HomeMy WebLinkAboutAD 94-3 Apportionment #85 T5845-F~. _ . _.. t._ ..1;,t James Maples~Assessor-Recorder Kern County Official Records Recording Requested By for the Benefit of the City of Bakersfield When Recorded Mail To: Bakersfield City Clerk City Hall 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 JASON Pages 4 2/24/1999 14~00~00 Fees.... 16.00 Taxes... Other... TOTAL PAIa.. 16.00 Stat. Types~1 DOCUMENT #:0199026514 and II III II III III III III III II ~0199026519~ NOTICE OF AMENDED ASSESSMENT AMENDING EXISTING ASSESSMENT 2572 IN CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0. 94-3 COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA (ASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT N0. 85) PURSUANT to the requirements of Section 3114 of the Streets and Highways Code, the undersigned, PAMELA A. McCARTHY, City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield, hereby gives notice that an Amended Diagram and Amended- Assessment Roll (Assessment and Diagram Amendment- No. 85) for City of Bakersfield Assessment District No. 94-3 were filed and recorded in the office of the Superintendent of Streets of the City of Bakersfield, relating to the following described real property: Reference is made to the map entitled "Amended Assessment Diagram of City of Bakersfield Assessment District No. 94-3 County of Kern, California, (Assessment and Diagram Amendment No. 85), Amending Assessment 2572, filed with the Count order of the County of Kern, on o~ in Book ~ of Maps of Assessment and Co mun'ty Facilities Districts, at pages - ~{~ for a description of the real property in said Assessment District and the exterior boundaries thereof. Said Amended Assessment Diagram amends the map entitled "Assessment Diagram of City of Bakersfield Assessment District No. 94-3," recorded September 29, .1995, in Book 12 of Maps of Assessment and Community Facilities Districts, at Pages 94 through 108, in the Office of the County Recorder of the County of Kern, California. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that upon recording of this Notice in the office of the County Recorder, the several amended assessments on the lots, pieces and parcels shown on the Amended Assessment Diagram (Assessment and Diagram Amendment No. 85) of Assessment District No. 94-3 shall become a lien upon the lots or portions of lots assessed, respectively. This amendment evidences the completion of statutory proceedings to divide the lien of special assessments previously levied on the parcels of land shown on the amended diagram, to conform with the divisions in the parcels themselves. Reference is made to said Amended Assessment Diagram and Amended Assessment Roll recorded in the 1 office of the Superintendent of Streets of the City of Bakersfield. Attached hereto pursuant to the requirements of Section 27288.1 of the Government Code, marked Exhibit A, is a copy of the Amended Assessment Roll identifying each new parcel by the amended assessment number shown on the amended diagram, together with the amount of amended assessment lien levied thereon and the name or names of the owners of each parcel subject to such amended assessments as they appear on the latest ,secured County Assessor's Roll, or as known to the undersigned. DATED: . PAMELA A. McCARTHY, City Clerk City. Bakersfield, California By 2 EXHIBIT A AMENDED ASSESSMENT ROLL CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.94-3 (SILVER CREEKIBRIMHALL NORTHISEVEN OAKSISOUTH LAURELGLEN) COUNTY OF KERN, CALIFORNIA AMENDING EXISTING ASSESSMENT 2572 AND ADDING NEW ASSESSMENTS 2618 THROUGH 2644 CREATED BY RECORDATION OF TRACT N0.5845-PHASE F ASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT N0.85 AMENDED PARCEL TOTAL AMENDED DESCRIPTION / AMENDED ASSESSMENT ASSESSOR'S TAX AMENDED PROPERTY ASSESSMENT NUMBERS NUMBER (ATN) OWNER NAME AMOUNT TRACT N0. 5845-PHASE F (TR 5845-F} SUBDIVIDES EXISTING ASSESSMENT 2572 (CREATED BY ASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT N0. 83 FOR AD 94-3), CREATING 26 SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL LOTS AND ONE REMAINDER PARCEL. THE REMAINDER PARCEL IS ASSIGNED AMENDED ASSESSMENT NUMBER 2618 AND THE 26 R-1 LOTS (LOTS 1 THROUGH 26 IN TR 5845-F) ARE AMENDED ASSESSMENTS 2619 THROUGH 2644, RESPECTIVELY. THE TOTAL REMAINING ASSESSMENT PRINCIPAL FOR EXISTING ASSESSMENT 2572 IS APPORTIONED TO THE REMAINDER PARCEL AND THE 26 R-1 LOTS IN TR 5845-F. THE TOTAL REMAINING ASSESSMENT PRINCIPAL AMOUNT FOR EXISTING ASSESSMENT 2572 (EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 1998, AT THE BEGINNING OF THE 199811999 TAX YEAR) IS $629,288.97. THE TOTAL ASSESSMENT AMOUNT APPORTIONED TO EACH NEW LOT AND PARCEL IS SHOWN UNDER THE COLUMN ENTITLED 'TOTAL AMENDED ASSESSMENT AMOUNT." EXISTING ASSESSMENT 2572 IS DELETED FROM THE ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.94-3. 2618 REMAINDER OF 498-010-56-00-5 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $562,961.74 2619 TRACT N0.5845-PHASE F, LOT 1 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,551.23 2620 TRACT N0.5845-PHASE F, LOT 2 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,551.04 2621 TRACT N0.5845-PHASE F, LOT 3 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,551.04 2622 TRACT N0.5845-PHASE F, LOT 4 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,551.04 2623 TRACT N0.5845-PHASE F, LOT 5 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,551.04 2624 TRACT N0.5845-PHASE F, LOT 6 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,551.04 2625 TRACT N0.5845-PHASE F, LOT 7 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA,. INC. $2,551.04 2626 TRACT N0.5845-PHASE F, LOT 8 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,551.04 2627 TRACT N0.5845-PHASE F, LOT 9 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,551.04 2628 TRACT N0.5845-PHASE F, LOT 10 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,551.04 2629 TRACT N0.5845-PHASE F, LOT 11 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,551.04 2630 TRACT N0.5845-PHASE F, LOT 12 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,551.04 2631 TRACT N0.5845-PHASE F, LOT 13 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,551.04 2632 TRACT N0.5845-PHASE F, LOT 14 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,551.04 2633 TRACT N0.5845-PHASE F, LOT 15 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,551.04 2634 TRACT N0.5845-PHASE F, LOT 16 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,551.04 2635 TRACT N0.5845-PHASE F, LOT 17 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,551.04 2636 TRACT N0.5845-PHASE F, LOT 18 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,551.04 2637 TRACT N0.5845-PHASE F, LOT 19 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,551.04 2638 TRACT N.O.5845-PHASE F, LOT 20 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,551.04 2639 TRACT N0.5845-PHASE F, LOT 21 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,551.04 2644 TRACT N0.5845-PHASE F, LOT 22 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,551.04 2641 TRACT N0.5845-PHASE F, LOT 23 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,551.04 2642 TRACT N0.5845-PHASE F, LOT 24 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,551.04 29368EXA A-1 02117!99 EXHIBIT A AMENDED ASSESSMENT ROLL CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.94-3 (SILVER CREEK/BRIMHALL NORTHISEVEN OAKS/SOUTH LAURELGLEN) COUNTY OF KERN, CALIFORNIA AMENDING EXISTING ASSESSMENT 2572 AND ADDING NEW ASSESSMENTS 2618 THROUGH 2644 CREATED BY RECORDATION OF TRACT N0.5845-PHASE F ASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT N0.85 AMENDED PARCEL TOTAL AMENDED DESCRIPTION / AMENDED ASSESSMENT ASSESSOR'S TAX AMENDED PROPERTY ASSESSMENT NUMBERS NUMBER (ATN) OWNER NAME AMOUNT 2643 TRACT N0.5845-PHASE F, LOT 25 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA, INC. 2644 TRACT N0.5845-PHASE F, LOT 26 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA, INC $2,551.04 $2, 551.04 TOTAL AMOUNT APPORTIONED TO AMENDED ASSESSMENT 2618: $562,961.74 TOTAL AMOUNT APPORTIONED TO TRACT N0.5845-PHASE F: x66 327.23 TOTAL AMOUNT APPORTIONED: x629,288.97 NOTE: FOR A DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE LINES, DIMENSIONS AND LOCATIONS OF ASSESSMENTS 2618 THROUGH 2644 REFERENCE A SUBDIVISION MAP FOR TRACT N0. 5845-PHASE F RECORDED FEBRUARY 12, 1999, IN BOOK 44 OF MAPS, AT PAGES 162 AND 163, IN THE OFFICE OF THE KERN COUNTY RECORDER. PREPARED BY: WILSON & ASSOCIATES APPROVED: i ~; w.~-_ EDWARD J. WILSON R.C.E. 23269 (EXPIRES 12-31-01) Q~pEESSIpN„ _ ~~~~~~a } w/~s0~~~ ~ 2 ~ N0.23269 °G EXP.12/31/Ol ~~grFO~MA \~O~~Q DATE: L Z 29368EXA A-2 02117/99 ~f B A K E R S F I E L D PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM. T0: Robin Gardner -Accountant I FROM:. ~,: '~ Marian P. Shaw -Civil Engineer N DATE: March 2,1999 SUBJECT: Assessment District No. 86-2, Apportionment No. 49, Assessment District No. 96-1, Apportionment Nos. 7 and 8 and Assessment District No194-3 Apportionment Nos. 83, 84, 85, 86 and 87. The Maps and Notice of Amended Assessments were recorded on February 24,1999 for the above Assessment Districts. A copy of the Notice of Amended Assessments and the Engineers Report is attached for your files. If you have any questions please ask. John A. Stinson at 3592 in the Public Works Department.. P:IMEMOSIFINANC70.wpd prepared Tuesday, March 2,1999 1:21 PM a Y :~~ ~~ . `.~ ,.e, T0: SUPERINTENDENT OF STREETS CITY OF BAKERSFIELI) RE: ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.94-3, ASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT N0.85. APPLICATION FOR SEGREGATION AND APPORTIONMENT OF EXISTING ASSESSMENTS PURSUANT TO PART 10.5 OF DIVISION 10, STREETS ..AND HIGHWAYS CODE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, THE IMPROVEMENT BOND ACT OF 1915. R ~ i ' f li i n~ I. REQUEST FOR APPORTIONMENT OF EXISTING ASSESSMENT 2572 WHERE SAID PARCEL HAS BEEN SUBDIVIDED BY TRACT N0.5845-PHASE F. II. ACCEPTANCE OF ASSESSMENT APPORTIONMENT PROCEDURE, WAIVER OF NOTICE AND HEARING THEREON, AND REQUEST TO RECORD AMENDED ASSESSMENTS. I, REQUEST POR APPORTIONMENT OF THE UNPAID ASSESSMENT PRINCIPAL AMOUNT FROM EXISTING ASSESSMENT 2572 IN THE CITY OF BAT~ERSFIELD WHERE SAID PARCEL SAS BEEN SUBDIVIDED BY TRACT N0.5845-PHASE F. The undersigned is the original owner of existing Assessment 2572 ("Assessment 2572"), which has been subdivided by Tract No. 5845-Phase F ("TR X5845-F"}, and is also the owner of all lots- and' the remainder parcel created by said TR 584S-F. A description of said existing assessment, the fatal amount of the unpaid assessment principal balance effective .January 1, 1.998, and a description of how said parcel has been subdivided are included in Engineer's Report Exhibit B, Description of Existing Assessment in City of Bakersfield Assessment District No. 94-3 (hereinafter "AD 94-3 ") attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference . As the original owner of the referenced existing Assessment 2572, the undersigned hereby requests the Superintendent of Streets for the City of Bakersfield to apportion the amount remaining unpaid on existing Assessment 2572 in accordance with the provisions of the Irnproven~ent Bond Act of 1915. The unpaid principal amount for said existing assessment, as shown on Exhibit B, has been apportioned to each separate part of the original parcels of land comprising the existing assessment in ,the amounts as shown on Engineer's Report Exhibit A, Amended Assessz~aent Roll attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. 29368CC.APP _I- 01104199 II. ACCEPTANCE OF ASSESSMENT APPORTIONMENT- PROCEDURE AND REQUEST TO RECORD AMENDED ASSESSMENTS. I have reviewed Exhibit C (Description of Assessment Apportionment Procedure) included in the attached Engineer's Report, describing the procedure used to apportion a share of the unpaid assessment principal amount. for existing. Assessment 2572 in AD 94-3 to the lots and parcels created by the recordation of said TR 5845-F. Pursuant to a review of Exhibit C, the undersigned has determined that the amended assessment amounts shown on said Exhibit A have been apportioned in accordance with the benefits the parcels will receive from the improvements financed by AD 9~-3, based on current parcel zoning and with proposed uses. Therefore, the undersigned waives notice and hearing before the City Council on this assessment apportionment, accepts the procedure used for the requested apportionment of the principal balance for existing Assessment 2572,. and requests and consents to the recordation of the apportioned assessments on the properties far which the undersigned is listed as the owner on the accompanying Exhibit A, and to the amended assessment. amounts shown thereon. Submitted by, CASTLE & COO~E CALIFORNIA, INC., a California Corporation B : Dated: ~ 1999. y Attachment: Engineer's Report on Assessment Apportionment No. 85 2936$CC,APP -2_ 01/04/99 29368RPT 1/4/99 ENGINEER'S REPORT RE: SEGREGATION AND APPORTIONMENT OF ASSESSMENTS FOR ASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT N0. 85 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 94-3 AMENDING ExISTING ASSESSMENT 2572 TO CREATE NEW ASSESSMENTS 261$ THROUGH 2644 PURSUANT TO RECORDATION OF TRACT N0. 5845-PHASE F ~.. An application has been filed with the Superintendent of Streets of the City of Bal~ersfield requesting a segregation and apportionment of an existing assessment within Assessment Distract No. 94~-3, pursuant to the division of the parcel. 2. In accordance with said application, the undersigned hereby apportions to each separate part of the original parcel of land, the proportionate part of its respective unpaid assessment that would have been levied thereon if the parcel had been so divided at the time the original assessment wad made. The undersigned has assigned a new assessment number to each new parcel, as shown on the Amended Assessment Diagram attached hereto, 3. The existing assessment number, new assessment numbers and apportioned assessment amounts (based in each case on the unpaid principal amount of assessment effective January ~., 1998, at the begar~ning of the 1998f99 Tax Year), are as shown on Exhibit A "Amended Assessment Ro1.1" attached hereto and a.~,c©rporated herein by reference. A description of the referenced existing assessment and of how it has been subdivided is included an Exhibit B~, attached hereto. A description of the procedure used to apportion the unpaid principal for the referenced existing assessment to the new assessments is included an Exhibit C, attached hereto, and a listing of the apportioned share of the original, assessment for each new assessment is shown on Exhibit D, attached hereto. Exsta.ng assessment 25'12 is deleted from the roll for Assessment District No. 94-3. DATED: ~5 ~ . /~pFESSIpN~ ~~~o~~~ ,~ ~~~s0 ~2G, c,, ~ ~ 2 W ~ N0.23269 ~ EXF:12/31/Ol ~~~TFOF CA ~E~~~`P WILSON & ASSOCIATES Assessment Apportionment Engineer ~, ~ ~~~ By Edward J. Wilson, R,C.E. 23269, Expires 12-31-01 EXHIBIT A AMENDED ASSESSMENT ROLL CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.94-3 (SILVER CREEKIBRIMHALL NORTHISEVEN OAKSISOUTH LAURELGLEN) COUNTY OF KERN, CALIFORNIA AMENDING EXISTING ASSESSMENT 2572 AND ADDING NEW ASSESSMENTS 2618 THROUGH 2644 CREATED BY RECORDATION QF TRACT N0.5845-PHASE F "ASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT N0.85 AMENDED PARCEL TOTAL AMENDEp DESCRIPTION 1 '~ AMENDED ASSESSMENT ASSESSOR'S TAX ~ AMENDED PROPERTY ASSESSMENT NUMBERS NUMBE~ATN) ~ ~ _~ OWNER NAME _ AMOUNT ~~, TRACT N0, 5$45-PHASE F (TR 5$45-F) SUBDIVIDES EXISTING ASSESSMENT 2572 (CREATED BY ASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT N0. 83 FOR AD 94-3), CREATING 26 SINGLE-FAMItY RESIDENTIAL LOTS AND ONE REMAINDER PARCEL, THE REMAINDER PARCEL IS ASSIGNED AMENDED ASSESSMENT NUMBER 2618 AND THE 26 R-1 LOTS (LOTS 1 THROUGH 26 IN TR 5845-F) ARE AMENDED ASSESSMENTS 2619 THROUGH 2644, RESPECTIVELY. THE TOTAL REMAINING ASSESSMENT PRINCIPAL FOR EXISTING ASSESSMENT 2572 IS APPORTIONED TO THE REMAINDER PARCEL AND THE 26 R-1 LOTS IN TR 5845-F. THE TOTAL REMAINING ASSESSMENT PRINCIPAL AMOUNT FOR EXISTING ASSESSMENT 2572 (EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 1998} Al' THE BEGINNING OF THE 1.99811999 TAX. YEAR} IS $629,288,91, THE TOTAL ASSESSM-ENT AMOUNT APPORTIONED TO EACH NEW LOT AND PARCEL IS SHOWN UNDER THE COLUMN ENTITLED "TOTAL AMEN©ED ASSESSMENT AMOUNT." EXISTING ASSESSMENT 2572 IS DELETED FROM THE ASSESSMENT RILL FOR ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.94-3. 2618 REMAINDER OF 498-010-56-00-5 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $562,961.74 2619 TRACT NQ, 5$45-PHASE F, LOT 1 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,551.23 2620 TRACT NO: 5645-PHASE F, LOT 2 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,551;04 2621 TRACT N0.5845-PHASE F, LOT 3 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC, $2,551.04 2622 TRACT N0, 5845-PHASE F, LOT 4 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,551.04 2623 TRACT N0.5845-PHASE F, LOT 5 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,551.04 2624 TRACT N0.5845-PHASE F, LOT 6 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,551.04 2625 TRACT N0.5845-PHASE F, LOT 7 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,551.04 2626 TRACT N0.5845-PHASE F, LOT 8 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC; $2,551.04 2627 TRACT N0.5845-PHASE F, LOT 9 CASTLE & COpKE CALIFORNIA, INC; $2,551,04 2628 TRACT NQ, 5845-PHASE F, LOT 1o CASTLE & COOKS CALIFOR-NIA, INC, $2,551.pa 2629 TRACT N0.5845-PHASE F, LOT 11 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,551.04 2630 TRACT N0, 5845-PHASE F, LOT 12 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2;551.04 2631 TRACT N0.5845-PHASE F, LOT 13 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC, $2,551.04 2632 TRACT N0.5845-PHASE F, LOT 14 CASTLE &~COOKE CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,551.04 2633 TRACT N0.5845-PHASE F, LOT 15 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,551.04 2634 TRACT N0.5845-PHASE F, LOT 16 CASTLE & GOOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,5.51.04 2635 TRACT N0.5845-PHASE F, LOT 17 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, iNC. $2,551.04 2636 TRACT NO; 5845-PHASE F, LOT 18 CASTLE & GOOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,551.04 2637 TRACT N0, 5845-PHASE F, LOT 19 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFQRNIA, INC. $2,551.04 2638 TRACT N0.5845-PHASE F, LOT 20 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,551.04 2639 TRACT N0, 5845-PHASE F, LOT 21 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,551.04 2640 TRACT N0.5845-PHASE F, ~.OT 22 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,551.04 2641 TRACT N0.5845-PHASE F, LOT 23 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,551.04 2642 TRACT N0.5845-PHASE F, LOT 24 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,551,04 29368EXA A-1 01104199 EXI~IIBIT A AMENDED ASSESSMENT ROLL CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.94-3 (SILVER CREEKIBRIMHALL NORTHlSEVEN OAKSISOUTH LAURELGLEN) COUNTY OF KERN, CALIFORNIA AMENDING EXISTING ASSESSMENT 2572 AND ADDING NEW ASSESSMENTS 261$ TH-ROUGH 2644 CRATED BY RECORDATION OF TRACT N0.5$45-PHASE F ASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT N0.85 AMENDED PARCEL TOTAL AMENDED DESCRIPTION / AMENDED ASSESSMENT ASSESSQR'S TAX ~ AMENDED PROPERTY ASSESSMENT NUMBERS NUMBER (ATN) ~ QWNER NAME AMOUNT 2643 TRACT N0.5845-PHASE F, LOT 25 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,551.04 2644 TRACT N0.5$45-PHASE F LOT 26 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA 1NC, $2 551.04 TOTAL AMOUNT APPORTIONED TO AMENDED ASSESSMENT 2618; $562,961,74 TOTAL AMOUNT APPORTIONED TO TRACT N0, 5845•PHASE F; $66 327.23 TOTAL AMOUNT APPORTIONED: $629,288,97 NOTE: FOR A DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE LINES, DIMENSIONS AND LOCATIONS OF ASSESSMENTS 261$ THROUGH 2644 REFERENCE A SUBDIVISION MAP FOR TRACT N0. 5$45-PHASE F RECORDED , 1999, IN BOOK 44 OF MAPS, AT PAGES ,_,_, AND ,,,,~,,, IN THE OFFICE OF THE KERN COUNTY RECORDER. PREPARED BY. WILSON & ASSOCIATES APPROVED: .~ , W EDWARD J. WILSON R.C.E. 23269 (EXPIRES 12-31-01) ~~~~ ~~p J. Wi~so2yc~ N0.23269 ~+ EXP.12/31/~l ~. ~jq~F FMA ~F~~~\~ DATE:. ~ ` ~' ~~ 29368EXA A-2 01104199 EXHIBIT B DESCRIPTION OF EXISTING ASSESSMENT AND NEW PARCELS TO WHICH THE EXISTING ASSESSMENT IS TO BE APPORTIONED BY ASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT N0.85 CITY pF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.94-3 (SILVER CREEK/BRIMHALL NORTHISEVEN OAKSISOUTH LAURELGLEN) AMENDING EXISTING ASSESSMENT 25'2 AND ADDING NEW ASSESSMENTS 2618 THROUGH 2644 CREATED BY RECORDATION OF TRACT N0.5845-PHASE F EXISTING PARCEL 1998199 ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT AIT.N, FOR EXISTING PRINCIPAL TO EE HOW EXISTING PARCEL NU.~~P~ AS~IJSSI~ENT APPC~RTIQNED HAS. BEEN ~~J~~IVIDED ^.~-II ^ 11 I 1^ III I I I 1 111 M1 ^ I II 11 1 I I~IPI -1lli--I 1 IIUbI IY~ I I • I~~I 1 I 1 • 111 1^^~I- NUMBER OF NEVV LQTS/PARE, LS 2572 Remainder of $629,288.97 Existing Assessment 2572 is subdivided by Tract 498-010-56-00-5 No. 5845-Phase F, creating 26 single-family (Created residential lots and one remainder parcel.W The total by Apportionment unpaid principal amount for Existing Assessment No, 83 as a 2572 is apportioned to the 26 R-1 lots and the remainder parcel per remainder parcel, ~ Existing Assessment 2572 ~is Tract No, 5.846- deleted from the Assessment Roll for AD 94-3. Phase D) Tr_ac1,~, No_ 5845,~Phas F a, 26 Residential-Lots (Amended Asmts. 2619 through 2b44) b, 1 Remainder Parcel (Amended Asmt. 2618) Total New Assessed Lots/Parcels Total Non-assessed lotslparcels Total New Asmt. Nos. Total Exist. Asmt, Nos, deleted from Roll Net Change Active Asmt, on Roll Total Amount to Be Apportioned to NeW Assessments: $629,288,97 1. Unpaid assessment balance apportioned is the balance at the beginning of the 1998/99 tax year, effective January 1, 1998, ~; 26 27 .~ 27 26 z93~g~x$ ' 1' oiioai~ EXHIBIT C DESCRIPTION OF THE PROCEDURE USED TfJ APP4RTI~N A SHARE OF THE UNPAID ASSESSMENT PRINCIPAL FAR EXISTING ASSESSMENT 2572 TD AMENDED ASSESSMENTS 2b 18 THRQUGH 2644 CREATED BY RECQRDATION OF TRACT N0.5845-PHASE F CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NQ. 94-3 {SILVER CREEK~BRIMHALL NORTH/SEVEN QAKSISOUTH L. AURELGLEN} ASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT N0.85 1. DESCRIPTION OF EXISTING ASSESSMENT 2572: A. Existing Assessment 2572 (hereafter "Assessment 2572") is located in the City of Bakersfield. Assessment 2572 covers the following Kern County Assessor's Tax Number (ATN): the remainder of 498-014-56-00-5, created by Assessment and Diagram Amendment No. 83 (hereafter "Apportionment No. 83") for Assessment District No. 943 {hereafter "AD 94-3 "). Assessment 2572 consists of an undivided portion of Section 21, Township 30 South, Range 27 East, MDB&M (the remainder of ATN 498-010-56-00-5). Tract No. 5845-Phase F (hereafter "TR 5845-F") subdivides a portion of Assessment 2572, described as the remainder of ATN 498-010-56-00-5 located south of Harris Road, creating 2dsmgle-family residential lots and one remainder parcel. The remainder parcel created by TR 5845-F is assigned Amended Assessment Number (hereafter "Amended Assessment"} 2618 and the 2b Rw 1 lots {Lots 1 through 2b in TR 5845-F) are Amended Assessments 2b19 through 244, respectively. B. Assessment 2572 is located in the Silver Creek Area of AD 943, hereafter "Silver Creek." Silver Creek is one of six community areas within AD 94-3. AD 94-3 funded the cost to acquire certain improvements that are required to be constructed, or are expected to be required, as conditions of final map or site plan approvals within the six AID 943 community areas. All of the Silver Creek improvement acquisition costs funded by AD 94-3 were allocated only to the Silver Creek .lots and parcels. The AD 94-3 Engineer's Report, approved September 27, 1995, describes the method of allocating the AD 94-3 costs to each assessed parcel. The AD 94-3 Assessment Spread Method described in Exhibit D of the Engineer's Report is in conformance Bakers,~eld Municipal Code Section 13.48.47Q-Benefit Spread. Please. see the AD 94,3 Engineer's Report for a detailed description of the AD 94-3 Assessment Spread Method . C. AD 94-3 also financed the cost to pay off the remaining principal balances of the existing AD 82-1 assessments and of the existing AD 86-2 Reassessments for parcels within AD 94-3 . The Silver Creek Community. Area properties did not have an existing AD 8b-2 reassessment balance. The cost to pay off those existing Assessments and Reassessments for each ATN is included in the total. amount confirmed to assessment on each of the AD 94-3 parcels and within the total amount apportioned to the new cots and parcels created by the above-referenced TR 5845-F. D. The total original assessment principal amount, as based on the Amended Assessment Roll for the Second Amended Notice of Assessment and on the Amended Assessment Roll for 29~68EXC ~ 01/04/99 Apportionment No. 83, for Assessment 2572 is $b70,229.b2. The remaining assessment principal amount for Assessment 2572 (effective January 1, 1998, at the beginning of the 1998/99 Tax Year) is $629,288.97. The total original assessment amount and its remaining principal balance for Assessment 2572 are segregated and apportioned to the lots and parcels in AD 94-3 created by the above-referenced TR 5845-F, as described below. 2. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROCEDURE USED TQ SEGREGATE AND APP~RTI4N THE ORIGINAL ASSESSMENT AMOUNT AND ITS REMAINING PRINCIPAL BALANCE FROM ASSESSMENT 2572 TQ AMENDED ASSESSMENTS 2618 THRQUGH 2644; A. The total original AD 94-3 Assessment Principal for Assessment 2572 is apportioned to the 2b R-1 lots in TR 5845-F and the undivided remainder portion of ATN 498-O1Q-56-00-5 in accordance with the Assessment Apportionment Method described on page D-19 of AD 94-3 Engineer's Report Exhibit D, Description of Assessment Spread Method. The Exhibit D Assessment Apportionment Method is summarized below for reference; 1. When a parcel is subdivided into a tract phase and a remainder, as in the case of Assessment 2572, the total original assessment principal amount will be apportioned to the tract phase and to the remainder parcel, in direct proportion to their total acreage. 2. The amount so allocated to the new subdivision will be reallocated among the. subdivision lots as an equal share per lot, excluding landscape and well site lots, parks, or drainage sump lots within the new tract, 3. The remaining principal balance of the original assessment at the time the apportionment is made will then be allocated to etch lot and remainder parcel created by the subdivision, indirect proportion to the share of the original assessment principal amount allocated to each new lot as described above. B. Therefore, in accordance with the above described AD 94-3 Assessment Apportionment Method, the Assessment 2572 total original assessment principal amount for the remainder of ATN 498-01056-00-5 (as created by Apportionment No. 83) has been apportioned as described below: 1. As shown in AD 94-3 Engineer's Report Exhibit C tables, the residential portion of the Silver Creek Area located south of Harris Road was planned for development into several future Development Areas identified as follows: Championship 4, Championship 5, Championship b, Masters 3, Masters 4, Masters 5, and Model Park. The design engineer (Martin-McIntosh Engineering) retained by Assessment 2572 property owner has provided the Public Works Department and Assessment Engineer for AD 94-3 with the .revised plan for phased development of Assessment 2572 and the rest of the Silver Creek Area located south of Harris Road. Development Areas listed above (Championship 4, Championship 5, Championship b, Masters 3, Masters 4, Masters 5, and Model Park) are reconfigured into .the following new Development Areas based on the typical future lot- sizes and lot product`types (not corresponding to each other in order listed): Masters III, Masters IV, Championship VI, Championship VII, Multi-family, and Model Dome Park. Five Vesting Tentative Tract Maps (No. 5446., 5650, No. 5844, No. 5845, and No. 5846) covering this portion of the Silver Creek Area (and some of them covering Assessment 29368fiXC 2 01104199 2572) are on file with the Public V~orks Department. Reference is made to the enclosed "Product Description" table which was prepared based on the information obtained from the Design Engineer, and which corresponds to the total number of future single-family residential lots shown on the above-referenced Vesting Tentative Tract Maps Nos. 5446, 5650, 5844, 5845, and 5846. Therefore, in accordance with the above described AD 94- 3 Assessment Apportionment Method, and the revised phased development of Assessment 2572, the Assessment 2572 total original assessment principal amount has been apportioned among the three new Development Areas (still being a part of Assessment 2572) in proportion to their acreage as .shown in the above-referenced Product Description. As phases of future Tracts Nos. 5845 and 5846 are. recorded, each lot within certain Development Area will be allocated .equal-per-lot share of the total share for that Development Area, based on the number of proposed single-family residential lots for that Develo~-ment Area, as shown on the enclosed Product Description table and Vesting Tentative Tract Maps Nos., 5844, 5845, and 5846, and the multi=family part. 2. The Tract No. 5845-Phase F 26 single-family residential lots are a part of Championship VI Development Area. Each of the 26 single-family residential lots in TR 5845-F is allocated 11172 share of the total original assessment share allocated to Championship VI Development Area (based on the enclosed Product Description table). The remainder parcel created by the recordation of TR 5845-F (Amended Assessment 26..18) is allocated the total assessment share of Multi-family Area (calculated as described above), the remainder of Championship VII assessment share (as calculated per Assessment and Diagram Amendment Nos. 20 and 83), and the remainder of Championship VI assessment share (as calculated by Assessment and Diagram Amendment Nos, 40, 47, and 48 and this Assessment and Diagram Amendment No. 85 ). The Masters III Development Area has been fully subdivided by Tract No. 5650-Phases A, B, C, and D (as presented in Assessment and Diagrann Amendment Nos. 21, 30, 34, and 63, respectively). The Model Home Park Development Area has been fully subdivided by Tract No. 5446-Phases 1, 2, and 3 (as presented in Assessment and Diagram Amendment Nos. 25, 28, and 29, respectively). The Masters IV Development Area has been fully subdivided by Tract No, 5844-Phases A, C, D, and B (as presented in Assessment and Diagram Amendment Nos. 74, 75,- 76, and 78, respectively). Each parcel's -total original amended assessment amount shown on Exhibit D, attached to the Engineer's Report for this AD 94-3 Assessment, and Diagram Amendment No. 85, is the new parcel's original assessment share, and is the amount that should be used to calculate the Bond Reserve credit the new parcel would receive if the parcel owner elects to prepay the total remaining balance for Amended Assessments 2618 through 2644. The apportioned assessment share also includes each new parcel's share of the cost to pay off and refinance the existing AD 82-1 Assessment total amount included in the total original amount for Assessment 2572. C. Apportionment of the Remaining Assessment Principal Amount for Assessment 2572 to Amended Assessments 2618 through 2644 e The total unpaid assessment principal amount far Assessment 2572 is apportioned to the new lots and parcels created by the recordation of TR 5845-F in direct proportion to the original Assessment 2572 share apportioned to each new lot and parcel, as shown on Exhibit A, Amended Assessment Roll, attached to the Engineer's Report for this AD 94-3 Assessment and 29368EXC 3 01104/99 Diagram Amendment No. 85. For more .detailed information on the Assessment Spread Method used to calculate the Assessment 2572 original assessment amount, reference is made to the AD 943 Engineer's Report on file in the office of the Public Works Director for the City of Bakersfield. PREPARED BY: WILSON & ASSOCIATES _` ~~,.- By, Date. ~ `~ '~ ~~YI~-1~/I~ ~ ~~ I ~~ wYll I 10~ I w~ I ~ ~~A EDWARD J, WILSON, R, C , E. 23269 (EXPIRES 12-31-41) ASSESSMENT ENGINEER, ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.94-3 Q~pFESS/pN,,~ ~~. ~QgD J. Wj~s F2c ~cl ~ Z N0.23269 m s~gr~O~~A `~0~~~~. 29368EXC 4 01/04/99 DEVELOPMENT I TENTATIVE ~ :. NUMBER ~ ASSESSABLE AREA TRACT N0. i OF LOTS j AREA (AC) ~ MASTERS III ! 5650 94 25.50 MASTERS IV j 5844 89 23.10 CHAMPIONSHIP VI 5845 172 37.00 CHAMPIONSHIP VII 5846 ~ 97 j 20.80 MODEL HOME PARK 5664 ~ 53 i 11.85 MULTI-FAMILY ' N/A N/A i 24.70 NOTES: 1. ASSESSABLE AREAS EXGIUDE WELL SITES, DRAINAGE SUMPS, SEWER LIFT STATION SITES. AND OFF-TRACT STREET RIGHT-OF-WAYS. 2. DATA IN THIS TABLE IS BASED ON THE INFORMATION PROVIDED BY MARTIN-McINTOSH ENGINEERING ON FEBRUARY 24, 1997. 29255PD 1 02/25197 EXHIBIT D LISTING OF ORIGINAL ASSESSMENT AMOUNTS FOR AMENDED ASSESSMENTS 2618 THROUGH 2644 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0, 94-3 (SILVER CREEKIBRIMHALL NORTHISEVEN OAKSISOUTH LAURELGLEN) COUNTY OF KERN, CALIFORNIA ASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT N0.85 TOTAL AMENDED PARCEL ORIGINAL AMENDED DESCRIPTION I AMENDED ASSESSMENT ASSESSOR'S TAX AMENDED PROPERTY ASSESSMENT NUMEERS NUMBER (ATN) OWNER NAME AMOUNT 2618 REMAINDER OF 498-010-56-00-5 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $599,587.24 2619 TRACT N0.5845-PHASE F, LOT 1 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,717.13 2620 TRACT NO.5845-PHASE F, LOT 2 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,717.01 2621 TRACT N0.5845-PHASE F, LOT 3 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,717.01 2622 TRACT N0.5845-PHASE F, LOT 4 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC, $2,717.01 2623 TRACT N0.5845-PHASE F, LOT 5 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,717.01 2624 TRACT N0.5845-PHASE F, LOT 6 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,717.01 2625 TRACT N0.5845-PHASE F, LOT 7 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,717.01 2626 TRACT N0.5$45-PHASE F, LOT 8 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,717.01 2627 TRACT NO.5845,PHASE F, LOT 9 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,717.01 2628 TRACT NOF~ 584.5-PHASE F, I,OT 10 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC, $2,717.01 2629 TRACT N0.5845-PHASE F, LOT 11 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,717.01 2630 TRACT N0, 5845-PHASE F, LOT 12 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,717.01 2631 TRACT N0, 5845-PHASE F, LOT 13 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,717.01 2632 TRACT N0.5845-PHASE F, LOT 14 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,717.Q1 2633 TRACT N0.5845-PHASE F, LOT 15 CASTLE & .COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC, $2,717.01 2634 TRACT N0.5845-PHASE F, LOT 16 CASTLE & COQKE CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,717.01 2535 TRACT NO, :5845-PHASE F, LOT 17 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,717.01 2636 TRACT N0.5845-PHASE f, LOT 18 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC, $2,717.01 2637 TRACT N0.5845~PHASE F, LOT 19 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,717.01 2638 TRACT N0.5845-PHASE F, LOT 20 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,717.01 2639 TRACT NO, 5845-PHASE F, LOT 21 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,717.01 2640 TRACT N0.5845-PHASE F, LOT 22 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA., INC. $2,717.01 2641 TRACT NO.5845-PHASE F, LOT 23 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,717.01 2642 TRACT N0, 5845-PHASE F, LOT 24 CASTLE & GOOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,717.01 264.3 TRACT N0.5845-PHASE F, LOT 25 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC, $2,717.01 2644 TRACT N0.5845•PHASE F LOT 26 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA ING. $2 717.01 SUBTOTAL ORIGINAL ASSESSMENT AMOUNT APPORTIONED TO TRACT N0.5845-PHASE F: $70,642.38 SUBTOTAL ORIGINAL ASSESSMENT AMOUNT APPORTIONED TO AMENDED ASSESSMENT 2618: $599 587,24 TOTAL ORIGINAL ASSESSMENT AMOUNT APPORTIONEQ: $670,229,62 NOTE: THE ORIGINAL ASSESSMENT AMOUNTS SHOWN IN THIS TABLE ARE BASED ON THE AMOUNTS PRESENTED ON AMENDED ROLL FOR THE SECOND AMENDED NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT FOR ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0, 94-3. 29368EXD D-1 01104199 4 `~ ~ ~"~ ~4 W C~ ~ '--' A A ~ ~ p xz ~ ~ -F~ r/~ 'F') I1.a ~ Fh ; V 1 ~• ~ ~ii . ~ , , ~! 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R ~~~ ~~ 4 '~( ~ W o o E'' U O O 29368 1/4/99 CERTIFICATE OF FILING RE: DIVISION OF LAND AND ASSESSMENT "IMPROVEMENT BOND ACT OF 1915" PART 10.5 OF DIVISION 10 STREETS AND HIGHWAYS CODE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0, 94-3 COUNTY OF KERN, CALIFORNIA ASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT NO. 85 AMENDING EXISTING ASSESSMENT 2572 TO ADD NEW ASSESSMENTS 2618 THROUGH 2644 1. An application has been filed with the Superintendent of Streets of the City of Bakersfield by the owners or interested parties in the referenced existing assessment within City of Bakersfield Assessment District No. 94-3, requesting apportionment of the amount remaining unpaid on said assessment in accordance with the provisions of the Improvement Bond Act of 1915. In accordance with said application, the undersgned~hereby apportions to each separate part of the original parcel of land as shown on the Amended Assessment Ro11, City of Bakersfield Assessment District No. 94-3, Assessment and Diagram Amendment No. 85, attached hereto as Exhibit A and .incorporated herein by reference, the proportionate part of the remaining assessment in the same manner as if the land had been so divided at the time the original assessment was made. Dated: I-'~ f -~ By Super' tendent of S reets 2. N 'ce to Bondholder was mailed by certified mail to Sutro & Co,, Inc, on 1.999 . By ~ . ~ .~ 3, No request for hearing was received fro the bondholder within fourteen (147 days from the date of mailing the Notioe to Bondholder. Accordingly, the Amended Assessment ~.oll and Amended Assessment Diagram for City of Bakersfield Assessment,District No. 94-3 Assessment and Diagram Amendment Noy; 85, were recorded in the Office of the Super' tendent of Streets of the City Of Bakersfield on the ~~C ~ day o f ,w~../~ 19 9 9 . By 1 4. The Amended Assessment Diagram was filed with the County Recorder of the County of Kern on ~,~~ ~ 1999, in Book ~ of Maps of Assessment and Community Facilities Districts, at Page r ~, By 5. A Notice of Amended Assessment for Assessment and Diagram Amendment No. 85, Assessment District No. 94-3 with a copy of the Amended Assessment Roll attached as E~hibi A was recorded on -~ 1999, as Document No .'Q ~ of Official Records of the County Recorder of the County of Kern . By 6. A Copy of this Certificate of Filing with the Engnser's Report on Assessment and Diagram Amendment No. 85, including Exhibit A "'Amended Assessment Roll", Exhibit B "Description of Existing Assessments", Exhibit C "Description of Assessment Apportionment Procedure", and a reduced, not to scale copy of the Amended Assessment Diagram attached thereto ~~w~re filed with the Finance Director for the City of Bakersfield on the ~ day of 1999. .~. ~.. By 2 29368RPT 1/4/99 ENGINEER'S REPORT RE; SEGREGATION AND APPORTIONMENT OF ASSESSMENTS FOR ASSESSMENT' AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT N0. 85 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0. 94-3 AMENDING EXISTING ASSESSMENT 2572 TO CREATE NEW ASSESSMENTS 2618 THROUGH 2644 PURSUANT TO RECORDATIQN OF TRACT N0. 584-5-PHASE F 1. An application has been filed with the Superintendent of Streets o~ the City of Bakersfield requesting a segregation and apportionment of an existing assessment within Assessment District No. 943, pursuant to the division of the parcel. 2. In accordance with said application, the undersigned hereby apportions td each separate part of the original parcel of land, the proportionate part of its respective unpaid assessment that would have been levied thereon if the parcel had been so divided at the time the original assessment was made, The undersigned has assigned a new assessment number to each new parcel, as shown on the Amended Assessment Diagram attached hereto, 3. The existing assessment number, new assessment numbers and apportioned assessment amounts (based in each case an the unpaid principal amount of .assessment effective January 1, 1998, at the beginning of the 1998/99 Tax Year), are as shown on Exhibit A "Amended Assessment Roll" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. A description of the referenced existing assessment and of haw it has been subdivide~~ is included in Exhibit B, attached hereto. A description of the procedure used to apportion the unpaid principal for the referenced existing assessment to the new assessments is included in Exhibit C, attached hereto, and a listing cif the apportioned share of the original assessment for each new assessment is shown on Exhibit D, attached hereto. Existing assessment 2572 is deleted from the roll for Assessment District No. 94-~. .DATED : ~ ~ WILSON & ASSOCIATES Assessment Apportionment Engineer ~oEE s~oN 04 '~~ B ~ ~ ~~, ~o ~, ~,,~~ F~ ,~ Y ~w ~- p ~ Edward J. Wilson, WQ ~ m R.C,E. 23269, Expires 12-31-0~. N0.23269 rn w ~ ~ EXP,12/31ID1 * ~ ~~ CNi1. ~~~ FCA EXHIBIT A AMENDED ~` ASSESSMENT ROLL CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.94-3 (SILVER CREEKIBRIMHALL NORTHISEVEN OAKSISOUTH LAURELGLEN) COUNTY OF KERN, CALIFORNIA AMENDING EXISTING ASSESSMEHT 2572 AND ADDING NEW ASSESSMENTS 2618 THROUGH 2644 CREATED BY RECORDATION OF TRACT N0.5845-PHASE F ASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT N0.85 AMENDED PARCEL ~ TOTAL AMENDED DESCRIPTION I AMENDED ASSESSMENT ASSESSOR'S TAX AMENDED PROPERTY ASSESSMENT NUMBERS NUMBER (ATN) OWNER NAME AMOUNT TRACT N0. 5845-PHASE F (TR 5845-F) SUBDIVIDES EXISTING ASSESSMENT 2572 (CREATED BY ASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT N0. 83 FOR AD 94-3), CREATING 26 SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL LOTS AND ONE REMAINDER PARCEL, THE REMAINDER PARCEL 1S ASSIGNED AMENDED ASSESSMENT NUMBER 2618 AND THE 26 R-1 LOTS (LOTS 1 THROUGH 26 IN TR 5845-Fj ARE AMENDED ASSESSMENTS 2619 THROUGH 2644, RESPECTIVELY. THE TOTAL REMAINING ASSESSMENT PRINCIPAL FOR EXISTING ASSESSMENT 2572 IS APPC~RTIQNED TO THE REMAINDER PARCEL AND THE 26 R-1 LOTS IN TR 5845-F. THE TOTAL REMAINING ASSESSMENT PRINCIPAL AMOUNT POR EXISTING ASSESSMENT 2572 (EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 1998, AT THE BEGINNING OF THE 199811999 TAX YEAR) IS $629,288.97. THE TOTAL ASSESSMENT AMOUNT APPORTIONED TO EACH NEW LOT AND PARCEL IS SHOWN UNDER THE COLUMN ENTITLED "TOTAL AMENDED ASSESSMENT AMOUNT," EXISTING ASSESSMENT 2572 IS DELETED FROM THE ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.94-~. 2618 REMAINDER OF 498-010-56.00.5 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $562,961.74 26.19 TRACT N0.5845-PHASE F, LOT 1 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,551,23 2620 TRACT N0.5845-PHASE F, LOT 2 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,551.04 2621 TRACT N0.5845-PHASE F, LOT 3 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,551.04 2622 TRACT N0.5845-PHASE F, LOT 4 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,551.04 2623 TRACT N0.5845-PHASE F, LOT 5 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,551.04 2624 TRACT NO, 5845-PHASE F, LOT 6 CASTLE & COQKE CALLFORNIA, INC. $2,551.p4 2625 TRACT NO.5845-PHASE F, LOT 7 CASTLE & GOOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,551,04 2626 TRACT NQ, 5845-PHASE F, LOT 8 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,554.04 2627 TRACT N0.5845-PHASE F, LOT 9 CASTLE &~ COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,551.04 2628 TRACT N0.5845-PHASE F, LOT 10 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,551.04 2629 TRACT N0.5845-PHASE F, LOT 11 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,551.04 2630 TRACT N0.5845-PHASE F, LOT 12 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC, $2,551.04 2631 TRACT N0.5845:-PHASE F, LOT 13 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,551,04 2632 TRACT NO.5845-PHASE F, L4T 14 CASTLE & C00KE CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,551,04 2633 TRACT N0.5845-PHASE F, LOT 15 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,551.04 2634 TRACT N0, 5845-PHASE F, LOT 16 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC, $2,551.04 2635 TRACT NO, 5845-PHASE F, LOT 17 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,551.04 2636 TRACT N0, 5845-PHASE F, LOT 18 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,551.04 2637 TRACT N0.5845-PHASE F, LOT 19 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,551.04 2638 TRACT N0.5845-PHASE F, LOT 20 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC, $2,551.04 2639 TRACT N0.5845-PHASE F, LOT 21 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INS. $2,551.04 2540 TRACT NO.5845~PHASE F, ~.OT 22 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC, $2,551,04 2641 TRACT NO, 5845-PHASE F, LOT 23 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,551,04 2642 TRACT N0.5845-PHASE F, LOT 24 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,551.04 29368EXA A-1 01/04199 EXHIBIT A AMENDED ASSESSMENT ROLL CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0, 94-3 (SILVER CREEKIBRIMMALL NORTHISEVEN OAKSISOUTH LAURELGLEN) COIiNTY OF KERN, CALIFORNIA AMENDING EXISTING ASSESSMENT 2572 AND ADDING NEW ASSESSMENTS 2618 THROUGH 2644 CREATED BY RECORDATION OF TRACT N0.5845-PHASE F ASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT N0, 85 AMENDED PARCEL TOTAL AMENDED DESCRIPTION / AMENDED ASSESSMENT ASSESSOR'S TAX AMENDED PROPERTY ASSESSMENT NUMBERS NUMBER (ATN) OWNER NAME AMOUNT 2643 TRACT N0.5845-PHASE F, LOT 25 CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,551,04 2644 TRACT N0, 5845-PHASE F LOT 26 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA INC. 2 551 A4 TOTAL AMOUNT APPORTIONEQ TO AMENDED ASSESSMENT 261$: $562,961.74 _.... TOTAL AMOUNT APPORTIONED TO TRACT N0, 58a5~PHASE F; _ $6~,32T,23 TOTAL AMOUNT APPORTIONED; ~,~ $629,288.97 NOTE: FOR A DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE LINES, DIMENSIONS AND LOCATIONS OF ASSESSMENTS 2618 THROUGH 2644 REFERENCE A SUBDIVISION MAP FOR TRACT NO. 5845-PHASE F RECORDED , 1999, IN BOOK 44 OF MAPS, AT PAGES AND ,_,~,,, IN THE OFFICE OF THE KERN COUNTY RECORDER, PREPARED BY: WILSON & ASSOCIATES .~ w ~~-- APPROVED: ~ """ SS DATE, ~ " ~ "~~ EDWARD ~, WIL,~ON R,C,E, 23269 (EXPIRES 12-~1-01) ~p 0 ~, W~ ~' Aso, ~~~ ~~ ~' . ~ ~~ ~ ~ Na.2~z~9 ~ a EXP,1?.~311~~ ~'~ CIV11. ~`Q 9r~r 1~Q~' 4F CR-~ 2936$EXA A-Z 01104199 EXHIBIT B DESCRIPTION OF EXISTING ASSESSMENT AND NEW PARCELS TO WHICH THE EXISTING ASSESSMENT iS TO BE APPORTIONED BY ASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT N0.85 CITY OF B,AKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO, 94M3 (SILVER CREEKIBRIMHALL NORTH/SEVEN OAKS/SOUTH LAURELGLEN) AMENDING EXISTING ASSESSMENT 2572 AND ADDING NEW ASSESSMENTS 2618 THROUGH 2644 CREATED BY RECORDATION OF TRACT N0, 5845-PHASE F EXISTING PARCEL 1998199 ASSESSMENT NUMBER ASSESSMENT A,T,N. FOR EXISTING PRINCIPAL TO BE HOW EXISTING FARCEL OF NEW ..~~ ., V.~.~E~_~..~. . ,_._...~~SS~,'~...,._.~~'~.QNE~?__ HA, S BEEN ~.V~~~~YI~:. L_QTS,(PARCELS 2572 Remainder of $629, 288 ~ 97 Existing Assessment 2572 is subdivided by Tract 498-01Q~56~O0-5 No, 5845-Phase F, creating 26 single-family (Created residential lots and one. remainder parcel. The total by Apportionment unpaid principal amount fox Existing Assessment No, 83 as a 2572 is apportioned to the 26 R-1 lots and the remmainder parcel per remainder parcel, Existing Assessment 2572 ~is Tract, No. 5846- deleted from the Assessment Roll for AD 94-3, Phase p} T ac,t Ngr,~,~, 45-Phase F a, 26 Residential Lots (Amended Asmts. 2619 through 2644) 26 b. 1 Reminder Parcel (Amended Asmt. 2618) ,~, Total New Assessed Lots/Parcels 27 Total Non-assessed lots/parcels _,Q Total New Asmt. Nos, 27 Total Exist. Ascot, Nos, deleted from Roll ,,;~ Net Change Active Ascot. on Roll 26 Total Amount to Be Apportioned to New Assessments: $629,288.97 1, Unpaid assessment balance apportioned is the balance at the beginning of the 1998/99 tax year, effective January 1, 1998. 29368EXB " 1 ~ 01/04199 EXHIBIT C DESCRIPTION OF THE PROCEDURE USED TO APPORTION A SHARE OF THE UNPAID ASSESSMENT PRINCIPAL FOR EXISTING ASSESSMENT 2572 TO AMENDED ASSESSMENTS 2618 THROUGH 2644 CREATED BY RECORDATION OF TRACT N0, 5845-PHASE F CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO.94-3 (SALVER CREEK/BRIMHALL NORTHJSEVEN OAKS/SOUTH LAURELGLEN) ASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT N0.85 1. DESCRIPTION OF EXISTING ASSESSMENT 2572: A, Existing Assessment 2572 (hereafter "Assessment 2572"} is Located in the City of Bakersfield. Assessment 2572 covers the following Kern County Assessor's Tax Number (ATN): the remainder of 498-010-56-00-5, created by Assessment and Diagram Amendment No, 83 (hereafter "Apportionment No. 83 ") for Assessment District No. 94-3 (hereafter "AD 94-3" . Assessment 2572 consists of an undivided portion of Section 21, Township 30 South, Range 27 East, MDB&M (the remainder of ATN 498-010-56-00-5). Tract No. 5845-Phase F (hereafter "TR 5845-F") subdivides a portion of Assessment 2572, described as the remainder of ATN 498010-56-005 located south of Harris Road, creating 26single-family residential lots and one remainder parcel, The remainder parcel created by TR 5845-F is assi ned Amended g Assessment Number (hereafter "Amended Assessment") 2618 and the 26 R-1 lots (Lots 1 through 26 in TR 5845-F) are Amended Assessments 2619 through 2644, respectivel . y B, Assessment 2572 is located in the Silver Creek Area of AD 9413, hereafter "Silver Creek." Silver Creek is one of six community areas within AD 94-3. AD 94-3 funded the cost to acquire certain improvements that are required to be constructed, ar are ex ected to ~ be p required, as conditions of final map or site plan approvals within the six AD 94-3 communit . .„ y areas. All of the Silver Creek unprovement acqulsltlon .costs funded by AD 94-3 were allocated only to the Silver Creek lots and parcels. The AD 94-3 Engineer's Re . ort, a roved p PP September 27, 1995, describes the method of allocating the AD 94-3 costs to each assessed parcel. The AD ~4-3 Assessment Spread Method described in Exhibit D of the En ineer's , ,. g Report is ~n conformance Bakersfield Municipal Code Section Z3, 08. o~0-.Benefit Spread. Please see the AD 94-3 Engineer's Report for a detailed description of the AD 94-3 Assessment Spread Method. C. AD 94-3 also financed the cost to pay off the remaining principal balances of the existing AD 82-1 assessments and of the existing AD 86-2 Reassessments for parcels within AD 94-3 . The Silver Creek Community Area properties did not have an existing AD 86-2 reassessment balance. The cost to pay off those existing Assessments and Reassessments for each ATN is included in the total.. amount confirmed to assessment on each of the AD 94-3 parcels, and within the total amount apportioned to the new lots and parcels created by the above-referenced TR 5$45-F. D, The total original assessment principal amount, as based on the Amended Assessment Roll for the Second Amended Notice of Assessment and on the Amended Assessment Roll for 29368EXC 1 01/04/99 Apportionment No. 83, for Assessment 2572 is $b70,229.62. The remaining assessment principal amount for Assessment 2572 (effective January 1, 1998, at the beginnin of the 199 ~ g 8/99 Tax Year) is $629,288.97. The total original assessment amount and its remaining principal balance for Assessment 2572 are segregated and apportioned to the lots and arcels . P ~n AD 94-3 created by the above-referenced TR 5845-F, as described below. 2. DESCRIPTXON OF THE PROCEDURE USED TO SEGREGATE AND APPORTION THE ORIGINAL ASSESSMENT AMOUNT AND ITS REMAINING PRINCIPAL BALANCE FROM ASSESSMENT 2572 TO AMENDED ASSESSMENTS 2618 THROUGH 2644; A. The total original AD ~94-3 Assessment Principal for Assessment 2572 is apportioned to the 26 R-1 lots in TR 5845-F .and the undivided remainder portion of ATN 498-010.56-00-5 in accordance with the Assessment Apportionment Method described on page D-19 of AD 94-3 Engineer's Report Exhibit D, Description of Assessment Spread Method. The Exhibit D Assessment Apportionment Method is summarized below for reference: 1. When a parcel is subdivided into a tract phase and a remainder, as in the case of Assessment 2572, the total original assessment principal amount will be apportioned to the tract phase and to the remainder parcel indirect proportion to their total acreage. 2. The amount so allocated to the new subdivision will be reallocated among the subdivision lots as an equal share per lot, excluding landscape and well site lots, parks, or drainage -sump lots within the new tract. 3. The remaining principal balance of the original assessment at the time the apportionment is made will then be allocated to each lot and remainder parcel created b the subdivision, Y indirect. proportion to the share of the original assessment principal amount allocated to each new lot as described above. B. Therefore, in accordance with the above described AD 94-3 Assessment Apportionment Method, the Assessment 2572. total original assessment principal amount for the remainder of ATN 498-010-56-00-5 (as created by Apportionment No, 83) has been apportioned as described below 1, As shown in AD 94-3 Engineer's Report Exhibit C tables, the residential portion of the Silver Creek Area located south of Harris Road was planned for development into several future Development Areas identified as follows: Championship 4, Championship 5, Championship 6, Masters 3, Masters 4, Masters 5, and Model Park. The design engineer (Martin-Mclntosh Engineering) retained by Assessment 2572 pro erty owner has P provided the Public Works Department and Assessment Engineer for AD 94-3 with the revised plan for phased development of Assessment 2572 and the rest of the Silver Creek . Area located south of Harris Road. Development Areas listed above (Cham ionsh' 4, . P ~p Champ~onshlp 5, Championshlp 6, Masters 3, Masters 4, Masters 5, and Model Park) are reconfigured into the following new Development Areas based on the typical future lot- sizes and lot product`types (not corresponding to each other in order listed). Masters III, Masters IV, Championship VI, Championship VII, Multi-family, and Model Home Park. Five Vesting Tentative Tract Maps (No. 5446, 5650, No. 5844, No. 5845, and No. 5846 covering this portion of the Silver Creek Area (and some of them covering Assessment 29368EX~ 2 01104/99 2572) are on file with the Public Works Department, Reference is made to the enclosed "Product Description" table which was prepared based on the information obtained from the Design Engineer, and which corresponds to the total number of future single-family residential lots shown on the above-referenced Vesting Tentative Tract Maps Nos. 5446, 5650, 5844, 5845, and 5846, Therefore, in accordance with the above described AD 94- 3 Assessment Apportionment Method, and the revised phased development of Assessment 2572, the Assessment 2572 total original assessment principal amount has been apportioned among the three new Development Areas (still being a part of Assessment 2572) in proportion to their acreage as shown in the above-referenced Product Description. As phases of future Tracts Nos. 5845 and 5846 are recorded, each lot within certain Development Area will be allocated equal-per-lot share of the total share for that Development Area, based on the number of proposed single-family residential lots for that Development Area, as shown on the enclosed Product Description table and Vesting Tentative Tract Maps Nos, 5844, 5845, and 5846, and the multi-family part. 2. The Tract No, 5845-Phase F 26 single-family residential lots are a part of Championship VI Development Area. Each of the 2d single-family residential lots in TR 5845-F is allocated 1 / 172 share of the total original assessment share allocated to Championship VI Development Area (based on the enclosed Product Description table). The remainder parcel created by the recordation of TR 5845-F (Amended Assessment 2618} is allocated the ,total assessment share of Multi-family Area (calculated as described above), the remainder of Championship VII assessment share (as calculated per Assessment and Diagram Amendment Nos, 20 and 83), and the remainder of Championship VI assessment share (as calculated by Assessment and Diagram Amendment Nos. 44, 47, and 48 and this, Assessment and Diagram Amendment No. 85 ). The Masters III Develo ment Area p has been fully subdivided by Tract No. 5650-Phases A, B, C, and D (as presented in Assessment and Diagram Amendment Nos. 21, 30, 34, and 63, respectively). The Model Home Park Development Area has been fully subdivided by Tract No. 5446-Phases 1, 2, and 3 (as presented in Assessment and Diagram Amendment Nos. 25, 28, and 29, respectively), The Masters IV Development Area has -been fully subdivided by Tract No, 5844-Phases A, C, D, and B (as presented in Assessment and Diagram Amendment Nos. 74, 75, 76, and 78, respectively). Each parcel's total original amended assessment amount shown on Exhibit D, attached to the Engineer's Report for this AD 94-3 Assessment and Diagram Amendment No. 85, is the new parcel's original assessment share, and is the amount that should be used to calculate the Bond Reserve credit the new parcel would receive if the parcel owner elects to pre a the total pY remaining balance for Amended Assessments 2618 through 2644, The apportioned assessment share also includes each new parcel's share of the cost to pay off and refinance the existin AD g 82-1 Assessment total amount included in the total original amount for Assessment 2572. C. Apportionment of the Remaining Assessment Principal Amount for Assessment 2572 to Amended Assessrr~ents 2618 through 2644: The total unpaid assessment principal amount for Assessment 2572 is apportioned to the new lots and parcels created by the recordation of TR 5845-F in direct proportion to the original Assessment 2572 share apportioned to each new lot and parcel, as shown on Exhibit A, Amended Assessment Roll, attached to the Engineer's Report far this AD 94-3 Assessment and 29368BXC 3 01/04199 Diagram Amendment No. 85. Por more detailed information on the Assessment Spread Method used to calculate the Assessment 2572 original assessment amount, reference is made to the AD 94-3 Engineer's Report on file in the office of the Public Works Director for the City of Bakersfield. PREPARED BY: WILSON ~ ASSOCIATES B ~ ~ ~I`~-i .. Y~ Date, ~ ~ ~~ .~ ,. EDWARD J. WILSQN, R. C. E. 23249 (EXPIRES 12-31-01) ASSESSMENT ENGINEER, ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.94-3 ~Rp~ESS~ON c~ 0~ ,~ N0, 23269 ~ a EXP,1?,~3~/~1 ~' * ~ `~~, CI1111~ ~~' 9TH, ~~~ OF CAL~~ 29368EXC 4 01/04/99 :w;,~:t , .1 h'. i'.' PRODUCT DESCRIPTION SILVER CREEK AREA (SOUTH OF HARRIS ROAD) CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 94-3 ~ DEV~LQPMENT TENTATIVE NUMBER ~ ASSESSABLE AREA ~ TRACT NQ, ~ QF LOTS ~ AREA SAC} MASTERS III 5650 94 25,50 MA STERS IV ~ 5844 89 23,10 CHAMPIONSHIP VI ~ 5845 172 37.0.0 CHAMPIQNSHIP VII 5846 ~ 97 20,gp MODEL HQME PARK 5664 ~ 53 11.85 MULTI-FAMILY NIA ~ NIA 2 4,70 NOTES: 1. ASSESSABLE AREAS EXCLUDE WELL SITES, DRAINAGE SUMPS, SEWER LIFT STATION SITES, AND OFF-TRACT STREET RIGHT-OF-WAYS. 2. DATA IN THIS TABLE IS BASED ON THE INFORMATION PROVIDED BY MARTIN-McINTOSH ENGINEERING ON FEBRUARY 24, 1997. 29255PD 1 02/25/87 EXHIBIT D LISTING OF ORIGINAL ASSESSMENT AMOUNTS FOR AMENDED ASSESSMENTS 2618 THROUGH 2644 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.94-3 (SILVER CREEKIBRIMHALL NORTHISEVEN OAKSISOUTH LAURELGLEN) _ COUNTY OF KERN, CALIFORNIA ASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT N0.85 TOTAL AMENDED PARCEL ORIGINAL AMENDED DESCRIPTION / AMENDED ASSESSMENT ASSESSOR'S TAX AMENDED PROPERTY ASSESSMENT NUMBERS NUMBER (ATN) OWNER NAME AMOUNT 2618 REMAINDER OF 498.010-56-00.5 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $599,587.24 2619 TRACT N0.58~5-PHASE F, LOT 1 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,717.13 2620 TRACT N0.5$45-PHASE F, LOT 2 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,717.01 2621 TRACT N0.5845-PHASE F, LOT 3 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,717.01 2622 TRACT NO.5845-PHASE F, LOT 4 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, tNC. $2,717.01 2623 TRACT N0.5845-PHASE F, LOT 5 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,717.01 2624 TRACT N.Q. 5845-PHASE F, LOT 6 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,717.01 2625 TRACT N0.5845-PHASE F, LOT 7 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,717.01 2626 TRACT N0.5845-PHASE F, LOT 8 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,717.01 2627 TRACT N0.5845-PHASE F, LOT 9 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,717.01 2628 TRACT ~NO.5845-PHASE F, LOT 10 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,717.01 .2629 TRACT N0.5845-PHASE F, LOT 11 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,717.01 :2634 TRACT N0.5845-PHASE F, LOT 12 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,717.01 2631 TRACT N0.' 5845-PHASE F, LOT 13 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,717.01 2632 TRACT N0.5845-PHASE F, LOT 14 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFOR-NIA, INC. $2,717.01 2633 TRACT N0.5845-PHASE F, LOT 15 CASTLE & -COOKS CALIFORN{A, INC, $2,717.01 2634 TRACT N0.5845»PHASE F, LOT 16 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC, $2,717,01 2635 TRACT; N0.5845-PHASE F, LOT 17 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,717.01 2636 TRACT N0.5845-PHASE F, LOT 18 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,717.01 2637 TRACT N0.5845-PHASE F, LOT 19 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,717.01 2638 TRACT N0.5845-PHASE F, LOT 20 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,717.01 2639 TRACT N0.5845-PHASE F, LOT 21 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,717.01 2640 TRACT N0.5845-PHASE F, LOT 22 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,717.01 2641 TRACT N0.5845-PHASE F, LOT 23 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,717.01 2642 TRACT N0.5845-PHASE F, LOT 24 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,717.01 2643 TRACT N0.5845-PHASE F, LOT 25 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,717.01 2644 TRACT N0.5845-PHASE F LOT 26 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA INC. $2 717,01 SUBTOTAL ORIGINAL ASSESSMENT AMOUNT APPORTIONED TO TRACT N0.5845-PHASE F: $74,642.38 SUBTOTAL QRIOINAL ASSESSMENT AMOUNT APPORTIONED TO AMENDED ASSESSMENT 2618; $59~ 587.24 TOTAL QRI GINAL ASSESSMENT AMOUNT APPORTIONED: .... $670,229.62 NOTE: THE ORIGINAL ASSESSMENT AMOUNTS SHOWN IN THIS TABLE ARE BASED ON THE AMOUNTS PRESENTED ON AMENDED ROLL FOR THE SECOND AMENDED NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT FOR ASSESS MENT DISTRICT N0.94-3. 29368EXD D-~ 01!04!99 a U ~ ~ w h ~° w oM ~ Q ~ U ~ H '""" - " ~ O 1 I ~ di ~ ~ r ~ MCI A~ ~ ~ .~ W ~ ~ ~ ~. ~'"'1 *~/~ ("~ 1t '~ `i • J !~M(~!f O ~"~ '~ .~ w h+•i ~ 0 U ~ VJ ~'~'i 0 W U 0 vm GCV~~ ,I ~ ~N ~ *' °~ux°N r GQ0.v~ q~ . .~ c„o ~~p p'` (7NOCq~ a' p v" rn (A ~ o ~ 7 C~ C~ o~~•' N 1 N ~ ~ ~ 4 i U ~ o y ~" .~` ~ ~ QNN~pO~ ' U C 0 ~ ~ . . y,,,. ce y 11 ~'C~ ~ p~ ` ; ~v~[u°,me ~0~~3 ~w~ ~ W ~~ -i v r- ~'~~''E~ ~~~ 4 ~ ~ O' o ~ E " o~ o ~0 ~~t' ~N~ UJ~~ WQ ~v -° o v ~n ~ r ~~~ m w'~ p U o~ ~ ~~y~~U hW- ~ O~j +. o a a ~p t+J ~ ~ O ~ ~, z ~io~n,%oUa~ na.3 ~ d I II «...~..,. _ i ,. za Q o N A~~ USN ~ ooh v. ~ ~~. 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J dS S~NlNdS xOH n C~ I • ..... .. .. ~6' ~ w ~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~•yy '~ ~ ~~yp~~ ~ i _ , U ~ I ~~ U~j i , i ~ ,~~ r ~~ ~ ~. - J . r - ~ ~ ~ I @~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I 0 ~~~ ~ ~. ~~ ~~ * ~ MUNICIPAL BOND FINANCING ~~ w~~0~ FOR LAND AEVEI.OPMENT AND CAMP U.,,~VJ STS crLir~ES • • CIVIL ENGINEER FRANCES SQUIRE 4221 WEaT SIERRA MADRE, SUITE 201 COMMUNITY REl.11TI0NS FRESNO, CALIFORNIA 93722 $r~cr~rrr~rr (209) 27a•544~ CERTIFIED MAIL - RETURN RECEIPT R~ UESTED January 4, 1999 29368 Sutro & Co. 201 California Street San Francisco, CA 941115096 Attn: Robert L,. Williams, ~'r., Vice President Public Finance RE: Assessment Apportionment No. 85 for City of Bakersfield Assessment District No. 94-3 Segregating and Apportioning Existing Assessment 2572 Pursuant to the Subdivision of the Property by TRACT N0. 5845-PHASE F Creating New Assessments 2`618 through 2.644 Gentlemen: Transmitted herewith is a "Notice to Bondholder" form giving your firm notice that assessment apportionments have been requested by district property owners. The Amended Assessment Roll and Amended Assessment Diagram far this apportionment have been prepared by the Superintendent of Streets for the City of Bakersfield. A copy of the Amended Assessment Roll is attached as ~~hibit A to the Notice to Bondholder. A copy of the Engineer's Report on this Apportionment No. 85 is also enclosed prova.ding a description of how the referenced asessment has been subdivided. A reduced, not~to scale copy of the Amended Assessment Diagram for Apportionment No. 85 is attached to the Engineer's Report. We would like to record this apportionment as soon as possible. Accordingly, a draft letter is enclosed for your review that waives Sutro's 14~day period to request a hearing on this assessment apportionment. If this apportionment is acceptably, would you p~.ease place the enclosed letter on, Sutro & Co., Inc. letterhead, and send the signed letter to Marian Shaw at Bakersfield Public Works for processing. If you have any questions an the enclosed assessment apportionment information, please gall me. Very truly yours, Ed Wilson Wilson & Associates EW. , Enclosures ~~, ec: Samuel Sperry Marian Shaw 94 - 3 1/4/99 NOTICE T4 BONDHOLDER DIVISION QF LAND AND ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT N0. $5 CITY of BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0. 94-3 AMENDING EXISTING ASSESSMENT 2572 TO ADD NEW ASSESSMENTS 2618 THROUGH 2644 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to you as the original purchaser of the bonds issued by the CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, to represent the unpaid assessments relating to the acquisition and construction of certain public improvements in an assessment district known and designated as ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0. 94i3. Said bands were issued pursuant to the terms and provisions of the "Improvement Bond Act of 1915," being Division 10 of the Streets and Highways -Code of the Mate of California. NOTICE I~ HEREBY GIVEN that an apportionment ~,as been requested by the property owner(s) and prepared by the Superintendent of Streets of the unpaid assessments relating to the assessments and parcels as shown on EXHIBIT A, "AMENDED ASSESSMENT ROLL" for said district attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that unless a request for a public hearing is received from you within fourteen (14) days from the date of mailing of this Notice, the above-referenced amended assessment shall be recorded in the manner anal form as required by law. If a request for hearing is received, a report shall be filed and a hearing shall be scheduled, noticed and .held in accordance with dart 10 (commencing with Section 8780) of said Division 1~, I~ you have any further questions, please contact the undersigned at the following address: Raul M. Rojas Public Works Director CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301 (805) 326-3724 This procedure is pursuant to the provisions of Park 10,5 of Division l0 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, the "Improvement Bond Act. of 1915." DATED : ~ '~~ ~ ~"' Supe ntenden of Streets City of Bakersfield State of California EXHIBIT A AMENDED ASSESSMENT ROLL CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.94-3 (SILVER CREEKlBRIMHALL NORfiHISEVEN OAKSISOUTH LAURELGLEN) COUNTY OF KERN, CALIFORNIA AMENDING EXISTING ASSESSMENT 2572 AND ADDING NEW ASSESSMENTS 2618 THROUGH 2644 CREATED BY RECORDATION OF TRACT N0.5845-PHASE F ASSESSMENT AND .DIAGRAM AMENDMENT N0.85 AMENDED PARCEL TOTAL AMENDED DESCRIPTION / AMENDED ASSESSMENT ASSESSOR'S TAX AMENDED PROPERTY ASSESSMENT NUMBERS NUMBER (ATN OWNER NAME AMOUNT TRACT N0. 5845-PHASE F (TR 5845-F) SUBDIVIDES EXISTING ASSESSMENT 2572 (CREATED BY ASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT N0. 83 FOR AD 94-3), CREATING 26 SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL LOTS AND ONE REMAINDER PARCEL. THE REMAINDER PARCEL IS ASSIGNED AMENDED ASSESSMENT NUMBER 2618 AND THE 26 R-1 LOTS (LOTS 1 THROUGH 26 IN TR 5845-F) ARE AMENDED ASSESSMENTS 2619 THROUGH 2644, RESPECTIVELY. THE TOTAL REMAINING ASSESSMENT PRINCIPAL FOR EXISTING ASSESSMENT 2572 IS APPORTIONED TO THE REMAINDER PARCEL AND THE 26 R-1 LOTS IN TR 5845-F. THE TOTAL REMAINING ASSESSMENT PRINCIPAL AMOUNT FOR EXISTING ASSESSMENT 2572 (EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 1998, AT THE BEGINNING OF THE. 199811999 TAX YEAR) IS $629,288.97. THE TOTAL ASSESSMENT AMOUNT APPORTIONED TO EACH NEW LOT AND PARCEL IS SHOWN UNDER THE COLUMN ENTITLED "TOTAL AMENDED ASSESSMENT AMOUNT," EXISTING. ASSESSMENT 2572 IS DELETED FROM THE ASSESSMENT ROLL. FOR. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.94-3, 2618 REMAINDER OF 498010-56-00-5 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $562,961.74 2619 TRACT N0.5845-PHASE F, LOT 1 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,551.23 2620 TRACT N0.5845-PHASE F, LOT 2 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,551.04 2621 TRACT N0.5845-PHASE F, LOT 3 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,551.04 2622 TRACT N0.5845-PHASE F, LOT 4 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,551,04 2f23 TRACT ND.5845-PHASE F, LOT 5 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,x51.04 2624 TRACT N0.5845-PHASE F, LOT 6 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,551.,04 2625 TRACT N0.5845-PHASE F, LOT 7 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,551.04 2626 TRACT N0.5845-PHASE F, LOT 8 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,551.04 2627 TRACT. N0.5845-PHASE F, LOT 9 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,551.04 2628 TRACT N0.5845-PHASE F, LOT 10 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,551.04 2629 TRACT N0.5845-PHASE F, LOT 11 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,551,04 2630 TRACT N0.5845-PHASE F, LOT 12 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,551.04 2631 TRACT N0.5845-PHASE F, LOT 13 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,551.04 2632 TRACT N0.5845-PHASE F, LOT 14 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,551.04 2633 TRACT N0.5845-PHASE F, LOT 15 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,551.04 2634 TRACT N0.5845-PHASE F, LOT 16 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,551.04 2635 TRACT N0.5845-PHASE F, LOT 17 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,551.04 2636 TRACT N0.5845-PHASE F, LOT 18 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,551.04 2637 TRACT N0.5845-PHASE F, LOT 19 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,551.04 2638. TRACT NQ, 5845-PHASE F, .LOT 20 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,.551.04 2639 TRACT N0.5$45-PHASE F, LOT 21 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,551.04 2640 TRACT N0.5845-PHASE F, ~.OT 22 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,551.04 2641 TRACT N0.5845-PHASE F, LOT 23 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,551.04 2642 TRACT N0.5845-PHASE F, LOT 24 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,551.04 29368EXA A-1 01/04!99 EXH161T A AMENDED ASSESSMENT ROLL CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.94«3 (SILVER CREEKIBRIMHALL NORTHISEVEN OAKSISOUTH LAURELGLEN) COUNTY OF KERN, CALIFORNIA AMENDING EXISTING ASSESSMENT 2572 AND ADDING NEW ASSESSMENTS 2618 THROUGH 2644 CREATED BY RECORDATION OF TRACT N0.5845-PHASE F ASSESSMENT AND pIAGRAM AMENDMENT N0.85 AMENDED PARCEL TOTAL AMENDED DESCRIPTION / AMENDED ASSESSMENT ASSESSOR'S TAX AMENDED PROPERTY ASSESSMENT NUMBERS NUMBER (ATN) OWNER NAME AMOUNT 2643 TRACT N0.5845-PHASE F, LOT 25 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,551,04 264.4 TRACT N0.5845-P~IASE F LOT 26 CASTLE & CC~OKE CALIFORNIA INC, $2 551.Q4 TOTAL AMOUNT APPORTIONED TO AMENDED ASSESSMENT 2618; $562,961.74 TOTAL AMOUNT APPORTIONED T4 TRACT N0.5845-PHASE F; $66 327.23 TOTAL AMOUNT APPORTIONED; $629,288,97 NOTE: FOR A DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE LINES, DIMENSIONS AND LOCATIONS OF ASSESSMENTS 2618 THROUGH 2644 REFERENCE A SUBDIVISION MAP FOR. TRACT NQ, 5845-PHASE F RECORDED , 1999, IN BOOK 44 OF MAPS, AT PAGES „~,,, AND ,~,,,, IN THE OFFICE OF THE KERN COUNTY RECORDER, PREPARED BY; WILSON & ASSOCIATES ~ , v~1 ~, ,APPROVED. EDWARD J, WILSON R.C,E, 23269 (EXPIRES 12-31-01) ~~o~~o ~. wi~soyy\ N0.23269 ~+ a ~p.12/31/~1 ~Ir ~T~rF F CA \F~~aQ DATE; ~ " ~ '~~ 29368EXA A-2 01!04!99