HomeMy WebLinkAboutAD 05-2 Revised Application and Cost SummaryLetter of Transmittal r"e Ke"" °°`^°e^1B81'r~{C Copies Doc Date Pages Description 1 2/18/05 25 REVISED Cost Summary Remarks: This is a revised cost summary for the assessment district application, excluding landscaping. Signed: Colin Nemeroff Planning Technician ~''~~ 805-495-6522 (t), 805-495-6502 (fj Email: colin.nemeroff@keithco.com 4195 E. Thousand Oaks Blvd. Suite 250 Thousand Oaks California 91362 t; 805.495.6522 wuuw.keithcoecom V.•1170077.OOldocslcorrespondence out1TRN.assessmentrevision.doc CITY OF BAKERSFIELD APPLICATION FOR USE OF CITY INFRASTRUCTURE F[NANCE PROGRAM . 1. Applicant name., contact person {address and phone number}. . S&S Homes of the Central Coast, Attn.: Dan. Pike 1350 E. Grand Ave., Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 (805)481-4033 2. Relationship of applicant to subdivision or real ro erg e.., tannin p p Y~ g p g consultant, developer, landowner, etc.}. Developer and Land Owner 3. Name of Landowner including address and phone number . } .. 4. . Marne of developer (including address and phone number . . r~ . 5. Name of subdivision ~pravide map identifying location. Views- ~ Section 9 (Tract No. 6137) ____ See attached "Vicinit~r Map" 6. Land use summary (i.e., nurnberof unitslacres included b land use cafe o Y 9 rY~ ~~ 312 sin le a ` 7. Description of infrastructure and facilities proposed for assessment district financing provide costs and maps identifying facility types., size and location). Streets (Palidino Drive, Masterson Street, Grand _ -~.-.ion r 1 ve } Utilities (Electric, Gas, Cable, Telephone,-Water, Sewer, Storm L 8. Statement of general intentionlpurpose of receiving tax-exempt financing for identified infrastructure and facilities. To offset development costs 9. Relevant information pertaining to the tax structure of the subdivision or real property. Are required taxes paid/current? Are there other secured interests on the property?~ Taxes paid current. 10, , Previous .work -identify .other land development ventures b same landowner Y ~andlor developer and provide a brief description of each. -See attached "finished communities" 11. If subdivision is being processed, list Cit a rousts subdivision has received to Y pp date, include date of approval .and current processing status. Note that final subdivision processing should not be made prior to ac uisition a regiment if q .g application for infrastructure financing is apprbv~d. GPA/ZC ~4-0436. 12. What is estimated subdivision propert .value-to-lien ratio- after the installation of y the public improvement to be financed? r 4:1 13. What method do landowners anticipate ernp{Dying to ensure full disclosure of this and any other assessments and special taxes to ros ective urchasers p p p (Or does the landowner anticipate paying off the entire amount or portion of the assessment lien prior to the close of escrow?~, Homebuver notification TBD - ~ - 2' 14. Are there other affected surrounding ro ert owners which should or ma be }p p Y y involved in the proposed district financing? Attach a map identifying their property locations and proximity to the subdivision and affected facility items}. No. 15. Do you desire assessment district bonds to be issued in accordance with tho 191.1 Municipal Improvement AcfiI1915 Bond Act, or some other combination or t no preference}? TBD 16. ao you have any preference at this time as to the selection of underwriter, bond counsel, appraiser, design engineer and~lor assessment en ineer? State who g and briefly why. The City will make the f nal determination or selection of each consultant. The design engineer and assessment engineer shall be selected ~by the City- utilizing the Request For Pro osal rocess. p p The KPi i-h C~mn~ani~, C'Zr; ~ Fnc~i nPPr { 805 }495-6522 . Already designed} 1. Are the facilities proposed for assessment. district financin rivate ar ublic? gP p Public 18. Has the landownerldevefo er and/or 'oint ventur ~ ever been a a p 1 ~ p rty to an , abandoned, defaulted, andlorcourt-challenged assessment district financin ? 9 If so, when, where, issue size, circumstances and reasons. No. 19. Do you foresee any unusual re uirements, roblems uni ue o ortunities e . a p ~ q pp tc , that may exist in the requested financing for you subdwision~development? No. ' 3 S:IPROJECTSIASMTDIST1app-intraslruct.wpd r. ~ ~ , ' ' 1 ~ . y ~ . ~ ~ • ~ '~~, `~ F . O - • . ~ ~ ~ ~ NILES STREET ~ ~E f8 o d ~, ,~V~S ~ ° ~ ~',~, ~ W ~ ~n ~ ~,~ ' . 178 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . ~ a °~ PA~ADIND w ~ A . ~ ,,~ ~ ~'~,~ p A,N,g ~ ~ o ,~ ° t,~ W DRIVE , , , ~a ~~' ~Rl ~.~ . r ~ W~ ~S 1 ,, . . .~ y~ ~ ~ Project: BAKERSFlELD . Description: VICINITY MAP The Keith Companies 4195 E. THOUSAND OAKS 8C VD. SUITE 250 THOUSAND OAKS CA. 805-495-6522 ' ~ ~ Job No.:) 70077.00 Date: 09 04 F1111S11ed C0111111U111~1eS ~j~'Il~ III'I l ~fl 1 ~I '/ ::~:~~~, ~~~, [Ic)r~~c~~ c)f thc; ~'~ntral CCc~~~~ t ht~s fez! i 1 t nl~~r~~~ b~~iu- t 1 ~~lr 1 ~:~~)1~1 iI'I 11 Cl l t 1 ~ ~ l Il ~~ ~~, n I1uis ~~t~is}~~~ ~~c}ur~t~~~. ~;c)n~~ c)f' thc~~c~ c:~an~~l~tc;~1 c:c~n~nlu- !11 tr~~; ~~rc~ }~i ctu r~~i }~~;rc ~~~rth lc~~.atrc~r~ lr~l'~~rn~~~tlc)r~. 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N 1 z ~~:: ~ ~ 'k~' :~: :~ : ~ .W ~ W Q ;~i: .~ W Z w 1- ~; :,,:,:. ~ ~~. ~ ;~~ : ~ ~ 0 ~ W I- +~ 0 ~ . :~: ;~: ~ •- N ('~ d' to (0 (~ 00 0 O ~- N ('~ d' to CO (~ a0 0 O r N (~ d' N t0 I~ 00 0 O ~- N (~ d' In t0 T T r r r r r r- ~-- ,- N N N N N N N N N N t~7 (~ ('~ ('7 ('~ (~ (~ fi ...~ l ~. `~'~3 ~~ ~~ i~, a N 0 U o~ N 0 °a m r co 0 N N Y `` A B C D E F 1 ,~ ~~~~ :. 'T ~ ~.. 2 PROJECT TRACT 3 THE VIEWS 6137 BAKERSFIELD 4 WORKSHEET TITLE DATE 5 Prel i mi nar Cost Esti mate No.1 2/4/2005 6 AREA OR SEGMENT LOTS NOTES: 7 Grand Can on Dr. Onl - $ FORWARD ITEM TOTALS T0: [x ] BACKBONE COSTS SUMMARY [ ] DEVELOPMENT COST SUMMARY 9 1 0 ~I'~:~a pig. . 11 2 ~: ;~A': ~~~Q~ ~ ~~~n~ ~' `le'' ~'rr~ ~'b~~: ~ ~:: Site Prep. Per Soils Report 0 SF $0.00 $0.00 13 Demolition/Removal j 14 Structures 0 LS ~ $2,000.00 $0.00 15 Fences 0 LF ~ $0.00 $0.00 16 Water Tanks 0 EA , $0.00 $0.00 17 Pavement-Asphalt 0 SF j $0.00 $0.00 18 19 Drainage Structures __Curb..__......._..._......_.._...._......._...._-.._---- 0 ---_ 0-__ -LF- - ; $0.00 ._. LF .t....._...............~4~00 _ ~ ~~ .. ~$0 X00 M $0.00 --------------------------_........_.._.._....___ __..._......_.._.. 20 Trees 0 AC $0.00 $0.00 21 Spec. Treat. Crops ~ 0 AC I $0.00 $0.00 22 Orchards 0 AC j $0.00 $0.00 23 Relocation/Restoration 24 Power 0 LF I $0.00 $0.00 25 26 Power Poles Gas 0 0 EA I $0.00 LF ~~ $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 __ __ ~~ 27 Telephone (by others} 0 LF $0.00 $0.00 28 Sanitary Sewers 0 LF $0.00 $0.00 29 Water Mains 0 LF ; ~ $0.00 $0..00 30 Fencing 0 LF ; $0.00 $0.00 31 Common Access Roads 0 SF $0.00 $0.00 32 33 Irrigation Drainage Facilities 0 0 LF ~ $0.00 LF $0.00 . $0.00 $0..00 34 Slopes ~ 0 SF ! $0.00 $0.00 35 - 36 ~~~a~~~oa`.~. ~~ ~. ::J:~ ::$...~~, 37 .~~~ ~~ 'C~~ '~A~ G~i~ ~ :~~..:.. 8 .~ ti :~ • :v, :':•; :•~ti•~ti:v:C:• ~: ~ rt:•:v: r~ ~ :v:•; : ~•~~:ti'tr:: ':•t:: fi7'~V~~ti ~ r~ {ri::v:•~:•::; /~r~ .~~'~~41~%.V' .~'Y• ~{a~„F~c, cav~~lvr~,...,,., :;:;;::~~~~:~::::::::::~~:~:8~. ~' ............... Y.......................:... ........,.,.......:. , .........::....,.: a::: ' ............................ .......: '..... •. ~....,.. ,,,.,.' 39 Access Road Excavation 0 CY j $2.50 ~0.00 40 Colluvium Removal & Comp. 0 CY $1.20 $0.00 Need Soils Report 41 Buttress 0 CY ! $1.85 $0.00 42 Tie-in Remedial 0 CY ' $.0.90 $0.00 43 Stabilization Fill M_..___.._......_....._.. ~.__~ ..._ _~. CY ._~ ~.. ..___......_.. $1.85 .._..__ _... $0..:.00 _..~._ ..............._..._...._........_.-............ ...~__.... 44 Landslide Removal & Comp. 0 CY $2.00 $0.00 45 Possible Stabilization Fill 0 CY $1.85 $0.00 46 Import 0 CY ~ I $2.50 $0.00 From in Tract 47 Export 0 CY j $0.00 $0.00 48 Stockpiled Soils 0 CY j $0.90 $0.00 49 6"Canyon Subdrain 0 LF $14.00 $0.00 50 51 8"Canyon Subdrain__.--___.....~...._.....___... 8"Outlet Pipe .__. 0 .~.. 0 ___LF M-- LF -~ _ -------- $14.00 ~ ~ $7.00 ...............M----- $ON00 $0.00 -----....._...___..._.........~..w......_.......__._...___._. 52 4" Buttress Subdrain 0 LF ; $10.00 $0.00 53 4" Buttress Outlet Pipe 0 LF j $5.00 $0.00 54 Transition Cut/Fill 0 CY $0.00 $0.00 Need to review 55 Daylight Lot Stabilization 0 CY ! $0.00 $0.00 56 Lot Finish & Acceptance 0 EA i $900.00 $0.00 57 58 Retaining Walls Retaining Wall Excavation ~w0 0 SF CY $0.00 I $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 59 Excavation-Rock 0 CY ~ $4.00 $0.00 60 Undercutting-Utilities . 0 LF , $0.00 $0.00 61 Blasting 0 CY i $0.00 $0.00 62 Construction Water 0 CY ~ $0.011 $0.00 • 3 6 :; .: ~~;: : ::o ,. ,~:$ ''t air ~~la'biiiza i :::$, ::......,...................... .......................,.,,..... .,,.................................................................,....... ......................................................... .................. .................:: :: .. : • , 64 ~ ...... .. ~ . ~. .. ~.... •: •,Y. ~~Q~~38~~ s50~~:~~ .7 . ~~ 66 ; K:1129281DCC1TT 6137 AD-021805.xIelGrand Canyon A B C D E F 6 AREA OR SEGMENT LOTS NOTES; 7 Grand Can on Dr. Onl - 6 7 X01? . &~~ .:~:: . ~~ I .41 ..~::~: l~~ 68 Terrace Drain 0 LF $15.00 $0.04 69 Bench/Terrace Drain 0 LF ~ $10.00 $0.04 70 Down Drain 0 LF $15.04 $0.00 71 Brow Ditch 0 LF ; $22.00 $0.00 72 Toe Drain @ Ret. Wall 0 LF j $6.00 $0.00 73 Interceptor Drain 0 LF ! $0.00 . $0.00 74 75 4" PVC Drain Pipe 8" PVC Drain Pipe -------------------_.__-----------_ 0 ...... 0--..._ LF~ .__-LF ___ ~ $0.00 1 _....~__-----$0.00- $0.00_ -----....__..__ $0.00 _._....___----......._.._._-----------._.._.-- . ---------.__...___.. 76 Outlet Pipe 0 LF ~ $0.00 $0.00 77 18" csP o LF '_, $40.00 $o.oo 78 Junction Structure IV 0 EA $850.00 $4.00 79 _" Pipe 0 LF ; $4.00 $0.00 80 Area Drain 0 EA $0.00 $4.00 81 82 Dispersal Wall _ ... ..._..._.._.._..._._........ Down Drain to Pipe Trans. __._~_._. 0 _.~~....__~ EA .....___ $74000 _ _$2,500.00 .__.---...__._ $0.00 $4.00 _____._....__.......__..__....._...__.__...____....___----- 83 Rip Rap 0 SF ~ $25.00 $4.00 84 Splash.Wall 0 LF I $12.50 $4.00 85 Retention Basin 0 EA ; $15,000 $0.00 86 Desilting Basin Temp. 0 EA = $12,500.00 $0.00 87 Sandbagging 0 YR $15,000 $0.00 88 Check Dams 0 EA 1 $650.00 $4.00 89 -__.__~„__.~.~.-.___-_--M-_.___.-_.~-_-_-_ --_~--- ..... .:.r.:.::. ;:.:~~~ ~~ :: i r~. .Q ~~o;~:~ti~o B ~ ~ G. ~ r ~ I 9 2 . ... .. ...~ ..:....:..:..:..::..:..:..: ~~:^:~:: ~ ~ ~~ &~~~~~~o~ "~o" ~~~ 't ~:o~~ .~~..T~~al. , IQp.. . ~.. ~.. o, .~. ..$~~ ~~QQ~n:: . t.. ...................................................................... ................. .................. ............................ ................................ ~~~~ 93 ~~A~. ~~1~~ .~ .R ~'~' ,~ ~~ ,i~: . l~ '~~: ` Qty ~. ~ .... ... :;~. ~~ 4 5 ... ~, ~r '•~t~ MM ;V .~ 3 ~~~~. ~~~ ~~o< 8:: ~ ~~ed~rr G:l~. a~kft~l:: ~~ ~~~. ~...~.. . . ...... ....... ................ .~P,p.. 4" VCP 0 LF j $0.00 $0.00 96 12" Pipe 0 LF 1 $45.00 . ~ $0.04 ~ 97 5... n:~a d~f~, .~~o ~~~a~ '~~~ ~~e 'I a~ : ~ : ;D~~;~. ::-~~~' ................... ~ ~2~~~ .... ~QQ: .~.,,d. : :. . ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~ :;::::::~ 5.04::; .~. .f. ~ .r. 98 ................................... Extra Deep Manhole ..,... ......0 ...... ..... EA _ .................. .~0.00 . ....................:,$0.00 99 6" Force Main ~ 0 LF I $22.00 $4.00 100 101 Clean-Outs Laterals ._....._._..___ ~~ ---~~- 0 0 EA EA $0.00 ~~~ $440.0.0 . $0.00 $4.00 102 Remove & Replace PVMT. 0 SF ~ $4.00. $0.00 103 Special Bedding 0 LF i $0.04 $0.00 -104 Concrete Encasement 0 LF j $110.00 $0.00 105 Special Backfill 0 LF ( $0.04 $0.00 106 Boring 0 LF $4.04 $0:00 107 108 Jacking/Boring ~ Tunneling----_ _--_____.....__..._.._.....~,._... 0 ......._o......_ LF ~ .......LF .....~ $4.00 . _..___..__ $0.00 $0.04 ..__._..___... $0.00 _.__._..._.._.......__..___...._ _.._..._..~..._.._.. 109 Pipe Collar 0 EA $0.00 $0.00 110 Plug 0 EA ( $0.00 $4.00 111 Remove Plug & Join 0 EA ; $100.00 $0.04 .112 Pump. Station 0 EA ; $300.04 $4.40 13 1 :` ~;~<: ,~. :~; 0. ;~~:. .~. ;:~;` .0:~: ~~~~'~~:~ .,Q~~~ ~~:. 114 115 Backflow Preventors Off-Tract 0 LS _ $4.00 ~ $4.00 1 fib 12" Gravity Sewer & Manholes 0 LF $54.00 $0.00 117 8"Gravity Sewer & Manholes 0 LF $35.00 $0.00 118 Standard Manhole 0 EA $2,500.00 $0.00 119 Lift station 0 EA ! $250,000.00 $4.00 120 Upgrade from 14" to 12"Sewer/MH 0 LF ; $8.04 $0.00 121 Upgrade from 12" to 15" SewerlMH 0 LF $5.04 $0.00 122 8"Gravity Sewer 0 LF i $25.00 $4.00 123 6" Force Main 0 LF j $22.04 $4.00 124 125 12" VCP 8" VCP 0 - 0 LF ~ $50.00 LF $35.00 $0.00 $4..00 -._~-._......._....._........____..___._.._......_.._...._~..._.. 126 Upgrade 8" to 6" 0 ~ LS $10.00 $4.00 127 Upgrade 8" to 12" 0 LS j $15.00 $4.00 i 28 Upgrade 10" to 12" 0 LS j $8.00 $4.00 129 Upgrade 12" to 15" 0 LS $5.00 $4.00 130 131 ~:r:: ::~4T~~1 .iii. ~. . ~..r;.::.::;;; .:.::.:.:.::::.:;;.::.::::.:>:::::.::;.;.:;.::.:;.:.:::.:.::.;;.:::.;::.:;:.;.:;;.::.:.:~:.:;::~ ::; ::.::..,~..::....:::~::~~::;:: r .:a ~~ .:..:..:..:............:::..::::::..::.~:.~:::..::::.:,...:,.::::::..:..:....::;..;..;..;..:.:,.::::::...:::::...:::..:,...,....., .........~ ..~Q..,,... ~3a~ ~t~` ~3e~' ~~e: . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~00::: .~~ ~ .~. K:1129281DOCITT 6137 AD-021805,x1s/Grand Canyon ' A B C D E F. 6 AREA OR SEGMENT LOTS ~ NOTES: 7 Grand Can on Dr. Onl - 13 2 ~ ~~ ~:~' ~. A 33 .;., ~. fl~::~::::;:~:: ~.~~6~~200:00: `.4 ~~8:~ :RCP: ~~ .$. .,,, :~$ . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 134 $o.oo LF $45.00 0 ~21 "RCP . 3 15 .::;. . :, 2 0 : ~4 .0:: C. ::R P:: X24.: $ ,,. 136 X27 RCP 0 LF $52.00 $0.00 137 30" RCP 0 LF i $58.00 $0.00 138 36" Pipe 0 LF $68.00 $0.00 139 140 42" Pipe 54" Pipe __.._--------._--------------------------------------------- 0 ---------~------- LF_ $80.00_ -------LF .._._ . `.....-----------~ 105.00 $0.00 ....---.--- . -----$0.00- --...._..---.......--------........-.-.------------------------....._.._ 141 142 60"Pipe ;i~l~. ~~of~~ ash . ~~ 0 LF ~ $114.00 E 2. ,.. ;:~~. :~. ~ $0.00 ~.. ., .0. $ 143 e~ ~~~~rt~o a A~:~~::::;::;;::;;~~ >~o~ ~~ o :$.. 144 Junction Structure 0 EAR j $0.00 $0.00 145 Junction Structure 0 EA ~ $950..00 $0.00 146 147 48 Junction Structure 0 EA $0.00 $0.00 Catch Basin Type 0 ; ----- --- ------------------------__._ ,,, :::.: (~~Aj~/~~77~~400~:~Q~O::::: ~' ::3a ~ =~:~ :UI~.~~ A:~: ::~1 ;: ::~:5 ~: 2; ~$. . ~.. .:$. .,. 149 W=10' 0 EA I $3,400.00 $0.00 150 W= 0 EA ~ $0.00 $0.00 151 W= 0 - EA $0.00 $0.00 152 In et Riser 0 EA ~ $0.00 $0.00 153 154 Inlet Structure (Temp.} Inlet Structure -0 0 -EA ~ $2,800.00 EA ; $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 155 Inlet Structure 0 EA $0.00 $0.00 156 Swale 0 LF j $15.00 $0.00 157 Detention Pond EA ; $50,000.00 $0.00 158 Outlet Structure (30") 0 EA $1.0,000 ~ $0.00 -159 Collar 0 EA ~ $0.00 $0.00 160 Anchor 0 EA $750.00 $0.00 .._._.....__.--__._-__ .................w............................... - 16 1 ~e~~~~d ~:0~~ :~~0:0,;~0:: .~C~ ` ~. .~.. : 162 Special Bedding. 0 LF j $0.00 $0.00 - 163 164 Special Backfill or Comp. 0 LF ; $0.00 $0.00 r0~;0~0> ~0. . X500`~~~`>~'~~~~~~~~~~~:~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~Q~~<' '~oue: .$. ~. 1.65 Rip Rap 0 SF $8.00 $0.00 166 Remove & Replace Pvmt. 0 SF _ $0.00 $0.00 167 168 Adjust~MH to Grade ..____----- . -..~.......-.....- Remove Plug & Join - ------- ~ --_ 0 __.. E!°_'....--~----_...---_ _ $000 EA $1,000.00 --•--------.._.... $0:00 -$0.00- ._......- .................-.........~...__..__._-:.......__.__ 169 Join E~asting Line 0 EA ` $0.00 $0.00 170 Off-Tracts 0 i 171 60" RCP 0 LF I $98.00 $0.00 172 33" RCP 0 LF I $57A0 $0.00 173 30" RCP 0 LF ' $52.00 $0.00 174 175 18" RCP__ _ -Manholes -~~ ----~~--~-------~-~-------~- 0 ~~ 0 LF ! $36.00 LF y $4,500.00: $0.00 0.00 176 Junction Structures 0 LF I $950.00 $0.00 177 Pipe Transitions 0 EA ; $2,500 $0.00 178 Riser Inlets 0 EA j $3,500 $0.00 179 Inlet Structures (30") 0 EA ! $5,000.00 $0.0.0 180 Outlet Structure (60") 0 EA ~ $20,000 $0.00 181 182 _ Outlet Structure (18")-.--_-_...-..-------------- Rip Rap ....:..~ _.... 0 ._-- ~--___~_...---._...._10,000 EA - $5.00 ---_......_........ $0~00 -$0.00 - ..----.-__-_..-_......._........._...-__..__._._...__..-...... 183 Anchors 0 EA j $750.00 $0.00 184 185 i 186 187 188 189 ' ~~ ^:': ~3g~~~~~~~~:~~:p:0 ~~~~..T.~~aj~~Stoi's~:~~)~~ ~.~.. ~4, .............................................9......................... .. ,,....,..,,..,. ..................:;:...,,,,.,................,... ,,.....,........::~.:.........,. K:1129281DOC1TT 6137 AD-021805.x1s/Grand Canyon A B C D E F 6 7 AREA OR SEGMENT Grand Can on Dr. Onl LOTS - NOTES: 19 0 .~~"~~ 19t 8" PVC. 0 LF i $30,00 $0.00. Class 200 192 12" PVC 0 LF $38.00 .i. $0.00 Class 200 :1:g:: ................................................. ................... .. ............ ...... ...... :.i~:....................,........ .$ .,.. .........................,...... ................. ....................,............................... 194 "Pipe ~ ~ 0 , LF $0.00 $0.00 195 19 97 198 199 , .1-112" Service Meter EA ' $1,400.00 $0.00 '~~~~: $. ,.$3 aid :~. .a. ....................................................................... ................. .......... .....ti............... ......,.... ,,,.....,..,.,....... ........ "Service & Meter 0 _ _ _EA __ ___ _ __ _ $550.00 $0.00 .' _......_........-_--------------------._..._..._---__...__.._...___.. _......_-------- 10" Valve Assembly 0 ~ EA w ~ $900.00 $0.00 :;~; >~~2:~ 1~~L~~~Ass~l` .Y 200 ~18" Valve Assembly ~ 0 EA ; $1,650.00 $0.00 201 Fire Hydrant Assembly 0 EA ~ $2,500.00 $0.00 20 2 <,: . ,~ ~11~~~i~~ '~~ ~ ~ ~ ~`~E~a-see ~~ ~ ~ ~~ m ~, ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~2~~00 ,$:..~. ~':D~~':a0~ ~ ~~~~~ ~4 .Q.. . .$..,, : 203 Pressure Regulator 0 EA ; $0.00 $0.00 204 205 Temp, Blow-Off Assembly Special Encasement...._..._._....._._...__..._~. 0 ........0........ EA i $850.00_ .._.-LF ...--~ --....._............0.00 $0.00 ..... ._......\0.00_ _ _ _ , .........__....._..._.__ - ----.._.......__ --------- 206 Special Backfill 0 LF ' $0.00 $0.00 207 Boring/Jacking 0 LF i $0:00 $0.00 208 Plug 0 EA ' $10Q,00 $0,00 209 Remove Plug & Join 0. EA $300.00 $0.00 210 Remove & Replace Pvmt. 0 SF ! $0.00 $0.00 211 212 Concrete Anchor Hot Tap Assembly 0 0 EA $0.00 EA $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 213 Pump Station 0 EA ; $0.00 $0.40 214 Reservoir 0 GAL $0.35 $0.00 215 Off-Tract ~0 LS ~ $0.00 $0.00 216 Traffic Control 0 LS I $1,500.00. $0.00 217 AdjustWaterService 0 EA' $100.00 $0.00 218 219 ~ ':, I 0 ~r•: :•s. ~i': : ~y~ 1 ~~iub~.Tatal111~aterd~:s~r~.b~~i..r~:~:~:~~~:~ ~~ ~::;~ :::: : :::::: : :::::::::~~ :: ::::::::::; ~~~:~ :::;: ~~::; ~~~;~ :: ;;:~;~:;:,: ~.1' o ~ :~~5 ~4 ..~00~ 221 ~ K:1129281DOCITT 6137 AD-021805.x1slGrand Canyon A B C D E F 6 7 AREA OR SEGMENT Grand Can on Dr. Onl LOTS - NOTES; 22 2 223 Rolled Curb & Gutter 0 LF $10,00 $0.00 24 .~. .;~. t ~~ ~~ ~1 ~~ . ..~ .,. , ' .................... .......... .......: ,~....... ~...................~~ ~....... ......~. '. .................... ~~ ~ 225 Rolled Curb &Gutter 0 L i $8.00 F $0.00 226 Median Curb 0 LF $8.04 $0.00 227 Dirt Balance, C&G 0 LF $0.30 $0.00 . 228 _" AC Berm 0 LF ; $0.00 $0.00 229 230 "Berm _" To Curb & Gtr. Trans 0 0 LF $0.00 LF $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 231 Sidewalk 8' 0 LF : $OAO ~ $0.00 3 :....'..'........r...~~....:..:...~...'...~~..... ..~.. .'.'~.':.'.'.':.'.'.'.'.'i':.'.': :. i':: ~.~ .S' e~a~ 4:. i.i....~.....~.. :.:'.•:~i ;3~ ~~00~.~:~~ .................. .. . . .....~.....:.'::~:.'.'...~~.~~.. i.~~.i~~~~~.~~.... ;~».~. .0. .. ....................... . 'a'~ :S e5 ~:,.;~~~:~.:,:;:;:.:,:,:,:;::::,::::::;~ :~~~~::::,::>:,>:::::~»:~: ... .. 233 Driveway Aprons 0 SF $2.10 $0.00 234 .Dirt Balance, SW 0 SF $0.20 $0.00 235 Concrete Crossgutter 0 SF $3.50 $0.00 236 237 R_edw_ood Header -Base Under Sidewalk......-~.....-..-~----------- - _0 _____ 0 - _ LF - _ , __ _ __-$0.00_ SF i- - $0.00 $0.00 _..____...........~0.00- ...........__...--__-..-...-.._..__........._____.-_.__._...._ 238 Base Under Curb & Gtr. 0 LF ~ $0.00 $0.00 239 Dirt Balance, Street 0 SF j $0.12 $0.00 240 Local Depressions EA ~ $1,300.00 $0.00 241 242 Concrete Apron 0 SF ! $0.00 $0.00 ~~.:~:~:A~~~:~:~B:~:~~~~~~~;~>;:~~~~;~::;;:~~`~~~~~~~~fi52n4:;<:;;:~:~:~:::::~:::~;: '~s00~~~~::~~~~ S~Q~~4~QQ0~~~~6.5:~:~~~r1e:~:~;~~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~;~:~:~:~:~:~~:~:~::~:~:~:~:~~:~:~:~:~:~:::~:::~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~::~:~: 243 ~3" Ac/6" AB 0 SF ' x$2.00 ~$o:oa~ ~ I 1 ~ 1 - 44 . , . . . . . . , . ..-..-----------...._..-.-..-...----------_....-..._w........- -- :.;' ~:-;: ~::~ ~ ~. ~ .~i' 245 246 47 Remove & Replace ACIAB I 0 ~ SF ; $5.00 ~ $0.00 .5 :S:u rade:::pr~ ~'~~r:a~t~an .~2:65~40::,~:.,~.,.,.,~ :`~::S,~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~ ::: ..::::::.:::::~ ~~' 0:2D:;:::, :.;. ~::;:;:, ,3:~04aQ~::, ;$. :.$. . ~.. Base Sterilization 0 SF ~~ $0.00 $0.00 248 16'- Wide Equestrian Trails 0 LF i $11,20 $0.00 249 Equestrian Trail Fence 0 LF ! $7.00 $0.00 250 251 Median Drain Inlets Stamped Concrete 0 0 EA $0.00 SF $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 252 Adjust Sewer MH to Grade 0 EA ~ $300.00 $0.00 253 Adjust Valve to Grade 0 EA ; $200.00 $0.00 254 Special Concrete 0 SF $0.00 $0.00 255 Match to Ex. Pavement 0 LS ~ $5,000.00 $0.00 256 Feather AC 0 LF .$0 00 . . $0 00 5 2 7 ,.,a ;. ~;f~eei~I~~rne~3~~rr~:W':B. se~~:::<::~::~::::::<~:~:~ : ~ : .................................. :.:.:::::::::.~:;,...:;,. .... . ... '... , ... ......... ... ..... :.::..:.,.:.::~~,::.:.::;.;;,;,.:::<~:::::~:..~~~: , .. , ..: ~............. ~ '... , . ~.~ ': .:~,;;:::,,~~.~BOQ~~0:0::, .........:~ ........:: ~ : 258 Advanced Street S ign 0 _ $400.00 EA I $0.00 _._._...__ ...._........._....__.._ ----------------- 259 T~c ~ ~ ~~~~~ {:~'s: .~p ..~. ~3~ .~~~ :~~~': ~:~. ~:~:.:~::~:~:~:::: :: ,:;.;;: ,~./.~. ::~. 260 Reflectors (RPM) 0 EA~ $0.00 $0.00 261 Guard Rai! 0 LF ~ $0.00 $0.00 262 Barricade W/Reflectors 0 LF ` $30.00 $0.00 263 Remove Barricade 0 LF $0.00. $0.00: 264 265 Survey Monuments --. Crushed Surface Rdwy.---------..___._.._------ -: -~0 0 ----- -~ EA M $300.00 - SF •--_-.....__.-.....-.0.00- $0.00 _.__._.._..~.~0.00 ---.-......._._..._._._..._._.__---_.._____..~._._._.--_-- 266 Remove. & Replace Pvmt. 0 SF ; $0.00 $0.00 267 Parkway Culvert 0 EA I $2,750.00 $0.00 268 Traffic Signals 0 EA ; $100,000.00 $0.00 269 Parkway Drain 0 EA i $0.00 $0.00 0 27 ::~ a~:'~d c . .ccess :f~~ ~ n ~ ',.A am ............~p .........................P~~:....,.......,.,............ :~>:~,~::: ..... ........ ~;:~:~,~~>~~~~` ~~~4!dQ~ ,~. ..,...,......,.... ... ..............., ~<~~~~~ ~'9~O~QO .$.. .......,,.............. .,. 271 272 ......__..._......_..._.__ .....__ ..-1..__.__._...... _........_.---- ------......._... fi........__........._--------. ......_.._..........___..... .._.._......-- .............._....................._...._---------------- 73 2 .:~: rab.~':atal~::~~~a~~t~: ~:trr~~~rciiemetads ::::::::::.::::~;~:>:~::~::;~:::~;~:~:.::;;:::~;:;:~;:.;;::::::::~:~::~:::~:::;;::::::::~~:~::~~ :8Q1~~4~44~0~ :;5. ...................................~Y~....: i?........................ ............... ................ .. .. .. .. : :......................... ................. ...... 274 ~ K:1129281DOC11T 6137 AD-021805.x1s/Grand Canyon A B C D E F 6 AREA ORSEGMENT LOTS NOTES: 7 Grand Can on Dr. Onl - 269 0 F~ ::0~ ::::::: ;:; ::.;~;.;:; . ;:~80~. a ~,T I fi I f ~:C~ ~~ I T~, ~ :: :::;>;:;::::: ~1nt.T h 3~QO: :~ ~o~o~~~ ~s~~~~~:ee~.,y ,,:b~..2~:E~~~ ~~~~~~. ~~~. ;~ ~ .r.. .~. 29 1 .C~::C` du ;1~ it 39 ::F:. ~,j:65:~.~ :~P 'o Qh .~. ~... .~.. 9 2 2 29 3 :;:: ~ ~`a ~a.d. .3900 ~.~:. Ida ~ ~ , ~~~4 ~,F ~ ~ ,~~ .,~5,~~q,~~. 29 9 5 '~ci•~s~ 0. ~~~~ ., .,. :$. . ~. ~Ci '~d1~a 2 ~~. 296 9 2 Street Lights ~ .,;. ' (. .~. .~' 1. ~~/~~ ~~ ~00~.~ x;0:0: ~~ ~ ~:.:::. .'.:..~~~~~00~000. M. 6~~ Q ~:$ 298 Traditionaire Li ht g 0 EA $3,000.00 $0.00 299 300 Pole & Double Luminaria Electrical Service 0 0 EA _ _ 1,200.00 EA f $1,350.00 0.00 ~$O.OOM ._ 301 Gas. Main Extension Fee 0 LF j $8.00 $0.00 302 Gas Stub Deposits 0 EA i $360.00 $0.00 303 Refundable 0 LS ! $ - $0.00 304 CIAC Component 0 % ! 34% $0.00 305 30fi 307 --__.-------------_...._-------------------...._.........__.....---.... __-.----------- _..._.._._._._.~.. _..........._........_...._ --------.__...._....._------ -------_..............._....._._..._........__.._------------..._....... 8 :'y I' ; ~Su~,,:Tat. .ire .,:$~3GO:p00:~ ~' 309 310 ' 311 312 Street Cleaning ------__-------------_.._----....._......._ Debris Removal ...... ~ __.. 0 ._ LS..__._.~ LS ; ..._ _...........$2,000 $2,000 ._..._...._.._.... $0-=00 $0.00 --------....__...-----.._.... .._.._.._._.._:._....._._._...._. 313 Winterization 0 LS ~ $0.00 $0.00 314 Landscape Maintenance 0 LS ~ $0.00 $0.00 315 316 ~ 317 318 Sub_ -_T_ otal Maintenance __ . . ~ $0.00 K:1129281DOC11T 6137 AD-021305.x1s/Grand Canyon fi A B C D E F 6 AREA OR SEGMENT LOTS NOTES; 7 Grand Can on Dr. Onl - 3 19 320 Preliminary Soils Report (Geotech) 0 LS $0:00 $0.00 321 2 3 323 Final Soils Report (Geotech} .......... :C ..:...:::..:::..::.. ...G~:...: , i , . ~,~,~~~:I:::.;G~'~'ot" c ::::....::::......,~,. ..orn c~. &...rad n .. r.....e.. a .h .~::::.:~ :~:~:.:~: .R~. .g. Preliminary Planning 0 .......... ::..::..:..~...:.:.:,;.;....::: ~::~ :~:.: ~::1..:.:~.:~~,:.: 0 LS - $50,000.00 .,. :..:: ,.::...:...... ;: 4 ~ ~ .:.:;.:;~::.:.~,~;:;;<~:::~:.~1~5~00. ,gip ,$. ,~. LS ~~ $0.00 $0.00 :::;;;<:~:....... ,. . :1~ ~00~ ~Ofl:~:~: .$. .~. $0.00 A~~O...AN.~.E......... . 324 Master Plan/Specific PIanlCup 0 LS $0.00 $0.00 325 3 26 27 3 s Tentative Map 0 .. ,,...., ~: .,.:..~,...:.,... f..:~.:~ . ,~.~ .................... Q ~ t.' ~~ :~E : es ::C v ~:. n ~ .;::n , ~ n::.~:Fteld~vcrfc :::::: :::::: ::::::::::: ~ ~ ~:::`~:: ::1:>~:::: Other Civil Engineering 0 ~~ ~ s~~~ LS .................$0 00..................,,.....$0 00 ............................................:..................................... , .. , , ....:~:~.~:..::::.:::.. , .,....~..::: ,~,.:.~: ,.:::.~::::.~::..~.~.~.:..... ~400~~ .~1~:~~Ili1~:.:::~1 C~ : ~:~.~:~:~:~:>;::;; :;~>:.:.:~:~~~;.:':~.~:~:~ ::..~:~: .:~:~:;:;:;.:.:~.~ ;;;:.~.~.~.~. <:::::~~:::::~ :::;::~::: ~ ~~'~,~~~~000; ~ ~ ~a ~Q;~ ~ OA:~ .~. .). :~~. .7. ~~ ~~~ .I .~. ~~~~~~~~'s~goo~~:~~o~o~~~~:~~~o~~ao~AL~nv~~~i~E~~~~~>~: $. .$. 329 . Topographic Survey Control 0 LS ; $0.00 $0.00 330 Aerial Photography and Compilation 0 LS $500.00 $0.04 331 Preliminary Studies 0 LS $0.00 $0.00 332 Special Studies 0 LS $4.00 $0.00 333 334 A.L.T.A. Survey Miscellaneous ~ 0 0 LS i $0.00 $0.00 335 Environmentallmpact 0 LS ; $0.00 $0.00 336 N.P.D.E.S. Report 0 LS ; $0.00 $0.00 337 Archeo/Paleontology 0 LS ~ $.0.00 $0.00. 33 ~:Land~~a"e~~. ht~ctia:~e: .. .:~~~ .. ~.19 :::::...:::.:.~.....,. .~:ODD>O:a: ~~$. ~ :,..;,.;~,.::::,~~ .S.Oq~~:0:~ $. .i. ~A L..1~UA 339 Utility Consultant 0 _ LS , $0.00 $0.00 340 Acoustical Study 0 LS $0..00 $0.00 341 342 Architect Attorney 0 0 LS ' $0.00 LS ', $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 343 Blueprint & Deliveries 0 LS $0.00 $0.00 344 Construction Office 0 MO 3 $500.00 $0.00 345 346 `~* ~~ ~~ ~~`~~~~s ~~~~~~~ ~ ,Q 000 ~00~ T f~ ~i ~ ~ .~......:,:.::::,~:,.::::.....~. K:1129281DOC1Tf 6137 AD•021805.x1s/Grand Canyon A ~ B C D E F 6 AREA OR SEGMENT LOTS NOTES: 7 Grand Can on Dr. Onl - 3 4 7 ~IW~ '~:~ ~~~'~' .~. 348 -Bonds 3 9 4 ~ ~~f :::.r. ~~~ace~~~: ~~~~~~~ ~`~' ~~~~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~ ~.~.~,~ ~~ ~~;~~~.~:~:.:; .:~ ~ ~~`~~` ~ <`~ ~~~~ ~~~~ :~ ~ ~58~~ j::':' :::Asti ~~~:`~ed ~~~~:~~~e ~ ~~ ~~'~~~~~ ~~~ ~ :~~~~~ ~ ~~~' ~~ . Q .~ . a ~~.: 1~ .7... ~7. r~Q , ~~~ .7~. ~.... ~ . a~~. . .~ .~. ~ ~ 3 50 ;;:: . .~~~~~1~` >~~3:<:::::::;,;::::::::~,:,:,::::~ ::Gad ri~ '3:<::;::;:.. ~.~~~ ~69~~`as. urr~d .e . ~~ ..y.. ~ 351 2 .Landscaping 0.000 LS ; $0.00 $0.00 ..... . ,~A 'pit ~i~ ~:ce~: ~~0 ~ 3~: '6~~4 ~ ~:36' 35;;~~~~~ ~s ~'1 .. .....................................:....:..:.......... ~:.:....:•........:.. •... ~.. Q,.,,~1.,,,.,....,. 4,..,,,, 353 Repairs for Bond Release 0,000 LS $0.00 $0.00 354 355 Permits Business License 0 0 LS $0.00 LS $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 356 Grading Deposit 0 LS ~ $0.00 $0.40 357 Precise Grading Insp. 0 LS $0.00 $0.00 358 Retaining Walls 0 LS ! $0.00 $0.00 359 Sound Walls 0 LS ; $0.00 $0.00 360 Landscaping 0 LS $0.00 $0.00 361 362 Plan Check . Hillside Grading Dep. 0 0 E $0.00 _ LS ; $0.00 $0.00 ~$0.00~ 363 `~traets~~tnriri~~~~~ ~~e~~ raii~~~, , were~~>~~~~~~ ,,.., .................... .................... ..............................~: ~:~~:~~~:~`::: ::.................; .~ ~~9~8~ :~~~~:~5:~~'::~~~~~~~ ~~~~9~~ ,.; ... , .... .............. :: ,..................,., ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 9~~8~a~~9~~ .............. . .,. ~~'~~ra~:~::~:~~~:~:~:~:~:~::;:::;:;:~:~:~:~:.:~:~:~:.::•::::;::~:~:::::;~~~;;:::•::~:•:•:•::;~~:;;:~:~~~~:~::: ~~ ~t 364 Streets, Storm Drain, Sewer 0 f LS $0.00 $0.00 Additional 365 Streets, Storm Drain, Sewer 0 LS ~ $0.00 $0.00 Minor 366 Water 0 LS ; .$0.00 $0.00 Private Water Comp. 3 67 ~C~adta~ •.g~ :~ ;:~~'~;~.~~~~:.:~~~~~~:,.::::'`A~~8~80 ~~~~ :::......::.::::...~,,:,:;4~8&0~~~~ 368 369 Retaining Walls w Traffic Signals~M~~~~'^~~~~~~~~- 0 0 LS ~ $0.00 LS $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 370 Sound Walls 0 LS $0.00 $0.00 37 2 .:~...g ~I~i~s ~ ~,~~[~~ ~ tti~ :1~.. :~ ~~~ ~ ~~~~90~ ~90: ~~ ~1 ~~. .,~.. 1 :;.:.: ~~ ' ~ ~9D~9~0 ~~ ~. ~.z.: ............................................. .......................... ~ ~5' ..t~ ... . t. n..ld...... . ~. ,~?:..g:: • .. ... . . . . . . ..1.~ ~ . . : ~ ::: ~~ ~~ ............................... 5 .. ~ ~.... .:~. . ~. ~. :• •... ..... ..... .: , ..............:....•$5 ..1;:1:x.:: .. . . .............:. 374 ... ... .. ........ ......... . .. .. Sign Plan.Review. ...... . . ... 0 i . . . .. LS. .$0.00 . . . . $0.00 375 376 Neg. Decl. Fee ..._........____ .....................___......_..._._._._.._._...__... Final Map 0~~ .._...... 0 LS _ _ _~~$0~00 ................_... i . LS $600.00 _ $0.00 ....................._.....__... $0.00 ___ _ __ ..............~...................__..._......--- ...~ ~~~ 377 Sewer Assessment Fee 0 AC ;~ $0.00 $0.00 378 Sewer Connection 0 DU ; $2,500.00 $0.00 379 . Primary Dist. Mains 0 AC ' $OAO $0.00 380 Transmission Mains ~ 0 AC $0.00 $0.00 381 Park & Rec. Fee 0 DU $1,275,00 $0.00 382 383 School Fee- School Fee- ___...._..___.......__.~.._.._.._ 0 ..._ o........ SF ; $2.24 _._SF __~..,....__..._ $0.00 $0.0_0 -------_..._..._..._~0.00.. Need House SF ...._ ......................__~..._....__._..._._...~...___...... 384 T.V. Inspection of Sewer 0 LF ~ $0,00 $0.00 385 Processing Fee 0 LS $0,00 $0,00 386 Easement Acquisition 0 LS i $0.00 $0.00 387 Traffic Fee 0 DU I $5,780,00 $0.00 Assumed Non-Core Area 388 Utility Trenching Fee 0~ LF $0.00 $0,00 389 390 Road Fee Fire Station Fee 0 0 DU I $0.00 SF ; $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 .._..........._........ 391 Library Fee 0 DU I $0.00 $0.00 392 Electrical Ben. Fee 0 DU ~ $0.00 $0.00 393 Child Care Fee 0 DU $0,00 $0.00 394 Affordable Housing Fee 0 `~ DU i $0.00 $0.00 395 Endangered Species Fee 0 DU ~ $0.00 $0.00 396 397 .:. .... :~::~ ~:r~~#o~a~~er~i~: ~~~~~~ ~~$~~~o~:,~s~ :~~::;.;:.,,:;:::::~:.:.:::.:.;.;:::,:.:~:~:~,;:~~:~ ~. ~::~:::~:;:::~:~:~:~ ~~38~~~~~~ ~~ :~~ ~s~:. s.. ..... .............. ~~~ 398 399 'I~ ~~ ~~ 400 CONTINGENCY 15 '% I $1,678,184 $251,728 401 K:1129281DOCIIT 6137 AD-021805.xIslGrand Canyon ,; A B C D E F 1 .~ 2 3 PROJECT TRACT THE VIEWS 6137 BAKERSFIELD 4 WORKSHEET TITLE DATE 5 Pre) i mi nar Cost Esti mate No.1 2/4J2005 6 7 AREA OR SEGMENT Masterson Onl LOTS - NOTES; 8 FORWARD ITEM TOTALS T0: [x ] BACKBONE COSTS SUMMARY [ ] DEVELOPMENT COST SUMMARY 9 0 1 .~ ~ 11 ~::t~i.~ ~. : ~ . :~a ..g. .g.. .t~ ................................................................... ............................. ............... ................. .... ...,......,.......... .......r_.._____------_._._....__.....-__---_.---.._...----------......__.. 12 Site Prep. Per Soils Report 0 SF 0.00 0.00 13 Demolition/Removal 14 Structures 0 LS ~ $2,000.00 $0.00 j 15 Fences 0 LF $0.00 $0.00 j 16 Water Tanks 0 EA $0.00 $0.00 j 17 Pavement-Asphalt 0 SF $0.00 $0.00 ' 18 19 -Drainage Structures ._.....---._-......_----- Curb ---•-•------0 -._...._. 0~ .._. ~F ... LFw _....__-..__.$0 ~04 $0.00 ._----------- $0~00 -$0.00 ---------------_-....-:.._...~_.._.._..__----•--------__..-.... 20 Trees 0 AC $0.00 $0.00 21 Spec. Treat. Crops 0 AC $0.00 $0.00 22 Orchards 0 AC $0.00 $0.00 23 Relocation/Restoration 24 Power 0 LF $0.00 $0.00 25 26 Power Poles -Gas ....._...._..__........._ _......-_---- ---. 0 ... -O __.... EA _.....L~._. $0.00 ._ ............. $0.00. _.~. $D:40. ............_......0.00 x_._.-_..._.._-~_..__.._.._ ...._..-.-..-_.____----_. 27 Telephone (by others) 0 LF $0.00 $0.00 28 Sanitary Sewers 0 LF $0.00 $0.00 29 Water Mains 0 LF $0.00 $0.00 30 Fencing 0 LF $0.00 $0.00 j 31 Common Access Roads 0 SF $0.00 $0.00 32 33 Irrigation Drainage Facilities 0 0 LF LF $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 34 Slopes 0 SF $0.00 $0.001 35 ~ ~ 36 :.+: ~S:t :rs~~:matron :.....:.::::.~;;;;:::::;~.;,:;....;.;;:::.~:~~~~~;:,.,..~,~,~;::;;;~,~,~:...~;.:~::~::::;~>~:~::::;::::::::.:.~; .~:5 ~~60~~~0~~~ 9ub.'T~#a~:. ~ e::~ ..$, ,~~. 3 ~~RA ~~.I ;~ .~. .~ 8 ~I~~as ~xcava~~~ ~ .58:1:23:: ~:~ . ..0. .~4~~:~..9~;~0:.;~: s:~~ . $. ~.. .,.. ............. ...... . , .. ............. .... . .... . ................... ............. .... ............. ' ~ 39 Access Road Excavation 0 CY $2.50 $0.00 40 Colluvium Removal & Comp. 0 CY $1.20 $0.00 ; Need Soils Report 41 Buttress 0 CY $1.85 $0.00 42 Tie-in Remedial 0 CY $0.90 $0.00 43 Stabilization Fill _ _ .-...-~._._..._ 0 ....._ . _....._.. CY .. ..... $1.85 .__...._ - $0.001 --~------------ - ~•---_. ._.......__._-..._._...____..._.._....-..-... 44 Landslide Removal & Comp, ~ CY $2.00 $0.00. 45 Possible Stabilization Fill 0 CY .$1.85 $0.00 ' 46 Import 0 CY $2.50.. $0.00 !,47500 From in Tract 47 Export 0 CY $0.00 $0.00 i 48 Stockpiled Soils 0 CY $0.90 $0.00 ~ 49 6"Canyon Subdrain 0 LF $14.00 $0.00 50 ::;~: ~~~~ ::Gan:~ ~~~~~~~~~d~a~r~~ ~:~:;:::::~:~:~:~~:::: :~;:::~ :: :::~::: `~~ ~ :::~:~:~ ~; ~. , ~~~~~~ ~ ~~~:~;; ~~~ . :;:::~~~~~~ ~ ~~~ `~~ ~~ ~ 4 ~ :: ~ ~1~' ~:~ ~ :..~. ::: :::::::::::::::::: ~:~::;~~:~. A. ,~ ~: ~:~ ~:0 :.$..>. -~~~-~-~-~~-~--~ 51 8"Outlet Pipe 0 LF $7.00 $0.00 ~ 52 4"Buttress Subdrain 0 LF $10.00 $0.00 53 4"Buttress Outlet Pipe 0 LF $5.00 $0.00 I 54 Transition Cut/Fill 0 CY $0.00 $0.00 ;Need to review 55 Daylight Lot Stabilization 0 CY $0.00 $0.00 , 56 Lot Finish & Acceptance 0 EA $900.00 $0.00 57 58 Retaining Walls Retaining Wall Excavation 0- 0 -..SF -~ CY $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 I 59 Excavation-Rock 0 CY $4.00 $0.00 j 60 Undercutting-Utilities 0 LF $0.00 $0.00 ~ 61 Blasting 0 CY $0.00 $0.00 j 62 6 3 Construction Water 0 CY $0.011 $0.00 ~ '•.w '.:~:::':•:~::•:.v.:::ti ~ .•..titiv'r'r.•. r:•::•.:~::•:':•.•r.•.'r:':•:~~ ~ ~ ::: : .'}r: }:•r: ; :tiff :tititiv:•'r::: ~ : ~ :•:'::: r: ~ :: ~ :•::tiv: ~ :•:•: ': ';~' ~:~ :~L :~bt~ : do iza n:~ M :$:. :$. .,,. .,: .. . ......... ............................. .....,........... ... ...............,.,... ...............,.............,.. .. .. . . . . . .... ...... ~~ 6 4 I ~ .......................... . . ......... . . . I 6 ,;,7....,.... .;:: "r ~~ 6 0:~ .................................................................. ............................. .................. ............................ ..,.......................... ~~~~ K;1129281DOCITT 6137 AD-021805.xIs/Masterson A B C D E F 6 AREA OR SEGMENT LOTS NOTES: 7 Masterson Onl - 6 7 ::. ;;....:::. ~: ~, ..: , ,. .:M 1 .A ::' rr ~ 2 ~~4o LF,: :~~~~o •~3,~:~~aQ~a~ ::.$.. ~~.. . r• :~. 69 Bench/Terrace Drain 0 LF $10.00 $0.00 70 Down Drain 0 LF $15.00 $0.00 w. . . . .3 00 . . . . . . . . . . ~LF~ . . . . . . . • . . :~fl . . . . . . . `~0<' .~. . . . . . . . . ~ 72 . . .......................... Toe Drain @ Ret. Wall ... ....... ....... .. . . . . .. . . .0.. . . .. .. . . . .LF ... . , ....... . . . . .. $6.00' . . . ...... ... :. . . :. ~$0.00~ 73 Interceptor Drain 0 LF • $0.00 $0.00 i 74 75 4" PVC Drain Pipe 8" PVC Drain Pipe. 0 0 ~ LF LF $0.00 $0.00 ~ $0.00 $0,00 76 Outlet Pipe 0 LF $0.00 $0.00 77 18" CSP 0 LF $40.00 $0.00 j 78 Junction Structure IV 0 EA $850,00 $0.00 ~ 79 _" Pipe 0 LF $0.00 $0.00 80 Area Drain 0 EA $0.00 $0.00 81 82 Dispersal Wall _ Down Drain to Pipe Trans...-__......._._._..-- 0 ------_--_ o_.._.___ EA _..._EA ..... $700.00 .....-- $2,500.00 $0.00 i ._.-.._-~-.... $O.OO.+...____._ ................__......_....._......_.....__...__._.......__. 83 Rip Rap 0 SF $25.00 $0.00 84 Splash Wall ~ 0 LF $12.50 $0.00 85 Retention Basin ~ 0 EA $15,000 $0.00 86 Desilting Basin Temp. 0 EA $12,500.00 $0.00 87 Sandbagging 0 YR $15,000 $0.00 88 Check Dams 0 EA $650.00 $0.00 ! L 89 . ............................._......-......_...._......-...............-............_._. :~~; .:Q `o •~ori• Q ~ ~~ ~ ~. ~~ s . ~ra . ,~ . ~. ,~. .-. ~ 1 :~~ ~ . . 92 ! 93 ;5~. ~?~f~~. ~. .... 9 4 ,•. •~~.: •1 . ~ ~ir~` :~ac)~ ~G: ~a: ,L:F,. •~~ :Ass a se 0 0 ,0. ~~~~. ~~:~ • um d wer oin to the S uth nl ~~~~ ~$ ::~. .....................•. ,•.~~~,..............,.....,,,,,.,,.,...,...... .. g g y .,,,, .:. ;., .....•,,:, , ............ . ;,,.,.,•. . . . ,...., ......,.. ...., . , : ........ 95 ~ o ~ LF I I : ., .... ......$0.00 ~_ 4" VCP $0.00 96 .. ~~ ~~ : Pi~~~ ~: 0~~: ~~. :~$. . r. ••~•. 97 .S~:. a ::~~le~~ ..... • ..................................................................... . Q .,..Q~~ Q. ,. 4~~~~. ~~h . at~rd~M.. ~. ~.~~: E. ~~~~ ~~. :~$ . ~~$ .K , • r• ~ 98 9 9 Extra Deep Manhole ,~•, ~0 •~•, EA ~ $0.00 ,~•. ~$0~.00 ! ,~:; ~::~~::. o.:~.,. ..1~. r. ~:fain::<::::;> :::::::::::::~~::;:::;~:::~:~::>:::::::~;~'•:~ .~00~~~ ~~P~. ~• ..~. .~ • . . • 100 101 Clean-Outs .............. ................................. Laterals ............. .0:... .... 0 ...... .EA..... EA .•.............. $0.00. .$400.00 .....................•$0.00 $0.00 102 Remove & Replace PVMT. 0 SF $0.00 $0.00 i 103 Special Bedding 0 LF $0.00 $0.04 104 Concrete Encasement 0 LF $110.00 $0.00 j 105 Special Backfill 0 LF $0.00 $0:00 ~ 106 Boring 0 LF $0.00 $0.00 107 108 Jacking/Boring Tunneling -------_-0 -~-----__ 0 LF LF $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ! $0.00 , -~-~~~-~~---~ ---~ 109 Pipe Collar 0 EA $0,00 $0.00 ! 110 Plug 0 EA $0.00 $0.00 111 Remove Plug & Join 0 EA $1.00.00 $0.00 112 113 Pump Station ''e ~ ~~~ a st e~: :9. 0 EA $300 00 2 Q0.0.. •,r.. $0 00 ! •:: ........... ~• 0~4.. •,r.. 114 115 Backflow Preventors Off-Tract......_....--------~...._.._....._.. __.__------- 0 -------_----.....__..._.... LS __ ----. $0.00 .........__...._....-------- $0.00 -_.....__...._............_.. fi...__-__...._........__._...._....__._.....___..__..........---....._ 116 12" Gravity Sewer & Manholes 0 LF $50.00 $0.00 117 8" Gravity Sewer & Manholes 0 LF $35.00 $0.00 118 Standard Manhole 0 EA $2,500.00 $0,00 119 Lift station 0 EA $250,000.00 $0.00 120 Upgrade from 10" to 12"Sewer/MH 0 LF $8.00 $0.00 ~ • 121 Upgrade from 12" to 15"Sewer/MH 0 LF $5.00 $0.00 122 1 3 2 8" Gravity Sewer •u:: ~:~:6:~:~: ~'.•or:~e~:: . F •~~~~i:~ .,.• . ...............................................••., 0 ~3 RSA:: .............: ....,,....... LF ~~ .....:. •...,.. .••. •.. $25.00•• ~~;~ ~ R~ ~$. ................ . ••••••••. •..•,••,.$0.00 : ~ ~~~~:Q~~0 <:$ .r . ........., .. . 124 125 12~~ VC P - 8"VCP-~---_...._------------------------------__....._.... 0 .-----___ o.............. LF _...LF ... 50.00 _..___........$35.00 . . . •. . ..$0.00 ! ...................-.....0.00 __..___......_..._......_......_._.__...._...........- ------__----- 126 Upgrade 8" to 6" 0 LS $10.04 $0.00 ~ 127 Upgrade 8" to 12" 0 LS $15.00 $0.00 128 Upgrade 10" to 12" 0 LS $8.40 $0.00 129 Upgrade 12" to 15" 0 LS $5.00 $0.00 130 '; 13 .~ B ~~~~ .:6` 0•. ~.. .~: K:1129281DOCITT 6137 AD•021805.xIslMasterson A B C D E F 6 7 AREA OR SEGMENT Masterson Onl LOTS - NOTES: 32 1 ::: :::.: ~~ ~'~ ' ~~~ • ~~ M . ~ . ~ ~'~' ~:~ :::~ t.: .l~~: ~.. ~ ~ . 33 1 34 5 3 6 :~;: :: : ~:: ;...: ; ~..:. ~... ~... ~...., ~,., ~1' x:47 20. a~ ::~. :.~.. .,. .:I,. ~, ~21 RCP ~0 LF~$45.00 $0.00 . ~. . ~...' . ~. ~•,N,;:. ~~. ::F: ~~~' ~0 ~A~`~. :$ 4~: `C ~:R 1653:: .~.. ~:~ ~3 ~~E~> . ~E 7 .4 ~~$. .> . 27" RCP o LF $52.00 $o.oo :~, ,~~ ~ .~ 37 138 . . . . .''n:" 3' ~ ~~ .4..:;R P 2~~. ..~F.. ::$.5$.;Qa. ..~~.~ ~~~:.;pd. 36" Pipe 0 LF $68.00 $0.00 139 140 1 14 2 42" Pipe 54" Pipe .. ~H~: ~6,~ ~~: ;.P' ..I ........................... Manhole . .. ................................... 0 0 0': ~~ 0~ .........:6~............. LF LF ...:EA'..... $80.00 $105.00 1,2 0 : ~: .........,$3,200.00 $0.00 $0.00 29>~Q4~{~0'~ Assumed 2 d ual xin s .~. • r• g ..........:$19,200.00,; 143 Manhole 0 EA $4,500.00 $0.00 144 Junction Structure 0 EA $0.00 $0.00 145 Junction Structure 0 EA $950.00 $0.00 146 147 48 Junction Structure Catch Basin -Type ~~;~.~ ~;: - 0 0 8: EA $0.00 $ .>. $0.00 , 3~~~0~0~~~~.'. :~$. 149 W=10' 0 EA $3,400.00 0.00 150 W= 0 EA $0.00 $0.00 j 151 W= 0 EA $0.00 $0.00 j 152 Inlet Riser 0 EA $0.00 $0.00 153 154 Inlet Structure (Temp.) Inlet Structure 0 0 EA EA $2,800.00 $0.00 . 0.00 ! $0.00 155 Inlet Structure 0 EA $0.00 $0.00 ~ 156 Swale 0 LF $15.00 $0.00 157 Detention Pond EA $50,000.00 $0,00 1.58 Outlet Structure (30") 0 EA $10,000 $0.00 159 Collar 0 EA $0.00 $0.00 ; 160 161 2 Anchor a~~ ~:~.a.:.~e•. e~~ 1 ~i ......... ......... Special~Bedding ........................................... 0 ~~~ ..............0,.,.,...,..... EA ...:.L~...... $750.00 ~~ ............. .•$0.00: $0.00 :. .$ .t. ..........,..........:~0.00~~( .:163 Special Backfill or Comp. 0 LF $0.00 $0.00 `164 65 166 Remove Rip Rap ' ~.~.:R~p~ :. ... .......... .............................. Remove & Replace Pvmt. 0 .........41fl ......... 0 SF ... SF ... ~SF $3.00 ...............: ~8~~!Q $0.00 $0.00 . ........... $3,280 ~00 $0.00 '167 168 Adjust MH to Grade Remove Plug & Join 0 0 EA EA $0.00 $1,000.00 $0.00 0.00 169 Join Existing Line 0 EA $0.00 $0.00 170 Off-Tracts 0 171 so" RCP 0 LF $98.00 $O.oo { 172 33" RCP 0 LF $57.00 .$0.00 173 30" RCP 0 LF $52.00 $0.00 ~ 174 175 18" RCP .._Manholes_...._...._........._.....__...___......_. 0 .....------- O. ..... LF__ .._..-LF _. $36.00 ...._.. $4,500.00_ $0.00. ! _ .._-------------_.. $4.00 ~ .._......-......_...-.....~.__-....._._......_..............-----.-.... 176 Junction Structures 0 LF $950.00 $0.00 177 Pipe Transitions 0 EA $2,500 $0.00 i 178 Riser Inlets 0 EA $3,500 $0.00 179 Inlet Structures (30"} 0 EA $5,000.00 $0.00 180 Outlet Structure (60") 0 EA $20,000 $0.00 181 .182 Outlet Structure (18") .._.__...p.... p ------..._.._.........._--------------------------. Ri Ra 0 ....._....._..-0---............. EA ...._...~_...... $10,000 ......_......_....._~5.00 $0.00 _..___......._.._..~0.00-±__...._.---....._--------...._..........---.....--------___....__._.._...... 183 Anchors ~0 EA $750.00 $0.00 184 ~ 185 186 1 187 ' 18 T af~~~~:o~: .U. . ~.. ~~'~~..I..~~ ~~~ ~~:fi8~0~` . . .. . . . 189 .. ........ .... ................................... ............................. .................. ............................ ................................:.f K:1129281DOCITT 6137 AD-021805.xIslMasterson A B C D E F 6 AREA OR SEGMENT LOTS NOTES: 7 Masterson Onl - 90 1 ...... : A.~~ ~~~~ ~'~ ~ 1: #~ .~'. , 191 8" PVC 0 LF $30.00 $0.00 Class 200 9 2 1 •:.N.,:: ~ :~~ .0:x:0 a:.:s;;:,. ~; ~:.;.~:,~.~ :...:.:.:.::::..:.~:~>':;:::;~~;~;'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,~;~:~::~:;~:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:~:~: 1~ ~~ .~: ~:P. F: .8~: .Y .. Q:;. '4 . :~Cl . ~... 3 ~.1 .. ~.T... 1 ...T ~'~•~ ..T.. ~ . •r :~~•. 1 X3 18" PVC 0 LF $70.00 $0.00 ;Class 200 194 _" Pipe 0 LF $0.00 $0.00 195 1-i12'' Service Meter ~ EA $1,400:00 $0.00 1 8 9 ,:,.~ ;. .::~~:.:~~.: ~~ a ~~~ ri d~l~, ........... ..................... ...... . . ~. : ~ ~'. ~~ ~~ ~ 0~ :~ ~ ~~ ~. .}. ~, .~t. ~ 197 198 9 9 1 . ...... . .... ............ .0............. .... .EA..... .............$550.00. ..,.....,..........., ~$0.00~ , "Service &Meter 10': Valve Assembly-_-------_......____...____.. _..__.__ 0...._....__ ..._EQ.__ ------._.-.--900.00 -----.._-- ._$0.00 - ~ - ----......__...._.-•-_--_--..____.___....__.----_--.._.._ _--- ~Hl~: ~ ~ ~ ~ ::.~~~~:Ass~~~~: ;:.. ~: ..:::::.~::.~.~:..::::::.:.~:::.~,~.~.~::.~?.. 8 ~A x,100 ~00 $8,800 00 . :~ ' ~ 200 0 1 2 2 2 18" Valve Assembly .... .......................... ............ ........ ...... EA .... ........ $1,650.00 .................... $0.00 0 ~ :1: :I: :I: ~~~:: F . `~~I~~~~ ~~~ r ~~~~ ~~~ ~~' tre an ~: ;;e;: A 4 2 . EA `~` ~500~0 ..Y. ~$ . y: ,.. ,~. A~ ~~~: ::se; rl:~la u~r~~l~ele ~4~ ~~ ~~O~~~fl~~ :~ .~. .~, . . : : ~ 203 .................................... Pressure Regulator . ............:.0............. ...... .EA..... ................. $0.00 .....................~ $O.OO~~ 204 205 Temp. B_ low-Off Assembly Special Encasement ....... ._.........-._..------ 0 -----.-_..._a .___.--_._ EA .__..LF _-- $850.00._ ---.._.__- $0.00 $0.00 ~ ~.__..~...__... $0.00 ~....._...__.....-._.__..._.._.__........__--------._.____...__ 206 Special Backfill 0 LF $0.40 $0.00 207 Boring/Jacking 0 LF $0.00 $0.00 208 Plug 0 EA $100.00 $0.00 209 Remove Plug & Join 0 EA $300.00 $0.00 210 Remove & Replace Pvmt. 0 SF $0.00 $0.00 211 212 Concrete Anchor Hot Tap Assembly.-__._.. _______.__..__ 0 _.._......._.0 ; _..... EA ...----~ $0.00 ---_......_._.. $0.00- $0.0_0 _; ..._._..-~-.. $0.00 I -~~.-...__.~........_._..____....._......__._.___.__.......... 213 Pump Station 0 EA $0.00 $0.00 i 214 Reservoir 0 GAL $0.35 $0.00 215 Off-Tract 0 LS $0.00 $0.00 21.6 Traffic Control 0 LS $1,500.00 $0.00 217 Adjust Water Service 0 EA' $100.00 $0,00 218 219 ..~........_....._____...-........w..._.....____._...------__.. ...._.._......._.__....._. _ i 220 ,~ . ..~.. .r . ;~ .:a... b~:: t.. ~,:;: ~ :r u T~ a . t~~.~o~;~ Lbw . 221 ....................................................................... ............................. ................. ............................ ........................,....,...~ K,1129281DOCITT 6137 AD-021805.k1slMasierson r A B C D E F 6 AREA OR SEGMENT LOTS ~ NOTES: 7 Masterson Onl - 22 2 ~ ~ ':~~ ~: ;,CIO; .~::::::.;.~ ~~ :: ~~:;::;::~ ~~'~ ~~~: t3 ~ ~~~ ~ ~~ ~:~ . 0 223 Rolled Curb & Gutter 0 LF $10.00 $0.00 24 .;;: Y ~p~ F ~~::~~~~~r~~~ '~u.;. ~ 225 6 2 2 Rolled Curb & Gutter ~~~ 0 ~~~ LF $8.00~~~ $0.00 .~~~, ~~:~: M dian~~u .14.4.00. . ~~ ~ ~~0 ~ ~~~ ~~5 ~Z~~~~fl0 ~:;: ~$, $, .~. . . . . . . .. . . . .. .: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 227 . . . . . .................... ... Dirt Balance, C&G . ....... . . ....... . . . . . . . .0. . . : . : .LF . . :. . . ............ . . . ~ ~ ~$0.30' . . . ............. . . :. ~ ~$0.00 228. _" AC Berm 0 ~ LF $0.00 $0.00 .229 230 _" Berm ~ ~~ To Curb & Gtr. Trans.._.____w ............._. 0 ............_...o.._.----___ LF _------LF----- $0.00 ---..._.-.---------$0.00- $0.0_0_; --------_........_..$0.00 j- -------------.....-----..._....___..._.~.._---------------------------..._ 231 Sidewalk 8' 0 LF $2.50 $0.00 'Both Sides , . l.. ~uv.. lt. 4. ~.. :2,..Q.. :~~ . . ~...4 .4 .,. .B. t. .~ ,~. r• .~, 233 Driveway Aprons 0 S F $2,10 $0.00 234 Dirt Balance, SW 0 SF $0.20 $0.00 j 235 Concrete Crossgutter 0 SF $3.50 $0.00 236 237 Redwood Header Base Under Sidewalk~~---------._...__._.._.._..._. 0 ._ .._ o___.....--- LF -------SF----- $0.00 _ ------------------ 0.00 $0.00 . .......-------- _.~0.00.~..._._-----..._-----........----_._._..__._.~.__...._...------._......_.. 238 Base Under Curb & Gtr. 0 LF $0.00 $0.00 239 Dirt Balance, Street 0 SF $0.12 $0.00 240 Local Depressions EA $1,300.00 $0.00 241 42 Concrete Apron 0 SF $0.00 $0.00 ~~~: ~~~: ,~: ',, ~::.~ ~~~~~~. .~~ .2~:~00:~ ~1~~~0:5~1~~2!OO~s00:<` ~~ ~ ~~ 243 ~~ ~ 3 AC/6 AB 0 SF x$2.00 $0.00 244 ;..a::;..:. ,/~ aattee (n~(n~ ~~r:,...~::::::~.~.~.::~.:~.~~.~:.:::~.~.~ ~... ,. .:.F .. ........... ~~ ........., ... ................~......,..,,...........,...............,........,..... ..,,,.,........................ .~ . .... ..... . . . .. ....... .. ~... .. ~... ...•r::: 45 246 47 I . . . . . .. . , .~ ... ... ,... . ~ . . . Remove & Replace AC/AB 0 SF $5.00. ~ $0.00 , ~'u~~~~~r~~e~r~ `:a~atmr~:: :;5: .0:;~:>:::>:::.;.~:.;;:;: ~~ 2560. .,5~< 0;~~~ ~ ~ ;;` '~fl~ ~~~~(~~~3~} ~~ ~~. ~:$. . f. ....:~ ...............:p...................,.............,............ ......,..,............... .... . ,. ...... .. Base Sterilization 0 SF $OAO ~ $0.00 248 1.6' Wide Equestrian Trails 0 LF $11.20 $0.00 i 249 Equestrian Trail Fence 0 LF $7.00 $0.00 250 251 Median Drain Inlets Stamped Concrete.___-----------..._...._......_._._ 0 _....__.... o___....._ EA ._.._SF_--- $0.00 ---__.._.._. $0.00 $0.00_; ...___.........._._0.00 ; ....._..._----------------____-------- ---------__._.._..._._.. 252 Adjust Sewer MH to Grade 0 EA $300.00 $0.00 253 Adjust Valve to Grade 0 EA $200.00 $0.00 254 Special Concrete 0 SF $0.00 $0.00. 255 Match to Ex. Pavement 0 LS $5,000.00 $0.00 256 Feather AC 0 LF $0.00 $0.00 257 258 Street Name Sign W/Base Advanced Street Sign 0 0 EA EA $300.00 $400.00 $0.00 $0.00 259 Stop Signs 0 EA $300.00 $0.00 = .260 Reflectors (RPM) 0 EA $0.00 $0.00 261 Guard Rail 0 LF $0,00 $0.00 { 262 Barricade W/Reflectors 0 LF $30.00 $0.00 i 263 Remove Barricade 0 LF $0.00 $0.00 ~ 264 265 Survey Monuments ... ----------__.----_.._ Crushed Surface Rdwy. .___........~ _---------- 0 ----~ EA .... SF ..____...$300.00 $0.00 _..._...:........_. $ON00 $0.00 t ~ - ~~~~~~-~-~~~~~----.________.._....__._....__......_ 266 Remove & Replace Pvmt. 0 SF $0.00 $0.00 j 267 Striping 0 LS $0.00 $0.00 268 Parkway Culvert 0 EA $2,750.00 $0.00 '269 Traffic Signals 0 EA $100,000.00 $0.00 270 Parkway Drain 0 EA $0.00 $0.00 271 272 Handicap Access Ramps .._........ ...._._ ................ .........--------...----------- 0 -----------....._...._...... EA ___......___ $240.00 .._........... .._.... $0.00 ..._....---.._.................-- - i -_------__........._....__-------._......._......_........_.............. 273 274 .; ~~ul~~'ataj~~o~~dvuai:. ar~~.:~xau~erie'~~~~s~~:~:~:;.,~>:,::;;;:;,::;:,:<:.;::<~:~:~,~:::<;:~:~:~::;,:::~:~; ::::.:::::::.::..:.:::~ s~~:~~:~~~~~~~iQ:~~ ..................~,,.~:.:.P:......::,~..::...~....!~~,.,,,,, .... $1, 7 ,, 2;, ;~ K:1129281DOC1TT 6137 AD-021805.xIa/Masterson A B C D E F 6 AREA OR SEGMENT LOTS NOTES: 7 Masterson Onl - 89 2 2 lktt Tr ~ 11>~~:~~><~~;~~.~~>~~~::~:>:~>~>:>~:~~>~~:<~.~~~.••;•~•00~:~>~::~.~:•> K G s e e n 72 L~~~: 00>~~~~'< ~~~•`' `~' • `~;~4:~~~OD00<• a T I h Electric Cable TV :~$.. . r.. , . 91 2 ;.~;: ,a ~~Co ~du i' ~ ~ ~ ~~ ?$ . ~ $ •r 9 2 2 and~.S.had .7200:: ~~F ~j~~~ ::..::::.:.:.::~:::;:~•~~~~~Od0~~0~~~~~ ~~ . ~$:. :~$ .g•. ~,~~. :~~.: ~ ' 3 9 . ;. . X: '!: :~$ . . t. 94 ~~rac~~~~s 0~ 0 ~: • .$. .$. . ~. . f. ~ 2 h ~~1~ ~~oo ~~a ~ ~::::::: ;: ~ ~:~ ~ooo~~o~ ~~A~ ~$. .r•. ;~, • ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 296 Street. Lights - : J ~1: :I: : I: . 9 7 ;.; . )Vlar~e. i. e:. .30 . E~-~ ~:~~~a40~~OQ :::::::.:.:::::.::.:..,.6~ ~aoo~~~ ~~ ~~ ~ .,.. .~. 298 Traditionaire Light 0 EA 3 000.00 $0.00 299 Pole & Double Luminariar - ~ EA $1,200.00 $0:00 ~ 300 - . ....-....------ .____ Electrical Service .............. _. _.. 0 .....- ---_- EA -----..... $1,350.00 . _-------_...-_. --------.-_--_..___._.-------..__..._...----------------..... -_ $0.00 301 Gas Main Extension Fee 0 LF $8.00 $0.00 302 Gas Stub Deposits 0 EA $360.00 $0.00 303 Refundable 0 LS $ - $OAO 304 CIAC Component 0 % 34% $0.00 305 . 306 j 307 , .'~ ~: 'Y ~'~ .'~'~'.'.'.'.'. i'.'.'~'.'~'~'~'~'~'i ~'~'.'i : i .:'. i:.'~'. i':.'i .: ~ : i': i .': i . ~ :.'::.': .'~ ~ . ~ :.'.':.': ~ i'i .'. ~ :. ~ ....~ ~:.' :'.:'.'.:'.::'.' :'.:'........~......~ .............................. ~•~~• ,~~ '~. 309 ................. .................................................. .... ....... ....... .................. ............................ ..,.......,............. ..... •~ 310 311 Street Cleaning 0 LS $2,000 $0..00 312 Debris Removal---~....__......-~__. _..__._ __ 0 ..... LS.__ _.._._.----- $2,000. ..._....._.._.__---~0.00-=------__......._....._..__..._.__..------_._._-•---------._...__--- 313 Winterization ~ 0 LS $0.00 $0.00 314 Landscape Maintenance 0 LS $0.00 $0.00 j 315 ! 316 317 Sub-Total Maintenance $0.00 318 K:1129231DOC1TT 6137 AD-021805.xIslMasterson A B C D E F 6 AREA OR SEGMENT LOTS NOTES: 7 Masterson Onl - 9 31 •.k' .'fib: ~ .111 ~ ~ ~ ~:>~ . .~M '~' ~ ::;:: ;:~:::;::.::, 320 321 Preliminary Soits Report (Geotech) 0 LS $0.00 ~ $0.00 . ,, ~~; ~~~ 4 Q. ~~~~5 ''°'i~ ~~ t . 22 3 .;; ~vi~~~act&Cra~di~~~ `~1`:~eoie~~ ~:.::.::: ~ ~~>~~~>;.~~:5~.,;.;~:.;;,;~~~~~~~~ .5 0. 00 ~00 5 04~.~0. .$.. $.. .,.. .,,. .9. .~. ......:p .................................................~:.......,,. ............................. ................. .....,....,..,............. .............................. 323 Preliminary Planning 0 LS $0.00 $0.00 324 Master Plan/Specific Plan/Cup 0 LS $0,00 $0.00 325 6 32 Tentative.Map ................................................. ,~, :.;. ; ; . . ~;~~~; ;:.;. ~ ~ : : ~ : ~..:..,.,~....::....:. ~ :... ..::::...~,.,.,...:....,~......:..:....,.,..... Civ~1.~n .. Hasa ..::...~....:....: ..: . :.:.:.:.::.::.: :.......: ......: ...~:..........,., .. .9..... .. ..................... ..............0.............. ,...,~....:..... ~ ....::.......,~,.:..~:.., .:: ,~,... ,~, ..,..:..:..:.;.:,::::.:1:::::::::::::::>; . ........................... ....... ~5........ :....:: ,~.~..:~ ~ ~ :::~:~: ~:~ :~ :::::~:: ;:::~ ~ .... .................. ....................$0.00.. ::::::: ~, ~ ~ ~OQD:b ,,, ~ 0 .~. .t. ............... .....,. ........................$0.00..~....,,........................................................................ ~<~:``:~:~~: ~ ~ ~.. 000.. ,~.. 4 AI~1 .~. .>. ......,,,.................,..... ............,..,...,....,.........,........,.,.......,....,.,..,.....,..... 327 32 Other Givil Engineering ~ ( ~,St~ ~~t<i~, a ~~ .~: 0 ~ .I . , ~ $.. ..: , .~. $.. .,. 329 Topographic Survey Control 0 LS $0,00 $0.00 330 .Aerial Photography and Compilation 0 LS $500,00 $0.00 331 Preliminary Studies 0 LS $0..00 $0.00 ~ 332 Special Studies 0 LS $0.00 $0.00 333 334 A.L.T.A. Survey Miscellaneous 0 0 LS $0.00 $0.00 ~_ 335 Environmental Impact 0 LS $0.00 $0.00 336 N.P.D.E.S. Report 0 LS $0.00 $0.00 337 Archeo/Paleontology 0 LS $0:00 $0.00 338 Landscape Architecture 0 LS $0.00 $0.00: \ 339 Utility Consultant 0 LS $0.00 $0,00 340 Acoustical Study 0 LS $0.00 $0.00 341 342 Architect ----Attorney_~._.._...__.._----.-------------....._ 4 .........___O ._.._..._ ~ LS ...._ LS--- $0.00 .._.._.....__._0.00 $0.00 _...._.._._...._0.00 j -...-___M_..........._..___.__.__..__.__------------___.._ 343 Blueprint & Deliveries 0 LS $0.00 $0.00 i 344 Construction Office 0 MO $500.00 $0,00 345 I, 6 ~~*:: ~~1~~ ~~4~:~0~'~ K:1129281D0CITf 6137 AD•021805.xtS/Masterson `~ A B C D E F 6 AREA OR SEGMENT. LOTS NOTES; 7 Masterson Onl - 47 3 ~4~ :~:1~-I0: .t.. 348 Bonds .,. 34 ~7. ~7~~. .~.~ ,'.~ .T. .~. r . m~ari . 0 . ~: R. r• ~.~ . •.~: : 50 3 :;e; ~ ~0043:::;:::;:::~;::::::~;~:~~~::::~;:;.~......:.~.~ 623 :~A. .:.$ ~.G adi r ..Y.. .~. :$. ,,,. ..g~: .......... ............ ............... ........ ....... .... .. ....... . .. : ...................................................................... ............................. ................. ............................. ........ ....................... : : : ' . 351 l ~ ; ~ : 0.000 LS $0.00 $0.00 ~ Landscaping ~ 352 . :. ... :o :~8 ~ ~ ~ ~ : ~. ai ~ ~'~~:~:~ ~ .. ~ .' ~ ....................... 353 Repairs for Bond Release 0.000 LS $0.00 $0.00 354 355 Permits Business License 0 0 LS LS $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ' 356 Grading Deposit 0 LS $0.00 $0.00 I, 357 Precise Grading Insp. 0 LS $0.00 $0.00 j 358 Retaining Walls 0 LS $0.00 $0.00 j 359 Sound Walls 0 LS $0.00 $0.00 j 360 Landscaping 0 LS $0.00 $0.00 361 362 Plan Check_ ....Hillside Grading Dep:..._......__.._._.__....._-- 0 -----------...o.....-•---...__ _._..LS-__. $0.00 ..._...._...__.0.00- $0.00 I --------__..._...__.0.00 ~'~--------------------_.....__._......__.......---_............___..__..... 63 3 ~Stree~~ t rm. ~~air $. .>. ti< :~$. :t. 364 Streets, Storm Drain, Sewer 0 LS $0.00 $0.00 ;Additional 365 Streets, Storm Drain, Sewer 0 LS $0.00 $0.00 ;Minor 366 Water 0 LS $0.00 $0.00 ;Private Water Comp. 367 Grading 0 LS $0.00 $0.001 368 369 N-Retaining Walls_---------------_..__._. ._...... ~ Traffic Signals ......_....., ~ --__...__ 0 -__.MLS __. LS _..........._.... $000 $0.00~ ...._...__....._.--- $0.00 _._.._..-------._..._..__..___......_.._._..._...---------------.. $0.00~~ 370 Sound Walls 0 LS $0.00 $0.00 ~ 371 .372 3 7 Landscaping ~IfS~. ~ee~ibr •.~•. :~~c;: '' : :~: o,. ,,,a. ~ ~ ~I~~ 5~ ~ee i f' n. t. .I~.. ~~..a .~~ ~ ' ......................................... ~ ~ 0 ~ ............~ ~............. LS ~. ..... .....: $4,422.66 $:3. • r• ,. :~$ . , r. ................: '. $0.00 ;Initial .$3. r• r. Y . ~ . $. r• ....................: ~ 374 Review Sign Plan 0 LS $0.00 : $0.00 375 376 Neg. Decl. Fee Final Map ._-- ___......._.._ ............................ 0 ---_..... o...........__ LS ._....LS..__. _$0.00 _..._....._...600.00 __ $0.00 ; _--_-__-~_ ._________.__.._....__..._.__._..... - - - -- $0.00 ..377 Sewer Assessment Fee 0 AC $0.00 $0.00 378 Sewer Connection 0 DU $2,500.00 $0.00 j 379 Primary Dist. Mains 0 AC $0.00 $0.00 380 Transmission Mains 0 AC $0.00 $0.00 j 381 Park & Rec. Fee 0 DU $1,275.00 $0.00 382 383 School Fee ~._.._.:__..._...-------____......._--------- School Fee- ._.._ ~._...__ 0 --. S F ... SF _...._....__. $2.24 $0.00 ......_.. ...._.. $0.00 ~--------....___. _...__..-__._........._-----_...........-- $0.00 384 T.V. Inspection of Sewer 0 LF $0.00 $0.00 , 385 Processing Fee 0 LS $0.00 $0.00 j 386 Easement Acquisition 0 LS $0.00 $0.00 j 387 Traffic Fee 0 DU $5,780.00 $0.00 388 Utility Trenching .Fee 0 LF $0.00 $0.00 389 390 Road Fee Fire Station Fee 0 0 DU SF $0.00 $0.00 . $0.00 $0.00 , 391 Library Fee 0 DU $0.00 $0.00 ' 392 Electrical Ben. Fee 0 DU $0.00 $0.00 393 Child Care Fee 0 DU $0.00 $0.00 394 Affordable Housing Fee 0 DU $0.00 $0.00 j 395 Endangered Species Fee 0 DU $0.00 $0.00 396 s 397 '92~~293~ ~: ~~to~~a1~~er':~its~~::~s s&:;Bard'~~~~~~>~~~~~~`~;~~~~:~~~~~~::~~~::`:::~::~~::~::~: , dub...~.....,....:m......~.~.....~ ................. ~,.,.,...... .................,.,...,...., ........,......... ..............,....,........ ...,............:~~...:~,~..,... ~~, 398 399 A' ~~ ~ ~ ~~ `' ~~~ E:: ~ ~''i':~ ~~ 400 CONTINGENCY 10 % $3,750,092 $375,009 3 4 01 ~ : ,~ :I~ ~$ ~. .~. K:1129281DOCITT 6137 AD-021805.xIs/Masterson A 6 C D E F 1 {K,~:~': ~KI, Fr ':T :~' ~' ~ ! ~: ~I~I.i .~ i~~~'f;~~l~,. .. .. ..r.....r. r ............. .r........................~................................ .... ~~. ~. r.... ;~. ;. 2 PROJECT TRACT 3 THE VIEWS 6137 BAKERSFIELD 4 WORKSHEET TITLE DATE 5 Preliminar Cost Estimate No.1 ~- 2/4/2005 6 _ AREA OR SEGMENT LOTS NOTES: 7 Paladino Onl - 8 FORWARD ITEM TOTALS T0: [x J BACKBONE COSTS SUMMARY [ J DEVELOPMENT COST SUMMARY 9 1 0 ' . .1~1~1~ ~ , ~~::. ~~~p~ ~I~~. .A ~. ~'~(~~:~: t~ :. 11 2 ::1 :~, n ~aa:::: .~~ ~ le~ :r ru br .~~: .~. .Q,, ~. .~ .,, .~> ,. Site Prep. Per Soils Report 0 SF $0.00 $0.00 13 Demolition/Removal 14 Structures 0 LS j .$2,000.00 $0.00 15 Fences 0 LF ! $0.00. $0.00 16 Water Tanks 0 EA ; $0.00 $0.00 17 Pavement-Asphalt 0 SF ! $0.00 $0.00 18 19 .---Drainage Structures _-----._..__.-----....._. Curb .._...~....._. 0 __LF _.--~--_.._.___.--- $0:00 ~LF- ! $0.00 ..._--------------- $0.00 $0.00 ..___..------------- ----__.._._......~_.---_.._._........ 20 Trees - 0 AC $0.00 $0.00 21 Spec. Treat. Crops 0 AC ~ $0.00 $0.00 ' 22 Orchards 0 AC i $0.00 $0.00 23 Relocation/Restoration 24 Power 0 LF ~ $0.00 . $0.00 25 26 Power Poles - Gas 0 0 _ , $0.00 LF~ 1. $0.00 $0.00 x$0.00 27 Telephone (by others) 0 LF $0.00 $0.00 28 Sanitary Sewers 0 LF ' $0.00 $0.00 29 Water Mains 0 LF j $0.00 $0.00 30 Fencing 0 LF j $0.00 $0.00 31 Common Access Roads 0 SF : ~ $0.00 $0.00 32 33 Irrigation _ ~ Drainage Facilities._..__..._._.____.__.__ 0 ..._....o...... LF i $0.00 LF. ~_~ .....-...----... $0.00- $0.00 --_.__.._._. $0.00- ....._........_._._..._.___.._....___._._..._...._-----...._.... 34 Slopes 0 SF ; $0.00 $0.00 35 I 36 :~4, ~Sa~ ~atal~~Sfie: b.~' .Prg ~ ~:arat~~o~~ ~~so~~~oo~' ~. :~ ~. 3 7 .................................................... tit :~ ~::.':'::::'::::':::Y} .~: :i:. l~ ~~' . ~~~ 0' .'.~~~. ~~ ~ .ail :.~': . ~~ 3 •r,• ca~ tr~ ~Ma~~~Ex wa o . 39 Access Road Excavation 0 ..........i ................................ CY 3 ~ $2.50 $0,00 40 Colluvium Removal & Comp. 0 CY } $1.20 $0.00 Need Soils Report 41 Buttress 0 CY ~ $1.85 $0.00 42 Tie-in Remedial 0 CY $0.90 $0.00 43 44 Stabilization Fill Landslide Removal & Comp. 0 0 CY ; $1.85 CY '; $2.00 $0.00 $0.00 45 Possible Stabilization Fill 0 CY j .$1.85 $0.00 46 Import 0 CY $2.50 $0.00 36,000 From in Tract 47 Export 0 CY ( $0.00 $0.00 48 Stockpiled Soils 0 CY ; $0.90 $0.00 49 6" Canyon Subdrain 0 LF $14.00 ,. $0.00 5 0 1 ;,., 'u~; ~::,::ai:'~:Qi~Sub'~ `a Outlet Pipe 0 ~ ~~ . F $7.00 :p: ., 0 ~$~ . 7. $0.00 52 4" Buttress Subdrain 0 LF i $10.00 $0.00 53 4" Buttress Outlet Pipe 0 LF ; $5.00 $0.00 54 Transition Cut/Fitl 0 CY i $0.00 $0.00 Need to review 55 Daylight Lot Stabilization 0 CY , $0.00 $0.00 56 Lot Finish & Acceptance 0 EA I $900.00 $0.00 57 58 Retaining Walls_ Retaining Wall Excavation"-------_....___..._.... 0 ....._o _----- SF = $0.00_ ---.._cY •------~- ..__.__..__ $0.00 $0.00_ .......---_. ._.0.00 ......____......._.,.------_.----..._...____ .._......_._.._._.._. 59 Excavation-Rock 0 CY $4.00 $0.00 60 Undercutting-Utilities 0 LF ! $0.00 $0.00 61 Blasting 0 CY ~ $0.00 $0.00 62 63 Construction Water 0 CY : - $0.011 $0.00 . ~. .'.1 1...... '. r4::;~:~:~::::::;:;:::;::;~ :::::::::::::::.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::~::::::;~::;::::::;::; ~Mv~iilrzati .~. ~5~; >~~~ 4':' ~~. ~ ~. .~'. .~'. :. .: :• :• 64 ..... .. .. .... .. .. .... ... ., .............. .... ~...... ......,........ .. .................. i y ... ~.. ~... ~...... .. ......... ...................... .... ...... .......................... ....... ...... ... ...... ..... ... ........ ......... ,.. I I L 65 66 . . ::y •. S ~~.7a a[:~rad .tag., 5;1:~fi4~c5.0~: ,~, , K:1129281DOCITf 6137 AD-021805.xls/Paladno A B C D E F 6 AREA OR SEGMENT LOTS NOTES: 7 Paladino Onl 6 7 ..C,, .. ::.:::.:........ .:.... . :.~~: :::0:~~ .0~ ~'~~ ~: 68 Terrace Drain 0 LF ~ $15.00 $0.00 ; 6 . . :Iii;;:: ;.~~.: ::;:: .00>' :2 , ~~F~: ~~.. n.. h . r.. .D..a rl~: 2~: 428:: `80~~~• ~~2. •0: ,0. ~$. . ~: ~$ .~. 70 Down Drain 0 LF ~ $1.5.00 $0.00 71 Brow Ditch 0 LF $22.00 .$0.00.. 72 Toe Drain @ Ret. Wall 0 LF ; '$6.00 $0.00 73 Interceptor Drain 0 LF ! $0.00 $0.00 74 75 4" PVC Drain Pipe 8" PVCMDrain Pipe ~---_.....__----------- ---_...----- 0 ----....0..._~. LF $0.00_ --- - LF---__. j ___.._----------$0.00 $0.00 -------....._.....---$0.00^ -._...__----------------------._.__.._...--------------------........_.... 76 Outlet Pipe 0 LF ~ $0.00 $0.00 77 18" CSP 0 LF ~ $40.00 $0.00 78 Junction Structure IV 0 EA ; $850.00 $0.00 79 _" Pipe 0 LF ~ $0.00 $0.00 80 Area Drain 0 EA i $0.00 $0.00 81 82 Dispersal Wall Down Drain to Pipe Trans.._ ..............__...._... 0 _._.. 0 __.. EA ! $700.00 ----- EA..__ ~..-...--_ 2,500.00. $0.00 ...___._.__....__0.00 __...._____...._.._.___.___..__......._.._._._....-..---...........-- 83 Rip Rap 0 SF $25.00 $0.00 84 Splash Wall 0 LF j $12.50 $0.00 85 Retention Basin 0 EA ~ $15,000 $0.00 86 Desilting Basin Temp. 0 EA ; $12,500.00 $0.00 87 Sandbagging 0 YR $15,000 $0.00 88 Check Dams 0 EA `; $65Q.00 $0.00 8 9 0 . a. _......._.__.._--------------------__...............__-----------..._.. .: ;r,::.:: ~ :.:.:.:;:~ ;: ;~::: . I ~ . . t :q ~: ~':1~: ~ . ,Q~ , ~. ~ A :0: ;~:~ ~, a ~ ~~. .~:. :a. ...a ....................................................................... .................. ..................:.~:........,,,....,.,.......... ,............,.....,,...,..,.,.. ~. • ~ 9 1 2 . . . •:.^..>: &~ ~ s ~o~: ~:o i ~~~ ~ ~~t~~:o r f: .I. ,~, ~~. ~48~~ .~t~t~~~~~ ~. ~. ,~. .~. ..p. ~$. .i. ......................................................... .......... .................. .....................~:.,.....,,.................. ..................,,....,....... 93 .........:::... . ... .......... ..... . :::::::::: ...... A ~ ~:~~ ~ •i~ ~R~~ ~R. ..~. :~ . ~~.. 4 .,. •y. is ' If hh :,2~ ~~~ ,. ~~~an~, . o. 2.; 2;: Ir~~~ .,Back~i~ d ~I,: ~8 '~ ,~ :~~ .~. . .~. : ~. . 95 4" VCP 0 LF $0.00 $0.00 ~~• 96 12" Pipe _ 0 LF ! $45.00 $0.00 97 51~a'~ ~~M' 'IeI~ ~~~ a~ . ~I~~~o nd .a~ ...... ...... .... .. .... ~5dI • . ~A~ ~ ~~;..~...:..::: ,40..: ::..::;:::::........:..x0,..::.,0:4::. 98 . . . ........................................ Extra Deep Manhole 0 .... EA ! $0.00 .. .. $0.00 99 6" Force Main 0 LF $22.00 $0.00 100 101 Clean-Outs ~ Laterals~ _.....__...._.._...._.._.._...._._...__.._ 0 ... 0....... EA ~ .$0.00 .~_.. -~...----__.....400.00 $0.00 -_-__.._.........$0.00_ ___._..._ -. _--_.__.____....._----------------...----- 102 Remove & Replace PVMT. 0 SF j $0.00 $0.00 103 Special Bedding 0 LF j $0.00 $0..00 104 Concrete Encasement 0 LF { $110.00 $0.00 105 Special Backfill 0 LF $0.00 $0.00 106 Boring 0 LF $0.00 $0.00 107 108 Jacking/Boring Tunneling_....._...__._._..___.._..........._._.___ 0 __4 ._._ LF ; $0.00 __ LF_. _.~_..._..._....... $0.00 $0.00 ..._..._.._..._.._$0.00_ ..~.._---._. -- _----- ___ ...__..___._.._... 109 Pipe Collar 0 EA ; $0.00 $0.00 11 o Plug 0 EA ' $o:oo $o.oo 111 Remove Plug & Join 0 EA ! $100.00 $0.00 112 Pump Station ~~~ ~ 0 EA j $300.00 $0.00 113 G ~;•.;::; ~~c •I~~:~~~ ``s~'~~<:< Q:~n I ,.: . 114 115 Backflow Preventors._...____..__._....._.__.. Off-Tract __._._4 --.._. _.__~S_-- -~_.__._.-----__.$0`00 ~ ~- _..._.___..._....$000 -_ _._.~,_.._..___.._.__..._----..._...._.... __._---..__. 116 12" Gravity Sewer & Manholes 0 LF ~ $50.00 $0.00 117 8" Gravity Sewer & Manholes 0 LF i $35.00 $0.00 118 Standard Manhole 0 EA ~ $2,500.00 $0.00 119 Lift station 0 EA j $250,000.00 $0.00 120 Upgrade from 10" to 12"Sewer/MH 0 LF $8.00 $0.00 121 Upgrade from 12" to 15"Sewer/MH 0 LF ; $5.00 $0.00 122 8"Gravity Sewer 0 LF $25.00 $0.00 123 6" Force Main 0 LF ~ $22.00 $0.00 124 125 ~ 12" VCP ___ 8" VCP 0 0 LF ~~-- ~_N - $5000 LF ~ $35.00 $0.00 $0.00 126 Upgrade 8" to 6" 0 LS $10.00 $0.00 127 Upgrade 8" to 12" 0 LS j $15.00 $0.00 128 Upgrade 10" to 12" 0 LS ; $8.00 $0.00 129 Upgrade 12" to 15" 0 LS i $5.00 $0.00 130 ~ ~ . 31 1 8: ~~: 5~~ .T a r:~~~.I .'~Ie .~ ,~~. ;~$. ..Y. ~, K:1129281DOCITT 6137 AD-021805.xIs/Pala~ino A B C D E F 6 AREA OR SEGMENT LOTS NOTES: 7 Paladino Onl - 132 ~:a:~ ~:~` :t ~ . 133 ~;;.: 11~~~6~ ELF: `~~:00~::~:::::: »:~::;;~;:...'~4~!~~~~ 7~ ~00 ~~' ~~8::::: R~P::~::'>~~:; :::~~::~: ~:~:~::::: :::::::~:: ;::::~: :::~ ~$. ~$.. ~.~~. ~ ~ 134 21"RCP 0 LF ' ~$45.00~ ~$0.00~ ~ I , ~ 135 ..................... ..................... ... .. . ....,... ... . :~: R~~ ~` 2~:... ... ........................................................352G.............LF:;;;~~~~:~~~~~~~.:4800:::;:::~:~:~:~~ ..5~~:~248 136 27" RCP 0 LF _ $52.00 $0.00 137 30" RCP 0 LF ~ $58.00 $0.00 138 36" Pipe 0 LF = $68.00 $0.00 139 .140 42" Pipe 0 LF $80.00 $0.00 ~~;~: ~4::p'i~ ... „~. ,,,... .. , :.. ..... ~. .... .... : ....... ..........: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 141 142 LF ~ 60" Pipe $114.00 0 $0.00 .I. .I. . I. .~ . ............. M'' 'of ..$. A. .2..,Q.4~. .. .~. .~. :~,~ . 143 .. 'I~ ........................................................................ :M EAR: ~4~~50Q00:~ ~~~, ~:~.~,~,~.~,::~.::.::::'~' .p00~ ~~ 144 Junction Structure 4 EA $0.00 $0.00 145 Junction Structure 0 EA $950.00 $0.00 146 147 Junction Structure Catch Basin -Type 0 0 EA $0.00 = $0.00 ~:~,~: 149 W=10' 0 EA 3 400.00 $0.00 150 W= 0 EA ~ $0.00 $0.00 151 W= 0 EA $0.00 $0.00 152 Inlet Riser 0 EA $0.00 $0.00 153 154 Inlet Structure (Temp.) inlet Structure 0 0 EA I $2,800.00 $0.00 EA , $0.00 $0.00 155 Inlet Structure 0 EA ~ $0.00 $0.00 156 ~ii~i~le~~~:,: ::.:~~<~~`::~ ,:::~~~3~~~'~~~ 2:~ ~~ ~~~~0~0''~:~:~;~;;;;;~:~:~:~;:: ~.~~~1~~OOQ: .,. 157 Detention Pond EA ! 50 000.00 0.00 158 Outlet Structure (30") 0 EA $10,000 $0.00 159 Collar 0 EA ~ $0.00 $0.00 160 161 Anchor ~ ~ead~~ ~a~ ~~0~ ~~(e:~ ......,,.0 ......... ........EA;......;.,..........,..$750.00 ~~:::.:~:~:;:.::::~ ~:::: ,,00'~ ,. $0.00 .~,;.; :~.: ,. .....__--- --..._----_...__..--------- _.__........_---- 162 Special Bedding 0~ LF '; $0.00 $0.00 163 Special Backfill or Comp. 0 LF $0.00 $0.00 164 165 Remove Rip Rap ~R~~ ~R~~~ 0 SF $3.00 .:$. $0.00 ~$. 166 Remove & Replace Pvmt. 0 SF $0.00 $0.00 167 168 Adjust MH to Grade Remove Plug & Join 0 0 EA ; $0.00 EA $1,040.00 $0.00 $0.00 .._N~-.--_~.....~_-__--~---~-__-__-__.___-.___ 169 Join Existing Line 0 EA $0.00 $0.00 170 Off-Tracts 0 171 so° RCP o LF j $98.00 $O.oo 172 33" RCP 0 LF $57.00 $0.00 173 J 30" RCP 0 LF $52.00 $0.00 174 175 18" RCP -Manholes _...._..._...._..____...._-----__...._... 0 ._.. O___ LF $36.00 _..._L~ .......i _.._......4,500.00_ $0.00 ___....____.. $0.00 -..._.~_---__._.___..___..._...__.___..___..w_____. 176 Junction Structures 0 LF ; $950.00 $0.00 177 Pipe Transitions 0 EA i $2,500 $0.00 178 Riser Inlets 0 EA ~ $3,500 $0.00 179 Inlet Structures (30") 0 EA ' $5,000.00 $0.00 180 Outlet Structure (60") 0 EA j $24,000 $0.00 181 182 Outlet Structure (18"). Rip Rap 0 , 0 - EA I _ _ $10,000 EA - ~ $5.00 $0.00 $0.00 183 Anchors 0~ EA ~ $750.00 $0.00 184 ~~;~: ,,; ~48~:~:~:1~. P ..© ........... . .... . .......... . .................. . ...... ....... .19.3.... , .. ........ ~.I"......................:... .~Q oo:,< ,.~. ~ :::,:.:.:.:.~~~~ 37Q oo.; . 85 1 ;8,;.;.5 :~ ;:~?' ~ `;` ~~~'~~~`~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~. .~ .. ~~ ~~~ . .. , ~~~~~~: ~` ~ !S ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~ > ~ ~~~uyn3' ~~'~~0::~. .~~. .7R.. ~5 S ' ' :~ ~~ .,.Q' ~~~ ~~ ~ 1H] . ~. '~~ . ~t~S'': 186 .~~.~. ~ . ~.~. . ~..... ....~~~~..~.. ~ ... .. .. ....... ...~~....~... ....~~......~~... .............~... . .~.~,..............,....~... ti. i .~.~~.~...~.~~~~.... ... .... ~.~~.. 187 88 1 :1: ..~~T...t~l.......r::p:r~~ir~~~ ..~... , . ~.... . ~~. ~~ . f.. ~, ....................................................................... .......... ... ..................~: :..........................,. ..,,......,........,............. 189 i K:1129281DOC17T 6137 AD-021805.xIsIF'aladno A B C D E F 6 AREA OR SEGMENT LOTS NOTES: 7 Paladino Onl - 19 0 ~ ~~~~f .~' ~ ~:~~A~~ ~ f .'~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ..~ ~ : A 191 8" PVC 0 LF $3x.00 $0.00 Class 200 192 1"9 12" PVC 0 LF = $38.00 $0.00 Class 200 .,. ~~8:~ ~ 0 ~.F ~ `0'0' ~' .~~...Q0,00 Mass .1. .V. .2~..0. :7~ ~~$ ~$ .i. ~ .194 95 196 "Pie 0 LF I $0.00 0.00 p $ ~~~: 'R' ~• ~..11~~~::~~~r~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~:Eder::.:::; .:::....:..::::::::::::::::::::~:. ~::0': ~:~::~;~>:;;::..:;~~~~:~; ~:;; ~~; ~~ ~ ~ at~d. ~I~ti~r ~ ~ ~~ .,~~ ,~ $.. $ ..~. . ~. 197 198 "Service & Meter 10" Valve Assembly 0 0 EA $550.00 EA $900.00 $0.00 $0.00 199 12" Valve Assembly 0 EA $1,100 00 i $0 00 2 0 .................................... ,~.; ~~,. ~:8:. ~;~{a v j ~ ~~~ . ~.... ~ ....~......~b.......... .............. ~:~. .y~: ....... ........ ........ ........ :>::::.:: :~: ....... ....... .......... .. :~::::;~:;~;~:: ':A:: E. :~3<~~ .,Q.Q. .~ ~.. .................... ,..4. .~.. ,.~~. 1 Fice H ~ :drar~~~1~s~ernb . :Y. ..Y.: . 8 . EA~~~ ~~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~:. ~~ ~5~~s0. 0 20 ~ .acr~u ;.a ease'~~>~~~~>~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~> ~~k~~~~~~~~`~~Q0~0 ~~~~~ ~~ ~~4~Q~O 203 Pressure Regulator 0 EA ; $0.00 $0.00 204 205 Temp. Blow-Off Assembly Special Encasement------.._..._....._........._ 0 _._.~ _ EA ' $850:00 __...LF........i. .....................~0~00 $0.00 --.._..._......__$0.00.. ......---__~._...._.._.___-----...~...__.._._...._...._..__.. 206 Special Backfill 0 LF ; $0.00 $0.00 207 Boring/Jacking 0 LF ~ $O.Op $0AO 208 Plug. - 0 EA ~ $100.00 $o.oo 209 Remove Plug & Join 0 EA $300.00 $0.00 210 Remove & Replace Pvmt. 0 SF i $0.00 $0.00 211 212 Concrete Anchor Hot Tap Assembly _...._.._.._.._..___._.. 0 ..... 0 _.... EA ~ $0.00 __..~._.. ~.... ._--_._$0.00 . $0.00 .................._... $0.00 ----------..._........... -------------....._-------------.. ..._. 213 Pump Station 0 EA ~ $0.00 $0.00 214 Reservoir 0 GAL ' $0.35 $0.00 215 Off-Tract 0 LS i - $0.00 $0.00 216 Traffic Control 0 LS $1,500.00 $0.00 217 Adjust Water Service 0 EA` : $100.00 $0.00 218 219 220 Sub-Total Water Distribution ~ $202,210.00 221 i K:1120281D4C1TT 6137 AD-021805.xIslPaladno A B C D E F 6 AREA OR SEGMENT LOTS NOTES: 7 Paladino Onl - 222 223 Rolled Curb & Gutter 0 LF ! $10.00 $0.00 ,. :...... ., ~.~~ t:: ~:1 :;$ . G:: r...&..u. .8: . ~F~ 4.. . Q.4~'~' :~$. .~, ' .................................. . ..... ...... ........... ...~ '. .....................~~ '....... ....... ~ 225 Rolled Curb & Gutter ... 0 , . LF. $8.00 $0.00 226 Median Curb 0 LF ~ $8.00 - $0.00 227 Dirt Balance, C&G 0 LF .$0.30 $0.00 228 _" AC Berm 0 LF $0.00 $0.00 229 230 "Berm _" To Curb & Gtr. Trans 0 0 LF ; $0.00 LF 0.00 $0.00_ 0.00 231 .Sidewalk 8' 0 LF ? $2.50 $0.00 232 . ! ....... CK :4~::;; :;::;.;:;::::;:;.:.:::::;:::::::;~ :::::.::.:::::::::::; :: ::::; .: : ~5'dew~~ .. :3::~:0~~~~: : :.::4.. 2 ....:~ ~. `~~:~~'~ ::::...; :~,E::;:::;:;;::: ;; ::::::!:25Q '~1~}$~'~'~p~p~': :;::;.. .... 0 .... ,..~~~~ .. :~a': ~~~:'~e~:::`:;;::;:;::;~>:::;:;;;:::::::::~;~:::~::;:~;~>;::::::::::;?: :B .ti~~~ .~ .. 233 Driveway Aprons 0 SF ! $2.10 $0.00 234 Dirt Balance, SW ~ 0 SF j $0.20 $0.00 235 Concrete Crossgutter 0 SF $3.50 $0.00 236 237 Redwood Header Base Under Sidewalk.._..-------..._....._...._------ 0 -------0- .---- LF $0.00 -----SF------ -±- -----..__.----- $0.00 $0.00 -------_._------- $0.00- -----__...__.....----_..._ .___--.___._.--____......._... 238 Base Under Curb & Gtr. 0 LF j $0.00 $0.00 239 Dirt Balance, Street 0 SF ~ $0.12 $0.00 240 Local Depressions EA ! $1,300.00 $0.00 241 2 42 .Concrete Apron 0 SF = $0.00 $0.00 ~. ~. A~>r1:2:~~:A6;: ::7420Q~~ ~S:F:~ ~r25~'~~~ ~::::~ ~' ~1~:57~~~5~400.6:8.a~~d~::::::; ::...:..:..:::...,,.;,.,~..::;:::,::,:,:;.:~::::>:::::::::::::::,::,:::,: :3.. .~. ,,, . 243 2 44 245 246 247 0 SF $2.0 $0.001 ~3 ~ACl6 AB 0 .~. . ~ , ,,. . ~ . . l- -------------_..._.._...._......_.........................._.................._ `~;: .~i 9:::F:.r~ai~;.~ ADO.,..,.....,.~ ............................... 0~>~~~~, .~~:4~0 Remove & Replace AC/AB ~ 0 ~ SF ~~ $5.00 ~ $0.00 ~~::~ ~~..,..:~radepr~~~~~~rata~n~~~~~~~~~~~~~:~:~~~0~~~>~>~5~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~!~~,~~~~4Q~A~~O!~~Q:~: ..:.~ :.............:p.~......................,............,........, .:~.........,,,. .....,......,,.... ....,..,.......,:.~:..~.... ........,:~~:....: a~:........... Base Sterilization 0 SF $0.00 $0.00 .248 16' Wide Equestrian Trails 0 LF ~ ~ $11.20 $0.00 249 Equestrian Trail Fence 0 LF ~ $7.00 $0.00 250 251 Median Drain Inlets Stamped Concrete--------___..._-----_.._..__.__ 0 _ _ -~-0 ~ EA ! ,$0.00 SF~~--~- ----__..___.0.00 $0.00 ~--~..~~.~..M$0.00. _.._.....___.~_..._.._....__--------..--__......_..__.__._ 252 Adjust Sewer MH to Grade 0 EA $300,.00 $0.04 253 Adjust Valve to Grade 0 EA $200.00 $0.00 254 Special Concrete 0 SF j $0.00 $0.00 255 Match to Ex. Pavement 0 LS i $5,000.00 $0.00 256 Feather AC 0 LF $0.00 $0.04 257 258 Street Name Sign W/Base Advanced Street Sign .........._.._ ................___ 0 ___o_ EA ! $300.00 ~...__~..... ----- 400.00 $0.00 ~-...______ $0.00 __._...._...______...___._._._....._.._._._.w____.._. 259 Stop Signs 0 EA $300.00 $0.00 260 Reflectors (RPM) 0 EA ' $0.00 $0.00 261 Guard Rail 0 LF ! $0.00 $0.00 262 Barricade W/Reflectors 0 LF $30.00 $0.00 263 Remove Barricade 0 LF ; $0.00 $0.00 264 265 Survey Monuments Crushed Surface Rdwy..M ................__.__... 0 ....... 0 ..._. EA ; $300.00 __---SF------~- ---------------- $0.00 $0.00 __.. ...._._ $0.00_ ..__------_..~._._......._._._.___.._...___...._..~.._.._ 266 Remove & Replace, Pvmt. 0 SF ; $0.00 $0.00 267 Parkway Culvert 0 EA $2,750.00 $0.00 268 Traffic Signals 0 EA -`, $100,000.00 $0.00 269 Parkway Drain 0 EA ~ $0.00 $0.00 270 ..ti.; #~aiatlic ~~~ ~:~1c~e~sF~a ~~.;, .:4~::,~::...: :'~;;:,:..:: ` :::~:,::~:L~~-;..;.:;~...::~.:::~::~:.:~::. ~24. ,OD .. .~. .:>;>:.>;:,~ ~~ ............... 9~5~,O~D..:: :$. 271 272 Sub-Total Roadwa Im rovements ; $2 091300.00 3 27 74 :f~;~,atl~ra ~:1~i " r.:o~iam:~nts:: ..0~~ .:.~a'.. ,.,...~:~::, 1~ QUO. $. ~. ,~~. ..........: ~~...~P... .. ...... ,. . .. ....... . ........ ...................... ................. ..,..............:.:............................. .................,....,,,....... K:1129281DOC1TT 6137 AD-021805.xIslPaladno A B C D E F 6 AREA OR SEGMENT LOTS NOTES: 7 Paladino Onl 28 9 290 h . 4 ~1~~ ~ ~~:::~..::....,~,..~:,~: ;,,;,.;;`';::'~.: ~ ~0~ `:: ;~'~' :~ :~' ~'~r~ ~~ .OO:..:..G~ :T I~ ~ #1 n .EI ~f~'~~~~~abl~~''1/ .J~1nt Tren~ . ::~~. oo, ~ ~ ~s~oo. s~ ~ : e b ~~ ~:~ ~ .~~ ~:. i $. -.. •r•• ,1•:::: , ~ ,•::::::: ,•,•: ,,•::.. :~ •:: ,,,•::: s:•,~.:~.•,•.~::::: ,~, . 29 ;;•: ~~, ~~~o : ~ ~u h .. ~. 44 . . ~F: :4~:. ~:.. . Q ~~ .4 ~. ~. .,. 9 2 2 9 2 3 95 .......................5400::::::~:::~:;;~F:~;~~~~~:;~:::~~ ~1:25::~:;<::~~ :~~'75Q00;~::;:~:;::::;:;~::;~:~:;;~:::;~:::~;~;::::~::~:~;~:~:; ~$ a.. ~. . ~. ; ~~~~e~>~~~~~~~~>~<~~~~~~~~~~>'~~>~:: ~$. :~.:.~~. 296 9 Street Li~ ~hts 9 ~ . (. .~. ~. ~~,:: <$~ $,. .~~. .~. 298 Traditionaire Light 0 EA $3,000.00 ~ $0,00 299 300 Pole & Double Luminaria Electrical Service ._.._---_..___._--..----_...._..._.__.. 0 .___o..~.~. EA $1,200.00 ___.EA ..._ .'~......~_.~ 1,350.00. $0.00_ _..__ ............. .0.00 --- ---...~~.__---- ----.. ........_....~....._..._....___ 301 Gas Main Extension Fee 0 LF j $8.00 ~ $0.00 302 Gas Stub Deposits 0 EA 1 $360.00 $0.00 303 Refundable 0 LS ; $ - $0,00 304 CIAO Component 0 % ! 34% $0.00 305 i 306 307 ~ ............._...__----..___---......-- -..____......,._ ..._~........ __._.------.......! ........___...._......_------ -...._..........._...._..._.---. _.._......._................__....._.....----.._......---........---_.._._... 30 8 .t., ~: ~: u aI:E3~r tt s~~::;:::<~::::::;:;:~>::>:~ ::::::::::::::~::::::::;~::::::::::::::::::~:::::~:~::;~:~;:;:;:::;:::;::::~;~;::::~:~:~:~:~:::;:;~;:;:;:;:;:::::::;::~:::::>::::;:::<:>: :S. b..Ta~ .. ,..:,,,~ ..:......:...................:..::......:..........::::..:::..:......::::..::..::..:::::..........:....::....:..:::....::.~,.:..:......,.....,.:,.:::,...::,~::::::::::::::::,.::::,.:::::,~:~~sq~oo;:::: : . . . . . . .: . .: . . .: :: . 309 ..................................................................... ............... ...........,..... `. . . . . . . . . . . . .............. ............... ....,..,...;, . 310 311 312 Street Cleaning Debris Removal 0 0 LS $2,000 LS $2,000 $0.00 ..... .. $....._... 0.04 ......._.._._......__.........w ........:........._...._._....__...__._...........__. 313 Winterization 0 LS $0.00 $0.00 314 Landscape Maintenance 0 LS j $0.00 $0.00 315 ~ 316 317 318 Sub-Total Maintenance ..~..w........_._.......----- ............................__._.....____ .__._....__._. ._....._._.........~........._------------.....,..__. $0.00 ........_............._......._...... ...._....._.._..........._.................._........_........._.............__.. K:1129281DOC1TT 6137 AD-021805.x1slPaladno A B C D E F 6 AREA OR SEGMENT LOTS NOTES; 7 Paladino Onl - 31 9 :~(~ ~ A ~, 320 Preliminary Soils Report (Geotech) 0 LS i $0.00 . $0.00 321 32 23 Final Soils Report (Geotech) ::C: 'I~: :~te.:,:~;, 0 1~~ &... r. r C. p~, Preliminary Planning - 0 ;;~ ::::....:.:.: 0 LS i $50,000.00 .~. ::::~;:,'~~~>`,.,.;:.::,::::::...;:.~.~ 00~,..0~~ ~ ~,~. LS ~ $0.00 $0.00 :::;;~ ~ .OQ $. .~.. $0.00 .ANN . ...... ....................... 324 Master Plan/Specific Plan/Cup 0 LS $0.00 $0.00 325 26 Tentative Map ...........................................................0 LS $0.00:....................:...$0.00 .............:............................................ ..,r :: ...:.......:.:.. . .~ivii..En. ,nes~ n,~,~ieldwgrlc: Q~~ 0. 4p~ .~..~. ~:~ ...~. ..~:.,......:.9 ...................... ................... ................. ....,..,......... ..,,......................... .,,.......,...................... ,..............,,............,....,....,....,..,,............,.,..........,, . ~ ~ ~ , 327 3 28 0 I Civil Engineering Other .~, ~. . ~~~~~~~~~~>oo~:oo<~,:.s~~oo~aoa~~. WAhI~~~<<~> ~`~~. tar' .,., $. $. ..~~. g 329 Topographic Survey Control 0 LS $0.00 $0.00 330 Aerial Photography and Compilation 0 LS $500.00 $0.00 331 Preliminary Studies 0 LS $0.00 $0.00 332 Special Studies 0 LS ~ $0.00 $0.00 333 334 A.L.T.A. Survey Miscellaneous -0 _.. _ 0 _ _ _LS ~ ! $0.00 $0.00 335 Environmentallmpact 0 LS j $0.00 $0.00 336 N:P.D.E.S. Report 0 LS j $0.00 $0.00 337 Archeo/Paleontology 0 LS j $0.00 $0.00 33 6 :i t .e:~ ~~ch tec .r ~I~~~ds~a~`'e u ~~1~: ~~ ~::::~;::~:::;~:::;: ~:~~ .o~, .a :~$ .~. ~ oo~,. .$ .~. N. 339 .Utility Consultant 0 LS ; $0.00 $0.00 340 Acoustical Study 0 LS ! $0.00 $0.00 341 342 Architect -Attorney------------------__.........__.._._.------- 0 _..._.O ...._. LS $0.00 .._ LS._._.. ~ ..._.....__.__...$0.00 $0.00 .......__-_-......_$0.00_ ----__._.._..._..._.._...__...._....__._._--.__ ...._._._ 343 Blueprint & Deliveries 0 LS $0.00 $0.00 344 Construction Office 0 MO ; $500.00 $0.00 345 346 I :~ ..:2~OOQO~~ : :;~ ~ ~~ : ; :: ~ :~~s~ ~~~ ~er~~~~s~~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ : ~~::: ~:::< ~~ ~ :~:::~ ~t~fi:t~~l an$ul.t~i~tl" ~ . $:. ..~.. K:1129281DOCITT 6137 AD-021805.xIs/Paladno 7 - A B C D E F 6 AREA OR SEGMENT LOTS NOTES: 7 Paladino Onl - 3 47 . . :.:.::...:::..: .. .. ........::.:... :.~. ..~~:. ~~~ ~~~'~~ ':~::;~ x;:41: '' ~ ~( #~l~I~~'I~~~::~ ~- ~ ::BED '~~ ~: .~. E~.~ 348 Bonds 3 9 :: ~,_r,.,:.~:~ f .;:0:0 ~:::;:::::: 36 ~P ..~. o .~. f 1 ~~~~ ~ ~~~~ . Q... 8. ~~~' .2. ~. ~:~ .92~~ A s...~.. ..~. ,~. ..,. .~. :~: 3 5 0 ~~} 3:: . radzr~ Of :t~ .7.0,.18~~~~~a :uric. .ear ~$. .i, ~~ .a. .......... .. .............. ....... :y.. ....... .... ... .. .... .. . .... . : ,: ~ 351 . LS ... . . ............................ , , ........................................... . ............. .$0.00. .................... .$0.00 Landscaping 0.000 ~: :i ! a~ :i~: 35 . . . . ..p.:; . ...... . ::t ~ ~a.: `e~ ~ce 1 1 0 83 ss a Q~.. ............................. ...................:......~..,,.,.... ,~.........,.,..~.~::.~............,.::..,~,.,~,......$.,....,,..14,~...,........,.......$..,,..~.,.,...,...,:.,.~:,.,.,q:,:.d..1...~...,......,...,....,.,,...........,,.....,.........,, 353 Repairs for Bond Release 0.000 LS ! $0.00 $0.00 354 355 Permits Business License 0 0 LS $0.00 LS $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 356 Grading Deposit 0 LS j $0.00 $0.00 357 Precise Grading Insp. 0 LS $0.00 $0.00 358 Retaining Walls 0 LS $0.00. $0.00 359 Sound Walls 0 LS ` $0,00 $0.00 360 Landscaping 0 LS $0.00 $0.00 361 362 Plan-Check.._.. ._._..._----._..-------_ .................. Hillside Grading Dep. ...._..~...----- 0 .. ..... -.___----_......~......_-•------- $0;00 LS ~ $0.00 -------------------- $0:00 ~ -- $0.00 - .__..._.._----------__..___.__...___...._...__..._.---------- -~ 3 tr. et .~ttri~i:~:~~ait~~~:5, u~rer:::::;< :::::::::: >. ::::::"; 3 6 S 1 3 76. :$. .,. 3 2 163 f 7 .~$ . . ~. :.;~, I 4a~ ~ I~ 364 Streets, Storm Dram, Sewer 0 LS ~ $0.00 $0.00 Additional 365 Streets, Storm Drain, Sewer 0 LS $0.00 $0.00 Minor 366 Water 0 LS i $0.00 $0.00 Private Water Comp. 3 6 7 :;: ~ fuuryry ~ ~~~G~adi~ ~~~ Yf'~' h ~, 55~ 6 7 .0. :.T. 5 6t3 7 1. .~. 368 369 Retaining Walls Traffic Signals 0 0 LS _ __ $0.00 LS , ~ - $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 370 Sound Walls 0 LS j $0.00 $0.00 3 71 ~~ tip ~~~ ~~' ~~ Ij' ~`~ $ ~~s~ao~ ~~ ;::$ ~ Initial 3 2 ~ t~ot1 .~~~. ~ ~. 7 . ~$. :.a~ ~ ~~~~ ~~86~ ~ ~6~~.. ~ ~.7 :~$ . •.~~. 373 ~f `~`s ~ ~~c~'~a ~ ~'dsca~~ it .I:1. ri~a~. . ~. ..... ..... .~~. ..p..9.. .::::: 'S~~~~~~ i0~~ 4: ~:~, ...........................:1:$..,4.. .:~. 8 ~ ::::;:;:;:;;;::::~:~;~.1.....,QQ , ~. ~ : 374 Sign Plan Review 0 LS ; $0.00 $0.00. 375 376 Neg. Decl. Fee__ _ Final Map - 0 0 LS ~-_ $0.00 LS I $600.00 $0.00 $0.00 377 Sewer Assessment Fee 0 AC $0.00 $0.00 .378 Sewer Connection 0 DU ':, $2,500.00 $0.00 379 Primary Dist. Mains 0 AC i $0.00 $0.00 380 Transmission Mains 0 AC ! $0.00 $0.00 381 Park & Rec. Fee 0 DU ~ $1,275.00 $0.00 382 383 School Fe_e- School Fee-...__..._..__._.___---__...._.----___ 0 .._...o........ SF ; $2.24 ._.. SF __...~.....-......_..-.0.00 $0.00 .........___.. $0.00_ Need House SF ......................___......_..._.__ ._.....~.._..._._... 384 T.V. Inspection of Sewer 0 LF ; $0.00 $0.00 385 Processing Fee 0 LS j $0.00 $0.00 386 Easement Acquisition 0 LS ! $0.00 $0.00 387 Traffic Fee 0 DU ! $5,780.00 $0.00 Assumed Non-Core Area .388 Utility Trenching Fee 0 LF ~ $0.00 $0.00 389 390 Road_Fee _ ~~Fire Station Fee ~ ~~~-~ _~~~-~~--~-~-~-~--~ 0 _ --~0 ^ DU $0.00 SF ~ $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 391 Library Fee 0 DU $0.00 ~ $0.00 392 Electrical Ben. Fee 0 DU $0.00 $0.00 393 Child Care Fee 0 DU . $0.00 $0.00 . 394 . Affordable Housing Fee 0 DU y $0.00 $0.00 395 Endangered Species Fee 0 DU . $0.00 $0.00 396 3 97 : : ~;r~bto:~a~~ ~.~er:~~ ~ :;e: .,~:::::~. 398 39 9 Imo' ~ ~: :4~: .. . ). . i. 400 CONTINGENCY 15 % I $3,920,746 $588,111.94 401 ~;~ .~~ E)8'~~8: K:1129281DOC1TT 6137 AD-021805.xIs/Paladno