HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/21/1989 VICE MAYOR REFERRAL (PROPOSED ORDINANCES ONLY) DATE OF REFERRAL: June 21, 1989 REFERRED TO: URBAN DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE - JACK HARDISTY ITEM: (Proposed) An Ordinance of the Council of the City of Bakersfield Uni.form Code Ordinances 1. CHAPTER 15.04 - UNIFORM BUILDINGS AND CONSTRUCTION CODE 2. CHAPTER 15.12 - UNIFORM BUILDING CODE 3. CHAPTER 15.16 - UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE 4. CHAPTER 15.20 - UNIFORM HOUSING CODE 5. CHAPTER 15.24 - UNIFORM ABATEMENT OF DANGEROUS BUILDINGS CODE 6. CHAPTER 15.28 - UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE 7. CHAPTER 15.32 - UNIFORM ELECTRICAL CODE 8. CHAPTER 15.36 - UNIFORM SIGN CODE BACKUP MATERIAL ATTACHED: Yes STATUS: To Council Committee on Committee Report No. Sent to Council on ~/J~.- Public Hearing on Ordinance Adopted ~/'~ (~ate) Proposed Ordinance Canceled (date) Other cc: Carol Williams Mary Ellen Gonzales REFER.19 JP MEMORANDUM June 19, 1989 To: Vice Mayor Pat Smith From: Arthur J. Saalfield.' .... "~"~ City Attorney ~ ~ ? '~ Subject: REFERRAL OF PROPOSED UNIFORM CODE ORDINANCES The latest editions of the various uniform codes were recently published. The attached ordinances adopt these most recent edi- tions with some changes. A public hearing regarding these ordi- nances has been set for July 19, 1989. Please refer the following proposed ordinances to whichever com- mittee you deem appropriate: 1. CHAPTER 15.04 - UNIFORM BUILDINGS AND CONSTRUCTION CODE. 2. CHAPTER 15.12 - UNIFORM CODE. 3. CHAPTER 15.16 - UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE-' 4. CHAPTER 15.20 - UNIFORM HOUSING CODE. ""~'~' 5 CHAPTER 15 24 - UNIFORM ABATEMENT OF DANGEROU~ BUILDINGS CODE. 6. CHAPTER 15.28 - UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE. 7. CHAPTER 15.32 - UNIFORM ELECTRICAL CODE. 8. CHAPTER 15.36 - UNIFORM SIGN CODE. ~'~ 'Thank you. · . AJS/meg 4:M.SMITH8 ~--- Attachment cc: J. Dale Hawley Cal Bidwell Dennis Fidler Jack Hardisty ORDINANCE NO. , NEW SERIES AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD AMENDING CHAPTER 15.36 OF THE BAKERSFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO THE UNIFORM SIGN CODE., BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield as follows: SECTION 1. Chapter 15.36 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Chapter 15.36 UNIFORM SIGN CODE Sections: 15.36.010 Adoption. 15.36.020 ~eletions. 15.36.030 Modifications 15.36.040 Section 303-2 amended. 15.36.050 Section 303-3 amended. 15.36.060 Section 307 added - Zoning regulations. 15.36.010 Adoption· Except as provided in this chapter, that certain Uniform Sign Code known and designated as the Uniform Sign Code, 1988 Edition, sponsored and copyrighted by the International Conference of Building Officials, as modified and amended in this chapter, three copies of which is on file with the City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield for use and examination by the public, is adopted by reference and is declared to be the sign code of the City for the purpose of regulating the construction, maintenance, use and removal of signs. 15.36.020 Deletions. The following sections of the Uniform Sign Code 1988 Edition is not adopted as part of this chapter and is deleted. Section 103(c) Board of Appeals Section 103(d) Violations 15.36.030 Modifications. The section of the Uniform Sign Code 1988 Edition, mentioned in Section 15.36.040 through 15.36.060 of thi~ chapter, as adopted by reference, are amended as provided in Sections 15.36.40 through 15.36.060 of this chapter. 15.36.040 Section 303-2 amended. Sectiol] 303-2 is amended to read as follows: Repainting or cleaning of an advertising structure or the changing of the advertising copy or message thereon shall not be considered an erection or altera- tion which requires a sign permit unless a structural change is made. 15.36.050 Section 303-3 amended. Sectio~ 303-3 is amended by deleting the words, "signs less than 6 feet above grade" and adding: "Real estate signs not exceeding twelve square feet in area and 6 feet in height which adver~tises the sale, rental, or lease of the premises upon which said signs are located. 15.12.060 Section 30? added - Zoning regulations. Section 307 is amended by adding a new section thereto, as follows: Section 307. All signs shall comply with the provi- sions of Chapter 17.60 of the current Bakersfield Municipal Code. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall be posted in accordance with the City Charter provisions and shall become effective thirty (30) days f~om and after the date of its passage. 00o - 2 - I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing~Ordinance was passed a~d adopted by the Council of" the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on , by the following vote: CITY CLERK and Ex Offici~ Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED CLARENCE E. MEDDERS MAYOR of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED as to form: ARTHUR J. SAALFIED CITY ATTORNEY of the City of Bakersfield LCM/~neg 00RD 4 UC.SIGN1 6/12/89 -- 3 DRAFT ORDINANCE NO. , NEW SERIES AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD AMENDING CHAPTER 15.32 OF THE BAKERSFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO THE UNIFORM ELECTRICAL CODE. BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield as follows: SECTION 1. Chapter 15.32 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Chapter 15.32 ELECTRICAL CODE Sections: 15.32.010 Adoption. 15.32.020 5eletion of certain sections of the Uniform Administrative Code Provisions for the National Electrical Code. 15.32.050 Section 302(d) added - Permit applicant. 15.32.065 Section 306(c) meter re-sets. 15.32.080 Amendments to National Electrical Code, 1987 Edition. 15.32.110 Section 230-57 added - Special residential requirements. 15.32.115 Article 230-62(c) added - Residential Meter - Sets. 15.32.118 Article 230-70(a) amended - Service disconnect locations. 15.32.120 Article 250-80 amended - Water pipe bonding. 15.32.130 Article 250-81 amended - Grounding electrode. 15.32.140 Article 300-13(c) amended - Grounding terminals. 15.32.142 Article 300-21 amended - Materials in fire-rated construction. 15.32.144 Article 310, Note 3 of Tables 310-16 through 310-31 deleted - ampacity tables. 15.32.146 Article 310, Tables 310-16 through 3.10-31 amended - Ampacity tables. 15.32.148 Article 331-3(5) deleted - ENT; Uses permitted. 15.32.150 Article 333 deleted - Armored cable. 15.32.160 Article 336-3 amended - Uses permitted. 15.32.162 Article 410-16(c) amended - Lighting fixture support. 15,32.164 Article 410-65(b) amended - Fire resistant construction;. Lighting fixtures. 15.32.166 Article 410-66(b) amended - Lighting fixtures in thermal insulation.' 15.32.168 Article 440-4(b) amended - AC nameplate requirements. 15.32.169 Article 680-25(d) exception No. 1 deleted - Swimming pool panel grounding. 15.32.170 Fee schedule. 15.32.010 Adoption. EXcept as otherwise provided in this chapte~ that cer- tain administrative provisions known and designated as the National Electrical Code, 1987 Edition, sponsored and copyrighted by the International Conference of Building officials, and that certain electrical codes known and designated as the National Electrical Code, 1987 Edition, published and sponsored by the National Fire Protection Association, three copies of both codes having heretofore been filed with the city clerk of the city for use and examination by the public, are adopted as the electrical code of the citvf and each provision and portion thereof, except as otherwise in this chapter provided, is referred to and made a part of this chapter to the same effect as if fully set forth in this chapter. 15.32.020 Deletion of certain sections of the Uniform Administrative Code Provisions for the National Electrical Code. Sections 203, 204, and Table 3-A of the Uniform Administrative Code provisions are deleted and superseded by the applicable sections of sections 15.04.030 through 15.04.170. 15.32.050 Section 302(d) added - Permit applicant. Section 302 of the Uniform Administrative Code for the National Electrical Code is amended by adding section 302(d) to read as follows: (d) Applicant. An application for an electrical per- mit may be filed (made) by any one (1) of the following: (1) Qualified Installer. A qualified installer is a person, firm or corporation holding a valid Contractor's License to perform such work in this jurisdiction; or - 2 - (2) Maintenance Electrician. In lieu o~ an individual permit for each installation or alteration, an annual permit may, upon application therefore, be issued to any person, firm or corporation regularly employing one (1) or more electri- cians for installation and maintenance of electrical wiring, devices, appliances, apparatus or equipment on premises owned or occupied by the applicant for the permit. Tile application for such annual permit shall be made in writing'to the Chief Electrical Inspector and shall contain a description of the prem- ises within which work is to be done under the permit. Within not more than fifteen (15) days following the end of each calendar month, the permit, firm or corporation to which an annual permit is issued shall transmit to the Chief Electrical Inspector a report of all electrical work which has been done under the annual permit during the preceding month; or (3) Home Owners. The Chief Electrical Inspector may issue to an individual a homeowner's permit authorizing said individual to install, alter, change or repair any electrical wiring, devices, appliances, apparatus or equipment in, on or about a single family dwelling of which said individual is owner and in which he resides or intends to reside, but not elsewhere, provided that electrical work authorized under any such homeowner's permit shall be done personally by the owner. 15.32.065 Section 306(c) meter re-sets. Except for emergency and maintenance co~]ditions, a per- init and inspection shall be required before such person, firm or. corporation re-sets an electric meter. 15.32.080 Amendments to National Electrical Code, 1987 Edition. The following sections are added to, amended or deleted from the National Electrical Code, 1987 Edition: Articles 230-57, 230-62(c), 230-70(a), 300-13(c), 300-21, 310, 331-3, 333, 336-3, 410-16(c), 410-65(b), 410-66(b)', 440-4(b), 680-25(d) as set forth in Sections 15.32.110 through 15.32.169. 15.32.110 Section 230-57 added - Special residential requirements. Section 230 (Services) of the National Electrical Code is amended by adding the following article: 230-57 Special Residential Requirements. (a) In residences, the service entrance conduit shall. be rigid conduit for overhead services. - 3 - (b) Single family dwellings, with a dwelling area in excess of 800 square feet or more with an initial electrical load of 10 K.W. or more, shall have installed a minimum 100 ampere 3 wire service. (c) The panel-board shall be capable of supplying not less than 20 branch circuits. (d) A one (1) inch raceway for future circuits shall be installed from the service panel to accessible attics or crawl spaces beneath floors. (e) Dwelling shall have one (1) lighting circuit for every 500 square feet of area. 15.32.115 Article 230-62 Addition - Service equipment protection - Residential. Article 230-62 of the National Electrical Code is amended by adding the following section: (c) Residential: Electrical~meter installation upon completion of t~le rough electrical inspection. (1) To minimize the possibility of energizing incomplete circuits, one of the following shall apply: a. Install one breaker only for.temporary power requirements. This breaker shall energize.the laundry receptacle, which shall be GFCI protected during the period of constructioh. b. If additional breakers are installed, only the breaker serving temporary power shall have a circuit con- ductor connected. c. If additional breakers are installed and the circuit conductors connected, the electrical panel cover shall be locked shut, with keys distributed only to personnel authorized by the electrical contractor or his representative. (2) The electrical'panel dead-front shall be secured in place at all times. (3) If the residence is not served by gas, the electrical release for temporary power must be approved by the Building Department. - 4 - 15.32.118 Article 230-70(a) amended - Location of SerVice Disconnects. Article 230-70(a) of the National Electrical Code is amended by adding the following sections: (1) When buildings are located within 50 feet of the dwelling, and limited to two (2) 15-20 amp circuits and ol]e (1) 30 amp circuit, the service disconnect and overcurrent device located on or in the dwelling shall be allowed as the required disconnect. (2) There shall be no taps allowed off of the 30 amp ci rcui t. 15.32.120 Article 250-80 amended - Water pipe bonding. Article 250-80 is amended by adding the.following exceptions: (1) In multi-occupanCy buildings, a bonding jumper sized in accordance with Table 250-95 may be used to bond the water piping system to the feeder equipment grounding conductor where: a. Each occupancy has an individual metallic water piping system; b. The water service is non-metallic; and c. Each occupancy has an individual branch- circuit panel board. (2) Metal frame and metal covering on buildings shall be bonded. 15.32.130 Article 250-81 amended - Grounding electrode. Article 250-81 of the National Electrical Code is amended by adding the following sentence: On building construction, where concrete footings are placed, a grounding electrode complying with Article 250-81(c) shall be installed. 15.32.140 Article 300-13(c) amended - Grounding terminalS. Article 300-13 of the National Electrical Code is amended by adding a new paragraph (c) as follows: (c) All grounding terminations shall be made-up, except for attachment to devices, prior to rough inspection. 15.32.142 Article 300-21 amended - Spread of fire or products of combustion. Article 300-21 of the National Electrical Code is amended by adding the following'sections: (a) Panelboard, flush or semi-flush mounted in fire rated walls shall be fire rated or be provided with an enclosure of the same rating as the wall. (b) In order to establish an acceptable method of installation for nonmetallic boxes, conduits and cables in fire- resistive walls and ceilings, the following restrictions shall apply: (1) Walls. a. Boxes - only nonmetallic boxes approved for this specific use as evidenced by Underwriters. Laboratories (UL) or the International Conference of Building Officials (ICBO) Research Committee report shall penetrate the wall finish. Installations shall comply with the following: 1. No more than two boxes in any stud space. 2. Within a single stud space, boxes shall not penetrate both sides of the wall. 3. Any gaps between the box edges and the wall opening shall be closed with wall taping and compound or spacklil]g compound. b. Cables - nonmetallic cables penetrating fire-resistive walls shall be installed in essentially tight- fitting metal chases made of rigid conduit, EMT, Thru-box, or min- imum 26 gauge steel redundant not less than four (4) inches long and extending ¼ to ½ inch through the wall. Chases shall be secured to a framing member and any space between the chase and wall opening shall be closed with wall-taping and compound. After cables are installed, the chases shall be filled with a fire- resistive material; such as, Dow Corning Silicone RTV Foam or 'wall-taping compound. c. Conduits - nonmetallic conduits shall not penetrate a fire-resistive wall. A transition shall be made to EMT or rigid metal conduit and shall extend at least twelve (12) inches on both sides of the wall. (2) Ceilings. Nonmetallic boxes and conduits shall not be permitted to be installed where they will pierce the fire resistive finish in ceilings requiring protection of opeaings. Generally, Section 4303(b) (6) of the Uniform Building Code shall apply unless approved by I.C.B.O. - 6 - 15.32.144 Article 310, Notes to Tables 310-16 through 310-31 amended - Conductors for general wiring. Article 310 of the National E].ectrical Code is amended by deleting Note 3 of "Notes to Tables 310-16.through 3~0-3l". 15.32.146 Article 310, Tables 310-16 through 310-27 amended - Conductors for.general wiring. Article 310 of the National Electrical Code is amended by deleting Tables 310-17, 18, 19 and 22 through 27. 15.32.148 Article 331-3(5) deleted -Electrical nonmetallic Tubing - Uses permitted. Article 331-3 of the National Electrical Code is amended by deleting permitted use number (5). 15.32.150 Article 333 deleted - Armored cable. Article 333 of the National Electrical Code, 1987 Edition, is not adopted as part of the ordinance codified in this chapter and is deleted. 15.32.160 Article 336-3 amended - Uses permitted. Article 336-3 of the National Electrical Code is amended to read as follows: Uses permitted. Type NM and NMC cables shall be per- mitted to be used in one- and two-family dwellings ow multifamily dwellings except as prohibited in Section 336-4. For the purpose of this Article, the first floor of a building shall be that floor designed for hu~aa habitation which is level with or above fin- ished grade of exterior wall line of fifty percent (50%) or more of its perimeter. (a) Type NM. Type NM cable shall be permitted for both exposed and concealed work in normally dry locations. It shall be permissible to install or fish Type NM cable in air voids in masonry block or tile walls where such walls are not exposed or subject to excessive moisture or dampness. (b) Type NMC. Type NMC cable shall be permitted: (1) for both exposed and concealed work in dry, moist, damp, or - 7 - corrosive locations; (2) in outside and inside walls of masonry block o~. tile; (3) in a shallow chase in masonry, concrete, or adobe a~'~d covered with plaster, adobe, or similar finish. (c) In existing buildings originally wired wit}] nonmetallic-sheathed cable; minor additions, alterations and repairs may be installed with like materials under the following conditions: 1. Prior approval is obtained from the Building Department. 2. The work is of a minor nature. 3. The original wiring is in conformity with the National Electrical Code. 15.32.162 Article 410-16(c) amended - Lighting fixture support in suspended ceilings. Article 410-16(c) of the National Electrical Code is amended by adding the following section: (1) Drop-in fixtures shall be installed as follows: a. Fixtures must be secured ~to the main runners with clips, minimum No. 8 sheet-metal or self-tapping screws. b. A 2' by 4' fixture and a 2' by 2' fixture shall have not less than two ~12 supporting wires from opposing corners of the fixture housing to a building structural member. c. A 4' by 4' fixture shall have not less than ~ four ~12 support wires, one at each corner. d. Tandem-mounted fixtures may utilize one wire for the corners of two fixtures. e. Wires may be slack when the fixture weighs less than 56 lbs. 15.32.164 Article 410-65(b) amended - Fire-resistant construction - Lighting fixtures. Article 410-65~b) of the National Electrical Code is amended by adding the following sections: (1) Recessed incandescent fixtures shall have a five- sided enclosure as follows: - 8 - a. Enclosure material shall have same rating as ceiling material. b. Enclosure joints shall overlap and be made secure. c. Shall have a minimum clearance of (3") inches on all sides and top. (2) Recessed fluorescent-type fixtures shall be enclosed as per U.L. design number (varies with design ~numbers). Exception: Fire rated fixtures installed as per the manufacturer's installation instructions. 15.32.166 Article 410-66(b) amended - Lighting fixture installation in areas subject to thermal insulation.' Article 410-66(b) of the National Electrical Code is amended by adding the following.sentences: Recessed lighting fixtures installed in areas subject to thermal insulation shall be provided with an insulation dam which will totally enclose and provide ventilation for the recessed portion of the fixture. The dam shall be in place at the time of rough electrical inspection. 15.32.168 Article 440-4(b) amended - Air-conditioni~ and refrigerating equipment nameplate requirements. Article 440-4(b) of the National Electrical Code is amended by adding the following sections: (1) U.L. listing for air-conditioning equipment (ACAV) states in part, "where the marking specifies fuses, the equipment is intended to be protected only by fuses". (2) Where maximum fuse size is stated, only dual- element fuses will be accepted. 15.32.169 Article 680-25(d) exception No. 1 deleted - Swimmin~ pool panelboard ~rounding. Article 680-25(d) .of the National Electrical Code is amended by deleting Exception No. 1. - 9 - 15.32.170 Fee schedule. A fee shall be paid to the building departme,]t at the time of application for each permit in accordance with the follow- ing schedule: A. For issuing each permit ........................ $15.00 1. For issuing each supplemental permit ........ $ 6.00 B. New Building or Structure. The following fees shall be applied to the nearest one hundred square feet or.building area. (Includes fee for service and temporary construction] power.) 1. $0.05 per square foot: a. Vehicle service station buildings. b. Drinking or dining establishments. c. Power or pumping stations. 2. $0.03 per square foot: a. Dwellings, excluding attached garages. b. Hotels, motels, apartment houses, etc. c. Manufacturing or assembly plants. d. Vehicle service station open canopies. e. Woodworking establishments, factories and repair. f. Any occupancy not otherwise listed. 3. $0.015 per square foot: a. Office buildings b. Stores and markets (wholesale or retail). c. School's, churches and assembly buildings. d. Hospitals, nursing homes and child nurseries. 4. $0.01 per square foot: a. Residential garages, carports and accessory building. b. Commercial garages and carports. c. Warehouses and shell-type buildings up to and including five thousand square feet. 5. $0.0075 per square foot: a. That portion of warehouses and shell-type buildings in excess of five thousand square feet. b. Storage garages and aircraft hangars where no repair work is being done. - 10 - 6. Private Swimming Pools. For new private, reside~l~iial, in- ground swimming pools for single-family and multifamily occupancies including a complete system of necessary branch circuit wiring, bonding, grounding, underwater lighting, water pumping and other similar electrical equipment directly related to the operation of a swimming pool, Each ....................................... $6.00 ~or other types of pools, therapeutic whirlpools, spas and alterations to existing swimming pools, use the UNIT FEE SCHEDULE. 7. Temporary Power Service. For a temporary service power pole or pedestal including all pole or pedestal-mounted ~ receptacle outlets and appurtenances, Each ....................................... $15.00 C. UNIT FEE SCHEDULE FOR ALTERATIONS AND ADDITIONS (Where the use of square footage is impractical). Note: The following do not include permit issuance fees: 1. Receptacle, Switch and Lighting Outlets. For receptacle, s~itch, lighting or other outlets at which current is used or controlled, except services, feeders and meters. First 20, each ........ 2 ..................... $ .75 Additional outlets, each .................... $ .45 Note: For multioutlet assemblies, each 5 feet or fraction thereof may be considered as one outlet. 2. Lighting Fixtures, For lighting fixtures, sockets or other lamp-holding devices. First 20 each ............................... $ .75 Additional fixtures, each ................... $ .45 For pole or platform-mounted lighting fixtures, each ................... $ .75 For theatrical-type lighting fixtures or assemblies, each .............. $ .75 3. Residential Appliances. For fixed residential appliances or receptacle outlets for same, including wall-mounted electric ovens; counter~mounted cooking tops; electric ranges, self-contained room, console, or through-wall air conditioners; space heaters; food waste grinders; dishwashers; washing machines; water heaters; clothes d~yers; or other motor-operated appliances not exceeding one horsepower (HP) in rating, Each ........................................ $3.00 Note: For other types of air conditioners and other motor- driven appliances having larger electrical ratings, see Power Apparatus. - 11 - 4. Nonresidential Appliances. For residential appliances and self-contained factory-wired, nonresidential appliances not exceeding one horsepower (HP), kilowatt (KW), or kilovolt- ampere (KVA), in rating.including medical and dental devices; food, beverage, ~and ice cream cabinets; illuminated show cases; drinking fountains, vending machines; laundry machines; or other similar types of equipment, Each ........... ~ ............................ $3.00 Note: For other types of air conditioners and other motor- driven appliances having larger electrical ratings, see Power Apparatus. 5. Power Apparatus. For motors, generators, transformers, rectifiers, synchronous converters, capacitors, industrial heating, air conditioners and heat' pumps, cooking or baking equipment and other apparatus, as follows: Rating in horsepower (HP), kilowatts (KW), kilovolt-amperes (KVA), or kilovolt-amperes- reactive (KVAR): Up to and including 1' each ....................... $ 3.00 Over 1 and not over 10, each ...................... $ 7.50 Over 10 and not over 50, each ..................... $15.00 Over 50 and not over 100, each .................... $30.00 Over 100, each .................................... $45.00 Note: 1. For equipment or appliances having more than one motor, transformer, heater, etc., the sum of the combined rat- ings may be use. 2. These fees include all switches, circuit breakers, contractors, thermostats, relays and other directly related control equipment. 6. Busways. For trolley and plug-in-type busway, each 100 feet or fraction thereof .......................... $ 4.50 Note: An additional fee will be required for lighting fixtures, motors and other appliances that are connected to trolley and plug-in type busways. No fee is required for portable tools. 7. Signs, Outline Lighting and Marquees. For signs, outline lighting systems or marquees supplied from one branch circuit, Each ........................................... $15.00 For additional branch circuits within the same sigl~, out- line lighting system or marquee, Each .......................................... $ 3.00 8. Services. For services of 600 volts or less and not over 200 amperes in rating, Each .......................................... $18.50 For services of 600 volts or less and over 200 amperes to 1000 amperes in rating, Each .......................................... $37.50 For services over 600 volts or over 1000 amperes in rating, Each .......................................... $75.00 9. Miscellaneous Apparatus, Conduits and Conductors. For electrical apparatus, conduits and conductors for which a permit is required but for which no fee is herein set forth ..................................... $11.00 Note: This fee is not applicable when a fee is paid for one or more services, outlets, fixtures, appliances, power apparatus, busways, signs or other equipment. D. Other Inspections and Fees. 1. Inspections outside of normal business hours ................................... $30.00 per hr. (minimum charge--two hours) 2. Reinspection fee assessed under provisions of Section 305(h) ....................... $30.00 per hr. 3. Inspections for which no fee is specifically indicated .................. $30.00 per hr. (minimum charge--one-half hour) 4. Additional plan review required by changes, additions or revisions to approved plans ................................ $30.00 per hr. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall be posted in accordance with the City Charter provisions and shall become effective thirty (30) days from and after the date of its passage. ,o0o - 13 - I ttEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regu].ar meeting thereof held on , by the following vote: CITY CLERK and Ex Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED CLARENCE E. MEDDERS MAYOR of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED as to form: ARTI1UR J. SAALFIED CITY ATTORNEY of the City of Bakersfield LCM/meg O ORD 4 ELECTRIC1 6/09/89 - 14 - ORDINANCE NO. , NEW SERIES AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD AMENDING CHAPTER 15.28 OF THE BAKERSFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO THE UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE. BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield as follows: SECTION 1. Chapter 15.28 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Chapte~ 15.28 UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE Sections: 15.28.010 Adoption. 15.28.020 Modifications. 15.28.025 Section 401(a)(2) Materials. 15.28.030 Section 609 amended - Cooling water. 15.28.040 Section 903 amended - Overflows. 15.28.050 Section 1004(a) Materials - PB and CPVC pipe deletion. 15.28.055 Section ll01(d) amended - Sewer required. 15.28.060 Section 1008(c) amended - Installation, insPection and testing. 15.28.065 Section 1208(c) added - Authority to render gas service. 15.28.070 Section 1213(b) 15.28.080 Section 1214 Appliance connectors. 15.28.090 Section 1310(e) added --Water heater protection from damage. 15.28.100 Administration and enforcement. 15.28.110 Rules and regulations. 15.28.120 Permit issuance not authority for violations. 15.28.130 Corrections of error. 15.28.140 Permit duration. 15.28.150 Special owner's permit. 15.28.160 Schedule of fees. 15.28. 010 Adoption. Except as other wise provided in this chapter, that certain plumbing code known and designated as the Ur~ifo~-m Plurobing Code, 1988 Edition, (with appendices A through I), spot]sored and copyrighted by the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials, three copies of which have heretofore been filed with the city clerk of the city for use and exami~]ation by the public, is adopted by reference and enacted as the plumbing code oE the city for the purpose stated therein. 15.28.020 Modifications. The sections of the'Uniform Plumbing Code, 1988 Edition, mentioned in Sections 15.28.025 through 15.28.090 oE this chapter, as adopted by reference, are modified and amended as pro- vided in Sections 15.28.030 through 15.28.170 of this chapter. 15.28.025 Section 401(a)(2) Materials. Section 401(a)(2)Materials is amended by adding a paragraph as fo?.lows: ABS and PVC DWV piping shall be limited t° two stories or less in all occupancies. Exception: Structures two stories or less having a fire resistive rating of one hour or more shall have metallic piping installed. Any walls, ceilings, floors or roofs having a fire rati~]g in a non-rated structure shall not have any ABS OR PVC installed within that area. 15.28.030 Section 609 amended- Cooling water. Section 609 is amended to read'as follows: 609 (a) Water which has been used as a cooli~]g medium in any cooler, appliance, device or other apparatus shall not be counected to the drainage system on the premises where the cooler, appliance, device or other apparatus is located and used, nor shall the water be in any manner discharged into the sanitary sewer system of the City of Bakersfield, provided, however, that water which has been used as a cooling medium in any cooler, appliance, device or other apparatus must be disposed of in a man- ner approved by the Building Director of the City of Bakersfield. - 2 - (b) Ail connections heretofore made or e×i~ting at th.e time of the effective date of the ordinance codified herein, as mentioned in this section, shall be disconnected fro,, the sani- tary sewer system of the City oF. Bakersfield, and the discharge oF. water from the .coolers, appliances, devices and other apparatus shall be effected in a manner approved by the Building Director. 15.28.040 Section 903 amended - Overflows. Section 903 is amended by adding a paragraph as follows: Overflows are required on all bathtub installations. 15.28.050 Section 1004(a) Materials - PB & CPVC pi~? deletion. Delete the sentence in paragraph (a) which allows the use of PB and CPVC water pipe or tubing within a buildil]g. 15.28.055 Section ll01(d) amehded - Sewer required. Section ll01(d) is amended to read as follows: 1101 (d) The public sewer may be considered as not being available when such public sewer or any building or any exterior drainage facility connected thereto, is located more than one thousand (~,000) feet from the nearest property line of any proposed building or exterior drainage facility on any lot or premises which abuts and is served by such public sewer. Exceptions: 1) The above requirement may be reduced to two hun- dred (200) feet if the proposed development is for residential living units and is four units or less. 2) The requirements may be waived or modified by the Building Official when strict Compliance may cause extreme hardship. 15.28.060 Section 1008(c) amended - Installation, inspection and testing. Section 1008(c) is amended to read as follows: 1008(c) No water piping shall be installed within a concrete slab or in the ground under a concrete slab of a building. - 3 - ~xce~2~.5: If required by structural conditions, water piping may be. installed in chases, sleeves or ducts with the prior approval of the administrative authority in accordance with the following requirements: 1. All piping shall be chased, sleeved or ducted the entire length within a concrete slab or in the ground under a concrete slab of a building. Chase, sleeves or ducts shall extend six (6) inches above grade at both ends. 2. Copper~ tubing shali be installed without joints where possible. Where joints are permitted, they shall be brazed, and fittings shall be wrought copper. 15.28.065 Section 1208(c) added - Authority to render gas service. Add a new paragraph (c) to read: A permit and approved inspection(s) is required before the person, firm or corporation authorized in para- gra~i~ (a) above turns on or reconnects the gas service described except ~for emergency and maintenance purposes. 15.28.070 Section 1213(b). Section] 1213(b) exception is amended to read as follows: 1. When necessary, due to structural conditions, 'approved type gas piping, sleeving and venting, may be installed in other locations, when permission has first been obtained from the Administrative Authority. ~. Gas piping installed Under a building or structure shall be sleeved its entire length. One end of sleeve shall be vented with the vent turned down to within 6 inches of roof. The opposite end shall extend above grade 6 inches and sealed. 3. When installation is under carports, patio covers or concrete exceeding five (5) feet in width, the gas line shall be sleeved the entire length and vented on one end with vent turned down to not less than six (6) inches from grade. The opposite end shall be sealed where pipe exits from under slab. - 4 - 15.28.080 Section 1214 Appliance Connectors. Add a new paragraph (8) to read: All appliance connectors installed in the exterior application, except mobile home gas flex, shall be of rigid piping or stainless steel connectors that have been approved by the appropriate testing agency. 15.28.090 ' Section 1310(f) added - Water heater protection from damage.. Add a new paragraph (f) to read: Where a water heating appliance is located above a living space in a hidden location or where structural damage may result from such hidden appliance from deterioration or failure, a corrosiol] resistant, water-tight, metal pan with an appropriately sized · drain line terminating outside the building or to an approved receptor shall be installed beneath the appliance. 15.28.100 Administration and enforcement. Whenever used in the Uniform Plumbing Code, the terms "Administrative Authority" and/or ',Plumbing Official', mean the duly appointed and acting building director of the city, his duly authorized representative or such persons as hereafter may be authorized by law to perform the duties now being performed by that o[ficial in the city. 15.28.110 Rules and regulations. The building director may promulgate rules and regulations, subject to the approval of the city council of the city, not in conflict with the provisions of this chapter, to facilitate the enforcement and administration of the Uniform Plumbing Code. 15.28.120 Permit issuance not authority for violations. A. The issuance or granting of a permit or approval of plans and/or specifications shall not be deemed or construed to be a permit for, or an approval of, any violation of any of the pro- visioas of this code. - 5 - B. No permit or approval presuming to.give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of this code shall be valid except insofar as the work or use which it authorizes is lawful. 15.28.130 Corrections of error. The issuance of a permit upon approval of plans and specifications shall not permit the building director from there- after requiring the correction of error in the plans and specifi- cations or from preventing construction or installation operations being carried on thereunder when in violation of this code or of any other ordinances or from revoking any permit or'certificate of approval when issued in error. 15.28.140 Permit duration. Every permit issued by the building director under the provisio~ls of this code shall expire by limitatiol] and become null and void if tile work authorized by the permit is not co!nmenced within one hundred eighty days from the date of the permit or, if the work authorized by the permit is suspended or abandoned at any time after the ~ork is commenced for a period of o~le hundred eighty days, before the work can be recommended a new permit shall be first obtained to do so. 15.28.150 Special owner's permit. A. The building director may issue to an individual a special owner's permit authorizing the individual to do the plumb- ing or drainage work in, on or about a building of which the indi- vidual .is owner; provided, tha~ no plumbing or drainage work authorized under any such special owner's permit shall be done, nor shall the owner holding any such permit allow any such work to be doyle, except personally by the owner to whom the permit is issued o~ by a member of his immediate family. The issuance of such permit shall conform to the State Contractors' License Law, and if this or any other provision of this chapter is violated by the hol~er of the special owner's permit, the permit shall be sub- ject to immediate cancellation by'the building director, and the holder thereof shall be liable to the penalty provided for viola- tion of this chapter. B. Nothing in this section Shall prohibit a homeowner from obtaining a permit, doing his own work or hiring employees for wages in doing the work. - 6 - 15.28.160 Schedule of fees. A. Plumbing permit fees shall be paid to the building director as set forth in the schedule of fees as printed in the Uniform Plumbing Code, 1988 Edition. B. New building or structure. The following fees shall be applied to the nearest .square foot of building area when applicable. 1. $ .08 per square feet. a. Drinking and dining establishments. b. Hospitals, nursing homes and child ~]urseries. c. Schools, churches and assembly buildings. Structures in this classification exceeding 4000 sq. ft. shall be $ .03 per sq. ft. after the first 4000 sq. ft. 2. $ .05 per square feet. a. Manufacturing or assembly plants. b. Hotels, motels and apartment houses, etc., structures in this classification exceeding 40,000 sq. ft shall be $ .015 per square foot. c. Vehicle service stations. d. Office buildings and tenant improvements. 3. $ .03 per square feet. a. Commercial garages. b. Warehouses and shell type buildings up to and including .five thousand feet. 4. $ .04 per square feet. a. Stores and markets (Wholesale or retail). 5. $ .015 per square feet. a. That portion of warehouses and shell type buildings in excess of five thousand feet. 6. $ 18.00 per bath. $ 24.00 per 2 bath. $ 30.00 per 3 bath. $ 00.02 per square foot on any unit with mote than 3000 square foot plus cost of fixtures. a. Dwelling, excluding garages. - 7 - SECTION 2. This ordinance shall be posted in accordance with the City Charter provisions and shall become effective thirty (30) days from and after the date of its passage. o0o I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on , by the followi~]g vote: CITY CLERK and Ex Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield APPROVE~) CLARENCE E. MEDDERS MAYOR of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED as to form: ARTHUR J. SAALFIED CITY ATTORNEY of the City of Bakersfield LCM/meW O ORD 4 UC.PLU~1B1 6/12/89 DRAFT ORDINANCE NO. , NEW SERIES I AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD AMENDING CHAPTER 15.24 OF THE BAKERSFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO THE UNIFORM ABATEMENT OF DANGEROUS BUILDINGS CODE. BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield as follows: SECTION 1. Chapter 15.24 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code is l~ereby amended to read as follows: Chapter 15.24 UNIFORM ABATEMENT OF DANGEROUS BUILDINGS CODE Sections: 15.24.010 Adoption. 15.24.020 Deletions. 15.24.030 Modifications. 15.24.040 Section 201(a) amended - Enforcement. 15.24.050 Section 801(a) amended - Procedure for work by private contract. 15.24.060 Section 802(a) amended -Repair and Demolition Fund. 15.24.070 Section 901 amended - AcCount of expense. 15.24.010 Adoption. Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, that certain code entitled Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildi~gs, 1988 Edition, sponsored and copyrighted by the International Conference of Building Officials, three copies of which is on file with the City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield for use and examination by the public, is adopted by reference and enacted as the Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings of the city, for the purpose stated therein and with the exceptio,]s and subject to the amendments and deletions of tile pro- vision, s thereof provided in this ct]apter. 15.24.020 Deletions. The following section of the Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings, 1988 Edition, is not adopted as part of this chapter and is deleted. Section 205(a), Board of Appeals, General. 15.24.030 Modifications.. The section of the Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous BuildJ. ngs, 1988 Edition, mentioned in Sectiol] ].5.24.040 through 15.24.070 of this chapter, as adopted by reference, are amended as provided in Sections 15.24.040 through 15.24.070 of this chapter. 15.24.040 Section 201(a) amended - Enforcement. Sectioll 201 'is amende~ by the addition of a third paragraph to subsection (a) to read as follows: The enforcement of the Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings by the Building Official shall not prevent the enforcement of the State }lousing Law by the County Health Officer. 15.24.050 Section 801(a) amended - Procedure for work by private contract. Section 801(a) is amended to read as follows: (a) Procedure. When any work or demolition is to be done pursuant to Section 701(c) 3 of this Code, the Building Official, who shall, for the purposes of Chapter 8 and 9, be known as the Director, shall cause the work to be accomplished by private contract under his direction. Plans and specification therefor may be prepared by said Director, or he may employ such architectural and engineering assistance on a contract basis as he may deem reasonably necessary. Standard City contractual procedures shall be followed. - 2 - 15.24..060 Section 802(a) amended - Repair and Demolition Fund. Section 802(a) is amended to read as follows: (a) General. The City Council shall establish a special fund to be designated as the Repair and Demolition Fund. Payments shall be made out of said fund upon the demand of the Director to defray the costs and expenses which may be incurred by the City in causing to be done the necessary work of r~epair or demolition of dangerous buildings. 15.24.070 Section 901 amended - Account of expense. Section 901 is amended to read as follows: Section 901 Account of Expense; Filing of Report Conte:]ts. The Building Official shall keep an itemized account of the expe~]se incurred by the City in the repair or demolition of any building done pursuant to the provisions of Section 701(c)3 of this Code. Upon completion of the work of repair or demolition, said Director shall prepare and file with the City Clerk a report specifying the ~;ork done, the itemized and total cost o~' the work, a description of the real property upon which the building or structure is or was located, and the names and addresses of the persons entitled to notice pursuant to subsection (c) of Section 401. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall be posted in accordance with the City Charter provisions and shall become effective thirty (30) days from and after the date of its passage. o0o - 3 - I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing.Ordinance was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on , by the following vote: CITY CLERK and Ex Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED CLARENCE E. MEDDERS-- MAYOR of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED as to form: ARTHUR J. SAALFIED CITY ATTORNEY of the City of Bakersfield LCM/meg ~- 00RD 4 UC.ABATE1 6/12/89 - 3 - DRAFT ORDINANCE NO. , NEW SERIES AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD AMENDING CHAPTER 15.20 OF THE BAKERSFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO THE UNIFORM HOUSING CODE. BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield as follows: SECTION 1. Chapter 15.20 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Chapter 15.20 UNIFORM HOUSING CODE Sections: 15.20.010 Adoption. 15.20.020 Deletions. 15.20.030 Modifications. 15.20.040 Section 201 amended - County health officer. 15.20.010 Adoption. Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, that certain housing code known and designated as the Uniform Housing Code, 1988 Edition, sponsored and copyrighted by the International Conference of Building Officials, three copies of which is on file with the City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield for use and exami- nation by the public, is adopted by reference as modified and amended in this chapter and is declared to be the housing code of the city for the purpose of providing requirements for the protec- tion of life, limb, health, property and safety and welfare of the general public and the owners and occupants of residential buildings. , 15.20.020 Deletions. The following section of the Uniform [-lousing Code,. 1988 Edition, is not adopted as part of this chapter and is deleted: Section 203(a), Housing Advisory and .Appeals Board General. 15.20.030 Modifications. The section of the Uniform }lousing Code, 1988 Edition, mentioned in Section 15.20.040 is amended as set forth in Section 15.20.040. 15.20.040 Section 201 amended - County health officer. Section 201 is amended by adding subsection (d) thereto, as follows: (d) County Health Officer. The enforcement of this Housing Code by the Building Director shall not prevent the enforcement of the State Housing Law and applicable regulations by the County Health officer. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall be posted in accordance with the City Charter provisions and shall become effective thirty (30) days from and after the date of its passage. o0o - 2 - I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on , by the following vote: CITY CLERK and Ex Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED CLARENCE E. MEDDERS MAYOR of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED as to form: ARTHUR J. SAALFIED CITY ATTORNEY of the City of Bakersfield LCM/meg O ORD 4 UC.HOUSE3 6/12/89 - 3 - DRAFT ORDINANCE NO. , NEW SERIES AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD AMENDING CHAPTER 15.16 OF THE BAKERSFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO THE UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE. BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield as follows: SECTION 1. Chapter 15.16 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Chapter 15.16 UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE Sections: 15.16.010 Adoption. 15.16.020 Deletions - Sec. 203 Board of Appeals. 15.16.030 Modifications - Sec. 15.16.040 through 15.16.080. 15.16.040 Section 304 - Revised fees. 15.16.050 Section 510(a) - Condensate disposal. 15.16.060 Section 1303 - Access, Inspection and Repair. 15.16.070 Section 903 - General. 15.16.080 Section 710 - Access. 15.16.010 Adoption. Except as provided in this chapter, that certain uniform inechanical code known and designated as the Uniform Mechanical Code, 1988 Edition, which code was sponsored and copy- righted by the International Conference of Building Officials and the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials, three copies of which are filed in the office of the city clerk of the city for use and examination by the public, and each portion and provision thereof is adopted by reference as modified and amended in this chapter and is declared to be the mechanical code of the city [or the purpose of.regulating the erectio~l, coi]struc- tion, enlargement, alteration, repair, moving, removal, demolition, conversion, occupancy, use, height and maintenance of all struc- tures and certain equipment therein specifically regulated within the incorporated limits of the city and providing for the issuance of permits and the collection of fees thereof. 15.16.020 Deletions. The following section of the Uniform Mechanical Code, 1988 Edition, is not adopted as part of this chapter and is deleted: Section 203 Board of Appeals. 15.16.030 Modifications. The sections of the Uniform Mechanical Code mentioned in Sections 15.16.040 through 15.16.080 are amended to read as set forth in this chapter. 15.16.040 Section 304 - Revised fees. A. Revised Section 304(C), Plan Review Fees. When a plan or other data are required to be submitted by Section 302(b), a plan review fee shall be paid at the time of submitting plans and specifications for review. The plan review fees for mechanical work shall be equal to sixty percent of the total permit fee as set forth in Table No. 3-A. The pla~ review fees specified in this subsection are separate fees from the permit fees specified in Section 304(a) and are in 'addition' to the permit fees. When plans are incomplete or changed so as to require additional plan review, an additional plan review fee shall be charged at the rate shown in Table No. 3-A. B. Items 23 and 24 are added to Table 3-A as follows: 22. New Single Family Dwellings and Apartment Units. 0-1800 sq. ft ........................... $22.50 1801+ sq. ft ............................ $43.50 - 2 - 23. Combination }{eating and Refrigeration Unit. Less than 100,000 BTU heating, less than 3-ton refrigeration ....... ~.$18.00 100,000 or more BTU heating, more than 3-ton refrigeration ......... $22.50 C. Other inspections and fees. Items 3 and 4 are amended to Table 3-A as follows: 3. Inspections for which no fee is specifically indicated ......................... $30.00 per hour* ? (minimum charge - o~le hour). 4. Additional plan review required by changes, additions or revisions to approved plans ............................. $30.00 per hour* ? (minimum charge - one hour). 15.16.050 Section 510(a) - Condensate Disposal. Add a second paragraph to read: All condensate drains installed in or on commercial structures shall be of metallic pipe and fitti~lgs. Condensate drains installed on residential ,]nits shall be metallic pipe when over four (4) feet in developed length. Condensate drains entering residential u~]its shall be installed in ABS, PVC, DWV, or metallic pipe installed in accordance to Uniform Plumbing Code installation standards. 15.16.060 Section 1303 - Access, inspection and repair. Add a second paragraph (a) to read: An evaporative cooling system located on a roof slope greater than 4 in 12, a level working platform at least 30 inches in depth shall be provided along all sides, except, dUct discharge side. Sides of a work- ing platform facing the roof edge below shall be protected by a substantial railing 42 inches in height with vertical rails not more than 21 inches apart, except that parapets at least 24 inches in height may be utilized in lieu of rails or guards. - 3 - Add a ,~ew paragraph under 1303(b) to read: Catwalk. Except on roofs having a slope less than 4 in 12, a catwalk at least 16 inches in width with sub- stantial cleats spaced not more than 16 inches apart shall be provided from the roof access to the working platform. 15.16.070 Section 903 - General. Add a third paragraph to 903(b) to read: Fireplaces installed with gas lines into the firebox shall have one of the following alterations to the damper: Three one inch holes installed in damper, ½- inch stop welded onto damper edge, or remove damper with approval of manufacturer. 15.16.080 Section 710(h) Add a new paragraph to 710(h~o read: ? A. Access from within structure shall be made through a common use room (electrical meter room, etc. ) or a common use corridor. These areas shall be readily accessible to all tenants and service employees. B. Access within a building can be made within each tenant space. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall be posted in accordance with the City C~arter provisions and shall become effective thirty (30) days from and after the date of its passage. o0o- - 4 - I tlEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance was passed ahd adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on , by the following vo4e: CITY CLERK and Ex Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield APPROVE[) CLARENCE E. MEDDERS MAYOR of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED as to form: ARTHUR J. SAALFIED CITY ATTORNEY of the City of Bakersfield LCM/meg O ORD 4 UC.MECHL 6/16/89 -- 5 -- DRAFT ORDINANCE NO. , NEW SERIES AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD AMENDING CHAPTER 15.12 OF THE BAKERSFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO THE UNIFORM BUILDING CODE. BE IT ORDAINED'by the Council of the City of Bakersfield as follows: SECTION 1. Chapter 15.12 of the Bakersfield Municipa! Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Chapter 15.12 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE Sections: 15.12.010 Adoption. 15.].2.020 Deletions. 15.12.030 Modifications. 15.12.040 Section 202 (h) added - Dust abatement. 15.12.050 Section 301(a) amended - Permits required. 15.12.060 Section 303(a) amended - Permit issuance. 15.12.070 Section 304(C) amended - Plan review fees. 15.].2.080 Table No. 3-A amended - Building permit fees. 15.12.090 Section 304(f) amended - Fee refunds. 15.12.100 Section 305e(3) amended - Frame inspections. 15.12.110 Section 306(b) amended - Special inspector. 15.12.120 Section 306(g) amended - Fabricator acceptance. 15.12.130 Section 502 amended - Change in use. 15.12.140 Section 1001 (1) and table 5-A amended - Nurseries and nursing homes. 15.12.150 Section 1103 amended - Fire-resistive protection. 15.].2.160 Section 2313 added - Geological or flood hazards. 15.12.170 Section 2517(h) 3 amended - Framing. 15.12.180 Section 2604(c) amended - Alternative methods of construction. 15.12.190 Section 2907(b).amended - Footings. 15.12.200 Section 3201 amended - General. 15.12.210 Section 3203 amended - Roof covering requirements. 15.12.220 Section 3802(c) amended and (i) 'added - Automatic sprinkler systems. 15.12.230 Section 5406(d) 5 amended - Safety glazing. 15.12.240 Appendix Chapter 1 Division 1 - amended. 15.12.250 Appendix Section 3209 amended - Reroofing. 15.12.260 Appendix Section 7002 amended - Chapter modification. 15.12.270 Section 7003 amended - Word substitutions. 15.12.280 Section 7006(a), (b) and (c) amended - Approval requirements. 15.12.290 Section 7012(d) amended - Word substitutions. 15.12.300 Section 7014(a) and (b) amended - Word substitu- tions. 15.12.310 Section 7015(b) amended - Grading report. 15.12.010 Adoption. Except as provided in this chapter, that certain building code known and designated as'the Uniform Building Code, 1988 Edition, w~ich code was sponsored and copyrighted by the International Conference of Building Officials and 1988 Standards including the appendix thereto, three copies of which are filed in the office of the city clerk of the city for use and examination by the public, and each portion and provision thereof, is adopted by reference as modified and amended in this chapter and is declared to be the building code of the city for the purpose of regulating the erection, construction, enlargement, alteration, repair, moving, removal, demolition, conversion, occupancy, use, height and maintenance of all structures and'certain equipment therein specifically regulated within the incorporated limits of issuance of permits and the collection of fees therefore. 15.12.020 Deletions. The following sections and chapters of the Uniform Building Code, 1988 Edition], or appendix thereto, are not adopted as part of the ordinance codified in this chapter and ate deleted: Section 204, Board of Appeals; Section 205, Violations; Section 7006(g), Issuance; Appendix; Section 7007, Fees; Chapter 1, Division 1, Appendix; .Chapter 12, Appendix; Chapter 51, Appendix; Chapter 53, Appe~]dix. - 2 - 15.12.030 Modifications. The sections of the Uniform Building Code, 1988 Edition, mentioned in Sectio~]s 15.12.040 through 15,12.310 of this chapter, as adopted by reference, are amended as provided in Sectio,]s 15.12.040 through 15.12.310 of this chapter. 15.12.040 Section 202(h) added - Dust abatement. Section 202 is amended by adding paragraph (h) thereto, as follows: (h) The Building Official shall have the authority to require any reasonable means, including the use of water, to prevent dust or other particles from pollut- ing the air and to prevent or abate any nuisa~]ce caused by the performance of any of the building or work authorized by this Code. Any person engaged in the doing or causing such building or work to be done shall, by the use of water or other means approved by the Building Official, prevent dust or other particles from polluting the air or becoming a nuisance. 15.12.050 Section 301(a) amended - Permits required. Section 301(a) is amended by adding the following second paragraph: Spas, hot tubs, and hydromassage bathtubs shall require a separate permit. 15.12.060 Section 303(a) amended - Permit issuance. Section 303(a) is amended by adding the following paragraphs thereto: Building permits for conversion of private garages to any other use shall not be issued until all necessary clearing and grading of the new parking area has been accomplished and access has been provided thereto from a public street and such work has been completed to City standards and approved by the Building Official. Building permits for construction, installation or placement of any building for sale, lease or financing on any lot or parcel, except for model homes, or to allow occupancy thereof, for which a final map or par- cel map is required by Title 16 of the Bakersfield - 3 - Municipal Code, shall not be issued until such map thereof, in full compliance with said Titl~ 16 and the Subdivision Map .Act, has been filed for record by the County Recorder. Building permits shall not be issued if the use thereof on the land proposed is in violation of the provisions of Title 17 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code. 15.12.070 Section 304(C) amended - Plan review fees. Section 304(C) is amended by reducing the plan review fee from sixty-five percent to sixty percent and further amended by addition thereto of Exemptions 1,2 and 3 to read as follows: Exemptions: 1. Where a plan submitted is substantially similar, with like soil and terrain characteristics, to a plan on which a permit has been issued within the preceding sixty (60) days, the plan review fee shall be one-quarter (~) of the applicable build- ing permit fee calculated from Table No. 3-A. 2. A plan review fee shall not be required for alter- ation and repairs of a minor nature. 3. A plan review fee shall not be required for any dwelling o~ accessory building thereto to Type V construction of less tha~ two thousand (2,000) square feet in floor area and not more than two (2) stories in height. 15.12.080 Table No. 3-A amended - Buildin~ permit fees. Table No. 3-A, building permit fees, is amended by substituting the following schedule. The building permit fees may be ame,lded from time to time by the city council and any such amendmeut shall be by resolution. Total Valuation Fee $1.00 to $500.00 $20.00 $501.00 to $2,000.00 $20.00 for the first $500.00 plus $1.50 for each additional $100.00 or fraction thereof, to and including $2,000.00. - 4 - Total Valuation] Fee $2,001.00 to $25,000.00 $42.50 for the first $2,000.00 plus $6.00 for each additiol]al .$1,000.00 or fraction thereof, to and including $25,000.00. $25,000.00 to $50,000.00 $180.50 for the first $25,000.00 plus $4.50 for each addition]al $1,000.00 or fraction thereof, to and including $50,000.00. $50,001.00 to $100,000.00 $293.00 for the first $50,000.00 plus $3.00 for each additional $1,000.00 or fraction thereof, to and including $100,1300.00. $100,001.00 and up '$443.00 for the first $100,000.00 plus $2.50 for each additional $1,000.00 or fraction thereof. Other Inspection and Fees: 1. Ii~spections outside of normal business hours ..................... , ................ $30.00 per hour (minimum charge - two hours) 2. Reinspection fee assessed under provision of Section 305(g) ............................. $20.00 each 3. Inspections for which no fe? is specifically indicated ..................... $30.00 per hour (minimum charge - one hour) 4. Additional plan review required by changes, additions or revisions to approved plans ....... $30.00 per ]]our (minimum charge - one hour) 15.12.090 Section 304(f) amended - Fee refunds. Refunds on unused and duplicate building permits shall be made as follows: 1. Unused permits of fifteen dollars-fee and under ? shall not be refundable. Unclear - 5 - 2. Unused permits over fifteen dollars shall be refunded in the amount equal to two-thirds of the amou.t over fifteen dollars. 3. Duplicate permits shall be refunded for full fee minus $20.00. 4. Requests for refund for unused or duplicate permits must be presented within sixty days of issuance. After that time they shall not be eligible for refund. 15.12.100 Section 305(e)3 amended - Frame inspections. Section 305(e)3 Frame inspections is modified by add- ing exception 1 and 2. Exception: 1. Tile roofs shall be substantially complete except around skylights, solar panels and walls that will have siding or plaster applied from the roof. Exception: 2. Special order title roofs or other special order type roofs (metal tile, etc.) shall not be required to be installed if tile is back ordered or being shipped late due to availability. 15.12.110 Section 306(b) amended - Special inspector. Section 306(b) is amended to read'as follows: (b) Special Inspector. The special inspector, shall a be qualified person approved by the Building Official and shall be chosen by and responsible to the architect or engineer responsible for designing the structure. 15.12.120 Section 306(g) amended - Fabricator acceptance. Section 306(g) is amended by adding an unnumbered par- agraph as follows: Exception: The Building Official may accept fabricators at bis discretion based upon testing and/or evaluations by other responsible organizations or agencies. 15.12.130 Section 502 amended - Chanse in use. Section 502 is modified by adding a second exception. -- 6 -- Exception: Any occupancy change or use from existing d~elling structures must meet the following: A. Single story and less than 2500 square feet. Any two story structure must be secured so as not to allow access to second story except for separate residential use. B. Building structurally sound and in good condition overall. C. Three foot side yards minimum. New construction in compliance with current adopted Building Code. D. Remodel work wholly within the building. Minor exterior remodel acceptable. E. Electrical deficiencies corrected to the current adopted code. F. Mechanical and plumbing deficiencies corrected to the current adopted code. G. Occupancy shall be minor Group B-2 office or restricted com- mercial use. H. Off-street parking shall conform to Parking Ordinance with handicapped stall. I. The proposed use must be permitted in the zone. J. Ha,~dicapped access and bathroom facilities must be provided to the satisfaction of Building Director. K. Building must have a fire-retardant roof covering as defined by the Uniform Building Code. L. New or existing curb, gutter and sidewalk must satisfy Public Works standards. M. Site Plan Review - minimum fee. 15.12.140 Section 1001(1) and Table 5-A amended - Nurseries and nursing homes. Section 1001 (1) and Table 5-A are amended by amending Divisions 1 and 2 to read as follows: Division 1. Nurseries for the full-time care of children under the age of six (6) each accommodating more than six (6) persons). - 7 - Hospitals, sanitariums, nursing homes with nonambulatory patie~ts and similar buildings (each accommodating more than six (6) persons). Division 2. Nursing homes for ambulatory patients, homes for chii[dren six (6) years of age or over (each accommodating more thai] six (6) persons). 15.12.150 Section 1103 amended - Fire-resistive protection. Section 1103 is amended to read as follows: Section 1103. For Fire-resistive protection] of exterior walls and openings, as determined by location on property, see Section 504 and Part IV. Exceptio~l: Exterior wall fire protection for one (1) story, unenclosed, accessory use, patio roofs, canopies, awnings, carports, arbors, lath houses, gree~]houses and other special purpose roof structures classed as "M" occupancy may be waived upoa approval of the BubO. ding Official. 15.12.160 Section 2313 added - Geological or flood hazards. Section 2313 is added to read as follows: Section 2313 Geological or Flood Hazards. If in the opinion of the Building Director a structure to be used for human habitation or occupancy is proposed to be located such that it would be subject to geological or flood hazards or mud slide, to the extent that it would endanger human life or safety, a permit to construct shall be denied, unless corrective work satisfactory to the Building Director can be done to eliminate or sufficiently reduce the hazard. No structures shall be permitted where prohib- ited under the City flood plain ordinance. The Building Director, in formulating his opinion as to the exte~]t of the hazard, may take into consideratiou such data as is available from federal, state and local agencies having information and knowledge relative to such hazardous conditions. He may require applicants to furnish geological and/or engineering studies, reports and recommendations for corrective work, suffi- cient to establish the safety of the proposed structure, and for which a qualified registered geologist and/or engineer shall assume full responsibility. - 8 - 15.12.170 Section 2517(h) 3 amended - Framing. Sectio~.2517(h)3 is modified by adding exception: Exception: Volume areas may have a ridge beam the same size as their rafter sizes. 15.12.180 Section 2604(c) amended - Alternative methods of construction. Sectiou 2604(c) is amended by adding a fourth and fifth paragraph to read: All concrete shall~attain a minimum 28 day compressive strength of 2500 P.S.I. This includes concrete for all structures, footings, floor slabs, driveways, porches, patios,. sidewalks, etc. All concrete shall contain a minimum of 5 sacks of cement for each cubic yard of concrete. The concrete proportions for all concrete mixes shall meet the requirements of this build- ing code and be submitted to the Building Department for approval upon request. Exception: The cement content may be reduced to less than 5 sacks per cubic yard if a mix desig~ is prepared and signed by a qualified registered Civil Engineer. This mix design shall be submitted to and approved by the Building Department prior to use. The engineer shall provide general field supervision of the concrete placement. 15.12.190 Section 2907(a) amended - Footings. Sectio,~ 2907(a) "Footings -- General" is modified by adding second and third paragraphs ~o read: All continuous footings constructed of mason]fy or concrete shall be reinforced with.a minimum of two (2) No. 4 continuous reinforcing bars for light-weight frame wall construc- tion aud two (2) No. 5 continuous reinforcing bars for concrete or masonry wall construction. One bar shall be placed 2" Groin the top and the other bar 3" from the bottom of the footings. These continuous bars shall be lap spliced at splices, corners and intersections with a lap of 1''3" for No. 4 bars and 1'-8" for No. 5 bars. All concrete floor slabs poured on earth, for build- ings of group R occupancies, including garage floor slabs, shall be rei~forced %¢ith a welded wire fabric of 6 x 6-10/10 minimum weight. - 9 - 15.12. 200 Section 3201 amended - General. Section 3201 is amended by adding the following to the third para- graph as follows: Wood shingles and shakes are prohibited for all occupancies. Exception: Wood shingles and shakes may be used for single family detached structures. 15.12.210 Section 3203 - amended - Roof covering requirements. Section] 3203 is amended by adding a third paragraph stating the followi~g: Wood shingles and shakes shall be fire retardant in accordance with Uniform Building Code Standard 32-7 and installed over solid sheathing. 15.12.220 Section 3802(c) amended and (i) added - Automatic sprinkler systems. A. Revise Section 3802(c) to read: Group A Occupancies Automatic sprinkler systems shall be installed throughout all ~e~ buildings containing a Group A-l, A-2 or A-2.1 Occupancy in any portion of the building, and throughout all existing buildings where the assembly occupant load in any one is increased fifty percent (50%) within a twelve (12) month period and exceeds three hundred (300) people. B. Subsection (i) added to Section 3802 to r~ad: (i) 1. NEW BUILDINGS An automatic sprinkler system shall be installed throughout all new buildings where the total building area exceeds ten thousand (10,000) square feet, area separation walls notwithstanding. To be classed as another building, for the purpose of this subsection, the exterior wall must be separated by twenty (20) feet from the exterior wall of another building. Unenclosed overhangs, balconies~ arcades and the like may encroach a maximum of three (3) feet from each exterior wall or assumed exterior wall line. - 10 - (i) 2. EXISTING BUILDINGS A. In buildings where a full automatic sprinkler protection system exists and where said buildings undergo remodeling and/or alterations o~ additions, the automatic sprinkler system shall be kept in good operable condition and be extended to include additions, area separation walls notwithstanding. B. In buildings where an automatic sprinkler system does not exist, and the floor area is increased fifty percent (50%) or more within a twelve (12) month period, and the floor area exceeds ten thou- sand (10,000) square feet before or after the addition, an automatic sprinkler system shall, be installed throughout 'the total building. 15.12.230 Section 5406(d) 5 amended - Safety glazing. Is Section 5406(d) 5 is modified by adding exception, this latest Exception: Gla~ing located above 5'-6" in height measured from chg??~ the finished floor area of enclosure. Glazing located adjacent to spas, jacuzzies, saunas, swimming pools and similar facilities are subject to the same requirements. 15.12.240 Appendix Chapter 1. Appendix Chapter 1 Division 1 shall read as follows: EXISTING BUILDINGS Section 1106 Purpose. ~The purpose of this section is to provide a reasonable degree of safety to persons living and sleeping in apart- ment houses and hotels through providing for alterations to such existing buildings as do not conform with the minimum safety requirements of this code. (b) Scope. The provisions of this section shall apply exclusively to existing nonconforming Group R, Division 1 Occupancies more than two stories in height. (d) Number of Exits. Every apartment and every other sleeping room shall have access to not less than two exits. A fire escape as specified herein may be used as one required exit. - 11 - Subject to the approval of the building official, a ladder device as specified herein may be used in lieu of a fire escape when the construction features or the loca- tion of the building on the property cause the installa- tion of a fire escape to be impractical. (e) Stair Construction. All stairs shall have a minimum run of 9 inches and a maximum rise of 8 inches and a min- imum ~idth.exclusive of handrails of 30 inches.· Every stairway shall have at least one handrail. A la,din9 having a minimum horizontal dimension of 30 inches shall be provided at each point of access to the stairway. (f) Interior Stairways. Every interior stairway shall be enclosed with walls of not less than one-hour fire- resistive construction. Where existing partitions form part of a stairwell enclosure, wood lath and plaster in good condition will be acceptable in lieu of one-hour fire-resistive con- struction.' Doors to such enclosures shall be p~otected by a self-closing door equivalent to a solid wood door not less than 1-3/4 inches thick. Enclosures shall include landings between flights and any corridors, passageways of public rooms necessary for continuous exit to the exterior of the building.. (g) Exterior Stairways.. Exterior stairs shall be noncombustible or of wood of not less than 2-inch nominal thickness with solid treads and risers. (h) Fire Escapes, Exit Ladder Devices. 1. Fire escapes may be used as one means of egress, if the pitch does not exceed 60 degrees, the width is not less than 18 inches, the treads are not less than 4 inches wide, and they extend to the ground or are provided with 'counterbalanced stairs reaching to the ground. Access shall be by an opening having a minimum dimension of 29 i,ches when open. The sill shall be not more than 30 inches above the floor and landing. 2. A ladder device when used in lieu of a fire escape shall ~conform to U.B.C. Standard No. 33-3 and the following: A. Serves an occupant load of nine people or less or a single dwelling unit or hotel room. B. The building does not exceed three stories in height. - 12 - C. The access is adjacent to an opening as sDecified for emergency egress or rescue or from a balcony. D. The device does not pass in front of any building opening below the unit being served. E. The availability of activating the ladder device is accessible only to the opening or balcony served. F. The device as installed will not cause a person using it to be within 12 feet of exposed energized high-voltage conductors. (i) Doors and Openings. Exit doors shall meet the requirements of Section 3304(b), (c), (d) and 3305 (n). Doors shall not reduce the required width of stairway more than 6 inches when open. Transoms and openings other than doors from corri- dors to rooms shall be fixed closed and shall be covered with a minimum of 3/4-inch plywood or ½-inch gypsum wallboard or equivalent material. Exceptions: 1. Existing solid-bonded wood core doors 1-3/8 inches thick or their equivalent may be continue in use. 2. Where the existing frame will not accommodate a door complying with Section 3304(h), a 1-3/8-inch thick solid-bonded wood core may be used. (j) Exit Signs. Every exit doorway or change of direction of a corridor shall be marked with a well-lighted exit sign having letters at least 5 inches high. (k) Enclosure of Vertical Openings. Elevators, shafts ducts and other vertical openings shall be enclosed as required for stairways in Subsection (f) or by wired 'glass set in metal frames. Doors shall be noncombustible or as regulated in Subsection (f). (1) Separation of Occupancies. Occupancy separa- tions shall be provided as specified in Section 503. Lobbies and public dining rooms, ~]ot including cocktail lounges, shall not require a separation if the kitchen is so separated from the dining room. - 13 - Every room containing a boiler oc central heating plant shall be separated [rom the .rest of the building by not less than one-hour [ire- resistive occupancy separation. Exception: A separation shall not be required for such rooms with equipment serving only one dwelling unit. (m) Alternates. No alternate method of obtaining the fire protection and safety required by this section may be used unless the Board of Appeals, including as a voting member for this purpose the chief of fire department, finds that such alternate method provides protection and safety equivalent to that required herein. 15.12.250 Section 3209 amended - General. Section] 3209 is amended by adding a third paragraph stating the following: Wood shingles and shakes shall be fire retardant in accordance with Uniform Building Code Standard 32-7. Exception: When less than 20% of the roof area to be covered, the shingles or shakes may not be fire retardant. 15.12.260 Appendix Section 7002 amended - Chapter modification. Section 7002 of the Appendix is amended by adding a second para- graph to read as follows: The Building Official may, after acceptance and approval of a civil engineer's report, waive or modify any requirement of this Chapter if he determines.the modification or waiver will provide for the public safety and will not violate good construction practices. Sectior] 7002 is further amended by substituting the word "approvals" for the words "issuance of permits." 15.12.270 Section 7003 amended - Word substitutions. The heading of SectiOn 7003 is amended to read: "Approvals Required." Sectio~l 7003 is amended by substituting the words "an approval" for the words "a grading permit." 15.12.280 Section 7006(a), (b) and (c) amended - Approval requirements. Subsections (a), (b) and (c) of 'Section 7006 are amended to read as follows: Section 7006 (a) Approval Required. Except as exempted in Section 7003 of this Code, no person shall do any grading without first obtaining approval from the Building Official. A separate approval shall be required for each site and may cover both excavations and fills. (b) Application. The application for approval shall be in the form of a preliminary report i~]dicating grading work to be done. (c) Plans and Specifications. When required by the Building Official, each application for approval shall be accompanied by two (2) sets of plans and specifications and supporting data cons[sting of a soil engineering report and engineering geology· report. The plans and specificatio~]s shall be prepared and signed by a civil engineer when required by the Building Official. 15.12.290 Section 7012(d) amended - Word substitutions. Sectiou 7012(d) is amended by substituting the words "Public Works Director" for "Building Official and/or other appropriate jurisdiction." 15.12.300 Section 7014(a) and (b) amended - Word substitutions. Subsection (a) of Section 7014 is amended by substituting the words "an approval" for the words "a permit"; Subsection (b) of Section] 7014 is amended by addition of the words "and for new subdivisions" afte~ the words "cubic yards," and substituting the word "applicant" for "permittee." - 15 - 15.12.310 Section 7015(b) amended - Grading report. In Section 7015, substitute the word ,applicant" for the word "permittee" and add the following paragraph: The Building Director of the City of Bakersfield shall not approve any building permit on any lot within any new subdivision until the final grading report as required has been submitted to and accepted by said Buildiag Director. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall be posted in accordance with the City Charter provisions and shall become effective thirty (30) days from and after the date of its passage. o0o - 16 - I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance was passed a~d adopted by the Council of the'City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on , by the following vote: CITY CLERK and Ex Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield APPROVE[) CLARENCE E. MEDDERS MAYOR of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED as to form: ARTHUR J. SAALFIED CITY ATTORNEY of the City of Bakersfield LCM/meg O ORD 4 UC.BLDG1 6/16/89 - 17 - DRAFT ORDINANCE NO. , NEW SERIES AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD AMENDING CHAPTER 15.04 OF THE BAKERSFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO THE UNIFORM BUILDINGS AND CONSTRUCTION CODE. BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield as follow, s: SECTION 1. Chapter 15.04 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Chapter 15.04 UNIFORM BUILDINGS AND CONSTRUCTION CODE Sections: 15.04.010 Findings designated. 15.04.020 Duty of city clerk to notify state. 15.04.030 Purpose of title. 15.04.040 Title of Title 15. 15.04.050 Applicability of title. 15.04.060 Interpretation of title. 15.04.070 Definitions. 15.04.080 Title enforcement-Reasonable application or modification of title. 15.04.090 Recording of building department transactions - Disposition of fees. 15.04.100 Adoption of regulations and fee schedule. 15.04.110 Unfinished structures or projects. 15.04.120 Board of building appeals - Powers and duties. 15.04.130 Limitation on responsibility. 15.04~140 Fees for mobile homes. 15.04.150 Minimum wall size for recess mobile homes. 15.04.160 Violation - Penalty. 15.04.010 Findinss designated. The city council does expressly find and determine that the changes and modifications to the 1988 Editions of the Uniform Codes, and the 1987 Edition of the National Electrical Code, as adopted by the ordinance codified in this title pursuant to Sections 17922, 17958 and 17958.5 of the Health and Safety Code, contained in this title are reasonably necessary because of local conditions. 15.04.020 Duty of city clerk to notify state. The city clerk, upon enactment of the ordinauce codi- fied in this title, shall notify the Department of Housil]g and Community Development, Division of Building and Housing Sta~]dards, State of California, of this enactment by sending a copy of the ordinance codified in this title, aloDg with a notice advising such department of the fact of the enactment of said ordi. nance and its effective date and of the express findings made in Section 15.04.010 that such changes and modifications to the said codes adopted by reference 'in this title, are reasonably necessary in the city because of local conditions. 15.04.U30 Purpose of title. The purpose of this title is to promote the public safety a~]d welfare by the adoption of minimum building standards to be required and enforced throughout the territory of the city. 15.04.040 Title of Title 15. A. This title may be cited as the "buildings and construction code." B. This code is comprised of codes of regulations and standards adopted by agencies of the state and by ~ationally recognized o~ganizations which have existed more than.three years as well as compendium of existing ordinances incorporated into the written] expression of the entire body of local law governing building or construction in the territory of the city. 15.04.050 Applicability of title. The buildings and construction code applies to new build~lg'const~uction and to the installation of new mechanical, plumbing, electrical and sign systems as well as to existing con- struction and to existing mechanical, plumbing and electrical and sign systems to the extent specifically defined by the codes adopted by reference into this title. 15.04.060 Interpretation of title. The buildings and construction code shall be liberally construed to effect its purpose. If the code regulates one appli- cation with dissimilar limitations or requirements, the more restrictive regulation shall apply. - 2 - 15.04.0'70 Definitions. As used in the buildings and construction code: A. "Administrative authority," "building official," "chief building inspector," and "chief electrical inspector" means the building director of the city. B. "Board of Appeals" and "board" means the board of building appeals of the city. C. "Department" means the building departme~t of the city. 15.04.080 Title enforcement - Reasonable application or modification of title. A. The building director shall administer and enforce the buildings and construction co'de. He may delegate administra- tive powers to qualified personnel. Pursuant to the provisions of California Penal Code Section 836.5, any officer or employee of the building department of the city holding the position of Building Inspector III or higher may enforce the provisions of Title 15 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code and Chapter 2, Part 3, Division 13 of the California Health and Safety Code (Sections 19100 et seq.) and may arrest a person without a warrant whenever that officer oar employee has reasonable cause to believe that the person to be arrested has committed a misdemeanor in his presence which is a violation of any law which he has the duty to enforce. An office or employee making an arrest under the authority of this sectiou shall follow the citation-release procedures prescribed in Chapter 5C, Title 3, Part 2 of the California Penal Code (Sections 853.5, et seq.) of such procedure hereafter enacted by the State of California. B. Subject to approval by the city council, the building director may promulgate and charge a reasonable schedule of fees for permit renewal, processing applications and .for the performauce of special services by the building departme~]t in administering and enforcing the buildings and construction code. The schedule may provide for the partial refund of permit fees to applical]ts. C. A minimum application fee of twenty dollars shall be charged for the processing of each application for a permit. This minimum application fee shall apply only where regular fees on a particular application total less than twenty dollars. In such cases, a total minimum fee of twenty dollars shall be charged. D. A special investigation fee of thi~.ty dollars shall be charged for investigati~on work done where no permit or permits are sought by the party or parties requesting the investigation. E. Fees for duplication documents and other special services shall be in accordance with city administrative policy. 15.04.110 Unfinished structures or projects. A. Whenever the building director determines by inspection that the work on any structure or project, authorized by permit and once commenced, has been suspended or abandoned for a period of one hundred eighty or more days, he shall give written notice to the owner or other person in control of the property upon ~;hich the structure or project is situated to obtain a new permit and to complete or demolish and remove the work. B. Thereafter, the owner or other person in control of the property shall either obtain a new permit within thirty days from the notice date and diligently pursue the work to completion, or obtain a permit for and demolish and remove the structure or project within sixty days from the notice date. 15.04.120 Board of building appeals - Powers and duties. A. There is created the city board of building appeals consisting of seven members who shall be qualified by training and experience in building construction or the building trades. All seven members shall be appointed by and serve at the pleasure of the city council. As soon as practical after the appointment of the first board, the board shall meet and organize. Thereafter, the board shall have the powers granted, and shall assume the duties, responsibilities and functions imposed by the buildings and construction code upon the board. The building director shall be a nonvoting, ex officio member and shall act as secretary of the board. B. The board of building appeals shall resolve all questions relating to the suitability of alternate materials and methods of construction arising under this title and. shall deter- mine reasonable interpretations of the provisions of the buildings and construction] code. The board shall adopt reasonable rules and regulatio~s, consistent with the purposes of such code, for con- ducting its hearings and investigations; it shall render written findings and decisions si~ned by its chairman and secretary in all cases, to the building director,, and serve a copy on the appellant. The board may study and recommend to the city council new legisla- tion co~sistent with its purposes and function. - 4 - C. The board of buildi, gg appeals created in subsection A Of this section shall serve in the place of and have the powers and duties of the board of appeals created by Section 204 of the Uniform, Building Code, 1988 Edition; by Section. 203 of the Uniform Mechanical Code, 1988 Edition; by Section 20.14 of the Uniform · Plumbing Code, 1988 Edition; by Section 205 of the Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings, 1988 Edition; and Section 203 of the Uniform Administrative Code provisions for the National Electrical Code, 1987 Edition. The board o.f building appeals created in subsectiou A of this section shall also have responsibility of resolving any interpretations of the rules made by the building director, for resolving decisions made by the building director upon the approval of equipment and materials and for resolving any questions concerning the granting of the special permission contemplated in a number of rules or suitability of alternate methods, in connection with the enforcement of the National Electrical Code, 1987 Edition. D. The board of building appeals shall have the power and duty to: 1. Provide for final interpretation of the provi- sions o[ the Uniform Housing Code adopted by the city and to hear appeals provided for thereunder; 2. Hear appeals from decisions of the building director on matters pertaining to the moving of dwellings and buildings accessory thereto in the interpretation of Sections 15.44.060 and 15.44.090; 3. Hear all complaints brought by residents of the project area of the Bakersfield Central District Devel'opment Agency and review determinations by the Central District Development Agency as the relocation appeals board, established pursuant to Section 33417.5 of the Health and Safety Code and pur- suant to the powers of the city as a Charter city; 4. Hear appeals from the city by persons applying to such board %~ho are aggrieved by a determination as to eligibil- ity for, or the amount of, a payment authorized by Chapter 16 (Relocation Assistance) of Division 7 Title 1 (commencing with Section] 7260) of the Government Code; 5. Make such investigations as it deems advisable concerning housing conditions in the city and report its findings to the council; - 5 - 6. Act in an advisory capacity to the cou~]cil on matters pertaining to the financing of housing and related construction, housing condition.s, enforcement of the Bakersfield Uniform IIousing Code and recommend to the council the adoption, amendment or repeal of legislation pertaining thereto; 7. 'Perform such other functions and duties as may be delegated to it by the council by ordinance or other%~ise; 8. Adopt such rules and regulations co~]sistent with laws as it sees fit to conduct all business 'that may come before i t. 15.04.130 Limitation on responsibility. A. Neither an approval nor a permit granted by the building department shall constitute permission or authority, or be interpreted as a waiver, to permit the violation of any statute, ordinance or regulation. B. Neither the city nor its officers and employees shall be deemed liable for structural or construction defects resulting from the administration or enforcement of the buildings and construction code by such entity or persons. C. By accepting a permit or the performance of serv- ices by the building department, an applicant consents to the lim- itations of this section. 15.04.140 Fees for mobile homes. All fees for mobilehome construction shall be imple- · mented and collected as regulated through the most curre~t addi- tion of the State Title 25, Chapter 2, Mobilehome Parks Act. 15.04.150 Minimum wall size for recess mobile homes. The protection for the slopes or cuts underneath mobile homes shall be designed to withstand erosion and drainage. Vertical cuts for recess mobile homes shall have an minimum concrete or block wall four (4) inches wide with a ~4 ver- tical rebar every thirty-two (32) inches O.C. and two (2) #4 rebar horizontal top and bottom~ Minimum footing shall be eight (8) inches in height and twelve (12) inches in width extending above adjacent grade a minimum of four (4) inches. - 6 - 15.041160 Violation - Penalty. A. Any person, firm or corporation who violates, causes, permits or allows the violation of any provision of this buildings and construction code is guilty of a misdemeanor. The persol] is guilty of a separate offense for each day or portion therof he permits, causes or allows a violation to continue. B. Any structure, construction or installation that is u~]dertaken or permitted to continue in violation of any provi- sion o~ the code of buildings and construction is a public nuisance and may be abated by th~ building director in accordance with the provisions of this title.~ C. Any person, firm or corporation convicted of vio- lating any of the provisions of this buildings and construction code shall be punished by a fine of not more than five hundred dollars or by imprisonment in the county jail for a period o~ not more than six months, or by both such fine and imprisonment. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall be posted in accordance with the City Charter provisions and shall become effective thirty (30) days from and after the date of its passage. o0o I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance ~vas passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on , by the followi r~g vote: CITY CLERK and Ex Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield APPROVE[) CLARENCE E. MEDDERS MAYOR of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED as to form: ARTHUR J. SAALFIED CITY ATTORNEY of the City of Bakersfield LCM/meg O ORD 4 UC.CONS[ 6/19/89 - 8 -