HomeMy WebLinkAboutAD 86-2 Apportionment #103 PM 111125!31!2005 Ke n~Coun y'oF~~ ah~ Ao aessor -Recorder PaTT~ 10:10 AM RecoMed at the request of City of Bksfld Public Works D 0 C # : Q2~5~3822~ S#at Types:l Pages: 3 RECORDING REQUESTED BY Fees 13.00 AND FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE Taxes 0.00 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Others 0.00 00 $13 PAID . WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: CITY CLERK ~~~ CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 1501 TRUXTUN AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93 3 01 NOTICE OF AMENDED REASSESSMENT AN~NDING EXISTING REASSESSMENT 3361 IN CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 86-2 COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA (REASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT NO. 103) PURSUANT to the requirements of Section 3114 of the Streets and Highways Code, the undersigned, PAMELA A. McCARTHY, CMC, City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield, hereby gives notice that an Amended Reassessment Diagram and Amended Reassessment Ro11 (Reassessment and Diagram Amendment No.103}for City of Bakersfield Assessment District No. 86-2 were filed and recorded in the office of the Superintendent of Streets of the City of Bakersfield, relating to the following described real property: Reference is made to the map entitled "Amended Reassessment Diagram of the City of Bakersfield Assessment District No. 86-2, County of Kern, State of California (Reassessment and Diagram Amendment No. 103}, Amending Reassessment 3361, filed with the Count Recorder of the County ofKern on /~~~ a~DD~S- ' in Book y a~ of Maps of Assessment and Community Facilities istricts, at Pages ~''~""through `' , for a description of the real property in said .Assessment District and the exterior boundaries thereof. Said Amended Reassessment Diagram amends the map entitled "Reassessment Diagram of City of Bakersfield Assessment District No. 86-2," recorded January 1.8,1994, in Book 10 of Maps of Assessment and Community Facilities Districts, at Pages 114 through 139, in the Office of the County Recorder of the County of Kern, State of California. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that upon recordation of this Notice in the Office of the County Recorder, the several amended reassessments on the lots, pieces, and parcels shown on the Amended Reassessment Diagram (Reassessment and Diagram Amendment No. 103} of Assessment District No. 86-2 shall become a lien upon the lots or portions of lots assessed, respectively. 1 This amendment evidences the completion of statutory proceedings to divide the lien of special reassessments previously levied on the parcels of land shown on the Amended Reassessment Dia~ran~, to conform With the divisions in the parcels themselves. Reference is made to said Amended Reassessment Diagram. and .Amended Reassessment Roll recorded in the o~'ice of the Superintendent of Streets of the City of Bal~ersfield, Attached hereto pursuant to the requirements of Section 27288.1 of the government Code, marked "~xbibit A," is a copy ofthe Amended Reassessment Roll, identifying each new parcel by the amended reassessnaer~t number shown on the Amended Reassessment Diagram, together with the amount of amended reassessment lien levied thereon and the name or names of the owners of each parcel subject to such amended reassessments as they appear on the latest secured County Assessor's .Roll, or as kn©wn to the undersigned. Dated: ~/i / ~~P e~s~ l~~ PAN~LA .A cCART', CSC, City Clerk City of ~akers~ield, State of California By; EXHIBIT A AMENDED REASSESSMENT ROLL CITY OI' BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0, $642 (SUENA VISTA TRUNK SEWERIRANCHO LABORbE STAGE 1 ~A~ COUNTY OF KERN, CALIFORNIA AMENDING EXISTING REASSESSMENT 3361 AND ADDING NEW REASSESSMENTS 4819 THROUGH 4834 CREATED BY RECORDATION OF PARCEL MAP NO.11112 REASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT N0.103 f .~.._.~__,_.-_ .w AMENDED PARCEL _. i ..v ~W .rv-_..~~-(DETAILS 01= TAX EXEMPT AMENDED REASSESSMENTS I T(}TA{. TC}TAL AMENDED DESGRII?TIC)N ! ~ ~ SERIES A ~ SERIES S SERIES D TOTAL TAXABLE ~ AMENDED REASMT ; ASSESSOI~iS TAX AMENDED PROPERTY ~ SHARE SHARE SHARE TAX F-XEMPT AMOUNT REASMT NUMBERS NUMBER {ATN} - _ -~ flyUNER NAME I ADDRESS ~. _ - ? EFF 111104 ; EFF 911104 EFF 111104 ~ {A ~- B ~- D) EFF 111104 = AtvIOUNT EXISTING REASSESSMENT 3361, IDENTfiFIED AS KERN COUNTY ASSESSOR'S TAX NUMBER 494-04J-40-00-g, fS SUBDIVIDED BY PARCEL MAf' N(3. 11112 {PM 11112) INTO 12 COMMERCIAL-USA PARCELS. THE 12 NEW PARCELS {PARCELS 1 THROUGH 12 IN PM 11112) ARE ASSIGNED AMENDED REASSESSMENT NUMBERS 4819 THROUGH 4834 RESPECTIVELY. THE TOTAL REASSESSMENT PRINCIPAL AMOUNT FOR EXISTING REASSESSMENT 3361 IS APPORTIONED TO THE 12 NEW PARCELS CREATED BY PM 11112, , THE TOTAL UNPAID REASSESSMENT PRINCIPAL AMOUNT FOR EXISTING REASSESSMENT 3361 (EFFECTIVE .IANUARY 1 2405 AT THE BEGINNING pF TI-IE 2005/2006 TAX YEAR IS $49 7 5 , , ) ,2 THE TOTAL REASSESSMENT AMOUNT APPORTIONED TO EACH NEW PARCEL IS SHOWN UNDER THE COLUMN ENTITLED "TOTAL AMENDED R " 4. 2. THE EASM REASSESSMENT 3361 IS DELETEp FROM THE REASSESSMENT ROLL FOR ASSESSMENT DtSTRIGT N0.86-2. T AMOUNT . EXISTING 4819 PARCEL MAP I`I0, 11112; PARCEL 1 The ft~llowing listed parties are Joint owners of 197.96 1,018.99 1,391.39 2,608.34 783.55 3,371.89 4820 PARCEL MAP N0. 11112; PARCEL. 2 all parcels (n Patcel Map No. 11112: 195.12 1,004.41 1,371.46 2,576.99 752.60 3 323.59 4821 PARCEL MAP NO.11112; PARCEL 3 _.. 201.73 1,038.42 1,417.89 2,658.04 778.09 , 3 436 13 4822 PARCEL MAP N0. 11112; PARCEL 4 ~ w 240.50 1,032.05 1,409.20 2,6141.75 773.32 , . 3 415.07 4823 PARCEL MAP N0.11112; PARCEL 5 Harald and Diana Robertson Family Trust ~ 192.40 990.36 1,352.28 2,535.04 742.08 , 3 277.12 4824 PARCEL MAP NO.11112; PARCEL 6 Tony E. Hogg and Stacy L. Flagg, .Iolnt Tenants 242.59 1,24$.74 1,705.08 3,196.41 935.69 , 4 132.10 4825 PARCEL MAP NO. 11112; PARCEL 7 Fred and Saundra Porter Family Trust 221.08 1,138.00 1,53.87 2,912.95 $52,71 , 3 765 66 4826 PARCEL MAP NO.11112; PARCEL 8 S,IH One LLC l 279.97 1,399.98 9,911.59 3,583.54 1,049.01 , . 4 632.55 4827 PARCEL MAP N0.11112; PARCEL 9 ~ 8 & B Property Investments, LLC 263.57 1,356.75 1,$52.56 3,472.88 1 016.62 , 4 489 50 4828 PARCEL MAP NO.11112; PARCEL 10 --. -- -_ ._.__ y.-__~~~ 521.90 2,686.46 3,668.21 6,876.57 , 2,012.98 , . $ 55 889 4829 PARCEL MRP N0.11112; PARCEL 11 260.26 1,335.68 1,829.25 3,429.19 1 003.83 , . 4 433 02 _ 4830 PARCEL MAP NO.11112; PARCEL 12 123.78 &37.16 869.99 1,630.92 , 477.42 , . 2 108 34 _ TOTAL AMOUNT APPaRTIO1~ED: ~~~ .-.. 2,882.86 14,894.99 20,332.77 38,116.62 11.,157.90 . , . 49,274.52 NOTES: FOR A DETAILI°KD DESCRIPTION OF THE L[NES, DIMENSIONS, AND LOCATIONS OF REASSESSMENTS 4819 THROUGH 4834 REFERENCE PARCEL MAP NO.11112 RECORDED MAY 17, 2005, IN BOOK 54 OF PARCEL MAPS, AT PAGES 16 AN©17, IN THE OFFICE OF THE IfERN COEINTY RECORDER. THE AD 86-2 REMAINING BALANCE, AS EXISTING ON DECEMBER 1,1993, HAS BEEN REFUNDED AND REDUCED AS DESCRIBED IN THE REASSESSMENT ENGINEER'S REASSESSMENT REPORT FOR TIME CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.86-2, AS APPROVED SY THE CITY COUNCIL ON ~lANUARY 12,1994 (REASSESSMENT REPORT}. PREPARER BY: WILSON & ASSOCIATES ,~-~-- APPROVED: , ~ '} ~ ~-~} DATE: `'~' EDWARD ,I, WIIvSON R.C.E. 23269 (EXPIRES 12-31-05) ~~_urw,.,;~, _ ~~~~ ~.~S~Q~~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~c~. 2326 ~~, I2/31/Q~ ,~ Cl~tt- ~~ ~ ~~~ ~~~~ 29654EXA A-1 05126(2005 D~'t~ SAD OF I~A~D ADD AS SES S~CE~T "~VI~'R.D~~[~~T BDI AST (~~ 1915" BART 10.5 DF DIV1S~i~~I 10 STR~~TS ADD ~~~'~'~ ~~D~ ~~' T~ STATE ~~ ~A~~'~R~~IA F(~R C;1T~ D~ BA~ERSFLD ASSESS~~T DISTRICT 4~. ~~~Z l/V~J1'VT 1 V~ ~~~3 ~ J. ~T~ V~ ~trll ~~~-~~ RYAS SES t,.1~1. ~ ,i. ~a~ DI~.~~~:t~VI ~~~IND~VI~I~T X3.103 A~~IN~ ~~ISTIl~~ REAS SES SlfET 33 ~ 1 T~ ADD ~w R~A~~~s~~~~Ts ~~~~ TI~ROU~I~ ~~~a 1. ~. application: has been fled wig the Sineri~tendent of Streets of the City of Bakersfield ~~ the owners or interested .parties in the referenced existing reassessment with City of Bakersfield Assessment District o. ~~~~, re~uest~.g apportionment ofthe amount remaining unpaid on said reassessment in accordance with the provisions of the I~nprove~.ent Bond .Act of 1915. In accordance with said a~-plication, the undersigned hereby apportions to each. separate part ofthe original parcel of land as shown on the Amended Reassess~aent Rolf, City ofBakersf~eld Assessment District o. 8~-~, Reassessment and Diagram A~.endment No, 103, attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by reference, the proportionate pad of the remaining reassessment ~. the sa~.e manner as if the land had. been so divided at the tinge the original assessment was made. ~~ .~~. Dated: ~ By; Su erintendent o treats 2. notice to Bondholder was delivered to pity of Bakersfield Public Finance .Autharity on By: . 3. ~o request for hearing was received. from. the bondholder within fourteen ~1`l~ days from.. the date of delivering ofthe notice to Bondholder. Accordingly, the Amended Reassessment Roll and. A~.ended Reassessment Diagram for City of Bakersfield Assessment District No. 862 Reassessment and Dia rarn Amendment ~o. 103 were recorded in the (3ffice of the g Su erintendent of Streets ofthe pity of Bakersfield on ~ 2~4~5. p By: ~ 2~d54C4F4S ~ 5131~~ ~. ~`he Amended Reassessment Diagram for City of Bakersfield A.ssessm.ent District No. 86-2 Reassessment and Diagrram Amendment ~o. ~ 03 was filed with the Count. Recorder of ~ the County of Fern an ~~ ,~ ~ .. , 2005, in Book ~,~ of 1'~a s of Assessment and f • • • . • Camrr~umty ~`ac~l~t~es D~str~cts, at Pages ~~ through ~ . By: ~ . J b 5. A ~atice of Amended Reassessment for City a~ Bakers~.eld Assessment :district Na. 8d~2 Reassessment and Diagram A.~nendment ~o. 103, with a copy of the .Amended Reassessment 1.011 attached as Exhibit A, vas ~eeorded on ~~ ~ 3 ~ -~ 2005 as oc ~ urnent ~o. +D ~ o ~' ~ ~ ~ ~'Zt~ 0f ~cial Records ofthe Count Recorder of y the County of.l~ern. 6. A copy of this Certificate of Fil~.g with the Engineer's Repo. 0n Reassessment and Dia ate. ~' Amendment lea. 103, including Exhibit A, "Amended Reassessment Roll " Exhibit- B "Description 0f Existing Re~ssessments,~' Exhibit C ~`Descri tion of the Praced r 9 p u e Used to Apportion shares of the Unp~.d Reassessment Principal}" Exhibit ~ "Listin of Sri final ~ ~ Reassessment Amounts for Amended.Reassessments," and a reduced and not to sca1~ co of the Amended Re pY assessment Diabrarn attached thereto, mere .led Frith the Finance Director for the City 0f Bakersfield an ~,p - ~ ~ .. , ,, . _ _, 2005. By: ~~~s4c~~-s Z 515105 El~~~' ~ ~PC~RT ~~: EGRE~ATIC~I~ ADD APP~RT+~I~~E~T QF REAS DES SCENTS ~`OR REA~ES~T ~~ D.RA~!~ AEI~ID~T Nt3. l a3 ~~TY ~~ EA~ERS~~ELD ASSESSII~T DISTR~~T ~~. 5~~~ A~~~~ EIS TAG REA.S ~~~ SN~~T 33 G 1 '~(~ CREA.TE ~'~ REASSESSI~E~TS 4818 T:[-~.DUG~ 4~3a P~sAT To RE~oRDAT~o ~~ ~:~~. ~~ ~a.1 x ~ ~~ . .fin. app~icat~on has been filed with the Superintendent of Streets of the pity of Eakersfield requesting a segregatia~n and appartion~nent of an existing reassessment within Assessment District Via. 8~~~, pursuant to the division of the parcel. 2. In accordance with said application, the undersigned hereby apportions to each. separate part of the original parcel of land the proportionate part of its respective unpaid reassessment that would have been levied thereon if the parcel had been sa divided at the tune the original r+eassessn~ent was made. The undersigned has assigned a new reassessment nu~.ber to each new parcel, as spawn on the A~.ended Reassessment Diagram attached hereto. 3. The existing reassessment number, new reassessment numbers, anal apportioned reassessment arnaunts abased in each case- on the unpaid. p~neipal ana.aunt of reassessment ef~ect~ve January 1, ~~45, at the beg~nn~ng of the 2~a5/ZOOS tax year} are as spawn on Ex~ibit A, "Amended Reassessment Roll," attached hereto anal incorporated herein by reference. A description of the referenced. existin reassessment anal of how it has been subdivided is included in .Exhibit B, attached hereto. A description a~' the procedure used to apportion the unpaid. Principal far the referenced existing reassess~.ent to the new reassessments is included ~ Exhibit ~, attached hereto, and. a listing of the apportioned share of the original reassessment gaunt far each new reassessment is sham an Ex.bit D, attached hereto. Existing R:eassessn~ent 3 3 ~ ~ is deleted from the reassessment rail. for Assessment District Via. S~-2. Prepared by: ~~ILS{~~ ~ ASSO~~A.TES :R.eassessment Apportionment Engineer ~4~g0~E~ SIQ~~F Edward J. Wilson, R.C.E. 23269 (Expires 12-3 ~ ~^ Assessment Engineer, Assessment District No. ~ ~o- z~59 Fxp.12I3i/(~ ~ ~~~~ Fi~~,4~\~ 2965~~~IGI~'T-s 511 t~f(l5 ~XHIeIT A A~9ENDEtl REASSESSMENT ROLL C#TY OE BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT D1STR#CT N0.88.2 (BUENA VISTA TRUNK SEWERfRANCHO LABORDE STAGE 3-A} COUNTY OF KERN, CAL#1=0RN#A AMENDING EX#STING REASSESSMENT 3361 aNU ADD#NG NEW REASSESSMENTS 4818 THROtfGH 483$ CREATED SY RECORDATION OF PARCEL MAP fidfl. 9 9112 KEASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENilMENT N0,103 ~~ _._. AMENDED PARCEL ~....~...__..~. ..._.._ i ~ ~-----~~-,. ~ ;DETAIt.S OF TAX EXEMPT AMENDED REASSESSMENT: TOTAL E AMENDED ~ DES .. _ TOTAL CRIPTION f (SERtES A ~ SERIES 8 i REASMT ~ ASSESSOR`S TAX ~ SERIES D TOTAL TAXABLE ~ T , AMENDED AMENDED PROPERTY sHARI= SHARE NUMBERS ~ NUMBER ATN .._--..--_ .-~~ ~ ~ ,_ w.. OWNER NAME I ADDRESS ;' EFF 1,~9f04 f EFF 9f9f04 SHARE I=FF 9f 9i04 i 'TAX EXEMP AMOUNT ' ~A + $ + D} EPP 1f~fD4 ~ REA SMT AM ~ ©UNT EXIST#NG REASSESSMENT 33$3, IDENTIFIED AS KERN COUNTY ASSESSOR'S TAX NUMBER 499-040.40-00-~ IS SUBI}#VfDED SY PARCEL MAP NO 91 , . 912 #NTp 92 COMMERCIAL-USE PARCELS. THE 92 NEW PARGIwLS ~PARCE~.S 9 THROUGH 12 IN PM 99972 ARE ASSIGNED AMEND D (PM 11112} E REASSESSMENT NUMBERS 4899 THROUGH 4830, RESPECTIVELY. THE TOTAL REASSESSMENT PRINCIPAL AMOUNT FOR EX#STINQ REASSESSMENT 336'3 IS APPORTIONED TO THE 12 NEiN PARCELS CREATED BY FM 919 92 THE TOTAL P . UN AiD REASSESSMENT PRINCIPAL AMOUNT FOR EXISTING REASSESSMENT 3367 (Et=I~ECTIVE ,IANt3ARY 1 2005 AT THE BEG3N , , NING OP THE 2045f2006 TAX YEAR) IS $49,2 THE TOTAL REASSESSMENT AMOUl~T APPORTIQNED TO EACH NEW PARCEL IS SHOWN 74.52. THE UNDER THE COLUMN ENTITLED "TOTAL AMENDED RE4SMT AMOUNT." REASSESSMENT 3369 IS DELETED FROM THE REASSESSMENT ROLL F R EXISTING O ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO.86-2. 4679 PARCEL MAP I~O.99112; PARCEL 7 The fallau~ing fisfed parties are~Oint o~ers of 9.97.96 1,098.99 9,399,39 2,608.34 763.55 4820 PARCEL MAP Nil 99112; PARCEL 2 3,379.89 . a#! parcels in Parcel Map No. 97912: 195.12 3,004.49 1,371.46 2,570.99 752.60 4829 PARCEL MAP N{?. 97912; PARCEL 3 3,323.59 . 209,73 9,038.42 9,497,89 2,658:04 778.09 4 ,."""_~.~_~.. _... 4822 PARCEL MAP N0.9 9 912; PARCEL 3 436.93 .. 4823 PARCEL MAP NQ 919 92; PARCELS Har'o!d and i?iana Robertson Farm## Trust ' 200.50 9,032.05 9,409:20 2,649.75 773.32 40 990 ~ Y 392 36 3,415.07 . . 9,352.28 2,535.14 742.08 4824 PAR EL C MAP NO.99992, PARCELS ~ Tony E. Hogg and Stacy L. Nogg, Joint Tenants ~ 242.59 9 248.74 9 705 08 3 996 47 9 3,277.12 , , . + . 35.69 4825 PARCEL MAP N0.91992; PARCEL 7 ~ Fred and Saundra Pt~rter Fami#y Trust ~ 221,08 3,138.00 9 553 87 2 992 95 852 79 4,332.90 , . , . . 4826 PARCEL MAP NO.39192; PARCEL 8 j E l SJFI (lne Lt,G , 271.97 9,399.98 1,91'+.59 3,5$3.54 9,049.09 4 827 PA CEL MAP N 0 9 919 2; PAR CE L 9 7 3, 65.66 4,632.55 R . ~~ B 8~ B Prppert)r Investments, LLC ~I 263.57 3,356.75 1,852.56 3,472.88 9,016.62 Q //' +} / [ 4828 PARCEL. MAP iY<l. 19 912; PARCEL 90 e f ~ 4,489.50 ._~._..._~.. ,._~... , 529.90 2,686.46 3,868,21 6,$76.57 2,fl92.9$ 4829 PARCEL MAP NO, 9 9 3 92; PARCEL 9 9 $,$89.55 260.26 9,339.68 1,829.25 3,429.19 9,003.83 4830 PARCEL MAP t~O, 91112.; PARCEL 12 _ 4,433.02 .~`~ 923.78 837.15 869,99 1,630.92 477.42 TOTAL AMOUNT APPORTIONEFi: 1 _ 2,708.34 2,882.86 14,890:99 20,332.77 3$,118.62 93,957.90 NOTES: 49,274.52 1. FOR A DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE LINES, DIMENSIONS, AND LOCATIONS OE REASSESSMENTS 4819 THROUGH 4830 REFERENCE PARCEt_ MAP N0.11112 RECORDED , 2005, IN BOOK ,,,,,,_ OF PARCEL. MAPS, AT PAGES ~ AND ~, #N THE OFFICE OE THE KERN COUNTY RECORDER. 2. THE AD 86.2 REMA#NING BALANCE, AS EXISTING OI~I DECENfBER 1,1993, HAS BEEN REFUNDED AND REDUCED AS DESCRIBED IN TNE. REASSESSMENT ENGINEER'S REASSESSMENT RI=PORT FOR T~{E C1TY OE BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DtSTRtCT N0.86-Z, AS APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNGiL ON JANUARY i2, 9994 {REASSESSMENT REPORT, PREPARED BY: WILSON & ASSOC#ATES APPROVED: ~~ EDWARDJ. WILSON R.C.E 23269 (EXPIRES 92-33-05J ~~ ~~~ ~~ . ~' ~ ~' N0.232~9 ~~. C4~11~ ~~ ~~ 0~ CA~1'~~~ ~~~~, DATE: 2~~~4EXA A-1 Q5f4~/20Q5 ~~~ DESCRIPTION (~F E~ISTIN~ REASSESSMENT ,AND NEw PARCELS TO 'RICH TIDE E~ISTIN~ REASSESSI~~ENT IS TO BE APPORTIQNED BY RFASSESS.~~ENT AND DIA.CrR~MM A~:ENDM[ENT ~~. 103 CITY OF BA~ERSFIELD A.SSESS~€~ DISTRICT NC}. 8d 2 {RANCHQ I,A~tJRDE STALE 1-A~BUENA VISTA TRUN~£ SE'~ER} AMENDING EXISTIN{~ RE,ASSESS~CBNT 33f 1 AND ADDING NE~V' REASSESSMENTS 481 THROI~C~I 4830 CREATED B~' REC(JRDATIUN OF PARCEL MAP Nth. 11112 ENISTING PARCEL 2005/2oo~i REASSESS~N'r AMBER REASSESSMENT A.T.N. FQR E~CSTINC PRINCIPAL TC~ BE ~~~ F~STIN~ PARCELS OF NE~V NUMBER REASSESSMENTS APPClRTI4NED HAVE BEEN SUI~I~IVIDED LOTS/PARCELS 33b1 494-040-40 4,27'4.52 Parcel Map No. 11112 FPM 11112 sub~.vides E~:sting Reassessment 33d 1 creating 12 new co~nmerclal~use parcels. The total remaining principal amount for Existing Reassessment 33+61 is reapportioned to the 12 new parcels Created by PM 11112. Existing Reassessment 33b1 is deleted from. the Reassessment Roll for AD 8~-2. Parcel Map No. 11112 a. 12 parcels in PM 11112 (Amended Reassessments 4819 through 4830} 12 Total New Reassessed LotsfParcels 12 Total New Non~reassessed Lots/Parcels 0 Total New Reassessment Numbers 12 Total Existing Reassessment Numbers deleted: from Roll -1 Net Ch~mge Active Reassessments on Roll 11 Total Amount to :fie Apportioned to Ne~u~ Reassessrr~ents: $49,274.52 1. I7npaid reassessment balance apportioned is tie balance at the beginni~~g of the 2005/2006 Tax dear, effective January 1, 2005, ~~cs~.~x~ 1 sist~s XIT ,1., DSCRIPT~~3~ 0~ TAE ~'R~~BD~R ~~~~ T~ ~.PPt~RT~~}~ ~. S~ARB (~~' Tl TJ'. R~ASSESS1t~T P~.IN~~PA~., ~'QR B~STII~G REASS:~SS~~T 3~~I TQ NBw RLASSBSS~TS 48 ~9 T~.~3~G~ 4~~~ RBA'TBD BY RE~t~RDA.TIt~~I ~~ I~AR~EI~ MAp l~I~. l l ~ ~~ CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 86-2 (BLTENA VISTA TRUNK ~EWERJRANCH~ LABORDE STAGE 1-A) RYAS sus sMI~~T ~~ D~AG~ A~~D~~~T r~~. ~ ~~ ~. APPt~RT~t~I~1~~T ~R~~~D~ ~~~ ~.ST~G RB.ASSBSS~~' ~~~ A. ~~isting Reassessn~er~t 3361 thereafter "Reassessment ~3~1"} is located in the City of Bakersfield and is described as R.ern bounty Assessor's Tai l~un~ber ~AT~} X94-040-44~ 00-~. ~'arcel Map o. ~ ~ 1 ~~ ~;`~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~"} subdivides Reassessment ~~~1, creating ~ con~:ereial~use parcels. The ~~ new parcels Parcels I through ~~ in PM z 1 I2} are assigned Amended Reassessment lumbers ~"An~.ended Reassess~nents~~ ~~ 1~ tl~rou ~ } g 4830, respectively. B. Reassessment 331 is a portion of old Assessment 1~4~ which was refinanced as ~. part of the refunding. of the Assessment District o. 8~_~ ~"A~ 8-2"} bonds ~~~4. ~t was created by Reassessment and Diagram Amendment o. ~~ ~"Apportionment o. 44"}for AD 8+6-,~, pursuant to the recordation ofParcel Map I~a.1o3~8 'tease ~ ~``~~ ~03~8~1"}. This reassessment is also located within an area which was included in Assessment and Diagram Aend~.ent o. l 9 ~"Amendm.ent o. ~ ~"}. A~nendrnent No. ~ 9 was a Change and Modification that respread the original and unpaid assessment. amounts for all of the AD ~~-Z parcels owned by Riverlal~es Ranch, to bring those parcel assessments into conformance with their amended land uses approved by General Plan Amendment 1-~0 Seg~.ent ~~~ {"~~~.1-9o-ICI"}. See An~endn~ent 0.1~ for details on the an~.ended land uses and the impact on the AD ~~-2 Assessments in this area. Reassessment 3 3 G 1 is located in the Buena vista Trunl~ Sewer Benefit ~"BVTS"}Zone,. the stage ~ -A Benefit Zone, and the Telephone Benefit Zone of AD 8~-Z. The pro~rement costs assessed to these Benefit Zones were funded by the AD 8~-2 Series ~., B, and D Bonds. C. The total rern.~g Reassessment Principal Amount for Reassessment 331 ~e~'ective January 1, Zoos, at the begi~g of the 20~51200~ Tai Year} is $4~,~'~4.52. The total original AD 8~-2 assessment amount. is $~~~,~~~. ~.o. The total ori~al AD 8G-~ assessment amount and the total. remaining reassessment principal. amount are reapportioned as described below. 296S4~X~ ~` 515/05 ~. DESCREPTIO~~ QP T~ PRC~CBDt~RB ~S~D TO SB~RB~ATE ADD APPCRTI~J~ TI-~E DI~TCrAL AS SBS SST A~D~T ~ T~rE ~1PA~D REA.S S~S~~ PRn"~C~PAL ~CU~T FRQNI RE.AS SBS SI~~I' ~ 3 G 1 T~J A~~DED BAS SAS SN~NTS 4819 THRaI~~~ 483 0 A. Reassessment ~ 3 ~ 1 is located in the Buena vista Trunk Sewer Series A Bonds Benefit Zone. €~ld Assessment 164 was created by Assessment and Diagram Amendment No. 31 ~"An~endn~ent :No. 31 "} for AD S~-2 pursuant to the recordation of Tract ~o. 53 b3 - Phase 1. A:s shown in Amer~d~nent ~Io. 31, Assess~.ent 164b was assessed the total original assessment amount for 1Vlodule 10 {established in Arn..endn~ent 3~0.19~ which was planned for development as a commercial use parcel. As shown in Apportion:~nent Na. 44, former Reassessment ~o. 22 {urhich eras created from old Assessment 164~~ urns subdivided ~y P 1o3b~-1 into 1 commercial-use parcel and 1 remainder parcel ~identi~:ed as Reassessment 3 3 61 ~. PSI 1111 ~ follows the ab ove-referenced development plan, subdividing Reassessment 3 3 61 ~a portion of old Assessment 1 X46, also identified as a portion of former Reassessment 22~ into 12 commercial-use parcels {Amended Reassessments 4819 through 430}. Details of the allocation of Reassessment 33b1 original assessment to the 12 parcels created by Ply 11112 are as fellows: 1. BvTS Sewer Capacity; By Apportionment o. 44 Reassessment 331 was allocated its share of 65 ~~uivalent Dwelling knits ~EDUs~ of BvTS Suer Capacity,. based on the estimated :number of durelling units when developed in accordance with the Change and 11~odi~:cation allocation described . Amendment ~o. 19. The total BvTS Sewer Capacity charge allocated to Reassessment 33 ~ 1 uras $1.5,52.1.9 for the total of 65 ~DI~s, at the original rate of $245.f ofD~. The total. BSS Sewer Capacity charge originally allocated to Reassessment ~ 3 ~ 1 is ~.pportio~.ed to the 12 parcels in P~ 11112 in direct proportion to parcel net areas sc-wn on the recorded PM 11112. 2. BvTS Scorer +Qversizing: The fatal original BvTS +~versizing amount far Reassessment 331 is apportioned to the 12 parcels in P 11112 in the same manner as BvTS Suer Capacity: in direct proportion to parcel net areas shourn on the recorded P 11112. The total BvTS Sewer ~lversizing charge for Reassessment. 331 is $30,523.5. 3 . Stage 1-A Arterial Street and utility Assessment Series B, C and D Bonds}: The Stage 1-A and I~tility Improvement assessments consists of several components, including a basic :street area charge and a major street trip generation. charge. The components of these assessments have been combined and are allocated. by the same method as discussed above. The total Qriginal Stage 1-A anal utility Assessment amount for Reassessment 3 3 ~ 1 is $214, 93.41. 29b54~~ ~ 515/0 S ~. Apportionment of the Total Remaining ~.eassessment Principal .A~.~aunt Balance for Reassessment ~ 3 ~ ~ to Amended ~.eassessments 4819 through 483 The three original ~.D 8~-~ Series of Tai ~~e~npt Bonds- Series .~, ~, ~ D~ mere refunded in ~ann:ary of 1 ~~4 by a Single Senes of Tax xern t Bands.. The sin lean 'nal ~ ~ ~ ~D 8G-2 Series of Ta.~ab~e Bonds Series ~} were also refunded at the same time by a S~gle aeries of Taxable ends. The amount req~.ired to refund each original series of bonds was prorated to each panel based on that parcel's remai.~.ng principal for that anginal bond series. The fatal re~nai~g pr~:cipal amount for each AD 86~~2 Bona Series far Reassessment 3 3 ~ 1 is apportioned to the 1 ~ arcels in P~ 1111 ~ in direct, ro ortiQn ~` P p to the anginal assessment share that is apportioned to each new paarcel byea~h AD Sd-2 Band Series. fore det~.led information on the land uses,. zoning and d~ell~.g u~t densities used. to apportion ~.eassessn~ent 33~ ~ is an :ale in the affiice of the public 'orbs Director and the o~.ce of the Planning Director far the City of B akersheld, I'REl'~D BY: ~B.,S~1~ & ASS~CIAT~S ~~ S. w ~_ Date: ~- l~ - ~ ADD 1. ~,s~~, ~. ~, ~. ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~ ~-~ ~ -~~} ~~s ~~~ SST ~~~~~, .~~ s~ s~T D~sT~CT ~~. ~~-~ a~~~~~s~~~,~~~~~~~~~.. ~~ ~~ ~:. ~ ~~ ~©~ ~, ~. ~2/~1~{~~ ~~~' ~A~~~~" 29654EXC ~ S/5/OS EXNlB[T ~} LISTING OF ORIGINAL REASSESSMENT AMOUNTS FOR AMENDED REASSESSMENTS 4819 TIiROUGH 4830 CITY QF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO, 86.2 (BUENA VISTA TRUNK SEI~VERIRANCHO LABORDE STAGE 1-A) COUNTY OF KERN. CALIFORNIA REASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT NC}.103 ~~._.~~,~_...._.~ ,V..~. .~._.~..._ ~m_ AMENDED PARCEL ~ DETAILS OF TAX EXEMPT ORIGINAL REASSESSMENT ~-- ...._..,~...._...---~.-- ._ ORIGINAL ' ~ TOTAL AMENDED J ©ESCRIPTION 1 ~ i ORIGINAL ORIGINAL ORIGINAL TOTAL TAXABLE. ORIGINAL ~ REASMT ~ ASSESSOR'S TAX SERIES A SERIES 8 SERIES D TAX EXEMPT I REASMT REASMT NUMBERS ~ ._..........._.~.~..s ..... NUMBER ~ATN) ...._....~.,,.. .._._ ___.....~ ~SEVUER) (STAGE 1-A) ~ STAGE 1-A) ~, ~A ~ B ~ D} AMOUNT AMOUNT 4.819 PARCEL MAP N0.11112; PARCEL 1 2,147,94 3,491.91 4,?65.00 10,404.85 2,454,42 12,869,27 4824 PARCEL MAP NO.11112; PARCEL 2 2,'117.14 3,441,91 4,895..77 10,255.82 2;419.25 12,675.0? 4821 PARCEL MAP N0.41412; PARCEL 3 2,188.&3 3,558.46 4,55.80 10,603.09 2,501.8 13,.104.27 4822 PARCEL. MAP N0.11112; PARCEL 4 2,175.41 3,.536.85 4,826.04 90,538.10 2,485.84 13,023.94 4$23 PARCEL MAP NO.11112; PA(~CEL 5 2,087.x3 3,393.77 4,631.08 14,112.38 2,385.42 12,497.$0 4$24 PARCEL MAP N0.11192; PARCEL 6 2,6132.16 4,279,20 5,839.31 12,750,67 3,007.77 15,75$.49 4825 PARCEL MAP NO.11112; PARCEL 7 2,398,74 3,809.71 5,321.48 11,619.93 2,741.04 14,360.97 4826 PARCEL ~fAP N0.11112; PARCEL 8 2,9x0.96 4,797.48 6,546.55 14,294,99 3,372.06 17,667.05 4827 PARCEL. MAP NQ. 41112; PARCEL 9 2,$59.83 4,649.32 6,344.38 13,853.53 3,267...93 17,121.46 4828 PARCEL. MAP N0.11112;: PARCEL 10 5,662.67 9,206.00 12,562.34 27,431.01 6„474.74 33,9x1.75 4829 PARCEL MAP NO.41112; PARCEL 11 2,823.$5 4,590,83 6,264.56 13,579.24 3,226.81 16,906.05 _ 4830 PARCEL MAP NO.11112; PARCEL 12 _.~...w._....~..._...~.,~,...~.~.. 1,343,01 _,..__2,183.39 2,979.4_ x,505 $1 1,534.66 $,040.47 TOTAL AMOUNT APPORTIONED: 31,38$.07' 51,028.63 _ 69,632,72 ~. v ... 152,049.42 35,867.12 187,91 fi.54m NOTI=: TIE AD 86.2 REMAINING BALANCE: AS EXISTING. ON DECEMBER 1, 1993, HAS BEEN REFUNDED AND REDUCED AS DESCRIBED IN THE REASSESSMENT ENGINEER'S REASSESSMENT REPORT FOR THE CITY £}F BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0, $6-2, AS APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL ON JANUARY 12, 9994 REASSESSMENT REPORT). THE AMOUNTS SHOtIVN ABOVE ARE THE ORIGINAL REFUNDING AMOUNTS HAD THESE PARCELS EXISTED AT THE TIME OF REFUNDING. 29s54Ex~ ~ D-~ a5~05~2005 Q W Q W ~j~ ~ r~ ~ ~.J ~rK 3~--•1 ~~ o~ ~~ r~~ ~ ~ ~~ 1.J h1~-~~ F-•t ors ~~ ~~ -i-~ ?-~i ~ w ~~ ~~ Q~ ~~ ~ ~ C? O ,~r{~ ((~~+i F^~-t *~ {'~ ~/ {-F.{ ~,.J o ~ ~.. fl z '~ ~ ~y _ U ~ ~ ~ ~ N~ ~ °~ # ~~~ q ~' ~Q E ~Zdd i ~~ i Q # t ~vsuU d C.) ~~ ~' f w ~ ~- m W _~ 0 ~ p ~ i _ ~ ~- ~ .. ~ ! a~ ~i ~ ~ ie ~ ~ d . fl ~d ~ fl Q~ z~ ~~ ,~ ~ ~ 1 ~ j o ~m¢ w~ ~ ~aa ~ ~- ~Li ~~ ~flt} ~~ Q~w .... {C tY w4 .tSt €Q ~ ~+ fit r ~ c ~o a`'i A ~' ~ '~c~~.''~ fr ~nEc+t i•- ~~ =per ~^ fl U ih U l[1 '~3 ~..0._ ads .~ X. C1 ,ty ~ ~ Q ~ ~ O c`~r D~ .~,~ E~ C~~O~Y t+F ~ ~°R ~' ~~ ~~ ~ iu ~ ,F V~,m~C~ ~m~~'aa~ fl ~ ~C ~a~ i~W ds~ ~ D U ~.~~~°~~a ~, v ~ ~.~ U ~ "' ~~ VJ ~ c ~ v i C O U d ~. U~J "" T} c~i~~`wd~m ~ ~~~~i1~i 3 ~ W+` ~ ~ a ~'~ Q Urs ~~ ~i }~~ maw itild ~ ~ g j~ .~ e a ~~' °a~ ~~~ ~~;~~~c~ z t~. 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Z UiI d~ ~ a. © ~ ~ .~ ri ni M o ~ ~ ' ~ ~ ~~w~ ~ ~- ~~~~ t F ~ - n `} ~ ~ ~" ~ W ,7. ~+ . r ~ ~ tV U "~"1~L't ` d ~ s~ ~" ~ Upy p' ~ p w p d lt, :'~~:~~ ~ ~,~j1 ~ '' ''S ~ t A, ~~ m~ ~ r: e a '+` m +t > fC , ,fit"' 7 ~ r'-. [) w, i Y '~ >,~! ~~~lj~=.~.-l ~9 '~~ `Sdt~V'! ~0 Z~b `~18 ~ ~. ~~ o /q ~" ~ h 3 ia. A} .[.. ~ l • B A K E R S F I E L D PUBLIC FINANCING AUTHORITY May 20, 2005 Raul M. Rojas Public Works Department City of Bakersfield 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301 Re: Reassessment and Diagram Amendment No.103, City of Bakersfield Assessment District No. 86-2, Segregating and Apportioning Existing Reassessment 3361 create New Reassessments 4819 through 4830. Dear Mr. Rojas: I herewith acknowledge that the City of Bakersfield Public Finance Authority has received the Notice to Bondholder form for the referenced Reassessment and Diagram Amendment No.103 for Assessment District No. 86-2. Please be advised that the City of Bakersfield Public Finance Authority accepts the amended reassessments shown on Engineer's Report Exhibit A attached to the Notice to Bondholder and a public hearing on those reassessment amendments will not be requested within the fourteen day notice period as provided by law. Very truly yours, City of Bakersfield Public Finance Authority By: - Date: ~.~' ~~ v?~o-S~ eg J. Klimko City of Bakersfield • Finance Department • 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield • California • 93301 (661) 326-3742 • Fax (661) 326-3760 • E-mail: finance@ci.bakersfield.ca.us ~1~~TI~~ TO B(}NJ~~C~~~~R DIVISI~~ ~~ LAID ADD RI;AS ~~~ S~~~T RBASSESS~~' ADD D~AGI~.A~ A~~1D~~T ~~. 103 ~~TY t~l~ BA~I~RSI~IEI,D ASSI~SSNI~~T D~STI~.I~T NU. 8GM2 C~}~~TY' Ql~ K.~R~, STAT11(~~ GALT~t~R.~A A~~DfI~~- BSTI~G SAS SBS S~~EI~fiT 3 3 ~ 1 T~ ADD ~~ RI~ASSESS~~I~TS 48 ~ 9 T~Cli3~H 4834 ~QT~CB IS ~RI~BY ~~vE~ to you as the original purchaser of the bonds issued by the ~~TY ~F B.A~ERSI~LD to represent the unpaid reassessments relating to the acquisition and construction of certain public improvements in an assessment district mown and designated as ASS~SS~~~T DISTRICT 1~~, ~~-~. hard bonds were issued pursuant to the terns and provisions of the "Improvement Bond Act of 1915," being Division.l4 of the Streets and I-l~.ghways bode of the State of California. 1~DTIC~ ~S ~REB~ ~IVB that an apportionn~.ent has been requested by the property owners} and prepared by the Superintendent of Streets of the unpaid reassessments relating to the reassessments and parcels as sh~awn on BAIT ~, L`A~~DBD R~ASSSS~T ROI~i~" for said district, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. ~~3TICB IS :I~RBY GIVB~ that unless a request for a public hearing is received from you within fourteen ~ 14} days from the date of mailing of this l~otice, the .above-referenced an~ende~..reassessments shall be recorded in the manner and forte. as required by law, If a re nest fir hearin is received a 7 report shall be filed and a hearing shah be scheduled, noticed, and held in accordance with D'art 1 ~ ~camrmencing with Section 8730} of said Division 14. If you have any further ~uestions~ .please contact the undersigned at the following address: ~.aul . ~:ojas Public worl~s Director ~IT~ D~ B~F.~RSPIELD ~ 541 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, ~A 93341 ~G61~ 32b-3724 This procedure i.s pursuant to the provisions of Fart 14.5 of Division 14 of the Streets and PIi.ghways bode ofthe State of California, the "Improvement Bond Act of 1915." Dated: `- By: ~.... ~uperantendent of Streets City of Bal~ersh.eid State of California AD Sb-2 sisias EXFIIBIT A AMENDED REASSESSMENT ROLL CITY OF BAKERSFiELD ASSESSMENT DlSTR1GT N0.86-2 (BUENA V#STA TRUNK SEVI~RIRANC~fO !_A1~30RDE STAGE 1-A) COUNTY O1' KERN, CAL{~ORNIA AMENDING EXISTING REASSESSMENT 3361 AND ADDING NEW REASSESSMENTS 4819 TEIROUG1~1483(3 CREATED BY RECORDATION OF PARCEL MAP N0.11112 REASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT N0.103 - AMENDED PARCEL y ~ . ~ _ _.. -.. _... DETAILS Oi' TAX EXEMPT AMENDED REASSESSMENT TOTAL ~TAL AMENDED ! DESCRIPTION 1 ~ ~ SERIES A ~ SERIES ~ a SERIES D TOTAL ~ TAXABLE AMENDED REASMT I ASSESSOR'S TAX ~ AMENDED PROPERTY ~ ? SNARE SFIARE ~ ` SNARE TAX EXEMPT' AMOUNT REASMT NUMBERS NUMBER' ATN i ~..~..~ ~.. ~ ~ ; _._. !OWNER NAME 1 ADDRESS` _- , EF1~ 111104 . EFF 111!04 EFF 111104 ; ~A + 8 + !3~ ~ EFF 111104 ~ AMOUfi3T EXISTING REASSESSMENT 3361 #DENTIFII=D AS KERN COUNTY ASSESSOR'S TAX NUMBER 494 04Q 4Q 4 , , - - - 49, ;S Stlgt~{VIpEp BY PARCEL MA#~ #~O. 11112 {PM 11112) ENTO 12 COMMERCIAL-USE PARCELS. THE 12 NEW PARCELS (PARCELS 1 THROUGH 121N PM 11112} ARE ASSIGNED AMENDED REASSESSMENT NUMI~ERS 4819 THROUGH 4830 RESPECTIVELY. THE TOTAL REASSESSMENT PRINCIPAL AMOUNT FOR EXISTING REASSESSMENT 3361 I$ APPORTIONED T4 THE 12 NEVtf PARCELS CREATED Bll PM 11112. , THE TOTAL UNPAID REASSESSMENT PRINCIPAL AMOUNT FOR EXlST1NG REASSESSMi=NT 3361 (EFFECTIVE .3ANUARY 1, 2QQS, AT T~iE BEGINNING OF Ti~tE 23}fl512006 TAX YEAR} iS $49,274.52. TFIE THE TOTAL REASSESSMENT AMOUNT APPORTIONED TO EACH NEW PARCEL IS SHOWN UNDER THE COLUMN ENTITLED "TOTAL AMENDED REASMT AMOUNT." EXISTING REASSESSMENT 336115 DELETED FROM THE REASSESSMENT ROLL FOR ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.86 ~, 4819 PARCEL MAP NO.11112; PARCEL 1 The following listed parties ate point owners o~ 197.96 1,01$.99 1,391.39 2,60$.34 763.55 3,371.89 4820 PARCEL MA-P N0.11112; PARCEL 2 ail parcels to Parcel Map No. 11112: 195.12 1,004.41 1,371.46 2,570.99 752.60 3,323.59 4821 PARCEL MAP N0.11112; PARCEL 3 _ ._.___~_. 201.73 1,038.42 1,417.89 2,658.04 778.09 . ._ 3,436.13 4822 PARCEL MAP N0.11112; PARCEL 4 { ~ 200.50 1,432.05 1,409.20 2,641.75 773.32 3,415.07 4823 ~ PARCEL MAP NQ.11112; PARCEL 5 '; Harald and piana Rt~bertson Farrtily Trust ~ 192.44 990.36 1,352.28 2,535.04 742,08 3,277.12 4824 PARCEL MAP N0. 1 t 1'12; PARCEL 6 Tony E. Wogg and Stacy L. Nogg, Joint Tenants 24.59 1,248.74 1,705,08 3,198.41 935.69 4,132.1iJ 4825 PARCEL MAP 1VO.11112; PARCEL 7 ~ Fred and Saundra Porter Family Trust 221.08 1,138.40 1,553.87 2,912,95 $52.71 3,765.66 4826 PARCEL MAP NO.11112; PARCEL 8 ~ 51H One LC,.C j 271.97 1,399.$8 9,911.59 3,5$3.54 1,Q49.01 4,632.55 4827 PARCEL It~IAP N0.11112; PARCEL 9 S & B Propet#y Investments, LLC i; 263.57 1,356.75 1,852.56 3,472.88 1,016.62 4,489.50 4828 PARCEL 1~AP N0.11112;1"ARGEL 10 521.90 2,686.46 3,688:21 6,$75.57 2,012.98 _....~..-------~w- - ... __ ,.. 1 8,8$9.55 _. 4829 PARCEL MAP N0.11112; PARCEL 11 260.26 1,339.68 1,829.25 3,429.19 1,1303.83 4,433.02 4830 PARCEL MAP NO.11112; PARCEL 12 ~ _ -- - 123.78 637.15 86±x.99 1,630.92 477.42. ~..~_.._ ~ 2,108,34 TOTAL AMOUNT APPORTIONED!: --~~_-._-~. ~~- 2,882.86 14,890.99 20,332.77 38,146.62 11,157.90 49,274.52 NOTES: FOR A DETAILED DESi;R1PT10N OF THE L#NES, DI#~ENSIONS, AND LOCATIONS OF REASSESSMENTS 4819 THROUGH 4$30 REFERENCE PARCEL NlAP N0.11112 RECORDED , 2(305, 1N BOOK ,~ OF PARCEL MAPS, AT PACES ,_,,, AND _,,1NTHE OFFICE OF THE KERN COUNTY RECORDER. THE AD 88-2 RIrMA#NING BALANCE, AS EXISTING ON DECEMBER 1,1993, }SAS BEEN REFi1NDED A1VD REDllGED AS DESCR18E1~ 1N THE REASSESSMENT ENGINEER`S REASSESSMENT REPORT I:OR THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.86-2, AS APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL ON JANUARY 12,.1994 (REASSESSMENT RF~ORT}. PREPARED 8Y: WILSON & ASSOCIATES APPROVED: _ ..~.. EDWARD J. WILSON R.C.E. 23209 (E~XP1RE512-31-05} -- N0.2~2~~ * E~cp. 121331(75 ~k ~ ~~ crvi~ Q~~ 4w\ OF CA4iF BATE: ` ~ ~ `~~ zg~~~.ExA A-~ a~1~~~2ao~ 1=xM1~1T a AMENDED REASSESSMENT ROLL CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO.86-2 (13UENA VISTA TRUNK SEWERIRANGL-i0 LABORDE STAGE 1-A) COUNTY OF KERN, CRLtFORNIA AMEND#NG EX#ST#NG REASSESSMENT 3381 AND AI)171NG NEW REASSlSSMENTS 4818 THROUGH 4830 CREATED BY RECORDATION QF PARCEL MAP N0.11112 REASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT NO.103 ;......._ t '~ AMENDED PARCEL. .____,_^...... ._.~.. ~,~ _~_~DETAILS OF TAX ExEMPT AMENDED REASSESSMENT, OT AL ~~ T~.. AMENDED DESCRIPTION I ~ i SERIES A t SERIES B SERIES p TOTAL. TAXAL3LE AMELVDi=D ;REASMT , ASSESSOR'S TAX ! AMENDED PROPERTY ~ SHARE SHARE ~ SHARE TAX E~PT, AMOUNT REASMT ~NIIMgERS I_.~...._ NUMBER SAT OIf~VER NAM ~ .~ _ww,~..,-.._ E 'ADDRESS ~ ; EPP 111f04 ~ EPF 1f#104 EFP 911(04 ~A+ g+ p~ i E~ 9f1i04 ' AMOUNT EklSTING REASSESSMENT 3361, IDENTII=#E;} AS KERN COUNTY ASSESSOR'S TAX NUMBER 494.040-40-fl0-9, LS SUSD#V#DED BY PARCEL MAP N0. 11112 (PM 1.1112) INTO 12 CO.M~9ERCIAL-USE PARCELS, T#~E 12 NL~W PARCELS {PARCELS 1 THROUGH 12 III PM 11112} ARE ASS#GNi=1) ANIENDEO R~ISSESSMENT ~1tlMBERS 4819 THROUGH 48 RESPECTIVELY. THE TOTAL REASSESSMENT PRINCIPAL AMOUNT i'OR EXISTING I~EASSESSMEAIT 336115 APPORTIONED TO THE 12 NEW PARCELS CREATED BY PM 11112. THE TOTAL UNPAID REASSESSMENT PRINCIPAL AMOUNT 1=0R EXISTING REASSESSMENT 338.1 ~EFEECTIVE JANUARY 1, 2{105. AT THE BEGINNING Oi` THE 200512006 TAX YEAR) IS $49,274.52. THE THE TOTAL REASSESSMENT AMOUNT APPORTIONED TO EACH NEW PARCEL IS SHOWN UNDER THE COLUMN ~NTlTLED "TOTAL AMENDED REASMT AMOUNT." EXISTING REASSESSMENT 3361 IS DELETED PRAM THE REASSESSMENT ROLL FOR ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.86-2. 4819 PARCEL MAP NO. '11112; PARCEL 1 The fo##awing lined parties are joint r~~rners of 197.96 1,018.99 1,391.39 2,601,34 763.55 3,371.69 4820 PARCEL MAP 110.99192; PARCEL. 2 all parcels in Parcel Map No, 11112: 195.12 1,004.41 1,371.46 2,576.99 752.610 3,323.69 4821 PARCEL MAP N0.19912; PARCEL 3 _ ~~.__~ 201.73 9,038.42 1,417.89 2,656.x4 778.09 3,436.13 4822 PARCEL MAP N0.19112; PARCEL4 ~" ~M_ _.~ 200.50 1,032.05 1,409.2(1 2,641.75 773,32 3,415.Ofi 4823 PARCEL MAP N0.11112; PARCEL 5 j Haroid and Diana Robertson Family Trust 192.40 990.36 1,352.28 2,535,04 7 . 42 06 3,277.12 4824 PARCEL. MAP N0.19112; PARCEL. $ ~ Tony E. Hogg and Stacy L. Hogg, Joint Tenants I 242.59 9 248.74 1705.08 3,196.49 935.69 4,132.10 4825 PARCEL MAP N0.9 9112; PARCEL. 7 ~ Fred and Saundra Porter Family Trust ~ 229.0$ 1,138.00 1,553.87 2,912.95 852.71 3 765.6 4826 PARCEL MAP NO.9 9112; PARCEL 8 ~ 6 51H One LLC 271.97 1,399.58 1,911.59 31583.54 1,049.01 4,fi32.55 4827 PARCEL MAP NO, 11112; PARCEL 9 B & 8 Property investments, LLC ~ 263,57 1.,356.75 1.,852.56 3,472.68 1,096.~i2 4,489.50 4828 PARCEL MAP N0.9 9192; PARCEL 10 ~ _.,.__.._._. ~ 521.90 2,686.46 3,668.21 6,676.57 2,[}92.98 8,889.55 4829 PARCEL MAP N0, 91112; PARCEL 1 t ,4 260.26 1,389.88 1,829.25 3,429.19 1,003,83 4 433.02 4$30 PARCEL MAP NO.11112; PARCEL 92 , - 123.78 637.95 869.89 1,630.92 477',42 2,108.34 Tt~TA~, AMOUNT' APPORTI0NE~3: T" - _._... .. ~ .~.~... 2,832.86 14,890.99 20 332.77 ~.~ 38,116,62 11,157.99 49,274.52 NOTES: FOR A DETAILED DESCRtPT#ON OF THE LINES, DIMENSIONS, AND LOCATIONS OF REASSESSMENTS 4819 THROUGH 4830 REFERENCE PARCEL MAP N0.19112 RECORL3I;D . , 2005,. IN BOOK ._„_ OF PARCEL MAPS, AT PAGES „~, AND ,_,_, IN THE OFF#CE OF THE KERN GOLlNTY RL~CORf}ER, THE AD 66 2 REMAINING BALANCE,. AS EXISTING ON DECEMBER 1,1993, HAS BEEN REFUI~IDED AND REDUCED AS DESCRIL3EQ tN Tt-IE REASSESSMENT ENGINEER'S REASSESSMENT REPORT FOR THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO.86-2, AS APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL ON JANUARY 12,1994 {REASSESSMENT REPORT}, PREPARED DY: WILSON ~ ASSOCIATES APPROVED: _ . EDWARp J. WILSON R.P.E. x3269 EXPIRES 92-31-05} ~~ ~~~ ~~ ~ ~ tfi ~ No. ~32~9 * ~P• ~~;I05 ~9 CtVi~ ~y~P ~~~ ~ Ofi CA~t~~ g} DATE: ~ ~ ~ t '~~ ~ 2~s~4ExA ~-~ o~io~r20a~ ~x~~D1T DESCRIPTI~}N Q~' '~~ PROCEDURE USED '~~ APPORTION ~ S~HA~E ~~` TIDE UPA.~D REAS SES S~~ PP.I~CIPA~, Ft~R E~ISTI~G REASSESSfE~T 331 TO ~~ REA.SSESS~E~TS ~81~ T~OI~~ ~~~~ CRESTED B'~ REC€~I~D.~TION a~ PARCEL ~ ~~. ~ ~ ~ ~~ CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 86-2 (BUENA VISTA TRUNK SEWERJRANCH4 LABORDE STAGE 1-A} RE~SSESS~IET AI'~D DIAGR~VI ~NJEI~D~~T ~~.1~3 1.. A.PPt~RTIO~~I~T ~ROCEDI~RE POR ExISTI~ RE~SSESS~~T 331: .~.. Existing Reassessment 3 3 ~ 1 ~hereaf der "R.eassessm~e~t ~ ~ 61 "} is vacated in the +~~ty of ~a~ers~.eld and is desc~bed as Fern County.Assessor's Tax umber ~ATN} X94-04Q-4~- ~Q-9. Parcel dap o. l ~ 112 {t`P1VI 1 ~ 12"~ subdivides Reassessment 33+6, creating 12 commercial-use parcels. The 12 new parcels Parcels 1 through 12 in P~ 11112} are assigned mended Reassessment ~u~bers ~"Amended Reassessn~entsT'~ 4819 throu 483 ~, respectively. B . Reassessment 33 ~ 1 is a portion of old ssessn~ent 1 b~6 which was refinanced as a part of the refunding. of the A~ssessn~ent District No. 862 ~"~D ~~-2"~ bonds in 1 X94. It was created by Reassessment and Diagram Amendment ~o. 4~ ~"A.pportion~nent Via. 44" for A.D 8~-2, pursuant to the recordation ofParcel dap ~o,1a3~8 Phase 1 ~"P~ 1~3~8-1"}. This reassessment is also located within an area which was included ~ Assessment aid Diagram A.n~end~:ent ~o. l9 ~"Amendment I~o.19''}. A.end~nent X0.19 was ~, Change and ~'Iadif~cation that respread the original and unpaid assessment amounts for- all of the AD 8~-2 parcels owned b~ Riverlal~es Ranch, to bring those parcel assessments into conformance with their amended land uses approved by general Plan A~.endn~ent 1-9Q Segment III ~"~~'~ 1-90-Iii"}, See Amendment o. ~ ~ for details on the amended land uses and the impact on the AD 86-2 Assessments in t~.s area. Reassessment 3 3 61 is located in the Buena Vista Trunk Sewer Benefit ~"BVTS"}Zone, the Stage I-A ~enef~t Zane, and the Telephone ~enef~t Zone of AD 8~-2. The improvement costs assessed to these benefit Zones were funded by the AD 8b-2 Series A, B, C and D Bands. C. The total remaining Reassessment Principal A..ount for Reassessment 3 3 X51 effective ~anuar~ 1y 2~a~~ at the beg%nning of the 24~~/20~d Tax Years is $~9,2'7~.52. The total original AD 8b-2 assessment amount is ~2~1,~49.1~. The tots original AD 8~-2 .assessment amount and the total remaining reassessment principal amount are reapportioned as described below. zs~s~~xc ~ ~~~~os 2. DES~RB'TI~ t~~ T~ PR~CBI~IJR~ USB~ T~ SE~RB~A.TB A~ A~P~3RT~~~ T~1 ~R~t~AI~ AS SAS SI~C~T ~~~T A~ T~ ~AI~ RYAS SE SS~~~~CIl'AL AIVIt~1~l~T ~R~~ RYAS ~~ S~~T 3 ~ f 1 T~ ADD R~,A ~ SS SS~1~~TS ~$~9 T~R~~3C~~ 4~3~: A. R.eassess~nent 335 is located in the Buena Vista Tr~n~ Sewer Seri s ~ e A Bond~~ Benefit bane. old Assessment ~4~ was created b~ Assessment and Dia a~n Any endment ~o. 3 ~ ~"amendment o. 3 ~"~ for AD 8b-2 ursuant to the recur p dat~on of Tract ~Io. S3G3- Phase ~ . As shown ~. Amendment ~a. 3 I, Assessment ~ ~4~ was ass. essed the total original assessment amount for nodule ~o established in An~endm. nt 10.1 ~ ~ } which was planned for development as a commercial use arcel. As shown in A o p pp rt~on.ent No. 44, former Reassessment o. 22 (which. was created Pram. old Assessmen t ~ d4~} was subdivided by Ply 143~~-~ into 1 corr~~nercial--use arcel and ~ remai p nder parcel (identified as Reassessment ~~~ 1~. PNl 11112 follows the above-referen ced ~.evelopment plan, subdividing Reassessment 33~ 1 ~a portion of old Assessn~er~t 1 ~4~ . ,also rde~.tlfied as a portion of former Reassessment 22~ into ~ 2 co~e~•cia:%use arcels e . p ~.Am. nded Reassessments 4S ~ through ~83~~, Details of the allocation of Reas sessment 3 3 ~ 1 original assessment to the 1 ~ parcels created b P ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ are as follow ~' s. 1. BVTS Sewer Capacity: By Apportionment loo. 44 Reassessment 3 ~ ~ 1 was allocated its share of ~5 equivalent Dwelling knits ~B13s~ of BVTS Sewer ~a acit based o p ~'~ n the estimated number of dwelling units when developed in accordance with the khan ge and 1Vlodification allocation described in Amendment ~o. 19. The to 1 to BVTS Sewer rapacity charge allocated to Reassessment 33~I was 1 ~ 952..1 ~ for .. the total of ~S ~L~1.Is, at the arigznal rate of ~245.60~tJ. The total BVTS Sewer Ga parity charge originally allocated to Reassessment 331 is a ortoned to the 12 . pp parcels ~n p'M ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~- dn'ect proportion to parcel net areas sown on the recorded P. 1 1112. ~. BVTS Sewer Qversizing: The total original BVTS 4versi~.ng amount for Reassessment 33 d 1 is a anion . pp ed to the 1 ~ parcels in ~'~ ~ ~ 112 in the san~~e ma~.er as BVTS Sewer Ca acit : in p Y direct proportion to parcel net areas shown on the recorded PN11 ~ 112. Th • . e total BVTS Sewer Oversizing charge for Reassessment ~ 3 d ~ is $3 Q 523 . So. 3. Stage 1-A Arterial Street and Utility Assessment (Series B, C and D Bonds).: The Stage 1-A. and ~Ttility Improvement assessments consists of several cum onents A including a basic street area charge and a .major street tri eneratian chax e T p g g . he com~panents of these assessn~.ents have been combined and are allocated b the same Y method as discussed above. The total Clriginal Stage ~ -A and t~tili Assessment a~.ount for Reassess~.ent 3 3 b ~ is $~ ~ ~., 973 . ~ ~ . 29~54E~C 2 5l S1Q5 B. Appartion~~n.ent of the Total Remaining Reassessment Principal .A~~:ount Balance for Reassessment 33f ~ to mended Reassessments 48 ~ ~ through 4~3~. The three anginal 8~-~ Series of Tax exempt Bands Series .~., B, c~ ~} ~rere refunded in January of 1~9~ by .Single Series ofTa~ B~e~npt Bonds:. The single original AD S~-2 Series of Taxable Bonds Series ~} mere also refunded at the same time by a Single Series of Taxable Bonds. The an~aunt required to refund each orig~.al series of bonds vas prorated to each parcel based on that parcel's remaining principal for that ari~inal band series. The total remaining pr.cipal amaunt for each 8~-~ Bond Series for Reassessment 33~ 1 is apportioned to the ~~ parcels in 1~M 111 ~~ in direct proportion to the original assessment share that is apportioned to each ne~v parcel by each A.D ~6-2 Bond Series, More detailed ~n~orrr~ation on the land uses, zoning and. dwelling u~~it densities used to apportion Reassessment 33 ~ 1 is on fie in the once of the ~blic ~orl~s Director and the aft ce of the Plann~.g Director fQr the City ofBa~ersfield. PR~PAR~D BY; ~J~SC~~ .SSDC~~T~S By , Date: ~'. ~~ ~D'~ARD ~, U~~.S~N, R.. C. E, 23Z~9 ~I'II~S 1231-t15} REASSBSS~NT B~~ER, ASSESS~~T D1STl~CT Nth. 8~-~ ~~~~~~~~I~~ ~~~` ~, ~ '~. ~~ sQ ~~ ~~, 23263 ~ ~C~.12/3~/Q~ ~~~ c~v~~. ~~~ ~' ~~ c~~~~~~ . '?~654EXC "~ 5151US EXN#B#T D LISTING QF ORIGNAL REASSESSMENT AMOUNTS FQR AMENDED REASSESSMENTS 483 ~ THRUUGH 4830 G1TY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT'DISTRIG~' NO.86-2 ~BUENA VISTA TRUNK SEWERfRANGHO LABORDE STAGE 1 A} G4UNTY flF KERN, CALIFC3RNIA. REASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT NQ.103 ~~~ ... .~..... ..r-t AMENDED PARCEL ~ T -.'_ .___.__ _ _ DETAILS C}F TAX EXEMPT QRIGINA~. REASSESSMENT ~.. ORIGINAL. TOTAL AMENDED ~ DESGRIpTIQN ! ! ORIGINAL ~ ORIGINAL ~ ORIGINAL TOTAL `; TAXABLE ORIGINAL REASMT } ~ ASSESSOR`S TAX SERIES A SERIES B ~ SERIES D _ TAX EXEMPT D A + REASMT AM UIttT REASMT MOUNT NUMBERS .... NUMBER ~ATN} _...._ _ ......_ SEWER} ~ (STAGE 1 A~ {STAGE 1-A} } ~ B + 4 A ~ 4899 PARCEL. MAP NO.11112; PARCEL 1 2,147.94 3,491.91 4,785.00 10,444.85 2,464.42 12,859.27 4829 PARCEI. MAP N~J.11112; PARCEL 2 2,917.14 3,449.91 4,695.77 '14,255.82 2,419.25 12,575.07 4821 PARCEL MAP NQ. 11132; PARCEL 3 2,188,83 3,558.46 4,855,80 10,803.09 2,54'1.18 13,104.27 4822 PARCEL MAP N0, 11312; PARCEL 4 2,175.41 3,538.85 4,826.04 10,538.10 2,485..84 13,023.94 4$23 PARCEL. MAP NO.11112; PARCEL 5 2,087.53 3,393.77 4,631.08 10,112.38 2,385.42 12,497.80 4824 PARCEL MAP N0, 11112; PARCEL 6 2,832.'16 4,279.20 8,839.31 12,750.67 3,007.77 1.x,75$.44 4825 PARCEL MAP NQ.11112; PARCEL 7 2,398.74 3,899.71 x,321.48 11,819.93 2,7'41.44 14,360.97 4826 PARCEL MAP NQ. 11112; PARCEL 8 2,954.96 4,797.48 8,546.55 14,294.99 3,372.06 17,667.05 4827 PARCEL MAIa NQ. 11112; PARCEL 9 2,859.83 4,849.32 8,344.3$ 13,853.53 3,287.93 17,121.46 4828 PARCEL MAP NQ. 11112; PARCEL 14 5,862.67 9,206.00 12,562.34 27,431.01 6,470.74 33,901.75 4829 PARCEL MAP N0.31192; PARCEL 11 2,$23.85 4,590.$3 8,264.56 93,fi79.24 3,228.81 16,946.05 4830 PARCEL MAP NO.91112; PARCEL 12 9,343.01 2,183.39 2,979.41 8.,505.81 1,534.86 8,040.47 TOTAL AMaUNT APPORTIaNED: M._ - _31,388.07 ~59;028.~3 85,632.72 152,049.42 35,867.12 187,916.54 NOTE: THE AD 86 2 REMAINING BALANCE., AS EXISTING ON DECEMBER 1, 9993, HAS BEEN REFUNDED AND REDUCED AS DESCRIBED IN THE REASSESSMENT ENGINEER'S REASSESSMENT REPORT FOR THE CITY C3F BAKERSFIELO ASSESSMENT aISTRIGT Nfl. 86-2, AS APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL ON ,1ANUARY 12, 9994 (REASSESSMENT REPORT}. THE AI~!{~UNTS SHOWN ABQVE ARE THE URIGINAL REFUNDING AMOUNTS HAD THESE PARCELS EXISTED AT THE TIME OF REFUNDING. 29~54EXD d-1 051~5I2005 Q W W +~ ~ tea t~~ ~ ~ F-~d ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ L.J ~~ 1~*~^~y f,~,t `f"T r"i ~~ ~~ [t~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~+~ pV 1 ~ ~~~1 ~'j ~*'~ ~ ~ ~~ {~'~ V~ E.....~ fl } Y_ u ~ ~ "' ° } z ~ ~ i o { s:., ~ { ~~ .~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ `~ ~~ ~ r1 M ~ its ~~ a ~ Q ~dQ a~m~ ~a~ta ~ ; ~ ~~~~ v~'i tJ ~, ! Q ~ ~ ¢ ~~ iff ~ ~ ~ { E ~ z+~ ~ ~ ~- ~ € ~ ~ Q~ ~ 4. EJ ~ ~~ 4 ~4 ~~ ~fl 4 D a~ ts. ~ u , z~ ~~ ~ ~ ~4 ~mQ Z ~ ~ 41~ ~~ ~ 0 ~ ~a~i w wuu o~ c~~ zxz ~F"Q: ~~z o~ U~ Q ~ X (t:li3 ~~i a u A~t ~ w r ~~ ~ vac /1 t O~w ~-Cy v4 N ~+ ~~~~fl~ ~~ x. ~..... ~OQ~tB~ Qd =~ L¢u _ px .4~~fF.wr- v ttr`n~~g~ ~N C~p~4~~ ~~ v - ~. aSBm~m° ~ ~,~~ ~ v ~ ,~; -~'cosa .~,.. ~~G r,.Q~,e,;~~v _ ~4 C Ci " .QCt~ ~ ~yC7 ~j ~,; ~ ~rtlCGfep'O d ~~,yt~u D7 Gi G r Q ty ~ ~ ~- i1J ~~~mv~r~i! ~ ~3m ~ D. rq.~ .C 0! i. j: Ut '^ b N ++.v ~ et ER tr Ld d • ,~. y..wx mq~ di O Q m ti1.2 itS W ~ ~ 'CF O.>. ai ~ EX ? z u. o cn?' oua~r a~~ ¢ .f--~ ~- I r z ~w ~'~ ~3w a ~~ i~~~ a ~U ~xa~ Z "~pZ ~~~ f-~~dCYQQ~IUY v-~urw ~ a u¢ ~°¢+-c~°' w ~Vf U U1 ~ Z ~ ~" Vl1^ 3 ~ wVj ~~p~ 1~13'i~„Q QUl~~at?~D~}3Qii Y~~~~i/}~Q~t] a~~~,v~,~ur w m~~,~~~a~~~ ~3Q~~wQ~dw +nw_nce w~ ~w~~w i~a`~c~¢ ~~~Zd~'-~~~~ ~T~" ~~~C}f~l?~LS ~~~ocs~'~~~°z U~I~4d'q!Y [r!~"tt~} q~is-iriUZz b3"xZd~~(3R ~~a,rDU~cvU~3? ~ ~~ Z ~y fl3 ~ t7 ~ ~ qC ~~ ~c~ ~ E~iEF- ~.h ~~ ~ ~ Q'~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ z d J ~~ ~fl ~- ra ~ ~ C3 {~,~ ~d $ C3 ~V! 4i ~ ~~ ~~ 2 Lt ~'~ ~ ~.O ~~ la ~ ~ ,~~. i ~~ ~~,~ x. L. U O "~ a ~7=U~ ~t~~ ~~ ~~.. ~°~ ~~~ ~a~m ?- 03 j ~z ! x~ ~,~ ~ ~'~_~ ~~ g,tT-~it3~~ }~ ~ Q~ ~~~u ~~~° ~ ~~ ~Z~~ft1 ~ --@w ~~W ¢rw`~~~Q~ E~~x z ~ ~' ~ ~ ~~ ~~'~© ~;~ t~~'`~~~~~ ~ }~ ~~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~ €a v~~~a ~"~r~~ ~ ~ ~L3W~W ~ ~~~~~~~ ~ tw~ax, o> ca ~-~~ttpzo }~~uo~~~ ~ ~~ a:uz ,» ~-- Q tai U 1° o~¢~~- Y~t~it~Ztt.R 44~~~¢N~ x1~Q~a~J'ddd t~S~1z~aU~~ a~.r ~ 4 Q V'~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ £ ~. ~ "_ U<Co ~-y,,t~7~ dt~ ~ O :, ~ E ~ ~ t01i a ~ txxi~ Q a~A. is -y ~ ~ c o ra ~, a ,. ~` ~ ~. ..~ ~- c ~D~ ~oa~i m¢o ~ Q ff ~ a+ m .~. t} ~ Ct to 'C s. 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X D k~, ~' Y ` ,~ -r ati~ ~.r'' ~fs~J3ti ~ / ~~ ~~ `sew .~a ~~ •xe z ~s~~a ~~~s ~o~ ~3~~ ----- ~ --~ ~ ~ r ~. ~ ~ O t t'i ,~~~ ' , ~ tef ~ Esi ~~~ ~ ~' ~' ~ t a: 1 Q d NtITI~~ T0~ B{JNDII[~LDER DIVISIQN GP LAND AND REASSESSMENT REASSESSMENT .AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT NC. 103 CITY OF BA:I~ERS~'iELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT Nth. 862 CGUNTY' OF FERN, STATE OF CALTEGRMA AN.~ENDING EXISTING REASSESSMENT 336 ~ TO ADD NEw REASSESSMENTS 4819 THR~}UGH 4830 N~CTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to you as the original purchaser of the bonds issued b the CITY GP B y ARERSPIELD to represent the unpaid reassessments relating to the ac uisition and construction of . q certain public ~n~provements ~n an assessment district known and .designated as ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.86-2. Said bonds were issued pursuant to the terms and provisions of the "I~.provement Bond. Act of 1915 " ~. being D~vzsion 10 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California. NQTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an apportionment has been requested b the ro ert owners and Y ~' P y ~ ~ prepared by the Superintendent of Streets of the unpaid reassessments relatin to the reassessments and g parcels as shown on E~~BIT A, "AlV1ENDED REASSESSNJCENT ROLL" for said district attached hereto at~d incorporated herein by reference. NUTICE IS HEREBY CrIVEN that unless a request for a public hearin is received from. ou within g y fourteen ~14} days from the date of mailing of this Notice, the above-referenced amended reassessments shall be recorded in the manner and forte. as re wired b lava. If a re nest f r q y q o hearing ~s received, a report shall be filed and a hearing shall be scheduled, noticed, and held in accordance with Part 10 (commencing with Section 8730} of said Division 10. If you have any further questions, please contact the undersigned at the follovvin~ address: b Raul M. Rojas Public works Director CITY OI~' BAKERS~IELD ~ 50 ~ Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93 3 01 ~661~ 326-3724 This procedure is pursuant to the provisions of Part 10.5 of Division 10 of the Streets and Hi hwa s g Y Code of the State of California, the "Improvement Bond Act of 1915." Dated: ~,/~~~~~ By• Superintendent of Streets City of B akersfield State of California AD Sfi-2 515/05 EXHIBIT A AMENDED REASSESSMENT ROLL CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.86-2 {BUENA VISTA TRUNK SEWER/RANCHO LAt30RDE 57AGE 1-Aj COUNTY OF KERN, CALIFORNIA AMENDING EXISTING REASSESSMENT 3361 AND ADDING NEUV REASSESSMENTS 4819 THROUGH 4830 CREATED BY . RECORDATION OF PARCEL MAP N0.11112 REASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT N0.103 ---- ~." - i~ AMENDED ! _...._.._._.~_..._ ~.._ AMENDED PP-RGEL DESCRIPTION 1 _ ~._.._.....~...~Y,.._.~_~._ . .".._ ...,. ~ -~-~---.~ _ DETAILS OF TAX EXEMPTAMENDED REA SERIES A SERIES 8 SERIES D SSESSMENT TOTAL ~ _ TOTAL TOTAL TAXABLE AMENDED REASMT j NUMBERS ASSESSOR'S TAX ., „~ NUMBER {ATN} _. ~ AMENDED PROPERTY ~ SHARE SHARE SHARE -TAX EXEMPT ___ I...,,,,.M_.._.__OWHER NAME I ADDRESS_~___~ EFF 911104 ,EFF 111104 EFF 1f1!_ 44 , _ {A + 8 + D} AMOUNT REASMT EFF 1!1!04 AMOUNT EKfST1NG REASSESSMENT ~ 3361, IDENTIFIED AS KERN COUNTY ASSESSOR'S TAX NUMBER 494-040-40-00,9, !S SUBDIVIDED 8Y PARCEL MAP N0. 11112 (PM 11112) INTO 12 COMMERC}AL-USE PARCELS. THE 12 NE1N PARCELS (PARCELS 1 THROUGH 92 IN PM i 1112} ARE ASSIGNED AMENDED REASSESSMENT NUMBERS 4819 THROUGH 4830 , RESPECTIVELY. THE TOTAL REASSESSMENT PRINCIPAL AMOUNT FOR EXISTING REASSESSMENT 336115 APPORTIONED TO THE 12 NEW BARGEES CREATED BY PM 11112 THE TOTAL . UNPAID REASSESSMENT PRINCIPAL AMOUNT FOR EXISTING REASSESSMENT 3361 {EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 2005, AT THE 8EGINNING OF THE 200512006 TAX YEAR} iS $49 274.52. THE , THE TOTAL REASSESSMENT AMOUNT APPORTIONED TO EACH NEW PARCEL IS SHOWN UNDER THE COLUMN ENTITLED "TOTAL AMENDED REASMT AMOUNT " EXISTIN . REASSESSMENT 336115 DELETED FROM THE REASSESSMENT ROLL FOR ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.86-2, G 4819 PARCEL MAP N0.11112; PARCEL 1 Tf~e following listed parfies are joint owners o1 197.96 1,018.99 9,391.39 2,608.34 763.55 3 371.89 4820 PARCEL MAP N0.11112; PARCEL 2 all parcels in Parcel Map Na.1.1112: 195.12 1,004.49 1,371.46 2,570.89 752.60 , 3 323.59 4821 PARCEL MAP ND.11412; PARCEL 3 ~ _ry ~ 201.73 1,038.42 1,417,89 2,658.04 ~ 778.09 ~ ~--~ , 3 436 13 4822 PARCEL MAP N0.11112; PARCEL 4 ~ 200.50 1,032.05 1,409,20 2,641.75 773.32 , . 3 415 07 4823 PARCEL MAP N0.11112; PARCEL 5 Hara}d and Diana Robertson Family Trust 192.40 990.36 1,352.28 2,535.04 742.08 ` , . 277 3 12 4824 PARCEL MAP N0. 11112; PARCEL 6 Ton E. H y ogg and StacyL Hogg, Joint Tenants 242.59 1,248.74 1,705.08 3,196.44 935.69 , . 4 132.10 4825 PARCEL MAP N0.11112; PARCEL 7 Fred and Saundra Patter Family Trust ~ 221.08 1,138.00 1,553.87 2,912.95 852.71 , 3 765 66 4826 PARCEL MAP N0.11112; PARCEL 8 SJH One LLC ~ 271.97 1,399,98 1,911.59 3,583.54 1,049.01 , , 4 632.55 4827 PARCEL MAP N0.11112; PARCEL. 9 ~ B ~ B Property investments, LLC ~ 263.57 1,356.75 1,852.56 3,472,88 1 016.62 , 4 488 50 , 4828 PARCEL MAP N0.11112; PARCEL 10 521.90 2,686.46 3,668.21 6,87$.57 2 °"°~y_.___.w.,_._ ... _.. .._ 012 98 , . 8 889 55 _.__ , . 4829 PARCEL MAP N0.11112; PARCEL 11 260.26 1,339.68 1,829.25 3,429.19 1 403 83 , . 4 433 02 , . 4830 PARCEL MAP N0.11112; PARCEL 12 123.78 637.15 869,99 1,630.92 477.42 --_~~_ ..~.._.._---.,--____._,._ , . 2 108 34 _.._.~__......__-...____._. ~. ...~.~.____..~.;. _..~ TOTAL AMOUNT APPORTIONED: , , .µ~- 2,892.86 14,890.99 20,332.77 38,116,62 11,157.90 49,274.52 NOTES; FOR A DETAILED OESCRIPTION OF THE LINES, DIMENSIONS, AND LOCATIONS OF REASSESSMENTS 4819 THROUGH 4830 REFERENCE PARCEL MAP N0,11112 RECORDED , 2005,1N BOOK _,_, OF PARCEL MAPS, AT PAGES „_,_ AND ~, IN THE OFFICE OF THE KERN COUNTY RECORDER. THE AD 86-2 REMAfIVING BALANCE, AS EXISTING ON DECEM6ER 1,1983, HAS BEEN REFUNDED AND REDUCED AS DESCRIBED IN THE REASSESSMENT ENGINEER'S REASSESSMENT REPORT FOR THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.86-2, AS APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL ON JANUARY 12,1994 (REASSESSMENT REPORT}. PREPARED BY: WILSON ~ ASSOCIATES APPROVED: 5'. w.~..w ~'r ~~_~~ PATE: EDWARD J. WILSON R.C.E. 23269 {EXPIRES 12-31-05) w~~ ~R~ ~. ~, ~~ 4~ ~~o ~~ w ~ ~' ~" `~ N~.2~26~ '~"~~' of cA+-~~°~~`~ 29654EXA A-1 05/0/2005 1 L.~ . ~~~r~,i1.t ~ ~1 ~I.t.~~l y .l L.l~ ~J~~ilr 1 3J ~~~~ fl~ ~~-~:ER.Sp'~ELD RE. ASSESS~~T ~~~~~ .L ~~. UV-~7 ~ii~3.~~~~~~~'J~~.~~i~ ~~~~ ~LJ~~~~~IJ.Yl~~~~~i~~~ ~T 1 l~. I03. APPLICATION FOR SEGREGATION AI~TD APPORTIONMENT OF EXISTING REAS SES SMENT PURSUANT TO PART 1 Q.5 OF DIVISION 10, STREETS Al~li? HIGHWAYS CODE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, THE IlVIl'ROVEIVIEN'T BOND ACT OF 1415. ~egu.Y.. sues A~~p~icaton; ~, ~~~~~ ~~R .~.~c ~~RT~o~~~T o~ E~s~~~ REASSESS~~~T ~~~~ ~, sA~ ~AR.~E~, SAS ~~~~ ~~~~:~ ~~ ~AR~E~. ~ ~~. ~ ~ ~ ~~. ~~. A~~EPTA~I~E fl~ REASSESS.[ET A~'PC~R,TIaN~E~T PR~CE~~RE AIVER €~~ N~T~~E A~ ~~~.~N~G T.~I~E{~N, ANI~ REQUEST ~'~} RE~C~RD ASE QED REASSESSI~E~~'S. App~~eatron: T. REQUEST FOR. APPORTIONMENT OF THE UNpAIp REASSESSMENT PRINCIPAL AMOLTI~3T FROM EXISTING REASSESSMENT 3361 IN THE ~IT~ OF BAKERSFIELD, WI-~RE SAID PARCEL HAS BEEN SUBDIVIDED BY PARCEL MAP NO. i i 112. The undersibned are the o~rners and subdividers of E~sting Reassessment 3 ~ I "Reassessment » .. ~ 3 ~ ~ ~ }which has been subd~v~ded by Parcel dap a. ~ 1 1 ~ ~"P~f ~ ~ ~ ~ ~" and are also th ~~ e a~vn.ers of all parcels created b~ said ~' 11112. A description of said existin reassessment ,the total arnaunt of the unpaid reassessment principal balance e~ect~re Manua ~ 2Oa5 n ~, ,ada description of ham said parcel has been subdivided are included in En 'neer's Re ort E~ibi Descnpt~an of Existing Reassessment in ~it~ of Bakersfield Assessment district Via. ~~-2 ~hereina~er €`A~ 8b-~"}, attached hereto and incarparated herein b~ reference. As the owners and subdi~.ders of the referenced Reassessment 33 ~ 1 the undersi ned hereb ~ ~ request the Superintendent of Streets far the City of Eakersfield to apportion the amount reinairun unpaid on said Reassessment 33~~ in accordance iththepro~isions of the In~iy}J~~ra~ement hand Act e • i +~ of 1915 , The unpaid principal amount for said reassessment, as shau~n on Exhibit ~3 has been apportioned to each separate part of the original parcel of land cans risin Reassessm n 3 6 ' p ~ et 3 tin the amounts as sham an Engineer's Report Exhibit .A, Amended Reassessment Ball attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. II. ACCEPTAI~ICE~FREASSESSMENTAPPORTIONMENTPROCEDUREANDRE(~UESTTO RECORD AMENDED REASSESSMENTS. ~e have re~ie~ued Exhibit ~ Description of Reassessment .Apportionment .procedure included ., ~ ~. the attached Engineer s Report, describing the procedure used to a ortian a share afthe un aid pp p reassessment principal ainaunt far Reassessment 3 3 ~ 1 in ADS 86-2 to the parcels created b the S151t~S recoxdati~on of said Ply 1 ~ ~ 12. Pursuant to a review of l~xhibi~ ~ the undersi ed have d . 7 gn ete:rna~ned that the amended reassessment amounts shown o~. said l~~hibit .~ have been a ' pport~oned ~n accordance with the benefits the parcels will receive from the ~ raven~ents ~.nanced. b aD ~ Y ~~-~~ based on current parcel coning and with proposed uses. Therel~are the undersi ed waive n ' and h r' once ea Ong before the pity Council on this reassessment apportionment acre t the rocedure us ~ p ed for the requested apport~onn~ent of the principal balance far said R.eassess~:ent ~3~ 1 and r equest and consent to the recordation o~'t~.e apportioned reassessments on the ro ernes far ' . p p which the undersigned are listed as the owners on the acco~npany~ng l~xhibit a and t~ the amended reassessment amounts shown thereon. Sub.~itted b~, HAROLD and DIANA ROBERTSON FAMILY TRUST BY~ Dated:.1i~ l 2Q05. Harold Robertson, Trustee By: ~~. o"u.~e..t_ Dated:_ ~~ , 2005. Diana Robert on, Trustee `~~~ TO~~GG~ l By: ~y: Dated: /'~i4-y ~~ 2005. r Dated: ' "/4 r~~ X005. ~~~ FRED and S UNDRA. PQRTER FAMILY TRUST $Y~ Dated: ~" ~ ~ 2005. red Porter Tntst BY Dated: ~____~, 2005. Saundra Porter, Trustee ~T~ ~JN~ l~~,C, a alifornia ~ ited ~,iability Company By: Dated: '~ 24p5. Je ` nos, li~ember ~ & PR ~ l•ITS, Ll~+~, a California Limited l~iabili Cans an p Y $~'~ Dated: 2UOS. lea a. alla.ce, ember attachment: l~ngineer's Report on .Reassessment ~. ortion~ne~t pp ~o. ~ 03 29bS4ALL.1~l~'P 515105 gyp' El'~GJI~EE~' ~ R~E~L./R 1 lam: SEGRE~AT~~3~I ACID APPaRTI~ET ~~ REASSESS~lCE~VTS FAR R.EAS SEA ~~~T AID D~A.~R~ A~~~~T Nth. I a3 CITY aF BAKESFIELD A"~E~JET D~~T~~T ~0.8~-2 Al1~E~IDI~ ExiSTIl~ REASSE~~T ~3~ 1 TD ~~.EATE ~Ew P~EA~SES~~E~TS 4819 T~{~~TC~I~ 483a PU~.~I~AT T~ ~E~DR.DAT~QI~ ~~ A.ACEL ~~ ND. 11112 1. An app cation has been haled ~h the superintendent of streets of the ~it~r of Bakersfield requesting a segregation and appartianment of an existing reassessment within Assessment District Rio. 8~~-2, pursuant to the division of the parcel. 2. In accordance with said application, the undersigned bereb~ apparr~.ans to each separate part of the original parcel of land the praportianate part of its res active un aid p p reassessment that would have been levied thereon if the parcel had been so divided at the tune the original reassessment was made. The undersigned has assigned a new reassessment number to each new parcel, as shown an the .n.ended .eassessment D~agran~ attached berets. ~ . The existing reassessment number, new reassessment numbers, and apportioned reassessment amounts abased in each case an the unpaid. principal a~naunt of reassessment effective ~anuar~ 1, ZoQS, at the beginning of the 2QQ~~2~oS tax ~ear~ are as shown on Exhibit ~~., "Amended A.eassessment ~.oll," attached berets and incorporated herein b~ reference. ~ description ofthe referenced existing: reassessment anal. of haw it has been subdivided is included in Exhibit B attached hereto. A description of the procedure used to apportion the unpaid principal far the referenced e~.sting reassessment to the new reassessments is included in .Exhibit ~ attached bercto and a listing of the a artioned share- of the ari 'na1 reassessment amoun f r AF t o each new reassessment is shown on Exhibit ~, attached hereto. Existing Reassessment 33 ~ 1 is deleted from the reassessment roll far Assessment District ~o. 8b-2. Prepared by~: ~nLSO~ & A~SQC~ATES Reassessment .Appartiann~ent Engineer ~~~~~ss~~~,,~ Edward ~. wilsan, R.Q.E. 2329 Ex Tres 12-~ ~ ~ ~ p ~, ~' .Assessment En ineer Assessment District ~o. - ~"~ ~s~~~ g a ~ ~, ~~~~~~ ,~ ~~ c~v~~. ~~~` ~~~ o~ ~~~~~~' 296S4ENG~tFT~S SILO/OS EXH[SIT A AMENDEf3 REASSESSMENT ROLL CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO, 86-2 (BUENA VISTA TRUNK SI;WERfRANCHO i~A80Rpf=STAGE 1-Aj COUNTY OF ICLRN, CA,LfFORNfA AMEND[NG EX[ST[NG REASSESSMENT 3381 ANf~ At~DING NEW REASSESSMENTS 4819 THROUGH 4834 CREATED BY RECORQATIflN OF PARCEL MAP N0.11112 REASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT NQ.103 . ~..... .~ AMENDED AMENDED PARCEL DESCRIPT[ON 1 ~ ..-_..__.._ _ __._ pE1'AILS CIF TAX EXEMPT AMENDEp REASSESSMENT TOTAL TOTAL SERIES A SERIES B SERIES D ' Tfl7 REASMT ` , AL TAXABLE. AMENDEI,~ ` , ` ASSESSOR S TAX AMENDED PROPERTY SHARE ~ SHARE SHARE TAX EXEMPT,: AMOUNT ~ REASMT 4 NUMBERS ; --~-.-._. s ..... NUMBER ATN ~.~._~.~._._...~. I O~fNER [~fAME f AD©RESS _' ~,_._._ ,_ , EFF 11#1I14 j EFF i11iE14~ EFE #f#f44 (A ~ B+Q~ ~ EFE 1B1t04 # AMOUNT EXfSTING REASSESSMENT 3361, ipENTIfIED AS KERN CQUNTY ASSESSOR'S TAX NUMBER 494-840-40-30.9, (S SUBDIVIDED BY PARCEL MAP NO. 11112 FPM 11112} fNTO 12 CQMMI=RCiAL-USE PARCELS. THE 42 NEVU PARCELS PARCELS 1 THROUGH 12 IN PM 11112 ARE ASS[GNED AMENDED REASSESSMENT NUMBERS 4819 THROUGH 4830 , RESPECTIVELY. THE TOTAL REASSESSMENT PRINC[PAL AMOUNT FOR EX[ST[NG REASSESSMEfV~' 3361 [S APPORTfONED TO THE 12 NEW PARCELS CREATED SY PM 11112 THE TOTAL . UNPAIp REASSESSMENT PR[NCIPAL AMCIUNT FOR EXISTING REASSESSMENT 3361(EFFEG3IVE ,JANUARY 1, 2005, AT THE BEG[NNING OF THE 2005!2006 TAX YEAR) IS $49 274.52. THE , 7HE TOTAL REASSESSMENT AMOUNT APPORTIONED TO EACH THEW PARCEI. IS SHOWN UNDER THE COLUMN ENTITLED "TOTAL AMENDED REASMT AMOUNT " EXfS REASSESSMENT 3361 IS DELETED FROM THE REASSESSMENT ROLL FOR ASSESSMENT pISTRIGT N0.86-2. , TiNG 4819 PARCEL MAP NO.1111Z; PARCEL 1 TI~e falfawing listed parties are faint owners of 197.96 1,018.99 1,391.38 2,608.34 763.55 3 371.89 4820 PARCEL MAP' N0.11112; PARCEL 2 aff panels in Parcel Map Na.11112: 195.12 1,004.41 1,371.46 2,570.99 752.60 , 3 323 59 4821 PARCEL MAP N0.11112; PARCEL 3 __ .._ 201.73 1,038.42 1,417.89 ~ ~__ 2 658.04 778 09 , . 3 436 13 4822 PARCEL MAP Nt?.11112; PARCITL 4 f ~ 200.50 1,032.Oa 1,409.20 , . 2,641.75 773.32 , . 3 415 07 4823 PARCEL MAP NO.14112; PARCEL 5 Harofd anti Diana Robertson Family Trust ~ 192.40 990.35 1,352.28 2,535.04 742.x8 , . 3 ,277 12 4824 PARCEL .MAP N0.11112; PARCEL 6 Tarry E, Hogg and Stacy L. Hagg, ,#aint Tenants ~ 242.59 1,248:74 1,705.08 3,196.41 935.69 , . 4 132 40 4825 PARCEL MAP NO.11112; PARCEL 7 Fred and Saundra Porter f'=amity Tryst (` 221.08 1,138.00 1,553.87 2,97;2,95 852.71 , . 3 765 fi6 482.6 PARCEL. MAP N0.11112; PARCEL $ ; S~lH flee LLC f 271.97 1,399.98 1,931.59 3,583.54 1.,049.01 , . 4 fi32.55 4827 PARCEL MAP NQ.11112; PARCEL 9 B & B Property fn~estments, LLC 263.57 1,356.75 1,85256 3,472.88 1,01.6.62 , 4 489 50 4828 PARCEL. MAP N0.131#2; l~ARCEL 90 .... ~ 521,90 2,686,46 3,668.21 6,876.57 2,012,98 . , 8 889.55 4829 PARCEL MAP` NO.11112; PARCEL 11 260.2$ 4,339.68 1,829.2 3,429.19 4,003.83 , 4 433.02 4834 PARCEL MAP NO.11112PARCEL 12~ Y- 723.78 537.1 869.59 ~~ _... ~ 1,630.92 477.42 , 2 108,34 TQTALAMOUNTAPPt3RT(ONED, ~ .2,892.86 14,$90.99 20,332.77 38,116.62 11,157.90 , 49.274.52 NOTES: FOR A DETAILED DESCRfPT[ON OF THE LINES, D[MENSIONS, AND LOCATIONS OF REASSESSMENTS 4819 THROUGH 4830 REFERENCE BARGEE MAP NO,19112 RECORDED , 2005, IN BOQK._,_ OF PARCEL MAPS, AT PAGES ._._„ AND ~,, fN T[3E OFFICE OF THE KERi~ C{3UNTY RECORflER. 2. THE AD 86-2 REMAI[V1NG BALANCE, AS EX(ST[NG ON (2ECEMBER 9,1993, HAS BEEN REEUf~DELi AND REbUCED AS DESCR[8ED [N THE REASSESSMENT ENGINEER`S REASSESSMENT REPORT FOR THE CITY OF BAKfRSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO.86-2, AS APPROVED 8Y THE CITY COUNCIL flN ,fANUARY 12, 9994 (REASSESSMENT REPORT. PREPARED 8Y. iNILSON ~ ASSOCIATES APPROVED; _ __ ', ..~~~~ .... EDWARD J. WILSON R.C.E. 23289 (EXPIRES 12-31-05} ~~~~~~5~~~~ ~' ~ ~ ~ N0.'32~i~ ~ * E~.22/31/05 ,* ~~~ Ct~f1l 0~~ aF cAV~ ~~~~~~~ DATE; Z9654EXA ~- i ~510512f~0~ EXHIBIT B ~ES~R~'T14N OF ~~ISTIN~ REASSESSMENT ANI3 NEw PARCELS T(~ w~IIC T:~E ~~STING REASSESSMENT IS T43 BE APl'~RTI~NE~ ~~ REASSESSI~NT ANA I~IA~RAM AMEN~3MENT NCB. ~ 03 CITY ~~ BA~ERS~LD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NQ. g6-2 ~~ANC.~{~ LA~O~RDE STAGE 1-AfBtIENA VISTA TRUNK SEWER} A~]:ENDINt~ E~ISTINC~ REASSESSMENT 3361 ANL- ADDING N~ REASSESS[ENTS 4819 T~.RQU~~ 4~3t3 CREATED BY RECt3RDATION GF PARCEL ~CA.P Nth, 1 ~ ~ 12 E~STING PARCEL 200512006 REASSESSMENT NIIMEER REASSESSMENT A.T,N. EC3R EXISTING PItINC~'AL fiG BE ~Gw E~STING PARCELS {~~ NEw NUMBER ~ASS„_ ESSIVIENTS AP.Pt~RTI~}NE~} EVE SEEN SU~I~IVI.DED LOTS/PARCELS 3341 ~~4-04{~~0 $49,27.52 ~'axcel Map No. 11112 ~M 1 1112} subdivides Existing Reassessment 33f 1 cxeating 12 new commexcial~use parcels. The total xen~aining principal amount fox Existing Reassessment 3361 is reapportioned to the 12 new parcels created by PM 11112. Existing Reassessment 3361 is deleted. from the Reassessment doll for AD 86-2. parcel Map No. 11112 a. 12 parcels in I'M 11112 Amended Reassessments 4819 through 4830} T otal New Reassessed Lots~Parcels Total New Non reassessed LotslParcels Total New Reassessment Nu~.bers Total Existing Reassessment Numbers deleted. fr4nl.Roll Net Change Active Reassessments on Roll Total Amount to Ee Apportioned to New Reassessments; ~49,2~`4.52 1. tl~paid reassessment balance apportioned .~ the balance at the beginning of the 2005/2006 Tax Year, effec€Ive Jan~aar~ 1, 2005, _t 11 29GS4EXB ~ 5l5l~~ J~~HIBIT ~ DESCRIPTID~I ~F TAE PRQ~F~D~RF~ IJS~D TtJ .~.PP~ORTI4N ~ S~~F~ ~F T I~~',~ID ~~~5 SSS~T PR~CIPAL FDR E~IST~~ R~~SSSSJC~~T 33~ ~ T~ NEw RF~~.SSF~SS~NTS 481 T:~U~ 453 ~~~.TF~D BY~ RE~DRDA.TIDN ~F PAR+~~L ~~.P C}. ~ 1 l2 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 86-2 (BUENA VISTA TR~tJNK SEWERIRANCHO LAB(3RDE STAGE 1-A) RE.S SAS SENT ~l~D DIA~R~ A~I~TDM~T N~. ~ 03 l . APP~3RTI(3I~~1'~T PR~J~F~DI~R~ FAR ExISTI~x R~E~SS~SSI~ICET~T 33b ~.. existing Reassessment 33~ I ~hereaer "Reassessment 33~ ~ "} is loc~.ted in the pity of Bakersfield and is described as Fern ount~ ~.ssessor's Tax dumber .ATE 4~4-~~~-40- ~ } ~~-~. Parcel leap X0.1 ~ 1 l2 ~"P 1 ~ ~ ~ ~"} subdivides Reassessment 33 ~ 1, creating ~2 con~merc~a~ use parcels. The ~ ~ ne~v parcels ~arees I through. I ~ in P I I l Z} are assigned .mended Reassessment Lumbers {~`.~ended ~.eassessn~onts"} 4~ 9 thrQUgh 4830, respectively. B . Reassessment 3 3 ~ 1 is a portion of old ~:ssessn~ent ~ 64~ which was refi~.anced as a part o~'the refunding ofthe Assessment District Igo. ~~-~ ~"A1~ &~-Z"} bonds in 194. I~ vas created by Reassessment and Diagram Amendment Igo. 44 ~"A.pportion~nent o. ~~"}for ,~ 8 ~-~, pursuant to the recordation ofParcel dap 10.1 ~3 ~8 Phase 1 ~``P ~ 03 d8-1 "} . This reassessment is also located within an area which was included ~n ssessment and. Diagram. Anaendrnent o. ~ ~ ~"nentiment X0.1 ~"}. ,A~nend~nent e,1 ~ was a +Change and l~odcation that respread the original and unpaid assessment amounts for all of the AD SG-2 parcels owned. by Riverlakes Ranch, to bring those parcel. assessments into conformance with their amended: land uses approved b~ general flan Amendment 1-90 Segment III ~~`!GI'~.1y~~3-~"}. See Amendment X0.19 for details on the a~e~ded land uses and the in~p~.ct on the AD 8~-Z .~.ssessments in this area. Reassessment 33 ~ ~ is located in the Buena vista Trunk Suer Benefit ~"I3vTS"}Zone, the Stage 1-~. ~ene.t Zone, and the Telephone ~eneht Zone of ~D ~~-~. The i~nproveznent costs assessed to these Benefit Zones were funded by the AD 86-2 Series A, ~, C and D Bonds. C. The total rem~g Reassessment Principal Amount for Reassessment 331 ~e~ective January 1, 205, at the beginning of the ~~o~I2oo~ Tax dear} is ~4~9,2~4.SZ. The total original AD- 86~-2 assessment amount is $2~ 1 #449.1 ~. The total original AD 8~-2 aSSessn~ent amount and the total. re~rlaining reassessnle~t pr~nc~~al amount are reapportioned. as described below. 29654EYC ~ 5/51U5 2. ~ES~R~''`TI~N ~3F T~ 1°R~~]~1~RE ~~.~ T~ SBR~~rATE A~ AP~C~RT10~ T~ UR1~AL ASSBSSf~T ~CJU~T ,~ T~ '~ R~SE~SIU~'3~" PR~I~TPAL A11~~UNT ~R~~ REAS SES SI~~NT ~ 3 ~ ~ T~ AMENDEI~3 REAS ~:~ SMF~TS 4~ 1 ~ T~.~U+GH 483: ~.. Reassessment 33~~ is located in the Buena'~ista Tr~nl~ Sewer Series A. Bands} Benefit done. Cold Assessment 1~4~ was created by Assessment and iagra~n An~e.d~.ent ~o. 3 ~ ("A~end~nent Via. 31 "} for AD SC~2 pursuant to the recordation of Tract Via, 5~ ~3 w Phase 1. As shown in An~endm.ent No. 31, Assessment 1~4~ wa.s assessed the total anginal assess~:ent a~.aunt for ![odule 1 ~ {established in An~edment a. l ~~ which was planned for development as a can~:ercial use parcel. As shown in Appartion~nent No. 44, former Reassessment ~jo. ZZ which was created from old Assessment 1 ~4~~ was subdivided by Fly 1~~~8~1 into 1 can~n~ercial use parcel and ~ remainder parcel identified as Reassess~:ent 3~b 1}. P ~ 1 ~ ~~ follows the above-referenced develapn~ent plan, subdividing Reassessment 3 3 ~ 1 ~a portion of old Assessn~.ent 1 ~4~, also identified as a portion of ~~rn~.er Reassessment 22~ into 12 conercial-use parcels. .~rnended ~. R.eassessents 481 } through 4~34~. ]details of the allocation of Reassessment 3~ ~ 1 original assessment to the 12 parcels created by ~~ 1111 are as follows: 1. BvTS sewer rapacity: By Appartionm.ent No. 44 Reassessment 361 was allocated its share of ~~ equivalent dwelling Units ~E~Us~ of BATS Sewer rapacity, based an the estimated number of dwelling units when developed in accordance with the Change and odificatian allocation described in .An~,endment ~o. 19. The total B~~`S Sewer Capacity charge allocated to Reassessment 3 3 b 1 was $15, X52.1 ~ for the fatal of 65 EI~I.Is, at the original rate of ~245.~~fD~U. The total BATS Sewer Capacity charge anginally allocated to Reassessment ~ 3 ~ 1 is apportioned to the 1 Z parcels in P 111 ~ ~ in direct proportion to parcel net areas sown on the recorded P~ 11112. ~. BvTS Sewer Qversizing: The fatal original BVTS ~3versizing amount far Reassessment 331 is apportioned to the 1 ~ parcels in P 11112 in the same m.a~:~.er as BvTS Sewer Capacity: in direct proportion to parcel net areas shaven on the recorded Ply 11112. The total BvTS Sewer Cversi~ing charge for Reassessment 331 is ~3a,52~.5~. 3, Stage 1-A Arterial Street and Utility Assessment {Series B, ~ and ~ Bonds: The Stage 1-.~ and Utility ~mprove~nent assessments consists of several components, including a basic street area charge and a major street trip ,generation charge. The components of these assessments have been combined and are allocated. by the same method as discussed above. The total Qriginal Stage 1-A and Utility Assessment amount far Reassessment 331 is X214,973.41. z9bS4EXC ~ S/515 ~. ~.ppartianr~ent of the Total Remaining ~.eassess~.ent Principal Amount Balance far Re~.sse sment 3 3 ~ 1 to amended Reassessments 4819 through 48~ a The three original. SdM.2 Series of Tai ~~empt Bands Series .., B, ~} ~rere refunded in sanuar~ of 1.994 b~ ~, Single Series of Tai exempt fonds. The single original AD 862 Series of Taxable Bands Series ~} mere also refunded at the sa~.e time b a Y Single Series of Taxable Bands. The ampunt rewired to refund each ar~gi~al. series of bands eras prorated to each parcel based on that parcel's rem.aini~.g rind al far that .. ., p p a~.g~nal bond senes. The total ren~~.g principal amount far each 86~~ ~-and. Series far Reassessment 3 3 61 is apportioned to the 1 ~ parcels in P~ 111 ~ ~ in erect proportion to the original assessment share that is appor~ianed to each new parcel by each. A.D 8G-2 Bon Series. IVlore detailed ir~formatian an the land uses, ~on~~.g and de~~ unit densities used. to appor~.on R.eassessrr~ent 33~~ is on ale %n the once of the Public ors Director and the office of the Planing ~irectar for the pity of Bal~ersfield. P:~PAR.ED ~~: ~-1~CLSCIN .A.SS~~f:A.T.S $~: ~. w.Q.~,`.. Date: ~'- tt - t~~ ~~~~~ ~. ~~~, ~.. ~. ~. ~~~~~ ~~~P~s ~~-~ ~-ash :R~ASSESS~C~T B~G.~ER, A.SSBSS~T DISTP~~T N~. 8~~~ ~ti`~~ ~~a ~. ~~ ~~~~ Flo. ~~2~9 ~ exp. I/3~~5 ~'~ ~ 1 cnrz~ ~~. ~`~a~ cr~~~~Q/ 2s~s~~xc ~ sisios ExH~~~T p LISTING OF 0RRIGINAL REASSESSMENT AMOUNTS ~aR AMENDED REASSESSMENTS 4819 TNRQUGH 4830 CITY 01~ BAKERSPIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N©. 86-2 ~BUENA VISTA TRUNK SEWERIRANCHO' LABORDE STAGE 1-A} COUNTY OF KERN,. CALIITORNIA REASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT NO.103 AMENDED PARCEL DETAILS r..._....~ OIr TAX EXEMPT O _ __.____~....,.~...._. _ RIGINAL REAS _ SESSMENT 'ORIGINAL TOTAL AMENDED , DESCRIPTION 1 ORIGINAL ~ ; ~ ORIGINAL ~ ORIGINAL TOTAL TAXABLE ORIGINAL REASMT ~ NUMBERS ASSESSOR'S TAX NUMBER ~ATN} ___~.`.. ~ SER{ESA .__ (SEWERS SERIES 8 _ '~S~`AGE 3-A~ ~ SERIES D STAGE 1 A~ # TAX EXEMPT ~A ~ B + D} REASMT , AMOUNT REASMT € AMOUNT 4849 PARCEL MAP NO.19912; PARCEL 1 2,141.94 3,499.91 4,765.04 14,444.85 2,454.42 1.2,859.27 4824 PARCEL MAP NO.1414 2; PARCEL 2 2,117.44 8,441.91 4,696.77 14,255.82 2,419.25 12,675.07 4821 PARCEL MAP N0.19 9 9 ~; PARCEL 3 2,188.83 33558.46 4,$55.$0 14,603.09 2, 501.3 8 13,144.27 4822 PARCEL MAP NO.11'112; PARCEL 4 2,175.49 3,536.65 4,826.04 90,538..10 2,485.84 13,023.94 4823 PARCEL MAP N0.1'€912; PARCEL 5 2,087.53 3,393.77 4,639.08 10,132.38 2,385,42 12,497.80 4$24 PARCEL MAP N0.11912; PARCEL 6 2,632.16 4,279.20 5,839.31 92,750.67 3,407.77 15,758.44 4826 PARCEL. MAP N0.11412; PARCEL 7 2,39$.74 3,899.71 5,321.48 9 9,619.93 2,74'1.44 14,364.97 4826 PARCEL MAP !~. 31132; PARCEI, 8 2,954.96 4,797.48 6,546.55 94,294.99 3,372.06 17,667.05 4827 PARCEL MAP NO, 91112, PARCEL 9 2,$59.83 4,.649.32 6,344.38 13,853.53 3,267.93 47,129.46 4828 PARCEL MAP N0.11912; PARCEL 10 5,662.67 x,246.04 32,562.34 27,431.09 6,470,74 33,901,75 4829 PARCEL MAP NO.19142; PARCE1.11 2,823,85 4,590.$3 6,264.56 93,679.24 3,226..89 96,906.05 483 PARCEL MAP N0.11112; PARCEL 12 _ ~xW._ 9,343.09 ~ ~ ~,~83.39 2,979.49 6,505.81 3,534.56 ~ _ $ 440.47 , TOTAL A~ t313NT APPORTIONED. 39,388.07 59,028,63 69,62.72 152,449.42 ~ 35,867.12 _ 987,916.54 NOTE. THE AD 862 REMAINING BALANCE, AS EXISTING ON DECI"MBER 4, 9993, HAS BEEN REI"UNDED AND REDUCED AS DESCRIBED IN THE REASSESSMENT ENGINEER`S REASSESSMENT REPORT I`OR THE CITY OF BAKERSIyIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0. 86-2, AS APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL. ON ~IANUARY 12, 1994 (REASSESSMENT REPORT. THE AMOUNTS SHOWN ABOVE ARE THE ORIGINAL REI=UNDING AMOUNTS HAD THESE PARCELS EXISTED AT THE TIME OP REI+UNDING. Zs654ExD D-~ a5io~o2aa~ ~- C\2 ~ } ~w . ~ ';;~, ~ a as r~np [~~o ~ wy ~ ~• ~ t ~ ~ ~~ ~4t~iy ~r ~ ~ ~iz~~4 t wQ ~ ,.~~ t~ - E t ~~ya z ~ cy~ { ~' ~;+~o ~- to .~ vr~ ~~ ~.'~~~. a~ ~ ~ O u vy ~w~zw f t r'%y~ ~ m~i, a ~d ~ ,,.,, +~ ~ ~ ~° opilyw2z fi~Xq ~ ~w~ ~°~a~m~o ~ ~ ~ ,~ ~~ ° ~fl ~~ o s a~,~ r-~°'¢Q~yo~~ ~ ~~ _ ~aosnw •a-i ~~Y "'` ~,} z ~~ ~$ ~ a~~"~ ~aa crab 3 dsr~ ~~saam~yo ¢q ~'-' ~ i, ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ a>L~ ~~via~a"'ru i d~ n `~v~i~az~t~ih ~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~"; Sao ~ ~ t ~~~~ ~~v~a itn~w t~ ~ ~~°~ua~z y~z~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ E ~u. .~ tt.~ inc~ t~~.-~ ~w-~~ ~ ~aa ~ rJ30 L, d~~,C ~p~'~W !~[ F f gF'd 4V1~~~Z~Q ~~UU ~ ,IS d ~, ~~ C3 i t f~U~ULI guy ~~E~iJ ~t~t~~~ ~ Ci.UfTE ~'~ USQC3~ ~ ~f~ t~ ~ ~y .r.,F {,9~ ~ t at~iywUj~Od~FD ~q fgi~J~~4 ~ "O ti.J ~ ~ ~ ~~ {L { ~1~~~ilfisd~ll}L9 1 ~ -~~t-~ F- 4 ,~ `~ $~ ~~,`' wiz w~o~~a l ~ t~~`'~U ~ ~ "~` ~' ¢uy w¢ m~~~ao~~'~~ p ~~~w~fl~ ~ ~ dui ~,a 7' 1 ~ ~d ~~ 1t.~1~k~~ 0~~~ ~QU~~U ~ {~ LI l~-t-~l ~ ~..! ~ d t] ta_ ~ t9 t~!/1 ~ ~ ~ ~ N ~ ~ C} ~ ~ ~i t9 ~-F ~t-t +. 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