HomeMy WebLinkAboutAD 86-2 Apportionment #97 PM 10897,lames W. Fitch Assessor- Recorder SABRINA Kern County OfFicial ~tecords ~0l29/2003 RecoMed at the request of 2:i)0 PM City of Bksfld Public Works v o c#: 0203236667 Sot Types: 1 Pages: 3 I Fees 13.00 Recording Requested By and Taxes 0.00 for the Benefit of the ' Others City of Bakersfield 0.00 PAID $13.00 When Recorded Mail To: Bakersfield City Clerk City Hall 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 NOTICE OF AMENDED REASSESSMENT AMENDING EXISTING REASSESSMENT 41$1 IN CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0. 86-2 COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA (REASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT N0. 97) PURSUANT. to the requirements of Section 3114 of the Streets and Highways Code, the undersigned, PAMELA A. McCARTHY, CMC, City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield, hereby gives notice that an Amended Reassessment Diagram and Amended Reassessment Roll (Reassessment and Diagram Amendment No. 97) for City of Bakersfield Assessment District No. 86-2 were filed and recorded in the office of the Superintendent of Streets of the City of Bakersfield, relating to the following described real property.: Reference is made to the map entitled "Amended Reassessment Diagram of City of Bakersfield Assessment District No. 86-2 County of Kern, California, (Reassessment and Diagram Amendment No. 97), Amending Reassessment 4181, filed with ,he County Recorder of the County of Kern, on ~Q~.~ in Book o~ ~,, of Ma s of Assessment and Communi y .Facilities Districts., at pages~'~-~ /~, for a description of the real property in said Assessment District and the exterior boundaries .thereof. Said Amended Reassessment .Diagram amends the map entitled "Reassessment Diagram of City of Bakersfield Assessment District No. 86-2," recorded .January 18, 1994,, in Book 10 of Maps bf Assessment .and Community Facilities Districts, at Pages 114 through 139, in the Office of the County Recorder of the County of Kern, California. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that upon recording of this Notice iri the office of the County Recorder, the several amended reassessments on the lots, pieces and parcels shown on the Amended Reassessment Diagram (Reassessment and Diagram Amendment No. 97) of Assessment District No. 86-2 shall become a lien upon the lots or portions of lots assessed, respectively. This amendment evidences the completion of statutory proceedings to divide the, lien of special reassessments previously levied on the parcels of land shown on the amended reassessment diagram, to conform with the divisions in the parcels themselves. Reference is made to 1 said Amended Reassessment Diagram and Amended Reassessment Roll recorded in the office of the~Superintendent of Streets of the City of Bakersfield. Attached hereto pursuant to the requirements of Section 27288.1 of the Government Code, marked Exhibit A, is a copy of the Amended Reassessment Roll identifying each new parcel by the amended reassessment number shown on the amended reassessment diagram, together with the amount of amended reassessment lien levied thereon and the name or names of the owners of each parcel subject to such amended reassessments as they appear on the latest secured County Assessor's Roll, or as known to the undersigned. DATED : `a • Z ~ (~ PAMELA A. McCARTHY, CMC, City Clerk City of Bakersfield, California By 2 EXHIBIT A AMENDED REASSESSMENT ROLL CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.86-2 (BUENA VISTA TRUNK SEWERIRANCHO LABORDE STAGE 1-A) COUNTY OF KERN, CALIFORNIA AMENDING EXISTING REASSESSMENT 4181 AND ADDING NEW REASSESSMENTS 4657 THROUGH 4664 CREATED BY RECORDATION OF PARCEL MAP N0.10897 REASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT N0.97 AMENDED PARCEL ETAILS OF TAX EXEMPT AMENDED REASSESSMEN TOTAL TOTAL AMENDED DESCRIPTION 1 SERIES A SERIES B SERIES D TOTAL TAXABLE AMENDED REASMT ASSESSOR'S TAX AMENDED PROPERTY SHARE SHARE SHARE TAX EXEMPT AMOUNT REASMT NUMBERS NUMBER (ATN) OWNER NAME 1 ADDRESS L EFF 111103 EFF 111103 EFF 111/03 (A + B + D~ EFF 111103 AMOUNT PARCEL MAP N0. 10897 (PM 10897) SUBDIVIDES EXISTING REASSESSMENT 4181 CREATING 7 NEW PARCELS AND 1 REMAINDER PARCEL. EXISTING REASSESSMENT 4181 IS IDENTIFIED AS LOT 1 OF LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT N0. P02-0179. THE 7 NEW PARCELS (PARCELS 1 THROUGH 7 IN PM 'f 0897) ARE ASSIGNED AMENDED REASSESSMENT NUMBERS 4657 THROUGH 4663, RESPECTIVELY, AND THE REMAINDER PARCEL IS IDENTIFIED AS AMENDED REASSESSMENT 4664. THE TOTAL REASSESSMENT AMOUNT FOR EXISTING REASSESSMENT 4181 IS APPORTIONED TO THE 7 PARCELS IN PM 10897. THE REMAINDER PARCEL IS NOT ASSESSED. THE TOTAL UNPAID REASSESSMENT PRINCIPAL AMOUNT FOR EXISTING REASSESSMENT 4181 (EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 2003, AT THE BEGINNING OF THE 200312004 TAX YEAR) IS $38,154.43. THE TOTAL REASSESSMENT AMOUNT APPORTIONED TO EACH NEW PARCEL IS SHOWN UNDER THE COLUMN ENTITLED "TOl-AL AMENDED REASMT AMOUNT." EXISTING REASSESSMENT 4181 IS DELETED FROM THE REASSESSMENT ROLL FOR ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.86-2. 4657 PARCEL MAP N0.10897; PARCEL 1 Riveriakes Investment Company, LLC 777.04 2,268.76 3,137.89 6,183.69 1,648.53 1,832.22 4658 PARCEL MAP N0.10897; PARCEL 2 Riverlakes investment Company, LLC 490.54 1,444.86 1,998.36 3,933.76 1,049.87 4,983.63 4659 PARCEL MAP N0.10897; PARCEL 3 Riverlakes Investment Company, LLC 479.84 1,388.84 1,920.89 3,789.57 1,009.17 4,798.74 4660 PARCEL MAP N0.10897; PARCEL 4 Riverlakes Investment Company, LLC 501.24 1,500:87 2,075.82 4,077.93 1,090.57 5,168.50 4661 PARCEL MAP N0.10897; PARCEL 5 Riverlakes Investment Company, LLC 465.57 1,314.17 1,817.60 3,597.34 954.91 4,552.25 4662 PARCEL MAP NO.10897; PARCEL 6 Riveriakes Investment Company, LLC 462.01 1,295.50 1,791.78 3,549.29 941.34 4,490.63 4663 PARCEL MAP N0.10897; PARCEL 7 Riverlakes Investment Company, LLC 608.62 1,839.35 2,543.97 4,991.94 1,336.52 6,328.46 4664 REMAINDER PARCEL Riveriakes Investment Company, LLC 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 TOTAL AMOUNT APPORTIONED: 3,784.86 11,052.35 15,286.31 30,123.52 8,030.91 38,154.43 .NOTES: 1. FOR A DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE LINES, DIMENSIONS, AND LOCATIONS OF REASSESSMENTS 4657 THROUGH 4664 REFERENCE PARCEL MAP N0.10897 RECORDED OCTOBER 22, 2003, IN BOOK 53 OF PARCEL MAPS, AT PAGES 43 THROUGH 45, IN THE OFFICE OF COUNTY RECORDER OF THE COUNTY OF KERN. 2. THE AD 86-2 REMAINING BALANCE, AS EXISTING ON DECEMBER 1,1993, HAS BEEN REFUNDED AND REDUCED AS DESCRIBED IN THE REASSESSMENT ENGINEER'S REASSESSMENT REPORT FOR THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.86-2, AS APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL ON JANUARY 12,1994 (REASSESSMENT REPORT). PREPARED BY: WILSON & ASSOCIATES ~ ~~, . ~[ Q ~ ~ APPROVED: ~'~ ~~'w'o`„icy.--~~ W V~--'siV ~---~ sw~,.~=,-;=_-~,_~~< EDWARD J. WILSON R.C.E. 23269 (EXPIRES 12-31-05) ~~Q ~~RD ~~ ~`fl ~ti ~ ~ `~ N0.2~269 ~ E~cp.l2/31/05 ~ s~~~ CIVII. ~~~P F p~ CA1.1F~ DATE: « ~~y l 03 29612EXA A-1 10I24I2003 2 9612 9/22/03 CERTIFICATE OF FILING RE: DIVISION OF LAND AND ASSESSMENT "IMPROVEMENT BOND ACT OF 1915" PART 10.5 OF DIVISION 10 STREETS AND~HIGHWAYS CODE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0. 86-2 COUNTY OF KERN, CALIFORNIA REASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT N0. 97 AMENDING EXISTING REASSESSMENT 4181 TO ADD NEW REASSESSMENTS 4657 THROUGH 4664 1. An application has been filed with the Superintendent of Streets of the City of Bakersfield by the owners or interested parties in the referenced existing reassessment within City of Bakersfield Assessment District No. 86-2, requesting apportionment of the amount remaining unpaid on said reassessment in accordance with the provisions of the Improvement Bond Act of 1915. In accordance with said application, the undersigned hereby apportions to each separate part of the original. parcel of land as shown on the Amended Reassessment Roll, City of Bakersfield Assessment District No. 86-2, Reassessment and Diagram Amendment No. 97, attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by reference, the proportionate part of the remaining reassessment in the same manner as if the land had been so divided at the time the original assessment was made. Dated: ~~ ~7j By Superintend- t of reet 2. Notice to Bondholder was delivered to City of Bakersfield Public Finance Authority on g'. , 2003. -~.- Hy Q. 3. No request for hearing was received from the bondholder within fourteen (14) days from the date of mailing the Notice to Bondholder, ,Accordingly, the Amended Reassessment Roll and Amended Reassessment Diagram for City of Bakersfield Assessment District No. 86-2 Reassessment and Diagram Amendment No. 97, were recorded in the Office f the Superintenden of Streets of the City of Bakersfield on the ~_ day of 2003. By 1 4. The Amended Reassessment Diagram for Reassessment and Diagram Amendment No. 97, Assessment District No. 86-2 was filed with the County Recorder of the County of Kern on ~ 0 - ~~~ 2003, in Book '~ of Maps of Assessment and Community Facilities Districts, at Page - . By 5. A Notice of Amended Reassessment for Reassessment and Diagram Amendment No. 97, Assessment District No. 86-2 with a copy of the Amended Reassessment Roll attached as Exhibit A was recorded on ~D ~ 2~1- 2003, as Document No. azo323~~~~ of Official. Records of the County Recorder of the County of Kern. By , 6. A copy of this Certificate of Filing with the Engineer's Report on Reassessment and Diagram Amendment No. 97, including Exhibit A "Amended Reassessment Roll", Exhibit B "Description of Existing Reassessments", Exhibit C "Description of Reassessment Apportionment Procedure", Exhibit D "Listing of Original Reassessment Amounts. for Amended Reassessments"r and a reduced, not to scale copy of the Amended Reassessment Diagram attached thereto were filed with the Finance Director for the City of Bakersfield on the ~,~ day of ~ 2003. ~, BY ~Y'"' 2 29612RPT 9/22/03 ENGINEER'S REPORT RE: SEGREGATION AND APPORTIONMENT OF REASSESSMENTS FOR REASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT N0. 97 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0. 86-2 AMENDING EXISTING REASSESSMENT 4181 TO CREATE NEW REASSESSMENTS 4657 THROUGH 4664 PURSUANT TO RECORDATION OF PARCEL MAP N0. 10897 1. An application has been filed with the Superintendent of Streets of the City of Bakersfield requesting a segregation and apportionment of an existing reassessment within Assessment District No. 86-2, pursuant to the division of the parcel. 2. In accordance with said application, the undersigned hereby apportions to each separate part of the original parcel of land, the proportionate part of its respective unpaid reassessment that would have been levied thereon if the parcel had been so divided at the time the original reassessment .was made. The undersigned has assigned a new reassessment number to each new parcel, as shown on the Amended Reassessment Diagram attached hereto. 3. The existing reassessment number, new reassessment numbers and apportioned reassessment amounts (based in each case on the unpaid principal amount of reassessment effective January 1, 2003, at the beginning of the 2003/2004 Tax Year), are as shown on Exhibit A "Amended Reassessment Roll" attached hereto and incorporated .herein by reference. A description of the referenced existing reassessment and of how it has been subdivided is included in Exhibit B, attached hereto. A description of the procedure used to apportion the unpaid principal for. the referenced existing reassessment to the new reassessments is included in Exhibit C, attached hereto, and a listing of the apportioned share of the original reassessment amount for each new reassessment is shown on Exhibit D, attached hereto. Existing reassessment 4181 is deleted from the roll for Assessment District No. 86-2. DATED : ~ ~ ~~. t WILSON & ASSOCIATES Reassessment Apportionment Engineer Q~9 ~Q ~~ ~ ~~~' B ~4 ~~~ ~' Edward J. Wilson, ~ R.C.E. 23269, Expires 12-31-05 NQ.2~~6~ ~ # ~xp.12/31~Oa ~ . s~~~ c~v~~ ~~~Q F pF CA~.IF~ EXHIBIT A AMENDED REASSESSMENT ROLL CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.86-2 (BUENA VISTA TRUNK SEWERIRANCHO LABORDE STAGE 1-A} COUNTY OF KERN, CALIFORNIA AMENDING EXISTING REASSESSMENT 4181 AND ADDING NEW REASSESSMENTS 4657 THROUGH 4664 CREATED BY RECORDATION OF PARCEL MAP N0.10897 REASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT N0.97 AMENDED PARCEL ETAILS OF TAX EXEMPT AMENDED REASSESSMEN TOTAL TOTAL AMENDED DESCRIPTION ! REASMT ASSESSOR'S TAX NUMBERS _ NUMBER (ATN) AMENDED PROPERTY OWNER NAME /ADDRESS _ SERIES A SHARE EFF 1/1/03 SERIES B SHARE EFF 1/1/03 SERIES D SHARE EFF 1!1/03 TOTAL TAX EXEMPT (A+ g + D) TAXABLE AMOUNT EFF 1!1/03 AMENDED REASMT AMOUNT PARCEL MAP N0. 10897 (PM 10897) SUBDIVIDES EXISTING REASSESSMENT 4181 CREATING 7 NEW PARCELS AND 1 REMAINDER PARCEL. EXISTING REASSESSMENT 4181 IS IDENTIFIED AS LOT 1 OF LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT N0. P02-0179. THE 7 NEW PARCELS (PARCELS 1 THRO UGH 7 IN PM 10897) ARE ASSIGNED AMENDED REASSESSMENT NUMBERS 4657 THROUGH 4663, RESPECTIVELY, AND THE REMAINDER PARCEL IS IDENTIFIED AS AMENDED REASSESSMENT 4664. THE TOTAL REASSESSMENT AMOUNT FOR EXISTING REASSESSMENT 4181 IS APPORTIONED TO THE 7 PARCELS IN PM 10897. THE REMAINDER PARCEL fS NOT ASSESSED. THE TOTAL UNPAID REASSESSMENT PRINCIPAL AMOUNT FOR EXISTING REASSESSMENT4181(EFFECTIVEJANUARY 1, 2003, AT THE BEGINNING OF THE 2003/2004 TAX YEAR) IS $38,154.43. THE TOTAL REASSESSMENT AMOUNT APPORTIONED TO EACH NEW PARCEL IS SHOWN UNDER THE COLUMN ENTITLED "TOTAL AMENDED REASMT AMOUNT." EXISTING REASSESSMENT 4181 IS DELETED FROM THE REASSESSMENT ROLL FOR ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.86-2. 4657 PARCEL MAP N0.10897; PARCEL 1 Riverlakes Investment Company, LLC 777.04 2,268.76 3,137.89 6,183.69 1,648.53 1,832.22 4658 PARCEL MAP N0.10897; PARCEL 2 Riverlakes Investment Company, LLC 490.54 1,444.86 1,998.36 3,933.76 1,049.87 4,983.63 4659 PARCEL MAP N0.10897; PARCEL 3 Riverlakes Investment Company, LLC 479.84 1,388.84 1,920.89 3,789.57 1,009.17. 4,798.74 4660 PARCEL MAP N0.10897; PARCEL 4 Riverlakes Investment Company, LLC 501.24 1,500.87 2,075.82 4,077.93 1,090.57 5,168.50 4661 PARCEL MAP N0.10897; PARCEL 5 Riverlakes Investment Company, LLC 465.57 1,314.17 1,817.60 3,597.34 954.91 4,552.25 4662 PARCEL MAP N0.10897; PARCEL 6 Riverlakes Investment Company, LLC 462.01 1,295.50 1,791.78 3,549.29 941.34. 4,490.63 4663 PARCEL MAP N0.10897; PARCEL 7 Riverlakes Investment Company, LLC 608.62 1,839.35 2,543.97 4,991.94 1,336.52 6,328.46 4664 REMAINDER PARCEL Riverlakes Investment Company, L_LC 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL AMOUNT APPORTIONED: 3,784.86 11,052.35 15,286.31 30,123.52 8,030.91 38,154.43 NOTES: 1. -.FOR A DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE LINES, DIMENSIONS, AND LOCATIONS OF REASSESSMENTS 4657 THROUGH 4664 REFERENCE PARCEL MAP N0.10897 RECORDED , 2003, IN BOOK _ OF PARCEL MAPS, AT PAGES _. THROUGH _, IN THE OFFICE OF COUNTY :RECORDER OF THE COUNTY OF KERN. 2. THE AD 86-2 REMAINING BALANCE, AS EXISTING ON DECEMBER 1,1993, HAS BEEN REFUNDED AND REDUCED AS DESCRIBED IN THE REASSESSMENT ENGINEER'S REASSESSMENT REPORT FOR THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.86-2, AS APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL ON JANUARY 12,1994 (REASSESSMENT REPORT). PREPARED BY: WILSON & ASSOCIATES ~~~~.~Q~Q ~ W \~ -1 ZZ ~(}3 APPROVED: ~ t DATE: EDWARD J. WILSON R.C.E. 23269 (EXPIRES 12-31-05) _ o~~o~ESSr°~i ~ ~ M No. 23269 # EXp,12/3I/05 ~~~ CfVI~. ~,~. 29612EXA A-1 0912212003 EXHIBIT B EXISTING PARCEL REASSESSMENT NUMBER 4181 DESCRIPTION OF EXISTING REASSESSMENT AND NEW PARCELS TO WHICH THE EXISTING REASSESSMENT IS TO BE APPORTIONED BY REASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT N0.97 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.86-2 (R.ANCHO LABORDE STAGE 1-A/BUENA VISTA TRUNK SEWER) AMENDING EXISTING REASSESSMENT 4181 AND ADDING NEW REASSESSMENTS 4657 THROUGH 4664 CREATED BY RECORDATION OF PARCEL MAP N0. 10897 2003/2004 REASSESSMENT A.T.N. FOR EXISTING PRINCIPAL TO BE HOW EXISTING PARCELS REASSESSMENTS APPORTIONED HAVE BEEN SUBDNIDED LLA P02-0179; Pc11 Total Amount to Be Apportioned to New Reassessments: NUMBER OF I~EW LOTS/PARCELS $38,154.43 Parcel Map No. 10897 (PM 10897) subdivides Existing Reassessment 4181 creating 7 new parcels and 1 remainder parcel. The total remaining pxincipal amount for Existing Reassessment 4181 is. reapportioned to the 7 parcels in PM 10897. The remainder parcel is not reassessed. Existing Reassessment 4181 is deleted from the Reassessment Roll for AD 86-2. Parcel Map No. 10897 a. 7 parcels (Amended Reassessments 4657 through 4663} b. 1 remainder parcel (Amended Reassessment 4664) Total New Reassessed Lots/Parcels Total Non-reassessed Lots/Parcels Total New Reasmt. Nos. Total Exist. Reasmt. Nos. deleted from Roll Net Change Active Reasmt. on Roll $38,154.43 1. Unpaid reassessment balance apportioned is the balance at the beginning of the 2003/2004 Tax Year, effective January 1, 2003. 7 1 7 1 8 =1 7 29612E~B 1 9/22/03 EXHIBIT C DESCRIPTION OF THE PROCEDURE USED TO APPORTION SHARES OF THE UNPAID REASSESSMENT PRINCIPAL FOR EXISTING REASSESSMENT 4181 TO NEW REASSESSMENTS 4657 THROUGH 4664 CREATED BY RECORDATION OF PARCEL MAP N0.10897 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 86-2 (BUENA VISTA TRUNK SEWER/RANCHO LABORD~ STAGE 1-A) .REASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT N0. 97 1. DESCRIPTION OF EXISTING REASSESSMENT 4181: A. Existing Reassessment 4181(hereafter "Reassessment 4181 ") is described as Parcel 1 of Lot Line Adjustment No. P02-0179, and is located in the City of Bakersfield. Parcel Map No.10897 ("PM 10897"} resubdivides Reassessment 4181 creating 7 new commercial use parcels and 1 remainder. parcel. The 7 new parcels (identified as Parcels 1 through 7 in PM 10897) are assigned Amended Reassessment Nlunbers ("Amended Reassessments") 4657 through 4663, respectively. The remainder parcel is identified as Amended Reassessment 4664. B. Reassessment 4181 ~~as created by Reassessment and Diagram Amendment ("Apportionment") No. 88 for Assessment District No. 86-2 ("AD 86-2"). The entire Reassessment 4181 is located within the Stage 1-A Benefit Zone and the Telephone Benefit Zone of AD 86-2. Thy improvement cost assessed to these Benefit Zones were funded by Series A, B, C, and D Bonds for AD 86-2. C. The total remaining Reassessment Principal Amount for Reassessment 4181 (effective Januar~r 1, 2003, at the beginning of the 2003/2004 Tax Year} is $3 8,154.43. The total original AD 86- assessment amount was $126,148.01. The total original AD 86-2 assessment amount and the total remaining reassessment principal amount for Reassessment 4181 are reapportioned as described below. 2. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROCEDURE USED TO SEGREGATE AND APPORTION THE ORIGINALASSESSMENTANDIHE UNPAID REASSESSMENTPRINCIPALAMOUNTS FR011~ REASSESSMENT 4181 TO AMENDED REASSESSMENTS 4657 THROUGH 4664: A. Reassessment 4181 is located in the Buena Vista Trunk Sewer (Series A Bonds) Benefit Zone and the Stage 1 A Benefit Zone for Street, Utility and Telephone improvements (Series B, C, and D Bonds). The total remaining AD 86-2 Reassessment Principal Amount for Reassessment 4181 is apportioned to the 7 new parcels and the remauider parcel created by PM 10897, as follows: a. Buena Vista Trunk Sewer (BVTS) Assessment (Series A Bonds): i. Reassessment 4181 was allocated 39 Equivalent Dwelling Units (EDUs) of BVTS Capacity at the original assessment unit charge rate of $245.60/EDU for a total BVTS Capacity charge of $9,578.40, based on its CoiYunercial Land Use designation (pursuant to Apportionment No. 88). On August 22, 2001, the City Council of the 29612EXC 1 9122/03 City of Bakersfield approved its Resohztion No. 130-01 which adopted General Plan Amendment/Zone Change/RiverLakes Ranch Specific Plan Amendment No. PO1- 0227 ("GPA P01-0227"}, amending land uses on parcels affected by this Reassessment and Diagram Amendment No. 97. Copies of the maps showing the revised land use plan and zoning per GPA P01-0227 are attached to this Engineer's Report for reference. Each benefitted parcel created by PM 10897 is allocated its share of BUTS Capacity charge in direct proportion to the number of EDUs allocated to each of them, based on the maximum permitted number of EDUs for each parcel when developed according to the land uses approved in GPA P01-0227 and in accordance to Bakersfleld 2010 General Plan, and in proportion to each parcel's areas within each land use presented in said GPA PO1-0227. The total BVTS Capacity charge for Reassessment 4181 is allocated to the 7 new parcels created by PM 10897 at the original rate of $245.60/EDU as follows; Parcels 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 in PSI 10897 are allocated 8, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, and 6 EDUs, respectively, based on their Commercial Land Use designation. The parcel areas far the 7 new parcels created by PM 10897 are the net areas as shown on the recorded PM 10897, excluding the area of the linear park along Coffee Road from the assessable area of Parcels 5, 6, acid 7. The remainder parcel (Amended Reassessment 4664} is also a part of said linear park, and as such is not assessed. The total number of EDUs allocated to the 7 new parcels (39 EDUs} is equal to the total number of EDUs originally allocated to Reassessment 41 S 1. 11. The total BVTS Oversizing amount for Reassessment 4181 is allocated to the 7 new parcels in PM 10897 in the same manner as the BVTS Capacity charge (based on net areas shotivn on said PM 10897, reduced for the area of the linear paxk for Parcels ~, 6, and 7, as described above}. The remainder parcel is not assessed. b. Stage 1-A Arterial Street and Utility Assessment (Series B, C, and D Bonds}: The Stage 1 A and Utility improvement assessments consists of several components inchlding a basic street area charge, a major street trip generation charge and a sewer frontage charge. The allocation of estimated total Average Daily Vehicle Trips (VTD} to PM 10897 parcels is based on the same parcel areas and land use designations, as described above for the BVTS sewer allocations. The sewer frontage component for Reassessment 4181 is allocated to Parcels 1 through 7 of PM 10897 in the same manner as BVTS sewer. The total original assessment shares for the 7 new parcels in PM 10897 have been allocated as original series B, C, and D Bonds shares ll1 proportion to the Reassessment 4181 Series B, C, and D Bonds shares allocated to each of them. B, Apportionment ~of the Total Remaining Reassessment Balance from Reassessment 4181 to Amended Reassessments 4657 through 4664; The three original AD 86-2 Series of Tax Exempt Bonds (Series A, B, and D}have been refunded by a Single Series of Tax Exempt Bonds. The single original AD 86-2 Series of Taxable Bonds (Series C}has also been refunded by a Single Series of Taxable Bonds. The amount required to refiind each original series of bonds was prorated to each parcel based on that parcel's remaining principal for that original bond series. Accordingly, the total reassessment remaining principal amount for Reassessment 4181, by original Bond Series, is apportioned to the 7 parcels and the remainder parcel created by PM 10897 in direct proportion to the original Reassessment 4181 shares apportioned to each parcel for each Bond Series. 29612EXC 2 91221 U3 More detailed information on the land uses, zoning and dwelling unit densities used to apportion Reassessment 4181 is on file in the office of the Public works Director and the office of the Planning Director for the City of Bakersfield. PREPARED BY: WILSON & ASSOCIATES By: ~~9~-- ~ , VJ ~1~-- Date: B(' 22 - CS3 EDWARD J. WILSON, R. C. E. 23269 (EXPIRES 12-31-OS) REASSESSMENT ENGINEER, ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 86-2 R a~~ss~~~ ~a~~ ~~ c~ w° s° ~ ~~ Na.23269 ~ Fxp,12/31/0 s~. c~v~~. .~~ 9~F ~~ ~~~~~~ 29612EXC 3 9/22103 . .... .. ~ • ~~ r ~ ~ v ~ u V ir' ~/1... ! 11 tiJ 711 j ! ~ 1~ ~~~~~~~ _ ~~ w~- ~r~ I~ ~ ~~ _ t0a1 M+~'rt 11vts pa i~ rya ra/ V~^r~~~ ,~,,~ ",~ w~~iawr~w ~ jtrs ,rt• i>r ~ r ~#itioentlFt i ~ ~ [~P 1 ~.Dw ~grrY MIN~w aMlfiY ~i i4 w MR V fi! ~t.k1 _,-----.._. ~ "~'r >Ma+ a~ur~ ~ n +~ ran yr w ~ a II ~~ ~ ~~• ar~~r ;pow ~ ~ ~.~ ae~, ~+~- n.ih i~ }QM f~Nf7 A71~eM11af+ u.~# 1~TK 4~-~'f1~L 1~M ~ t0~fA4 ~IpM 11`it 1~M~4 ~~ ~ ~ i~i~P f~ ~ ~ ~ ~1Mt~~w~s ~ y «~ ~. ~Gia ~ ~~~- .wnt ~ ~ ~` ~ ;4~ it~iT i pW iii: o,~t oarfrr ,,,,,,,~„ ....--. oK r~c+~a+ra it?t<r • qtr fit; - cd1~N'IP ~ ~~' tut ~ ~ ~ ~` flit piA4u~ }~,,,,~ . .. ~, nor oii~r s~t QLf 1~1Wi -lt~iet~: *~ ~~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ x,~r111A~+ ~ te411t 1p~1tMiMt `•~ ~~ ~ ~ 1 .... tt 1 - .yfA ~I'P ~~ ice/ ~-~~~Y ~~ ~ ~.. ~~~ nt~oire ,J ~. 4Q~I~S 4~ir ~` ti iii sQi+lit~C .:w.-- .,...,.. "~1° w~fvt Ct3M.~+H~cw. ~~~Pe cp,~~ru~ I f aGNOA~i ~+~r 4 ,lOiO 406 ~., ) ai'A ' tp? !! r ~~• ~;} ... ~~? ~'Y ! ~ '~• ,r t ...,..,..,~, .. ...~. ,...o,r~r~.w~..~..*r,~.,,,.. yt~~r~n~.~e..w..r ,RA~/n •. ,,• ~' ••~-- ,emu ~+..- • s i. v i t ~ 1 Llitiitll.t~,d i i1c`1 l~iVn OU:i ~~: 1!r'(,i'-i'~ ~ r Lu ' ~^A ~ ~ ~~l~ ~~~ c~r~o ~~rniir ~i~~-iit~~ ~~n~ ~~ 0~ ~.~ ~-~ C-~ ~~rnrn~tcl~1 end ~roi~~~iQh~! . ",.° '"``~ _ _ ~ ~•1 t.tn~t{+~d CQmm~~Al~t ~,on~ . ~•~ ~GQ~m+~~roi~i ~or1~ ~~ Upen 8p+~o4 ~an~- r~•i #.I~ti~ ~1#nu~~~cturFrrQ bona P ~Ru~~m4bN~ P~r~cin~ ~v~~- _. ..r.._..._._.,~,.,..~ ~ I~•~ R' F iyri A~~ ~ 1 AQf(Hc~ M14KAY Y ~ 4 iOp~~Q-0~40~ E~:n~~ n '+~~ ~~''~" ~~~~' ~~~~ ~~~~ a ~:~:~~~.~~, ~~~~E~i~~t~, ~~y~f~ ~~ ~` ' 1l ~~ .,,f •,', ~' + it ~•,;. ~ -- ~,1 ~.,~ ~~•~ r EXHlBlT D LISTING OF ORIGINAL REASSESSMENT AMOUNTS FOR AMENDED REASSESSMENTS 4657 THROUGH 4664 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.86-2 (BUENA VISTA TRUNK SEWERIRANCHO LABORDE STAGE 1-A) COUNTY OF KERN, CALIFORNIA REASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT N0.97 AMENDED PARCEL DETAILS OF TAX EXEMPT ORIGINAL REASSESSMENT ORIGINAL TOTAL AMENDED REASMT NUMBERS DESCRIPTION / ASSESSOR'S TAX NUMBER (ATN) _ ORIGINAL SERIES A (SEWER) ORIGINAL SERIES B (STAGE 1-A) ORIGINAL SERIES D (STAGE 1-A) TOTAL TAX EXEMPT (A+ B + D) TAXABLE REASMT AMOUNT ORIGIN{~L REASMT AMOUNT 4657 PARCEL MAP N0.10897; PARCEL 1 2,984.95 5,097.88 6,956.83 15,039.66 3,583.54 18,62:x.20 4658 PARCEL MAP N0.10897; PARCEL 2 1,884.43 3,246.58 4,430.45 9,561.46 2,282.17 11,843.63 4659 PARCEL MAP N0.10897; PARCEL 3 1,843.32 3,120.72 4,258.70 9,222.74 2,193.71 11,41.45 4660 PARCEL MAP N0.10897; PARCEL 4 1,925.53 3,372.43 4,602.19 9,900.15 2,370.64 12,270.79 4661 PARCEL N1AP N0.10897; PARCEL 5 1,788.51 2,952.93 4,029.71 8,771.15 2,075.75 10,846.90 4662 PARCEL MAP N0.10897; PARCEL 6 1,774.81 2,910.98 3,972.46 8,658.25 2,046.26 10,704.51. 4663 PARCEL MAP N0.10897; PARCEL 7 2,338.04 4,133.00 5,640.10 12,111.14 2,905.28 15,016.42 4664 REMAINDER PARCEL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL ORIGfNAL REASMT AMOUNT APPORTIONED 14,539.59 24,834.52 33,890.44 73,264.55 17,457.35 90,721.90 NOTE: THE AD 86-2 REMAINING BALANCE, AS EXISTING ON DECEMBER 1, 1993, HAS BEEN REF~JNDED AND REDUCED AS DESCRIBED. IN THE REASSESSMENT ENGINEER'S REASSESSMENT R EPORT FOR THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0. 86-2, AS APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL ON JANUARY 12, 1994 (REASSESSMENT REPORT). THE AMOUNTS SHOWN ABOVE ARE THE ORIGINAL REFUNDING AMOUNTS HAD THESE PARCELS EXISTED AT THE TIME OF REFUNDING. 29612EXD D-1 09/22/2003 h z ~ ~w I v~i~- I~''o z ~ zw ~ W ¢° IZ~= I WY ~ ' w W W o~ ia~~ IL tL I W .Q i~~ ~~~Q~~~ ~ o~ ~ az,~ tL F- p U w ~ ~ I t17n wJ N~OW~ InhQ cowJzw IOU-I ao~ww= UXt,. IU}a hZ I="o Oj~~~~et0 I 00 ~gOaZY~ J I U J o~pW~O ,~ I as O ~ ~ i~i `~ U 0 x z h I OW v. I h Ugh ~WWO pO~d im J hd ? W ~1-WI.~ c~x~, dF- OONU I (U = W U=wUm~ I ~ z I Z W h ~"~ ~i•! ~ ~~,,' •,.+ °' ~ '"I CD .O W ~° ° M m N ! dWw O z n w J r-r}-°~anoo~~ n ~ d =UwU O O z d o =ZwhN~o-m 1=cnm U WY dO O Y ~ E-I j~+~ ro~o h~i ~U Z • 0 ~J ~• ~ d• ~ N f'Q h I W N Z W ~~ ~ j ~ N I S Y ! fY Wd4 I h m Z I ~~00 I JW ~- UV Ufw ~ 4 ~ d Q:dF--Oa h• n ! f) _ ~ O O 2 t~. 7 ocanw~w I~~Q h U~~ ISn-W ~ ~ I Y~ I d~ w I JUG W W I .. Vlt h d'h Q~"'WDDJ~Q I~V~ Z Z O~ ~.. VI IL W V W O I d. O ON~'aZ}=U} ~~}}}} OHO h~-t- F--F ~ ~ ~- (/) Z !- ^ '•1-1 W W Z FBI ~ E~ 0 z uxi f~+{ © V2O W I vwiz O I UO..)" 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Said bonds were issued pursuant to the terms and provisions of the "Improvement Bond Act of 1915," being Division 10 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an apportionment has been requested by the property owners} and prepared by the Superintendent of Streets of the unpaid reassessments relating to the reassessments and parcels as shown on EXHIBIT A, "AMENDED REASSESSMENT ROLL" for said district attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that unless a request far a public hearing is received from you within fourteen (14) days from the date of mailing of this Notice, the above-referenced amended reassessments shall be recorded in the manner and form as required by law. If a request for hearing is received, a report shall be filed and a hearing shall be scheduled, noticed and held in accordance with Part 10 (commencing with Section 8730} of said Division 10. If you have any further questions, please contact the undersigned at the following address: Raul M. Rojas Public Works Director CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301 (661) 326-3724 This procedure is pursuant to the provisions of Part 10.5 of Division 10 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, the "Impro~rement Bond Act of 1915." DATED : ~~~~~~~ Superintendent of Streets City of Bakersfield State of California EXHIBIT A AMENDER REASSESSMENT ROLL CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.86-2 (BUENA VISTA TRUNK SEWER/RANCHO LABORDE STAGE 1-A) COUNTY OF KERN, CALIFORNIA AMENDING EXISTING REASSESSMENT 4181 AND ADDING NEW REASSESSMENTS 4657 THROUGH 4664 CREATED BY RECORDATION OF PARCEL MAP N0.10897 REASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT N0.97 AMENDED PARCEL DETAILS OF TAX EXEMPT AMENDED REASSESSMEN TOTAL TOTAL AMENDED DESCRIPTION / REASMT ASSESSOR'S TAX AMENDED PROPERTY NUMBERS ____ NUMBER (ATN) OWNER NAME !ADDRESS SERIES A SHARE EFF 1!1!03 SERIES B SHARE EFF 1/1/03 SERIES D SHARE EFF 1/1!03 TOTAL TAX EXEMPT (A + B + D} TAXABLE AMOUNT EFF 111103 AMENDED REASMT AMOUNT PARCEL MAP N0. 10897 (PM 10897) SUBDIVIDES EXISTING REASSESSMENT 4181 CREATING 7 NEW PARCELS AND 1 REMAINDER PARCEL.: EXISTING REASSESSMENT 4181 IS IDENTIFIED AS LOT 1 OF LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT N0. P02-0179. THE 7 NEW PARCELS (PARCELS 1 THROUGH 7 IN PM 10897) ARE ASSIGNED AMENDED REASSESSMENT NUMBERS 4657 THROUGH 4663, RESPECTIVELY, AND THE REMAINDER PARCEL IS IDENTIFIED AS AM ENDED REASSESSMENT 4664. THE TOTAL REASSESSMENT AMOUNT FOR EXISTING REASSESSMENT 4181 IS APPORTIONED TO THE 7 PARCELS IN PM 10897. THE REMAINDER PARCEL IS NOT ASSESSED. THE TOTAL UNPAID REASSESSMENT PRINCIPAL AMOUNT FOR EXISTING REASSESSMENT 4181 (EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 2003, ATTHE BEGINNING OF THE 2003!2004 TAX YEAR) IS $38,154.43. THE TOTAL REASSESSMENT AMOUNT APPORTIONED TO EACH NEW PARCEL iS SHOWN UNDER THE COLUMN ENTITLED "TOTAL AMENDED REASMT AMOUNT." EXISTING REASSESSMENT 4181 IS DELETED FROM THE REASSESSMENT ROLL FOR ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.86-2. 4657 PARCEL MAP N0.10897; PARCEL 1 Riverlakes Investment Company, LLC 777.04 2,268.76 3,137.89 6,183.69 1,648.53 7,832.22 4658 PARCEL MAP N0.10897; PARCEL 2 Riverlakes Investment Company, LLC 490.54 1,444.86 1,998.36 3,933.76 1,049.87 4,983.63 4659 PARCEL. MAP N0.10897; PARCEL 3 Riverlakes Investment Company, LLC 479.84 1,388.84 1,920.89 3,789.57 1,009.17 4,798.74 4660 PARCEL MAP N0.10897; PARCEL 4 Riverlakes Investment Company, LLC 501.24 1,500.87 2,075.82 4,077.93 1,090.57 5,168.50 4661 PARCEL MAP N0.10897; PARCEL 5 Riverlakes Investment Company, LLC 465.57 1,314.17 1,817.60 3,597.34 954.91 4,552:25 4662 PARCEL MAP N0.10897; PARCEL 6 Riverlakes Investment Company, LLC 462.01 1,295.50 1,791.78 3,549.29 941.34 4,490.63 4663 PARCEL MAP N0.10897; PARCEL 7 Riverlakes Investment Company, LLC 608.62 1,839.35 2,543.97 4,991.94 1,336.52 6,328.46 -- 4664 REMAINDER PARCEL Riverlakes Investment Company, LLC 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL AMOUNT APPORTIONED: 3,784.86 11,052.35 15,286.31 30,123.52 8,030.91 38,154.43 ;NOTES: 1. FOR A DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE LINES, DIMENSIONS, AND LOCATIONS OF REASSESSMENTS 4657 THROUGH 4664 REFERENCE PARCEL MAP N0.10897 RECORDED , 2003, IN BOOK _ OF PARCEL MAPS, AT PAGES ._ THROUGH _, IN THE OFFICE OF COUNTY RECORDER OF THE COUNTY OF KERN. 2. THE AD 86-2 REMAINING BALANCE, AS EXISTING ON DECEMBER 1,1993, HAS BEEN REFUNDED AND REDUCED AS DESCRIBED IN THE REASSESSMENT ENGINEER'S REASSESSMENT REPORT FOR THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.86-2, AS APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL ON JANUARY 12,1994 (REASSESSMENT REPORT). PREPARED BY: WILSON & ASSOCIATES ~~j ~ , A ' , \ I i ,~ DATE: ~ ~ 22 ~~ 3 APPROVED: li v v `~~y~ EDWARD J. WILSON R.C.E. 23269 (EXPIRES 12-31-05) ~Q~pfESSjp~9 ~~ Aso a ~ ~ ~ No.232~9 ~ * F~cp.12/31/05 R4.1 29612EXA A-1 09/2212003 T0: ~ SUPERINTENDENT OF STREETS CITY OF BAKERSFIFLD RE: AS SES SMENT DISTRICT N0.86-2, REAS SES SMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT N0. 97. APPLICATION FOR SEGREGATION AND APPORTIOI~lN1ENT OF EXISTING REASSESSMENTS PURSUANT TO PART 10.5 OF DIVISION 10, STREETS AND HIGHWAYS CODE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, THE IlVIPROVEMENT BaNp, ACT OF 1915, Requisites of Application: I. REQUEST FOR APPORTIONMENT OF EXISTING REASSESSMENT 4181, WIRE SAID PARCEL HAS BEEN SUBDIVIDED BY PARCEL MAP NO. 10897. II. ACCEPTANCE OF REASSESSMENT APPORTIONMENT PROCEDURE, WAIVER OF NOTICE AND HEARING THEREON, AND REQUEST TO RECORD AMENDED REASSESSMENTS. Application: I. REQUEST FOR APPORTIONMENT OF THE UNPAID REASSESSMENT PRINCI~'AL AMOUNT FROM EXISTING REASSESSMENT 4181 1N THE CITY OF BAKERSFIFLD WI-~RE SAID PARCEL HAS BEEN SUBDIVIDED BY PARCEL MAP NO. 10897. The undersigned is the owner and subdivider of Existing Reassessment 4181 ("Reassessment 4181"} which has been subdivided by Parcel Map No. 10897 ("P1VI 10897"}, and is also the owner of all parcels created by said PM 10897. A description of said. existing reassessment, the Total amount of the unpaid reassessment principal balance effective January 1, 2003, and a description of how said parcel has been subdivided are included in Engineer's Report Exhibit B, Description of Existing Reassessment in City of Bakersfield Assessment District No. 86-2 (hereina~er ``AD 86-2"}, attached hereto. and incorporated herein by reference. As the owner and subdivider of the referenced Reassessment 4181, the undersigned hereby requests the Superintendent of Streets for the City of Bakersfield to apportion the amount remaining unpaid on said Reassessment 4181 in accordance with the provisions of the Improvement Bond Act of 1915. The unpaid principal amount for said reassessment, as shown on Exhibit B, has been apportioned to each separate part of the original parcel of land comprising Reassessment 4181, in the amounts as shown on Engineer's Report Exhibit A, Amended Reassessment Roll, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. 29612CRCR.APP 1 9122103 IL ' ACCEPTANCE OF REAS SES SMENT APPORTIONMENT PROCEDURE AND REQUEST TO RECORD AMENDED REASSESSMENTS. I have reviewed: Exhibit C (Description of Reassessment Apportionment Procedure} included in the attached Engineer's Report, describing the procedure used to apportion shares of the un aid p reassessment principal amount for Reassessment 4181 in AD 86-2 to the parcels created b~ the recordation of said PM 10897. Pursuant to a review of Exhibit C, the undersigned has determined that the amended reassessment amounts shown on said Exhibit A have been apportioned in accordance with the benefits the parcels will receive from the improvements financed by AD .86-2, based on current parcel zoning and with proposed uses. Therefore, the undersigned waives notice and hearing before the City Council on this reassessment apportionment, accepts the procedure used for the requested apportionment of the principal balance for said Reassessment 4181,,, and requests and consents to the recordation of the apportioned reassessments on the pro ernes for p which the undersigned is listed as the owner on the accompanying Exhibit A, and to the amended reassessment amounts shown thereon. Submitted by, RIVERLAES I~~~ESTMENT COMPANY, LLC, a California Limited Liability Company ~_ By: C~ t Dated: C "r~ ~ 2003. Attachment: En~+Irieer's Report on Reassessment Apportionment No. 97 29612CRCR. APP 2 9!22/03 29612RPT 9/22/03 ENGINEER'S REPORT RE: SEGREGATION AND APPORTIONMENT OF REASSESSMENTS FOR REASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT N0. 97 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0. 86-2 AMENDING EXISTING REASSESSMENT 4181 TO CREATE NEW REASSESSMENTS 4657 THROUGH 4664 PURSUANT TO RECORDATION OF PARCEL MAP NO. 10897 1. An application has been filed with the Superintendent of Streets of the City of Bakersfield requesting a segregation and apportionment of an existing reassessment within Assessment District No. 86-2, pursuant to the division of the parcel. 2. In accordance with said application, the undersigned hereby apportions to each separate part of the original parcel of land, the proportionate part of its respective unpaid reassessment that would have been levied thereon if the parcel had been so divided at the time the original reassessment was made. The undersigned has assigned a new reassessment number to each new parcel, as shown on the Amended Reassessment Diagram attached hereto. 3. The existing reassessment number, new reassessment numbers and apportioned reassessment amounts (based in each case on the unpaid principal amount of reassessment effective January 1, 2003, at the beginning of the 2003/2004 Tax Year, are as shown on Exhibit A "Amended Reassessment Roll" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. A description of the referenced existing reassessment and of how it has been subdivided is included in Exhibit B, attached hereto. A description of the procedure used to apportion the unpaid principal for the referenced existing reassessment to the new reassessments is included in Exhibit C, attached hereto, and a listing of the apportioned share of the original reassessment amount for each new reassessment is shown on Exhibit D, attached hereto. Existing reassessment 4181 is deleted from the roll for Assessment District No. 86-2. DATED : ~ ~ ~ ~~.~ WILSON & ASSOCIATES Reassessment Apportionment Engineer a~~a~~~s,~~ ~ ~, ~~ ~ Edward J. Wilson, ~ No ~~~~~ ~ R.C.E. 23269, Expires 12-31-05 ~ ~Cp.12/~1/~~ ~ s~~T c'vi~. ~~~~ ~ OF CA1.t~Q EXHIBIT A AMENDED REASSESSMENT ROLL CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.86-2 (BUENA VISTA TRUNK SEWERIRANCHO LABORDE STAGE 1-A) COUNTY OF KERN, CALIFORNIA AMENDING EXISTING REASSESSMENT 4181 AND ADDING NEW REASSESSMENTS 4657 THROUGH 4664 CREATED BY RECORDATION OF PARCEL MAP N0.10891 REASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT N0.97 AMENDED PARCEL ~ ETAILS OF TAX EXEMPT AMENDED REASSESSMEN TOTAL TOTAL AMENDED DESCRIPTION / SERIES A SERIES B SERIES D TOTAL TAXABLE AMENDED REASMT ASSESSOR'S TAX AMENDED PROPERTY SHARE SHARE SHARE TAX EXEMPT AMOUNT REASMT NUMBERS NUMBER (ATN) OWNER NAME 1 ADDRESS EFF 111103 EFF 111/03 EFF 1/1103 (A + B + D) EFF 111103 AMOUNT PARCEL MAP N0. 10897 (PM 10897) SUBDIVIDES EXISTING REASSESSMENT 4181 CREATING 7 NEW PARCELS AND 1 REMAINDER PARCEL.'. EXISTING REASSESSMENT 4181 IS IDENTIFIED AS LOT 1 OF LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT N0. P02-0179. THE 7 NEW PARCELS (PARCELS 1 THROUGH 7 IN PM 10897) ARE ASSIGNED AMENDED REASSESSMENT NUMBERS 4657 THROUGH 4663, RESPECTIVELY, AND THE REMAINDER PARCEL IS IDENTIFIED AS AMENDED REASSESSMENT 4664. THE TOTAL REASSESSMENT AMOUNT FOR EXISTING REASSESSMENT 4181 IS APPORTIONED TO THE 7 PARCELS 1N PM 10897. THE REMAINDER PARCEL IS NOT ASSESSED. THE TOTAL UNPAID REASSESSMENT PRINCIPAL AMOUNT FOR EXISTING REASSESSMENT4181(EFFECTIVEJANUARY 1, 2003, AT THE BEGINNING OF THE 2003/2004 TAX YEAR) IS $38,154.43. THE TOTAL REASSESSMENT AMOUNT APPORTIONED TO EACH NEW PARCEL IS SHOWN UNDER THE COLUMN ENTITLED "TOTAL AMENDED REASMT AMOUNT." EXISTING REASSESSMENT 4181 IS DELETED FROM THE REASSESSMENT ROLL FOR ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.86-2. 4657 PARCEL MAP N0.10897; PARCEL 1 Riverlakes Investment Company, LLC 777.04 2,268.76 3,137.89 6,183.69 1,648.53 7,832.22 4658 PARCEL MAP N0.10897; PARCEL 2 Riverlakes Investment Company, LLC 490.54 1,444.86 1,998.36 3,933.76 1,049.87 4,983.63 4659 PARCEL MAP N0.10897; PARCEL 3 Riverlakes Investment Company, LLC 479.84 1,388.84 1,920.89 3,789.57 1,009.17 4,798.74 4660 PARCEL MAP N0.10897; PARCEL 4 Riverlakes Investment Company, LLC 501.24 1,500.87 2,075.82 4,077.93 1,090.57 5,168.50 4661 PARCEL MAP N0.10897; PARCEL 5 Riverlakes Investment Company, LLC 465.57 1,314.17 1,817.60 3,597.34 954.91 4,552.25 4662 PARCEL MAP N0.10897; PARCEL 6 Riverlakes Investment Company, LLC 462.01 1,295.50 1,791.78 3,549.29 941.34 4,490.63 4663 PARCEL MAP N0.10897; PARCEL 7 Riverlakes Investment Company, LLC 608.62 1,839.35 2,543.97 4,991.94 1,336.52 6,328.46 4664 REMAINDER PARCEL Riverlakes Investment Company, LLC 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL AMOUNT APPORTIONED: T 3,784.86 11,052.35 15,286.31 30,123.52 8,030.91 38,154.43 NOTES: 1. FOR A DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE LINES, DIMENSIONS, AND LOCATIONS OF REASSESSMENTS 4657 THROUGH 4664 REFERENCE PARCEL MAP N0.10897 RECORDED , 2003, IN BOOK - OF PARCEL MAPS, AT PAGES _ THROUGH _, IN THE OFFICE OF COUNTY RECORDER OF THE COUNTY OF KERN. 2. THE AD 86-2 REMAINING BALANCE, AS EXISTING ON DECEMBER 1,1993, HAS BEEN REFUNDED AND REDUCED AS DESCRIBED IN THE REASSESSMENT ENGINEER'S REASSESSMENT REPORT FOR THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.86-2, AS APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL ON JANUARY 12,1994 (REASSESSMENT REPORT). PREPARED BY: } API ROVED:SSOCIATES '` /~ f G J ` W ~""' DATE: ~ ~ 22 ~V 3 U EDWARD J. WILSON R.C.E. 23269 (EXPIRES 1231-05) ~pRa~ESS~°~ ~~~~ ~~~ J, ~~ ~~~ ~ ~ Na.23259 ~ ~ Exp. 12/31/05 sT9 Cf Vl~. ~~~. 29612EXA A-1 09122/2003 EXHIBIT B DESCRIPTION OF EXISTING REASSESSMENT AND NEW PARCELS TO WHICH THE EXISTING REASSESSMENT IS TO BE APPORTIONED BY REASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT N0.97 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.86-2 (RANCHO LABORDE STAGE 1-A/BUENA VISTA TRUNK SEWER) AMENDING EXISTING REASSESSMENT 4181 AND ADDING NEW REASSESSMENTS 4657 THROUGH 4664 CREATED BY RECORDATION OF PARCEL MAP N0. 10897 EXISTING PARCEL 2003/2004 REASSESSMENT NUMBER REASSESSMENT A.T.N. FOR EXISTING PRINCIPAL TO BE HOW EXISTING PARCELS OF I~EW NUMBER REASSESSMENTS APPORTIONED HAVE BEEN SUBDNIDED LOTS/PARCELS 4181 LLA P02-0179; Pc11 $38,154.43 Parcel Map No. 10897 (PM 10897) subdivides Existing Reassessment 4181 creating 7 new parcels and 1 remainder parcel. The total remaining principal amount for Existing Reassessment 4181 is reapportioned to the 7 parcels in PM 10897. The remainder parcel is not reassessed. Existing Reassessment 4181 is deleted from the Reassessment Roll for AD 86-2. Parcel Map No. 10897 a, 7 parcels (Amended Reassessments 4657 through 4663} 7 b. 1 remainder parcel (Amended Reassessment 4664} 1 Total New Reassessed Lots/Parcels 7 Total Non-reassessed LotslParcels 1 Total New Reasmt. Nos. 8 Total Exist. Reasmt. Nos. deleted from Roll -1 Total Amount to Be Net Change Active Reasmt, on Roll 7 Apportioned to New ` Reassessments: $38,154.43 1. Unpaid reassessment balance apportioned is the balance at the beginning of the 200312Q04 Tax Year, effective January 1, 2003. 29612E~B 1 9122/03 EXHIBIT C DESCRIPTION OF THE PROCEDURE USED TO APPORTION SHARES OF THE UNPAID REASSESSMENT PRINCIPAL FOR EXISTING REASSESSMENT 4181 TO NEw REASSESSMENTS 4657 THROUGH 4664 CREATED BY RECORDATION OF PARCEL MAP N0.10897 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0. 86-2 (BUENA VISTA TRUNK SEWER/RANCHO LABORDE STAGE 1-A) .REASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT N0. 97 1. DESCRIPTION OF EXISTING REASSESSMENT 4181: A. Existing Reassessment 4181 (hereafter "Reassessment 4181") is described as Parcel 1 of Lot Line Adjustment No. P02-0179, and is located inthe City of Bakersfield. Parcel Map No.10897 ("P1V~ 10897") resubdivides Reassessment 4181 creating 7 new commercial use parcels and l .remainder parcel. The 7 new parcels (identified as Parcels 1 through 7 in PM 10897) are assigned Amended Reassessment Numbers ("Amended Reassessments") 4657 through 4663, respectively. The remainder parcel is identified as Amended Reassessment 4664, B. Reassessment 4181 was created by Reassessment and Diagram Amendment ("Apportionment"} No. 88 for Assessment District No. 86-Z ("AD 86-2"). The entire Reassessment 4181 is locates within the Stage 1-A Benefit Zone and the Telephone Benefit Zone of AD 86-2. The improvement cost assessed to these Benefit Zones were funded by Series A, B, C, and D Bonds for AD 86-2. C. The total remaining Reassessment Principal Amount for Reassessment 4181(effective January 1, 2003, at the beginning of the 2003/2004 Tax Year) is $38,154.43. The total original AD 86-2, assessment amolu~t vas $126,148.01. The total origi~lal AD 86-2 assessment amount and the total remaining reassessment principal amount for Reassessment 4181 are reapportioned a~~ described below. 2. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROCEDURE USED TO SEGREGATE AND APPORTION THE ORIGINALASSESSMENTANDTRE UNPAID REASSESSMENT PRINCIPALAMOUNTS FROND REASSESSMENT 4181 TO AMENDED REASSESSMENTS 4657 THROUGH 4664: A. Reassessment 4181 is located in the Buena Vista Trunk Sewer (Series A Bonds) Benefit Zone and the Stage 1 A Benefit Zone for Street, Utility and Telephone improvements (Series B, C, and D Bonds}. The total remaining AD 86-2 Reassessment Principal Amount for Reassessment 41 S 1. is apportioned to the 7 new parcels and the remainder parcel created by PM 10897, as follows: a. Buena Vista Trunk Sewer (BVTS) Assessment (Series A Bonds): i. Reassessment 4181 was allocated 39 Equivalent Dwelling Units (EDUs} of BVTS Capacity at the original assessment l~nit charge rate of $245 , 60/EDU for a total BVTS Capacity charge of $9,578.40, based on its Cor~unercial Land Use designation (pursuant to Apportionment No. 88). On August 22, .2001, the City Council of the 29612EXC 1 9122/03 City of Bakersfield approved its Resohrtion No. 130-O1 which adopted General Plan Amendment/Zone ChangelRiverLakes Ranch Specific Plan Amendment No. P01- 0227 ("GPA P01-0227"), amending land uses on parcels affected by this Reassessment and Diagram Amendment No. 97. Copies of the maps showing the revised land use plan and zoning per GPA P01-0227 are attached to this Engineer's Report for reference. Each benefitted parcel created by PM 10897 is allocated its share of BVTS Capacity charge in direct proportion to the number of EDTJs allocated to each of them, based on the maximlun permitted number of EDUs for each parcel when developed according to the land uses approved in GPA PO1-0227 and ~n accordance to Bakersfield 2010 General Plan, and in proportion to each parcel's areas tivithin each land use presented in said GPA P01-0227, The tatal BVTS ~ Capacity charge for Reassessment 4181 is allocated to the 7 new parcels created by PM 10897 at the original rate of $245.60/EDU as follows: Parcels 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 u1 P~1 10897 are allocated 8, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, and 6 EDUs, respectively, based on their Commercial Land Use designation. The parcel areas for the 7 new parcels created by PM 10897 are the net areas as shown on the recorded PM 10897, excluding tide area of the linear park along Coffee Road from the assessable area of Parcels 5, 6, algid 7. The remainder parcel (Amended Reassessment 4664) is also a part of said linear park, and as such is not assessed. The total number of EDUs allocated to the 7 new parcels (3 9 EDUs) is equal to the total number of EDUs originally allocated to Reassessment 4181. ii. The total BVTS Oversizing amount for Reassessment 4181 is allocated to the 7 new parcels u1 PM 10897 in the same manner as the BVTS Capacity charge (based on net areas shown on said PM 10897, reduced for the area of the linear park for Parcels ~, 6, and 7, as described above). The remainder parcel is not assessed. b. Stage 1-A Arterial Street and Utility Assessment (Series B, C, and D Bonds): The Stage 1-A and Utility improvement assessments consists of several components including a basic street area charge, a major street trip generation charge and a sewer frontage charge. The allocation of estimated total Average Daily Vehicle Trips (VTD) to PM 10897 parcels is based on the same parcel areas and land use designations, as described above for the BVTS sewer allocations. The sewer frontage component for Reassessment 4181 is allocated to Parcels 1 through 7 of PM 10897 in the same manner as BVTS sewer. Tl1e total original assessment shares for the 7 new parcels in PM 10897 have been allocated as original series B, C, and D Bonds shares 111 proportion to the Reassessment 4181 Series B, C, and D Bonds shares allocated to each of them. B, Apportionment ~of t11e Total Remaining Reassessment Balance from Reassessment 4181 to Amended Reassessments 4657 through 4664; The three original AD 86-2 Series of Tax Exempt Bonds (Series A, B, and D) have been refunded by a Single Series of Tax Exempt Bonds. The single original AD 86-2 Series of Taxable Bonds (Series C) has also been refunded by a Single Series of Taxable Bonds. The amount required to refiind eac11 original series of bonds was prorated to each parcel based on that parcel's remaining principal for that original bond series. Accordingly, the total reassessment remaining principal amolult for Reassessment 4181, by original Bond Series, is apportioned to the 7 parcels and the remainder parcel created by PM 10897 in direct proportion to the original Reassessment, 4181 shares apportioned to each parcel for each Bo~1d Series. 29612EXC 2 9/22103 More detailed information on the land uses, zoning atld dv~elling unit densities used to apportion Reassessment 4181 is on file in the office of the Public ~1'orks Director and the office of the Planning Director for the City of Bakersfield. PREPARED BY: WILSON & ASSOCIATES BY ~ ,V•~ "'" "" `-"'- Date: EDWARD J. WILSON, R. C. E. 23269 (EXPIRES 12-31-OS) REASSESSMENT ENGINEER, ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0. 86-2 ~- zz-oj ..., ~. op~q~~~~~~. 4~' Q J,~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ Na.23269 ~cp,12/31/~~ ~ s~qr clv~~. ~~.. 29612EXC 3 9/22103 '~ 3~~~~~ i 6 h ~! ~~ (~ ~~ ' ' ' 1 t ~ , .,, ...FaI ~i ~ii~M r--•- ~ ~~~ s,~/ fM 41r 14 N fi~* hlt co>Y~~w ~ ~34~ ~rM it t~ r NIW+fM~Mf pMM1Y OMR W 4M NIR 1i i! ttA~i .. p j.r ~rw 4~N~n Vim) ~t ~ to wr tp as TpFMi ~~~ ~Ji ~1~~ .........~„- Nq~Arlfliaf~, C ~t?~'i ff~f ~Qrww~r ~A Grwr~F ~ ~~ fly I~,ru1~iTt i~W >~i uty ~~ irf+~! gdil) ~ ~f~ Q~1 Rr1- ~ ~ ~ nay rfaoayu--'-~ ~ 1ii1i ~~M iorta- M~~~- wfl+- +~ ~r.s~ M~ ~~ws fem. ~rM ~r1 1~ 1rt 1i ~AMI~f t ~ t~IrltAt CU~fk~c~ i >YA}p~ Sli-fHRkCi+~l n flGi{6~gf MfIMMAM o ,)00 pOO fti g~k~r~~i~1d. C~-~~f ~~li~'~~N~,r r ~~, i ~~ ... ~'~ ~'~ r s ~•~ ~urn~norol~~ ~a-n~ o~ t3p~r ~p~+tov Sono MI.1 ~.l~~t1 1~~~tul~cturlrt~ ~OtI4 P flu;am~~~fo Riri~lt-~ Zany ~~~ ~~ ~~ ~ l w~~7 ~1~1 `f 1 P i0G X44 t~ ~~ l~:n~~ ft ~~ ~~'~ ~~~~~~' ~~v~ x ~ ~~ a ~;~;~ P~.~-~ 9akar~~~~~d, +~~1if~r~1~~ ,.,,-.tt ~'~E ~ ~~~~ , ~~ -,~ ;: }.n ~~ r ~ u ~~ 'Rr'~ f i 't '~~ 1 • . ~ -~• 1 . s ~ i ~. v s ~ ~ i y~.ni a~~ i ~~~ C ~ i11 1'~U~ ~U~ ~5t~ t U~'~~ t', ~~1 • 7~ ~ A LM ~~} M~ ~k~ c~nQ ~ N~w,~r ~~-~-ti~~ ~~n~ a ~~ -..,.w.....,...... ~ ~.~ p~~q~n~ Zon• t?S ~-3 ~.Cmltrc~ Il~ftlpl• F~trtli~t ~~ -~-~' ~-1 ~.. G-n C~rnrnvtGl~i ~n~ P~oie~e~~~~1 ~a ~~~ d#filo~ Tangy EXHIBIT D LISTING OF ORIGINAL REASSESSMENT AMOUNTS FOR AMENDED REASSESSMENTS 4657 THROUGH 4664 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.86-2 (BUENA VISTA TRUNK SEWERlRANCHO LABORDE STAGE 1-A) COUNTY OF KERN, CALIFORNIA REASSESSMENT AND DIAGRAM AMENDMENT N0.97 AMENDED PARCEL ~ DETAILS OF TAX EXEMPT ORIGINAL REASSESSMENT ORIGINAL TOTAL AMENDED DESCRIPTION / ORIGINAL ORIGINAL ORIGINAL TOTAL TAXABLE ORIGINf1L REASMT ASSESSOR'S TAX SERIES A SERIES B SERIES D TAX EXEMPT REASMT REASMT NUMBERS NUMBER (ATN) (SEWER) (STAGE 1-A) (STAGE 1-A) (A+ g + D) AMOUNT AMOUNT 4657 PARCEL MAP N0.10897; PARCEL 1 2,984.95 5,097.88 6,956.$3 15,039.66 3,583.54 18,623.20 4658 PARCEL MAP NO.10897; PARCEL 2 1,884.43 3,246.58 4,430.45 9,561.46 2,282.17 11,843.63 4659 PARCEL MAP N0.10897; PARCEL 3 1,843.32 3,120.72 4,258.70 9,222.74 2,193.71 11,410.45 4660 PARCEL MAP N0.10897; PARCEL 4 1,925.53 3,372.43 4,602.19 9,900.15 2,370.64 12,270.79 4661 PARCEL N1AP N0.10897; PARCEL 5 1,788.51 2,952.93 4,029.71 8,771.15 2,075.75 10,84.90 4662 PARCEL MAP N0.10897; PARCEL 6 1,T74.81 2,910.98 3,972.46 8,658.25 2,046.26 10,704.51 4663 PARCEL MAP N0.10897; PARCEL 7 2,338.04 4,133.00 5,640.10 12,111.14 2,905.28 15,01.42 4664 REMAINDER PARCEL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL ORIGINAL REASMT AMOUNT APPORTIONED 14,539.59 24,834.52 33,890.44 73,264.55 17,457.35 90,721.90 NOTE: THE AD 86-2 REMAINING BALANCE, AS EXISTING ON DECEMBER 1, 1993, HAS BEEN REFUNDED AND REDUCED AS DESCRIBED. IN THE REASSESSMENT ENGINEER'S REASSESSMENT REPORT FOR THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0. 86-2, AS APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL ON JANUARY 12, 1994 (REASSESSMENT REPORT). THE AMOUNTS SHOWN ABOVE ARE THE ORIGINAL REFUNDING AMOUNTS HAD THESE PARCELS EXISTED AT THE TIME OF REFUNDING. 29612EXD D-1 09/2212003 r z ~ ~W ~ ~` I w x I- I CO w w d0 IZj~ - ~ i wY r~i ! ~ " a ~ O I N I w I W ° a ~~ I O OHO ~-D~- IWd } iw - a I wQ w ~ UO w~~cno0 , z , °Z w ~ I~ s tt$ a ~ .~ y- w r O U z I ~ I No ow z W Hite°op I°~d c~N~ww I~aw m ~~~ IW O I a o ozz I Us-4 »~~~~o i Oo I ~v~ ~~~W~~~Q j ~-' U I a ~ x ~ o ~ ~i ~j~, U 0 ^'-" ~` ~ Z r I I (L r w ~ O 1Y d I~ w 4 Z +•~ l ~w ~ w° ( I it x J T W m O I~ F' I O W F- +"~ .s~r'~ E ;~ ~ Ali .] p ~- a` O ,..U r1 ~ ~z~ awW ~DY Z JWW ra~-WW v }-r dDOO~tY U-°tnw ~ d d d D x e(Z Z IU v =Z rNZam z ~ ! vW r ~.~. ~ - w vNiw I~° a0~~ rY IIV-WY id•o ~ ~ z ~-+~ //''''~~ ~J ~j ~ rN Wo 2 1 wN ~0~0 ~ ~ ~~ ~' I i ~~~¢ I r Z I ~~00 ~~a ~aroa N~ ~ODZ1i.x °N~aW I~}Q ~ ~~lr I N W j Q~~ Q~wz00~Qw ~~w I W4. wUWp~~O d0 I a-r~ O~LL'iQ2 ~"'?. 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