HomeMy WebLinkAboutAD 86-2 Apportionment #108 T4845-4847James W. Fitch Assessor -Recorder PATTI Kern County Official records 512212007 Recorded at the request of 9:20 AM City of Bksfid Public Works RECORDING REQUESTED BY AND FOR THE BENEFIT OF TIC CITY OF BAKERSFIELD V~'HEN RECORDED NtA,IL T0: CITY CLERK CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 1501 TRUXTUN AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 uocs: 0207107874 NOTICE OF AMENDED REASSESSMENT Scat Types: l Pages; Fees 14.00 Taxes 0.00 0#hers 0.00 PAID $14.00 AMENDING EXISTING REASSESSMENTS 4845, 4846 AND 4847 IN CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRIOT N0.86-2 COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA (REAS SES SMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDME NT N0.108} PURSUANT to the requirements of Section 3114 of the Streets and Hi hwa s • g y Code, the undersigned, PAMELA A. McCARTHY, CMC, City Clerk of the Cit of Bakersfield her ' Y eby gives notice that an Amended Reassessment Diagram and Amended Reassessment Roll Reas ( sessment and Diagram Amendment No. 108) for City of Bakersfield Assessment District No. 86-2 w ere filed and recorded in the office of the Superintendent of Streets of the City of Bakersfield relatin ~ • g to the following described real property: Reference is made to the map entitled "Amended Reassessment Dia ' gram of the City of Bakersfield Assessment District No. 86-2, Count of Kern ' y ,State of California (Reassessment and Diagram Amendment No. 108 Amendin }~ g Reassessments 4845, 4846, and 4847, filed with the County Recorder of the Coun ty of Kern on ~ , in Book, ~~ of Ma s of Assessmen ' ... p t and Community Facilities Districts, at Pages/~ 3 throu h~ y~for a descri ti • g ~ p on of the real property in said Assessment District and the exterior boundaries thereof ' Said Amended Reassessment Diagram amends the map entitled "Reassessment D' ' iagram of City of Bakersfield .Assessment District No. 86-2," recorded Janu 18 19 ' ary 94, in Book 10 of Maps of Assessment and Community Facilities Districts at Pa es 114 thr ' g ough 139, in the Once of the County Recorder of the County of Kern State of Calif ' ornia. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that upon recordation of this Notice in the Office of the County Recorder, the several amended reassessments on the lots feces and ar . ~ p p cels shown on the Amended Reassessment Diagram ,(Reassessment and Diagram Amendment No. 108 of ' Assessment Distract No. 86-2 shall become a lien upon the lots or portions of lots assessed res ect' p ively. ' ~~ ~A~~ ~. r ~ '`~ IC E Tl S F I E 'L D RECORDERS TRANSMITTAL DEPARTMENT: . PUBLIC WORKS Date: ~~ I~ - Q Bill To: Ci ty of Bakers#ield Public Works Department 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Attn: Sharon Traynor To: ~ Kern County Recorder Please record the following documents and charge the cost to our accoun t. Please provide copy (ies) of the following documents and char a the cost t g o our account. Amount ~ Document, Regested By Charge Type p escription Document Ns Book/ Page ' 65~ N0, ~ Q • Na ~~c~` ' ~ ~ d . DD ~~ -- Map Copies ~" ~ dCJ .~ A Recordings ~ . Job Number Copies :.-=- To#al Print Name: ~ ~+~I~ .Authorized BY: u~ ._ ~ G:1sub1SHAREDIPROJECTSIFormslRecorders Transmittal.xls RECORDING REQUESTED BY AND FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WHEN RECORDED MAIL T0: CITY CLERK CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 1501 TRUXTUN AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93 3 01 NOTICE OF AMENDED REASSESSMENT AMENDING EXISTING REASSESSMENTS 4845, 4846, AND 4847 IN CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.86-2 COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA (REASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT N0. 108 PURSUANT to the requirements of Section 3114 of the Streets and Highwa s Code the undersi ne y ~ g d, PAMELA A. McCARTHY, CMC, City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield, hereb Ives notice that n Yg a Amended Reassessment Diagram and Amended Reassessment Roll Reassessment and Dia ra ( g m Amendment No. 108) for Clty of Bakersfield Assessment District No. 86-2 were filed and recor ' ded ~n the office of the Superintendent of Streets of the City of Bakersfield, relatin to the followin descri g g bed real property: Reference is made to the map entitled "Amended Reassessment Dia ram of the Cit of g y Bakersfield Assessment ,District No. 86-2, County of Kern State of California (Reassessment and Diagram Amendment No. 108), Amendin Reassessments 4845 g , 4846, and 4847, filed with the County Recorder of the Count of Kern on 1 y ~ c~•~ +a~G'~ , in Book ~ of Ma s of Assessment n ' p a d Community Facilities istricts, at Pages~~ through/~ S~for a descri tion of the re 1 p a property In said Assessment District and the exterior boundaries thereof. Said Amende d Reassessment Diagram amends the map entitled "Reassessment Dia ram of Cit of g y Bakersfield Assessment District No. 86-2," recorded lams 18 1994 in Book 10 of ~' ~ , Maps of Assessment and Community Facilities Districts, at Pages 114 throu h 139 in the Offcc f g ' e o the County Recorder of the County of Kern, State of California. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that upon recordation of this Notice in the Office of the C ounty Recorder, the several amended reassessments on the lots, pieces, and arcels shown on the . p .Amended Reassessment Diagram (Reassessment and Diagram Amendment No. 108 of Assessment District No. 86-2 shall become a lien upon the lots or portions of lots assessed, res ectivel . p y This amendment evidences the completion of statutory proceedings to divide the lien of s ecial p reassessments previously levied on the parcels ofland shown on the Amended Reassessment Dia ram . ... g to conform with the div~slons in the parcels themselves. Reference is made to said Amended Reassessment Diagram and Amended Reassessment Roll recorded in the office of the Su erintendent of Streets f p o the City of Bakersfield. Attached hereto pursuant to the requirements of Section 27288.1 of the Government Code marke « ~ ~ »~ ~ d Exlub~t A, is a copy of the Amended Reassessment Roll, identifying each new arcel b the amend p y ed reassessment number shown on the Amended Reassessment Diagram, together with the amount of amended reassessment lien levied thereon and the name or names of the owners of each arcel s ' p ub~ ect to such amended reassessments as they appear on the latest secured Count Assessor's Roll kno n y , or as w to the undersigned. Dated: ~ l PAMELA A McCARTHY, CMC, City Clerk City of Bakersfield, State of alifo nia By: 2 EXHIBIT A AMENDED REASSESSMENT ROLL CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.86-2 (BUENA VISTA TRUNK SEWERIRANCHO LABORDE STAGE 1-A) COUNTY OF KERN, CALIFORNIA AMENDING EXISTING REASSESSMENTS 4845, 4846, AND 4847 AND ADDING NEW REASSESSMENTS 4915 THROUGH 4917 CREATED BY RECORDATION OF LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT N0.06-0522 REASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT N0.108 AMENDED PARCEL j DETAILS OF TAX EXEMPT AMENDED REASSESSMEN TOTAL ~ TOTAL AMENDED DESCRIPTION / ~ ~ SERIES A SERIES B SERIES D , TOTAL TAXABLE ~ AMENDED REASMT ASSESSOR'S TAX I AMENDED PROPERTY ~ SHARE SHARE SHARE ;TAX EXEMPT AMOUNT REASMT NUMBER NUMBER (ATN) I OWNER NAME /ADDRESS ;EFF 111106 ~ EFF 111106 EFF 111106 ~ (A + B + D) EFF 111106 AMOUNT_ ~ LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT N0.06-0522 ILEA 06-0522} RESUBDIVIDES EXISTING REASSESSMENTS 4845, 4846, AND 4847, CREATING 3 NEW COMMERCIAL-USE PARCELS. EXISTING REASSESSMENTS 4845, 4846, AND 4847, ARE IDENTIFIED AS KERN COUNTY ASSESSOR'S TAX NUMBERS 451-010-40, 451-010-41, AND 451-010-42, RESPECTIVELY, AND WERE CREATED BY REASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT N0. 106 FOR ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0. 86.2. THE 3 NEW PARCELS (PARCELS A THROUGH C IN LLA 06-0522 ARE ASSIGNED AMENDED REASSESSMENT NUMBERS 4915 THROUGH 4917, RESPECTIVELY.. THE TOTAL COMBINED REASSESSMENT PRINCIPAL AMOUNT FOR EXISTING REASSESSMENTS 4845, 4846, AND 4847 IS APPORTIONED TO TWE 3 NEW COMMERCIAL-USE PARCELS CREATED BY LLA 06-0522. THE TOTAL UNPAID REASSESSMENT PRINCIPAL AMOUNTS FOR EXISTING REASSESSMENTS 4845, 4846, AND 4847 (EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 2006, AT THE BEGINNING OF (THE 200612007 TAX YEAR) ARE $6,550.98, $4,244.70, AND $8,374.14, RESPECTIVELY. THE TOTAL REASSESSMENT AMOUNT APPORTIONED TO EACH NEW PARCEL IS SHOWN UNDER 7HE COLUMN ENTITLED "TOTAL AMENDED REASMT AMOUNT." EXISTING REASSESSMENTS 4845, 4846, AND 4847 ARE DELETED FROM THE REASSESSMENT ROLL FOR ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.'86-2. 4915 Lot Line Adjustment No. 06-0522, Parcel A In-Shape Health Clubs, Inc., and 1,430.41 3,511.37 5,021.99 9,963.77 2,731.64 In-Shape Management Campany 12,695.41 4916 Lot Line Adjustment No. 06-0522, Parcel B In-Shape Health Clubs, Inc., and 352.76 855.22 1,223.15 2,431.13 665.31 In-Shape Management Company 3,096.44 4917 Lot Line Adjustment No. 06-0522, Parcel C In-Shape Health Clubs, Inc., and ~ !n-Shape Management Company 389.30 931.59 1,332.36 2,653.25 724.72 3,377.97 TOTAL AMOUNT APPORTIONED: 2,172.47 5,298.18 7,577.50 15,048.15 4,121.67 19,169.82 :NOTES: 1. -FOR A DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE LINES, DIMENSIONS, AND LOCATIONS OF REASSESSMENTS 4915 THROUGH 4917 REFERENCE A CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE FOR LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT N0.06-0522 RECORDED MAY 9, 2007, AS DOCUMENT N0.0207098557 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF THE COUNTY OF KERN. 2. THE AD $6-2 REMAINING BALANCE, AS EXISTING ON DECEMBER 1,1993, HAS BEEN REFUNDED AND REDUCED AS DESCRIBED IN THE REASSESSMENT ENGINEER'S REASSESSMENT REPORT FOR THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.86-2, AS APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL ON JANUARY 12,1994 (REASSESSMENT REPORT). PREPARED BY: WILSON & ASSOCIATES APPROVFA: L EDWARD J. WILSON R.C.E. 23269 (EXPIRES 12-31-07} S-i~~ ~a~ROF~ss~o~q ~'~~ ~PRD J• ~j ~~` ~~ ~~o ~G~ 2 No. 23269 0 ~ ExA.12/31/07 `~~q~, CIVIL ~P ' ~ CF CAL1F ~~~ - ~ ._ 29703~EXA A-1 051101 zaol iC~~Yll ~~~~~~~ ~lJ~ ~~~ ~1 ~ / ~ ~JF 1 ~. i~~ ~~'R.E~TS ~~~~ ~~..~~~~~~ ~~.?lE ~F ~~`~ ~~`.~.`~~ ~F ~ALI~+Q~;~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~ 1i11E~~~~ ~r~13t~3.~.r~~t~11i~~ "tf,3`t~~ ~f3`"~`~3 ~~1~ '7t3~ f 1. .A.n applicat~o~. has been. bled with the uperte~dent of Streets of the qty of Bal~e~s~.eld b~ the ov~ners or interested paxt~es ~~ the referenced existing reassessments ~~th~n Gity of a~s~: ~sessn~ent ist~t ~~. ~-, re~es~ a.poronrnent ~fthe ~~t rema~n~ng unpaid on said reassess~.ents ~n accordance with the pro~.s~ons o~the ~mpro~e~ent Bond ~.ct ~fl~. { In accordancewith said application, the unders~gn~ed hereby apportions to each separate part of the ~~~.~ parcels of land as shown ~~. the ~.~e~ded Reassessment Roll, lty of ~a~ers~ld ~:s~sessment ~~~ct ~~. -a Reassessm:t and ~agram mendm.t ~~. ~o~, attached: hereto as xhih~t and ~eorporated herein by referenee~ the proportionate part ofthe ren~~~ reassessments the same m~er as ~~'the land had been so divided at the t~~ne the original assessment vas made. Dated: ~~Z,~~O GP ~. notice to ~ondhoder was delivered to pity ~~: .~~ perintendent of Streets of Bakersfield Public Finance Authority an t3y: ~~,~o~~ 3 . o request for hear~ag was rece~~ed from the bondholder ~~th~~ fourteen ~ 4~ days o the date of delivering of the notice to ~3ondho~der. ~ccord~n~lyx the .ended Reassessment Roll and ended eases~nent iagram for pity of ~aersfield ,~sessment isi~t ~~. ~~~ Reassess.~ent and Diagram cndment loo. ~ ~~ mere recorded in the t}f.~ce off` the Superintendent of Streets of the pity ~f aersfield on ~~~ ~ ~~, ~~~~. k3y: 29'~~3C~F-F ~ 711010b ~. The e~.ded ~eassess~nent ~~a~ran~. for qty of Ba~ers~.eld Assessment ~ist~ict o. 8~-~ ~.eassess~ent ~.~. aran~..~endr~:ent ~o. ~ ~ was fed ~~th the o~nt ~.ecorder ~f the n ~'~ern o~. ~ - ~Z Zoo ~n ~oo~ of ~~. s of Assess.ent and you ~ o ~J _ ~ 3 A ~o~.t ~`ae~l~t~es ~ist~.cts at Pa es throe h ~ ~3~; 5. A Notice of A.rnended Reassessment for City of Bakersfield Eissessment District No. 86-2 IZeasse~sr~~nt aid Diagram ~-lmend~ent tea. 208, with a copy c~fthe Amended Reassessment Roil attached as Exhibit A, Evas recorded on ~J- ZZ , 2~0~ has Document Na. dZp7 /0'7`8 "74- Qf Qf~icial Records of the Gaunty Recorder of the County of Kem: By: ~. A cod of this er~~cate of ~~.n nth the ng~neer's repo on ~.eassessn~ent and ~}iagran~ A~nend~.ent ~. ~08~ incl~.d~~. ~xxhi.:h~t .~ ":~.n~ended Reassessment Ro~'~ E~~l~h~t ~3, "Desc~~t~~n cif ~~.s~ sse~sen~s,~~ ~J~~~ , ~~esept~on of ~.he ~~eedre ~se~. to A~~ort~~-~. shares of the ~Jn~a~d ~.eassessment ~'r~.e~pai,?~ ~~hi~b~t D, "~,ist~ng of +~r~~inal Reassess.ent .~:onts for Rend ,,:easses~:ents,~' aid ,~ reed :and ~.~t t~ sea~e eo~y of the Amended ~.easses~n~ent ~iara~n attached thereto, mere fed nth the Finance erector for the City of Bakersfield on GJ "?7i0 , ~a~~ 7 13y: a~~a~ca~-~ ~ ~r~~io~ EXHIBIT A AMENDED ~~~ ~cE-SSt~~R~~OLt+-- C1TY OF I3AI~ERSFIELD ASSESSMENT OlSTR10T N0, 86-2 - (BUENA t~ISTA TRUNK SE~ERIRANCHO LAI30RDE STAGE ~ ~? COUNTY 0~ KERN, CALIFC1RNfA / AMENDING EXISTING REASSESSMENTS 4845, 4846, AND 4~7 AND At3DING NE{t~ REASSESSMENTS 4915 THROUGH 4917 GREATEO SY RECORDATION OI= LOT LII~IE AD~IEtS'~EHT NO. ~-452~ REASSESSMEI*IT ANQ DIAGRAM AMENDME~1'` N0.108 -_ AMENDED PARCEL I~7ETAILS OF TAX EXEMPT AMENDED REASSESSMEN Tt~TAL TOTAL AMENDED I~ESC,RtI`'TI~N ~ i .~ SEISES A SERIES B SERIES D TOTAL ~ TAXAI~L~ AMENDED REASMT ASSES"OR`S TAX AMENDED I~R~PERTY SHARE SNARE SHARE A?t E~CEMF~T~ AMODNT ~ REASMT NUMBER NUMBER (ATN} OWNER NAME 1 ADDRESS 1 EFF 111t~& EFF 111lQ~i € EFF 1~11~ (A ~- B + D~ ~ EFF 1t1 AMOUNT LOT ~.tNE~+ADJi~c7TMENT N0. ~~'2 ~t.~A ~.$8~~~ RES~9a~~D'ES ~~STtt+, REASSE,SSM~:NTS ~ 3Y ~8Y AND ~7, GREAT~NG ~'NEt' GrOMER~~ `U aE PRG~t.S. -~STii NG REASSESSMEI~tTS ~, ~, A ~~', ASE t~~i~Tt~tED ~.~ KE~~ CO'E#N'T~ ASSESSO#~`S ~A~ #~~MBEI~~ ~5~'^~Fi4~-4~`, ~5fi`a~fk-~"f, A~BD 4J~~"a~~, ~?ES€-T~~t.Y, A~V~? WERE CREATED BY REASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT NO. 186 FOR ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0. 86-2. THE 3 NE~tV PARCELS PARCELS A THROUGH C IN ALA '~6r-r~~622 AR'~fE(j,~ASSI~N~r#lED At~I=~~IRDED REI~ASSESSME~jNT NUM~yBI*RS {~~I~95 THROtJGM 4~~17, Rf*SP~E~[CTI~~.Y. THE TOTAL C~~y~~ri~l~yt ~~Ew.D REASSESSi~E~~I}~IT PRIN`~GIP{A~. AMOUN k i '~l.~R I~#~ i #A ikG IAA-ISE~~~NTS LT,~~, ANi:/ T It7 API~OI'iTIOID TO THE xi t~~ ~A+Tiiit~EF~CiAt: HSE PA&~CE~,S ~./1 ~EA a [+D BY L~.A ~-t~~/~~+. THE f 0 t AI< uNpa~r~ I~EP~SSESaM°t ~~.. ~-MOU~TS CDR ~~~ 1~I ASSESSI~II;~dTS ~~~, ~~~+~, AID ~-~ AEI=~~~'E ~A~UARY ~, ~, AT THE BEGINNI~tG OF (THE 20E21~47 TA7C YEAR} ARE $6,554.98, $4,244.X1, AND x,374,14, RESRECTI~/ELY, THE TOTAL... RF~'~tSSESSMENT AMOUNT API~ORTIONEQ TO NCH N PARCEL IS SEIOV~NN UNDEI't THE COLUMN ENTITLEt~ "TOTAL AMENDED I~EASI~T AMOt~I+tT R EXISTING Et~SSMENTS 4845, 4I146, AND 4847 ARE .~ FROM TEAT REASSESSMENT ROLL. FOR ASSESSMENT OISTRtGT N0.8~-~. 4915 Lat Llr~e In-Shape Elealth Globs, Inc., and Adjustment N+~. (#6-0522, Parcel A In-Shape Management Cctimpany 1,488.41 3,511.37 5,Q21.9~ 9,963.77 2,731.64 12,695.41 491:6 L~at L#~*A~~ustmer~ ~, X522, Par~I B 1~-Shape Nealtb Clubs, Inc., and 352.75 85b.2~ 1,223.15 ?,431.13 +f~5.31 3,496,44 to-Spe I'~~nager~e~t Gems 4917 Lct Line Adjus~rner~ Nc~. ~"rf~22, Par~I G 1n-:ape lea ~'~ui~, ~r~c.; and 38~.3~ 9~3t.5~ 1,332.~€i 2,653.25 74,72 3,3.77.97 jai-Shape ~Carfagenrtent Ctxrtpar~y TOTAI. AM~3tlNT,fiPPURTI~NE13: ~ _.~~. - -- , , _ -~..,~......._, 217247 5,29$.18 7,577.54 ~5,f~48.15 4,21.67 ~19,1fi9.82 NOTES: 1. FOR A DETAILED DESCRIPT101~ OF THE LINES, aIMI*tJStONS, A~II~ LOCATIONS OF REASSESSMENTS 4915 TI-TROUGH 4917 REFI;RE~iCE A CERTIFICATE OF COI~PI.IANCE I~OR LOT LINE AI~,IUSTMENT I~10. X522 RECORDED __..~., 24(16, AS DOCUMENT N0. OF OFFICIAI~. RECORDS, IId TI-IE OFFICE ~E THE COUNTY +R.EGORI?ERp~~OpppE THEY COUNTY C~F/~K~RN. y~ any ,y.. q~1 }~T ~/~ rr 4. { ~I~ AD it ~~M1~ ~'iFiw,, ^~#T'V ~i.ai...1~~~~ ~~t ~.~, A~ ~ ~~D ~~ i3^~~ "V4.~~ ~T~'~ 1+ REASSESSMENT ENGINEER`S REASSESSMEIwIT REPORT ~'®R TEIE CITY Ot* BAl~I3SFkI=LD ASSESS~I=NT DISTKICT N0.86-2, AS APFR01fEI] BY THE CITY CQUNCIL ON SANI~ARY'I2,19~34 (REA~fiESSMENT RERORT~. PREPARED PfY. Wil~50N & ASSdC1ATES ~ ~ ~~ ~A APPROVED: ~ ~ DATE: ~ ~"' ~rnv a_ era ~c.~ ~ {~w~r~s ~2-~a-o~ ~~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~.23~b9 ~ ~~ ~~,~~~f ~~ ~r ~r ~~, ~I~~~ ~~~'~ 29703~XA A-1 ~ a7~7~2~~ ~~ ~ ?. yy~ .. *~ '~~~-' l~~~ `~e./1 /~+.~ r~03 ~ry•~~~~ /ry~' .~~ ~~'V4 ~*e }ay` ~~~' ./-'R~`f [ S - ~L La.~'6,.7L.d~ ~~ ,~~~V~ ~~G~ ~~}/'~' '~ V^~~~~i1~~~.L 4 1 A'{~T~'F /~ ~~~~ aL ~ ~~ i+V~1 ~V'~/1.I' .iJ~ ~~IJ~~~ y~~g' "'~h~ ~~~~ J./~V~l~'l~, ~~~~~1\ J. ~~.3• ~~~ .~~~ ~,fJRf3l~ ~`~~~ ~-~.fl~l~l~:A i~ST~ TRI~~R ~l~~ER} A.I~~NDI~`~ l/~STII~G RI~~SSS~II~I~TS 4845, 484, ,A:ND 4$47 ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~~~:~'~~ 415 TRtl~l~ 417 ~~.'~~ ~ Rl~+~~R13AT1(~ ~~ ~~~ ~~ ~I~STI~I~T Q. -€15~~ I~~ISTIN' ~~ ~01~7 ~~~~` ~.~~~~~:'' ..~...'~.; ~`€~~ ~~lT~ PR1"~~P~., T~ ~~ H~' ~1~ PAR~I~L~ ~~ ~ NUII~R RI~,A:S~~~~I~~IT~ ~{~RT1C}Nl~l~ H,~VE BE~~ ~D~'UIDED ~.~`SI~ARC~LS 4845 451-010-40 ,SSO.9~8 lot f,~e ~.dstment ~o. 06-05 ~,~A 484 451.-010-41 ~4,~44.70 0~+~5~~} resuv.~ l~~i 484"1 451-~10-4 8~ 74.14 Reas~essme~ts 4845,. 4~, ~. 4847 c~eat~ng ~ ~e~ ~~merclal-use parrcels. The total combined re~na~n~ principal an~ouurtt lror ~~is~ Reassesents 4845, 484, and. 4847 ~ ~appo.oned to the 3 new parcels created ~~ LI,A o6-Q5~2. existing Reassessments 4845 484, and 484'1 are deleted from. the Reassessment Roll for A.l~- 8~-~. lot l~~e ~.d~~stment o. (~~-5~~ }y~wiY~ lid ~ . ~ a. ~ p~areels m.:~l~~i -oS~ ~~ded ~TasselJ~Y~ts ~~~~ t"~ V~ ~V ~~~ Total I~ew Reasse~se 1l~arls Total l~ew I~a~:-reassessed l~otsl~arce Total Amount to Be Apport~c~ued. e Reassess~.ents: Tom. l~e~ Reassessment lumbers Total Est~g lteass~ss~.ent l~Tumbers deleted from Roll 1~,1~~.8~ let ~~mge .c~.~e 1~eassessments on Roll 1. unpaid r~sessmertt balance portioned 1s the balance at the beginn~.g of the ~0~~/20~7 Tax Fear, effective ~anuar~ 1, 200, 3 Q 3 _3 29703~'~3 ~ '~; ~ G;v~ ~~ ~. ~~~ ~ ~~~ ~`~~ ~~I~TI~~ ~AS~E~SE~T~ 48~~, 48~~, ~. 484 ~RA'~D ~ ~~~DA~Q ~F ~Q~T ~~~ AD~UST~~~' ~. (}~-Q~~~ CI'TS~ QF B~RSF~ELD A~SE~SIN'T DISTRICT N4. 86~~ (BUEi~TA VIS'I"A TRUNK SEWERlRANCHO LABOIZDE STAGE 1 A) ~., ~~ .eassess.ents ~84~, ~8~} and ~~~ :erea~~r "~..eas~ess~l~nt ~~," tt.eassess.ent ~~~~," and ~eassessn~ent ~~~~''~, respec~.~el~~ are des~~ed. as fern +~onnt~ Asses~ar~ s 'Tax l~um~ers ~A.~s} ~5 -~ I ~-, ~~ -~ ~ ~-~ I, and ~5 ~ -~ ~ ~~, respectively, and are located ~. the ~~~ of :aaersel. I~ot ~~ A~st~~t ~o. ~~ ~``I~A ~~~~ mer and res~~di~des Reassessn~e~~s 4~~5, ~5~~, and 4~4'~ cre~n~ ~ ~e con~~.ercial-use parcels. ~.e 3 new parcels ~identif~ed as Parcels ~ throu~~ ~ in I~UA 0~•4~2~} are assigned mended ea~ses~ hers i{A~e~~ ea~~es~:~nts" ~~ t~ro~h ~~~~~ respe~.~el~. B, ~.~ses~~ ~~, ~84~} and ~~4~ ~er~ create ~ cas~es~.ent anal I~ia~ A.end~n~nt o. ~ ~~ ~~~ .Assessment sty ~o. ~~-~ ~~:~ ~~~k~. ~'he Mire ~.eassess~ne~~ ~~~~, ~S4£, and 4~~~ are located ~vi~ the stage 1=A ~enef~t Zane and the Telephone Bene~.t Zone of AD ~~ ~, 'The ~~ro~~ent cost assessed to es~ ene~.t Zones mere f~.ded ~ ees . , and ~ Bands for .~ ~~-~. C, 'the t~ tea. .easscss~nent P:cipal A~nonats for .eassessn~.ents ~~, ~~~? anal 4~~4~' effective Januar~~ 1, 2~~~, at the beginning cif ~e 20~~/2~(l~ ~a~ ~ear~ are ~~,5~~.~5, $4,~~4.7~, anal $$,374. I4, respcc~.vel~, 'The total original S~-~ assessn~.ent a~naunts were ~4~,35~.~, ~~,~~~.~~ and Iy'~~~.~, resp~.~e~. 't'he tal o~ ~~-~ assessn~e~t amounts and the total remaining reassessment principal amounts for I~eassessrnents 4~~~, 4~8~~, and 447 are r.ppo~iane as dese.hed ~elti. 2. I~B~~TI~ ~F THE I'~.~~BDUR UBD TD ~B~~A~ ~~ APP~~:~"I~ ~~E ~l+~I~AU A~SB~S~~N'T ADD ~I: UNPAID R~ASSBSS~~~IT P~~~IPAL AM{~UNTS ~RD~ .~~~~~ ~~; ~~~, ADD ~ I~ A~~BD ~A~~~~~ ~1~ HF.~-~GH 4~I7: ~.. e~essm ~~~~, 4~, and ~~~ are bated the Deena ~ ~°n~n eer ~e.es A Bands Benefit Zone and the stake 1-A benefit Zone far street, Utility and 'Telephone ~rae.ents series ~, ~", aid Bands. ~.'be total re~naini~,g . ~M~ ~eassessrne~t Principal A~nc~unts far eassessn~ents 84~, ~~~~, and 4~~7 are appor~oned to ~e ~ ne~v parcels created b~ UI~A. 4~-0~2~ as follows: z~~~~~c ~ ~~~~rat a. I3~.en~a. ~d~sta Tank Sewer (B~tT~'} t~sessm~n~ (Series ~ Bflt~ds): ~. ~.eassesse~nts 4, , ~~ ~~' were on ' ~_ ~ '~, , ~ ~ ~ ui~alent belling knits ~Bs~, respe~tivel, cif BSS apace at the origal assessment unit charge rate of $~4~.~~~D~ for a total combined B~V'~'S rapacity charge of .~}~~~.~, based on they o:~nerci~ Viand lase desig~.a:on3 pursuant to .~ppor~o~ent Via. ~~~. ~~. .ugust ~~, ~Q~l, the pity Cauncil of the ~f ~~' Ba~e~s~eld approved its ~esolu~an ~a. ~. ~ ~-~ ~ which adapted en+eral Plan Amendd~nentne hang~er~es Bch ~c Phan. :~e~dn~ent ~o. P - ~~2~ ~"~rP~. Pal-~~~'~"~, mending land uses on properties affected ~~ this .ppor.o~ent o: l ~. ~c~pies of the cps sho~g the rued lain ~~se plan aid ~~ Per P~1-~ are attached this ngeer'~ ~.epart for ~refcren. each bene~xtted parcel created by ~.ppor~ic~~.ent ~o. l~f pursuant to Parcel dap ~o. 1~~ was allocated its a of ~` apace cage . direst. propor€ to the number of ~B~s ahocated to mob. o~`th~, based on the m~~ pe~~~ed nun~.ber of ~~L3s for each parcel when developed according to the land uses app~ro~ed in GPA ~'Q 1-~ ~ anal ~ acrd.ce tc~ Baersheld ~ 1 general. Play., :and praPortion to each parcel's areas within each land use presented. ~ sari P~ P~ ~ -~~~~, ~.e tata~ combined ~~`~` ~pac~` charge far ~~sess~.ents 445, ~~~b, a~.d ~~~~` is allocated to the ~ new ceral-use parcels create h~ ~~ ~•~~~ at ~ og~.a~ rate of $~4~.~O~B~ as follaws: Parcels .~, B, and ~ in L~~ Q~-~3S~2 are allocated ~~., ~, and ~ ~Bl~~s, respecti~Tel~, based on .sir o~nmercial Viand lase .designation. 'The parcel net areas fir the ~ canercial use-parcels erected b~ ~~ ~~-~~~ are as sba~~ an the e~hi~bit maps to ~erticate of Ca~n~pliance far l~L~ 4~6-~~~. 't'he total. n~ber of Bls all€at~~. -to the ; .new carercia-use pare ~s~ is equal to the total number of Dt~s originall~T ~.ocated to ~.eassessments ~~4~, 45~~, and X84'1. 11. 'Flee total com~ined.B~S ~~fersi~ing an~.aunt for ~.eassess~ents 484, 84~, and 4847 is allocated to the ~ new commercial-~~~ parcels in ~ ~~-~SZ~ based. an the net areas shown on said ~:~. -~~ .maps. b, Stage 1 ~- .~,r~eri.aJ. trcet anal '~~.lity .~ssessn~ent ~Se~.e~ B, ~, and ~l Bonds: 'The Stage 1 M~ anal ~lity i~prov~e~~.ent a~sessn~ents consists of several co~~pa~nents ~nciucng a bask street area. ehar~e, a n~a~or street tr~.p generation charge and a sever frontage charge. `The location of esti~atcd to ver~g~ a~:l "ehice ps ~.~~ to the ~,~,~. Q~-052 parcels is bayed an the same parcel areas and land use desigaatians, as described shave for the B~'FS sewer allocations. The total original assessment shares for the ~rcr~ial-use -pa.re~ls 1~ b-~~~ ha.e begin al~~oeated as: ~riga sees ~~ ~~ anal ~ Bands shares in proportion to the ~eassess~.ents X45, ~~4b, and 4~4~ Series ~, ~, and Bands shares alocat~ to sash. ofth~. B. Apportionmern of the Total Re~r-aining Reassessment Balance from Reassessments 4845, 48 5, and 484 to Amended Reassessments 4915 through 4917: °fhe three original ~.~ 8~-~ Series of~`a~ ~e~.pt Bonds ~~erles ~, B, and ~~ have beep refonded ~~ a Single Series a~f~`a~. tempt Bonds. ~'he shagle orightal 8~~~ Series of'Ta~able Bonds ~Serics .has also been refunded b a Sge Series ~' arable Bona. ~`be mot r~u~red to 2~'7~~~ 2 7I10!bb x~d ~~ ox~ ' e~ ~~' ~~oxa~ oao ~~~ ~~ ~~' x pr~n~~~~. fox a~ og~na~ fond se~.e~. ~.ccox~~~~, ~~ ~o~a~ ~o~~~ned r~s~s~.ent ~~a~ni ~~~ ~ fox .~~,.~~ 4~ A ~~~, ~. ~4'~~ ~:a ~.~ ~no~~ appox~nn~d ~c~ ~.e ~ ar~~~s dread ~ ~.~ ~-~~~~ xe pxc~xon ~~ ~e ox~ Reasses~men~s ~8~5, ~84~, and 48~~ ~~axes a~poxt~~ned to each. ~ax~~ fax each. Bond ~ex~e~. Foxe de~ai~ed ~nfo~.aan on the Viand ~se~, ng a~.d d~~e~n~ denies ns ~~ ~ox~on ~.eassess~ner~~~ 4~4~. 4~4~s and 4S~'~ ~ ~ ~e in t~.e ogee of ~ ~nblic c~r~ ~ixec~ar and a o.oe o~ ~~ P~an~ ~x ~ x fox ~ ~.x of Ba~.ed. ~~~'.~ ~: By: ~. ~.. ~~~ ~~~ ~ ~~~ `~ ~ ~• 2329 ~ om~: 7 ~I~i X06 297~3:~~C 3 71~~/06 ___ ~ ~8 ~ ~ ~~ as i~ ~.-~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r~ ?~ ~' -- - .,...... ..,....,,~.,... , ~ ,,,,,_, .__..r ~~~. ~~, st#3~ x ~ ~ t't.t ~:~ a ~~ } 5tli,~l, C?s'~~t.3~11~t_ ~ J1t9~^ Sr~~'fs"+t~cisi~. r~ ,F~ t ~ '~ ,~~~ x4 r t~ #„•+ ~. ~wd ~~ 0.O ~qe ~ ~ K ~h `~'` ~- ~4~ ~` ~ r y.X ~e. ~. t $ 4 }~ ~. ~. ,_j, fir{ .c. ..r ~~ ~: ~~ ~~ ~ ~~ 3 t r F i q. ~ fr-~..w ~.~J .n-.~..~...,rewe~.-..-.,~.-...-,...,.,,....,._.....-~...,.. y P '.AAr ~~3Tt~~~ ~95~'kl~~ 8 ~{47N~~ .per ~~ .~.,, ~ ~~~ {~ ~ w z is ~ i °~ "~ k F e ~..r-~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~~ •~~{ } rte( ~~ }} '' S ~ ~ ~e _ r~ a~..e++.i, ~-w..~,..._. ~......... .s..vr....~..~,...-.,..fit .-"`"":^~ ..,r... i qT R~~'{+1' ~' l~r~ :~al r ~ £ ~~. iR ~'~ .., ~~ ~ .ne 3 x4.'93. ! ~ ~[ ~f~~S ~~~~ +'1~~9F ~e3~ ~~ z w ~ '+r~' ~ ~" . :t ~ ;' '~ R =~ f.~} ~~ ~ ~- F Y. 'c s.. G~~T~t i LiSTIN~ f~F ORIGINAL REASS~SSI~IIl111T AI~O1~3.N~'S PDR AI~IENDED REA55ES51l~Ei~TS 491 ~ T~IRCI<CIGH ~~~ `~ CITY t}I: RAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT Nf~. 86-2 {BUENA i~ISTA TRUNK SE1~IER~RANCNC~ lAS{~RDF STAGE ~ A} C£~~T1~ OE IR1~. ~.~~~; REASSESSMENT AND OI~GRAM AIVIENDMENT NG.1D8 AEN~3E~ ~'~#. ~ ~3ETa~~S ~E TIC E~~~T ~R~~a~#~. ~~~SESS~~#~ ~R~~ TG~TAi..~~.. ~ENDE~ DiESCRI~'Tlo~l ~ i OR€~INA,L ~ ~RIGINA~. I~I~INAL TOTAL a TAXAl31+~ ORIGINAL REASMT ASSESS(3R'S TAX ~ SERIES ~ ~ SE~tIES 8 i SERIES D TAX EXEMPT ~ REA51~'T REASMT NUMBER ~ N~IBER tiAT~l~ ,r __ . ~ ~S~ER~ ~ STAGE ~ -A~ ~ STAGE ~ -A~ ~~ } B -~ D~ AIV~t~~lNT AIUlUUNT 4915 Lc~ Lane Ad~ust~~ ~+Ic. tIS-0522, Parcel A 1~,~~~.a7 f~,380.8~ 2~,~37.80 X4,578.04 12,~9.~9 X7,217.53 416 Lit Lute A~jus~me~t Nr~. 06.05, Parcel B 2,874.03 4,37.38 5,07~i.33 13,32,75 3,078.48 18,408.23 4847 L~ Lute Ad~ustr~er~~ Nc. 06-0522, Parcel C 3,282.11 4,770.42 6,50~.~35 _ '14,562.48 3~35~.35 17,15,83 T~}TAL ~R~~~I~.. RSI AIi~I~T APP~F~T~~NE~ 18,315.71 27,130.68 37,023.8.8 ~2,470.2~` 18,071,42 '101,541.69 NOTE: THE AD 58-2 RLA~NII BAI.ANCE~ A;5 EXISTII ~N DECKER 1, '183, HA5 BEEI'~ REI=~NDE~ A~l~ €~ED~3GED A.S DE5GRIBED iN TI-IE REASSESSMENT ENGINEERS I~EAaSESSI~ENT REI''GRT i*C3R THE CITY OIL BAKERSI=IELQ A55E5SMENT QIS'I"RICT NCB. 86-2. AS APPRt31~ED B`l THE CITE' CGUNCIL ON JANUARY 12, 184 {I~EA55E551~IENT REPt~RT}. THE AI~4aUNT5 SHUN ABOVE ARE THE JRiGINAL REFU~€DING A~IGI~NTS HAQ THESE PARCEI~S EXISTED AT TI-IE TIME 01= REFDNDING. lY 29703EX1~ ~-~ 07IU712~05 ~ ~ z d d ~? C~ ~ ~ ~z i ~° ~w w~ {~ z ~ ao <}Q ~~ QO I~ZZ ~ Wy O r pU ~" I ~ v_r~ ~w IZp~ i i ~ wMa_ ~d W da ~ I w p~Opti I°wQ° I Uo w~~NOO I Z ~ oz Q~ .~tS cow F- I ~ f-UNwpO ~~-4 i U>"d 0~~~~~-.~~FO ~ p0 t-~ CSI ~Y ~ I ~, z ~, ~ U~ hZ ~~°QZ ~~. I p~- E-+ ~, ~o = I ~° ~o~Wi i°Xa i~°o a~ow~o~d I ~Q ~ U 0 ~} ~ I OW ~~QQF- I~w !-wt~. SOwaOp~U I I U H y,,~ O ti I J ~ EYZ~ Sw mU i ~ ~ ~'i •~ ,- ~r~- w I vrza ~'~`~°Zw~i~ I~~c¢i =°~~cvzdz 1 Oz ~,.~~-^, apt O I dww 1/)OpQ°OOt-~ ~ uLL- I-ZI.~. i -tLw ~z~W ~ j/~ ~ O e}O tA0 I 0°Y `X~ZU7w ~ d X00 t-.dO~O~tF-Y IFU-wY i'"y~,} Z ~U Wp I lYtZi1~Q ~~d ~QF-Od IQ~w dZUZ~~`tti. I~~w ~ ~ Z H • ~ z wN ( z z wwtn~OOZw= I wt~ w-wa~~0 I d0 4-i w w wN a . ~_~.~ ~w U w U ~a w~ y I~~. Q~ E-+ 0 ~ s ~ ~ I ~-- I ~ rCeOO ~~Cy~W (~~d I JUG OUf1'`'dZ~=U ~nm rn I w ~- ~ wOa I~-w I w w ONO ~- ~ I~~~ ~ H Z z ~ ' w~ w I I Q~~a w~.adw Iwo- IFFY cvNw~ypd~~ I~~~ w Q W a~ w 1 (~ No O ~ i ~ ~UU 4°~°w I~©~ 1 aim i~r~~z`~o I~oo .N d MI d °U ~ dz ~ I ~- mzOZ~=wvQid ~- Iwz n~rnw ~- ~ ~ ~ ~ f w ( (A V.. F- C7 m I O d W T m ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h~ '`-~ OU ~ ~ °zw~oz©°d !~ jz~pF~ W ~ W ° o ~~....rr ~ ~ Z~ I ~,~~z-~naOwv~W !w Ipw}.31,.. ~ d I~ ~ ~, oo ? 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W ~ ~ $ ~~zW ~'~ rk ~~ ~~ ~~ Qi ~---., f~~gfsR M B~ :' ~ rl ~ 0~ n ydP wM ~3y ~a tV m ~f , ~ P p ^ U W d d~ Z p a~~3 w 51! ~ja f J 0 N ' ~w N / ~~I O Nr ~~ O U~ ~ _ ~t l.~ _~ ~ ._ .~.. _.... -._...~ _. ___.. __ ~ N / Q~O2i~,~1~0,~ ~i^~ i N~ w~ ~o I '"~ ag ~ J ~o ~ ~ a~ t ~ 1 / / ~ / / ~ / ~ / ~ / ~ / ~ i. -- - ---. _ m.-.. U _ ~ _ _ J~ ~~ 'sdvw i~a~ed ~o ~~ •xe Q ~ ~ ¢ ~~ ~~• / 8680 t 'ON dbNl l3 aHd a ~ 59 w N Y 4 m O~ ~ d ~o // ~u~ ~Q~ d q `~ G~'v 0 ~~s ~ Qe ~~, ~'~ / . ~~ 0 ,// ~P~ G~ j ~ ~~~~ !~~\P~ // ~~ EXHIBIT A AMENI?ED REASSESSMENT ROLL CITY 01= BAKERSElELE~ ASSESSMENT U1STR1t;T NO.86-2 {~t~ENA VISTA TRUNK SEEI~RANC~10 ~SOROE STAGE ~-A} COUNTY 01= t~ERN, CALIFORNIA AMENQING EXISTING REASSESSMENTS 4845, 4846, ANSI 4847 ANl3 ADaING NEB REASSESSMENTS 4915 THROUGH 4917 CREATED SY RECt}RE3ATl0N OE LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO.06~522 REASSESSMENT ANl~ LIIAGRAM AMENaMENT NO.968 AMENDED Pt~RCEL _ ~.. DETAILS QF TAX EXEMPT AMENDED REAS5ESSME TOTAL TOTAL AMENDED OESCRlPTION ! ~ SERIES A ~ SERIES B SERIES O TOTAL TAXABLE AMEI~I~ED I REASMT ~ ASSESSQR°S TPJf AMEN©E{~ PRtIPE€~TY ~ SHARE SHARE ~ SHARE TI~X EXE~IP AM{~t3NT ~ REASMT NUMBED ( NUMBER {ATN~ ~ ~ Ot~1NER NAME f ADQRESS El^F 9~91tI6 EFF 91906 EFF 1I1f06 ~A -~ B ~- [~} ~ EFl=1f9l06 ; AMOUNT LOT LINE At3.IUSTMENT NO.06~522 ~LLA 0~522~ RESUSDiVI~IES EXISTING REASSESSMENTS 4845, 4845, ANa 4847} CREATING ~ NEt€~ iaOl1~t7MER~ SSE PARCE~.S. EXISTING REASSESSHTS 4845, 4846, ~kN~ 4847', ARE II3Et~Tt1=IED' AS SRN COEII'~`Y SE$S~R`S TA~i NUMBERS 4~~-~P~6', 45~-fI1€'~, AN'~ 45'~-~~2, RESF~CT~PE~.Y, Apia 1~lERE CREATEa BY REASSESSMENT ANB DIAGRAM AMEND~tINT NO. 106 FQR ASSESSMENT aISTRICT NO. 86-2. THE 3 NE1N PARCELS {PARCELS A THROUGH C fN LLA 08-0522 ASE ASSIGNE~I A~!!EI•IUED REASSESSMENT NUMBERS 4995 THROUGH 497, RESPECTIVELY. THE T~}TAI. Cp~IBINEQ REASSESSMENT PRINCIPAL. AMOUNT FOR EXISTING REASSESSMENTS 4845, 4846, ,AND 4847 IS APP~3RTIONEI~ TO THE 31dE~f C~3MMERCIA#: USE PARCELS CREATED RY L 05-0522. THE TO T Al. UNPAITJ REASSESSMENT PR1'NC1PAl AI'~Q~'NTS FOR EXISTING 'REASSESSMENTS 4845, 4846, A1~ 4847 ~~PEECTIVE JANUARY 1, 20~, AT THE 'BEGINNING OF THE 2006I2(ItI7 TAX I~EAFt~ ARE $6,550,98, $4,244.7t~, AN© $8,374.94, RESPECTIVELY, THE TOTAL REASSESSMENT AMOUNT APPORTIt~NEI3 TO EACH NE~1 PARCEL 1S SH01~1N UNQER THE CQLUti~N ENTITI.~} TOTAL AMENDEEt~ REASMT AMQUNT.° EXISTING REASSESSMENTS 4845, 4845, AN€~ 487 ARE DELETEQ FROM 'tHE REASSESSMENT ROLL FOR ASSESSI~iENT I3lSTRICT N4~. 86-2. 4995 Lc~t Line Ad~usl~ent No. 06-0522, Pane! A In~Shape Health Clubs, Inc., and 9,430.49 3,591.37 5,029.99 9,963.77 2,739.64 92,595.49 to-Shape Management Cornpan~ 4916 Lct Llre Ad~t~trne~t N~. 0522, Panel 13 1rrShape Heath Clubs, Inc., and 362.75 855,22 1,223.15 x,431.93 665.39 3,096.44 ~tr~-Shapes ~na~nt C~~ar~' 4917 t.ot Line A~jme~f Na. €~-f1522, F~arcel C 1n-S~ap~ He~1~ Clc~t~, ~tnc., and 3$~.~0 839.59 1,332.36 2+653.25 724,72 3,377.97 In-Shape Man~e~nent Gc~~?Y.___..~. - ..._.___ TOTALAIUlUUNTAPPC~RTION~D: ~ ~ 2,172.47 5,298.18 7,577.50 _ 15,04$.95 4,1~1.fi7 99,169.82 NOTES: 9. 1"OR A !~£TAILED DESCRIPTION 0I~ THE LINES, DIItrIENSIONS, A~It~ LOCATIONS OF REASSESSMENTS 4915 THROUGH 4'917 REFERENCE A CERTIFI-GATE COMPLIANCE 1vOR LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. €~-0522 REGORL9ED : 2006, AS DOCUMENT NO. 0I" 0I=FICIAL RECORDS, !N THE Qt='EICE CAE THE CQUNTY RECORDER OE THE COUNTY OE KERN. 2. THE At3 £I~3-Z I~~t~ SCE, EXtSTtNG ~N £~CEIER 9 , 9993, ~ BEEN RE~-UNI~E~'6 .ANLb RECU~C AS C~E"RI~ ~IN 'i'#~E REASSESSMENT ENGINEER`S REASSESSMENT RI~Pf~RT t`OR THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELI3 ASSESSMENT f~lSTRlCT NO.86-2, AS APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL RN JANUARY 12,1994 REASSESSMENT REP(3RT~. Pt2EPARED 8Y: WILSON & ASSOCIATES ~~ ~` ~ ~~4 pr, ApPRQVED: t QATE: ~ uY ~w,~_ wa~.sc~n~ ~.c.~ z32ss l~s~s s~-3a-o~~ ~~p~~SS~p~~f q~ ~'~ ~ w ~ ~~, 2329 ~~, G1~1~ ~~~~ 297~~EXA A-~ c~7~~~~~o~ PUBLIC FINANCING AUTH(JRITY July 31, 2006 Raul M. Rojas Public Works Department City of Bakersfield 15 01 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301 Re: Reassessment and Diagram Amendment No.108, City of Bakersfield Assessment District No. 86-2, .Segregating and Apportioning Existing Reassessment 4845, 4846, and 4.847 to create New Reassessments 4915 through 4917. Dear Mr. Rojas: I herewith acknowledge that the City of Bakersfield Public Finance Authority. has received, the Notice to Bondholder form for the referenced Reassessment. and Diagram Amendment No.103 for Assessment District No. 86-2. Please be advised that the City of Bakersfield Public Finance Authority accepts the amended reassessments shown on Engineer's Report Exhibit A attached to the Notice to Bondholder and a public hearing on those reassessment amendments will not be requested within the fourteen day notice period as provided by law. Very truly yours, City of Bakersfield Public Finance Authority B : Date: ~ 3 ~ '~~ Y Nelson K. Smith ~.~~SE~S~~' A:~D D~~~~~~ ~:~NDf~Nfi ~t~. 1Q~ P~~t~~ ~~ ~~~C~RD.AT'I~~ ~~ ~0~` ~f~ AD,~~T~I~I~fi ~~. 06~05~2 ., 1. ~~. application has been filed with the superintendent of streets of the pity of ~a~ersfield re~uestin~ a serea~on and apportionment ofe~.st~n~ reassessn~.ents within ~ssessent D~st~ct ~~. ~, pr~ant to the division o~the parce~~. 2. ~ accordance nth said appiication~ the ~ndersined .hereh appor~:ons to each separate part of the ori,~inal parcels of land the proportionate part of its respective unpaid reassess~.ent that mould have been levied thereon i~ the parcels had been so divided at the time th€ ~,ginal reassessment was .made. ~rhe unders~.ed has assigned a near reassessrr~ent number to each new parcel, as shown on tie .mended ~eassessn~ent Dia,~ra~n attached hereto. t 3 . ~'he existing reassessment ~ numbers, ne~v reassessment numbers, and apportioned reassessment amounts eased . each ease on the unpaid prinG~pal mount of reassessn~e~nt e~eetie ~anu~ 1, ~~~, at the b~~ o~te ~~0~~ tai dear are as shown on ~~hibit A, "Amended ~.eassessme~.t doll," attached hereto and incorporated .herein b reference. . description of the referenced eistin~ reassessments and of how they have been subdivided is included in ~~hi~it ~, attached hereto. ~. description of the procedure used to apportion the unpaid principals for the referenced eat reassessments to the new reas~ments i~ included in whit +, attached hereto, and a listing of the appo.~ioned share Qf the ~~.ginal reassessment amounts for each new reassessment is shown on ~~bibit ~, attached hereto.:~ist.~ eassessn~.ents 4~~~, ~~4~, anal 4~4' are deleted from the reassessment roll for Assessrncnt District :o. ~bL2. Prepared b~: WII~SOI~ ~ ASS4CIA`I'ES Reassessment Apportionment Engineer ,~~~~ssrQ,~~~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ t~ ~Q.232~9` ~l ~. ~~~~~ 1.~ `1- (G-cab ~d~ard ~.'~.son, .~'.~. ~3~~~ ~~~pires-~~- - ~-~ ~ ,,..~ ~.ssessment engineer, .Assessment District ~o. ~~~ G! EXI`I#BIT ~ AMENQED REASSESSMENT R.t~l~.. CITY ~}E BAKERSf #ELD ASSESSMENT D#STR#QT NQ. 85-2 • (BUENA VISTA TRI~NK SE~ERIRANC#~t~ LASQRDE STAGE ~-A} C4~lNTY OF KERN, CAL#FaRAtIA AMENL3#NG EX#STt~#C RSSESSMENTS 4845, 4845, AND 4&~7 RS ANQ AD#~ING NEB REASSESSMENTS 4915 THRQUGH 4917 CREATED BY RECQF~DAT#€ QF LET #.#NE A.DJt~ST#~ENT NQ. €0522 REASSESSMENT AND D#AGRAM AMENaMEt~#T NQ.108 I AMENDEQ PARCEL SETA#LS {~~ TAX EXEMPT AMENDED REASSESSME TQTAL ~ TQTAL ! AM~Nf~Ei'3' DESCRIPT~N ~ j ~ SE4~E5 A ~ SER#ES ~ SER6ES D TQTAI.. TA~l~A~LE AMENflEfl REASMT ASSESSQR`S TAX AMENLIEL~ PRt~PERTY SHARE SHA#~E SHARE AX EXEMPT AMt~UI~T ~ REASMT NEJMBER NUMBER ~ATN~ QV1tNER NAME ~ ADRRESS ? EEE 111~{?8 EFI=111~~ ~ EFE 1f 11Q8 €A + B + C}~ ~ EFE 1116 AMQUNT s ~~}~T} ~~L..t~~aN~~t!"~7~Jg~t~~lc~t~~6~ R ~Yf~N 5 l~l~~~.}}//lfjS~y[°~''~~~~E~ygyG~~,~C~.~~.ty~, ~~g~~~GG.~ T`.C~~~cP8~~~2yk ~~~tg3~r~z,7I~ItN~~t~yp.a~o34SS~a~ep~~~~ I t? ~8~,~~p~rg~q Bg~. T Ag~~~ ~i~~g'~yr~~.~g/~~.F~T fei~~ ~ ~+y~rg~ tJ~~N~~L~~yy1.Ak.~IJe~~t7~~~}~!~s~C~p~C'~~+'.k~`+~.~7.p ~/'1Jt7~pT,*t}~C? REA~3s7ESSMCIV~~3 ~, ~v'"+1+`s AIYIY 48~~`, ~~NTi~~~iJ ~S KER~f ~./~~~iYT i A~~Jti?Lfi'1.r~ ~f'V~ 1`I~iVi~~ti~ ~~1'V /1J^Y~, ~~ 1~~i1^`t !, AN~ ~~~~i/ F,G, T'CGaJI~Cti 1 iY~~Y, /3tY~ VYERE C#~EATED BY REASSESSMEI~#T AND D#AGRAI~ AMENDMENT NC3. 1(l5 Et}R A~SESSM~NT Q#STR#CT NQ. 86-2. THE 3 NEVU PARCELS PARCELS A THRQUGH C IN LLA 06-0522 ARE .ASS#GNEd AMENDED REASSESSMENT NUMBERS 4915 THR{~UCH 417, RESPECT#VELY. THE TQTAL Ct~MB#NED REASSESSMENT ~RINCIPAI. AM~?UNT FaR EX#STiNG REASSESSMENTS , ~, AND 4847 #~ AP~'QRT#QNED T~3 TAE 3 Ei~' Q~IERQ#A~-EASE PARCE#.S QREATED Bbl L ~?.2. TNT TC3TAL ~NPA~D ~s~~SENT 1~R#NCTFA~L AC~~UNTS ~€~ ESTER REASS'ESS'MENTS ~~, ~~~~, AFL ~~ ~EECT`E JANUARY ~, ~, AT 'THE BIB#NNING ~~ (THE 200f~20Q7 TA7~ YEARS ARE $6,550.98, $4f244.70, ANQ X8,374.14, RESPEGT~LY, ~'HE TOTAL REASSESSMENT AMQUNT APP0RTIQNED TCD EACH NE1~ PARCEL !S SHfll~h1 UNDER THE CQLU#~N ENT#TLED "TOTAL AMENDED REASMT AMt~UN`!'_" EX#S~C#NG REASSESSMENTS 4845, 484~r, ANt~ 4847 ARE DELETED E=RQM THE REASSESS~ILNT RQLL EQR AESSMENT DISTRICT NQ. 8~r2. 4915 Lot Line Adj~stmenf N~. t~-8522, Pa~cef A ~n-S~ape ~tea#th C#~bs, #r~c., arty ~,430.4~ 3,5i 1.37 5,029.8 ~,BG3.77 2,7~1.5~ 12,695,4 Ire-Shade Managem~ Company 4916 Lit ! ~nRAdj~.~s~ne~at N~. X522, Rare B !n~-Shapa 3~ea1t~ C#ub~, lnG., and 352.~'S 8~5.2~ 1,2?3,~5 2,~~1.~3 X5.31 8,5~6,~4 r r ~n-Shams ~ian;~ q+~t Qr~an~~, r ,r e+ e r e e .r a s s 491E ~~ ~~~• l'YLI~~.~r4T{~~i`nI N~.. ~~L, ~~ «~i~ C ~~'~~~~i~.{'~ lti~~! ~n~e.y +C~' ~Et ~~.rtt! ~~T1.~~ 1,J.7L.~7SJ +~.`,llJai.~S i ~G~.~(M s3rak~7.~~ In-Sharpe Managem~nf Cam T(?TALA~#CfUNT14RT#QNED: .---.~~..~ ~ ..._.,.~.....,~. 2,172.47 5,298.18 7,577.50 15,048.15 4,121.67 19,169.82 NOTES: 1. EUR A DETA#L D DESCR#PT1Qh# QF THE L#NES, D#MENS#~3NS, ANI:I LQ~AT#QNS QE REASSESSME~dTS 415 THR#JUGH 4917 REFERENCE A CERT#f #CATE DE CQMP#.EANCE FOR L(~T L#NE AD,lUST1~E~' NQ. ~-0522 RECURRED , 2806, A5 E}~}CUMENT N0. QF ~QEFIC#A#. RECQRDS, #N THE QFFiCE QF T#3E COUNTY REC€~RDI}R QF THE COUNTY OF KERN. '' ~, t HE f'i1+4 ~LiLT"~ '~,~R'iL~f.~ 'Ri~7~~La, x "iNP ~~~~Y7.~L'~X ~. ~A~iC9 ~.r ~f i ~ ~a1R ~~~#~Ld~i.7 l~ R~~.~i!~~ T'LW '~1~~ ~N 'f. 'l ~i~ REASS~SSMEI~T ENGEN~ER'S REAS~E55~RENT REPQRT F~3R TIME C#TY OI" BAKERSF#EL€3 ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N4.86-2, AS APPRC}11ED SY T~lE CITY COUNC#L QN JANUARY 12,1994 ~R~ASSESSMENT REPQRT). PREPAFZER BY: ~, WiLSbN & ASSQCIRTEB ~~ ~ ~'[ ~~ APPROVED: `~ ~ DRTE: ~[31NAR(3 J_ WfLS[IA1 RG.E, 23269 (SIRES 1231-U7# ~~~~SS~Q,~~1 ~~ ~~~ ~ ~ fi ~ ~~.2~2~i9 ~ s~ ~~V~~. ~'~~~ ~~~ ~F ~~~~~4 ~'" 297~3EXA A-~ ~7i~~"~2~D06 ~~Rl~i ~' ~Tl~ R~A~'~~~l~T~ A.~~ ~ ~AR~I T V '~~~ A. ~~ ~~STI~~ A~~~S~~~T~ AR:~ ~`~ ~E A~Pt~RTl~~l3 B~ R~AS~~~~~~` A~ ~~~~A A1V~l~NT ~0. l~8 IT~° A~R.~l~ A~:~~'~T 131~R1T ~ -~ {~A:I~I~ ~.~ TA.+G~ 1-Al~~A TA TR13N~ ~~'~R~ A~~DIN~ .~~T~3 ~EASS:F.~S~~T~ 484, 4$4b, AID 4847 CHAT ~ ~~R~ATI~ ~~ l~~T 11~E A~~I~~TI~~T t~. -tl~~~ E~IST~T~ R~~ ~~~~ RA~~S~~ ~: ~A~~~~~~~T A.T.Q. ~~~ ~lTl~~ ~'R+~~'A~ T~ B~ ~ E~II'~ PAR~~L~ ~~ ~ NZ~~~R ~.~A~S~~~:~13T~ AP'PQRTI~}N~~ ~A BED S11B~1~'~}~I3 LC~TSl1'AR.~~LS 484 4~1-410•~4~ ,~~~.~~ ~o~ L~.e Ad~.s~er~t ~o, 0~-~~~~ ~~.,LA 484 451~~10-~~ ,~~.'~~ Q~-Q52Z} resinides ~i 4847 ~~ -~-~ ~ ~. ~~ Reassessmts 4, , ~, 4847 cxeat~g ~ new come~c~aal-tee parcels. The total combined re~~i~ ~r~mclpal amount for xis Reasesse~ts 4845, 4846, anal. 4847 ~ reappar~oned. ~~ the 3 yew parcels created by LLA ~6~~5. ~xist~n~ Rea~sese 484, 4~4~, anal 4847 are deleted. from .e Reassessnae Roll far A~ 8fi-2, ,~ dot L~u~e Ad,.s~ent N~. 06-~~~ ~ r ~ a. ~ parcel l~:l..A ~5 Reassessment 4~~;5 thrca~gh 417) Total ~Te Reassessed 'arse Total ~e~v ~~ reassessed l~ots~arce~ Totat. ~e~ reassessment fibers Total ~st~g Reassessment lumbers Total Amount to Be deleted from Roll Apportioned to e Reassessments. I~,1~~~82 ~Iet ~~ge Ache Reassessmes ~n RQ~ 1. Unpaid ;assessment balance apportioned is .e hata~~e at the he~~n~.g of the ~~~+6~2007 Ta~c dear, e.~ec~ve ~a~.a 1, Zook. 3 t} 297o3FA'~3 ~ '~f~~iui~ ~~~~ ~ :~, ~~.3~„~~i.:r1.'~,I~ k31 ~ i fl~.~~ ~.7,~i~~.~-f ~~.~i-..~~ .~.rtl.Q~~~ ~ 1 ~'lU~ 1 `~~ .. ~ eassess~.en 4845, ~~~, and ~~~~ ~erea~~r "e~.s~ess.e~.~ ~~~,~~ ".eassess~nen~ 454~,'~' and "eassess.en~ 484~~', res~ei~e~ are ~.eseri~e~. .ern ~onnt~ assessor's 'fax ~-a~n~ers ~'~s~ 45 I -~ ~ f ~~~, 45 ~ -~ ~ ~-~ 1, and ~5 i-~ 1 ~-~~, r~spee~.~el~, and are ioea~ed in ~.e ~~ ~ naerseld. ~~ dine ~.d~~en~ ~~. ~-~~ ~~~ -~~~~~ ~nerg~ and resu~di~ides ~.eassess.~s 4845, 484b, and 4847 erea~ng 3 new eon~n~ereia~wuse paree~s. '~'~.e ~ new pa~`eels ~iden~if~ed as Paree~s ~. trough ~ in I~~A o~~05~2} axe assigned ~n~nded .easse~en~ ~nhers ~~nd. l:eassess~ne~" 1 ~o~ ~~ 17, rese~i~e~~. B. ea~ssess~nnen~s 484~1484~, and 4847 were erea~ed ~.~se~s~nen~ and ~iag~~ ~~nen~ ~. ~~~ fa~.sses.~~:nent ~~t ~d. -~ ~~ -~~~}. `fie enure .ea~se~~rne~~ ~~4~, ~~4~, and 487 are 1oea~ed wi~in die Stage 1-~. Benefit done and .e'~e~ephone ~enef~t done of A~ ~~-~, ~:~ ~~roe~n~ Bost ,assessed ~ ese Benefit hones were ended ~~ Series ~, B, +~, and D fonds fc~r ~ ~~-~. ~. 'fie tom reinaini; ~se~~ent ~eial ~a~~ ~~~ eassessn~.en~ ~~, 484, and 4847 ~effe~ive Jan~~.ary ~, 2~0~, at tie ~eg~ning of the ZOO~61~o07 ~'a~ ~'ear~ are ~~,5~0.98, ~4,~44.7~, and $8,374. ~4, respec~.ve1~. ~'he total original $b-2 assessment amounts were $48,35~.7~4, ~~,~~~.~, and ~~.7~3., res~eetie~. r.~e or~na - ~-~ assessment amounts and the total rern~aining reassessment princi~ a~nonnts far ~eassess~nents 445, 484, aid 4847 are reapor~iQned as dese~rid. below. 2. DBS~~~~~ ~~ 'f ~ P~.~~~~URE ?~5~~ ~'~3 SE1~~.A.'~`~ A~ P~3~.TI~~ 'SHE E~~I~IN.AI~ASSBSS~f~NT.~~D ~`~ ~I~PA~ 1A~5BSS~~'~` PR~~~~~MQUN'~S ~~Q ~..~~~~` 484, 484. ~:~ 4847 ~~ ~~~8~ .~~~~~~' 4~5 ~`H~.~I~H 4~t7: ~.. .easses,~n~en 4~84~, 484, and 4847 axe locate .e Buena ~' Arun fewer Xerxes ~. Bon~s~ Bene~~t done and tie Stage ~ 4A ~ene~t Zane fir Str~ l~tilit~ and fie~e~hone ~roen~e~ Series l~, , and ~ Bon~s~. '~'~e .i remaining .~ B~M~ .eassessment Pfineipa~ Amounts for eassessments 445, 484, and 4847 are a~pu~ione~ to Abe ~ new ~arce~s created b~ 1~11~. ~~-05~~ as fonows: 29143 1 711~1~5 a. ~ue~a ~'~sta Tnu~k ~e~er (B~VT~~ A~s~ss~nen~ {series A Bonds): i. Re~~ssessments ~, ~, and ~~'~ were o.gl~~ ~~. ~'~, _ ., ui~ent l~wel~ng ~.ts ~~~, resPe~>tivel~, o~ "~"" CaPacit~ at the oral assess~.ent unit charge rate oaf ~45.f ~3~1~~ fox a total cambined l~~'~r'S Capacity i urge of ,o 4.4, based ~n their Con~unercial .~d lase desig~:atic~n, pursuant to .~, or~or~.eat loo. lob. .August ~~, ~oQl, the City' Co~.cil ~~ e Cis of ~~ Bakersfield a~~ro~;ed its Res€~lution o. ~ 3o-t} l ~hiob~ a~.o~tet~ ~renera~ Phan endr~en~one Ch:~~er~es Bch ~.~ Plan ~endm~. ~o~ ~22'~ ~"(~P.A. Pol-02~'~"~} aend~.g land uses on proper~es affected h~ this A.ppoio~ent ~~. i o8. Codes of .e cps ~ho~ing the reed laid u.s. Pig' -and ~~g per ~. -~. arc attached t~ thls ngeer's Report for rr~ce ae. benefited parrl created h .pporo~~.ent loo. ~ ~~ pursua~~t tQ Parcel dap ~o. ~ ~~~~ was anoeat. its share of ~` Capac charge .~~ proportion to the ~~umber of El~~s allocated to each ofthen~, based on the ~a~~u~~ pe~:~:~itted number of EDtls for each parcel when de~e~o~ped according to the land uses apPro~ed GPI: P o l -~~ ~ and aceordan~e to l~aerseld o l o enor. ~~ and prc~or~.ou to each parcel's areas ~~In each land nse presented In said P~. PQ ~ -~~~°~. 'fhe total combined 1~~ Capacity charge for Reassessen 4845, 484~R and 484' is allocated the ~ new cor~~°al-use p~ creaated l~~ ~~. ~-~~ at the nr~g~nal rate of ~~45,~o~l~U as follows: Parcels ~., B, and C ~. L~.~. ~~~~5~~ are allocated ~~., ~, anal ~ Bl~l~~s, respecti~~el~~, based on .sir Corn~nercial land lase designation. 'rye parcel net areas f-or e ~ cormnereia~ use parcels created ~~ l~~ ~~-~~~ are as sl~o~-n on ~e e~~it naps to Cer~cate of Corupliance for LLB. 06-~5~~. '~lryhe total number of Bls atlocat~ to the ~ new co:~eral. use parcels ~ B.r~l~~s} equal to the total n~.l~er of Dl~s o~.,ginall~j allocated to Reassessments 4845, 484, and 484'7. ii. ~'he total combined . B'~~ ~~ersi~.g an~our~t for Reassess~.ents 4$45, 484, and 484 ~ allocated to the ~ new com~.ercial use parcels in ~.L. 0~-05~~ ~-ase~. on the n~ areas shown on said 1~~~ -05~ maps_ b. stage l-~ ,aerial street and ~ltilit~ ~issessment ~~eries l~, , aid l~ ~3on~}: '`Phe Stage ~ ~A and ~lit~ in~pra~~e~.ent assessments co~ssists of several. components including a bask s~`eet area charge a n~a~or street t~.p g~.erati©n o~arge aaar~d a suer frontage oharge. ~`he alloeation of e~tated total ~erage ail ~~le'l~:~s ~~1~} to the l~l~A ~~~~522 p~rrcels is based on the same parcel areas and land use designations, as described above for the BB'S sewer allocatio~.s. 'I'he ~ o~.ginal assessanent shares far e cr~ia,~ u.~se earls 1~. ~~-5~~ l~a.~~e ~e~n al~ocat as ~rig~ sues l~, ~, and ~ Bonds s~~ares in proportion to the Reassessments 4845, 454, and 484'7 series ~, ~, and l~ bonds shares allocated to sash. ofthero. ~B. ~ppor~ionrnent of tl~e ~'otal Remairsing Reassessment balance from Reassessn~ts 484, 484, and 484' to .~r~ended Reassessments 4~ 15 through 4~ ~'~ The three originat .AD 86-2 Series of T~ Exempt Bonds (Series A, B, and D) have been refunded by a Single Series of Tam Exempt Bands. 'T'he single original AD 8b-2 Series of Taxable Bonds (SFeries C} ~s also been receded b~ a Singh Series of Tamable Bonnds. 'T~e amount required to ?~'1~3C 2 ?l~J1o6 reed ~ orna. series oho ~: r ~h ark med. ~~' re~n~ pr}nc~~a~ for that o~gina~ bind series. ~.ccordin~r~ the total c~~~~ned re~ssessn~ent re~~~~ r~n~:a~ ~onnt for ~s~.ts ~~~ ~ ~~~~1 ~ ~~'~~ ~ ~ ~~. ees~ ~~ ~.~ or~oned tc~ the ~ arm Bread ~ L~ ~-~~~ ~ d~reet ~ropc~ron .e or~a~ Reassessments ~5~~, ~8~~, and ~8~'~ shares appor~~oned to each farce for each fond Series. fore detailed ~arn~.at~on the land uses, ~on~n~ and dwelling mgt dens~es used to a~~oron Reassess~nts ~~45, 4~4~, and ~~~~ ~ on Ville ~ the otce o~the Public ~~~ erector and the ice o the ~~ ~ir~r 'or the i. o~s.eld. ~~ ~~~ c~ ~~~IA~S EDP 7, ~TIII~ON, R, C. E. 23269 {E~PiRES 12-31-~ R~ASSE~SMENT ~1~iGINEER, ASSESSMENT DIS r ~' .~ ~~ ~~€~~~. ~~~ 1 Date: 7~~r1 ~~ 29'143~+~ 3 '11 ~fl106 ~ ~ p ~y }}~~ +1fAA ,~ ~(~ r,~ gR ARr i6' i W }} g~~ 49fiE"~ :~ Y:~ ~ ~ 3C M ~ 3 ~ ~~ y ~ p~ . ~ ~~k4F ~' - ___ .fir zs trwnrwHwrrwYy ~s ~Ii1~~~+CeiQ. ~~ ~Y MIA "~~ ~•~ ~ ~ Ic a ,, ~,~.y~,~ ~,,,,,.p ~ ~tpyY ~C°difC !'p.3 '~ i` 1 ~ ~F 4 ~ i x ~ ,~ ~ ~~ 4,.~ `r1 Y ~ ip 1' ~ ~ ~~ ~, ~ ~ ~y {~~ . 31`t ;, lfSj~~ .,3 .e- s .. ~. ~~~~ ~~~ i',~: ~ ~'~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ _ e`~•1.~.-M.~w'r°w. r..+r ~t''~"~ wwwwr.r.n~.rwti.... rT`.~'~ .f' ~ , il~Id3t'te tL~t7'~!dt t •~r ~, r #!~i ~ .., ~ ~~ .~ .~ ~~ ~:. Ir~ti fF ~~~~~~~a ~~~~~~~~ - _:~ ~ ~ ~. •~ ~j :~ ~, ~~; :.~ . ~~~ ~ ~~- ~ ^ ¢• Yi •} ~:'~ ~ Z .~. Y n ~..r . S ~l~ c i.. ~~~~~~~ LISTING aF ORIGINAL REASSESSMENT AM~uN~s .FOR ~DED REASSESSMENTS 4~9~ ~HR~~GH 49~ 7 CITY OF SAKERSf. IELD ASSESaf~ENT DISTRIDT Nth. 86-2 ~BUEIdA VISTA TRUNK SEV1{ER~RANCIiO #.ABORDE STAGE 7 A) CO~NT~ OF KERB, CA#.#fi~ORI~A REASSESSMENT ANQ DIAGRAM AfVIENDMENT Nth. X48 ....._. ~ AMEfi~QEO PARG'Efi. f ~3ETAlLS ~F T~tX ~~RT ~R~Gfi~ REAS`SES~ SENT ~ t~R~G#N.. T(~TAL.~_ ENED ~ QE~GRfiPTfiGN # €;RIGfNAI ~ ORIGIN ~ ORIGfiNA~. T OVAL ~ T'AXA~LE C3RiGINAL REASMT ASSESSOR'S TAX ~ SERIES A ~ SERIES S i SERIES D TAX EXEMPT ~ REASMT REASI111T NUMBER NUMBER (ATN~ ._~._._ ~SE~1ER} ; ~ST.AGE 9 -A~ ~ ~S~'AGE ~ -A~ ~A + B -~ t~~ ~ AMOUAIT _AMCIUNT 499 ~ #.~# Lis~~ A~j~s#~# N~. OS~I3~22, F~r€~ A ~2,0~9.~7 ~7,980.~7 24iv3~,80 84,78. X2,839.59 ~7,2~7,63 ar~el fi~ 2~,F 5 1.irte Adjustm~r~# fi~~. (}8- ~ # 499 ~.t~ 2,974 .43 4,379,3 5,97~i.~3 ~3,32~,7 ~ 7$.48 3,0 ~6,4fi~.2~ ~~ 11 ry s [ # } `'F~7~7 Lit t-t{~~,~ff~ElS$i:i'f~~# N~. ~~`U~22, P~r~~f ~ f 3,~$2.~'~ 4,770.4 ~,~~~.~~ ~ ~4,5B2.4$ 8 ~~3~3,3~ ~I7y9~1~.83 T~?TAL ~3R~~iNA~. R~AaI~lT' ~~I AI~P~~tT~t3~lEO~ - ,# 8,3 ~.7~ 27, ~ 30.E ~__ _- 37,03,99 X2,474.27 _ ~ 9,471.42 101,54 ~ .69 ~t~T>^: iNE AD -~ REMA~N~NG ~.~E~ AS EXIST~I! CN DECEMBER '~, '~9~3, ~' SEA REFfi~NOEI f~EDUCE~ AS DESCRIBED IN T EIE KEASSESSMENT ENGINEER'S REASSESSfi~EN~' REPORT F4R THfi'r CfiTY OF BAKERSFIEIrI ASSESSMENT i~fSTRfCT NCB. 86-2. AS APPROVED BY TI-IE CITY C(7UNCIL C}N JANUARY 12, 1994 €REASSESSMENT REPORT}. THE AMOUNTS SHQ1l~N ABO1fE ARE THE ~1RfiGINAI REFUNDING AMOUNTS HAD THESE PARCELS EXISTED AT THE TIfi~IE 4F REFUNDING. 297fl3~Xi~ ~w1 ~7~~7f2a0B ~ r zd ¢ W ~ ~ ~ ~~ i ~ ~'~ rw Wr ji ~ i rz CO m~ Ucn Ali rr ~ ~U ~O 40 ~z~~ ~ wY M z° o I ~ crn~ ~~'-o~ I w i~ viw~-''a i w~ ~ QS ¢z~ I w nt}-oar I°wQ~ I ~o ozzwoo i~ I ~~ ~~ •,-~ ~ uiY U ~ ~ ~U~oo ~~~ J ~ U~¢ »~~r~.o I a~ H ~ ~o = ~ ~° ~°-cWiWi i~XO ~=moo o~~~~orQ i ad ~ U 0 ~} r ! ow_ ~~o:Qr I~w I rww yowaoowp I I v ~~y,~, y„'' o W ~~ O ~ ¢ WW a00¢000~~ I U~U r ~4.rNZQ.w ~UNw W~.{ ~ ~ Z O I~~ QOy ~ZUIW ~ ¢ I~ O r OU1cD~'I-Y IrwY N-+U ~ N~ w~ ~ ~ewma Q~¢ ~Qroa ~ y~ ¢zwz00rnaw l~~w ~ Q r ~ z wN ! r z wwui~oOZw2 I ¢wiL Wuw~~~0 ~ ¢Q 4-1 W w (~ ~{ WN ~ ! g?I.~.~ ~ WdC7 w}U ! <(Jt/1 tD~L~g r 'S' W ~ I r ~ I Jwo~ N~v~~ I~~¢ I JUG OO~p`~z}'U~ I~~r}- ~ H 0 n = wE6 ~- ! ~ Q~F},-q w~.a¢W IWpr j ~~y cv~wNU¢~= I~~~ H W N w cn 0 ~o o i I ~ v~oU Qo~a~ I~az i aim I~F~az~o ~aoo w ~ ,~,' ~ `_f ¢z r ` } Q1F^~r7^„WQ~- fd ~QOU '~UU ~ Q "~ i ~ ~~ wr w I m ~-W~wJ~~ p ~ ~`? n'~w } r, ~ I ~ '~ o~ z° ~ o°zWC~npzO°¢ II° ~~za~~ ~ '~`~ ~ W ~ ~ o zr I r~ N~owN~a la ~ W ~~ W ~ ~ _¢ ~ Z o~ z i Uz~uWit-~zw> Id ~~QQO ~ U~ p I ~ 0 w~ ~ ~ ~ov,~_Ww~a ~~ ~UW°w~ W .d, ~ o ~ 4-~ W ~z b ~a w~oQ~cnc~ IO ~~~~ ~ ~ ~ Q ~ - r _¢ f ao O Q ~ Q Zvi w} owwo~NQOwO I I a4r~w ~ ~l ~+ z W H Iwc~w z U ~--~ Zvi ~¢ a~uizao~rviz ~. + ywz~~ ~ W `~ ~ N ~y o~ O cnWw ozv~w o Iww~ro} Gx,, .0 to W~ W ¢¢ O I ~mN~~~rnNg } Ic~ov~ooz N 4-I ~ 00 i d' U1¢OWaZU1N ¢ Ip¢Y~WO00 ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ rJ w ! ~~w+~o~¢Nww Oy rY~zo ~ ~¢ W w~ ~ j O~zzr~z~~ OQ~m°¢U ~ ~ ~ ~ rWCn ~~ o Wzz ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ cna o I ro~aza'~~aW~ I NUp~wr `~ `~ ~ wX wN ~¢~° °w~Z ~~Uw ~~~ ~ 0 o W ~ ltj ~ N~ ~~ tnwz~Qrz~'i=w N -~~~_°vio U f---.~ ~ ~ ,~„~ ~ ¢ rrr0 ZlilW~O T~vrit~pavwiW ~t Wl~. ~p ZW~,OOQ~SOZ may- ~ w ~ ~ r~o J ~+3 zz wr~W F i~o~,~ vr~ Q ~-~i °W u~icvo~QwW~.°-g o I ~OQa~ rrn~ O~ ~~ WtOQ¢¢Z~OwUt f~yWLw.~~~~0 U1 ~ ~ ww OY NoooO~wcAUf~-~ Op~O~pv~~ H .~ ~ ~= wQ ¢ z¢ao~. oppUQJ~- U aw_¢a ¢r ~m ~z~~ocon°oo? 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'ON ddW l3 bdd a ~ , w d o~ 2~ // d w~ ~Q~ w ,- d 4~ UFO m~ / •, // ~P4 GP ,~~~~'~ 4¢~Pr~ ~/ . ~~ /~ h/ ~k~{ :~,~~3~ ~r~~ A ~ s '~43 min{ ~ ~Y1.~ ~~ ~~ ~~~ .~~~74.~~ ~ i~ J~~~I~~~Y~~'i :~3.i~ 1F ~ t V~. APPf,~~~T~ ~QR ~~~~.'~~~~ A~ 'P~RT~~~I~NT ~~` ~5~~ R~~S~~~~~I~~TS '~JR~~AI~T T~ PST ~Q.S ~F D~vTS~QN ~~, ~T~~~T~ ~~ ~~' I~~~. Rer~u~i~ of ~~p~~c~t~~n: X847, ARE ~ .~.~~~5 ~.AV BAN SB~+~D Bv~ ~~T L~~~ .~~~~~~ ~~. £I~LLi~T1~~l:r ~~ ~~r~~~1Y~~ ;T I1E ~~~~~~~~~~-'1L~~ ~J.\~i.f~~~.~~i3 ~,~~11~i~ ~.J~ NOT~~ Al`~I~ ~~~~.~N T:~R~~l~, ~:N~ R~C~~ST ~'(} RE~~ A~E~ ~.p~~~c~.t~~~r: ~~~T ~Q~. ~~RTC~~~~T ~~ ~`~ ~~P.D ~~~.~~SS~T ~~~u' ~~~~T~ ~~ E~~T~ R~~~~~~~l~T~ 48~5~ ~8~b, A~3 484' IN :~ off Y Q~ The undersigned are the owners and subdividers of ~x~st~n 1~eassess~ents 4~~5, 484, ~.d 4~4'~ ~"~eas~ess~e~ts 4~~Sa 48~~, and 484'"~ e~ have ~ee~ sub~~.~ec ~~ o~ ~~.e ~~~ustent ~a. ~~-€~~ ~~~.~ ~~~~~"~, and are ago the ~wwners +~f a~ ~arees created ~ mid ~ ~-~~~~. .~ descriptien afsa~d existing ~reass~ssn~ents, t~.e total a~~unts of the unpaid reassessment p~nc~pal balances eeet~ve ~anua~ ~, ~~~, a .escri~tion ~~' hew sa.~d parcels have been su~~ivi~e~ are ~~.c~ude~. Bngine~r's ~e~ort ]~xhi~it B, ~esGr~~tion of ~~istin~ R.eassessn~ents ~~. pity of Bakersfield ~.ssessment district ~a. 8~-~ ~hereinaer " S~-2"~, attached hereto and inc~~'pora~ed herein references ~s the owners aid. ~uhdid.er of the referene. ~:eas~ese~ts ~4~~~, ~~~, and ~~~~, and the owners of the referenced parc+eis created by L~~ ~~-~5~~s the undersigned hereb~a request .e Superintendent of streets fog the ~it~ of Bakersfield to a~~ortian the arn~unts re.ai~nin~ unpaid on said .ea~~ess~ents ~~~~, ~~, and ~`~ . ~ordance with the ~r~visi€~ns~ ofthe ~~~~~ement Bond Act of l~ ~ S. The unpaid principal ~.eunts fir said reassessments, as shown on ~~hi..bit ~, have been apporoned to each separate p~ cif the origa~ paree~ of land eo.prisi~g ~.eassess~.ents ~484~, 484, and ~5~~' in the amounts as shown tin JEngi~eer's deport ~~hihit A, .ended R.eassessrnent Ro~~, attached hereto and incarpQrated herein ~~ reference. '~~?03Il~TS.T~-P.APP ~ '~f10fUb .-. ~~~ ~~~~~ ~.~SS~SS~~~~'S. 'fie ~~ ~~ x~e~ed ~b~t ~esttr~en n.~sse~~nt .pp-~~~n~nent Pr~c~duxe ~~cluded in the attached ~~glneer's ~epa~, descr~bin~ the procedure used to apportion sh~.res cif the unpaid reassessment prcia arnounts ~`~x .~s.ents ~84~, 4~~~, and ~4~ ~ . ~~-~ to th.e parcels created ~~ the recaxdati~n c~~ said ~~~. ~~~~~~~. :Purrsuant to a re~ie~ a~ ~~hibit ~, the undersigned has deter.~ined that the amended reassessment am~unt~ shin ~~ said. ~~.bit .A. have been a~per~ioned acct~rdanee ~t tie b~e~.e~.ts the parcels ~~ ret;ei~e ~ the in~p~-o~ements financed by AID S~-~, based ~.~ current parcel ~oning and with proposed uses. Therefore, the undersized ales nt~t%e and he~.r~.n before the it untlil on ~ reasses~ent appc~~ionn~.ent, accepts tie proceduxe used. for the requested appor~iann~e~t of the pr~.ncipal balances for said ~teassessm.ents 4~~~, ~8~b, and 4~4~, and requests anti consents to the rec~rdati~n Qf the app~i~ned .reassess~ets on the propeies for ch. tie undexsi.ed is lied as the over on the accc~~.panying Exhibit ~, and to the mended reassessment amounts shown thereon. Submitted b~~ In-Shape ~e.t lub, inc., a agora ~orporat~on By: ~ dated: , 2Q~6. ~.-Shape ~ana~ement ~ampan~, a +~afornia Corpox~.tion ~~: Attacb~nent: E~..neer's Report Qn ~.eassess.ent ~,ppoxtic~nn~..ent o. ~~~ ~~00 Nor~~ ~ng~an~ ~ven~e, S~~~e 202 {55~3~ 4~0-~4 ~~x: ~,~~~} X36-000 ~ul~ ~ ~, ~aa~ fir. c~.~~ ~. ~ara~a ~~ra~~e ~as~~a A~ar~e~ ~~ ~. ~~~~ ~. P~.~ ~v+e~ue, ~la~ ~'r~~no, ~ ?a4 2~'~a~ ~.e: ~.casscss~~. ~ ~~~~ ~e~e~ Via. ~5, ~~ a~~e~~~~. ~~e~~ ~i~~~.ct X30. ~~-~, Se~~ga~~ ~~ .~~~~a~~ ~~5~~~ ea~~e~~.e~.~~ 4545, 4546, ~~~ 4547 ~~s~~~.t ~a ~. .~~~~~ a~~~~ic ~.~ ~.e ~~~e~~ Via, ~-45~~ dear ~char~: e e~ca~e ~e ~a~~a.~ ~~. can~c~~a~ ~v~~ ~.~ abase-ca~tian~d ~.atter: ~ . a a~ ~. e~e~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~a ~~~ tea; ~. ~a a~ ~~.~~neer? s :~.ea~ and at~ac~~e~.ts tbere~a; 3 . ~a a~ ~a~~ a aba~c; 4. Ca a~ tr~.~~~t~a,~ ~e~er ~a ~~~ ~.~e~~.e~~ ~u~~ic Dance Au~bar~ aget~er u~~h ~ foam Ietter ~a~ tben~ tt~ ~~gn end r~~urn is ~ab.n ~~~re~~ ~~ey -~a~~e the 14-dad na~i~e 5 . Gaps of ~e~i~ca~e a~ ~~1~~ ~~e ~~a~an~nent. S~nce~e~y, 4~w,S~<_s_,-- ~d ~~~v ~il~an .~~~ci~te~ En~as~~a~ cc: Ja ~ ~~~n~ar~ 7~0~ N~rt ~~~~~ ~~~n~~, sure ~o~ ~55~} ~3fi•fi~44 Fay: ~~~~ 4~fi~6~ duly ~, ob X9703 ~i~y o~`~al~ersh.eld Public Finance Authority ~~ ~n venue ~al~erse~d, ~A 9~330~ ~.ttn: Nelson .n~ith Re: Reassessment ~. Diagram Amendment ~~. ~~~ pity o~"~aerseld ~.ssess.ent Dist~ct ~o. 5~~, ~e~re~ating and r~pportionin~ ~~istin .Reassessments X845, ~~~, and ~~~~ Pursuant to a ~ubd~sion o~'District Lands by dot L&ne .d~ust~ent l~~o. ob-o5~~ Ladies and rent~e~nen. Transmitted herewith s a ~~~otic ~~ ondh©lder~~ orrn ~i.n~ your ~~ notice fat reassessment apportion~~.ents have been requested by district proPe~ owners. The Amended Reassessment Roil and amended Reassessment D~ag~ram for this a~portio~n~ent have been, ~re~ared by the ~n.per~ntenden~ ~~ streets ion' the pity ~~ ~aers~ed. ~ copy o the Amended Reassessment Roll is attached as ~~.bit A to the notice to ~3ond.holder. ~ copy a~' the ~nineer's Repo. on this ~.pportio~et ~~. ~ ~ is also enclosed, proidin~ descriFtio~ ~~' how the r~~e~en~ed ~~isting Reassessments have been subdi~ded.. A. re~.uced and not to scale copy o~ the Amended Reassessment Dia~~am for Apportion~ent o. X08 is attached to the Engine~~'s Report. e mould life to .record this appo~tion.ent as soon as possible. Accordingly, enclosd for your re~iev~ is ~, draft letter that ~rai~es Public Finance authority's ~4-day period to request a heang on this apportion~~ent. this apportionment is acceptabi~, ~~ yc~u pease place the enclosed letter on Pubic Finance Authority letterheads and send the signed letter to 30~. Stinson at pity of Bal~ers~.eld F`nblic orbs Department for processing, If your have any questions on the enclosed reassessment apportionment information, please call ine at (~59) 436-6644. 'fiery truly yours, Ed Wilson Wilson & Associates enclosures . _~ cc: Richard. argro~~e John Stinson ~~~ ~~~ ~~ ~~ ~~~~~ F ~~~~~~ ~ ~~ ~~~. ~S~S~~~N~ .~~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~ -~~~~~~ tore o~~.a~ arc pr~~et the ~.~ ai .~ hs~r ~~the ~ • ~~.rta~ ~~~~~ i ~. .~ ~ reassess~e.~ts .~ ~s ~s~e ~h~ o~~e.~ts . e~t~~~ to the ac ... ~"~ ~}' ~'~~~~~ ~, 8~- as~eset~ .t.ct c~~~s~t~o,~ ax~~ c~~s Y ~. ~~ des ~ct~o~ o~ ~~ate~ as .~ • ~~~ ~~~ ~o~~~ ~~~~ ~s ~ ~~.~.~ .~~s~o.~ ~ ~ ~~ t ems ~~°~~~ .fie streets a~~ ~ ~s the `~~ r ~~h~.~s bode ~~~ ~ ~~ o~the Mate of ~ • ~ ~~ ~9~~, ~-~are~ ~ t h~.t an a~~ort~o he ~~~er~~te~~e ~e~t has beep re rat of Streets ~ofthe u.~ ~~este~ ~y the ro e ~ ~~-~e~s ~~ ~~~ ~~ :~ ~r ~a~~ rea ~ ~ ~~ ~~ .~~ ssess:~ents -~e~at~ ~r~s~ a.~~ ~~-~to a~~ ~cor ~~~~ ~ ng to the re~.ss ~o~'ate~ here ~ ~~~~~ essr~e.~ts a.~~ ~ reference. '~~" for ~~ ,- .. ~~tr~~ ~.~tached ~~~~ ~ ~~~ ~~ that ~~~ee~ {~ ~~ ~~, s ~~ess ~ request .~ ~ ~~~ the date of ~ °~' a .~~b~ic heap - s~~~~ ~~ r~e~cor~.~e~ ~~~~~ o.~t~us otic ~~ ~s rece~ve~ fro, ~~ ~~r ~~ ' ~, the a~~~e-re~e~e 3'ou w~t~~~ re~~ shad ~e h~e~ ~ as ~~~h-~ h ~ee~ a.~e.~~e~ reass ~ a hearer shy ~'• ~ ~ re ess.~e.~ts ~~~~a~e~c~~, nth ~ ~ ~e schedule ~ ~t ~~- h ect~o~. ~ . , k ~.ot~~e~ ~"'•' is re~ei~e~ . ~ say ~~~s~ ~ .elf ~~ actor ? ~ ~ ~~. ~a~ce with .~~,~ ~o I.f ~~'~ havo a~~ ~~her questlo.~s, ,lease ca~ta ct the u~ders~ed ~. t the foho~,~~ ad~r ~ ass. ~~ ~# ~~~lic orbs ~~. ~ actor ~ ~ ~ ~~~ e~ue ~,ershel~, G.~ 9 X301 ~ ~-~ 'phis ~roce~re is l~ur~a~t of the to the rosio~ of ~~c~~ Mate o~ ~a~or ' `~ ~ ~. ~ of ~~~~ tea, the ".~ro~e.e ~o ~ of ~e Stre t .~ o~cl Act of ~ g ~ ~~ ets ~~ ,~ . 5. has a~ ~~ -~-~.__ :: e~~t~.~~e~t o~~Stre fit of ets Mate a~ ~ali~pr~ a ~ s~-z ~~~o~~~ ~~ of a~rs~~~~~ ~~~~ `~a~c~ ~.~t~r~~ ~~~rh~ad~ date ~uh~~c works Director fit cif Bers~.el~. 15 ~ 1 T~u.~tun Avenue Bakershe~dy ~A 93 3 01 R.e: ~easess~c~t ~~~. Ae~~..e~t ~o. ~~ fir +~~ ~f ak~o Assessment I}istr~ct ~o. 8G-~, ~e~re~at~ng a~.~ Appo~r~~©~n~ ~.st~g ~.eassessrne~.ts 48~~, ~484~, and 4847 to :c T~eassess~ner~ts ~9 ~ ~ Through 4917 Deaf Mr. ~.ajas: here~.th ackn~~e,ge that the ~~~ ~f akere~ uh~e ~~.ce .~uth~r~t has received the ~~tice to ~4ndholder fora for tl~e referenced .easse~~~.ent a~.d ~3~~.~ram ,~mendme~t ~a.108 far .sscssr.~ D~~ct ~. 8~i. lease he av~~ed ~~. the ~~ of ake~sf~e~d ~h~~c ~~~.a~ce A~utharity accepts the amended. reassessr~e~.ts shoes on the ng~~.eer's Report ~~h~t A, attached to the ~a~~~ce to Bo~.~ho~~er and that a uh~~e hear~~.~ on those reassessn~.ent amendments ~i~l not be requested. ~th~n the fou~en ~. nonce period as provi~e~ ~~ la~j. ~Te~~ ~.~ fours, ~~t~ ofBakersf~eld. ~ub~c ~~r~a~.ce Authority B~ : I3~te: eso~. .. ~r~ith (~ ~- E~~ ~~E~ REAS SES S~E~TS . we ~~~ .have reviewed Ebibit esc~ti~n ~~'.eassessment ~p~rti~nn~ent p'r~eedure~ ceded in the ~.ttached Engineer's ~.ep~rt, describing the precedure used to apportion shares of the unpaid rea~sess:ent rcipa mounts der easse~n~ents ~84~, ~~4~, and ~~~~ ~ ~ ~~~ to the parcels created b~ the recordation. o~ said L~~. 0~~~~~~. ~'ursuant to a review o~ E~l~ibit ~, the undersigned. has determined that the mended reassessment an~ount~ shown on said E~~ibit A have been appoi~ned : a~ordance with. the he~.e~ts tl~e parcels wig receive tom the ~roven~ents financed b~ ~~~~, based on current parcel zoning and with proposed uses. ~`herefor~, the undersigned waives nonce and .hearing before the it ounce ~n t:.s reassessment appo~tic~n~.ent, accepts the procedure used ~c~r the requested appartio~.ent off` the principal balances for said reassessments 48~~, 4~~b, and ~~4~, and requests and consents to the recordation op the apportioned reassessments on the properes for w~cb tie undersigned is fisted ~ the owner on the accon~pan~ing E~~.%bit ~., and t~ the amended reasses~~nent amounts shown thereon. Submitted b, ~n-Shape ~ea~th dubs, .c,, a ~a'or~a arporat~on ~~ ~3y; ~ ~. dated: ~Q~~. n~Shape Management omp~.ny, a ~alifor~a ~orpt~ration ________ By: Dated: ?~,~~~ 2006. Attachment; Engineer's report an ~.eassessn~ent ~.pportionm~nt ~©. ~~S 29743IN~SH-p.Al'P ~ '~1101~b ~tt 13...7 ~~ ~~~1 ~i 1 .~~- .V ~V l~l..~ ~~~i.I Y.V ~ii Y ~ 1 V 1J . ~ V ~~~ 1 ~1' ~~~~~i1~1 ~ ~~.I.! L'~,~ tJl..:r~ ~~~~~ ~1~ i 1V.~ ! ~~. Q~'~ ~ . app~~eat~an has been fed nth the ~uper~ten.dent Qf streets of e pity of ~a~.ers~.e~d r~questi~ a se~.reat~an and apparti~~ent a~ex~stin reassessments v~ith~ ~:ssess~ner~t ~str~et ~~. ~-, ~urs~ant ~€~ the d~~s~~n of the paree~s. ~. ~ aceardanee ~.~~ said ap~~cat~~, the unders~~ned here ap~~rt~~ns ~~ each separate part of the ar~~a~ purees cif ~a~.d the praport~anate part of its respeet~~e ~npa~d reassessment that ~va~ld have been. ~e~.ed ~herean ~` the paree~s had been. s~ d~ded at . the tie the ~~~ rea~ses~s~e~t was made. the undersigned has ass~ned a r~e~r reassessment nun~be~ to each new parcel, as sham an the ~n.ended ~eassess~ent .~~~a~. attached hereto. 3 . ~"he e~s~.ng reassessrnent ~ nur~bersa new reassessment nun~hers, anal a.p~art~aned reassessment amounts eased ~. each ease an the unpaid pr~i~a~ ama~nt of reassessment eect~~e~ ~a~ua~ , ~~, at ~ he~~g ~fthe ~~~~~~ ~ dear} are as sham en E~h~~~t ~., "Amended ~.eassessment o~~," attached hereto anal ~r~car~rated herein b reference.. descpt~a~. ~fthe referenced e.st~ng reassessmen.~s and of h~~a they have hee~ subdi~~ded ~s .chided in ibit ~, attached hereto. A description of the procedure used. to ap~artian e unpaid pr~ncipa~s far the referenced e~ rea.ssess~~nents to the n reassessments ~~ included in ~~hit , attached hereto, and a listing a~'the a~~artianed share of the ~rigina~ reassessment amounts far ~eaah new reasscss~ent is sham ~.~ ~.h~t ~, attached hereto. ~~ting eassessments 4~4~, ~5~~, anal 4~4~ are deleted a the reassessment ra.~ far Assessment I~~striet €~. ~~-~. ~'~epared ~~. ~~.~~ ~~. Reassessment Appartionmant Engineer i By; i ~~,~~~s~ro~~~ w ~ ~ ~ Nn.2~2fi9~ d~uard ~. ~i~san, ~.~',~. ~3~~~ ~~~ires ~ ~- ~~ ~~~-~~ ~:ssess~nent ~~geer, .~~ess~.ent ~~striet ~c~. ~- ~.~....~- ~~~a~~~=~ ~~~o~~~ EXH~BiT A AMENDED REASSESSMENT RC~t.~. CITY OF BA~£ERSi^iEf.D ASSESSMENT DiSTR1CT N0, 86-2 • ~BUENA VISTA TRUNK SEWER~RANCHO LABORi~E ST'A~E ~-A} Ca~iNTY oir KERN, CALiFt~RNiA . ~- AMENDING EXiSTiNO ~SESSMENTS 4€45, ~, AND 4847 AND ADDING NEW REASSESSMENTS 49#5 THROUGH 4317 OREATE~I BY RECORQATIt~N Qi; ~,€~T ~,iNE Ai~~iUSTMENT i`iQ. (~6-t1~~ #~EASSEaSMENT Ai4Q DiAGRAit~ AMENDMENT NO.904 AMEidDEQ PARCEL ~ ~~3ETAii,S OF TAX EXEMPT AMENDED REASSESSME TO~'A~. TOTAI. AMEN~3ED ' aESCRiPTiON 1 j SERIES A SERIES D SER#E~S D T+QTAI. TAXA~,.E AMENDEf~ REASMT ASSESSQR`S TAX } AMENDED PROPERTY - SHARE SHARE SHAT TAX EXEMi~T~ AMOUNT - REASMT ~ NUMBED NUMBER ATN} t~WNER NAME ~ ADDRESS - EFF 111(08 EFi= 9111th EFi=1~9i06 (A ~ B + a) ~ EEP 9f11€1<6 AMQUNT f LOT ~.iNE AD,IUSTMEN T . 0522 ~~.t.A ~~ RESUt~fDES ;S T iN~ RE~.~~ES;~~~ENTS 4~r 484+ AN€~ 4847, OREATii 3 NEB OOi~Mt~RAt.-t~i:~E PARt..Et.S. EXiSTINO REASSESSMEi~fTS 4$45, 4~5, A 447, ARE' t~E~i`~'tFfER AS KEt~N CC?UNTY AESS~}R°S T~ NUMBERS 4~9-f~"ifi'1~0', 451~f31~-41, A 4~1`-~~2, #~~~~VEt.~', ANf~ WERE CREATED BY REASSESSMENT AND DfAGRAM AMENDMENT N(J. 906 FQR ASSESSMENT DiSTi"iiCT NO. 86-2, THE 3 NEW PARCELS (PARCELS A THRC}UGH C iN Lt.Apy Ofi X622 A;~Re E A~e~S1Gi~i~EQ AMENDEQ REASSESSMEt~iT NUM~sBERS 439~.a~ THRt~UGN 417, RES+i~ECTiVE~~.Y. THE€~TC~TAE. O(}MBI~IED REASSESSMENT PRiNCiPAI. ttM~}UI~T i`O~ EXISTING REASS1~SSi~~ENTS +9846, 4846, AND 4$4~' iS AP€~~3RTf~NE#3 TO Tt-iE 3 NEW' ~wt~MMERi,'€3SE PARCE€,S CREATED BY i.t.A ~-0522. THE Tt3TAL UNPAID R~EASSEMENT >PR~CiPA~. AO~ FDR EXtSTiI REASSESS1~iEt+~TS 4846, 4$46, AND 4$47 ~Ei~.GTiVE ~iANUARY 1, 2006, AT THE BEGINNING Oi= (THE 2t}II61~007 TA74 YEARS ARE X6,550.98, $4,244.70, AND $8,374,14, RESi:'ECTiVELY> THE TC~TAt. REASSESSMENT' AMQUN~' APPORTi©NEO T4 EACH N PARCEL i5 SHOWN UNDER THE Cf~Llli~N ENTiTI,ED '~'OTA~. AMENDED EI:EASMT A3UNT." ~XiSTING REASSESSMENTS 4846, 4840! AND 4847 ARE DE.LE~ FRAM THE REASSESSMENT RQt,E FOR ASSMENT i~6STRtOT NO.86-2. 4895 Lqt Lire A~ustmem Na. X522, Pareei A irrShape i4e~~ Curbs, inc., and 1,430.49 3,599.37 x,021.39 9,963,77 2,731.$44 92,695.41 in-Shape Manag$rner~t Company in-Shape Heait~ Clubs, inc., and 4916 l:ot i.=.~e A.~~,rstrn~# N~. ~r0~22, Parr~i B -S ~a~ac,~~et~t ~pa~ 352.7I~ 85.22 1,223.9 ?,431.93 x.39 3,095.44 4917 I_vt €.ine Adjustrrter~# No. 0$-€~~2~, Ra~cei G ~I~ap~~~e~ ~"t, ~~., a~~ 383.30 331.53 9,332.3 2,653.25 7~4.7~ 3,377.7 In~hape Maemer~t Company - --- - - - ~.._.~.,... k,.~...~.._.. Tf3TALAMC}UNT~-PPE~iT~ONED: ~ 2,172.47 5,29$.98 7,577.5£3 95,048.95 4,'121.67 19,169.$2 NOTES: 1. i=OR A OETAiLEO l~ESCRiPTiON Oi= THE LINES, DiMENSiONS, Aim l.OCATiONS Oi= REASSESSMENTS 4915 THROUGH 4917 REFERENCE A CERTii=iCATE OF COMPLIANCE FOR i.QT iiNE Ai'~JUSTMENT i~iQ. 06-0522 RECQi~DEQ , 20U6, AS DOCUMENT NQ. OF t}FFiC~A~. RECt3R©S, tN TH'~ t~i"P1OE OP Ti-iE C4Ui~TY REGf}tR.~}E°R Qi+ THE CQUNTY C~ KERN. ~. THE ~"4~ iiii"'~ ~, 1'M,~,~~~ ~A~, ~V 'MV 'F..i'~:i1~~ 4f~ 1~4Ri~71. R ~.t ~T ~A~ il~ ~~~~G...~ ~ ~~'vR~'~7'~i"{~Y '~trS~.'i.s~'aY. ~~i'Y T~~ REASSESSMENT ENGINEER`S REASSESSMENT REPORT i*GR THE CITY Oi^ ~AICERSFIEi.D ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO, 86-2, AS APPRaVED BY Ti-iE CITY COUNCi~. ON JANUARY 92,1994 (REASSESSMENT REPQiTT~. PREPAREF3 $Y: WILSON & ASSQG~ATES ~ ~ ~ `~~ RPPRClVED_ ~ DATE: ~ ~"' Ei3WA~R0 3_ WFL~01~1 RC.E. 232&9 (~(P1i2ES 42 39-07) ~~QRp~ESsdpry~~ a ~t4.23269 ~ * E~cp.12I31f07 # ~+pR ClYi~ 0~~~ T~ dF C~Z-\F z~lo~~XA A-~ . o~~Q~O~ EI~3IT B s ~ ~1.~f ~ ~~rl~l~' ~~L~.~~ i ~ Yc~ t~4 ~~r ~~~ 1 ~~~ti?~~t~?~~1~! ! ~~~ !. ~ .D~ t3.C~~i ~~~i~ ~~ .[a~.~.~-3~J~~~~EJ~ ~~ ~~4,J~1~~ t~~r1~~~~ 1 ~~. ~i1~ A.l~l~l~Jll~~ ~~TIN~ ~~SS~SME~TS 484, 4846, Al~~ 4847 ~:~ ~~~ ~~ RE~~I~~~T 415 '~.~~~ ~~~' ~RI~A.~I~I~ ~ RI~~~Rr~ATI~ ~~ IJ~T ~~~ ~l~~Tl~l~ ~. ~-f~5~~ ~.~~~~~~' ~.T.. l~~R ~XI~TIl~ PRI~I~'A.l; T~ Bl~ I~~I~ER RI~~:S~ESSI~NTS l'~RT10Nl~~ 484 451-~1Q~4~ 484 451-Q1~~41 4847 451- Total Amount to Be Apportion. ~ ~ Reassess~ent: ~4,~44.7~ 8 X74.14 SAVE BIJI~~ S~BI~I'~IDEl3 I~C~T'SIpARLS lot ~.~e ~d~tmeut I~~. Q~~~S~~ ~.LA Ob-~5~~} resubdi.~ides l~~stin~ Reassesss 445a 44, and 447 creatiu~ 3 ~e~ co~merc~.al-use panels. The total Bombed xemalu~~ pr.~clpal a~ouut fir l~xlst.g Reassessments 4845, 484, and 4847 is reappart~oned to the 3 aaew parcels create. by LT~.~ 06-522. Existln~ Reas~essure~ts 4845, 484, ~ 4847 are deleted from the Re~assessme~c Roll for AD Sd-2. { :dot ~e Ad~.s~e~.t o. ~d-522 ~~ ~ r ~, a. 3 parcels ~ ~ ~2 Reassess~~euts 415 ~~ugh 4~17~ '~~ l~e~ Reassessed ~,ots~'arcels To~t~. l~e~ l~~.u-reassessed l~atsarcels Taal lie R~ec~ent l~'~bers Tota111~t.~g Reassess~.eut u~rs delete. from Roll 3 3 l~,1~~.82 l~Iet ~:~~e A.ct1~e Rcassess~ents on Roll 0 1. Unpaid reassessment balance appt~rti~one~. ~s .e ~-alauce ~.~ the beginu.~g of tie 26f20t~ Tax 'dear, effective ~~ 1, 2~0~. 297~}3~?XR ~ '~i~~iiu~, ~~~~ ~. BE~~P~P~'l~ ~ ~.Bl~~ US~B '~~ aP~~ ~~` ~'~~ ~P~B ~aSSBS~~~ P~a~~ PC~~ B~S~G ~aSSESS~'I`~ 484, 484, ~:~ 4847 1 ~BI~Ea Spa '~'~.~~ S'~~N~~ LaB~~ ST.a~~ 1 ~~.} ~i:;r~P~ ~.~5" ~~~ ~a~~~~~ t ~V"i'~, '"1'43 ~ 4LT4~. Bg easses~ments 484, 484, and 4847 ~~~ ".eassess~cnt 484~,~' ".a,ssess.eut 484,' and =o~ssess.en~ 484`~~', resPect~~~1~~ are des~r~~ed as .ern. ount~ assessor's 'Tai ~urn~ers ~.a~s~ 4~ ~ ~ ~ Q~4o, 45 ~ ~~ I o-4 , ~. 4~ ~ -o ~ 0-4~, respectively, and are located ~n tie of :aer~:eld. 1~ot l~~ne .~~~~ ~o. ~~-~ ~~~, ~~~~~~ merges and resu~dldes ~.eassessn~ents 484, 484, and 4847 creat~g 3 ne~a comn~er~.al~use laarcels. ~e ~ new parcels ~identi~.ed as Parcels a through ~ ~n ~I~. 4~-~52~~ are assigned amended .easses~ent Hers `=aend.:~asses~~" 4 ~o~ 4~ ~ 7, rese~i~ely. ~. l~easess.ents 484, 484, and 4847 erc created ~ ~sessn~ent and Biagi a~ndn~ent o. ~ ~ for .assessment ~ ~~. 8-~ ~~£~ 8~ ~~}. ~e ire .easssm~~ 484, 484, and 484'1 are located ~it~~n e Stage 1-a Benefit Zone and e ~`elephone Benefit Zone of a~J 8~-~.. ~e npro~en~ent cost assessed to these Bene.t Zones acre fa~.ded ~~ series ~, ~, ~, and I~ Bonds for a:~ 8~-. C. the total ring .ea,ssess~.~ Pr~nc~a~ an~oua~ts r ~.eas~essn~e~ ~84~, 484, and. 4847 ~effecti~~ ~anuar~ 13 2~~b, at the ~eg~ing of ~ 20~612~07 fax Fear} ~e ~~,~50.~8, ~4,~44.70, and $8,314.14, res~ectivel~, The to.l original aD $fi-2 assessment amounts were $48,~~~.74, 1,~~ .~, .and ~ 1.7~.0~, respectel. `~ toil o~~ a~ 8~-~ assessment amounts and the total re~~aining reassessment principal amounYts for l~eassessrr~ents 484, 484, ~ 484? are r~p~r~.oned as descries. he1o. 2. DBS~P'~~ ~~ 'P~ P~.t3CB~~i~~ I~SB~- '1`~ S~~RB~ra`~ aD apP±~~'l~~ 'PEE ~?1~I~1Na1~ aSSBSS~ a~ T~ 1~NPaLD ~,EaSSBS S~N`~' P`~~CTPaL aNlt~t~'~S F~.~ ~~aS~BS~~ 484, 484, ~:~ 4847 T a~~B l~Ba~BSI~~" 4~1 ~'~R~1J~~I 4~I~: .a. eassessm 484, 44~, and 4847 ,are load ~ .Buena. ~a 'Pn Seer Series .a B~nds~ Benefit Zone and tl~e Stage 1-a Bene~.t Zone for Street, l~tilit~ and ~'elephone ~prov~.ents ~S~.es B, ~ and ~ Bonds. ~.e ~o~ ren~aaning ark BMA :eassessn~ent Principal Amounts for eassessn~ents 484, 484, and 4847 are appor~©ned to ~e ~ new parcels created by Ll~a o~-0~~~ as follows; ~~7~~~~e ~ ~~~olo~ a. ~.3~.~a. Vista. Tru~~k fewer ~V'~'S~ ?~.~sessment (Series A Bonds): ~. Reassessments 4845, , a~~d ~'~ ~~ere ate, ah~ted ~,~', ~.~., aid ~ qui~~alent e~~ is ~~~~, respected, of TS apace at the o~~ assessment unit charge rate of ~~45.~~~~3U fox a fatal combined BB'S +~apacity share of .~,34,~, based ~n their an~rc~al. land 1~7se desi~natio, pursuant Apportiomnt a. 1Q. ~n Aust ~, ~Q~~, e ~t~ council of the :~~ of ~3akersf~eld approved ~ Resolian o. ~3~~41 ~~ich adopted general plan A~nendn~.entone h~eRi~er~es Ranch Spec plan A~nendn~.ent ~o. ~' ~Z~`7 ~"C1pA ~{~~-+D227"~, a~nendin~ land uses can pr+aperties affected b~~ this Appo~amne~t ~~. ~ ~~ r ~:op~es of the ~~ shoe the ~e~sed ~~. use. plan and ~~~ per ~~ ~.~' are attach: t~ this niter's Rcppa- ~~~ rc~en each b+ene~tted parcel create. b~ Appa~onmcnt ~€~. ~~~ pursuant to Parcel dap ~a. 1 X898 Baas ~.at~ ~ snare of STS ~~ are ~n direst propo~on to e n~mbex of ~~~ ahacated each. afthen~, based can .e n~~.~m pe~~.ed n~.~~ber of E13t~s for each parcel `hen developed according to the land n.ses approved in t~PA f'~ 1 ~~~~ and acca~ce to a~ersf~eld ~~encr. ~~.~, ~ propor~on to each parcel's areas within each hand use presented ~~. said ~~. ~~~-~2~'~. The fatal combined ~~T ~apac~ charge fc~r Reassessme~ 4845 484~A and 4847 is allocated ~- the ~ new c~eral~use parcels crre~ated b~ ~~~ ~-~~~ at ~ anal rate of $~4~.~~l~~U as falls: Parcels .~,., ~, and ~ ~ I~1~A 4~~~052~ axe allocated ~~, , and ~ ~~.~~~ ~'~spectivel, based on .eir on~~ercial l~nd use desi~na~.on. The parcel n.et areas fox ~e can~~erc~al use-~axs created h~ ~~. ~~-~5~~ are as shoe. on e exhibit maps to ~e~cate of ~a~npl~.ce for ~ ~~-~~~~. The tc~ta nbcr €~f :s a11-~ated ~to ~.e new co~cial use pare s} is e~n.al the fatal nber of l~~s originall~j ahacated to Reassessn~nts 4845, 4846, d 484'1. 11. The tatai c~~nbined.~'~TS Q~jersi~in~ an~onnt for ~.eassessments 4$45, ~~~, and 484'1 ~ allocated to ~ ~ new commercial.-use parcels ~ L1~A ~~~~~~ based floe net areas shoes said LEA. lld-5~ nips. b, She ~ ~~ .~~rial meet and ~Jtilit~ Assessment ~Se.es ~, ~, and ~ ~onds~: The Stage 1 ~. a~ad ~lit~ in~pro~ement assessments cansis of seve~cal components ~ncludang a bask street axes c~ar~e; a ma~ar street t.~p ge~eratian charge and. a suer frontage chart. Thy alocaon of es~~ t~ A~e~e a ~'clc T s ~ to ~ ~ the I~~A. ~6-~5~2 parcels is based an the same paxcel areas and land use designations, as described above for the ~'~ suer allocations. The total ari~al assessment shares for the c~.a~ Esc ass ~, -~~~ ha~~ been a~at as ~a~a~: se B~, ~, anal ~ hands shares ~ prc~partian to the Reassessn~.ents 484, 4846, and 4847 Sees ~, ~, and ~ Bonds sham a:ocated to each afthem. B. Apportiann~.ent ofthe Tatar Remaining Reassessment balance from Reassessments 4845, 484, and 484'1 to Amended Reassessments 49 ~ 5 thrau.~h 4917 The three aril AD 86~~ Series of Tai Tempt hands ~Sexies ~., ~, anal. ~~ have been refunded ~b~ a Single Series of Tai. exempt Bends. The single original 86yZ Series of Taxable Bonds ~Serics has also bey refunded. b a Single Series of Taxable nd~s. The a~naunt r used. to ~~a~?~ ~ ~~~~~~~ ~ne~~ for a~ ~~~n~~ b~n~ se~e~. A~cfl~~n.~~, ~~ ~a~ ~c~n~~in~d r~se~~~.~n~ ~r~n~ a~~o~ned ~.~ ~ ~ree~s ~~ea ~ ~,~~. ~-~~ ~ red ~ra~~~a~ ~~ ~~~ Reassessments ~~4~, ~8~~, and ~8~~ s~,res appor~one~. to ea~.~ ~axce~ ~'~r e~.ch fond ~er~es. fore deta~~ ~~nao~n ~n tie ~an.~ rases, ~~ng .~ d~e~~ ~ ens~s used ~~ p~. Rea.ssessm~.ent~ 48~~14~4~, end ~~47 ~.s ~n ale ~ axe obi. ~f~ ~nb~~ ~~ erector and. a ~:~e~ ~~ the P~a~~~ ~re~~ °~~ ~~ ~~ ~ as:e.. ~~', Ell ARi3 J. ~iLSON, ~. C. E. 232 9 (F IRES 12-31 REASSE~S~VIENT ENGINEER, ASSESSMENT DISC ~- ~~~ ~. , ~~~ ~ ~r r ~ ~ ~~ ~f~~~ ~~~ ~ Date: 7 /~~ ~~ i 297~3~C 3 7/~O106 ~~ ,~ ~ ~ ~ ~ si~ :~' ~ ~ $~ Y~ fpm ~t~ ~ ~ ~~ 47P` ~ ~ y'.a~~. ~ ~°~ ~~s~~. 'I~PbR~ ~ s'9+13t ~y~ '~*''~ g e76~E a ~~ ~'~' C' ~.~ ~~ _ ~lr ~ '4 s~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ J ti#f ~ ~~~. C1:i~?$3{td3.At. ~ cB #~f'~3 ~t~i~iu ~ 9 f } ~ ~ ~~,+ lt.s#f At ~"~ ~-# 'sd'~ ?~~ ,~ ~ !} r ;"+ ~ 1 ~ ~. ~ i ; `~ r'` -~* e° ~ ~ }' # '~3~ ftt .,~ "s~~ ~~~~ ~~a~ ~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~_ ~. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -~ f fg~^WS'~_~..urH V.~+.~w`yr ~Y~\w~~Mrw - ~. ++r.w~w.~ v.'ww~~ L'~+`Yti~iwVW'f we~+•~~,~,+t ti ' sw....+ ~, ti'~"~~"'~ t w.'~r~ww......~C`~+~r.~h~ ~''"~~.F ~ Y ~ } ~" tv' ~€ ,., +r ~~ ,~~ ~ .~ . .._ _ ~ ~~ 4 i~R. + ~wG Fi .. ~~~~~~~~~ ~~y~~~ `" ~ '~. , M _ ~ . .p' Nt$a !'{d -,zdt ~ ~ ~)) ..4 •1~ ~~ a ~~` t~ 71, ~, A ~. ~ ! t rt_c a.. ~~~~~~~ LISTING ~~ ORIGINAL. REASSESSMEIEIT AMOUNTS FOR AMENDED REASSESSMENTS 4~~ ~ THROUGH ~~ 7 CITY 4F BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMEI~IT DISTRICT N0.86-2 (BtJENA VISTA TRi~NK SEINER~RANCHO LASf~RDE STAGE ~-A} GOI'~TY €~~ . GA~t~O~l~#A REASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT NO. ~ 1~8 \' AMENI~E#~ PARIr 1 DETAILS OI= TAB E~EI~#P~' flRIGII'~A~. R~SSESSMIfiNT ~ OR#Gi~Ai. Tt7TAL.~__ ~MEND~~ a DESGRI~TION f ~#R~G~NA~. ~ ~iRIGIIIAt. ~-GI~IG~~ ~ T~TA~. € TA;~ABL~ t'~I~aGI~IAL REASMT a ASSESSORfs'~Ax ~ SERIES A ~ SERIES s SIlRIES D TAX EXEMPT f REASMT REASM~" 3 I~uM~ER ~ NUMBER ~ATI~~ _.___.. ~ ~SEER~ ~ ~sT~GE ~-A~ ~ STAGE ~-A~ ~ ~A } B -~ ~~~~ AMOI;II~T AMOUNT 415 ~.~~ Li~~ A~j~~r~toot I'~o. ~~-45, P~r~l A ~'~=~5~.57 ~`7,~i;4,~7' 24=5:1. 5~,8.tf~ 12,~.5~ I'i7,2~1.63 496 Lc~tLirt~ Acl~ustmet~t No. 46-4522, Parcel B 2,97'4.43 4r37'9.3~ 5,9?8.33 X3,329.15 3,8'$.48 X6,448.23 _ 4917 Lot Li~~ Acijusfine~rt Igo. 46-4522, P~rcol C ._ 31282.1 ` 4,774.42 --== 61509.95 X4,562.48 - 3,:353.35 ~7,9~5.$3 T~iTAI +DI~It~3NA~. ~EASM~' AM~UI~T AI~PORTIO~ED 15,15.11 21,130.6 37,x.88 ._ 82,40.27 19107"1.4 141,54.69 NOTE: THE A~ p~L REMAtNtNG E~P~ILANGEI A~ EISTINt~ ~ DE~;EMSER 1p E~7~r ~iAt~ R~'~.~' f~~~~~C/ ~~ ~er ~43 ~~t~G~i~~~ ~i~ THE REASSESSMENT EI~GINEEI~°S REASSESa~IEI~T f~EPt~RT EpR THE GfTY ~ BAKE~SE1Et~D ASSESSMENT t~ISTf~IGT hi0, 85-2. AS APPROVED BY THE GIT`~ ~Ot~NGIL ON ~IANI.IARY 12, 1994 REASSESSMENT REPORi~. THE AMt~UNTS SNOI~N ABOVE ARE THE ORIGINAL REFUNDING AMOUNTS HAD THESE PARCELS EXISTED AT THE TIME OE REEUfVDING. 2~703E~D ~-'# ~7/t~712t~06 w t-- z d d W C~2 U N i`O ~ ~~ ~w z ~ Cfl ~J UV1 N~ ir~Q I ZW d ~ d E z w Y °' rr °U ~. I ~ ro ww i?o~n I j ~ w~Q ~d W d z o I w ~ w~U i°~° °w ~}u~'io° z I w~ cti ~~ ~ i ~ rv~wp ~°rd I US-`f o~~N~.o~~ I ~o ~i d,y ~ I ~ z ~° I~Uw I rz ~,~ovtr ~~` I U~ H ~ ~p i d w°wZW IOd I?-UK O UQZy~J wr ~p ~ I ~.~ ~-Uwr IWXa I z o o~ wo0 d I ~d ~ tJ 0 ~} F ' ow ~~~Qt- few , rww ~OwlYOO~° , i U ,_., y,,,i ~ ~. d I J ~ 2 ...i 2 W m c~ I tl: ~ Q'i ' te r Nz O f dww ~O°d°OOhz-~ I ~I.~U iz-Zt,.z--NZ0.~ ~2~W ~'Y? ~ ~ O (~ ~O Np i p~Q d~zv,w ~ 4 ~ BOO r4o~~pd-ry l!~wy r°9 ,.,,, ~.,1 Z ~U ~o I p%w{nd L)~d ~grOa' I Y~ d~wZ°~~dw iL..~W ~ Q ~ H O ~ ~N ~~ I goo ~~wdw°~}~ IQW~ Qg~~Z°ih0 ~3`CO .,,r1 E~ O ~ W ~~ N I O W w cn~UO:~ ~~~~ I ~U~ o~qd }U~ I~~r Q ``4 ca z ' wm ~- i I ¢~~d wwaQw IWUr I ~y.Y N~w~~~~z ~wzz Hn Z ~ ~ {~ Nfl ° I 1 or ~U~ Qovi°w I~az I a~sm ~~-~-~Z~o ~QOO w ~°i ~.~ Q C~., z F I mrFF~wQd ~a ~QnU ~UU f'1 ~I U ~ ~ Q:U ° I ~ O°OWJr0.Wd m IOZd°WwT m F-^-i ~ ~~ d W . .,-~ i"--t ~ Ua z I zw~o2°° I~ i~~o~r W ~ ~ o ~ zr w I t~..~TV~~ow~,° In. I~w -'w W ~ ~ d_ Ir~ N r t-w °rw Id lo~r~o I W ~ ~ °~ Z UZ cnr~zWS~ i~ I~cndd ~ ° I 0 ~ ~ W w ,~ ~ o!z~W-wwwQ II I-'cn°~.a ~ W ~ ~+ ° N r w l wad U~0.JO! Iv. IUw w S1 I ~+-i ~z 0. .~a w~ d~ to ~ ~'° z H ~ ~ rno ~rcnz°w~°~.zo I I jad~j~ ~ ~ r w p rrR}~j Q Q~ w~ °wWwcn aow I I iw°w w ~ z s ~j 1..J ~{ D:~ E=-d QF=-~ZQWONFNZ L~ ~NY{il~~~ ~ FW-t 4ri ~ ~ U~ ° v~ww Oztnw O Iwu.~ O~ (~,, 0 cn dd ~- I ~mN~~~rn~~ r Ic~o~n^UZ W ~ w TTtk~ ~ °° o I ~ ~'dOwaz~'N ¢ la>-wo°o ~ to V ~ ~ ~ r-' w ~ ¢°w~awd~ww °~ ryo'zo ~~ ~Q .~'! w~ ~ °c>:zz~~ztr~ lorzdodU ~ ~, ~ ~ F-~ ~ ~ ~~ 4. ~ ~W°r~~NW°W Im¢pmWZ2 ~i ~ ~ z ~.- w vi wr ~0. w~ ~QVdiodow~z~ ~?Uwp0.~~. ~'1 ~ 0 tC$ Q, am rr ~~ps~dZww~o ~~~I--U~~O F-+-I w U ~ "~") ww zo z o°w~=oz = ~w ausW rte, ~ ~ ~ °4 °~ ~~0.Nd~0.rda r jNQpQ¢rL O NNO wwe~ ° a w ~'' w ~ ~ ~ °v ~~ ~caQd¢~0.pwt~ ~Ur~ao°~ C-'+ z ~ ° w~_~_ 0 0 ~ ~ ~ Q gT wQ dm°zQao~ ~ U~~UQ~a~ U F~ ~ ~ dr 0.m ~zd~aai~GO? ~L~tdi.~~JO?? v ~ ~ ~ ,,r{l N O ~{ ~tUl rr^^ Fw- ^ ~ ~n ~ v~~M 1 0 ' ~ W o QI ~W~~~ ^ z 1 ~ `~ ?~ ~ Ltl 'd' H ~ o III z,~ m~ ~ ~E.y~Q,~ w~p ~ "'~ tll am wa .~ 1 z~ ~ d > W "t'.~ *l CN~t10C IN CJ~ O ~ ~r-^I( W~ oa ~ E~ x rI,- ¢~ vo. ~ N ~~J d~~ ~a W (~ U7 EOVasor da 0~ d~ u~yo N~ ~ ~V~~O~ ~~~ 'a N ~p~~ °W Ulm NN y_'G~ O 0 hcp ~~ZZ N^ W = o N rN ~p.a0-~O*' lo, Nh cDN yE0 0.d ,,..~ ~Z~ }U ~ ~~c°~c~ i~ ° mw w ° c° rnz °o Ow c.nR7a=y IN w z n0. oat vow oo'c ~ oar =~E I o d ~ ~, ~L~ 0U10NO0L ~I~U' ~ F~ C1Q mL]~ E_,.E Ned .;~P'\yn rn~ ° . 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