HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998 PATRICIA J. DeMOND F^x (~o5) 28 t-o~6,~ ttABERFELDE BUILDING Chester at 17th 1412 - 17th Street, Suite 558 Bakersfield, CA 9330'1 TO: DOLORES TEL~OI~ER FROM: PAT DEMON . RE: PERSONNEL CO191MITrEE MINUTES DATE: AUGUST 31, 1998 After reading a draft of the minutes, I would appreciate the first paragraph under item A being changed as follows: Human Resources Matmger Haydcn briefed the committee. The City's health care comultant contract expired at the end of March and an RFP was sent out. Eight responses were received. After contact by Mrs. Hayden, three vohmteers from the Insurance Committee (Chuck Waide. Harry Scott and Joe D.)zano) worked with staff in reviewing the proposals. The I.hree firms selected lo be interviewed were Buck Consulting, AON and The Segal Company. Insurance Comtnittee representatives and staff recommended that Buck Consulting be selected as the Health Care Consultant. Tim Beck from Buck Consulting spoke and responded to various questions, including the contract cost and services to be provided. After discussion, the Personnel Committee agreed etc ..... Thank you. BY FAX 324-1850 lO"d 6910 I8~ ~08 ffNOWaff '£ 'd W~ SE:MI 86--IE--Dfl~ ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT I MEETING DATE: May 20, 1998 AGENDA SECTION: Deferred Business ITEM: 11.d. TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council APPROVED FROM: Dolores B. Teubner, Assistant City Manager DEPARTMENT HEA~-~-"~ DATE: May 12, 1998 CITY ATTORNEY ~--~ CITY MANAGER ~ SUBJECT: Employee Incentive Plan. RECOMMENDATION: Personnel Committee recommends approval. BACKGROUND: For sometime, a committee of employees representing every department in the City has been working on development of a program to reward employees for outstanding performance, excellent customer t~Vnceice and going above and beyond the call of duty. Much time and effort has gone into finding out what types ntives employees would find most valuable, what motivates the employees and what types of rewards would provide lasting value to the organization as a whole. Many of the ideas in the proposal are from an employee survey that was conducted in 1996. The proposed plan, which is attached, is based on a conclusion from the survey that peer recognition and organizational recognition are valuable to employees. In addition, the survey indicated that rewards which provided additional hours of time off would be as valuable to employees as monetary incentives. Therefore, the proposed Employee Incentive Plan provides for a combination of these types of incentives as rewards for exceptional customer service, successful teamwork--both within departments and across department lines and outstanding performance. The plan has five componer~ts which would be phased in over a two-year period in three phases. Phase 1 1. Service Awards -- The City currently has a program which provides recognition and a small monetary reward in the form of a gift certificate, but it has not been updated for several years. The proposed program would expand the recognition portion to include public recognition of long-time employees and provide time off as one of the award options. 2. High Five Program -- This program provides for peer recognition by fellow employees. It allows for one employee to recognize another for excellent service or performance. Provides for those employees recognized to be entered into a monthly drawing for small prizes and gift certificates (value under $20). DBT:jp S:\EmplncentivePlan-Admin May 12, 1998, 11:59AM ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT Page 2 3. Employee Appreciation Breakfast -- This event is intended to provide opportunities for employee networking, employee recognition and appreciation, and for employees to hear a brief State of the City update. The event is proposed to be held annually and feature management serving breakfast to employees. Phase II 4. Bright Ideas Program -- This program is intended to reward groups and/or teams of employees for excellent teamwork and innovation and creativity. Teams may be within departments or Citywide teams, such as the one that worked on streamlining and automation of the budget process. Team ideas may be for cost cutting, improving efficiency, saving resources, improving service or making working conditions safer. The reward will include recognition, a small monetary award (gift certificate for $20 maximum value) and additional department or program funding. Phase III 5. Excellence in Action -- This program is intended to reward long-time, peak-performing employees who have sustained a high level of productivity over time. The reward would include a gift certificate or time off. The key to the success of the program is having the flexibility to make changes and/or revisions to respond to the changing needs and interests of the employees. Therefore, this outline represents the basic structure, which may Ot expanded, modified or reduced depending on the response and feedback from the employees and the direction he Council. Both the Personnel Committee and representatives of each employee bargaining unit have reviewed the plan and recommend approval. Funding for the plan is already included in the current and proposed budget. Once approved, staff will begin implementation. DBT:jp S:\EmplncentivePlan-Admin May 12, 1998, 11:59AM BAKERSFIELD EMPLOYEE INCENTIVE COMMITTEE PROPOSED EMPLOYEE INCENTIVE PROGRAM Draft - May 11, 1998 Program Oversight · Work group is a 1 O-member Employee Incentive Program Oversight and Implementation Committee with representation from each city department and various levels of employees from blue collar to management · Committee meets on an as needed basis · Member terms are for two years · Their task is to implement various components of the program such as the Appreciation Breakfast and monitor consistency and application of the program; evaluate suggestions for improved service, and maintain a record of program successes · The City Manager will determine which activities are implemented and reserves the right to modify, add to, or discontinue any portion of the employee incentive program as needed or based upon financial constraints. Program Parameters · $18,000 has been budgeted for FY 97-98. · Budget will be accounted for in "Non-departmental" and will be budgeted and managed by the City Manager's Office · Employee participation and motivational differences in people are recognized. Everyone can participate, including employees in "non-office" environments · 5 components: Excellence in Action, Service Awards, High Five, Appreciation Breakfast, Bright Ideas. These components will be implemented in three phases over a one to two year period. · Successful programs have been those that were created from the bottom up using input and guidance from all levels of the organization. · Program features must keep pace with circumstances through deliberate planning, doing sound monitoring and reacting to program results · Tracking program successes will be done annually. A written evaluation of program will be completed. Ongoing tracking and administration will be handled by Human Resources Success Points · Continuous, visible top and middle management support · Effective administrative vehicle in place to insure good tracking and follow-up · Train managers in proper use of the program · Retrain managers who overuse or under use the program · Complexity only encourages mistrust · Overall spirit of cooperation and buy-in toward city goals and objectives · Time is spent promoting the program · Meaningful rewards that benefit the individual, the team and the organization Proposed Employee Incentive Program May 11, 1998 Page 2 · Appropriate presentation of awards · Recognition by all levels of management staff 1. EXCELLENCE IN ACTION COMPONENT (Phase 3 Implementation) A. Objectives: · Reward long-time, peak performing employees · Sustain a high level of productivity and quality · Stimulate superior job performance B. Description: · Recognition is for an employee that consistently goes above and beyond what is required of their job duties, as validated by performance evaluations. This would also ensure that every employee has an evaluation of his or her performance once a year. · All employees who have reached top step are eligible · Example of an award would be an American Express Money Certificate for $100 or 8 hours off (SMILE TIME) · The award would be given annually · Smile Time can be cumulative over several years; can only be taken in block of 8 hours · The Employee Incentive Committee would have a criteria sheet and a print out from HR noting those at step 5 and their annual review date. This form is sent to the department to fill out and return to the Committee 2. SERVICE AWARDS COMPONENT (Phase 1 Implementation) A. Objectives: · Enhancement of our current service awards program · Encourage employee loyalty · Recognize long and faithful service B. Description: · 5 year service - certificate of appreciation; choice of $50 gift certificate or 4 hrs time off · 10 year service - certificate of appreciation; choice of $50 gift certificate or 4 hrs time off 15 year service - certificate of appreciation; choice of $100 gift certificate or 6 hfs time Proposed Employee Incentive Program May 11, 1998 Page 3 off 20 year service - certificate of appreciation; service award pin; choice of $100 gift certificate or 6 hrs time off 25 year service - certificate of appreciation; service award pin; choice of $150 certificate or 8 hfs time off 30 year service - certificate of appreciation; service award pin; choice of $150 gift certificate or 8 hrs time off 35 year service or more - certificate of appreciation; service award pin; choice of $200 gift certificate or 8 hrs time off · Non-monetary recognition component including City public service announcements recognizing service awardees, recognition of awardees at the Appreciation Breakfast, recognition walls in City Hall and other locations to focus on long time service awardees. 3. HIGH FIVE COMPONENT (Phase 1 Implementation) A. Objectives: · The award would be immediate · Encourage employees to treat citizens, fellow employees and departments as customers · Stimulate willingness to undertake extra work for short periods when necessary · Encourage employees to produce quality work and high levels of productivity B. Description: · Award would include entry into a drawing for gift certificates that could be redeemed at a variety of restaurants in Bakersfield or for movie tickets, hockey tickets, etc. · An employee or team of employees is eligible for the High Five once a month through a drawing for 5 gift certificates · All employees, including temporaries would be eligible to participate · Any employee can recognize a person for their internal and extemal customer service efforts; an employee from one department can recognize an employee from another department, teams of employees can be recognized for exhibiting excellent teamwork in the delivery of high quality service · A form would be developed that states the reason for the recognition; the employee's name, date and the signature of the nominator. Form is turned in to enter the person or persons name(s) in the drawing. Each nominee will receive a copy of the nomination form and the nominee's supervisor will receive a copy.. · Nominees will be notified of the nomination for the High Five and the entry of their name Proposed Employee Incentive Program May 11, 1998 Page 4 into the monthly drawing for one of the five gift certificates. All High Five nominees, regardless of whether or not they win the drawing, will become part of the "High Five Club" for the year and will be recognized at the Employee Breakfast. 4. APPRECIATION BREAKFAST COMPONENT (Phase 1 Implementation) A. Objectives: · Promote team efforts and common goals · Say thank you · Let employees know we appreciate them · Encourage certain desirable characteristics in employees B. Description: · Managers serve a catered breakfast to all non-management employees · City Manager does a brief State of the City address to say thank you; department heads also make a brief comment about their departments · Service Award Recipients are announced and recognized and the High Five Club for the year is recognized · Bright Ideas Team recipients are recognized for their accomplishments and are invited to put up a display at the breakfast featuring the cost savings or idea that they developed · It is an opportunity for employees to fellowship with each other · All employees are eligible, including temporaries · The breakfast will be annual and would be served from 6 am to 9 am in the Convention Center foyer 5. BRIGHT IDEAS COMPONENT (Phase 2 Implementation) A. Objectives: · Stimulate teams of employees to develop creative ideas for cutting costs, improving efficiency and saving resources, improving service, and making working conditions safer and healthier · To encourage teamwork among employees both within departments and across departmental lines. Groups such as the Annexation Task Force or Cost Recovery Committee are good examples. Recognizing teams rather than individuals saves hurt feelings and stimulates cooperation rather than competition over good ideas Proposed Employee Incentive Program May 11, 1998 Page 5 · Add value for both the employee teams and the organization by providing additional funding for discretionary expenditures which will improve the operations, morale and/or knowledge base within a specific area B. Description: · Recognition by the City Manager at the Annual Appreciation Breakfast, a thank you note from the City Manager and a redeemable gift certificate for one of several services such as a car wash, movie tickets, etc. to each team member at the time of implementation · Quarterly recognition from Mayor at City Council meetings under "Presentations" with a certificate of accomplishment for each team member and a plaque for the department, division or team · Funds will be set aside so that recipient teams can receive an additional amount of money in their department, division, etc. budgets to go to extra training, attend professional conferences, purchase a piece of needed equipment, fund a capital improvement or other type of office improvement. The team, in consultation with the appropriate managers, can decide how the funds are allocated. · Have suggestion boxes at all city facilities. Collect monthly · All employees will have an opportunity to participate · Suggestions can come from any team of employees of two or more either within a department or division or as part of a multi-departmental effort, regarding any departmental program/procedure, not just the department for which the employee works · Recognition could also go on a bulletin board for all employees and public to see · Qualifications for award include: improved service; cost savings/avoidance, efficiency and effectiveness; health and safety issues · Employee Incentive Committee will forward suggestions to the appropriate department head. Ideas will also be discussed at the regular Department Head Meetings. The department head has 15 days to respond back to the Committee as to whether or not the idea is feasible to implement given available resources and rules and regulations and when the idea will be implemented. The Committee will send a notice to the employee within 30 days letting the person know the status of his/her suggestion · The program can stimulate employees to ask the following questions: How would we go about making a complicated task or process a lot simpler? What is it around our work environment that isn't as safe as it could be? If we were paying the bills, how would we go about reducing waste? How can a task be done better through improved teamwork and allocation of resources? How can we improve our work environment, processes and procedures to be more productive and effective?