HomeMy WebLinkAboutAD 86-2 Apportionment #102 PMW 03-1146"~kil~ffaNk~.~.~M.aux~.ro~sWro4 .~" RECORDING REQUESTED BY AND FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WHEN RECORDED MAIL T0: CITY CLERK CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 1501 TRUXTUN AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93 3 O 1 James W. Fitch Asses~ar~-Recorder PATTI Kern county Official records 7!2912004 R~;corded at the request of 2:00 PM City of Bksfld Public Works oocn: 0204178115 NOTICE aF AMENDED. REASSESSMENT AMENDING EXISTING REASSESSMENTS 4572 THROUGH 4589 IN CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DIST1tiCT NO. 86-2 COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA (REASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT NO. 102) Stat Types:l Pages: Fees X3.00 Taxes D.OQ Others O.oo PAID $13,00 PURSUANT to the requirements of Section 3114 of the Str ' eets and Highways Code, the undersigned, PAMELA A. McCARTHY, CMC, Cit Clerk of the Cit • . Y y of Bakersfield, hereby gives notice that an Amended Reassessment Diagram and Amended Reasses • sment Roll (Reassessment and Diagram Amendment No.102}for City of Bakersfield Assessmen ' t District No. 86-2 were filed and recorded in the office of the Superintendent of Streets of the Cit of B y a~ersfield, relating to the following described real property: Reference is made to the map entitled "Amended Reasse ssment Diagram of the City of Bakersfield Assessment District No. 86-2 Count y of Kern, State of California (Reassessment and Diagram Amendment No. 1OZ ' . }, Amending Reassessments 4572 t ough 4589, filed with the Count Recorder of th Y e County of Kern on ~'~~ ~ ~ ~0i4 in Book • ~ ~+ of Maps of Assessment and C acilities Districts at Pa ommunity geS/~c~ throu h ' ____ g ~~ for a descri Lion of the real r ' ' p p operty in said Assessment District and the exterior bound r' ' a ies thereof. Said Amended Reassessment Diagram amends the ma entitled "Rea p ssessment Diagram of City of Bakersfield Assessment District No, 86-2 "recorded Janu ' ary 18, 1994, in Book 10 of Maps of Assessment and Community Facilities Districts at Pa • ges 114 through 13 9, in the Office of the County Recorder of the Count of Kern State ' Y of California. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that u on recordation of ' p this Notice in the Office of the Count Recorder, the several amended reassessments on the Y lots, pieces, and parcels shown on the Amended Reassessment Diagram (Reassessment and Dia ram Amendme g nt No. 102} of Assessment District No. 86-2 shall become a lien upon the lots or ortions of lots apses ' p sed, respectively. This amendment ,evidences. the completion of statutory roceedin s to divide the lie ' p g n of special reassessments previously levied on the parcels of land shown on the Amended Reassessment Dia ram to conform with the ' ' ' g ' divisions in the parcels themselves. Reference is made to said Amended Reassessment Diagram and Amended Reassessment Roll recorded in the office of the S ' uper~ntendent of Streets of the City of Bakersfield. Attached hereto pursuant to the requirements of Section 27288.1 of the Government Code m arked "Exhibit A," is a copy of the Amended Reassessment Roll, identi in each new arcel b the fY g p y amended reassessment number shown on the Amended Reassessment Diagram, together with .the amount of amended reassessment lien levied thereon and the name or names ofthe owners of each arcel sub'ect p J to such amended reassessments as they appear on the. latest secured Count Assessor's Roll or as known t ' ~ y ' o the undersibned. Dated: ~_ PAMELA A McCARTHY, CMC, City Clerk City of Bakersfield, State of California B • ~~ 2 EXHIBIT A AMENDED REASSESSMENT ROLL CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.86-2 (BUENA VISTA TRUNK SEWER/RANCHO LABORDE STAGE 1-A) COUNTY OF KERN, CALIFORNIA AMENDING EXISTING REASSESSMENTS 4572 THROUGH 4589 AND ADDING NEW REASSESSMENTS 4798 THROUGH 4818 CREATED BY RECORDATION OF PARCEL MAP WAIVER N0.03-1146 AND BY STORM DRAIN SUMP RELOCATION REASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT N0.102 AMENDED PARCEL DETAILS OF TAX EXEMPT AMENDED REASSESSMENT TOTAL TOTAL AMENDED DESCRIPTION I SERIES A SERIES B SERIES D TOTAL TAXABLE AMENDED REASMT ASSESSOR'S TAX AMENDED PROPERTY SHARE SHARE SHARE TAX EXEMPT AMOUNT REASMT NUMBERS NUMBER (ATN) _ _ OWNER NAME I ADDRESS_ EFF 111104 EFF 1/1!04 EFF 1!1/04 (A + B + p) EFF 111104 AMOUNT ~~~~ ~ nvu KCHJJtJJIVItN I 45~y, ~utN ~ IFItU AS PARCEL 18 IN PARCEL MAP N0. 10854 (PM 10854) AND DESIGNATED AS A STORM DRAIN SUMP BY PM 10854, IS SUBDIVIDED BY PARCEL MAP WAIVER N0. 03-1146 (PMW 03-1146) INTO 3 INDUSTRIAL-llSE PARCELS. THE 3 NEW PARCELS (IDENTIFIED AS .PARCELS A, B, AND G IN PMW 03-1146) ARE ASSIGNED AMENDED REASSESSMENT NUMBERS 4798 THROUGH 4800, RESPECTIVELY. A NEW STORM DRAIN SUMP IS CREATED FROM PORTIONS OF EXISTING REASSESSMENTS 4587 AND 4588 (IDENTIFIED AS, RESPECTIVELY, PARCELS 16 AND 17 IN PM 10854). THE NEW STORM DRAIN SUMP 1S AMENDED REASSESSMENT 4818, AND THE REMAINDER PARCELS OF PM 10854 PARCELS 16 AND 17 ARE AMENDED REASSESSMENTS 4816 AND 4817, RESPECTIVELY.. PARCELS 1 THROUGH 15 IN PM 10854 ARE NOT BEING SUBDIVIDED BY PMW 03-1146 OR BY THE STORM DRAIN SUMP RELOCATION. HOWEVER, THEIR REASSESSMENT PRINCIPAL AMOUNTS ARE BEING REDUCED DUE TO THE ABOVE-REFERENCED PARCEL SUBDIVISIONS, AS DESCRIBED IN DETAIL IN THE ENGINEER'S REPORT FOR THIS REASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT N0.102. THEREFORE, PARCELS 1 THROUGH 15 IN PM 10854 ARE ASSIGNED AMENDED REASSESSMENT NUMBERS 4801 THROUGH 4815, RESPECTIVELY. THE TOTAL COMBINED'`REASSESSMENT PRINCIPAL AMOUNT FOR EXISTING REASSESSMENTS 4572 THROUGH 4589 IS APPORTIONED TO THE 3 NEW PARCELS CREATED BY PMW 03-1146, TO THE REMAINDERS OF PARCELS 16 AND 17 IN PM 10854, AND TO PARCELS 1 THROUGH 15 IN PM 10854. THE NEW STORM DRAIN SUMP IS NOT ASSESSED. THE TOTAL UNPAID REASSESSMENT PRINCIPAL AMOUNTS FOR EXISTING REASSESSMENTS 4572 THROUGH 4589 (EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 2004, AT THE BEGINNING OF THE 2004/2005 TAX YEAR) ARE '$6,211.79, $5,462.97, $5,789.09, $4,358.35, $2,327.84, $3,465.52, $2,835.26, $2,209.25, $3,821.28, $3,042.78, $2,209:25, $2,835.26, $4,206.72, $3,969.52, $3,762.00, $3,524.82, $3,254.59, AND $0.00, RESPECTIVELY. THE TOTAL REASSESSMENT AMOUNT APPORTIONED TO EACH NEW PARCEL IS SHOWN UNDER- THE COLUMN ENTITLED "TOTAL AMENDED REASMT AMOUNT." EXISTING REASSESSMENTS 4572 THROUGH 4589 ARE DELETED FROM THE REASSESSMENT ROLL FOR ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.86-2: 4798 Parcel Map Waiver No. 03-1146; LOT A Riverlakes Investment Company, LLC 356.25 794.85 1,090.81 2,241.91 592.48 2,834.39 4799 Parcel Map Waiver No. 03-1146; LOT B Riverlakes Investment Company, LLC 265.17 542.79 744.89 1,552.85. 404.59 1,957.44 4800 Parcel Map Waiver No. 03-1146; LOT C Riverlakes Investment Company, LLC 322.85 709.80 974.10 2,006.75 529.09 2,535.84 4801 Parcel Map No.10854; Parcel 1(452-180-06) Donald Waftenbargerand Connie Wattenbarger 743.35 1,561.89 2,143.42 4,448.66 1,164.22 5,612.88 4802 Parcel Map No.10854; Parcel 2 (452-180-07) Donald Wattenbarger and Connie Wattenbarger 642.67 1,391.77 1,909.99 3,944.43 1,037.41 4,981.84 4803 Parcel Map No. 10854; Parcel 3 (452-180-08) Grant Meenach ~ 676.07 1,496.93 2,054.30 4,227.30 1,115.80 5,343.10 4804 Parcel Map No.10854; Parcel 4 (452-180-09) Doug Howey and Leslie Howey 505.53 1,108.77 1,521.62 3,135.92 826.47 3,962.39 4805 Parcel Map No. 10854; Parcel 5 (452-180-10) Ernest B. Rice, Colliers Tingey International 286:42 596.91 819.17 1,702.50 444.93 2,147.43 4806 Parcel Map No: :10854; Parcel 6 (452-180-11) .Dean Gay and David Gay 420.52 872.17 1,196.92 2,489.61 650.11 3,139.72 4807 Parcel Map No. 10854; Parcel 7 (452-180-12) Steve Blumer 331.96 733.00 1,005.93 2,070.89 546.37 2,617.26 4808 Parcel Map No. 10854; Parcel 8 (452-180-13) Cat Harbor Properties 274.28 565.99 776.73 1,617.00 421.88 2,038.88 4809 Parcel Map No. 10854; Parcel 9 (452-180-14) Robert Kevin Witcher and Caryl Ann Witcher 456.96 985.07 1,351.85 2,793.88 734.26 3,528.14 4810 ParcelMap No. 10854; Parcel 10 (452-180-15) Ray Davis and Mary Ann Davis 353.22 787:13 1,080.21 2,220.56 586.72 2,807.28 4811 Parcel Map No. 10854; Parcel 11(452-180-16) Rantly Smith 274.28 565.99 776.73 1,617:00 421.88 2.,038.88 4812 Parcel Map No. 10854; Parcel 12 (452-180-17) Valley Waste Disposal Company 331.96 733.00 1,005.93 2,070.89 546.37 2,617.26 4813 Parcel Map No. 10854; Parcel 13 (452-180-18) Gene Roberson and Adgre Roberson .496.43 1,085.58 1,489.79 3,071.80 809.18 3,880.98 4814 Parcel Map No. 10854; Parcel 14 (452-180-19} Jerry Coles and Julie Coles 472.14 1,023.72 1,404.90 2,900.76 763.08 3,663.84 4815 .Parcel ;Map No. 10854; Parcel 15 (452-180-20) fd Tietjen and Tammy Tietjen 450.88 969.60 1,330.63 2,751.11 722.73 3,473.84 4816 Remainder of Parcel 16 in Parcel Map No:10854 Brettane Properties, LLC 274:28 565.99 776.73 1,617.00 421.88 2,038.88. 4817 Remainder of Parcel 17 in Parcel Map No.10854 Brettane Properties, LLC 277.31 573.72 787.34 1,638.37 427.65 2,066.02 4818 Storm Drain Sump (Createdfiram portions of Riverlakes Investment Company, LLC 0.00 0.00 0.00 Parcels 16 and 17 in Parcel Map No.10854 ___. ___ 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL AMOUNT Af~PORTIONED: 8,212.53 17,664.67 24,241.99 50,119.19 13,167.10 63,286:29 NOTES: FOR A DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE LINES, DIMENSIONS, AND LOCATIONS OF REASSESSMENTS 4798 THROUGH 4818 REFERENCE A CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE FOR PARCEL MAP WAIVER N0.03-1146 RECORDED JUNE 25, 2004, AS DOCUMENT N0.0204146978 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS, AND PARCEL MAP N0.10854 RECORDED MARCH 4, 2003, IN BOOK 52 OF PARCEL MAPS, AT PAGES 168 AND 169, IN THE OFFICE OF THE KERN COUNTY RECORDER. THE AD 86-2 REMAINING BALANCE, AS EXISTING ON DECEMBER 1,1993, HAS BEEN REFUNDED AND REDUCED AS DESCRIBED IN THE REASSESSMENT ENGINEER'S REASSESSMENT REPORT FOR THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.86-2, AS APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL ON JANUARY 12,1994 (REASSESSMENT REPORT}. PREPARED BY: WILSON & ASSOCIATES APPROVED: ~ __ _ DATE: ~ .r ~ "' EDWARD J. WILSON R.G.E. 23269 (EXPIRES 12-31-05) 29627EXA A-1 ~Q~(~! E~~1QJ~~~~ 'a, ~~~' Ra J. ~ ~~F ~~ ~~ /(~ ~~~ ~ ~0 02 ~ `~ Na.2326~ ~ ~ ~xp.l2/31/05 s~~~ C1VIL ~~~P E ~F CAl~1~~ 07116/2004 T0: SUPERINTENDENT OF STREETS CITY OF BAKERSFIELD RE: AS SES SMENT DISTRICT N0.8b-2, REAS SES SMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT N0. 102. APPLICATION FOR SEGREGATION .AND APPORTIONMENT OF EXISTING REASSESSMENTS PURSUANT TO PART 10. S OF DIVISION 10, STREETS AND HIGHV~AYS CODE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, THE IMPROVEMENT BOND ACT OF 1915. Requisites of Application: I. REQUEST FOR APPORTIONMENT OF EXISTING REASSESSMENTS 4572 THROUGH 4589, WHERE SAID PARCELS HAVE BEEN SUBDIVIDED AND AMENDED BY PARCEL MAP WAIVER NO. 03-1146 AND BY STORM DRAIN SL'NIl~ RELOCATION. II. ACCEPTANCE OF REASSESSMENT APPORTIONMENT PROCEDURE, WAIVER OF NOTICE AND HEARING THEREON, AND REQUEST TO .RECORD AMENDED REASSESSMENTS . Application: I. REQUEST FOR APPORTIONMENT OF THE UNPAID REASSESSMENT PRINCIPAL AMOUNTS FROM EXISTING REASSESSMENTS 4572 THROUGH 45891N THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WIRE SAID PARCELS HAVE BEEN SUBDIVIDED AND AMENDED BY PARCEL MAP WAIVER NO. 03-1146 AND BY STROM DRAIN SUMi' RELOCATION. The undersigned is th~~ owner and subdivider of Existing Reassessment 4589 ("Reassessment 4589") which, together with Existing Reassessments 4572 through 4588 ("Reassessments 4572 through 4588"} owned by other parties, has been subdivided a.nd amended b Parcel Ma Waiver Y p No. 03 -1146 ~"P~!~ 03 -1146"} and by the storm drain sump relocation, and is also the owner of all parcels created by said PMW 03-1146. A description of said existing reassessments, the total amounts of the unpaid reassessment principal balances effective Janu 1 2004 and a descri tion ~' a a p of how said parcels have been subdivided and amended are included in Engineer's Report Exhibit B, Description of Existing Reassessments in City of Bakersfield Assessment District No. 86-2 (hereinafter "AD 86-2"), attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. As the owner and subdivider of the referenced Reassessment 45 89, the undersigned hereby requests the Superintendent of Streets for the City of Bakersfield to apportion the amounts remaining unpaid an said Reassessments 4572 through 4589 in accordance with the provisions of the Improvement Bond Act of 1915, The unpaid principal amounts for said reassessments, as shown on Exhibit B, have been apportioned to each separate part of the original parcel of land com risin p g Reassessments 4572 through 4589 in the amounts as shown on Engineer's Report Exhibit A, Amended Reassessment Roll, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. 29b27CRCR. APP ~ 4/'2/04 II. ACCEPTANCE OF RE.AS SES SMENT APPORTIONMENT PROCEDURE AND REQUEST TO RECORD AMENDED REASSESSMENTS . I have reviewed Exhib~.t C (Description of Reassessment Apportionment Procedure) included in the attached Engineer' ~ Report, describing the procedure used to apportion shares of the unpaid reassessment principalamounts for Reassessments 4572 throl~gh 4589 in AD 86-2 to the parcels created and amended ~~y the recordation of said PNiw 03 -1146 and by said storm drain sump relocation, Pursuant t~;~~ a review of Exhibit C, the undersigned has determined that the amended reassessment amounts, shown on said Exhibit A have been ~~~ortioned in accordance with the benefits the parcels u~li~~:.'~ receive from the improvements financed by AD 86-2, based on current parcel zoning and wi~~~~~ proposed uses. Therefore, the und~rs~gned waives notice and hearing before the City Coun,~~ on this reassessment apportionment, --~.c~~epts the procedure used far the requested apportionn~~t of the principal balances for said Re~~~~>sessments 4572 through 4589, and requests and consents, ~o the recordation of the apportioned Y~eassessments on the properties for which the undersigned :~~s listed as the owner on the accompar~~~i~g Exhibit A, and to the amended reassessment amounts shown thereon. Submitted by, RIVERLAIS INVE~~I~FT COMPANY, LLC, a California Limited Liability Company By: Dated: ~ ~'-~~ , 2004. ~r Attachment: Engineer s Rep~~~ t on Reassessment Apportionment No. 102 f R ~ n 1, .~ ~.~ 296?7CRCR. APP ~ 4l2/l14 ENGINEER' S REPORT RE: SEGREGATION AND APPORTIONMENT OF REAS SES SMENTS FOR REASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT N0. 102 CITY OF ~~~:KERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTP~ICT N0.86-2 AMENDING EXISTING REASSESSMENTS 4572 THROUGH 4589 TO CREAT:~ NEW REASSESSMENTS 4798 T~IROUGH 4818 PURSUANT TO RECORDATION OF PARCEL MAP WAIVER N0.03 -1146 AI~~~D STORM DRAIN SUMP RELOCATION 1. An application has been filed with the Superintendent of Streets of the City of Bakersfield requesring a segregation and apportionment of existing reassessments within Assessment District No. 86-2, pursuant to the division of the parcels. 2. In accordance with said application, the undersigned hereby ~.pportions to each separate part of the original parcels of land the proportionate part of its respective unpaid reassessment that ~~ould have been levied thereon if the parcels had been so divided at the time the orig~~al reassessment was made. The undersigned has assigned a new reassessment nun~!~er to each new parcel, as shown on the Amended Reassessment Diagram attached Llereto. 3. The existing rea:~~:~essment numbers, new reassessment numbers, and apportioned reassessment amounts (based in each case on the unpaid principal amount of reassessment effec,ive January. 1, 2004, at the beginning of the 2004/2005 tax year} are as shown on Exhibit A, "Amended .Reassessment cell," attached hereto and incorporated here~t by reference. A description of the referenced existing reassessments and of how ~they~`~~ave been subdivided is included in E~h~bit B, attached hereto.. A description of the ~3rocedure used to apportion the unpaid principals for the referenced existing reassessrr_~~ents to the new reassessments is included in Exhibit ~C, attached hereto, and a listir~a of the apportioned share of the origi~:al reassessment amounts for each new reassessrnent is shown on Exhibit D, attached hereto. Existing Reassessments: 4572 through 458~~ are deleted from the reassessment roll for Assessment District No. 86-2. Prepared by: WILSON & ASSOCIATES Reassessment Apportionment Engineer By: .~ ~~~ --- Edward J. Wilson, R.C.E. 23269 (Expires 12-31-OS) Assessment Engi~~~,e.~, Assessment District No. 86-2 29627ENGRPT-P Date:.. ~- :~ ~- ~ ~, ~ ~~ ~, ~° °~ ?~ ~ Na.23269 ~xp.l2/3I/05 ~ s~ eavi~ ~,~~ :, ~r~ c~~ ~~~-~~°~ ,~,:. .~.~ ~~ sY'.. 4/2104 EXHIBIT A AMENDED REASSESSMENT ROLL CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.86-2 (BUENA VISTA TRUNK SEWER/RANCHO LABORDE STAGE 1-A) COUNTY OF KERN, CALIFORNIA .AMENDING EXISTING REASSESSMENTS 4572 THROUGH 4589 AND ADDING NEW REASSESSMENTS 4798 THROUGH 4818 CREATED BY RECORDATION C~~ PARCEL MAP WAIVER N0.03-1146 AND BY STORM DRAIN SUMP RELOCATION REASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT N0.102 ~.. AMENDED PARCEL D_ ETAILS OF TAX EXEMPT AMENDED REASSESSMENT TOTAL TOTAL AMENDED DESCRIPTION ! SERIES A SERIES B ERE D I S I S TOTAL TAXABLE AMENDED REASMT ASSESSOR'S TAX AMENDED PROPERTY SHARE SF?ARc SHARE TAX EXEMPT AMOUNT . REASMT LNUMBERS _ _ _ __ NUMBER (ATN) _ OWNER NAME 1 ADDRESS __ EFF 111!04 EFF 111104 EFF 111104_(A + B + D) EFF 111104 AMOUNT EXISTING REASSESSMENT 4589, IDENTIFIED AS PARCEL 18 IN PARCEL MAP N0. 10854 (PM 10854) AND DE~~.GNATED AS A STORM DRAIN SUMP BY PM 10854, IS SUBDIVIDED BY PARCEL MAP WAIVER N0. 03-1146 (PM'1V 03-1146) INTO 3 INDUSTRIAL-USE PARCELS. THE 3 f~EW PARCELS (IDENTIFIED AS PARCELS A, B, AND C IN PMW 03-1146) ARE ASSIGNED AMENDED REASSESSI~IENT NUMBERS 4798 THROUGH 4800, RESPECTIVELY. A NEW STORM DRAIN SUMP IS CREATED FROM PORTIONS OF EXISTING REASSESSMENTS 4587 AND 458~~ (IDENTIFIED AS, RESPECTIVELY, PARCELS 16 AND 17 IN ~M 10854). THE NEW STORM DRAIN SUMP:IS AMENDED REASSESSMENT 4818, AND THE REMAINDER PARCELS CF PM 10854 PARCELS 16 AND 17 ARE AMENDED REASSESSMENTS 4816 AND 4817, RESPECTIVELY. PARCELS 1 THROUGH 15 IN PM 10854 ARE NOT BEING SUBDIVIDED ~,`( PMW 03-1146 OR BY THE STORM DRAIN SUMP RELOCATIOti. HOWEVER, THEIR REASSESSMENT PRINCIPAL AMOUNTS ARE BEING REDUCED DUE TO THE ABOVE-REFERENCED PARCEL SUBDIVISIONS, AS DESCRIBED IN DETAIL IN TIME ENGINEER'S REPORT FOR THIS REASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT N0.102. THEREFORE, PARCELS 1 ~~ 1ROUGH 15 IN PM 10854 ARE ASSIGNED AMENDED REASSES ~MENT NUMBERS 4801 THROUGH 4815, RESPECTIVELY. THE TOTAL COMBINED REASSESSMENT PRINCIPAL AMOUNT FQ)~ EXISTING REASSESSMENTS 4572 THROUGH 4589 IS APPORTIONED TO THE 3 NEW PARCELS CREATED BY'PMW 03-1146, TO THE REMAINDERS OF PARCELS 16 AND 17 IN PM .108,4, AND TO PARCELS 1 THROUGH 15 IN PM 10854. THE Na W STORM- DRAIN SUMP IS NOT ASSESSED. THE TOTAL UNPAID REASSESSMENT PRINCIPAL AMOUNTS FOR EXISTING REASSESSMENTS 4572 THROUGH 4589 (EFFECTIVE .,)AN~ARY 1, 2004, AT THE BEGINNING OF THE 2004/2005 TAX YEAR) ARE $6,211.79, $5,462.97, $5,789.09, $4,358.3:, $2,327.84, $3,465.52, . $2,835.26, $2,209.25, $3,821.28, $3,0;2.78, $2,209.25, $2,835.26, $4,206.72, $x,969.52, $3,762.00, $3,524.82, $3,254.59, AND $0.00, RESPECTIVELY. THE TOTAL REASSESSMENT AMOUNT APPORTIONED TO EACfi NEW PARCEL IS SHOWN UNDER THE COLUMN ENTITLED "TOTAL AMENDED REASMT AMOUNT." EXIS ;LNG REASSESSMENTS 4572 THROUGH 4589 ARE DELETED FROM THE REASSESSMENT ROLL FOR ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.86-2. 4798 Parcel Map Waiver No. 03-1146; LOT A Riverlakes Investment Company, LLC 4799 Parcel Map Waiver No. 03-1146; LOT B .Riverlakes Investment Company, LLC 4800 Parcel Map Waiver No. 03-1146; LOT C Riverlakes Investment Company, LLG 4801 Parcel Map No.10854; Parcel 1(452-180-06) Dx~>iald Wattenbarger and Connie Wattenbarger 4802 Parcel Map No.10854; Parcel 2 (452-180-07) Dr~pald Wattenbarger and Connie Wattenbarger 4803 Parcel Map No. 10854; Parcel 3 (452-180-OS) Kern Pacific Construction 4804 Parcel Map No. 10854; Parcel 4 (452-180-09) Doug Howey and Leslie Howey 4805 Parcel Map No. 10854; Parcel 5 (452-180-10) Ernest B. Rice, Colliers Tingey International 4806 Parcel Map No.10854; Parcel 6 (452-180-11) Dean Gay and David Gay 4807 Parcel Map No.10854; Parcel 7 (452-180-12) Steve Blumer 4808 Parcel Map No.10854; Parcel 8 (452-180-13) Cat Harbor Properties 4809 Parcel Map No.10854; Parcel 9 (452-180-14) ;I~~ obert Kevin Witcher and Caryl Ann Witcher - 4810 Parcel Map No. 10854; Parcel 10 (452-180-15) Roy Davis and Mary Ann Davis 4811 Parcel Map Na.10854; Parcel 11(452-180-16) Randy Smith 4812 Parcel Map No.10854; Parcel 12 (452-180=17) Valley Waste Disposal Company 4813 Parcel Map No.10854; Parcel 13 (452-180-18) Gene Roberson and Adore Roberson 4814 Parcel Map No. 10854; Parcel 14 (452-180-19) Jerry Coles and Julie Coles 4815 Parcel Map No.10854; Parcel 15 (452-180-20) ~ ,. Ed Tietjen and Tammy Tietjen 4816 Remainder of Parcel 16 in Parcel Map No. 10854 ~ Brettane Properties, LLC 4817. Remainder of Parcel 17 in Parcel Map No. 10854 Brettane Properties, LLC 4818 _ __ Storm Drain Sump (Created from portions of _ Parcels 16 and 17 in Parcel Map No. 10854 _ Riverlakes Investment Company, LLC , : :;, _. _ ___ TOTAL AMOUNT APPORTIONED: ~ _ - NOTES: 8,212.53 17,664:67 .24,241.99 50,119.19 13,167.1 63,286.29 1. FOR A DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE LINES, DIMENSiC NS, AND LOCATIONS OF REASSESSMENTS 4798 THROUGH 4818 REFERENCE A CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE FOR PARCEL MAP WAIVER N0.03-1146 RECORDED , 2004, AS DOCUMENT N0. OF OFFICIAL RECORDS, AND PARCEL MAP:N0.10854 RECORDED MARCH 4, 2003, IN Ed01; 52 OF PARCEL MAPS, AT PAGES 168 AND 169, IN THE OFFICE OF THE KERN COUNTY RECORDER. 2. THE AD 86-2 REMAINING BALANCE, AS EXISTING ON DECEMBER 1,1993, HAS BEEN REFUNDED AND REDUCED AS DESCRIBED IN THE REASSESSMENT ENGINEER'S REASSESSMENT REPORT YOR THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.86-2, AS APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL ON JANUARY 12,1994 (REASSESSMENT REPORT). PREPARED BY: WILSON & ASSOCIATES w APPROVED: ~ DATE: EDWARD J. WILSON R.G.E. 23269 (EXPIRES 12:x31-05) 29627EXA 356.25 794.85 1,090.81 2,241.91 592.43 2,834.39 265.17 542.79 744.89 1,552.85 404.53 1,957.44 322.85 70J.80 974.10 2,006.75 529.09 2,535.84 743.35 1,56 i .89 2,143.42 4,448.66 1,164.22 5,612.88 642.67 ~~,391.77 1,909.99 3,944.43 1,037.41 4,981.84 676.07 ,496.93 2,054.30 4,227.30 1,115.80 5,343.10 505.53 1,108.77 1,521.62 3,135.92 826.47 3,962.39 286.42 ~ 596.91 819.17 1,702.50 444.93 2,147.43 420.52 ' 872.11 1,196.92. 2,489.61 650.11 3,139.72 331.96 .733.00 1,005.93 2,070.89 546.37 2,617.26 274.28 565.99 776.73 1,617.00 421.8x3 2,038.88 456.96 :985.07 1,351.85 2,793.88 734.26 3,528.14 353.22 787.13 1,080.21 2,220.56 586.72 2,807.28 274.28 565.99 776.73 1,617.00 421.83 2,038.88 331.96 733.00 1,005.93 2,070.89 546.37 2,617.26 496.43 ?,085.58 1,489.79 3,071.80 809.18 3,880.98 472.14 %,02:;72 1,404.90 2,900.76 763.03 3,663.84 450.88 969.60 1,330.63 2,751.11 722.73 3,473.84 274.28 565.99 776.73 1,617.00 421.88 2,038.88 277.31 .573.72 787.34 1,638.37 427.65 2,066.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00. 0.00 A-1 ~~~7FESS/0~,~~ ~~~~ ~~Q ~ ~ ~~ \ ~~ ~ ~ ~ m No. 23269 .~ * Exp. 12/31/05 ~ s CIVVt ~~~ ,., TFOF CALIF~~ 04102/2004 EXHIBIT B DESCRIPTION OF EXISTING REASSESSMENTS AND NEW PARCELS TO WHICH THE EXISTING REASSESSMENTS ARE TO BE APPORTIONED BY REASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT N0. 102 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 86-2 (RANCHO LABORDE STAGE 1-AIBUENA VISTA TRUNK SEWER) AMENDING EXISTING REASSESSMENTS 4572 THROUGH 4589 AND ADDING NEW REASSESSMENTS 4798 THROUGH 481$ CREATED BY RECORD.A.TION OF PARCEL MAP WAVER N0.03-1146 AND BY STORM DRAIN SUMP RELOCATION EXISTING PARCEL 2004/2005 REASSESSMENT ~ NUMBER REASSESSMENT A.T.N. FOR EXISTING PRINCIPAL TO BE HOW EXISTING PARCELS 4F NEW NUMBER REASSESSMENTS APPORTIONED HAVE BEEN SUBDIVIDED LOTS/PARCELS 4572 452-180-06 $6,211..79 Parcel Map Waiver No. 03-1146 (PMW 4573 452-180-07 $5,462.97 03-1146) subdivides Existing Reassessment 4574 452-180-08 $5,789.09 4589 creating 3 new industrial-use parcels. 4575 452-180-09 $4,358.35 Anew storm drain sump parcel is create 4576 452-180-10 $2,327.84 fromportions of Existing Reassessments 4577 452-180-11 $3,465.52 4587 and 4588. Existing Reassessments 4578 452-180-12 $2,835.26 4572 through 4586 unpaid reassessment 4579 452-180-13 $2, 209.25 principals are being reduced due to PMW 4580 452-180-14 $3, 821.28 03 -1146 recordation and said storm drain 4581 452-180-15 $3 , 042.78 sump relocation. The total combined 4582 452-180-16. $2, 209.25 remaining principal amount for Existing 4583 452-180-17 $2,835.26 Reassessments 4572 through 4589 is 4584 452-180-18 $4,206.72 reapportioned to 20 industrial-use parcels 4585 452-180-19 $3,969.52 in PMW 03-1146 and Parcel Map No. 4586 452-.180-20 $3,762.00 10854. The new storm drain sump parcel 4587 452-180-21 $3,524.82 is not assessed. Existing Reassessments 4588 .452-180-22 $3,254.59 4572 through 4589 are deleted from the 4589 452-180-23 $0.00 Reassessment Roll for AD 86-2. a. 3 industrial use parcels in PMW 03- 1146 (Amended Reassessments 4798 through 4800) 3 b. 1 new storm drain sump parcel (Amended Reassessment 4818) 1 c. 2 remainders of Parcels 16 and 17 ire Parcel Map No. 10854 (Amended Reassessments 4816 and 4817) 2 d. 15 amended Parcels 1 through 15 in Parcel Map No. 10854 (Amended Reassessments 4801 through 4815) 15 Total New Reassessed Lots/Parcels 20 Total New Non-reassessed LotslParcels 1 Total Amount to Be Apportioned to New Reassessments: Total New Reassessment Numbers 21 Total Existing Reassessment Numbers deleted from Roll -18 $63,286.29 Net Change Active Reassessments on. Roll 3 1. Unpaid reassessment balance apportioned is the balance at the beginning of the 2004/2005 Tax Year, effective January 1, 2004. 29627ExB 1 4/2/04 EXHIBIT C DESCRIPTION OF THE PROCEDURE USED TO APPORTI~JN SHARES OF THE UNPAID REASSESSMENT PRINCIPAL FOR EX~STING REASSESSMENTS 4572 THROUGH 4589 TO l~~-Ew REASSESSMENTS 4798 THROU~'~H 4818 CREATED BY~~~ECORDATION OF PARCEL MAP WAIVER N0.03-1146 AI~~ BY STORM DRAIN SUMP RELOCATION CITY OF aAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.86-2 (BUENA, VI5 ~~'A TRUNK SEWER/RANCHO LABOR~E STAGE 1-A) REASSE ~SMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDME~t Y N0.102 1. DESCRIPTION OF EXISTING REASSESSMENTS 4572 THROUGH 4589: A. Existing Reassessments 4572 through 4589 ("Reassessments 4572 through 4589," respectively) are described as Keen County Assessor's Tax Numbers ("ATI~~s") 452-180-06 through 452-18~- 23, respectively, ah.~ are located in the City of Bakersfield. Reassessments 4572 through 4589 are also described a~,, respectively, Parcels 1 through 18 in Part~ol Map No.10854 ("PM 10854"). Reassessment 4589; 7.dentified as Parce118 in PM 10854 and designated as a storm drain s~urlp by PM 10854, is s~~~divided by Parcel Map Waiver No. 03-1146 ("PMW 03-1146") creating 3 new industrial-use ~~ arcels. The 3 new industrial-use parcels ~~d~ntified as Lots A, B, and C in PMW 03-1146) a~~; assigned Amended Reassessment Numbers ("Amended Reassessments") 4798 through 48~`~, respectively. Anew storm drain sump is created from portions of Reassessments 458~~~ and 4588 (identified as, respectively, Par~,els 16 and 17 in PM 10854), The .,: new storm drain stn:Flp parcel is Amended Reassessment 4818, and the remainder parcels of P1VI 10854 Parcels 16 ~a41d 17 are Amended Reassessments 4816 ,and 4817, respectively. Parcels 1 ~~ ~ through 15 in PMx 10854 (Reassessments 4572 through 4586, _ respectively) are not being subdivided by PNl'W 03-1146 or by ~ the storm drain sump relocation. However, their reassessment principal amounts are being reduced due to the above-referenced parcel subdivisions, as de~~cribed below. Therefore, Parcels 1 through 15 in PM 10854 axe assigned .Amended Reassessz~~e~lts 4801 through 4815, respectively, B. Reassessments 45~~~ through 4589 were created by Reassessment and Diagram Amendment ("Apportionment"} ~ No. 95 for Assessment District No..8~-2 ("AD 86-2"}, The entire Reassessments 4572 through 4589 are located within the Stage 1-A Benefit Zone and t~1e Telephone Benefit done of AD 86-2. The improvement cost assessed to these Benefit Zones were fiinded by Series A, B, C, and D Bonds for AD 86-2. ~. , C. The total remaining Reassessment Principal Amounts for Reassessments 4572 through 4589 (effective January ~, 2004, at the beginning of the 2004/2005 Tax Year) are listed in Exhibit B to this Engineer's_ Report. The total original AD 86-2 assessment amounts were $25,346.52, $22,251.53, $23,56.3.10, $17,725.79, $9,528.41, $14,161.05, $11,543.09, $9,051.48, $15,591.88, $12,377.73, $9,051..48, $11,543.09, $17,141,95, $16,188.06, $15,353,41, $14,399,53, $13,338.74, and $0.00, respectively. The total original AD 86-2 assessment amounts and the total remaining reassessment principal amolults for Reassessments 4572 through 4589 are reapportioned as described below, _;: 29b27EXC 1 4/2104 2. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROCEDURE USED TO SEGREGATE AND APPORTION THE ORIGINAL ASSESSMENTS AND THE UNPAID REASSESSMENT PRINCIPAL AMOUN'l~S FROM REASSESSMENTS 4572 THROUGH 4589 TO AMENDED REASSESSMENTS 4798 THROUGH 4818: A. Reassessments 4572 through 4589 are located in the Buena Vista Trunk Sewer (Series A Bonds) Benefit Zone and the Stage 1-A Benefit Zone for Street, Utility and Telephone improvements (Series B; C, and D Bonds). The total remaining AD 86-2 Reassessment Principal Amounts for Reassessments 4572 through 4589 are apportioned to the 21 parcels created by, or affected by, the recordation of PNIW 03-1146 and the storm dram sump relocation as follows: a. Buena Vista Tnuik Sewer (BVTS) Assessment (Series A Bonds): i. As described in Apportionment No. 95, the BVTS Capacity for Reassessments 45'2 though 45 8 8 is based on a .combined total of 19.3 9 gross acres at a rate of 2.5 0 Equivalent Dwelling Units ("EDUs")/acre for Industrial land use designation of thole parcels. Reassessment 4589 was planned to be a permanent storm drain sump, and as such, it was not allocated a share of the BVTS Capacity. Reassessments 4572 through 45 8 8 were originally allocated a combined total of 49 EDUs of BVTS Capacity at the original assessment unit charge rate of $245.60/EDU for a total BVTS Capacity charge of $12,034.40. As described above, by PMV~ 03-1146 Reassessment 4589 is subdivided into 3 new industrial-use parcels, and a new storm drain sump is created .from portions of Reassessments 45 87 and 45 88. The total combined BVTS Capacity charge for Reassessments 4572 through 4589 is allocated to the 20 new, amended, or existing industrial-use parcels (3 created by PMW 03-1146, 2 remainders created by the new storm drain sump, and 15 existing, unsubdivided parcels in PM 10854) at the original rate of, $245.60/EDU based on their Industrial land use designation (2.50 EDUs/acre}. The parcel areas for these 20 parcels are as .shown either on the recorded PM 10854, on the recorded Certificate of Compliance for PMW 03-1146, or on the approved plans for the new storm drain sump. The total 1llunber of EDUs allocated to the 20 industrial-use parcels (53 EDUs} is by 4 higher than the total number of EDUs originally allocated to Reassessments 4572 through 4589 (a total of 49 EDUs). Tl1e increased BVTS Capacity is compensated for by reducing the .total BVTS Ovexsizing by the same amount ($982.40). The new storm drain sump parcel (Amended Reassessment 4818} is not assessed. 11. The total combined BVTS Oversizing amotult for Reassessments 4572 through 459 (xeduced for the increased BVTS Capacity, as described above) is allocated to the ~0 industrial-use parcels in PMW 03-1146 and PM 10854 based on gross areas shorn on said PM 10854 and PMw 03-1146. The ne~v storm drain sump parcel is not allocated a share of the BVTS Oversizing amount for Reassessments 4572 through 4589, b. Stage 1-A Arterial Street and Utility Assessment (Series B, C, and D Bonds); The Stage 1-A and Utility improvement assessments consists of several components inch~ding a basic street area charge, a major street trip generation charge and a sewer frontage charge. The allocation of estimated total Average Daily Vehicle Trips to the 20 industrial-use parcels is based on the same parcel areas and land use designations, as 29627EXC 2 4/2!04 described above for the BVTS sewer allocations. There were no sewer frontage components originally allocated to Reassessments 4572 through 4589. The total original assessment sllares for the 21 parcels in PMW 03-1146 and PM 10854 have been allocated as original series B, C, and D Bonds shares in proportion to the Reassessments 452 through 45 89 Series B, C, and D Bonds shares allocated to each of them. B. Apportionment of the Total Remallung Reassessment Balance from Reassessments 4572 through 4589 to Amended Reassessments 4798 through 4818: The three original AD 86-2 Series of Tax Exempt Bonds (Series. A, B, and D}have been refunded by a Single Series of Tax Exempt Bonds, The single original AD 86-2 Series of Taxable Bonds (Series C}has also been refunded by a Single Series of Taxable Bonds. The amount required ~o refund each original series of bonds was prorated to each parcel based on that parcel's remaining principal for that original bond series. Accordingly, the total combined remaining reassessment principal amount fog Reassessments 4572 through 4589, by original Bond Series, is apportioned to the 21 parcels in PMW 03-1146 and PM 10854 in direct proportion to the original Reassessments 4572 through 4589 shares apportioned to each parcel for each Bond Series. More detailed, information orb:: the land uses, zoning and dwelling unit densities used to apportion Reassessments 4572 through 4589 is on file in the office of the Public Works Director and the office of the Plaluling Director for the City of Bakersfield. PREPARED BY: WILSON & ASSOCIATES By. ~__ ~ + ~ \~ EDWARD J. WILSON, R. C. E. 23269 (EXPIRES 12-31-05) REASSESSMENT ENGINEER, ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0. 85-2 Date: ~ '~ Z'` ~ ©~ ~ ~(~~ r c~`~ ~~ ~'~~ ~~ c~ ~vQ ~a.~ ~2 ~ ~Cp.l2/31/05 ~ ~j, Clti'll.. ~P ~TF CF CAS-IFa~~ 29b27EXC 3 412/04 EXHIBIT D L ISTING OF ORIGINAL REASSESSMENT AMOUNTS FOR AMENDED REASSESSMENTS 4798 THROUGH 4818 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.86-2 (FUENA VISTA TRUNK SEWERJRANCHO LABORDE STAGE 1~-A) COUNTY OF KERN, CALIFORNIA REASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT N0.102 AMENDEDPARCEL DETAILS OF TAX EXEMPT ORIGINAL REi~SSESSMENT ORIGINAL TOTAL AMENDED ' DESCRIPTION / ORIGINAL ORIGINAL ORIGINAL TOTAL TAXABLE ORIGINAL REASMT ASSESSOR'S TAX ~ SERIES A SERIES B SERIES D .TAX EXEMPT REASMT REASMT NUMBERS ___ ~ NUMBER (ATN) _ (SEWER} ~ (STAGE 1-A}~ (STAGE 1-A~ (A + B + D) AMOUNT AMOUNT 4798 Parcel Map Waiver No. 03-1146;wf.OT A 1,742.94 2,121.93 2,895.57 6,760.44 1,492.07 8,252.51 4799 Parcel Map Waiver No. 03-1146; SOT B 1,297.30 1,449.02 1,977.32 4,723.64 1,018.90 5,742.54 4800 Parcel Map Waiver No. 03-1146; .LOT C 1,579.54 1,894.88 2,584.74 6,060.16 1,332.42 7,32.58 4801 Parcel Map No. 10854; Parcel 1 (45~'-180-06) 3,636.84 4,169.59 5,680.74 13,496.17 2,931.89 16,4:~8A6 4802 Parcel Map No. 10854; Parcel 2 (452-180-07) 3,144.23 3,715.45 5,070.06 .11,929.74 2,612.57 14,52.31 4803 Parcel Map No.10854; Parcel 3 (4~?-180-08) 3,307.63 3,996.18 5,453,15 12,756.96 2,809.97 15,506.93 4804 Parcel Map No. 10854; Parcel 4 (4~r-'=180-09) 2,473.29 2,959.97 4,039.15 9,472.41 2,481.34 11,553.15 4805 Parcel Map No. 10854; Parcel 5 (4~`?-1;80-10) 1,401.29 1,593.51 2,17449 5,169.29 1,120.50 6,289.79 4806 Parcel Map No. 10854; Parcel 6 (45:°~=180-11) 2,057.36 2,328.34 3,177.24 7,562.94 1,637.21 9,2U0.15 4807 Parcel Map No. 10854; Parcel 7 (4"?-1~$0-12) 1,624.10 1,956.81 2,670.24 6,251.15 1,375.95 7,627.10 4808 Parcel Map No. 10854; Parcel 8 (45r-X180-13) 1,341.87 1,510.95 2,061.82 4,914.64 1,062.44 5,977.08 4809 Parcel Map No.10854; Parcel 9 (4~;~%'-180-14) 2,235.62 2,629.72 3,588,49 8,453.83 1,849.13 10,302.96 4810 Parcel Map No. 10854; Parcel 10 (4~f2-1.80-15) 1,728.09 2,101.30 2,867.41 6,696.80 1,477.56 8,174.36 4811 Parcel Map Na.10854; Parcel 11 (4`2-1'80-16} 1,341.87 1,510.95 2,061.:82 4,914.64, 1,062.44 5,977.08 4812 Parcel Map No. 10854; Parcel 12 (4~~2-180-17) 1,624.10 1,956.81 2,670:24 6,251.15 1;375.95 7,627.10 4813 Parcel Map. No.10854; Parcel 13 (42-180-18) 2,428.73 2,898.05 3,95-.65 9,281.43 2,037.80 11,319.23 4814 Parcel Map ~do.10854; Parcel 14 (4~2-180-19) 2,309.89 2,732.92 3,729:.32 8,772.13 1,921.70 10,693.83 4815 Parcel Map No. 10854; Parcel 15 (4~?~2-180-20) 2,205.91 2,588.44 3,532.16 8,326.51 .1,820.09 10,16.60 ~~~~. 4816 Remainder of Parcel 16 in Parcel M~:~~ No.10854 1,341.87 1,510.95 2,061.82 4,914.64 1,062.44 5,977.08 4817 Remainder of Parcel 17 in Parcel M~~~ No.10854 1,356.72 1,531.59 2,08G.99 4,978.30 1,076.96. 6,055.26 4818 Storm Drain Sump (Created from ~=rtions of 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ____________ __ parcels 16 and 17 in parcel Map ~..>_10~54 TOTAL AMOUNT APPORTIONED: 40,179.19 47,157.36 64,350.42 151,686.97 33,159.33 184,846.30 NOTE: THE AD 8fi-2 REMAINING BALANCE, AS ~ ~~1STING ON DECEMBER 1, 1993, HAS ., BEEN RE:=UNDED AND REDUCED AS DESCRIBED IN THE REASSESSMENT ENGINEER'S REASSESSMENT REPORT FOR THE CITY OF BAKER~JFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0. t36-2, AS APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL °~JN JANUARY 12, 1994 (REASSESSMENT REPORT). THE AMOUNTS SHOWN ABOVE ARE THE ORIGI NAL REFUNDING AMOUNTS HAD TFl';.SE PARCELS EXISTED AT THE TIME OF REFUNDING. 29627EXD D-1 04102/2004 rrp~~ ~S! O V .e-! (H~ ~""~ ~ o~ ~w H r~-i p ~ O i ~ Q ~ W ~ ,.`'~ W ~ V w~ ~ ~~ ~ r/ y 1 -~ T ~// ~~ V 1 ~"'1 ~ l ~w $-1 a ~ ~ ~~ W ~? ~ W (~ ~'7 W T!1 W d i--•I V N ~- I Z cp W ~ ~W O w~ jw z z ~w 1~~O Uhw-~ "~O I-r~= ~Q [Y{) I-O~ ~_aon~ Iwcz °W~op I~~J U z~UW2 lOat~ ~OQ~F I~Wo w''~anoo~~ Q mar-On. navi~O°w``= w~W"~w I~>-U ~OdQ~ IWUW w t- Wcn otr lu,n~ -- ui w u- - z aWOZ3=w~a m~J.WJH~WQ Z 0 0~=~~Ow~O }, ILA.-W n~W UOOdwU~~~Q oiWU~au~inQU'-iv» o r- • ~ ~ ouO~LZpWQpi,..Z_ ~rWWwN~Np~° zoo ~. ~~f- s_tnzdo z (7~U?ww OZV)W ~W Wz~uz~ocwn~ ~NQ~WwpWQw w•.-O~aI-W~ NSwS~~WUI~IY~Q RI'"O- ~ ~wUW ~}-~O`~OwjZ~ Q1 Zz~,..U(fjOp I~-Q~~a~WW~~ wQ~zZOw~~w Z ~ Z W ~WoNQWw~.d~ N~aN~~~paa ~'QQ'QQ~ wWU) InW n~'w~U~Z 4~nZpD-OI% ~ w Za`tOpi~W ~~aJC3U1NOO? }~ ~~ m~ p~? ~a ~ C) ~ n a~ WI- U O ~ ti, w w~ Q~ N N 1~ SO ~ ~N ~a ~ ~~ ~~ o d ~? z~ w°w -~ ~ o n O ~~ Zw OQ _no O O ~ ~ (~ 3 zN a~ W it w ~ °-' N' ~N w~ Qo `~,1tiEF.R .~ bi c~0~ ~ o~~ v ~= ~q ~ N L y, .- ._ ~ .. C~. U o L _ _ J ,~ ~b~, Z ~ P 0• U3 E,` I ~1S~38 I L__ ' - - r--- ---~ I Na m .Up I ~ wtai m I X ~ I ~ w ~- Q ti.~I~-NOp I Z oz w o ~ ~ d_ 1 QZ i ~°~ ' W O Zi . ~ ~-i z 0 ~ E-+ f I r~~ l 2 O j~vQZyT~ ~ WHO a pO ~OOwU _ 1 t ~a I U a ~ U 0 --1 y.q N I UWU I u I ~pQ ~~ Ix-NZ~fY t-aw ~ pcnw~~-Y I=Ul~ Iv~~ ~ ~ H ~ O ~ ~ z 1 Y J Q--WO~~,a z I~ ~ q ~ u, ~ E+ 0 v I ~iJ~ W w ~"Ut~- oo~pa ~ ~~ INt~~ I = H z Z V) !=}Y I ~~~ ~z N WW~var-~ lam~~¢~° WZZ I ~~ I~oa w A w Q~' w I ~ ~ d ~ 0 >- m lOZ o~~w Z~w~~i~ y. ~ 0 ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~. I la I~WO~w I~~ a4 W ~ ~ a o * Q IQ z 4~tn°a~ ! Q V1 ~' W I p I ~ ~`t ri ~ 1"~1 gal Q ~ I~~~~o ~ ~A a Q I jaaf~U ~ a ~` z w w I IWOw~~ z z ~'o z W w to ~~~~ r O jW,~~ UOcnnU~ I W ~ ~ w n Q"F-YLYZO ~1-ZaOaU IpaOmUf,•,W ~ w ~~ T/^~ ~y ~ w~ V .~ I~NUp~wl~- ~~ !! 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({} r U) ~ ~ N ~Dr (~ ~ '~ ,~ ( r, W ~ ~ ~ ~ 1f F-°+-'~ ~d ~ Il OQO~y ~ zI~. t~r r J W Q d W ~nr ~, ~~ I Z IY W .r JZZ ~ U E' r Q r O o J '%' r a ~; ~~, I O ~ ~ - f~ R ~ ~ ~ 4~,r ~ ~ ~, o ~ r • I ~ I -~ f I 0 r- r~i e>r' V ~a Aw N ~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~w Wo ~~ ~o ~~ A WO ZW ~a ENGINEER' S REPORT RE: SEGREGATION- AND APPORTIONMENT OF REASSESSMENTS FOR REASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT N0. 102 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD AS SES SMENT DISTRICT N0.86-2 AMENDING EXISTING REASSESSMENTS 4572 THROUGH 4589 TO CREATE NEW REASSESSMENTS 4798 THROUGH 4818 PURSUANT TO RECORDATION OF PARCEL MAP WAIVER N0.03 -1146 AND STORM DRAIN SUMP RELOCATION 1. An application h~~s been filed with the Superintendent of .Streets of the City of Bakersfield requesting a segregation and apportionment of existin reassessments within g Assessment District No. 86-2, pursuant to the division of the parcels. 2. In accordance with said application, the undersigned hereby apportions to each separate part of the original parcels of land the proportionate part of its respective unpaid reassessment that would have been levied thereon if the parcels had been so divided at the time the original reassessment was made. The und~ersi ned has assi ned a new g g reassessment number to each new parcel, as shown on the Amended Reassessment Diagram attached hereto. 3. The existing reassessment numbers, new reassessment numbers and a ortioned pp reassessment amounts (based in each case on the unpaid principal amount of reassessment effective January 1, 2004, at the beginning of the 2004/2005 tax ear are y ) as shown on Exhibit A, "Amended Reassessment Roll," attached hereto and incorporated herein. by reference. A description of the referenced existin reassessments g and of how they have been subdivided is included in Exhibit B, attached hereto. A description of the procedure used to apportion the unpaid principals for the referenced, existing reassessments to the new reassessments is included in Exhibit C attached a hereto, and a listing of the apportioned share of the on final reassessment amounts .for g each new reassessment is shown on Exhibit D, attached hereto. Existing Reassessments 4572 through 4589 are deleted from the reassessment roll for Assessment District No. 86-2. ~~ Prepared by: WILSON & ASSOCIATES Reassessment Apportionment Engineer By. Edward J. Wilson, R.C.E. 23269 (Expires 12-31-OS) Assessment Engineer, Assessment District No. 86-2 29627ENGRPT-P Date; ~~ ~- ~ ~F~ f.~~ , ~~~~ w ~ 2 m `~ Na.2326~ ~ Exp.12/~l/05 ~ s~9r CIUII. 0`~~a\~ ~v'.~ 4I2/U4 EXHIBIT A AMENDED REASSESSMENT ROLL CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.86-2 (BUENA VISTA TRUNK SEWERIRANCHO LABORDE STAGE 1-A) COUNTY OF KERN, CALIFORNIA AMENDING EXISTING REASSESSMENTS 4572 THROUGH 4589 AND ADDING NEW REASSESSMENTS 4798 THROUGH 4818 CREATED BY RECORDATION OF PARCEL MAP WAIVER N0.03-1146 AND BY STORM DRAIN SUMP RELOCATION REASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT N0.102 ~_. _ . _ -- --- AMENDED REASMT NUMBERS _ _ AMENDED PARCEL D__ETAILS OF TAX EXEMPT AMENDED REASSESSMENT TOTAL l TOTAL DESCRIPTION 1 SERIES A SERIES B SERIES D TOT AL I TAXABLE AMENDED ASSESSOR'S TAX AMENDED PROPERTY SHARE SHARE SHARE TAX EXEMPT AMOUNT . REASMT _ _~_ NUMBER (ATN) _`_ OWNER NAME /ADDRESS _ __~ _ EFF 1!1104 EFF 111/04 EFF 111!04 {A + B + D) EFF 1/1/04 AMOUNT EXISTING REASSESSMENT 4589, IDENTIFIED AS PARCEL 18 IN PARCEL MAP N0. 10854 (PM 10854) AND DESIGNATED AS A STORM DRAIN SUMP BY PM 10854, IS SUBDIVIDED BY PARCEL MAP WAIVER N0. 03-1146 (PMW 03-1146) INTO 3 INDUSTRIAL-USE PARCELS. THE 3 NEW PARCELS (IDENTIFIED AS PARCELS A, B, AND C IN PMW 03-1146) ARE ASSIGNED AMENDED REASSESSMENT NUMBERS 4798 THROUGH 4800, RESPECTIVELY. A NEW STORM DRAIN SUMP IS CREATED FROM PORTIONS OF EXISTING REASSESSMENTS 4587 AND 4588 (IDENTIFIED AS, RESPECTIVELY, PARCELS 16 AND 17 IN PM 10854). THE NEW STORM DRAIN SUMP IS AMENDED REASSESSMENT 4818, AND THE REMAINDER PARCELS OF PM 10854 PARCELS 16 AND 17 ARE AMENDED REASSESSMENTS 4816 AND 4817, RESPECTIVELY. PARCELS 1 THROUGH 15 IN PM 10854 ARE NOT BEING SUBDIVIDED BY PMW 03-1146 OR BY THE STORM DRAIN SUMP RELOCATION. HOWEVER, THEIR REASSESSMENT PRINCIPAL AMOUNTS ARE BEING REDUCED DUE TO THE ABOVE-REFERENCED PARCEL SUBDIVISIONS, AS DESCRIBED IN DETAIL IN THE ENGINEER'S REPORT FOR THIS REASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT N0.102. THEREFORE, PARCELS 1 THROUGH 15 IN PM 10854 ARE ASSIGNED AMENDER REASSESSMENT NUMBERS 4801 THROUGH 4815, RESPECTIVELY. THE TOTAL COMBINED REASSESSMENT PRINCIPAL AMOUNT FOR EXISTING REASSESSMENTS 4572 THROUGH 4589 IS APPORTIONED TO THE 3 NEW PARCELS CREATED BY PMW 03-1146, TO THE REMAINDERS OF PARCELS 16 AND 17 IN PM 10854,.AND TO PARCELS 1 THROUGH 15 IN PM 10854. THE NEW STORM DRAIN SUMP IS NOT ASSESSED. THE TOTAL UNPAID REASSESSMENT PRINCIPAL AMOUNTS FOR EXISTING REASSESSMENTS 4572 THROUGH 4589 (EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 2004, AT THE BEGINNING OF THE 2004!2005 TAX. YEAR) ARE $6,211.79, $5,462.97, $5,789.09, $4,358.35, $2,327.84, $3,465.52, . $2,835.26, $2,209.25, $3,821.28, $3,042.78, $2,209.25, $2,835.26, $4,206.72, $x,969.52, $3,762.00, $3,524.82, $3,254.59, AND $0.00, RESPECTIVELY. THE TOTAL REASSESSMENT AMOUNT APPORTIONED TO EACH NEW PARCEL IS SHOWN UNDER 1'HE COLUMN ENTITLED "TOTAL AMENDED REASMT AMOUNT." EXISTING REASSESSMENTS 4572 THROUGH 4589 ARE DELETED FROM THE REASSESSMENT ROLL FOR ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.86-2. 4798 Parcel Map Waiver No. 03-1146; LOT A Riverlakes Investment Company, LLC 356.25 794.85 1,090.81 2,241.91 592.4$ 2,834.39 4799 Parcel Map Waiver No. 03-1146; LOT B Riverlakes Investment Company, LLC 265.17 542.79 744.89 1,552.85 404.59 1,957.44 4800 Parcel Map Waiver No. 03-1146; LOT C Riverlakes Investment Company, LLC 322.85 709.80 974.10 2,006.75 529A9 2,535.84 4801 .Parcel Map No. 10854; Parcel 1(452-180-06) Donald Wattenbarger and Connie Wattenbarger 743.35 1,561.89 2,143.42 4,448.66 1,164.22 5,612.88 4802 Parcel Map No. 10854; Parcel 2 (452-180-07) Donaltl Wattenbarger and Connie Wattenbarger 642.67 1,391.77 1,909.99 3,944.43 1,037.41 4,981.84 4803 Parcel Map No.10854; Parce! 3 (452-180-08) Kern Pacific Construction 676.07 1,496.93. 2,054.30 4,227.30 1,115.80 5,343.10 4804 Parcel Map No.10854 Parcel 4 (452-180-09) Doug Howey and Leslie Howey 505.53 1,108.77 1,521.62 3,135.92 826.4'7 3,962.39 4805 .Parcel Map No. 10854; Parcel 5 (452-180-10) Ernest B. Rice, Colliers Tingey International 286.42 596.91 819.17 1,702.50 444.93 2,147.43 4806 Parcel Map No. 10854; Parcel 6,(452-180-11) Dean Gay and David Gay 420.52 872.17 1,196.92 2,489.61 650.11 3,139.72 4807 Parcel Map No. 10854; Parcel 7 (452-180-12) Steve Blumer ~ 331.96 733.00 1,005.93 2,070.89 546.37 2,617.26 4808 Parcel Map No. 10854; Parcel 8 (452-180-13) Cat Harbor Properties ~ 274.28 565.99 776.73 1,617.00 421.88 2,038.88 4809 Parcel Map No.10854; Parcel 9 (452-180-14) Robert Kevin Witcher and Caryl Ann Witcher 456.96 985.07 1,351.85 2,793.88 734.26 3,528.14 4810 Parcel Map Na.10854; Parcel 10 (452-180-15) Roy Davis and Mary Ann Davis 353.22 787.13 1,080.21 2,220.56 586.7`? 2,807.28 4811 Parcel Map No. 10854; Parcel 11(452-180-16) Randy Smith 274.28 565.99 776.73 1,617.00 421.8ti 2,038.88 4812 ,Parcel Map No.10854; Parcel 12 (452-180-17) Valley Waste Disposal Company 331.96 733.00 1,005.93 2,070.89 546.37 2,617.26 4813 Parcel-Map No.10854; Parcel 13 (452-180-18) Gene Roberson and Adore Roberson 496.43 1,085.58 1,489.79 3,071.80 809.18 3,880.98 4814 Parcel Map No. 10854; Parcel 14 (452-180-19) Jerry Coles antl Julie Coles 472.14 1,023.72 1,404.90 2,900.76 763.03 3,663.84 4815 Parcel Map No. 10854; Parcel 15 (452-180-20) Ed Tietjen and Tammy Tietjen 450.88 969.60 1,330.63 2,151.11 722.73 3,473.84 4816 Remainder of Parcel 16 in Parcel Map No. 10854 Brettane Properties, LLC 274.28 565.99 776.73 1,617.00 421.88 2,038.88 4817 Remainder of Parcel 17 in Parcel Map No. 10854 Brettane Properties, LLC 277.31 573.72 787.34 1,638.37 427.65 2,066.02 4818 _T__ _._... Storm Drain Sump (Created from portions of Riverlakes Investment Company, LLC __._Parceis 16 and.17 in P rcel Map No;_14854~.___ __ ___ _ _ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 O.OQ 0.00 T07AL AM OUNT APPORTIONED: _ v 8,212.53 17,664.67 24,241.99 50,119.19 13,167.10 ~ _,. 63,286.29 NOTES: 1. FOR A DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE LINES, DIMENSIONS, AND LOCATIONS OF REASSESSMENTS 4798 THROUGH 4818 REFERENCE A CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE FOR PARCEL MAP WAIVER N0.03-1146 RECORDED , 2004, AS DOCUMENT N0. OF OFFICIAL RECORDS, AND PARCEL MAP .N0.10854 RECORDED MARCH 4, 2003, IN BOOK 52 OF PARCEL MAPS, AT PAGES 168 AND 169, IN THE OFFICE OF THE KERN COUNTY RECORDER. 2. THE AD 86-2 REMAINING BALANCE, AS EXISTING ON DECEMBER 1,1993, HAS BEEN REFUNDED AND REDUCED AS DESCRIBED IN THE REASSESSMENT ENGINEER'S REASSESSMENT REPORT FOR THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.86-2, AS APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL ON JANUARY 12,1994 {REASSESSMENT REPORT). PREPARED BY: WILSON & ASSOCIATES t~ APPROVED: + ~`~ ` ~ ~~ DATE: EDWARD J. WILSON R.C.E. 23269 (EXPIRES 12-31-05) 29627EXA A-1 ~~~~~~S~l~~~ ~~~`~ ~~p ~, ~~~~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~ No. 23269 .~ * Exp. 12/31/05 \,9TF OFICAI-`~F4~~\~ 04102/2004 EXHIBIT B DESCRIPTION OF EXISTING REASSESSMENTS AND NEW PARCELS TO WHICH THE EXISTING REASSESSMENTS ARE TO BE APPORTIONED BY REASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT N0. 102 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.86-2 (RANCHO LABORDE STAGE 1-AIBUENA VISTA TRUNK SEWER) AMENDING EXISTING REASSESSMENTS 4572 THROUGH 4589 AND ADDING NEW REASSESSMENTS 4798 THROUGH 4818 CREATED BY RECORDATION OF PARCEL MAP WAVER N0.03-1146 AND BY STORM DRAIN SUMP RELOCATION EXISTING PARCEL ~ 2004/2005 REASSESSMENT NUMBER REASSESSMENT A.T.N. FOR EXISTING PRINCIPAL TO BE HOW EXISTING PARCELS OF ANEW NUMBER REASSESSMENTS APPORTIONED HAVE BEEN SUBDNIDED LOTS/PARCELS 4572 452-180-06 $6,211.79 Parcel Map Waiver No. 03-1146 (PMW 4573 452-180-07 $5,462.97 03-1146) subdivides Existing Reassessment 4574 452-180-OS $5,789.09 4589 creating 3 new industrial-use parcels. 4575 452-180-09 $4,358.35 Anew storm drain sump parcel is created 4576 452-180-10 $2,327.84 from portions of Existing Reassessments 4577 452-180-11 $3,465.52 4587 and 4588. Existing Reassessments 4578 452-180-12 $2,835.26 4572 through 4586 unpaid reassessment 4579 452-180-13 $2,209.25 principals are being reduced due to PMW 4580 452-180-14 $3,821.28 03-1146 recordation and said storm drain 4581 452-180-15 $3,042.78 sump relocation. The total combined 4582 452-180-16 $2,209.25 remaining principal amount for Existing 4583 452-180-17 $2,835.26 Reassessments 4572 through 4589 is 4584 452-180-18 $4,206.72 reapportioned to 20 industrial-use parcels 4585 452-180-19 $3;969.52 in PMW 03-1146 and Parcel Map No. 4586 452-180-20 $3,762.00 10854. The new storm drain. sump parcel 4587 452-180-21 $3,524.82 is not. assessed. Existing Reassessments 4588 452-180-22 $3,254.59 4572 through 4589 are deleted from the 4589 452-180-23 $0.00 Reassessment Roll for AD 86-2. a. 3 industrial use parcels ii1 FMW 03- 1146 (Amended Reassessments 4798 through 4800} 3 b. 1 new storm drain sump parcel (Amended Reassessment 4818) 1 c. 2 remainders of Parcels 16 and 17 ir.~ Parcel Map No. 10854 (Amended Reassessments 4816 and 4817) 2 d. 15 amended Parcels 1 through 15 in Parcel Map No. 10854 (Amended Reassessments 4801 through 4815) 15 Total New Reassessed Lots/Parcels 20 Total New Non reassessed LotslParcels 1 Total New Reassessment Numbers 21 Total Existing Reassessment Numbers Total Amount to B e deleted from Roll -18 Apportioned to New Reassessments: $63,286.29 Net Change Active Reassessments on Roll 3 1. Unpaid reassessment .balance apportioned is the balance at the beginning of the 2004/2005 Tax Year, effective January 1, 2004. 29627E~B 1 412104 EXHIBIT C DESCRIPTION OF THE PROCEDURE USED TO APPORTION SHARES OF THE UNPAID REASSESSMENT PRINCIPAL FOR EXISTING REASSESSMENTS 4572 THROUGH 4589 TO 1VT`EW REASSESSMENTS 4798 THROUGH 4818 CREATED BY RECORDATION OF PARCEL MAP WAIVER N0, 03-1146 AND BY STORM DRAIN SUMP RELOCATION CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 86-2 (BUENA VISTA TRUNK SEWER/RANCHO LABORllE STAGE 1-A) REASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT NO. 102 1, DESCRIPTION OF EXISTING REASSESSMENTS 4572 THROUGH 4589; A. Existing Reassessments 4572 through 4589 ("Reassessments 4572 through 4589," respectively) are described as Kent County Assessor's Tax Numbers ("ATNs") 452-180-06 through 452-180- 23, respectively, and are located in the City of Bakersfield. Reassessments 4572 through 4589 are also described as, respectively, Parcels 1 through 18 in Parcel Map No.10854 ("PM 10854"). Reassessment 45 89, identified as Parcel 18 in PM 10854 and designated as a storm drain sump by PM 10854, is subdivided by Parcel Map Waiver No. 03-1146 ("PMW 03-1146") creating; 3 new industrial-use parcels. The 3 new industrial-use parcels (identified as Lots A, B, and C in PMW 03-1146) are assigned Amended Reassessment Numbers ("Amended Reassessments") 4798 through 4800, respectively. Anew storm drain sump is created from portions of Reassessments 4587 and 4588 (identified as, respectively, Parcels 16 and 17 in PM 1.0854). The new stone drain sump parcel is Amended Reassessment 4818, and the remainder parcels of P~VI 10854 Parcels 16 and 17 are Amended Reassessments 4816 and 4817, respectively. Parcels 1 through 15 111 PM 10854 (Reassessments 4572 through 4586, respectively) are not being subdivided by PMW 03-1146 or by ~ the stone drain sump relocation. However, their reassessment principal amounts are being reduced due to the above-referenced. parcel subdivisions, as described below. Therefore, Parcels 1 through 15 in PM 10854 are assigned Amended Reassessments 4801 through 4815, respectively, B. Reassessments 4572. through 4589 were created by Reassessment and Diagram Amendment ("Apportionment") No. 95 for Assessment District No. 86-2 ("AD 86-2"). The entire Reassessments 4572 through 4589 are located within the Stage 1-A Benefit Zone a11d the Telephone Benefit Zone of AD 86-2. The improvement cost assessed to these Benefit Zones were funded by Series A, B, C, and D Bonds fox AD 86-2. C. The total remaining Reassessment Principal Amounts for Reassessments 4572 through 4589 (effective January 1, 2004, at the beginning of the 2004/2005 Tax Year} are listed in Exhibit B to this Engineer's Report, The total original AD 86-2 assessment amounts wexe $25,346.52, $22,251.53, $23,563.10, $17,725.79, $9,528.41, $14,161.05, $11,543,09, $9,051.48, $15,591.88, $12,377.73, $9,051.48, $11,543.09, $17,141.95, $16,188.06, $15,353.41, $14,399.53, $13,338.74, and $0.00, respectively. The total original AD 86-2 assessment amounts and the total remainv~g reassessment .principal amounts for Reassessments 4572 through 4589 are reapportioned as described below. 29627EXC 1 4/2104 Z, DESCRIPTION OF THE PROCEDURE USED TO SEGREGATE AND APPORTION TI-IE ORIGINAL ASSESSMF,NTS AND THE UNPAID REASSESSMENT PRINCIPAL AMOUN~,S FROM REASSESSMENTS 4572 THROUGH 4589 TO AMEI~TDED REASSESSMENTS 4798 THROUGH 4818: A. Reassessments 4572 through 4589 are located inthe Buena Vista Trunk Sewer (Series A Bons) Benefit Zone and the Stage 1-A Benefit Zone for Street, Utility and Telephone improvements (Series B, C, and D Bonds). The total remaining AD 86-2 Reassessment Principal Amounts for Reassessments 4572 tlirough 4589 are apportioned to the 21 parcels created by, or affected by, the recordation of PMw 03-1146 and the storm drain stung relocation as follows: a. Buena Vista Tnulk Sewer (BVTS) Assessment (Series A Bonds): i, As described in Apportionment No. 95, the BVTS Capacity for Reassessments 4572 through 45 8 8 is based on a combined total of 19.3 9 gross acres at a rate of 2 , 5 0 Egluvalent Dwelling Units ("EDUs")lacre for Industrial land use designation of those parcels. Reassessment 4589 was planned to be a permanent storm drain sump, a11d as such, it was not allocated a share of the BVTS Capacity. Reassessments 4572 through 4588 were originally allocated a combined total of 49 EDUs of BVTS Capacity at the original assess111ent unit charge rate of $245.60/EDU for a total BV'I~S Capacityy charge of $12,034.40. As described above, by PMW 03-1146 Reassessment 4589 is subdivided into 3 new industrial-use parcels, and a new storm drain sump is created from portions of Reassessments 45 87 and 45$ 8 , The total combined BVTS Capacity charge for Reassessments 4572 throug~i 4589 is allocated to the 20 new, amended, or existing industrial-use parcels (3 created by PMw 03-1146, 2 remainders created by the new storm drain sump, and 15 existing, unsubdivided parcels in P~VI 10854) at the, original rate of $245.60/EDU based on their Industrial land use des1g11at1011 (2.50 EDUs/acre}. The parcel areas for these 20 parcels are as shown either on the recorded PM 10854, on the recorded Certificate of Compliance for PMw 03-1146, or on the approved plans for t11e new storm drain sump. The total number;of EDUs allocated to the 20 industrial-use parcels (53 EDUs) is by 4 higher than the-total number of EDUs. originally allocated to Reassessments 4572 through 45 89 (a dotal of 49 EDUs). The increased BVTS Capacity is compensated for by reducing, the total BVTS Oversizing by the same mount ($982.40}. The new storm drain sump parcel (Amended Reassess111e11t 4818} is not assessed. 11. The total combined BVTS Oversizing amo~ult for Reassessments 4572 through 459 (reduced for the increased BVTS Capacity, as described above) is allocated to the ~0 industrial-use parcels in PMW 03-1146 and PM X0854 based on gross areas shown on said .PM 10854 and PMw Q3-1146. The ne~v storm drain sump parcel is nit allocated a share of the BVTS Oversizing amount for Reassessments 4572 through 4589. b. Stage 1-A Arterial Street and Utility Assessment (Series B, C, and D Bonds): The Stage 1-A and Utility improvement assessments consists of several components inchlding a basic street area charge, a major street trip generation charge and a sewer frontage charge. The allocation of estimated total Average Daily Vehicle Trips to the 20 industrial-use parcels is based on the same parcel areas and land use designations, as 29627EXC 2 ~ 412104 described above for the BVTS sewer allocations. There were no sewer frontage components originally allocated to Reassessments 4572 through 4589. The total original assessment shares for the 21 parcels in AMw 03-1146 and PM 10854 have been allocated as original series B, C, and D Bonds shares in proportion to the Reassessments 45r~2 through 45 8 9 Series B, C, and D Bonds shares allocated to each of them. B. Apportionment of tl~e Total Remaining Reassessment Balance from Reassessments 4572 through 45 89 to Amended Reassessments 4798 through 4818: The three origlllal Ali 86-2 Series of Tax Exempt Bonds (Series A, B, and D) have been refunded by a Single Series of Tax Exempt Bonds. The single original AD 86-2 Series of Taxable Bonds (Series C) has also been refunded by a Single Series of Taxable Bonds. The amount required ~o refund each original series of bonds was prorated to each parcel based on that parcel's remaini~~g principal for that original bond series. Accordingly, the total combined remaining reassessme~lt principal amount for Reassessments 4572 through 4589, by original Bond Series, is apportioned to the 21 parcels in PMW 03-1146 and PM 10854 in direct proportion to the origi~lal Reassessments 4572 through 4589 shares apportioned to each parcel for each Bond Series. More detailed il~formation or~~ the land uses, zoning and dwelling unit densities used to apportion Reassessments 4572 through 4589 is on file in the office of the Public works Director and the office of the Planning Director for the City of Bakersfield. PREPARED BY: WILSON & ASSOCIATES By: ~ ~~ ~~~ EDWARD J. WILSON, R, C. E. 23269 (EXPIRES 12-31-OS) REASSESSMENT ENGIII~EER, ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 85-2 Date: ~ ~ Z'"" ~ ~ ~~ J. ~ w ~~ ~~' ~ No. 23269 ~ F~p.12/3I/05 ~ s~ CIV`iL ~~. A~F 0~ t;ALI~~~~ 29627EXC ~ 4/2104 EXHIBIT D LISTING OF ORIGINAL REASSESSMENT AMOUNTS FOR AMENDED REASSESSMENTS 4798 THROUGH 4818 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.86-2 (E~JENA VISTA TRUNK SEWERIRANCHO LABORDE STAGE t-A) COUNTY OF KERN, CALIFORNIA REASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT N0.102 ~^ AMENDED PARCEL DETAILS OF TAX EXEMPT ORIGINAL RE,~SSESSMENT ORIGINAL TOTAL AMENDED REASMT DESCRIPTION ! ASSESSOR'S TAX ~ _ ORIGINAL ORIGINAL ORIGINAL TOTAL SERIES A SERIES B SERIES D TAX EXEMPT TAXABLE REASMT ORIGINAL REASMT NUMBERS NUMBER (ATN) __ . _ (SEWER) (STAGE 1-A) _ (STAGE 1-rn) (A + B + D) AMOUNT AMOUfJT 4798 Parcel Map Waiver No. 03-1146; ;_OT A 1,742.94 2,121.93 2,895.57 6,760.44 1,492.07 8,252.51 4799 Parcel Map Waiver No. 03-1146; ~O~T B 1,297.30 1,449.02 1,977.32 4,723.64 1,018.90 5,742.54 4800 Parcel Map Waiver No. 03-1146; LOT C 1,579.54 1,894.88 2,585.74 6,060.16 1,332.42 7,392.58 4801 Parcel Map No. 10854; Parcel 1 (4;52-180-06} 3,636.84 4,169.59 5,689.74 13,496.17 2,931.89 16,428.06 4802 Parcel Map No. 10854; Parcel 2 (4~?-180-07) 3,144.23 3,715.45 5,070.06 11,929.74 2,612.57 14,512.31 4803 Parcel Map No. 10854; Parcel 3 (4~,"'-180-08} 3,307.63 3,996.18 5,453.15 12,756.96 2,809.97 15,566.93 4804 Parcel Map No. 10854; Parcel 4 (45z~-180-09) 2,473.29 2,959.97 4,039.15 9,472.41 2,081.34 11,553.75 4805 Parcel Map No. 10854; Parcel 5 (452-180-10) 1,401.29 1;593.51 2,174.49 5,169.29 1,120.50 6,2$9.79 4806 Parcel Map No.10854; Parcel 6 {45?-180-11) 2,057.36 2,328.34 3,177.24 7,562.94 1,637.21 9,200.15 4807 Parcel Map No. 10854; Parcel 7 {452-180-12) 1,624.10 1,956.81 2,670.24 6,251.15 1,375.95 7,627.10 4808 Parcel Map No. 10854; Parcel 8 (452-180-13) 1,341.87 1,510.95 2,061.82 4,914.64 1,062.44 5,977.08 4809 Parcel Map No. 10854; Parcel 9 (45~-180-14) 2,235.62 2,629.72 3,588.49 8,453.83 1,849.13 10,302.96 4810 Parcel Map No. 10854; Parcel 10 (4~~2-180-15) 1,728.09 2,101.30 2,867.41 6,696.80 1,477.56 8,174.36 4811 Parcel Map No. 10854; Parcel 11 (4~2-180-16) 1,341.87 1,510.95 2,061.82 4,914.64 1,062.44 5,917.08 4812 Parcel Map No. 10854; Parcel 12 (4~i2-180-17) 1,624.10 1,956..81 2,670.24 6,251.15 1,375.95 7,627.10 4813 Parcel Map No. 10854; Parcel 13 (452-180-18) 2,428.73 2,898.05 3,954.65 9,281.43 2,037.80 11,319.23 4814 Parcel Map No.10854; Parcel 14 (452-180-19) 2,309.89 2,732.92 3,729.32 8,772.13 1,921.70 10,6J3.83 4815 Parce! Map No. 10854; Parcel 15 (4~2-180-20) 2,205.91 2,588.44 3,532.16: 8,326.51 1,820.09 10,1~E6.60 4816 Remainder of Parcel 16 in Parcel M~,~ No. 10854 1,341.87 1,51.0.95 2,061.82 ~ 4,914.64 1,062.44 5,9'7.08 4817 Remainder of Parcel 17 in Parcel Meg No. 10854 1,356.72 1,531.59 2,089.99 4,978.30 1,076.96 6,055.26 4818 Storm Drain-Sump (Created from p~rtians of 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 _ _ __ 10854) _ _ Parcels 16 and 17 in Parcel Map Nu, _ __~ _ i ___- - _ _ _ _ : TOTAL AMOUNT APPORTIONED: 40,179.19 47,157.36 .64,350.42 151,686.97 33,159.33 184,846.30 NOTE: THE AD 86-2 REMAINING BALANCE, AS EXISTING ON DECEMBER 1, 1993, HAS BEEN REFUNDED AND REDUCED AS DESCRIBED IN THE REASSESSMENT ENGINEER'S REASSESSMENT REPORT FOR THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0. 86-2, AS APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL. QN, JANUARY 12, 1994 (REASSESSMENT REPORT). THE AMOUNTS SHOWN ABOVE ARE THE ORIGINAL REFUNDING AMOUNTS HAD THESE PARCELS EXISTED AT THE TIME OF REFUNDING. 29627EXD D-1 04/02/2004 N r 1 z ~ ~ ~w o wy iw z z m z ' ~ I-w ~O 1~ZO ~ w~ of r c~ r- W ~ I w ~ Q a¢ F+~ ~ = O ~ ~ ~wpp~ jpQ° I.UO r,_N~uw]o0 1 ~ ! wn~ Q ~, ,~ I~- I p~ w~- p z I~ Q OZZUy}O O I p0 q IU}- ' ~ 04` U' i ~ w~°o ~r-J 1 ~z te~oNr- ~w I ~~ ~ E"' I p zUlWww IUQi.. I rUm b U w_~ ~b ~ ~- Z oU ~ w~p~q f Q U ~~ _ ~ p1i] wO~~r=- iwWO I I=-wo ~bw~Op~U I ~j U w y..j o NZ ~ I ~.. ta~¢q_ a .~ j ~T~ UzwUmU ! ~ .~ I~ ~ r ~p w I ~ z~ w~a°Lw~=v I U~~ =Z~rm-NZ~~ Iz~~ E-t ~ o (~ mw o I ¢ ww u]-°dpoo~•-~ I u~,- -- t~. - tnw ~ U~ ~ O Q O f w I U ,_,, Z Nv (~ ^~ ~jUZV1w m q ~ p ~ v Ie•- ~N ~Q Ia~Qq ¢a¢ pr~c~a I YJ ¢~wo~o,QY It~~~ A ~-- w I m- tr4 o I Q~w zUZ Q, ~. u~w ~ z h Q z i wN I ~ Z oQN~bnZw= I ww w_wQ~~o I .¢O 4-a w w t~• r-i ~o`°o ~ j I~~oo w~]v`~w I~}Q I¢wu] a~~'QZ ~, 13 ~ w N to I I Jw w ~ww~tY IN~-w IwUW aNp ~~U~ ~N~r H H ~', Z uzi F-a H Q U]O Ira}J U)O-U IU)U I~}Y Nw {nU ~Z IWZZ ~ ~ W w I I ¢~~¢ ~ aQw w ~- 1 ~- Nw" 4r-~ ~-~~ w Q~ s I twnZ b I I [CfAUU w~ orr I~°°cn ¢-¢ N=Trs~cno IQOO .~..~ - I ~~J ~~ r I zwr~-r-3wgQZ I aUm ~Qt-~~~oU I~UU ~'"`~ ~ ~ a '~) r~ f~-I W-Qr W I m m~~W JF~~C~ m iOZQGI~(/l= ~ 11/--,+, ~ ~ ~ ~ I ti.J .~ ~N ~ ~ ~.~w~~z°O¢ I jZZOI=~ r"+ ~ ~ ~ O I~ ("r ~y Zp ~ I bG..p=-~~Ow~a i~ IOW?;Jt` ~ ~ (J~ Q I ~(.L~~ rte,-i~ Ur z I ~b Vim zw> IQ I~''~QUO U~ ` ° I s I-Uf Q zz ~ I •v]_ZV]w~ww~d lacnp``w ~ ^ 'Q; ~ ° '~I Q E"f ~ W ~~ aw. 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Q ~~ ~a c~ A'~ cw3 E~ a W `~ ~a ~w w~ ~~ .~ a ~~ A~ Aa ~a 0 ~+ ~ ~I ~ ~ ~~ _ _- Q ~ N N a U Ua ~1)yEER ~ / O _~ ~ ~ J n ''r0~ LL O p n U Z S cy pOd~/Q~ u'] ~~ ~fs •~ l~~ ~. ~~{ o --.--- ------- -__- - -~i ~ ~ ~~ I N M ~ pOp ~ 000 t0 ~ t 1 . K~ ~ p ~ ~t fl 61 07 ~ ~~ I ~ 00.7 ~!' 'd' t ~ - ~ Q "~ ~ O ~" .- to r N I ~ ¢ r ~ N ~ .- CO ,- 0p ~ 'C' t t M ~ . r ~ 7 I I' d' ~' m r ~ t '. ~ ~ ~ ! l ~ t ~~ , ~I ~ ~ ~ ~ °' ~ ~ t ~ ~ r ~ t ,d. Q I~ "~ I r ~ 00 W N ~ 1- ~ Q Q¢ON 0. OAF ~,~~n I I '~ W a I • lJ ~ r ~ , O rD t . ~ t l ,Z , O w o °~, D O ~ i t .) iQ ' ~ ¢~, a*~ w ~ •I~a I ~~ 0 T0: SUPERINTENDENT OF STREETS CITY OF BAKERSFIELD RE: ASSESSMENTDISTR,ZCTNO.86-2, REASSESSMENTANDDIAGR.AMAMENDMENTNO. 102. APPLICATION FOR SEGREGATION .AND APPORTIONMENT OF EXISTING REASSESSMENTS ~'URSUANT TO PART 10.5 OF~ DIVISION 10, STREETS AND HIGHWAYS CODE CF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, TI~~ IlVII'ROVEMENT BOND ACT OF 1915. Requisites of APplica~ion; I. REQUEST FOR APPORTIONMENT OF EXISTING REASSESSMENTS 4572 THROUGH 4589, WHERE SAID PARCELS HAVE BEEN SUBDIVIDED .AND AMENDED BY PARCEL MAP WAIVER N0. Q 3 -1146 AND BY STORM DRAIN SI MP RELOCATION. II. .ACCEPTANCE OF I~:EAS SES SMENT APPORTIONMENT PROCEDURE, WAIVER OF NOTICE AND HEt-RING THEREON, AND REQUEST TO RECORD AMENDED REASSESSMENTS . Application; I. REQUEST FOR AP~~ORTIONMENT OF THE UNPAID REASSESSMENT PRINCIPAL AMOUNTS FROM E~~~ISTING REASSESSMENTS 4572 T~~IROUGH 4589 IN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ~~~ SAID PARCELS HAVE BEEN St~BI)IVIDED AND AMENDED BY PARCEL ~J[AP WAIV~I~P~ N0.03 -1146 AND BY S TROM DRAIN SUMP RELOCATION. The undersigned is tl~:;~x owner and subdivider of Existing Reassessment 4589 ("Reassessment 4589"} which, togeth~~.~ v~~ith Existing Reassessments 4572 tl~~o~gh 458.8 ("Reassessments 4572 through 4588"} owned by other parties, has been subdivided ~~. amended b Parcel Ma Waiver y p No. 03 -1146 ("PMW ~ ~ -1146") and by the storm drain sump revocation, and is also the owner of all parcels created by ~ ~.id PMW 03 -1146. A description of s~~id existin reassessments the total g 1 amounts of the unpaid reassessment principal balances effective; January 1, 2004, and a description of how said arcels ha~~e been subdivided and amended are incl ' ' p , uded in Engineer s Report Exhibit B, Description of Exis~~ing Reassessments in City of Bakersfield Assessment District No. 86-2 (hereinafter "AD 86-2'`}, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. As the owner and subdivider of the referenced Reassessment 45 89, the undersigned hereby requests the Superintendent of S greets for the City of Bakersfield to apportion the amounts remaining unpaid on said Reassessments~~572 through 4589 in accordance with, the provisions of the Im rovement p Bond Act of 1915. Thy unpaid principal amounts for said reassessments, as shown on Exhibit B, have been apportioned. ~ to each separate part of the original arcel of land com rsin p p g Reassessments 4572 through 4589 in the amounts as shown on Engineer's Report Exhibit A, Amended Reassessment Roll, attached hereto and incor orated herein b reference. p y 29627CRCR.APP 1 412/04 ~' II. ACCEPTANCE OF REAS SES SMENT APPORTIONMENT PROCEDURE AND REQUEST TO RECORD AMENDED REASSESSMENTS. I have reviewed Exhibit C (Description of Reassessment Apportionment Procedure) included in the attached Engineer's Report; describing the procedure used to apportion shares of the unpaid reassessment principal amounts for Reassessments 4572 through 4589 in AD 86-2 to the parcels created and amended by the recordation of said PMw 03-1146 and by said storm drain sump relocation. Pursuant tQ a review of Exhibit C, the undersigned has determined that the amended reassessment amounts shown on said Exhibit A have been apportioned in accordance with the benefits the parcels will receive from the improvements financed by AD 86-2, based on current parcel zoning and with proposed uses. Therefore, the undersigned waives notice and hearing before the City Council on this reassessment apportionment, accepts the procedure used for the requested apportionment of the principal balances for said Reassessments 4572 through 4589, and requests and consents to the recordation of the apportioned reassessments on the properties for which the undersigned is listed as the owner on the accompanying Exhibit .A, and to the amended reassessment amounts shown thereon. Submitted by, RIVERLAKES INVESTMENT CaMPANY, LLC, a California Limited Liability Company By: Dated: , 2004. Attachment: Engineer's Report on Reassessment Apportionment No. 102 29627CRCR.APP ~ 412!04 Wilson & Associates 7600 North Ingram Avenue, Suite 202 Fresno, California 93711 (559) 436-6644 MEMORANDUM T0: Donald and Co~lnie Wattenbarger (Parcels 1 and 2} DATE: April 2, 2Q04 Kern Pacific Co~.struction (Parcel 3} Doug and Lesl~~~ Howey (Parcel 4) Ernest B. Rice,;Parcel 5} Dean and Dati7~ Clay (Parcel 6) :: Steve Blumer~~~ arcel 7} Cat Harbor Pr~~~~~rties (Parcel 8) Rober and Ca~~~~~1 ~Nitcher (Parcel 9} Ray and Mare <~~.t~n Davis (Parcel 10} Randy Smith ~~`~~ ~rcel 11} valley'~vaste ~~: ~posal Company (Parce112} Gene and Adc~j;~e Roberson (Parce113} Jerry and Julie E~~~es (Parcel 14} Ed and Tamm~r ~`ietjen (Parcel 15} Brettane Prop~~~~,ies, LLC (Parcels 16 and 17) FRaM; Ed Wilson / D~~~an Pavic ~~ SUBJECT: Reassessment ~~~,nd Diagram Amendment No. 102, City of Bakersfield Assessment District No. 8~~32, Segregating and Apportioning Existing Reassessments 4572 Throu h 4589 ~~.'~ursuant to a Subdivision of District L~.tn~~s by Parcel Map Waiver No. g 03 -1146 and S~:b~'m Drain Sump Relocation ~, RE: Our No. 29-6~`7 r ~. Enclosed for our reference ~~~~d files are co ies the Engineer's Repa.~t :end the reduction of the y p Amended Reassessment Diag~'~.m for the above-referenced parcel subd~visians (Parcel Map Waiver No, 03-1146 and the storm d~~,in sump relocation} affecting all 18 original parcels in Parcel Map- No, 10854. Please note that the Assessment District No. 86-2 reass~s~ment~rincipal amount o~ eve one o our arcels (Parcels 1 through 17 in Parcel Map 1Va~ 1,0854) is being reduced by ~ .fy p this Reassessment and Diagram. Amendment No. 102 due to the storm drain sump relocation (from Parcel 18 to ortions of Parcels 16 and 17} and due to the subdivision of Parcel 18 (the former storm p drain sump} into 3 new industrial-use parcels. This transmittal and the attacl~.ments are being sent to you only as information on the reduction cif the existin reassessment amounts on your property. You do not have to sign any of the documents g or take any actron. Once the recordation of Parcel Map waiver No. 03-1146 and the relocation of the storm drain sump are co~rrpleted, the City of Bakersfield will record with the Kern County Recorder a Notice of Amended Reassessment (with Exhibit A, Amended Reassessment Roll attached ,showing new, reduced reassessment amounts on your properties. } If you have any questions on :his reassessment apportionment, please callus at the above number. r Wilson & Associates 7600 North Ingram Avenue, Suite 202 Fresno, California 93711 (559} 436-6644 Fax: (559} 436-6646 CERTIFIED MAII., -RETURN RECEIl'T REQUIRED April 2, 2004 29627 City of Bakersfield Public Finance Authority 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93 3 01 Attn: Gregory Klimko Re: Reassessment and Diagram Amendment No. 102, City of Bakersfield Assessment District No. 86-2, Segregating and Apportioning Existing Reassessments 4572 Through 4589 Pursuant to a Subdivision of District Lands by Parcel Map Waiver No. 03-1146 and Storm Drain Sump Relocation Ladies and Gentlemen: Transmitted herewith. is a "Notice to Bondholder" form giving your firm notice that reassessment apportionments have been requested by district property owners. The Amended Reassessment Roll and Amended Reassessment Diagram for this apportionment have been prepared by the. Superintendent of Streets for the City of Bakersfield. A copy of the Amended Reassessment Roll is attached as Exhibit A to the Notice to Bondholder. A copy of the Engineer's Report on this Apportionment No. 102 is also enclosed, providing a description of how the referenced Existing Reassessments have been subdivided. A reduced and not to scale copy of the Amended Reassessment Diagram for Apportionment No. 102 is attached to the Engineer's Report. We would like to record this apportionment as soon as possible. Accordingly, enclosed for your review is a draft letter that waives Public Finance Authority's 14-day period to request a hearing on this apportionment. If th~.s apportionment is acceptable, would you please place the enclosed letter on Public Finance Authority letterhead, and send the signed letter to John Stinson at City of Bakersfield Public Works Department for processing. If you have any questions o~ the enclosed reassessment apportionment information, please call me at (559) 436-6644. Very truly yours, Ed Wilson Wilson ~ Associates Enclosures cc: Richard Hargrove John Stinson NOTICE T4 BaNDHOLDER DIVISION OF LAND AND REASSESSMENT REASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT N0. 102 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.86-2 COl`1NTY OF KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA .AMENDING EXISTING REASSESSMENTS 4572 THROUGH 4589 TO ADD NEW REASSESSMENTS 4798 THROUGH 4818 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to you as the original purchaser of the bonds issued by the CITY OF BAI~ERSFIELD to represent the unpaid reassessments relating to tl~::~ ac uisition and construction of q certain public improvements in an assessment district known and designated as ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO.86-2. Said bonds were issued pursuit to the terms and provisions of the "1:~~n~rovement Bond Act of 1915," being Division 10 of the Stre~~y~ and Highways Code of the State of California. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVES that an apportionment has been reque:~ted by the property owners} and prepared by the Superintendert of Streets of the unpaid reassessments relating to the reassessments and parcels as shown on EX.I~IBIT A, "AMENDED REAS SES SMENT ROLL" for said district, .attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that unless a request for a public he~~ring is received from you within fourteen X14}days from the date of mailing of this Notice, the above-referenced amended reassessments shall be recorded in the manner and form as required by law. If a ~ equest for hearing is received, a report shall be filed and a h~:rng shall be scheduled, noticed, and held in accordance with Part 10 (commencing with S ection 8 `~3 0}- of said Division 10. If you have any further quest.i~`~ns, please contact the undersigned at ~.~he following address: Raul M. Rojas Public works Director CITY OF BAKERSFIELD V ,. I S 01 Truxtun Avenu e ~' Bakersfield CA 93 3 01 X661 ~ 3 26-3 724 ~ -~\ t, .. This procedure is pursuant to the provisions of Part 10. S of Division 10 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of Califorri~.a, .the "Improvement Bond Act of 191 `~." .. ,~ ~ .''' Dated: ~ ~' ~~ ~ 4 B , ~ y 3 ~~ Superinten ent of Streets __ . City of Bakersfield State of California All 86-2 4/~/04 EXHIBIT A AMENDED REASSESSMENT ROLL CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.86-2 (BUENA VISTA TRUNK SEWER/RANCHO LABORDE STAGE 1-A} COUNTY OF KERN, CALIFORNIA AMENDING EXISTING REASSESSMENTS 4572 THROUGH 4589 AND ADDING NEW REASSESSMENTS 4798 THROUGH 4818 CREATED BY RECORDATION OF PARCEL MAP WAIVER N0.03-1146 AND BY STORM DRAIN SUMP RELOCATION REASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT N0.102 AMENDED PARCEL DETAILS OF TAX EXEMPT AMENDED REASSESSMEN TOTAL TOTAL ~ AMENDED DESCRIPTION 1 SERIES A SERIES B SERIES D TOTAL TAXABLE ~ AMENDED REASMT ASSESSOR'S TAX AMENDED PROPERTY SHARE SHARE SHARE TAX EXEMPT AMOUNT REASMT ~~ NUMBERS _`_ NUMBER (ATN} ___ _ _ _ _ _ OWNER NAME /ADDRESS ___ _EFF 111!04 EFF 111/04 EFF 111104 (A + B + D) EFF 111/04 AMOUNT EXISTING REASSESSMENT 4589, IDENTIFIED AS PARCEL 18 IN PARCEL MAP N0. 10854 (PM 10854) AND DESIGNATED AS A STORM DRAIN SUMP BY PM 10854, IS SUBDIVIDED BY PARCEL MAP WAIVER N0. 03-1146 (PMW 03-1146} fNTO 3 INDUSTRIAL-USE PARCELS. THE 3 NEW PARCELS (IDENTIFIED AS PARCELS A, B, AND C IN PMW 03-1146) ARE ASSIGNED AMENDED REASSESSMENT NUMBERS 4798 THROUGH 4800, RESPECTIVELY. A NEW STORM DRAIN SUMP IS CREATED FROM PORTIONS OF EXISTING REASSESSMENTS .4587 AND 4588 (IDENTIFIED AS, RESPECTIVELY, PARCELS 16 AND 17 IN PM 10854}. THE NEW STORM DRAIN SUMP IS AMENDED REASSESSMENT 4818, AND THE REMAINDER PARCELS OF PM 10854 PARCELS 16 AND 17 ARE AMENDED REASSESSMENTS 4816 AND 4817, RESPECTIVELY. PARCELS 1 THROUGH 15 IN PM 10854 ARE NOT BEING SUBDIVIDED BY PMW 03-1146 OR BY THE STORM DRAIN SUMP RELOCATION. HOWEVER, THEIR REASSESSMENT PRINCIPAL AMOUNTS ARE BEING REDUCED DUE TO THE ABOVE-REFERENCED PARCEL SUBDIVISIONS, AS DESCRIBED IN DETAIL IN THE ENGINEER'S REPORT FOR THIS REASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT N0.102. THEREFORE, PARCELS 1 THROUGH 15 IN PM 10854 ARE ASSIGNED AMENDED REASSESSMENT NUMBERS 4801 THROUGH 4815, RESPECTIVELY. THE TOTAL COMBINED REASSESSMENT PRINCIPAL AMOUNT FOR EXISTING REASSESSMENTS 4572 THROUGH 4589 IS APPORTIONED TO THE 3 NEW PARCELS CREATED BY PMW 03-1146, TO THE REMAINDERS OF PARCELS 16 AND 17 IN PM 10854, AND TO PARCELS 1 THROUGH 15 IN PM 10854. THE NEW STORM DRAIN SUMP IS NOT ASSESSED. THE TOTAL UNPAID REASSESSMENT PRINCIPAL AMOUNTS FOR EXISTING REASSESSMENTS 4572 THROUGH 4589 (EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 2004, AT THE BEGINNING OF THE 2004/2005 TAX YEAR) ARE $6,211.79, $5,462.97, $5,789.09, $4,358.35, $2,327.84, $3,465.52, . $2,835.26, $2,209.25, $3,821.28, $3,042.78, $2,209.25, $2,835.26, $4,206.72, $3,,969.52, $3,762.00, $3,524.82, $3,254.59, AND $0.00, RESPECTIVELY. THE TOTAL REASSESSMENT AMOUNT APPORTIONED TO EACH NEW PARCEL IS SHOWN UNDER THE COLUMN ENTITLED "TOTAL AMENDED REASMT AMOUNT." EXISTING REASSESSMENTS 4572 THROUGH 4589 ARE DELETED FROM THE REASSESSMENT ROLL FOR ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.86-2. 4798 Parcel Map Waiver No. 03-1146; LOT A Riverlakes Investment Company, LLC 356.25 794.85 1,090.81 2,241.91 592.48 2,834.39 4799 Parcel Map Waiver No. 03-1146; LOT B Riverlakes Investment Company, LLC 265.17 542.79 744.89 1,552.85 404.59 1,957.44 4800 Parcel Map Waiver No. 03-1146; LOT C Riverlakes Investment Company, LLC 322.85 709.80 974.10 2,006.75 529.09 2,535.84 4801 Parcel Map No. 10854; Parcel 1(452-180-06) Donald Wattenbarger and Connie Wattenbarger 743.35 1,561.89 2,143.42 4,448.66 1,164.22 5,612.88 4802 Parcel Map No. 10854; Parcel 2 (452-180-07} Donald Wattenbarger and Connie Wattenbarger 642.67 1,391.77 1,909.99 3,944.43 1,037.41 4,981.84 4803 Parcel Map No. 10854; Parce! 3 (452-180-08) Kern Pacific Construction 676.07 1,496.93 2,054.30 4,227.30 1,115.80 5,343.10 4804 .Parcel Map No. 10854; Parcel 4 (452-180-09) Doug Howey and Leslie Howey 505.53 1,108.77 1,521.62 3,135.92 826.47 3,962.39 4805 Parcel Map No. 10854; Parcel 5 (452-180-10) Ernest B. Rice, Colliers Tingey International 286.42 596.91 819.11 1,702.50 444.93 2,147.43 4806 Parcel Map No. 10854; Parcel 6 (452-180-11) Dean Gay and David Gay 420.52 872.17 1,196.92 2,489.61 650.11 3,139.72 4807 Parcel Map No. 10854; Parcel 7 (452-180-12) Steve Blumer 331.96 733.00 1,005.93 2,070.89 546.37 2,617.26 4808 Parcel Map No. 10854; Parcel 8(452-180-13) Cat Harbor Properties 274.28 565.99 776.73 1,617.00 421.88 2,038.88 4809 Parcel Map No. 10854; Parcel 9 (452-180-14) Robert Kevin Witcher and Caryl Ann Witcher .456.96 985.07 1,351.85 2,793.88 734.26 3,528.14 4810 Parcel Map No. 10854; Parcel 10 (452-180-15} Ray Davis and Mary Ann Davis 353.22 187.13 1,080.21 2,220.56 586.72 2,807.28 4811 Parcel. Map Na 10854; Parcel 11(452-180-16) Randy Smith 274.28 565.99 .776.73 4,617.00 421.88 2,038.88 4812 Parcel Map No. 10854; Parcel 12 (452-180-17) Valley Waste Disposal Company 331.96 733.00 1,005.93 2,070.89 546.37 2,617.26 4813 Parcel Map No. 10854; Parcel 13 (452-180-18) Gene Roberson and Adore Roberson 496.43 1,085.58 1,489.79 3,071.80 809.18 3,880.98 4814 Parcel Map No. 10854; Parcel 14 (452-180-19) Jerry Coles and Julie Coles 472.14 1,023.72 1,404.90 2,900.76 763.08 3,663.84 4815 Parcel Map No.10854; Parcel 15 (452-180-20) Ed Tietjen and Tammy Tietjen 450.88. 969.60 1,330.63 2,751.11 122.73 3,473.84 4816 Remainder of Parcel 16 in Parcel Map No.14854 Brettane Properties, LLC 274.28 565.99 776.73 1,617.00 421.88 2,038.88 4817 Remainder of Parcel 17 in Parcel Map No.10854 Brettane Properties, LLC 277.31 573.72 787.34 1,638.37 427.65 2,066.02 4818 Storm Drain Sump (Created from portions of Riverlakes Investment Company LLC 0.00 0.00 00 0 0 00 0 00 00 0 Parcels 16 and 17 in Parcel Map No.10854~_ , ___! --- . . . - . TOTAL AMOUNT APPORTIONED: 8,212.53 17,664.67 24,241.99 50,119.19 13,167.10 63,286.29 NOTES: 1. FOR A DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE LINES, DIMENSIONS, AND LOCATIONS OF REASSESSMENTS 4?98 THROUGH 4818 REFERENCE A CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE FOR PARCEL MAP WAIVER N0.03-1146 RECORDED , 2004, AS DOCUMENT N0. OF OFFICIAL RECORDS, AND PARCEL MAP N0.10854 RECORDED MARCH 4, 2003, IN BOOK 52 OF PARCEL MAPS, AT PAGES 168 AND 169, IN THE OFFICE OF THE KERN COUNTY RECORDER. 2. THE AD 86-2 REMAINING BALANCE, AS EXISTING ON DECEMBER 1,1993, HAS BEEN REFUNDED AND REDUCED AS DESCRIBED IN THE REASSESSMENT ENGINEER'S REASSESSMENT REPORT FOR THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.86-2, AS APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL ON JANUARY 12,1994 (REASSESSMENT REPORT). PREPARED BY: WILSON &ASSOCIATES ~ ~ w ~ rh APPROVED: DATE: U EDWARD J. WILSON R.C.E. 23269 (EXPIRES 12-31-05) .~ q~ `~~~ G.'- ~ ~ ~ M N0.23269 *~ Exp.12/3I/05 /~ s~~T~ CIVI4 0~ 29627EXA A-1 OF ~A~`F 04102/2004 (City of Bakersfield Public Finance Authority Letterhead) Date Raul M, Rajas Public Works Director City of B akersfield 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93 3 01 Re: Reassessment and Diagram Amendment No. 102 for City of Bakersfield Assessment District No. 86-2, Segregating and Apportioning Existing Reassessments 4572 Through 4589 to New Reassessments 4798 Through 4818 Dear Mr. Rojas: I herewith acknowledge that the City of Bakersfield Public Finance Authority .has received the Notice to Bondholder form for the referenced Reassessment and Diagram Amendment No.102far Assessment District No. 86-2. Please be advised that the City of Bakersfield Public Finance Authority accepts the amended reassessments shown on the Engineer's Report Exhibit A, attached to the Notice to Bondholder, and that a public hearing on those reassessment amendments will not be requested within the fourteen day notice period as provided by law. Very truly yours, City of B akersfield Public Finance Authority By: Date: Gregory Klimko ~, CERTIFICATE OF FILING RE; DIVISION OF LAND AND ASSESSMENT "IMPROVEMENT B OND ACT OF 1915" PART 10.5 OF DIVISION 10 STREETS AND HIGHWAYS CODE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.86-2 COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA REASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT NO. 102 AMENDING EXISTING REASSESSMENTS 4572 THROUGH 4589 TO ADD NEW REASSESSMENTS 4798 THROUGH 4818 1. An application has been filed with the Superintendent of Streets of the City of Bakersfield by the owners or interested parties in the referenced existing reassessments within City of Bakersfield Assessment District No. 86-2, requesting apportionment of the amounts remaining unpaid on said reassessments in accordance with the provisions of the Improvement Bond Act of 1915. In accordance with said application, the undersigned hereby apportions to each separate part of the original parcels of land as shown on the Amended Reassessment Roll, City of Bakersfield. Assessment District No. 86-2, Reassessment and Diagram .Amendment No. 102, attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by reference, the proportionate part of the remaining reassessments in the same manner as if the land had been so divided at the time the original assessment was made. Dated: ~~/~~~~~ By: _ Superintendent o reefs 2. Notice to Bondholder was delivered to City of. Bakersfield Public Finance Authority on y- ~Z - , 2004. By: Q . ~~o o~ -- 3. No request for hearing was received from the bondholder within fourteen (14) days from the date of delivering of the Notice to Bondholder. Accordingly, the. Amended Reassessment Roll and Amended Reassessment Diagram for City of Bakersfield Assessment District No. 86-2 Reassessment and Diagram Amendment No. 102 were recorded in the Office of the Superintendent of Streets of the City of Bakersfield on ~ , 2004. By: ~a-r.,~ 29627COF-P 1 412lU4 4. The Amended Reassessment Diagram for City of Bakersfield Assessment District No. 86-2 Reassessment and Diagram Amendment No. 102 was filed with the County Recorder of the County of Kern on ~ • 2 ~(~ , 2004, in Book Z~ of Maps of Assessment and Community Facilities Districts, at Pages l /f through 9 . f I ~~5~ b By: Gt • ,~~,+ ,~ 5. A Notice of Amended Reassessment far City of Bakersfield Assessment District No. 86-2 Reassessment and Diagram Amendment No. 102, with a copy of the Amended Reassessment Roll attached as Exhibit A, was recorded on 7- 2. •~ 2004 as Document Na. Q ZQ'~ ~ of Official Records of the Count Recorder of the Count of Kern. Y y V By: 6. A copy of this Certificate of Filing with the Engineer's Report on Reassessment and Diagram Amendment No. 102, including Exhibit A, "Amended Reassessment Roll," Exhibit B, "Description of Existing Reassessments," Exhibit C, "Description of the Procedure Used to Apportion Shares of the Unpaid Reassessment Principal," Exhibit D, "Listin of Ori final g g Reassessment Amounts. for Amended Reassessments," and a reduced and not to scale copy of the Amended Reassessment Diagram. attached thereto, were filed with the Finance Director far the City of Bakersfield on ~~ ~ Z~- 2004. -~ BY; 1.w ~-ti., 29627COF-P 2 4/2104 ENGINEER' S REPORT RE: SEGREGATION AND APPORTIOI~~NT OF REAS SES SMENTS FOR REASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT N0. 102 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.86-2 AMENDING EXISTING REASSESSMENTS 4572 THROUGH 4589 TO CREATE NEW REASSESSMENTS 4798 THROUGH 4818 PURSUANT TO RECORDATION OF PARCEL MAP WAIVER N0.03 -1146 AND STORM DR..AIN SUMP RELOCATION 1. An application has been filed with the Superintendent of Streets of the City of Bakersfield requesting a segregation and apportionment of existing reassessments within Assessment District No. 86-2, pursuant to the division of the parcels. 2. In accordance with said application, the undersigned hereby apportions to each separate part of the original parcels of land the proportionate part of its respective unpaid reassessment that would have been levied thereon if the parcels had been so divided at the time the original reassessment was made. The undersigned has assigned a new reassessment numher to each new parcel, as shown on the Amended Reassessment Diagram attached hereto. 3. The existing reassessment numbers, new reassessment numbers, and apportioned reassessment amounts (based in each case on the unpaid principal amount of reassessment effective January 1, 2004, at the beginning of the 2004/2005 tax year are } as shown on Exhibit A, "Amended Reassessment ..,Roll," attached hereto, and incorporated herein by reference. A. description of the referenced existing reassessments and of how they have been subdivided is included in Exhibit B, attached hereto. A description of the procedure used to apportion the unpaic'~-princi als for the referenced: p existing reassessments to the new reassessments is included in Exhibit C, attached hereto, and a listing of the apportioned share of the original reassessment amounts for each new reassessment is shown on Exhibit D, attached hereto. Existing Reassessments 4572 through 4589 are deleted from the reassessment ral~ for Assessment District No. 86-2. .Prepared by: WILSON & ASSOCIATES Reassessment Apportionment Engineer By: ~ . ln~,A~,.~ Edward J. Wilson, R.C.E. 23 269 (Expires 12-31-05} Assessment Engineer, Assessment District No. 86-2 29627ENGRPT-P Date;, ' ~ ~ ~,~~c~ s~ C ~a ~Ip~U~ ~ ~ . ~~0 ~~ ~ ~~ 7~c^ .~~' ~~'~ ~`~o ~~~ w`~ 2~, ,~ `~ ~ia.2326~ ~xp.l2/31/05 ~ s~9T ClViL ~~~`~ .~~- ,.w f,. ,,:. 412!04 EXHIBIT A AMENDED REASSESSMENT ROLL CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.86-2 (BUENA VISTA TRUNK SEWERIRANCHO LABORDE STAGE 1-A} COUNTY OF KERN, CALIFORNIA AMENDING EXISTING REASSESSMENTS 4572 THROUGH 4589 AND ADDING NEW REASSESSMENTS 4798 THROUGH 4818 CREATED BY RECORDATION OF PARCEL MAP WAIVER N0.03-1146 AND BY STORM DRAIN SUMP RELOCATION REASSESSMENTAND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT N0.102 AMENDED PARCEL DETAILS OF TAX EXEMPT AM ENDED RE ASSESSMEN T TOTAL TOTAL AMENDED REASMT DESCRIPTION 1 ASSESSOR'S TAX AMENDED PROPERTY _ _ _ SERIES A SERIES B SERIES D I- T OTAL SHARE SFIARE SHARE TAX EXEMPT TAXABLE AMENDED AMOUNT REASMT l_NUMBERS _ NUMBER (ATN) _ _~ ______ _ OWNER NAME !ADDRESS _ EFF 1!1104 EFF 111104 EFF 111104 (A + B + D) EFF 111104 AMOUNT EXISTING REASSESSMENT 4589, IDENTIFIED AS PARCEL 18 IN PARCEL MAP N0. 10854 (PM 10854) AND DESIGNATED AS A STORM DRAIN SUMP BY PM 10854, IS SUBDIVIDED BY PARCEL MAP WAIVER N0. 03-1146 (PMdU 03-1146) INTO 3 INDUSTRIAL-USE PARCELS. THE 3 NEW PARCELS (IDENTIFIED AS PARCELS A, B, AND C IN PMW 03-1146) ARE ASSIGNED AMENDED REASSESStt":,ENT NUMBERS 4798 THROUGH 4800, RESPECTIVELY. ANEW STORM DRAIN SUMP IS CREATED FROM PORTIONS OF EXISTING REASSESSMENTS 4587 AND 4588 (IDENTIFIED AS, RESPECTIVELY, PARCELS 16 AND 17 iN PM 10854). THE NEW STORM DRAIN SUMP IS AMENDED REASSESSMENT 4818, AND THE REMAINDER PARCELS "~F PM 10854 PARCELS 16 AND 17 ARE AMENDED REASSESSMENTS 4816 AND 4817, RESPECTIVELY. PARCELS 1 THROUGH 15 IN PM 10854 ARE NOT BEING SUBDIVIDED BY PMW 03-1146 0R BY THE STORM DRAIN SUMP RELOCATIOI~J. HOWEVER, THEIR REASSESSMENT PRINCIPAL AMOUNTS ARE BEING REDUCED DUE TO THE ABOVE-REFERENCE~'I PARCEL SUBDIVISIONS, AS DESCRIBED IN DETAIL IN THE ENGINEER'S REPORT FOR THIS REASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT N0.102. THEREFORE, PARCELS 1 Th~ROUGH 15 IN PM 10854 ARE ASSIGNED AMENDED REASSESSMENT NUMBERS 4801 THROUGH 4815, RESPECTIVELY. THE TOTAL COMBINED REASSESSMENT PRINCIPAL AMOUNT F0~ EXISTING REASSESSMENTS 4572 THROUGH 4589 IS APPORTIONED TO THE 3 NEW PARCELS CREATED BY PMW 03-1146, TO THE REMAINDERS OF PARCELS 16 AND 17 IN PM 10854, AND TO PARCELS 1 THROUGH 15 IN PM 10854. THE NSW STORM DRAIN SUMP IS NOT ASSESSED. THE TOTAL UNPAID REASSESSMENT PRINCIPAL AMOUNTS FOR EXISTING REASSESSMENTS 4572 THROUGH 4589 (EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 2004, AT THE BEGINNING OF THE 2004/2005 TAX YEAR) ARE $6,211.79, $5,462.97, $5,789.09, $4,358.35, $2,327.84; $3,465.52, . $2,835.26, $2,209.25, $3,821.28, $3,042.78, $2,209.25, $2,835.26, $4,206.72, $x,969:52, $3,762.00, $3,524.82, $3,254.59, AND $0.00, RESPECTIVELY. THE .TOTAL REASSESSMENT AMOUNT APPORTIONED TO EACH NEW PARCEL IS SHOWN UNDER THE COLUMN ENTITLED "TOTAL AMENDED REASMT AMOUNT." EXIST''~NG REASSESSMENTS 4572 THROUGH 4589 ARE DELETED FROM THE REASSESSMENT ROLL FOR ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.86-2. 4798 Parcel Map Waiver No. 03-1146; LOT A Riverlakes Investment Company, LLC 4799 Parcel .Map Waiver No. 03-1146; LOT B Riverlakes Investment Company, LLC 4800 `Parcel Map Waiver No. 03-1146; LOT C Riverlakes Investment Company, LLC 4801 Parcel Map No.10854; Parcel 1(452-180-06) Donald Wattenbarger and Connie Wattenbarger 4802 Parcel Map No.10854; Parcel 2 (452-180-07) Donald Wattenbarger and Connie Wattenbarger 4803 Parcel Map No.10854; Parcel 3 (452-180-OS) Kern Pacific Construction 4804 Parcel Map No.10854; Parcel 4 (452-180-09) Doug Howey and Leslie Howey 4805 Parcel. Map No. 10854; Parcel 5 (452-180-10) Ernest B. Rice, Colliers Tingey International 4806 Parcel Map No. 10854; Parcel 6 (452-180-11) Dean Gay and David Gay 4807 Parcel Map No.10854; Parcel 7 (452-180-12) Steve Blumer 4808 Parcel Map No.10854; Parcel 8 (452-180-13) Cat Harbor Properties 4809 Parcel Map No. 10854; Parcel 9 (452-180-14) F~obert Kevin Witcher and Caryl Ann Witcher 4810 Parcel Map No.10854; Parcel 10 (452-180-15) Roy Davis and Mary Ann Davis 4811 Parcel Map No.10854; Parcel 11(452-180-16) Randy Smith 4812 Parcel Map No. 10854; Parcel 12 (452-180-17) Valley Waste Disposal Company 4813 Parcel Map No. 10854; Parcel 13 (452-180-18) Gene Roberson and Adore Roberson 4814 Parcel Map No. 10854; Parcel 14 (452-180-19} Jerry Coles and Julie Coles 4815 Parcel Map Na.10854; Parcel 15 (452-180-20) Ed Tietjen and Tammy Tietjen 4816 Remainder of Parcel 16 in Parcel Map No. 10854 ~: Brettane Properties, LLC 4817 Remainder of Parcel 17 in Parcel Map No. 10854 Brettane Properties, LLC 4818 Storm Drain Sump (Created from portions of Parcels 16 and 17 in Parcel Mai No. 10854 ~ Riverlakes Investment Company, LLC .._ ._._ _ TOTAL AMOUNT APPORTIONED: NOTES 8,212.53 17,664.67 24,241.99 50,119.19 13,167.10 63,286.29 1. FOR A DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE LINES, DIMENSIONS, AND LOCATIONS OF REASSESSMENTS 4798 THROUGH 4318 REFERENCE A CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE FOR PARCEL MAP WAIVER N0.03-1146 RECORDED , 2004, AS DOCUMENT N0. OF OFFICIAL RECORDS, AND PARCEL MAP.N0.10854 RECORDED MARCH 4, 2003, IN BOOK 52 OF PARCEL MAPS, AT PAGES 168 AND 169, IN THE OFFICE OF THE KERN COUNTY RECORDER. 2. THE AD 86-2 REMAINING BALANCE, AS EXISTING ON DECEMBER 1,1993, HAS BEEN REFUNDED AND REDUCED AS DESCRIBED iN THE REASSESSMENT ENGINEER'S REASSESSMENT REPORT FOR THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.86-2, AS APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL ON JANUARY 12,1994 (REASSESSMENT REPORT). PREPARED BY: WILSON & ASSOCIATES .. r- APPROVED: ~ DATE: EDWARD J. WILSON R.C.E. 23269 (EXPIRES 12.31-05) 29627EXA 356.25 794.85 1,090.81 2,241.91 592.48 2,834.39 265.17 542.79 744.89 1,552.85 404.59 1,957.44 322.85 709.80 974.10 2,006.75 529.09 2,535.84 743.35 1,561.89 2,143.42 4,448.66 1,164.22 5,612.88 642.67 1,391.77 1,909.99 3,944.43 1,037.41 4,981.84 676.07 1,496.93 2,054.30 4,227.30 1,115.80 5,343.10 505.53 1,108.77 1,521.62 3,135.92 826.47 3,962.39 286.42 596.91 819.17 1,702.50 444.93 2,1.47.43 420.52 872.17 1,196.92 2,489.61 650.11 3,139.72 331.96 733.00 1,005.93 2,070.89 546.37 2,617.26 274.28 .565.99 776.73 1,617.00 421.88 2,038.88 456.96 .985.07 1,351.85 2,793.88 734.26 3,528.14 353.22 787.13 1,080.21 2,220.56 586.72 2,807.28 274.28 565.99 776.73 1,617.00 421.88 2,038.88 331.96 733.00 1,005.93 2,070.89 546.37 2,617.26 496.43 1,085.58. 1,489.79 3,471.80 809.18 3,880.98 472.14 1,023.72 1,404.90 2,900.76. 763.08 3,663.84 450.88 969.60 1,330.63 2,751.11 722.73 3,473.84 274.28 565.99 776.73 1,617.00 421.88 2,038.88 277.31 573.72 787.34 1,638.37 427.6;1 2,066.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 A-1 0~,~~FES~~~~"~ ~~~~ ~~~ J. ~~ , ~~ ~~ 0~ lvp ~'.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ No. 23269 ~ Exp. 12/31/05. ~ ~~~~ C1V11. ~~~~ F OF OAL`~0 04/02!2004 EXHIBIT B DESCRIPTION OF EXISTING REASSESSMENTS AND NEW PARCELS TO WHICH THE EXISTING REASSESSMENTS ARE TO BE APPORTIONED BY REASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT N0. 102 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0. 86-2 (RANCHO LABORDE STAGE 1-AIBUENA VISTA TRUNK SEWER} AMENDING EXISTING REASSESSMENTS 4572 THROUGH 4589 AND ADDING NEW REASSESSMENTS 4798 THROUGH 4818 CREATED BY RECORDATION OF PARCEL MAP WAVER N0.03-1146 AND BY STORM DRAIN SUMP RELOCATION EXISTING PARCEL 2004/2005 REASSESSMENT NUMBER REASSESSMENT A.T.N. FOR EXISTING PRINCIPAL TO BE HOW EXISTING PARCELS OF NEW NUMBER REASSESSMENTS APPORTIONED HAVE BEEN SUBDNIDED LOTS/PARCELS 4572 452-180-06 $6,211,79 Parcel Map Waiver No. 03-1146 (PMW 4573 452-180-07 $5,462,97 03-1146) subdivides Existing Reassessment 4574 452-180-08 $5,789.09 4589 creating 3 new industrial-use parcels. 4575 452-180-09 $4,358.35 Anew storm drain sump parcel is created 4576 452-180-10 $2,327.84 from portions of Existing Reassessments 4577 452-1$0-11 $3,465.52 4587 and 4588. Existing Reassessments 4578 452-180-12 $2,835.26 4572 through 4586 unpaid reassessment 4579 452-180-13 $2,209.25 pxincipals are being reduced due to PMW 458.0 452-180-14 $3,821,28 03-1146 recordation and said storm drain 4581 452-180-15 $3,042.78 sump relocation. The total combined 4582 452-180-16 $2,209.25 remaining principal amount for Existing 4583 452-180-17 $2,835.26 Reassessments 4572 through 4589 is 4584 452-1.80-18 $4,206.72 reapportioned to 20 industrial-use parcels 4585 452-180-19 $3,969.52 u1 PMW 03-1146 alld Parcel Map No. 4586 452-180-20 $3,762.00 10854. The new storm drain sump parcei 4587 452-180-21 $3,524.82 is not assessed. Existing Reassessments 4588 452-180-22 $3,254.59 4572 through 4589-are deleted from the 4589 452-180-23 $0.00 Reassessment Roll for AD 86-2. a. 3 industrial use parcels in PMW 03- 1146 (Amended Reassessments 4798 through 4800} 3 b. 1 new storm drain sump parcel (Amended Reassessment 4818) 1 c. 2 remainders of Parcels 16 and 17 iii Parcel Map No. 10854 (Amended Reassessments 4816 and 4817) 2 d. 15 amended Parcels 1 through 15 in Parcel Map No. 10854 (Amended Reassessments 4801 through 4815} 15 Total New Reassessed Lots/Parcels 20 Total New Non-reassessed Lots/Parcels 1 Total Amount to Be Apportioned to New Reassessments: Total New Reassessment Numbers 21 Total Existing Reassessment Numbers deleted from Roll -18 $63,286.29 Net Change Active Reassessments oll Roll 3 1. Unpaid reassessment balance apportioned is the balance at the beginning of the 200412005 Tax Year, effective January 1, 2004. 29627EXB 1 412/04 EXHIBIT C DESCRIPTION OF THE PROCEDURE USED TO APPORTION SHARES OF THE UNPAID REASSESSMENT PRINCIPAL FOR EXISTING REASSESSMENTS 4572 THRQU~GH 4589 TO 1~T~EW REASSESSMENTS 4798 THROUGH 4818 CREATED BY RECORDATION OF PARCEL MAP WAIVER N0.03-1146 AND BY STORM DRAIN SUMP RELOCATION CITY OF ~3AKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 86-2 (BUENA VIS'~I'A TRUNK SEWER/RANCHO LABOR-E STAGE 1-A) REASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMEI~iT NO. 102 1, DESCRIPTION OF EXISTING REASSESSMENTS 4572 THROUGH 4589: A. .Existing Reassessments 4572 through 4589 ("Reassessments 4572 through 4589," respectively) are described as Ke~1 County Assessor's Tax Numbers ("ATNs") 452-180-06 through 452-180- 23, respectively, a1~-d are located in the City of Bakersfield. reassessments 4572 through 45f~9 are also described as, respectively, Parcels 1 through 18 in Panel Map No.10854 ("PM 10854"). Reassessment 4589, identified as Parcel 18 in PM 10854 and designated as a storm drain sump by PM 10854, is ss divided by Parcel Map Waiver No. 03-1146 ("PMW 03-1146"} creating. 3 new industrial-use- parcels. The 3 new industrial-use parcels identified as Lots A, B, and C i11 PN[W 03-1146) are assigned Amended Reassessment Numbers ("Amended Reassessments"} .4798 through 48~~~, respectively. Anew storm drain .sump is created from portions of Reassessments 458~~ and 4588 (identified as, respectively, Parcels 16 and 17 in PM 10854). The ., new stone drain sttr~lp parcel is Amended Reassessment 4818; and the remainder parcels of P~VI .10854 Parcels 16 a~1d 17 are Amended Reassessments 4816 and 4817, respectively. Parcels 1 .through 15 in PM: 10854 (Reassessments 4572 through 4.586, respectively} are not being subdivided by PMW 03-1146 or by~ the .storm drain sump relocation. However, their reassessment prin~.ipal amounts are being reduced due to the above-referenced parcel subdivisions, as described below. Therefore, Parcels 1 through 15 in PM 10854 are assigned Amended Reassessr~.ents 4801 through 4815, respectively. B. Reassessments 457' through 4589 were created by Reasse5srnent and Diagram Amendment ("Apportiolunent") . No. 95 for Assessment District No. 86-2 ("AD 86-2"). The entire Reassessments 4512 through 4589 are located within the ,St~.ge 1-A Benefit Zone a11d t~1e Telephone. Benefit done of AD 86-2. The improvement cost assessed to these Benefit Zones were funded by Sern~tis A, B, C, and D Bonds for AD 86-2. C. The total remaining Reassessment Principal Amounts for Reassessments 4572 through 4589 (effective January 1, 2004, at the beginning of the 2004/2005 Tax Year) are listed in Exhibit 'B to this Engineer's deport. The total original AD 86-2 assessment amounts were $25,346.52, $22,251,53, $23,563.10, $17,725.79, $9,528.41, $14,161.05, $11,543.09, $9,051.48, $15,591.88, $12,377.73, $9,051,18, $11,543.09, $17,141.95, $16,188.06, $15,353.41, $14,399.53, $13,338.74, and $0.00, respectively. The total original AD 86-2 assessment amounts and the total remaining reassessment principal amolu~ts for Reassessments 4572 through 4589 are reapportioned as described below. 29b27EXC 1 4/2/Q4 2. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROCEDURE USED TO SEGREGATE AND APPORTION THE ORIGINAL ASSESSMENTS AND THE UNPAID REASSESSMENT PRINCIPAL AMOUNTS FROM REASSESSMENTS 4572 THROUGH 4589 TO AMENDED REASSESSMENTS 478 THROUGH 4818 ; A. Reassessments 4572 through 4589 are located in the Buena Vista Trunk Sewer (Series A Bonds) Benefit Zone and tl~e Stage 1-A Benefit Zone for Street, Utility and Telephone improvements (Series B, C, and D Bonds). The total remaining AD 86-2 Reassessment Principal Amounts for Reassessments 4572 tlirough 4589 are apportioned to the 21 parcels created by, or affected ~y, the recordation of PMW 03-1146 and the storm drain sump relocation as follows: a. Buena Vista Trunk Sewer (BVTS) Assessment (Series A Bonds): i. As described in Apportiolunent No. 95, the BVTS Capacity for Reassessments 4572 through 45 8 8 is based on a combined total of 19.3 9 gross acres at a rate of 2.5 0 Equivalent Dwelling Units ("EDUs")/acre for Industrial land use designation of thole parcels. Reassessment 4589 was planned to be a permanent storm drain sump, and as such, it was not allocated a share of the BVTS Capacity. Reassessments 4572 through 4588 were originally allocated a combined total of 49 EDUs of BVTS Capacity at the original assessment unit charge rate of $245.60/EDU for a total BVTS Capacity charge of $12,034.40. As described above, by PMW 03-1146 Reassessment 4589 is subdivided into 3 new industrial-use parcels, and a new storm drain sump is created from portions of Reassessments 4587 and 4588. The total combined BVTS Capacity charge for Reassessments 4572 through 4589 is allocated to the 20 new, amended, or existing industrial-use parcels (3 created by PN1W 03-1146, 2 remainders created by the new storm drain sump, and 15 existing, unsubdivided parcels in P jVI 10854} at the original rate of $245,60/EDU based on their Industrial land use designation (2,50. EDUs/acre). The parcel areas for these 20 parcels are as shown either on the recorded, PM 10854, on the recorded Certificate of ,Compliance for PMW 03 -1146, or on the approved plans for the new storm drain sump . The total /lumber of EDUs allocated to the 20 industrial-use parcels (53 EDUs) is by 4 lugh~r than the total number of EDUs originally allocated to Reassessments 4572 through 4589 (a total of 49 EDUs). The increased BVTS Capacity is compensated for by reducing the total BVTS Oversizing by the same amount ($982,40}. The new storm drain sump parcel (Amended Reassessment 4818) is not assessed. ii. The total combined BVTS Oversizing amount for Reassessments 4572 through 45 ~9 (reduced for the increased BVTS Capacity, as described above) is allocated to the 20 industrial-use parcels in PMW 03-1146 and PM 10854 based on gross areas shown on said PM 10854 and PMW 03-1146. The new. storm drain sump parcel is not allocated a share of the BVTS Oversizing amount for Reassessments 4572 through 4589. b. Stage 1-A Arterial Street and Utility Assessment (Series B, C, and D Bonds): The Stage 1-A and Utility improvement assessments consists of several components including a basic street area charge, a major street trip generation charge and a sewer frontage charge. The allocation of estimated total Average Daily Vehicle Trips to the 20 industrial-use parcels is based on the same parcel areas and land use designations, as 29627EXC 2 412/04 described above for the BVTS sewer allocations. There were no sewer frontage components originally allocated to Reassessments 4572 through 4589, The total original assessment sl~~~res for the 21 parcels in PMV~ 03-1146 and PM 10854 have been allocated as original s~e-.~ies B, C, and D Bonds shares in proportion to the. Reassessments 452 through 45 8 9 Series B, C, and D Bonds shares allocated to each of them. B. Apportionment of t~~e Total Remaining Reassessment Balance from Reassessments 4572 through 4589 to Amended Reassessments 4798 through 4818: The three original A 86-2 Series of Tax Exempt Bonds (Series A, B, and D) have been refiu~ded by a Single Series o:f Tax Exempt Bonds. The single original AD 86-2 Series of Taxable Bonds (Series C) has also been refunded by a Single Series of Taxab~:e Bonds. The amount required to refund each original series of bonds was prorated to each parcel used on that parcel's remainil~g principal for that original bond series. Accordingly, the total cornbined remaining reassessment .principal amount for Reassessments 4572 through 4589, by original Bond Series, is apportioned to the 21 parcels ~n PMW 03-1146 and PM 10854 in direct proportion to the original Reassessments 457 through 4589 shares apportioned to each .parcel for each Bond Series. More detailed il~fonnation ors the land uses, zoning and dwelling lulu densities used to apportion Reassessments 4572 through 489 is on file in the office of the Public works Director and the office of the Planning Director for the City c7f Bakersfield.. PREPARED BY: WILSON & ASSOCIATES . , (~ 11~ ~ ' ~w By; ~ ~ Date: _ EDWARD J. WILSON, R.-C. E. 23269 (EXPIRES 12-31-05) REASSESSMENT ENGINEER, ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.8d-2 1.Jti'T..:'~.YC~ ~~`~ ~~,~a J. y~,r~~ ~,L~ w wQ ~~ m ~: ~ No. 23269 ~ Exp,12/31/05 ~ sT CNII. ~~ ~~~ ~~ CAS-~~a~~ 29b27EXC 3 4/2/04 EXHIBIT D LISTING OF ORIGINAL REASSESSMENT AMOUNTS FOR AMENDED REASSESSMENTS 4798 THROUGH 4818 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.86-2 (BUENA VISTA TRUNK SEWER/RANCHO LABORDE STAGE 1-A) COUNTY OF KERN, CALIFORNIA REASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT N0.102 AMENDED REASMT .NUMBERS _ AMENDED PARCEL DESCRIPTION 1 ASSESSOR'S TAX __ ~_ NUMBER (ATN) ~ DETAILS OF TAX EXEMPT ORIGINAL REASSESSMENT. _ ORIGINAL TOTAL ORIGINAL ORIGINAL ORIGINAL TOTAL TAXABLE ORIGINAL SERIES A ~ SERIES B SERIES D TAX EXEMPT REASMT REASMT _ (SEWER) (STAGE 1-A} Y_^(STAGE 1-A) (A + B + D) _ AMOUNT AMOUNT .4798 Parcel Map Waiver No. 03-1146; LOT A 1,742.94 2,121.93 2,895.57 6,760.44 1,492.07 8,252.51 4799 Parcel Map Waiver No. 03-1146; LOT B 1,297.30 1,449.02 1,977.32 4,723.64 1,018.90 5,7t~2.54 4800 Parcel Map Waiver No. 03-114; LOT C .1,579.54 1,894.88 2,585.74 6,060.16 1,332.42 7,392.58 4801 Parcel Map No. 10854; Parcel 1 (452-180-06} 3,636.84 4,169.59 5,689.74 13,496.17 2,931.89 16,428.06 4802 Parcel Map No. 10854; Parcel 2 {452-180-07) 3,144.23 3,715.45 5,070.06 11,929.74 2,612.57 14,5~>•2.31 4803 Parcel Map No. 10854; Parcel 3 (45'?-180-08) 3,307.fi3 3,996.18 5,453.15 12,756.96 2,809.97 15,566.93 4804 Parcel Map No. 10854; Parcel 4 (452-180-09) 2,473.29 2,959.97 4,039.15 9,472.41 2,081.34 11,553.75 4805 Parcel Map No. 10854; Parcel 5 (45~-180-10) 1,401.29 1,593.51 2,174.49 5,169.29 1,120.50 6,29.79 4806 Parcel Map No. 10854; Parcel 6 (45~-180-11) 2,057.36 2,328.34 3,177.24 7,562.94 1,637.21 9,200.15 4807 Parcel Map No. 10854; Parcel l (452-180-12) 1,624.10 1,956.81 2,676.24 6,251.15 1,375.95 7,627.10 4808 Parcel Map No. 10854; Parcel 8 (452-180-13) 1,341.87 1,510.95 2,061.82 4,914.64 1,062.44 5,977.08 .4809 Parcel Map No. 10854; Parcel 9 (452-180-14) 2,235.62 2,629.72 3,588.49 8,453.83 1,849.13 10,302.96 4810 Parcel Map No. 1.0854; Parce1.10{4~a2-180-15) 1,728.09 2,101.30 2,867.41 6,696.80 1,477.56 8,174:36 4811 Parcel Map No. 10854; Parcel 11(42-180-16} 1,341.$7 1,510.95 2,061.82 4,914.64 1,062.44 5,917.08 4812 Parcel Map No. 10854; Parcel 12 {4~2-180-17} 1,624.10 1,956.81 2,670.24 6,251.15 1,375.95 7,627.10 4813 Parcel Map No. 10854; Parcel 13 (452-180-18) 2,428.73 2,898.05 3,954.65 9,281.43 2,037.80 11,319.23 4814 Parcel Map No. 10854; Parcel 14 (4.52-180-19) 2,309.89 2,732.92 3,729;32 8,772.13 1,921.70 10,693.83 4815 Parcel Map No. 10854; Parcel 15 (452-180-20} 2,205.91 2,588.44 3,532.16 8,326.51 1,820.09 10,146.60 4816 Remainder of Parcel 16 in Parcel Mai No. 10854 1,341.87 1,510.95 2,061.82 4,914.64 1,062.44 5,9~7A8 4817 Remainder of Parcel 17 in Parcel Map No. 10854 1,356.72 1,531.59 2,089.99 4,978.30 1,076.96 6,055.26 4818 Storm Drain Sump (Created from portions of 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 o .10854) Parcels 16 and 17 in Parcel Mai N __ __ __ TOTAL AMOUNT APPORTIONED: ~ 40,179.19 _ 47,157.36 __ 64,350.42 151,686.97 __ 33,159.33 184,86.30 NOTE: THE AD 86-2 REMAINING BALANCE, AS EXISTING ON DECEMBER 1, 1993, HAS BEEN REFUNDED AND REDUCED AS DESCRIBED IN THE REASSESSMENT ENGINEER'S REASSESSMENT REPORT FOR THE CITY OF BAKER aFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0. 86-2, AS APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL ON JANUARY 12, 1994 (REASSESSMENT REPORT}. THE AMOUNTS SHOWN ABOVE ARE THE ORIGINAL REFUNDING AMOUNTS HAD T}~ESE PARCELS EXISTED AT THE TIME OF REFUNDING. 29627EXD D-1 04/02/2004 ,. ~i r i z Cti2 o ~w I ~ ~_ ~w Z z ~ ~ rw NO I'='ZO I Za ai ~ ~ ~ ~. I N U~ ww I?p~ I I ~Y4.~4 ~a O p r ~o ~c~ ,~ ~ rni~ i w- ~ ~ r I ~ N~ot3ti ~~Q° I ~o u.~i}Wpo I a I o~ Q '~, •~ ~~~ly :7 a- I ~ pUNW.O IO ¢ IU}¢ OZZU)>-~~O I p0 ~a 4~ ~O U I N rwJZ pU"~ 1 '=Z ~~OV't- rlL UkL H ~•t I p ZNWWW IUQti. !}-U~ a~U~jx~J I W_J ~~- W I ir.,J w U~= IwXp ! 2 O p0 ~pOu)U ! aU ~ H y.,q N ~yz ~ j O~ NoQa~ ~aWa I ~i~ z~'zw~'ro~ I ~ ~ Q'i •~ r r~ ~. I N rN N}do? Jww ara wDrz aZ I °z ~,,.~ r-i ~° ° I ~ ~w ~'=nac,oo~~ i u~." ,~-a~-rNZ0.w i~~W IL~1L,~ ~ r~ z d' I ~Y NUZCAW ~ 4 I ~O OU1t0 F-Y wY ^ i^'i `,,~ ~ ~ FN..N ~O I ~ Wma `~O¢ ~QI-Oa I Q~~ 4ZWZN~QW IILINl11.~ ~ ~ I z H O Z I wN ! ~ z OQU)~°nZWZ I WLL. 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