HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996 ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council APPRO~ DATE: September 10, 1996 crrv ·. CITY MANAGER~b--~ 1. - Resolution amending Resolutions 12:96 and 19-96 Setting ?salaries and Related Benefits 2. :lob Specifications: City Clerk, Public/Fire Safety Education Specialist, Geographic Information Sysleats (GIS) Cootdim~, Senior Office Systems Analyst, Communications OVe Sumvisor ___ --- RECO~ATION: _ - ......... · S~l' recommends referral to the Personnel Committee. BACKGROUND: Two existing job specilic~ons, City Clerk and Public/FLre Safety Education Specialist, have been updated. Three job specificationa have been developed for the two new MIS positions and Police Supervisory position approved in the 1996-97 budget: GIS Coordinator, Senior Office Systems Analyst and Communications Operations Supervisor. The retirement of the City Clerk has prompted the need to recruit a replacement. Since--thi jbb-s-p~x~i~atibh' fia~'/i&-- been updated since 1985, it was reviewed by the Human Resources Division prior to commencin8 a recruitment. Other cities were contacted to obtain benchmark classification and compensation information. Accordingly, the minimum qualitications have been revised to include a.key qualification: designation u a Certified Municipal Clerk (CMC). Consistent with the majority of survey cittes, a provision has been included to allow a substitution of qualifying experience for up to two years of the required education. In addition, minor updates have been made to duties, knowledge, abilities, etc., and the format has been revised to conform with the current City job specification standard. There is no budgetary impact as the salary range wal remain th~ same. &v~m~ 16, I~J6, 9:.Oram ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT Public/Fire Safety Education 8_~clsli.~ The Publi~'~e Safe~ Education Specialist position was dgeted from the City of Bakersfield Fire Department budget over three years ago. When. ._the pr .ev~ incumbent resigned, the position was never refilled. Inthe 1996/9'/Budget, the City Council approved funding for this position. In accordance with this action, the job · specification has been updated and approved by the Fire Civil Service Board on August 29, 1996. There is no budgetary impact as the salary range will remain-the same. Management Information Funding for two new posigons, GIS Coordinator and Senior Office Systems Analy~ has been included in the 1996/97 Budget. Therefore, new job specifi~ons have been developed. Other cities were contacted to obtain benchmark classification and compensation information. The GIS position is relatively new, and little benchmark information is available. Since this is a professional position with functional oversight responsibilities, · proposed, salary range equivalent to Data Processing Supervisor and Adn~i~e Analyst tn is recommended. - The total 1996/97 ~tlnry dollar amount budgeted for this position was $34,923. Using the proposed salary range of Data Processing Supervisor, the approximate first year salary cost, assuming a Sanuaty 1, 1997 appointment date, would be $20,500 to $25,000 depending on step hired, lVfinimum qualifications are similar to Data Processing Supervisor and Administrative Analyst HI in that · B.S. degree and experience will be required. The Senior Offce Systems Analyst has been created at · level to provide · career progression from the existing ~ Systems Analyst positiott A differential of approximately 10% between the classes would result in assigning the Senior Office Systems Analyst a salary range equivalent to the Benefits Technician or Administrative Analyst 5, were to he promoted to Senior Office Systems Analyst, at step 4, a yearly cost of approximately $41,631 would be the cost for the first year. Minimum qualifications for the Senior Office Systems Analyst have been proposed consistent with the internal benchnaflc chsses of Benef~ Technician or Administrative Analyst H, ie., B.S. and two years ofrecent experience equivalent to Office Systems Analys~ A&faional qualifying experience may he substituted for the required education on a year-for-year basis to a maximum of two years. In addition, Novell NetWare certification or equivalent is required. Communications Ooerations Sut~visor Funding for a new non-safety position, Communications Operations Supervisor, has been included in the 1996/97 Budget for the Police Depamnent. Therefore, a new job specification has been developed. The needs of the Police Department in the Communications Field have changed dramafica~ in the last ten years. Estab§shing the Communications'Operations Supervisor position fulfills the department objective in dvilianiziag appropriate positions now being held by safety personnel. It has been created at a levd equivalent to Records Sep~nM~ 16, 1~96, 9:.05mn ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT Supervisor because of conm~murate respona~ilities, lVfmimum qualifications for this position are a B.S. degree and three years of professional supervisory experience. Additional qualifying experience may be substituted_ for the required education. The total 1996/97 salary dollar amount budgeted for this position was $48,393. Using the proposed salary range of Recorda Supervisor, the approximate first year salary cost, assuming a lanuary 1, 1997 appointment date, would be $22,600-$27,500 depending on step hired. The Irate ~ Service Commission met on August 29, 1996 and approved the revised Public/Fire Safety Education Spocialist specifi~fion. The lVlisceilaneous Civil Service Commission will meet on September 17, 1996 tO review and approve the new and revised job specifications for City Clerk, GIS Coordinator and Seni.~_'or Office Systems Analyst. The Police Civil Service Commission will meet on September 1 $, 1996 to review and approve the job specification for Communications Operations Supervisor. Staff recommends approval of the new and revised job specifications and the resolution setting these salaries. RESOLUTION NO. · A RESOLUTION AMENDING RESOLUTION NOS. 12-96 AND 19-96 SETTING SALARIES AND RELATED BENEFITS OF THE WHITE COLLAR, POLICE SUPERVISORY AND GENERAL SUPERVISORY UNITS WHEREAS, Resolution Nos. 12-96 and 19-96 set salaries and related benefits for employees of the White Collar, Police Supervisory and General Supervisory Units. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield that effective the beginning ofthe first 'full pay period following Council action, the Salary Schedule, a part of Resolution Nos. 12-96 and 19-96, is hereby amended as follows: 1. Resolution No. 12-96 is herebY amended by adding the following class'title to the White Collar Unit: 25130 A Senior Office Systems Analyst 17.256 18.130 19.048 20.015 21.025 2. Resolution No. 19-96 is hereby amended by adding the following class title to the General Supervisory Unit: 25140 C GIS Coordinator 19.667 ..~ 20.651. _21..684 22~768 ...... 2_3.~_908__--_- .... .-_--_-..::~ ...... 3. Resolution No. 19-96 is hereby amended by adding the following class title to the Police Supervisory Unit: 79970 C (~ommunications Operations Supervisor 21.696 22.781 23.920 25.116 26.373 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CLASS SPECIFICATION: 89250 UNIT: MANAGEMENT EE04: OFFICIALS/ADMINISTRATORS CLASS TITLE: CITY CLERK CLASS SUMMARY: Responsible for supervision and direction of'the activities of the Office of'the City Clerk. Work is performed with considerable independence, under the l~eneral administrative direction of the City Manager and in accordance with prescribed laws and resulations. Performs related work as required ....... - ...... REPRESENTATIVE DUTIES: The f'ollowin_e _t~)_ ical tasks and res_oons~ilities are representative of'the position's essential duties. They_ are descriptive, not limiting_. Plans. or~_anizes, coordinates and directs the work of the City Clerk's Office: performs varied duties in support of'official meetings and actions including acting as ex-officio sa:ferny to the City Council; distn'butes and files minutes, agenda, legal notices, public improvement and other rial i cenifiedcopi fdocuments; ...... '---'--~' .... -':--- ' ' ilqate S; SSUes es O ~,uuuwa aau F~a,v.~a wren. administers oaths as required to City officials, memben of'boazds and commissions and City employees; maintains custody of the Corporate Seal of'the City; issues subpoeu~s; plans and supervises the conduct of'municipal elections; prepares division depamnent budget and administers the adopted budget for the City Clerk's's Office; supervises the dericat staff' of the City Clerk's Office ~,~, [;,a~x-o~'s ~c~; directs the selection, motivation, trainin_n and ~waluation of'division starT, interacts ex~ensively with the City_ Council City officials, public, media, etc.: and performs other duties as may be prescribed by the City Charter and ordinances or resolutions of the City Council. - .... ' -- DISTINGUI$I-HNG CHARACTERISTICS: The incumbent or'this class is a division head res_oo~'ble for overall _oolicy_ development. plannin~ tlscal manag_ement, sdminisu~tion and o_oerations of'the City_ Clerk's Office. Th~ C~ Clerk mana~-es pro_erarns and services includin_e: election and camp_al_tn financial disclosure. prep_ aration of'Council ~enda and minutes, maintenance and indexin_e of official City_ records. oversi_~t of'a records mana_eement pro_re'am, anal_vsis and enforcement of'laws _oertainins_ to elections, public records and conflict of'interest. Many_ CitT_ Clerk functions and aclivities ar~ pre,~ri~ by the Ci_ty Charter. ordinances, resolutions and laws of'the State of'CaJifgrnla. QUALIFICATIONS GUIDE; Knowledlze ot~ Public administration principles and methods; City Cluu'ters, ordinances_, po',lcl~.a, ~,~oc~,~-~ aal activities and related State laws applicable to City government; election laws and procedures; maintenance and retention of'public records; requiremenl~$ Of'l[l~ Brown Act and padiamenta~ ~ CITY CLERK 89250 procedure: vrinciples and practices of'office management in¢ludin~ records management. ~systems analysis and implementation; principles of effective supervision and mana~_ement: computer anolications related to work: -- j-- and commercial arithmetic. AbilitT_ to; Plan, orsanize and direct City Clerk,s Office: select: supervise, train, motivate and evalu~q dericat sta.ff~ develop and implement 8oal~, objectives, policies, procedures and internal-controls: ...... analyze and interpret complex legal documents and contracts and administrative procedure~ and re~,u_ lations; prepare clear, ~ncise and complete documentation, minutes and other reports and correspondence; communicate effectively, both orally and in writin_~: maintain effective woddnF_ relationship~ with the City_ Council City_ officials and staff', public, media, etc. k'eep-mmple~ ..... J- --- J ................. .' Tralnin_~ and E _xperience: Graduation ~'om lgLl~Xa~c~te~Lcollege or university_ with a Bachelor'S degree in Busin~ or Public Administration or related §eld and a minimum of'three years experience in a City Clerk's Office in a supervisory or administrative position. Additional quali~_'n_e _experience _fie. municipal supervisory or man~ement e _xperience. etc.) may be substituted for the required education on a year-for-year basis, up to a maximum of two (2) years. Licenses. Certificates and Special Requirements: .......... Certified Municipal Clerks fCMC) desi_ehation:' Physical Conditions or Special Workin_e Condition~: Standard office environment and working conditions. Approved by the City Council: ~ Approved by the Miscellaneous Civil Service Board: CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CLASS SPECIFICATION: 27510 UNIT: WHITE COLLAR EEO4: PARAPROFESSIONAL CLASS TITLE: ' PUBLIC/FIRE SAFETY EDUCATIONSPECIALIST CLASS SUMMARY: ........... ~ IIl~lllg ~lg~, IIIIg Will IIMMMg ~I~YlMII~ IIIgU~l~l III illg ~1~1111111~1 II1~ ~Atll~Mlglllll~llt IIIgU~ gin Malgl Iglgt~ ~-~. ~IOVI~ ~lllll~ilt~ gngl~eeI ~IIIIIMIII~ IglgM~lg$ gin WlIIIIIMIIIt~ ~ - ~L<ation ~ ~me~ ~mm; ~E~S o~ ~ as muir. REPRESE~AT~ D~IES: ~ptiva, ~ limpid. ESSENTIAL DUTIES: Plans, conducts and develops safety, fire and bum prevention programs; ¢oordinetes fire safety and prevention pro~:irams with other city departments and public al:iencies as recruit; investigates and evaluates various community needs, and implements programs to address these needs; presents programs to homeowners groups, public and private schools, large groups, civic organizations, industry, businesses and other segments of the community; provides instruction in identifying and correcting potential fire and bum hazards in the home; reviews data to determine areas-of thecommunity-requiringan_ emphasis in fire prevention instruction; coordinates engine company activities in the implementation of fire safety programs; provides instruction to citizens regarding escape Planning in Ihe event of fire and other disasters; describes function and benefits of various types of smoke and fire detectors; instructs citizens regarding the extinguishment of minor fires pending the ardval of the fire department; coordinates juvenile fire setters program; prepares press releases and public service announcements in coordination with community programs; performs a variety of administrative and research assignments in response to requests from management staff; conducts special studies of organizational policies, procedures and practices relating to departmental and State mandated policies; compiles and prepares oral and written reports; compiles data and prepares grant proposals; organizes fund raising activities; assists in budget preparation; and performs other duties as required. CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 't CLASS SPECIFICATION: 27510 UNIT: WHITE COLLAR EEO4: P~ROFES$1ORN. CLASS TITLE: _ PUBLIC/FIRE SAFETY EDUCATION SPECIALIST .... : ..~..__ ~..: :.:::_ ..... O"'~'"'" ~"" MI,";=M~M QyALIFICATION:~ GUIDE: Training and Experience: Graduation from an accredited college or university with a Bachelor's deare~ in studies emp~ tim science, public relations, communications or education;.,..---' OR An equivalent combination of training and experience which provides the.. capabilities to perform the described duties. ~ l,(~n0wledae. Skills. and Abilities: Knowledoe off. safety, fire and bum prevention programs; public releti0ns and media resourqe~ ooeration$. Ability tO: Communicate effectively bolh orally and in writing; establish and maintain effective working course of the work; compile, analyze, and summarize statistical and technical data; clear and concise records, reports, correspondence and other written materials; create brochures and informational packets; organize, coordinate, and schedule work projects efficiently; exercise independent iudament within aeneral oolicv auidalirms. Licenses or Certificate.s.:. Possession of a valid Class 'C' California driver's license. Physical Conditions or Special Working Conditions: Must be willing to: work weekends, holidays and niRhts during emergencies or as needed; work outdoors in all weather conditions; attend continuing education classes. Approved by the Fire Civil Service Board: 8-29-96 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CLASS SPECIFICATION: 25140 UNIT: GENERAL SUPERVISORY EEO4: PROFESSIONALS ~ ~. GEOGRAPHIC INFORMA~ON S_Y~._TEMS_(GI_S)__CO0_RDINATOR CLASS SUMMARY: Under general direction, is responsible for the development, coordination, implementation, maintenance and training for all facets ora City Wide Geographic Info _n~a___tion System (GIS) including the vector and atm'bute information and system interfaces. Recommends hardware, software and sta~ requirements for the system; directs the work of others involved with GIS systems; performs related work as require. ItF. PRESENTATIVE DIOTIES: The following typical tasks and respons~ilities are representative ofthe position's essential duties. They are descriptive, not limiting. Supervises the development, operation, and maintenance of the City's Geographic Information System; integrates various attn'bute data bases on disparate operatin8 platforms to vector base map; ~ policies and procedures relating to system operations and services; ensures development and maintenance of city base map and associated layers; evaluates work techniques and methods for confornmn~ with desired standards; acts as project manager for projects involving land data base developnmm; directs the work of staff involved with GIS systems on a project or day-to-day basis; provides assistance and training in properuse of GlS data and systems; evaluates hardware and soRware for GIS systems; participates in the development of the budget; writes macros and hish level language routines to maintain and access GIS data and systems; acts as City representative to external agencies; consults with department heads or designated staff from all City departments; performs research and analysis; supports special projects; communicate clearly and concisely orally and in writing; makes recommendations to Mana8~ Information Services Director, and performs other duties as required. DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS: This is a position that has responsibility for the day-to-day functioning ofthe City GIS and is differentiated from Data Processing Manager, who is respons~le for Office Systems, and Data Processing Supe~s~, who is responsible for systems and programmin& in the nature of applications which will involve land base data and information. OUALIFICATIONS GUIDE: ]~ GIS products, techniques, procedures, and concepts; supervisory principles and practices. 'AI~ to: Plan, implement, and document a city-wide GIS; analyze systems designed and implemented on multiple hardware and software platforms; design a system to eliminate redundancy and to improve user access; manage projects that reach across multiple departments and agencies; create internal controls; reconunend policies and guidelines for data sharing and access across applications; develop and maintain elfective working relationships with GIS users in other departments and other agencies; communicate effectively both orally and in writing; plan, direct and review the work of staffon a project or day-to-day basis. ~ GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS (GIS) COORDINATOR Training and Ex_~rience: Graduation from an accredited college or university _wit.h a Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science, Geographic Information Systems, Geography, or related field and three years recent experience working in GIS related fields, preferably with local (municipal) government including experience with a wide variety of GIS applications. Class "C" California Driver's License required. Physical Conditions or Special Working Conditions: Standard office environment_ and working conditions. Approved by the Miscellaneous Civil Service Board: Approved by the City Council: CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CLASS SPECIFICATION: 25130 UNIT: WHITE COLLAR EEO4: TECHIVlCIANS ~,~t~..~T.i_T.T.T.~ SENIOR OFFICE SYSTEMS ANALYST .. _ CLASS SUMMARY: Under general supervision, provides consultation, technical, analytical, operational support, coordination and training services in the design, implementation and use of office automation systems and software applications in various City departments; responsible for installation and maintenance of City L~-and Wide AreaNetw0rk$ and NetWOrk Servers; assists in meeting the City's information systems and services needs; performs other work as required. REPRESENTATIVE DUTIES: The following typical tasks and responsibilities'are representative of the position's essential duties. They are descriptive, not limiting. Consults with user departments to identify problems and determine appropriate solutions; provides training for end users as well as for Management Information Services sta~ prepares recommendations for hardware and software purchase and usage; participates in the evaluation, selection, installation and implementation of office automation and networking systems hardware and software; provides technical support to Office Systems Analysts; designs training workshops ~md facilitates information services instruction. May assist in the evaluation and implementation of City-wide information functions such as: audio visual and telecommunications systems, mail distribution, duplication equipment (facsimiles, copiers, etc.) nnd records management systems. DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS: This class is distinguished from the Office Systems Analyst class in that it has & higher level of technical competency, and is responsble for providing technical support for the decision making process and networking ofthe City's computer systems, including desktop, server, and mainframe computer systems. It is a non-supervisory position. OUALIFICATIONS GUIDE: Knowledge of~ Detailed technical knowl~lse of'current network systems/applications and ofF~e softwa~ programs; principles and practices of'office automation; methods of ofF, ce automation; word processing and spreadsheet techniques; hardware and software maintenan~ techniques, as well as a wide breadth ot'imowl~se of'commonly available microcomputer software and hardware. Ability_ to: Explain technically complex issues to both Manasement Information Services staff'and end ~ staft~ install and maintain complex int~'-Felated hardwm'e and sof~ware systems in¢ludins, ~ not limited to, Novell Netware and Windows NT Servers and clionts; evaluate thc ncc& of'C~ staff' to determine appropriate hardware and software solutions; independently research new and emerging technologies; develop curriculums For in-house education; develop data protection and disaster recovery plans; develop documentation of NetwoFk procedures and facilities; develop and maintain effective workins relationships; and communicate effectively both ondly and in wfitin8. CLASS TITLE: SENIOR OFFICE SYSTEMS ANALYST Trainin~ and Experience: Graduation from an aCCredited college or university with a Bachelor's Degree in MIS, Computer Science, Mathematics, Engineering, Public or Business Administration or related field and 2 years of recent experience equivalent to Office Systems Analyst, specifically working with microcomputers. Additional qualifying experience may be substituted for the required education on a year-for-year basis, up to a maximum oftwo (2) years. Licenses. Certificates or Special R~uirements: A Novell Netware C.N.E. certification or equivalent. Valid California Class "C" Driver's License. Physiceal Conditions or Special Working Conditions: Standard office environment and working conditions and lifting and placement of computer equipment weighing up to 50 pounds. Approved by the Miscellaneous Civil Service Board: Approved by the City Council: CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CLASS SPECIFICATION: 79970 UNIT:POLICE SUPERVISORY EEO4: PROFESSIONALS CLAS,~ TITL, E: COMMUNICATIONS OPERATIONS SUPERVISOR CLASS SUMMARY: Under general supervision, supewises all aspects of the pofice communic.,ations center and computer data control unit; assists in planning, organizing and coordinating the activities of the police communications center and the computer .data control unit. REPRESENTATIVE DUTIES: .............. The following typical tasks and responsibilities are representative of all positions in the class. They are desc3'iptive, not limiting. Essential Duties: Supervises police communications center supervisors and oversees-the-operation of the police communications center and computer data control unit; Supervises and schedules staff assigned to the communications center and computer data control Coordinates all police communications center shifts; Directs training of staff;, Monitors operational performance of the police communications center and computer data control system, equipment, and personnel; Coordinates maintenance of system-and equipmentwith vendors and Management Information Services; Reviews operational logs to determine efficiency of operations; - Participates in operational crisis management; Receives and investigates complaints from the public, department employees, other agencies, and public officials regarding police communications operations; Provides resolution to operational and staff problems; Performs administrative tasks including budgetary preparation; Develops operational plans and procedures; Prepares records and reports concerning the operations of the police communications center and computer data control unit; Develops and implements goals, objectives and priorities for the Police Communications Section; Paso CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CLASS SPECIFICATION: 79970 UNIT:POLICE SUPERVISORY EEO4: PROFESSIONALS CLASS TITLE: COMMUNICATIONS OPERATIONS SUPERVISOR Essential Duties: continued Is notified in the event of major emergencies and may return to the police communications center to coordinate communications activities; Administers and supervises contracts for non-computer communications related services; Assures quality of operation and oversees the maintenance and repair of all communications and data equipment used in the Police Communications Section; Performs inspections on a-regular basis of system, equipment, and staff; Develops short-term and long-term 'plans in meeting the police communications center's needs in terms of growth, changes, pdodtiee, and budget constraints; Parlicipates in the planning of ~ ix)r~e com~ center's maintenance program and upgrade efforts regarding system, equipment, and technology;, Counsels supervisors in solving problems, and provides training to operation changes, laws, standards, and new technology;, Performs other duties as required. DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS: The incumbent is responsible for the day-to-day supervision of the Police Communications Center and Computer Data Control UniL This class is cfisti~ from the Por~ce Captain in that the latter has full management and administrative responsibility for division operations, communications Center Supervisors, on the other hand, provide direct supervision of personnel in a particular shift functioning in the Police communications Center. (;lUAL, IFICATION$ GUIDE: Training and Experience: Graduation from an accredited college or university with'a Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science, Communication, Police Science, Criminal Justice, Business or Public Administration, or a related field and three (3) years of-progressively responsible experience in a professional superv!_s0ry.. _ capacity in communications for a public agency, preferably in por~ce or tire operations operating Computer Aided Dispatch system (CAD) and 9.1-1 emergency telephone equipment. Qualifying expe~ence beyond the required three (3) years can be substituted for the education requirement on a 2 for 1 basis (2 years experience for 1 year of college). Pase 2 of'4 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CLASS SPECIFICATION: 79970 UNIT:POLICE SUPERVISORY EEO4: PROFESSIONALS CLASS TITLE: COMMUNICATIONS OPERATIONS SUPERVISOR QUALIFICATIONS GUIDE: continued Knowledge of: Computer operations management in a VSE and AIX/UNIX environment, telephone, teletype, radio, and other communications center equipment; Federal Communications Commission rules and regulations governing the operation of radio- telephone transmitting and receiving systems applicable to public safety operations; Public safety communications procedures and systems; Principles and practices of supervision; Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) and 9-1-1 emergency systems; Principles and practices of organization, management and budget preparation; Police department organization end operations. Ability tO: Train, direct and supervise personnel in complicated communications procedures; Analyze technical informalk~, evaluate alternatives, and make sound, independent judgments within established guidelines; Interpret laws, regulations, administrative policies and guidelines; Prepare clear, concise and effective written reports, analyses, correspondence and other materials; Evaluate existing systems and direct the development of improvements to meet future needs; Plan organize, direct and coordinate police telecommunications system which includes Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) end 9-1-1 emergency systems; Maintain accurate records and files; Establish and maintain effective working relationships with management officials, union representatives, employees, and officials of other government agencies; Think cleady under stress and to respond quickly and accurately;, Operate a personal computer. Page 3 of 4 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CLASS SPECIFICATION: 79970 UNIT:POLICE SUPERVISORY EEO4: PROFESSIONALS CLASS TITLE: COMMUNICATIONS OPERATIONS SUPERVISOR Ucenses and Certificates: Possession of a valid California Class "C' driver's license. Physical Conditions or Special Working Conditions: Standard off'~,,e environment and working conditions. Page 4 of'4 .... '-RECEIVED ,&R i 9 1996 CITY MANAGER'S OFF,CF '