HomeMy WebLinkAboutAD 01-1 Meeting Notes 04-19-01ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.01-1 PROJECT STATUS MEETING APRIL 19, 2001 Meeting Purpose: Status update of the assessment proceedings; present comments or questions on the assessment report, the draft Preliminary Official Statement ("POS") and Bond Purchase Contract ("BPC"} for the bonds, the draft appraisal, and the acquisition agreements; set schedule for completion of the assessment proceedings; general questions, and comments on the proceedings for discussion. AGENDA 1. Meeting opening - W11SOI1 2. Summary of status and additional information needs re: a. Acquisition agreement and assessment proceedings -Sam Sperry b. Appraisal - Mike Launer c. Bond purchase---Bob Williams d. POS/BPC -Bruce Graham 3. Specific data needs/questions/comments re: Hampton Place Area 4. Specific data needs/questions/comments re: Ming at Allen and Mountain Vista Drive Areas 5. Recap/plan for completion: a. Acquisition agreement/assessment proceedings -Sam Sperry b. Appraisal -Mike Lauver c. Bond purchase -Bob Williams d. POS/BPC -Bruce Graham e. Schedule - Ed Wilson f. Open comments - 6. Plan for next meeting 7. Organize tour for interest parties of AD o 1-1 community areas following meeting close 8 . Adjourn ACTIVITIES PLAN FOR CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N0.01-1 (MING AT ALLEN/MOUNTAIN VISTA DRIVE/HAMPTON PLACE) Effective April 19, 200.1 ACTIVITY DATE I. City Council action: Complete` 2/14/01 A. Adopt Resolutions: 1. Accepting Petition and :Determining to Undertake Special Assessment Proceedings No. 013-01 2. Approving Boundary Map No.014-01 3 . Resolution of Intention No.123 6 B. Approval of the following agreements: 1. Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP for Bond Counsel (BC) Legal Services 2. Cox, Castle & Nicholson LLP for Disclosure Counsel (DC} Legal Services Notes: (i) Agreement with Wilson & Associates ('t~A) for Assessment Engineering Consultant Services approved by City Council 1/31/Ol (ii) Agreement with. Launer & Associates (LA) for Appraisal Consultant Services to be approved by Finance Director (FD} . TI. Public Works (PW) recorded B. Map on 2/16101 Notice of CEQA Exemption for AD 0l -1 proceedings confirmed as filed 3108101 TIT. Preliminary Engineer's Report Review & Filing -Filed 4/13/0 l with City Clerk A. Assessment spread data tables sent by WA to Resource Team (RT) for review and comment Done B. RT comments on data tables~returned to WA Done C. Initial draft Preliminary Engineer's Report filed. with PW and RT Done D. RT comments on draft report to WA Done E. WA files Preliminary Report wit11 City Clerk for 4/25/Ol Council Agenda Done IV. Draft Resolution of Issuance and approving Preluninary Official Statement (POS) Bond Purchase Contract (BPC) Done V. Draft Appraisal with initial valuations distributed by LA to RT for review and comment Done VI. Draft POS ~ Bond Purchase Contract BPC distributed by DC to RT for review and comment Done VII. File documents (BC/VUA) with City Attorney/Public Works for items that will be heard by the City Council on 4/25101- See item X below for list of documents Done ;. 29460Act Pln.wpd 1 4/18/01 ACTIVITY lIATT VIII. File final form documents per item X with the City Clerk (CC) for 412S/01 Council Agenda Done IX RT meeting to review initial appraisal valuations, POS &BPC 04/19/01 X. City Council action: Adopt the following resolutions: 04I2S/01 A. Preliminarily Approving Engineer's Report, Setting Date for Public Hearing of Protests (June 13, 2001 City Council Meeting) B. Approving Form and Substance of Acquisition & Disclosure Agreements with Coleman Homes Inc. and Hampton Place LLC, and authorizing changes thereto and execution thereof XI. First date available for City acceptance of improvements to be acquired by AD 01-1 04/26/01 XII. Last day for CC to mail Notice of Hearing to property owners for 4S days minimum notice 4127/01 XIII. Appraisal Preparation Activities A. Draft appraisal distributed by LA for review and comment by RT Done B. RT meeting to review appraisal results 04/19/01 C. Comments due on draft appraisal 04I19I01 D. LA files final appraisal with Finance Director (FD} OS/18/Ol XIV. Bond Issuance Activities (Underwriter comments needed to finalize these dates) A. Initial Draft Resolution Authorizing Bond Issuance and Approving POS BPC distributed by BC Done B. Draft POS/BPC distributed 4104/01 C. RT meeting to review draft appraisal, POS and BPC 04/19/01 D. Comments due from RT on draft POS and BPC 04/27101 E. Distribute approval form of POS and BPC OS/11/01 F. Receive comments on approval form of POS and BPC OS/23/01 G. File (DC) approvalform of POSand BPC with CC for 6/13 Council Agenda and Resolutions (BC} authorizing bond issuance and approving POS and BPC 06/01/01 H. Council Action authorizing issuance of bonds and approving form and substance of POS and BPC ~ 06/13101. I. Print and mail POS 06/19/01 J. Distribute draft bond closing documents 06/21/01 K. Comments due on draft bond closing documents 06/29101 L. Prepricing 07105101 M. Pricing call and execute BPC 07/06/01 N. Send out ftnal closing documents 07/10/01 0. Conduct pre-closing 07/16/0 l P. Conduct bond closing 07117/01 Y. 294GOAct Pln.rvpd 2 4118101 ACTIVITY 11ATT' XV, File documents with the City Attorney/Public Works for items that will be heard by the City Council on 6/13101 ~ OS/25/01 A. File final form of .Engineer's Report and Assessment Diagram for approval following close of Protest Hearing (wA) B. Resolution Adopting Engineer's Report, Levying Assessments, Ordering Improvements and Acquisitions, and Authorizing and Directing Related Actions for AD 01-1(BC) C. Resolution Determining Assessments Remaining Unpaid with Certificate re Paid and Unpaid Assessments (BC) D. Resolution authorizing bond issuance (BC) E. Resolution approving POS and BPC, etc. (BC) XVI. File final form documents described in item XIV with the CC for Council Action on 6/13101 06/01/01 XVII. City Coltncil Action Re: Protest Hearing on Resolution of Intention No. 1236 and after close of hearing and consideration of. the ballots submitted on the assessment, council considers adoption of the following resolutions: 06/13/01 A. Resolution Adopting Engineer's Report, Levying Assessments, Ordering Improvements and Acquisitions, and Authorizing and Directing Related Actions for AD 01-1 B. Resolution Determining Assessments Remaining Unpaid with Certificate re .Paid and Unpaid Assessments C. Resolution authorizing bond issuance D. Resolution approving POS and BPC, etc. XVIII. Finance Department establishes AD 01-1 Fund with County Auditor based on 6113101 Resolutions and prepares initial Auditor's Roll for filling by June 29`" 06/14/01 XIX. File and record: 06115101 A. File (WA/Pw) Final Engineer's Report with the Public 1~orks Director; 06114/01 B, Record the Assessment Diagram (PW); and ~ 06115/0 l C. Record the Notice of Assessment for AD O l-1(P'~U) 06/15/01 XX. Mail and publish (CC) Notice of Assessment (Notice to Pay) 06/21/01 A. 30-Day Cash Payment Period to be waived by all owners B. Certificate of. Mailing to be prepared by CC C. Certificate of Publication received from the Californian by CC to be sent to parties on the distribution list when available XXI. Bond Closing 07/17/01 XXII. Assessment Roll: submit Assessment Roll to County Auditor for billing the FY 2001/02 Assessment Installment (FD) 07/20/01 Note: .July 20 is the County Auditor's deadline for submittal of final assessment installments. Auditor requires installments be based o the as issued bonds debt service schedule. 294GO~ct Pln.wpd 3 4118101 ACTIVITIES PLAN FOR CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO.O1-1 (MING AT ALLEN/MOUNTAIN VISTA DRIVE/HAMPTON PLACE) Effective April 19, 2001 ACTIVITY n a mn I. City Council action: Completed Z/14/01 A. Adopt Resolutions: 1. Accepting Petition a~1d :Determining to Undertake Special Assessment Proceedings No. 013-O1 2. Approving Boundary Map No. 014-01 3. Resolution of Intention No.1236 B. Approval of the following agreements: 1. Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP for Bond Counsel (BC) Legal Services 2. Cox, Castle & Nicholson LLP for Disclosure Counsel (DC} Legal Services Notes: (i) Agreement with Wilson & Associates (WA) for Assessment Engineering Consultant Services approved by City Council 1/31/01 (ii) Agreement with Launer & Associates (LA) for Appraisal Consultant Services to be approved by Finance Director (FD} II. Public Works (PW) recorded B. Map on 2/16101 Notice of CEQA Exemption for AD 01-1 proceedings confirmed as filed 3/08101 III. Preliminary Engineer's Report Review & Filing -Filed 4/13101 with City Clerk A. Assessment spread data tables sent by WA to Resource Team (RT) for review and comment Done B. RT .comments on data tables returned to WA Done C. Initial draft Preliminary Engineer's Report filed with PW and RT Done D. RT comments on draft report to WA Done E. WA files Preliminary Report with City Clerk for 4125/01 Council Agenda Done IV. Draft Resolution of Issuance and approving Preliminary Official Statement (POS) Bond Purchase ,Contract (BPC) Done V. .Draft Appraisal with initial valuations distributed by LA to RT for review and comment Done VI. Draft POS ~ Bond Purchase Contract BPC distributed by DC to RT for review and comment Done VII. File documents (BC/WA) with City Attorney/Public Works for items that will be heard by the City Council on 4125101-See item X below for list of documents Done 29460Act_Pln.wpd 1 4/1$/01 ACTIVITY DATE VIII. File final form documents per item X with the City Clerk (CC} for 4125101 Council Agenda Done IX RT meeting to review initial. appraisal valuations, POS &BPC X. City Council action: Adopt the following resolutions: A. Preliminarily Approving Engineer's Report, Setting Date for Public Hearing of Protests (June 13, 2001 City Council Meeting) B. Approving Form and Substance of Acquisition & Disclosure Agreements with Coleman Homes Inc, and Hampton Place LLC, and authorizing changes thereto and execution thereof XI. First date available for City acceptance of improvements to be acquired by AD 01-1 XII. Last day for CC to mail Notice of Hearing to property owners for 45 days minimum notice 04/19/0l 04/25/01 04/26101 4/27/01 XIII. ,Appraisal Preparation Activities A. Draft appraisal distributed by LA for review and comment by RT Done B. RT meeting to review appraisal results 04/19/01 C. Comments due on draft appraisal 04/19/01 D. LA ftles ftnal appraisal with Finance Director (FD) O5/18101 XIV. Bond Issuance Activities (Underwriter comments needed to finalize these dates) A. Initial Draft Resolution Authorizing Bond Issuance and Approving POS BPC distributed by BC Done B. Draft POSIBPC distributed 4104/01 C. RT meeting to review dl•aft appraisal, POS and BPC 04/19/01 D. Comments due from RT on draft POS and BPC 04/27101 E. Distribute approval form of POS and BPC O5/11101 F. Receive comments on approval form of POS and BPC 05/23/01 G. File (DC) approval form of POS and BPC with CC for 6113 Council Agenda and Resolutions (BC) authorizing bond issuance and approving POS and BPC 06/01/01 H. Council Action authorizing issuance of bonds and approving form and substance of POS and. BPC 06/13/01 I. Print and mail POS 06119/0 l J. Distribute draft bond closing documents 06/21/01 K. Comments due on d~•aft bond closing documents 06/29/01 L. Prepricing 07/05/Ol M. Pricvag call and execute BPC 07/06/01 N. Send out final closing documents 07/10/O l 0. Conduct pre-closing 07/16/01 P. Conduct bond closing 07/17/01 ;~*. 29460Act Pln.wpd 2 4/18/01 ACTIVITY 11AT1i XV. File documents with the City Attorney/Public Works for items that will be heard by the City Council on 6/13/01 OS/25/Ol A. File final form of Engineer's Report and Assessment Diagram for approval following close of Protest Hearing (WA) B. Resolution Adopting Engineer's Report, Levying Assessments, Ordering Improvements and Acquisitions, and Authorizing and Directing Related Actions for AD 01-1(BC} C. Resolution Determining Assessments Remaining Unpaid with Certificate re Paid and Unpaid Assessments (BC) D. Resolution authorizing bond issuance (BC) E. Resolution approving POS and BPC, etc. (BC} XVI. File final form documents described in item XIV with the CC for Council Action on 6/13/01 06/01/01 XVII. City Council Action Re: Pl°otest Hearing on Resolution of Intention No. 1236 and after close of hearing and. consideration of the ballots submitted on the assessment, council considers adoption of the following resolutions: 06/13/01 A. Resolution Adopting Engineer's Report, Levying Assessments, Ordering Improvements and Acquisitions, and Authorizing and Directing Related Actions for AD 01-1 B. :Resolution Determining Assessments Remaining Unpaid with Certificate re Paid and Unpaid Assessments C. Resolution authorizing bond issuance D. Resolution approving POS and BPC, etc. XVIII. Finance Department establishes AD Ol-1 Fund with County Auditor based on 6113/01 Resolutions and prepares initial Auditor's Roll for filing by June 29t'' 06/14/01 XIX. File and record: 06/15/01 A. File (WA1PW) .Final Engineer's Report with the .Public Works Director; 06114/01 B. Record the Assessment Diagram (PW}; and 06/15101 C. Record the Notice of Assessment for AD O l -1(PW) 06/15101 XX. Mail and publish (CC) Notice of Assessment (Notice to Pay) 06/21/01 A. 30-Day Cash Payment Period to be waived by all owners B. Certificate of. Mailing to be prepared by CC C. Certificate of Publication received from the Californian by CC to be sent to parties on the distribution list when available XXI. Bond Closing 07/17/01 XXIL Assessment Roll: submit Assessment Roll to County Auditor for billing the FY 2001102 Assessment Installment (FD) 07/20/01 Note: July 20 is the County Auditor's deadline for submittal of final assessment installments. Auditor requires installments be based o,.the as issued bonds debt service schedule. 294GOAct Pln.wpd 3 4/18101