu; Oayl" Budget el el limit $2 ~r clp~l' p~ket by w~l~ The Nafi~al Ar~r Oay F~ldUtiuf~. AIu.v wllh Menv commun~Me ~in their program by IQkb)g u. ~ventory of for c~afl~g the ~lidey, ihe ~ket (:~.tleh~ e ~uHlpl. pr~lamallon. th~ trees gr~i~ on ~1~ ~rty. The e~oo, ~ofion. m~