HomeMy WebLinkAboutAD 03-3 Apportionment #4 PM 04-1296 B A K , E ~., R "' S ~ F ~'r'~ I E .,r L .. D PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM T0: Connie Walls -Account Supervisor, Finance FROM: Marian P. Shaw -Civil Engineer IV, Subdivisions DATE: July 10, 2006 SUBJECT: Assessment District No. 03-3, Apportionment No. 3, Assessment District No. 03-3, Apportionment No. 4, Assessment District No. 05-1, Apportionment No.1, Assessment District No. 05-1, Apportionment No. 2, and Assessment District No. 05-1, Apportionment No. 3 The Maps and Notice of Amended Assessments were recorded on June 15, 2006, for the above Assessment Districts. A copy of the Notice of Amended Assessments and the Engineers Report is attached for your files. 1f you have any questions please ask John A. Stinson at 3592 in the Public Works Department. P:IMEMOSIF'inanc170.doc James W. Filch Assessor-recorder PATTi fern County official records ~j1512a0s Recorded at the reques# of 2:oa PM Git~ of Bksfld Public 1~Iorks RECORDING REQUESTED BY AND FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD oocn: 0206146985 II Iiil IIII III Sfiat Types: l Pages; 3 fees 13.0a Taxes o.oa others O.aa RAID $13.aa V~'HEN RE~RDED MAIL T0: CITY CLERK CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 1 S 01 TRUXTUN AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93 3 01 NOTICE OF AMENDED ASSESSMENT AMENDING EXISTING ASSESSMENTS 336 THROUGH 341 1N CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 03-3 COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA (ASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT NO. 4) PURSUANT to .there uirements of Section 3114 of the Streets and Highways Code, the undersigned, q . PAMELA A. McCARTHY, CMC, City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield, hereby gives notice that an Amended Assessment Dia ram and Amended- Assessment Roll (Assessment and Diagram Amendment g . No. 4 for Cit of Bakersfield Assessment District No. 03-3 were filed and recorded in the office of the } y Su erintendent of Streets of the City of Bakersfield, relating to the following described real property: p Reference is made to the map entitled "Amended Assessment Diagram of the City of Bakersfield Assessment District No. 03-3, County of Kern, State of California nd Dia ram Amendment No. 4 ,Amending Assessments 336 through 341, (Assessment a g ) filed with the Count Recorder of the County of Kern on / .?o~ b in y Book of Ma s of Assessment and Community Faci ities Districts, at Pages loo ~~ P . throw h for a description of the real property in said Assessment District and the g ~~ exterior boundaries thereof. Said Amended Assessment Diagram amends the map entitled "Assessment Diagram of City of Bakersfield Assessment District No. 03-3," recorded Ma 4, 2004, in Book 22 of Maps of Assessment and Community Facilities y Districts at Pa es 163 through 176, in the Office of the County Recorder of the County g of Kern, State of California. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that upon recordation of this Notice in the Office of the County rder the several amended assessments on the lots, pieces, and parcels shown on the Amended Reco , Assessment Dia ram Assessment and Diagram Amendment No. 4} of Assessment District No. 03-3 g ( shall become a lien upon the lots or portions of lots assessed, respectively. This an~endn~ent evidences the completion of statutory proceedings to divide the lien of special assessments previo~.sly levied on the parcels of land shown on the amended Assessment Diagram., to conform with the dv~sior~s ~ the pares ther~se~ves. deference is made to said .ended assessment D~agxam and mended Assessment Roll recorded in the once of the Superintendent of Streets of the City of B akersheld. attached hereto pursuant to the requirements of Section 27ZS~. l of the ~iovernment bode, marked "~~hibt A," is ~. copy of the .~xnended ~.ssessment doll, identifying each new parcel by the amended ~;ssessn~.ent n~~er shownonthe amended .~sessn~ent Diagrams., togetherwith the amount o~'a~.ended assessment lien levied thereon and the name or names of the owners of each. parcel subject to such amended assessments as they appear on the latest secured bounty assessor's ~.oh, or as k.own to the undersigned. Dated: l,~j ~~_ PA~~~. ~ ~c~:~.R~"~Y, ~~~, pity clerk pity of Bakersfield, State of California By: 2 T AMENDED AssESSMENT RaLL CITY ~F BAKERSFiELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO, a3-~ (SEVEN aAKS WEST ill /BRIGHTON PLACE it ~ FAIRWAY OAKS SOUTH) COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA AMENDING EXISTING A5SESSMENTS 335 THROUGH 341 AND ADDING NEW ASSESSMENTS 940 THROUGH 944 CREATED BY RECORDATION t~F PARGEL MERGER NO.04-1295 ASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT N(~. 4 AMENDED PARGEL .~. ~ TQTAL AMENDED QESGRIPTIQ~i 1 f AMENDED ~ AMENDED L ASSESSMENT ASSESSOR'S TAX ~ PROPERTY ~ ASSESSMENT NUMBER NUMBER ATN fi~WNER NAME~ADDRESS AMt~UNT _._._..._...__.~.~,w..w...~_ ._.__ 4 ~ _..~~.___ _.__.~~._.~.,.... PARGEL MERGER NCB. a4-1296 ~PMR a4-12~~} i~IERGES AND RESUBD9°~DES EaT1NG ASSESSMENTS 33~ TFiRQUGH 341 iCREATED BY C3RIGiNAL ASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM FQR AD 03-3}, Gi~EATiNG 5 NEi~ SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL ~.OTS. THE 5 NEW LOTS PARCELS A THROUGH E iN PMR a4-9295} ARE ASSIGNED AMENDED ASSESSMENT NUMBERS 940 THR€~UGH , RESPECTI~IELY. THE TOTAL t~}i'~RAiD ASSESSMENT PRINGiP'AL AMOU!I~TS FoR E7~~S'I't~G A~,SESSMENTS 335 THROUGH 34~ (EFFECTIVE ,3ANUARY 1, 2aa5, AT THE BEGINNING OF THE 2006/2007 TAX YEAR} ARE $O.QO, $x,510.41, $7,510.41, $7,510.41, $7',510.41, AND $7,510.41, RESPECTIVELY. NOTE THAT EXISTING ASSESSMENT 33fi HAS BEEN PAID OFF ~~ F~~. ~H~ TOTAL cor~BINED UNPAID AS5E5sMENTPI~iNCIPALAMOUNTi~t~R EXISTING ASSESSMENTS ~ THRa~GH 349 iS APPORTI4~NED T~3 THE 5 NEW RESIDENTIAL LOTS CREATED BY PMR 04-9295. THE T~JTALAMQUI~T APPURTiQNED TO EACH NEW LQT IS SHOWN UNDER THE COLUMN ENTITLED "TOTAL AMENDED ASSESSMENT AMt}UNT." EXISTING ASSESSMENTS 33fi THROUGH 349 ARE DELETED FRAM THE ASSESSMENT ROLL FUR ASSE55MENT DISTRICT Nfl. 03-3. 940 523-48a-55 PARGEL I~iERGER Na. a4-1296,1~ARGEL A} GASTLE & Gat~KE GALIFaRNIA. ING $x.510.41 949 523-43a-56 PARCEL MERGER No. 04-1296, PARGEL B} CASTLE & CUOKE GALIFORNIA, ING $7,51x.49 942 523-48a-5~' PARGEL MERGER ~I~3.04-1.295, PARGEL. G~ CAST~.E ~ GooKE GALIFt~RI~iIA, ll~G $7,51x.41 943 523-48a-58 ~PARGE~. MERGER Na. a4-1296, PARGEL D} GAST~.E ~ Gt?OKE GAI.Ii=URNIA, iNC $7',510.41 944 523-48x-59 {PARGEL MERGER N~?. a4-1296, PARCEL E} CASTLE & CoQKE GALIF{?RNIA, !NC $7,59 x,41 TOTAL. AM~3Di~T APP~RTI~}NED: $37,5a2.Q5 i~C~TF~ FOR A DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE LINES, DIMENSiQNS AND LOCATIONS C}F ASSESSMENTS 940 TMROUGi-I 944 REFERENCE CERTiFiCATE OIw MERGER F4R PARCEL MERGER NQ. Q4-1295 RECORDED JUNE 8, 20Q5, AS DQCUMENT N0.020594T340 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. IN THE ~?FFiCE OF THE KERN COUNTY RECORDER. PREPARED BY: UVILSON & ASSOCIATES APPROVED: 29~~GE)CA EDWARD J. WILSON R.G.E. X3269 {EXPIRES 12-31-07} A-1 Q4f 2112Q06 DS~QN CAF L1~~ ~~~-~'~ ASSESSI~~N~' IZR~~~N~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~'.~~.'~ ~ a • ~ Q Q~~S~~N ~ a _ ~ T:r~E~T S A ~ VE~.~,Y~ ~~JQ:~ ~~' TI-~ S~TA.~.'E C~~' Q.~.LQRI~ .1. ~~ ~~T~ t3~ BA.~R~~:~LD AS~~SS~N~' DIS'TR~C~' NQ. a3-3 Ct~~UNT~ £~~ I~~RI~, S~A~~ Q~ CA~~`Q~N~A ABSS~N~ .~~ Q~A~~~ ~~~N'f ~~. ~ A~1~N~~N{~ B~S~ ASS~SSI~~NTS 33~ '~`:I~.Q.~~rl~ 341 ~Q ADD New ASS~SS~NN~"S 94a ~Q~ 944 1. An applicatian has been filed with the Superintendent of Streets of the pity of Bakersfield by the ~awners or interested artier in the referenced e~.sting assessments with. pity of Bakers~.d Assessment istriet N~a. ~3y3, re~ucs~i~ ~.~~t~r~a~~t ~a~'t~ anaaunts r~na~r~n~ unpaid an said assessments in accardance with the pra~isions of the ~n~prove~nent Band Act of 191. n accardance with said application, the undersigned hereby appartians to each separate part of the anginal parcels of land. as Shawn an the Amended Assessment Rall, City ~f Bakersfield Assess~.ent district Via. a3-3, .Assessment and Qia~ra. Amendeent No. 4~ attache berate as Exhibit ~. and incorporated herein by reference, the propartianate part of the remaining assess~.ents in the sarne ~.anner as if the land had been sa dided at the time the. original assessment was made. Dated: C~~~~ BY: _ S~perintenden of Streets Z. Native to Bandhalder was mailed by certified mail to ~ Fain. Rauscher on B ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ 3. Na request far hearing was received. fram the bandhalder within fourteen X14} days frame: the date of m~ ofthe Nance to Bandholder. Accardingiy, the Amended Assessment Rah. and Amended l~ssessrnent ~ia~ ft~r pity cif Bakers.eld A.ssessn~ent district Na. ~3~3 Assessment and Dia~ran~ Amendment Na. 4 were retarded in the Q~ice of the Superintendent of Streets of the ~i of Bakers~.eld an ~ ~- ~ "~ ~aad. By: 29686C~F-P ~ 4I~1I06 ~. 'the Amended Assess~.ent ~iaram for City of ~akershe~d Assessment district o. a3-3 Assessment and ~3~a am A~nend~nent ~o. ~ was hied u~~th the County Recorder of the County of Bern an ~ ~' ~ Z0~6, in Bonk ~ ~ of Maps of Assessment and Community Fa~cities districts, at Fades ~ ~ throngh I ~. 5. A 1~atice of Amended Assessment for City of Bakersfield Assessment district N~o,. 0~-3 Assessment and ~iagran~ A~.end~nent Na. ~, with a copy of the Amended Assessment Roil e ed s ~.b~t was re~cc~rded ~n ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~ as ~4coment atta h. a. A, ~a. ~Z ~~ 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ of ~J#~icia~ Records of the County Recorder of the Canty of Bern. By: ~. A copy of t.s Certi~.cate of Filing .th the ~n~ineer~s Repart on Assessment and ~iaram. Amendment Na. 4, including ~~hihit A, "Amended Assessment Ra11,1' exhibit ~, "~escriptit~n of B~isting Assessrnents,~' Bxhibit , "description of the Procedure used to Appartian shares of the ~Tnpaid Assessment Principal," ~~hibit D,`Listing of Crigina~ Assessment Amounts for Amended Assess~ents~" .and a reduced and not to scale cagy of the Amended Assess~.ent ~iagran~ attached thereto, mere fled v~ith the Finance director for the City of Ba~kersheld on ~ ~ 1 Z s , 2~Q~. By ~[~ 2~~s~co~-~ ~ a.i~~r~~ EEA°f~~N ~~"-~-~ A~'~~~'~~N~EN~ ~~' A ~~ ~~" S ~'~~ A~SE~SN~EN~` AN.D ~~ARA~~ .A~EN~~~NT NQ. 4 ~~~'~ ~~ ~~~E~t~~:~E~~ A~SE~~ENT ~~'~~~'~ NCB. ~3-3 ~~~ Ex~'~N AE~~ ~~~.~"~ 341 T~ ~~EA~`E ~ AS SES ~1V1EN~`~ 94t} T~.~~~H 944 ~t~.~~AN'f TQ RE~~RDA°f~3N ~~ PAR.~E~ 1~E~~E~ N~. 04-129 Are appicati~u has been ~.ed with the uperihtendent of streets ~~ the pity of Ba~ers#ield requesting a segregation and apportionment of existing assess~.ents vvit~n Assess~.ent :district Nc~, 0~-3, pursuant to the division of the parcels. 2. In accordance with said application, the undersigned hereby apportions to each separate part of the original parcels of Land the proportionate part of their respective u~.paid assessmeut that ou1d have beau levied thereon if the pares had been so divided at the tune the original assessment vvas .ade, 'fhe undersigned has assigned a nevv assessment number to each new parcelx as shown on the Amended Assessment diagram attached hereto. 3. the existing assessment ~umbers~ new assessment numhers~ anal apportioned assessment a~.ounts (based ~. each case on the unpaid principal amount of assessment effective January ~ ~ ~oo~, at the begi~.ning of the ~00~1~00~' tax year areas shoes. on Exhibit A, "Amended Assess~.ent Roil," attached hereto and i~.corporated herein by re#~rence. A description of the referenced existing assessments and of how they have beau subdi.~ided ~s included in E~bit ~, attached hereto. .~. deseription. of the procedure used to apportion the unpaid principals for the referenced existing aS~ess~lel~tS to the ~e~ assessments Is ~.~lcluded In Exh~h~t ~, attached hereto, a~.d a listing of the apportioned share of the original assessments for each new assessment is shorn on Exhibit D, attached hereto. Exist~.g Assessments 33 ~ through 341 are de%ted from the assessment roll for Assessment district No. ~3-3 . prepared by: ~-~~~N ~ ASS~~~A~'E~ Assessment App+arton~.e~.t Engineer By. Edward ~. Filson, R..~.E. 2329 Expi Assess~aent Engineer, Assessment fist 29685~NG~PT P Date: ~lis~ft~~b ~~~ ~ S~ ~, ~a ~~~~~ ~x~ ~.~i~~~Q~ ~ ct~~~ ~~~ OF 4f211~}6 ~~~~~~~ AMENDED ASSESSMENT RGLL CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO.43.3 SEVEN OAKS VEST !!I !BRIGHTON PLACE !I ~ FAlRV41AY OAKS SOUTH} COUNTY 01" KERN, STATE OF CALlFt~RNIA AMENDING EXISTING ASSESSMENTS 33fi THROUGH 341 AND ADDING NEVU ASSESSMENTS 94fl THROUGH 944 CREATED BY RECORDATION CF PARCEL MERCER NO.04-1296 ASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT N0.4 AMENDED PARCEL ~._... ~. ~ TOTAL AMENDED DESCRIPTION 1 AMENDED ~ AMENDED ASSESSMENT ASSESSOR'S TAX '~ PROPERTY ~ ASSESSMENT NUMBER ~...~.~~~~_- NUMBER tATN} ~j ~ OWNER NAMEIADDRESS AMOUNT PARCEL MERGER Nf~. fl4-~~95 (PAIR fl4-195} MERGES At~Q RESQDQI~`IDES EXIST~I~O ASSESSMENTS 336 T!-lRt~~lGl~ 341 {CREATED SY ORIGINAL ASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM FOR AD fl3-3~, CREATING 5 NEB SINGLE-FAFlILY RESIDENTIAL LOTS. THE 5 NEVt~ LOTS PARCELS A THROUGH E !N PMR 04-1296} ARE ASSIGNED AMENDED ASSESSMENT NUMBERS 940 THROUGH 944, RESPECTIVELY, THE TOTAL I.~NPAII ASSESSMENT PRINCIPAL AMOUNTS FOR EXISTING ASSESSMENTS 336 THROUGH 341 EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 2006, AT THE BEGINNING OF THE 204602007 TAX YEARS ARE $O.Ofl, X7,514.41 f $7,51fl.41, $7,51fl,41, $7,510.41, AND $7,510.41, RESPECTIVELY. NOTE THAT EXISTING ASSESSMENT 33fi HAS BEEN PAID OFF IIVFULL. TI-II~T0~'ALCGMBINF~iJ~tPAIDASSESa~tEN~'PRtNGtPALAM~J~II~TFGRE?~STING~~B:MEII~T~33~TI~IRQQGl~341 IS APPORTIONED TO THE 5 NE~V RESIDENTIAL LOTS CREATED BY PMRfl4-1296. THE TOTAL AMOUNTAPPORTIONED TO EACH NE1l~l LOT IS SHOWN UNDER THE COLUMN ENTITLED "TOTAL AMENDED ASSESSMENT AMOUNT." EXISTING ASSESSMENTS 336 THROUGH 341 ARE DELETED FROM THE ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO.03-3. 94€l 5~3-480-55 ~~'ARCEL MERGER NO.04-1.20~i, PARCEL A~ CAST~.E ~& COflKE CALIFORNIA. II~IC X7.510.41 941 523-480-56 PARCEL MERCER NO. fl4-1296, PARCELS} CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, !NC $7,510.41 942 523-48t}-57 ~PAR.CEL" FIERCER N4.04-12968 PARCEL C} ~GASTLE ~. CC{~KE CAI.tPQRt~tA,, INC $7,~~0.41 943 523-480-58 {PARCEL MERGER NC. Q4-1295, PARCEL D} CASTLE & CC30KE CAI_IEC~RNIA, !NC ~7.51Q.41 -- 944 523-48Q-59 PARCEL IVIERGER N~}. 04-1296, PARCEL E~~ CASTLE & C©CKE CALIFORNIA, ANC $7,510.41 TOTAL AMG3l~:NT ARPORTIC?NE~?: $37,552.05 Nt~T~~ FOR A DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE LINES, DIMENSIONS AND LOCATIONS flF ASSESSMENTS 940 THROUGH 944 REFERENCE CERTIFICATE OF MERGER FOR PARCEL MERGER NO.04-1296 RECORDED ~UNI~ 8, 2I, AS DOCUMENT NO.0245147'340 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. IN THE OFFICE OF THE KERN COUNTY RECORDER,. PREPARED BY: VIOILSON & ASSOCIATES APPROVED: v ~- E"~ /v~'~'"'-' EDWARD J. UVlLSON R.C.E. 23269 ~EXPlRES 12-31-07} nary: s~f ~ ~~ ~~' 2968~EXA A- ~ 04I21 ~2~Ofi EXX~IIII3IT B DESCRIPTIaN OF EXISTING ASSESSMENTS AND NEw PARCELS T4 RICH TIDE EXISTING ASSESSMENTS ARE TG 13E APP~QRTI~}NED ~$~'' ASSESSMENT AND DIACTRAM A~DM[ENT N0.4 CITY QF EAI~ERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0, 03-3 (SEEN OA~.S ~~,ST lIi ~ BRIGHTGN PLACE li ! ~'A~~ .~A~ UA1~.S SaI1TH} AMPND~N~ E~STIN~ ASSESSMENTS 336 T~RCDC~ 341 AND ADDING AMENDED ASSESSMENTS 940 TI-IR~-tIGH 944 CREATED BY RECDRDATIQN OF PARCEL ~R.GER N0.04-129 ~~ISTIN~G PAP.CEL Zilod~2oo7 ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT A,T.N. FC~R FISTING PRn~CIPAL Tt~ EE ~~' EXISTING PARCEL NITER A.SSESS~~ APPORTIGNED SAS BEEN S'[IEDED 336 523-480 28 ~O. o0 337 523-480 29 X7,510.41 3 3 8 2 3-450-3~D 5 7 ,~~0 .41 ~ 1 / { 3wJ l ~ 5f.,3 4i3V 31 1 +~ ~ 1~t,5~V.43 340 523-48a-32 $7,51Q.41 341 523.480.33 X7,510.41 Total Amount to~ Be Apportioned to New Assessments: $37, 552.05 Nt~.MEER GE NEw L4TSIPARCELS Parcel Merger No. 04-1296 ~'R o4-196} .eves and resubdi~des E~~ Asses~nen~ 336 through 341 into 5 new singe-fay ~esidentia~. dots. The tt~tal ca~nb~.ed unpaid assessment principal amount for Emoting Assessme~ 336 through 341 is apportioned to the 5 residential lots created. by PMR 04-1296. Note that Existing Assessment 336 has been paid off. Existing Assessments 336 through. 341 are deleted from the Assessment Roll far Assessment District No. 03-3. Parcel Merger No. 04-1296 r r i a. 5 residential lots {Amended Assessments 940 through 944 Total New Assessed Lots~'arcels Total New Too-assessed lots~parce Total New Assessment Numbers Total Existing Assessme. Nos. deleted from. Roll Net Change Ac~ve Assessments on Ron 1, The unpaid asses.ent balance apportio~n~. is the balance effective January 1, good, at the beginning of the Zood~2oo7 tax year. 5 S 0 _~ -1 z~~8c~~ ~ ~ ~~~~~o~ ~x~~ l.r 1~5~~ TQ A~'P~~T~~l~ SHA:I~S QF Tom, U~'ADD ASS~SSM~~T PR~C~ALS FC~R Ex~ST~~ ASS~SS~TS 336 T:~1~G~ 341 TQ A~1~~~ A.SSESSMNTS 940 TJ~R~~~~ 944 ~~AT~ BY ~~~ATi~N ~~ FA~C1~ ~.~. ~. o4y-1296 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NQ. 03-3 (SEVEN QAKS WEST ITI 1 BRICrHTON PLACE II /FAIRWAY QAI~.S SOUTH) '` ASS~SS~`1' A~ ~.~.~~ A~~~T ~. 4 ~ . D~S~~.'TI~~ ~` x1ST~~ ASS~SS~~S 336 T~~U~ 341: A. ~x~st~ng Assessments 336 through 341 ~herea~er "A.ssess~nents 336 through 341"~ are located in the ~it~ of Bakersfield. They mere created b~ ~riginai Assessment and diagram for Assessment rice o. 03.3 ~~A~ 03..3"}. Assessments 336 through 341 arc ident~ed as fern Count~Assessor'sTaxNumbers523~480-28, 523-480-29, 523480-30, 523-48031, 523-48~~32a and 523-480-33, resecti~e~~. T'he~ are a,~so iden~ied ~.s, respecti~e~~, f,ots 20 through 25 of 'Erect o. 6223-unit 2. Parcel ~ergero. 04-1296 ("P1V.~, 04-1296"}merges and resubdivides Assessments 336 through 341 creating 5 ne~v single-fa.il~ residential ~"~-1"~ lots. The 5 nevc~ residential lots parcels A throu~~ ~ in ~'~. 04-1296} are assigned Amended A.ssessn~ent lumbers ~"Amended Assessments"~ 94o through 944, respectively. B. Assessments 336 through 341 are located in the Seven ~aks'Cest 1I Area of A~ 03.3 ~hereaer `Seven ~al~ west "~. Seven ~~ Vest i~I is one of three community areas within AID 03.3. AID 03 ~3 ended the costs to acquire certain in~prove~nents that are recluired~ or are expected to be required, to be constructed as conditions of final map or site plan approvals within the three A~ 03.3 commune areas. All of the Seven yaks west lII .provernent acquisition costs funded by .A~ 03.3 were allocated only to the Seven Oaks Wiest I~ lets and parcels. The AD o3.3 engineer's ~.eport~ approved April 2~, 2oo4s describes the method of allocating the AD o3-3 costs to each :assessed parcel. The ADS 03-3 Assessment Spread Method described in B~lbit ~ of the engineer's Report is in conformance with .~ake~~~`ie~d .~u~ici~' Cede ~'ec~ior~ ~3. ~8. ~~D~}~~e~~f ~~~~ Tease see the AD o3~3 Engineer's Report for a detailed description of the A~ 03-3 Assessment Spread Method. ~, The total original assessment principal amount, as reduced for the lower than. antic~i~pated hvnd issuance costs for each of Assessments 336 through 341 is $8,026.44. The remaining assessment principal amounts for Assessments 336 through 341 ~e~ective January 1, Zoo6, at the beginning of the 20062001 'Tax Fear} are.-$o.oo~ $?',514.41j $1,510.41, $`l`,510,41, $1,510.41, and $1,510.41 respectively. dote that Assessment 336 has been. paid o~ by its proper owner, as described below. The total anginal assessment amounts anal their rernain~.g principal balances for Assessments 336 through 341 are segregated and apportioned to the lots created by the above-referenced P~. 04-1296, as described below. 29686ExC ~ 4l2110G ~l!1~#R~~ t,~ LfSTING of oRlG1NAL ASSESSMENT AMOUNTS FaR AMENDED ASSESSMENTS 94Q TNROUG~ 944 ccTY a~ BAKERSFlELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT Na. 03-~ {SEVEN aAKS 1NEST I!I 1 BRIGHTON PLACE 111 FAlR~UAY aAKS SaUTH} COUNTY aF KERN. STATE 01= CALIFaRNIA ASSESSMENT ANI3 DIAGRAM AMENDMENT N~3.4 { AMENDED PARCEL _~~ ._. -~ _._....._~_ [ TaTAL AMENDED ~ DESCRIPTlt3N ~ AMENDED aRIGINAL ASSESSMENT a ASSESSOR`S TAX PROPERTY (ASSESSMENT NUMBER NUMBER (ATN} aNER NAME~ADDRESS ~ AMaUNT 940 52~-48~-~5 PARCEL MERCER Na. (~4-296, PARCEL A} CASTLE c~cc CaaKE CALiFQRNiA, tNC $8,46.44 941 523-480-66 PARCEL MERGER NC. 04-1296, PARCEL B} CASTLE & C44KE CALIFORNIA, I:NC $8,026.44 942 52~-480-57 PARCEL MERGER Na. 44-1296, PARCEL C} CASTLE & CaaKE CALIFORNIA, INC $8,D26.44 943 523-48Ci-58 ~PAR~CEI. MERGER Na. 04-1296, ~'ARCEL D} CASTLE & CaaKE CALPFaRNlA,1NC $8,026.44 ,__.__... 944 623-48fl-59 ~PARGEL MERGER N~, 04-196, PARCEL. E~ ~~~S~t.E & CaaKE CAL1Ft~R~~~A, ~1~C $8,026.44 TOTAL ~RIGINAI. Al~QUNT APP{3RTIONED: $40,132.2D 296$~E~CQ ~ ~-1 0412~I~006 ~ L' J Z ri z MZ~''~h O¢~ W ~ I n^~ I r a ?~ O ~ ~ .° W~ w z° U r vi z~Q~~ Opp ~ w q ~ I r Y ~ ~ ~tiQ~z { wZ I ° C{] ,..,, ~ H Q .v ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ca~~owr-Z ~o owozz rw~aaNr~z ~ I~ d IU~ I z III~Z~a~~,a wz°~ wow o~otnzoa~ I ~a! { ©p { w~ ~ ~ ~ T~ a~ w r I IL.°..i I o~ p li.flt0l1 '~~q ~ ¢~ ~OZ Izwq 'aF~ 4r~U`10ry~U OUSwU ~ ~j U I ~ ~ Q$ ~ E-+ ~ •'~ ~J H ~ pw 0: =O r~ ~. O ~~ I rN ~Z~ I ~wW ~za ° r w z}. tnW~ Wr W1-..-~~r ~flUO ~Uwm la ow v,°o:wo ¢ ¢ IUWU Ivp YO i M = rz Ymz ° rt+'j0.-~ wz~+- {O w r °o ~a I Oz {XU1~ I(Umw I~-m~ ~ ~ ~ 1--~ ~ 5, E-~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ •r-~ ~ ~ tOZ M~ ~a ~°d a'N ~ i a ~mZ ! zWOr W oo I ~ `` rwnaavNiw 1~W~- NU ¢U (Q:~O OQ~p Ip~V , ~¢~~' Jt+• i~UY rzcwiw zop ¢W~~O d o ov da . i .~o 3 ~W ~ f/.~ a '--' o r-t QS Z ~ w ~ ~ ~i ~ n w ~ W w`i o I l a . 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Q ~i ~ ,ti , ~ 6 ~'~~-----~ 1---a-----E~ ~'-, a .` _ _ ~ $ ~ ~ .,9z sa T , ~~ ' i F ~ ~ : ~ ~ 0 Q 7~~~ ~Qrth tngra~rn A~aenue, Suite ~0~ i~resr~~, #Gai~fc~rr~i~ ~37~ 1 ~a~c: ~~~~~ ~~~~~ CERTIFIED MAIL -RETURN RECEIPT REQUIRED I1~a~ l5, Z00~ ~~~ R~~ ~3ain ~.auscher X45 Califarn~a Street, Suite Zsaa San ~`rancisco, ~~. 94 ~ a~ Attn: Rabert L. illia~s Re: Assessment and Dia~ran~ Amendment ~o. ~ far ~~ of ~al~ers~eld Assessment D~st~.ct l~a.a3~~, Segregating and Ap~artionin~ l~x~stin~ Assessments 33~ Through 34~ Pursuant to tl~e Subdiv~sio~ of ~istrlct Viands b~ Parcel verger Via. Q~-~ Z9~ re~.tin~ ~e~v Asse~~ents ~4~ Through ~~4 ~,adies and rentlen~en: ~'ransn~itted here~th is a "l~ot~ce to ~ant~ader?' fa~.~ ~~~in~ Maur f~r~n. na~~ee ghat assessment apportionments have been requested ~~ district properr owners. ~"he Amended Assessment ~.oll and Amended Assessment I3iagram. far this appartianment have been prepared by the Superintendent of Streets fc~r the ~t of ~al~ersheld. . copy of the Amen~e~ Assessment Roll is attached as l~~ib~t A to the Notice to Bondholder. ~. caps of the l~r~ineer's Report on this Appart~anment Ida. ~ is also enclosed, providing a desc~ption of how the referenced assessn~e~ts have been subdivided. ,~ reduced and not to scale copy ofthe Amended Assessment diagram far Apportionment ~o. 4 is attached to the Engineer's P:eport. 'fie ~rould like to record this apportionme~.t as soar as possible. Accardin~ly, enclosed far your review is a draft letter that ~iaives RBA fain Rauscher's 14~da~ period. to request. a hearing on this apportionment. Jftl~is appar~.o.~n~ent is acceptable, ~ra~uld tau please place the enclased letter an RBA Rain .l~auscher letterhead and send the signed letter to John Stinson at ~it~r of Bakers~.eld Public orbs r~epartrnent for processing. ~f you have and questions an the enclased assessment apportiann~ent informat~a~~, .please call m.e. Very truly yours, Ed Wilson Wilson & Associates l~nclosures cc: Samuel Sperm John Stinson ~~ ~' #~~Vl~l ~.J~ L.~~~ ~~~~ ~~l.i~~~Y.~.Lil'YT 4 .L~ ~+til. ~ ~ ~~~~.~.~Ti A~~~i~~ ~~L 1~~~~~1~~ JL~~~~~~y~. 1 1X jL~~T ~~ • i CI J. ~ t~.f. JF~I~~~i-:lC~~S~'.~LD _ +v~~ ~~55~1~T DI~T~.I~T {~Y Q3 M/ 1J' 1I~~/~n ~~~~~ V A. ~II~J~, T~TJ~/ V Y L .W ~ Y .~~'~~~ i~~'-~~1~[~~~ ~T~~ .~~E~~~T~ 3~fi T~.~~+~~ X41 T~ .~ ~ ASSESS~TS 9~~ T~R.~~~~ 9~4 ~t~TICE ~S ~~~~ ~v~ to you as the anginal purchaser of the bands issued by the C~T~ ~~ BAKERSP~~D to represent the unpaid assessments relating to the acquisition and construction of certain ub~.c im rovernents in an assessment district l~na~. and designated as .ASSSSN~~IT p ~ D~STR~CT ~~Q. 4~-3 , Said bands mere issued pursuant tv the terms and pra.sians afthe t;~n~prc~ven~ent Band Act of ~ 91 S," being Division ~ ~ of the Streets and ~igh~vays Code of the Mate of California. ~C~T~CB IS ~REB~ C~v~ that an appartionn~ent has been requested by the property o~rner{s~ and prepared by the Superintendent of streets of the unpaid assessments re~at~.ng to the assessments and parcels as shown an B~~~T ~., ~tA~~DBD A~SSS~BT R~L~~' far said district, attached hereto and incorporated herein byreference. - N+~T~C~E S :~,RB~ ~v~~ that unless a request for a. public hearing is received from you within fourteen ~ 14} days from. the date of Ong of this notice, theabove-referenced amended assessments shall be recorded in the manner anal farms. as required by lave. ~f a request fax hearing is received, a report shall be filed and a hearing shah be scheduled, noticed, and held in accordance v~ith Part 10 ~comn~encing with section ~~'3~) of said Division 10. If you have any farther questions? please contact the undersigned at the fallov~ing address: Raul ~. Ragas Public works Director C~T~ ~' B~~~RS~'~LD 15~ 1 Tru~tun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93 3 Q 1 ~f 1} ~Z~-~~~4 This procedure is pursuant to the provisions of Part 1 ~. ~ of Division 1 ~ of the Streets and igh~ays Code ofthe Mate of California, the "~mpravement Bond Act of 19~~.~' D ted ~ ~~~_ ~ r, a . By; Superintenden .Streets City of Bal~ersfiield State of California AD 033 4121106 ~~~~~31T A AMENDED ASSESSMENT ROLL CITY OF BAKERSI=IELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO.93-3 SEVEN OAKS ~1fEST NI I BRIGHTON PLACE !I l FAIRVI~AY OAKS SOUTH} COUNTY Of KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA AMENDING EXISTING ASSESSMENTS 33fi THRGIUGH 341 AND ADDING NEVU ASSESSMENTS 94fl THROUGH 944 CREATED SY RECORDATION OF PARCEL MERGED NO, 84-1296 ASSESSMENT ANI~ QIAGRAM AMENDMENT Nb. 4 AMENDED PARCEL ~ ~ TOTAL AMENDED DESCRIPTION ~ t AMEI~IDED ~ AMENDED ASSESSMENT ASSESSOR`S TAX PROPERTY ~ ASSESSMENT NUMBER NUMBER ~ATN} Ot~VNER NAME~ADDRESS AMOtlNT ._..__._...._..._...____..~...~__.... _______ ~.~.v~~ _.._. ...... PARCEL MERGER NO.04-1296 (PMR fl4-1296 MERGES AND RESUBDI'~IDES EXiST~NG ASSESSMENTS 336 T~lRt3UGH 341 ~CREATEI~ BY +QRIGINAL ASSESSMENT AND I3IAGRAM FOR AD 03-3~, C~tEATlNG 5 NEiI'~ SINGLE-I=AMIL~ RESIDENTIAL LOTS. THE 5 NEVV LOTS PARCELS A THROUGH E !N PMR 94-1296} ARE ASSIGNED AMENDED ASSESSMENT NUMBERS 94fl THRODf~H , RESPECTI'~'Ek.Y. TIDE TOTAL. I~I~PAIti ASSESSMENT PR~I~C~I~AL AMO~#NTS FOR EXIS~'ING ASSESSMENTS 336 THR~3UGH 34~ EFFECTIVE JANUARY ~, ~~~, AT THE BEGINNING OF THE 2fl96f2097 TAX YEAR} ARE ~o,~, $7,519.41, $7,51.41, ~7,510.41, $7',519.41, AND ~7,51fl.41, RESPECTIVELY. NOTE THAT EXISTING ASSESSMENT 336 HAS BEEN PA!©OFF IN FULL. THE TOTAL COMBINED UNPAII~ASSESSMENTPRINCIPALAMOU~ITFOR EXISTINGASSESSMENTS 336 THROUGH 341 IS APPORTIONED TO THE S NE~i REST DENTIAL LOTS CREATED BY PMR -~ 296. THE TOTAI.AMOI,INT APPORTIONED TO EACH NE~11 LOT IS SNO1~N UNDER THE COLUMN ENTITLED "TOTAL AMENDED ASSESSMENT AMOUNT." EXISTING ASSESSMENTS 336 THR~3UGH 341 ARE DELETED :FROM! THE ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. fl3~3. 94Q 523-43fl-55 {PARCEL. R~ERGER Nth. t34-1296, PARCEL A~ CASTLE & CC~flKE CA~.IFQRNIA, INC X7.510.41 941 523-43D-56 PARCEL MERGER NQ. 94-196, PARCEL S~ CASTLE & CO-OKE CAL[FC~RNIAr INC $7,.519.41 942 523-480-57 ~PARCEI: MERCER NO.04-1296, PARCEL C} CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORlriIA, INC $7',514.49 943 523~480-58 PARCEL MERGER NQ. ~4-1', PARCEL. D~ CASTLE ~ COOKS CA~.IFC~RNIA, II'~C $7,519.41 944 523-4$0-59 PARCEL MERGER NO.94-1296, PARCEL E} CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC X7,514.41 TOTAL.. AM~}DNT APPC~RTI~NEa. ~37:552.t~5 I~t~TF~ FOR A DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE LINES, DIMENSIONS AND LOCATIONS ~?F ASSESSMENTS 944 THRQ~UGH 944 REFERENCE CERTIFICATE OF MERGER FOR PARCEL MERGER NO. fl4"1296 RECORDED JUNE 8, 2.OQ5, AS DOCUMENT NO.4245147340 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS, iN THE OFFICE OF THE KERN COUNTY REGORDER. PREPARED BY: ~ti!lLSON & ASS{~CIATES APPROVED: . ~_~.x_~~-_. DATE: 3'J ~,I r~ EDWARD J.1~1lLSON R.C.E. 23269 EXPIRES 12-31-97) 29~86E:?~A ~ A-1 Q4/2~12Q06 lJ . 1J tJ~ 1 .E.,i~~~~~~Li~ ~~ ~ 1 ~.R.L:~L' f .R J4K ~~w/ ~~~~ ~~N ~ Y ~R. .~ V . ~~ ^~, .i i~ ~~~ MA~~ ~4~~~. ~~i i V -I.~~1~~~ J4~~~~~~ . ~4i+.~~~ 1 i ` V • ~ a APPLICATION Ft?R SEGREGATION ANI3 APP(}RTIOId1V1ENT OF EXISTING ASSESSMENTS PURSUANT TO PART 1Q.5 OF T3TVISIO~I 10, STREETS ATTD HI~HW~i~S GtaD~ OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, TIC I~VIP'ROVE~4~IENT BOND ACT OF 1915. Rec~u~sites a-f.~pp~ic~.t~on: n 1, REQ~~E~T ~Q~R APFQ~TI~~T ~~ E:ST~G A~E~~~T~ 33~ ~.~GH 341, ARE SA~r~ PAR~E~G~ SAVE BEEl~ SUB~~~DED B'~ PARCEL R~ER1~C~. ~4-1~~. 1~. A~~EPTA~E ~~ A~SES~~~E~T APPORT~~~E~T PR~~E~L~RE, 'WAIVER ~}~ ~QTI~E A~I~ ~~~~ T~REE~~, AID RE~I~E~T TQ ~E~Q~RI~ ~:~~~~ A S ~E~~ET~. ~pPi~ca~~o I. REQUEST FOR APPORTIONMENT OF TI-~ UNPAID ASSESSMENT PRINCIPAL AMQUNTS FROM EXISTING ASSESSII~IENTS 336 THROt3GH 341 IN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WHERE SAID PARCELS HAVE BEEN SUBDIVIDED B~ PARCEL MERGER NO. 04- i 296. The undersigned is the a~uner and subdivider of existing Assessments ~ ~ ~ through ~ 41 ~"A.ssessn~e~ats 33~ through 341"~ which v~ere subdivided by Parcel verger ~o. ~4-~~~~ ~"~" ~4-1 ~9~"~, creating ~ new single-fan~i~. residential lets, and is the owner of all 14ts created b~ said P~ a4-~29~. A description of said existing assessments, the total amount of the unpaid assessment principal balance effective Ianuar~ 1, ~~3~~, and a description of how said parcels have been subdivided are included ~ Engineer's Report Exhibit B, Description of Existing Assessments in ~it~ of Bakersfield .sessment ~3istrict ~o. 03~~ ~hereina~er ". 03-3"~, attac.~ed hereto and incorporated herein by reference. As the original owner anal subdivider of the referenced existing assessments and the owner of the aforesaid lots ereated by P~~t o4-1 ? ~~, the undersigned hereby request the superintendent of streets far the ~it~ cif Ba~ersheld to apportion the amounts remaining unpaid an ~ssessrnents 33~ through 341 in accordance with the provisions of the Improvement Bond A.ct of 1915. The unpaid~principal arr~aunts far said existing assessments as shown an Exhibit B, have been .apportioned to each. separate part of the original parcel of land comprising the existing assessments in the amounts as sha~vn on Exhibit ~, Amended Assessment Roll attached hereto and incorporated herein b~ reference. 29686CC..~PP F ~' ~" 4/2/06 II. ACCEPTANCE OF AS SES SMENT APPORTIONMENT PROCEDURE AMID INQUEST TO RECORD AMENDED ASSESSMENTS. I have reviewed exhibit C +~escription ~~ A.ssessn~.ent Appoionment Procedures included in the attached Engineer's P.epor~, describing the procedure used to apportion shares of the unpaid assessment prince amounts for Ass~s~nents ~ ~~ through ~ ~ ~ in ~~ -~ to the lots and parcels created b~ the recordation of said P~ 04~ l ~~~. Pursuant to a review of E~ibit ~, the undersigned has determined that the amended assessment amounts shown on said Exhibit .~ have been apportioned accordance with the benefits the parcels will receive from. the improvements ~.nanced b~ . o~M3, based on current parcel zoning and with proposed uses. ~`herefore, the undersized wives nonce and heg hey®r~ the ~t~ ~aunci~ on this assessment apportionment, accepts the procedure used for the requested apportio~n~nent of the principal balances for said existing assessments, and requests and. consents to the recordation of the apportioned assessments on the properties for which the undersig~.ed is listed as owner on the accompan~.ng ~-~l~bit ~, and to the amended assessment amounts shoe therein. Subn~.tted b~, CAST.,E ~ C~~}3~E ~AI.,,~'~P1A,11~~., a ~a~ifornia corporation, owner oflots created byParcel Merger o. ~4-12~~ ~~i~ 1U~ By: Dated: / , 2Q06. Attachment: Engineer's deport on Assessment A.pportio~ent loo. 4 29686CC.AFP P ~~_ x/21106 ~E~~.EAT~~ ~~~ a~~~J~T~C~~~T ~~ A~~E~~ETS ~pR AS~ESS~~NT aI'~ DfA.G~.~~ A:ME~I~~~T ~J. 4 ~~`~~' ~~ BAER~~~E~.I~ aS~ESSE~T D~~STRICT ~~(~. ~3~3 ~:1~E~I E:~S~'~ ~~SES~E~'~ 33~.~:~.~~~~ 341 TO CREATE 1~Ew A~~E~~:N~NTS 94o TI-i~.~3t~GH X44 .pA~~EI~ l~E~.C~E~ ~. 04-~~~~ ~ , ~ applicatipn s been filed with the ~uperihtendent of Streets of the ~it~ of Ba~ers~:eid requesting a segregation and apportionment of existing assessments within Assessment district ~o. 03-3, pursuant to the division of the parcels. ~. ~n accordance witH said application, the undersigned hereby apportions to each. separate part of the original parcels of land tiie proportionate part of their respective unpaid assessment that would have been levied thereon if the parcels had been so~ didecl at tl~e time the original assessment was made. The undersigned has assigned a new assessment number to each r~ew parcel, as shown on the amended .sessment :diagram attached hereto. 3. The existing assessment. numbers, new assessment numbers, and apportioned assessment amounts {based in each case on the unpaid principal amount of assessment effective ~anuar~ , Zook, at the begiring of the ~00~1200'1 tax ~ear~ are as shown on ExHibit ~., "Amended Assess.ent ~.oll,a' attached hereto and incorporated Herein by reference. ~. description of the referenced existing. assessments and of Hew they have peen subdivided is included in Exhibit ~, attached hereto, A. description of the procedure used to apportion the unpaid principals for the referenced existing assessments to the new assessments is included in Exhibit ~, attached hereto, and a listing of the apportioned share of the original assessments for each new assessment is shown on Exhibit D, attached Hereto. Existing assessments ~3 ~ through 341 are deleted from the assessment roll for assessment district o. o~ ~~ . ~'repared bar: w.~LS~ ASSOCIATES Assess~.ent apportionment. Engineer ~y: ___ Assessment Engineer, Assessment Di 29b8bEI~CRt'T' P Date: ..~ri.~la{~ ~3R sa ~~ ~ ~ :~ ~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~T~ G~L~~~ o~ 4t2114b ~h.~~~# i AMENDED ASSESSMENT ROLL CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO.03-3 SEVEN C3AKS U~fEST Ill 1 BRIGHTON PLACE it ~ FAIRWAY OAKS SOUTH} COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA AMENDING EXISTING ASSESSMENTS 335 THROUGH 341 AND ADDING NEW ASSESSMENTS 940 THROUGH 944 CREATED BY RECORDATION OF PARCEL. MERCER NO. ~4-129 ASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT N0.4 AMENDED PARCEL _ € TOTAL AMENDED DESCRIPTION f % AMENDED ~ AMENDED ASSESSMENT ASSESSOR'S TAX PROPERTY ?ASSESSMENT NUMBER NUMBER ~ATN} ~ OWNER NAMEIADDRESS ~ AMOUNT~_ ~~.~.,..._...M.,..~.._...~.._~.~..._..............__._.___ _.~.._~..~__ __ .~~T PARCEL MERGER NO. ~}~-1295 ~PMR t~4-1296 MERQES AND RESUBDIVIDES E}~ISfiiNG ASSESSMENT`S 335 THROUGH 341 CREATED BY t3RiCINAL ASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM FOR AD 03-3}, CREATING 5 NEW SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL LOTS. THE 5 NEW LOTS PARCELS A THROUGH E IN PMR 04-1295} ARE ASSIGNED AMENDED ASSESSMENT NUMBERS ~ THROUGH , RESPECTIVELY, THE TOTAL. UNPAID ASSESSMEl~1T PR1NClPAL~ AMOUNTS FOR F~~STING ASSESSMENTS 336 THROUGH 341 EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 2005, AT THE BEGINNING OF THE 2flt15{2557 TAX YEAR. ARE $5., ~7,51~.41, $7,510.41, $7,514.49, $7',510,41, AND $7,590.4, RESPECTIVELY. NOTE THAT EXISTING ASSESSMENT 335 HAS BEEN PAID OFF IN F.ULI... THE TOTAL COMBINED UNPAIDASSESSMENT PRINClPALAMOUNT FC~R EX#ST1NG ASSESSMENTS 335 THROUGH 349 1S APPORTIONED TO THE 5 NEW RESIDENTIAL LOTS CREATED BY PMR 04-129fi, THE TOTALAMOUNT APPORTIONED TQ EACH NEW LOT 1S SNOWN UNDER THE COLUMN ENTITLED "TOTAL AMENDED ASSESSMENT AMQUNT." EXISTING ASSESSMENTS 335 THROUGH 341 ARE DELETED FROM THE ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.03-3. 940 523-480-55 PARCEL MERGER NQ. 04-1296, PARCEL. A~ CAST~.E & CQOI~tE CAI.(FQRNIA. !NC X7.510.41 941 523-480-5fi PARCEL MERGER NO.04-1296, PARCEL B} CASTLE & COOKS CALlFORNlA,1NC $7,510.41 942 523-480-57 ~PARGEL MERGER NO.04-1296, PARCEL C~ CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC $7,514.41 943 523-48Q-58 {PARCEL MERGER NQ.134-1296, PARCEL D} CASTI..E ~ C~3C~KE CALIFQRNIA, INC $7.51U.41 944 523-480-59 (PARCEL MERGER NO, 04-1296, PARCEL E) CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC X7,510.41 T~}TA~. AM~DNT APPC~R3IQNED: $37,552.a5 Nf~TF~ FOR A DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE LINES, DIMENSIONS AND LOCATIONS OF ASSESSMENTS 944 THROUGH 944 REFERENCE CERTIFICATE OF MERGER 1=0R PARCEL, MERGER N{~. 04-1295 RECORDED ,TUNE 8, 20QS, AS Dt~CUMENT N0.0205147340 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS,IN THE OFFICE OF THE KERN COUNTY RECORDER. PREPARED BY: WILSON & ASSOCIATES APPROVED; oa-rE: ~~l ` ~~ ~~ EDWARD J. WILSON R.C.E. 23259 €EXPIRES 12-31-07} 29ss~E~cA ~ A-~ 04~2~~2o0s ~~~~ DESCRn'TION OF E~STING ASSESS~'iENTS AND NEw PARCELS TO ~~C~ TIE E~CSTING ASSESS~'CENTS ARE TO BE APPORTIONED 13~ ASSESSMENT .~~ DIAGR~ AM~END~9~NT N0.4 C~`Y OF BAI~ER.SFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT` NO.03-3 ~~E~EN OA~.s ~vE~~ r ~~ ~ B~~~~T~~ P~,A~E ~ ~ FA~~~A~ ~-A~s so~T~ AME~~D~NG ~sT~NG A~~Es~M~NTS ~~~ TROtIG~ 34~ Arm ADDING A~J~ENDED ASSESSMENTS 940 TfIR.O~G~I 944 CREATED B~ RECORDATION OF PARCEL MERGER NO. f~4-1296 EXISTING PARCEL Z0061200'~ ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT A.T.N. FOR EXISTING PRINCIPAL TO BE I~Ow EXISTING PARCEL NDMI3ER ASSESSMl~ENT APPORTIONED SAS BEEN SOBDIV~DED 336 523-480-28 $0,00 337 ~~~-480-~~ t,~510.41 338 523-480-30 $7,SI0.41 ~~~ ~~~-480-31 ~~,~~a.41 340 523-480-32 ~~',510,41 341 5234480-33 x'1,510.41 Total. Amount tc~` Be Apportioned. to New Assessments: $37, 52.05 NUMBER OF NEw LOTS/PARCELS Parcel .Merger No. 04-196 {F~:R 04-1296 ~nexges ~. resu~des E~t:g Assessme~ 336 thr~~h 341 into 5 new single-family residential. lots. The ta~.l corebined unpaid assessment principal amount for E~sting Assessments 336 through 341 is apportioned to the 5 residential lots created by PMR 04-1296. Nate that Existing Assessment 336 has been paid Off. Existing Assessments 336 through 341 are deleted from the Assessment Roll for Assessment District Na. 03-3. Parcel Merger No. 04-1296 a. 5 residential lots Amended Assesnents 940 through 944 Total New Assessed. Lots~Farce~ Total New Nan-assessed lots~parc;els Total New Assessment Numbers Total Exist~g Assessment NOS. deleted foam Roll Net Change Active Assessments on Roll 1,Tl~e maid assessment balance aPpor~.o is the balance effecti.~e ~aa 1, 2006, at ~.e beginning of the 2006~200~ ~ dear. S 5 _6 _1 29686E~']3 ~ ~ 4121FOG L~R.l ~ ~ , V ~,l~.U TV ~V~1.Vi'~ ~~~~CI~i~ ~L' ~L ~ 1~~~ ~~fJ~~~~~il~l~ ~~~,~~~.f"Lf.~~ d' i.~~ Efif~V ~~~E~~~E~T ~3~ ~~.V~.fC 34~ T~ A9NDE~D A~~E~~~~TS 94o T~.~1~~~ 944 ~,.r~~i~ 1 1J ~ ]. O~..s~l.~~~Vl`i V~ PAEL ~~~V.~R £~. 04"`~~~`~ CITY OF BAI~ERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 03-3 (SEVEN OAKS WEST III 1 BRIGHTON PLACE II f FAIRWAY OAI~S SOUTH) A. Existing A.ssessn~ents 3 3 b through 34 ~ ~herea~er "Assessments ~ 3 ~ through ~ 4 ~ "} are located in the City bf Bakersbeld. They ~rere created b~ original Assessment and iagra~n for Assessment ~-istrict o. Q3-3 ". 03-3"~. Assessments ~~~ through 341. are identified as .ern Count~~:ssessor'sTax~~.n~bers~2~-4so-2~, X23-480-29, 523-48oW3o, 523.480-3 ~, ~2~-480-32, and 5.23-480-33, respect~~ely, ~'he are also ~dent~f~e~ as, respeeti~ely, sots ~o through 25 of Tract o. 6223-~Jnit 2. Parcel verger o. 04-1296 ~"P11~R o4-1296") merges and resubdivides Assessments 33~ through 341 creating 5 nevi s~nngle-fall reside~t~al ~"~-~"} lots. The 5 new residential lots Parcels ~ through ~ in P~ 04- ~ 296} are assigned A.ended Assessment ~um~bers ~"Amended Assessments"~ 94o through 944, respectively. B. Assessments 336 thr©ugh 341 are located in the seven ~a,~s `est ~~ Area of A~ 0343 ~hereaer "Seven ~al~s U~est "~. Seven ~al~s ~rvest ~~~ is one of three coun}t~ areas Within. ~ 03-3. AID 03-3 fumed the costs to acquire certain in~prove~nents that are rewired, or are expeed to be rewired, to be constructed as conditions of final. map or site plan. approvals within the three AID 03-3 con~munit~ areas..l of the Seven ~a~s Wiest ~ improvement acquisition costs funded b~ .- 03-3 mere allocated only to the Seven {3aks hest I~ lats a.nd parcels. The 03-3 Engineer's .ep©rt, approved .April 28, 2004, describes the method of allocating the A~ 03-3 costs to each assessed parcel. The 03-3 A.ssessn~ent Spread Method described in Exhibit of the Engineer's report is in conformance with Bers~eld .~'u~t~cip~cl Fade ~'ee~ion .~3. Q8. ~~~-~Be~e~it ~~e~~ Please see the ~.D o3-3 engineer's ~.eport for a de,~od desoription of the 03-3 A.ssess.ent Spread Method, ~. The total original assessment principal amount, as reduced for the lower than anticipated hand issuance costs, for each of Assessments 336 through 341 is $8,026.44. The remaining assessment principal amounts for Assessments 336 through 341 ~e~ective ~anuar~ 1, Z0o6, at the beginning of the 20061200' "fax Year} ~ are : $0.00, $'l, 510.41, ~"~, 510.41, ~"7, 5 ~ 0.41, $?,5 IO.41, and X7,510,41, respectively. dote that .~-.ssessment 336 has been.. paid aff b~ its Pre'Pe~'` owner, as described belov~. The total original assessment amounts and their remaining principal balances for Assessments 336 through 341 are segregated and apportioned to the lots created b~ the alcove-referenced P~. 04-1296, as described below. 2~~8~~x~ ~` 4f2~.f06 ~, DES~TI~ ~3~ T~ PR~~EDI~RE USED ~D SE~EATE ~ APP~RTI~I~ ~'.~ O~I~IAL AS SESSI~' A~~~OUI~TS AID JL ~.~.~~~~~~V ~~L..~1.C ~ ~~~`l.l ~l 1,.~~-J ~~.~~ ASSESS~~TS 33~ T~~U~U 341 T~ A~~DED ASSESSI~E~TS 944 T:C-IR4U V.~ 7~~. A. described in the final AD 43-3 Engineer's .Rep+art, all subdivision maps in the Seven Dabs west III have been recorded at the time original assessment far . 43 -3 was approved. Therefore, the tot ' assessment an~aunt for Seven {yaks west III was already apportioned as an equal per ~.-~ lot assessment within each of the subdivision maps in Se~ren t~al~s west III. As described above, the property owner af.Assessments 33~ through 341 has paid o~'Assessment 33~ remaining assessment principal balance so that the ~ new residential lets created by PMR 44-129 would end up with the .same assessment amounts as all other residential lots i.n Tract o. 623. ~ . In accordance with the Assessment Apportionn~.ent Method descbed on pages D-1 ~ and ~-17 of AD 43-3 Engineer's Report Exhibit D, Description of Assessment Spread Method, and the above-described property owner request, the original Assessments 3 3 ~ through 3 ~ I total combined principal amount is apportioned to the ~ R ~ lots created by Ply ~~- ~ 29~ as an equal assessment per new R-1 lat. ~, Each parcel's fatal a~.ended assessment amount shown an E~:hhibit D, attached to the En.neer's R.epart for this 43-~ A.ssessn~ent and Diagram A~.endn~ent No. 4 is the new parcel's original assessn~.ent share, a,nd is the a~nc~unt that should he used to calculate the fond I~.eser~e credit the new parcel would receive if the parcel owner elects ~o prepay the total remaining balance for An~en.ded Assessments 944 throw. 944. ~?. Apportionment of the Unpaid Assessment Principal Amounts far Assessments 33~ through 341 to Amended Assessments 944 through 944: The total. combined unpaid assessment principal amount for Assessments 33~ through 341 is apportioned to the new lots created by the recordation of said P11~. 04-1 ~9~ in direct proportion to the original Assessments 33~ through 341 shares a~portio~ned to each new lot, as shown on Exhibit A, A~.ended Assessment Rail, attached to the Engineer's Report for this AD 03 -3 Apportion.ent Na. 4. Por mire detailed infor~.ation on the Assessment Spread ~eth~od used to calculate the Assessments 33 d through 341 original assess~.ent a~.ounts, reference is made to the AD 033 Engineer's Report on file in the office ofthe Public works Director far the pity of~al~ersf~eld. PREPA.P.ED ~~: wII~SC~~ ~ ASS€~CIATES Approved by: 296~6EXC EDWARD ~. ~~5~, R ~. E. ~3~~9 A~J SES S~~T ~~IJI~.l:~~, AS SES IJ3 ...ate' ~" 1 `~ f t D . -~ 4121106 ~x~~~~ i LiSTf NG OF ORIGINAL ASSESSMENT AMOt~NTS FOR A.MENQED ASSESSMENTS 940 TNROUG~ 944 CITY OF BAKERSFIELQ ASSESSMENT DfSTRiCT NO.03-3 (SEVEN OAKS WEST IIf 1 BRiGf"iTON PLACE f! i FAIRUVAY OAKS SOUTf-f~ COUNTY OF KERN. STATE OF CALIFORNIA ASSESSMENT ANa DIAGRAM AMENDMENT NO.4 AMENDED PARCEL ~ ~ TOTAL AMENDED QESCRfPTION / AI~ENi~EQ ORIGINAL ASSESSMENT ~ ASSESSOR'S TAK PROPERTY (ASSESSMENT NUMBER ; NUMBER ~ATN} .._._. .~_.~ O'~1NER NAMEfAI~QRESS _ ~ AMOUNT 940 X23-484-~5 (PARCEL IVIERGER N0.04-~29~, PARCEL. A} CASTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC $8,02G.44 941 523-481-5fi PARCEL II~ERGER N0.1~4-1296, PARCEL B} CASTLE ~ CQOKE CALIFORNIA, INC $8,026.44 942 523-480-5~' PARCEL MERGER NO.04-1296, PARCEL C} CASTLE ~ CQOKE CALIFORNIA, INC $8,026.44 943 523-48~#-58 ~PARCEI~ I~IERGER ISO. (~4-129Fi, PARCEL D~~ CASTLE ~ COOKS CALIFORNIA, II~C $8,Q2fi,44 944 523-480-59 (PARCEL MERGER NO.04-1296, PARCEL E} G~iSTLE & COOKS CALIFORNIA, INC X8,026.44 TOTAL ORIGINAL AMfl~11~1T APPORTIONEC~: ~40,~32.20 296a~~x~ ~ D-~ ~ 0412 ~ 120D~ wz ri 1 °3¢ oaoQw ww C'7 ~ ~p zw .Q w o ~ ~ W ~ OM~¢z klx"z zato w w~.F F""wa~z~aaz z aoWF- U a UO j~ I I'YNr ~y. z g I~~~O~Z~ ~'O zzv tx¢ ! Da' ~o _ C'~ © x ~ d Q ~ ~U z~ U i ~ ~ _ ~ w~ I ow c a ~wSaQN~~z pQwoN 'Z~d oH- z a U~z IzWO w i onow~QO`` ~~UQON~(aj oaw N I o,~ I aU ~ Z ~ ~ ~ ~ Q x a ~w =o F F i ~ p I v~za i ~ww oox F ~ a r zw o ~' w~~~~ lflUO ~Uwv~ I~ z to U~w log ~ I>x~~ Ivwv I oo I~ n oUZwU ~z ~o~Wrio °~ wzw 1 ° w zaoN,~m~x ~ ~ =ron~ IUrnw (I-wx EH •~ ~ Q k ~.+ `~ IYi ~ 0 ~r [---~ a--+ •~ ~-I ~ ~ ~Z Mo U ~o ~ awmQ ~N ~ ~?w~ (~/1 I (XO0 w°QQN° ,~ww viNa¢~ ia~o awo V. 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