HomeMy WebLinkAboutAD 86-2 Apportionment #98 LLA 03-09731lII. F~tcn Assessor-- Re~or~er sof~R dames Kern County Official records 1~1~312DD3 Recorded at the request a# 2:00 PM City of Bksfld Public Forks Recording Requested By and for the. Benefit of the City of Bakersfield When Recorded Mail To: Bakersfield City Clerk City Hall 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93,301 Dote: 020327662A IIII~I (IIIIIIIIIIIN I~~II NOTICE OF AMENDED REASSESSMENT AMENDING EXISTING REASSESSMENTS 4035 STD 4590 AND LOT 14 IN TRACT N0. 6135 IN CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0. 86-2 COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA {REASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT N0. 98) StanTypes:l Pages: fees 13.00. Taxes 0.p0 Others 0.00 PA1Q $13.0 PURSUANT to the requirements of Section 3114 of the Streets and Highways Code, the undersigned, PAMELA A. McCARTHY, CMC, City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield, hereby gives notice that an Amended .Reassessment Diagram and Amended Reassessment .Roll (Reassessment and Diagram Amendment No. 98} for City of Bakersfield Assessment District No. 86-2 were filed and recorded in the office of the Superintendent of streets of the City of Bakersfield, relating to the following descri~aed real property: Reference is made to the map entitled "Amended Reassessment Diagram of City. of Bakersfield Assessment District No. 86-2 County of Kern, California, (Reassessment and Diagram Amendment No. 98), Amending Reassessments 4035 and 4.590 and Lot 14 in Tract No. 6135, filed with the Count Recorder of .the County of Kern, on / o~ ~' ~ 3 `~C~O in Book c~ of Maps of ssessment and Community Facilities Districts, at pages1~ --~~...~, -for a descript-ion of the real property in said Assessment .District and the exterior boundaries thereof. .Said Amended. Reassessment Diagram amends the map entitled "Reassessment Diagram of City of Bakersfield Assessment District No. 86-2," recorded January 18, 1994, in Book l0 of Maps of Assessment and Community Facilities Districts! at Pages 114 through 139, in the Office of the County Recorder of the County of Kern, California. NOTICE IS FURTHER GI~IEN that upon recording of this Notice in the of'f ice of the County Recorder, the several amended reassessments on the lots, pieces and parcels shown on the Amended Reassessment Diagram (Reassessment and Diagram Amendment No. 98) of Assessment District No. 86-2 shall become a lien upon the lots or portions of lots assessed., respectively. This amendment evidences the completion of statutory proceedings to divide the lien of special reassessments previously levied on the 1 parcels of land shown on the amended reassessment diagram, to conform with the divisions in the parcels themselves. Reference is made to said Amended Reassessment Diagram and Amended Reassessment Roll recorded in the office of the Superintendent of Streets of the City of Bakersfield. Attached hereto pursuant to the requirements of Section 27288.1 of the Government Code, marked Exhibit A, is a copy of the Amended Reassessment Roll identifying each new parcel by the amended reassessment number shown on the amended reassessment diagram, together with the amount of amended reassessment lien levied thereon and the name or names of the owners of each parcel subject to such amended reassessments as they appear on the latest secured County Assessor's Roll, or as known to the undersigned. DATED. PAMELA A. McCARTHY, CMC, City Clerk City of Bakersfield, C lifornia By 2 EXHIBIT A AMENDED REASSESSMENT ROLL CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.86-2 (BUENA VISTA TRUNK SEWERlRANCHO LABORDE STAGE 1-A) COUNTY OF-KERN, CALIFORNIA AMENDING EXISTING REASSESSMENTS 4035 AND 4590 AND LOT 14 IN TRACT N0.6135 AND ADDING NEW REASSESSMENTS 4665 THROUGH 4667 CREATED BY RECORDATION OF LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT N0.03-0973 REASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT N0.98 AMENDED PARCEL DETAILS OF TAX EXEMPT AMENDED REASSESSMENT TOTAL TOTAL AMENDED DESCRIPTION 1 SERIES A SERIES B SERIES D TOTAL TAXABLE AMENDED REASMT ASSESSOR'S TAX AMENDED PROPERTY SHARE SHARE SHARE TAX EXEMPT AMOUNT REASMT NUMBERS NUMBER (ATN) OWNER NAME !ADDRESS EFF 1!1103 EFF 1!1103 EFF 111103 (A + B + D) EFF 111103 AMOUNT LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT N0. 03-0973 (LLA 03-0973) ADJUSTS PARCEL LINES BETWEEN EXISTING REASSESSMENTS 4035 AND 4590 AND LOT 14 IN TRACT N0. 6135 (TR 6135), CREATING 3 NEW PARCELS. EXISTING REASSESSMENT 4035 IS IDENTIFIED AS PARCEL 2 OF L07 LINE ADJUSTMENT N0. P01-0348 AND EXISTING REASSESSMENT 4590 IS IDENTIFIED AS THE REMAINDER PARCEL CREATED BY TRACT N0. 6019-PHASE 1. LOT 14 IN TR 6135 DOES NOT HAVE A REASSESSMENT NUMBER ASSIGNED TO IT, SINCE IT WA5 CREATED FROM FORMER REASSESSMENT 3897 WHICH WAS PAID-OFF AT THE TIME TR 6135 WA5 RECORDED AND NO REASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT WAS DONE PURSUANT TO TR 6135 RECORDATION. THE 3 NEW PARCELS (PARCELS A, B, AND C IN LLA 03-0973) ARE ASSIGNED AMENDED REASSESSMENT NUMBERS 4665 THROUGH 4667, RESPECTIVELY. THE TOTAL COMBINED REASSESSMENT PRINCIPAL AMOUNT FOR EXISTING REASSESSMENTS 4035 AND 4590 IS APPORTIONED TO THE 3 NEW PARCELS CREATED BY LLA 03-0973. THE TOTAL UNPAID REASSESSMENT PRINCIPAL AMOUNTS FOR EXISTING REASSESSMENTS 4035 AND 4590 (EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 2003, AT THE BEGINNING OF THE 200312004 TAX YEAR) ARE $29,797.fi7 AND $452.60, RESPECTIVELY. THE TOTAL REASSESSMENT AMOUNT APPORTIONED TO EACH NEW PARCEL !S SHOWN UNDER THE COLUMN ENTITLED "TOTAL AMENDED REASMT AMOUNT." EXISTING REASSESSMENTS 4035 AND 4590 ARE DELETED FROM THE REASSESSMENT ROLL FOR ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.86-2. 4665 LLA 03-0973; PARCEL "A" McMILLIN SAN TROPE, LLC 500.70 0.00 0.00 500.70 4.00 500.70 4666 LLA 03-0973; PARCEL "B" RIVERLAKES GOLF, LLC 29,745.47 0.00 0.00 29,745.47 0.00 29,745.47 4667 LLA 03-4973; PARCEL "C" EPCO HOMES, INC. 4.10 0.00 0.00 4.10 0.00 4.10 'TOTAL AMOUNT APPORTIONED: 30,250.27 0.00 0.00 30,250.27 0.00 30,250.27 NOTES: 1. FOR A DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE LINES, DIMENSIONS, AND LOCATIONS OF REASSESSMENTS 4665 THROUGH 4667 REFERENCE CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE FOR LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT N0.03-0973 RECORDED DECEMBER 12, 2003, AS DOCUMENT N0.0203269495 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF THE COUNTY OF KERN. 2. THE AD 86-2 REMAINING BALANCE, AS EXISTING ON DECEMBER 1,1993, HAS BEEN REFUNDED AND REDUCED A5 DESCRIBED IN THE REASSESSMENT ENGINEER'S REASSESSMENT REPORT FOR THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.86-2, AS APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL ON JANUARY 12,1994 (REASSESSMENT REPORT). PREPARED BY: WILSON & ASSOCIATES APPROVED: ~L.1~-~ pq.E l~L(l~(o 3 ~. ~~o ~ ~~~~ ~~w ~PR° ~~ ~~,f ~~ ~° ~o ~- 41 2 ~- `~ N0.23269 EDWARD J. WILSON R.C.E. 23269 (EXPIRES 12-31-05) ~ Exp. 12/31/05 s~~T civic ~~P OF CALIF ,,~ 29613EXA A-1 12!1512003 B A K E R S F I~ I. D PUBLIC WORDS DEPARTMENT 1501 TRUXTUN AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORMA 93301 f661) 326-3724 RAUL M, RO]A5, DIRECTOR • CrfY ENGU~IEER January 12, 2004 Wilson & Associates 4221 West Sierra Madre, Suite 201 Fresno, CA 93722 Re: Assessment District No. 86-2, Apportionment No. 98 and 100, Assessment District No. 98- 1, Apportionment No. 32, Assessment District No. 01-1, Apportionment No. 7 and Assessment District No. 02-1, .Apportionment No. 3. Dear Mr. Wilson: Enclosed please find copies of the following: 1. Map title sheet certificate. 2. Notice of amended assessment. 3. Certificate of Filing. Should you have any questions or comments, please call John A, Stinson at (6b1) 326-3592. Very truly yours, RAUL M. ROJAS Public Works Director arian P. Shaw Civil Engineer IV Attachments P: \LETTERS~WILSON196.doc MPS:jas:jas .. ,, B A h. E R S F I `E L D PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM T0: Corey Turner -Accountant I Marian P. Shaw - Civil En ineer IV~ FROM: g DATE: .November 24, 2003 SUBJECT: Assessment District. No. 8b-2, Apportionment No. 98 and 100, Assessment District No. 98-1 A ortionment No. 32, Assessment District No. 01-1, Apportionment No. pp 7 and Assessment District No. 02-1, Apportionment No. 3. The Ma sand Notice of Amended Assessments were recorded on December 3, 9 and 23, 2003 for p the above Assessment Districts. A copy of the Notice of Amended Assessments and the Engineers ' ttached for our files. If ou have an uestions please ask John A. Stinson at 3592 in Report is a. y Y Y q the Public Works Department. P:IMEMOS1Financ152.doc • B A K E R S F I E L D PUBLIC FINANCING AUTHORITY October 23, 2003 Raul M. Rojas Public Works Department City of Bakersfield 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301 Re: Reassessment and Diagram Amendment No. 98, City of Bakersfield Assessment District No. 86-2, Segregating and Apportioning Existing Reassessment 4035 and 4590 to the subdivision of the property by Lot Line Adjustment No. P03-0973 r Dear Mr. Rojas: I herewith acknowledge that the City of Bakersfield Public Finance Authority has received the Notice to Bondholder form for the referenced Reassessment and Diagram Amendment No.98 for Assessment District No. 86-2. Please be advised that the City of Bakersfield Public Finance Authority accepts the amended reassessments shown on Engineer's Report Exhibit A attached to the Notice to Bondholder and a public hearing on those reassessment amendments will not be requested within the fourteen day notice period as provided by law. Very truly yours, City of Bakersfield Public Finance Authority By; Date: ~G~c1•~ o~GO3 Gr o 0 City of Bakersfield • Finance Department • 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield • California ~ 93301 (b61) 326-3742 • Fax (661) 326-3760 • E-mail: finance@ci.bakersfield.ca.us 29613 9/22/03 CERTIFICATE OF FILING RE: DIVISION OF LAND AND ASSESSMENT "IMPROVEMENT BOND ACT OF1915" PART 10.5 OF DIVISION 10 STREETS AND~HIGHWAYS CODE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0. 86-2 COUNTY OF KERN, CALIFORNIA REASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT NO. 98 AMENDING EXISTING REASSESSMENTS 4035 AND 4590 AND LOT 14 IN TRACT N0. 6135 TO ADD NEW REASSESSMENTS 4665 THROUGH 4667 1. An application has been filed with the Superintendent of Streets of the City of Bakersfield by the owners or interested parties in the referenced existing reassessments within City of Bakersfield Assessment District No'. 86-2, requesting apportionment of the amounts remaining unpaid on said reassessments in accordance with the provisions of the Improvement Bond ACt of 1915. In accordance with said application, the undersigned hereby apportions to each separate part of the original parcels of land as shown on the Amended Reassessment Roll, City of Bakersfield Assessment District No. 86-2, Reassessment and Diagram Amendment No. 98, attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by reference, the proportionate part of the remaining reassessments in the same manner as if the land had been so divided at the time the original assessment was made. Dated: ~ ~ By Superintendent of Streets 2. Notice to Bondholder was delivered to City of Bakersfield Public Finance Authority on ~Q- '~-~ 2003. 3. No request for hearing was received from the bondholder within fourteen (14) days from the date of mailing the Notice to Bondholder. Accordingly, the Amended Reassessment Roll and Amended Reassessment Diagram for City of Bakersfield Assessment District No. 86-2 Reassessment and Diagram Amendment No. 98, were recorded in the Office o thy: Superintenden of Streets of the City of Bakersfield on the Z ~ ~ day of 2003. By ~ ~ ~~ 1 4. The Amended Reassessment Diagram for Reassessment and Diagram Amendment No. 98, Assessment District No. 86-2 was filed with the County Recorder of the County of Kern on ~ ~i • 2''~ ~' 2003, in Book Z'2~ of Mays of Assessment and Community Facilities Districts, at Page ~j~~ ~~ ~ By ~-J 5. A Notice of Amended Reassessment for Reassessment and Diagram Amendmer~t No. 98, Assessment District No. 86-2 with a copy of the Amended Reassessment Roll attached as Exhibit A was recorded Un ~'~• 23 ~ 2003, as Document No. 02~327~~2 of Officidl Records of the County Recorder of the County of Kern. -.~ By Q ~ ~'J 6. A copy of this Certificate of Filing with the Engineer's Report on Reassessment and Diagram Amendment No. 98, including Exhibit A "Amended Reassessment Roll", Exhibit B "Description of Existing Reassessments", Exhibit C "Description of Reassessment Apportionment Procedure", Exhibit D "Listing of original Reassessment Amounts for Amended Reassessments", and a reduced, not to scale copy of the Amended Reassessment Diagram attached thereto were filed with the Finance Director for the City of Bakersfield on the ~~~ day of 2 0 0~: -~ By ,~`' 2 29613RPT 9/22/03 ENGINEER'S REPORT RE: SEGREGATION AND APPORTIONMENT OF REASSESSMENTS FOR REASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT N0. 98 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0. 86-2 AMENDING EXISTING REASSESSMENTS 4035 AND 4590 AND LOT 14 IN TRACT N0. 6135 TO CREATE NEW REASSESSMENTS 4665 THROUGH 4667 PURSUANT TO RECORDATION OF LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 03-0973 1. An application has been filed with the Superintendent of Streets of the City of Bakersfield requesting a segregation and apportionment of existing reassessments within Assessment District No. 86-2, pursuant to the division of the parcels. 2. In accordance with said application, the undersigned hereby apportions to each separate part of the original parcels of land, the proportionate part of its respective unpaid reassessment that would have been levied thereon if the parcels had been so divided at the time the original reassessment was made. The undersigned has assigned a new reassessment number to each new parcel, as shown on the Amended Reassessment Diagram attached hereto. 3. The existing reassessment numbers, new reassessment numbers and apportioned reassessment amounts (based in each case on the unpaid principal amount of reassessment effective January 1, 2003, at the beginning of the 2.003/2004 Tax Year), are as shown on Exhibit A "Amended Reassessment Roll" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. A description of the referenced existing reassessments and of how they have been subdivided is included in Exhibit B, attached hereto. A description of the procedure used to apportion the unpaid principals for the referenced existing reassessments to the new reassessments is included in Exhibit C, attached hereto, and a listing of the apportioned share of the original reassessment amounts for each new reassessment is shown on Exhibit D, attached hereto. Existing reassessments 4035 and 4590 are deleted from the roll for Assessment District No. 86-2. DATED: ~ r ~~__• WILSON & ASSOCIATES ,,~.-..~ Reassessment Apportionment Engineer ~~,~o~~ssi~~ C~ ~ $ L. 1 ~~ ~~, ~ y c~ ~ Edward J. Wilson, `~ No. 23269 ~ R.C.E. 23269, Expires 12-31-05 1 * ~xp,12/31/05 s~, CNit ~~P \F OF CRI~F~ii EXHIBIT A AMENDED REASSESSMENT ROLL CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.86-2 (BUENA VISTA TRUNK SEWERIRANCHO LABORDE STAGE 1-A) COUNTY OF KERN, CALIFORNIA AMENDING EXISTING REASSESSMENTS 4035 AND 4590 AND LOT 14 IN TRACT N0.6135 AND ADDING NEW REASSESSMENTS 4665 THROUGH 4667 CREATED BY RECORDATION OF LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT N0.03-0973 REASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT N0.98 AMENDED PARCEL ~ DETAILS OF TAX EXEMPT AMENDED REASSESSMENT TOTAL TO'(AL AMENDED DESCRIPTION / ~ SERIES A SERIES B SERIES D TOTAL TAXABLE AMENDED REASMT ASSESSOR'S TAX NUMBERS _ NUMBER (ATN) _ AMENDED PROPERTY ~ SHARE SHARE SHARE TAX EXEMPT OWNER NAME 1 ADDRESS _I EFF 111/03 EFF 1!1103 EFF 111103 (A + B + D) AMOUNT EFF 111103 REASMT AMOUNT LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT N0. 03-0973 (LLA 03-0973} ADJUSTS PARCEL LINES BETWEEN EXISTING REASSESSMENTS 4035 AND 4590 AND LOT 14 IN TRACT NO. 6135 (TR 6135), CREATING 3 NEW PARCELS. EXISTING REASSESSMENT 4035 IS IDENTIFIED AS PARCEL 2 OF LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT N0. P01-0348 AND EXISTING REASSESSMENT 4590 IS IDENTIFIED AS THE REMAINDER PARCEL CREATED BY TRACT N0. 6019-PHASE 1. LOT 14 IN TR 6135 DOES N01" HAVE A REASSESSMENT NUMBER ASSIGNED TO 17, SINCE IT WAS CREATED FROM FORMER REASSESSMENT 3897 WHICH WAS PAID-OFF AT THE TIME TR 6135 WAS RECORDED AND NO REASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT WAS DONE PURSUANT TO TR 6135 RECORDATION. THE 3 NEW PARCELS (PARCELS A, B, :AND C IN LLA 03-0973) ARE ASSIGNED AMENDED REASSESSMENT NUMBERS 4665 THROUGH 4667, RESPECTIVELY. THE TOTAL COMBINED REASSESSMENT PRINCIPAL AMOUNT FOR EXISTING REASSESSMENTS 4035 AND 4590 IS APPORTIONED TO THE 3 NEW PARCELS CREATED BY LLA 03-0973. THE `TOTAL UNPAID REASSESSMENT PRINCIPAL AMOUNTS FOR EXISTING REASSESSMENTS 4035 AND 4590 (EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 2003, AT THE BEGINNING OF THE 200312004 TAX YEAR} ARE $29,797.67 AND $452.60, RESPECTIVELY. THE TOTAL REASSESSMENT AMOUNT APPORTIONED TO EACH NEW PARCEL IS SHOWN UNDER THE COLUMN ENTITLED "TOTAL AMENDED REASMT AMOUNT." EXISTING REASSESSMENTS 4035 AND 4590 ARE DELETED FROM THE REASSESSMENT ROLL FOR ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.86-2. 4665 LLA 03-0973; PARCEL "A" McMILLIN SAN TROPE, LLC 500.70 0.00 0.00 500.70 0.00 500.70 4666 LLA 03-0973; PARCEL "B" RIVERLAKES GOLF, LLC 29,745.47 0.00 0.00 29,745.47 0.00 2J,745.47 4667 LLA 03-0973; PARCEL "C" EPCO HOMES, INC. 4.10 0.00 0.00 4.10 0.00 4.10 TOTAL.AMOUNT APPORTIONED: 30,250.27 0.00 0.00 30,250.27 0.00 30,250.27 NOTES: 1. FOR A DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE LINES, DIMENSIONS, AND LOCATIONS OF REASSESSMENTS 4665 THROUGH 4667 REFERENCE CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE FOR LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT N0.03-0973 RECORDED , 2003, AS DOCUMENT N0. OF OFFICIAL RECORDS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF THE COUNTY OF KERN. 2. THE AD 86-2 REMAINING BALANCE, AS EXISTING ON DECEMBER 1,1993, HAS BEEN REFUNDED AND REDUCED AS DESCRIBED. IN THE REASSESSMENT ENGINEER'S REASSESSMENT REPORT FOR THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.86-2, AS APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL ON JANUARY 12,1994 (REASSESSMENT REPORT). PREPARED BY: WILSON & ASSOCIATES APPROVED: ~ ~ W `"'' _ 1~ ~ ~ l ` ~ ?, ~ DATE: J EDWARD J. WILSON R.C.E. 23269 (EXPIRES 12-31-05) ~OQRQ~~SS~Q~~ ~~,~ PAD J. ~,~ (~~ ~ 2 No. 23269 * Exp. 12/31/05 \qT C1VI~ ~~~ FOF CAU~~~ 29613EXA A-1 09123/2003 EXHIBIT B DESCRIPTION OF EXISTING REASSESSMENTS AND NEW PARCELS TO WHICH THE EXISTING REASSESSMENTS ARE TO BE APPORTIONED BY REASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT N0. 98 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.86-2 (RANCHO LABORDE STAGE 1-A/BUENA VISTA TRUNK SEWER) AMENDING EXISTING REASSESSMENTS 4035 AND 4590 AND LOT 14 IN TRACT N0.6135 AND ADDING NEW REASSESSMENTS 4665 THROUGH 4667 CREATED BY RECORDATION OF LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT N0.03 -0973 EXISTING PARCEL 2003/2004 REASSESSMENT NUMBER REASSESSMENT A.T.N. FOR EXISTING PRINCIPAL TO BE HOW EXISTING PARCEL OF NEW NUMBER REASSESSMENT APPORTIONED HAS BEEN SUBDNIDED LOTS/PARCELS 4035 LLA P01-0348; Pcl 2 $29,797.67 Lot Line Adjustment No. 03-0973 (LLA 4590 Rem Pcl per TR6019-1 $452.60 03-0973} adjusts lot lines between Existipg NIA Lot 14 in TR 6135 $0.00 Reassessments 4035 and 4590 and Lot 14 in Tract No. 61.35, creating 3 new parcels. The 3 new parcels (Parcels A, B, and C in LLA 03-0973}are assigned Amended Reassessment Numbers 4665 through 4667, respectively. The total combined remaining principal amount for said Existing Reassessments is reapportioned t:o the three parcels in LLA 03-0973. Existing Reassessments 4035 and 4590 are deleted from the Reassessment Roll for AD 86-2. Lot Line Adjustment No. 03-0973 a. 3 new parcels (Amended Reassessments 4665 through 4667) Total New Reassessed Lots/Parcels Total New Non-xeassessed Lots/Parcels Total New Reassessment Numbers Total Existing Reassessment Numbers deleted from Roll Net Change Active Reassessments on Roll Total Amount -to Be Apportioned to New Reassessments: $30,250.27 1. Unpaid reassessment balance apportioned is the balance at the beginning of the 2003/2004 Tax Year, effective January 1, 2003. 3 3 0 3 _2 1 29613E~B 1 9/24143 EXHIBIT C DESCRIl'TION OF THE PROCEDURE USED TO APPORTION SHARES OF THE UNPAID REASSESSMENT PRINCIl'ALS FOR EXISTING REASSESSMENTS 4035 AND 4590 AND LOT 14 IN TRACT NO. 6135 TO NEW REASSESSMENTS 4665 THROUGH 4667 CREATED BY RECORDATION OF LOT LINE ADNSTMENT NO. 03-0973 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 86-2 (BUENA VISTA TRUNK SEWER/RANCHO LABORDE STAGE 1-A) REASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM A1V~NDIV~NT NO. 98 1. DESCRIPTION OF EXISTING REASSESSMENTS 4035 AND 4590 AND LOT 1 4 IN~ TRACT N0.613 5: A. Existing Reassessments 403 5 and 4590 (hereafter "Reassessment 403 5" « and Reassessment 4590," respectively} and Lot 14 in Tract No. 613 5 "TR 613 5" are located: ( } in the Clty of Bakersfield. Reassessment 403 5 is described as Parcel 2 in Lot Line Adjustment No. P01-0348 ("LLA P01-0348"}, created b Reassessment and Dia r m Y ga .Amendment ("Apportionment"} No. 80 for Assessment District No. 86-2 "AD 86-2" . ( )~ Reassessment 4590 is described as the remainder arcel created ursuant to . p p the recordation of Tract No. 6019-Phase 1("TR 6019-1"), by A ortionment No. 96 for AD Pp 86-2. Lot 14 in' TR 6135 does not have a Reassessment Number assi ned to it since i g t was created from former Reassessment 3 8 97 which was paid-off at the time TR 613 5 was recorded and no Apportionment was done pursuant to TR _613 5 recordation. Lot Line Adjustment No. 03 -0973 ("LLA 03 -0973 ") adjusts arcel lines between Reasses m P s ents 4035 and 4590 and TR 6135 Lot 14, creating 3 new parcels. The three new arcels Parcels A B and C in LL P ( A 03-0973} are assigned Amended Reassessment Numbers ("Amended Reassessments"} 4665 through 4667, res ectivel . P Y B. Reassessments 4035 and 4590 and TR 6135 are within an area Which was included In Assessment and Diagram Amendment No. 19 ("Amendment No. 19" .Amen m } d ent No. 19 was a Change and Modification that respread the on final and un aid assessm g p ent amounts for all of the AD 86-Z parcels owned by R.iverlakes Ranch to brin those arcel g p assessments into conformance with their amended land uses a roved b General Plan pP Y Amendment 1-90 Segment III ("GPA 1-90-III" .See Amendment No. 19 f r ) o details on the amended land uses and the impact on the AD 86-2 Assessments in thi s area. Reassessments 403 5 and 4590 and TR 613 5 are also within an area include i d n the R.iverlakes Ranch Specific Plan Amendment which was a roved b the Cit . pp y y Council of the Clty of Bakersfield on August 12,1998, in accordance with Zone Chan ge No. P97- 0892 ("ZCF97-0892"} and General Plan Amendment No.P97-0892 "GPAP97- " . ( 0892 ), as presented in Apportionment No. 50. Reassessments 4035 and 4590 and TR 6135 are located in the Buena Vista Trunk Sewer Benefit and the Tele hone Benefit Zo 86- p nes of AD 2. The Improvement costs assessed to these Benefit Zones were funded b the AD~86- 2 Series A Bonds. y Z9613E~C 1 9/24/03 C. The total remaining reassessment principal amounts for Reassessments 4035 and 4590 and TR 6135 Lot 14 (effective January 1, 2003, at the beginning of the 2003/2004 Tax Year) are $29,797.67, $452.60, and $0.00, respectively. The total original AD 86-2 assessment amounts are $168,004.31, $2,551.69, and $0.00, respectively, which are assessed as described below. 2. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROCEDURE USED TO SEGREGATE AND APPORTION THE ORIGINAL ASSESSMENT AMOUNTS AND THE UNPAID REASSESSMENT PRINCIPAL AMOUNTS FROM REASSESSMENTS 4035 AND 4590 TO AMENDED REASSESSMENTS 4665 THROUGH 4667: A. Reassessments 403 5 and 4590 and TR 613 S are located in the Buena Vista Trunk Sewer and Telephone Benefit Zones (Series A Bonds). Reassessment 403 5 is identified as a golf course parcel, At the time it was created by Apportionment No. 80 for AD 86-2 (pursuant to recordation of LLA P01-03 84) Reassessment 403 5 was allocated its shares of BVTS Sewer Capacity and BVTS Sewer Oversizing based on the Riverlakes Ranch Specific Plan Amendment, ZC P97-0892 and GPA P97-0892. Following the same procedure, Reassessment 4590 was allocated its shares of BVTS Sewer Capacity and BVTS Sewer Oversizing at the time it was created by Apportionment No. 96 (pursuant to recordation of TR 6019-1 }. As stated above, TR 613 5 Lot 14 was created from former Reassessment 3897 which was paid-off at the time TR 6135 was recorded and no A ortionment was pp done pursuant to TR 613 5 recordation. A copy of the map showing the revised land use plan per GPA ~P97-0892 is attached to this Engineer's Report for reference. Each benefitted parcel was allocated its share of the BVTS Capacity charge in direct proportion to the number of Equivalent Dwelling Units (EDUs) allocated to each of them. The number of EDUs allocated to each parcel is calculated based on the maximum permitted number of Dwelling Units (DUs) for each parcel when developed according to the land uses approved in GPAP97-0892 and in accordance to Bakersfield 2010 General Plan ("2010 Plan") and in proportion to each parcel's net areas within each land use presented in said GPA P97-0892. The parcels' net areas were obtained from The Dewal~t Corporation (an engineer retained by the Riverlakes Ranch Specific Plan Amendment proponent and original owner of said Existing Reassessments). A copy of the table showing said net areas for each affected parcel is enclosed for reference. The approved maximum permitted DU densities and corresponding number of EDUs for each land use designation are as follows: - Suburban Residential(SR): 4.00 DU / 4.00 EDU per acre -Low Density Residential (LR): 7.26 DU / 7.26 EDU per acre -Low Medium Density Residential (LMR): 10.00 DU / 10.00 EDU per acre -High Medium Density Residential (~IlVIR): 17.42 DU / 13.40 EDU per acre - General Commercial(GC): 6.00 DU / 6.00 EDU per acre By Apportionment No. 50 the BUTS Oversizing charge for each of the three Benefit Zones (Stage 1-A, Telephone, and Sewer only) was allocated. only to Amended Reassessments, or portions of Amended Reassessments, located within each Benefit 29613E~C 2 9/24103 Zone. within each Benefit Zone the total BVTS Oversizing amount was first adjusted (reduced) based on the total BVTS Capacity charge allocated to parcels within each zone (to keep the total Original Assessment unchanged), and such adjusted BVTS Oversizin~ amounts were reallocated to the benefited parcels in direct proportion to parcel net area as shown on the enclosed table provided by The Dewalt Corporation. Details of the allocation of Reassessments 4035 and 4590 original assessments to Parcels A through C in LLA 03-0973 are as follows: 1. BVTS Sewer Capacity: By Apportionment No. 80 Reassessment 4035 was allocated its share of 7a Equivalent Dwelling Units (EDUs) of BVTS Sewer Capacity based on the estimated number of dwelling units when developed to its planned development as a golf course parcel in accordance with the R.iverlakes Ranch Specific Plan Amendment;, as described above. Each EDU was allocated one unit of BVTS Sewer Capacity at the original assessment unit charge rate of $245.601EDU. By Apportionment No.. 96 Reassessment 4590 was allocated its share of 5.77 EDUs of BVTS Sewer Capacity based on the estimated number of dwelling units when developed to its maximum permitted density in accordance with the Riverlakes Ranch Specific Plan Amendment and the development plan for Tentative Tract No. 6019 (see Apportionment No. 96 for details), as described above. Each EDU was allocated one unit of BVTS Sewer Capacity at the original assessment unit charge rate of $245.60/EDU. LLA 03-0973 adjusts parcel lines and parcel acreages of Reassessments 4035 and 4590, but that minor adjustment did not necessitate ~~ reallocation of BVTS Sewer Capacity EDUs: Parcel A in LLA 03-0973 (Amended Reassessment 4665) is allocated the Reassessment 4590 originally allocated 5.7x1 EDUs of BVTS Sewer Capacity based on its LMR land use designation for a total of $1,417.23. Parcel B in LLA 03-0973 (Amended Reassessment 4666} is allocated the Reassessment 4035 originally allocated 75 EDUs of BVTS Sewer Capacity based on its use as a golf course parcel for a total of $18,420.00. As stated above, the TR 613 5 Lot 14 assessment was paid-off, and no BUTS Sewer Capacity i;; allocated to Parcel C in LLA 03-0973 (Amended Reassessment 4667) since the slight increase in this parcels' lot size does not require the BVTS Sewer Capacitor increase. The total BVTS Sewer Capacity allocated is $19,837.23. 2. BVTS Sewer Oversizing: The total combined original BVTS Sewer Oversizing amount for Reassessments 4035 and 4590 is apportioned to the 3 LLA 03-0973 parcels in the same manner as described above for Apportionment Nos. 80 and 96 (indirect proportion to their net areas' increasesldecreases). The three new parcels created by LLA 03-0973 (Parcel A, B, and C) are allocated the following BVTS Sewer Oversizing amounts: LLA 03 0973 Parcel A (Amended Reassessment 4665) is allocated $1;405.81(an increase of $271.3 5 from the Reassessment 4590 BVTS Sewer Oversizing amount), LLA 03 - 29613EXC 3 9/24/03 0973 Parcel B (Amended Reassessment 4666) is allocated $149,289.84 a decrease ( of $294.47 from the Reassessment 4035 BVTS Sewer Oversizin amount and LLA g )~ 03 -0973 Parcel C (Amended Reassessment 4667) is allocated $23.12 as its share o~~ the BVTS Sewer Oversizing for only the parcel area difference increase between ( ) the areas of TR 613 5 Lot 14 and LLA 03 -0973 Parcel C. The total BVTS Sewer Oversizing charge allocated is $150,718.77. B. Apportionment of the Unpaid Reassessment Principal Amounts for Reassessments 4035 and 4590 to Amended Reassessments 4665 through 4667: The three original AD 86-2 Series of Tax Exempt Bonds Series A B and D were ( ) refunded in January of 1994 by a Single Series of Tax Exempt Bonds. The sin le on final. g g AD 86-2 Series of Taxable Bonds (Series C) were also refunded at the same time b a Sin le r' y g Se les of Taxable Bonds. The amount required to refund each original series of bonds was prorated to each parcel based on that parcel's remainin rinci al for that'. gp p original bond series. The total combined remaining principal amount for each AD 86-2 Band Series for Reassessments 4035 and 4590 is apportioned to each new arcel created . p by LLA 03-09731n direct proportion to the original assessment share that is a ortioned Pp to each new parcel by each AD 86-2 Bond Series. More detailed information on the land uses, zoning and dwelling unit densities used to a ortion . pp Reassessments 403 5 and 4590 and TR 613 5 Lot 14 is on file in the office of the Public Works Director and the office of the Planning Director for the City of Bakersfield. PREPARED BY: WILSON & ASSOCIATES BY ~~.,~,~~~ w~--- Date: EDWARD J. WILSON, R. C. E. 23269 (EXPIRES 12-31-OS REASSESSMENT F,NCTTNFF.R A C CF C CAi(FI~TT nTCT~? T(''T ern Qti 2 ~~Q PROFESS/p~ `~• o~p,RQ J. ly~l~ fF~G3 ~ y 2 ~ No. 23269 m a .* Exp• I2/3t/05 \TF ClVlt ~~ j ~F CALlFO~ 29613E~C 4 9/24103 RPA P87-0882 SUMMARY ,~. M. i rra~~ ~ M~~ ~ M~ ~~ % W~ Irw~11 4~AI I w ~ hlMq ~~ ~ ~ ~ YI IM I,N ~ 14N1R1AM ~t~i'1At `~~"'"*~, ~Qw'~AI ~11f1 i / O1+ 1 ~' QRIMTI "'"'+.., ^'' ~ I I 117i1kfi1~4t I I '~1 ~n MI » M 6I t'! 1>M ~~ ~~ w~r~ ~ \ ~ ~*. ~ -9w. ~ ~~ ~ ~ ,, ~ O~ITI `~ X011 IAlIRf1 ~~iTMlll ~/ R~r ~ I ' MCI Aliln M'M ~ ~11,A EMI ~'~"~'- ~A 14111 N a j M MM bl/ 1~Rw I1 ~ ~' a~ \ ~* ~-~~ R/ I ti ~m~ ~ ~ PG1l 1 t ~ ` l 01M OR>N/TT Q4a ~~ ~ 1~1 CAM 1 \ KJM-~Ah : s `~ ; ~ A t W W11A{ r OT r, ~ow,yl~rtl~l R- ~ ~~ IMMiI AMA M R 41~ 1~ ~0 ~ - 0 w ~ `~ , 01l~T Y 1 ~ ~ ~I I+ww ~1 1~ A ~ M~+t Nw ~ ,,/ ~C' ' , a~ II ' I 1 1~, , `~ ~ C1M I ~~ ~ ~M ~ oM I ,~ , , ~ ~ I~ (1w 011ATY ` I low QMTT ! , i ~ I I Gtr pi(igl - t I~ I ` 1 i yy ~ J ,moo ~.~/,~ 1/~' , I ~ ' !' f , I ~ ~ +•w ~ I `~ ~~ ~ M" ~ ~t+~n ~ ~ '~ COMw I ~~~~ ', I ~ ~ K.Hp{~ , ~ i ~ ~ - 41K 11~AIT1 M 4A `may-,, 1~ I ~` C I ~ ~ ' ~ ' I ~I w G~'(~ ~ V}~Y ' ~ 'S'AM Mi ~(T1A~ ~ ~ ` ~ t I ~ ~ ~11M . ~~ ' ,~,,, ,,.M, ~ tow u wan I µ ~ •, \ ~ ..- ' •.\ ~'` ,~ ~ ' ~ M N ~~ ` ', ` \ ~~ toM ~ -Ow~ 1' ~ •~ I ( ~ , I I I ~M i 1 ~' I IM~b~ ~~ I I 1 w~ :, w ;j , I ( ~ 1A ~ 01i11~ ~ ~ ~ M A ~ (Gwri1 ~l 11 `I . I ~ /~ ~~ M1~4 -...."'... ~~M e~n f, ")..~~. .x 'n,., , . , l.i t. ~~~ ~~ ~N~ S. ~ ,....+_.a ~~~ ~ ~1 ~~ND uSE PLAN RIVERI~KES R~NCN SIDE I I I, N F~dlibrt "B' ~~ , , CPA P'O7 8~k~rsfl~ld, ~#ufQrnl~ ( 1Q ai 4~ ~Y •~ ~i 1 ~ ~ ~. ~ ~ * 1 " i,~ ~ r ~~ f~IG(NA- • ~+ w -~~ w. Mr, Qejan Ravic, Wilson ~ Assoc~ate~ Pared Map NQ. ~05~7 ~-10~58 Land ~Js~ Acrea es March 22 1999 RIVERLAKES RANCH -NET ACREAGES ~Y LAND USE arc~l Numi~r Tend Tract Map No, and Lot Number k.and Use N+~t Aar~a (axcludas c~iie~ct~r RIVN) Lot 1, Tent, Tr. 5916 SR ~~°P 44.24 ac 1.65 ac Par. 1, PM 10557 Lot 2, Tent, Tr. 5916 SR 25, 01 ac Future Residential and Linear Lane 3 Lot 3, Tent, Tr. 5916 ~ LR 22.69 ac Lot 4, Tent. Tr. 5915 LR 22.45 ac Lot 5, Tent. Tr, 5916 SR 11,27 ac Par. 2, PM 10557 Golf Course N/A pS_P , _ SW /a Sec. 8 - 35.31 aC SE '/4 Sec. 8 = 11.63 ac Lot 1, Tent, Tr, 5915 LMR 17,64 ac Lot 2, Tent, Tr~ 5915 LR 5.4? ac Par, 3, PM 10557 ~ Future Residential} ~ of 3 ~ Tent. Tr, 5915 LR 18, 28 ac Lot 4, Tent, Tr. 5915 LR 16.83 ac Lot 5, Tent. Tr. 5915 HMR ~ 10.53 . ac Parcel 4, PM 10557 Golf Course NIA CS-P 80.40 ac Parcel 5, PM 10557 Future Residential and Linear Lane 3} Tent. Tr. 5920 SR SR LR QS-P SW %a Sec. 8 ~ Q,19 ac SE '/a Sec. 8 ~ 7.23 ac SE %a Sec. 8 ~ 5.94 ac SE '/~ Sec, 8 ~ 1.30 ac Lot 1, Tent, Tr, 5917 ~~ ~ . 14, 83 ac Parcel ~ , PM 10558 F Lot 2, Tent, Tr, 5917 LR 14.97 ac ( uture Residential and Commercial } ~-°t 3~ Tent. Tr, 5917 LMR 16,7 ac Lot 4, Tent. Tr. 5917 LMR 18,07 ac Lot 5, Tent, Tr, 5917 LMR 4 94 ac . Parcel 2, PM 10558 Golf Course ~ NSA QS.p . 31.14 ac Parcel 3, PM 10558 Gotf Course Parce! 4, PM 1055$ Callawa Canal NlA NlA oS~i~ NIA 48.12 ac 20.68 ac Parcel 5, PM 10558 Callowa Canal ~ ) NIA NSA o.3 $ ac n~u~-c~csu~urva~,,r~~.,~~mr~u~ -~,~ EXHIBIT D LISTING OF ORIGINAL REASSESSMENT AMOUNTS. FOR AMENDED REASSESSMENTS 4665 THROUGH 4667 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.86-2 (BUENA VISTA TRUNK SEWERIRANCHO LABORDE STAGE 1-A) COUNTY OF KERN, CALIFORNIA REASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT N0.98 AMENDED PARCEL DETAILS OF TAX EXEMPT ORIGINAL REASSESSMENT ORIGINAL TOTAL AMENDED DESCRIPTION / REASMT ASSESSOR'S TAX NUMBERS NUMBER (ATN) ORIGINAL SERIES A (SEWER) ORIGINAL SERIES B (STAGE 1-A) ORIGINAL SERIES D (STAGE 1-A) TOTAL TAX EXEMPT (A+ B + D) TAXABLE REASMT AMOUNT ORIGItJ!\L REASMT AMOUfVT 4665 LLA 03-0973; PARCEL "A" 1,906.58 0.00 0.00 1,906.58 0.00 1,90Ei.58 4666 LLA 03-0973; PARCEL "B" 113,265.42 0.00 0.00 113,265.42 0.00 113,26.42 4667 LLA 03-0973; PARCEL "C" 15,61 0.00 0.00 15.61 0.00 1.61 TOTAL ORIGINAL AMOUNT APPORTIONED: ~ 115,187.61 0.00 0.00 115,187.61 0.00 115,187.61 NOTE: THE AD 86-2 REMAINING BALANCE, AS EXISTING ON DECEMBER 1, 1993, HAS BEEN REFUNDED AND REDUCED AS DESCRIBED. IN THE REASSESSMENT ENGINEER'S REASSESSMENT REPORT FOR THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0. 80-2, AS APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL ON JANUARY 12, 1994 (REASSESSMENT REPORT). THE AMOUNTS SHOWN ABOVE ARE THE ORIGINAL REFUNDING AMOUNTS HAD THESE PARCELS EXISTED AT THE TIME OF REFUNDING. 29613EXD D-1 09/23/2003 Z I W rF3 ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ w ` ~ Z W Z_O= ~ ~00~~ ip~p waQpo~ I~~a Zw I WY ~ t ILrQ II UO wF-rN00 I Z `~ ~hd ~~~N~o~~ ~¢ I C)z I a~ CO ~~ U t~ ~ ow U ¢c~'n ~ I No i I~.J 1 Ow o~~= O (~Qw } °Nrw IWxO rwztnw~ I~w I rU~ o~oW]Y~J x o 0o a0ov~d , rwi.. row UmwU I W J I ~Q j ~U `.J ~ ~~ E-+ ~, IAW MN li oN o I ~.~ I Nz~ 1 a WW Ur¢¢gw IJWW N~'-Ii.J U ,t;r[n°NOOO~o_ Mm ~ I.QI-Q wpF-S ¢Z I U U SZ ~-(VZaa I v~- rdw I - w `t' Y O ~o OZ I=N!X `Umw IF' Y ~ 0 /~ ~ 41 00 ~ ~ •,1 ~ ~ m W Vl~ FN,,O O Zw WN w~ IC IOZQ¢ ~W I Zm~ ~- o W¢V1w?- ~Q. t0~ J(f12QF-O ptl1WW~pwWS oZtnOa? >-U p00 Q ~ rr I Y Q W ~ ~,. IdWti MW~WO~VjO IdJN ~W~Z r} ° ¢ N I~InLL. 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I I - - - ~ ~ ~ W [n ~ N ~ ~ v ~ c ~ -~ ~W3~amMawz~ mv~w~a~ a N ONZ~w~ZZO-Z~ CS ~ O O Q w W w~ ~ ~w v~_ z tn3 ~ ~O Or ~m U W r r= N~ O ~ ~ w ~ w p ON ~ rnY d W I w0 •- O r r- I r Q m m O F- N O . I I i - ~ ,d. D ~ U1 ~ ~ O W O p a' ~ ~ d~Md? ~~3:_~ WU,C7Wg>NUIZVIO w ~Z '~ WW O N~ Qa O~ O ~' d~ d Z li liN O O~ O U ~ ' ~ U ~ ~ ~ ~ cn o ~zF~a~v iaiMVi~o oXaozow~=~~ NN a ao zd ~~ =N ~O a ~ ~ ~ r r¢ ~ ~ oa ~ as w I Z ~wU~rz~~ra ~d rr QU ~ d ! dd r rd Y r- N M ~ ~1NEER * ~ ~~~ °~ ~ ~ r~ o ~ . „ 2 w h 3 N n J~ ~ x II ~- lV Q O ~ n Up p~ C ~. ~. z a r Q3 ~~~ ~~5~38 ~~ ~ ~ O ~ ~ H goy ( II) ~ ~ ~ o O Q ~ J v J fJ ~ ~ W ~ ~ d' d a .-. N 0> w U W U1 (~ Ln ~ Q co ~~ ~~ s... ~ (n ..._ O ~~ 0 ~~ ~W ~~ W W ~- F'- ~ z~ UZ~ J t~v ~ M AD 86-2 NOTICE TO BONDHOLDER DIVISION OF LAND AND REASSESSMENT 9/22/03 REASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT N0. 98 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0. 86-2 AMENDTNG EXISTING REASSESSMENTS 4035 AND 4590 ~, AND LOT 14 IN TRACT N0. 6135 TO ADD NEW REASSESSMENTS 4665 THROUGH 4667 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to you as the original purchaser of the bonds issued by the CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, to represent the unpaid reassessments relating to the acquisition and construction of certain public improvements in an assessment district known and designated as ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 86-2. Said bonds were issued pursuant to the terms and provisions of the "Improvement Bond Act of 1915," being Division 10 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an apportionment has been requested by the property .owner(s) and prepared by the Superintendent of Streets of the unpaid reassessments relating to the reassessments and parcels as shown on EXHIBIT A, "AMENDED REASSESSMENT. ROLL" for said district attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that unless a request for a public hearing is received from you within fourteen (14) days from the date of mailing of this Notice, the above-referenced amended reassessments shall be recorded in the manner and form as required by law. If a request for hearing is received, a report shall be filed and a hearing shall be scheduled, noticed and held in accordance with Part 10 (commencing with Section 8730) of said Division 10. If you have any further questions, please contact the undersigned at the following address: Raul M. Rojas Public Works Director CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301 (661) 326-3724 This procedure is pursuant to the provisions of Part 10.5 of Division 10 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, the "Improvement Bond Act of 1915." DATED : `~ / ~ ~~j .3 Superintendent of Streets City of Bakersfield State of California EXHIBIT A AMENDED REASSESSMENT ROLL CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.86-2 (BUENA VISTA TRUNK SEWER/RANCHO LABORDE STAGE 1-A) COUNTY OF KERN, CALIFORNIA AMENDING EXISTING REASSESSMENTS 4035 AND 4590 AND LOT 14 IN TRACT N0.6135 AND ADDING NEW REASSESSMENTS 4665 THROUGH 4667 CREATED BY RECORDATION OF LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT N0.03-0973 REASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT N0.98 AMENDED AMENDED PARCEL DESCRIPTION / I DETAILS O_F_TAX EXEMPT AMENDED REASSESSMENT SERIES A SERIES B SERIES D TOTAL TOTAL TAXABLE TOTAL AMENDED REASMT ASSESSOR'S TAX AMENDED PROPERTY ~ SHARE SHARE SHARE TAX EXEMPT AMOUNT REASMT NUMBERS NUMBER (ATN) OWNER NAME I ADDRESS ;EFF 111/03 EFF 111!03 EFF 111103 (A + B + D) EFF 1!1!03 AMOUNT LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT N0. 03-0973 (LLA 03-0973) ADJUSTS PARCEL LINES BETWEEN EXISTING REASSESSMENTS 4035 AND 4590 AND LOT 14 IN TRACT NO. 6135 (TR 6135), CREATING 3 NEW PARCELS. EXISTING REASSESSMENT 4035 IS IDENTIFIED AS PARCEL 2 OF LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT N0. P01-0348 AND EXISTING REASSESSMENT 4590 IS IDENTIFIED AS THE REMAINDER PARCEL CREATED BY TRACT N0. 6019-PHASE 1. LOT 14 IN TR 6135 DOES NOT' HAVE A REASSESSMENT NUMBER ASSIGNED TO IT, S1NCE IT WAS CREATED FROM FORMER REASSESSMENT 3897 WHICH WAS PAID-OFF AT THE TIME TR 6135 WAS RECORDED AND NO REASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT WAS DONE PURSUANT TO TR 6135 RECORDATION. THE 3 NEW PARCELS (PARCELS A, B, !AND C IN LLA 03-0973) ARE ASSIGNED AMENDED REASSESSMENT NUMBERS 4665 THROUGH 4667, RESPECTIVELY. THE TOTAL COMBINED REASSESSMENT PRINCIPAL AMOUNT FOR EXISTING REASSESSMENTS 4035 AND 4590 IS APPORTIONED TO THE 3 NEW PARCELS CREATED BY LLA 03-0973. THE ~ TOTAL UNPAID REASSESSMENT PRINCIPAL AMOUNTS FOR EXISTING REASSESSMENTS 4035 AND 4590 (EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 2003, AT THE BEGINNING OF THE 200312004 TAX YEAR) ARE $29,797.67 AND $452.60, RESPECTIVELY. THE TOTAL REASSESSMENT AMOUNT APPORTIONED TO EACH NEW PARCEL IS SHOWN UNDER THE COLUMN ENTITLED "TOTAL AMENDED REASMT AMOUNT." EXISTING REASSESSMENTS 4035 AND 4590 ARE DELETED FROM THE REASSESSMENT ROLL FOR ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.86-2. 4665 LLA 03-0973; PARCEL "A" McMILLIN SAN TROPE, LLC 500.70 0.00 0.00 500.70 0.00 500.70 4666 LLA 03-0973; PARCEL "B" RIVERLAKES GOLF, LLC 29,745.47 0.00 0.00 29,745.47 0.00 29,745.47 4667 LLA 03-0973; PARCEL "C" EPCO HOMES, INC. 4.10 0.00 0.00 4.10 0.00 4.10 TOTAL AMOUNT APPORTIONED: 30,250.27 0.00 0.00 30,250.27 0.00 311,250.27 NOTES: 1. FOR A DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE LINES, DIMENSIONS, AND LOCATIONS OF REASSESSMENTS 4665 THROUGH 4667 REFERENCE CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE FOR LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT N0.03-0973 RECORDED , 2003, AS DOCUMENT N0. OF OFFICIAL RECORDS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF THE COUNTY OF KERN. 2. THE AD 86-2 REMAINING BALANCE, AS EXISTING ON DECEMBER 1,1993, HAS BEEN REFUNDED AND REDUCED AS DESCRIBED IN THE REASSESSMENT ENGINEER'S REASSESSMENT REPORT FOR THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.86-2, AS APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL ON JANUARY 12,1994 (REASSESSMENT REPORT). PREPARED BY: WILSON & ASSOCIATES . L .~ W ~'-Z~.o APPROVED. 1 DATE. EDWARD J. WILSON R.C.E. 23269 (EXPIRES 12-31-05) oQROi^ESS~~~~~ ,~~¢~ PRa ~, w, ~~ ~ ~u ~ Q2 ~i `~ No, 23269 0 * ~xA.12/31/05 ~~ s~~~ CIVit ~~Q F~F CA1.lF~~ 29613EXA A-1 09123/2003 T0: SUPERINTENDENT OF STREETS CITY OF BAKERSFIELD RE: AS SES SMENT DISTRICT N0.86-2, REASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT ~0. 98. APPLICATION FOR SEGREGATION AND APPORTIONMENT OF EXISTING REAS SES SMENTS PURSUANT TO PART 10.5 OF DIVISION 10, STREETS AND HIGHWAYS CODE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, THE IMPROVEMENT BOND ACT OF,1915: '; Re uisifies of Application; I. REQUEST FORAPPORTIONMENT OF EXISTING REASSESSMENTS 4035 AND 4590 AND LOT 14 IN TRACT NO. 613 5 WHERE SAID PARCELS HAVE BEEN SUBDIVIDED BY IOT LINE ADNSTMENT NO. 03-0973. II. ACCEPTANCE OF REASSESSMENT APPORTIONMENT PROCEDURE, WAIVER ~ OF NOTICE AND HEARING THEREON, AND REQUEST TO RECORD AMENDED REASSESSMENTS. Application: I. REQUEST FOR APPORTIONMENT OF THE UNPAID REASSESSMENT PRINCIPAL AMOUNTS FROM EXISTING REASSESSMENTS 4035 AND 4590 AND LOT 14 IN TRACT NO. 613 5 1N THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WHERE SAID PARCELS HAVE BEEN SUBDIVIDED BY LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 03-0973. The undersigned is the original owner and subdivider of Existing Reassessment 403 5 ("Reassessment 4035"), which together with Existing Reassessment 4590 (owned by McMillin San Trope, LLC} and Lot 14 in Tract No. 6135 (owned by EPCO Homes, Inc.} has been subdivided by Lot Line Adjustment No. 03-0973 ("LLA 03-0973"}, and is also the owner of Parcel "B" created by said LLA 03-0793. A description of said existing reassessments, the total amounts of the unpaid reassessment principal balances effective January 1, 2003, and a description of how said parcels have been subdivided are included in Engineer's Report Exhibit B, Description of Existing Reassessments in City of Bakersfield Assessment District No. 86-2 (hereinafter "AD 86-2"}, attached hereto ;and incorporated herein by .reference. As the original owner and subdivider of the referenced Reassessment 403 5, the undersigned hereby request the Superintendent of Streets for the City of Bakersfield to apportion the amounts remaining unpaid on said Reassessment 4035 and Existing Reassessment 4590 owned by another party (Lot 14 in Tract No. 613 5 has zero reassessment balance), in accordance with the provisions of the Improvement Bond Act of 1915. The unpaid principal amounts for said reassessments, as shown on Exhibit B, have been apportioned to each separate part of the original parcel of land comprising Reassessments 403 5 and 45 90 and Lot 14 in Tract No. 613 5, in the amounts as shown on Engineer's Report Exhibit A, Amended Reassessment Roll, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. 29613RG. APP 1 9123103 II.ACCEPTANCE OF REASSESSMENT APPORTIONMENT PROCEDURE AND REQUEST TO RECORD AIV~NDED REASSESSMENTS. I have reviewed Exhibit C (Description of Reassessment Apportionment Procedure) included in the attached Engineer's Report, describing. the procedure used to apportion shares of the unpaid reassessment principal amounts for Reassessments 4035 and 4590 in AD 86-2 to the parcels created by the recordation of said LLA 03-0973. Pursuant to a review of Exhibit C, the undersigned. has determined that the amended reassessment amounts shown on said Exhibit A have been apportioned in accordance with the benefits the parcels will receive from the improvements financed by AD ~6-2, based an current parcel zoning and with proposed uses. Therefore, the undersigned waives notice and hearing before the City Council on this reassessment apportionment, accepts the procedureused for the requested apportionment of the principal balances for said Reassessments 403 5 and 4590, and re nests and consents to the recordation of the apportioned reassessment on the properties for Which q the undersigned is listed as the owner on the accompanying Exhibit A, and to the amended reassessment amounts shown thereon. Submitted by, RIVERLAKES GOLF, LLC By: Curci-Turner Company LLC, Managing Member By: ~ Dated: 9 'o? fr ' , 2003 . o n rci, anaging em er Attachment: Engineer's Report on Reassessment Apportionment No. 98 29613RG.APP 2 9/23/03 29613RPT 9/22/03 ENGINEER'S REPORT RE: SEGREGATION AND APPORTIONMENT OF REASSESSMENTS FOR REASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT N0. 98 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0. 86-2 AMENDING EXISTING REASSESSMENTS 4035 AND 4590 AND LOT 14 IN TRACT N0. 6135 TO CREATE NEW REASSESSMENTS 4665 THROUGH 4667 PURSUANT TO RECORDATION OF LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 03-0973 1. An application has been filed with the Superintendent of Streets of the City of Bakersfield requesting a segregation and apportionment of existing reassessments within Assessment District No. 86-2, pursuant to the division of the parcels. 2. In accordance with said application, the undersigned hereby apportions to each separate part of the original parcels -of land, the proportionate part of its respective unpaid reassessment that would have been levied thereon if the parcels had been so divided at the time the original reassessment was made. The undersigned has assigned a new reassessment number to each new parcel, as shown on the Amended Reassessment Diagram attached hereto. 3. The existing reassessment numbers, new reassessment numbers and apportioned reassessment amounts (based in each case on the unpaid principal amount of reassessment effective January 1, 2003, at the beginning of the 2003/2004 Tax Year), are as shown on Exhibit A "Amended Reassessment Roll" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. A description of the referenced existing reassessments and of how they have been subdivided is included in Exhibit B, attached hereto. A description of the procedure used to apportion the unpaid principals for the referenced existing reassessments to the new reassessments is included in Exhibit C, attached hereto, and a listing of the apportioned share of the original reassessment amounts for each new reassessment is shown on Exhibit D, attached hereto. Existing reassessments 4035 and 4590 are deleted from the roll for Assessment District No. 86-2. DATED: ~ ~ . WILSON & ASSOCIATES -~,,, Reassessment Apportionment Engineer ca~~o~~ssi~~ '\~~~ P~D J ~ f y' ~~~ 1 n f n w0 ~'.~ ~~ By ~ ~ Edward J. Wilson, ~°'.~~~5~ ~' R.C.E. 23269, Expires 12-31-05 * ~cp.I2/3I/05 s~qT CIVII. ~~~P F OF CAI-~~0 EXHIBIT A AMENDED REASSESSMENT ROLL CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.86-2 (BUENA VISTA TRUNK SEWERIRANCHO LABORDE STAGE 1-A) COUNTY OF KERN, CALIFORNIA AMENDING EXISTING REASSESSMENTS 4035 AND 4590 AND LOT 14 IN TRACT N0.6135 AND, ADDING NEW REASSESSMENTS 4665 THROUGH 4667 CREATED BY RECORDATION OF LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT N0.03-0973 REASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT N0.98 AMENDED PARCEL DETAILS OF TAX EXEMPT AMENDED REASSESSMENT TOTAL TO-CAL AMENDED DESCRIPTION / SERIES A SERIES B SERIES D TOTAL TAXABLE AMENDED REASMT ASSESSOR'S TAX AMENDED PROPERTY ~ SHARE SHARE SHARE TAX EXEMPT AMOUNT REASMT _NUMBERS __ NUMBER (ATN) _ OWNER NAME 1 ADDRESS __~ EFF 111103 EFF 111!03 EFF 1!1103 (A + B + D) EFF 111/03 AMOUNT LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT N0. 03-0973 (LLA 03-0973} ADJUSTS PARCEL LINES BETWEEN EXISTING REASSESSMENTS 4035 AND 4590 AND LOT 14 IN TRACT N0. 6135 (TR 6135), CREATING 3 NEW PARCELS. EXISTING REASSESSMENT 4035 IS IDENTIFIED AS PARCEL 2 OF LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT N0. P01-0348 AND EXISTING REASSESSMENT 4590 IS IDENTIFIED AS THE REMAINDER PARCEL CREATED BY TRACT N0. 6019-PHASE 1. LOT 14 IN TR 6135 DOES NOl' HAVE A REASSESSMENT NUMBER ASSIGNED TO IT, SINCE IT WAS CREATED FROM FORMER REASSESSMENT 3897 WHICH WAS PAID-OFF AT THE TIME TR 6135 WAS RECORDED AND NO REASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT WAS DONE PURSUANT TO TR 6135 RECORDATION. THE 3 NEW PARCELS (PARCELS A, B, `AND C IN LLA 03-0973} ARE ASSIGNED AMENDED REASSESSMENT NUMBERS 4665 THROUGH 4667, RESPECTIVELY. THE TOTAL COMBINED REASSESSMENT PRINCIPAL AMOUNT FOR EXISTING REASSESSMENTS 4035 AND 4590 IS APPORTIONED TO THE 3 NEW PARCELS CREATED BY LLA 03-0973. THE .. TOTAL UNPAID REASSESSMENT PRINCIPAL AMOUNTS FOR EXISTING REASSESSMENTS 4035 AND 4590 (EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 2003, AT THE BEGINNING OF THE 2003/2004 TAX YEAR) ARE $29,797.67 AND $452.60, RESPECTIVELY. THE TOTAL REASSESSMENT AMOUNT APPORTIONED TO EACH NEW PARCEL IS SHOWN UNDER THE COLUMN ENTITLED "TOTAL AMENDED REASMT AMOUNT." EXISTING REASSESSMENTS 4035 AND 4590 ARE DELETED FROM THE REASSESSMENT ROLL FOR ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.86-2. 4665 LLA 03-0973; PARCEL "A" McMILLIN SAN TROPE, LLC 500.70 0.00 0.00 500.70 0.00 500.70 4666 LLA 03-0973; PARCEL "B" RIVERLAKES GOLF, LLC 29,745.47 0.00 0.00 29,745.47 0.00 29,745.47 4667 LLA 03-0973; PARCEL "C" EPCO HOMES, INC. 4.10 0.00 0.00 4.10 0.00 4.10 TOTAL AMOUNT APPORTIONED: 30,250.27 0.00 0.00 30,250.27 0.00 30,250.27 NOTES: 1. FOR A DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE LINES, DIMENSIONS, AND LOCATIONS OF REASSESSMENTS 4665 THROUGH 4667 REFERENCE CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE FOR LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT N0.03-0973 RECORDED , 2003, AS DOCUMENT N0. OF OFFICIAL RECORDS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF THE COUNTY OF KERN. 2. THE AD 86-2 REMAINING BALANCE, AS EXISTING ON DECEMBER 1,1993, HAS SEEN REFUNDED AND REDUCED AS DESCRIBED IN THE REASSESSMENT ENGINEER'S REASSESSMENT REPORT FOR THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.86-2, AS APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL ON JANUARY 12,1994 (REASSESSMENT REPORT). PREPARED BY: WILSON & ASSOCIATES ~ ~ W ~-Z~~o?, APPROVED: 1 DATE: J EDWARD J. WILSON R.C.E. 23269 (EXPIRES 12-31-05) OQRO~ESSlpNq ~~~~ P~Q J. wj C~ ~a~ l~ ~~ ~ 02 Na.23269 0 * Exp. 12/31/05 \9~OF CAL1E~~~\1 29613EXA A-1 09/23/2003 EXHIBIT B DESCRIPTION OF EXISTING REASSESSMENTS AND NEW PARCELS TO WHICH THE EXISTING REASSESSMENTS ARE TO BE APPORTIONED BY REASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT N0. 98 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.86-2 (RANCHO LABORDE STAGE 1-AIBUENA VISTA TRUNK SEWER) AMENDING EXISTING `REASSESSMENTS 4035 AND 4590 AND LOT 14 IN TRACT N0. 6135 AND ADDING NEW REASSESSMENTS 4665 THROUGH 4667 CREATED BY RECORDATION OF LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT N0.03-0973 EXISTING PARCEL 2003/2004 REASSESSMENT NUMBER REASSESSMENT A.T.N. FOR EXISTING PRINCIPAL TO BE HOW EXISTING PARCEL OF I~EW NUMBER REASSESSMENT APPORTIONED HAS BEEN SUBDNIDED LOTS/P~R.CELS 4035 LLA P01-0348; Pcl 2 $29,797.67 Lot Line Adjustment No. 03-0973 (LLA 4590 Rem Pcl per TR6019-1 $452.60 03-0973} adjusts lot lines between Existing N/A Lot 14 in TR 6135 $0.00 Reassessments 4035 and 4590 and Lot 14 in Tract No. 6135, creating 3 new parcels. The 3 new parcels (Parcels A, B, and C in LLA 03-0973) are assigned Amended Reassessment Numbers 4665 through 4667, respectively. The total combined remaining principal amount for said Existing Reassessments. is reapportioned to the three parcels in LLA 03-0973. Existing Reassessments 4035 and 4590 are deleted from the Reassessment Roll for AD 86-2. Lot Line Adjustment No. 03-0973 a. 3 new parcels (Amended Reassessments 4665 through 4667) Total New Reassessed Lots/Parcels Total New Non-reassessed Lots/Parcels Total New Reassessment Numbers Total Existing Reassessment Numbers deleted from Roll Net Change Active Reassessments on Roil Total Amount~to Be Apportioned to New Reassessments: $30,250.27 1. Unpaid reassessment balance apportioned is the balance at the beginning of the 2003/2004 Tax Year, effective January 1, 2003. 3 3 0 3 _2 1 29613EXB 1 9124103 EXHIBIT C DESCRIPTION OF THE PROCEDURE USED TO APPORTION SHARES OF THE UNPAID REASSESSMENT PRINCIPALS FOR EXISTING REASSESSMENTS 4035 AND 4590 AND LOT 14 IN TRACT N0.6135 TO NEw REASSESSMENTS 4665 THROUGH 4667 CREATED BY RECORDATION OF LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT N0.03-0973 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 86-2 (BUENA VISTA TRUNK SEWERJRANCHO LABORDE STAGE 1-A) REASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT NO. 98 1. DESCRIPTION OF EXISTING REASSESSMENTS 4035 AND 4590 AND LOT 14 IN` TRACT N0.613 5 : A. Existing Reassessments 403 5 and 45 90 (hereafter "Reassessment 403 5" and; "Reassessment 4590," respectively} and Lot 14 in Tract No. 613 5 ("TR 613 5") are located in the City of Bakersfield. Reassessment 4035 is described as Parcel 2 in Lot Line Adjustment No. P01-0348 ("LLA P01-0348"), created by Reassessment and Diagram Amendment ("Apportionment") No. 80 for Assessment District No. 86-2 ("AD 86-2"). Reassessment 4590 is described as the remainder parcel created pursuant to the: recordation of Tract No. 6019-Phase 1("TR 6019-1"), by Apportionment No. 96 for AD 86-2. Lot 14 in TR 6135 does not have a Reassessment Number assigned to it, since it was created from former Reassessment 3 897 which was paid-off at the time TR 613 5 was recorded and no Apportionment was done pursuant to TR 6135 recordation. Lot Line.. Adjustment No. 03 -0973 ("LLA 03 -4973 ") adjusts parcel lines between Reassessments. 4035 and 4590 and TR 6135 Lot 14, creating 3 new parcels. The three new parcels (Parcels A, B, and C in LLA 03-0973) are assigned Amended Reassessment Numbers ("Amended Reassessments") 4665 through 4667, respectively. B . Reassessments 403 5 and 45 90 and TR 613 5 are within an area which was included in Assessment and Diagram Amendment No.19 ("Amendment No. 19"). Amendment No. 19 was a Change sand Modification that respread the original and unpaid assessment. amounts for all of the AD 86-2 parcels owned by Riverlakes Ranch, to bring those parcel assessments into conformance with their amended land uses approved by General Plan Amendment 1-90 Segment III ("GPA 1-90-III"}. See Amendment No. 19 for details on the amended land uses and the impact on the AD 86-2 Assessments in this area. Reassessments 403 5 and 45 90 and TR 613 5 are also within an area included in the Riverlakes Ranch Specific Plan Amendment which was approved by the City Council of the City of Bakersfield on August 12,1998, in accordance with Zone Change No. P97- 0892 ("ZCP9I-0892") and General Plan Amendment No.P97-0892 ("GPAP97-0892"), as presented in Apportionment No. 50. Reassessments 4035 and 4590 and TR 6135 are located in the Buena Vista Trunk Sewer Benefit and the Telephone Benefit Zones of AD 86-2. The improvement costs assessed to these Benefit Zones were funded bythe AD-86- 2 Series A Bonds. 29613EXC 1 9/24/03 C. The total remaining reassessment principal amounts for Reassessments 4035 and 4590 and TR 6135 Lot 14 (effective January 1, 2003, at the beginning of the 2003/2004 Tax Year) are $29,797.67, $452.60, and $0.00, respectively. The total on final AD 86-2 g assessment amounts are $168,004.31, $2,551.69, and $0.00, respectively, which are assessed as described below. 2. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROCEDURE USED TO SEGREGATE AND APPORTION THE ORIGINAL ASSESSMENT AMOUNTS AND THE UNPAID REAS SES SMENr. PRINCIPAL AMOUNTS FROM REASSESSMENTS 4035 AND 4590 TO AIVIENDEI. REASSESSMENTS 4665 THROUGH 4667: A. Reassessments 403 5 and 4590 and TR 613 5 are located in the Buena Vista Trunk Sewerr and Telephone Benefit Zones (Series A Bonds). Reassessment 403 5 is identified as a olf g course parcel. At the time it was created by Apportionment No. 80 for AD 86-2 (pursuant to recordation of LLA P01-03 84} Reassessment 403 5 was allocated its shares of BVTS Sewer Capacity and BUTS Sewer Oversizing based on the Riverlakes Ranch Specific Plan Amendment, ZC P97-0892 and GPA P97-0892. Following the same procedure, Reassessment 4590 was allocated its shares of BVTS Sewer Capacity and BVTS Sewer Oversizing at the time it was created by Apportionment No. 96 (pursuant to recordation of TR 6019-1). As stated above, TR 613 5 Lot 14 was created from former Reassessment 3 897 which was paid-off at the time TR 6135 was recorded and no Apportionment was done pursuant to TR 613 5 recordation, A copy of the map showing the revised land use plan per GPA ~P97-0892 is attached to this Engineer's Report for reference. Each benefitted parcel was allocated its share of the BVTS Capacity charge in direct proportion to the number of Equivalent Dwelling Units (EDUs} allocated to each of them. The number of EDUs allocated to each parcel is calculated based on the maximum permitted number of Dwelling Units (DUs) for each parcel when developed according to the land uses approved in GPAP97-0892 and in accordance to Bakersfield 2010 General Plat ("2010 Plan") and in proportion to each parcel's net areas within each land use presented in said GPA P97-0892. The parcels' net areas were obtained from The Dewal~t Corporation (an engineer retained by the Riverlakes Ranch Specific Plan Amendment proponent and original owner of said Existing Reassessments). A copy of the table showing said net .areas for each affected parcel is enclosed for reference. The approved maximum permitted DU densities and corresponding number of EDUs for each land use designation are as follows: - Suburban Residential(SR): 4.00 DU / 4.00 EDU per acre -Low Density Residential(LR): 7.26 DU / 7.26 EDU per acre -Low Medium Density Residential (LMR): 10.00 DU / 10.00 EDU per acre - High Medium Density Residential (~-IlVIR): 17.42 DU / 13.40 EDU per acre - General Commercial(GC): 6.00 DU / 6.00 EDU per acre By Apportionment No. 50 the BUTS Oversizing charge for each of the three Benefit Zones (Stage 1-A, Telephone, and Sewer only) was ~ allocated only to Amended Reassessments, or portions of Amended Reassessments, located within each Benefit 29613EXC 2 9/24103 Zone. Within each Benefit Zone the total BVTS Oversizing amount was first adjusted (reduced} based on the total BVTS Capacity charge allocated to parcels within each zone (to keep the total Original Assessment unchanged), and such adjusted BVTS Oversizin amounts were reallocated to the benefited parcels in direct proportion to parcel net area as shown on the enclosed table provided by The DeWalt Corporation. Details of the allocation of Reassessments 4035 and 4590 original assessments to Parcels A through C in LLA 03-0973 are as follows: 1, BVTS Sewer Capacity: By Apportionment No. 80 Reassessment 4035 was allocated its share of 7 Equivalent Dwelling Units (EDUs) of BVTS Sewer Capacity based on the estimated number of dwelling units when developed to its planned development as a got course parcel in accordance with the R.iverlakes Ranch Specific Plan Amendment, as described above. Each EDU was allocated one unit of BVTS Sewer Capacity a the original assessment unit charge rate of $245.60/EDU. By Apportionment No. 96 Reassessment 4590 was allocated its share of 5.77 EDUs of BVTS Sewer Capacity based on the estimated number of dwelling units when developed to its maximum permitted density in accordance with the Riverlakes Ranch Specific Plan Amendment and the development plan for Tentative Tract No. 6019 (see Apportionment No. 96 for details}, as described above. Each EDU was, allocated one unit of BVTS Sewer Capacity at the original assessment unit charge rate of $245.60/EDU. LLA 03-0973 adjusts parcel lines and parcel acreages of Reassessments 4035 and 4590, but that minor adjustment did not necessitate ~. reallocation of BVTS Sewer Capacity EDUs: Parcel A in LLA 03-0973 (Amended Reassessment 4665} is allocated the Reassessment 4590 originally allocated 5.77 EDUs of BVTS Sewer Capacity based on its LMR land use designation for a total of $1,417.23. Parcel B in LLA 03 -0973 (Amended Reassessment 4666} is allocated the Reassessment 4035 originally allocated 75 EDUs of BVTS Sewer Capacitor based on its use as a golf course parcel for a total of $18,420,00. As stated above, the TR 6135 Lot 14 assessment was paid-off, and no BVTS Sewer Capacity is allocated to Parcel C in LLA 03-0973 (Amended Reassessment 4667) since the slight increase in this parcels' lot size does not require the BVTS Sewer Capacity increase. The total BVTS Sewer Capacity allocated is $19,837.23. 2. BVTS Sewer Oversizing: The total combined original BVTS Sewer Oversizing amount for Reassessments 403 5 and 4590 is apportioned to the 3 LLA 03-0973 parcels in the same manner a~ described above for Apportionment Nos. 80 and 96 (indirect proportion to their net areas' increases/decreases). The three new parcels created by LLA 03-0973 (Parcels A, B, and C) are allocated the following BVTS Sewer Oversizing amounts: LLA 03- 0973 Parcel A (Amended Reassessment 4665} is allocated $1,405.81(an increase of $271.3 5 from the Reassessment 4590 BVTS Sewer Oversizing amount), LLA 03- 29613EXC ~ 9/24/03 0973 Parcel B (Amended Reassessment 4666) is allocated $149,289.84 (a decrease of $294.47 from the Reassessment 4035 BVTS Sewer Oversizing amount}, and LLA 03-0973 Parcel C (Amended Reassessment 4667) is allocated $23.12 as its share off' the BVTS Sewer Oversizing for only the parcel area difference (increase) between the areas of TR 613 5 Lot 14 and LLA 03 -0973 Parcel C. The total BVTS S ewel° Oversizing charge allocated is $150,718.77. B. Apportionment of the Unpaid Reassessment Principal Amounts for Reassessments 403 5 and 4590 to Amended Reassessments 4665 through 4667: ~ ~ ~ ~ ; The three original AD 86-2 Series of Tax Exempt Bonds (Series A, B, and D) were: refunded in January of 1994 by a Single Series of Tax Exempt Bonds. The single original AD 86-2 Series of Taxable Bonds (Series C) were also refunded at the same time by a Single Series of Taxable Bonds. The amount required to refund each original series of bonds was prorated to each parcel based on that parcel's remaining principal for that', original bond series. The total combined remaining principal amount for each AD 86-2 Bond Series for Reassessments 4035 and 4590 is apportioned to each new parcel created by LLA 03-0973 indirect proportion to the original assessment share that is apportioned to each new parcel by each AD 86-2 Bond Series. More. detailed information on the land uses, zoning and dwelling unit densities used to apportion Reassessments 403 5 and 45 90 and TR 613 5 Lot 14 is on file in the office of the Public Works Director and the office of the Planning Director for the City of Bakersfield. PREPARED BY: WILSON & ASSOCIATES By : LS~,.~~~ . uv ~,Z~.~ Date. ~ EDWARD J. WILSON, R, C. E. 23269 (EXPIR.ES 12-31-OS) REASSESSMENT ENGINEER, ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.86-2 ~ ~~ PRp ESSj~N ~~~' ~p,RD f - lye ~~F wq ~~ ~~, o w ~ ~ ~ ~ No.2325g m * ~~. ~2/3z/C5 ~~~~ C1Ull. ~P ~QF CALtF~~~ 29613EXC 4 9124/03 L ~~~ ~~~ '~~~~ ~u~M,~~~r ~» ^~~ ~ °~ ?~ ,~; I ~ I~~ ~~ ~ « ~~~~ ~ J ~ ~~~. i ~o - p ~ "* ri,~+ "`~ uw yr ~'! ~# w~. rrrAr. ,,r,~,,,,,, I law o~,rn "-~.,,,,,' ~ ,~'~` ' ~,,,r` ,f`"" I '~+I~MIi i~R1 IIMlI M~i -* 1~ >! f,* ~-~..'"""'~ py , r 1 I ~ ~ II ~ '+~ I~IrPtt A~~ >M 1~ Uf A w ~ ~'"'~_,,~^`' otia ~ ~' or+Mr r r ! r aT M ~r+wt I ~ ~,~ a~ ~ . ~~ ~ ~ aaw~ ! ~ ' \ I ~ w ~~ t q w ~ ~ I~r,,lw ~ w~ ~~ y ON~IT'r + ~ ~ O lr Or~F'T ~~;~ r GwAt I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ( 1ai4 ~~ MrM !MI N + M7~ ~ I ~ I1M1 M/ FARM tY J , M~A~ ~ ~ ''~-~'1 AM,r+ I ~~ ~~~N \ i ~MM14 RA I 1 ~1 i ,, i C9Mr11 ~ l 011r ~Y llJ1~~M A~ 04a ~ /\d ~ ~ `~ 11 ~ 1(1p1111µ ' I pT ~ MOAr1MwAAM}yK m ~ 1 ~ ~ u ~ Q N ~ ~ ~~ ~+~~ ~ III ~ ~~ ~ +*1MIAARM N7A IIq !II /i~1 ~w tw M ~ MA N~ A~ pA~A M A ~~ ~ ! - ow ~ ~ , o~Ar1r ~ ! ** M a~w AAI~1 ~, ~1 w +«+r IMI U- ~° ~ 4/~/ ~ ~ ~ II. , '~ ~ CSI I ~ y ~ Ow ~ ~ C't?Mhy ! ~ OM OwATY ! ~ Qw Q~f ~ 'MI' ~ orw i ~ ~~ ,i ~ ~ 1 ~ 1 4 w p~4 n i p i ~ ? ~~ , A~ ~' or~r~1 r r/ S,~'' ~'~ '" aK ~ "* 1~ ~` ,,,,, ~ ! ,,,,,,,,,,,,, C4ra1 ~ ;~ ..1 ~ Mr~l- r.w ... s~q ~t t Qrll 1MIfT Y ul t ~ ~ ~ K1+Q41 ~ I - D'w ~~ 1 '"""'^~..~w.. ~MTW, f ~I ' 11 `~ ~ i I ~ Q~IMIrTl ,~ ?W ~ i ~ ~ ~~ i 14K~ \ ~ ~ prM,l1 r*v. ~. I tow v-arlilK ~ •, ~ ,~. ~I .., ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ^ .~ ~ ',,,. 1 ~ ~ • 1 1 ~~ i A' 1 w 1 , \ `` '~ i 'y ~ 0 w ~Arpur ~ ~ ~, ~ ol>Am ~~ tow ~ ~ orl ~„~ ~ ~ ~ aMr~ i ~ cam, ~.+ wrn ,I w . ~ K~1 ~ OIMAp (~ ~ ~ r A q! t i1rMrMt ta+-t ~t'-~b~l 'B' ~~~ ; SPA is97~2 ,.. / r:..~( r+..~~ LAN E PLAN e~,o 1 ~~~aoan RIV~RI^KES RANCH SSE I~FI _PIAN ~~~~~~~ 9~k~rs(I~Id, C~I~~arnl~ EXMt81~ ;~ .~ ~e~ A * ' rI ~ AI~IN~I Mr, Dejan Pav~c, Wil~n & Assoaates Parcd Map NQ. 14557 ~ 1p558 Land Uss Acrea es March 22 1 RIVERLAKES RANCH -NET ACREAG~~ BY LAND USE Parcel Number Tend, Tract Map Nc. Land Use Net Acr~a and Lot Number ~axciudas ~Iler R1V1~ lat 1, Taut, Tr. 5916 SR ~~.~'~ ac QS~P 1.05 ac Par, 1, PM 10557 ~Qt 2, Tent, Tr. 5910 SR 25, 01 ac {Future Residential } and linear lane 3 LQt 3 Tent, Tr, 5 ~ 916 l~R 22,69 ac . lot d, Tent. Tr. 5916 LR 22,5 ac Lot 5, Tent. Tr, 5916 SR 11.27 ac Par, 2, PM 10557 NIA OS-P SW'/a SeC. 8 = 35.31 aG Golf Course ~ SE /4 Sec. 8 11,63 ac Lot 1, Tent, Tr. 5915 LMR 17,e-4 ac LQt 2, Tent. Tr, 5915 LR 5,~7 ac Par, 3, PM 10557 (Future Residential} Lat 3 Tent. Tr, 5 1 ~ 5 LR 1$,28 ac Lot 4, Tent, Tr. 5915 LR 16.83 ac Lot 5, Tent, Tr. 5915 HMR 10.53 ac Parc~i ~, PM 10557 Calf Ccau rse NIA GS_P $Q.00 ac Parcei 5, PM 1 Q557 SR SW '/a .Sec. $ + 0,19 ac {~`uture Residential Tent, T , r 5924 SR SE '/a Sec. 8 = 7,23 ac and Linear Lane $} LR ~ w SE /a Sac. $ ~- 55.a~4 ac aS-P S~ '/a Sec, $ ~ 1.30 ac Lot 1, Ten#, Tr, 5917 GC 14, 83 ac Parcel 1, PM 1055$ Lot 2, Tant. Tr, 5917 LR 14.97 ac (Future Residential and Ccammerciai } Lot 3, Tent. Tr, 5917 lMR 16.67 ac Lot 4, Tent. Tr. 5917 LMR 18,07 ac l.ot 5, Tent, Tr. 5917 LMR 4.9~ ac Parcel 2, PM 10558 Golf Course NSA ~S-P 31.14 ac Parcel 3, PM 10558 Golf you rse NlA GS-p 48,12 ac Parcel 4, PM 10558 Gallawa Canal NIA NIA 2D,f 6 ac Parcel 5, PM 10558 Callowa Canal NIA NIA x.38 ac KFF~M'IWAD(~CSV~UNAI,~'~,1P~S~$- J,~}~,~+Y~,F~!S 1'YP~? EXHIBIT D LISTING OF ORIGINAL REASSESSMENT AMOUNTS FOR AMENDED REASSESSMENTS 4665 THROUGH 4667 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.86-2 (BUENA VISTA TRUNK SEWERIRANCHO LABORDE STAGE 1-A) COUNTY OF KERN, CALIFORNIA REASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT N0.98 AMENDED PARCEL DETAILS OF TAX EXEMPT ORIGINAL REASSESSMENT ORIGINAL TOTAL, AMENDED DESCRIPTION / ORIGINAL ORIGINAL ORIGINAL TOTAL TAXABLE ORIGINAL REASMT ASSESSOR'S TAX SERIES A SERIES B SERIES D TAX EXEMPT REASMT REASM:T NUMBERS NUMBER (ATN) _ (SEWER) (STAGE 1-A) (STAGE 1-A) (A+ g + D) AMOUNT AMOUNT 4665 LLA 03-0973; PARCEL "A" 1,906.58 0.00 0.00 1,906.58 0.00 1,90G.58 4666 LLA 03-0973; PARCEL "B" 113,265.42 0.00 0.00 113,265,42 0.00 113,26.42 4667 LLA 03-0973; PARCEL "C" 15.61 0.00 0.00 15.61 0.00 15.61 TOTAL ORIGINAL AMOUNT APPORTIONED: 115,187.61 Y 0.00 0.00 115,187.61 0.00 115,187.61 NOTE: THE AD 86-2 REMAINING BALANCE, AS EXISTING ON DECEMBER 1, 1993, HAS BEEN REFUNDED AND REDUCED AS DESCRIBED IN THE REASSESSMENT ENGINEER'S REASSESSMENT REPORT FOR THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0. 80-2, AS APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL ON JANUARY 12, 1994 (REASSESSMENT REPORT}. THE AMOUNTS SHOWN ABOVE PARE THE ORIGINAL REFUNDING AMOUNTS HAD THESE PARCELS EXISTED AT THE TIME OF REFUNDING. 29613EXD D-1 09/23/2003 ~ i +W °°~. i= ~ I r~ ~ ~ O ,~ ~ ( w I w I Z z wr Z_OO z00~= It]~p a zU~ iw¢Z 3 I wY ~ i UO wil-hU?00 I Z I aZ ~ ~ Ozzw _o ~ ~~ ~ U r N W Ow U ~ I I+ojN 0n0 !~V-~ s W f"z ~~pQZy~~ BUD: p ~ aai I=- n I o~ fn aW Ux ~=zrnw~ ~~w~ ~UW7 s 0 O O a I ~¢ ~=J =~=W~m~~ I ~~ F ~ /1 ~nw ray w `tQ M1 F-tn l yz~ I ~Ox car-¢Q~~ ,:~ww m~'-u.-i U M~ZZW O~~Q ara war's az I oz y I U U zZ rcvza~ s~ ~Wy I iO ' aOVlcD Y ~ ~ 0 41 ro ~ryi ~'{~ µ.~ ~ 0~ r1yVry w y Z~ WN CY wti I D:FmZ g?t~.a w fOW~JQ~..'OZaa Z pZt~ifOaZ W}U I y I- 0 r I Q[YW QzUW~~~O Il.i.¢O w - O ~' V7 I3 aJN M~4'~Z ~-- 1~1 ~ ~ Z r~ ~.J ~'h r • O ~ ~ . N~ N I cnw w I w I JWOO I ¢~~4 ZwNy^a ~f~A~W U¢yWww wUr I 7-} JUQ: pNpa DUI}.. lyrh ~~}Y Nww~V¢~a !w» Q ~.,/ Q z F .~ ~ ~ w s ~ 0 ' Z t iJQ o I QmQ Z I rrlnUU } m Npy aAJ~UZ~ ~~ ~~U=w~a ~nd r c~ OO Invm j~rz-~~z~0 I ~' ¢ yap Iwz o-~yw } m m ¢ i~ Z t ~ F-„~' ~ w ~ ~ W N ~ I ~ i p• ~ r~ ,,r~.{t F-~ ~oz w s 4 ~ C~~~ Iz~,~1I I r aw ~w z 4'p ~z OQ d~NyZ~wOW O a IO ws I jzrp~-r ~y IsW ~tL O I ~+ ¢ ~ ~ t~ ~ MI I ~ ~ `./ r I...~ W ~ .~ ~~f""i, ~{ ^UQ 6 ^, ~ z U ~ QF'Z W I o yw~ZW>~ r~O O~FVi 3_www pZOWQJpatAyU I~ ONapQ ! , to ti~ IIO jUN~F°m I W ~ ~ O r -~ d w ~ C/l ~.'O --I ~ W '~ ~ '~ w ~ZY wo ay r a- o- r-a acriaaQ~~aow° O~ y ~ ~' y ~~ 1 m-o ~ 11w^w~w I ~ ' Y ~ ^ .~ ~ ~ Q I R' '`4 w H r-I q (C~ Z ~ ~ u. a t,~0 ""n omF o I OF l-f - Z - ~~-z0 wOOZy~ mod-'Z~v~rovwi~ wwwtnWw tnN W ~ (a. O Iwwtiro} }. 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[~ 0 O ~ ~- o v Q ~ J J CJ r ~~ ~ ~ a a .. N -~ ~., O op U ~ W ~~ ~~ ~I ~~ ~~ r ~ ~ (n _ ~~ O U r- SW ~~ r~ ~..! w r- ~-- ~ Z (/) U z ~ I rQv ~ M y ~~ ~~ ~~~~I~y1'LP~~, ~vui ~(U OV September 30, 2003 Jahn Stinson Public works Department City of ~akers~eld 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersheld, ~A 93 3 01 Re; Apportionment of existing Reassessments 4035 and 490 and Lot 14 in Tract 4135 in City of Bakersfield Assessment District Na. 86-~ to New Reassessments 4665 through 4667 Assigned to the New Parcels Created by Lot Line Adjustment No. 030973 Reassessment and Diagram Amendment No. 9$ Dear 1VIr. Stinsan: Here is the signed copy of the request for Lot Line Adjustment far Lot 14 of Tract 613 5 sent to us by Bd Wilson of Wilson & Associates. If you have any questions ar need further information regarding this matter, please contact me at {661) 8331717 or {661} 343«0483. Charl ~pco 4800 Dist~ct Blvd„ Suite B Bakersfield, CA 93313-2322 Telephone f6b11833-1717 Fax (b61 1 833-1 798 T0: SUPERINTENDENT OF STREETS CITY OF BAKERSFIELD RE: ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.86-2, REASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT N0. 98. APPLICATION FOR SEGREGATION AND APPORTIONMENT OF EXISTING REASSESSMENTS PURSUANT TO PART 10.5 OFDIVISION 10, STREETS AND HIGHWAYS CODE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, THE IMPROVEMENT B OND ACT. QF 1915. Requisites of Application; I. REQUEST FORAPPORTIONMENT OF EXISTINGREASSESSMENTS 4035 AND 4590 AND LOT 141N TRACT NO. 6135 WI-~RE SAID PARCELS HAVE BEEN SUBDIVIDED BY ~,OT LINE ADNSTMENT NO. 03-0973. II. ACCEPTANCE OF REASSESSMENT APPORTIONMENT PROCEDURE, WAIVER. OF NOTICE AND HEARING THEREON, AND REQUEST TO RECORD AMENDED REASSESSMENTS. Application: I. REQUEST FOR APPORTIONN~NT OF THE UNPAID REASSESSMENT PRINCIPAL AMOUNTS FROM EXISTING REASSESSMENTS 4035 AND 4590 AND LOT 14 IN TRACT N0. 613 5 IN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD '~'~I-~RE SAID PARCELS HAVE BEEN SUBDIVIDED BY LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT N0.03-0973. The undersigned is the original owner and subdivider of Lot 14 in Tract No. 613 5 ("TR 613 5-Lot 14"), which together with Existing Reassessment 4590 (owned by McMillin San Trope, LLC) and Existing Reassessment 403 5 (owned by Riverlakes Golf, LLC) has been subdivided by Lot Line Adjustment No. 03-0973 ("LLA 03-0973"), and is also the owner of Parcel "C" created by sand LLA 03-07..93. A description of said existing reassessments, the total amounts of the unpaid reassessment principal balances effective January 1, 2003, and a description of how said parcels have been subdivided are included in Engineer's Report Exhibit B, Description of Existing Reassessments in City of Bakersfield Assessment District No. 86-2 (hereinafter "AD 86-2"), attached hereta and incorporated herein by reference. As the original owner and subdivider of the referenced TR 6135-Lot 14, the undersigned hereby request the Superintendent of Streets for the City of Bakersfield to apportion the amounts remaining unpaid on said Existing Reassessments 4035 and 4590 owned by other parties, in accordance with the provisions of the Improvement Bond Act of 1915. The unpaid principal amounts for said reassessments, as shown on Exhibit B, have been apportioned to each separate part of the original parcel of land comprising Reassessments 4035 and 4590 and Lot 14 in Tract No. 6135, in the amounts as shown on Engineer's Report Exhibit A, Amended Reassessment Roll, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. 29613EPC0. APP 1 9123103 II. ~ ACCEPTANCE OF REAS SES SMENT APPORTIONMENT PROCEDURE AND REQUEST TO RECORD AMENDED REASSESSMENTS. I have reviewed Exhibit C (Description of Reassessment Apportionment Procedure) included in the attached Engineer's Report, describing the procedure used to apportion shares of the unpaid reassessment principal amounts for Reassessments 403 5 and 4590 in AD 86-2 to the parcels cheated by the recordation of said LLA 03-0973. Pursuant to a review of Exhibit C, the undersigned has determined that the amended reassessment amounts shown on said Exhibit A have been_apporlioned in accordance with the benefits the parcels will receive from the improvements financed by AID: 86-2, based on current parcel zoning and with proposed uses. Therefore, the undersigned waives notice and hearing before the City Council on this reassessment apportionment, accepts the procedure used for there nested apportionment of the principal balances for said Reassessments 403 5 and 459;0, and q requests and consents to the recordation of the apportioned reassessment on the properties for Which the undersigned is listed as the owner on the accompanying Exhibit A, and to the amended reassessment amounts shown thereon. Submitted by, EPCO Homes, Inc. By. `~. ~~~ Dated: ~~~~~.. , 2003. Attachment: Engineer's Report on Reassessment Apportionment No. 98 29613EPCQ.APP 2 9/23103 29613RPT 9/22/03 ENGINEER'S REPORT RE: SEGREGATION AND APPORTIONMENT OF REASSESSMENTS FOR REASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT NO. 98 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0. 86-2 ,; AMENDING EXISTING REASSESSMENTS 4035 AND 4590 AND LOT 14 IN TRACT N0. 6135 TO CREATE NEW REASSESSMENTS 4665 THROUGH 4667 PURSUANT TO RECORDATION OF LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 03-0973 1. An application has been filed with the Superintendent of Streets of the City of Bakersfield requesting a segregation and apportionment of existing reassessments within Assessment District No. 86-2, pursuant to the division of the parcels. 2. In accordance with said application, the undersigned hereby apportions to each separate part of the original parcels of land, the proportionate part of its respective unpaid reassessment that would have been levied thereon if the parcels had been so divided at the time the original reassessment was made. The undersigned has assigned a new reassessment number to each new parcel, as shown on the Amended Reassessment Diagram attached hereto. 3. The existing reassessment numbers, new reassessment numbers and apportioned reassessment amounts (based in each case on the unpaid principal amount of reassessment effective January 1, 2003, at the beginning of the 2003/2004 Tax Year), are as shown on Exhibit A "Amended Reassessment Roll" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. A description of the referenced existing reassessments and of how they have been subdivided is included in Exhibit B, attached hereto. A description of the procedure used to apportion the unpaid principals for the referenced existing reassessments to the new reassessments is included in Exhibit C, .attached hereto, and a listing of the apportioned share. of the original reassessment amounts for each new reassessment is shown on Exhibit D, .attached hereto. Existing reassessments 4035 and 4590 are deleted from the roll for Assessment District No. 86-2. DATED: WILSON & ASSOCIATES -~,,, Reassessment Apportionment Engineer ~,~a~~ss~~~ ~~ ~`~~. ~~ By ~ ~ Edward J. Wilson, a ~°•~3Z~~ ~' R.C.E. 23269, Expires 12-31-05 ~ ~Cp, 12/31/05 sj~T C1ViL ~~~~. F OF CAU~~ ExHIS1T A AMENDED REASSESSMENT ROLL CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.86-2 (BUENA VISTA TRUNK SEWERIRANGHO LABORDE STAGE 1-A) COUNTY OF KERN, CALIFORNIA AMENDING EXISTING REASSESSMENTS 4035 AND 4590 AND LOT 14 IN TRACT N0.6135 AND ADDING NEW REASSESSMENTS 4665 THROUGH 4667 CREATED BY RECORDATION OF LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT N0.03-0973 REASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT N0.98 AMENDED PARCEL ~ DETAILS OF TAX EXEMPT AMENDED REASSESSMENT TOTAL _ TOTAL AMENDED DESCRIPTION 1 ~ SERIES A SERIES B SERIES D TOTAL TAXABLE AMENDED REASMT ASSESSOR'S TAX AMENDED PROPERTY ~ SHARE SHARE SHARE TAX EXEMPT NUMBERS NUMBER (ATN) OWNER NAME 1 ADDRESS _ _ EFF 111103 EFF 111103 EFF 111103 (A + B + D) AMOUNT EFF 111103 REASMT AMOUNT LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT N0. 03-0973 (LLA 03-0973) ADJUSTS PARCEL LINES BETWEEN EXISTING REASSESSMENTS 4035 AND 4590 AND LOT 14 IN TRACT N0. 6135 (TR 6135), CREATING 3 NEW PARCELS. EXISTING REASSESSMENT 4035 IS IDENTIFIED AS PARCEL 2 OF LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT N0. P01-034;8 AND EXISTING REASSESSMENT 4590 IS IDENTIFIED AS THE REMAINDER PARCEL CREATED BY TRACT N0. 6019-PHASE 1. LOT 14 IN TR 6135 DOES NOl' HAVE A REASSESSMENT NUMBER ASSIGNED TO 1T, SINCE IT WAS CREATED FROM FORMER REASSESSMENT 3897 WHICH WAS PAID-OFF AT THE TIME TR 6135 WAS RECORDED AND NO REASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT WAS DONE PURSUANT TO TR 6135 RECORDATION. THE 3 NEW PARCELS (PARCELS A, B, :AND C fN LLA 03-0973) ARE ASSIGNED AMENDED REASSESSMENT NUMBERS 4665 THROUGH 4667, RESPECTIVELY. THE TOTAL COMBINED REASSESSMENT PRINCIPAL AMOUNT FOR EXISTING REASSESSMENTS 4035 AND 4590 IS APPORTIONED TO THE 3 NEW PARCELS CREATED BY LLA 03-0973. THE .TOTAL UNPAID REASSESSMENT PRINCIPAL AMOUNTS FOR EXISTING REASSESSMENTS 4035 AND 4590 (EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 2003, AT THE BEGINNING OF THE 200312004 TAX YEAR) ARE $29,797.67 AND $452.60, RESPECTIVELY. THE TOTAL REASSESSMENT AMOUNT APPORTIONED TO EACH NEW PARCEL IS SHOWN UNDER THE COLUMN ENTITLED "TOTAL AMENDED REASMT AMOUNT." EXISTING REASSESSMENTS 4035 AND .4590 ARE DELETED FROM THE REASSESSMENT ROLL FOR ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.86-2. 4665 LLA 03-0973; PARCEL "A" McMILLIN SAN TROPE, LLC 500.70 0.00 0.00 500.70 0.00 500.70 4666 LLA 03-0973; PARCEL "B" RIVERLAKES GOLF, LLC 29,745.47 0.00 0.00 29,745.47 0.00 29,745.47 4667 LLA 03-0973; PARCEL "C" EPCO HOMES, INC. 4.10 0.00 0.00 4.10 0.00 4.10 TOTAL AMOUNT APPORTIONED: 30,250.27 0.00 0.00 30,250.27 0.00 30,250.27 NOTES 1. FOR A DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE LINES, DIMENSIONS, AND LOCATIONS OF REASSESSMENTS 4665 THROUGH 4667 REFERENCE CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE FOR LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT N0.03-0973 RECORDED , 2003, AS DOCUMENT N0. OF OFFICIAL RECORDS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF THE COUNTY OF KERN. 2. THE AD 86-2 REMAINING BALANCE, AS EXISTING ON DECEMBER 1,1993, HAS BEEN REFUNDED AND REDUCED AS DESCRIBED IN THE REASSESSMENT ENGINEER'S REASSESSMENT REPORT FOR THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.86-2, AS APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL ON JANUARY 12,1994 (REASSESSMENT REPORT). PREPARED BY: WILSON & ASSOCIATES APPROVED. ~ DATE. EDWARD J. WILSON R.C.E. 23269 (EXPIRES 12-31-05) Q~ROFESS~p~~ a ~ ~ No. 23269 * gyp. ~ 2/31/05 ~j9r CIVII. ~~~~. F CF CAI.1~~ 29613EXA A-1 09123/2003 EXHIBIT B DESCRIPTION OF EXISTING REASSESSMENTS AND NEW PARCELS TO WHICH THE EXISTING REASSESSMENTS ARE TO BE APPORTIONED BY REASSESSMENT AND DIAGRA;~I AMENDMENT N0. 98 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRIC~r N0. 86-2 (RANCHO LABORDE STAGE 1-A/BUENA VISTA TRUNK SEWER) AMENDING EXISTING REASSESSMENTS 4035 AND 4590 AND LOT 14 IN TRACT N0. 6135 AND ADDING NEW REASSESSMENTS 4665 THROUGH 4667 CREATED BY RECORDATION OF LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT N0.03-0973 EXISTING PARCEL REASSESSMENT NUMBER 4035 4590 NlA A.T.N. FOR EXISTING REASSESSMENT LLA P01-0348; Pc12 Rem Pcl per TR6019-1 Lot 14 in TR 613 S 2003/2004 REASSESSMENT NUMBER PRINCIPAL TO BE HOW EXISTING PARCEL OF NEW APPORTIONED HAS BEEN SUBDNIDED LOTS/PARCELS $29,797.67 Lot Line Adjustment No. 03-0973 (LLA $452.60 03-0973} adjusts lot lines between Existi~.g $0.00 Reassessments 4035 and 4590 and Lot 14~ in Tract No. 6135, creating 3 new parcels. The 3 new parcels (Parcels A, B, and C in LLA 03-0973} are assigned Amended Reassessment Numbers 4665 through 4667, respectively. The total combined remaining principal amount for said Existing Reassessments is reapportioned to the three parcels in LLA 03-0973. Existing Reassessments 4035 and 4590 are deleted from the Reassessment Roll for AD 86-2. Lot Line Adjustment No. 03-0973 a. 3 new parcels (Amended Reassessments 4665 through 4667) Total New Reassessed Lots/Parcels Total New Non-reassessed Lots/Parcels Total New Reassessment Numbers Total Existing Reassessment Numbers deleted from Roll Net Change Active Reassessments on Ro~1 Total Amount~to Be Apportioned to New Reassessments: $30,250.27 1, Unpaid reassessment balance apportioned is the balance at the beginning of the 2003/2004 Tax Year, effective January 1, 2003. 3 3 0 3 _2 1 29613E~B ' 1 9/24103 EXHIBIT C DESCRIl'TION OF THE PROCEDURE USED TO APPORTION SHARES OF THE UNPAID REASSESSMENT PRINCIl'ALS FOR EXISTING REASSESSMENTS 4035 AND 4590 AND LOT 14 IN TRACT NO. 6135 TO NEW REASSESSMENTS 4665 THROUGH 4667 CREATED BY RECORDATION OF LOT LINE ADNSTMENT NO. 03-0973 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 86-2 (BUENA VISTA TRUNK SEWERlRANCHO LABORDE STAGE 1-A) REASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AIV~NDIV~NT NO. 98 DESCRIPTION OF EXISTING REASSESSMENTS 4035 AND 4590 AND LOT 14 IN 1. TRACT N0.613 5 A. Existin Reassessments 403 5 and 4590 (hereafter "Reassessment 403 5" and g "Reassessment 4590," respectively) and Lot 14 in Tract No. 613 5 ("TR 613 5") are located in the Cit of Bakersfield. Reassessment 4035 is described as Parcel 2 in Lot Line Y Ad~ustment No. P01-0348 ("LLA P01-0348"), created by Reassessment and Diagram ~ _2» Amendment "A portionment") No. 80 for Assessment Dlstrlct No. 86-2 (AD 86 ). ~ P Reassessment 4590 is described as the remainder parcel created pursuant to the. ion of Tract No. 6019-Phase 1 "TR 6019-1" , by Apportionment No. 96 for AD recordat ~ ) 86-2. Lot 14 in TR 613 5 does not have a Reassessment Number assigned to it, since it. was created from former Reassessment 3 897 which was paid-off at the time TR 613 5 was recorded and no A portionment was done pursuant to TR 6135 recordation. Lot Line. p Adjustment No. 03-0973 ("LLA 03-0973") adjusts parcel lines between Reassessments. 403 5 and 4590 and TR 6135 Lot 14, creating 3 new parcels. The three new parcels Parcels A B and C in LLA 03-0973) are assigned Amended Reassessment Numbers ( ~~ ("Amended Reassessments") 4665 through 4667, respectively. B . Reassessments 403 5 and 45 90 and TR 613 5 are within an area which was included in Assessment and Diagram .Amendment No.19 ("Amendment No. 19"). Amendment No. 19 was a Change and Modification that respread the original and unpaid assessment.. amounts for all of the AD 86-2 parcels owned by Riverlakes Ranch, to bring those parcel ssessments into conformance with their amended land uses approved by General Plan', a Amendment 1-90 Segment III ("GPA 1-90-III"). See Amendment No. 19 for details on the amended land uses and the impact on the AD 86-2 Assessments in this area. Reassessments 403 5 and 4590 and TR 613 5 are also within an area included in the Riverlakes Ranch Specific Plan Amendment which was approved by the City Council of the City of Bakersfield on August 12,1998, in accordance with Zone Change No. P97-. 0892 "ZCP9I-0892") and General Plan Amendment No.P97-0892 ("GPAP97-0892"}, as presented in Apportionment No. 50. Reassessments 4035 and 4590 and TR 6135 are located in the Buena Vista Trunk Sewer Benefit and the Telephone Benefit Zones of AD 86-2. The improvement costs assessed to these Benefit Zones werefunded bythe AD°86- 2 S eries A B onds. 29613EXC 1 9/24/03 C. The total remaining reassessment principal amounts for Reassessments 4035 and 4590 and TR 6135 Lot 14 (effective January 1, 2003, at the beginning of the 2003/2004 Tai Year} are $29,797.67, $452.60, and $0.00, respectively, The total original AD 86- assessment amounts are $168,004.31, $2,551.69, and $0.00, respectively, which are assessed as described below. 2. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROCEDURE USED TO SEGREGATE AND APPORTION THE ORIGINAL ASSESSMENT AMOUNTS AND THE UNPAID REASSESSMENT PRINCIPAL AMOUNTS FROM REASSESSMENTS 4035 AND 4590 TO AMENDED REASSESSMENTS 4665 THROUGH 4667: A. Reassessments 403 5 and 4590 and TR 613 5 are located in the Buena Vista Trunk Sewez and Telephone Benefit Zones (Series A Bonds). Reassessment 4035 is identified as a golf course parcel. At the time it was created by Apportionment No. 80 for AD 86-2 (pursuant to recordation of LLA P01-03 84) Reassessment 403 5 was allocated its shares of BVTS Sewer Capacity and BUTS Sewer Oversizing based on the Riverlakes Ranch Specific Plan Amendment, ZC P97-0892 and GPAP97-0892. Following the same procedure, Reassessment 4590 was allocated its shares of BUTS Sewer Capacity and BVTS Sewer Oversizing at the time. it was created by Apportionment No. 96 (pursuant to recordation of TR 6019-1). As stated above, TR 613 5 Lot 14 was created from former Reassessment 3 897 which was paid-off at the time TR 613 5 was recorded and no Apportionment was done pursuant to TR 6135 recordation. A copy of the map showing the revised land use plan per GPA ~P97-0892 is attached to this Engineer's Report for reference. Each benefitted parcel was allocated its share of the BVTS Capacity charge in direct proportion to the number of Equivalent Dwelling Units (EDUs) allocated to each of them. The number of EDUs allocated to each parcel is calculated based on the maximum permitted number of Dwelling Units (DUs) for each parcel when developed according to the land uses approved in GPAP97-0892 and in accordance to Bakersfield 2010 General Plan ("2010 Plan") and in proportion to each parcel's net areas within each land use presented in said GPA P97-0892. The parcels' net areas were obtained from The DeWalt Corporation (an engineer retained by the Riverlakes Ranch Specific Plan Amendment proponent and original owner of said Existing Reassessments}. A copy of the table showing said net areas for each affected parcel is enclosed for reference. The approved maximum permitted DU densities and corresponding number of EDUs for each land use designation are as follows: - Suburban Residential (SR): 4.00 DU / 4.00 EDU per acre -Low Density Residential (LR): 7.26 DU / 7.26 EDU per acre -Low Medium Density Residential (LMR): 10.00 DU / 10.00 EDU per acre -High Medium Density Residential (~IMR): 17.42 DU / 13.40 EDU per acre - General Commercial(GC): 6.00 DU / 6.00 EDU per acre By Apportionment No. 50 the BVTS Oversizing charge for each of the three Benefit Zones (Stage 1-A, Telephone, and Sewer only) was allocated only to Amended Reassessments, or portions of Amended Reassessments, located within each Benefit 29613EXC 2 9/24/03 Zone. Within each Benefit Zone the total BVTS Oversizing amount was first adjusted (reduced) based on the total BVTS Capacity charge allocated to parcels within each zone (to keep the total Original Assessment unchanged}, and such adjusted BVTS Oversizin g amounts were reallocated to the benefited parcels in direct proportion to parcel net areas as shown on the enclosed table provided by The Dewalt Corporation. Details of the allocation of Reassessments 4035 and 4590 original assessments to Parcels A through C in LLA 03-0973 are as follows: 1. BUTS Sewer Capacity: By Apportionment No. SO Reassessment 4035 was allocated its share of 7 Equivalent Dwelling Units (EDUs) of BVTS Sewer Capacity based on the estimated number of dwelling units when developed to its planned development as a golf course parcel in accordance with the Riverlakes Ranch Specific Plan Amendment;, as described above. Each EDU was allocated one unit of BVTS Sewer Capacity at the original assessment unit charge rate of $245.60fEDU. By Apportionment No. 96 Reassessment 4590 was allocated its share of 5.77 EDUs of BVTS Sewer .Capacity based on the estimated number of dwelling units when developed to its maximum permitted density in accordance with the Riverlakes Ranch Specific Plan Amendment and the development plan for Tentative Tract No. 6019 (set Apportionment No. 96 for details), as described above. Each EDU Was allocated one unit of BVTS Sewer Capacity at the original. assessment unit charge rate of $245.60/EDU. LLA 03-0973 adjusts parcel lines and parcel acreages of Reassessments 4035 and 4590, but that minor adjustment did not necessitate a reallocation of BVTS Sewer Capacity EDUs: Parcel A in LLA 03-0973 (Amended Reassessment 4665) is allocated the Reassessment 4590 originally allocated 5.77 EDUs of BVTS Sewer Capacity based on its LMR land use designation far a total of $1,417.23. Parcel B in LLA 03 -0973 (Amended Reassessment 4666} is allocated the Reassessment 4035 originally allocated 75 EDUs of BVTS Sewer Capacity based on its use as a golf course parcel for a total of $18,420,00. As stated above, the TR 613 5 Lot 14 assessment was paid-off, and no BVTS Sewer Capacity is allocated to Parcel C in LLA 03 -0973 (Amended Reassessment 4667} since the slight increase in this parcels' lot size does not require the BVTS Sewer Capacity increase. The total BVTS Sewer Capacity allocated~is $19,837.23. 2 . BVTS Sewer Oversizing : The total combined original BVTS Sewer Oversizing amount for Reassessments 403 5 and 4590 is apportioned to the 3 LLA 03 -0973 parcels in the same manner a~ described above for Apportionment Nos. 80 and 96 (indirect proportion to their net areas' increases/decreases}. The three new parcels created by LLA 03-0973 (Parcels A, B, and C) are allocated the following BVTS Sewer Oversizing amounts: LLA 03 ~~ 0973 Parcel A (Amended Reassessment 4665) is allocated $1,405.81 (an increase of $271.35 from the Reassessment 4590 BVTS Sewer Oversizing amount}, LLA 03~ 29613EXC 3 9/24103 0973 Parcel B (Amended Reassessment 4666) is allocated $149 289.84 a e (d crease of $294.47 from the Reassessment 4035 BVTS Sewer Oversizin amoun g t), and LLA. 03-0973 Parcel C (Amended Reassessment 4667 is allocated $23.12 as its ) share o~ the BVTS Sewer Oversizing for only the parcel area difference increase ( )between the areas of TR 613 5 Lot 14 and LLA 03 -0973 Parcel C. The total BVT S Sewer Oversizing charge allocated is $150,718.77. B. Apportionment of the ~Tnpaid Reassessment Princi aI Amounts for Reasses p sments 4035. and 4590 to Amended Reassessments 4665 through 4667: The three original AD 86-2 Series of Tax Exem t Bonds Series A B p ( ,and D) were refunded in January of 1994 by a Single Series of Tax Exem t Bonds. The i ' ' p s ngle original AD 86-Z Series of Taxable Bonds (Series C) were also refunded at the sam ' etimebya Single Series of Taxable Bonds. The amount re uired to refund each on in q gal series of bonds was prorated to each parcel based on that arcel's remainin rinci p g p pal for that original band series. The total combined remainin rinci al amount for e g p p ach AD 86-2 Bond Series for Reassessments 4035 and 4590 is apportioned to each new arcel cr b p Bated y LLA 03-09731n direct proportion to the original assessment share that is a ortione pp d to each new parcel by each AD 86-2 Bond Series. More detailed information on the land uses, zonin and dwellin unit densitie g g s used to apportion Reassessments 403 5 and 45 90 and TR 613 5 Lot 14 is on file in the office of ' the Public Works Director and the office of the Planning Director for the Cit of Bakersfield. Y PREPARED BY: WILSON & ASSOCIATES By: ~i-2~{~3 L `~ ' ~ Date: EDWARD J, WILSON, R. C. E. 23269 (EXPIRES 12-31-OS) REASSESSMENT ENGINEER- A~~F~~~.NT nrcTUr~T ~.Tn Q~ ~,~ ~~©~ESS~~~V ~~~4 yJ~Rp ~' ~i ~~~' ,~~ w° fro ~~ ~ ~~ No.232~~ rn ~ ~~• 12/3~/p5 s~9T ClUIL ~P F ~F CAl.1F~~~ 29613ExC 4 9/24/03 OPA P97-0882 ~u~~~~~r ~~ ~~ ~, ~~~ '~ '~ k'~'M AIIM1 M./ 1~ ~I n ~"~ '~ / ~ ~4AIR ilhl 1111 IM ~ 1,~1 ~ ( w Il,N1a11dp ~t~fTl~-t .~~"'* ~4~~1A A/1M'Y'- {,MCI ~4y 1N~ i1 9r ~ ~ ~01~ I ~ -w1M I IG'M PA~'TY '^^~..,,' ~, ~'' ~ I "'~~ '~ ~ ~ MuM I~TY A'AII I ! ~"" 0.x Kl~('Tlµ I ! ~ Ilf 41 A M +~,,,,•~~ 0'~ - Ow p~IMI T Y ! - VT M ~14~i ;........... I ~ -~ ~.~ ,~''~ ~~~ a..~, ,. ~*- ~ a~wirr+wl~, ~ ~ t 9 w ~ err Mi rMp ', 1~1 017' ~ 0 ^ 0lIRT? ls' plwl~litrt ~'~IIRA111M1 >~i t 4'u' ~ I'rAw I!w4 ~ I. ~ 4rlq A~1 IM+II #~1 N j 1 I ~,~( ~ ~ w ~+. n J 1 ~ ,w,- ~ Mlw ~ ~ ~w ~ ~ wv ~J f ' ~ 1 ~ -Ow 0~rT't Oia ~~nq~l wa \~ 1 `~ 1 ~ 1 1 ~ ~ ~~ ' 10'~ K ~aw+~MwAfl1~ rTi J 1 ON ~ ~ '. 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' ~" (I ~~~; I~ AlGINAI .~. . . ,~, Mr, Qejan Pav+c, Wilson & Assaaates Pare Map NQ,1(7 ~ 1Q558 land UseAcrea cs March 22 199 RIVERLAKES RANCM ~ NET ACREAGES ~Y LAND USE Pare! Number Tend Trac# Map No. land U$a Net Aar~a and I~ot Number (ax~ludas ~~~ ~M Lot 1 T ant, Tr. 5818 SR 44,24 ac ~S~P 1, 65 ac Par, 1, PM 10557 Lot 2, Tent. Tr, 5918 S R 25, 01 ac Future Residential Lot 3 Tent, Tr, 5918 ~ LR 22 89 ac and Linear Lane 3} , , . Lot 4, Tent. Tr. 591 fi LR 22,45 ac Lot 5, Tent, Tr, 5918 SR 11,2' ac Par. 2, PM 10557 NIA ~~ P ~vY '/A S~, 8 =~ 35,31 ac Coif Course SE '/4 Sec. 8 = 11,63 ac Lot 1, Tent, Tr, x915 LMR 17,64 ac i~ot 2, Tent, Tr, 5915 LR 5.47 ac Par, 3, PM 10557 ~ } ~'utura Residential Lot 3, Tent,1'r, 5915 LR 18,28 ac Lot 4, Tent, Tr, 5915 LR 18,83 ac Lot 5, Tent, Tr, 5915 HMR ~ 10.53 ac Pardel ~, PM 10557 Golf Course ~ NIA ~~-P 80,08 ac Parcel 5, PM 10557 SR SW '/a Sec. 8 = 0,19 ac Future Residential Tent, Tr, 5920 SR SE'/aSsc,8~7.23 ac and Linear Lane 3} LR ~ SE /a Sec. 8 ~ 55,94 ac CAS-P ~E'/a Sec, 8 ~ 1,30 ac Lot 1, Tent, Tr, 5917 GC 14, 83 ac Parcel 1, PM 10558 Lot 2, Tent, Tr, 5917 LR 14.97 ac Future Residential and Commercial } Lot T 3 ~ ent, Tr, 5917 LMR 16.87 ac Lot 4, Tent, Tr, 5917 LMR 18, 07 ac Lot 5, Tent, Tr. 591.7 LMR 4,94 ac Parcel 2, PM 10558 Golf Course N1A QS-P 31.14 ac Parcel 3, PM 10558 Golf CQUrse NSA QS~P 48.12 ac Parcel 4, PM 10558 Callowa Canal N1A NIA 20,86 ac Parcel 5, PM 10558 Callowa Canal NIA NIA Q,3$ ac IG~F~h~IWPDQCS1Ff?UTVAJ,.~1p6.Ip~S1~-1~iW(.~N~,FVS Yl'P;p EXHIBIT D LISTING OF ORIGINAL REASSESSMENT AMOUNTS FOR AMENDED REASSESSMENTS 4665 THROUGH 4667 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.86-2 (BUENA VISTA TRUNK SEWER/RANCHO LABORDE STAGE 1-A} COUNTY OF KERN, CALIFORNIA REASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT N0.98 AMENDED PARCEL DETAILS OF TAX EXEMPT ORIGINAL REASSESSMENT ORIGINAL TOTAL AMENDED DESCRIPTION / ORIGINAL ORIGINAL ORIGINAL TOTAL TAXABLE ORIGINAL REASMT ASSESSOR'S TAX SERIES A SERIES B SERIES D TAX EXEMPT REASMT REASMT NUMBERS NUMBER (ATN) (SEWER) (STAGE 1-A) (STAGE 1-A) (A+ g + D AMOUNT AMOUrfT 4665 LLA 03-0973; PARCEL "A" 1,906.58 0.00 4666 LLA 03-0973; PARCEL "B" 113,265.42 0.00 4667 LLA 03-0973; PARCEL "C" 15.61 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,906.58 113,265.42 15.61 0.00 0.00. 0.00 1,90.58 113,26.42 1:1.61 TOTAL ORIGINAL AMOUNT APPORTIONED: 115,187.61 0.00 0.60 115,187.61 0.00 115,187.61 NOTE: THE AD 86-2 REMAINING BALANCE, AS EXISTING ON DECEMBER 1, 1993, HAS BEEN REFUNDED AND REDUCED AS DESCRIBED. IN THE REASSESSMENT ENGINEER'S REASSESSMENT REPORT FOR THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0. 86-2, AS APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL ON JANUARY 12, 1994 (REASSESSMENT REPORT}. THE AMOUNTS SHOWN ABOVE ARE THE ORIGINAL REFUNDING AMOUNTS HAD THESE PARCELS EXISTED AT THE TIME OF REFUNDING. 29613EXD D-1 09/23/2003 F ~ i ~ z o~ l~Fa I zW ~ ~ r wF ~ IZOZ I ~Y MQ rYd ~ d o I w ZOQ~w Ip~p j U~'" WHhUI00 I Z I ~x ~r- ~ I W wOZO~ IWdz i COQ OZZ~}o p I p0 ~^ (~ ~ t,,a_3aw IMF J ~F_ rrS~Nr- ~~- U~ ~.! ~,,r-~ Z V I N O~d~~ IoU ~ Z .~UQZXrJ I WJ ow I D cn~'I o Udw rv~ p~UW~o Q I ~d QN Z I pW 7-Wp~ZW IWWO ~ ~W~ 020UW~VOOWU I I U E't SM cn F 1 ~ FyzNwv I~ J ~_~ Iw mo I m Inw I FM Ur-dd~~- .Jww QE"d WoF2 QZ I OZ ~ U C~ Ni Ul I.~ I (A Z~ N ~- W J U I U U I Z !- N z Q. 0.' I l1 ~ f~'1 ~"'~ 4i ~ O(A O dWW ~}(11Dp1000~OL 0W hQla. ('" w UVIW ~'.~..~ (A std ~M I ~ Oy MmZQNW ~~d I X00 F oo~~:QY IFNY '~ ~ r-i U1p 1-p I Q!Wmd SppWJV1~Q}-pp. I4~W QZUZ ~ O I~dO ~ ~ r~, Z FJ WN I ~.. 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U p QN t!1 OiY Q, ~NZ~waz~Zdz:~Qn nW pOgWW WW ~° Oh Wom u WF h=N ~ O I o M h h0 c0 cOoO ~ Qtr"~Q~ ~~3~a a w to rn W~ wOC~wg>cncnztno z zzwaww WW ~z ,a ww o tow O a a~ vY~ a p¢ a wtn avi a Q QN ~ z U I U ~- o ~ ~~ z zw O 7 w ~~~~trz~NMN~z 0 oX~ozow~=~~ Z ~ viw am aQ Q ~~ =N ~o a ~ I ~ O U w I w~' ~ ~aQ z " , Ua a ~ w Z J W U J ~-- Z (Y lY ~- lY Q ~ Q I- 1- Q U ~ ~ Q I Q Q !- H Q Y '- N t+j ~t 0 x II pp O wy v) O t--- ~ r ~ ~ o ' ~(n..._ 0 ~_~ 0 0 ~ ~~ s: W (~ U7 TO: SUPERINTENDENT OF STREETS CITY OF BAKERSFIELD RE; AS SES SMENT DISTRICT N0.86-2, REAS SES SMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT ENO. 98. APPLICATION FOR SEGREGATION AND APPORTIO~NT OF EXISTING REASSESSMENTS PURSUANT TO PART 10.5 OFDIVISION 10, STREETS AND HIGHWAYS CODE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, THE IlVIPROVEMENT BOND ACT OF 1915.. Requisites of Application: '~ I. REQUEST FORAPPORTIONMENT OF EXISTINGREASSESSMENTS 4035 AND 4590 AND LOT 14 IN TRACT N0.613 5 ~4'T~RE SAID PARCELS HAVE BEEN SUBDIVIDED BY LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT N0.03-0973. II. ACCEPTANCE OF REASSESSMENT APPORTIONMENT PROCEDURE, WAIVER: OF NOTICE AND HEARING THEREON, AND REQUEST TO RECORD AMENDED REASSESSMENTS. Application: I. REQUEST FOR APPORTIONMENT OF THE UNPAID REASSESSMENT PRINCDPAL AMOUNTS FROM EXISTING REASSESSMENTS 4035 AND 4590 AND LOT 14 IN TRACT N0. 613 5 IN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD U4'HERE SAID PARCELS HAVE BEEN SUBDIVIDED BY LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT N0.03-0973. The undersigned is the original owner and subdivider of Existing Reassessment 4590 ("Reassessment 4590"), which together with Existing Reassessment 4035 owned by Riverlakes ( Golf, LLC) and Lot 14 in Tract No. 613 5 (owned by EPCO Homes, Inc.) has been subdivided by Lot Line Adjustment No. 03-0973 ("LLA 03-0973"), and is also the owner of Parcel "A" created by said LLA 03-0793. A description of said existing reassessments, the total amounts of the unpaid reassessment principal balances effective January 1, 2003, and a description of how said parcels have been subdivided are included in Engineer's Report Exhibit B, Description of Existing Reassessments in City of Bakersfield Assessment District No. 86-2 (hereina~er "AD 86-2"), attached hereto:: and incorporated herein by reference. As the original owner and subdivider of the referenced Reassessment 4590, the undersigned hereby request the Superintendent of Streets for the City of Bakersfield to apportion the amounts remaining unpaid on said Reassessment 4590 and Existing Reassessment 4035 owned by another party (Lot 14 in Tract No. 6135 has zero reassessment balance), in accordance with the provisions o~ the Improvement Bond Act of 1915. The unpaid principal amounts for said reassessments, as shown on Exhibit B, have been apportioned to each separate part of the original parcel of land comprising Reassessments 4035 and 4590 and Lot 14 in Tract No. 6135, in the amounts as shown on Engineer's Report Exhibit A, Amended Reassessment Roll, attached hereto. and incorporated herein by reference. 29613MCM. APP 1 9123103 II. ACCEPTANCE OF REASSESSMENT APP0RTI0NIV~NT PROCEDURE AND REQUEST TO RECORD AMENDED REASSESSMENTS. I have reviewed Exhibit C (Description of Reassessment Apportionment Procedure} included in the attached En ineer's Re ort describing the rocedure used to apportion shares of the unpaid g p ~ ~ p reassessment rinci al amounts for Reassessments 4035 and 4590 in AD 86-2 to the parcels crated p p b the recordation of said LLA 03-0973. Pursuant to a review of Exhibit C, the undersigned has Y determined that the amended reassessment amounts shown on said Exhibit A have been apportioned in accordance with the benefits the parcels will receive from the improvements financed ~by AD .g6-Z, based on current arcel zonin and with roposed uses. Therefore, the undersigned waives nUtice P g p and hearin before the City Council on this reassessment apportionment, accepts the procedure used g for the requested apportionment of the principal balances for said Reassessments 403 5 and 4590; and requests and consents to the recordation of the apportioned reassessment on the properties for which the undersi ned is listed as the owner on the. accompanying Exhibit A, and to the amended g reassessment amounts shown thereon. Submitted by, McMILLXN SAN TROPE, LLC By; Dated: `~` +, 2003. ~ ~~~ R ~, Attachment: Engineer's Report on Reassessment Apportionment No. 98 29613MCM. APP 2 9!23103 29613RPT 9/22/03 ENGINEER'S REPORT RE: SEGREGATION AND APPORTIONMENT OF REASSESSMENTS FOR REASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT N0. 98 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0. 86-2 ~, AMENDING EXISTING REASSESSMENTS 4035 AND 4590 AND LOT 14 IN TRACT N0. 6135 TO CREATE NEW REASSESSMENTS 4665 THROUGH 4667 PURSUANT TO RECORDATION OF LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT N0. 03-0973 1. An application has been filed with the Superintendent of Streets of the City of Bakersfield requesting a segregation and apportionment ; of existing reassessments within Assessment District No. 86-2, pursuant to the division of the parcels. 2. In accordance with said application, the undersigned hereby apportions to each separate part of the original parcels of land, the proportionate part of its respective unpaid reassessment that would have been levied thereon if the parcels had been so divided ~at the time the original reassessment was- made. .The undersigned has assigned a new reassessment number to each new parcel, as shown on the Amended Reassessment Diagram attached hereto. 3. The existing reassessment numbers, new reassessment numbers and apportioned reassessment amounts (based in each case on the unpaid principal amount of reassessment. effective January 1, 2003, at the beginning of the 2003/2004 Tax Year), are as shown on Exhibit A "Amended Reassessment Roll" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. A description of the referenced existing reassessments and of how they have been subdivided is included in Exhibit B, attached hereto. A description of the procedure used to apportion the unpaid principals for the referenced existing reassessments to the new reassessments. is included in Exhibit C, attached hereto, and a listing of the apportioned share of the original reassessment amounts for each new reassessment is shown on Exhibit D, attached hereto. Existing reassessments 4035 and 4590 are deleted from the roll for Assessment District No. 86-2. DATED: Z ~ . WILSON & ASSOCIATES -..,~ Reassessment Apportionment Engineer ~~o~~ss~~ ~~o ~ '~~ e 0 ~'p ~~ gY ~' ~~ Edward J. Wilson, No. 23269 ~ R.C.E. 23269, Expires 12-31-05 * Exp. 12/31/05 * , sj~~ CI111L ~~~~ F OF 0pt1~Q EXHIBIT A AMENDED REASSESSMENT ROLL CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.86-2 (BUENA VISTA TRUNK SEWERIRANCHO LABORDE STAGE 1-A) COUNTY OF KERN, CALIFORNIA AMENDING EXISTING REASSESSMENTS 4035 AND 4590 AND LOT 14 IN TRACT N0.6135 AND ADDING NEW REASSESSMENTS 4665 THROUGH 4667 CREATED BY RECORDATION OF LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT N0.03-0973 REASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT N0.98 , AMENDED PARCEL ~ I DETAILS OF TAX EXEMPT AMENDED REASSESSMENT TOTAL TO'CAL~ AMENDED DESCRIPTION 1 i SERIES A SERIES B SERIES D TOTAL TAXABLE AMENDED REASMT ASSESSOR'S TAX AMENDED PROPERTY SHARE SHARE SHARE TAX EXEMPT AMOUNT REASMT NUMBERS NUMBER (ATN) OWNER NAME !ADDRESS EFF 111!03 EFF 111103 EFF 111103 (A + B + D) EFF 111103 AMOUNT LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT N0. 03-0973 ILEA 03-0973) ADJUSTS PARCEL LINES BETWEEN EXISTING REASSESSMENTS 4035 AND 4590 AND LOT 14 IN TRACT NC}. 6135 (TR 6135), CREATING 3 NEW PARCELS. EXISTING REASSESSMENT 4035 IS IDENTIFIED AS PARCEL 2 OF LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT N0. P01-034.8 AND EXISTING REASSESSMENT 4590 IS IDENTIFIED AS THE REMAINDER PARCEL CREATED BY TRACT N0. 6019-PHASE 1. LOT 14 IN TR 6135 DOES NOT HAVE A REASSESSMENT NUMBER ASSIGNED TO IT, SINCE IT WAS CREATED FROM FORMER REASSESSMENT 3897 WHICH WAS PAID-OFF AT THE TIME TR 6135 WAS RECORDED AND NO REASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT WAS DONE PURSUANT TO TR 6135 RECORDATION. THE 3 NEW PARCELS (PARCELS A, B, AND C IN LLA 03-0973} ARE ASSIGNED AMENDED REASSESSMENT NUMBERS 4665 THROUGH 4667, RESPECTIVELY. THE TOTAL COMBINED REASSESSMENT PRINCIPAL AMOUNT FOR EXISTING REASSESSMENTS 4035 AND 4590 IS APPORTIONED TO THE 3 NEW PARCELS CREATED BY LLA 03-0973. THE :TOTAL UNPAID REASSESSMENT PRINCIPAL AMOUNTS FOR EXISTING REASSESSMENTS 4035 AND 4590 (EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 2003, AT THE BEGINNING OF THE 2003!2004 TAX YEAR} ARE $29,797.67 AND $452.60, RESPECTIVELY. THE TOTAL REASSESSMENT AMOUNT APPORTIONED TO EACH NEW PARCEL IS SHOWN UNDER THE COLUMN ENTITLED "TOTAL AMENDED REASMT PiMOUNT." EXISTING REASSESSMENTS 4035 AND 4590 ARE DELETED FROM THE REASSESSMENT ROLL FOR ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.86-2. 4665 LLA 03-0973; PARCEL "A" McMILLIN SAN TROPE, LLC 500.70 0.00 0.00 500.70 0.00 500.70 466fi LLA 03.0973; PARCEL "B" RIVERLAKES GOLF, LLC 29,745.47 0.00 0.00 29,745.47 0.00 29,745.47 4667 LLA 03-0973; PARCEL "C" EPCO HOMES, INC. 4.10 0.00 0.00 4.10 0.00 4.10 TOTAL AMOUNT APPORTIONED: 30,250.27 0.00 0.00 30,250.27 0.00 3G,250.27 NOTES: 1. FOR A DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE LINES, DIMENSIONS, AND LOCATIONS OF REASSESSMENTS 4665 THROUGH 4667 REFERENCE CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE FOR LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT N0.03-0973 RECORDED , 2003, AS DOCUMENT N0. OF OFFICIAL RECORDS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF' THE COUNTY OF KERN. Z. THE AD 86-Z REMAINING BALANCE, AS EXISTING ON DECEMBER 1,1993, HAS BEEN REFUNDED AND REDUCED AS DESCRIBED IN THE REASSESSMENT ENGINEER'S REASSESSMENT REPORT FOR THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.86-2, AS APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL ON JANUARY 12,1994 (REASSESSMENT REPORT). PREPARED BY: WILSON & ASSOCIATES , V V DATE: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O APPROVED: ~ ~ EDWARD J. WILSON R.C.E. 23269 (EXPIRES 12=31-05) QeRO~E~s,Q~~~ ~~~' ~n J. W ~~ ~ ~P ~~ 2 ~~ a sp W ~ ~' ~~'- `~ No. 23269 ro ~ Exp. 12/31/05 cij9~ CIVIL ~~~P F OF CA~~F4 29613EXA A-1 09/2312003 EXHIBIT B DESCRIPTION OF EXISTING REASSESSMENTS AND NEW PARCELS TO WHICH THE EXISTING REASSESSMENTS ARE TO BE APP,,ORTIONED BY REASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT N0.98 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.86-2 (RANCHO LABORDE STAGE 1-AIBUENA VISTA TRUNK SEWER) AMENDING EXISTING REASSESSMENTS 4035 AND 4590 AND LOT 14 IN TRACT ND. 6135 AND ADDING NEW REASSESSMENTS 4665 THROUGH 4667 CREATED BY RECORDATION OF LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT N0.03-0973 EXISTING PARCEL 2003/2004 REASSESSMENT NUMBER REASSESSMENT A.T.N. FOR EXISTING PRINCIPAL TO BE HOW EXISTING PARCEL OF NEW NUMBER REASSESSMENT APPORTIONED HAS BEEN SUBDNIDED LOTS/PARCELS 4035 LLA P01-034$; Pcl 2 $29,797.67 Lot Line Adjustment No. 03-0973 (LLA ; 4590 Rem Pcl per TR6019-1 $452.60 03-0973} adjusts lot lines between Existi~.g NIA Lot 14 in TR 6135 $0.00 Reassessments 4035 and 4590 and. Lot 14 in Tract No . 613 S, creating 3 new parcel ~ . The 3 new parcels (Parcels A, B, and C in LLA 03-0973) are assigned Amended Reassessment Numbers 4665 through 4667, respectively. The total combined remaining principal amount for said Existing Reassessments is reapportioned to the three parcels in. LLA 03 -0973 . Existing Reassessments 403 S and 4590 are deleted from the Reassessment Roll for AD $6-2. Lot Line Adjustment No. 03-0973 a. 3 new parcels (Amended Reassessments 4665 through 4667) Total New Reassessed LotslParcels Total New Non-reassessed LotslParcels Total New Reassessment Numbers Total Existing Reassessment Numbers deleted from Roll Net Change Active Reassessments on Ro~1 Total Amount~to Be Apportioned to New Reassessments: $30,250.27 1. Unpaid reassessment balance apportioned is the balance at the beginning of the 2003/2004 Tax Year, effective January 1, 2003. 3 3 0 J _2 1 -1- 91~IQ3 29613E~'B EXHIBIT C DESCRIl'TION OF THE PROCEDURE USED TO APPORTION SHARES OF THE UNPAID REASSESSMENT PRINCIl'ALS FOR EXISTING REASSESSMENTS 4035 AND 4590 AND LOT 141N TRACT NO. 6135 TO NEW REASSESSMENTS 4665 THROUGH 4667 CREATED BY RECORDATION OF LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 03-0973 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 86-2 (BUENA VISTA TRUNK SEWER/RANCHO LABORDE STAGE 1-A) REASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT NO. 98 1. DESCRIPTION OF EXISTING REASSESSMENTS 4035 AND 4590 AND LOT 14 IN TRACT N0.6135 A. Existing Reassessments 4035 and 4590 (hereafter "Reassessment 4035" and: "Reassessment 4590," respectively) and Lot 14 in Tract No. 613 5 ("TR 613 5") are located in the City of Bakersfield. Reassessment 403 5 is described as Parcel 2 in Lot Line Adjustment No. P01-0348 ("LLA P01-0348"}, created by Reassessment and Diagram Amendment ("Apportionment"} No. 80 for Assessment District No. 86-2 ("AD 86-Z"}. Reassessment 4590 is described as the remainder parcel created pursuant to the recordation of Tract No. 6019-Phase 1("TR 6019-1"), by Apportionment No. 96 for AD 86-2. Lot 14 in TR 6135 does not have a Reassessment Number assigned to it, since it was created from former Reassessment 3 897 which was paid-off at the time TR 613 5 was recorded and no Apportionment was done pursuant to TR 6135 recordation. Lot Line .Adjustment No. 03-0973 ("LLA 03-0973") adjusts parcel lines between Reassessments 4035 and 4590 and TR 6135 Lot 14, creating 3 new parcels. The three new parcels (Parcels A, B, and C in LLA 03-0973) are assigned Amended Reassessment Numbers ("Amended Reassessments"} 4665 through 4667, respectively. B . Reassessments 403 5 and 45 90 and TR 613 5 are within an area which was included in Assessment and Diagram Amendment No.19 ("Amendment No.19"). Amendment No. 19 was a Change and Modification that respread the original and unpaid assessment amounts far all of the AD 86-2 parcels owned by Riverlakes Ranch, to bring those parcel assessments into conformance with their amended land uses approved by General Plan:. Amendment 1-90 Segment III ("GPA 1-90-III"). See Amendment No. 19 for details on~ the amended land uses and the impact on the AD 86-2 Assessments in this area. Reassessments 403 5 and 4590 and TR 613 5 are also within an area included in the R.iverlakes Ranch Specific Plan Amendment which was approved by the City Council of the City of Bakersfield on August 12,1998, in accordance with Zone Change No. P97- 0892 ("ZCP9I-0892") and General PlanAmendment No.P97-0892 ("GPAP97-0892"), as presented in Apportionment No. 50. Reassessments 403 5 and 4590 and TR 613 5 are located in the Buena Vista Trunk Sewer Benefit and the Telephone Benefit Zones of AD 86-2. The improvement costs assessed to these Benefit Zones werefunded bythe AD-86- 2Series ABonds. 29613EXC 1 9/24103 C. The total remaining reassessment principal amounts for .Reassessments 403 5 and 459 and TR 613 5 Lot 14 (effective January 1, 2003, at the beginning of the 2003/2004 Tai r are 29 797.67 $452.60 and $0.00, respectively. The total original AD 86- Yea) $ assessment amounts are $168,004.31, $2,551.69, and $0.00, respectively, which are assessed as described below. 2. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROCEDURE USED TO SEGREGATE AND APPORTION THE ORIGINAL ASSESSMENT AMOUNTS AND THE UNPAID REASSESSMENT PRINCIPAL .AMOUNTS FROM REASSESSMENTS 403 5 AND 45 90 TO AMENDED REASSESSMENTS 4665 THROUGH 4667: A. Reassessments 4035 .and 4590 and TR 6135 are located in the Buena Vista Trunk Sewer and Tele hone Benefit Zones (Series A Bonds). Reassessment 4035 is identified as a golf P course arcel. At the time it was created by Apportionment No. 80 for AD 86-2 (pursuant P to recordation of LLA P01-03 84 Reassessment 403 5 was allocated its shares of BUTS } Sewer Ca acit and BUTS Sewer Oversizing based on the Riverlakes Ranch Specific p y . Plan Amendment, ZC P97-0892 and GPA P97-0892. Following the same procedure, Reassessment 4590 was allocated its shares of BVTS Sewer Capacity and BUTS Sewer Oversizin at the time it was created by Apportionment No. 96 (pursuant to recordation g of TR 6019-1). As stated above, TR 6135 Lot 14 was created from former Reassessment 3 897 which was paid-off at the time TR 613 5 was recorded and no Apportionment was done ursuant to TR 613 5 recordation. A copy of the map showing the revised land use p ch Ian er GPA ~P97-0892 is attached to this Engineer s Report for reference. Ea p p benefitted arcel was allocated its share of the BVTS Capacity charge in direct proportion p to the number of E uivalent Dwelling Units (EDUs) allocated to each of them. The number of EDUs allocated to each arcel is calculated based on the maximum pernutted p number of Dwelling Units DUs) for each parcel when developed according to the land b ( uses a roved in GPAP97-0892 and in accordance to Bakersfield 2010 General Pla1i pp "20.14 Plan" and in ro onion to each parcel's net areas within each land use presented ( } pp in said GPA P97-0892. The parcels' net areas were obtained from The Dewalt Cor oration an en ineer retained by the Riverlakes Ranch Specific Plan Amendment p ( g ro onent and on final owner of said Existing Reassessments). A copy of the table p p g showin said net areas for each affected parcel is enclosed for reference. The approved g maximum ermitted DU densities and corresponding number of EDUs for each land use p designation are as follows: - Suburban Residential (SR): 4.00 DU / 4.00 EDU per acre -Low Density Residential (LR); 7.26 DU / 7.26 EDU per acre -Low Medium Density Residential (LMR):10.00 DU / 10.00 EDU per acre - Hi h Medium Density Residential (IIlVIR): 17.42 DU l 13.40 EDU per acre g -General Commercial (GC): 6.00 DU / 6.00 EDU per acre B A ortionment No. 50 the BUTS Oversizing charge for each of the three Benefit Y pp Zones Sta e 1-A, Telephone, and Sewer only) was allocated only to Amended ~ g Reassessments or onions of Amended Reassessments, located within each Benefit. p 29b 13E~C 2 9/24/03 Zone. Within each Benefit Zone the total BVTS Oversizing amount was first adjusted (reduced} based on the total BVTS Capacity charge allocated to parcels within each zone (to keep the total Original Assessment unchanged), and such adjusted BVTS Oversizing amounts were reallocated to the benefited parcels in direct proportion to parcel net areas as shown on the enclosed table provided by The De'V~alt Corporation. Details of the allocation of Reassessments 4035 and 4590 original assessments to Parcels A through C in LLA 03-0973 are as follows: 1. BUTS Sewer Capacity: By Apportionment No. 80 Reassessment 4035 was allocated its share of 7~ Equivalent Dwelling Units (EDUs} of BVTS Sewer Capacity based on the estimated number of dwelling units when developed to its planned development as a golf course parcel in accordance with the Riverlakes Ranch Specific Plan Amendment, as described above. Each EDU was allocated one unit of BVTS Sewer Capacity at the original assessment unit charge rate of $245 , 601EDU. By Apportionment No. 96 Reassessment 4590 was allocated its share of 5.77 EDUs of BUTS Sewer Capacity based on the estimated number of dwelling units when developed to its maximum permitted density in accordance With the Riverlakes Ranch Specific Plan Amendment and the development .plan for Tentative Tract No. 6019 (see Apportionment No. 96 for details), as described above. Each EDU was allocated one unit of BUTS Sewer Capacity at the original assessment unit charge rate o.f $245.60CEDU. LLA 03 -0973 adjusts parcel lines and parcel acreages of Reassessments 403 5 and 45 90, but that minor adjustment did not necessitate a reallocation of BVTS Sewer Capacity EDUs: Parcel A in LLA 03-0973 (Amended Reassessment 4665) is allocated the Reassessment 4590 originally allocated 5.71 EDUs of BVTS Sewer Capacity based on its LMR land use designation for a total of $1,417.23. Parcel B in LLA 03-0973 (Amended Reassessment 4666) is allocated the Reassessment 4035 originally allocated 75 EDUs of BVTS Sewer Capacity based on its use as a golf course parcel for a total of $18,420.00. As stated above, the TR 6135 Lot 14 assessment was paid-off, and no BVTS Sewer Capacity is allocated to Parcel C in LLA 03 -0973 (Amended Reassessment 4667) since the slight increase in this parcels' lot size does not require the BVTS Sewer Capacity increase. The total BVTS Sewer Capacity allocated is $19, 83 7.23 . 2 . BVTS Sewer Oversizing The total combined original BVTS Sewer Oversizing amount for Reassessments 4035 and 4590 is apportioned to the 3 LLA 03-0973 parcels in the same manner a described above for Apportionment Nos. 80 and 96 (indirect proportion to their net areas' increasesldecreases). The three new parcels created by LLA 03-0973 (Parcels A, B, and C) are allocated the following BVTS Sewer Oversizing amounts: LLA 03- 0973 Parcel A (Amended Reassessment 4665} is a1l~ocated $1,405.81(an increase of $271.3 5 from the Reassessment 4590 BVTS Sewer Oversizing amount), LLA 03 29613EXC 3 9/24/03 0973 Parcel B (Amended Reassessment 4666} is allocated $149,289.84 (a decrease of $294.47 from the Reassessment 4035 BVTS Sewer Oversizing amount), and LLA 03-0973. Parcel C (Amended Reassessment 4667) is allocated $23.12 as its share of the BVTS Sewer Oversizing for only the parcel area difference (increase) between the areas of TR 6135 Lot 14 and LLA 03-0973 Parcel C. The total BVTS Sewet~ Oversizing charge allocated is $15 0, 718.77. B . Apportionment of the Unpaid Reassessment Principal Amounts for Reassessments 403 5, and 4590 to Amended Reassessments 4665 through 4667: The three original AD 86-2 Series of Tax Exempt Bonds (Series A, B, and D) were; refunded in January of 1994 by a Single Series of Tax Exempt Bonds. The single original: AD 86-2 Series of Taxable Bonds (Series C) were also refunded at the same time by a Single Series of Taxable Bonds. The amount required to refund each original series of bonds was prorated to each parcel based on that parcel's remaining principal for that original bond series. The total combined remaining principal amount for each AD 86-2 Bond Series for Reassessments 4035 and 4590 is apportioned to each new parcel created by LLA 03-0973 indirect proportion to the original assessment share that is apportioned to each new parcel by each AD 86-2 Bond Series, More detailed information on the land uses, zoning and dwelling unit densities used to apportion Reassessments 403 S and 4590 and TR 613 5 Lot 14 is on file in the office of the Public Works Director and the office of the Planning Director for the City of Bakersfield. PREPARED BY: WILSON & ASSOCIATES By L~,,.,~,,~~~ w~-s-~---- Date: -z4~3 EDWARD J. WILSON, R. C. E. 23269 (EXPIRES 12-31-05 REASSESSMENT ENGINEER, ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.86-2 eRCF~ss -~~ ~~~ f ~Nq ~~~ ~PRp J. ~~l ~~~ wa `~° ~ 2 m No.2326g m * ~p.12/31/p~ ~~9r CIUIL `P FQF CAI.IF~~~ 29613EXC 4 9124!03 CiPA P97-0882 .; ~ ,, .~ KI I ~ ~ It,~1r4~ It>OMIfYLLI ~~'~""'~.'. ~0 } It i ~ r,,~ I IQw OII~I'f1 ~ ~ Rli M.1rA~fT1M I ~ ~ dw Of 11~ l Y vR SUi~M~AAY µ M ~ ~~~i MM N! V 1'1 1~1 t,~ wl^Ir7 411 IMaI 1111 w- 'A 1~1 v ~~M ~~ 1,1Q1 +~„~ 1111 11- r1 N M p rally Mum ~w1+~M IIt~R'1 A~ +N rn ~ h rat ~1 l~Ily MI ~ MM ! ~ A >M 1 ~ K ~IIIK ~1~~1 I -N,I I ,iM ' - ~ ~~ I~ NOM~fINt aoN- ~ p~r~K ~ I •y.~~. ..~~~ I ;•~~I i I ~ •~" ,• •I N, F~bll '8" ~~ OPA P97~t ,~i~.l,~.' ~ t0 of 4~ .i '1~. I ~ ~~ ~~t:r ~ ' '~ ~ ~IMMInM11 MIA ,~ ~ t9M~ ~ 1.1 O ~Y ~ 0 N OilM'1"Y ~/ ~~ A1r1~1AA11111 111,E ' ~ t 011' (f1~I ~ MM ~ 41rY1 A111111w Mwi AM N 1 r~ I M~111Ai1 ~ Mw 1 ', P~-~ r~~ / A~/f Y n I ~ , ~ ~, Ril~ll ' I I ~~~ ~ } GR! ~ 1 (~' ~~ }bM~IAN I ~~ cow t , I t wD~IDItu~ i 0? M, nrr111~1w1Nri~t mi ~ uw t ~ ~ ~ t h f///,~~11~~.\,' I n. ~.w Ian tw ~w~wr .N ~r+«N r~ +~~ Nw .~- ~x I I 1 1 J w i ~~1~ IMI 1R « A MI }~11 ~IMI~I 1/111111 M 1~ ~~ 1~ X10 ~/' . ` 011 ~ I ww Mw Iln~ 11iM1r1 M M M1rf Iwl M1- t 0'~ r ~, ~ o w ~ ~ ~ ~ 4111 i"~ ~\ ~,~ /.w. ~ ah/ ~ `, ~ arMrn y ~ ~~ ' ~~ ~ . ~ ~, ~ ~ ` ~~ i ~,~~ I, y ~ Or• QIr1MTY ~ ~ Q'11 lM~tt I I i ~~ ~ ..I I ~ ~ ~ I 04~ 1 1' ~ ` OM Of1i41f'1 I i ,~,~w~ 1~. t 1~1 -O nr ~, ~ ~ aMw~ r flr ~ , ~ I ~ .~. ~ »~* It#'M wwn ~' ~ tv,w„ I ~, ~~ ' ' ' ~ i ~ ~ aw tnl~rn I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~1 ~~ '~~ ~ ~ -aw o~rr ~ o~l~v +r 1++~ i ~ \~ ~` ., 1 ~, ~ »~ M-ssru ~ ~ \ ~ plMYtl ~•al- ` ~1r U MpA111 M ~ '~ \ ~ "~a iII OQ~fr9 ~ ~ o~+t 1 ~ 4 `~,, , ~..,I z ~ ~~ ,~.~ ~ '~~ ~ ~ ,~ cu~,11 .~ ~ I ~c-,oa ~ ~. . ~ ..-~ ~•~~ ~~ \ ~ `\ ~ I` , 0~1 grow I ti ~~ 10'11' i 1011 ~alp~ 1 ti I ~ ~~ `~ ~ 1 ~~ I 1 1 ` ~~ :. , w ~ -~ , ~ ~ Ipl ~ pIM~ Gr1i . I r A of ~ Clw~l GA~t ~~ ;~. '~ .~ I~il ~A~M ~ ~ I i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ i IMII ~ wa n ~.~NQ I~SE PLAN RIVERI~KES RANCH SRE I' I L N aik~r~f i~tid, C~~fa~ni~ ~f~~ ~ I ~e A 4 rn `o" I ~M ~ RIGlNAI ' Mr. Dejan Ravic, Wilson ~ Assoaates ~~ ~ Parcd Map Nc,1a55T 8-1p558 Land Usa Acrea es March 22 1999 RiVERLAKES RANCH • NET ACREAGES BY LAND USE Parcel Number Tent Tract Map Na, Land Use Nat Aaraa~e and ~.ot Number (excludes c~a-IO- RIVII) Lot 1, Tent, Tr, 5916 SR 44'24 ac QS~P 1,65 ac Par, 1, PM 10557 Lot 2, Tent. Tr. 5916 ~SR 25.01 ac Future Residential and Linear Lane 8 Lot 3 Tent. Tr. 5 ~ 916 LR 22,69 ac . Lot 4, Tent. Tr. 5916 LR 22,45 ac Lot 5, Tent, Tr, 5916 SR 11,27 ac Par, 2, PM 10557 NIA QS-P SW t/a Sec. 8 ; 35,31 ac Golf Course , SE /4 Sec. 8 11,63 ac Lot 1, Tent, Tr, 5915 LMR 17,64 ac Lot 2, Tent. Tr, 5915 LR 5.47 ac Par, 3, PM 10557 Future Residential } Lot 3~ Tent. Tr. 5915 LR ! 18,28 ac Lot 4, Tent, Tr. 5915 LR 16,83 ac Lot 5, Tent, Tr. 5915 HMR 14.53 ac Parcel 4, PM 10557 CQIf Course NIA QS_P 80,06 ac Parcel 5, PM 14557 SR SW %a Sec. 8 = 0,19 ac Future Residential Tent. Tr. 5920 SR SE %a Sec, 8 ~ 7,~3 ac and linear Lane 3~ LR SE %4 Sac, 8 ~ 55,84 ac OS-P SE'/a Sec, 8 ~ 1.3Q ac Lot 1, Tent. Tr, 5917 GC 14,83 ac Parcel 1, PM 10558 Lot 2, Tent, Tr, 5917 LR 14.97 ac Future Residential and Commercial L°t 3 ~ Tent, Tr, 5917 LMR 16,67 ac Lat ~, Tent. Tr. 5917 L.MR 18.07 ac Lot 5, Tent, Tr, 5917 ~ LMR 4.9~ a~ Parcel 2, PM 10558 GQIf Course NIA QS-P 31.14 ac Parcel 3, PM 10558 golf Course N/~` ~S-P 48.12 ac Parcel 4, PM 10558 C~allawa Ganal NIA NIA 20.66 ac Parcel 5, PM 10558 Callowa Canal NIA NIA ~ Q,~$ ac KF~-A~'1WAAACS1Fi?U71/A~,~1p8.~4sS1P¢-~3WYj-,SN~,PVS 1'YPp EXHIBIT D LISTING OF~ORIGINAL REASSESSMENT AMOUNTS FOR AMENDED REASSESSMENTS 4665 THROUGH 4667 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.86-2 (BUENA VISTA TRUNK SEWERlRANCHO LABORDE STAGE 1-A) COUNTY OF KERN, CALIFORNIA REASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT N0.98 AMENDED PARCEL DETAILS OF TAX EXEMPT ORIGINAL REASSESSMENT ORIGINAL TOTAL; AMENDED DESCRIPTION / ORIGINAL ORIGINAL ORIGINAL TOTAL TAXABLE ORIGINAL REASMT ASSESSOR'S TAX SERIES A SERIES B SERIES D TAX EXEMPT REASMT REASMT NUMBERS NUMBER (ATN) (SEWER (STAGE 1-A) (STAGE 1-A) (A+ g + D AMOUNT AMOUNT 4665 LLA 03-0973; PARCEL "A" 1,906.58 0.00 4666 LLA 03-0973; PARCEL "B" 113,265.42 0.00 4667 LLA 03-0973; PARCEL "C" 15.61 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,906.58 113,265.42 15.61 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,906.58 113,265.42 15.61 TOTAL ORIGINAL AMOUNT APPORTIONED: 115,187.61 _ 0.00 0.00 115,187.61 0.00 115,187.61 NOTE: THE AD 86.2 REMAINING BALANCE, AS EXISTING ON DECEMBER 1, 1993, HAS BEEN REFUNDED AND REDUCED AS DES CRIBED IN THE REASSESSMENT ENGINEER'S REASSESSMENT REPORT FOR THE CITY OF BAKERSFIE LD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0. 86-2, AS APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL ON JANUARY 12, 1994 (REASSESSMENT REPORT). THE AMOUNTS SHOWN ABOVE ARE THE ORIGINAL REFUNDING AMOUNTS HAD THESE PARCELS EXISTED AT THE TIME OF REFUNDING. 29613EXD D-1 09/2312003 i ~ W w ~ ~~ ~ o ~r ~ F- O I z w ~; CD r = I Y M ~ ti I~ ~OQ4 ?ov7 w }}u~iw0•-Q I wa W 0 o I WW ZJ D:w D~° UO wFru70 I Z I oz N F- II W wOyZ4Q~ IpaZ U}a O~]~F-O`7'~ I 00 ~Z U I ~ aja0op ,pU'"~ h_z tY~OaZY~.~ I w~ ~.J r~i~r~~---I1I Dw I ° NN= Uaw }U0. p~UwQO 4 10.4 N ~ av~i r ~ ow ~w°NZW_ IWwo ~Fw~ =Vw~~mwv I o H 1~ tll r ~ Z V7 W U 0= „E 0.= J w C7 0. I IAW E-N v~aa W°~ aZ OZ ? U O MN ~. V-z0. ~~Ir.JWU I U~U zZW~NZa0. S0. f~-) -""~e~„~ Uri oa o d7wW ,~rinov7ooo~~ I ~~- e( 1 w Uww ,~ ~Y •r{ UJp oZQM-mZQ~w}0.lYa I ~O~ grWD~rn4Y It%NY ~-+~ H tl~ O V7 4 H 0.W d f0 O W J Ul = s( f.. O Y W Z Z 01 V. l17 <L l.L~ UZ Z 7W WN Zm~ pU ti{¢zir~yjWU ~ aWli M~i"y~0~~0 I~QO rr~~ H U r M w~ o: ~_ o v7oa? IaJV7 n W z ~} I ~~ V A to W ~N N I JWO~ ZwW ~~W WUW °NOaf-O:UZ WZ2 4-I w W • G'70. 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