HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991 August 27, 1991 TO: Vice Mayor Ken Peterson FROM: Lawrence M. Lunardini, City Attorney~ SUBJECT: VICE MAYORREFERRALOF PROPOSED ORDINANCE Please refer the following proposed ordinance to whichever committee you deem appropriate: 1) DIVISION OF RECREATION. BackgroUnd: This ordinance amends Chapter 2.60 to reflect the recent personnel changes within the Community Services Department. LML/LCM/meg ORD-REFERRAL\ RECREATN.MEM Attachment cc: J. Dale Hawley Lee Andersen&--~ Jim LeDoux DRAFT AN 'ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 2.60 OF THE BAKERSFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO THE DIVISION OF RECREATION. BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield as follows: SECTION 1. Chapter 2.60 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code is hereby amended ~o read as follows: Chapter 2.60 · DIVISION OF RECREATION sections: 2.60.010 Creation of division. 2.60.020 Officers and employees. 2.60.030 Super;ision by community services'manager. 2.60.040 Duties of communityservices manager. 2.60.050 Duties of superintendent'cf recreation. 2.60.060 Citizens' parks and recreation committee - Creation - Duties. 2.60.010 Craation of division. There is Created for the government of the city a division of the community services deparumenu known as the, division of recreation. 2.60.020 Officers and employees. Under ~he direct supervision of the community services manager, all permanent employees of the division of recreation shall maintain their existing titles and civil service status. 2.60.030 SuPervision by community services m~nager.'. The division of recreation shall be under ~he direct supervision of the community services manager or his authorized representative. 2.60.040 Duties of community services manager. The community services manager shall direct the administration of the .division of recreation, and it shall be his duty to: A. Recommend policies on recreation service for approval of the city council; B. Prepare cr cause to be prepared, the annual budget for the division of recreation for' approval by the city council; C. Cooperate with other governmental agencies and civic groups in the advancement of a sound recreational program; D. Advise with the cit~ council on development of recreation areas, facilities, programs and services; E. Recommend the adoption of standards on areas, facilities, program, and financial support; F. Interpret the policies and functions of the division of recreation to the public; G. Recommend for employment required personnel as set forth by the city and supervise such personnel in the Performance of their various duties; H. Promulgate rules or regulations for the conduct of activities within city parks and recreational areas for ~he preservasion .of property and the orderly use of the proper~y. 2.60.050 Duties of.superintendent of recreation. The superintendent of recreation shall be responsible for the administraUion of the division of recreation in accordance with the policies set forth by the community services manager. 2.60.060 Citizens'~ parksand recreatio~ committee -Creation- ~ Duties.., A. There .is created a 'citizens' parks and recreation .committee consisting of seven members, each of whom shall be nominated by a councilmember for his/her respective ward, who shall be a resident of ~hat'ward, and shall be appointed by the city council. The term of office shall be four years, to run concurrently with the term of the councilmember . - 2 - from the same ward; terms of the committee members first appointed may run less than four years and shall expire with the' expiration of the term of the councilmember from the same ward. B. The citizens' parks and recreation committee shall represent various community groups and interests for the purpose of advising the city council as to policies for operations of .city parks and city recreation services. Except as provided in this section; this committee has no administrative or =ther authority. The parks superintendent and the recreation superintendent shall be ex officio members of this committee and may be present at any meetings of this committee, but shall.have no right to vote. SECTION 2. This Ordinance shall be posted in accordance with the "~ =.fy Charter provisions and shall become effective thirty (30 days from and after the date of its passage. .......... o0o .......... ' ~ HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance was passed and..adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on by the following vote: ' CI~f CLERK a~d Ex Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of. Bakersfield APPROVED CLARENCE E. MEDDERS i'~YOR of the City of Bakersfield APPRCVED as.to form: LAWRENCE M. LUNARDINI CI~/ ATTORNEY of the City of Bakersfield LCM/meg RECREATN.O-4 4/9/91 - 4 - MEMORANDUM DATE: APRIL 13, 1992 TO: PERSONNEL COMMITTEE FROM: MAUREEN COTNER, PERSONNEL MANAGER!~ SUBJECT: SUPERVISOR I AND SUPERVISOR II JOB SPECIFICATION REVISION The Personnel Division is recommending a revision of the job specification for Supervisor I and II, to allow for promotion from the I to the II level, on a merit basis, without examination one year after appointment to the fifth salary step. This is referred to as a "flex" position. Prior to 1989, it was the practice in some divisions to flex Supervisor I's to the II level. Because this practice was administered inconsistently, and was in violation of Civil Service Rules, Personnel met with the department heads of Public Works, Water and Sanitation, and Community Services Departments in late 1990 to develop a uniform policy. A determination was made that Supervisor I/II should be developed as a flex position, for those positions in Building Maintenance, Streets, Sewer, Parks, Convention Center and Sanitation. Unique job specifications exist for Crime Prevention, Recreation, Recycling, Trees and Wastewater, and were not affected by the proposed revision. Also proposed was that all new supervisors in the affected divisions would be appointed at the Supervisor I level; no employees would be hired initially at the Supervisor II level. The proposed Supervisor I/II flex series and updated job specifications were presented to the Miscellaneous Civil Service Board at their January 15, 1991, meeting. The Board approved the change. In anticipation of the pending City-wide classification study, the revised job specifications were never presented to the Personnel Committee after Civil Service Board approval. PAGE 2 APRIL 13, 1992 PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Recently, this issue has again been raised by the departments. They are requesting that a consistent policy be implemented for granting promotions to Supervisor II. Attached for your reference is a breakdown of all Supervisor I/II's by department. AlSo included are the unique Supervisor I/II's in Crime Prevention, Recreation, Recycling, Trees and Wastewater,'and a listing of other flex classifications in the City. The Personnel Division recommends this job specification revision; it validates an ongoing practice in the operating divisions, and is consistent with the flex designation of other classifications. MC/kef MEMO\MISC\REVISION.SUP SUPERVISORI AND SUPERVISOR II CITY WIDE ALLOCATION BY DIVISION Supervisor I Supervisor II '- · Convention Center - 1 Building/Plant Maintenance - 2 Parks - 1 Equipment Maintenance - 4 * Recreation Parks - 4 · Sanitation - 3 * Police Department - 1 Streets - 3 Sanitation - 2 * Trees - 1 * Sanitation/Recycling - 1 Sewer System Maintenance - 1 ~ Streets - 3 * Wastewater - 3 * Water Supervisor II - 2 * Unique-classification and specification The above detail shows that there are eight (8) generic Supervisor I and sixteen (1·6) generic SUpervisor II positions. CLASS TITLE: SUPERVISOR ~I 711 CLASS CHARACTERISTICS: Under general supervision, performs supervisory work in the custodial care and general maintenance and repair of municipal buildings; directing the operations of street cleaning crews and sewer., parks,'convention center, buildinq maintenance, and street maintenance, Or refuse collection; and performs other .WOrk as required. EXAMPLES OF DUTIES: SuperviSes a staff engaged in building cleaning work; assigns and supervises the work of crews engaged in' the planting and care of trees, shrubs, and turf; inspects and checks trees to be .pruned, sprayed, · or felled; assigns ..nun personnel and equipment and inspects results; supervises the development, maintenance, cleaning, and protection of park grounds, facilities, buildings, and courts; prepares work schedules for irrigation, mowing, trimming, fertilizing and Cleaning. of turf, care of plantings, and service of public restrooms; supervises and assigns the work of crews engaged in street maintenance and street cleaning; transfers workers from one project to another as work load changes; checks equipment going out on assigned schedules; supervises convention center maintenance and preparation for events; checks refuse collection crews in the field; determines collection and route discrepancies, and recommends appropriate action; inspects the quality of work performed by personnel; observes - driving procedures, and maintains established . standards therewith; coordinates the use of available ..nun personnel and equipment to obtain maximum utility; inspects' results and gives advice and assiStanCe to crews; enforces' safety, and other regulations established by the department; receives, investigates, and resolves complaints from the public; assists in the. preparation of the budget; train's personnel;-evaluates and recommends 'changes in work loads and procedure; rates work performance of subordinates; makes recommendations for improving methods of service~ · keeps and prepares records and reports dealing with daily activity; prepares accident reports .when necessary. ' ~F~-I4~BI~MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS' Traininq and Experience: Graduation from high school or vocational school, or attainment-of a satisfactory score On a G.E.D. test, and four years' of general work experience, including one..year in a position of lead responsibility. Knowledqe, Abilities, and Skills: Considerable knowledge of the --~ .... ~ ..... ~ and e~uiDment used 'in area of work; considerable knowledge of occuPationalhazards and safety.precautions applicable to'area of work;ability to plan, layout, and supervise the.work of subordinatesin a manner conductive to full perfo'rmance and goo~ morale; ability to deal with emergencies; ability to .maintain records and to prepare reports. ~LASS TIT~E: SUPERVISOR I' '711 Licenses. or Certtftcate~: Possession of a valid California driver's license as required by law fo~ equipment used in performance of duties. Promotion to Supervisor II: Promotion ko ~upe~visor II from Supervisor I is made on a merit basis, without examination, on,. year after appointment to the fifth~ salary step,' subject t¢, recommendation by the Department Head and approval by'the Personnel Manaqer. Approved by the MiscellaneOus Civil Service Board:. Approved by the City Council: ~ ~S' TITLE: SUPERVISOR ii . 712 CLASS CHARACTERISTICS: Under general supervision, performS field supervision andltechnical . work in maintenance and repair of municipal facilities and- equipment; directing the operations of. street maintenance and sewer, parks, equipment, convention center, building-maintenance, and street cleaning, or refuse collection; and performs other work as required. EXAMPLES OF DUTIES: SuDervises and assigns the work of crews engaged in street cleaning and maintenance projects on city streets; transfers workers from one project to another as work loadchanges; coordinates the use of available personnel and equipment to obtain maximum utility; checks. projects for progress and 'fOr conformance to work plans; changes. .plans when necessary; inspects repair sites and gives advice and assistance to crews; replies to requests from the public and to emergencies and makes arrangements for appropriate action; prepares layout sheets of work assignments; ·maintains·pay· records and job reports;:plans and supervises the work. of crews engaged in the repair and maintenance of sewer collection systems, cleaning; .and repair of storm, drain lines, and repair and construction of manholes and lamp-holes; plans and supervises the work of crews engaged in the control oil weeds, brush hauling, and tree work, including felling, removall pruning trimming, and spraying; or in the development, maintenance, and repair of. park buildings, .~ facilities, installations, swimming pools, and the planting and -care of trees, shrubs, and turf; investigates inquires, requests, and complaints from the public; interprets city and department policies; .processes simple agreements for tree Work and brush hauling;-or makes arrangements for and exercises control over use'. of park facilities; diagnoses repair and maintenance requirements of-automotive, heavy equipment, and' specialized police equipment and apparatus; assigns and inspects work of mechanics and service workers; estimates' costs of damaged equipment; designs and fabricates equipment; advises and instructs mechanics'on difficult assignments; requisitions~ ~equipment and supplies·; directs congention center maintenance activities and the preparation for .events; assists in the preparation of the budget; assigns and supervises 'the work of crews~engaged in the collection of refuse; checks refuse collection crews in the field; determines cOlle6tion -and route discrepancies, and recommends appropriate· action; inspects the quality of work' p~rformed by personnel; observes' driving.procedures and .maintains established standards; inspects results, and gives advice and assistance to crews;.enforces safety and other regulations 'established by' the department; trains personnel; rates work performance of' subordinates; makes recommendations for improving methods of service; keeps and prepares records and reports dealing with daily activity; Prepares accident~reports when necessary.. TITLE: SUPERVISOR I~ 712 MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: Traininq and Experience: Graduation from high school or vocational school, or attainment of a Satisfactory score on a G.E.D. test, and five years'. ~experience in the construction and maintenance of municipal facilities, equipment, streets, sewers, parks, or refuse, ...... ' ~ of including one year ~ ..... ~ .... ~ ~A.~~..~ _...'~ . suDervisory experience. Knowledqe', Abilities', and Skills: Considerable knowledge.of the methods and practices of.-municipal construction and maintenance; good knowledge of .occupational hazards and safety precautions applicable to area of work; good knowledge of the types and uses of equipment and material required. Ability to plan, schedule and supervise subordinates;, ability to · instruct and train personnel;.ability to schedule and advise on the use of a variety of equipment; ability to maintain records-and to prepare reports..' ' ~ Licenses or Certificates.~. Possession '-of a valid California driver's license as requlired by law for equipment used .in performance of duties. Promotion to Supervisor Iii:' Promotion to Supervisor ~II from Supervisor' I is made on a merit basis, without examination, one year after apDointment 'to .the fifth salary step, subject to recommendation.by theDeDartment Head and approval by the Personnel Manager. Approved by the City Council: Approved by the Miscellaneous Civil Service Board: 9-18-90 t FLEX POSITIONS ADMINISTRATIVE ANALYST I/II ~ SECRETARY I/II Promotion is' made on a merit basis, without examination, one year after appointment to fifth salary step, subject to recommendation by the Department Head and approval by the Director of Personnel. AIR CONDITIONING TECHNICIAN I/II ELECTRICALTECHNICIAN I/II TRAFFIC PAINTER I/II_' Promotion is made on a merit basis, Without examination, subject to -recommendation bythe Department Head and approval of the Personnel Manager. Under normal conditions, an employee will be considered for promotion following appointment to the fifth salary step. BUILDING INSPECTOR I/II CLERK-TYPIST I/II CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR I/II Promotion is.made on a merit basis without examination, subject to recommendation by the Department Head and approVal of the City Manager_or Personnel.Manager. COMMUNICATIONs TECHNICIAN I/II .Promotion is made on a merit basis, without examination, subject to the recommendation by the Department Head and verification by the Personnel Manager that qualifications as approved by the Police Civil Service Commission are met. ENGINEERING AIDE I/II FIRE DISPATCHER I/II Promotions are considered on a merit~ basis subject to recommendation by .the Department Head and approval by the Director of Personnel, FE LE I VEsTICATO. I/It Upon completion of three years of service, .eligible for Female Inv~estigator II. TELECOMMUNICATOR I / I I promotion is made on a .merit basis, without.examination, one year after appointment to fifth salary step, subject to 'recommendation by the DePartment Head and approval~ of the Civil Service Commission. TRADES ASSISTANT TO MAINTENANCE CRAFTWORKER Promotion to Maintenance ~Craftworker from Trades Assistant is made on a merit basis, without-examination, subject to recomme~dation by the Department Head and approval of' the personnel Manager..Under normal conditions, an employee will be considered for. promotion one year following .appointment to the fifth salary step,- and upon meeting 'training and experience, qualifications for Maintenance Craftworker FLEX 1/08/91 ' /'