HomeMy WebLinkAboutAD 94-3 Apportionment #93 T5290-B~. .. 6 x Recording Requested By and for the Benefit of the City of Bakersfield When Recorded Mail To: Bakersfield City Clerk City Hall 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 James Maples~Assessor-Recorder Kern County Official Records DOCUMENT #:01991?277 ~01991~2~0~~ NOTICE OF AMENDED ASSESSMENT AMENDING EXISTING ASSESSMENT 2793 IN CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0. 94-3 COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA (ASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT N0. 93) JASON Pages 4 12/03/1999 14~00~00 Fees.... 16.00 Taxes... Other... TOTAL PAia.. 16.00 Stat. Types~1 PURSUANT to the requirements of Section 3114 of the Streets and Highways Code, the undersigned, PAMELA A. McCARTHY, CMC, City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield, hereby gives notice that an Amended Diagram and Amended Assessment Roll (Assessment and Diagram Amendment No. 93) for City of Bakersfield Assessment District No. 94-3 were filed and recorded in the office of the Superintendent of Streets of the City of Bakersfield, relating to the following described real property: Reference is made to the map entitled "Amended Assessment Diagram of City of Bakersfield Assessment District No. 94-3 County of Kern, California, (Assessment and Diagram Amendment No. 93), Amending Assessment 2793, filed with the County Rec rder of the ounty of Kern, on in Book of Maps o Assessment acid Communit acilities Districts, at pages d , for a description of the real property in said Assessment District and the exterior boundaries thereof. Said Amended Assessment Diagram amends the map entitled "Assessment Diagram of City of Bakersfield Assessment District No. 94-3," recorded September 29, 1995, in Book 12 of Maps of Assessment and Community Facilities Districts, at Pages 94 through 108, in the Office of the County Recorder of the County of Kern, California. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that upon recording of this Notice in .the office of the County Recorder, the several amended assessments on the lots, pieces and parcels shown on the Amended Assessment Diagram (Assessment and Diagram Amendment No. 93) of Assessment District No. 94-3 shall become a lien upon the lots or portions of lots assessed, respectively. This. amendment evidences the completion of statutory proceedings to divide the lien of special assessments previously. levied on the parcels of land shown on the amended diagram, to conform with the divisions in the parcels themselves. Reference is made to said Amended Assessment Diagram and Amended Assessment Roll recorded in the 1 office of the Superintendent of Streets of the City of Bakersfield. Attached hereto pursuant to the requirements of Section 27288.1 of the government bode, maxked Exhibit ~, is a copy of the Amended Assessment ~o~l identifying each new pa~c~l by the amended assessment number shown on the mended diagram, to~~ther with the amount of amended assessment lien ieved thereon and the name or names of the owners of each parcel subaect to such amended assessments as they appear on the latest secured County Assessor's Roll, or as known to the undersigned. ~ATEp: ~AME~A A. McCARTEY, CMC, City Clerk City of ~rsfield, California By , EXHIBIT A AM-ENDED ASSESSMENT ROLL CI1"Y OF BAKERSFIELDASSESSMENTDISTRICT N0.94-3 (SI~.VER CREEKIBRIMHALL NORTHISEVEN OAKSISOUTH LAURELGLEN) COUNTY OF KERN; CALIFORNIA AMENDING EXISTING ASSESSMENT 2793 AND ADDING NEW ASSESSMENTS 2812 THROUGH 2832 CREATED BY RECORDATION OF TRACT NO.529Q-PHASE B ASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT N0, 93 AMENDED PARCEL TOTAL AMENDED DESCRIPTION / AMENDED ASSESSMENT ASSESSOR'S TAX AMENDED PROPERN ASSESSMENT NUMBERS NUMBER (ATN) _ ~ OWNER NAME AMOUNT EXISTING ASSESSMENT 2793 (IDENTIFIED AS A REMAINDER PARCEL CREATED BY TRACT N0. 5290-PHASE, A) IS SUBOIVID:ED BY TRACT N0. 5290~PHAS~E B (TR 5290-8), CREATING 17 SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL. (R-1) LOTS, ONE PRIVATE STREET LQT, ONE. LANDSCAPE LQT', ONE STORM DRAINAGE BASIN LOT, AND ONE REMAINDER PARCEL. THE REMAINDER PARCEL IS ASSIGNED AMENDED ASSESSMENT NUMBER 2812,- THE 17 R-1 LOTS (LOTS 1 THROUGH 17 IN TR 5290-B) ARE AMENDED ASSESSMENTS 2813 THROUGH 2829, RESPECTIVELY, THE PRIVATE STREET LOT (LOT A IN TR 5290-8) IS AMENDED ASSESSMENT 2830, THE LANDSCAPE LOT (LOT B LN TR 5290-6} IS AMENDED ASSESSMENT 2831, AND THE. STORM DRAINAGE BASIN LOT (LOT C IN TR 5290-8) IS AMENDED ASSESSMENT 2832.. THE TOTAL ASSESSMENT PRINCIPAL AMOUNT FOR EXISTING ASSESSMENT 2793 IS APPORTIt~NED TO TIE 17 R-1 LOTS IN TR 5290-5 AND THE REMAINDER PARCEL. THE PRIVATE STREET LOT, THE LANDSCAPE 'LOT, ANI~ THE STORE! DRAINAGE BASIN LOT ARE NON~BENEFITED AND NON-ASSESSED. THE TOTAL UNPAID -ASSESSMENT f~RINCIPAL FOR EXISTING ASSESSMENT 2793 (EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 1999, AT THE BEGINNING 4F THE 1999/2000 TAX YEAR) IS $190,680.82. THE TOTAL AMOUNT APPORTIONED TO EACH NEW LOT AND PARCEL IS SHOWN UNDER THE COLUMN ENTITLED "TOTAL AMENDED ASSESSMENT AMOUNT." EXISTING ASSESSMENT 2793 IS DELETED FROM THE ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.94-3. 2812 REMAINDER PER TRACT NO.5290-PHASE B 2818. TRACT N~O~ :5290-PHASE B; LOT 1 2814 TRACT NO.529~-PHASE B; LOT 2 2815 TRACT N0.5290-PHASE B; LOT 3 2816 TRACT N0.5290~PHASE B; LOT 4 2817 TRACT N0, 5290,PHASE B; LOT 5 2818 TRACT N0.5290-PHASE B; LOT 6 2819 TRACT N+Q. 5290-PHASE B; LOT 7 2820 TRACT N0.5290-PHASE B; LOT 8 2821 TRACT N~?. 5290~PHASE B; LOT 9 2822 TRACT NO.5290-PHASE B; LOT 10 2823 TRACT N0.5290-PHASE B; LOT 11 2824 TRACT N0.5290-PHASE B; LOT 12 2825 TRACT N0.5290-PHASE B; LOT 13 2826 TRACT N0.5290-PHASE 6; LOT 14 2827 TRACT N0.529Q-PHASE B; LOT 15 2828 TRACT N0.5290*PHASE B; LQT 16 2829 TRACT N0.5290-PHASE B; LOT 17 2830 TRACT N0.5290-PHASE B; LOT A 2831 TRACT N0.5290-PHASE B; LOT B CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $141,966.17 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,865.53 CASTLE & CQOKE CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,865.57 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,865.57 CASTLE & C04KE CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,865.57 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,865.57 CASTLE & CQOKE CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,865.57 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,865.57 CASTLE & CO(JKE CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,865.57 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,865.57 CASTLE & C40KE CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,865.57 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,865.57 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,865.57 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,865.57 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,865.57 CASTLE. & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,865.57 CASTLE & C00KE CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,865.57 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,865.57 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $0.00 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $O.QO 29~O~~A A~1 11111199 ~XMIBIT A AM~NpED ASSESSMENT ROLL CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO.94-3 (SILVER CREEKIBRIMHALL NORTHlSEVENOAKS/SOUTH LAURELGLEN) COUNTY OF KERN, CALIFORNIA AMENDING ~~CISTING ASSESSMENT 27'93 ANQ ADp`ING NEUIf ASSESSMENTS 281 THROUGH 283.2 CREATED BY RFCORaATIQN OF TRACT NO.5290-PHASE B ASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT' NQ. 93 AMENDED PARCEL TOTAL AMENDED DESCRIPTION / AMENDED ASSESSMENT ASSESSOR'S TAX AMENDED PROPERTY ASSESSMENT .NUMBERS- NUMBER (ATN) _ _ _ I ______ OWNER NAME AMOUNT 2832 TRACT NO.5290-PHASE `B; I,OT C CASTLE & CgOKE CALIFORNIA, INC.. $0.00 TOTAL AMOUNT APPORTIONED TO AMENDED ASSESSMENT 1812: $141,966.17 TOTAL AMOUNT APPORTIONED TO TRACT N4.5290-PHASE B L4T51 THRgUGM 17: $48 714.65 TOTAL AMOUNT APPORTIONED: $190,680.82 NOTES; FOR A DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE LINES, DIMENSIONS AND LOCATIONS OF ASSESSMENTS 2812 THROUGH 2832 REFERENCE A SUBDIVISION MAP FOR TRACT NO. 5290-PHASE B RECORDED .NOVEMBER 5, 1999, IN BOOK 45 OF MAPS, AT PAGES 73 AND 74, iN THE OFFLCE OF THE KERN COUNTY RECORDER. PREPARED BY: WIISQN & ASSOCIATES APFR4VEQ: ~~ ~' EDWARD J.INILSON R.C.E. 23269 (EXPIRES 12-31-01) ~Rgr~a~~UN~ ~~~ ~D ~' W~~S ~~ ~w ~~' o ~ N0, 23269 °~ EXP.1 ~/~~/O1 ~'~ C IVII~ ~~~ 9r~ ~1~p~ _~fi CA DATE: ~'~ ~ ~~~~ 29406EXA A-2 11/11/99 B A K E R S F I E L D PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM T0: Robin Gardner -Accountant I FROM: ~~ Marian P.Shaw -Civil Engineer IV DATE: December 7,1999 SUBJECT: Assessment District No. 90-1, Apportionment No. 48, Assessment District No. 94-3 Appor~'onment No. 92, 93~;& 94 and Assessment Ih'strx'ct No. 97-1., Apport~'onment No. 6. The Maps and Notice of ,Amended Assessments were recorded on December 3,1999 for the above Assessment Districts. A copy of the Notice of ,Amended Assessments and the Engineers Re ort is p , attached for your files. If you have any questions please ask John A. Stinson at 3592 ~n the Public Works Department, P;IMEMOSIFINANC103.wpd prepared Tuesday, December 7,1999 2:3pm T0: SUPERINTENDENT OF STREETS CITY OF BAKERSFIELD RE: ASSESSMENT DITRZCT N0.94~3, ASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT NO, 93. APPLICATION FOR SEGREGATION AND APPORTIONMENT OF EXISTING ASSESSMENTS PURSUANT TO PART 10,5 OF DIVISION lo, STREETS AND HIGHWAYS CODE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, THE IMPROVEMENT BOND ACT OF 1915. Re~~:u~~~~ Qf ,~n~Xication. I. REQUEST FQR APPORTIONMENT OF EXISTING ASSESSMENT 2793 WHERE- SAID PARCEL HAS BEEN SUBDIVIDED BY TRACT N0, 5290-PHASE B, II, ACCEPTANCE OF ASSESSMENT APPORTIONMENT PROCEDURE; 'WAIVER OF NOTICE AND HARING THEREON, AND REQUEST TO RECORD AMENDED ASSESSMENTS, 1~~~n.~ I. REQUEST FOR APPORTIONMENT OF THE UNPAID ASSESSMENT PRINCIPAL AMOUNT FROM EXISTING ASSESSMENT 2793 IN THE. CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WHERE SAID PARCEL HAS BEEN SUBDIVIDED BY TRACT NO.529o-PHASE B. The undersigned: is the original owner and :subdivider of existing Assessment 2793 ~:"Assessment 2793"~ which has been subdivided by Tract No. 529o-phase B ~"TR S~9o-B" )~ and is also the owner of all lets and parcels created by said TR 529o-B. A description of said existing assessment, the total amount of the unpaid assessment princi a1 balance effective p January 1,1999, and a description of how said parcel has been subdivided are included in the Engineer's ~ Report. Exhibit B, Description of Existing Assessments inn Cit of Bakersfield y Assessment Distract No. 94-3 (hereinafter "AD 94.3 "), attached hereto and incorporated herein. by r~ferer~ce, As the original owner and subdivider of the referenced existing Assessment 2793, the undersigned hereby requests the Superintendent of Streets for the City of Bakersfield to apportion the amount remaining unpaid on existing Assessment 2793 in accordance with the provisions. of the ~r~provement Bond Aet of 191:5, The unpaid principal amount for said existing assessrr~ent, as sown on Exhibit ~, has been apportioned to each se axate art of the p p original parcels of land comprising the existing assessment in the amounts as shown on Engineer's Report Exhibit A, Amended Assessment Roll attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, 29406CC,APP "' ~ ^ 11111/99 Ii, ACCEPTANCE C~~ ASSESSMENT APP~RTI~NMENT PROCEDt~RE AND RE~~EST TD RECORD AMENDED ASSESSMENTS. I have reviewed Exhibit ~ (Description of Assessment Apportionment Procedure) included in the attached Engineer's Report, describing the procedure used to apportion shares of the unpaid assessment principal amount for existing Assessment 2793 in AD 9~-3 to the lots and parcels created by the recordation of said TR 529o-B. Pursuant to a review of Exhibit C, the undersigned has determined that tie amended assessment amounts shown on said Exhibit A have been apportioned in accordance with the benefits the parcels will receive from the improvements financed by AD 94-3, based on current parcel zoning and with proposed uses. Therefore, the undersigned waives notice and. hearing before the City Council on this assessment apportianrr~ent, adepts the procedure used far the requested apportionment of the principal balance for e~cisting Assessrr~ent 2793, and requests and consents to the recordation of the. apportioned assessments ~n the properties far which the undersigned is listed as the owner on the accompanying Exhibit A, and to the amended assessment amounts shown thereon, Submitted by3 CA:T~E ~ CCC~E ~AI~iPCRNIA, lC., a California Corporation Dwner of all lots and parcels created by Tract No. 529o-Phase B By : Dated ; Attachrr~ent~ Engineer's Report on Assessment Apportionment No. 93 1999. ~9A~06~~C,A~Pp -2- 11/11199 29406RPT 11/10/99 ENGINEER'S RDPORT RE: SEGREGATION AND APPORTIONMENT OF ASSESSMENTS FOR ASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT N0. 93 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0. 94-3 AMENDING EXISTING ASSESSMENT 2793 TO CREATE SEW A~sESSMENTS 2812. TBROUGH 2832 PURSUANT TO R~CORDATIOi~ OF TRACT NO , ~ 2 9 0 ~- PHA,SE B 1. An application has been filed with the Superintendent of Streets of the City of Bakersfield requesting a segregation and apportionment of an existing assessment within Assessment District No, 94-3, pursuant to the division of the panel, 2. In. accordance with said application, the undersigned hereby apportions to each separate part of the original parcel Qf land, the proportionate part of its respective unpaid assessment that would have been levied thereon if the parcel had been so divided at the time the original assessment was made. The undersigned has assigned a new assessment number to each new parcel, as shown on the Amended Assessment Diagram attached. hereto. 3 The existing assessment number, new assessment numbers and apportioned assessment amounts {based in each case on the unpaid principal amount of assessment effective January 1, 1999, at the beginning of the 1999/2000 Tax Year.), are as shown on Exhibit A "Amended Assessment Roll" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. A description of the referenced existing assessment and of how it has been subdivided is included in Exhibit B, atta~hec~ hereto, A desc~~,ptipn ~f the procedure used to apportion the unpaid principal, ox~ the referenced existing assessment to the new assessments is included in Exhibit C, attached hereto, and a listing of the apportioned share of the original assessment for each new assESSment is shown on Exhibit D, attached hereto. Existing assessment 2793 is deleted from the roll for Assessment District No. 94-3. DATED: NJ/,/~~~~~I~/` \ ~RpFESS/0~y~ <v~~ y~PR~ J w~~~O ~'L~, ~ ~ 2 ~ N0.23269 a EXP.12/31/Ol sT CIVIC- ~~~ ~T~ OF G p,1,1F~~ WILSON & ASSOCIATES Assessment Apportionment Engineer .. ~4 Ey Edward J . Wkon, R,C.E, 23269, Expires 12-31-01 EXHIBIT A AMENDED ASSESSMENT ROLL CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.94-3 (SILVER CREEKIBRIMHALL NORTHISEVEN OAKSISOUTH LAURELGLEN} COUNTY OF KERN, CALIFORNIA AMENDING EXISTING ASSESSMENT-2793 AND ADDING NEW ASSESSMENTS 2812 THROUGH 2832 CREATED BY RECORDATION OF TRACT N0.5290-PHASE B ASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT N0.93 AMENDED PARCEL TOTAL AM~NRED DESCRIPTION 1 ~ AMENDED ASSESSMENT{ ASSESSOR'S TAX ~ AMENDED PROPERTY ASSESSMENT NtiMBER~ ~~_ NUMBER (AT~N) __.~_~_.~____~___~..._.._~___,_~___.__ OWNER NAME AMOUNT EXISTING ASSESSMENT 2793 (IDENTIFIED AS A REMAINDER PARCEL CREATEQ BY TRACT NO. 5290-PHASE A) IS SUBDIVIDED BY TRACT N0. 5290-PHASE B (TR 5290-B), CREATING 17 SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL (R-1) LOTS, ONE PRIVATE STREET LOT, ONE LANDSCAPE LOT, ONE STORM DRAINAGE BASIN LOT, AND ONE REMAINDER PARCEL. THE REMAINDER PARCEL IS ASSIGNED AMENDED ASSESSMENT NUMBER 2812, THE 17 R-1 LOTS (LOTS 1 THROUGH 1T IN TR 5290-B) ARE .AMENDED ASSESSMENTS 2813 THROUGH 2829,.. RESPECTIVELY, THE PRIVATE STREET LOT (LOT A IN TR 5290-E} 1S AMENDED ASSESSMENT 2830, THE LANDSCAPE LOT (LOT B IN TR 5290-8) I'S AMENDED ASSESSMENT 2831, AND THE STORM DRAINAGE BASIN LOT (LOT C IN TR 5290-8) IS AMENDED .ASSESSMENT 2832. THE TOTAL ASSESSMENT PRINCIPAL AMOUNT FOR EXISTING ASSESSMENT 2793 IS APPORTIONED TO THE 17 R-1 LOTS IN TR 5290-6 AND THE REMAINDER PARCEL, THE PRIVATE STREET LOT, THE LA~JDSCAPE LOT, AND THE STORM DRAINAGE BASIN LOT ARE NON-BENEFITED AND NON-ASSESSED. THE TOTAL UNPAID ASSESSMENT PRINCIPAL FOR EXISTING ASSESSMENT 2793 (EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 1999, AT THE SEGINNf~ OF THE 199912000 TAX YEAR) IS $190,680,.82, THE TOTAL AMOUNT APPORTIONED TO EACH NEW LOT AND PARCEL I SHOVIIN UNDER THE COL~JMN ENTITLED "TOTAL AMENDED ASSESSMENT AMOUNT." EXISTING ASSESSMENT 2793 fS DELETED FRpM THE ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.94-3. 2812 REMAINDER PER TRACT N0.5290-PHASE B 2813 TRACT N0.5290-PHASE S; LOT 1 2814 TRACT N0, 5290-PHASE B; LOT 2 2815 TRACT N0, 5290-PHASE 8; LOT 3 2816 TRACT NO, 529-PHASE B; LOT ~4 2817 TRACT NO, X290-PHASE B; LOT 5 281$ TRACT Np, 52`~O-PHASE B; LOT 6 2819 TRACT N0.5290-PHASE B; LOT 7 2820 TRACT N0.5290-PHASE B; LOT 8 2821 TRACT N0.5290-PHASE B; LOT 9 2822 TRACT N0.5290-PHASE B; LOT 10 2823 TRACT NO, 5290~PHASE B; LOT 11 282 TRACT N0, .5290-PHASE B; LUT 12 2825 TRACT N0, 5290-PHASE B; LOT 13 2826 TRACT N0.5290-PHASE B; LOT 14 2827 TRACT N0.5290-PHASE B; LOT 15 2828 TRACT N0.5290-PHASE B; LOT 16 2829 TRACT N0, 5290-P-RASE B; LOT 17 288 TRACT N0, 52'99.-PHASE B; LOT A 2531 TRACT NQ. 5290bPHASE B; LQT S CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $141,966.17 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,865.53 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,865.57 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,865.57 CASTLE & COOKS. CALIFORNIA, INC, $2,865.57 CASTLE & COOKS CAL`IFQRNIA, INC. $2,865.57 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,865.57 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,865.57 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,865.57 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,865.57 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,865.57 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,865.57 CASTLE 8 COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,865.57 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,865.57 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,865.57 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,865.57 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,865.57 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,865.57 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC, $0.00 CASTLE $~ CQOKE CALIFORNIA, INC. $0.00 29406~XA A-1 11111/99 EXHIBIT A AMENDED ASSESSMENT BOLL C:iTY OF BAKERSFIEI.D ASSESSMENT ~iST'RICT NO.94.3 ~SI~,VE CR'EEKIEf~IMHALL NQRTHfSEVEN OAKSISOUTH LAUREI.GI.EN) COUNTY OF KERN, CAl.IEORNIA AMENDING EXISTING ASSESSMENT 2793 AND AQDING NEW ASSESSMENTS 2812 THROUGH 2832 CREATED BY REG~RDATION OF T:RA~T NO.529q~PHASE B ASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AM~N~M~NT NO.93 AMENQE[J PARCEL AMENDED QESGFtIFTION / ASSESSMENT ASSESSfJR'S TAX NUMBERS NUMBER (ATN) _ _ TOTAL AMENDED AMENDED PROPERTY ASSESSMENT QWNER NAME AMOUNT 2832 !` TRACT_NO. ~290~PHASE ~, LOT _, _.___ _ ~_...._.___. ,~ASTL.~..& C!Q~~E CALIFQRNIA, INCA $0,00 TOTAL AMOUNT APPORT~OI'~EQ ~'~ AMENDED AaSESSMENT 2812; $141,966.17 TOTAL AI~t~UNT APPOR'T10NEQ Tf~ TRACT NQ. 529Q•PHASE .Br~:L~;T~ 1,TN:RpUGrH 17: $48,714,65 TOTAL AMOUNT APPORTIQNED $194,684.82 NOTES; FOR A DETAILED pESCR'IPTI01~ OF THE LINES, pIMENSIONS AND LOCATIONS OF ASSESSMENTS 2812 THROUGH 2832 REFERENCE A Sl.{SDI~fiIS1~N MAP FOR TRACT N0. 529-PHASE B RE~ORQED NOVEMBER 5, 1999, IN SOAK 45 OF MAPS, AT RAGES 73 AND 74, IN THE QFFICE OF THE KERN COUNTY RECORDER, PREPARED BY: WILSON & ASSOCIATES L.eru~-~. ~, W .~-oti-- APPROVED: EDWARf~,~. WILSON R.C.E, 23269 (EXP RES 1231-01) 4Ra~~'a'~1QNq~ ~~~ ~~ j' ~f~~ ~~ ~, ~ ~ ~. w NQ, 23289 EXp,12/31/01 * ~ ~'~ CIV11- ~`~ OF CA DATE: ~'~.~ I~~~ 2.940~~XA A-2 11111/99 EXHIBIT ~ EXISTING PARCEL ASSESSMENT ,._,~ .NUMBER... . 2793 DISCRZPTIC-N OP 1~~1STING ASSESSMENT AND NEB DACES TQ WI~ICI~ TIE EXISTING ASSESSMENT IS Tt~ BE APP(~RTIQNE BY ASSES$MENT ANA DIAGRAM AMENDMENT N0.93 CITY QF EAKERSFIELI~ ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NQ. 94-3 (SILVER CREEK/BRIMHALL NQRTH/SEVEN QAKSISOUTH LAURELGLEN) AMENDING EXISTING ASSESSMENT 2793 AND ADDING NEW ASSESSMENTS 2812 THRQUGH 2832 CREATED BY RECQRDATIQN OF TRACT NQ, 5290~PHASE B A.T,N, FQR EXISTING „~,~SSE~,~~~~.~ .~. Rcn~zi~~dcr leer T~r~ct No. 5290wPhase A 1999I200o ASSESSMENT NUMBER PRINCIPAL TQ BE HOW EXISTING PARCEL OF NEW ,,,, A~FQ~,~'r4NED ~, HA,~ BE~N,SUBDIVIDED LQTSf PARCELS I ~O,b:80.82 Existing Assessment 2793 is subdivided by Tract No. 5290~Phase B creating 17 :single-family residential lots, one private street lot, one landscape lot, one storm drainage basin lot, and one remainder parcel, The total unpaid principal amount for Existing Assessment 2793 is apportioned to the 17 R~ 1 lots and the remainder parcel. The private street lot, the landscape lot, and the storm drainage basin Tot are not assessed. Existing Assessment 2793 is deleted frorrl the Assess~rlent Roll for AD 94-3. Trac _Np,_ 5290-Phase B Total Arriount to Be Apportioned to New Assessments; a. 1 Remainder Parcel (Amended Ascot. 2812) 1 b, 17Single-family Residential Lots in TR 5290- B Amended Ascots, 2813 through 2829) 17 c. 1 Private Street dot (Amended Ascot. 2830) 1 d, 1 Landscape Lot (Amended Ascot, ~83I) 1 e, 1 Storm Drainage Basin Lot (Amended Ascot. 2832) 1 Total New A~ss~ssed Lots/Parcels 18 T'ot7l Non*assessed LotslParcels 3 Total New Assessment Numbers 21 Total Exist. Asrnt. Nos. deleted from Roll 1 Net Change Active Ascot. Nos. on Roll 20 $190, 680.82 1, Unpaid as essrnent balance apportioned is the balance at the beginningof the 1999/2000 tax year, effective January 1, 1999, 294U5EX~ ` ~ ` 11111199 DESCRIPTION OF THE PROCEDURE USED TO APPORTION A SHARE OP' THE UNPAID ASSESSMENT PRINCIPAL FOR E~lST1NC ASSESSMENT 293 TQ AMENDED ASSI~SSME1'~TS 2512 THROUGH 2832 CRI~ATE1 B~ RECORDATION OF TRACT NO, 529Q-PHASE B CITY OF BAKERSEIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO.94w3 (SILV'ER CREE~IBRIMHALL NORTH/SEVEN OAKSISOUTH LAURELGLEN) ASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT NO.93 1. DESCRIPTION OF E~ISTIN ASSESSMENT 2793. A. Existing Assessment 2793 (hereafter "Assessment 2793 ") is located in the City of Bakersfield. Assessment X793 was created by Assessment and Diagram Amendment ("Apportionment") No. 92 for Assessment District No. 94-3 ("AD 94*3"). It is described as the remainder parcel created by Tract l'~o, 5291-Phase A. Assessment 2793 is subdivided by Tract loo. 5290»Phase ("~'R 59(~i~") creating 17 single*fan~ily residential lots, ona private street lot, one landscape lot, ane storm drainage basin let., and one remainder panel, The remainder parcel is assigned Amended Assessment Number ("Amended Assessment") 2812. The 17 R-1 lots (Lots 1 through 17 in TR 5290-B) are identified as Amended Assessments 2813 through 2829, respectively, the private street lot (Lot A in TR 5290-B) is Amended Assessment 2830, the landscape lot -(Lot B in TR 5290+B) is Amended ~ssessn~ent 2831, :and. the storm drainage basin let (Lot ern TR V529~-B) is Aa~ne~ded Assessment 2832. ~. Assessment 2793 is located in the Seven Oaks. (South) Area of AD 94-3, hereafter "Seven Oaks South." Seven Oaks South is one of six community areas within AD 94-3. AD 94-3 funded improvements and associated expenses that wire required to be constructed or expected to be requited, as candidons of final map or site plan approvals within those six AD 94-3 community areas.: All of the n~pravernents funded by AD 94-3, except the Buena Vista Road 1mprQven~ents, were allocated to tl~e con°~~nunity area in which they are located. The total cost of the Buena Vista Road Impraveme~nts in Sections ~a and 7 was allocated to the Seven Oaks North and South Con~unty Areas, The AD 943 Engineer's Report, approved September 27, 1995, describes the Benefit/Cost Based Method of allocating the AD 94-3 costs for each of the Community Areas at~d the. Alternate Method of reallocating those costs. which was used in deterr~xning ;the Original AD 94-3 Assessment amounts for each assessed parcel.. The AD 94-3 Assessrner~t Spread Method is described in Exhibit D of the Engineer's Report and is in conformance ~al~ers~'t`eld ~Xan~cr~a~ Ca~~ S~~tian 1 ~, ~8, ~7Q*Benefi~ Spread. Please see the A1J 94-3 Engineer's Report for a detailed description of the AD 94-3 Assessment Spread Method. By Change and Modification No. 1(Assessment and Diagram Amendment No. 22) certain park improvements originally planed for construction in the. Seven Oaks Area (South) wire transferred to Seven teaks Area (North), and several parcel assessments (including the area of .Assessment 2143) were modified at that time, Please sec the AD 943 Modified Engineer's Depart i°o~• a detailed description of Change and Modification No, 1 procedures, C. AD 94-3 also financed the cost to pay off the remaining principal balances of the existing AD 82-1 assessments and of the existing AD 8G«2 Reassessments for parcels within AD 94.3. The Seven Oaks South Community Area properties did not have an existing AD 86-2 reassessment Z~~~~~~~c 1 ~ ~~ ~ 199 balance. The cost to pay off those existing Assessments and Reassessments for each ATN is included in the total arnaunt confirmed to assessment on each of the AD 94+3 parcels and within tl~e fatal amount apportioned to tl~e new lots and parcels created by the .above-referenced grant Deed and TR 529O~B. D. The total original assessment principal, as based on the Amended Assessment Roll for the Second Amended Notice of Assessment as modified by Change and 11~odification No. 1, for Assessment 2793 is $210,403.21. The total unpaid assessment principal for Assessment 2793 (effective 3anuary 1, 1999, at the beginning of the 1999/200Q Tax Year) is $190,b80.82. The total original and u~1paid assessment. principal amounts for Assessment 2793 are segregated and apportioned t~ the parcels in AD 943 created by the above-referenced 'TR 5290-B, as described below. 2. DESCRII?TION QF THE PR(~CEDU~E USED TO SEGREGATE AND APPORTION THE Rl!~IN~L ASSESSMENT AMOUNT AND 1TS REl'~AININ~ PRINCIPAL BALANCE F~,aIVI ASBESI'~ENT 2793 TD AMENDED ASSESSMENTS 2812 THI~CJUCH 2832, A. The total original AD 94w3 Assessment principal far Assessment 2793 is apportioned to the 17 R~ Hots, the private street lot, the landscape lot, the storm drainage basin lot, and the remainder parcel in accordance with the Assessment Apportionment Method described on page D- I9 of AD 94w3 Engineer's Report Exhibit D, Description of Assessment Spread Method. The Exhibit D Asse~mer~t Apportionment Method is sun~mari~ed below for reference; 1. When a parcel is subdivided into a tract phase and a remainder the total original assessment principal amount will be apportioned to the tract phase and to the remainder parcel indirect proportion to their total acreage. 2. The amount so allocated to the new subdivision will be reallocated among the subdivision -lots as an equal share per lc~t, excluding landscape and well site lots, parrs, ar drainage sump lots within Elie ne~v tract 3. The remaining principal balance of the original assessment at the time the apportionment is made will then be allocated to each lot and remainder parcel created by the subdivision, indirect proportion to the share of the original assessment principal amount allocated to each ne~v lot as described above. ~, As shown in AD 943 Appartionn~ent No. d 1 Engineer's Report, the portion of Seven oaks South Area covered by former Assessments 814 and 203 was planned for development into two future Development Areas identified as follows; Custom III and Designer II, The Custom IXr Development Area is also identified as Tract No: 5$22 and the Designer ~I Develo rr~ent p Area is identified as Tract No~ 5290, ~1ce former Assessment $14, identified as former Park No. 3, has been deeded bask to the Original owner and it is planned, together with a onion of p farmer :Assessment 2103, far subdivision into R• 1 rots by Tract No. 5290, the design engineer (Martin-Mc~ntosh Engineering) retained by former Assessments 814 and 2103 pro ert owner P Y has provided the Public Works Department and Assessment Engineer for AD 94-3 with the revised plan for phased development of former Assessments 814 and 2103 areas (as described iii Appartionnient Nc~. 92), Develcapn~ent Areas listed above are retaining same names, but they are reconfigured based on tl~e typical Nature lot~si~es and lot roduct types after the elimination of Dark Na ~ ~ and addition of a storm drainage sump lot in ~"ract No. 529Q, Two Vestin g 29406~XC ~ 11111199 Tentative Tract Maps (Nos, ~~~ and X822) covering forCner Assessments 814 and 21Q3 (and. Assessment 2~~3) leave already been approved by, and are on file with, the Planning Department of the pity of Bakersfield, Reference is made to the enclosed "Product Description" table which was prepared based on the information obtained from the Design engineer, and which corresponds. to the total number of future .single-family residential lots shown on the above~referenced proposed tentative tract maps. Therefore..., in accordance with the. above described AD ~~~3 Assessment Apportiani~ent Method, and the revised phased development of Assessment 2793, the Assessment 2793 total original assessment principal amount leas beers apportioned. among the two new Development Areas in proportion to their acreage as shown in the above-referenced Product Description, As phases of future Tract Nos. 5290 and X822 are recorded, each lot within certain Development Area will be allocated equal- per~lot share of the total assessment share for that Development Area, based on the numbex of proposed single-farr~ilg~ residential lots for that Developrn-ens Area, as shown on the enclosed Product Description table, or, if n~odlfied in the future, based on the number of single~family Lots in approved tentative- tract snaps covering corresponding areas, The Tract No. 5290-Phase ~ 17 single~family residential lots are a part of the Designer II Development Area, and the remainder parcel covers all of the custom 1II Development Area and the remaining portion of tl~e Designer Il Development .Area, Mach of the 1 ~' sir~gle~faxnl~ residential lots in TR ~2~o~B is allocated 1152 share of the total original assessment share allocated to the Designer ~Y Development Area (based on the enclosed Product Description table), The remainder parcel created by the recordation of TR 5294-8 (Amended Assessment 2812) is allocated the total assessr~~ent share of the custom IIT Development Area (calculated as described above), a~~d the rerainder of the Designer Il Developrn~nt Area assessment share also calculated as described above). The private street lot (Amended Assessment 2830), the landscape lot (Amended Assessment 2831), and the storm drainage basin lot (Amended Assessment 2832} are non~benefited and non~asses~ed, :each parcel's totai original amended assessment amount shown on ~~hibit D, attached to the ~ngine~r's Report for this AD 94w~ Assessment and Diagram Amendment No, 93, is the new parcel's original assessment share, and is the amount that should be used to calculate the Bond deserve credit the new lot and parcel would receive if the parcel owner elects to prepay the total remaining balance for Amended Assessments 2812 through 2832, The apportioned assessment share also i~~cl~ades each new parcel's share ~f the cost to pay off and refinance the existing AD 82.1 Assessment total amount included in the total original amount far Assessment 293 , Por a detailed description of the Assessment Apportionment Method see AD 94=3 Bngineer's Repast exhibit D and AD 94rt3 Modified. Engineer's Report, which are on file with the pity Clerk of tl~e pity of I~akersfield, ~94(lf~1w~~ ~ 11/11/99 C. Apportionment of the Remaining Assessment Principal for Assessment 2793 to Amended Assessments 2812 through 282. The total unpaid assessment princ~pa~ amount for Assessment 2793 is apportioned to the new lets and parcels created b~ the recordation of said TR 5290y~ in direct proportion to the original Assessment 2793 share apportioned to each new lvt and parcel, as shown on Exhibit A, Amended Assessment Roll, attached to the Engineer's Report for this AD 943 Apportionment X10.9. Fcr mare detailed information on the Assessment Spread Method used to calculate the Assessment 2793 original assessrr~ent amount, reference is made to the AD 943 Engineer's Report on file in the office of the Public works Director for- the +~ity of Bakersfield. PREPAREIJ B~~ 1~~ ~ ABSD~~ATI~S r 4 . ~,~1 ,~ ~l~l~( ~y. Date. ~~ EDWARD J. WILSON, R. C, E. 232.49 (EXPIRES 12-31-01) ~ASS~SSMENT ENCII~EER, ASSESSMENT D~STRI~T 1~0.94y~ 2944bEXC 4 11111199 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION SEVEN C?AKS SOUTH AREA ~ATN~ ~9~-D~ Q-3Q A~IQ X93-Q10~31 ~ ~~T~' ~~ BAKE~S~~E~.D ASS~SS~IE~1T DIS~'RICT 00.94-3 DEVE~O~'MENT ~ TYf~ICAL ! NUMBER ASSESSABLE ~ AREA ~.QT` SIZE ~ a~ LETS AREA ~A~) ~~ ~. .. .~ .~ ... - ~...........M..._........ _._._....~...r....~......_.....K~.~._~..., ~; ~ ~~ T~JM III TF~ ~~~ ~~' 14~' ~ ~9 1.97 ~ ~, Di~S~~NER #I QTR 5~p~ 1 ~' 14Q, ~ ~~ 24.9 ~, 2. NOTES: ASSE~SABL.~ AREAS E?CCI.UDE PARK SITES, DRAINAGE SUMPS, WELL SITE; AND MAJQR STREET f~1GHT-O~•WAYS. DATA IN THIS tABL~ 15 BASEC~ ON ~H~ fN~ORMAYION PROVIDED BY MARTIN-MciNTOSH ENGINEERING ON NdVEMBEf2 10, 1999. 294q~PD 1 11/10/99 E~CHIBIT D LISTING OF' ORIGINAL ASSESSMENT AMOUNTS FOR AMENpFD ASSI~.SaMENTS 281 TMROUGH 2832 CITY OF 43A`K~SFI`l.p ASSESSMENT CiSTRICT N0.94.3 (SIL:VIwR CREEI~fBRfINHA4:1~ NO~THISEVEN OAKSlSOUTH 1~1URE4:GLEN) BOUNTY OF KEf~N, CALIFt~RNIA ASSESSMENT AND p1AGRAM AMENDMENT N0.93 _ . _ . ( ~ ._.._._...Tr.~_.~_._.._r~._.~.. i. ._ _~v__._..__ ._~.__....__ ... _ ._. _.,_ _ . _._...__...._ ._____. _ --_ ~~ ~..__ ~ _ _ __.____ TOTAL 'i , AMENp~p BARGEE ORIGINAL ~~ AMf~NpEp + pE~CRll~1'ION ! ~. ~ AMENDED ~AaSESSMENT~ ASSESSOR'S TA~t AMENDED PROPERTY ~ ASSESSMENT ..~ NIJM~Ef~~ ~~._. ~. NUM~ER~ATN)~ i _. OWNER NAME I AMOUNT 2$12 REMAINDER PER TRACT N0.5290•PHASE B CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $156,649,93 2813 TRACT NO.529n-PHASE B; LOT 1 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $3,161,92 281.4 TRACT NUJ. 52.90-PHASE B; LOT 2 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. X3,161.96 2815 TRACT N0.5290-P4~IASE f3; LOT 3 GASTLE & DOQKE CAI:IFQRNIA, INC. $3,161,96 2816 TRACT N0, 5290-PHASE ~; LQT' 4 CASTLE & COOKf~ CALIFORNIA, INC, $3;161:96 2817 fiRACT N0.5290ePHASE S; LQT 5 CASTLI~; ~ CHOKE CALIFORNIA, INC. X3,161,96 2816 1`RACT N0, a290-I~HASE ~; LOT 6 CASTLE & COOKS CALIF{~RNIA, iNC, $3,161,96 2819 TRACT N0.529pwPHASE S; LOT 7 CASTLE & CDOKf. CALIFORNIA, INC, $3,161.,96 2820 TRACT N0.629Q-PHASE B; L~JT 8 CASTLE & Cat~KE CALIFORNIA, iNC, $3,1Q1,96 281 TRACT NO.529Q•PHASE B; LOT 9 CASTLE & COOKS CAUF~JRNIA, INC, $3,161,96 2822 TRACT N0.5290•PHASE B; LOT 10 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $3,161.96 2:823 TRACT N0. a290~PHASE S; LOT 11 CASTLE & COOKS CAGIFt~RNIA, fNC, $3,161.96. 2824 TRACT N0.5290~I~HASf B; l.~T 12 CASTI:E ~ CQOKE CA4.IFf~4~NIA, INC. $3,161.96 X828 TRACT ~IO.629Q~PHASE 48; .LOT 13 CASTLE & OOOKE CALIFORNIA, IN`C. X3,161,96 2826 TRACT N0, a2~0•PHASE S; ~.nT 14 CASTLE & COOKS CAL1F~?RNIA, INC. $3,161,96 2827 TRACT NO, x290-PHASE ~; LOT 15 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $3,161,96 2828 TRACT N0, 5290~PHASE B; LOT 16 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC, $3,161,96 2829 TRACT N0.5290-PHASE Q; I.OT 17 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $3,161.96 2830 TRACT N0.5290~f~HASE B; LQT A CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $000 2881 TRACT N0.8~90;PHASE ~, LQT B CASTI»E & COC?KE CALIFORNIA, INC, $O;OQ .2832 TRACT NO.5290~PH-ASE B l.~fi.. C CASTLE & COQKE CALIFORNIA, INC. $0 00 TOTAG, OR IaINAI AMOUNT APf~ORT14N:Ep T~J AM>MNDEf~ ASaESSI~ENT 2812; $186,64.9,93 TOTAL O~IGIIv~-L AMOUNT AP~~?RTIONE~1 TC TRACT N4.52g1)~PNASE ~,..LOt51 TH~OUGW 1'7, $53,7'53,213 T0~'Al. QR IGINAfM AMOWNT APf~ORTIQNEI3; $216,403.21 NOTE: THE QRIGINAI ASSESSMENT AMOUNTS SHOWN IN THIS TAELE ARf BASED ON THE AMOUNTS AS PIER AMfNL~Ep I~QL~ FOf~ THE SECONp AMENpEp NOTICE 0'F ASSESSMENT FOR ASSESSMENT pISTRICT gip. 94.3 AS ~I~f*~JOEp f~'~ CHANGE ANC M~pl~'4CATIO N NCB 1 ~ASSf»Sa1i~ENT AND DIAGRAM AMENpMEI~`f NO, ~~) FOR Ap 943, ~94p6EXR D•1 11111199 ,_ _ , W I ,W i ~ ~ u. I;/) N ~ 4~. Ir M W, I Y ley; P`~ !J d ~ L~ kti ~ w' ~ z ~ ~ ~, ~`~~~ ~~~ I~>`? ~~ ~~..ra ~ ray ~I ~ ~ I W w ~W~'WF..,. I~ ~ ~ I aU }}..p ~ a ad am ~ to pp I ~ p td Q ~w w I N~ 1~~~4~~,~~~ I~~~ ~p~~a~~ I a~ ~ V ~- .a a cn ~ ~ w ~ '~ p i w~1 ~ ~, ~' - ~ " ©~ ~"Q~zw IQ ~' I~~~ w~ww~~w~ ~+pz ~'" ~ ~ ~ ~ r~ u, ~ ~tn ~ Wx ~W~~ Iv ~ Idw~~j 'da JN~ ~ ~ ,r,, , ~~ o~ a ~n~r 10 ~. w ~ w w w ~ ! ~ w W z ~ ,~ In a ~ l u ~y ~ I ~ ~ a, ~ x ,~-~'1 C!7 `~, M ~ ~ ~Y ~ I '~pY wrn~. 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W ~ N ~ CV CV ~ I ~ U ~ ~ ~ ~ F- ~ ~ ~ ~Z I ~ ~~ Vl ~ 12 fk li,l L l:~ ~.~ t ~y ~ i ~ IaJ ~ ~"' ~ ~ q U1 U ,. ~ ~. ~ ~~VI~~~Wdd~ QO N ~$ h ~ p`1 Q Y M O~ ~ GCt C7 ~ q E P.~ Earn W~c~t ~ cat ~n v~ cn ~n Q ~z~ ~wH w va a A~~ z~~ w z ~;.:~ ~, V M ~ rl M ~~~ e ~ ~~~ ~ ,.•~ .~" ~r ~1 ` ~ ~ `1 ` '~ ~ 4 ' 1 + I 'Y i I 1 ~ ~' ~ ' W •~ r N . ~ ' • N I ~ ~ ' 69j1 i ~a~ ~ ~ O ,- N ,0£ ,0£ P i ~i' ~ • M "~ r- N ~ ~ I .30' 30'~ ~ ® A «~ N 1 ~ I .~•' I ~,~ r ~ c A ~ ~ N N N ~ ~ N ~ ~ ID ~~' ~ rl r ~ r ~ ~ IW M r ~ I ~ ~ ~ t ~ ~'+; • ~ ' ~ ~ la N ~~I 0W IM , ~ ~ I ~ I ~,] W I µ ~ '~ 1... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h + ~ N ~ Ni , I ~ I N , .., ..... ; . c( ~ ~ ~ ` ~ I .~..~. _ r M ~ ~~ 0 Z ~Y~HN~~?~'HS ~ ~ ~ '~ ~r ~ I . ~ r~" 0 N ~ ~ N ~ ~ N ~ N W C r i ~ ~Qy,~ 4 ~ r .....~~~"'°°° 0 .w . ww • .w.w . ~~w • err, . r . .rwr . ~. ~ . r . . . r r M • .~.rr . . ~.~r . ..r. . .rr. . r.ri. • (D ~r / ~ t ~r r ~ A F r ~ /~ UYOQ YiLiJlll ~lY~R1i~ ~ ,~~t1EER ,~ RPM' ~~~ !! ~{ ~~$~~ ~ ~3°~ ~ ~ "~ w o 0 oQ a W ~h;) {~ T i" r 2940 CER'~~F~CATE of FIL~N~G RE DIVISION OF LAND AND ASSESSMENT "IMPROVEMENT BOND ACT OF 1915" PART 10.5 OF DIVISION 10 STREETS AND HIGHWAYS CODE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR CI~'Y OF BAKERS~'IELD A~SSESSI~EN'~ DISTRICT N0. 9~ - 3 CQUN'~Y OF KERN, CALIFORNIA ,ASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT NO. 93 AMENDING EKISTING ASSESSMENT 2793 TO ADD NEW ASSESSMENTS 2812 THROUGH 2$32 1. An applicat-ion. has been filed with the Superintendent of Streets of the City of Bakersfield~by the owners or interested parties in the referenced exa,sting assessment witk~~.n City of Ea}cersf field Assessment District No . 94-3, requesting apportionment of the amount remaining unpaid on said assessment in accordance with the provisions of the Improvement Bond Act of 1915. 11/10/99 In accordance with said application, the undersigned hereby apportions to each seps,rate part of the orig~.nal parcel o~ sand as shown on the Amended Assessment Rpll, City Q~ Baer~fiel.d Assessment District No. 94-3, A~sessmcnt and Diagram Amendment No. 93, attached hereto as Exhibit A and in~arporated herein by reference, the proportionate part of the remaining assessment in the same manner as if the land had been so divided at the time the original assessment was made. Dated: ! ~'~~~f By 5uperin endent Streets 2. Notice to Bondholder was mailed by certified mail to Sutro ~ Co., Inc, on ..._... ~. 9 9 9 . 3. No request for hearing was received from the bondholder within fourteen ~:4 ~ days f rom the date of mail a.ng the Notice to Bondholder . ~Accord~:ng~.y, the Amended Assessment Roll ar~d Amended Assessment Diagram for City of Bakersfie~.d Assessment District No. 94-3 Assessment and Diagram Amendment No. 93, were recorded in the office off' the Superintendent of Streets of the City of Bakersfield on the ~,,;~, day of ~~YY1~~-YLi' 19 9 9 . ,~ By bw A . ~. ~. The Amended Assessment Diagram was filed with the County Reeo der of the County of Kern on /_ ~ G~ -~ 1999, in Book of Maps of Assessment and Co nmunity Facilities Districts, at Page ~+/ ~y 5. A Notice of Amended Assessment for Assessment and Diagram Amendment No. 93, Assessment District Na. 94-3 with a copy of the Amended Assessment Roll attached as Dxhibit A was recorded on l2--~~ -- 1999, as ~ocumer~t o , C3 ""~~ of Qf f ~.c~.al records of the County ~.ecorder ~~f the bounty ~f den, By ~. A copy of this C~rti~`cate of ~"a.ling with the Engineer's Report on Assessment and ~iagx~at~ Amendment Ito. 93, inc~.ud~.ng Exhibit A -'Amended Assessment Rill", Exhibit ~ "description of existing Assessments", Exhibit C "Description of Assessment Apportionment Procedure", and a reduced, not to scale copy of the Amended Assessment Diagram attached thereto were filed with the Finance Director far the City of Bakersfield on the- ~~~ day o f ~ ~t~~~2 19 9 9 . By ~ . 1 29406RPT 11/10/99 ENGI~'EER!S REPORT RE: SEGREGATION AND APPOR~'IONMENT OF ASSESSMENTS FOR ASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT No. 93 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0. 94-3 AMENDING EXISTING ASSESSMENT 2793 TO CREATE ~tEW ASSESSMENTS 28,2 THROUGH 2832 PURSUANT TO REOC~RDA;TI~QN 0~' ~'RACT NO , 52 90 -PHASE B 1. An application has been filed with the Superintendent of Streets of the City of Bakersfield requesting a segregation and apportionment of an existing assessment within Assessment District No. 94-3, pursuant to the. division of the parcel. 2. In accordance with said application, the unclexsa.gned hereby app~rtians to each separate part of the original parcel of land, the proportionate part Of its respective unpaid assessment that would have been levied thereon ~.f the parcel had been so divided at the time the original assessment was made. The undersigned has assigned a new assessment number to each new parcel, as shown on the. Amended Assessment Diagram attached hereto. 3, 'the existing assessment number, new assessment numbers and apportioned assessment ar~ounts (based in each case on the unpaid principal amount of assessment effective January 1, 1,99, at the beginning of the 1999/2000 Tax Rear}, are as shown on Exhibit A ''Amended Assessment Roll" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, A description of the referenced existing assessment and of how it has been subdivided is nc~,u~ed in Exhibit B, attached hereto. A description of the procedure used tQ apportion the unpa~.d principal fc~r the referenced existing assessment to the new assessmen~.s is a.ncZuded in Exhibit C attached hereto, and a listing of the apportioned share of the original assessment for each new assessment is shown on Exhibit D, attached hereto, Existing assessment 2793 is deleted from the roll for Assessment District No, 94-3. DATED: N,LU~ ~~ ~ I~/` \ ~RpFESS/D~y9 ~c~~ ~P~,p ,7. Wj~sQ F~G~ z4,`~ ~' ~ N0.23269 a EXP. 12/31/01 ~~'Tq CIVII. ~a~Q' `tF ~F CP~.~FO WILSON & ASSOCIATES Assessment Apportionment Engineer ~~ ~ ,~, Ey Edward J. Wi1sOn, R,C.E. 23269, Expires 12-31-01 EXHL~IT A AMEfVpED ASSESSMENT ROLL CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSM-ENT DISTRICT N0.94-3 (SILVER CREEKIBRIMHALL NORTHISEVEN OAKSISOUTH LAURELGLEN) COUNTY OF KERN, CALIFORNIA AMENDING EXISTING ASSESSMENT 2793 AND AQDING NEW ASSEaSMENTS 2812 THROUGH 2832 CREATED BY RECORDATION QF TRACT N0.5290-PHASE 8 ASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT N0.93 AMENDED ASSESSME~iT NUMBER AMENDED PARCEL DESCRIPTION ! ASSESSOR'S TAX ~ AMENDED PROPERTY NUMBER ~ATN) OWNER NAME TOTAL AMENDED ASSESSMENT AMOUNT EXISTlNt~ ASSESSMENT 2793 (IDENTIFIED AS A REMAINDER .PARCEL CREATED BY TRACT N.O._ 5290-PHASE. A) IS SUBDIVIDEfl BY TRACT NO. 5290-PHASE B (TR 5290-B), CREATING 17 SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL (R-1) LOTS, ONE PRIVATE STREET ~.OT, ONE LANDSCAPE LOT, ONE STORM DRAINAGE BASIN LOT, AND ONE REMAINDER PARCEL, THE REMAINDER PARCEL IS ASSIGNED AMENDED ASSESSMENT NUMBER 2812, THE 17 R-1 LOTS (LOTS 1 THROUGH 1? tN TR 5290-B) ARE AMENDED ASSESSMENTS 2813 THROUGH 2829, RESPECTIVELY, THE PRIVATE STREET L(~T (L,OT A !N TR 5290-B) 1S AMENDED ASSESSMENT 2830, THE LANDSCAPE LOT (LOT 6 IN Tf~ 5299-B`) IS AMENDED ASSESSMENT 283.1, ANR THE STORM DRAINAGE BASIN LOT (LOT C IN TR 5290-B) IS AMENDED ASSESSMENT' 2832. THE TOTAL ASSESSMENT' PRINCIPAL, AMOUNT FOR EXISTING ASSESSMENT 2793 IS APPORTIONED TO THE 17 R-1 LOTS IN TR 5290-B AND THE REMAINDER PARCEL. THE PRIVATE STREET LOT, THE LANDSCAPE LOT, AND THE STORM DRAINAGE BASIN LOT ARE NON-BENEFITED AND NON-ASSESSED. THE TOTAL UNPAID ASSESSMENT PRINCIPAL FOR EXISTING ASSESSMENT 2793 (EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 1999, AT THE BEGINNING OF THE 1999/2000 TAX YEAR) IS $190,G80.82. THE TOTAL AMOUNT APPORTIONED TO EACH NEW LOT AND PARCEL IS SHOWN UNDER THE COLUMN ENTITLED "TOTAL AMENDED ASSESSMENT AMOUNT." EXISTING ASSESSMENT 2793 IS DELETED FRAM THE ASSESSMENT .ROLL FOR ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.94-3. 2812- REMAINDER PER TRACT N0.5290-PHASE B 281.3 TRACT NG.5290-PHASE B; LOT 1 .2$.14 TRACT N0, 5290-PHASE B; LOT 2 2815 TRACT N0.529Q-PHASE B; LOT 3 2.818 TRACT NO.5290-PHASE B; LOT 4 2817' TRACT N4, 5290-PHASE B; LOT 5 2818 TRACT NO.5290-PHASE B,; LOT 6 2819 TRACT N0.5290;PHASE B; LOT 7 282Q TRACT N0.5290-PHASE B; LOT 8 2821 TRACT N0.5290-PHASE B; LOT 9 2822 TRACT N0.529p-PHASE 6; LOT 10 28.23 TRACT NO.5290-PHASE B; LOT 11 2$24 TRACT NCB. 5290-PHASE B; LOT 12 2825 TRACT N0.5290-PHASE B; LOT 13 2826 TRACT' ND, 529Q-PHASES; LOT 14 2827 TRACT NO.5290-PHASE B; LOT 15 2828 TRACT N0.5290-PHASE B; LOT 16 2829 TRACT N0.5290-PHASE B; LOT 17 2830 TRACT N0.5290-PHASE B; LOT A 2831 TRACT N0.5290-PHASE B; LOT B CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $141,966.17 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,865.53 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,865.57 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,865.57 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,865.57 CASTLE & COQKE CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,86.5.57 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,865.57 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,865.57 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,865.57 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,865.57 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,865.57 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,865.57 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,865.57 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,865.57 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,865.57 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,865.57 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,865.57 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,865.57 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $0.00 CASTLE & C©OKE CALIFORNIA, INC. $0,00 29406EXA A~1 11/11/99 EXIiIBIT A AMENDED ASSESSMENT ROLL CITY 4F SAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO, 94-3 (SiI;VER CREEKIBRIMHALL NORTH/SEVEN 4AKSIS~UTH LAURELGI.EN) COUNTY OF KERN, CALIFORNIA AMENDING EXISTING ASSESSMENT 2793 AND ADDING NEIIU ASSESSMENTS 2812 THROUGH 2.832 CREATED BY R:ECQRDATIGN Q~' TRACT NfJ, 5290-PHASE B ASSESSMENT ANp DfiAGRAM AMENDMENT N4, 93 AMENDED PARCEL ~ TOTAL AMENDED DESCRIPTION / AMENDED ASSESSMENT ASSESSOR'S TAX AMENDED PROPERTY ASSESSMENT NUMBERS NUMBER (ATN)_~~ ___ OWNER NAME AMOUNT 2832 TRACT.N4^5?9Q-PI~A~~ R; l,~T ------- .~_.__,.~_~ASY~E & ~4Q.KE CAL~FQRNIA, INC. $0.00 TOTAL AMOUNT APPORTIONED TO AMENDED ASSESSMENT 2812; $141,966.17 TOTAL: AMOUNT APPORTIONED TO TRACT N0.5290•PHASE B, LOTS 1 THROUGH 17: $48714.65 TOTAL AMOUNT APPORTIONED: $190,680.82 NOTES. 1=Q~ A DET~1I.^Efl DESCPI'PTIQN C?E THE IiNES, DfMENSIONS AND LQCATIONS QF ASSESSMENTS 2812 THROUGH 2832 REFERENCE A SUBDIV1SIt~N MAP FCR TRACT NQ. 5290~PHASE S RECORDED NQVEMBER 5, 1999, IN BOOK 45 OF MAPS, AT.PAGES 73 AND 74, IN THE OFFICE QF THE KERN COUNTY RECORDER. PREPARED BY: WILSON & ASSOCIATES APPROVED: l~'~ ~• w ""'"" EDVIIAR~ J. WII:SON R,~.E, ~32~~ (EXPIRES 12-3~1-01) Q~~~~~~f ~~~~ ~w ,~P Q G ~w ~ ~ N0.23269 ~ ~ EXP,12/31/01 ~ ~ ~,~ CIV1~- ~`~ ~9TE ,,~ p OF ~~~. DATE: ~` ~ ~~~' 29406EXA A-2 11/11/99 EXHIBIT B EXISTING PARCEL, ASSESSMENT ~~~. 2793 I~~SCRIPTION OF EXISTING ASSESSMENT AND NEW PARCELS TQ WHICH THE EX~STINO ASSESSMENT IS TO BE APPORTfONED EY ASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT N0, 93 CITE' OF BAI~ERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO, 94-3 (SILVER ~REEKIBRIMHALL NORTH/SEVEN OAKS/SOUTH LAURELGLEN) AMENDING EXISTING ASSESSMENT 2793 AND A1~DING NEW ASSESSMENTS 2812 T1~1R0[~GH 282 CREATED BY RECORDATION OF TRACT N0.529»~HAS A,T,N. FOR EXISTING ~.E,~~NT ,~.~,. Re~naxnd~r pear Tract No, 529q~i~liase A 1999/2000 ASSESSMENT NUMBER PRINCIPAL, TO BE HOW EXISTING PARCEL OF NEW ,~,,A ,PQI,,~„~T1,~~~,,,~. HA,S $EEN SUEIJIVIDI~D LQTS/l?~~tCEL,~ S 190,68q, 82 Existing Assessment X793 is subdivided by Tract No, ~29Q-Phase B creating 17 single-family residential lots, one private street lot, one landscape lot, one storm drainage basin lot, and one remainder parcel, The total unpaid principal amount for Existing. Assessment 279 is .apportioned to the 1'1 R-1 1Qts and the remainder parcel, The private street lat., the landscape lot, and the storm drainage basin lot are na~t assessed. Existing Assessment 2793 is deleted from the Assessment Roll for AD 943. Tr_ act No,_~290-Phase. B Total Amount to Be Apportioned to New Assessments: $190,b$0.82 a. 1 Remainder Parcel (Amended Asmt, 2812) 1 b, l7 Singlewfamily Residential Lots in TR 5290- l~ (Amended Asmts, 2813 through 2829) 17 c. 1 Private Street Lot (Amended Asmt, 2830) 1 d. 1 Landscape Lot (Amended Asmt, 283I) 1 e, 1 Storm Drainage Basin Lot (Amended Asmt, 2832) ~ Total New Assessed LotslPaxeels 18 Total Non-assessed LotslParcels ,,,~ Total New Assessment Numbers 21 Total Exist. Asmt, Nos. deleted from Roll .,~, Net Change Active Asmt. Nos, on Rall 2Q 1, ~Jnpaid assessment balance apportioned is the balance at the beginning of the 1999/2000 tax year, effective January 1, 1999. 29406EXE ~' 1 " 11/11/99 EXHIBIT ~ DESCRIPTION Ol~ T1~IE PROCEDURE USED TO APPORTION A SNARE ~-~ THIS UNPAID ASSESSMENT PRINCIPAL FOR I~IST1N0 ASSESSMENT 2793 ~` AMENDED ASSESSMENTS 2812 TI~ROUOI~ 2832 CREATED BY RECQRDATION OF TRACT NO, 529o~PHASE B CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 94-3 (SILVER ~REEKlBRIMHALL Nt~RTH/SEVEN OAKS/SOUTH LAURELGLEN) ASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT NO. 13 1, DESCRIPTION ~ E~IST~NO ASSESSMENT 2793: A, Existing Assessment 2793 (hereafter "Assessment 2793 ") is located in the City of Bakersfield, Assessment 2793 was created by Assessment and Diagram Amendment ("Apportionment") No. 92 far Assessment District Igo, 943 ("AID 94-3"), It is described as the remainder arcel P created by Tract Nc~, 529~~Phase A, Assesst~ent 2793 is subdivided by Tract No, 529o-Phase B ("TR 5~9o.E") creating l ~ single-family residential lots, one private street lot, one landsca e , P lot, one storm drainage basin lat, and one remainder parcel. The remainder parcel is assigned Amended Assessment Number ("Amended Assessment") 281 ~. The 17 R-1 lots (Lots 1 through 17 in TR 529o~B) are identified as Amended Assessments 2813 throw _ h 2829, g respectively, the private street lot (Lot A in TR 5290-B) is Amended Assessment 2830, the landscape lc~t (~c~t l~ in TR 5290-B) is Annended Assessmment X831, and the storm drama e basin A ~ lot (Lol C ~n TR 529-~ is Arnende `Assessment 2832. B, Assessment 2793 is located in the Seven Oaks (South) Area of AD 943, hereafter "Seven Oaks South," Seven Oaks South is One of six community areas within AD 943. AD 943 funded improvements and associated expenses that were required to 'be constructed or ex ected to be ,, P required, as oondxt~ons of final snap or site plan approvals ~w~th~~ those six AD 94-3 corinmun~ty areas. All of the in~praven~ents :funded oy AID 94~~, except the Buena vista Road Improvements, were allocated to the comrt~unity area in which they are located, The total cost of the Buena Vista Road Improvements in Sections 6 and 7 was allocated to the Seven Oaks North and South Community Areas. The AD 94-3 Engineer's Report, approved September 27, 1995, describes the Benefit/host Based Method of allocating the AD 94-3 costs for each of the Community Areas. and the Alternate Method of reallocating those costs which was used in determining the Origirlal AID 94M3 Assessmient amounts for each assessed parcel,. The AD 94*3 ~ssessr~ent Spread Method is described in Exhibit D of the engineer's Report and is in conformance Ba~ers~'eld iuncipa~ Code SeCtivn 13.08, lI7'CI~Benefi't Spread, Please see the AD 943 Engineer's Report for a detailed description of the AD 94-3 Assessment S read p Method. By Change and Modification No, 1(Assessment and Diagram Amendment No. 22) certain park improvements. originally planed for construction in the Seven Oaks Area (South) were transferred. tc~ Seven Oaks Area (North), and several parcel assessments (incxuding the area of Assessment 273) were modified at that tune. Please see the AD 94-3 Modified Engineer's Report for a detailed description of Change and Modification No. 1 procedures, C. AD 943 also financed the cost to pay off the remaining principal balances of the existing AD 82-1 assessments and of the existing AD 86-2 Reassessments for parcels within AD 94*3. The Seven Oaks South Con~nrrunity Area properties did not have an existing. Ali 86-2 reassessment 294(1fa1,X'C 1 11111199 balance, Tl~e cost to pay off those e~csting Asscssrnents and Rcassessn~ents for each ATN is included in tl~e total amount e~r~fir~ned to assessment on each of the AD 94-3 parcels and within the total- amount apportioned to tl~e new lots and panels. created by the above-referenced Grant Deed and TR 5290-B, D, The total original assessment principal, as based- on the Amended Assessment Roll for the Second AT~nended Notice of Assessment as modified by Change and Modification No, 1, far Assessment 279 is 21~,4Q3,21, The total unpaid assessment principal for Assessment 2793 (effective January 1, 1999, at the beginning of tl~e 1999/2000 ~'ax 'dear) is $190, 680.82. The total original and unpaid assessment principal aimounts far Assessment 2793 are segregated and apportioned to the parcels in AD 94-3 created by the above-referenced TR 5290-B, as described below, 2. DESCRII'T1~-~1 CF THE PRGCEDI~JRE 1~8ED TG SI~GREGATE A1~D APFQRT1t~N THE C1IGll~A~, AS,ESSMENT AM~I~~T AND 1T'S REM,~INI~' PRINCIPAL 13AI~,ANCE FRAM ASSESSMENT 2793 T~J AMENI~E ASSESSMEI~ITS 2812 THR~}UGH 2$32; A. The total original AD 94-3 Assessment principal for Assessment 2793 is apportioned to the 17 R-Hots, the private street lot, the landscape lot., the storm drainage basin lot, and the remainder parcel in accordance with the As~essrnent Apportionment Method described on page D~ 19 of AD 9`4-3 ~~gineer's l~epo-rt l~~l~ibit D, Description of Assessrrlent spread Method. The Exhibit D Assessment Apporttc~-nn~et~t Method is summart~ed below for reference. 1. when a parcel is subdivided Into a tract phase and a remainder the total original assessment principal amount will be apportioned to the tract phase and to the remainder parcel in direct proportion to their total acreage, The amount so allocated to tl~e new subdivision will be reallocated among the subdivision lots as an equal sham per lot, ~x~cluding landscape and well site lots, parks, or drainage sump lots within the new tract. 3, The remaining principal balance of the original assessment at the time the apportionment is made will then be allocated to each lot and remainder parcel created by the subdivision, in direct proportion to tl~c share of tl~e original assessment principal ammount allocated t4 each new lot as described a`bQVe, B. As shown in AD 94-3 Apportionment No. 61 Engineer's Report., the. portion of Seven Qaks South Area covered by former Assessments .814 and 2103 was planned for development into two future Development Areas identified as follows; Custom IIt and Designer II, The Custom ill 1~evelopl~~errt Area is a sc~ idel~tified as Tract 110.5822 and the Designer lI Development area is identified as Tract Igo, 5290, Since former Assessment 814, identified as former Park No. 3, has been deeded back to the original owner and it is planned, together with a portion of former Assessment 2103, for subdivision into R-1 lots by Tract No. 5290, the design engineer (Martin-McYntosh Engineering) retained by former Assessments 814 and 2103 property owner has provided the Public works Department and Assessment )ngineer for AD 94*3 with the revised plan for phased development of former Assessments 814 and 2103 areas (as described il~ Apportiol~a~ne~~t loo. 92). Devel~pt~~ent Areas listed above are retaining same names, but they are reconfigured based on tl~e typical future lot-sizes and lot product types after the elimination of Park ~Jo, 3 and addition of a storm drainage sump lot in Tract No. 5290,- Two Vesting 29a06EX~ 2 11/11199 Tentative Tract Maps (Nos. 5290 and 5822) covering former Assessments 814 and 2103 (and Assessment 2793) have already been approved by, and are on file with, the Planning Department of the City of Bakersfield, Reference is made to the enclosed "Product. Description" table which was prepared based on the information obtained -from the Design engineer, a1~d wl~icll correspond to the fatal number of future singleµfaznily residential lots shown on the above-referenced proposed tentative. tract maps. Therefore, in accordance with the above described AD 94-3 Assessment Apportionment Method, and the revised phased development of Assessment 2793, the Assessment 2793 total original assessment principal amount has been apportioned among the two new Development Areas in proportion to their acreage as shown in tl~e above-referenced Product Description. As phases of future Tract Nos, 5290 and 5822 .are recorded, each lot within certain Development Area will be allocated equal- perwlot share of the total assessment share for that Development Area, based on the number of proposed single~family residential lots for that Development Area, as shown on the. enclosed Product Description table, or, if modified in the future, based on the number of single~family lots in approved tentative tract maps covering corresponding areas, The Tract No~ S29O~Phase B 17 Single-fa~ily residential lots are a part of the Designer II Development Area, aril the remainder parcel covers al} of the Custom Ill Development Area and the remaining portion of the Designer 11 Development Area. each of the 17single-family residential lots in TR 5290-B is allocated 1152 share of the total original assessment share allocated to the Designer II Development Area (based on the enclosed Product Description table), The reander parcel created by the retardation of TR 5290~B (Amended Assessment 282) is allocated the total assessment share of the Custom ~I~ Development Area (calculated as described above), and the remainder of the Designer II Development Area assessment share (also calculated as described above). The private street lot (Amended Assessment 2830, the landscape lot (Amended Assessment 2831), and the storm drainage basin lot (Amended Assessment 2832) are non-benefited and nonwassessed, Each parcel's total original amended assessment amount shown on Exhibit D, attached to the engineer's Report for this. AD 943 Assessment and Diagram Amendment No. 93, is the new parcel's erignal assesSi~terlt share, and is the amou~at that show#d be used to calculate the Bond Reserve credit the anew lot and ~arccl would receive it the par~cl owner elects to prepay the total remaining.. balance for An~end~d Assessments 2812 through 2832, The apportioned assessment share also includes each new parcel's share of the cost to pay off and refinance the existing AD $2-1 Assessment total amount included in the total original amount for Assessment 2793. l~or a detailed description of tl~e Assessment Apportionment Method see AD 9~-3 engineer's Report l~xhibit D aa~d AD 94;3 Modified Engineer's Report, which are on file with the City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield, 29a~GEXC ~ 11/11199 0 ~. Apportionment of the Remaining Assessment Principal for Assessment 2793 to Amended Assessments 2S 12 through 2~32~ The total unpaid assessment principal amount for Assessment 2793 is apportioned to the new lots and parcels created by the recordation of said TIC 5290-~ in direct proportion to the original Assessment 2793 share apportioned to each new lot and parcel, as shown on Exhibit A, Amended Assessment Roll, attached to the Engineer's Report for this AD 94-3 Apportionment 1\10, 93. P+ar more detailed inforn~atiQn on the Assessment Spread Method used to calculate tlae Assessment 2793 or~ina~l assessment amount, reference is made to the AD 943 Engineer's Report on file in the office of the Public V~orks Director for the pity of Bal~ersfield. e PREPARED BY. Y wILS#~l~' 8 ASD~IATES w ~ ~- ~ B . ~ ~--~-' Date. < < < ~ ~ Y EDW ARD J, wIhS~N, R. C f E, 23269 (EMPIRES 12+31 *O l) ~ ~ . ASSESSMENT EN~~NEER, ASSESMEl1t"T D~STRI~T N0.94-3 29406EXC 4 11111199 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION ~EV~N OAKS QUTH AREA ~AT~1s ~~MO'I ~~~~ ANA 3~3~~1 ~-~1 iTY f~~ AKI~~Il~Q ~-I~Ih1T ~I~T~I-T N~. X4.3 ................._.,. _,....._.....,_...~.._._._.~.._..._..._T._.,.....~_~. .~....._._~_._M....._.._...~..._....w..~..__._,..~_w.._....~_.. , .....,.._r..~_~...._..~_.. .~.....~........,,.~_....~__......_.~....~_,....~.........~~..~..... ~._.. __._...~......:._.~~.,..,._._.,,_...~....,....,.......~~....w ....~ ,..........._..._ D~VEL4PMENT ~ TYPICAL NUMBER ASSESSABLE AREA ~.~T S1E QF ha`CS AREA ~A~7 ;~ ,~ i { ' ~ I ;~ ~~1TCJM III QTR 522} ! ~~ -140 ~~ 1 x.97 Q~~LGNE~ II (TR 5290 ~ 105' X 140' S2 24.59 NOTES: 1, ASS~~SAB~LE AR~A~ EXCLUDE PARK SITES, DRAINAGE SUMPS, WELL SITS, AND MAJdR ~TF2EE~' RIGHT-QF-1NAYS. 2. DATA IN THIS TABLE IS BASED ON THE 1N~ORMATION PROVIDED BY MARTIN-McINTOSH ENGINEERING ON NOVEMBER 1Q, 1999. 294Q5PD 1 11/10/99 ~XM~s~ ~ LISTING OF ORIG1'NAL ASSESSMENT AMOUNTS FOR AMENDE~O ASSESSMENTS 2812 THROUGH 2882 CITY OF SAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.94.3 (SILVER CREEKIBRIMHALL NORTHlSEVEN OAKSISOl1TH LAURELGLEN) COUNTY OF KERN, CALIFORNIA ASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT N0, 93 .... _. TOTAL AMEN(~EQ PARCEL ; ORIGINAL' AMENDED i QESCRiPTION 1 i AMENDED ASSESSMENT ASSESSOR'S TAX ~ AMENDED PROPERTY ASSESSMENT NUMBERS NUMBER (ATN) _~~ __.__„~_mm _,_~ M_~ OWNER NAME AMOUNT 2812 REMAINDER PER TRACT N0, 6290•PHASE S CASTLE ~ COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $158,849,98 2813 TRACT N0.5294•PHASE S; LOT 1 CASTI,~ & C40KE CALIFORNIA,1hIC, $3,161.92 2814 TRACT NO, 5290~~PHASE B, LOT 2 CASTLE ~ COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC, $3,1.61,96 2815 TRACT N4.8290•f'HASE S, LOT 3 CASTLE & COOKS GALIFOR-NIA, INC, $3,161.96 2816 TRACT NO; 5290•P~ASE B; LOT 4 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $3,161,96 2817 TRACT N0.5290-PHASE B; LOT 5 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC, $3,161,9$ 2818 TRACT N0.5290-PHASE B; LOT 6 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $3,161.96 2819 TRACT NO, 5290•PHASE B; LOT 7 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA,. INC. $3,161.96 2820 TACT NO.5290•PHASE B; LOT 8 CASTLE. ~ COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $3,161.96 2521 TRACT NO, 5290;PHASE B C.OT 9 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $:3,161,95 282.2 TRACT NO, 5290•PHASE B; LOT 10 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $3,161,96 282'3 TRACT 1V0, a29D•PHASE S, LOT 1'1 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, iNC. $3,16:1;96 2824 TRACT N0, a29.0•PHASE B; -LOT 12 CASTLE & COOKS CAL1F'ORNIA, INC. $3,161,96 2825 TRACT NO, 529Q-PHASE B; LOT 13 CASTLE ~ COOKS CALIF'QRNIA, INC. $3,161,96 2826 TRACT N0, 529Q•PHASE 6; LOT 14 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $3,161.96 2827 TRACT N0.5290•PHASE 6; LOT 15 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $3,161,96 2828 TRACT NO.529~-PHASES; LOT 15 CASTLE 8~ COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC, $3,161.96 28.29 TRACT NO, 5290•P'HASE S; LOT 17 CASTLE & COO~E CALIFORNIA, INC. $3,161,96 2'83Q TRACT IVO, 5299•PHASE S; LOT A CASTLE ~ COOKS CALII~ORNIA, INC. $O,Oa 2831 TRACT NO.529a,PHASE B; I.C~T B CASTLE & COOKS. CALI~'ORNiA, INC, $O,ad 2832 .~_~,____ _.__._.._ TACT N0.529U~PWASE 6, LOT .__.._......_.~w..~..a... ...~~..~~..~_,_._~.._ C _._.~~.._.,... CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. .~._..,~..~.~,~_...._._....~~~.............,....~ $O,a4 T(71'AL QRIGINAI AMOUNT APPORTIONED TO AMENDED ASSESSMENT 2812: $156,Ga9,93 TOTAL ORIGINAL AMOUNT APPORtION~D TO T~iACT NO, 6290•PHASE B~ LOTS 1 THROUGH 17: _ $53 753,28 TOTAL ORIGINAL AMOUNT APpORTIONED~ $214,4Q3,21 NOTE; THE ORIGINAL ASSESSMENT AMOUIuTS SHOWN IN TFII~ TABLE AR'E BASED ON THE AMOUNTS AS PER AMENDED ROLL 1=OR THE S~CONp AMENDEp N01'1CE OF ASSESSMENT FOR ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO, 94-3 AS AMENDED 8Y CHANGE ANO MODIIICATION N0.1 (ASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT N0, 22) fOR AD 94.3, 2~40~E~ p•1 11111/9 ... . ~''~ ~ r ~a a ;~ ~ ~+ C5 ~~~~ W I ~~ ~ ~ ! ~ "~v. r~ a0„ ~ '~ ~ ~w~- Z WIC ~ 'r+u a Oti ~ I~ ~;~ I N ~W d ~ ,c;a ~0 ~7~~v ! ~,.., ~ Ud w Ci t N~4p r~ f>. ~Up4~]~~~ ~~ C„? 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N1~My wrr ~ flb~~' 6'~SIt4 dN~l~~f ;~~...~ I~ i ,y 1' W Y x ~~ ~ N ~ r N .~.~y„' ~' ~ ~ M ..-...,_.~..z..... m V N ~ ~ • d N ER ,~ ~~ ~ ~ h w ~~ ~ ~ 0 Q ~ O ~> MUNICIPAL BOND FIN~r~NCING y~ • foR LAND DtVELQPMENT ~ ~liSQri AND COMMUNITY FACILITIES CIVIL ENGINEER PROJECTS ~ • CE 23269 ~i~,~~~ & ~ss~~lat~s FRANCES SQUIRE 4221 VIIEST $I~RRA MAp:R~, QUITE 2Q1 COMMWNITYR~LATIQNS 5PEGIALIST F'R~SIVQ, CALIFQRNIA 93722 «~~~ z~~•~4a~ ~ERTTFIED MAIL -.RETURN R.EC~IPT REQUESTED 1 ~ ~T ~ I I I II I II !~ ~ I ~~ I~ ^I ~~ \1~1 November 10, 1999 29406 Sutra ~ ~o. 201 Qalifornia Street San Francisco, GA 94111-9096 Attn.; Robert L. Williams, Jr,, Vice President. Public Finance R~: Assessment Apportionment No, 93 for ~a,ty of Bakersfield Assessment district No. 94~~ Segregating and Apportioning Existing Assessment 2793 pursuant to the Subdiva.sion of the Property by TRAeT NQ. 5~9Q-PI~.ASE B Creating New Assessments 2812 through 2832 Gentlemen; Transmitted herewith is ~ "Not~.Ce tQ Bondho3.der" form giving your firm notice that assessment apportionments have been requested by da.strict property owners, The.. Arnen~ed Assessl~ent RQII and Amended. Assessment Diagram for this appo~tionrnent _. have been prepared by the Superintendent of Streets for the City o~ Bakersfield. A copy of the Amended Assessment Roll is attached as Exhibit A to the Notice to Bondholder. A copy of the Engineer's Report on this Apportionment No. 93 is also enclosed providing a description of how the referenced asessment has been subdivided.. A reduced, not to scale copy of the Amended Assessment Diagram for Apportionment No, 93 ~.s attached to the engineer's Report. ,W~ wou~.d l,ik~e to record tha.s apportionment as soon as possible, Accordingly, a draft ~.etter is enclosed for your reva.ew that waives Sutra's 14~day period to request a hearing on this assessment apportionment. If this apportonmentlis acceptable, would you please place the enclosed letter on Sutro & Co,, Inc. letterhead, and send the signed letter to Marian Shaw at Bakersfield Public Works for processing, ~f you have an.y questions an the enGiosed assessment apportionment information, phase call me~ Very truly yours, Ed Wa.lson W~:lson ~ Associates) E; Enclosures cc; Samuel Sperry Marian Shaw 94-3 11/10/99 NOTICE TO BONDHpI~DER DIVISION' OE LAND AND ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT AND i~I~AGRAM AMENDMENT N0. 93 CITY CE BAKERSF~ELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N4. 94-3 AMENDING EKISTING ASSESSMENT 2793 TO ADD NEW ASSESSMENTS 2$12 THRQUGH 2832 N'CTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to you as the original purchaser of the bonds issued by the CITY DE BARER:S~'IELD, to represent the unpaid assessments relating to the acqusition:and construction of certain public improvements in art asessrnen~ district known and designated as ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NU. 94-3, Said bonds were issued pursuant to the terms and provisions of the "Improvement Bond Act of 1915," being Division 10 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California. NOTICE IS HEREBY' GIVEN that an apportionment has been requested by the ~~'QPe~'ty owiner 4 s) ,and prepared by the Superintendent of Streets of the unpaid asses rents relating t~ the assessments and parcels as shown on EHTBTT ~, ''AMEND~S~ ASSES;SMEN'T ROLL" for skid district attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that unless a request for a public hearing is received from .you. within fourteen (14) days from the date of mailing of tha.s Notice, the above-referenced amended assessment shall be recorded in the manner and form as required by law, Tf a request for- hearing is received, a report sha~.l be fi~,ed and a hearing shall be scheduled, noticed and held in accordance with Part 10 (commencing with Section 8730) of said Division 10. If you have any further questions, please contact the undersigned at the following address: Raul N! , ~o~ as Public Worl~s Director C~TX QF BARERSFIELD 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301 (661) 326-3724 This procedure is pursuant to the provisions of Part 10.5 of Division 10 of the Streets and ~i~hways Code of the State of California, the "Improvement Bond Act of 1915.." .~ DATED: Superi ndent o treets City of Bakersfield State of California EXHIBIT A AMENDED ASSESSMENT ROLL CITY OF 6AKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.94-3. (SILVER CREEKIBRiMHALL NORTHISEVEN OAKSISOUTH LAURELGLEN) COUNTY OF KERN, CALIFORNIA AMENDING EXISTING ASSESSMENT 2793 AND ADDING NEW ASSESSMENTS 2812 THROUGH 2832 CREATED BY RECORDATIOI~J OF TRACT N0.5290-PHASE B ASSESSMENT AND [~IAORAM AMENDMENT N0. ~3 AMENDED PARCEL T TOTAL AMENDED DESCRIPTION / AMENDED ASSESSMENT ASSESSOR'S TAX AMENDED PROPERTY ASSESSMENT NWMBERS NUMBER (ATN) OWNER NAME AMOUNT EXISTING ASSESSMENT 2793 IDENTIFIED AS A REMAINDER PARCEL CREATED BY TRACT N0. 5290-PHASE A) IS ~UEDIVIDED SY TRACT NO. 5290-PHASE B (TR 529O~B), CREATING 17 SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL (R-1) LOTS, ONE PRIVATE STREET LOT, ONE LANDSCAPE LOT, QNE STORM DRAINAGE BASIN LOT, AND ONE REMAINDER PARCEL, THE REMAINDER PARCEL IS ASSIGNED AMENDED ASSESSMENT NUMBER 2812, THE 17 R-1 .LOTS (LOTS 1 THROUGH 17 IN TR 5290-8) ARE AMENDED ASSESSMENTS 2813 THROUGH 2829, RESPECTIVELY, THE PRIVATE STREET LOT (LOT A IN TR 5290-8) IS AMENDED ASSESSMENT 2830, THE LANDSCAPE .LOT (LOT B IN TR 5290-8) IS AMENDED ASSESSMENT 2831, AND THE STORM DRAINAGE BASIN LOT (LOT C IN TR 5290-B) IS AMENDED ASSESSME~JT 2832, THE TOTAL ASSESSMENT PRINCIPAL AMOUNT FOR EXISTING ASSESSMENT 2793 IS APPORTIt~NED TO THE 17 R-1 LOTS IN TR 529Q-S AND THE REMAINDER PARCEL. THE PRIVATE STREET LOT, THE LANDSCAPE LOT, AND THE STORM QRAINAGE BASIN LOT ARE NON-BENEFITED AND NON-ASSESSED. THE -TOTAL UNPAID ASSESSMENT PRINCIPAL FQR EXISTING ASSESSMENT 2793 (EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 1999, AT THE BEGINNiNG-OF THE 1999/2000 TAX YEAR) IS $190,680.82. THE TOTAL AMOUNT APPORTIONED TO EACH NEW LOT AND PARCEL IS SHOWN :UNDER THE COLUMN ENTITLED "TOTAL AMENDED ASSESSMENT AMOUNT." EXISTING ASSESSMENT 2793 IS RELETED FROM THE ASSESSMENT ROLL FQR ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.94-3. 2812 REMAINDER PER TRACT N0.5290-PHASE B 28:13- TRACT .NQ. 520-PHASE B; LOT 1 281.4 TRACT NO.5290-PHASE B; LOT 2 2815 TRACT N0.5290-PHASE B; LOT 3 2816 TRACT N0.5290-PHASE B; LOT 4 2817 TRACT N0.5290-PHASE B; LOT 5 2818 TRACT N0.5294-PHASE B; LOT 6 2819 TRACT N4: 5290-PHASE B; LOT 7 282Q TRACT NO, 5290-PHASE B; LOT 8 2821 TRACT NO.5290-PHASE B; LOT 9 2822 TRACT N0.5290-PHASE B; LOT 10 2823 TRACT N0, 5290-PHASE B; LOT 11 2824 TRACT N0.5290-PHASE B; LOT 12 2825 TRACT N0.5290-PHASE B; LOT 13 2826. TRACT NO.5290-PHASE B; LOT 14 2827 TRACT N0, 529Q-PHASE B; LOT 15 2823 TRACT N0.5290-PHASE B; LOT 16 2829 TRACT N0.5290-PHASE B; LOT 17 2830 TRACT N0.5290-PHASE B; LOT A 2831 TRACT N0.5290-PHASE B; LOT B CASTLE & COOKS CAl,1FORNIA, INC. $141.,966.17 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,865.53 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,865.57 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,865.57 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,865.57 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,865.57 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,865.57 CASTLE & CQOKE CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,865.57 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,865.57 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,865.57 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,865.57 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,865.57 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,865.57 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,865.57 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,865.57 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,865.57 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,865.57 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $2,865.57 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $0.00 CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC. $0.00 29406 A-1 11/11/99 EXHIBIT A AMENDED ASSESSMENT ROLL CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.94-3 (SILVER CREEKIBRIMHALL NORTHISEVENOAKS/SOUTH LAURELGLEN) COUNTY OF KERN, CALIFORNIA AMENDING EXISTING ASSESSMENT 2193 AND ADDING NEVI ASSESSMENTS 2812 TI~ROU~hI 2832 CREATED BY RECORDATION OF TRACT N0.529Q~PHASE B ASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT N0, 93 AMENDEDPARCEL --- TOTAL AMENDED DESCRIPTION 1 AMENDED ASSESSMENT ASSESSOR'S TAX i AMENDED PROPERTY ASSESSMENT NUMBER NUMBE~t (ATM) ~ OWNE:R NAME AMOUNT 2.832 TRACT N0.5290-PHASE__B; LOT C CASTLE &._~04K~ CALIFORNIA, INC. -$0,00 TOTAL AMOUNT APPORTIONED TO AMENDED ASSESSMENT 2812: $141,966.17 TOTAL AMOUNT APPORTIONED TO TRACT NO, 529Q~PI~IASE B LOT'S 1 THROUGH 17: $48 714.fi5 TOTAL AMOUNT APPORTIONED; $190,680.82 NOTES, FOR A DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE LINES, DIMENSIONS AND LOCATIONS OF ASSESSMENTS 2812 THROUGH 2832 REFERENCE A SUBDIVISION MAP FOR TRACT N0. 5290-PHASE B RECORDED NOVEMBER 5, 1999, IN BOOK 45 4F MAPS, AT PAGES 73 AND 14, IN THE OFFICE OF THE .KERN COUNTY RECORDER, PFfEPARED BY; 1NIL.SOf~ & ~tSSOCIATES APPROVED: ~ ~ ` ~ ""'" EDWARD J, WILSON R.C.E, 23269. (EXPIRES 12-31-01} ~~pr~'a~~~Nq~ ~~4 C~~ J. INj~s. F~ ~~ ~~ Q W N0.23269 ~ ~ £XP.12/~1/O1 s~ C IVI~ ~~~ 9TH ~1~p~ OF CA . DATE: ~~' ~ ~~,~ 29406EXA A-2 11/11/99