HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000 ADMI.NISTRATIVE REPORT I MEETING DATE: August 30, 2000 I AGENDA SECTION: Reports I I ITEM: ].0.a. TO: Honorable Mayor and City.Council APPROVED FROM: Carroll Hayden, Human Resources Manager ~[' DEPARTMENT HEAD ~c~ DATE: August 22, 2000 CITY ATTORNEY 1~ CITY MANAGER ~'~C SUBJECT: 1) Personnel Committee Minority Report No. 1-00 regarding Salary Survey Results. 2) Personnel Committee Minority Report No. 2-00 regarding Salary Survey Results. RECOMMENDATION: Personnel Committee recommends referral to City Council for review and Council determination. BACKGROUND: The management salary survey results have been presented to and reviewed by the Personnel Committee. The Personnel Committee-had a member absent. They have-two minority report alternatives for City Council consideration. Two minority reports and salary survey information -to the Personnel Committee are attached. Councilmember Maggard .recommends increases for the classifications indicated, with a 5% limitation. Councilmember Carson recommends no increases as a result of the salary survey. The classification of Risk Manager is proposed to be deleted from consideration, as the position is under review due to the recent resignation of the incumbent. CITY OF BAKERSFIELD PERSONNEL COMMITTEE MINORITY REPORT NO. 1-00 August 30, 2000 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL SUBJECT: SALARY SURVEY RESULTS I recommend that raises be given as indicated by the results of the salary survey and submitted by staff; however, I recommend that none of the raises exceed 5%. Any future raises for employees, other than cost of living raises, should follow the normal process of being requested by the Department Head. Respectfully submitted, Councilmember Mike Maggard, Chair CI'EY OF BAKERSFIELD PERSONNEL COMMITTEE · MINORITY REPORT NO. 2-00 August 30, 2000 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL SUBJECT: SALARY SURVEY RESULTS I cannot recommend that additional classifications receive an increase, as a result of a salary survey, when the original management classifications received an increase without such a survey. To give these-increases now tends to compound the errors which I believe occurred in the first place. This in no way reflects on the merits of the individuals concerned nor on the work performed by the salary survey committee. Further, broad based adjustments should only be considered if an external salary survey is performed for all groups. Respectfully submitted, Councilmember Irma Carson ,BAKERSFIELD CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM July 21, 2000 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY CO/U~CIL~IBERS FROM: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: SALARY SURVEY , Attached is the recommendation that will go to the Personnel Committee on the salary survey. It reoommends adjustments to seven position classifications, ranging from an adjustment of 10.4% on the high end to .9% on the Iow end. This is as close to consensus as we believe it is possible to achieve. A more accurate term than consensus might be "peaceful solution", because consensus would be overstated. The process has gone very slowly, because multiple efforts have been made to look at employee concerns and to address them, where possible. The recommendations reflect multiple changes in the original list, as derived from raw survey data. Some adjustments were made, because of inappropriate (or perceived to be) job comparisons within the sample. This report only deals with those positions that did not receive the initial 5% increase. Some employees' philosophies on the survey were incompatible with one another. For example, some believe all should receive 5%. Others believe no one should receive over 5%, irrespective of the data. Still, others believe the data should be implemented literally. Literal implementation of the data, however, in at least one case, would have put a subordinate's salary above that of his department head's. These go on and on. One thing needs to be made totally clear. This was a market survey to determine the appropriate .market range of salaries for a position classification. Some of our very best, most responsive, customer service oriented people did not even "pop up" on the survey. If it were a mer.it program, that would be different. No one should construe the failure of a position title to appear on the list as any form of negative reflection on that position. It identifies market norms - that is all. The end result of the process is that, if adopted, seven more positions get some salary adjustment who did not before. AT:rs Salary Survey Results Assistant Director of Recreation and Parks 10.4% .. City Treasurer 8.2% City Clerk 8.2% Assistant to the City Manager 5.2% Risk Manager 5.0% Communications Coordinator 5.0% Community Development Coordinator 0.9% P:~ALAN\Salary Survey Results.wpd July 14, 2000 (1:48PM) BAKERSFIELD MEMORANDUM July 26, 2000 TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM: . CARROLL HAYDEN, HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGER SUBJECT: MANAGEMENT SALARY SURVEY The Personnel Committee at a special meeting on October 26, 1999, directed staffto proceed with a salary survey of all management positions, as outlined in the attached document entitled "Salary Survey - Comparable Cities", dated 10/15/99, deleting any reference,to supervis6ry employees. Part of the direction was for a survey comm~tee to be formed, which would be comprised of two management employees, Darnell Haynes, Assistant to the City Manager, Alan Christensen, Assistant City Manager and myself. The final committee composition was Darnell Haynes, Scott Manzer, Para McCarthy, Dennis Fiddler, Alan Christensen, two Human Resources Supervisors - Anthony Gonzales and Janet McCrea, as well as myself. A questionnaire was developed to survey all 50 management positions, which included a concise description of each position and the salary range associated with that position. This questionnaire P:\Salary Survey Transmittal Doc.wlxt was reviewed by the Salary Committee and the management employee representatives reviewed the questionnaire with the group they represented. The questionnaire was also presented at a ~" department head meeting, where input on position descriptions was requested. All changes · requested by anyone were incorporated. This amended survey was then.distributed to our survey cities on November 19, 1999, with a request that it be returned t)y December 30, 1999. All survey results were finally returned by mid-January, 2000. At that time, 'H R staff compiled a list of questions, concerns and comments on the.data submitted. This information, along with the survey data, was shared with the Salary Committee. The Managemeht representatives, in turn, shared all of the information with their group, seeking questions or concerns. The information · was additionally shared with the Department Heads, seeking the same information. All information received was noted and then follow-up clarifying calls were made to each of the Cities where questions existed. As information was received and the data changed, it was reviewed with the Salary Committee. The final survey results were shared with everyone, through their respective groups. While the survey found 11 management positions to be paid less than 7% below the survey average, for the purpose of salary change recommendations to the Personnel Committee at this time, I am only recommending changes to 7 of those positions. Those 7 positions fall within the group of management employees who did not receive the 5% adjustment in 1999. The remaining 4 positions will be addressed at a later time; some, such as the Director of Recreation and' Parks, almost immediately, due to compaction issues. P:\Salary Survey Transmittal Doc.wpd $ The survey results and my recommendations for the 7 positions being addressed at this time are attached. After spending so much staff and' committee time on this survey, I am sorry that more positions couldn't be recommended for an increase, however, the survey results simply do not support any others being addressed. On the positive side, it should be affirming knowledge to our management employees that despite Bakersfield having an average cost of living 28% below our survey cities, our salaries are very competitive. P:\Salary Survey Transmittal Doc.wpd Salary Survey Results Assistant Director of Recreation and Parks 10.4% City Treasurer 8.2% City Clerk 8.2% Assistant to the City Manager 5.2% Risk Manager 5.0% Communications Coordinator 5.0% Community Development Coordinator 0.9% P:~,LAN\Salary Survey Results.wpd July 14, 2000 (1:48PM).. Management Salary Survey Classifications That Received 5% Increase August 1999 Position Title Bakersfield Survey % Salary Average Diff Asst City Manager $8,286 $10,120 -22.1% HR Manager $7,366 $8,509 -15.5% Director of Rec & Parks $7,691 $8,660 -12.6% Development Svcs Director$8,400 $9,254 -10.2% Finance Director $8,400 $9,156 -9.0% MIS Director $7,366 $7,891 -7.1% Asst Fire Chief $7,688 $8,225 -7.0% Water Resources Manager $9,011 $9,619 -6.7% Economic Dev Director $8,400 $8,819 -5.0% Engineering Svcs Manager $7,691 $8,065 -4.9% Police Captain $7,797 $8,127 -4.2% Asst City Attorney $8,286 $8,628 -4.1% Water Resources Director $7,691 $7,949 -3.4% Deputy F.i~re Chi:ef $8,322 $8,597 -3.3% Police Lieutenant $7,005' $7,135 -1.9% ~.'ire Chief $9,558 $9,604 -0.5% Police Chief $10,136 $10,181 -0.4% Public Works Director $9,560 $9,378 1.9% Above Survey Avg 'Planning Director $7,691 $7,505 2.4% " Building Director . $7,691 $7,499 2.5% " Asst Public Works DirectOr$8,162 $7,955 2.5% " Civil Engineer IV $7,366 $7,161 2.8% " Traffic Engineer $7,366 $7,087 3.8% " Deputy City Attorney I! $8,162 $7,552 7.5% " Assr Police Chief $8,598 $7,793 9.4% " Asst Building Director $7,082 $6,388 9.8% " Deputy City Attorney I $7,225 $6,441 10.9%. " Wastewater Manager $8,162 $7,158 12.3% " Public Works Ops Manager $7,691 $6,599 14.2% " Solid Waste Director $7,691 $6,406 16.7% " NOTE: Bakersfield Salaries Include the August 1999 5% Increase NOTE: Salary Survey Average Without Control Points sSManagementSurvey99-00\SurveyResults.wb3 To Name:Beale Library Phone:631-9439 Billing Info:, To Name:Editor- EI Popul Phone:325-1351 Billing Info:, Sent:07/28/2000 09:40 AM Remote ID: 6618680799 Unique ID:ALA398154BD357 Sent:07~28~2000 09:40 AM Remote ID:661 3251351 Unique ID:ALA398154BD357 Duration: 00:48 Line: 0 Result: (0) No Error Duration: 01:02 Line: 4 Result: (0) No Error Page Record; 1 - 1 Page Record: 1 - 1 To Name:News Director - K Phone:861-9810 Billing Info:, To Name:Brian Todd - BIA Phone:633-1317 Billing Info:", Sent:07/28/2000 09:39 AM Remote ID: 661 861 9810 Unique iD:ALA398154BD357 Sent:07/28/2000 09:39 AM Remote ID: 661 6331317 Unique ID:ALA398154BD357 Duration: 00:42 Line: 4 Result: (0) No Eh'or Duration: 00:42 Line: 5 Result: (0) No Error Page Record: I - 1 Page Record: 1 - 1 To Name:Charles G, Waide Phone:325-7814 Billing Info: , To Name:News Director- C Phone:327-8751 Billing Info:, Sent:07/28/2000 09:43 AM RemotelD: UniquelD:ALA398154BD357 Sent:O7/28/2000 09:42 AM RemotelD: 6613278751 UniquelD:ALA398154BD357 Duration: 00:52 Line: 0 Result: (0) No Error Duration: 00:48 Line: 1 Result: (0) No Error Page Record: 1 - 1 Page Record: 1 - 1 To Name:News Director- K Phone:328-7537 Billing Info:. To Name:News Director - K Phone:283-1855 Billing Info:, Sent:07/28/2000 09:41 AM Remote ID: 661 328 7537 Unique ID:ALA398154BD357 Sent:07/28/2000 09:42 AM Remote ID: Unique ID:ALA398154BD357 Duration: 00:46 Line: 0 Result: (0) No Error Duration: 00:12 Line: 0 Result: (3931) Equipment busy tone detecte Page Record: 1 - 1 Page Record: NONE SENT To Name:News Director- K Phone:283-1855 Billing info:, Sent:07/28/2000 09:48 AM Remote ID: 661 283 1855 Unique ID:ALA398164BD357 Duration: 01:00 Line: 5 Result: (0) No Error Page Record: 1 - 1 To Name:News Director - K Phone:323-5538 Billing Info:, To Name:News Editor- Bak Phone:395-7519 Billing Info:, Sent:07/28/2000 09:43 AM Remote ID: Unique [D:ALA398154BD357 Sent:07/28/2000 09:41 AM Remote ID: 661 395 7519 Unique ID:ALA398154BD357 Duration: 00:44 Line: I Result: (0) No Error Duration: 00:40 Line: 4 Result: (0) No Error Page Record: 1 - 1 Page Record: 1 - 1 To Name:James Burger- Ba Phone:395-7519 Billing Info:, To Name:Martin Ramirez - Phone:326-1482 Billing Info:. Sent:07/28/2000 09:43 AM Remote ID: Unique ID:ALA398154BD357 Sent:07/28/2000 09:42 AM Remote ID: Unique ID:ALA398154BD357 Duration: 00:16 Line: 4 Result: (3931) Equipment busy tone detecte Duration: 00:50 Line: 5 Result: (3935) Ringback signal detecte Page Record: NONE SENT Page Record: NONE SENT To Name:James Burger- Ba Phone:395-7519 Billing Info:, To Name:Ma~-n ~'am~-rez- Phone:326-1482 Billing Info: , Sent:07/28/2000 09:48 AM Remote ID: Unique ID:ALA398154BD357 Sent:07/28/2000 09:47 AM Remote ID: Unique ID:ALA398154BD357 Duration: 00:14 Line: 1 Result: (3932) Netwon~ congestion detecte Duration: 00:50 Line: 0 Result: (3935) Ringback signal detecte Page Record: NONE SENT Page Record: NONE SENT ~'~-Na~e~a~es Bu;ger- Ba Phone:395-7519 Billing Info:, -To--Na~e:~art~in~ami .... Phone:326-1482 Billing Info:, Sent:07/28/2000 09:53 AM Remote ID: 661 395 7519 Unique ID:ALA398154BD357 Sent:07/28/2000 09:53 AM Remote ID: Unique ID:ALA398154BD357 Duration: 00:38 Line: I Result: (0) No Error Duration: 00:50 Line: 0 Result: (3935) Ringback signat detecte Page Record: I - 1 Page Record: NONE SENT To Name:Martin Ramirez- Phone:326-1482 Billing Info:. Sent:07/28/2000 09:59 AM Remote ID; Unique ID:ALA398154BD357 Duration: 00:50 Line: 1 Result: (3935) Ringback signal detecte Page Record: NONE SENT To Name:M~rti~-R~-mi~ez ~-P~on~3~6-1~82--Billing Info: , -- Sent:07/28/2000 10:05 AM Remote ID: Unique ID:ALA398154BD357 Duration: 00:50 Line: 5 Result: (3935) Ringback signal detecte Page Record: NONE SENT To Name:The Minodty Cons Phone:836-9287 Billing Info:, To Name:Allan Krauter- C Phone:868-3190 Billing info:, Sent:07/28/2000 09:43 AM Remote ID: 6618369287 Unique ID:ALA398154BD357 Sent:07/28/2000 09:42 AM Remote ID: 661 868 3190 Unique ID:ALA398154BD357 Duration: 01:08 Line: 5 Result: (0) No Error Duration: 00:48 Line: 4 Result: (0) No Error Page Record: I * 1 Page Record: 1 - I To Name:News Director- K Phone:393-1915 Billing Info: , To Name:Editor- Bakersfl Phone:324-9472 Billing Info:, Sent:07/28/2000 09:42 AM Remote ID: Unique ID:ALA398154BD357 Sent:07/28/2000 09:39 AM Remote ID: 805 3249472 Unique ID:ALA398154BD357 Duration: 00:14 Line: 0 Result: (3931) Equipment busy tone detecte Duration: 01:02 Line: 0 Resutt: (0) No Error Page Record: NONE SENT Page Record: 1 - 1 To Name:News Director- K Phone:393-1915 Billing Info:, Sent:07/28/2000 09:47 AM Remote ID:0000 Unique ID:ALA398154BD357 Duration: 00:40 Line: 4 Result: (0) No Error Page Record: I - 1 To Name:Government Affair Phone:635-2317 Billing Info: , TO Name:News Director- K Phone:326-0388 Billing Info: , Sent:07/28/2000 09:39 AM Remote ID: 635 2317 Unique ID:ALA398154BD357 Sent:07/28/2000 09:40 AM Remote ID: 8053281410 Unique ID:ALA398154BD357 Duration: 00:44 Line: 1 Result: (0) No Error Duration: 00:48 Line: 5 Result: (0) No Error Page Record: I - I Page Record: 1 - 1 To Name:News Director- K Phone:322-9239 Billing Info: , To Name:Editor* El Mexic Phone:323-6951 Billing Info: , Sent:07/28/2000 09:40 AM Remote ID: 6613229239 Unique ID:ALA398154BD357 Sent:07/28/2000 09:41 AM Remote ID: Unique ID:ALA398154BD357 Duration: 00:40 Line: 1 Result: (0) No Error Duration: 01:08 Line: I Result: (0) No Error Page Record: I - I Page Record: I - 1 To Name:News Director- K Phone:327-0797 Billing Info: , Sent:07/28/2000 09:41 AM Remote ID: 805 327 0797 Unique ID:ALA398154BD357 Duration: 00:44 Line: 5 Result: (0) No Error Page Record: 1 - 1