HomeMy WebLinkAboutAD 86-2 Apportionment #109 T6050-3James ~U. Fitch Assessor -Recorder Kern County Official records Recorded ai the request of City of Bksfld Public Works RECORDING REQUESTED BY AND FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WHEN RECORDED MAIL T0: CITY CLERK CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 1501 TRUXTUN AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93 3 O 1 PATTI 3joal2oo7 2:0o PM nocx: 0207054788 NOTICE OF AMENDED REASSESSMENT Stat Types: l Pages; Fees 13.00 Taxes 0.00 others 0.00 ______ PAID X13.00 AMENDING EXISTING REASSESSMENT 4852 IN CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO: 86-2 COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA (REASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT NO. 109) PURSUANT to the requirements of Section 3114 of the Streets and Highways Code, the undersigned, PAMELA A. McCARTHY, CMC, City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield, hereby gives notice that an Amended Reassessment Diagram and Amended Reassessment Roll (Reassessment and ,Diagram Amendment No.109)for City of Bakersfield Assessment District No. 86-2 were filed and recorded in the office of the Superintendent of Streets of the City of Bakersfield, relating to the following described real property: Reference is made to the map entitled "Amended Reassessment Diagram of the City of Bakersfield Assessment District No. 86-2, County of Kern, State of California (Reassessment and Diagram Amendment No.109), Amending Reassessment 4852, filed with the County Recorder of the County of Kern on ,~ , in Book -;- a~ ~ of Maps of Assessment and Communit Facilities Districts, at Pa es~~ throu h y g ~ g /~,~'", for a description of the real property in said Assessment District and the exterior boundaries thereof.. Said Amended Reassessment Diagram amends the map entitled "Reassessment Diagram of City of Bakersfield Assessment District No. 86-2," recorded January 18,1994, in Book 10 of Maps of Assessment and Community Facilities Districts, at Pages 114 through 139, in the Office of the County Recorder of the County of Kern, State of California. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that upon recordation of this Notice in the Office of the County Recorder, the several .amended reassessments on the lots, pieces, and parcels shown on the Amended Reassessment Diagram (Reassessment and Diagram Amendment No.109} of Assessment District No. 86-2 shall become a lien upon the lots or portions of lots assessed, respectively. RECORDING REQUESTED BY AND FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WHEN RECORDED MAIL T0: CITY CLERK CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 15 01 TRUXTUN AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 NOTICE aF AMENDED RE,A.SSESSMENT AMENDING EXISTING REASSESSMENT 4852 IN CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 86-2 COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA (REASSESSMENT ANb DIAGRAM AMENDMENT N0. 109) PURSUANT to the requirements of Section 3114 of the Streets and Highways Code, the undersi ned PAMELA A ~ g ' . McCARTHY, CMC, City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield, hereby glues notice that an Amended Reassessment Diagram and Amended^ Reassessment Roll (Reassessment and Dia ram g Amendment No.109} for City of Bakersfield Assessment District~No. 86-2 were f led and recorded in the office of the Superintendent of Streets of the City of Bakersfield relatin to the followin ' g g described real property: Reference is made to the map entitled "Amended Reassessment Diagram of the Cit of y Bakersfield Assessment District No. 86-2, County of Kern, State of California (Reassessment and Diagram Amendment No.109 , Amendin Reassessment 4852 fil g ed with the County Recorder of the County of Kern on ,, ~' in Book of Maps of Assessment and Community Facilities Districts at Pa es t g ~~ hrough ~° , for a description of the real property in said Assessment District and the exterior oundaries thereof. Said Amended Reassessment Dia ram amends the ' « g map entitled, Reassessment Diagram of City ofBakersfield Assessment District No. $6-2,"recorded January 18,1994, in Book 10 of Maps of Assessment and Communi Facilities Distric tY ts, at Pages 114 through 139, in the Office of the County Recorder of the Coun of Kern ~' State of California. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that upon recordation of this Notice in the Office of the Coun ~' Recorder, the several amended reassessments on the lots, pieces, and parcels shown on the Amended Reassessment Diagram (Reassessment and Diagram Amendment No.109) of Assessment District No. 86-2 shall become a lien upon the lots or portions of lots assessed, res ectivel . p y This amendment evidences the completion of statutory proceedings to divide the lien of s ecial p reassessments previously levied on the parcels of land shown on the Amended Reassessment Dia ram g to conform with the divisions in the parcels themselves. Reference is made to said Amen ded Reassessment Diagram and Amended Reassessment Roll recorded in the office of the Su erintendent p of Streets of the City of Bakersfield. Attached hereto pursuant to the requirements of Section 27288.1 of the Government Code marked "Exhibit A," is a copy of the Amended Reassessment Roll, identifying each new arcel b the amended p Y reassessment number shown on the Amended Reassessment Diagram, together with the amount of amended reassessment lien levied thereon and the name or names of the owners of each ar ' p cel subs ect to such amended, reassessments as they appear on the latest secured Count Assessor's Roll or y as known to the undersigned. Dated: ~~Q~i~ ~ ~~ PAMELA A McCARTHY, CMC, City Clerk City of .Bakersfield, State of California. By• 2 EXHIBIT A AMENDED REASSESSMENT ROLL CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.86-2 (BUENA VISTA TRUNK SEWERIRANCHO LABORDE STAGE 1-A) COUNTY OF KERN, CALIFORNIA AMENDING EXISTING REASSESSMENT 4852 AND ADDING NEW REASSESSMENTS 4918 THROUGH 4958 CREATED BY RECORDATION OF TRACT N0.6050 "PHASE 3" REASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT N0:109 AMENDED PARCEL DETAILS OF TAX EXEMPT AMENDED REASSESSMEN TOTAL TOTAL AMENDED DESCRIPTION 1 SERIES A SERIES B SERIES D TOTAL TAXABLE AMENDED REASMT ASSESSOR'S TAX AMENDED PROPERTY SHARE SHARE SHARE TAX EXEMP AMOUNT REASMT NUMBER NUMBER ATN OWNER NAME /ADDRESS EFF 1!1106 EFF 111!06 EFF 111!06 A + B + p) EFF 1/1106 AMOUNT I KAI~ I NU. bUSU "NMASt 3" (i K uo~a3) SUSUIVIDES EXISTING REASSESSMENT 4852 CREATING 40 SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL LOTS AND 1 TOWERLINE LOT. THE 40 RESIDENTIAL LOTS (LOTS 1 THROU GH 40 IN TR 6050.3) ARE ASSIGNED AMENDED REASSESSMENT NUMBERS 4918 THROUGH 4957, RESPECTIVELY AND THE TOWERLINE LOT (LOT 41 IN TR 6050-3) IS AMENDED REASSESSMENT 4958, THE TOTAL REASSESSMENT AMOUNT FOR EXISTI NG REASS , ESSMENT 4852 IS APPORTIONED TO THE 40 RESIDENTIAL LOTS CREATED BY TR 6050-3, THE TOWERLINE LOT IS NOT ASSESSED, THE TOTAL UNPAID REASSESSMENT PRINCIPAL AMOUNT FOR EXISTING REASSESSMENT 4852 (EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 2006, AT THE BEGINNING OF THE 2006!2007 TAX YEAR) IS $19,731.95. THE TOTAL REASSESSMENT AMOUNT APPORTIONED TO EACH NEW LOT IS SHOWN UNDER THE COLUMN ENTITLED'TOTAL AMENDED REASMT AMOUNT." EXISTING REASSESSMENT 4852 IS DELETED FROM THE REASSESSMENT ROLL FOR ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.86-2. 4918 TRACT N0.6050 "PHASE 3'; LOT 1 THE FAIRWAYS AT RIVERLAKES, L.P. 36,47 142.91 202,75 382.13 111.17 493.30 4919 TRACT N0.6050 "PHASE 3"; LOT 2 THE FAIRWAYS AT RIVERLAKES, L.P. 36.47 142.91 202.75 382.13 111.17 493.30 4920 TRACT NO.6050 "PHASE 3"; LOT 3 THE FAIRWAYS AT RIVERLAKES, L.P. 36.47 142.91 202.75 382.13 111.17 493.30 4921 ~ TRACT N0.6050 "PHASE 3'; LOT 4 THE FAIRWAYS AT RIVERLAKES, L.P. 36.47 142.91 202:75 382.13 111,17 493.30 4922 TRACT N0.6050 "PHASE 3"; LOT 5 THE FAIRWAYS AT RIVERLAKES, L.P. 36.47 142.91 202.75 382,13 111.17 493,30 4923 TRACT N0.6050 "PHASE 3"; LOT 6 THE FAIRWAYS AT RIVERLAKES, L.P. 36.47 142.91. 202.75 382.13 111.17 493.30 4924 TRACT NO.6050 "PHASE 3"; LOT 7 THE FAIRWAYS AT RIVERLAKES, L,P. 36.47 142.91 202.75 382.13 111.17 493,30 4925 TRACT N0.6050 "PHASE 3"; LOT 8 THE FAIRWAYS AT RIVERLAKES, L.P. 36.47 142.91 202.75 382.13 111.17 493.30 4926 TRACT N0.6050 "PHASE 3"; LOT 9 THE FAIRWAYS AT RIVERLAKES, L.P. 36,47 .142.91 202.75 382.13 111.17 493,30 4927 TRACT N0.6050 "PHASE 3"; LOT 10 THE FAIRWAYS AT RIVERLAKES, L.P. 36.47 142,91 202.75 382.13 111.17 493.30 4928 TRACT N0.6050 "PHASE 3"; LOT 11 THE FAIRWAYS AT RIVERLAKES, L.P. 36.47 142.91 202.75 382.13 111,17 493.30 4929 TRACT N0.6050 "PHASE 3"; LOT 12 THE FAIRWAYS AT RIVERLAKES, L.P. 36.47 142.91 202.75 382.13 111.17 493.30 4930 TRACT N0.6050 "PHASE 3"; LOT 13 THE FAIRVI(AYS AT RIVERLAKES, L.P. 36.47 142.91 202.75 382.13 111.17 493.30 4931 TRACT N0.6050 "PHASE 3"; LOT 14 THE FAIRWAYS AT RIVERLAKES, L.P. 36.47 142.91 202,75 382.13 111.17 493.30 4932 TRACT N0.6050 "PHASE 3"; LOT 15 THE FAIRWAYS AT RIVERLAKES, L.P. 36.47 142.91 202,75 382.13 111.17 493.30 4933 TRACT N0.6050 "PHASE 3"; LOT 16 THE FAIRWAYS AT RIVERLAKES, L.P. 36.47 142.91 202.75 382.13 111.17 493.30 4934 TRACT N0.6050 "PHASE 3"; LOT 17 THE FAIRWAYS AT RIVERLAKES, L.P. 36.47 ~ 142.91 202.75 382.13 111.17 493.30 4935 TRACT N0.6050 "PHASE 3"; LOT 18 THE FAIRWAYS.AT RIVERLAKES, L.P. 36.4? 142,91 202.75 382.13 111,17 493.30 4936 TRACT N0.6050 "PHASE 3'; LOT 19 THE FAIRWAYS AT RIVERLAKES, L.P. 36.47 142.91 202.75 382.13 111.17 493.30 4937 TRACT N0.605011PHASE 3;;: LOT 20 THE FAIRWAYS AT RIVERLAKES, L.P, 36.47 142.91 202.75 382,13 111.17 493.30 4938 TRACT N0.6050 PHASE 3 ,LOT 21 THE FAIRWAYS AT RIVERLAKES, L.P. 36.47 142.91 202.75 382.13 111.17 493.30 4939 TRACT N0.6050 ~iPHASE 311; LOT 22 THE FAIRWAYS AT RIVERLAKES, L.P. 36.47 142.91 202.75 382.13 111,17 493.30 4940 TRACT N0.6050 PHASE 3 ,LOT 23 THE FAIRWAYS AT RIVERLAKES, L.P. 36.47 142.91 202.75 . 382.13 111.17 493.30 4941 TRACT N0.6050 "PHASE 3"; LOT 24 THE FAIRWAYS AT RIVERLAKES, L.P. 36.47 142.91 202.75 382.13 111.17. 493.30 4942 TRACT N0.6050 „PHASE 3;;: LOT 25 THE FAIRWAYS AT RIVERLAKES, L.P. 36.47 142.91 202.75 382.13 111.17 493.30 4943 TRACT N0.6050 PHASE 3 ,LOT 26 THE FAIRWAYS AT RIVERLAKES, L.P. 36.41 142.91 202.75 382.13 111.17 _ 493,30 4944 TRACT N0.6050 "PHASE 3"; LOT 27 THE FAIRWAYS AT RIVERLAKES, L.P. 36.47 142.91 202.75 382.13 111.17 493.30 4945 TRACT N0.6050 "PHASE 3"; LOT 28 THE FAIRWAYS AT RIVERLAKES, L.P. 36.47 142.91 202.75 382.13 111.17 493.30 4946 TRACT N0.6050 "PHASE 3"; LOT 29 THE FAIRWAYS AT RIVERLAKES, L.P. 36.47 142,91 202.75 382.13 111.17 493.30 4947 TRACT N0.6050 "PHASE 3"; LOT 30 THE FAIRWAYS AT RIVERLAKES, L.P. 36.47 142.91 202.75 382.13 .111.17 493.30 4948 TRACT,NO.6050 "PHASE 3'; LOT 31 THE FAIRWAYS AT RIVERLAKES, L.P. 36.47 142.91 202.75 382.13 111.17 493.30 4949 TRACT N0.6050 "PHASE 3"; LOT 32 THE FAIRWAYS AT RIVERLAKES, L.P. 36.47 142.91 202.75 382.13 111.17 493.30 4950 TRACT N0.6050 "PHASE 3"; LOT 33 THE FAIRWAYS AT RIVERLAKES,. L.P, 36.47 142.91 202.75 382.13 111.17 493.30 4951 TRACT N0.6050 "PHASE 3"; LOT 34 THE FAIRWAYS AT RIVERLAKES, L.P. 36.47 142.91 202,75 382.13 111.17 493.30 4952 TRACT N0.6050 "PHASE 3'; LOT 35 THE FAIRWAYS AT RIVERLAKES, L.P. 36.47 142.91 202.75 382.13 111.17 493,30 4953 TRACT N0.6050 "PHASE 3"; LOT 36 THE FAIRWAYS AT RIVERLAKES, L.P, 36.47 142.91 202.75 382.13 111.17. 493.30 4954 TRACT N0.6050 "PHASE 3"; LOT 37 THE FAIRWAYS AT RIVERLAKES, L.P. 36.47 142.91 202,75 382.13 111.17 493.30 4955 TRACT N0.6050 "PHASE 3"; LOT 38 THE FAIRWAYS AT RIVERLAKES, L.P. 36.47 142.91 202.75 382,13 111.17 493.30 4956 TRACT N0.6050 "PHASE 3"; LOT 39 THE FAIRWAYS AT RIVERLAKES, L.P. 36.47 142.91 202.75 382.13 111.17 493.30 4957 TRACT N0.6050 "PHASE 3"; LOT 40 THE FAIRWAYS AT RIVERLAKES, L.P. 36.35 143.11 202.78 382.24 111.01 493,25 4958 ~ TRACT NO.6050 "PHASE 3"; LOT 41 THE FAIRWAYS AT RIVERLAKES, L.P. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 .0.00 0.00 TOTAL AMOUNT APPORTIONED: 1,458.68 5,716.60 8,110.03 15,285.31 4,446,64 19,731.95 NOTES: FOR A DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE LINES, DIMENSIONS, AND LOCATIONS OF REASSESSMENTS 4918 THROUGH 4958 REFERENCE A SUBDIVISION MAP FOR TRACT N0.6050 "PHASE 3"RECORDED FEBRUARY 21, 2007, I~ BOOK 57 OF MAPS, AT PAGES 36 THROUGH 38, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF THE COUNTY OF KERN. ../'1" 2. THE AD 86.2 REMAINING BALANCE, AS EXISTING ON DECEMBER 1,1993, HAS BEEN REFUNDED AND REDUCED AS DESCRIBED IN THE REASSESSMENT ENGINEER'S REASSESSMENT REPORT FOR THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.86.2, AS APPROV THE CITY COUNCIL ON JANUARY 12,1994 (REASSESSMENT REPORT). PREPARED BY: WILSON & ASSOCIATES ~ ~w~ c~ APPROVED: DATE: ~ ~~ EDWARD J. WILSON R.C.E. 23269 (EXPIRES 12-31.07) ~~F.ESSlalyq~ F ~Oe ~ J. W/(s ~~i try Q '~ w N~ 232b9 ~ 12I31~~7 ExP ~ * C1d~~ ~'~ sT'~rf CP~~~~ OF 29708EXA A-1 212812007 B A k E R S F I E 'L D RECORDERS TRANSMITTAL DEPARTMENT: PUBLIC WORKS Date: ~ `,~ Biil To: Cit of Bakersfield Y Public Works Department 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Attn: Sharon Traynor To: Kern County Recorder [~] Please record the followin documents and char a th g g e cost to our account. Please provide copy (ies) of the followin documents g and charge the cost to our .account. Amount ~ Document Regested By Charge Type Descri tion o p~ p Document N_. Book/ Page ~~ • ~ ~ ~ ~g ~ Map Copies .Z~~. Recordings , p a Job Number Copies ~~ Total , Print Name: ~~i°~.o ~(~ N Authorized By: G:1subISHAREDIPROJECTS1FormslRecorders Transmittal.xls ~. ~ ~ ~~~ TES .~~ ~~~'~A ~~~ ~~` TAE ~~'A`~` ~ ~~.~~~~IA ~~ ~~~D~ ~~"~' ~~~~~ 452 ~`~ ~~D ~~ C~~.~S~SS~I~TS 4~ ~ 8 ~~~~~~ 4~5 S l . A~ a~~~~a~~~n has ~~ f~~d fah the ~~r~nt~r~d~n cif ~°~~~s a'~h~ ~~ ~f ~a.esf~~~c~ ~~ the ~~~~s ~r ~~~~~es~~d a~~s ~ ~~ r~f~ren~~d ~~~s~in r~ass~ssrr~en~ ~~ith ~~ ~f Ba~~~s~d :ss~ss~~n~ ~~. ~, ~~s~ .~~~~ ~f h~ a~~~~ ~~~a~~n~ un~~~d €~~. ~a~d. r~,assess.~~t ~ a~c~rd.a~~~.e ~~~~h thu p~~~~~s~~ns of the ~~~~o~~~en~ ~~nd. ~4c~ ~,~, ~i k ;~ ~~ ac~oran~~ ~~h ~a~d a~~a~~n~ h~ ~r~de~ s~n~d h~~ ~h a.~i~s ~ ~a~h s~~a~ ~a~ ~f the ~~~na ~arc~~ ~f~a~~ as sh~~ ~~ ~h~ ~.enc~e~. ~~ass~ssn~.ent ~o~~, ~~ ~f ~a~rsf~e1d ~~.ssess~~ ~~~~ ~~. -~, .~.ss~ssn~~n and ~~.~ ~~~ ~, , a~h~d h~re~~ as ~~~'i1~1$ ~ aid ~~.c~~~a~ed h~~~~n ~~ ~eferer~ce, the p~~~~fo~a~e pad ~f ~h~ ~en~a.~n~n ~~ass~ss~n~. . h~ sa~~ ~.~~~ as ~f ~h~ Viand dad ~~. ~ ~.~~~:~. a~ ~~ ~~~ ~~.~, original a~s~ss~n~n~ was. n~ad~, Dated: /Z//~o~ 1.../ T s u~~rin~~nden~ of ~ree~s ~. ati~e ~~ ondho~~~ was d~~i~e~~d ~~ ~i~~ ~f ~a~~rsfi~id 'nh~i~ ~`inan~e ~uth~~i~ an i~ ~ ~~- ~ ~~a. . ~~ ~~ 3. ~o ~~quos~ for h~a~in~ was ~~~~~~~~~ frQn~ ~~ ~ondhoid..o~ within fo~~~~ ~ ~ ~~ .a~~ from h~ date of ~~~~~~~. ofth~ c~ti~~ ~~ ~c~ndhold.~r. ~coordin~~, the n~~nded. ~ass~ssent R€~1~ and ~n~~nd~d ~ass~s~~~nt ~ia~ fog ~~~ ~f ~:e~s~d ~.ss~ss~n~nt ist~t ~. - ~~assessn~~nt a~~d ~~ag~*a~~ .er~dn~e~.t o. ~ ~~ ~~µe recorded ~~ the ~f~~~ ~f ~h~ ~~e~intendent ~f tr~e~s ' tie ~~- of ~a~e~s~e~d. ~ C Z - ~ , ~,. 29708COF-S ~ 11127lOb "T. F ~i~ ~~'.~f l~€i ~:~~`a~~,ea ~$6~„n~ ~~"~n~ ~~r ~# ~ ~`f~ ~r~ti~~# i~`.~~, f-~~~~~.~~~n~n~ ~s~~`~~,~ ~'~; ~.~~ss~ss~.~ ~n ~~.°~.n~ :~ne~.e~n ~ . ~~.s ~ ~~~ ~e ~~n~ .~c~r~~r ~~ .e ~~un~ of ~.e~. on ~ C~ q , ~~~~ ~n ~oc~~ ~'4' of daps of~ss~ess~.~n~ ~.n~ ... ~ . ~.~. ~ o ~ N~~~c~ Qf ~:en~~. ~ss~ssn~~nt fir ~~~ of ~.~~rsfe~ Ass~ss.~n~ ~~s~r~c~ ~.. 8~-2 ~ea.ssessrr~~n~ ~.n~. ~~~.r~n~ ,~nn~n~ ~. ~ ~~, ~~~ a ~~ ~f ~~~ .A.~n~nde~. ~e~ssess~en~ .off ~.~: ~ ~~ ., ~=s r~~r ~n ~"(A~.C ~ ~ ~ ~s ~rnent c~. ~~6~~~47g$ ~f~3f~~~a~ Rec~r~.s ~ft~~ oun~y ~.ec~rder ~f ~~e ~~~~~ ~fen~. ~: ~. ,~.. ~~~y ~f~~s ~~i~~~.t~ ~f~~~~n~ ~~ ~~.~ ~n~~n~er's ~.~pc~r~ ~n .eass~ss~nent ~.nd ~iar~n~ ~~nen~n~~nt ~IQ. 1 ~'~, in~~~~~n ~~~~t 1~, "m.en~~d R~assess.~n~ ~.al~," ~~h~~i~ B, ~~~s~~~~ ~ ~s~~ ~~sn~~~s;~~ ~~~ ~ ~~~~~~~n ~f ~~ ~r~~nr~ ~~s~d ~c~ ~~~~~~~n ~~~~s ~f ~~~ ~np~.~c~ ~.ss~ss~.~n ~~n~~~,~~ b~~ ~, "~is~~n~ ~f ~r~g~na~ ~aas~ss~nn~ ~~i ~ fir ~,n~n~~~ :~c`~.~~~ss~nn~s,~~ ~ . r~i~~~r~n n~ ~ s~~~ ~~3~' ~~ t~ ~.~n~~~ eass~s~n~~n~ ~~gr~.n~ ~.~~~.~~~ ~here~~, ~er~ f~~~~. ~~~ ~~e ~`~nanc~ ~~r~c~~r for ~e ~~ of ~a~ersf ~~~. on ~ l~~-4- Z ~ , ~0~7. ~. ?9748C~F-S ~ 11127{t~~ L't4T#~~1'+~~ ~~~~T R~: SEGRECxATIC~N AND APPDRTI~N~ENT ~~' REA~~E~S~IENT~ FQR REAS~ES~I~ENT AND D~ACRA AE~DE~TT NCB. ~~~ ~~T~T o~ ~A~ER~~~E~D A~~E~~I~ENT D~~TRrC~~NO. ~~-~ A~END~ E~~T~~ REA~~EENT ~s~~ To CREATE NEw REASSESSMENTS ~~~~ T~ROUGPI ~~s~ PCIRSUANT T~ RECORDATI~}N OF TRACT Nt3. ~~~~3 ~`P~ASE 3" 1. An application has been Pied with the Superintendenfi of streets of the City of Bal~ers~eld re~uesfiing a segregafiion and apportionment of an existing reassessment within Assessment District Na. 8~-2, pursuant fia the di~isian of the parcel. ~. ~ accordance with said application, the undersigned hereby apportions fio each separate part of the original parcel of land the proportionate part of its respective unpaid reassessment that v~ould have been levied thereon if the parcel had been so divided afi the tine the original reassessment was made. The undersigned has assigned a new reassessment number to each new parcel, as shown an the Amended Reassessment Diagram attached hereto. 3. The existing reassessment number, new reassessment numbers, and apportioned reassess~.ent amounts abased in each ease an the unpaid principal am.aunt of reassessment effective ~anuar~ 1, 2~~~, at the beginning of the 20{~d12a07 tax years are as shown on Exhibit A, "Amended .Reassessment Roll," attached hereto and incarporated herein b~ reference. A description of the referenced existing reassessment and of how it has been subdivided is included in Exhibit B, attached hereto. A description of the procedure used to apportion the unpaid principal for the referenced existing reassessment to the new reassessments is included in Exhibit ~, attached hereto, and a listing. of the apportioned share of the original reassessment an~ounfi for each new reassessment is shown on Exhibit D, attached hereto. Existing Reassessment 48~~ is deleted from the reassessment ~•oll for Assessment district Na. 8~-~. . Prepared by: wIL~ON ~ ASSOCIATES Reassessment Apportiann~ent Engineer Bye: Date: ~ l ~Z7 l a (~, Edward J. Wilson, R.C.E. 2329 Expires 12-31-~7} Assessment Engineer, Assessment District N~. 86-~ 29708ENGRPT-s ~a~~.ss~orv,~~ ~ oe 4 ~. ~i~s 'icy ~o '~X~' *r * cry~`~ a~~ ~ ~i~71o~ s~'~ ~"E 0~ ~p~~4 EXf1tI3t7 A AMENDED REASSESSMENT ROLL CITY OF BAKERSFfELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.8fi-2 {f3UENA VISTA TRUNK SEWERIRANCH4 LABORDE STAGE 1-A~ COUNTY OF KERN, CALIFORNIA AMENDING EXISTING REASSESSMENT 4852 AND ADDING NEW REASSESSMENTS 4918 THROUGH 4958 CREATED BY RECORDATION OF TRACT N0.6050 "PHASE 3° REASSESSMEPJ T ANI~ QfAGRAM Afv1ENDMENT N0. 109 RMENDED PARCEL DETAILS OF TAX EXEMPT AMENDED REASSESSMEN TOTAL TOTAL AMENDED DESCRIPTION I SERIES A SERIES B SERIES D TOTAL TAXABLE AMENDED REASMT ASSESSOR'S TAX AMENDED PROPERTY SHARE SHARE SHARE TAX EXEMP AMOUNT REASMT NUMBER NUMBER {ATN} OWNER NAME 1 ADDRESS EFF 911106 EFF 111105 EFF 1!1106 A + I3 + D EFF 1!1106 AMOUNT TRACT N0.6050 "PHASE 3" {TR 605U-3}SUED#VIDES E7(1STtNG REASSESSMENT 4852 CREATItVG 40 SINGLf~-FAMILY RESfDEiVTiAL LOTS AND 1 TOWERLtNE LOT. THE 40 RESIDENTIAL LOTS {LOTS 1 THROUGH 40 IN TR 6050-3} ARE ASSIGNED AMENDED REASSESSMENT NUI~Af3ERS 4918 THROUGH 4957, RESPECTIVELY, AND THE TOWERI.INE LOT (LOT 41 IN TR 6054-3} IS AMENDED REASSESSMENT 4958. THE TOTAL REASSESSMENT AMOU NT FOR EX1STlNG REASSE SSMENT.4852 IS APPORTIO NED TO THE 40 RESIDENTIAL LOTS CREATED 8Y TR 6050-3. THE TOWERLINE LOT 1S NOT ASSESSED. THE TOTAL UNPAID REASSESSMENT PRINCIPAL AMOUNT FOR EXISTING REASSESSMENT 4f3b2 {EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 2006, AT THE BEGINNING OF THE 200612007 TAX YEAR} IS ~19,T31.85. THE TOTAL REASSESSMENT AMOUNT APPORTIONED TO EACH NEW LOT iS SHOWN UNDER THE C~:IrUMIJ ENTITLED "TOTAL AMENI3EI~ REASIi~T Afi~OfJNT," EXISTING REASSESSMENT 4852 IS DELETED FROM THE REASSESSMENT ROLL FOR ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.86.2. 4915 TRACT NQ 6450 "PHASE 3"; LOT 1, THE FAIRWAYS AT RiVERLAKES, L.P. 36:47 142.91 2012,75 382.13 111.17 493,34 4919 TRACT ND. 6050 "PHASE 3"; LOT 2 THE FAIRWAYS AT RIVERLAKES, L.P. 36.47 142.91 202.75 382.13 111.17 493.30 4820 TRACT N0.6450 "PHASE 3"; LOT 3 THE FAIRVb`AYS AT RIVERLAKES, L.P. 36.47 142.91 202.75 382.13 111.17 493.30 4921 TRACT N0.6050 "PHASE 3"; LOT 4 THE FAIRWAYS AT RIVERLAKi=S, L.P. 36.47 142.91 202.75 382.13 111.17 493.30 4922 TRACT N0.6050 "PHASE 3'; LOT 5 THE FAIRWAYS AT RIVERLAKES, L.P. 36.47 142.91 20275 382.13 111.17 493.34 4923 TRACT NO.6054 "PHASE 3"; LOT 6 THE FAIRWAYS AT RIVEI~LAKt=S, L.P. 36.47 142.91 202.75 382.13 111.17 493.30 4924 TRACT NO.6050 "PHASE 3"; LOT 7 THE FAlRV~1AYS AT RfVERLAKES, L.P. 36.47 142.91 202.75 382.13 111.17 493.30 4925 TRACT N0.6050 "PHASE 3"; LOT 8 THE FAIRWAYS AT RIVERLAKES: L.P. 36.47 142.91 202.75 382,13 111.17 493.30 482fi TRACT N0.6050 "PHASE 3"; LOT 9 THE FAIRWAYS AT RIVEI~LAKES, ! P. 36.47 142.91 202.75 382.13 111.17 483.30 4927 TRACT NO.6050 "PHASE 3"; LOT 10 THE FAIRWAYS AT RiVERLAKES, L.P. 36.47 142.91 202.75 382.13 111.17 493.30 4928 TRACT NO.8050 "PHASE 3"; LOT 41 THE FAIR~fAYS AT RIVERL.AKES, L.P. 36.47 142.91 202.75 382.13 111.17 493.30 4929 TRACT N0.605f) "PRASE 3"; LOT 12 THE FAIRWAYS AT RfVERLAKES, L.P. 36.47 142.91 242.75 3$2.13 111.17 493.30 4834 TRACT N0.6450 "PHASE 3'"; LOT 13 THE FAIRWAYS AT RiVERLAKES, L,P, 36.47 142.91 202.75 382.13 111.17 493.30 4931 TRACT NO, 6050 "PHASE 3"; LC}T 14 THE FAIRtIVAYS AT RfVERtAKES. L.J. 36.47 142.91 20~i.75 382.13 111.17 493.3f3 4932 TRACT N0.6050 "PHASE 3"; LOT 15 THE FAIRWAYS AT RtUERLAf<ES, t.F. 36.47 #42.91 242.75 382.13 111.17 493.30 4933 TRACT N0.6050 "PHASE 3'; LOT 16 THE FAIRWAYS AT RIVERLAKES, L.P. 36.47 942.91 202.75 382.13 111.17 493.30 4834 TRACT N(2.6050 "PHASE 3", LOT 17 THE FAIR~1fAYS AT RfVERLAKES. L.P. 36.47 142-91 262-75 382.13 '111.17 493.30 4935 TRACT N0.6050 "'PHASE 3'; LOT 1f3 THE FAIRWAYS AT RfVERLRKES, L.P. 36.47 142.91 202.75 3$2.13 111.17 493.3fl 4936 TRACT NQ. 6050 "PHASE 3'"; LOT 19 THE FAIRWAYS AT RfVERLAKES, L.P. 36.47 142.91 202.75 3$2.13 111.17 493.3© 4937 TRACT N0.6050 "PHASE 3'; I.OT 20 THE FAIRWAYS AT RIVERLAKES, L.P. 36.47 142.91 202.75 3$2.13 111.17 493.30 4938 TRACT N0.6050 "PHASE 3"; I.OT21 THE FAIRWAYS AT RIVERLAKES, L.P. 36.47 142.91 2112,75 382.13 111,17 493.30 4339 TRACT N0.6454 "PHASE 3"; LOT 22 THE FAlR1NAYS AT RIVERLAKES, L.P. 36.47 142.91 242.75 3$2.13 111.17 493.34 4940 TRACT N0.6454 "PHASE 3"; LOT 23 THE FAIRWAYS AT RIVERLAKES, L.P. 36.47 142.91 202.75 382.13 119.17 493.30 4941 TRACT N0.6050 "PHASE 3"; LOT 24 THE FAIRWAYS AT RlVERLAKES, L.P. 36.47 942.91 202.75 382.13 114.17 493.30 4942 TRACT N0.6U50 aPNASE 3"; LOT 25 TFIE 1=AtR1tIiAYS AT RI~IERI.AKES, L.P. 36.47 142.91 24.75 3$2.13 119.17 493.3f~ 4943 TRACT NO, 6050 "PHASE 3"; LOT 26 THE FAIRWAYS AT RlVERLAKES, L.P. 36.47 142.81 202.75 382.13 119.17 493.34 4944 TRACT N0.6050 "PHASE 3"; LOT 27 THE FAIRWAYS AT RtVERLAKES, L.P. 36.47 142.91 202.75 382.13 111.17 493.30 4945 TRACT N0.6050 "PHASE 3"; LOT 28 THE FAIRV!lAYS AT RlVERLAKES, L.P. 36.47 142.91 x02.75 382.93 111.17 493.30 4946 ~ TRACT N0. fifl50 "PHASE 3"; LOT 29 THE FAIRWAYS AT RfVERLAKES, L.P. 36.47 142.91 202.75 382,13 111.17 493.30 4947 TRACT NO.6450 "PHASE 3"; l0T 3Q THE FAIRWAYS AT R3VERLAKES, L.P. 36,47 142.91 242.75 382.13 111.17 493.30 4948 TRACT N0.6050 "PHASE 3"; LOT 31 THE FAIRWAYS AT f2fl~ERLAKES, L.P. 36.47 142.91 202.75 382.13 191.17 493.30 4949 TRACT N0.6450 "PHASE 3'; LOT 32 THE FAIRWAYS AT RIVERLAKES, L.P. 36.47 142.91 242.75 382.13 111.17 493.30 49512 TRACT N0.605f2 "PHASE 3"; I.OT 33 THE FAIRWAYS AT RIVERLAKES, L.P. 36.47 142,91 242.75 362.13 119.17 483.E 4951 TRACT NO.6050 "PHASE 3"; LOT 34 THE FAIRWAYS AT RiVERLAKES, L.P. 36.47 14291 202.75 382.13 111.17 483.30 4952 TRACT N0.6050 "PHASE 3"; LQT 3a THE FAIRWAYS AT RIVERLAKES, L.P. 36.47 142.91 202.75 382.13 111.17 493.30 4953 TRACT NO.6450 "PHASE 3"; LOT 36 THE FAIRWAYS AT RiVERLAKES, LP. 38.47 142.91 202.75 3$2.13 111.17 493.34 4954 TRACT N0.6450 "PHASE 3"; LOT 37 THE FAIRWAYS AT RIVERLAKES, L.P. 36,47 142.91 202.75 382.13 111.17 493,30 4955 TRACT NO.6054 "PHASE 3"; LOT 38 THE FAIRWAYS AT RIVERLAKES, L.P. 36.47 142.91 202.75 382.13 111.47 493.34 4956 TRACT NO. f3050'PHASE 3"; LOT 39 TFIE FAIRWAYS AT RIVERLAKES, L.P, 36.47 442.91 202.75 382.13 111,17 493.30 4957 TRACT N0.6050 "PHASE 3"; LOT 40 THE FAIRWAYS AT 'RIVERLAKES. I..P. 3Fi.35 143. i 1 202.78 382.24 i 1 #.f21 493.25 4958 TRACT NO.6050 "PHASE 3"; LOT 41 THE FAIRWAYS AT RiVERLAKES, L.P. _ _ _____0.00 4.04 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL AMfJtil-!T APPORTIONED: 1,458.68 x,716.60 8,110.03 15,285.31 4,446.64 18731.95 NOTES: 1. FOR A DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE LINES, DIMENSIONS, AND LOCATIONS OF REASSESSMENTS 4918 THROUGH 4958 REFERENCE A SUBOIViStON MAP FOR TRACT N0.605Q "PHASE 3" RECORDED , 2006, IN BOOK ,~ OF MAPS, AT PAGES - THROUGH ,,,~, IIV THE OFI*iCE OF TIE COUNTY RECORDER OF THE COUNTY OF t~RN. . THE AD 86-2 REMAINING BALANCE, AS EXISTING ON DECEMBER 1,1993, HAS t3EEN REFUNDED AND REDUCED AS DESCRIBED iN THE REASSESSMENT ENGINEER'S REASSESSMENT REPORT FOR THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.86-2, AS APPRO THE CtTY COUNCIL ON JANUARY 12,1994 {REASSESSMENT REPORT). PREPARED SY: WILSON & ASSOCIATE r• APPROVED. .....-- DATE. `f EDWARD J. WILSON R.C.E. 23269 {EXPIRES 12-31-07) VE aQ~f~~~ssftc~,y~t ~~rQ~' a~4 ,~. ~/f~ ~~'G' '~~ °~ W ~ ~ `~ Na.23269 '° * Ex~.l2/31141 ~. EXI~~BIT B DESCRIPTION OF EXISTING REASSESSMENT' AMID NEW PARCELS TO WHICH THE EXISTING REASSESSIVIENT IS TD BE APPORTIONED BY RI~ASSESSM.ENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT NO.10~ CITY OF BARERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO, 8b-~ (RANCHO LABORDE STAGE i -A/BUENA VISTA TRUNK SEWER} AMENT)II~G EXISTING REASSESSMENT 4852 ANT} ADDING NEW REASSESSMENTS 4918 THRC3UGH 4958 CREATED BY RECORDATION OF TRACT NO.605Q "PHASE ~" .. EXISTING PARCEL 2006/ZO07 REASSESSMENT REASSESSMENT A.T.N. FOR EXISTING PRINCIPAL TO BE NUIl~iBER REASSESSMENT APPORTI~}NED 4852 494-350-86 $19,731.95 NUMBER HOW EXISTING PARCEL OF VIEW HAS BEEN SUBDIVIDED LOTSiP`ARCELS Tract No. 6050 "Phase 3" ~;`TR ~o~II-3"} subdivides Existing Reassessment 4852 creating 40 .residential lots and 1 to~verline lot. The total remaining principal amount for Existing Reassessment 4852 is reapportioned to the 40 residential lots created by TR 6050-3. The towerline lot is not assessed. Existing Reassessment 4852 is deleted from the Reassessment Roll for AD 86-2. Tract No. b050 "Phase 3" a. 40 residential lots {Amended Reassessments 491 S through 4957} b. 1 tawerline lot Amended Reassessment 4958} Total New Reassessed LotslParcels Total Non-reassessed Lots/Parcels Total New Reasmt. Nos. Total Amount to Be Apportioned to New Reassessments; X19,731.95 Total Exist. Reasmt. Nas. deleted from Roll Net Change Active Reasmt. an Ralf 1. Unpaid reassessment balance apportioned is the balance at the beginning of the 200612007 Tax Year, effective Januat~ 1, ZOOb. 40 1 40 1 41 40 1112710E x~7os~xB - ~' ~~:HIBIT C DESCRIPTION OF THE PROCEDURE T~SED TO APPORTION SHARES OP THE UNPAID REASSESSMENT PR.INCIPA.L FOR EXISTING REASSESSME~l~T 4852 TO NEw REASSESSMENTS 4918 THROt~GH 495$ CREATED B~' RECORDATION OF TRACT NO.6o5o "PHASE 3" CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO.86-2 (BUENA VISTA TRUNK SEWER/RANCHO LABORDE STAGE 1-A) REASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AI~~ENDMENT NO. l 09 1. I?ESCRIPTION OF EXISTING REASSESSMENT 4852; A. Existing Reassessment 4852 thereafter "Reassessment 4852"} is identified as Kern County Assessor's Tax Number ~ATN} 494-35~-8~. Reassessment 4852 was created by Reassessment and Diagram Amendment No.107 Amendment No. l 07}for Assessment District No, 8- ~"AD 8~-2"}pursuant to the recordation of Tract No. bo5o "Phase 2" ~"TR f o50-~"). Tract No. X050 "Phase 3" ~"TR X050-3"}subdivides Reassessment 4$52 creating 4o single-family residential lots and 1 towerline lot. The 4o residential lots Lots 1 through 4o in TR X050-3}are assigned Amended Reassessment Numbers ~"Amended Reassessments"} 4918 through 495 ~, respectively, and the towerline lot {Lot 41 in TR X050-3} is Amended Reassessment 4958. B. Reassessment 4852 is within an area that was included in Assessment and Diagram Amendment No. 19 Amendment No. 19}, Amendment No. 19 was a Change and Modification that respread the original and unpaid assessment principal amounts for all of the AD 8d-2 parcels owned by Riverlakes Ranch, to bring those parcel assessments into conformance with their amended land uses approved by General Plan Amendment 1-90 Segment III ~"GPA 1-9o-III"}. The Original Assessments from which Reassessment 4852 was created were modified to conform to GPA 1-9o-III by Amendment No. 19. See Amendment No.19for details on the amended land uses and the impact on the AD 8~-2 Assessments in this area, All of Reassessment 4852 is located within the Telephone Bene~.t Zone of AD 86-2, the Stage 1-A Benefit Zone of AD 8~-2, and within the Buena vista Trunk Sewer ~"B~'TS"} Benefit Zone. The improvement costs assessed to the B~'TS and Telephone Benefit Zones were funded by only Series A Bonds for AD 8~-2, and the improvement costs assessed to the Stage 1-A Benef it Zone were funded by Series B, C~ and D Bonds for AD 8~-2, C. The total remaining Reassessment Principal Amount for Reassessment 4852 effective January 1, 200, at the beginning of the Zo~612007 Tax `ear} is ~ 19,'31,95. The total Original AD 8~-2 Assessment Amount .for Reassessment 4852 is $1 b9,32~.52, and is assessed as described below: 29748EXC l 1 It2~1~6 2. DESCRIPTIGN t~F TI-IE PRaCEDURE I~SED Tt~ SEGREGA~FE AND APPURTIt~N THB QRICrINAL ASSESSNJfENT A-ND ITS UNPAID REASSESSMENT PRINCIPAL AMDCINT FRGM REASSESS~I[ENT 4852 TG NE'V~ REASSESS~NTS 4918 THROUGH 4958: ~,. As stated above, the improvements for reassessments that are located in the Buena vista T~.~nk Suer Benefit Zone and the Telephone Benefit Zone were funded by only Series A Bonds and the improvements for reassessments that are located in the Stage 1-A Benefit Zone for street and utility improvements were fended by Series B, ~, and D Bonds in addition to Series A Bonds funding the BVTS facilities. The total ~?riginal .Assessment and the remaining AD 8~-2 Unpaid Reassessment Principal for Reassessment 4852 are apportioned to the lots created by TR b050-~ as follows: a. Buena Vista. Trunk Sewer (BVTS} Assessment (Series A Bands): i. The BVTS Capacity for parcels from which Reassessment 4$52 was c~•eated was originally allocated based on their land use designations presented in GPA 1-90-III. The original EDU allocations for the BVTS assessment spread were based on the estimated gross acres of various land uses Suburban Residential (SR), Low Density Residential SLR},Law Medium Density Residential ~IJMR~, and ~lpen Space ~GS~ for golf courses and lakes, within each of the parcels affected by GPA 1-90-III and the "Modules Land Use Plan" per the Riverlakes Ranch Plan conforming to GPA 1-90-III, The lake that was proposed to be developed in Section 8; T 29 S, R 2'~ E, M:DB~M vas not assessed but its area charge was respread to ail benefitted surrounding parcels in direct proportion to each benefitted parcel's area. tin August 12, 1998 the City Council of the City of Bakersfield approved Riverlakes Ranch Specific Plan Amendment in accordance with Zone Change No, P97-0892 ~``ZC P9~-o892"}and General Plan Amendment No. P97-0892 ~"GPA P9~-0892"~ amending land uses on .all parcels affected by Parcel Nlap Na,10557 ~"PM 1055"~ and Parcel Map 10558 t"PM 1055$"}. A copy ofthe snap showing the revised land use plan per GPA P9~-o892 is attached to this Engineer's Report for reference. By AD 8~-2 Reassessment and Diagram Amendment No. 50 "Arnendn~ent No. 50"~ each benefitted parcel was allocated its share of the BVTS Capacity charge in direct proportion to the number of Equivalent Dwelling Units ~EDUs} allocated to each of therr~. The number of EDUs allocated to each parcel was calculated based on the n~axhnu~n permitted number of Dwelling units ~DUs~ for each parcel when developed according to the land uses approved in GPA P97-0$92 and in accordance to Bakersfield 2010 General Plan ~" 2010 Plan"} and in prapor~ion to each parcel's net areas within each land use presented in said GPA P97- OS92. The parcels' net areas were obtained from The Dealt Corporation fan engineer retained by the Riverlakes Ranch Specific Plan Amendment proponent and original owner of former parcels from which Reassessment 4852 vas created}. A copy of the table shaving said net areas for each parcel 29708ExC ~ 2 I Ii271~b affected by Amendment No. 5 o is enclosed for reference. The approved maXi~nu~n permitted DU densities and corresponding number of EDUs for each land use designation are as follows; - Suburban Residential ~~R}: 4.0o DU f 4.00 EDU per acre -Low Density Residential SLR}: 7.2d DU / '1.2~ EDU per acre - Low IUledium Density Residential ~LNIR}; l o.oo DU I Io.OO EDU per acre - High tedium Density Residential ~H~1~R):17.42 DU l 13.4o EDU per acre - General Commercial ~~~}: ~.oo DU I f.oo EDU peg acre However, the owner of former Reassessment 4142 from which Reassessment 4852 wa,s created through Amendment ~o. ~2 and Amendment I~o.1 ~~} has requested, and the Public works Department of the City of Bakersfield has approved that request -that all residential lots in Vesting Tentative Tract No. ~OSQ ~`iTen TR ~Q50"}, covering the entire former Reassessment 4142, be apportioned an equal per lot share of the total original assessment and the remainin reassessment rind. ~.~ amounts for former Reassessment 4142 and g p p Reassessment 4852. It is the finding of this apportionment analysts that each and every residential lot approved for subdivision from Reassessment 4852 as a art of Ten TR X050 will receive the sane level of benefit from the p hnprovements funded by AD 8~-2. Accordingly, the total original BVTS Capacity assessment amount for Reassessment 4852 is apportioned to the TR X054-3 residential lots,. as those lots are shown on the TR ~oSO-3 map. The TR ~oSO-3 share is then spread among the 40 residential lots as an equal per lot assessment sham. There are no remainder parcels created by TR 6oS o-a . The towerline lot is not assessed. ii. In Amendment ~o. So the BVTS Oversizing charge for each of the three Benefit Zones Stage 1-A, Telephone, and Sewer only) was allocated only to Amended Reassessments, or portions of Amended Reassessments, Located within each Benefit Zone. within each Benefit Zone the total BVTS Oversizing amount vas first adjusted reduced} based on the total BVTS Capacity allocated to parcels within each zone tto keep the total Original Assessment unchanged}, and such adjusted BVTS Oversizi~ig amounts were reallocated to the benefitted parcels in direct proportion to parcel net areas as shown on the enclosed table provided by The Dewalt Corporation. The BVTS Oversizing charge originally allocated to Reassessment 4852 is apportioned to the lots created by TR boSO-3 in the same manner as the BVTS Ca achy. equal per existing residential lot pursuant to TR ~oSO.3. p b. Stage 1-A Arterial. Street and Utility Assessment Series B, C, and D Bonds; As stated previously, Reassessment 4852 is located within the Stage 1-A Benefit Zane. The Stage 1-A, Street, and Utility Improvement Assessments consist of 29708EXC 3 I If27/06 several components including a basic street area charge, a mayor street trip generation charge and a sewer frontage charge. However, this portion of the original assessment amount for Reassessment 4852 is allocated to the new lots created by TR do5o-3 in the same manner as the BUTS Capacity and the BvTS Oversizing: as and equal assessment share per existing residential lot in TR do50~-3. B. Apportionment of the Remaining Reassessment Principal Balance from Reassessment .4852 to Amended Reassessments 4918 through 4958: The three original AD $~-~ Series of Tax Exempt Bonds Series A, B, and D} were re~.inded in January of 1994 by a Single Series of Tax Exempt Bonds. The single original AD 86-2 Series of Taxable Bonds (Series C} were also refunded at the same time by a Single Series, of Taxable Bonds. The amount required to ref~~nd each original series of bonds was prorated to each parcel based on that parcel's remaining principal for that,. original bond series. The total. remaining ,reassessment principal amount for each .~ 8b- 2 Bond Series for Reassessment 4852 is apportioned to the new lots created by the recordation of said TR dOSO-~ in direct proportion to the original assessment share that is apportioned to each new lot and parcel by each AD 8~•2 Bond Series, Note: TR ~~SO-3 Lot 22 contains a future water well easement to the City of Bakersfield. If in the future this Lot 22 is subdivided to create a separate parcel/lot for the water well, that future water well parcel/lot will not be allocated a share of the AD 8~-2 reassessment amount QTR 6050-3 Lot 22 is already assessed the same amount as all other residential lots in TR X050-3}, and there will be no need for future AD 8~-2 apportionments based on any possible creation of a separate parcel/lot for a water well from TR ~05~-3 Lot 22. 1'~ore detailed information on the land uses, zoning and dwelling unit densities used to apportion Reassessment 4852 is on file in the o:~.ce of the Public t~'orks Director and the office of the Planning Director for the City of Bakersfield, PREPARED B~: ~~ILSQN & ASSOCIATES By: L.~L VV Date: l t'1 Z 10 ~ _ EDWARD J. WILSON, R. C. E. 23269 (EXPIRES 12-31-07} REASSESSMENT ENGINEER, ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO.86-2 4QRp'~FSS1p~~l ti~~~ PAD '~' ~~ls ~~'~ ~~~ Qy~, ~ m °= No. 23269 ~ * Exp. 12/31/07 ,~ s~. CIVtI. ~~~ ~F OF CA~1F0~ 2970~~x~ 4 ~ ~I271~G '~i.~ .. a•- ~ y.N I.A. ~ ~~=Fy e .R'• ~~ (j 'Y 9~ 4 7 ~x i 9 A a i ~, ~ ~ ~~ k ia"~ ~t ~l ~4~9 #~ !~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~~~ E." +'~t ~ sroi 1~~8~i H iME ~~ ~~ tt~ ~-ctu ~ '~ x~ ,~ .~ _.. ~'~'r~~si~ i~~aalpo ,fit •~ itrnw met ~ru~ ~ ~ ~ ~t ~, - _--- - - . ~r'"C~ •+r~ ~~ '~ ~ , ~ ~~` "V~ }' ~ i s Y j~~~ i 1j~ ~w al4rt 1/~ ~ y~ .a E ~rt ~'i~ z~p~$.jss{ L 1A1 ~ ~ ~! ~ ~ f}c6~ y~Q~y^}. !rM}. ,`. ~ S~ 1i Stl H. ~R ~ ~ ~ ~r r]{1~~lr,'. 'VM''F ~: ,•~,{y.'~~F~~( _ i 1r SF l~ ~" ~t~~ ~ i M./i l~r ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ' Yi ii ~a.s~~i S,~iYV ~ s dtl~2s St Sd ff S art ~ +Me~ 7~ s !: s ~y C ~6 a~s~ ,~ ~ t fd ~ ~ 8ia d' ~ yp. ..... ~aa.F 3~ ~~ Y• i# s ~ S a d ~a ~ ~ ~ 9A i ~~4F~~~Y i~V~~~~~iesf ~~AF eMy ~~1g *~ ~ ~11'S F5 ~~! ~~-_+2. ~l ~Y t~~ [3,4~ ,f~+3~ .ems .R. t S7'fl+ M{~f {#j3 11r~~ ~~~~ ~w ~~ Llf ~i ~~II~R W ~1Y( i ~'AF. ~ RK ' ~sF~ ~~ 7R•'~1 ~@ ~ 'Mf~ \ ~ *. 1, ~~ w,M '~ ~1'- '~1. R~ A ~R~ `V 7~~i ~ ~d ~ l~ '4~ ~~~~++'~x ~ I ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~: F . Rd 3 ~~ 1. ''Ta a jf [~ A- i ~~! f ~ ~~ ~~~f ~Mt'ti: N~' t~ P ~ys ~ ~ p~r ~~R ~# t V~~~ ~31 ~~ ~ ~r~ ~ 'i! if-~ BR~ !~/~~~ ~~3 N Y - ~i a ~C ~ ! % d{J' ~ ~ # / g*''^^ ~~~ ~ ~~iE ~6 Y. ~ ~t l~` X14, ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ p EXHIB~~' D LISTING OF ORIGINAL REASSESSMENT AMOUNTS FOR AMENDED REASSESSMENTS 4918 THROUGH 4958 CITY OF BAICERSFIELR ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.86-2 (BUENA VISTA TRUNK SEWERIRANCHO LABORDE STAGE 1-A} COUNTY OF KERN, CALIFORNIA REASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT N0.1 x9 AMENDED PARCEL DETAILS OF TAX EXEMPT ORIGINAL REASSESSMENT ORIGINAL TOTAL AMENDED REASMT NUMBERS DESGRIPTfON 1 ASSESSOR'S TAX NUMBER ATN} ORIGINAL SERIES A SEWER} ORIGINAL SERIES B (STAGE 1-A ORIGINAL SERIES D STAGE 1 A} TOTAL TAX EXEMPT ~A + B ~ D} TAXABLE REASMT AMOUNT ORIGINAL REASMT AMOUNT 4918 TRACT N0.605x "PHASE 3"; LOT 1 793.97 725.80 990.42 2,51x.19 510.15 3,92x.34 4919 TRACT NO.6059 "PHASE 3"; LOT 2 793.97 725.80 990.42 2,519.19 510.15 3,x20.34 4920 TRACT NO.6fl5fl "PHASE 3", LOT 3 793.97 725.80 990.42 2,519.19 519.15 3,929,34 4921 TRACT NO.6059 "PHASE 3"; LOT 4 793.97 725.80 990.42 2,510.19 51x.15 3,42x.34 4922 TRACT N0.605x "PHASE 3"; LOT 5 793.97 ?25.80 999.42 2,51 x.19 510.15 3,02x.34 4923 TRACT NO.605D "PHASE 3' ;LOT 6 793.97 ~ 725.84 99x.42 2,510.19 510.15 3,020.34 4924 TRACT N0.695x "PHASE 3"; LOT 7 793.97 725.84 99x.42 2,51x.19 51x.15 3,92x.34 4925 TRACT N0.6950 "PHASE 3"; LOT 8 793.97 725.84 990.42 2,519.19 510.15 3,029.34 4925 TRACT NO.6fl5x "PHASE 3"; LOT 9 793.97 725.84 99fl.42 2,51x.19 510.15 3,x20.34 4927 TRACT NO.6050 "PHASE 3"; LOT 10 793.97 725.80' 990.42 2,51x.19 519.15 3,x29.34 4928 TRACT NO.605x "PHASE 3"; LOT 11 793.97 725.80 990.42 2,51x.19 51x.15 3,020.34 4929 TRACT NO.605x "PHASE 3"; LOT 12 793.97 725.89 99x.42 2,510.19 51x.15 3,x2(1.34 4934 TRACT N0, 6054 °PHASE 3"; LOT 13 793.97 725.84 999.42 2,510.19 510.15 3,02x.34 4931 TRACT NO.6059 "PHASE 3' ;LOT 14 793.97 725.84 99x.42 2,51 x.19 51x.15 3,fl20.34 4932 TRACT NO.6059 "PHASE 3"; LOT 15 793.97 725.84 99x.42 2,510.19 510.15 3,42x.34 4933 TRACT N0.605x "PHASE 3"; LOT 16 793.97 725.80 999.42 2,510.19 51x.15 3,x20.34 4934 TRACT NO.605a "PHASE 3"; LOT 17 793.97 725.50 99x.42 2,519.19 51x.15 3,020.34 4935 TRACT NO.6059 "PHASE 3"; LOT 18 793.97 725.80 99x.42 2,51x.19 51x,15 3,x20.34 4930 TRACT NO.605x "PHASE 3"; LOT 19 793.97 725.80 990.42 2,51x.19 51x.15 3,x24.34 4937 TRACT NO.6x50 "PHASE 3'; LOT 20 793.97 725.80 99x.42 2,519.19 51x.15 3,x29.34 4938 TRACT NO.6050 "PHASE 3"; LOT 21 793.97 725.84 990.42 2,51x.19 51x.15 3,02x.34 4939 TRACT NO.6x5x "PHASE 3' ;LOT 22 793.97 725.80 998.42 2,51 x.19 51x.15 3,020.34 4940 TRACT N0.6059 "PHASE 3"; LOT 23 793.97 725.$0 990.42 2,510.19 51x.15 3,92x.34 4941 TRACT N0.695a "PHASE 3"; LOT 24 793.97 725..80 99x.42 2,51x.19 51x.15 3,02x.34 4942 TRACT NO. x959 "PHASE 3"; LOT 25 793.97 725.80 990.42 2,51 x.19 510.15 3,x2€3.34 4943 TRACT NO. sa54 "PHASE 3"; LOT 26 793.97 725.80 989.42 2,51 x.19 51x.15 3,02x.34 4944 TRACT NO.605x''PHASE 3"; LO'f 27 793.97 725.80 99x,42 2,51x.19 51x.15 3,020.34 4945 TRACT N0.6050 "PHASE 3"; LOT 28 793.97 725.80 990.42 2,51x.19 519.15 3,x20.34 4946 TRACT N0.605x "PHASE 3"; LOT 29 793.97 725.89 99x.42 2,510.19 510.15 3,020,34 4947 TRACT NO.6050 "PHASE 3"; LOT 30 793.97 725.80 999.42 2,51x.19 510.15 3,020.34 4948 TRACT NO.6050 "PHASE 3"; LOT 31 793.97 725.84 999.42 2,51x.19 510.15 3,020.34 4949 TRACT NO.6050 "PHASE 3"; LOT 32 793,97 725.89 999.42 2,51x.19 510.15 3,020.34 4950 TRACT N0.6059 "PHASE 3"; LOT 33 793:97 725.84 99x.42 2,51x.19 510.15 3,020.34 4951 TRACT NO.605x "PHASE 3"; LOT 34 793.97 725.84 990.42 2,51x.19 51x.15 3,02x.34 4952 TRACT N0.6050 "PHASE 3"; LOT 35 793.97 725.84 99x.42 2,519.19 ` 51x.15 3,020.34 4953 TRACT NO.6050 "PHASE 3°'; LOT 36 793.97 725.80 990.42 2,519.19 514.15 3,020.34 4954 TRACT NO.6x5x "PHASE 3"; LOT 37 793.9T 725.84 990.42 2,51x.19 519.15 3,02x.34 4955 TRACT NO.6x5x "PHASE 3"; LOT 38 793.97 725.80 990.42 2,510.19 51x.15 3,x29.34 4'956 TRACT N0.6fl59 "PHASE 3"; LOT 39 793.97 725.80 99x.42 Z,51fl.19 519.15 3;02x.34 4957 TRACT N0.6050 "PHASE 3'; LOT 4x 794.x1 725.94 990.37 2,519.32 519.29 3,x29.61 4958 TRACT NO.6050 "'PHASE 3"; LOT 41 0.00 x.90 x.00 O.Ofl 9.x0 O.xx TOTAL ORIGINAL AMOUNT APP{?RTIONEp: 31,758.84 29,x32.14 39,616.75 19x,407:73 2x,406.14 120,813.87 NOTE: THE AD 86-2 REMAINING BALANCE, AS EXISTING ON DECEMBER 1,1993, HAS BEEN REFUNDED AND REDUCED AS DESCRIBED IN THE REASSESSMENT ENGINEER`S REASSESSMENT REPORT FOR THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.8&-2, AS APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL ON JANUARY 12,1994 REASSESSMENT REPORT}. THE AMOUNTS SHOWN ABOVE ARE THE ORIGINAL REFUNDING AMOUNTS HAD THESE PARCELS EXISTED AT THE TIME OF REFUNDING. 297osExa D-~ ~ ~r27~2o06 ~ ~ gw N z I tZY wr ly ~ I r~ CO w ~w Irro f zw o ¢° iz~z i wY M w U Id~n 1 Up w~rNO i z i oz ~~ •~ Ua ~_ I a Na°W'~ ~°aa IU}Q o=~N}°~o ~ oo ~ wz r I no arJ r a ter",-w U~- E-~ ~ 1s-q U i No 1°~~Zw 1oU i>=U~ ~~~w~p~Q I aq U 0 ~. w i wJ mNw~z i~~Q I z o o aooNU o ~ t--i e},, rn ?~ ~ I oW Qo~Qr law Irwu. zUw Umw ~ i ~ ~ o ¢ ( W r J IazJ W ~W (? a ~~ NU ~. 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N ~ '~' r O tt M ~ ~t m M ~ M ~ O M ~ ~ ~ N M ~ d' ~~ ~ h~ M ~ ~; ~ rn ~t ~ ~ H Z ~ ~ ~ o a ~ d Q ~ Z O U 'd' Q ~ Y m O'~a ~ g o m w ~ ~ ~wz ~ a ~ a rt m ¢ to a ~~o~ o~¢ J d~ U ~ ~z ~ ~ ~-.Z O~w w ~~ m ~ ° J A0.t% .~ 3. „ ar' +ro OPT ~~ H 3 am ? a W ~ N ,~. U ~. P p O Q~d6' tK p~ X03 W y~C ~~938 ~ ~~v\ ~ R h b~~dP 5d m ° ~. a~ ~~ o x ro~ , a N y H~ U ti O dq~ X03 ~ ~~4 '~PJ38 C N 0 N ti ~~ o ~~ ti a U 0 PUBLIC FINANCING AUTHORITY December 6, 2006 Raul M, Rojas Public Works Department City of Bakersfield 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301 Re: Reassessment and Diagram Amendment No.109, City of Bakersfield Assessment District No. 86-2, Segregating and Apportioning Existing Reassessment 4852, to New Reassessments 4918 through 4958. Dear Mr. Rojas: I herewith acknowledge that the City of Bakersfield Public Finance Authority has received the Notice to Bondholder form for the referenced Reassessment and Diagram Amendment No.109 for Assessment District No. 86-2. Please be advised that the City ofBakersfield- Public Finance Authority accepts the amended reassessments shown on Engineer's Report Exhibit A attached to the Notice to Bondholder and a public ,hearing on those reassessment amendments will not be requested within the fourteen day notice period as provided by law. Very truly yours, City of Bakersfield Public Finance Authority B Date: ~Z~ v~ Y• Nelson K. Smith ~~ A~ ~E REA~~~~~l~~~T'~ 4918 T~~~~ 4958 ~~`~~~~ ~~~ '~~ to ~~ e or~ina~ pnrehaser ~ the ends issued ~ the `~~ ~` BA~~~.S~`~~ t~ represent ~e unp~.d reassessments ~e~atin to the ac~uis~t~on and eonstruction of certain ~~~ ~pr~~re~ents ~n an assssnent diset .~~~ and d~~~~aed as A~~~T ~~~~~' ~:~. B~W~. laid bonds mere ~ssue~. pursuant t~ the terns ~~. provisions o~the ~~~n~prave~nent ~Qnd Aet of 9i ~~' be~n~ ~~v~s~~n ~ ~ ~f ~e trees and Chas ~~de of the Mate of ~a~~fornia. ~T`~~~ ~ RE ~ that an apport~on~~ent has been requested ~~ the p~ope~ oner~s~ and prepared by the ~u~erintendent of streets o~the ~.~~~~. reassess~ne~ts reiat~ng to the reassessments and ~ar~es as sh~~n ~n ~ .~ ~~~:~ ~~~`~ '' fir s~ d~striet, a~aehed hereto ~. incorporated herein re~'erenee. ~C~~'~~E ~ ~~8 -~' that u~~ess ~. request for ~. p~.b~ie hear~n~ is received `ron~ you ith~n fourteen ~ 1 ~~ dais from the date o~na~1~n~, ofth~s ~ot~ce, the above-referenced amended reassessments shag ~~ recorded ~n h~ ~anne~ ~.nd fin as ~~eu~~d bf a~~3. f a. reu~st fir hea.n~ ~s rece~ved~ ~, repo ~ shad be filed ~.~. ~. hearing shah be scheduled, noticed, and held in accordance Fite pad ~con~.encin ~ ect~n 8~30~ ~f said ~~TisiOn ~ ~. ~f tau have an~~ further questions, pease contact the unders~~ned at the foiio~ing address: :a~~. oas p~b~ic f o~•s director 15~~ Tr~~tun Avenue ~a~ers~ie~d, ~A 93301 3~3~~ phis procedure ~s purs~t to tie p~ ~~r~~~ns of ~ 0.5 of ~v~~~~n 0 of the streets and. ~~~h~~~a~ s fade of the Mate of ~alifc~rnia, the «~nprovenent fond Act o~ 19 ~ 5 ." Dated: ~,/~p ~ . perintendent of streets ~,i~~ ~f ~ers~e~d Mate of ~ai~forn~a AD ~6-Z I I/271~6 EX~4l~4T A AME4~4DE[.1 nr :^~. x sr ern e ~~,^.~+ g { G,, y~ .~.~ "c d;r°i:tC~.,',=.SaS' ?sf%C~~gt~9 ~ ~F - LYF' T" 6/~ l.Jif~'~)'Y~t~h~34~~~L[J ?'6a~`eJ~i~}~Sl~l~~~ ~fs~}fT~k ~l.r ~~ ~~~~. ~i~",C , ~$4JENA ~IISTA TRLI#~K SEifi~ERIRANC1~13 >"ABQRDE STALE 1-A1 C13UNTY OF KERN, CAL{FO{~NIA AENOIN ~ E11~ST~`'~C SRIMAS:~E aSMENT 4852 P,NC A{?D4NQ NEt~ REASSESSMENTS 491& THf~Q1?CH 4858 pC~EATEC3 ICY RECG~RDATI{1~- QE TRACT 4~Q. 6050 ,!F~AS~ 3ff r~EASSIwS:SMEivT,RNC~ ~{f~c~FA~~ AME:~~~!~ENT NQ. 11~ AMENDED I~ARCEL flLTAILS 01= TA3f EXE4~FT AMENDED REASSI=SS~4EN T{1TAL T13TAL AMENDED DESCR{FTICN f ~1=RTES A SERIES B ~ SE#~IES D TpTAL ~ TA)1A~LE A4~E(vL3EL~ FE Gc~,~T e SCARE ~ S~~ARE ~ 5~#ARE TAB FXEF , nSESQF~S ~'R~ ~ a~.~E~t~E3 ~ ~FQYrRTY o AMQt ~3~T ~ R~AS~CT 3 Y, ! 1 !tT~..! ±T..~r N~~v~LE1l '.s]i f~f,3I?~~3 i.,y ThfA 1 ~"'ttfp~f~Y3x=~'i ~9~ny~~p!~ t Fi9"tA~CC ~~F M1d !$~r, ~ ~~~ ~ l~Fpl'~ ~~~ 9!'3fF~/~Y ~ ~~A -1• R } i„s~ ~ d'E'J:}k;13L)1 ~~f$l 5`J,J 4JM MS Yb~1] YRI ~.?WR6..4 ~>IWbJ!!I.L AIS! ~1...Y YYv Y. 'v ~,m~~ 'a! ' .~. u 'v ~ , ~F~ ~# ~fl~ ;~ t ~~ ~Rlll'ti 1 Ig 1 ~ VV~ f___~ TRACT N0.6050 "PHASE 3" QTR 6454-3~ S4.1SD{~{DES E~{STCI~G REASSESSMENT 4852 CREAT4NG 40 SIN'QI.E-FAMILY RESbDENT4AL LOTS AND 1 T1~~ttERLCNE LOT. THE 40 RES4DENTCAL C_®TS ~LQTS 1 TI.4R;~JQH 40 ~~; TR 6Q51?'3} ARE ASS4~Si~MED R;~~ENDED REA SSESu~~ENT NL~~hSERS 4918 TI-{RG1~QH 4957, RES~ECTI~ELY, A~I~ T`HF Tf~°ERL 4NE € Q T ~LQT 4144 TR 6Q51~ CS AMENDED REASSESSaE4~4T 4958. Ti {E Tv T A~ REASSES SMENT AMQ~~ EQR E:~~S~'{Q REA~SESSME,4852 {S APFQRT4O NED Tit THE 4€1 RED{OENT4AL L.~TS CR.I^ATE4~ RY TR 6451-3~. TC-ME TOERLINE L1'1T 4S NQT ASSESSED.. THE TOTAC_ DNPA{~ REAS:SESSMENT €~RINC{RAC:. A4QI:1NT FQR E~4STINQ REASSESSMENT 4852 ~EEM=ECT4~iE JANUARY 1, 2006, AT THE HEC{~INiN1~ QF THE 2413~i121)07 TAK YEAR) #S $19,731.95. THE TOTAL REASSESSMENT Aq,~pt}r~T ApFr~R 3IC},t~tED Tn EACH NEB t QT S SHOGUN LIN43ER THE Cpl U3~1{N ENT{TL ED'"{'pTA[_ AMENDI=~3 REASMT RMfl L1NT." EXISTING REASSESSMENT 4852 4S DELETED FR£?M THE REASSESSMENT ROLL FOR ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.86-2. 4~1~ TRACT Nf~. ~~ ~~SE "; ~.:~3T 3. T',H~ Ea~4~R`;?r°~~'S AT RI~°E3~~.AIS, L.~. 33.+47 142..91 2132.7.5 882,1 ~~~.17 493.34 4919 TRACT NQ. 6Q58 ~FHA$E 3"; LOT 2 TFCE FA{R~fAYS AT RI~ERLAKES, L.P. 36.47 142.91 2112.75 382.13 311.17 4`33.311 4929 TRACT N;~. 6050 "PHASE 3N; LOT 3 THE FA!R~AtAYS AT RI~.~ERLAuES, L .4~. 36.47 142.91 2112.7 382.13 111.17 493.39 4921 TRACT N13.64513 "PHASE 3"; L{1T 4 THE EAIR~^IAYS AT R!I~EI~LAffES, ! . F. 36.4? 142.9? 2~J2.75 382.1? '411.1? 493.39 4922 TRACT N1.~. 611511 `~HAE 3";, ~QT ~ T1.4~ FAIRWAYS AT R4~ERLAK~~!, L.t~. 36.4 142.9# 2t~2.~~ 2-fib 111'. ~ ~ X3.313 4823 TRACT N1;3.69541 ~I?HASE 3"; L{3T 6 THE FA{R~'~AYS AT R{(TEACAKES, L.F, 36.47 142.97 242.75 382.13 111.17 493.39 4924 TRACT ~-t~, 8~5~t'~t-CAGE 3,; ~ C3 i 7 T#-!E ~,gtRt~lAvS A T rR4~C"R~ AKES, L.p. 36.4? 142.`x? 2fl2.75 3£2.13 111.17 493.3? 4926 TRACT NQ. 6054 "FI-IASE 3"; Lt}T 8 THE RAIR~AYS AT RiU1=RLA{~I=S, t.F. 36.47 142.91 202.75 382.13 111.17 493.3Q 4928 TRACT N~3.. Iri05t~ :F~2f1S:E 3`~; LQ T y T1 t~ EA6#`~~~'~#A~'S A ! ~tIL~ERES~ L.I. 36:47 '# 4L.9 i .2#12. ~s~ 882,"18 7 fi.1 # 493.3u 4921 TRACT N11.6050 "PHASE 3"; ~ QT 10 TI-4E EAPRAYS AT C~{~ERLAKES, I_, E. 36.47 142.91 2Q2.75 382.13 111.17 4x3.39 4928 TRACT NO.6450 "F{~.A~E 3' ; LQT 11 THE FA{R~UAYS AT R4~!EC?LA4~ES, ~ . F. X6.47 142.9 $ 202.75 382.13 111.17 493.30 4929 'TRACT NO.6(156 °'PHASE 3"; LGT 12 THE C=A4Rl~~fAYS AT C?C~EC~~ AKES, ~~.F. 36.47 142.97 202.75 382.13 111.17 493.30 4930 TRACT CUE1.6054 "PHASE 3"; ~t'~T 13 THE EA1R~Y~~t`A~S`S AT ~?CRtA{~ESr C_.€~. 31rr,4f' 142.9 i 202..7-`5 a€~2.fi' 1 i 1.17 493.311 4937 TRACT Nf3.61)50 "PHASE 3";1..~3T 74 THE EAIR~~rA"S AT 1~1~11=R~AIIES, L. F, 36.47 142.91 2112.75 382.13 111.17 493.39 RQ27 TRACT NO.6n5n "ERASE 3"; =_1~T 95 THE FAIRWAYS AT R4VERt A'.~{C;S, L.F_ 36.47 142.91 292.75 382.13 141,17 493,30 4933 TRACT N0.61)54 "PHASE 3". ~ pT 16 THE FAIR'~TUAYS AT RIVERLAKES, L.F. 36.47 142.91 202.75 382.13 111.17 493.30 4934 TRAC's U. b~15U fxF;HASE ~';1..13T 1 ~ Tf ~E FA4R UA ~'S AT R4'~+E~1.A~ES, I<. F. 3f~.4 7 142.91 242.75 3:82.13 ;11.17 493.30 4935 TRACT NO.61}59 AFC-4ASE 3'", L£1'T 18 TC-IE FA4RAYS AT RI~ERLAKES. L.F. 36.4? 142.91 202:75 382.13 111.17 493.30 4936 TRACT 14!O.6454 "F?-e>ASE 3"; LpT 19 THE FA4R~A`TS AT R?~E4~LAKES: L. p. 36.47 142.91 202.75 382.13 111.17 493.30 4937 TRACT NO.6115Q "PHASE 3"; LQT 2Q THE M+A4R~AYS AT R4l~ERLAKES, ! .F. 36.47 142.91 2Q2.75 382.13 711.17 493.30 4938 TRACT NO.6~~11 "PHASE ~~, ~~1T 2~~ t ~C" ~'A#:~f~Y~`? sal T k4t~;f;~t~~As~..S, L.~. .4g ~ 4L.~~ ~Ef~~.~'.~' ~~t2. C~ ~ ~d C. C t' 4~J.3~`1 4939 TRACT 114.6050 "Pl'iASE 3"; L13T 22 THE FA4R'UUAYS AT Rt1IERLAKES, L.F, 36.47 942:91 242.75 382.13. 141.17 493.30 4940 TR,b,CT A!O.645Q "P!-IASE'3"; LQT 23 THE FAIRj~xAYS AT Rl~ERL.AKES, L. P. 36.47 742.91 242.75 3A2.1'3 111.17 493.30 4941 TRACT N0.6050 "PHASE 3"; 4.QT 24 THE FA{RV!lAYS AT RCiTERLAKES, L.F. 3&.47 142.91 202.75 382.13 111.17 493.30 4942 TRACT fi~Q. 61154 `'~AS~ 8s.; %QT 25 T H~ EA4R't~i`AYS AT 1~ER~.A~:ES, I.. F. 36.47 44z.9 242..7.5 381,33 fi 11.7 7 493.30 4943 ASE 3": L~?T 26 TRACT NQ. 6€151! `"PH THE FAIRWAYS AT R4ITERLAKES, 4.. F. 6.47 3 14 2.91 2Q2.75 382.13 1 fi 1.17 493. 3 Q 4944 R TRACT :41C. 6f15J "4~: iT~SE 3r; I.QT 2? Tf~E ~AIC~~:~AYi AT #~IL~Ei~C..^ap1ES, ! . F. X } st6.47 8 1'12.91 ?42.75 382.13 i 11.17 ry g 493.J13 4945 TRACT NQ. 61154 °4~HA~SE 3"; LQT 28 THE FA4R~fAYS AT RIVERLAKES, L.P. 36.47 142.91 242.75 382.13 111.17 493.30 4948 TRACT {~Q. 645f1 "PHASE 3~; LQT 29 T'1'4E F°A3R1~~A,'~S AT R4l~EiRLAC^1ES., L_F. 31,1..47 142.91 2t~e''.75 382,13 r 11. fi7 493..311 4947 TRACT N11.6Q511 "PHASE 3"; LQT 30 THE FAiR~,tAYS AT R1~TIrRCAKES. L.F. 3fi.47 942.91 292.75 382.13 111.97 493.39 494$ TRACT ~!O.6050 "PHASE 3"; L1?T 31 TWE FA4Rl~UAYS AT RI?TEACAKES; L.P. 36.47 142.91 2(12.75 382..13 111.47 493,39 4949 TRACT N0.6454 "PHASE 3"; LC3T 32 THE FA4RAYS AT RCVC~RIAKES, LF. 36.47 142.91 202.75 382.13 1"11.17 498.30 4950 TRACT NO. ~t,~u "FH~tSE 8`° I`LT ; T HE EA4'#AYS A T R#'~`ER~a~ES, LR. 3.47 i 42.91 2s~2;'S 381.18 111.17 493.30 4951 TRACT 0413.6(350 "PHASE 3", LQT 34 THE FA4RAYS AT R{~ERLAC4ESf L.P. 36.41 142..91 21}2.75 382.1:3 111.17 493.34 4952 TRACT NO.6054 "PHASE 3"; L 9T 35 THE FA4RV~tAYS AT R4ElERL AGES, ~ .I'. 36.47 142.91 242.75 382.13 111.17 493.3(1 4953 TRACT AlQ. 61154 "4'HASE 3"; LQT 36 TCiE FA4Rt~~AYS AT C~CL~EC~~I<I_S, C_.P. 36.47 142.91 2(12.75 382.13 111.1? 43..30 4954 TRACT N13.6f35t~ (,PHASE 3", L€1T 87 Ti~E. FAfR~~`A~`S AT R:t~`ERI~KIwS, L.r: 36.47 142.9 i 242:.75 382, E8 1`41.17 493.311 4955 TRACT X413.611513 "PH.ASE 3"; Lt3T 38 TIDE FAIRWAYS AT R{1#ERLAI~ES, L.F. 36.47 742.91 242.75 382.33 311.17 493.39 4956 TI?.aCT Is~O.6050"PHASI= 3'; LC3T39 THE FACR~I~AYS AT R!~.tE~t~ gKES, L.F. 3F.d7 142.91 202.?a 382.13 111.17 493.30 4957 TRACT N1}. 645f1 "F~iASE 3"; LJT 44 THE FA{RVUAYS AT R{(TEACAKES, L.F. 36.35 143.11 202.78 382.24 111.07 493.25 4938 TRACT N0. fi0af1 CHASE 8~; L~3T 41 THE FAIR'~A`~S AT R1~lERI.AKES, L.F. x.013 x.411 4.013 13.#10 13: 0.013 TOTAL AM(}llNT APPt3RTIdNEC3: 1,458.68 5,71G.60 8,110.03 15,285.31 4,446.64 19,731.95 NOTES: 1. FOR A DETAMLED DESCRIPTIOI~i 13I= THE LINES, D4MENSIQXtS, AC~9D 1.OCATIpNS 13F 4~I~ASSESS~~IENTS 4918 TI-IROI3GIi 49x8 REFERENCE A SIlB{31V{SIaN MAP FQ,4 TRACT PJO.645'0 "C'HASE 3" RECURDED , 2406, IN SOCK _ 4I= MAPS, AT FADES ~ TI-iROL~1?'4-C ~, M~1 TI->E 1}FFICE ~?~ THE COUNTY C~EC4RDER 01= THE CQUO~TY OF KERN. ~~}} ^rt r n r n ~s~~e,xn sscssA:n '[~ ni A'n t'°~ R f3.'^s'xq tY'! f'~23`i eH3 Ci~~~Si~~ i 9At3'~ C 'LlC~3c# LY ~t 9ld~t.C9~ ~'113fi'~ A:Cf3t 3~f""~~}[u~ ~y C fi!~~Ct':F14£t~~f3 Aa ~~~If~» (-, ~~~. A~~LI1~F~}~3~+~~•}'M~,[~Tr VL/~kF'~~.il~,~~S Y.3L93,*~~~,w ~'+Ti SJ~'hi#-])SIIS..Ah :17 io3v.°~~, ~:~A'4,OL:S~~iY 1'.~t iiJ`]E.Y,i..~~'F~j ~M0.J lTw~[].i 1IL/!`YV ,iJLAIxYA 's3.L L.x./%Y1 tt,SA... REASSESSMENT ENGINEER°S REASSESSMEI~IT REPORT EE1R TI-IE CITY f3F ~AKERSF{ELQ ASSESSN{ENT DCSTRCGT N13.86-2, AS AFFRO THE C4TY COLtNC{L aN JAOCUARY 12,'994 REASSESSMENT REFQRT~. PREFAREp RY: W#LSON & ASSOCIRTIr f,... APFRQVED; ~ ~ ~ EDWARD J. ~fICSC?N R.1;.E. 23269 ~E~PIRES 3Z-81171 f DATE. VE ~~~Q~~~~~~}~~ ~~c, ~D ~. ~f, f ~sr~ ~ P ~ ~ `~~io.23269 ~ ~ EXp, ~ ~~~~~~~ ~ ~~ ~~~~~~ ~~ 1 ~ ~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~1~~~~1~~ ~~. ~~7. ~l. 8~.~~i E A ~ ~~d 3.1. 'C ~~ ~~~ ~ Ttf-~ Vi ~ iF ~~.f V~ ~ ~, ~ S ~.~~iJ ~.~~` v~ ~ ~ ~ 5. .~~~, ~,~~~# YY £3~~i t~Lf I~9.i ~ ~`r~i~`~~ s.3'..~~ YF~1,.i ~ a~ ~~~~c~~ ~.y~ he u~~ers~~e ~s the ~r~~~ aver ~. sh.~~~~~er ~ ~st~~ e~.ssessfe~t 4~~~ ~"Reassess~.e~t ~~~~" h~eh has ~eer~ sh~~~~~.e~. r~.e ~o. ~05~ 6~hase ~~~ ``` a- 3"}, ~.n~ ~s ~.~s~ the aver o ~~~ fiats e~•eate~ ~~ sad `. ~~5~-3, ~ ~escr~t~a~ a~ s~~ e~~st~r~~ rea~sess~et, ~ ~~ a~au~t ~ the ~~~:~ ~°e~.sses~~e~~t ~~°~~~ ,~~~~~ e~`feeti~e ~~~~.ary 1, ~~0~, ~.~~. a ~.ese~•~~t~c~r of how s~~~. p~.ree~ his heer~ s~.b~~~T~~ec~ ire ~nc~~~e. ~~~ ~~eer's ~:eart ~~ , eser~t~~~~ ~~ ~st~r~ .esss~~~ts ~ ~T a~ ~a~ers~el~ ~ssessn~e~t ~str~et Via. ~-~ ~here~~~.~ter ~` ~~-~`"}, ~,ttaehe hereto ~~. ~~ear~axate~. he~.•e~~ ~ ~•e~ere~ee. As the ari~n~.~ aver ~. s~.h~~v~der of ~~ re~ere~,ee~ Re~.ssessr~er~t 482, the ~.n~ers~gne~ hereh~ re~~es~s the S~.~er~~.ten~e~.~ a~ streets far the C~t~ a~ ~akers~e~~ to a~art~on the a~n.o~.nt ra~~.~~~ ~ . ~~.~ ~~~.ssess~et ~ ~:~c~r.~ee nth the r~~s~as a~ the h~~raver~ent ar~~. het ~~ ~ ~ 1 ~, ~e ~~~a~~. ~ri~ei~a~ ~,n~au~t far ~s~~. reassessr~e~t, as ~ha~vn one ~~~~ , his hee ~arae to e~eh ~er~.te the ar~~~. ree can~~r~s~r~~ sa~~. reassessm.e~.t, in the a~.a~.nts as sham an Er~,gir~eer's ~epc~rt ~h~bit A, ~e~~e~. Re~ssess~.e~t ~a~. ~.ttaehe~. hereto a~~ ~n.corpara~ed herein b~ reference. ~ ~~.~e re~~e~~ed ~~~~t ~ ~eseri~~a~. a~e~.ssess~en~ ~.ar~ia~e~~ Praeed~re~ ~~~uded ~n the a.~tae~ed ~r~~e~r's ~.e~art, deser~~~~ ~~.e procedure used to ~.~~ar~iar~ shares of ~~~ ~~~~,~~. re~.sse~~e r~e~~ au~au~~ ~r :easess~~ - ~~ ~ ~ ~~ has ~.~.d pa~ce~s c~e~.ted ~ ~~~ recardat~ar~ a~~a~d ~`. ~a~a-3. ~ursu~.~.~ ~a~a re~~eY a~~~z~~~~ ~, ~~e unders~~~.ed gas de~e~~ed ~~.~ a Feuded reass~ss~e~ a.aus sa~u a s~~d ~.~~~ .~ l~a~e ~eer~ ap~ar~~aued ~~ accarda~.ce j~~ ~.e ~e~e~~s e farces ilk receive from ~~e ~u~~rave~~en~s ~iuanced b ~~ 8~-2, b~.sed au c~rren~ ~~.rce~ ~ar~~u ~.~.d ~~~h ~ra~ased uses. ~~ere~re, ~e ~~rs~~ed ua~ee ~ ~~~. ears ~ ~~ auu~~~ a~i ~h~s re~ssessa~}~ ~.~~ar~~a.e, ~.eca~ts ~e racedre set ~a~' e re~es~ad ~.~~ar~~a~e~~ a~ ~~e ~~~~.~ ~~ce far said ~e~.ssess~e~~~ ~~, a,~~d reuess ~d cur~ser~~s ~a ~e recarda~an a~~~e a~a~~~a~ed re~.ssessrueu au ~e pra~er~~es far hic ~e undersigned ~s ~s~ed as the aver an tie accarn~.n~~ng Ex~~b~t A., and ~o the .a.en.ded reassessrnen.~ ~~u sow ~~rea~, u~~u~~ed ~a, T~~ ~A~ ~.' .~'~~~~, L.~'., aver of a ~a~s cre~.ted ~ ~`r~.c Via. ~a~Q "P.ase 3" v: ~aed. ~- ~ ~ ~aa~. r ~ r ~ttac end: n~r~ r'~ .ear an .eas~ess~er~~ ar~~a~en~~,~ a. a ?97~SFAR-S.~iP~ ~ 11/27106 C1T~ CAF BA.~ERSFIEED ASSESSMENT D1STRICT~~~. ~b-~ AI~JENDINC~ Ex.1ST~~ REASSESSI~~ENT 4~~~ TD CREATE NEw REASSESSMENTS 491 ~ TROU~~ 4958 F~RStJANT TO RECDRDA.TIDN DF TRACT ISO. f~~o "PHASE ~" 1. An application has been flied with the Superintendent of Streets of the City of Bal~ersfield requesting a segregation and apportionment of an existing reassessment within Assessment District Na. 8~-Z, pursuant to the division of the parcel. ~. ~ In accordance with said applicatian~ the undersigned hereby apportions to each separate part of the original pa~•cel of land the proportionate part of its respective unpaid reassessment that would have been levied thereon if the parcel had been so divided at the time the original reassessment was made. The undersigned has assigned a new reassessment number to each ne~~T parcel, as shown an the Amended Reas~essn~ent Diagram. attached hereto. 3. The existing reassessment number, new reassessment numbers, and apportioned reassessment amounts abased in each case on the unpaid principal, amount of reassessment effective January 1, 2QO~, at the beginning of the Z~o~/2(1Q?tax year} are as sham on Ex~~ibit A, "Amended Reassessment R~11,'~ attached hereto and incorporated herein b~ reference. A description of the referenced existing reassessment. and of how it has been subdivided is included in Exhibit ~, attached hereto. A description of the procedure used to apportion the unpaid principal for the referenced existing .reassessment to the new reassessments is included in Exhibit Cs attached hereto, and a listing of the apportioned share of the original reassessment amount for each new reassessment is shown on Exhibit D, attached hereto. Existing Reassessment 452 is deleted. from the reassessment roll for Assessment District ~o. 8~-~. Prepared by: SEC~REGATI~I~ ADD APPORTI~}~NIEIT CAF REASSESSI~EI~TS FDR REASSE~S~~EI~T ~ DIAC~RA.~ AEDI~ET ~ID.1 t~9 wILS4N & ASSQCIATES Reassessment Apportionment Engineer ~. ,. ~~ Date: ~ l jZ"t `0 (~, Edward J. wilsan, R.C.E. 23~~9 (Expires 12-~ 1-(~?} Assessment Engineer, Assessment District Igo. 8b-2 297'~B~NGRPT-S ~~~+~SS1Q~,gl ~ p~ 0 ~. INtjs ~~~, w~tv ~~4 ~~, tt" ~ ~ ~ a .12131I~ Ex~ * C4~~~, Q~~ 111271+Db sr~r~ o~ cP~~k EXIiIBIT A AMEN~~D REASSESSMENT ROLL CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.86 2 (flUENA V1STA TRUNK SEWERIRANCHO LABORDE STAGE 1-A} COUNTY OF I{ERN, CALIFORNIA AMENDING EXISTING REASSESSMENT 4852 ,4ND ADDING NEW REASSESSMENTS 4918 THROUGH 4958 CREATED BY RECORDATION OF TRACT N0.6050 "PHASE 3" REASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT NO, 109 AMENDED PARCEL DETAILS OF TAX EXEMPT AMENDED REASSESSME TOTAL TOTAL AMENDED DESCRIPTION i SERIES A SERIES B SERIES D TOTAL TAXABLE AMENDED REASMT ASSESSORS TAX AMENDED PROPERTY SHARE SHARE SHARE TAX EXEMP AMOUNT REASMT NUMBER NUMBER {ATNj OWNER NAME /ADDRESS EFF 1f1106 EFF 111106 EFF 111106 A ~ B + D} EFF 111106 AMOUNT TRACT NO.6050 "PHASE 3" (TR 6050-3~ SUBDIVIDES EXISTING REASSESSMENT 4852 CREATING 40SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDE~{TIAL LOTS AND 1 TOWERLINE LOT, THE 40 RESIDENTIAL LOTS SLOTS 1 THROUGH 40 IN TR 6050-31 ARE ASSIGNED AMENDED REASSESSMENT NUMBERS 4918 THROUGH 4957, RESPECTIVELY, AND THE TOWERLINE LOT (LOT 41 IN TR 6050-3} IS AMENDED REASSESSMENT 4958. THE TO TAL REASSES SMENT AMOUNT F(JR EXISTING REASSESSME~#T,4a52 tS APPORTIONED TO TIME 40 RESIDENTIAL LOTS CREATED BY TR 6050-3. THE TOWERLINE LOT IS NdT ASSESSED. THE TOTAL UNPAID REASSESSMENT PRINCIPAL AMOUNT FOR EXISTING REASSESSMENT 4852 (EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 2006, AT THE BEGINNING OF THE 2006121,X17 TAX YEARS IS $19,731.95. THE TOTAL REASSESSMENT AMOUNT APPORTIONED TO EACH NEW LOT IS SHOWN UNDER THE COLUMN ENTITLED "TOTAL AMENDED REASMT AMOUNT," EXISTING REASSESSMENT 4852 tS !?ELETED FROM THE REASSESSMENT ROLL FOR ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.86-2. 4918 TRACT N0.6050'PH1kSE 3"; LOT 1, THE FAIRWAYS AT RIVERLAKES, L.P. 36.47 142.91 202.75 382.13 1i 1.17 493,3Q 4919 TRACT NO.6050 "PHASE 3'; LOT 2 THE FAIRWAYS AT RIVERLAKES, L.P. 36.47 142.91 202.75 382.13 111.17 493.30 4920 TRACT NO.6060 "PHASE 3"; I.OT 3 TFIE FAIRWAYS AT RIVERLAKES, L.P. 36.47 142.91 202.73 382.13 11 1.17 493.30 4921 TRACT NO.6060 "PRASE 3"; LOT 4 THE FAIRWAYS AT RIVERLAKES, L.R. 36.47 142.91 202.75 382.13 119.17 493.30 4922 TRACT N0.6056 "PHASE 3'; LOT 5 THE FAIRWAYS AT RIVERLAKES, L.P. 36.47 142.91 202.75 382.13 111.17 4.93.30 4923 TRACT N4.6056 "PHASE ~"; LOT 6 THE FAIRWAYS AT RIVERLAICES, L.P. 36..47 142.91 202.75 382.13 111.17 493.30 4924 TRACT N0.6050"PHASE 3"; LOT? THE FAIRWAYSAT RiVERLAItLS, L.P. 36.47 142.93 202.75 382.13 111.1? 493.30 4925 TRACT N0.6054 "PIaASE 3"; LOT 8 THE FAIRWAYS AT RIVERLAKES, L.P. 36.47 142.91 202.75 382.13 i 91.17 493.3fl 4926 TRACT N0.605t1 "PHASE 3"; LOT 9 THE FAIRWAYS AT RIVERLAKES, f"P. 36.47 142.91 202.75 382.13 111.17 493:30 4927 TRACT N0.6060 "PHASE 3`; LOT 10 THE FAIRWAYS AT RIVERLAKES, L.P. 36.47 142.91 202.75 382.13 111.17 493.30 4928 TRACT N0.6051? "PHASE 3"; LOT 11 TIME FAIRWAYS AT RIVERLA#{I:S, L.P. 36.41 142.91 202.75 382.13 111.17 493.3fl 4929 TRACT NO.6050 "PHASE 3'; LOT 12 THE FAIRWAYS AT RlVERLAKES, L.P. 36.47 142.91 242.75 382.13 111.17 493,30 4930 TRACT NO.6050 "PHASE 3"; LOT 13 THE FAIRWAYS AT RlVERLAKES, L.P. 36.47 142.91 202.75 382.13 111.17 493.30 4931 TRACT N0.6050 "PHASE 3"; COT 14 THE FAIRWAYS AT RIVERLAKES. L.P. 36.47' 142.91 202.75 382.13 111.17 493.3~f 4832 TRACT N0.6050 "PHASE 3"; LOT 15 THE FAIRV4'AYS AT RlVERLAKES, L.fa. 36.47 142.99 202..75 382.13 911.17 493.30 4933 TRACT N0.6060 "PHASE 3'; LOT 16 THE FAIRWAYS AT RIVERLAKES, L.P. 36.47 142.91 202.75 382.13 111.17 493.30 4934 TRACT HO.6CI50 "PHASE 3"; LOT 17 THE FAIRWAYS AT RIVERLAKES. L.P. 36.47 142.91 242.75 382.13 111.17 493.30 4935 TRACT N0.6050 "PHASE 3"; LOT 1$ THE FAIRWAYS AT RiVERI-AKES, L.P, 36.a7 142.81 202.75 382.13 111.17 493.30 4936 TRACT NC. 6050 "PHASE 3"; LOT 19 THE FAIRWAYS AT RIVERLAKES, L.P. 36.47 142.91 202.75 382.13 111.17 483.30 4937 TRACT N0.6050 "PHASE 3"; LOT 26 THE. FAIRWAYS AT RIVERLAKES. L.P. 36.47 142.91 202.75 382.13 111.17 493.30 4938 TRACT N0.6050 "PHASE 3"; LOT 21 THE FAIRWAYS AT RIVERLAKES, I_.P, 35.47 142.91 2®2.75 382.13 111.17 493.3(} 4839 TRACT N0.6656 "PHASE 3"; LOT 22 THE FAIRV{fAYS AT RIVERLAKES, L.P. 36.47 142.99 202.75 382.13 111.17 493,30 4940 TRACT N0. fi060 "PHASE 3"; LOT 23 THE FAIRWAYS AT RiVERLAKES, L.P. 36.47 142.91 202.75 382.13 111.17 493.36 4941 TRACT NO.6050 "PHASE 3'; LOT 24 THE FAIRWAYS AT RIVERLAKES, L.P. 36.47 142.91 202.75 382.13 111.17 493.30 4942 TRACT NO.6fl5fl "PHASE 3"; LOT 25 THE FAIRWAYS AT RIVERIr4KES, L.P. 36.47 142.91 2fl2.76 :382.13 111.17 493.3{} 4943 TRACT N0.6050 "PHASE 3'; LOT 25 THE FAIRWAYS AT RIVERLAKES, L.P. 36.47 142.91 202.75 382.13 111.17 493.30 4944 TRACT NO.6050 "PRASE 3"; LOT 27 THE FAIRWAYS AT RIUERLAKES, L.P. 36.47 142.91 202.75 382.13 111.17 493.30 4945 TRACT N0.605Q'"PHASE 3"; LOT 28 THE FAIRWAYS AT RIVERLAKES, L.P. 36.47 142.91 2b2.75 382.13 111.17 493.30 4946 TRACT NO.6050 "PHASE 3"; LOT 29 THE FAIRWAYS AT RtVERLAKES, L:P. 36.47 142.99 202.75 382.13 117.17 493.30 4947 TRACT N0.6050 "PHASE 3"; LOT 30 THE FAIRWAYS AT RIVERLAKES, L.P. 36.41 142.91 202.75 382.13 111.17 493.30 494$ TRACT N4.6066 "PHASE 3"; LOT 31 THE FAIRWAYS AT RiVERLAKES. L.P. 36.4? 142.99 202.75 382.13 111.17 493.30 4949 TRACT NO.6050 "PHASE 3"; LOT 32 THE FA1RiJVAYS AT RIVERLAKES, L.P. 36.47 142.91 262.75 382.13 1 i 1.17 493.30 4956 TRACT NQ. 6450 "PHASE 3", LOT 33 THE FAIRWAYS AT RIVERLAKES, L.P. 36.47 14291 2fl2.75 382.13 111.17 4±333.36 4951 TRACT N0.6050 "PHASE 3"; LOT 34 THE FAIRWAYS AT RIVERLAKES, L.P. 36.47 142.91 202.75 382.13 111.17 493.30 4952 TRACT N0.6060 "PHASE 3"; LOT 35 THE FAIRWAYS AT RiVERLAKES, L.P. 36.47 942.81 202.75 382.13 111.17 493.30 4953- TRACT N0.6050 °'PHASE 3"; LOT 36 THE FAIRWAYS AT RiVERLAKES, L.P. 36.47 142.91 202.75 382.13 111.17 493.30 4954 TRACT N0.6050 "PHASE 3"; LOT 37 THE FAIRVIIAYS AT RIVERLAKES, L.P. 36.47 142.91 202.75 382.13 111.17 493.3fl 4955 TRACT N0.605fl "PHASE 3"; LOT 38 THE FAIRWAYS AT RIVERLAKES, L.P. 36.47 142.91 202.75 382.13 111.17 493.30 4956 TRACT N0.6050 "PHASE 3"; LOT 39 THE FAIRWAYS AT RIVERLAKES, L.P. 36.47 142.91 202.75 382.13 111.17 493.30 4957 TRACT X40.6656 "PHASE 3"; LOT 40 THE FAIRWAYS AT RIVERLAI~ES. L.P. 36.36 143.11 202.78 382.24 111.01 493.25 4858 TRACT N0.6050 "PHASE 3"; LOT 41 THE FAIRWAYS AT RIVERLAKES, L.P. 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.00 0.06 TOTA4_AI~OtlNTA4}Pt1l"~TIflNED: 1,458.68 5,716.60 8,114.03 15,285.39 4,446.64 19,731.95 NOTES: i. FOR A DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE LINES, D(MENSiONS, AND LOCATIONS OF REASSESSMENTS 4918 THROUGH 4958 REFERENCE A SUBDIVISION MAP FOR TRACT N0.6066 "PHASE 3"RECORDED , 20~, iN 800K ~ OF MAPSF AT PAGES + THROUGH _, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COC#N1'Y RECORI3ER OF THE COUNTY OF FERN. . THE AD86-2 REMAINING BAt.A~IGE, AS EXISTING ON DECEMt3ER 1,1993, HAS BEEN REFEINDED AND REDUCED AS DESCRIBED iN THE REASSESSMENT ENGINEER'S REASSESSMENT REPORT FOR THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.86-2, AS AI~I}RO THE CtTY COUNCIL ON JANUARY 12,1994 (REASSESSMENT REPORT). PREPARED BY: WILSON & ASSOCIATE r. ~, .d ~ ~1 AT . tt ~2'~ o APPROVED. D E. Y EDWARD J. WILSON R.C.E. 23269 EXPIRES 12-31-07} VE QQ~O~ESSIQ~y~C ~; ~~ °2 ~ ~ ~ ~ No. 23269 '° ~ Exp. ~2~31/47 ~ 5~~ CfV«. ~~~Q '! 7'r- _ ..~tl EXHIBIT B EXISTING PARCEL REASSESSMENT NUMBER 4852 DESCRIPTION OF EXISTING REASSESSMENT AND NEW PARCELS TO WHICH THE EXISTING REASSESSMENT IS TO BE APPORTIONED BY REASSESSMENT AND OIARAM AMEND~NT NO.109 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO.Bd-~ RANCHO LABORITE STAGE 1-AIBUENA VISTA TRUNK SEWER} AMENDING EXISTING REASSESSI~IENT 4852 AND ADDING NEW REASSESSIVI~ENTS 4918 THROUGH 4958 CREATED BY RECORDATION OF TRACT NO. do5o "PHASE 3" . 2oodl2oo7 REASSESSMENT A.T.N. FOR EXISTING PRINCIPAL TO BE REASSESSI~NT APPORTIONED 494-350 8d Tract No. do50 "Phase 3" Total Amount to Be Apportioned to New Reassessments: a. 4o residential Tots Amended Reassessments 4918 through 4957} b, 1 towerline lot {Amended Reassessment 4958} $19,731.95 NUMBER HOUV EXISTING PARCEL of NEW HAS BEEN SUBDIVIDED LOTS~PARCELS Tract No. do5o "Phase 3" ~"TR do5o-3"} subdivides Existing Reassessment 4852 creating 4o residential lots and 1 towerline lot. The total remaining principal amount for Existing Reassessment 4852 is reappo~ioned to the 4o residential lots created b~ TR bo50-3. The towerline lot is not assessed. Existing Reassessment 4852 is deleted from. the Reassessment Roll for AD 86-2. Total New Reassessed LotslParcels Total Non-reassessed LotslParceis Total Ne~v Reasmt. Nos. ~ 19,731.95 Total Exist. Reasmt. Nos. deleted from Roil Net Change Active Reasmt. on Roll 1. Unpaid reassessment balance apportioned is the balance at the beginning of the 2oodl2oo7 Tax Year, effective 3anuary 1, good. 40 1 40 1 41 =1 40 ~~~~s~xs -~- ~ ~i~7~os ~~[IT .~ DESCRIPTION OF THE PRGCEDI}RE DEED T~J APPC~RTI~3N SHARES QP TIDE HNPAID REASSESSMENT P~CIPAL ~EOR E~ISTI:NG REASSESSMENT 4$52 TG NEw REASSESSMENTS 4~ 18 THRC3UGH 4958 CREATED BY RECORDATION t~F TRACT N0.6054 ``PHASE 3" CITY 4F BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 8b-2 {BUENA VISTA'~RUNK SEWER/RANCHO LABORDE STAGE I-A} REASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT Nt3.109 I. DESCRIPTIGN OP EXISTING REASSESSMENT 4852: A. Existing Reassessment 4852 thereafter "Reassessment 4852"} is identified as Fern Caunty Assessar's Tax Number ~ATN} 4~4-350-86. Reassessment 4$52 was created by Reassessment and Dia;~arn Amendment No,14~ {Amendment No. l47}for Assessment District No. 86-~ ~"AD $6-~"~ pursuant to the recordation of Tract No. 6054 "Phase 2" ~"TR 6450-~"}, Tract No. 6450 "Phase 3" ~"TR 6054-3"}subdivides Reassessment 4$52 creating 44 single-family residential lots and 1 tawerline lot. The 40 residential lots ~Eots 1 through 44 in TR 6454-3}are assigned Amended Reassessment Numbers ("Amended Reassessments" 4~ I $ tl~r~~gh 451, respectively, and the towerline gat Lot ~ 1 in TR 6054-3~ is Amended Reassessment 458. B. Reassessment 4$52 is within an area that was included in Assessment and Diagram Amendment No. 1 ~ ~An~endment No. I ~}. Amendment Na 19 was a Change and Madif~cation that respread the original and unpaid assessment principal amounts for all of the AD $6-2 parcels owned by Ri~erlakes Ranch, t4 bring those parcel assessments into conformance with their amended land uses approved b~ General Plan Amendment I ~94 Segment III ~"GPA 1-94-III"}. The Original Assessments from which Reassessment 4$52 was created were n~odi~ed to conform to GPA 1-~0-III by Amendment. No. 19. See Amendment No.19for details on the amended land uses and the impact an the AD 86-2 Assessments in this area. All of Reassessment 4$52 zs located within the Telephone Benefit Zone of AD $6-2, the Stage 1-A Benefit Zone of AD 86-2, and within the Buena Vista Truni~ Sewer ~"BVTS"} Benefit Zone. The improvement costs assessed to the BVTS and Telephone Benefit Zones were funded by only Series A Bonds for AD $6-2, and the improvement casts assessed to the Stage 1-A Benefit Zane were funded by Series B, ~, and D Bonds for AD $~-2, C. The total remaining Reassessment Principal Amount for Reassessment 4$52 effective January 1, 2006, at the beginning of the 2406/240 Tax Year) is ~ 1 ~,~31.~5. The total Original AD $~-2 Assessment Amaunt for Reassessment 4$52 is ~ I69,32~.52, and is assessed as described belaw: 297QSEXC 1 I I ~z710~ 2. DESCRIPTI+QN OP TIC PRDCEDU~ DSBD TO SB~RB~ATB AND APP{~RTI®N TIDE C~RIC~INAL ASSESS~I~NT AND ITS UNPAID REASSESSMENT P~CIPAL AmC~UI~T PROM REASSESS~[ENT 4852 TD NEw REASSESSMENTS 4918 THR4U~H 4958: A. As stated abovea the improvements far reassessments that are located in the Buena Vista T~.~nk Sewer Benefit Zone and the Telephone Benefit Zone were funded by only Series A Bonds and the improvements for reassessments that are located in the Stage 1-A Benefit Zane for street and utility improvements were funded by Series B, C, and D Bands in addition to Series A Bondi funding the BvTS facilities. The fatal ~?riginal Assessment and the ren~ai~ing AD 8~-2 Unpaid Reass~ssinent Principal for Reassessment 4852 are apportioned to the lots created by TR X050-3 as follows: a. Buena Vista Trunk Sewer (BUTS) Assessment (Series A Bonds): i. The BvTS Capacity for parcels from. which Reassessment 4852 was created was originally allocated based on their land use designations presented in SPA 1-90-III. The original EDU allocations for the BvTS assessment spread were based on the estimated gross acres of various land uses Suburban Residential ASR}, Love Density Residential SLR}, La~v Medium Density Residential ~LMR}, and Dpen Space SOS} for golf courses and lakes, within each of the parcels affected by SPA 1-9D-III and the "modules Land Use Plan" per the Riverlakes Ranch Plan conforming to GPA 1-9~-III, The lake that was proposed to be developed in Section $; T 29 S, R 27 Ea I~DB&M was not assessed but its area charge was respread to all benefitted surrounding parcels in direct proportion to each benefitted parcel's area. ~n August 12, 1998 the City Council of the City of Bakersfield approved Riverlakes Ranch Specific Plan Amendment in accordance with Zone Change No. P97~0892 ("ZC x'97-0892") and general Plan Amendment No. P97-0892 ~"SPA P97-0892"~ amending land uses on all parcels affected by Parcel 11~ap No.10557 ~"PM 10557"~ and Parcel I~ap 10558 {"PM 10558"). A copy of the neap showing the revised land use plan per SPA P97-0892 is attached to this Engineer's Report far reference. By AD 86-2 Reassessment and Diagram Amendment No. 50 ~"Amendment No. 50"~ each bene~itted parcel was allocated its share of the BvTS Capacity charge in direct proportion to the number ofEquivalent Dwelling Units ~EDUs~ allocated to each of them.. The number of EDUs allocated to each parcel was calculated based on the n~axin~un~ permitted number of Dwelling Units ~DUs~ for each parcel when developed according to the land uses approved in CrPA P97-0892 and in accordance to Bakersfield 2010 general Plan ~"2010 Plan"} and in proportion tc~ each parcel's net areas within each land use presented in said SPA P97- 0892. The parcels' net areas were obtained from The De~V`alt Corporation fan engineer retained by the Riverlakes Ranch Specific Plan Amendment proponent and original owner of former parcels from which Reassessment 4852 was created}. A copy of the table showing said net areas for each parcel 29708EXC 2 i 1/271D6 affected by Amendment ~o. SQ is enclosed far reference. The approved maximum permitted DU densities and corresponding number of EDUs for each land use designation areas follows: - Suburban Residential ASR}: 4.a~ Dt~ ~ 4.0~ EDU per acre • Law Density Residential ~LR~: ~.2b DD f 7.2b EDU per acre - Law Medium Density Residential ~~,NiR}:1 Q,~a DU 11 a.a0 ED'l~ per acre - high tedium Density Residential ~~:R}:1 ~.4~ DU ~ 13.4o EDU per acre - general. Con~n~ercial ~~~: b.0~ DU l b.~0 EDU per acre However, the owner of former Reassessment 4142 from which Reassessment 452 was created through Amendment Igo. ~2 and Amendment ~Ia. l a7~ has . requested, and the Public works Department of the City of Bakersfield has approved that request, that all residential Tats investing Tentative Tract Na. bOSa ~"Ten TR bQS~"}, covering the entire fonner Reassessment 4142, be apportioned an equal per lot share of the total original. assess~.ent and the remaining reassessment principal an~aunts far farmer Reassess~.ent 4142 and Reassessment 4852. Zt is the finding of this appartian~nent analysis that each and even residential lot approved far subdivision fra~n Reassessment 4852 as apart of Ten TR bQSa will receive the same level of benefit from the hnproven~ents funded by AD 8b-2. Accordingly, the total original BvTS Capacity assessment amount far Reassessment 4$52 is apportioned to the TR b~5a-3 residential lots, as those fats are shown on the TR b~5o-3 map. The TR bo5o-3 share is then spread among the 4o residential fats as an equal per lat. assessment sham. There are no remainder parcels created by TR b45~-3. The toweriine lot is not assessed. ii. ~. Amendment ~o. Sa the BvTS Cversizing charge far each of the three Benefit Zones Stage 1-A, Telephone, and Sewer aniy~ was allocated only to Amended Reassessments, ar portions of Amended Reassessments, located within each Benefit Zone. within each Benefit Zone the total BvTS ~versizing amount was first adjusted (~•educed) based on the total BvTS Capacity allocated to parcels within each. zone Ito keep the total Original Assessment unchanged}, and such adjusted BUTS t~versizi~g amounts were reallocated to the bene~tted parcels in direct proportion to parcel net areas as shown on the enclosed table provided by The Dewalt Corporation. The BvTS Dversizing charge originally allocated to Reassessment 4852 is apportioned tothe latscreated by TR b05o-3 in the same manner as the BUTS Capacity: equal per existing residential lot pursuant to TR b05~-3. b. Stage 1-A Arterial Street and Utility Assessment Series B, C, and D Bonds: As stated previously, Reassessment 4852 is Iocated within the Stage 1-A Benefit Zane. The Stage 1-A, Street, and Utility Improvement Assessments consist of 29708EXC 3 l 1f27/0~ several components including a basic street area charge, a ma~ar street trip generation charge and a sewer frontage charge. however, this portion of the original assessment amount for Reassessment 4$52 is allocated to the new lots created by TR 6QSfl-3 in the same manner as the BvTS Capacity and the BUTS 4versizing: as and equal assessment share per existing residential lot i.n TR ~45fl-3. B. Appo~tion.~nent of the Remaining Reassessment Principal Balance from. Reassessment 4$52 to ~.rnended Reassessments 491$ through 495$: The three original AD $6-2 Series of Tax Exempt Bonds Series A, B, and D~ were refunded . January of 1994 by a Single Series of Tax Exempt Bonds. The single original ~.D 8d-2 Series of Taxable Bonds Series ~~ were also refunded at the same tine by a Single Series, of Taxable Bonds. The amount required to refund each original series of bonds was prorated to each parcel based on that parcel's remaining principal for that original bond series. The total remaining reassessment principal amount for each AID $6- 2 Bond Series for Reassessment 4$52 is appo~~tianed to the nevi lots created by the rec~rdatian of said TR bQSfl-~ in direct prapartian to the original assessment share that. is apportioned to each new lot and parcel by each AD $~•2 Bond Series. Dote: TR f fl5fl-3 Lot 22 contains a future water well easement to the City of Bakersf eld. If in the future this Lot 22 is subdivided to create a separate parcel{lot for the eater well, that future water well parcelllot will not be allocated a share of the AD $~-2 reassessment amount QTR dfl5fl-3 Lot 22 is already assessed the sane amount as all other residential lots in TR ~fl54-~}, and there will be no need for future AD $~-2 apportionments based on any passible creation of a separate parceUlot for a water well from TR ~fl5fl- Lot 22, Mare detailed information on the land uses, zoning and dwelling unit densities used to apportion Reassessment 4$52 is on file in the office of the Public ~warks Director and the office of the PIa~lning Director for the City of Bakersfield. PREP.~RED B~: ~~ILS~N ~ ~.SSOCIATES By: r w~- Date: ~ ~ ~`~ ~ l 0 6 EDw1~RD J. wILS!~N, R. ~. E. 232b9 ~E~PIRES 12-31-47} REASSESSMENT ENC~IIriEER, ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0. $~-2 aQRpF~sS1p~R! ~~~~ ~~tD ~' ~~ls ~'~~ ~' o~ °ti ~ ~ ~ '~ NQ. 23269 ~ ~ ~ Exp. 12J31/07 /.*. t c~'~. CIV11. ~~~ ~~ OF CA~tF~~ ~~7~8~xC 4 1 ~f~7f~6 „+ ;..:;,,, i,'4 ~ .1' s a ~i s ~~ ~' I t ~' a, y~~l ~~ ~ ~ ;~ ~ t~ ~ ~~ 'sa s 3~ ~~ s~we Ali ~~ iMt ~t Ys~ t ~' rr~ ~~~ ~~ ~t +s ie~ew ~! ~w~pr ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a-...w..~.,.~ ~~~ o+plNpA .~ ~~ - ~~' ~~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~. f .. `. .. `~ . ~ ate. may,. ,,p 9, ~, 5~~{ - ~ - ~ 1~ f~~..,,.gg gw ~ p~a~k~~. ggigR ~gg .~k .~ ~' @~II, ~'ll~ &«, ~. 'AA ~ t ~y, ~~ +l~Rf ~ ~ k # 373 i ~- ~ ~. ~$,' :~ Y ~~~~e~~+ €~~~~~ S~ai -,s'Ofy +i4}+/~~!)~f7{i +71~~+ Iy±'y# '~1/.-1~d ~y~y ~ i4K. ~'N1Ml~ ~A i ~~y ~ ~V~ V ~ f i./t i Vt i ~~ 'r~ ~ ~~ ~CCAR ~ 7,37C d $y[~ ~~ygp$t gy~~ ~w} ~.riE #. ~ M Yr ~ `V~ ~v ~i~ ~ ;. j¢}I i - ~ V~ k _ ~~ 3. ?~; ~ . Fns 4 A ~ ~f fix ~! s 4~~ ~ a~'~. n:~ ~~ l #~ ~~ 3 ~ ViJ~ 3{ ~ ~~ 9i'~^ ~ ~ ~s~ pIP ~ ~~ T 4~ !' } 7 T N 'Mf 'A'te' ~YF~ ~ Fib i i f i~l~ R !~ ~1- !~ ~. ~~i~iir![ V 0 ~I~~IV~~f~~ t ~~i.~~ ~ ~1.~~ fis # ~ i 1~1 ~f ~i S s ~r ~t' V7~i ~'4F#~~' ~ ~ ~#~~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 4 1 ats f' 0.r }+l ~E ~~~ ~~ O ~~~ i f~E M4'!R`~! F qy i,~' {/ {III ~ 3 ~I ~9 ~9° ~ R ~ t Zia ~~~~i ~ ~ _'. e ~ ~~ ... ~ ~ R' ~ s w p ~s i .s ~ 'i t ~1P ~~iC ~~i Y~~ ¢ ~ 8 V lM~~ +R~ M l 9 ~O P ~ ~i SS ~~~Y) 1~ R '~/°~ F 'YF+'Fs. ~ PAP Y' 1' .~Y 3{ WY1I~ ~; ~V~~~ ~7/ ~iF~ 7 ~~ '4i'f 9/5 713iM- i$$}`F 7 ~v.M' ~ F it i f F ~~ ~ Mq'MF ~~~~ ~~~~ ~ A ~ ~FI~ ~~ ~~41F~i+ ~F ~ y'S'r, 3 {3i1~ ~~ s~'i ~ bra ai i~ ki 3 "' i ~~?€~ 1R!f~ ~~1fiw -~ ~{(~, il~~ 3'§.~'I'rL.:~"3D'~~1k~.fc-F~6'r.~~&~~ f9f~'. 9.vi_~.`t`~ ~~ E~~l~1T t~ LISTING OF ORIGINAL REASSESSMENT AMOUNTS f OR . AMENDED REASSESSMENTS 4918 THROUGH 4958 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.86-2 (BUENA VISTA TRUNK SEINER/RANCHO LABORDE STAGE 1-A} COUNTY OF KERN, CALIFORNIA REASSESSMENT ANO DIAGRAM AMENDMENT NO.109 AMENDED PARCEL DETAILS OF TAX EXEMPT ORIGINAL REASSESSMENT ORIGINAL TOTAL AMENDED DESCRIPTION t ORIGINAL ORIGINAL ORIGINAL TOTAL TAXABLE ORIGINAL REASMT ASSESSOR'S TAX SERIES A SERIES B ,SERIES 0 TAX EXEMPT REASMT REASMT NUMBERS NUMBER (ATN SEINER) (STAGE 1 A~ (STAGE 1/~} (A ~ fl + 0) AMOUNT AMOUNT 4918 TRACT NO.605fl "PHASE 3" ;LOT 1 793.97 725.80 990.42 2,510.19 514.15 3,420.34 4919 TRACT NO.6450 "PHASE 3";LOT 2 793.97 725.80 990.42 2,510.19 510.15 3,020.34 4920 TRACT NO.6050 "PHASE 3'; LOT 3 793.97 725.50 990.42 2,510.99 510.15 3,020.34 4921 TRACT NO.6450 "PHASE 3"; LOT 4 ?93.97 725.80 990.42 2,59 0.19 510.15 3,020.34 4922 TRACT N0.6450 "PHASE 3"; LOT 5 793.97 725.80 990.42 2,510.19 510.15 3,020.34 4923 TRACT NO.6050 "PHASE 3"; LOT 6 793.97 725.80 990,42 2,510.19 510.15 3,020,34 4924 TRACT N0.6fl5fl "PHASE 3", LOT 7 793.97 725.80 990.42 2,510.19 510.15 3,020.34 4925 TRACT N0.6454 "PHASE 3"; LOT 8 793.97 725.80 990.42 2,510.19 510.15 3,020.34 4926 TRACT N0.6050 "PHASE 3"; LOT 9 793.97 725.80 990.42 2,510.19 510.15 3,02fl.34 4927 TRACT N0.6454 "PHASE 3'"; LOT 14 793.97 725.80 990.42 2,510.19 510.15 3,020.34 4928 TRACT N0.6454 "PHASE 3"; LOT 11 793.97 725.80 990.42 2,510.19 540.15 3,42fl.34 4929 TRACT N0.645fl "PHASE 3~; LOT 12 793.97 725.80 990.42 2,510.19 510.15 3,020.34 4930 TRACT N0.6fl5fl "PHASE 3"; LOT 13 793.97 725:84 990.42 2,510.19 510.15 3,424.34 4931 TRACT NO.6450 "PHASE 3"; LOT 14 793.97 725.84 990.42 2,510.19 510.15 3,020.34 4932 TRACT NO.6050 "PHASE 3"; LOT 15 793.97 725.84 99fl.42 2.51(}.19 510.15 3,420,34 4933 TRACT N0.645fl "PHASE 3"; LOT 16 793.97 725.84 990.42 2,510.19 510.15 3,020.34 4934 ~ TRACT N0.6450 "PHASE 3"; LOT 17 793.97 725.84 990.42 2,510.19 514.15 3,024,34 4935 TRACT N0.6054'"PH.~SE 3"; LOT 98 793.97 725.80 990.42 2,510.19 510,15 3,020.34 4936 TRACT NO.6050 "PHASE 3"; LOT 19 793.97 725.80 990.42. 2,514.19 510.45 3,020.34 4937 TRACT N0.6454 "PHASE 3"; LOT 20 793.97 725:84 994.42 2,514.19 510.15 3,024.34 4938 TRACT NO.6054 "PHASE 3"; LOT 21 793.97 725.80 994.42 2,510.19 510.15 3,fl24.34 4939 TRACT N0.6050 "PHASE 3"; LOT 22 793.97 725.80 994.42 2,510.19 510.15 3,420.34 4940 TRACT NO.6fl5fl "PHASE 3"; LOT 23 793.97 725.84 990.42 2,514.19 510.15 3,024.34 4941 TRACT NO.6454 "PHASE 3"; LOT 24 793.97 725..80 990.42 2,510.19 510.15 3,02fl.34 4942 TRACT NCB. 6454 "PHASE 3"; LOT 25 793.97 725.80 990.42 2,510.19 510.15 3,024.34 4943 TRACT NO.6fl5fl "PHASE 3"; LOT 26 193.97 725.80 990.42 2,510.19 514.15 3,020.34 4944 TRACT NO.8454 "PHASE 3"; LOT 27 793.97 725.84 990.42 2,510,19 514.15 3;420.34 4945 TRACT NO.6054 "PHASE 3"; LOT 28 793.97 725.84 990.42 2,514.19 510.15 3,424.34 4946 TRACT N0.6454 "PHASE 3"; LOT 29 793.97 725.84 990.42 2,514.19 510.15 3,420.34 4947 TRACT N0.6050 "PHASE 3' ;LOT 34 793.97 725.80 994.42 2,510,19 510.15 3,020.34 494$ TRACT NO.645fl "PHASE 3"; LOT 31 793.97 725.84 994.42 2,510.19 510.15 3,020.34 4949 TRACT NO.6450 "PHASE 3"; LOT 32 ?93.97 725.80 990.42 2,510.19 510.15 3,020.34 4954 TRACT N0.6454 "PHASE 3"; LOT 33 793.97 725.80 990.42 2R514.f9 514.15 3,020.34 4951 TRACT N0.6054 "PHASE 3"; LOT 34 793.97 725.80 990.42 2,514.19 510.15 3,020.34 4952 TRACT N0.6450 "PHASE 3' ;LOT 35 793.97 725.8a 994.42 2,59 0.19 ~ 510.15 3,020.34 4953 TRACT N0, 6454 "PH,4SE 3"; LOT 36 793.97 725.80 994.42 2,510.19 590.15 3,020.34 4954 TRACT N0.6050 "PHASE 3"; LOT 37 793.97 725.80 990.42 2.,510.19 514.15 3,420.34 4955 TRACT NO.6450'"PHASE 3"; LOT 38 793.97 725.80 990.42 2.,510.19 510.15 3,024.34 4956 TRACT N0. fifl54''PHASE 3"; LOT 39 793.97 725.84 994.42 2,514.19 510.15 3,020.34 4957 TRACT N0.6454 "PHASE 3"; LOT 44 794.41 725.94 990.37 2,514.32 514.29 3,020.61 4958 TRACT NO.6054 "PHASE 3°; LO#' 41 4.44 0.44 U.00 0.00 4.40 0.00 TOTAL O~tIG'iNAL AMOUNT APPflRTI0NE0: 31,.758.84 29,032.14 39,616.75 100,407:73 20,406.14 124,813.87 NOTE: rtHE AD 86-2 REMAINING BALANCE, AS EXISTING ON DECEMBER 1,1993; HAS BEEN REFUNDED AND REDUCED AS DESCRIBED IN THE REASSESSMENT ENGINEER'S REASSESSMENT REPORT FOR THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.86-2, AS APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL ON JANUARY 12,1994 (REASSESSMENT REPORT). THE AMOUNTS SHOtNN ABOVE ARE THE ORIGINAL REFUNDING AMOUNTS HAD THESE PARCELS EXISTED AT THE TIME OF REFUNDING. 29708EXD Q-1 11 f27120~~ ~- w ~ ~W C~ w~ i2 z I ~z ~ O QO I~z~ ~ wy o~; >- w ~ ~ WW ZpV3 i I ~t,.~-~¢ aQ ~ ~ t-- ° f w ~ aU ~o~n I ofl w~w~oo I z I oz ~ ~ ,~ wz N I ~ N~opp lamed i U}Q °~~~r°~-a ~ o~ (~ 2Q: U I ! (9~n I _1 I 1'-z W'gp r_ (.)_ ~ H i"I h-Q. I ~G7 ~W-JZw IOU ~ ¢zYrJ I WJ ~. w I ~i.J aONW~`'= IwXp j i°o °pU~gpN¢ I ~:a H o rn z~ ~ I oW op~Q~- ~~rw it--Wl.~ 2Uw omwo I ! U ~ o V/ `~ I ~"'~ zf'Q z JWW IQ~Q Wn~2 QZ I OZ ~~`--~ ~U O I V1ZtY }O.Q-Ia.J U (UWU HzW!-NZn.~ I2 fnf~ (~ H (>~ O ¢Wtal ~-~. Qn0°~~ U q ! w UtnW h~,l ~ 2 (~ `~~ ~o I ozQa ~p°zma}~~a ~ ~°° a~oo~~dY !~-v~ ~ ~ U ~ m • ~ r-Y w° i~~mZ ~oQ ooz°~ law tivw °' o ~wao Q~+-+w w (~ ,..~ ww ~ i ~?~-~ c,aviQO ~}o ! a~ai I~w~°~~ I~ n ~ H fl ~ w g0 N I JwOWO F-NV~~ ~U71-~ IwU~ gNp`C~~UI}- ~~Ir-~ H H',G,'' Z (21] ~ I ~~Q.}J ZIi.,WC9 IV?U I~}~ (VWW(~U4~~ IWZZ ~ w viz o ~ I ~N~~ ~°mo~ IvnN I a~'a ~22~~(AO IQOO ~ W ~ ~ j (o l cn w cn-z I avm IjIa~~~-zov i~vo ~ a ~ ¢o z I } ~~~z~~w~Q } I~,? o~NW } ~ U~ ~ ~ (I~ ~ ~ ~° w j m v~ow~~mwQ m l0 ¢ ww2 m ~ ~ ~~ ~ w ~' n`~ z I aw~N~OZN° ~~ I~~Q~o l-~-I ~ ~ ^Q o ~ ~, cq I JQ z~W. ~~ I~ IJmow~ ~ W ~+ •-! O W ~o nW. I u~"iz°~~~¢~~~ Io IUv.2}° ~ ;~+ z I ~~.+ az ~ma cn~o I mr~~ '~~.-~ ~ Q H .,..~ ~~. mw~- N-o t-q I I Qoo-p Q W ---~ ~--i H ~o WQZ w`~-wz- I I z zv ~ a~ ~ w ~ q Q ~o YzWti~'mQOWn 1 1 Iwcawpw z 2 Z '~~ 24 m~NnQWNt--N~ tL' ZW2~~ ~ ~4-I ~ ~ Zvi ~o zmww°pz~n~ o I.wi~~~O>- (s, (} m ~,.s Qo ~` I dwtwng~U1~n(Wn~ 7-.IC~Ornn°z !'-'-! 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