HomeMy WebLinkAboutAD 03-3 Apportionment #3 PM 04-1294 B .~ K E R S F •~„ I E ~,~ L ~ D PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM T0; Connie Walls -Account Supervisor, Finance FROM: ~ Marian P. Shaw -Civil Engineer IV, Subdivisions DATE: July lo, 2006 SUBJECT: Assessment District No. 03-3, Apportionment No. 3, Assessment District No. 03-3, Apportionment No. 4, Assessment District No. 05-1, Apportionment No.1, Assessment District No. 05-1, Apportionment No. 2, and Assessment District No. 05-1, Apportionment No. 3 The Maps and Notice of Amended Assessments were recorded on June 15, 200b, for the above Assessment Districts. A copy of the Notice of Amended Assessments and the Engineers Report is attached for your files. If you have any questions please ask John A. Stinson at 3.592 in the Public Works Department. P:IMEMOS1Financ170.doc James UV. Fitch Assessor-Recorder PATTi Kern County Of#icial ~iecords 6115/2006 Recorded at the request of 2:00 PM City of Bksfld Public Works D 0 C # : Q206146983 Stat Types: 1 Pages: RECORDING REQUESTED BY Fees 13.00 AND FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE Taxes 0.00 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Qthors 0.00 PAID $13.00 WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: __ _. _ CITY CLERK CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 1 S 01 TRUXTUN AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93 3 01 NOTICE OF AMENDED ASSESSMENT AMENDING EXISTING ASSESSMENTS 331 THROUGH 335 IN CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSES5MENT DISTRICT NO. 03-3 COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA (ASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT NO. 3) PURSUANT to the requirements of Section 3114 of the Streets and Highways Code, the undersi ned g PAMELA A. McCARTHY, CMC, City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield, hereby gives notice that an .Amended Assessment Diagram and Amended Assessment Roll (Assessment and Dia ram Amendment g No. 3}for City of Bakersfield Assessment District No. 03-3 were filed and recorded in the office of the Superintendent of Streets of the City of Bakersfield, relating to the following described real ro ert P p Y Reference is made to the map entitled "Amended Assessment Diagram of the Cit of y Bakersfield Assessment District No. 03-3, County of Kern, State of California (Assessment and Diagram Amendment No. 3 ), Amending Assessments 3 31 throu h 3 3 5 g filed with the County Recorder of the County of Kern on ~.. ~S" i?e in Book~~;/ of Maps of Assessment and Communit Facilities Districts at Pages .. y b .~~ through ~~ , for a description of the real property in said Assessment District and the exterior boundaries thereof. Said Amended Assessment Diagram amends the ma « p entitled Assessment Diagram of City of Bakersfield Assessment District No. 03-3," recorded May 4, 2004, in Book 22 of Maps of Assessment and Community Facilities Districts, at Pages 163 through 176, in the Office of the County Recorder of the Count . Y of Kern, State of California. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that upon recordation of this Notice in the Office of the Count y Recorder, the several amended assessments on the lots, pieces, and parcels shown on the Amended Assessment Diagram (Assessment and Diagram Amendment No. 3} of Assessment District No. 03-3 shall become a lien upon the lots or portions of lots assessed, respectively. This. ar~end~nent evidences the co~npletian of statutory proceedings to divide the ~.en of special as~~ssments -previously levied on the parcels of land shown an the Amended Assessment Diagram, to conform with the divisions ~. the parcels themselves. ,Reference is made to said Amended .Assess~-ent Dia~ran~ and Amended Assessment Rah recorded ~ the o:~ce of the Superintendent of Streets of the City of Bal~:ersfield. Attached berate pursuant to the requirements of Section ~'~2~5, ~ of the avern~.ent Code, rn.ared "~xh~.bit A,?' is a copy of the Amended .Assessment Rall, ident~y~ng each new parcel ~~ the amended assessment number shaven an the Amended Assessment Diagram, tabether with. the amount. afa~nended assessment lien levied thereon and the name ar names of the awners of each parcel subs act to such amended assessments as they appear can the latest secured Ca~.nty .Assessor's Ralf, or as known to the undersi~nned, Dated: ~~~s~ ~ ~. PAI~~I~A .A ~cCART:f.~'~, CHIC, City Cler.~ City of ~al~ers~.eid, Mate of California By: E~NlBT A, AMENDED ASSESSMENT' ROLL CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO, 03-~ SEVEN 4AI~51~tEST !!! 1 BRlGHT~3N PLACE 11 ~ FAIRUVAY t~AI~S SQUTH} CflUI~TY flF KER~1, STATE flF CA~.IFflRi~IA AMEND#NG EXfSTING ASSESSMENTS 331 THROUGH 335 AND ADDING NEB ASSESSMENTS 936 THROUGH 939 CREATED BY RECURDAT#QN {7F PARCEL MERGER Nfl. 94-1294 ASSESSMENT ANQ DIAGRAM AMENDMENT NO. AMENdEQ PARCEL TO'fAl AMENDED DESCRiPTEOf~t / AMENOEL? AMENDEt3 ASSESSMENT ~ ASSESSOR'S TAX PFZOPERTY ASSESSMENT NUMBER NUMBER (ATN) OWNER NAME/ADDf2ESS AMOUNT PARCEL MERGER 14.44-1294 ~PMR 04-9294 MERGES ANU RESUBDIViDES EXISTING ASSESSMENTS 331 THROUGH 335 CREATED BY QRIGINAL ASSESSMENT AND D.#AGRA~1 FOR AD 43-3}, GREAT#NG ~ ~fEl~ SINGLE-FAM!#.Y RES#DENTiAL EUTS. THE 4 NEIIV LOTS PARCELS A THRC3UGH D fN PMR 04-9294 ARE ASS#GNED AMENDED ASSESSMENT NUMBERS 936 THROUGH 939, RESPECTft~ELY. THE TOTAL. UNPAID ASSESSMENT PRfNC#PAE AMQUNTS FQR EXISTfNG ASSESSMENTS 331 TNRt3UGH 336 EFFECTIVE JANUARY ~, 24~, AT THE I3EG~NNING aF TI-IE 244fi12447 TAX YEARS ARE $4.44, ~?,514.41, $7,514.41, X7,51(3.41, AND X7',514,41, RESPECTI~fELY. NQTE THAT EX#STING ASSESSMENT 331 HAS BEEN PA#D OFF !N FULL. THE TOTAL COMBfNED UNPAID ASSESSMENT PRlNC#PAL AMOUNT FOR EXfSTING ASSESSMENTS 331 THROUGH 335 #S APPORTIONED Tt3 THE 4 NE1~ RESIDENTIAL LOTS CREATED BY PMR 44-194. THE T~3TA~. AMfl~NT APPt3RT#t}NED Ta EACW NEVU SGT IS SHfl~ UNDER THE COLUMN ~NTIT~D "T~}TAL AMENDED ASSESSMENT AMC~IINT," EXISTING ASSESSMENTS 331 THROUGH 335 ARE DELETED FROM THE ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NQ. 43-3. 938 523-484-51 ~PARCEt MERGER N0.44-1294, PARCEL A~ CASTLE & CflQ1{E CAI.#FflRNIA, fNC X7,510.41 937 523-430-52 PARCEL MERGER N0.04-1294, PARCEL B~ CASTLE & COflKE CAL#FflRNIA, INC $7,514.41 938 523-489-53 {BARGEE MERGER I~1fl. 04-9294, BARGEE C} CASTLE ~ COOKE CALIFORNIA, INC $7,510.41 939. 523-484-54 ~PARCEE MERGER Nfl. 44-9294, PARCEL D) CASTLE & COOKE CALIFORNIA, INC $7,510.41 TOTAL AMOUNT APPQRTfUNED: NQTE: $34,441.84 FUR A DETAILED t~ESCRIPTIt~N flF THE ~.INES, DIMENSIONS AND LOCATIONS OF ASSESSMENTS 93fi THR4?UGH 939 REFERENCE CERTIFICATE OF MERGED FOR PARCEL MERGER NQ. 04-1294 RECORDED JUNE 8, 2405, AS DOCUMENT Nfl. 0245147341 flF OFFICIAL RECORDS, #N THE QFFICE flF THE I~CERN COUNTY RECORDER. PREPARED BY: VUlLSUN & ASSOCIATES APPROVED: ~, WJ.a-~r--- DATE: ~ ~ ~.• t~ ~ea ED~IVARD J. UUILSflN R.C.E. 23269 {EXP#RES 92-31-07} ~~,~tfl~F3SipN ~~ ~~~~ ~~ ~~ ~ `~ fV~. ~3~69 ~' ~ . ~2,/31/4~' ~,~~ C1VIL ~'~~` ~~r 4F BA1~~'~p~ 29fi85EXA A-~ 041Z~}2~4~ D~S~N ~ ~~~~ .~~-~ ~~ ~~ SENT "~~FRa Y .t~-~LtNT BONS AST ~~` Il 1 S)? PA~t.T ~ a. s c~~ D~v~~N ~ o STETS AND ~[I-~'U~A~'S ~C~D~ 0~` Tf~E STATE ~~ CAL~~RNI.A F~. IT +~~ ~~~~ ASSESS~NT D~ST.~T N~. ~~-~ ~~~NTY ~F KERB, STATE ~~ ~A~I~~~:~I~A. ASSESS~~NT ADD D~A.~~ A~~~NT N~. 3 AMND~N~ Ex~STI.~ ASSESS~C~NTS 331 ~~~~H 335 T~ ADD NEB ASSESSC~NTS 93~ T~.t~~J~r~ 939 1. An application has been flied with the Superintendent of Streets of the pity afBakersf~eld by the owners ar interested parties in the referenced existing assessments within pity of ~3a~ersheld Assessment District Na. ~3-3, requesting appor~ianmcnt afthe amaunts remaining unpaid on said assessments in a~ccardance with the pravisians of the ~mprove~nent Bond Act of ~91~. In accardance ~.th said application,, the undersigned hereby appartians to each separate pad of the anginal parcels of land as sham an the Amended Assessment Ball, Gty ofBa~ersheid Assessment Distct No. a3-3, Assessment and Diagram .Amendment No. 3, attached hereto as Exhibit .~ and incorparated herein by reference, the propartianate part of the remaining assessments ~ the same .manner as ~ the land had been sa divided at the thne the origir~ai assessment was made. Dated: \~ ~ By: Superintendent o treets 2. Nance to Bandhalder was n~a%ied by certified .ail to I~BG Rain Rauscher an ~y: a . ~. 3 . Na request for hearing was received from. the bandhalder within fourteen ~ 14~ days franc the date of nailing of the Notice to Bondholder. Aeeardinglys the Amended Assessment Rali and ,An~.ended Assessment Diagrams. far pity of Bai~er~.d Assessment District Nc~. ~3-3 Assessment and Diagram Amendment No. 3 were recorded in the ~.ce of the Superintendent of Streets afthe ~i~y of Bakersfield an ~ ~' ~ ~ , 2~~6. riy: ~°~~//~~/ 24G85COP-P " 4121IQ6 4. ~'he Amended Assessment Diagram for ~it~ of Bal~ersfield Assessment District ~o . 03 -3 Assessment and Diagram Amendment o. ~ was fled with the bounty Recorder of the bounty of Kern on ~' 1 ~ °' , 2~~b, in Boob ~~ of daps of Assessment and. community Pacilit~es Districts, at Pages 1 ~ through ~ .~ BY: LfT~ ~ ~~'-~~ 5. A notice of Amended Assessment for ~it~ of Bakersf eld Assessment District o. ~~-3 Assessment and Diagram Amendment ~o, ~, with a copy of the Amended A.ssessm.ent Roll attached as obit was recorded o~. ~' l ~ ~' Zoob as Document ~ ., .. ~o. ~ ~ C ~ ~ ~' (~ ~ ~"3 ~f D:c~a~ Rerds ~fthe faun Reorder ~fth~ punt ofKern. ~ ~ By ~~ G. A copy of this Certi~.cate of filing with the Bngineer's Report on Assessment and Diagram Amendrnent Via. ~, including ~~bit , "Amen~e~ .Assessment ~.~h," ~t ~~ ~#Description of Existing Assessments,' Bx.bit ~, "Description ofthe Procedure used to Apportion Shares of the unpaid Assessment Principal," Exhibit D, "Fisting of ~r~ginal Assessment Amounts for .ended Assessments,~~ and a red~.ced and. not to scale copy of the Amended Assessment Diagram. attached thereto, were .led Frith the Finance Director far the ~it~ of Bakersfield on. 29d85COF-~' 412116 ~Li~ l'Y1.Lf.~~1 ! ~~~ ~~V ~~.~~ ~~~~i~~~i1V 1 3 ~E ~J . T~ ~~~.T~ l~Ew A~ SEA SN~~T~ ~~ ~ T~R.~~~H ~~ 9 p`~~A1~T T~ ~~~ORD~T~~N ~~' I. app~.cat~c~n has been fed with the ~uper~ntendent of streets of the ~~ of Ba~ers~.eld requesting a segregation and appor~ion~.ent of existing assessments within Assessment District No. ~~ -3, pursuant to the division of the parcels. Z. ~n accordance with said application, the undersigned hereby apportions to each separate part of the original parcels of land the proportionate part of their respective unpaid assessment that would have been deed thereon ifthe parcels had been. so Bided at the tine the or~ginai assessment was made. The undersigned hay assigned a new assessment number to each new parcel, as shown on the mended .~sessment Diagram attached hereto. 3. The existing assessment numbers, new assessment numbers, anal apportioned assessment amounts abased in each case on the unpaid princzpai amount of assessmment e'eetive January ~, ~Oa~, at the beginning ofthe Z(1~~~2~0~1 year} are as shown on J~~~.bit ~, "A~iended .~ssessn~ent .al~,'~ attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. A. description ofthe referenced existing assessments and of how they have been. subdided is in~e~ude+~ in ~hibit , attached hereto. .~ description of the procedure used to apportion the unpaid principals for the referenced existing assessments to the new assessments is included ~ :exhibit ~, attached hereto, and a lisxing of the apportioned share of the original assessments for each new assessment is shown on E~~hibit ~-, attached heret+~. ~xist~i.ng .~ssessmen~s 3 3 ~ through 3 3 S are deleted from the assessment rah for Assessment District ~o. ~~-~. prepared by: w~~~tDN .ASC~~I~TE~ ~.ssessment ~.pportio~n~nent engineer ~y: Q~~~~s~~~~~ ~~~ s~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~io.232~3 ~. Exp.1213~/~7 ~ Edward 1. w~1San, R:. ~.~. ~3 ~~9 ~~xp~res ~ ~-~ ~ -~ ~.ssessrnent ~ng~neer, A.ssessm+~nt District ~. ~3-3 2968SEN'GR~''~~P 4121106 ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~ i ~~~ ~~~~ ~3~, ~~~~~~~~~~'. ~~ TAT. ~~~~ A~~~~~~~ ~1~~'~. Q~ ~~~ ~~~~'~~ ~~~~~~~~~' ~~~ ~~~~ '~ k ~~~ A r ~. ~ a i Y s #~ ~ ~ lw ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ f ~ l iJ ~ iJ~ V ~ ~ q i~ S ~ ' .~ ~ ~ ~ ~ f S ~ ~~ +~,s ~ + e~a e^ ~ ^. p-~ ot~t~~ n~ n f~, ~~ Q ~ a ~~si~"a~i ~i~, J~ ~ TL.3.,. t',t~l..ilti.i'5.,.~ ~ 4 4 ~ • 1T"~~~~VZ'f t';ay`~iAw ~~ ~ s t r~, [ t e +c s K ~ ! al Y r , r ! h • z~ ati ~ t -Ji-ZV~t~~w. ~ LiVV~ i/~lt+`~V~ l~lti to f V d , 6 t 3r. i ~, f r y ^ T iv.'S W+' ~V ~~ jj QQ +.I~tl }} ~~ * #~^ ~a ~1 ~~r 7 t { ~ V~LV~ ~~~'#~\1~~ ~~~ ~ 3 t~~ ~~"`~ ~g I~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~ , ' '~ ~~..~ ~ ~1~ ~ ~ ~l'i~ ~ ~ l ' ~ i~!'7~ #3'11.7 -l ~f~ ~~~ P r T ~I~ ~ y ggg ~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~iw.E \ ~"s ~~_ ~fi i! t~~Y~ ~y ~ ~ ~r p .,~} 3 ~ ~y . ~[ 1~ ~~li~,. ~~~lf \ii 9f ~~ y p y ~, ~k°~p~ i~.°s~ ~V~~L #'t~ii i ~ i tV~~t 1~V3/~V~~~~~ J V tJ~~. ~sJ~" /~t"~"~~,R(.~f~~~#~~i~.(.'V'`'~l ~lVJsb 'ti7`~ ~~~ L~1~yV~~}~{IYi~A~1("~ ~i~'f~~~y{ 3.{.`~.j~~[~f~V'~ {~"~~ }'F~'i~.~++i..}~~{~~f3Vi~7~d 0~j~ ~~~ ~(~~"~{V~(V~~Igf ~S}+T~ }~(/~~~~~i ~y~~}1nf/(~:;fhh3f~.~4 "e2~t~+/~ ~~~~ 1'17#::~~t~~ i ~ ~~ ~~~~~5y~ ~4~ t~~~ ~~/~14~i~~~pr.~t tai{.~= ~i`i ~iV.y, `..~~*{yf ~~i' ~~~i/~yi,~i.~.~^}~tyi i}i~Ff.. ~ ~C.L,F~~~ ~+~.i ~f ~..t'i.E~iY1~9~~f ~\J~ ~lwVV t~F ~ 1a7~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~L/~ ~i'~ l 3~ iJ~~~E.~ ~~ ~d [~ i ~V'~~~ ~.'1Ji.I~Swl Sa PREPAREQ BY: WILSON & ASSt3CtATES APr~Rf}itEi}: L~~-t~.~-~ ~~.: '~~ ~ ~ ~. ~ ~ ~w ~~~ 1 ~~.~~~~ ~~~~a~~ -~ ~~~.~ ~~~~~~ ~ESCRIPTI~N ~E E~STING A~SES~~I~NTS AND NEW PARCELS TO ~~CH THE E~~~TIN~ ASSES~~NTS ARE TC~ EE APP~RTI€~NE~ l~Y A~~E~I~EENT ANTS DIA(~R~ A11~lENl~~'~ Nth. ~ Cl~'~' ~}F BA~E~t~' ~ L~ ASSE~S~~T ~IST~~CT N~~. 03-3 {EVEN 4A~S ~E~T l~I 1 BRI~HTC3N PLACE ~ 1 FAIRWAY C~AK~ so~Txj A1~.1N131N~ E~ISTIN~ A~~E~I~ENT~ 331 THR~IJ~H 335 ANA A~l~1N~ AN.IENDEI~ ASSES~~NT~ 93~ THR~}HGH 939 CREATED BY RECQRI~ATIt~N aF PARCEL I~IER~ER NU. 04-1294 E~~T1N~ PARCEL ~ 2ood12oo7 AS~E~SMENT ;~NH`I~ER AS~E~SMENT .A,. T 1 N. FAR E~STINfi PRINCIPAL T~ ~E HAW ~~TING PARCEL QF NEW NHMBER A~~E~~~NT APPt~RTI~4NED HAS KEEN ~I~IVID~I~ L~T~IPARCEL~ 331 523-480 23 ~Q, 00 332 523-4go ~4 X7,510.41 333 523-4~0-25 X7,510.41 334 523M480w26 $7,514,41 335 523-~~o-Z~' 7,,~1Q.41 Total. Amount to Ee Apportioned to New Assessments: ~30,1141.~4 Parcel IVlerger No. 0~-129 {PM.P. 04-1294j merges and resnbdivides Existing Assessra~ents 331 though 335 into ~ new sgle-family resi~en~al. lots. The total comb~.ed unpaid assessment principal amount fox Existi~~g Assessmes 331 tl~rongl~. 335 is appo~oned to the 4 presidential cats created b~ PI~IR t14-1294. Note that Existing Assessment. 331 leas been paid off. Existing Assessments 331 through 335 are deleted fxom the Assessment Roll for Assessment District No, ~3-3. Parcel Merger No. 04-1294 _____ a. 4 residential lots ~A~nended Assessments 93~ through 939j Total New Assessed LotslParcels Total. New Nom assessed. lotslparcels Total ew Assessment Numbers Total Existing Assessment Nos. deleted from. Roll Net Change Active Assessments on Roll 1.The unpaid assessment balance apportioned is the balance effective 3anuaxy 1, 200, at the beginning of the 2oobl2oo7 tax year. 4 4 4 ~5 -1 29~i85E~B ~ 4(2Ilod ~~~T ~ Dl~~i.PI~T~~.fi ~ ~F TBf ~ PR~~~~~.8 1~SE~ TO APPORT~O~ S~~~S OF Tl ~~P~ ASSESS~E~`1' P~1~~B'ALS FOR E~IST~~ ASS~SSEI~TS 33 ~ T~R.01~~ 335 TO A~~DEI~ AS ~~~ S~1~TS 93 ~ T~.O~r 93 9 CREATED BY RE~ORO.ATION OF PA~~EL ~R~ER 1~0. ~- ~ ~~ CITY OF BAI~ERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT INTO. 03-3 (SEVEN QAKS VU'EST III 1 BRIGHTON PLACE II I FAIRWAY OAKS SOUTH) AS SES S~~T A~ D1At~R~ A~1~1~T ~O.3 1. ~ES~CR~PTIOI~ OF E~[STII~~ .ASSESSI~ETS 331 ~0~~~ 335: .A. Existing Assessments 33 ~ through 335 ~herea~er ".Assessments 331 through 3~5"} are located .~ the pity of Bakersfield. They were crewed by Original Assessment and Diagram for Assessment District o. ~3-3 ~"AD ~3-3"~. Assessments 331 through 335 are ident~ied as Fern Jaunty .Assessor's Tax lumbers 523-48~-23, 523-48th-~~, 523-48~-25, 523-4$0-~, and 523- 48~-27, respectively. They are also identified as, respectively, Lets 15 through 19 of Tract ~o. 6223-knit 2. Parcel verger ~o. ~4-1294 ~"PAR ~4-X294"} merges and resubdivides Assessments ~ 31 through ~ 3 5 creating 4 new single~:fa~~i.ly residential ~"I~ 1 "~ lots. The 4 new residential lots Parcels A through D in P~ ~4-1294} are assigned Amended Assessment ~u:mbers ~"Amended Assessments"} 93 6 through 93 9, respectively. B. A.ssess.~ents 331 through 335 are located ~. the Seven Oafs west ~~ Area ofA~- ~~-3 ~herea~er "Seven Oafs west ~~"}. Seven Oafs west 1II is one ofthree cam~nunity areas within. AD ~3-3. AD ~3-3 ended the casts to acquire certain i~nproven~e~ts that are required, ar are expected to be r+~quired, to be can~cted as conditions of final neap or siteplan approvals within the three .Ali ~3-3 community areas. A11 of the Seven Oafs west ~ .improvement acquisition costs funded by AD ~3-3 were allocated only to the Seven Oafs west ~I lots and Parcels. The AD o3~3 Engineer's Report, approved .April ZS, 2a~4, describes the n~ethad Qf allocating the AD 03-3 costs to each. assessed Parcel. The AD ~3 -3 Assessment spread Method described in E~bit ~ of the Engineer's Report is in conformance with .~al~ers,~e~d .runic%p~~ ',ode ~'eciv~ ~'3. fl8. fl7~fl~:8en~~ S~r~e~cd Please see the AD ~3 -3 Engineer's Report far a detailed description of the AD ~3 -3 Assessment Spread Method. ~. The fatal original assess~.ent principal amount, as reduced for the lower than anticipated bond issuance casts, for each of .Assessments 331 through 335 is ~~,+~26.44. -The remaining assessment principal amounts far Assessments 331 through 336 ~e~ective January 1, ~2~06, at the beginning of the 2~~6f2~0~~ Tax Year} are ~.~~, '1,51.41, ~,51~.41, ?',51.41, and ~7, 514.41, respectively. dote that Assessment 3 31 has been paid off by its property owner, as desc~.bed below. The total o~.ginal assessment amounts and their remaining principal balances :for Assessments 331 through 335 are segregated and apportioned to the lots created by the above-referenced Pte. 04-1294, as described below. G~~O~L'L1~ 1 ~f ~~! V~ fir. DE~~R~ 1 i~ iJi ~l ~i ~~~'l.r.L'd~~~~i ~~~~ ~~ ~3~.J.3i~i~A~1.~ .f~1 A~~~~~~ ~L OR~+~n'~AL A~~E~~l~[~;~~' A~Nit~~~TS ~~~ ~[~`~~. ~IV'~~G P~~IP.A~ ~3A~.,AN~~S FRD[ A~ ~~~ ~C~i ~ T ~ 3 ~ ~ T~.~~~ 3 3 5 ~"~} ~~~VI~:DED AS ~~~ SI~~E~'~` S 93 ~ A. As described ~ the final AD o3-~ Engineer's Report, all subdivision ~.aps in the seven Oafs west ~~ have been recorded at the tinge original assess~aent for AD 03-3 vas approved. Therefore, the total assessment amount for seven Daks'est ~ vas already apportioned as an equal per ~ .- ~ lot assessment within each of the subdivision ~.aps in seven C~al~s 'hest III. As described above, the property owner of A.ssessm.ents 3 31 through 3 3 5 has paid orf Assessment ~~ ~ re.~~aining assessment principal balance so that the ~ new residential lots created by PMp.. off- ~ ~~4 mould end up with the same assessment amounts as all other residential lots in Tract loo. 0223. ~ . ~ accordance with the .Assessment Apportion~.ent Method described on pages ~-1 ~ and D- ~ ~ of AD o3 -3 Engineer's Report Exhibit D, Description of Assessment spread etl~od, and. the shove-described property owner request, the o~ginal Assessments 331 through 3 ~ ~ total combined principal amount is apportioned to the ~ R-~ lots created b~ ~~~R o~-~2~~ as an equal assessment per nevi R-1 lot. ~. Each parcel's total amended assessment amount shorn on Exhibit D, attached to the Eng%neer's Report for this AD o3-3 Assessment and Diagram A~nendn~ent loo. 3 is the new parcel's original assessment share, and. is the amount that should he used to calculate the fond Reserve credit the ne~u parcel would receive if the parcel owner elects ~o prepay the total remaining balance for Amended .Assessments 93 ~ through 93 ~. D, Apportionment of the Unpaid Assessment Principal Amounts for Assessments 33 ~ through 33 ~ to Amended Assessments 93 6 through 93 9 The total combined unpaid assessment principal amount for Assessments 331 through 33 ~ is apportioned to the new lob created by the recordaon of said. P~ 0~-124 . direr proportion to the original. Assessments 331 through 33 5 shares apportioned to each new lot, as sho~m on l~xhibit A, Amended Assessment Roll, attached to the Engineer's Report for this AD o3-3 Apportiomnent No. 3. For more detailed information on the Assessment spread Method rased to calculate the Assessments ~~ 1 through 3~3 5 original assessment amounts, reference is ~.ade to the AD o3-3 Engineer's Re ort on file p in the office of the Public ~orl~s Director for the pity ofBal~ers~eld. ~~~1~~~1.\LJ~ L 1 a ~vl~..~t~~ ~ A~~t~~~ATE~ Approved hy: Date. ~ l~ 5~ ~J~ ~DARD ~. ~-~~C~~, ~.. C. E. 232~q (ExP~~E~ 1 ~-31-0'1} A~SES~C~NT E~t~~~ER, AS~E~~~E~T DI~TI~~T ~. 03-3 ~9d~5ExC 4!21106 E~H~B~T C~ LISTING QF ORIGINAL. ASSESSMENT AMOUNTS FC~R AMENDED ASSESSMENTS 93~i THROUGH 939 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0, 03-3 ~SE~EN OA~CS PEST ~~~ I SR1I-1TC~N PLACE 111 FAIRU~AY OAI~CS SOI~TH~ COUI~IT'Y QF FERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA ,. ASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT 1~0~. 3 ~-~..~M.w~.~.~. AMENDED PARCEL ~V~ .-~._ ..._.----~_____ TQTA~. AMENDED ~ DESCRIPTION 1 AMENDED j ORkG1NAL ASSESSMENT = ASSESSOR'S TAB PR(3PERT'~ i ;ASSESSMENT Nl1MBER NUMBER ~ATN~ ~ ~ C~1~UNER NAMEIADDRESS AMOUNT __. ---._._..._. 938 523430-5~ ~PAR~CE~. MERCER Na. ~4-~2g4r 1~ARCEL A~ CASTLE & C£1t~~ CA~.IFQRN~A, ANC $B,O~fi.44 937 523-~~4-~52 PARCEL MERCER 1~C~. 044-294, PARCEL S~ CAST~.E ~ C~~3~E CA~.1Ff~RN6A, ANC $~,0~6.44 933 5.23-480-53 ~I~ARCEL MERCER NO.04~1294, PARCEL. C~ CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA,INC $8,025.44 ..w939 523-480-54 PARCEL MERGER NO.04-294, PARCEL D~~ CASTLE & COOI~E CALIFORNIA, INC $8,028.44 TgTA~. OR1C~I~A~ A~Q~NT APPQRTIQNED. $3~~~05.76 29685EXD D-1 041191005 M WQ r~z3Qr Od~ w W ~ GO ' r0 ~~' a ti o I ~ I w W p 01W~~¢Z ti~'~ z~Q~r Opr U~p.~?t0 z ~` ~UO i Z`lUT~ i Wwa Z I~~NO~~a I w~ # sae ~ .. ~ F ~ ~ ~y ~ I ow °Qp--~ ~Za~ ~~~° pw ~OwQUcNV~v } ! av ~ ~ ~ a ~., ~ .~ O ow =° r ~. 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Z 1 L.L. 1 1 ; 1 ~ .1 O- O_ r - 1 --~ 1 z _ I ~` , 1 I 11 I I - ` I I 1 I 1^ I (~+/~~ ' I 1 1 f~ 4 ! 1 ~ 1 (1 ' I i I~ , U 1 ~I Q, O I O I I 1 ,~~ = 1 __ ~Q~.1 Ir-____- ~ --- 1, ~..4 ~ , ~ I 1 I 1~ 1 , I ` N~~aQ Y I 1 I I~ , ~ ~~~\ry~/~^~~J]~y~yT 1 J ~r~--r---~~ ~ 1 1 1 1 ,szszl I ' ~ i~ ~ ~ ~ , h 4 ui 0 O N q} d' ~ W w Q Z ~ ~ F o a W ~ d N ~ ~ W ~ a o 0 ~. °° rn ~ N ,Q I ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ o ~ a W a ~ a w ~ U w a~ w ~ as ~ ~ ~~ ~ W to ~ ~ ~ W~ ~ w gd N ~ a ~ ~ o ~z ~ Z UW O a ~U ~ a w0 w ~ Ua Y N ,,~~ , a /~~~r~ ~ d,"` yoN ~3 w g ~ 1 ~ ~ > U ~, ~o 6 ~b Z " ~y~~ W ~!~ ~~~ 0 ti L ~l o~ CJ ~ ao ~'~} ~1 0 0 ^'1 ~~ A p ~ OO ~ ~ 0 ~TT~ D~ BA~ERS~TET;T3 RE, AS SES -J~~NT TATS 1 i.~~ ~,1. ~1~ "'J ~ AS ~~~ 5~1 ~t ~ ~~ lITAV ~~.I~LLVT ,~~u~. ~t.V~Vlii~~ ~~.!> ~ . APPT~T~ATTC~N CDR SE{~RE~iATTDN A~1D ,A~~'~RTT~QNENT ~F ExTSTTN~ ASSESSMENTS p`TJRS~A~T TD PART I4.5 t~F T~~vTSTDN lo; STREETS ADD T~]~v.A~S ~tJDE D~ ~:~ STATE D ~ALTFDR~~.A., °~~ ~RDVE~ENT ~~ AST ~~" 115. R.eal~~s~tes ~~'A~~l~cation~~ T. ~ET~EST ~~~ AP~t~RTTDNENT D~ ExTSTTN~ ASSESSMENTS ~3 ~ T~~3TJ~T~ 33 5, ~i~~RE SAID PARCELS NAVE BEEN S~BT~TVTDET) BY ~ARCETI NTER~ER N~. off- I ~9~. TT. A~EPTAN~E ~3F .AS SES SET APP~RTTDNMENT PR~~EDDRE, AT'~ER DF NDTI~E AND ~~~1N~ T~REt~N, AND REC~t~EST TO RE~DRD A~JENDED ASSESSMENTS. A~~licat~a~n: I. REQUEST FOR APPORTIONMENT C?F THE UNPAID ASSESSMENT PRINCIPAL AMOUNTS FROM EXISTING ASSESSMENTS 331 THROUGH 335 IN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WHERE SAID FARGELS HAVE BEEN SUBDIVIDED BY PARCEL MERGER NO. 04- i 294. The undersigned is the owner and subdivider of existing Assessments 33 ~ through 335 ~"A.ssess~nents 33 l through 3 ~ S~'~ which were subdivided b~ Parcel verger No. 04- T 29~ ~"~'M~. o4-T~~~~'~, creating ~ nevi single-fan~il~ residential lots, and is the owner of all lots crewed b~ said P~J. 04~ I ~94..A description of said existing assessments, the total aTnount of the unpaid assessment principal balance effective January T, ~oob~ and a descri Lion of p hove said parcels have been subdivided are included ~ Engineers s Report Ex~~bit ~, Description of Existing Assessments ~ ~t~r of Bal~ersfield Assessment District No. 0~~3 thereinafter "AD ~~~3'~}, attached hereto aid incorporated herein by reference. As the original owner and subdivider of the referenced existing assessments and the owner of the aforesaid lots created by F Q4~1294, the undersigned hereby request the Superintendent of Streets for the pity of Bakersfield to apportion. the amounts remaining unpaid on Assessments 33 ~ through. 33~ in accordance with the provisions of the Tn~provement Bond Act of T ~~ ~. The unpaid~principal amounts for said existing assessTents as shown an Exhibit B, have been apportioned to each. separate part of the original parcel of land comprising the existing assessments in the amounts as sham. on Exhibit ,A, Amended Assessment Roll attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. 7~685CG.APP-P ` ~ " 4/21106 1~. ~cc~p~r~vc~v~~ss~ss~r~~o~~r~a~~PR4c~~~~Q~s~ TO RECORD AMENDED ASSESSMENTS. ~ have reviewed ~.i~bit ~ ~~}escription of Assessment Appartion.ent Procedure} included in the attached Engineer's Report, describing the procedure used to apportion shares of the unpaid assessment principal amounts fur A.ssessn~ents ~ 3 ~ thrt~ugh ~ ~ ~ in A~ ~3 -~ to the lots and parcels created 'by the recordation of said PMR ~4-294. Pursuant to a revie~r a~f Exhibit ~, the undersigned has determined that the amended assessment amounts shc~~. on said Exhibit A. have been apportioned in accordance with the henehts the parcels mill receive from the improvements financed b~ AD o3-3, based on current parcel coning and with proposed. uses. ~"heref~re, the undersigned awes notice and hearing before the fit ~~uncil on this assessment apportionment, accepts the procedure used for the requested apportionment of the principal balances for said exist~.g assessments, and requests and consents to the recordation of the apportioned assessments on the properties far ~rhich the undersigned is listed as owner an the accompan~ng Exhibit A, and to the amended assessment an~.ounts shown thereon. submitted by, ~ASTL,E & ~~t~~E ~AL~~~ ~~., a California Corporation, owner of fats created b~ Parcel Merger ~I o. ~~- ~ X94 By V 1 ~Q !it//~(yQ~ Dated: ~/~~ /Qy , 2006. Attachment: Engineer's Report an Assessment Apportionment ~o. 3 2gG8S~:C.A~'~' P "~" 4121106 E:RE~ATQ~ ~~-~ APP~RTI~~~~T CAP A~E~~~E~'~ ~~~ A~~E~ET A: ~IA~RA~ A~1~Tl~E~T 1~C~. 3 ~T ~~ B~:PE~,~ A~E~~~T ~T~T ~. 03- ~~~~-~ EST A~SE~~~ETS 33 ~ T~.~H 335 T~ ~~EAT`E ~~ A SEA ~~E~TS 93 ~ T~R.OI~Cr~[ 93 9 P~JR.~AN~T T~ ~EC~JR~ATIC~N ~~` PA~~~~ ~~~~ ~. o~li2~4 I. An applic~.ti~n has been bled with the superintendent of streets of the ~~ of Bal~ers~.eld requesting a segregation ar~d apportionment of existing assessments wzthin Assessment district No. 03 -3, pursuant to the division of the parcels. Z. ~n accordance with said application, the undersigned hereb~r apportions to each separate part of the original parcels of land the proportionate part of their respec~~e unpaid assessment that would have been levied thereon ifthe parcels had been so di~icled at the time the original assessment was made. The undersigned has assigned a new assessment nurhber to each new parcel, as shown on the Amended Assessment diagram attached hereto. 3. Thy existing assessment nu~:bers, new assessment numbers, and apportioned assessment amounts abased in each case on the unpaid principal amount of assessment effective ~anuar~ ~, ~oo~, at the beg~~ng of the ~00~12~07 tai dear} are as shown on Exhibit A, "Amended Assessment ~.all,'~ attached hereto and incorporated herein b~ reference. A description of the referenced existing assessments and of how they ha~ie been subdivided is included in E~~ribit B, attached hereto. A description ~f the procedure used to apportion the unpaid principals for the referenced existing assessments to the new assaessments is included ~n Exhibit ~, attached hereto, and a listing of the apportioned share of the original assessments for each new assessment is shown on E~bit ~, ~.ttaehed hereto. Exist~.g Assessments 33 ~ through 335 are deleted from the assessment rob for Assessment ~3istrict o. 033. Prepared b~: w~LSC~~ A~~C~~IA.TES .Assessment Apportionment Engineer B~: ~~RO~E~~,'~ ~l~~ ~~~ ~i ~~4 ~' ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~ Nv. ~32E9 ,~ Exp.1~~'31,~1~' ~ ~~9~.» Ci~1 ~~~~ Edward J. w~ilson, ~.~.~. ~32~9 ~Exp~res 1~-31-0~' Assessment Ez~gir~eer, Assessment district o. !~3-~ S -t~=~ 296&S~N'~RPT-P 4121146 ~~~~~ ~~ r p8 }~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ F'af ~~ 8~~~~I~~D l~e,S~~SS~i~iT ~tt7~~~~ts f ~~. 61~~3 ~~~~ ~ ~~~ ~~~ ~ ~fysy~~~~q}}~~ ~Qq -yam}}-~~ ~.~ ~ ~p}~7}q{ ~~~.y#~ty~ty~5 ~ _.___,...._........_~.,.. _.___......_...~__.~_~...._.....~.._....T._..~~.._ _._..... s~~}}ri}}~~ ! T 3~t~I~ ~,7~i ~~~~~~°°-~r~i~~~i~.# i ~~~t~~¢ ~~ ~~~t~ ~~~t7~,q~~~t~~+ ~g ~~~ ~~~~~~~^+~7 ~'~.~+t'~i ~tt7p~.~~ .~~~g{{ ~-~r~7:Y1~! ~ti s~~ ~,7~?~ ~[~~~:~"~ ~ ~~~t.r~6 ~ ~~'St~~ i i~zy~s~z ~ ~"'~ ~~I~E~t~' ~~ !~ ~~~ i,~ ~~~:~ {'~ t~' .#.~~{'~ eS ,~.~t t y l~~~,pp~~~~~ f, ~T~~~~~ ~.e~~~##~ y~~,~,~~; ~~~.s~~~l.{~. e~~ft~~+. t~~~~~~~~~~k~~ ~t'! ~1~~.~~i~n~I~ ~s ~#~"~~J ~e~~ ~~~,~~ ~~~ ~~ ~LFL~. '[ #' ~~ ~i~~~ ~~1 ~;~~ ~~G~~~~~ i ~~i~8~is#~"'~~. ~'..st.,7t~ i ~i~~ ~~'~3'~t~ 1~t~~~3~1C~~ J I b ~t~~~~ ~~~ ~~~ €°:'~~~`Z'p si--1'~~1 ~u~~~~rf?~ ~ ~~ 1~ ~ ~~~ ~r~~~ ~ ~~ #it~. ~~.. s ~ j i.r~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ i33~~ ~f'1€~i~V~t~i~l~. ~i'~lV ~3v~~~.''~k~ Q ~ ~ C i r ~ } ~ ~w p t { ~ ~ r ~ ~ ~ ~+~ ~SS [ ~i~.~ ~~~ 3 ~. Ei~ ~~t ~ ~ r~ ~ ~+~i ~s ~ np + /"la?~ ~ k.,+ V ~. ~ ~ ~ ~i ~~ ~ ~t ~tV[~.s e~~ ~~~ .~~ ~ f ~ S~}~ { ~V1.! {~ ~y `~ ~',( ~Ry { j ~ ~g~~.~q gS; g +¢ y~ iai.~V~ ~il~~ ~~1/i...i i itl~ ~~~? ~~.Vl~#. ~~ p ~/ ~ /y } lg ~~0 '~ g ~~ ~9.i'4~~ ~.I~L.7! Y~~R 's.~ ~~ y { ~ F j~il.~~ ~~ i ~~ J`i~~i.il4i~ ~f ~~11'I1'lfa ~~~~~~~.~°3' ~~ i ~. ~~ ~ ~ ~P~~~3~~.~: ~~ ~~ . ~ ~ Via. ~~~~9 ~ ~~~~~ ~ ~~ ~ '~ ~~~~~~ ~-~ ~~~~~~~~~a EX~iIBIT 8 DESCRIPTION OF E~1ST'G ASSESS~N i S ANl3 NEw PARCELS TO t~tIHCH THE ~?~STING ASSESSMENTS ARE TO EE APPORTIONED B'~ ASSESSMENT AND I~IAG~,A A114END~T ~, ~ CITE' OF BAKERS.~Ll3 ASSESS:~NT 131STRiCT ~~. ~3-3 (SE'~EN OAKS WEST III I BRIGHTON PLACE ~ ~ FAIRWAY OAKS SOUTH) ADDING STING ASSESS~NTS 33 ~ THROUGH 335 ANI3 AI~~ING A1~ENDED ASSESSMENTS 93~ THROUGH 939 CREATED BY RECORDATION OF PARCEL ~IER.GER NO.04-1294 EXISTING PARCEL ~ 2~0~12~~7 ASSESSMENT ,:NUER ASSESSMENT A.T.N. FOR EXISTING PRINCIPAL TO BE HOw EXISTING PARCEL OF NBW NUMBER AS~F~~ : T A1'"P~RT1(3F.~3 HAS BEES HB~I~.E:~ LOTSIPARCELS 331 523-4~~-23 ~4.~0 332 523-48~-24 ~7, 51.41 333 523-48~-25 ~7,51~.41 334 523-4$~-2~ ~'~, 51.41 335 523-45~ ~~ ~~,51~.41 Total Amount to Be Apportioned to New Assessments: ~3Q,1~41.~4 Parcel lUlerger Na. 44-1294 ~'- ~4-1294} merges and resub~livides Existing Assessn~ent~ 331 through 335 into 4 new s~gle-1`a~l~ re~lclential lots. The total combined unpaid assessment principal amount far Ex~~:ing Assess~aents 331 through 335 is appor~aned to the 4 residential. lots created b~ PMR ~4-1294. Note ~.t Existing Assess~e~ 331 has been paid. off. Exiting Asses~nents 331. through 335 are deleted from the Assessmeent Roil for Assessment District No. ~3~3. Parcel Merger Na. 44-1294 w~+`+. Y a. 4 residential. lots {Amended Assess~nent~ 93+~ through. 939} Total New Assessed LatslParcels Total New Non assessed 1ots~parcels Total dew Assessment Nbers Total Existing Assessment Nas. deleted from. Roll Net Ch~~.ge Active Assessments on Rau 1. The paid. assessment balance apportioned is the balance effective January 1, 200, at the beginning of the 20~~120~7 tax dear. 4 4 0 4 „~5 ..1 29b85L~XB '~ ~I2U~b 1 L. ~~#3ia'~ i VN X91' .t ~..L,~:r ~li~'4.~~~~.~~~r t~~ED T~ aPP~DRT~~3N ~~A~ t~P ~`~. ~NP~ a.~~~~SJCNT P~.IN~~iI'ALS FC}~. E~~T~N~ aS~~SS~NTS 33 ~ TI-~.~~~H 335 T{~ A~IND~r~ ~ ~~ ANT ~~ b T~R.~+ 93 9 C~AT~D B~ R~~O~.ATIQN ~~ P.~r~.~E~, ~~~~~. N~. 04- ~ ~~ I CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 03-3 (SEEN OAKS WEST III 1 BRIGHTON PL~4CE II / F~WAY OAKS SOUTH} A~SES~[~NT ~iN~ D.~~~ a~~~NT N~. 3 1. D~SCP-Il'TI~N ~F EST~N{~ AS SAS S~I~NT~ 3 ~ 1 '~~~}~ 3 3 5 ~.. Existing Assessments 3 3 ~ thraugh 3 3 5 thereafter "Assessments 3 ~ ~ through ~ 3 5"~ are iacated in the ~~~ of akersheid. They were created b~ +Qriginal assessment and ~iagrana. far assessment District No. X3,3 ~"A~ a3-~"~. ~.ssessn~ents 33 ~ thra~gh ~ 3 ~ are dented as Fern ~Caunt~ assessar's Tax Numbers 523-48~-23, 523-48a-24, 523-48~w25, X23-48~~~b, and 523- 48~-2'7, respecti~re~~. They are also identified as, respecti~el~r, dots 15 through ~ ~ of Tract Na. 6223W~~ait 2. Parcel Merger No. 44-1294 ~"PAR a4-X294"~ merges and. resubdi~~des Assessments 3 3 ~ through ~ 3 5 creating 4 new single-fay residential ~"R_ ~ "~ fiats, The 4 new residential dots ~Parceis A thra~ugh i3 in P~ ~4- ~ 294} are assigned .mended assessment Numbers ~"amended Assessments"} 93~ through 939, respecti~el~. B. Assessments 331 through 335 are iacated in the seven ~aks't~est ~ Area ofA~ ~3-~ ~herea~er "even Oaks west ~I"}. ~e~en oaks west ItI is one of three com~nunit~ areas within .AI) a3-3. A ~3-3 ended the costs to acquire ceain hnproven~ents that are required, or are expected to be required, to be constructed as conditions of .nai neap ar site plan ap~pravals within the three .~ a3-3 cam~nunit~ areas. a~i of the seven Oaks west ~ improve~aent acquisition costs funded b~ A~ ~3-3 were allocated only to the seven teaks west ~ Iots and. parcels. The a~ 03-3 Engineer's ~.epart, approved Apra 2~, 204, describes the method ~f allocating the AD 03-3 casts to each assessed parcel. The A~ 43-3 Assess~:ent spread Cethod described in :~~hibit D of the .Engineer's ~.eport is in conformance with .$acJrs~ie~d .~funicapa~ ~o~`e~ ,~ec~iv~ :~~. ~8. ~~~~~e~n~~i~ S~reacd. Please see the aD 03 -3 Engineer's deport far a detailed descri~tian of the AI3 a3-3 .Assessment Spread ~ethvd. ~. The fatal ar~.nal assessrnent principal amount, as reduced far the lower than anticipated band issuance casts, forty each of assessments 33l through 335 is ~~,a2b.44. The remaining assess.ent principal amounts far Assessments 33 ~ through 33d ~e~ective ,Ianuar~ ~, 2006, at the beginning of the 2€106~20~? Tax dear} are ~0.0~, ~'~,510.4, ~',5~13.4~, ~'~,5~0.4~, and ~7, S 14.4 ~, respectively. Nate that Assessment 3 3 l has been paid off b~ its property owner, as desc~.bed below. The fatal original assessment a~naunts and their remaining prncipal balances for Assessments 3 3 ~ through 3 3 5 are segregated and apportioned to the lots created by the aba~re-referenced Ply. 04- ~ 294, as described below. ~~~ssExc j ~~zzro~ L. ~~S~R~ 1 ~V i.~~ T~ ~~V ~lr~~l.l~J~L~.#.i ~7~~ ! ~ 1~71iiJ~V~T~ ~~1~ 1" ~1i 1 ~V Tl. lli VR~V~ ~~~~~~~Y.L~~ ~~T ~~V 1~~t,~ ~~~ T~i~ 1V.'rlYi~~~l~~~l ~l! .k ~~t,~lt ~.F1LL~a.L y l~Li~ ~'~~~ AS SAS S~~T S 3 3 ~ T:~R~DU~~ 3 ~ 5 T~ A~~~ED ~.~ SAS SIC~TS 93 ~ T:~IR.~U~~i 939:. ~. As described in the final AD ~3-3 engineer's Reporta all subdivision ~.aps in the Seven Oafs west ~~~ have been recorded at the time original assessment far AD D3-3 was approved. Therefore, the total assessment amount far Seven Dabs west ~[ was already apportioned ~~ an equal per ~.-1 fat assessment t~.n each o~the subd~v~s~on .maps in Seven ~1as Wiest ~I. ~.s described above, the property owner of Assessments 3 3 ~ through 3 3 S has paid o Assessment ~~ ~ remaining assessment principal balance so that the ~ new residential lots created b~ P11~ 04- ~ X94 would end up with the same assessment amounts as all other residential lots in Tract o. ~2~3. ~ . ~n accordance with the .Assessment Apportionment Method described on pages ~~ ~ ~ and D-17 of AD 03-3 engineer's Report exhibit I~, Description of.Assessment Spread Method, and the above-described property owner request, the o~ginal Assessrents ~ ~ ~ through. 3 3 ~ total combined principal amount is apportioned to the ~ R-~ lots created ~by ~'i1~:R o~-129 as an equal assessment per new ~- ~ lot, +~. Mach parcel's total amended assessment amount shown on exhibit D, attached. to the engineer's Report for this AD 03-~ Assessment and Diagram .A.rnendn~ent Igo. 3 is the new parcel's original assess~.ent share, and is the a~.ount that should be used to calculate the Bond Reserve credit the new parcel would receive if the parcel owner elects to prepay the total remaining balance for Amended .Assessments ~~ b through ~~ 9. D . .Apportionment ofthe Unpaid Assessment Principal Amounts for Assess~.ents ~ ~ 1 through 3 3 ~ to Amended Assessments 93~ through. 939: The total combined unpaid assessment principal amount for Assessments 33l through 33~ is apportioned to the new lots created b~ the recordation. of said. ~'~.~}~~~~~ direct proportion to the original A.ssess~nents 33l through 33S shares apportioned to each new lot,.. as shown on exhibit A, Amended Assessment Rolls attached to the engineer's Report for this AD o3-3 A.pportion.~ment ~Ta. 3. For ~.~re detailed information on the Assessment Spry method use to calculate the Assessments ~3 ~ through 3~3 5 original assessment a~.ounts, reference is made to the .A~103-3 ~ngin~er's Report on file in the office of the Fhublic worl~s Director for the City o#' Bal~ersheld. PR~F,~RED BY: w~LS~ ~ ASS~C~AT~S Approved by: .-j. Date: '~ t 5 ~-6 E~w~ ~. wli.~SO, R.. C. ~. ~32~9 ~E~P~~S I ~-~ ~ -0~7~ AS SES S[~NT E~C~~~ER, .AS SES S~~T D~S`~CT X4.43 -3 29~~5EXC ~I21f06 E~CN~BlT ~ LISTING ~I; ~RI~~NAL ASSESSMENT AIU~C~UNT~ FQR AMENDED ASSESSMENTS 938 TI-IROU~GH 939 CITY CF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.03-3 ~SEi~EN ~tAKS ~1fEST IIl l BRIGHTON PLACE II I FAIR~fAY QAICS SCUTFI~ CO~IVT'Y QE KERN, STATE QF CALIFQRNIA .. ASSESSMENT AND DIA.GRAI~I AMENQI~IENT Nth. 3 ~ _._...~.._..W.-.~............... i AMENDED ~ARCEL..._._ _~-; ..~,_-----~-~~..._ ._~....~ ' TC?TAL AMENDED ~ DESCRIPTION 1 AMENDED ~ QRtGINAL ASSESSMENT ASSESS~I~'S TAB PR~PEI~TY s ASSESSMENT ~ NUMBER ~__. __._...._.._. NUMBER ~ATN} ___. _.__--,~ __._. QI~iNER NAME~ADDRESS ~ AMt~UNT 938 ~~3-4~0-5~ PARCEL ER~ER IBC. ~?4-~~34, PARCEL. A~ CAST~.E & C~~4~E CA~.~F~}Ri~IA~ Ii~C ~3,~~~i.44 ~~~ ~2~-4~0-~~ ~PAI~CEL ~R~~R ~~. 04-1294, PARCEL ~3 CASTLE ~ ~~~~~ CALIF~3RNIA, IItIC ~~,~~~.~~ 938 523-480-53 PARCEL MERCER N~}. 04,1294, PARCEL C} GASTLE & CC~CKE CALIFORNIA, INC $8,028.44 939 528-4$0-54 PARCEL MERGER NG. 04-1294, PAR~~L ~}` CASTLI~ & Cfl~3I~E CALII~GRNIA, INC $8,02~i.44 . ToTA~, QI~tI+~1NA~. AI~IQt~NT APPt~RTIQ~tII~: $3~,~o5.7fi 29685EXD ~-~ 04l~ 91200 w~ z r~z~ar od~ w ~ ~ ~ ~~ p ?~` Q s w O ~ ~ 1 w ~ ~ a w~ w~zn pr`s z°~~az ~ z (9a~~ ,OCw]r rw az~ z ~ z~ ~ wr.- ~' ~uo ~ I rw ~ I zyv~~-¢ { wwa z I~~NO~~a d z ~a 1 wz a~ o L''J ,..~ O x H ~ O ~ u U ~ "'z ! tr U + r ! ~'~ ~ ~ o ~w awQrnZ uri~~a~N p~ +~ a ~Z ~}u~ ~ o w~ ~oaw~wOw ~°N~°=Q p Uw ~Q rr © W ~ ~ r i ~ _~ ;Y pw ~, 1 li.J F" i o~ ~. ! rN p l~. tl1 z~0 {„aOZw Inav, z ~nwz Iwr zwo +~z..t ~a~Q tK~ Q NrU OUZW4Nr~ z rI yc0~ 1 U ~ ~ O~ n ~ .~j (~ Hai •r-+ U o ~'-i yo r o I ~w~ ~ Oay w j ~Uwv~r~ ~~aZ Ul UtAI,_ OXg w o w ~~pU ~ p w~wrr~ o~~ SQOU~mN r ° I~Nw ~rwY w ~ ~ ;`, ~ ~i 4 ~ r7 (.~ ~ ~ .r-I ~ h ' z ~a o ~ ~ ~q ~o ~~ + ~?wa r + moo ~ 1 i w©QU ~~ w ui~~Q~ [~=o a n ~, ~r~ ~-za aw a~~ `U~ rwz z~o awti~o~a ~~.az~r ~ ~iNO or ++ da i3 + ~~ lm ~ U~ ~ ~-' o N ~ td z A w U r m ~ f~ ~' ~ ~ ~ sn zri w i i ° ~ ~w w o~~¢ ~~oU ~. ~ w J a 'o pO4wo ~~~~ wcn~zw i wa w w ¢~a n um z °N irodQ flWw-UN N~zrtr cnU zz ~ Iwoo ~~ Q z T 4-I W L.J H \ ~ ~ ~ ~ a ~ 0 ~r+) o r ~-~iWwz +t" R. a . .Qi` ~}V Z UU t~~ W ~ ~ Z ~+ {~ ~ F-4 ~ "~ t(~ Q ~ m w lA O u~z w ~ m zo~U~ ~~w a Y ~ a - ~ ~ a Q ru~_~ ° m ~o go~~N z r lt. 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APPLICAT~t~ PAR SEt~RE~ATI~N AND ,APPaRT~~3N~~T ~~' E~ST~Cr ASSESS~JENTS P~R.S~JA~T ~'~ PART 10.E 4F DI~IS~~}N ~ oa STREETS AND ~~~~A ODE ~P ~~ STATE ~P C.~L~~~~A, ~`~ I~PRflvEfE~T Bt~NT} A.CT ~F 19~ 5. ., ~qu~s~tes of App~~catic~n: ~~ ~. ~~'~~` ~'~. APPRT~~N~~ENT ~P :~~~`'~ ASBSSCET ~~ ~ [-~.~~~~ 335, ~~ERE SAID PARCELS ~~BEE S~BDIV~DED B~PARCEL I~ER~ERI~C~. off- ~ ~4. I~. ACCEPTANCE Q~` ASSESS~T APP~RT~~3N~1ENT PR~CED~REa A~~'ER. {~F NICE AND :~A.~S~t~ T~ERE~N, ADD RE~t~E~T T~ RECORD A~NDED ASSESS~~ETS. Appli+ea.ti~n: I. REQUEST FOR APPORTIONAr~NT OF THE UNPAID ASSESSMENT PRINCII'AL AMOUNTS FROM EXISTING ASSESSMENTS 331 THROUGH 335 iN THE CITY nF B RSFIELD i~HERE SAID PARCELS H~V~ BEEN S~DI~TIa-~D BY P~ZCEL MERGER NO. 04-1294. The undersigned is the owner and subdivider of existing Assessments 33 ~ through 335 €"Assessments 33 ~ through 335"~ v~~.ch mere subdivided b~ Parcel verger ~o. 04~12~4 ~"'~R o4~ ~ ~~~"~~ eating ~ tie single-family residential lots, and. is the owner of all lots created by said PAIR o4- ~ 2~4. A description of said existing assessments, the total amount of the unpaid assessment principal balance effective ~anuar~ ~, ~oo~, and a description of hour said parcels have been subdivided are included in Engineer's R.~port Exhibit B, Description of Existing Assessments in City of Bal~ersfi+~ld Assess~.ent D%strict loo, 03 ~3 ~hereina#er ~`.D ~3-3"~ attached hereto and incorporated herein b~ reference. As the original o~.er and subdivider of the referenced existing assessments and the oner of the aforesaid lots created by P~1R o4» I X94, the undersigned hereby request the Superintendent of Streets for the City of Bakersfield to appor~on the amounts remaining unpaid an A~sess~:ents 3 3 ~ hough 3 3 5 in accordance with the provisions cif the fn~provement Bond Act of ~ 9I 5. The unpaid~principal amounts for said existing assessments as shown on Exhibit B7 have been apportioned to each separate part ofthe original parcel of land comprising the e~.sting assessments in the amounts as shown on Exhibit A, Amended Assessment Roll attached hereto and incorporated herein b~ reference.. 29b85CC.APP P ` ~ " 4/21~Ob II. ACCEPTANCE QF ASSESSMENT ~1PPdRTIO~+fMENT PR~CEI3URE AND REQUEST TO RECORD AMENDED ASSESSMENTS. ~ have reviev~ed exhibit ~ ~~escription of Assessment Apportionment Procedures included in the attached engineer's Report, describing the procedure used to appartion shares of the unpaid assess~.ent principal mounts for Assessments 33 ~ through 335 in A~ ~~-3 to the lots andparcels crewed b~ the recordation of said PAR off- 1294. Pursuant to a reviev~ of ~~hibit ~, the undersigned has determined that the amended assessment an~.aunts shown on said exhibit A have been apportioned in accardance with the benefits the parcels mill receive from. the improvements financed by A~3 03-3, based on current parcel zog a.nd nth propased uses. Therefore, the undersigned wives notice and hearing before the ~it~ Council on this assessment appar~ionment, accepts the procedure used for the requested apportionment of the principal balances for said existing assessments, and requests and consents to the recordation of the apportioned assessments an the properties far ~rhich the undersigned is listed as owner on the acca~npan~ing l~~hibit A, and to the amended assessment amounts shov~n thereon., Submitted by, CASTLE CaC~KI~ CAL~~~ :~~., a California Corporation, owner of lots created b~ Parcel Merger N o. 4~-1294 By: G'1 ~ ~ ~ / ZtN~~~-t/ 1 Dated: ~/ Z ~~~C~ , 20Q6. Attachment: engineer's Report on Assessment A.pportiotunent No. 3 29~85C:C..t~'~' P 2- 4121!06 ~~~19~i~1Jl~t t~~~D .~~i\~~~~~1J~a~~ i.~-~ ~i~~~~~Y~.l~s~~r~ ~V~ A~ ~~ ~l~~~T ADD D~A~Rt~'~ A:~I~DENT l~t'~. 3 ~'~ (~~ A~~P~~D A~~E~~~T DT~~T ~. 03-~ AME~D~~ E~I~T~t~ ASSESS~E~T~ 33 ~ TI~R.£~~ ~~~ ~'~ ~:~EATE ~~~~ A ~E~ ~I~E~TS 93 ~ T:~Rfl~~I 93 9 P~JR~~ANT ~'£~ ~E~fl~.DATI~3~ 4F ~ . .~~ applicatipn has been .ed with the superintendent of streets of the ~~~ of Ba~ers~eld requesting a segregation and appor~ionn~ent of e~.sting assessments within .assessment District loo. 03 -3, pursuant to the division of the parcels. 2. ~ accordance with said application, the undersigned hereby apportions to each separate part of the original parcels of land the proportionate part of their respective unpaid assessment that mould have bee. leered thereon the parcels had been so di~detl at the tinge the o~.ginal assess~.ent vas made. The undersigned has assigned a neu~ assessment number to each ne~v parcel, as shown on the Amended Assessment Diagram attached hereto. 3 , The existing assessment numbers, nevi assessment numbers, anal apportioned assessment a~.ounts abased in each case on the unpaid principal amount of assessment effective January ~, boob, at th+e beginning ofthe ~0~~~200~ tax. ~ear~ are as shov~n on E~.bit A, f `Amended Assessment l~.oll,'~ attached hereto and incorporated herein b~ reference. A description of the. referenced existing ass~ssm:ents and of how they have been subdivided is included in Exhibit B, attached hereto. . descri tin ~f the P procedure used to apportion the unpaid principals for the referenced existing assessments to the new assessments . included ~ Exhibit ~, attached hereto, and a listing of the apportioned share of the original assessments for each near assessment is shown on Exhibit D, attached hereto. Existing .assessments 331 through 33 ~ are deleted from the assessment roll for Assessment District ~o. ~~-3. Prepared b~: 'U~1~SC}~N ~ A~~a~I~.TES .assessment Apportinnnn~ent Engineer By: ~~,~o~~ss~a~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~ Na. X3259 ~' ,~ Exp. ~2~31/~7 ~ r~ _ Edward ~. ilsc~n, R..~.E. ~3~~~ Expires 1~~31-0 Assessment Engineer, Assessment District o. ~~-~ 5-~~=~ 29685ENt~RPT P 412~IQ5 ~~~ ~~~~~ ~ ~ f ~ ....,-,..._.i~..~_.. .~ d { i \I ~~Lr~ ~F R~/~ ~I~ 4i~wM3 ~~~ ~~R..1F-a~ ~3 A'\I~L~ ~Ar+ #lLlW~3~6 ~~Aw'M ~'1.3~~L' ~~i~w~'Yi/ +~L..TV ~~ $ 11i~.a~ ~L~ ~.~ t ~u (.`T~~~4 ~~g~' L~T~ ~~~V~.S ~ ~'~~~-~ ~ ~~ ~4-~2~ A~~ ['.~~~~~~ ~~fE~~~~'~~ A~SS~SS~~~ ! N~~~ 9~~ T~1 ~~ V ~ V~9, ~'~TE~,~. T#~~ T 1 ~~~ ~~~~~' P~~~~. ~~~"+S ~V ~ ~~T~ AS~~S~~~i .~5 ~.3~Fe~ T~,~(~#~;~±~ ~~/~yg~~i•~~~y~T r~~~ ~/,~~~~~}.~p~+ ~~+`,'~ .1~; ~}~~' ~'~}~C }+~~~~ py~ ~j~ ~~ ~~i,*~yv~~ ~° 3 ry~~~'q~~~y1~r~!~w/++~.~~~ )~p~~',~w~~wQ.~S~,( ~t ~~~~s~ Ts ~M~4< i7 77~ 1~1~f~Lta~~~ f i.hr.Li..s f~~ 7 ~ iY'~f~b.. ~f 971 ~~`J~~~LJ ~~~~1J4i '~~ t~V~ ~~'y,: 7.JS.wiw. ~~Sf,~ VY. ~ 91 +Y ~~~..~.. T '~ ~~T~~ ~'r~.r~~~~~ ~~s'i~~r~~~ ,~~~~~~ 1'~~~~s~i~.'aQa~. ~3~~`~ ~ ~'~ ~~~~ ~ 3~~tr~ ~~ E T~~iL~~~"~ ~~~ ~ ~,i ~ L~VV-~~ ~~~11~i., ~~~ ~ ~J. ~ ~'T" ~p ~~~~~~ ~ ~~~T~ 0.1F ~~.f'Vft~ ~7"i~~~~tL~~g ~~ ?Rl~~ F ~~~~ ~ { T ~4i~ ~` + ~ ;~,,~ q iJ~' ~ ~~~ ~~L..F ^ ~a 4~'1'` I~'; ~ '` ` ~~i.. ~ ~i... Vf~l,~~~~~~~R'~t,{ ~b~i~ - ~' ~ i F\F €~.~ !' ~V~d7~ ~~~~ ~~~ 4TVi~~V a ~~~~~~~.~T ~~i~. ' ~~~P~~~~ ~'~: WI~.~O~ ~ A~S~C~AT~S 3, w.1:a~t,-- ~~: °~ c~~A~ ~f.'~`#L~~ ~..~. ~~~~~ ~~~~~ 12-~~-Did ~~,~'~5~~~~ ~ ~ ~. ~32~9 ~K~N ~~~~ AM ~~~~~~ ~~~Sa~~ -1 Q41~ ~ ~2~~~ EXEiIBIT B D~S~R~PTIt~N ~P ~~ISTING A~S~S~;NTS ~~ NEw PARCELS TC1 j~~H TAE :p.'~ISTIN ASS~SSM[p,NTS ~~ T~ B~ APPQRI ~t~~El~ .~ i ASS.~S~~~T C'~ I~~.~RA ~~~~~E~~~T ~}. ~ CITE" Op' BARERS~L~3 ASS~SS~NT DISTRICT ~~}. 03-3 {s~v~N ~Axs ~~~r ~~ ~ BRI~HT+~N PLACE ~ ~ FAIRWAY aA~~ SflUT~} A~NI31NG ~~ISTIN~ AS~~SSINTS 33 ~ TI~R~IJ~IJ 335 ANI~ AD]~ING A~N13~D ASS~SSNTS 936 T~R~~IG~ 939 CREAT~D~ BY REC~3R~ATIQN (3F PAR~~L R~ER N~, 04-1294 ESTI'NC~ PARCEL ~ 2o~b12oo7 A.SSS1ViENT ASSESSh~NT A.. T. N, Ft}R EXISTING PR~ICIPAL T~ BE ~~w ~5 A 1N+G PARCEL N~~~. ~~~~~NT APP~DRTI~N~ ~A~ ~~~ ~~~~~ 331 523480 23 ~VfV~ ~~~ ~~~-~~~~~~ ~7,s1a.41 333 523-480-25 $7,513.41 334 523480-26 $7, ~ 10.41 335 523-~80'2'~ ~'~,510.41 Total Amount to Be Apportioned to New Assessments: X30,041.64 .~NIJER a~ New L~JTSIPARCELS Parcel Merger No. 04-1294 ~P~R o4-1294} merges anal resubdivides E~%sti~g Assessments 331 #hrough 33,5 into 4 new single-family residential lots, The total combined unpaid assessment principal amount for Esti~~g Assessn~e 331 through 335 is apportioned to the 4 residential lots created by P1VIR 04-1294. Note that Existing Assessment. 331 has been paid o~ ~~sting Assessments 33I through 335 are deleted frorn the Assessment Roh for Assessment Uist:ct No. 03-3. Parcel .~rler eg ~ Na. 04~ 1294 a. 4 residen~f~. fats (A.mended Assessments 936 hough 939 Total New Assessed IrotslParcels Total New Non assessed lots/parcels Total dew Assessment N~abers Total Existing Assessment Nos. deleted. from. Roll Net Change Active Assessments on. Roll 1.The unpaid assessment balance apportianed is the balance effective January 1, 2006, at the beginning of the 200612007 tax gear. 4 4 0 4 ~5 ~1 29b85E~B ~ ~ 4121106 Ex~T I~ES~~TI~N QP T~ P~.~~EI~I~~E ~3SEI~ T~ APP~IRTI~N S~I~RES QP Tom, I~NPAI13 ASSESSMENT PP.INCIPALS FVR ELI A,7 TI~~.i AS DES S~C~~TS ~ 3 l T~.~I~ 3 3 ~ i l.! ~~~J~Y~.I.i~~~ A ~li1J 13~~iT r~3 7~ 6 ~~L.f t.} ~~ CREATED B~ l~E~~R~ATIC~N ~P PARCEL ~I~~ER ~~. 04- ~ 294 CITY Off' BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 03-3 (SEVEN OAKS WEST III 1 BRIGHTON PLACE iI 1 FAIRWAY OAKS SOUTH} Y AS ~~~ ~~1 \ 1 i~~~ ~~A~~~~1~~~~ .~~ !.. ~'.~T ~ V r 1. I~ES~I~IPTIt~N ~~ ExISTINC~ ASSESSI~IEN~TS 33 ~ TI~R~I~C~ 33~; A. Existing Assessments 331 through 33~ ~herea~er "Assessments 331 through 33S''} are located in the ~~~ of Ea~ersf~eld. They mere created by ~Qriginal :Assessment .and Diagram for Assessment District No. 03 -3 ~"AI3 ~3 -3"}, Ass~ess:ents 3 31 through 3 3 ~ are ident~ied as .ern bounty Assessor's Tax Numbers X23-454-23, 523-454-24, 523-480-~~, X23-480-26, and 523- 480-27, respecti~e~y. They are also ~d.ti~.ed as, respectively, Lots 15 through 19 of Tract No. 6223W~nit 2. Parcel 11~erger No. 44-1294 ~"PMI~. 44-1294" merges and resubdi~ides Assessments 331 through 33.E creating 4 new single-family residential ~" R 1 "}lots.. The 4 ne~v residential lots Parcels A through. I3 in P~J~. d4-1294 are assigned Amended Assessment Nun~.bers ~"Amended .Assessments"} 936 through 939, respectively. B. .Assessments 33 ~ through 335 are located i.n the Seen ~al~s'est III Area, ofAla 43-~ thereafter "Seven ~a~s'U~est III's}. Seven ~al~s west III is one ofthree con~nunity areas within AD 43-3. .~- 03-3 funded the costs t~o acquire certain in~proven~ents that are regnired, or are expected to be required, to be constructed as conditions of ~:nal map or site plan approvals v~ithin the three .AI3 03-3 community areas. All of the Seven yaks west III in~pro~ement acquisition costs funded by AID 03-3 mere allocated only to the Seen ~al~s hest :~ lvts and parcels. The A~ 433 Engineer's deport, approved April 28, 2444, describes the method ~f allocating the AD 43-3 c+~sts to each assessed parcel. The AD 03-3 Assessment Spread Method described in Ex~~ibit D of the Engineers ~ ~.eport is in conformance with .~ake~rs~e~d ~Vlunicipal ~~ode ~'ec~ir~n ~~~. ~~, ~l~'~1~-,Be~~~it,~~~~~d. Please see the AD 43 M3 Engineer's Report for a detailed description o~the .Aft 43-3 .Assessment Spread Method. ~. The total original assessment principal amount, as reduced for the lower than anticipated bond issuance costs, for each of Assessments 331 through 33~ is X5,426.44. The remaining assessment principal amounts for Assessments 331 through 336 ~e~ffective Ianuary 1, 2446, at the begging of the 2446~20~7 Tax ~ear~ are X4.00, '~,~ 14.41, ~7',S 14.41 s ~~,510.41, and ~7, S 14.41, respectively. Note that Assessment 3 31 has been paid off by its property owner, as described belc~ The total original assessment amounts and their remaining principal balances for Assessments 331 through 335 are segregated and apportioned to the lots created by the above-referenced Ply. 44-1294 as described below. 2~685EXC i 4f2114b ~. DES~:~u' 1 ~~ ~~' ~l~ FIZ(~i.r~~~~ ~~~ T~ ~~~xZ~V.T~ ~~-~D .'~~~Tl,.l T~ DRi~7AI,,~.SSESS~r1~~~T ~~t~~.~~TS ~~~ ~~~.~~~~.~.~.lf1.r t.! ~~~~~.~.~.~~~~,~ F'RDl1~ AS SES S~~TS 3 3 ~ T:~.~G~ 3 ~ ~ T~ AI~EDED .~~ SES S[ENTS 93 ~ T:~IR~}~J~~ 93~: A. As described in the final ~~-~ Engineer's Report, all subdivision maps in the Seven t~al~s Nest Iii have been recorded at the tine original assessment for AD ~3-3 was a raved. pA Therefore, the total assessment amount for Seven ~-aks west ~~ was already apportioned as an equal per ~-~ lot assessment within each of the subdivision .maps in Seven ~al~s west . As described above, the prapert~ owner of .Assessments 33 ~ through 335 has paid oAssessment 331 remaining assessment principal balance so that the ~ new residential lots created b~ P1t~R t}~-1 ~9~ would end up with the same assessment amounts as all other residential Tots in Tract o. ~~23. ~ . ~n accordance with the Assessment Appartionn~ent Method described on pages ~_ 1 ~ and D-17 al' AD 43-3 Engineer's Report Exhibit ~, Description of Assessment S read l~ethad and the p above-described propertg~ owner request, the o~.ginal Assessments ~ 3 ~ through 3 3 5 total combined principal amount is apportioned to the ~ R-~ lots created by P~ ~4-i~~~ as an equal assessment per new ~~ 1 lot, ~. Each parcel's total amended assessment amount shown on Eibit D~ attached to the Engineer's Report far this ~ ~3-3 Assessment and Diagram Amendment Na. 3 is the new parcel's original :assessment share, and is the amount that should be used to calculate the fond Reserve credit the new panel would receive if the parcel owner elects ~o re a the total remainin balance for p p~ g Amended Assessments 93 f through ~3 ~. D , A.pportionn~ent of the unpaid Assessment Principal .Amounts far Assessments 3 3 I through 3 3 5 to Amended Assessments ~3 ~ through 93 9 The total combined unpaid assessment principal amount for .Assessments 331 through 335 is apportioned to the new lots created by the recordation of said P~ ~~-~ ~~~ direr prvportian to the original. Assessments 331 through 335 shares apportioned. to each new lot,. as shown on Exhibit ~., Amended Assessment Rail, attached to the Engineer's Report for this ~ 03-3 Apportionment No. 3. Par more detailed in~'ormation an the Assessment Spread Method used. to calculate the .Assessments 3 ~ 1 through 335 original assessment amounts, reference is made to the AD ~3-3 En ineer's Re ort on file g p in the o~~ce of the Public works Director for the City of Bal~ersheld. PREP.~RED BY: wILSt~~ ASSt3C~ATES Approved b~: __ EDWARD J. WII,SON, R. C. E. 23269 (E~'IRE~ 12-3 i-{37} ASSE~SNI~NT ENGINEER, ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 03-3 ., ~ 29~$SL~C ~l~l ft)b E~GH~~~T ~ L~ST~NG GF (~R~G~NAL ASSESSf~ENT AMOUNTS FQR AMENDED? ASSESSMENTS X36 TUROUGN 93~ CITI't~F BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRfCT Nfl. U3-3 ~SE4r'EN GADS NEST ~~~ 18R1G~T4N PLACE ~~ ~ FAIRWAY ~JAKS SQUTF!} G~3UNTY QF ~CE~~, STATE QF CALIFORNIA ,. ASSESSMENT ANa ~3IAGRAI~ AMEI'~DMENT (~~. 3 _-,~...~~.,~..~..~.. AMENDEC~ PARCEL ~.~..- ..~.-------~--~----_ TC7TA~. AMENDED i ~ ~ DESCRIPTIt~N ~ AMENDEC~ ORIGINAL - ASSESSMENT ASSESSGR'S TAX PR~3PERTY ;ASSESSMENT NUMBER Nt~MB~ER (ATN~ ~ t~VUNER NAMEfADI~RESS AMQLlNT ~._ ~___. ~3fi 523-48-51 PARCEL MERGER Nt3. Q4-'I294, PARCEL A~ CASTLE & COOICE CA~.IFORNIA, INC ~8,~26.44 937' 523-4~4~~2 ~PARCFI. MERGER N~. Q4-~~~4, PARCEL B~ CASTLE ~ C~?QKE CA~.~I~t~R~~A, iNC $~,Q2~.~~ 938 523-48(I-~3 PARCEL MERGER NG. I~4,1294, PARCEL C~ CASTLE & CGOI~E CALIFORNIA, INC $8,426,44 ~_- X39-....._~_... .. 523-~8~~54 PARCEL MERGER N~3. Q4-~2, PARC~L~ CASTLE & CQ~~E CAL~FflRN~~, ~~iC $8,02G.44_. 70TA~. flR1G11~Alw A`I~C~U~IT APPQI~TIQNED: $82,1Q5.7f 29~85E~a Q-1 ~3~l~~/24~3~ ~ x f t--f •I-~ W ~ ~'+ ~ U~ f`d'f O W ~ <C ~N ~ 60 ~ ~ N ? , a W " N ~ U ("ti ~ 0. o~ O ~ 3'0~ ~;~ ~Q ./ y~ a 5~~ 6 n In fO ~ ~-i H ~ rq '~ l ~, c C ~ ~ cv ~~ . 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O ~ r '~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ N ~ D ~ Q m~ ~ Z Z p N Z m y rj v m Z ~ ~ o z -z+ ~ ...I ~ O A W i W p~ LHHJ ~.l ~~~n Vl M~ J l ~ .~}.~.~ L~ ~' ~ d ~ ~ ~" ~M M LJ LMJ N ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ o~ .~ o~ ~~ ~ "~ ~T r~ W ~ 'ryW y M~ W ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~ ~-~~~~~? s~~t~ ~~~ Fresno, Ca~iforr~ia 93T~'~ CERTIFIED MAII, - ~ETiJR~ ~CE~'T REO[IIRED day ~ 5, ~~of 2~~85 .~ .main Rauscl~er ~~~ ~alil~orniaStreet, quite X800 San Francisco, ~A 9~~D~ .Attn: Robert ~.,. '~'~illian~s Re: Asse~~srnent and diagram A~end~nent ~~. 3 for ~ ofBakers~.eld Assess~.ent ~i.strlct ~~. 03 ~~, Segreg~.ting and Apportioning Existing Assessments ~~ through ~3~ Pursuant to the Subdivision of District hands ~~ Parcel verger ~o. ~4- ~ ~~~ ~reating l~e~ A.ssessn~ents ~~ ~ ~'hrough ~~ 9 ladies and entleme~: ~'rans~tted herewith is a ~`l~otice to Bondholder" ~o~ giving your arm notice that assessment apportionments ha~~e been requested by district property on+ers. ~'he Amended Assessment Roll and Amended Assessment Diagram. for tl~s apportionment have been prepared by the Superintendent of Streets for the pity of Bak~rshed. ~. copy o~the Amended Assessment Roll is attached. as Exhibit ~ to the l~otice to Bon~h.older. A copy of the Engineer's Report. on this Apportionment ~o. 3 is also enclosed, pro~ding a desc~.ption of how the referenced assessments h~.°~e been subdided. ,~ reduced and not to scale copy of the Amended Assess~.ent I3iagram for Apportionment ~o. ~ is attached to the .Engineer's Report. ~e would dike to record this apportionment as soon as possible..Accordingly, enclosed. for your reviev~ is a draft letter that ~raives RBA Rain Rauscher's 14-day period to request a bearing on this apportio~.nent, ~fthis apportionment is acceptable, mould you please place the enclosed letter on ~ Dain Rauscher letterhead and send the signed letter to Jahn Stinson at City of Bakersfield Public works Department for processing. ~f you lave any questions on the enclosed assessment apportion.ent information, please call tee. fiery t~.ly yours, Ed Wilson Wilson & Associates Enclosures cc: an~.uel Sperry Sohn Stinson. 1 ~4.,L` Ti.l ~3~~~Vtr1J~~ DIVISID~ DF I~~ ~:D ~SSSS~~ ~~T~ of B~~~.~F~D ~s~~S~~T DTT ~~. a~-~ ~~~T~ of ~~:~, ~T~T ~F ~~FO~~~ ~~DI~~ ~E~ISTI~ .~S SES S~~T ~ 3 ~ 1 T~{~I~C~H ~ 3 ~ TD ~-DD ~ ~ S SES STETS 93 b T~.t~~G 9~ 9 ~UTICE IS ~~B~ GIV~~ to you as the original purchaser of the bonds issued by the ~IT~ DF BE~FIBLD ~o represent the unpaid assessments relating to the acquisition and construction of certain public in~pravements in an assessment district mown and designated as .AS~~~S~~fl NT DISTRICT ~. o~-~ . Said bonds were issued pursuant to the te:r~.s and provisions of the "Improvement Bond pct of ~ 9 ~ S," being Division ~ 0 of the Streets and ~i.gh~ays bode of the State of California. NUTI~B IS HEP.EB~ ~IVE~ that an apportionment has been requested by the property owners}anal prepared by the Superintendent of Streets of the unpaid assessments relating to tie assessments and parcels as shown on B~~IT ~., "~:i~E~DBD ~.SS~SS~~T ~.DI~I1~~ for said. district, attached hereto and incorporated herein b~ reference. . - Nt~TICB IS ~R~B~ IAN that unless a request for a public hearing is received from you within. fourteen ~ ~ ~~ days from. the date of mailing of this notice, the above-referenced a.~endec assessments shall be recorded in tl~e manner anal form as required by law. If a request for hearing is received, a report .shall be Bled anal a hearing shall be scheduled, noticed, and held in accordance with part ~. o ~comn~encing with Section 5~~~~ of said Division ~ o. if you have any further questions please contact the undersigned at the fohowing address: ~.aul . ~.o~ as public worl~s Director CITE ~F B~~RSFIEIID 15~t Tru~tun avenue Bakersfield, ~A 93 3 01 ~~~~} ~2b,~724 This procedure is pursuant to tl~e provisions oI' Part ~ o. ~ of Division ~ 0 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, the "Improvement B and ~.ct of ~ 915 ." . ~7atea : S"~/6~~ By; Super~.tendent of Streets pity of B akers~eld State of California U 03 3 ~ 4!'i 9l~C ~XHIB~T A AMENDED ASSESSMENT ROLL CITY aF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0, 03-3 SEVEN OAKS NEST III ~ BRIGHTON PLACE II ~ FAIRWAY OAKS SOUTH flGUNTY GF KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA AMENDING EXISTING ASSESSMENTS 331 THROUGH 335 ANQ ADQING NEW ASSESSMENTS 93~ THI~OUG~I 939 CREATED BY RECORDATION OF PARCEL MERGER N0.04-1294 ASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT NO.3 ..~_ ._..~.__ AMENDED PARCEL , -.._~ TOTAL AMENDED ~ DESCRIPTION I ~ AMENDED ~ AMENDED ASSESSMENT ASSESS+DR'S TAX PROPERTY ;ASSESSMENT NUMBER : NUMBER ~ATN} _-w~..w OWNER NAMElADDRESS ~ AMOUNT PARCEL MERGER N0.04-1294 ~PMR 04-1294 MERGES AND RESUBDIVIDES EXISTING ASSESSMENTS 331 THROUGH 335 ~GREATED BY ORIGINAL ASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM FOR AD 03-3~, CREATING 4 NEW SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL LOTS, THE 4 NEIN LUTS PARCELS A THROUGH D IN PMR 04-1294 ARE ASSIGNED AMENDED ASSESSMENT NUMBERS 935 THROUGH 939, RESPECTIVELY. THE TOTAL UNPAID ASSESSMENT PRINCIPAL AMOUNTS FOR EXISTING ASSESSMENTS 331 THROUGH 335 {EFFECTIVE .JANUARY 1, 2006, AT THE BEGINNING 41W THE 200fi12007 TAX YEAR} ARE $4.00, X7,510.41, $7,51'0,41, ~,7,5~fl.4't, ANQ ~'P';5~0.41, RESPECTI'~ELY. NOTE THAT EXIST1Nt~ ASSESSMENT 331 HAS SEEN PAID OFF IN FULL. THE TOTAL COMBINED UNPAID ASSESSMENT PRINCIPAL AMOUNT FOR EXISTING ASSESSMENTS 331 THROUGH 335 IS APPt~RT1£~NED TO THE 4 NEW RESIDENTIAL LGTS CREATED BY PMR 04-1294. THE TOTAL AMOUNT APPE~f~TIONED TQ EACH NEW LOT IS SHAWN UNDER THE C4~LUMN ENTITLED °°TOTAL AMENDED ASSESSMENT AMt~UNT.°° EXISTING ASSESSMENTS 331 THROUGH 335 ARE DELETED FROM THE ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO.03-3. 93fi 523-48~-51 PARCEL MERGER N0, 94.1294, PARCEL A} CASTLE & CooKE CALIFORNIA, INC $7,51 D.41 937 523-480 ~2 PARCEL MERGER N+D. ~?4-1294, PARCEL B~ CASTLE & COf~KE CALIF4R~VIA, INC $7,510.41 938 523-480.53 tPARCEL MERGER N0, 04-1294, PARCEL C} CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC $7,510.41 939 523-48f~-54 PARCEL MERGER NCB. 04-1~~, PARCEL D~ CASTLE & Gt~OKE CALIFORNIA, INC $~,59a.41 TOTAL AIVIaUNT APPQRTIt3NE~l: $30,041,f~4 NQTE: FoR A DE~'AILE#~ ~ESCR~PTI~N ~~ THE ~.INES, ~311tilIE~NSIONS AND LoCAT~ONS o~ ASSESSMENTS s3~ THROUGH 939 REFERENCE CERTIFICATE 4F MERGER FOR PARCEL MERGER NO.04-1294 RECORDED ,TUNE 8, 2005, AS DOCUMENT NO.0205147341 of OFFICIAL RECORDS, IN THE OFFICE {~F THE FERN CQUNTY REC~3Rl~ER. Pf2EPARED BY: WILSON & ASSQCiATES APPROVED: ~ ~; WJa-w EDWARD ,I. WILSON R.C.E. 23269 EXPIRES 12-31-07} 4~~,Q~~SSf~ c~ w~ ~~ ~~ `~ ~Io.232~~ ~` ~, Ezp.12J3~~#~7 ,~ ~ OF CAL~~~~ DATE: ' ~ ~' ~ ~' 29685EXA ~-~ 04iz~~2oo~