HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002 mm m mm m m mm mm m mm m mFm m m m mm m m m m TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ., ~;.. '""" ~. "::::~:i.:...: City of Bakersfield :' '":~""~"Introduction .:~,. ::.~ .... . . *.. We have completed our evaluation of the City of Bakersfield's (City) 2003 benefit plan renewals. -¥: These coverages include: :.s' :. '... >> Blue Cross PPO, HMO, Medicare Risk and dental indemnity ~ Kaiser HMO & Medicare Risk .,. : >> PacifiCare Secure Horizons Medicare Risk :. 'i >> Dedicated Dental DHMO · >> PacificDental DHMO ~?;,1~,~',~, ~,., .i 'il "' ~"i'.:~ ' ~ ,~.. .'' >> Medical Eye Services vision >> PacifiCare Behavioral Health mental health and EAP : i" i >> Fort Dearborn Life and Accidental Death and Dismemberment ,' .'," >> Unum Long Term Disability ~,'..:' >> HealthComp FSA program '.-:~,:,. This report will summarize the renewal results, evaluate claim pattems and trends, illustrate projected ~'(.:'~':':',~ :..... 2003 premiums and total plan costs, and identify all renewal rates based on the current benefit designs. S1--RE~CEWAL COM,ME ~TAR'~ mm mm mm m m m m m mm City of Bakersfield Renewal Commentary Summary ;;% .... ~. ~, ...'.' .:;. F'.- .,'~.' ':':. ~:,~ :, . ;, ,, .. .. ,: ;;*':.'.~.......... If the City remains with the Kem Foundation medical and dental plans, 2003 premiums for the City's ., .:., ,.. ;-. medical, dental, vision, mental health, disability, life and AD&D coverages are projected to increase '? ~:: .':. ,?i:i ' 20.8%, or $2,254,985 to $13,078,785. '2..". :" .: .:! . :: ·-.'.. *.':; - If the City elects to move to the Blue Cross Prudent Buyer medical and dental plans, 2003 premiums for ~.~- ::..: ,.':r "' · the City's medical, dental, vision, mental health, disability, life and AD&D coverages are projected to ' i~,5.~. ~:!.. :'.h' ' increase 14.1%, or $1,541,075 to $12,488,979. :.5(i" $~,...:." Under the Kern Foundation plans, medical premiums are increasing 23.4% and dental premiums are · , ...::.:..'.' increasing 10.4%. ¥:i¢i)!i(:' ~: ' ....,:t:, :. Under the Prudent Buyer plans, medical premiums are increasing 17.5% and dental premiums are .... ;, .. increasing 5.5%. :::5/: .*'"':'"" The mental health, EAP, vision premiums and FSA program fees are not changing. The life and AD&D rates are on a rate guarantee until 1/1/04 and the long term disability rate is on a rate guarantee until 10/1/03. ·: ' The overall medical and dental increases are comparable to the increases that Buck is seeing for other '.-.:,",L::: :.. clients in the central valley of California. ':': ~-:;7." city of Bakersfield :.?'i ,".,- Renewal Commentary :Renewal Summary ;,'..~'.~L' The medical plan increases are largely &iven by health c~e trend. A renewal summ~ of each plan ~"? ""~:'" Renewal Adjns~ent 2003 Annual Renewal Ad,jus~ent 2003 Annual ?":.'" % $ Pre~um % $ Premium · ~BlUe~Cmss PPO 18.8% $967,265 $6,103,410 8.2% $294,556 $5,554,805 '.:Biu~mss ~0 29.9% $1,008,003 $4,380,806 29.9% $1,008,003 $4,380,806 Scene - Medicare ~sk 109.5% $108,508 $207,630 109.5% $108,508 $207,630 Kaise~:~O 12.5% $80,260 $720,569 12.5% $80,260 $720,569 ~: } Kaisf~:'Medic~e ~sk 52.7% $5,354 $15,516 52.7% $5,354 $15,516 Se~meHO~ons ~O -100.0% ($2,737) $0 -100.0% ($2,737) $0 ~ '.B[):~'~'~r°ss Dental Indemi~ 13.6% $72,094 $601,845 5.8% $30,893 $560,6~ :Dedicafed Den~l 5.1% $5,870 $121,156 5.1% $5,870 $121,156 (,~' ~,~De~l 5.0% $10,368 $218,368 5.0% $10,368 $218,368 0.0% $0 $170,945 0.0% $0 $170,945 Behavioral Health 0.0% $0 $153,870 0.0% $0 $153,870 ~ FSA 0.0% $0 $4,500 0.0% $0 $4,5~ :-D~rbom - Life/~&D 0.0% $0 $208,465 0.0% $0 $208,465 LTD 0.0% $0 $171,705 0.0% $0 $171,705 20.8% $2,254,985 $13,078,785 14.1% $1,541,075 $12,488,979 3 ) SULTANTS City fB k fi ld Renewal Commentary '~,~::-:..-"..:' i..',::':'. Blue Cross' overall medical PPO/Rx renewal adjustment is 18.8%. The active's premiums are increasing "?':.:ii?-:.:..i .!.:.i.~.' 18.8%, while the retiree's premiums are increasing 18.9%. Blue Cross' renewal premiums include a 5% ; ?'""i~i" ?:I''.,!' '" :..'*' '"' ' isIf 8.2%.the City chooses to switch to the Prudent Buyer network, the overall medical PPO/Rx renewal adjustment :' ::. *:... · Blue Cross' overall HMO renewal adjustment is 29.9%. The Senior Secure Medicare Risk premiums have : ~.i', .-.ii' .'::~:'i':':-.' increased 109.5%. The rates and benefits for the Senior Secure Medicare Risk plan are illustrative until final ?::. ': i.'-' . approval from HCFA, now referred to as CMS, is received. .~...:.' .' .~ '" :..:.~ , -.:i "ii :;' ~.'.::".* :;. Blue Cross' renewal premiums for the medical PPO/Rx and HMO coverages is $10,691,846. ~.~ .... :-.~ ' *:' '. The renewal premiums for the Prudent Buyer network medical PPO/Rx and HMO coverages is $10,143,241 !!".':.?. :: .*..i.:: Kaiser's HMO premiums are increasing by 12.5%, and this is largely due to the increase in the base medical , :. . .... cost increase for 2003. The base medical cost increase stems from the rising costs in almost all sectors of the :L...:'": ::';i.'i!' 'health care industry (e.g. labor shortages, medical technology, seismic safety laws and baby boomers increasing utilization of medical services). Kaiser's base medical cost increased 11.88% for 2003 in '::.comparison to 8.59% for 2002. Kaiser's Medicare Risk premiums are increasing by 52.7%, which is significantly higher than last year's ;~.".:~::.. increase. The rates and benefits for the Medicare Risk HMO plan are illustrative until final approval from (f!:ii~'.. HCFA, now referred to as CMS, is received. · PacifiCare's Secure Horizons is currently finalizing their service areas for the 2003 plan year. At this point, they did not provide a renewal because there is currently one employee in the Secure Horizons plan and they cannot confirm the service area will be available for 2003. 4 CO SULTANTS m mm m m m m m lm m m m m m m m m ::" City of Bakersfield Renewal Commentary . ,'.-::~,:..,. The overall dental premium is increasing by 10.4%. The Blue Cross dental plan is increasing 13.6%. : . . . .... F .~ '5 ' :i~ '~' ', .*:i~. If the City switches to the Prudent Buyer network, the Blue Cross dental plan will increase 5.8%. .¢' ['~ ....!. · "-_'~})!~,:i Dedicated Dental has proposed a capped rate increase of 5.3% each year for 2003, 2004 and 2005. They have also proposed a single year rate increase of 7.2% for 2003. This plan has not received an increase in rates for ,~i ... i'i. '"'.' ~." ": at least 3 years, so we recommend the three year capped rate increase. :*.i 5 ~" "-~'-..' :~:' :.~.::<'..:;~. -. :'::-:. Pacific Union Dental proposed a 6% increase for the 2003 premium rates, but after reviewing the renewal and ~,-.:?..:'- '.:' ".;':'.'. ;'.: '.. negotiating with Pacific Union Dental, the 2003 premium rates are increasing by 5%. .. :.' PacifiCare Behavioral Health's MH/SA and EAP premium rates are renewing at the current rates. ~ :;~,i :".' '.'?~ · i::, :'?:i' 4~'b Medical Eye Services (MES) Vision and Eyewear Only plans is currently under a rate guarantee until 1/1/04. : -'2 · L.: :.' i.;C'~),,.~,i'.-:~.: ~?i".......,. Fort Dearborn has agreed to a rate guarantee of the current rates until 1/1/04 based upon our negotiations. The ".:..:.:. City was to renew the life and AD&D premiums on 9/1/02, but we negotiated with Fort Dearborn to hold the rates.. Effective 5/1/02 there was a benefit increase to $30,000 for the Blue and White Collar employees and !:.!¢. the Mayor and City Council members. Unum's long term disability plan is currently under a rate guarantee until 10/1/03. At next renewal, we will p.!~ ¥'.. change the renewal date to a January 1st effective date beginning 1/1/04. HealthComp's Flexible Spending Account administration fees will be renewing at the current fee of $5.00 per employee per month. ."¥" s ~O~SULTANTS Renewal ';,':; (.': projected 2002 Year-End Results (Blue Cross PPO & Dental Indemnity) ': ... ':-:' ': ..:.: .- We am projecting a 2002 year-end s~lus of $19,344. The active medical PPO plan is projected to ,.,.' ~:~..'~'~",:.,.~...' ..,"-:~. '..:.-: .. ' have a $5,169 deficit; the retiree medical PPO plan is projected to have a $37,916 su~lus; the dental .'/~:....;.(:~. :.... Projected 2002 medical PPO premium for the actives and retirees is $5,123,136, comp~ed to total plan ~::~"~.~':'~:'~::'"'~:.:'"";~' costs of $5,090,388. The total plan costs include paid claims, adminis~ation, rescue adjustment, . retention ~d stop loss fees. This generates a loss ratio of 99.4%. The projected 2002 active medical ~ '"~ '?: ..... PPO premium is $3,620,134, compared to $3,625,302 in plan costs. The projected 2002 retiree medical PPO premium is $1,503,002, compared to $1,465,086 in plan costs. .??-: 4:::: .:~.'.' . Projected 2002 dental premium is $529,962, compared to total plan costs of $543,366. This generates a .. · :.'~',...-. Projected 2002 premium for all Blu~ Cross dividend eligible coverages (i.e., medical PPO and dental ~ .=t .. :-: : :..' indemni~) is $5,653,098, compared to total plan costs of $5,633,754. The total loss ratio is projected to ".' '~-':'.::'.?'b~ 99.7%, which generates a projected $19,3~ suwlus. Th~ projected 2002 m~dical plan cost p~r employee per year (PEPY) is $7,050 (actives - $6,225; .... '" ' - $10,490), compared to $7,096 (actives - $6,217; retirees - $10,761) in paid premium. Th~ projected d~ntal plan cost PEPY is $827, compared to $806 in paid premium. =:, '-;:.;i.: ' 6 BI suLTANTS City of Bakersfield Renewal Commentary Results & Trends )i.i; :'!*?i'... 'This City's medical PPO paid claims have increased throughout the period from 6/1/01 - 6/1/02. .~,,. ii'!:.:', ii.~"",i'.~": ". iTshs~ ldlean~aolvCel~em[ lh~Vo~ risen throughout the 6/1/01-6/1/02 experience period. The dental paid loss ratio i* I target loss ratio, with the projected 2002 paid loss ratio being 102.5%. ' ":'.'~/L; .' The City's active medical PPO paid loss ratio was 80.8% in 1999, and increased slightly in 2000 to ~:~' · .-:,~ '"' 83.1%. In 2001, the PPO paid loss ratio decreased to 70.5%, while in 2002 the PPO paid loss ratio is :.projected to increase to 80.2% and then is projected to decrease to 79.6% in 2003. The retiree paid loss "" :i. ?:' '. ratio is expected to increase in 2003. The 2003 projections are based upon switching to the Prudent Buyer ~: ~.:' .-L(':".. 'network. ,' ;'? ' ,:,::( ,.L': '!:'"."' .. -.~'.i:i. ::i¥*:i!'i: '"The following table provides medical PEPY comparative results: !.,.. ::.-.i~:i :.'. Prenit~ P~id Oain~ Loss Ratio Prenimn Paid Oaims Loss Ratio :~,:-. $5,025 $4,059 80.?/0 CY 1999 $7,260 $8,429 116.1% $5,424 $4,507 83.1% CY2000 $8,903 $6,818 %.6% J'. ':' $5,965 $4,204 70.5% CY2001 $9,419 $7,779 82.6% CY20(E $6,217 $4,983 80.2% Pmj CY2002 $10,%1 $8,679 80.6% .... :iCY2003 $6,712 $5,345 79.6% Pmj CY2003 $11,507 $9,875 85.8% m m m m mm m m m m m m mm m m m m m mmm m · ?i'..: '.. City of Bakersfield ~ ~ ~mJ['3~[~' ' I 4 4 Renewal Commentary ~. ':,*::-~% ' The City's 2002 active PEPY medical paid claims are projected to increase by 18.9% from 2001 .'experience levels, while the retiree PEPY medical paid claims are projected to increase 10.7%. The 2003 'i?i projections show an increase in active medical paid claims by 7%, while the retiree medical paid claims show an increase of 12%, in comparison to projected 2002 claims. . Prescription drag increases have continued to be a significant factor in the cost increase for the medical plans. Projected 2002 prescription drag claims are expected to increase by more than 17% per year for the active employees and 13.7% for retired employees. The 2003 projections show an increase of 8% for : the active employees, while the retiree employees will increase by 18% in comparison to projected 2002 .'claims. Annual prescription drag trend has been averaging between 18% - 25% for the last few years. A comparative summary of PEPY paid claims for the active and retiree plans follows: !999 $32t3 ~0.4% $803 2Z0% C-Y1999 Sa687 sas% $~,7m 3~.3% :. cY2000 $3,5~ 9.2% $861 18.5% cf2000 ~,811 -27.5% $2,007 120% CY20O2 $3,734 18.9°/o $1,250 17.5% 1~ CY20(E $6,096 10.7°/o $2,583 13.'/°/o 'C"/2006 $3,9~6 7.0% $1,360 8.0o/0 Prqi CY2003 $6,1~g 12.0°/o $3,048 18.0°/o . m m mm m m mm m m m mm m mm mm m mm m mm mm m '~'~"~-.~'~" City fk fi ld ~....?.. o Ba ers e ~..', .,.Renewal Commentary ,~, ..: ",,'~" .i& - Claim Results ; '~ 4 ~ ' .':,t.. · .'. .i:¢ ~:;;-". ?.."*i)-.3 For the 7/1/01-6/30/02 reporting period, the City had 40 active claimants with paid claims exceeding :.... :~.b' $10,000. No claimants exceeded $75,000. All claim amounts were below $50,455. Total claims above .} . ':...::: ~ :'." ~':':"':.: '. $10,000 were $732,317, or 36.0% of total paid claims for that same reporting period. '" "-"; "~; 7,}. Y'" · "-'il.'?~' ;?*'..': In that same period, the City had 18 retiree claimants with paid claims exceeding $10,000. Two '~.i15. i. ',-. ;. ?:. · claimants exceeded $75,000 with $139,068. and $79,708 in paid claims. All other claim amounts were ::~.': ...... below $57,900. Total claims above $10,000 were $584,923, or 62.6% of total paid claims for that same ~.~. ~, .:.: .. ..... .: . reporting period. .:..%? ::'~::?. A comparative summary for 2000, 2001 and 7/1/01-6/30/02 follows: '~ :5!i: - i ' - Actives Retirees 2000 2001 7/01 - 6/02 2000 2001 7/01 - 6/02 Paid Claims $1,923,299 $1,745,597 $2,036,005 $663,939 $787,667 $934,702 > $10,000 $607,131 $439,626 $732,317 $424,982 $465,470 $584,923 :i:% Claims > $10,000 31.6% 25.2% 36.0% 64.0% 59.1% 62.6% '- B cUC&sULTANTS - g of Bakersfield · 'h' ~' ~' :' ".: ': ..... ' Renewal Commentary ..:P~i~ 'Employee Per Year Co,ts .. _~.~ · ... ,.'.:.':: .. :'~*' .';":~-.,* ':. 'Projected 2003 PEPY premium for the Ci~'s PPO and HMO plans (active and retiree combined) is ~ : ':;.:~:~.:~'.~'..'"' '$6,662, which represents a 17.5% increase over 2002's $5,671 PEPY. The projected PPO and HMO <~:': '.~ ~ ;?~.~:. 2003 PEPY for active employees is $6,728, which represents a 17.5% increase over 2002's $5,725 PEPY. ..~C.'..~/'..?,':.~.: .~:-.-..~:.. The. projected PPO and HMO 2002 PEPY for retired employees is $6,459, which represents an 17.3% increase over 2002's $5,506 PEPY. '~i'[ 2:':~'~ i,~*~'.,"'~} 'Projected 2003 PPO PEPY premium for all employees is $7,651, which represents a 8.1% increase over .~;'~.' :.'V ~)'~' .~.~,.~:"-: 2002 s $7,075 PEPY. ~e projected PPO 2003 PEPY for active employees is $6,697, which represents a ='"'"' ..... .8.1% increase over 2002's $6,195 PEPY. The projected PPO 2002 PEPY for retired employees is ' -':'"';'"':' $11,645, which represents a 8.2% increase over 2002's $10,758 PEPY. ~'~ .:~.~ ..'}~?:/" Projected 2003 HMO PEPY premium for all employees is $5,870, which represents a 29.1% increase ,~,~' - ..... ....~ over 2002's $4,548 PEPY. The prQected 2003 active HMO PEPY is $6,756, which represents a 27.5% ~ :.~}~ ?: '."?:'~. 'increase over 2002's $5,300 PEPY. The prQected 2003 retired HMO PEPY is $3,656, which represents a ~-*' ..-. ~: :.,~.~ ~'... 37.1% increase over 2002's $2,666 PEPY. Projected 2003 dental PEPY premium is $705, which represents a 5.4% increase over 2002's $669 PEPY. The 2003 dental indemni~ PEPY is $853; the Dedicated Dental PEPY is $524; the PacificDental PEPY is $563. o BLI NsULTANTS $2- "' City of Bakersfield:. 2001 Results ,' ,... Active Retiree Total Dental Total ~_......, '::.Paid Premium $3,316,419 $1,346,947 $4,663,366 $581,040 $5,244,407 ;~' ::' ii' :' :i ~Plan Costs · :::i''~ 'i::~:i"~id.Claims $2,337,206 $1,112,392 $3,449,598 $429,635 $3,879,232 : ;' ~"~' :',':: ::':'.i'.::.i ?:R~Serve Adjustment ($32,893) $33,641 $749 $3,960 $4,709 h ?i~,::~:;!:: ~l~n Administrat on/Retention $253,316 $65,151 $318,467 $30,751 $349,218 ~~!:}:':'~'":'.',~ . StopLoss.. net of Recoveries $256,382 $59,914 $316,296 $0 $316,296 .... :.~',' 4;" .i' i ~'p~l. Expenses/Fees $2,814,011 $1,271,099 $4,085,110 $464,346 $4,549,456 ~;':~ ":" :(.Net Balance $502,408 $75,848 $578,257 $116,694 $694,951 'i: i;: . ~ .~ ~. i~2001Enrollment 556 143 699 625 *.~ ,. :~;.:..:.'..~i(~ -,. ~ ?/ ": PEPY Results '""., ";Paid Premium $5,965 $9,419 $6,671 $930 $7,601 Plan Cost $5,061 $8,889 $5,844 $743 $6,587 84.9% 94.4% 87.6% 79.9% 86.7% ~.'.:.~... ;"i.:.}: PEPY - Per Employee Per Year m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m .~. ~;..:".~ City of Bakersfield 2002 ., .~...,;~.~' ~'rojectea Results .... ' ~" ':" Active Ratimo lotal Dental lotal ~aidpmmium $3,~20,~ $~,503,002 $5,~23,~38 $52~,082 $5,~53,008 ~..Plan COsts Paid;Claims $2,902,026 $1,212,159 $4,114,185 $475,179 $4,589,3~ "}' Res~:~e Adjustment $33,598 $21,338 $54,936 $2,733 $57,669 ;~a~in $146,781 $61,675 $208,456 $23,896 $232,352 ~'.~..:. StoPhoss skation/Retention $287,556 $68,967 $356,524 $41,559 $398,083 $255,~2 $100,945 $356,287 $0 $356,287 :?:.:.';.TOtal; ~penses/Fees $3,625,302 $1,465,086 $5,090,388 $543,366 $5,633,7~ "~'N~tBalance... . ($5,169) $37,916 $32,748 ($13,404) $19,3~ :,:Projected 2002 Enrollment 582 ~ 40 722 657 4~r0J~ted PEPY Results um $6,2~7 $10,76~ $7,096 $806 $7,902 Cost $6,225 $~ 0,490 $7,050 $827 $7,877 ~ 00. ~ % 97.5% 99.4% ~ 02.5% 99.7% ;4'PEPY- Per Employee Per Year "':*:"' ' ~)~ISULTANTS -~'~:" 12 ...... City of Bakersfield '!i:P~0j'ectecl~,.. .:.~. 2003 Renewal Analysis - Kern Foundation ...~.'.:'/:" Active Retiree Total Dental · '. , ". ~i. Pian.,':boSts ~: Paid ~;laims $3,328,411 $1,479,335 $4,807,746 $527,840 $5,335,586 :'-re'ReServe,.. ;....... Adjustment $9,926 $7,705 $17,631 $698 $18,329 5:..Ma~gi0. · $166,421 $73,967 $240,387 $26,392 $266,779 :.:.?ia'n Administration/Retent on $313,656 $75,450 $389,105 $44,323 $433,428 StOP 'L°Ss $323,150 $77,734 $400,883 $0 $400,883 "-;.:. :..'T0tal,...-., ,~.-..-Expenses/Fees $4,141,563 $1,714,190 $5,855,752 $599,253 $6,455,005 'prOjeCted 2003 Enrollment 582 140 722 656 .'?Qi" :Pi;ejeCted PEPY Renewal Adjustment .2003:Projected Annual Premium $7,116 $12,244 $8,110 $913 $9,024 '.k.: g002.Pr0jected Annual Premium $6,217 $10,761 $7,096 $806 $7,902 ::Renewal Adjustment 14.5% 13.8% 14.3% 13.3% 14.2% Renewal Adjustment 18.9% 18.9% 18.9% 14.6% 18.5% Kern Foundation Network ' .*,.-:. 13 u,,~,~BL~"~'SULTANTS "~:"" City of Bakersfield '...~.~ ~-:.- .~ ~ ;.:'... ,jected 2003 Renewal Analysis - Prudent Buyer ,:~;!;..t..'i '!.": Active Retiree Total Dental Total ";.i.i'~:'.'' ;'.!.'.' ~.{';:: :'~ '.. 1..:. :Paid.Claims'. $3,110,665 $1,382,556 $4,493,220 $493,308 $4,986,529 Adjustment $9,276 $7,201 $16,477 $653 $17,130 · $155,997 $69,488 $225,485 $24,698 $250,183 ~tration/Retention $307,506 $73,970 $381,476 $43,453 $424,929 $323,150 $77,734 $400,883 $0 $400,883 $3,906,593 $1,610,949 $5,517,542 $562,112 $6,079,654 1.',.: ' '.-.' . ¥?::: ' · :Pr0j,.ecte.,d. 2003 Enrollment 582 140 722 656 IPEPY Renewal Adjustment jected Annual Premium $6,712 $11,507 $7,642 $857 $8,499 'ibcted Annual Premium $6,217 $10,761 $7,096 $806 $7,902 Adjustment 8.0% 6.9% 7.7% 6.3% 7.6% Renewal Adjustment 8.1% 8.2% 8.1% 6.3% 7.9% Prudent Buyer Network ~.: .. ~,::.:,' '~4 ~CC~SULTANTS ~o-~dv ~o~q~ gO~Ue? [.o-oeo ~O~ON LO-PO ~0~6nv ~odnfl k~unr bo-qe~ O¢~ON 00400 oc~des ocun¢ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 © 0 C) RD 0 mm m m mm m mm m m m m m m mm m m m m m m ";'"~""":~:': ' City of Bakersfield "",~'"':""" Actives PEPY Claims - Dental ?' ;:/'i]'?, ::' $8oo :~."'.":,-:,. ::' '...' ·$700 >:'.~ .r,.:. ':~" :. r...; . · : .., :?,.:,. ':; · .... .~¢ .- . :. :. $400 ',i.:. ~ ...~ ... ~.. ' $300 ..~.. ,.,:. ;::' :. ,2oo $1oo $o cY 1999 cY 2000 cY 2OOl Proj cY 2002 Proj cY 2003 ~0 , - '"': ":" City of Bakersfield .'.. Claims Exceeding $1 OK- Actives ~ ::. [' '.~ Claimant Relationshl~ Paid Claim~ Relationship Paid Claims Relationshi Paid Claims . '. Employee $157,838 Dependent $47,436 Dependent $50,455 : Dependent $84,478 Employee $39,000 Dependent $40,819 Dependent $52,479 Dependent $38,009 Employee $39,890 Employee $47,260 Dependen $33,176 Dependent $38,683 'Z'-t ~,~.. ~...:~....~... Employee $34,413 Dependen $27,584 Dependent $32,666 Dependent $32,922 Dependen $20,300 Dependent $28,890 .~?....~,:... ~ ~ .;; .. , Dependent $25,641 Dependen $20,144 Employee $27,036 Employee $25,048 Dependen $19,169 Dependent $26,225 ~Z .' : Dependent $22,671 Dependen $18,886 Dependent $23,362 ~.}~:, ~ ·. , . . 0 Dependent $21,049 Employee $18,321 Employee $22,414 1 Employee $19,161 Dependent $16,683 De ~endent $ 9,875 2 Dependent $16,973 Dependent $15,067 De ~endent $ 9,657 . 3 Employee $16,131 Dependent $14,595 Em ~loyee $ 9,107 4 Employee $16,111 Dependent $14,349 De }endent $ 8,807 .,. . 5 Dependent $15,326 Employee $14,211 De }endent $ 7,350 6 Dependent $14,853 Dependent $ 13,038 De ~endent $ 6,584 7 Employee $14,114 Employee $13,028 De ~endent $ 6,530 .~ 8 Employee $13,770 Dependent $12,909 De ~endent $ 6,502 '~' ~*' 9 Employee $ 3,640 Dependent $12,063 Dependent $ 6,194 20 Employee $ 3,426 Dependent $10,979 Em ~loyee $ 5,067 21 Dependent $ 1,594 Employee $10,596 De>endent $ 4,344 22 Employee $ 0,351 Employe~ $10,083 De }en~ent $13,805 23 Employee $ 0,143 De ~endent $13,198 ..~,- .: 24 Employee $ 0,055 De ~endent $12,501 25 Em ployee $ I 2,439 26 E m ployee $ I 2,079 &. .. . - · 27 Dependent $11,974 , .. :. 28 Dependent $11,956 '~ ' 29 Employee $ 1,922 .... ~.~.; ':':" :'--: ' 30 Employee $ 1,626 ~;;. 31 Dependent $ 1,620 ."'. 32 Dependent $ 1,543 '>;' 33 Dependent $ 1,496 , ~'.... 34 Employee $ 1,398 35 Dependent $ 1,303 ~' : ~ 36 Employee $ 1,271 ~:..~:~,~" 37 Dependent $ 0,955 38 Dependent $ 0,5'-26 "'~' 39 Dependent $ 0,248 ~:~'~ ¥" 4o t~!'Claims Exceeding $10,000 $699,447 $439,626 $732,317 bve Pooling Level (during plan year) $92,316 $0 $0 [~,t.~laim s Exceeding $10,000 $607,131 $439,626 $732,317 f Total Claims 31.6% 25.2% 36.0% Paid Claims $1,923,299 $1,745,597 $2,036,005 '; ': 35 , & SULTmTS mm mmm m mm m m mmm m m m mm mm m mm m m m ': ~"' ~' City of Bakersfield ,.~:~',, . , .. .,:..,.i~...'..- C1 iE di g $10K R ti ---" '~;., ?~-'.~,. a ms xcee n - e rees ';. ':: 'i'"'Claimant Relationship Paid Claims Relationship Paid Claims Relationship Paid Claims ,'..' . ..': 1 Dependent $189,673 Employee $107,878 Employee $139,068 ~". ~.' ~ "' ':: ' 2 Dependent $94,662 Employee $69,176 Dependent $79,708 ;:):".)~, .... .~" 'i':.,... 3 Employee $45,932 Employee $66,612 Employee $57,900 })~/' ':- i' ' "' .:?~'. -4 Employee $42,371 Dependent $29,953 Employee $56,656 -i".. . 5 Dependent $35,262 Dependent $24,666 Employee $53,510 .... .' . 6 Dependent $21,397 Employee $22,949 Dependent $53,216 .~{ .~ .. .:: .i 7 Dependent $20,540 Dependent $22,732 Dependent $43,230 ;.. ' :' 8 Employee $16,903 Employee $21,484 Employee -.~ "' . . $30,547 ? '. :~.~.:~.!. . ... 9 Dependent $16,296 Employee $20,895 Employee $25 404 · '. ' :' 10 Dependent $14,514 Employee $19,592 Employee $22 505 ~" .,:...':4' ~.. ..~....... ~.~:~.. :il Dependent $13,950 Employee $15,708 Dependent $14 138 ~' ~. ~. . ..: :-:....... 12 Employee $13,680 Employee $15,300 Dependent $12469 -': ' . :i~ . 13 Employee $12,133 Employee $14,644 Employee $11395 l .~.~. ' .~.. q m ' ''' 2'1~:~:~:l .' 14 Employee $11,053 Dependent $13,023 Dependent $11~ 363 .;.~. . . : '15 Dependent $10,951 Employee $11,988 Employee $11.087 :.:, : : .. 16 Dependent $11,357 Employee $10,899 ">.:. ~.." ', . : . . ..I 7 Dependent $10,391 Dependent $10,582 :. ..... :... Dependent $10,022 Exceeding $10,000 $559,317 $498,348 $653,699 Level (during plan year) $134,335 $32,878 $68,776 Claims Exceeding $10,000 $424,982 $465,470 $584,923 o.f::!'otai Claims 64.0% 59.1% 62.6% ' 'paid Claims $663,939 $787,667 $934,702 4;'I- ,,~:,/. ' ULTANTS A1--RE,~EWAL SUMMARY m. m m m ,m m m m m mm m m m m m m m m m City of Bakersfield 1-- Renewal Summary by Coverage - Kern Foundation '~0 · ,ssa o~7 ,~41,~ lo.4~ ,~,~32 $170 945 $170,945 0.0% $0 ' Men~al Health $153 870 $153,870 0.0% $0 E~e hnd AD&D $208 465 $208,465 0.0% $0 ?.~ Long Term Disabili~ $~ 71 705 $171,705 0.0% $0 ? ?SA pr~ram $4 500 $4,500. 0.0% $0 37 ~O~SULTANTS ,: .... .......: City of Bakersfield ,,,~ ~;~.?,,~.?::App.. 1 - Renewal Summary by Coverage - Prudent Buyer I 2002 I I ~o% I I~~1 I~~1 I~Ren~l~j u st me~l Medi~l $9,261,278 $10,879,326 17.5% $1,618,048 $853,037 $900,168 5.5% $47,131 ~siOn - $170,945 $170,945 0.0% $0 ,.Mental Health $153,870 $153,870 0.0% $0 , . . · .~fe and AD&D $208,465 $208,465 0.0% $0 -' Long Term Disabili~ $171,705 $171,705 0.0% $0 FSA program $4,500 $4,500 0.0% $0 · o~1~;~ .?~~~~~Q,823~800~ ~ .... ~ ~,$~,2~8~9~9 . ~5.~ ~ .,~ .... . :.. 38 ~CO~qSUL~T$ mm m m m m mm m m m m m m m m m m mm m ,~.~'.::!.!/:-~'...'. City of Bakersfield ~.. ~. ':Renewal Summary by Employee Stares - Kern Foundation0 · ' I ~ 2002 I I 2~3 I I ~E M~i~l $7,0~,~ $8,~8g ~82 23.0% ? ~E.~ Den~l $853,037 $941 369 10.4% $88,332 'f' ~- ~, ~sion ~ ~ $161,486 $161 486 0.0% $0 "~' ?-Mental Health $140,1~ $140 1~ 0.0% $0 ~;" Life/~&D' .- $208,4~ $208 4~ '?~ Long Te~ Disabili~ $171,705 $171 705 ' FSA pr~ram ~,500 ~ 500 0.0% $0 ':']TO-Is ' $8,603,906 $10,317 671 19.9% $1,713,765I ~. U~i~l. $2,196,729 $2,737,~9 24.6% $~1,220 ?~' :'~n~l $0 $0 0.0% $0 ?'Vision ' $9,459 $9,459 0.0% $0 :; Uen~l Health $13,706 $13,706 0.0% $0 $2,219,894 $2,761,114 24.4% ':'""":""" 39 %SULTANTS ,?;.:-C · >,%,~:.~,~?;:.-~ - City of Bakersfield ;)~:?~..:~;.APP, .1. Renewal Summary by Employee Stares - Prudent Buyer ~,~, ~:' ..~i~l $7,0~,~9 $8,302,235 17.5% $1,237,686 ::~en~! $~3,037 $900,1~ 5.5% ~7,131 ~: ;;~Sibn $161,486 $161,~6 0.0% $0 ;'~ntd H~IB' '/: ~, $140,1~ $140,1~ 0.0% $0 .~:~ ~&D $208,465 $208,465 ~Long Te~.Dsabili~ $171,705 $171,705 ~'" ':'FSA ~mm.'. ~,5~ ~,5~ i,r. ~ ,~et/rees ~:f~ 'Medical $2,196,729 $2,577,091 17.3% $380,362 · 'i~ental $0 $0 0.0% $0 'Visi°n $9,459 $9,459 0.0% $0 ,l~'le?tal Health $13,706 $13,706 0.0% $0 ..... 894 ~.~ 17.1% ...?. ..i'?' 40 ~O~SULTANTS © A2--RATE SHMMARY · · City "~'~..-: ..- of Bakersfield Blue Cross PPO Premium Rates - Kern Foundation EmPloyee + ~ ~ 52 $202.44 $240.66 $438.62 320 $304.08 $361.20 $658.84 ;'~ '" :' :" 586 $3,630,005 $4,312,308 18.8% $682,303 ,, : - PPO :~eUme (monthly) ~ Em~IOy~e ' 83 $627.57 ~ Emp'oyee'+ 1 $746.31 ~ $1,255.10 $1,492.56 '"~ .... ' ' 3 $1,882.64 $2,238.84 "~ ' 140 $1,506,140 $1,791,102 18.9% $284,962 , .....:: 43 BI,,,I~)~SUffANTS ~'~,< :..'~' of Bakersfield ., -,:..2 - Blue Cross PPO Premium Rates - Prudent Buyer Emp!6yee ] 14 $101.22 $109.20 $2~ 9.3~ EmPloyee + 1 ~52 $202.~ $2~8.82 $438.62 Family' , 320 $304.08 $328.86 $658.~ 586 $3,630,005 $3,924,56~ 8.1~o $294,556 PPORe~ree (mo, tb/~) Employee 83 $627.57 $679.28 Family 3 $~,882.64 · $2,037.77 '' ". 140 $1,506,~40 $~,630,2~ 8.2% $~24,~04 [T°~IPP0 726 $5,136,145 $5,554,805 8.2% ~18,660I ~"", City of Bakersfield ;.-.'-~ App. 2 - Blue Cross HMO Premium Rates ~ .......... ............................ I ............ I HMO -Active .',". Employee, 110 $89.~ $115.50 $192.92 .Employee + 1 121 $178.92 $232.26 $387.66 ., . Family 315 $261.24 $339.36 $566.02 5~ $2,957,092 $3,840,370 29.9% $883,206 .. J'< 6S 4~ $~96.0a $2~.8a 2 < 65 26 $405.74 $527.46 Family < 65 ~ 1 $572.35 $744.06 ;~ '> 65 ~ $119.52 $155.38 · '.: 2 > 65 ~ $239.89 $311.86 Family > 65 1 $417.76 $~3.09 · EE < 65/SP > 65 0 $209.~ $272.53 - EE > 65/SP < 65 0 $120.37 $156.48 '.......' 135 ~15,711 $540,428 30.0% $124,717 :'~nior'Secure - Retiree ~ $68.29 $192.25 $49,169 $138,420 181.5% $89,251 -~o~1 HMO 741 $3,421,972 ~,519,~6 32.1% $1,097,2~ [[ 'Does not include 2% COBRA load. ~;-. '"' ~SULTANTS - 45 .... ' City ' "~' '.:. of Bakersfield App. 2 - Kaiser HMO Premium Rates Ac~ves ' 'Employee 30 $84.24 $94.80 $205.39 EmPloyee. + 1 19 $168.48 $189.60 $410.78 Family 53 $238.40 $268.28 $581.25 ....... 102 $477,452 $537,296 12.5% $59,844 EaHy Retirees (monthly) ~ Empioy~ 7 $182.51 $205.39 · Employee + 1 8 $365.02 $410.78 'Family ' 4 $516.50 $581.25 ,.. 19 $162,857 $183,273 12.5% $20,416 ~Senior Advantage (monthly) Medicare Retiree 8 $42.34 $64.65 .' 2 Medicare 6 $84.68 $129.30 1' Medicare/1 < 65 0 $224.85 $270.04 '~,.~ 2 .Medicare/Dep < 65 0 $267.19 $334.69 I Medicare/2 Dep < 65 0 $407.36 $475.43 : :"r;. 14 $10,162 $15,516 52.7% $5,354 m m m mm m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m " City of Bakersfield ,¥~.,,~,~ .. 2 - Dental Premium Rates - Kern Foundation :.~ · BlUe CroSs ~ Employee 126 $12.18 $13.86 $26.3g ' Emp!o~ee + 1 161 $24.36 $27.72 $52.78 · ~.~ .~ . Family. '.. 370 $40.32 $45.78 $87.36 :. 657 $529,751 $601,845 13.6% $72,094 ')* . D~icated Dental "~' .. EmPlOyee 46 $8.08 $8.50 $18.75 ~ Employee + 1 52 $16.15 $17.00 $37.45 ~,. ~;~ FamilY:. 133 $24.23 $25.45 $56.20 :.~ 'V ' ' 231 $115,286 $121,156 5.1% $5,870 .... ?. .paC~CDental ~ ' EmPlOyee 95 $9.17 $9.63 .~ Employee.+ 1 92 $18.28 $19.19 $41.98 ':.' ';' Family' 201 $27.10 $28.45 $62.23 :' . 388 $208,000 $218,368 5.0% $10,368 not include 2% COBRA load. ': "~ : 48 %SULTANTS m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m, m :~:, ~.~-.: .i?:,'.'iApp. 2 - Dental Premium Rates - Prudent Buyer E%~0Y% ~26 $~2.~8 $~2.60 $26.3~ Emplpyee + 1 161 $24.36 $25.62 $52.78 Family. 370 $40.32 $42.84 $87.36 -' 657 $529,751 $560,6~ 5.8% $30,893 Employee . 46 $8.08 $8.50 $18.75 ~':Employee + 1 52 $16.15 $17.00 $37.45 Fami'ly '~.' 1aa $24.23 $25.45 "':- . $56.20 : :...{:'Pac~cDental Employ~ '. 95 $9.17 $9.63 $21.06 Employee + 1 92 $18.28 $19.19 $41.98 .~:Fam ly ~ 201 $27.10 $28.45 · · $62.23 · . :. · 388 $208,000 $218,368 5.0% $10,368 include 2% COBRA load. '""' ": B ~L~C"(' '$" 'LTANTSU~l~l U City of Bakersfield ~,;:-.~L.:,ii. App. 2 - Medical Eye Services Premium Rates ~ ~ ~ ' "': "~ -'~ ~ ~.42 ~.42 ~.25 ~ : '[~lY' ~ ~.~ ~.~ $13.75 '}~ .' , ' ~7 ~,~o ~,~ 0.0% :7: ~~ m8 $~.73 $~.73 ~.75 '"~ '. ""' ~ $m,~7 $76,~7 0.0% ,.~ -'~.'.' ~ ~ ~.75 ~.75 .? -..; .'~ + ~ ~ ~.~ $7.~ ":: - · 137 $9,~9 ~,~9 0.0% . ,"E t .. .. · ".~:-'" 5o ~O~SULTANT$ m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m '~'. '"'"~' ~ City of Bakersfield -:'"" " App2 PBH P i R ' , -. I I ~'::!'"' :F-r~.o~. il4 ,~.48 ~3.48 $7.5~ · .' :,~'::-~ :. :~to~e + 1 152 ~.72 ~.72 $12.37 '~" ~:' E~ly 320 ~.~ ~.~ $~9.4~ :~ ":/" :~.. ".' ~ $107,~7 $~07,~7 0.0% $0 j:: .:.... . ~: ;~o~+ 1 ~ $9.~ ~.~ ':~ · E~ly' 3 $~0.~ $10.~ ~'~' ' ';: ~ $~3,7~ $~3,7~ 0.0% . :) -. t.E :'~ ...' .' ~-:~ .E ~ :(~ ;f. ~o~ 1,575 $1.73 $1.73 " .. ~,~5 ~2,697 ~2,697 0.0% indude 2% COBRA Ic~::l. .L:-,.';~ ~.. · :-'. ~.. :~. 51 BIJ~NsULTANTS "~": City fB k fi ld ~;:-..":~.'~-~.. o a ers e :"'"-? App. 2 - Life and Disability Premium Rates ~ ~:....~. ~ '>_''~'r'~;- ' :' · , '" ~-'.:' ' ' : ~rrent~t~ I Ren~al~t~ ,~ I '~.~ic 6fe.(/$1,000) ~S,716,0~ $0.~ $1~,521 $0.~ $1~,521 Ogo $0 · ~.'": ~ic ~&D (/$~ ,0~) ~5,1~6,000 $0.04 $2~,~ $0.~ $2~ ,~ 0% $0 ~. tf . :L~: (/$] 00) $~ ,~2,730 $0.76 $~ 7~ ,705 $0.76 $~ 7~ ,705 0% $0 :.*Note: :' ii: LY.L .TD--~..v. olume supplied by Unum on July 11, 2002 supplied by City on July 17, 2002 - but had to estimate volume based on benefit change effective 5/1/02 ,,,.: ~ 52 %SULTANTS A3-.-MONTHLY EXP. RESULTS City of Bakersfield ,., : .':,-:.:',,?~.~ 3 - Monthly Blue Cross Experience Results '".'? ~,': ;:' ,' .' :.; ' .: , ~.. '...'. -.;:? ,~ J~.,.' $~,~ ~,7~ ~,~ ~,~2 ~,~ 7~.7% ~,~ ~7,~ $~8,~ $~28,~ g~.8% '~' ..~? .~ '" .$~,7~ ~9,2~4 ~,414 ~,~7 ~,~ ~.1% ~7,~ ~5,7~ ~3,2~0 $~,~ 59.2% ~'., ~ '~.- .$1~,~ ~,lm ~,274 ~71,312 ~7,711 re.O% $101,2~ ~,~ $1~,7~ $1~,~ 118.5% ~:~:;: ~,~.'. ~,175 ~,815 ~,~ ~18,~ ~7,218 91.7% $176,~ ~,1~ ~,3~ $1~,~ 1~.7% :. '~:~: ~. ~,~ ~,974 ~,7~ ~2,~ ~,~ ~.~/o ~,124 ~8,212 ~8,~ $125,512 ~.4% ~-. jo~". ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o.m~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0.0% ~.:~ .: Jgl' ... :t.." ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0.0% ~ ~ ~ ~ o.~ Oj -~ ~. . . :~: ,. ~ .. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0.0% ~ ~ ~ ~ o.m/o ~ .'. :,~:" ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o.m/o ~ ~ ~ ~ 0.0% -~.~ ','~ .'~m-;, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0.0% ~ ~ ~ ~ o.m/o ::,.. ~.. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0.0% ~ ~ ~ ~ 0.0% ~:.,' ,. ~j... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o.m~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o.m/o '.~(':'::';' ~,2~ ~,~ $1~,~ $1,~,~ $1,7~,324 8~.~4Jll ~,218 $151,~ ~17,818 ~24,4~ :':<:!:i'. ' 53 SULTANT$ ....:~..~,~...i.. City ,.:?. ~.~,~:~ ,..?.. of Bakersfield .3 - Monthly Blue Cross Experience Results :~ :.';~:: ~1: :'. ~,~ ~1,3~ ~1 751 $1~,427 ~,~5 ~.5% ~,~ ~1,170 ~,618 $1ffi,~ 51.7% 4',,"~1.." ' $127,731 ~1,~ ~ ~ ~,~ ~27,131 74.7% $1~,~ ~,~ $1~,478 $1~,~ 127.~ :~ ::..-.'- ' ~,~3 ~,376 ~7 ~ $~73,7~ ~m,~ ~.7% ~,~ $20,~ ~,7~ $~,]m ~.5% ~l.::'. $~,5~ ~,~75 ~ ~5~ ~,~ ~2~,2~ ~.4% ~,~ ~5,~ $~5,m7 Sm,~ ~5.7% .-,: 'J~ .. '$~59,~ ~,~0~ ~7~ ~,~ ~9,~7 76.6% ~,~ ~5,~7 ~,~ $~0,~ 72.~/o ::}:.;.}::.: .J~}.":..$]~,~ ~,747 ~ ~ ~8,~ ~9,~7 ~.2% ~,4~ ~5,~ ~, ~ ~7 $~25,~ ~.8% 'i:.'.~ ~'~.: $~70,~ ~,7~ $~3 ~ ~52,0~4 ~,~ 72.4% $75,8m ~,m7 $~ ~2,~m $~3~,~8 ~.2% :' .$]37,~] ~,7~ ~4 ~ ~,~ ~,4~ ~.0% $72,072 ~,24~ ~,3~3 $~28,~0 76.8% ~?~:' : ~ffi,~ ~,~ ~ ~ ~,597 ~;~9 ~.5% ~,518 ~7,~7 $112,~ $1~,~ 87.3% ' 't'" ~1:.:' '$1~,313 ~,~ ~ 1~ ~,917 ~2,5~ 73.1% ~,~2 ~7,~2 $72,873 $1~,~9 ~.4% :' ,.~'~."~5 .. $~,~74 ~2,7~ ~ ~ ~62,7~ ~,~7 72.7% $75,~ ~7,~ $~,72~ $~,~ 79.5% . :'. j ':'; ..'.: ? ::~': ' ~CO~SULTANTS A4--2003 MANO. CHANGES City of Bakersfield · 4 - Year 2003 Mandated Contract Changes The following enclosures detail the Year 2003 mandated contract changes for Blue Cross. ,'.-~, s~ ~SULTANTS MANDATORY LEGISLATIVE CONTRACT CHANGES . If not already included, the following changes will be added to contract documents: Blue Cross HMO Plans · Add provision for independent medical review for services denied as not medically necessary. (AB55) · Add disclosure of availability of guaranteed issue individual coverage for certain former group members. (SB265) · Add reproductive health care disclosure. (AB525) · Hospice coverage must be provided as a basic health care service with no separate limits. (AB892) · Coverage of routine patient care costs associated with cancer clinical trials is added. (SB37) ' · Coverage of cervical cancer screening tests must include any FDA-approved cervical cancer screening test upon referral of the patient's provider. (SB1219) Prudent Buyer ?Inns · Add provision for independent medical review for services denied as not medically necessary. (AB55)' · Add disclosure of availability of guaranteed issue individual for certain former coverage group members. (SB265) · Add reproductive health care disclosure. (AB525) · Non-parity mental health benefits will no longer have a visit or day limit, e.g., inpatient and outpatient will have a dollar limit only. Substance abuse benefits will be separate from the non-parity mental health benefits and will remain the same including limits. (DOL and Federal Mental Health Parity ). Hospice coverage must be provided as a basic health care service with no separate limits. (AB892) Coverage of routine patient care costs associated with cancer clinical trials is added. (SB37) · Coverage of cervical cancer screening tests must include any FDA-approved cervical cancer screening test upon referral of the patient's provider. (SB1219) Blue Cross Plus Plans Add provision for independent medical review for services denied as not medically necessary. (AB55) · Add disclosure of availability of guaranteed issue individual coverage for certain former group members. (SB265) · Add reproductive health care disclosure. (AB525) ....... ~- Non~paritymentat-heatfla-benefi-ts~vilt-remaixrthesame-except for Xhe third tie~ (Out-ur- The third Network):'- tier will no longer have a dollar limit. Substance abuse benefits will be separate from the non-parity mental health benefits and will remain the same including limits, (DOL and Federal Mental Health Parity ). Hospice coverage must be provided as a basic health care service with no separate limits. (AB892) · Coverage of routine patient care costs associated with cancer clinical trials is added. (SB37) · Coverage of cervical cancer screening tests must include any FDA-approved cervical cancer screening test upon referral of the patient's provider. (SB1219) Fee-For-Service Medical Plans · Add provision for independent medical review for services denied as not medically necessary. (AB55) · Add disclosure of availability of guaranteed issue individual coverage for certain former group.members. (SB265) · Preventive care benefit for children changed to provide yearly exams. · Non-parity mental health benefits will no longer have a visit or day limit, e.g., inpatient and outpatient will have a dollar limit only. Substance abuse benefits will be separate from the non-parity mental health benefits and will remain the same including limits. (DOL and Federal Mental Health Parity ). · Coverage of routine patient care costs associated with cancer clinical trials is added. (SB37) · Coverage of cervical Cancer screening tests must include any FDA-approved cervical cancer screening test upon referral of the patient's provider. (SB 1219) Contracts Administration 1 n:\StdformsLRenewal'u~enewal Checklists'C/landatory Legislative Changes~2002 Effective 01-1-2002.doc 6/3/02 MBS 50-250, 125+ cases, 25t-2000, 2000% ED/PUBLIC I MANDATORY LEGISLATIVE CONTRACT CHANGES i BlueCard Plans · Coverage of routine patient care costs associated with cancer clinical thais i.s added. (SB37) i · Coverage of cervical cancer screening tests must include any FDA-approved cervical cancer screening test upon referral of the patient's provider. (SB 1219) · Add provision for independent medical review for services denied as not medically necessary. (AB55) · Add disclosure of availability of guaranteed issue individual coverage for certain former group members. I (SB265) · Add reproductive health care disclosure. (AB525) · For plans that have the combination of dollar per day maximum and visit per year maximum: I Non-parity mental health benefits will no longer have a visit or day limit, e.g., inpatient and outpatient will have a dollar limit only. Substance abuse benefits will be separate from the non-parity mental health benefits and will remain the same including limits. (DOL and Federal Mental Health Parity). Colorado Cover biologically based mental illness same as other sickness. "Biologically based mental illness" means schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, bipolar affective disorder, major depressive disorder, specific obsessive-compulsive disorder and panic disorder. If utilization review process is used in determining coverage for treatment of biologically based mental illness, it may not be more restrictive than any other utilization review process used by the plan to determine coverage for the treatment of any other medical condition. (HBO 1-1236 revised Colorado Insurance Code § 1.10-16-104 (5.5)(I). ) Connecticut · The law requiring certain benefits for mental or nervous disorders and substance abuse was changed and is no longer extraterritorial. Residents of Connecticut will receive the benefits provided in the certificate. (Revised Connecticut Insurance Code 38 a-514 by SB7032.) Kentucky ·Recognize registered nurse first assistant for covered services. (HB281) Maine Coverage required for medically necessary general anesthesia and associated facility charges for dental procedures rendered in a hospital for: (a) insureds, including infants, who have physical, intellectual or medically compromising conditions for which dental treatment under general anesthesia can be expected to ............... pr~du~-e' a SUlffe~io~ r~-lg-(b)- ineffective because of acute infection, anatomic variation or allergy; (c) insured who are uncooperative, fearful, anxious or uncommunicative children or adolescents with dental needs that should not be postponed or deferred and lack of treatment would result in dental or oral pain or infection, loss of teeth or other increased dental or oral morbidity; (d) insured who have sustained extensive oral-facial or dental trauma for which treatment under local anesthesia whould be ineffective or compromised. (SB 127 added §28474 to Maine Insurance Code. ) Maryland · Coverage for outpatient in vitro fertilization procedures deleted. Law requiring coverage amended and no. longer extraterritorial. (Revised Maryland Insurance Code 15-810 by SB516/HB350.) Massachusetts . · Inpatient services in a psychiatric hospital for mental or nervous disorders limited to 60 days per 12-month period. Outpatient visits limited to 24 visits per 12-month period. Treatment of biologically-based mental disorders, including, but not limited to schizophrenia, sckizoaffective disorder, major depressive disorder, bipolar disorder, paranoia and other psychotic disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder, panic disorder, delirium and dementia, affective disorders, and pervasive developmental disorder not subject to maximums and limitations applicable to mental or nervous disorders. Also, treatment of rape-related mental or emotional disorders and treatment of nonbiologically-based mental, behavioral or emotional disorders for a child under age 19 which substantially interferes with functioning are not subject to the maximums and limitations applicable to mental or nervous disorders. If such child is stilling in treatment on 19th birthday, benefits will continue as long as the policy remains in effect and until a mental health determines that the professional disorder no longer interferes with the child's functioning. (Massachusetts Insurance Code 175:47B, amended by SB2036.) New Hampshire · State Continuation of Coverage for divorced or surviving spouse age 55 or older will not terminate at Contracts Administration 2 n:\Stdfonrts\RenewalXRenewal Checklists\Mandatory Legislative Changes~2002 Effective 01-1-2002.doc 6/3/02 MBS 50-250, 125+ cases, 251-2000, 2000+, ED/PUBLIC I ' MANDATORY LEGISLATIVE CONTRACT CHANGES . i remarriage of insured employee or former spouse. Coverage will terminate the earlier of the date the divorced or surviving spouse becomes eligible for participation in another group employer plan or eligible for - Medicare. (SB 105) · State Continuation for Qualifying Insured Persons of 39 weeks is provided if the policy terminates for any I reason. This applies to employees, surviving spouses and dependents covered under the plan. It does not apply to persons covered under another group health plan. (New Hampshire Insurance Code 415:18, VII I Oklahoma . · De£mition of"emergency" for PPO plans changed to: Emergency is the sudden onset of a medical condition manifesting itself by acute symptoms of sufficient severity, including severe pain, such that the absence of immediate medical attention could reasonably be expected to result in: (1) placing the patient's health in I bodily functions; or (3) dysfunction of any bodily organ or serious jeopardy; (2) serious impairment to serious part. We will have sole and fmal determination as to whether services were rendered in connection with an emergency. (Oklahoma HB2072.) I Texas · Coverage of services and supplies in connection with an acquked brain injury required. These include: cognitive rehabilitation therapy; cognitive communication-therapy; neurocognitive therapy and rehabilitation; i neurobehavioral, neurophysiological, neuropsychological, and psycho-physiological testing or treatment; neurofeedback therapy; and remediation, post-acute transition services, or community reintegration services. (HB 1676 added Article 21.53Q to Texas Insurance Code Chapter 21, Subchapter E. ) · Require coverage of services and supplies in connection with examinations and laboratory test for detection of I colorectal cancer for nonsymptomatic insured who is at least 50 any years old, including fecal occult blood test performed annually; flexible sigmoidoscopy performed every five years; or colonoscopy performed every 10 years. (SB 1467, added Article 21.53 S to Texas Insurance Code Chapter 21, Subchapter E. ) i · Require coverage for telemedicine, which includes diagnosis, consultation, treatment, transfer of medical data and medical education through the use of electronic media such as interactive audio, video or other electronic media. This does not include services performed using a telephone or facsimile machine. (SB789, Texas i Insurance Code, Chapter 21, Article 21.532F. ) * Must cover unmarried dependent child to age 25, including grandchild, without imposing full-time student requirement. (I-IB 1440/1066, revised Texas Insurance Code § 1 (b), Article 3.51-6. ) · The defmition of"physician" includes a nurse first assistant. (HBS03, revised Texas Insurance Code Article ....................... ................................................................................................... Wyoming · Cover the following cancer screenings: i -- A pelvic exam and pap smear for any non-symptomatic insured women; -- A colorectal cancer exam and lab tests for any non-symptomatic insured person; -- A prostate exam and lab tests for cancer for any non-symptomatic insured man; and I -- A breast cancer exam, including a screening mammogram and clinical breast exam for any non- symptomatic insured person. The expenses may not be subject to a deductible and the payment rate must be at least 80% for all providers. I (HB26, amended Wyoming Insurance Code 26-19-107, by adding (j) and (k).) Dental Plans I Dental Net · Add provision for independent medical review for services denied as not medically necessary. (AB55) I Contracts Administration 3 n:\Stdforms\Renewal\Renewal ChecklistsLMandatory Legislative Changes~2002 Effective 01-1-2002.doc 6/3/02 MBS 50-250, 125+ cases, 251-2000, 2000+, ED/PUBLIC MANDATORY LEGISLATIVE CONTRACT CHANGES I Choice Dental: · Add provision for independent medical review for services denied as not medically necessary. (AB55) I PPO and FFS Dental Plans: · Add provision for independent medical review for services denied as not medically necessary. (AB55) Note: Additional legislative changes mandated prior to issuance of contract documents I will be included. ! ! ! I Contracts Administration 4 i n:\Stdforms\Renewal\Renewal ChecklistsWIandatory Legislative Changes~2002 Effective 01-1-2002.doc 6/3/02 MBS 50-250, 125+ cases, 251-2000, 2000% ED/PUBLIC COMPANY STANDARD CONTRACT CHANGES (2002) Account Name City of Bakersfield VOUCHER # Case # C00403 Group # Effective Date of Change(s): 1-1-2003 If not already included, the following changes will be added to the contract documents: Blue Cross HMO Plans If outpatient prescription drug benefits .are provided, exclude drags used to induce abortions. Mifeprestone is covered under medical when administered in the physician's office. · For outpatient prescription drags, if the physician prescribes a 60-day supply for drugs classified as Schedule II for the treatment of attention deficit disorders, the member has to pay double the amount of copayment for retail pharmacies. If the drugs are obtained through the mail order, the copayment will remain the same as for any other prescription drug. · Ail groups. The process for "Getting Care When You Are Outside of California" has changed. The member will now call the BlueCard Access 800 phone number and be given the and names phone numbers of providers to contact for care. · All groups. The mail order provider is changing from EPS to PrecisionRX. The new address/telephone number will be: Blue Cross of California Prescription Drag Program - Mail Order, P.O. Box 961025, Fort Worth, TX 76161-9863 · All groups - RX Plan change. Copayment for non-participating pharmacies outside of California will be Copay plus 50% of the prescription drag covered expense, the same as the copayment for non-participating pharmacies inside of California. · All groups. For three tier RX plans, Copay of all non-formulary generic medications will be the same as all other generic medications. · All groups. Hearing aids and related services will be covered under duiable medical equipment. Prudent Buyer Plans · The Preventive Care Center benefit is being replaced by a new preventive care benefit. There is a $25 copayment for participating providers and the deductible is waived. The benefit maximum is $250 per calendar year. Preventive care services provided by a non-participating provider are NOT covered. · If outpatient prescription drag benefits are provided, exclude drags used to induce abortions. Mifeprestone is' ~6~~ -m~al w-~h-a-ffrmn~i-gt ~ d' ~ ttie- p~3/§ i~ i-~ 'UOTffc-e i .................................................. · For outpatient prescription drugs, if the physician prescribes a 60-day supply for drags classified as Schedule II for the treatment of attention deficit disorders, the member has to pay double the amount of copayment for retail pharmacies. If the drags are obtained through the mail order, the will remain the copayment same as for any other prescription drag. · All groups. The mail order provider is changing from EPS to PrecisionRX. The new address/telephone number will be: Blue Cross of California Prescription Drag Program - Mail Order, P.O. Box 961025, Fort Worth, TX 76161-9863 · All fully-insured groups. Add Medcall. · All groups - RX plan change. Copayment for non-participating pharmacies outside of Califomia will be Copay plus 50% of the prescription drug covered expense, the same as the copayment for non-participating pharmacies inside of California. · All groups. For three tier RX plans, Copay of all non-formulary generic medications will be the same as all other generic medications. · All groups. Hearing aids.and related services will be covered under durable medical equipment. · All Groups. Text referencing use of the Blue Cross/Blue Shield (BlueCard Program) has been altered to conform to new, more detailed BlueCard Program disclosures. Modifications include an explanation of the impact of any state surcharges and any other relevant state legislation on the calculation of member liability. Contracts Administration 1 n:\StdformsLRenewalLRenewal Checklists\Company Std. Contract Changes2002 Effective 01-1-2002.doc 6/3/02 MBS 50-250 (for 125+), 251-2000, 2,000+, ED, PUBLIC I COMPANY STANDARD CONTRACT CHANGES (2002) I Blue Cross Plus Plans i · If outpatient prescription drug benefits are provided, exclude drugs used to induce abortions. Mifeprestone is covered under medical when administered in the physician's office. For outpatient prescription drugs, if the physician prescribes a 60-day supply for drugs classified as Schedule II for the treatment of attention deficit disorders, the member has to pay double the amount of copayment for. retail pharmacies. If the drugs are obtained through the mail order, the copayment will remain the same as for ii ! any other prescription drug. All groups. The process for "Away From Home Care" has changed. The member will now call the BlueCard Access 800 phone number and be given the names and phone numbers of providers to contact for care. All groups. The process for "Getting Care When You Are Outside of California" has changed. The member will now call the BlueCard Access 800 phone number and be given the names and phone numbers of providers to contact for care. All groups. The mail order provider is changing from EPS to PrecisionRX. The new address/telephone I number will be: Blue Cross of Cahfornia Prescription Drug Program ~ Mail Order, P.O. Box 961025, Fort Worth, TX 76161-9863 · All groups - RX plan change. Copayment for non-participating pharmacies outside of California will be i Copay plus 50% of the prescription drug covered expense, the same as the copayment for non-participating pharmacies inside of California. · All groups. For three tier RX plans, Copay of all non-formulary generic medications will be the same as all other generic medications. I All groups. Heating aids and related services will be covered under durable medical equipment. All groups. Text referencing use of the Blue Cross/Blue Shield (BlueCard Program) has been altered to conform to new, more detailed BlueCard Program disclosures. ' Modifications include an explanation of the I impact of any state surcharges and any other relevant state legislation on the calculation of member liability and an explanation of the Host/Par Licensee's role under the BlueCard Program in applying local medical management to participating provider network process. I Fee-For-Service Medical Plans · If outpatient prescription drag benefits are provided, exclude drags used to induce abortions. Mifeprestone is "l .c_o_v~rmJmader~d~ when_admini.qtered in the physician[s office ....... ' For outpatient prescription drags, if the physician prescribes a 60-day supply for drags classified as Schedule I II for the treatment of attention deficit disorders, the member has to pay double the amount of copayment for i retail pharmacies. If the drugs are obtained through the mail order, the copayment will remain the same as for any other prescription drug. · All groups with Prescription Drug service. RX plan change. The mail order provider is changing from EPS to PrecisionRX. The new address/telephone number will be: Blue Cross of California Prescription Drug I Program - Mail Order, P.O. Box 961025, Fort Worth, TX 76161-9863 · All groups with Prescription Drug service - RX plan change. Copayment for non-participating pharmacies outside of California will be Copay plus 50% of the prescription drag covered expense, the same as the I copayment for non-participating pharmacies inside of California. · All groups with Prescription Drug service. RX plan change. For three tier RX plans, Copay of all non- formulary generic medications will be the same as all other generic medications. · All groups. Hearing aids and related services will be covered under durable medical equipment. I I I ,I Contracts .4dministration 2 n:\StdformsLRenewal\Renewal Checklists\Company Std. Contract Changes2002 Effective 01-1-2002.doc I 6/3/02 I~IBS 50-250 (for 125+), 251-2000, 2,000+, ED/PUBLIC I COMPANY STANDARD CONTRACT CHANGES (2002) I BlueCard Plans · If outpatient prescription drag benefits are Provided, exclude drags used to induce abortions. Mifeprestone is covered under medical when administered in the physician's office. I prescribes a 60-day supply for drugs classified as Schedule For outpatient prescription drags, if the physician II for the treatment of attention deficit disorders, the member has to pay double the amount of copayment for retail pharmacies. If the drugs are obtained through the mail order, the copayment will remain the same as for I any other prescription drug. · All groups. The mail order provider is changing from EPS to PrecisionRX. The new address/telephone number will be: Blue Cross of California Prescription Drug Program - Mail Order, P.O. Box 961025, Fort i Worth, TX 76161-9863 · All fully-insured groups. Add Medcall. · All groups - RX plan change. Copayment for non-participating pharmacies outside of California will be i Copay plus 50% of the prescription drag covered expense, the same as the copayment for non-participating pharmacies inside of California. · All groups. For three tier R_X plans, Copay of all non-formulary generic medications will be the same as all other generic medications. I · All groups. Hearing aids and related services will be covered under durable medical equipment. · All groups. Text referencing use of the Blue Cross/Blue Shield (BlueCard Program) has been altered to · conform to new, more detailed BlueCard Program disclosures. Modifications include an explanation of the I impact of any state surcharges and any other relevant state legislation on the calculation of member liability. Dental Plans I Fee-For-Service Dental: · None PPO Dental: · None Dental Net: Choice Dental: · None Employee Life and Accidental Death and Dismember Plans Employee Life Insurance: ® None · Employee Accidental Death and Dismemberment Insurance: · None I I Contracts ,~ dministration 3 i n:\StdformsLRenewalLRenewal Checklists\Company Std. Contract Changes2002 Effective 01-1-2002.doc 6/3/02 MBS 50~250 (for 125+), 251-2000, 2,000+, ED/PUBLIC B A K E R S F I E L D MEMORANDUM August 28, 2002 TO: PERSONNEL COMMITTEE FROM: CARROLL HAYDEN, HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGER SUBJECT: REVIEW MATERIALS FOR BLUE CROSS Enclosed for your review are the materials promised at the last Personnel committee meeting. The directory for Blue Cross Prudent Buyer is for Kern County only. Available for check out from my office are the total California directories. However, there are three of them, each approximately one and one-half inches thick, so I decided not to replicate them for everyone. I have about 10 sets, so feel free to check out the total directory, if so inclined. The disruption analysis was done on providers in Bakersfield only. This was because most of Foundation providers are in Bakersfield. This material will be discussed at the September 17, 2002 Personnel Committee meeting. If you have anY questions, please call me at extension 3260. BUC( CONSULTANTS' A Mellon Consulting Company 1801 Century Park East Suite 500 Los Angeles, California 90067 August 23, 2002 Ms. Carroll Hayden Human Resources Manager City of Bakersfield 1501 Truxton Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Re: Provider Disruption Analysis for the Prudent Buyer and Kern Foundation Networks Dear Carroll: This letter presents the results of the provider disruption analysis for the Prudent Buyer and Kern Foundation networks. The analysis is provided for the dental plan and the PPO medical plan separately. Dental Plan The results of the dental plan analysis are shown in Exhibits I and II. Exhibit I shows the total number of dentists in Bakersfield for the Kern Foundation network and the Prudent Buyer network by type of dentist. It also shows the number of dentists who are in the Kern network but not in the Prudent Buyer network. The exhibit shows that there are 53 dentists in Bakersfield who are in the Kern network and 126 in the Prudent Buyer network. Of the 53 in the Kern Network, 15 are not in the Prudent Buyer network. In addition, the Prudent Buyer network has 6 orthodontists, 2 pedodontists, 3 endodontists and 3 oral surgeons, while the Kern Foundation network has no providers in these specialties. Exhibit II shows the claim experience for the twelve months ending July 2002. It shows the dental claims for the top 25 dentists used by the City's employees. These 25 dentists make up 57% of the claims paid for the 12 month period. Of these 25, 10 are in the Kern network and 14 are in the Prudent Buyer network. There are two Kern network dentists in the top 25 who are not in the Prudent Buyer plan and 6 who are in the Prudent Buyer plan and not in the Kern network. 9 of the top 25 are in neither plan. The 2 dentists who are in Kern but not in Prudent Buyer made up 4.7% of the total claims paid in the 12 month period. The 6 dentists who are not in Kern but are in Prudent Buyer made up 15.2% of the total claims paid in the 12 month period. This is a fairly significant increase in coverage. -Based on the information in both exhibits, the move to the Prudent Buyer plan will increase access for the membership, particularly to specialty dentists and not cause significant dislocation. AUG02/3192 Buck Consultants, Inc. 310 1282-8232 Fax 310 I 282-0881 Ms. Carroll Hayden August 23, 2002 Page 2 Medical Plan The results of the medical plan analysis are shown in Exhibits III and IV. This analysis is somewhat more limited because of the significantly larger number of providers that make up the respective PPO networks. However, we believe the analysis does provide sufficient information to make an informed decision on moving networks. Exhibit III shows the total number of medical providers in Bakersfield for the Kern Foundation network and the Prudent Buyer network. It also shows the number who are in the Kern network but not in the Prudent Buyer network. It shows this information for facilities/other providers, primary care providers, and specialty care providers. The sPecialty care provider listing is an abbreviated list of all possible specialties to provide a general comparison of the networks. Exhibit III shows that for facilities and other non-physician providers, the Prudent Buyer network is significantly larger than the Kern Foundation network. Every hospital and surgery center in the Kern network is also in the Prudent Buyer network. In addition, the Prudent Buyer network has 2 more hospitals and 3 more surgical centers. The number of labs, DME providers, Home Health Care providers, and prosthetic/orthotic providers are significantly larger in the Prudent Buyer plan, with only one or two providers in each category participating in only the Kern network. For primary care physicians, there are 199 in the Kern Foundation network and 294 in the Prudent Buyer network. Only 30 physicians are in the Kern network and not in the Prudent Buyer network. The majority of these are internal medicine providers; only 2 pediatricians and 40B/GYN providers are in the Kern network and not in the Prudent Buyer network. For the representative list of specialty physicians, there are 239 in the Kern Foundation network and 301 in the Prudent Buyer network. Only 46 physicians are in the Kern network and not in the Prudent Buyer network. The majority of the non-matching physicians are chiropractors - 16 of the 46. Of the remaining 30, 9 are anesthesiologists and 5 are general surgeons. For the other categories, the dislocation is 1 or 2 providers who are not in the Prudent Buyer network. Exhibit IV shows PPO claim experience for the twelve months ending July 2002. It specifically excludes the hospital claim experience since the Kern network is a subset of the Prudent Buyer network. This exhibit shows the paid claims for the top 25 in-network providers (currently Kern Foundation providers) and the top 25 out-of-network providers. Of the top 25 in-network providers, only two - Home IV Inc. and San Joaquin Wellness - are not in the Prudent Buyer network. Together these providers made up 3.4% of the total paid claims. For the non-network providers, 10 of the top 25 are in the Prudent Buyer network. The claims for these providers made up 3.3% of the total paid claims for the 12 month period. Again, based on the information in both exhibits, the move to the Prudent Buyer plan will increase access for the membership and not cause significant dislocation. In addition the members will have access to AUG02/3192 Ms. Carroll Hayden August 23, 2002 Page 3 the entire Blue Cross network in California, which includes most of the large medical centers in the Los Angeles area. If you have any questions regarding this information, please feel free to call either Tim or me. Sincerely, Michael W. Schionning, F.S.A., M.A.A.A. Principal & Health & Welfare Consultant TD:lat cc: Ginger Rubin, City of Bakersfield Tim Beck, Buck Consultants AUG02/3192 Exhibit I City of Bakersfield Provider Disruption Analysis Comparison of Kern Foundation and Prudent Buyer Networks Dental Plans # in Kern # in # in but not in Kern Prudent Prudent Type of Dentist Foundation Buyer Buyer Generai Dentist 51 108 14 Orthodontics 0 6 0 Pedodontist/Pediatric 0 2 0 Dentist Endodontics 0 3 0 Oral Surgery 0 3 0 Periodontics 2 4 1 Total 53 126 15 AUG02/3192 Exhibit II · City of Bakersfield Provider Disruption Analysis Comparison of Kern Foundation and Prudent Buyer Networks Dental Plans Kern Prudent Provider Name Foundation Buyer Paid Claims % of Total Phillips & Jue Dental Yes Yes $24 925 6.20% Ching Anthony G Yes Yes $11 155 2.80% Herrera Epifanio D Yes Yes $7 388 1.80% Casteen Richard Yes Yes $6.467 1.60% Sandoval Roger Yes Yes $6.367 1.60% Nunez Joseph M Yes Yes $6 089 1.50% Gill Michael Yes Yes $5.328 1.30% Weinberg Michael Yes Yes $5 218 1.30% Wilson John C Yes No $12 288 3.10% Stewart Thomas H Yes No $6,707 1.70% Berry Thomas A No Yes $14,431 3.60% Montano Donald R No Yes $11,207 2.80% Reed Robert E No Yes $10,202 2.50% Woolf Jerry J No Yes $8,860 2.20% Tschanz Michael E No Yes $8,285 2.10% Dedicated Dental No Yes $7,808 1.90% Launspach Daniel No No $15,610 3.90% Osbom Robert G No No $9,609 2.40% Tadej Gerald P No No $8,832 2.20% Barker William D No No $8,271 2.10% Kirkpatrick James No No $8,202 2.00% Armstrong Thomas F No No $7,586 1.90% Gassaway Jerry W No No $6,609 1.60% Martz Martin G No No $6,000 1.50% Banducci Michael A No No $5,636 1.40% Total top 25 Providers $229,080 57.10% In Kern and Prudent Buyer $72,937 18.18% In Kern, Not in Prudent Buyer $18,995 4.73% Not In Kern, in Prudent Buyer $60,793 15.15% In Neither Network $76,355 19.03% All Other Providers $172,115 42.90% Total Dental Plan $401,192 100.00% AUG02./3192 Exhibit III City of Bakersfield Provider Disruption Analysis Comparison of Kern Foundation and Prudent Buyer Networks Medical Plans # in Kern # in # in But not in Kern Prudent Prudent Type of Provider Foundation Buyer Buyer Facilities/Other - Hospitals 4 6 0 - Surgery Center 7 10 0 - Clinical Laboratory 4 61 2 - Durable Medical 7 78 2 Equipment - Home Health Care 4 17 2 - Prosthetics/Orthotics 3 11 1 Primary Care · - General Practice 7 20 2 - Family Practice 36 51 6 - Internal Medicine 87 140 16 - Pediatrics 28 39 2 - OB-GYN 41 44 4 Specialty Care - Allergy & Immunology 3 3 0 - Anesthesia 41 67 9 - Cardiovascular Disease 23 29 1 - Chiropractic 29 26 16 - Dermatology 6 7 1 - Gastroentrology 11 12 3 - General Surgery 19 29 5 - Hematology-Oncology 8 9 1 - Nephrology 12 12 1 - Neurological Surgery 5 6 1 - Neurology 7 11 0 - Orthopedic Surgery 21 25 1 - Plastic Surgery 3 4 0 - Podiatry 14 14 4 - Pulmonary Disease 12 17 0 - Rheumatology 3 6 0 - Thoracic Surgery 8 8 1 - Urology 7 8 1 - Vascular Surgery 7 8 1 AUG02/3192 Exhibit IV City of Bakersfield Provider Disruption Analysis Comparison of Kern Foundation and Prudent Buyer Networks Medical Plans Kern Prudent Provider Name Foundation Buyer Paid Claims % of Total Kern In-network Providers Kern Radiology Yes Yes $68,384 4.80% Physicians Automation Yes Yes $44,192 3.10% Southern Califonia Yes Yes $36,874 2.60% Home IV. Inc. Yes No $33,209 2.30% Truxtun Radiology Yes Yes $31,261 2.20% Ten'io Therapy Yes Yes $30,600 2.20% Glinn & Giordano Yes Yes $23,330 1.60% Premier Anesthesia Yes Yes $20,514 1.40% Comprehensive Blood Yes Yes $20,457 1.40% Central Cardiology Yes Yes $19,861 1.40% Unilab Yes Yes $18 250 1.30% Foot And Ankle Ins. Yes Yes $17 366 1.20% Kern Dermatology Yes Yes $17 188 1.20% Digestive Disease Yes Yes $16 213 1.10% San Dimas Medical Yes Yes $15 819 1.10% Oakhills Medical Center Yes Yes $15 767 1.10% San Joaquin Wellness Yes No $15 725 1.10% Mohawk Medical Group Yes Yes $15.364 I. 10% Bakersfield Dermatology Yes Yes $14.684 1.00% Kern Gastroenterology Yes Yes $14,166 1.00% Stone Bruce C Yes Yes $14,152 1.00% Sansum Santa Barbara Yes Yes $13,205 0.90% Finberg Kurt R Yes Yes $12,504 0.90% Usc Cardiothoracic Yes Yes $12,121 0.90% Root Rodney M Yes Yes $11,854 0.80% Total Top 25 $553,060 38.70% Other than Top 25 $668,097 47.00% Total In-network Providers $1,221,157 85.70% AUG02/3192 Exhibit IV City of Bakersfield Provider Disruption Analysis Comparison of Kern Foundation and Prudent Buyer Networks Medical Plans Kern Prudent Provider Name Foundation Buyer Paid Claims % of Total Kern Out-of-Network Providers Mercy Air Service No No $13 791 1.00% Hall Ambulance Svc No No $11 245 0.80% Sun Pacific Health No No $8 552 0.60% California Chiropractic No Yes $8 063 0.60% The Pain Management No No $7.467 0.50% Minimed Distribution No Yes $7.305 0.50% Comprehensive Open No Yes $6,540 0.50% Bakersfield Pain Therapy No No $5,470 0.40% Interactive Health No Yes $4,855 0.30% Osbom Robert G No No $4,679 0.30% Sunny Hills Orthopedics No No $4,638 0.30% Wittgrove Alan C No No $4,260 0.30% Cornforth Donald E No Yes $4.221 0.30% Apria Healthcare No Yes $3.892 0.30% Right Healthcare No Yes $3 289 0.20% Affiliated Universal No Yes $3 218 0.20% Birnbaum Lawrence No No $2 949 0.20% Sabol & Keene Chiropractic No Yes $2 883 0.20% Easthills Plaza Medical No No $2.813 0.20% Mead Ronald B & Wh No No $2.776 0.20% Gallagher Brett D No No $2,661 0.20% Apnecare Sleep Lab No No $2,546 0.20% Graham Randall T No Yes $2,281 0.20% Wedemeyer Ronald A No No $2,224 0.20% Health Monitoring No No $2,182 0.20% Total Top 25 $124,800 8.90% Other than Top 25 $77,048 5.40% Total Out-of-network Providers $201,848 14.30% Total All $1,423,005 100.00% AUG02/3192 Foundation for Medical Care of Kern County DENTAL PROVIDER NETWORK JULY 2002 * Unless Otherwise Indicated, Listing is Under General Dentistry ARVIN Gill, Michael L Klein, Stephen M Gong, Sandra J 1705 Cherry Street 3815 Mt. Vernon Ave. 205 South 'A" Street Bakersfield, CA 93304 Bakersfield, CA 93306 Arvin, CA 93203 ~ (661) 327-1678 (661) 871-0780 (661) 854-5558 Greer, David T Knerr, Gary W BAKERSFIELD 600 Coffee Road, Ste P 2613 "G" Street Alexahder, John C Bakersfield, CA 93309 Bakersfield, CA 93301 3619 iUnion Avenue (661) 396-9660 (661) 322-1948 BakeY'sfield, CA 93305 (661) !323-1248 Hanford, Gregory E Kohanteb, Benny B 3130 Union Avenue 505 West Columbus St. Bonna, Susan V Bakersfield, CA 93305 Bakersfield, CA 93301 3809,'San Dimas St, Ste B (661) 327-8473 (661) 322-1300 Bakersfie d, CA 93301 (661)1328-0344 Herrera, Epifanio D Lai, Felicia L 4661 Stockdale Hwy. 4120 Truxtun Ave, Ste B Breau~x, Aaron K Bakersfield, CA 93309 Bakersfield, CA 93309 2160 *.White Lane (661) 837-0435 (661) 631-8388 Bake~'sfield, CA 93304 (661) ~833-0707 Hershkowitz,Eric Lukens, Terrance M 1023 North Chester Ave. 3807 San Dimas St, Ste B Burman, Michael C Bakersfield, CA 93308 Bakersfield, CA 93301 6401 ;Truxtun Ave, Ste 200 (661) 399-5539 (661) 327-0835 Baker~sfield, CA 93309 (661) .323-2916 Joyce, Michael H McCracken, Robert W 5917 Niles Street, Ste 3 5000 Physicians Blvd, Ste 200 Casteen Richard E Bakersfield, CA 93306 Bakersfield, CA 93301 2021 !1~ 9th. Street (661) 366-6527 (661) 324-6999 Baker~sfleld, CA 93301 (661) 861-8000 Jue, Perry Y McCulloch, James L 5101 Commerce Dr, Ste 102 2701 Calloway Dr, Ste 412 Chau, Bobi V Bakersfield, CA 93309 Bakersfield, CA 93312-2621 3605 Union Avenue (661) 323-1500 (661) 588-1147 Baker'sfield, CA 93305 (661) '322-2117 Kann, Stephen E McMillin, Evan J 1919 "G" Street 4570 California Ave, Ste 350 Ching., Anthony G- Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA 93309 3873 Stockdale Hwy. (661) 323-8585 (661) 323-3095 Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661) 833-0101 Kenien, Edward R Massee, Bruce A 3723 Wilson Road 1731 26th Street Ghala'mbor, Maziyar Bakersfield, CA 93309 Bakersfield, CA 93301 1801 26th Street (661) 834-4334 (661) 324-0234 Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 322-8860 Kim, Brian $ Moss, Michael A 100 West Columbus St, Ste 200 3723 Wilson Road Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661) 325-9466 (661) 834-4334 Napoles, B Joel Schneider, I. Cecil PROSTHOD~)NTIC,~ 3820 Wible Road, Ste C 3819 Mt. Vemon Ave. Alexander, John C Bakersfield, CA 93309 Bakersfield, CA 93305 3619 Union Avenue (661) 832-4774 (661) 871-4971 Bakersfield, CA 93305 (661) 323-1248 Nelson, Edwin R Shapiro, Hall 2501 "H" Street '3403 Wilson Road Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA 93309 Hershkowitz, Eric (661 ) 322-2157 (661) 833-9966 1023 North Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93308 Nguyen, Truong Stewart, Thomas (661) 399-5539 2701 Calloway Dr, Ste 412 3809 San Dimas St, Ste B Bakersfield, CA 93312 Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 588-1147 (661) 327-3971 Pedersen, Raymond S 1729 26th Street Nunez, Joseph M Tarango, Anthony Bakersfield, CA 93301 1957 19th Street 4698 Amedcan Ave, Ste B (661) 324-9523 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661) 325-6907 (661) 834-5660 BUTTONWILLOW Molnar, Georgeta Pedersen, Raymond S Teesdale, Arthur R 277 East Front Street 1729 26th Street 2520 "H" Street Buttonwillow, CA 93206 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 764-5257 (661) 324-9523 (661) 324-1200 DELANO Phillips, Mark C Thomas, William P Abalos, Angela 5101 Commeme Dr, Ste 102 215 China Grade Loop 1004 14th Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93309 Bakersfield, CA 93308 Delano, CA 93215 (661) 323-1500 (661) 399-1058 (661) 725-5676 Poh, Sian Valero, Larry A Delos Reyes, Noel M 2721 "H" Street 207 "H" Street 2236 Girard Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA 93304 Delano, CA 93215-3808 (661) 324-9709 (661) 323-7440 (661) 721-3656 Prewett, William F Weinberg, Michael Fawson, John A 2016 "E" Street 1621 17tn Street 826 Jefferson Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Delano, CA 93215 (661) 323-2919 (661) 327-4479 (661) 725-1797 Redelsperger, Robert J Wilson, John C Klm, Brian S 2106 20th Street 6401 Truxtun Ave, Ste 200 100 W. Columbus St, Ste 200 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA 93309 Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 324-6053 (661) 631-5585 (661) 325-9466 Sagharian, Mais Winegar, David L McCracken, Robert 505 West Columbus St. 3600 De Souza Place 1107 11m Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA 93309 Delano, CA 93215 (661) 322-1300 (661) 831-9595 (661) 725-9587 Salin, I PERIDNO_.~ Mallouk, Paul M 2016 "E" Street Freed, Kathleen H 1319 Main Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 1735 28m Street Delano, CA 93215 (661) 323-2919 Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 725-9105 (661) 322-8815 Sandoval, Roger E Ramirez, Edwin P 1030 "H" Street, Ste 1 PER/ODONTICS 1606 High Street Bakersfield, CA 93304 Gapper, Richard L Delano, CA 93215 (661) 323-9421 1735 28th Street (661) 721-1800 Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 322-8815 PROVIDER PARTICIPATION MUST B; VERIFIED AT THE TIME OF SERVICES Saini, Hardip Kaur TAFT WASCO 1205 Games Hwy, Ste 203 Bryan, J. Sterling Chem, Shih-Hsun Delano, CA 93215 510 Sixth Street 2101 7th Street, Ste C (661) 725-6910 Taft, CA 93268 Wasco, CA 93280 (661) 763-4161 (661) 758-5903 RIDGECREST Dracopoulos, George Gill, Michael Kohantev, Benny B 119 South Gold Canyon 501 6th Street 1229 7t~ Street Ridgecrest, CA 93555 Taft, CA 93268 Wasco, CA 93280 (760) 371-4263 (661) 765-4475 (661) 758-5338 ORAI_/MAXILLOFAClAL SUR~ Walker, Charles Sagharian, Mais Waugh, Ralph B 700 Center Street 1229 7t~ Street 119 S. Gold Canyon Taft, CA 93268 Wasco, CA 93280 Ridgecrest, CA 93555 (661) 763-1501 (661) 758-5338 (760) 375-1511 'rEHACHAPI Markiewitz, David 431 South Mill Tehachapi, CA 93561 (661) 822-7827 PROVIDER PARTICIPATION MUST BE VERIFIED AT THE TIME OF SERVICES Blue Cross PPO Prudent Buyer Plan~' Directory of Health Care Professionals & Institutions Southern Counties Imperial, Kern, Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, San Diego, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, Ventura i Indian Wells Valley Surgery Center Mercy - Memorial Home Health ' PARTICIPATING HOSPITALS 1111 N China Lake BI (661)663-6400 Ridgecresl, CA 93555 Optimal Home Health , Bakersfield Memorial Hospital (760)446.8100 420 341h St (661)393-8866 I BakerSfield, CA 93301 Millennium Surgery Center Inc Ridgecrest Regional Hospital Home Health (661)327-1792 9300 Sfockdale Hwy//200 Agency Bakersfield. CA 93311 (760)446-0624 Delano Regional Medical Center (661)663-3700 1401 Garces Hwy Sunplus Home Health Services Deiano. CA 93215-3630 Southwest Surgical Center (800)461.3040 (661)725-4800 201 New Stine Rd #130 Bakerslield, CA 93309 Good Samaritan Hospital (661)396-8900 PARTICIPATING HOME INFusIoN THERAPY 901 Olive Dr BakerSfield. CA 93308 Truxtun Surgery Center PROVIDERS (661)399-4461 4260 Truxtun Ave #120 AHI Pharmacies Inc Bakersfield. CA 93309-0682 (800)443-7756 (ELCEN. Healthsouth Bakersfield Rehabilitation Hospital (661)327-3636 5001 Commerce Or AHI Pharmacies Inc - Jacksonville Bakersfield. CA 93309 (800)443-7756 (661)323-5500 PARTICIPATING DIABETES AND Alpha Therapeutic Services Inc Kern Medical Center PREGNANCY PROGRAM FACILITIES (800)423-1832 1830 Flower Si Kern Medical Center Caremark Inc i (ELCEN, Bakersfield. CA 93305 1830 Flower St (909)796-7171 (661)326-2000 Bakerslie(d. CA 93305 Childrsns Home Care Kern Valley Healthcare District (661)326-2000 (559)353-7125 6412 Laurel Ave (800)927-9224 Lake Isabella, CA 93240 (760)379-2681 PARTICIPATING MENTAL HEALTH (877)251-8855 Mercy Healthcare Bakersfield FACILITIES Community Infusion Services Inc (8oo)897-2423 2215 Truxtun Ave Acute Facilities Coram Healthcare m Bakersfield. CA 93301-3697 Bakersfield Memorial Hospital {661)325-8326 (661)632-50OO 420 34m SI Coram Prescription Services * Ridgecrest Regional Hospital Bakerstie~d. CA 93301 (407)852-4993 I ELCEN. 1081 N China Lake BI (661 )327-1792 Crescent Healthcare Inc 109 (760)446-3551Ridgecrest. CA 93555 901Good Olive Samaritan Dr Hospital {805~546-0208 San Joaquin Community Hospital Bakersfield. CA 93308 Curascrlpt Pharmacy Inc - Hayward 2615 Eye SI (661 )399-4461 ~ 510)732-8489 I Bakersliel(J. CA 93301 Healthsouth Bakersfield Rehabilitation Hospital Curascript Pharmacy Inc - Orlando (661 )395-3000 5001 Commerce Or {4071852-4993 6 Tehachapi Hospital Bakersfield. CA 93309 Factor Support Network Pharmacy Inc 115 W E St (66 t )323-5500 (805)388-9336 TenachapL CA 93561 Kern Medical Center Gentiva Health Services - Warrendale .;ENi (661 )822-3241 1830 F~ower St (877)772-2OO I ~ West Side District Hospital Bakerslield. C,~ 93305 Heartland Home Health Care and Hospice 1 ~0 E NOrlh S~ (66 t )326'2000 (65!)633-6522 Taft. CA 93268 Tehachapl Hospital Hemophilia Health Services (661 )763-4211 1 t 5 w E St (800)800-6606 Tehacnap~, CA 93561 Herndon Pharmacy PARTICIPATING AMBULANCE (661)822-3241 (559)432-6250 This is a Limited NetwOrk. Please refer to Page V Acute Psychiatric Facilities Hoffmann Homecare Global Air Charter Memorial Center for Behavioral Health (661)871-I 193 .CEN) (727)536.7121 5201 White Ln Lifecars Solutions Mountain Llfefilght Bakersfield. CA 93309-6200 (559)636-0505 (530)251-2849 {661)398-1800 Matria Healthcare Inc Schaefer Air Service (925)737.6401 (800)247.3355 PARTICIPATING HOSPICE PROVIDERS (800)323.7969 Hoffmadn Hospice of The Valley Millennium Health Inc PARTICIPATING FREESTAN DING (66 ! )833.3900 (800)411-9888 AMBULATORY SURGICAL CENTERS Optimal Hospice Care Nova Factor Inc Bakersfield Endoscopy Center (661 )399-8866 (901 )385-3600 1992 8 St Nufactor Bakersfield. CA 93301 PARTICIPATING HOME HEALTH AGENCIES (8oo)323-6832 (661)327-4455 Option Care Inc Around The Clock Home Care (661)399-8866 Bakersfield Surgery Center (66 t)395.5800 2120 19th SI Prime Infusion Network Bakersfield. CA 93301 Bestcare Home Health Agency (559)624-4244 (661)323.2020 (559)582.9905 Stadtlanders Pharmacy California Surgery Center Inc Childrens Home Care (800)238-7828 6501 Truxtun Ave//190 1559)353-7125 Bakersfield. CA 93309-0633 (800)927-9224 Sunrise Health Management Inc (661)325.8498 Crescent Healthcare Inc (800)310-7995 Empire Surgery Center Partners (805)546-0208 Theracom Inc 4101 Eml~ire Dr #I 30 Gentlva Health Services - Lake Elslnore (888)843.7226 Bakerstield, CA 93309 (909)245-O837 UCLA Home Infusion Services (661)325.1900 Gentlva Health Services -Santa Barbara (310)794.7021 Frltch Eye Care Surgical Center (805)963.6642 2525 Eye St Hoffmann Specialized Homecare PARTICIPATING LABORATORIES Bakersfield. CA 9330! (661)871-2740 Please call the cenler nearest you, Participating hospitals may (661)327-8511 Interim Healthcare also provide this service. Golden State Eye Center (661)398-1700 Alfigen The Genetics Institute 1001 Tower Way #150B Bakersfield, CA 93309 Kaweah Delta Hha (8oo)255.1616 (661)324-6406 (559)624.6400 Ambry Genetics Corporation Healthsouth Physicians Plaza Surgical Center Ufecare Solutions (866)262.7943 6000 Physicians BI (209)636-0505 Beutner LabOratories Bakersfield. CA 93301 Matrla Healthcare Inc (716)838-0549 (661)322-4744 (925)737-6401 Bio Tech Clinical Laboratory (800)323-7969 (818)994-5678 NOTE: See Page VI for Hospital Codes (AAAAA) and Page V for Board Certification I )MPO"?AN?: P)easa Yerify fha11he provider you select is a PnJdent Ruyar PPO prey'der al 1he Iocalt°" where you w(')race(Ye care Isee tirst page of dlr"f°rY for delaiis" I S Cockerell and Associates Dermapathology Wilson Genetics Center Lincare Inc (800)309-0000 (202)994-1596 (66t)833-3333 Comprehensive Medical Laboratories Inc Zygen Laboratory (661)836-9181 (661)725-5262 (818)705-3600 Marcon Group Inc Dianon Systems Inc (800)647-5021 (800)325-2666 PARTICIPATING MEDICAL PRODUCTS AND Med Mart Pacific Pulmonary Se Dianon Systems Inc New City SERVICES (661)396-3720 (800)328-2666 (66 t )397-2999 Dianon Systems Inc Tampa Hearing Services (66~)822-1880 1800)367.1126 Bakersfield Hearing Aid Co (760)371-4350 Dlanon Systems of Colorado (661)325-5001 1760)379-4621 (800)328-2666 Beltone Hearing Aid Center Medic~ Esoterix Center for Infectious Disease (760}375-4227 (800)944-3422 (800)874.8532 Delamater Beltone Hearing Aid Center Medical Rentals (800)299-7350 1661)832-5944 (800)231-2611 (800)288-6222 Walls Hearing Aid Center Inc Minimed Inc (800)444.9111 (661)323.1612 (800)933-3322 (800)295-6965 N M C Homecare Div Inc (800)392-2986 Durable Medical Equipment/Supplies (800)797-0797 (800)874-8532 AV Pulmonary Care Orthofix Gambro Laboratory Services (661 )942-9995 (800)535-4492 (954)585-1100 Active Living Ostomy Inc Orthologic Corp Genecare Medical Genetics Ctr (909)808-9734 (860)937-5520 (919)942-0021 Advanced Home Medical Orthopliance Group Genesis Laboratories (626)453-0900 {818)753.1316 (909)737-1359 Affordable Breathing Care Pacific Medical Inc Genzyme Corporation (661)725-2300 (800)726-9180 (800)284.2876 Animas Diabetes Care Pacific Medical Service Genzyme Genetics (610)64.t-8990 ~661 )63t-8582 1800)255.7357 Antelope Valley Orthotics & Prosthetics Quality Patient Care Inc (800~848-4436 ~68 t)267-0772 1213)977.9568 (800)969-9933 · Apria-Bakersfield Shield Healthcare Health Line Clinical Lab Inc 1661t327.4887 (818)954-0202 1800)372-6205 Biolectron Inc 1800t423-3064 Home Healthcare Laboratories of America (800)524-0677 ~800)675-6841 1888)522-4452 Brundage Pharmacy Sierra Home Medical Immunodiagnostic Laboratories (66~)327-4265 ,559)627-4.~56 (510)635-4555 Care Medical Systems Smith & Nephew Inc International Molecular Diagnostics Inc (559)635-4443 {800)821-5700 17t 4)799-7t 77 Caretran Medical Supply Inc Southwest Medical Inc J A Turner Dlag Parasitology Lab 1661)831.8689 ~800~966-6662 (310)212-6559 Central Coast Medical Supply Sterling Medical Services Kern Pathology Meal Grp Inc {661)833-470o ,800)273-9940 (66 ~)325.5447 Ky'to Meridien Core Outpatient Services Sweets Home Care (8oo)328-2666 (800)755-2673 ~66 ~ ~322-3500 DS Medical Supply Inc Sweets Home Medical Lab One Inc {770)407-4444 ~559)788-2000 (9t 3)888-1770 Depuy Orthotech Team Post Dp Inc Lab Services 1877)377-8968 18(~0)339-9295 (661)822-1965 Diabetes Self Care The Family Earing Aid Center Labcorp Patient Service Centers ~800)366-5250 (66 ~)322.6670 (888)522.2677 ' 1888)877-4326 (800)560-0595 The Hearing Aid Center Diabetes Support Systems ~661 )721-2836 Los Angeles Diagnostic Lab (800)252-0207 (213)484.6907 West Coast Wheelchairs Dynamic Medical Systems Inc (800)266-1979 MN Clinical Laboratory Inc (800)225-9080 (310)577.7554 Xcel Medical Pharmacy E B I (888)923.5111 Myriad Genetic Laboratories Inc 1800)526-2579 (801 )584-1100 EMPI Inc Prosthetlcs/Orthotlcs National Dermatopathology Laboratory (800)328-2536 Achilles Prosthetics & Orthothics Inc (888)882-0077 Oncotech Inc Edgepark Surgical Inc 1661)323-5944 (800)576-6326 (800)307-5930 Bakersfield Prosthetics And Orthotics Center FMC Pharmacy Services Inc (661)281.2127 Pacific Medical Laboratory (888)650.2100 CPO Clinical Prosthetics & Orthoflcs {323)971-0635 Hill-Rom Company Inc (661)323-5944 Pathnet Esoteric Laboratory Institute (323)261.7562 DJ Orthopedics (818)780-6300 Home Diabetic Supplies (800)726-9180 Physicians Automated Laboratory Inc (530)628-491 t Flex-Pads Intl Inc (661)325-0744 Home Medical Care Inc (800)431.9899 Quest Patient Service Centers (661)945.2737 Hanger Prosthetic & Orthotlcs East Inc (800)377.8448 Home Medical Supply Inc (800)522-0051 Satellite Laboratory Services (800)726.3059 Ortho Supply Inc (650)367.9711 Home Sleep Diagnostic Inc (800)944.3422 Specialty Laboratories Inc (800)991-6444 Orthotic Engineering Co (310)828-6543 Hoveround Corporation (569)741.1300 Spectra Laboratories Inc (800)304.3549 Valley Institute of Prosthetlcs & Orthotlcs Inc (510)623-6900 KCI USA Inc (661)322-1005 USC Pathology Reference Lab (800)275.7539 (323)442-2196 Ufecare Solutions PARTICIPATING SKILLED NURSING Unllab Patient Service Centers (559)636.0505 FACILITIES (800)597.1700 i800)227~0230 Bakersfield Memorial Hospital - SNF Urocor (800)500-5928 420 34th St (800)328-2666 (800)585-9352 Bakerslield, CA 93301 Virologic Inc (800)700-6461 (661)327.1792 (650)635.1100 (800)700-6481 (800)834 -056 t NOTE: See Page VI for Hospital Codee (AAAAA) and Page V for eoard Certification 6 [ IMPORTANT: Please verity that the provider you setect is a Prudent Buyer PPO provider at the location where you will receive care (see first page o! directory for details). Beverly Manor. Bakersfield Shatter Convalescent Center Gambro Healthcare - Bakersfield 3601 San Dimas St 140 E Tulare Ave 4900 California Ave #100A Bakersfielcl, CA 93301-1405 Shafter, CA 93263-t 834 Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661 )323-2894 1661 )746-3912 16611322-4911 Beverly Manor Health Care Center West Side District Hospital - SNF Gambro Healthcare - Bakersfield Northeast f 131 N China Lake BI 110 E North St 3761 Mad View Rd Ridgecrest, CA 93555 Taft, CA 93268 Bakersfield, CA 93306 (7601446-3591 16611763-4211 (805)872-9836 Gambro Healthcare - Detano Kern Valley Healthcare District DP SNF 6412 Laurel Ave PARTICIPATING FREESTANDING DIALYSIS 1201 Jefferson S1 ~ Delano, CA 93215 Lake IsabeLla, CA 93240 CENTERS 16611725-3390 (7601379-2681 This is a Limited Ne~work, Please refer to Page V Indian Wells Valley Dialysis Center Mercy Healthcare Bakersfield - SNF Bakersfield Dialysis Cfr 212 S Richmond Rd 2215 Truxtun Ave Bakersfield, CA 93301-3697 5143 Office Park Or Ridgecrest, CA 93855-4434 Bakersfield, CA 93309 17601371-7506 16611632-5133 16611325-4741 San Joaquin Community Hospital DP/SNF 2615 Eye St Bakersfield. CA 93301 1661 )395-3000 6000 Physicians BI OESAL KIRIT, MO (BAKER, GUILLORY*SMITH, MICHAEL,2615 Eye St OH, SUNG-MIN, MD (FRESU, Bakersfield SANC0) (Cf MO Bakersfield SiEVL STAGN) (661)322-4744 2110 Truxtun Ave 84f Mohawk St ~'270 16611395-3000 Korean LIN, YONG, CA BAILEY. RALPH, MO (Cf Bakersfield Bakersfield 6000 Physicians BI 2920 F St ,dE-15 2015 2151 St 2920 F St 4.615 16611323-8384 (6611334-I958 Bakersfield Bakersfield 16611322-4744 {661 )335-7755 Bakersfield Bakersfield OINH, SON, MD (SANC0) HALE, KENNETH, MO [BAKER. i6611334-1443 1800)351-7755 V~efnamese KERVA. MERHL) (Cf JEPPSON. JOHN, MO (KERVA) OWENS, ROBERT, MO (BAKER) 3861 Btockdale Hwy 4100 Truxlun Ave 4.306841 Mohawk St ,d270 (C1 Bakersfield Bakersfield Bakersfield 641 Mohawk St 4.270 420 34Ih St GORENBERG, ALAN, MD (6611837-9200 (6611325-8499 {6611334-1956 Bakerslietd Bakersfield 6501 Truxtun Ave 16611334-1958 1661 )327-f792 iARROW. DESVA. STBER. 8ALASUBRAMANIAN, Bakersfield HAH. WON. MO 9300 Stockdale Hwy 0200 Korean KlM, EUNG, MO (EISENI ici Bakersfield STMME. VlCTO) (Cf GOVINOAN, MD (661 ~322-2206 2920 F St ~615 P 0 Box 2267 Soanist~ 1401 Garces Hw~ 16611663.3737 1111 N China Lake Bi Delano OOAN. RICHARD, MD (Cf Bakersfield Bakersfield Rldgecrest 16611725-4800 1830 Flower St 18001351-7755 L661 ~334-~958 PALENCIA, ARTUR0. MD (SANCO) (C) 1760~446-8265 P 0 Box 2029 Bakersfield HARDING. RALPH, 00 KlM, MYUNG. MD iDOCME.S~amsn KiN. SEE*RUERN. MD ~BAKER. Bakersheld 166f1323-2133 2920 F St ~E*15 SIMiV) (Cf 1709 20th St MERHL. SANCO) {Cf (6611335-7755 ELIAS, GHANIM, MD (Cf Bakersfield Korean Bakersfield 7ha~ BEATTY. HUGH, MO (OANIE) 420 34th St 1661~335-7755 2615 E;'e St ~6611335-7755 2222 19th St 2023 Truxton Ave 8akerslield HERNANOEZ, 8L~S. MO Bakersfield 201 New Shne Rd Bakerslield Bakersfield 16611327-1 ;92 (KERNM, KERVA, MERHL) {el 1661 )395-3000 Bakersheld 1661f325-2448 1661 )323-2295 FERNANDEZ. HECTOR, MO 841 Mohawk St ~270 KlM. SUNG, MO (Cf ~6611396-591~0 LEUNG, PATRICK, MO {BAKER, 8ELLA. ELEUTERIO, MD (CLOVI) (CI Bakersheld Korean 2120 19tn SI MERHL SANCO) (Cf (GOOHO. SANCO) Sflamsh (661)334-1958 201 New Brine Rd ~130 Bakersfield Bakersfield ~6611323-2020 Mandann 7a¢alog 2920 F SI ,~E15 RUM. GARY, MO (6611396-8900 2615 Eye SI 604 18th SI 6001-A Truxtun Ave ~116 Bakersfield 1830 Flower St 2120 191tl SI Bakersfield Bakersfield Bakersfield 1800135t'7755 Bakersfield Bakersfield ~6611395-2000 16611323-3081 16611325-8499 FINOLEY. JOHN. MD (BAKER) (Cf 1661 i323-2172 i6611323-2020 PAR00. ENRIQUE, MO (BAKER· TANUS. TONNY. MO {BAKER·841 Mohawk St r270 420 34th St HYUN. SUNG, MO (DELAN,2615 Eye St COLLO. MERHL. STJRE) MERHL. SANC0, SIEVI) (CfBakersfield Bakersfield SANCO. SIEI/I) (Cf Bakersfield 841 Mohawk St ,d270 212l 17th St 16611324-7323 16611327-1792 Korean 16611395-3000 Bakersfield Bakersfield P 0 Box 2029 P 0 Box 2029 2615 Eye SI LE CHAd, M, MD (MERHL) (Cf 16611334-I 958 16611327-9693 Bakersfield BakersfieLd Bakerslield (661)335-7755 16611335-7755 16611335-775§ 84f Mohwak St ,d270 PARK, Git, MD (BAKER)  Bakersfield Korean BOURNE, JONATHAN, MD FISHER. ROBERT, MO [KERVA. IPE. JOSEPH, MD (SANCO. 16611334-1958 841 Mohawk SI (MAMMO) (C) MERHL, UCSFM) (C) SlEVl) CE OUI, TU. MD (Cf Bakerslield ABOOU, WAFIK, MD (BAKER, P 0 Box 2029 841 Mohawk St ~270 tndian/H~ndi KERVA. MERHL) (C) Bakersfield Bakersfield 201 New S1ine Rd ,d130841 Mohawk St ~270 1661 )324-7323 841 Mohawk St 4'270 1661 )335-7755 (6611334-1958 Bakersfield Bakersfield P 0 Box 2029 Bakersfield (6611324-7323 Bakersfield tar {6611334.1958 COLEMAN, LEWIS, MO (C)GILMAN, THOMAS, MO 1661 )396-6900 2615 Eye St P 0 Box 2029 2120 191h St P 0 Box 2029 16611335-7755 AHN, MARK, MO (SANC0, $1EVf) Bakersfield Bakersfield Bakersfield Bakersfield PATEL, BIPIN, MD (BAKER. (Cf 16611395-3000 1661 )335-7755 16611323-2020 16611335-7755 COMFR. MERHL) (Cf 201 New Sline Rd ,d130 2615 Eye St LEE, HAl(, MO (KERVA, MERHL) 841 Mohawk St 1270 Bakersfield COLLIER, JAMES, MD GONICK, GEOFFREY, MD Bakersfield (Cf BakersfieLd 16611396-8900 420 341h St (KERNM. SANSC) (Cf (6611395-2000 641 Mohawk Bt 1270 16611334-1958 2120 191h SI Bakersfield 2800 F St ,dA 6000 Physicians BI Bakersfield PATEL, NAINA, MD (Cf Bakersfield (6611327-1792 Bakersfield Bakersfield {6611334-1958 841 Mohawk St {6611323-2020 DAVtO, SAUL. MD (SIERR) (Cf 16611325-0541 16611322-4744 MAS, JULIO. MD (Cf Bakersfield 2615 Eye St 420 34th St GRANOHE. JANARDHAM, MO (Cf IYER, KAMALNATH, MO (BAKER, 420 34th St 16611324-7323 Bakersfield Bakersfield 841 Mohawk Bt 1270 SANC0) (Cf Bakersfield P 0 Box 2029 1661 )395-3000 16611324-0300 Bakersfield 420 34th St 16611327-1792 Bakersfield P 0 Box 2029 DE ROUEN, JOHN, MD (Cf16611324-0300 Bakersfield 841 Mohawk St t270 16611335-7755 Bakersfield 1830 Flower St GREENBERG. GARY, MO (Cf (6611327-1792 Bakersfield PETERS, GRANT, fig (KERNM) 16611335-7755 Bakersfield 20960-A Sage Ln 841 Mohawk St 1270 16611324-0300 (Cf nc 8ABER, ZAHEER, MD (SANCO, 16611323-2133 Tehachapi Bakersfield MEUflER, GARY, MD 1830 flower St SiEVI) (Cf P 0 Box 2287 16611822-2890 16611334-1958 841 Mohawk St ,d270 Bakersfield ~ Indian/Hindi Bakersfield 2920 F St E-tS JAGPAL, KULOEEP, MO (SANCO. Bakersfield 16611323-2t33 ~a 20Bakersfield1 New Slide Rd t 130 (661 )334-1958 Bakemfield SlEVI) (661 )334-1958 RAVAL, NARENDRA, MD 16611396-8900 OELA ROCA, GENARA, MO 16611335-7755 Indian/Hindi NUVAL, EDEN, MO (SIEVl) (KERNM) 2120 19th St (BAKER. MERHL) 2920 F Bt tEl 5 201 New Stine Rd 1130 Ta(~aloo _ . 1830 Flower St Bakersfield 2200 Oak St Bakersfield Bakersfield 2920 F St ti:- 3 Bakersfield 1661 )323-2020 Bakersfield (800)351-7755 16611396-8900 BakersfieLd (6611323-2133 2615 Eye St (6611324-0300 2!20 lgth St 6611335-7755 6412 Laurel Ave Bakersfield Lake tsabel~ Bakersfield (6611323-2020 16611395-3600 (7601379-2681 NOTE: See Page VI for Hospital Cedes (AAAAA) and Page V for Board Certification ANESTHESIOLOGY continued 841 Mohawk St ,C270 2120 19th St FINBLEY, JOHN, MD (BAKER) PARK. GIL, MO (BAKER)ANDERSEN, DOUGLAS. MA CUNANAN, CARL, DC Bakersfield Bakersfield 420 34th St Korean 21 ! 1 18th St 832 Jefferson SI 16611334-1958 16611323-2020 Bakersfield 841 Mohawk St *`270 Bakersfield 0diana ROSENO0, HENRY, MD (COLWE) P 0 Box 1628 16611327-1792 Bakersfield 16611324-2113 16611725-2914 (Cf Lake Isabella P O Box 2029 16611324-7323 Spanish 17601379-8681 Bakersfield P 0 8ox 8029 8ERMEJO JUAN OANA, BRYAN. OC P 0 Box 8029 P 0 Box 2029 i6611335-7755 Bakersfield 2201 Mt Vernon Ave #109 4TOT Union Ave *`3 Bakersfield Bakersfield 1661 )335-7755 Bakersfield Bakersfield 166f )335-7755 16611335-7755 GILMAN, TNOMAS, MO 1661 )872-7000 16611638-0564 P 0 Box 2029 RAVAL, NARENDRA, MD SCHWARTZ, KEVIN, MO YACOUB, ROBERT, MD (SANCO. Bakersfield (KERNM) BERMEJO. JUAN, MA EVANS. GARY. OC (PALOM) (Cf SIEVI) 16611335-1755 f830 Fldwer St 220f Mt Vernon Ave ,1211 930 Truxton Ave 420 341h St 201 New S1ine Rd ,C130 Bakersfield Bakersfield Bakersfield Bakersfield 8akersfield GREEN8ERG, GARY, MO 186f1327-1792 16611396-8900 20960-A Sage Ln 16611323-2133 ~6611872-?000 16611321-9006 841 Mohawk S1 *`270 2120 19th St Tehachap~ 6412 Laurel Ave NEWPORT AUOIOLOGY CENTERS GRAHAM. RANDALL. DC Bakersfield Bakersfield 166f1822-2690 Lake isabella 6330 Office Center Ct ~33 5300 California Ave *`320 16611324-0300 16611323-2020 2920 F St E-15 17601379-2681 8akersiield Bakerstieid 2615 Eye St Bakersfield 841 Mohawk St ,~270 18001675-5485 16611327-2622 BCURLOCK, WILLIAM, MO Bakersfield 16611335-7755. Bakersfield (BAKER) (Cf 2920 F St *`ET6 16811334-1958 WELCH. DORAL MA GUNDERSON, CRAIG, DC 20412 Brian Way *`lA 2901 F St 420 34th St 16611395-3000 Bakersfield ROSENDO. HENRY, MD (COLWEi Tehachapi Bakersfield Bakersfield YEH, THOMAS, MD (BAKER, 18001351-7755 Spamsh {6611823-0717 i6611861-1000 16611327-1792 MEBHL) (Cf P 0 Box 2029 841 Mohawk St ,~270 Mandann HAN, WON. MD Bakersfield HAMILTON, GREGORY. DC Bakersfield 841 Mohawk St ,C270 Korean 1661 }334-1958 Bakersfield 2920 F SI ,CE 15 16611335-7755 3901 Stockdale Hwy 16611334-2958 Bakersfield SCHWARTZ, KEVIN, MD Bakersfield SHUEN, JOSEPH. MO 18001351-7755 (PALOM) LIMO. RUSSELL, CRN (66?)833-6665 20f New Sfine Rd ~130 HUM, GARY. MO 420 34th Sf 1709 20th St HAYNES, JEFFREY, DC Bakersfield 1830 Flower St Bakersfield Bakersdeld 3865 Stockdale Hr,"! (66f)396-8900 Bakersfield (661)327-1792 (66l)335-7755 Bakersfield 2120 Igth SI ABOOU. WAFIK, MO (BAKER, 16611323-2172 841 Mohawk St w2Z0 CLARKE. GARY. CRN 16611322-2875 Bakersfield Bakersfield KERVA, MERHL) IPE, JOSEPH. MD (SANC0. 16611324-0300 1401 Garces Hwy HEHRERA. RUOY, 0C 16611323-2020 841 Mohawk S1 *'270 SIEVI) Oelano 1519 Garces Hwy ;*107 2615 Eye SI Bakersfield SCURLOCK. WILLIAM, MD~66~ )725-4800 Oelano Bakersfield Ind~Jn`'Hin(ll (661)395-3000 1661 ~33J-1958 201 New Shne Rd ,~130 (BAKER~ (661)721-1506 ' OUPLAN. NANCY. CRN (SIEVh 5397 Truxtun Ave 2920 F S~ E-15 AHN. MARK. MO (SANCO. S[EVb Bakersfield 420 34Ih S~ 1111 N China Lake Bi Bakersfield Bakersfield 201 New Shne Rd .~130 1661 )396-6900 Bakersfield Rldgecrest (661)335-7755 Bakersfield 2120 191h St (661)327-1 ?92 (760)446-4571 {661 ~634-9900 1661)396-8900 8akersfiel¢ 841 Mohawk S~ ~270 HEYART, GREGORY. OC TAMER, MOUSSA. MD (KERVA. 2!20 l gth St 16611323-2020 Ba~ershelO JOHNSON. TRAVIS. CRN 5300 Cahfornla Ave r320 MERHL) (C) 8akersheld 2615 Eye SI ~661 )33,4-1958 1081 N China Lake 91 Bakersfield 420 34th S~ Rldgecrest Bakersfield (6611323-2021] Bakersfield SHUEN. JOSEPH, MO 166;1327-2622 2615 Eye SI (661)395-2000 20t New Shne Rd ,H30 (7601445-356t (661 !327-I 792 HOFFMAN, SIGNEE. DC 841 Mohawk St '~270 Bakersfield 6000 Physicians BI Bakersheld L~PEE. ROBERT. CRN 20T8 17th SI 8akerstield 1661)395-3000 Bakersfield (661)396-8900 T081 N Chma Lake 81 Bakersfield P 0 Box 2029 1661 )322-4744 2120 !91h St R;ogecres: (66t)321-0333 (661)334-f958 B,]kerstield JAGPAL. KULOEEP. MO (SANCO Bakersheld (760)a46-355i MARCH. JOHN, DC THIO. EDWARD. MO 166I ~335-7755 SIEVD ~6611323-2020 MARTINEZ, VINCENT. CRN3737 Stockdale Hvq ,rl2O 2615 Eye St 8ABER. ZAHEER, MO (SANCO Inglan,'Hm(li 26~5 Eye S: ~ ;'09 20th St 8akersheld , Bakersfield (661)324-d300 SiEVI) 20l New Stme Rd .~130 Bakersheld 8akersheld (66Y)398.2198 Indian, Hincl~ Bakersfield 1661 )395 -3000 (661 )335- 7755 VIERRA. ANTHONY, MO 201 New Sbne Rd ,~130 (861)396-8900 2920 F Si E-15 MORGAN, TERRY, DC 20960-A Sage Ln 8akersheid 2120 19th St 6~lkersheld NAREI'rO. MARIAN. CRN 5452 Calilorma Ave Tehac~api f661 )396-8900 8akersfleld (661 )335' 7755 108 ! N Chma Lake 91 Bakersfield R~dqecresI (66T)633-2134 (661)822-2890 2120 19th St (661 )323-2020 VIERRA. ANTHONY, MO ( 760i446-3551 Bakerslield 2615 Eye St 20960 A SaDe Ln MORRIB. ION, DC WAGNER. HELMUT. MO 16611323-2020 Bakersfield Tenachap~ QUIER. ERNEST, CRN 345 H St (BAKER. SANCO) (Cf 2615 Eye St (661)395-3000 (6611822-2890 lOBl N China Lake 81 8akerstield 841 Mohawk St '~270 8akersfleld 6000 Physicians BI R~dqecresi Bakersfield I661)395-3000 8akerslield WANG. JEN. MD (STLUK) (760)446-3551 (661)387-2588 1661)324-0300 6000 Physicians BI (6611322-4744 841 Mohawk SI ,~270 PENSINGER, DENNIS. DC Bakersfield WILLIAMSON. PATRICIA, CRN 712 N Chester Ave WALTON. CHARLENE. MO Bakerslield KlM. SUNG. MO 16611324-7323 1 i 11 N Cnma Lake BI Bakersfield (KERNM) 16611322-4744 Korean P 0 Box 2029 R~dqecresl ~6611399-2525 201 New S1ine Rd #130 (760)446-4571 1830 Flower St 8EATTY. HUGH, MD (DANIE) Bakersfield Bakersfield ' Bakersfield POOELL. GLENN. DC 2023 Truxton Ave ~66t)335-7755 ZIMNEY. NELL. CRN 16611323.2172 Bakersfield 16611396-8900 840 N Norma St WANG, JEN, MD (STLUK) (6611323-2295 2120 19th St WANG, STEVE, MO (HEMET. 1081 N China Lake 81 Ridgecrest Bakersfield INLAN. KERVA. SANCO) RJdqecrest 841 Mohawk S1 ~270 8ELLA, ELEUTERIO, MO (6611323-2020 Mandann 17601446-3551 17601371.1300 Bakersfield (66f1324-7323 (GOOH0. SANCO) 2615 Eye St 1709 2Otb Sf REED, KELLY, DC Tagalog Bakersfield Bakersfield 1715 30m St P 0 Box 2029 6001-A Truxtun Ave *`110 16611395-3000 (66t)335-7755 Bakersfield Bakersfield Bakersfield P 0 Box 2029 WHITEHEAD. RICHARD, MD16611322-3997 16611335-7755 16611325-8499 OGORKIEWICZ, ALICJA. MO Bakersfield 4580 Cahfornia Ave ,~f00 ROSS. LEONARD. DC WOLBER. ARTHUR, MD lC)841 Mohawk Si//270 (BAKER, MERHL. SANCO) (Cf 16611335-7755 Bakersfield 6001-A Truxtun Ave ,~120 420 34th SI Bakersfield Polish. Spanish 16611327-4411 Bakersfield 16611324-7323 500 Old River Rd #170 YACOUB, ROBERT, MO (SANCO, Bakersfield 16611327-1792 P 0 Box 2029 Bakersfield SIEVI) (Cf ~ 166t1864-1100 WANG. STEVE, MD (HEMET, Bakersfield 1661)664-9600 201 New Stine Rd *`130 RYAN. JAMES, DC Bakerslietd INLAN, KERVA. SANCO) (Cf 1661 )335-7755 PALENCIA, ARTURO, MD 1661 )396-8900 AGUILERA, FRANCISCO. DC 2701 Callaway Or #402 (SANCO) 604 Kern St Bakersfield Mandarin DINH, SON, MD (SANCO) $1~anish 2120 191h SI Taft (6611589-3427 f 709 20th St Vietnamese 1709 20th St Bakersfield Bakersfield 4100 Truxtun Ave 1306 16611323-2020 1661 )765-2225 SABOL, JASON. OC 16611335.7755 Bakersfield Bakersfield 8200 Stockdale Hwy #K36647 Ming Ave P 0 Box 2029 166f1325.8499 16611335-7755 2615 Eye St Bakersfield 6501 Truxtun Ave 201 New Stine Rd !130 Bakersfield Bakersfield Bakersfield 166f1335-7755 Bakersfield Bakersfield 16611395-3000 166f1833-1 fl I 16611837-2225 WU, SHI-JEL MO (SANCO, 16611322-2206 16611396-8900 BONNET. 8RIGETTE, DC SALYERS. STEVEN, DC 2120 lgth St 3125 19th SI ,c189 5300 California Ave//340 SCRLA) (Cf FERRER-BRECHNER, MARIA, MD Bakersfield Bakersfield Bakersfield ManUan~. Spanish (Cf 1681 )323-2020 Referral required, please see 1661 )325-6325 16611327-7074 page IV. This is a Limited Net- 8RAMLE'Fr. BOBBY, DC (Cf SCRALL JEFFREY. DC 201 New Brine Rd ,C1309300 Stockdale Hwy *`100 2615 Eye St work. Please refer to Page V. Bakersfield Bakersfield Bakersfield 6401 Truxtun Ave 20241 Valley BI (661 )396-8900 (661 )321-9742 16611395-2000 Bakersfield Tehachapi 16611321-3466 16611822-0811 NOTE: See Page VI for Hospital Codes (AAAAA) and Page V for Board CartlficaUon CHIROPRACTOR continued SORENSEN, TROY, DC 1535 N China Lake BI ,~C 2218 Truxton Ave CRAWFORO, GREGORY, MD FERGUSON, lAN. O0 (KERNM) 2215 Truxtun Ave 1005 Stine Rd Ridgecrest Bakersfield (KERNM, KERVA) lC) {C) Bakersfield Bakersfield (760)446-9007 (661)327-3371 20960-0 Sage Ln 1830 Flower St (661)325-0825 (661)398-7246 TEHACHAPf 0ERMATOLOGY 2215 Truxtun Ave Tehachapi Bakersfield KERCHER, EUGENE, MO I' SULTZE, STUART, OC 20211 Va(lay BI Bakersfield (661)822-1260 (800)962-3303 (KERNM) lC) 346 H St TehachaDi (661)325-0826 22f2 Truxton Ave FISCHER MANGOLO TAFT 1830 Rower St Bakersfield (661}823-7546 3505 Jean St Bakerslield 110 E North Bakersfield (661)327-2588 Bakersfield (661)323-5918 Taft (800)962-3303 (661)832-2600 3550 Q St ~103 (925)462-9040 VEGHER. MARY, DC 420 3411~ St Bakersfield KUSHEL, STEVEN, MO (GRANA. 1111 W Inyokern Rd ~C Bakersfield (661)321-9396 FORTENBERRY, JOHN, MO MEMGA. NORHO) lC) Ridgecrest (661)325-0825 (BAKER, KERVA, MERHL 110 E North (760)446-2200 LUU, TRAMI, MD (UCLAM) lC) DANIEL, CHRISTINE, MD WESTS) (C) ' Taft 2131 19th St 8ARROZO. FIL, MO (TEHAC (ENCTA, HUNT)) lC) 420 34th SI (925)462-9040 *: WORTISKA, CHARLES. OC Bakersfield Spam~ll Italian. Spanish Bakerslield 120 1405 Commercial Way ~100 (805)324-2161 105 W E St P O Box 1900 115 W E St LAM, KHOI, MO (BAKER, KERVA) Bakersfield Tehachapi Tehachapi (661)325-0825 (661)327-4246 MACDUFF, MICHAEL, MO (661)822-3241 (661)822-3241 6412 Laurel Ave Spam~b, Vietnamese Lake lsat)ella 420 34th St {MERHLI lC) 115 w E St DESAI, TUSHAR. MO lC) (760)379-2681 Bakersfield C i~lll)~l;'~;l:(#)'.'ll~llJ;{~t:l;~'l 2215 G St Tehac~api 2215 Truxton Ave Bakersfield (800)627-9314 Bakersfield GENSTLER, PAUl.ALAN, MD (661)325-0825 8UXTON, JOHN. MD (BAKER, (661)324-1312 2041 Belshaw Ave P 0 Box 760 (661)327-3371 (MERHL) LAYGO, BETTY, MO (WESTS. GOOHO, MERHL, SANCO) Mo java 2215 Truxton A~'e WHll-)') )C 1524 271h St ~'401 (661)824-4511 DLUGOS. SCOI'r, MD (CHWCO, Bakersfield 110 E North SI GEORG, KERVA, LOMP0. (661)327-3371 Taft Bakersfield BAUER. RANDY, MD (OESVA) MOUCO) 2215 Truxtun Ave (661)323-3896 2215 Truxton Ave (661)325-0825 COMPREHENSIVE MEDICAL 110 E North Bakersfield 2215 Truxtun Ave IRANI, HORMUZ, MO (BAKER, iMAGING BAKERSFIELD Bakersfield Taft (661)326-0625 Bakerstie~d MERHL SANCO) 4(]00 Physicians Plaza ~/101 (861)327-3371 (925)462-9040 600t D Truxtun Ave ~'420 BLDG E RECKORO, BRUCE. MD (HIOES. 115 W E SI GREENSTEIN. JAY, MO (LOMP0, (661)632-5000 Bakerstield Bakerstield MOUCO. NATIV, RIOGE. Tehachapi MADER) lC) LEE, GANNETT, MD (KERNM, (66f)638-q60! (661)395-0155 TEHACI (661)822-3241 20960-B Sage Ln KERVA. SANC0) (C) 7 ~ COMPREHENSIVE OPEN MRI- 115 WE St DOCHERTY, STEPHEN, DO (661)822-1260 20960-B Sage Ln BAKERSFIELD Tehachapi (HUNTI. KERNM, SANGA, 2212 Truxton Ave Tehachapi BASS. BARBARA, MD lC) 9300 Stockdale Hw¥ '~500 (661)822-3241 SANMO. USCUN) lC) Bakerstield (661)822-1260 1041 N Chma Lake BI ,~B Bakersfield BELLINGHAUBEN, REAGAN, MO 1830 Flower St ~66t 1323-59f 8 2212 Truxlon Ave Rid(Jecrest ~661 )663-7650 IMERHL) lC) Bakersfield 3550 Q St ~'~03 Bakersfield (760)446-6404 ParIic~patin0 hospitals may 2215 Truxton Ave (800~962-3303 Bakersfield (6611323-591B BAUGHMAN, SHERILYN MD lC) atso provide ~his se,vice Bakersfield DONG, CHRISTOPHER, MD (661)32!-9396 3550 Q ST r?03 · [661 )327-337f iKERNM) lC) HARDY, SAMUEL. MO (WESTSi 8akersheld 20 2215 G SI Parlic[paling ,qospitals may 2215 Truxtun Ave 1830 Flower St iC~ (661)321-9396 Bakersfield also provide this se~ce Bakersfield Bakersfield 420 34th St 4580 California Ave 166t)324-1312 (661)325-0825 (800)962-3303 Bakerslield Bakersfield BINDER. WILLIAM. MO RONSTEEL. ALAN. MD (COLDS OOWNIE, ROBERT. MD (OESVA. ~661)325-0825 (661)32;'.4411 2323 t6tn SI ,~400 AHMAOIAN. NAVIO. MO (PLUMA. JOHNC. PLUMA, SANR0. KERNM) lC) 6501 Mag Ave LEE. MARCUS. MO (EMANU. BakersfieLd SOUIN, SOUIN TUOLU. WESTS) t830 Flower St Bakersheld SANCO) (661)324-4725 t ID E North 110 E Nort~ Bakers/ield (66!)397-4004 Mind,inn. Falwanese CROWLEY, JEFFREY. MD Taft Taft (800)962-3303 HASTA, FAKHRUDOIN. MD 3550 Q St ',20 (BAKER, KERNM) (C) (925)462-9040 (925)462-9~40 4580 Cahforma Ave (GOOHO. KENYA, MERHL, 8akershe~d Frencl~ AKHONDZ,ADEH, MONAD, MO 110 E North SI Bakersfield SANCO) ~661 )321.9363 6101 Commerce Dr ~'101(TEHAC) Taft (661)327-4411 20960-B Sage Ln LINTON. RONALO. MO Bakerslield 115 W E St (6611326-0825 DUERR, KARL, MD Tehacnap~ 22~5 Truxton Ave [661 )327.3756 Tenacna~h 8RAOBURN. CHRISTOPHER. DO F~enc.~. German. IMllan. 1661 )822-1260 Bakersfield ELBAUM, DAVIO. MD IBAKER) (661 ~822-3241 (KERNM) Portuguese. Bpani$i~ 22f2 Truxton Ave (661)327-3371 lC) ALEXANOER. RAYMOND, MOBpam$~'~ 110 E Norlh Bakersfield 3505 Jean St 2323 16th S~ ~204 2212 Truxton Ave Ta~ (661)323-5918 Bakersfield (COMMI. LOSCO. MOUCO, Bakersfield Bakersfield RORER) (925)462-9040 3550 Q St ~103 (661)832-2600 {661)322-5333 1 f 5 W E SI (661)323-59 i 8 Bakershelo GUNTER. JEFFREY, MO (RIDGE) Tehac,qapi 3550 O St *¢I03 OURCK, CRAIG. O0 LIPPMAN. NICOL, MO (CENTI, Bakersfield 1081 N China Lake Rd 16611321.9396 KERVA. SANPE) lC) lC) (661)822-3241 (661)321*9396 R,dgecrest HEER. JAGDIPAK, MD (KAWEA. S~ams~ Spamsn ALMKLOV. ROGER MD (BAKER, (760)446-0652 KERNM, SANCO) lC) 2212 Truxton Ave 20211 Valley BI BRAN. HARINDER, MO (GEORG. 1830 Flower SI Bakersfield Tehachap~ WESTS) lC) TEHAC) ELLIS. PETER. MD (MERHL) lC) (661 )823-7546 420 34th SI 115 W E St 2215 Truxton Ave Bakersfield (66!)323-5918 6621 Lake lsat)ella BIBakersfield Bakerslield (800)962-3303 3550 O St Tehachapi Bakersfield Lake Isabella (661)325-0825 {661 )822-3241 (661)327-3371 HOGAN, CHRISTOPHER, MO(661)321-9363 (760)379-3376 ALVAREZ. ARMANDO, MD P 0 Box 1900 420 34fh SI (RIDGE) lC) 4580 California Ave 801 Downs St ~B (MERHL) Tehachapi Bakersfield 1081 N Chma Lake Rd Bakerstie~d Ridgecrest S~an~sh (661)822-3241 (661)325-0826 Ridgecrest (66I)327-4411 (760)384-2592 820 341h St #102 EMILIA. EDGARDO, MD (LOSCO. (760)446-3551 Bakerslield BROWN, LEROY, MO (TEHAC) 110 E Nodh St MALCOLM, DOUGLAS. MO JAFFER, SAEED, MO (661)325-6334 115 W E St STFME. TEHAC) Tall (DELAN, MEMME, MEMOR. Indian/Hindi. Bpani$1), Urdu Tehachapi 115 W E SI 8101 Commerce Dr ~101 AMMARI, RAZAN, MO (ANAGE. (661)822-3241 Tehachapi (805)763-4211 TULAR) {C) 1217 71h St Bakersfield ENCTA, GARDE, SHERM. (661)822-3241 HUMPHREY, KENNETH, MO Wasco ~0 (661)327-3756 SFLUK) lC) CARDENAS, ALFON60, MD Arabic, Armenian. Russian, (KERNM) FAGAN, PHILIP, MD (BEARV, (KERVA, SUTMC) lC) (661)758-4184 LUU, TRAMI, MD (UCLAM) lC) Spanish 2215 Truxton Ave OANFR, GLEME, GOOSA. 2615 Eye St Bakersfield MARTINEZ, DENNIS, MO 2131 19th SI 110 E North St Bakersfield QUEEN, ROBER. TEHAC) lC) (661)323-5918 (MERHL) lC) Bakersfield Taft (661)327-3371 Spanisl) 2215 Truxton Ave 116 E E Si NYOEN. RALPH. MD (VICTO) lC) Bakersfield (805)324-2151 (805)763-4211 CARMAN, llMOTHY, MO Tenachapi 2215 Truxton Ave (661)327-3371 MACDUFF, MICHAEL, MD 115 W E St (TEHAC) (661)822-3241 Bakersfield {MERHL) (C) Tellachapi Span/s# 2215 Truxtun Ave 2215 G SI (661)822-3241 1 t 5 W E St FARBER, LESLIE, MD (KERVA) (661)327-3371 Bakersfield Bakersfield 8ALIKIAN. MANUEL. MD Tehachapi 6412 Laurel Ave JARAMILLO, ANDREW, MO (661)325-0825 (661)324-1312 (GEORG. TEHAC) lC) (661)822-3241 Lake Isabella (DOCME. MEMME, TEHAC) lC) 2530 Dracena RIDGECREST DERMATOLOGY115 E E St CHASE DENNIS E~RERG MED (760)379-2681 115 W E St Bakersfield 801 Oowns St IB Tehachapi GRP FARBEN, MICHAEL, MD Tehachapi (661)323-4065 0 Ridgecrest (661)822-3241 1081 N China Lake Rd Spanish (661)822-3241 MAY, LANCE, MD {760)384-2592 BARNES, ROBERT. MD (MERHL) Ridoecrest 820 34th St 1102 KAEHLER. MARK, MD (TEHAC) 1 f0 E North St Bakersfield 115 W E St Taft TAHERI, DAN, MD (CEDAR, lC) (760)446-1551 (661)325-6334 Tehachapi (805)763-4211 CENTU. ENCTA) lC) 110 E North St COLE, DYAN, MD (TEHAC)FELIX, FRANCIS. MD (LODIM) (661)822-3241 115 W E SI Persian/Farsi Taft 115 W E SI 1111 N China Lake BI (661)325-0825 Tehachapi t 10 E North St 2215 Truxton Ave Tehachapi Ridgecrest (66f)822-3241 Taft Bakersfield (661)822-3241 (760)446-4571 {805)763-4211 (661)327-3371 I, NOTE: See Page VI for Hospital Codes (AAAAA) and Page V for Board Certification I IMPORTANT: Please verify that the provider select is a Prudent Buyer PPO provider at the I~¢atlon where you will receive care (see first page ol directory for details). you 9 EMERGENCY MEDICINE continued MC GUIRE, GEORGE, MO PARKER, MALCOLM, MD SABBAH. CHARLES, MO TOBIAS, JOSHUA, MO (KERNM) 110 E North St DAVIS. BRAOLEY, 00 (KERNM) 1081 N China Lake Rd (MEMME, MEMOR, RIDGE, (COMHO, LOMUN) 1830 Flower St Taft Ridgecrest TEHAC) (C) fl 5 E E St Bakerslield (66f)325-0825 Spanish (760)446-0652 110 E North St Tehachapi (800)962-3303 2300 Truxtun Ave BROWN, RALPH, MO ICLOVL Bakersfield MCCOWIN, JOSEPH, MO Taft (661)822-3241 TRAMMEL. CHARLES, O0 COMFR) (CI (661)631-1513 (MEMME) (C) (805)763-4211 SCHM]OT, KEVIN, OD (BAKER, (ALHAM} Spanish 2215 Truxton Ave 115 W E St KERNM, SANC0) (C) 4580 California Ave 110 E North St GELTORO, JORGE, MO (BAKER. Bakersfield Tehachapi (661)327-337 f (661 )822-3241 20960-8 Sage Ln Bakersfield Taft MERHL, SANCO) Tehachapi (661)327-4411 (805)763-4.211 Spamsh 6401 Truxtun Ave MCPHEETERS, RICK, DO PARKS, CHRISTOPHER, MO(66f)822-1260 WIGGINS, OAVIO, MO (GOOHO. CARLSON, ARTHUR, MD Bakersfietd (KERNM) (C) (MERHL) 2212 Truxton Ave KERNM) (OELAN) {661)322-2273 110 E North Spanish 8akerslield Spanish 145 Kern Ave ' Taft 820 341h St ~I02 (661)323-5918 2215 Truxton Ave Mc Fafland OEOL, SHIVINDER, MO (BAKER, Bakersfield 3550 Q St ,f103 (925)462-9040 (661)325-6334 Bakersfield (661)792-2149 GOOHO. MERHL, SANCO)(C) ! 10 E North St Bakersfield (661)327-3371 4000 SIockdale Hwy #D TaP( PETERSON, RONALD, DO (661)321-9396 CHANG. FRANK, MO (BAKER. Bakersfield WILKINSON, LEE, MO (C)MERNL. SANCO) (C) (661)325-7452 (661)325-0825 (XERNM, WESTS) (C} SEMINARIOHUAMAN, OSCAR, 2615 Eye St Mandarin 1830 Flower SI f 10 E North MD (DELAN) Bakersfield 2828 E!/e St 01XON, JAMES, MO (RIOGE) (C) Bakersfield Taft Spanish (860)962-3303 (925)462-9'040 1425 Main St (661)327-8943 Bakersfield 1111 rd China Lake BI (661)327-3091 Ridgecrest MENSlNK, JArd, MO (GOOSA. 2215 Truxton Ave Poland WILLEY. PATRICIA, MO (SUTMC) 614 Bernard St (760)446-4571 KERVA, LANCA. QUEEN) Bakersfield (661)725-3772 If 5 E E St Bakersfield Tehachapi D000, BARBARA, DO (GOOHO. 115 E E St (661)327-3371 SHELLANS, STEPHEN, MO (66f)327-3091 2215 Truxtun Ave (661)822-3241 KERNM) Tehachapi (BAKER, TEHAC) (66f)822-3241 Bakerslield f f 5 W E St ZIEGER, CARSTEN, DO (FRENC} CHO. JOHN. MO 105 West E St/d 0 Box 1900 Spamsh Tehachap~ (661)325-0825 Tehachapi {C) f I00 Fourth St (661)823-7070 METTA, PAUL. MD PETERSON, ROY, MD (KERVA, (661)822-3241 2215 Truxtun Ave 2215 Truxtofl Ave Taft 2041 Belshaw Ave Bakersfield MERHL) (C) 2215 Truxtun Ave Bakersfield (661)765-5044 (661)327-3371 20960-8 Sage Ln Bakersfield (661)632-5000 2t 01 7th St ,CB Mojave(661i824-45t 1 Tehacnapi (66 f)632-5000 3505 Jean S~ ZURCHER, RAYMONO, MD Wasco Bakersfield (661)822-1260 420 341h St (KERVA) (C) 1661 t758-2263 0OWNS. BRIAN, 00 (661)832-2600 2212 FruxtOn Ave Bakersfield French 277 E Front St Spamsh 8767 Hall Rd Bakersfield (661)325-0825 20960-8 Sage Ln Bu~lonwillow MOIRE, LAURA, MD iKERVA) (6611323-5918 Lamont SHOWAH, HENRY, MO (C) Tenacnap~ (66 t ) 754-5211 6412 Laurel Ave 2215 Truxton Ave 420 34~n St (6611822-1260 1661)845-3731 Lake Isabella Bakersfield CLAIBORNE, RONNIE, MO (760)379-268! (661)327-3371 Bakersfield 2212 Truxton Ave DUHRA, GURJEET, MO (KERVA i661)325-0825 Bakersfield (BAKER. GOOHO. TEHAC, RICGE) lC) WESTS) MOLL, ERIC, MO (C) 3550 Q St .~103 6501 Ming Ave - (661)323-5918 Ind/an/Hindi $~anlsh Ba~ersheld S~,anlsh 104~ N China Lake BI 2215 Truxton Ave (661)321-9396 Bakersheld 3550 Q S: .~103 2023 Truxtun Ave Rldgecrest ~661)39;'-4004 Bakersfield Bakersfield ~;60~446-7978 Bakersfield PEI"~INGER. CLAIR, MO (BEARV SrdULL. CHARLES. MO (COLCH (6611321-9396 (66l)323-2295 2212 Truxton Ave (661)632-5275 DESVA, VICTO) (C) 4580 Cahfornia Ave ,~t00 2201 Alta Vista Dr Bakersfield 4580 Calilornla Ave 115 W E SI MOUCO, RIDGE) Bakersfield Bakersfield Bakersfield Tehacnapl 1061 N China Lake Rd (661)327-4411 )661t323-5918 Ridgecrest 1661 )633-9651 3550 Q St (661)327-44~! (661)822-3241 (760)446-0652 223 Chma Grade Loop Bakersheld MORGAN. VAUGHN. MO PHAM. MICHAEL. MO (KERVA) Bakersfield SINGH, PRAOEEP. MO (ANTEL L661 ~321-9363 (MERHL) Vietnamese ALI. ASHMEAD. MO (ANTEL.(661)215-5500 LANCA) (C) FADEFF, CHRIS. MO (BAKER. 2215 Truxton Ave 29960-8 Sage Ln 4580 California Ave Bakersfield Tehac~lapi lnd~an,H~nd/. S~amsh LANCA) Bake[slield MERHL) (661)327-3371 (661)822-1250 1081 N China Lake Rd 20960-B Sage Ln (661)327-4411 1005 SIme Rd w'200 2215 Truxtun Ave ' 2212 Truxton Ave Rrdgecrest Terlachapl Baxersheld Bakersfield Bakersfield (760)446-3551 [661)822-1260 COLE, DYAN. MO (TEHAC)lC) 15611398-7246 (661)325-0825 (661)323-5918 SHYOER, DONAL0. MO (WESTS) 2212 Truxton Ave I15 W E SI 500 Old River Rd ~105 MOSHFEGH. MOU6SA, MO 3550 Q SI 1 t0 E North SI Bakersfield Tenacnapi (BELLF. BROTM, CEDAR. Bakersfield Tart (661)323-5918 1661 )822-3241 Bakersfield !66~ )664-0473 GREAT, MIDWA. SUBUR, (661)321-9363 (661)325-0825 3550 Q St al03 COMELLI, RUBEN. MD (BAKER FERGUSON, WILLIAM, MO WESTS, WHIT'F) 3550 Q St ~103 2631 Fashion Pi SA Bakersfield KERNM MERHL. SANC0) ici PersianiFarsi Bakersfield Bakerslieid (6611321-9396 Sflamsh iRIOGE) [C) 110 E North (66I)321-9396 (661)632-5170 9350 N LOOp Bi 2!01 7Ih SI ~A 1041 N Chma Lake BI #B Caldorma City Wasco Rldgecrest Taft 4300-A Birch St SORENSON, VERNON. MD (760)373-1256 (661)758-2263 (760)446-6404 (925)462-9040 Lake isabella (BAKER, MERHL. WESTS) (C) ALVAREZ. ARMANDO, MO 277 E Front St FISCHER, JULIE. MO (C) 1 I0 E North St (760)379-1690 420 341h St Taft PURCELL, THOMAS, MD Bakersfield (MERHL) (C) Bultonwdlow 4580 Calilornia Ave (66f)325-0825 (XERNM) (C) (661)325-0825 Spamsh (661)764-5211 Bakersfield 820 341h St ~I02 320 James St (661)327-4411 MOWRY, GEORGE, MO (CLOVI, 1830 Flower St 6501 Ming Ave Bakersfield Shafted' SUTSO) (C) Bakersfield 8akerslield GARCIA-MARTINEZ, MARIA, MD Sflamsh (800)962-3303 (661)397-4004 (6611325-6334 ~661 )746-9194 4580 California Ave ~100 (BAKER, GOOSA, MERHL ANDERSON, GENE, MD (BAKER. Bakersfield SANCO) (C) 2530 Oracena REILLY, THOMAS, MO {KERVA) SVERCHEK, JAMES, MD MERHL. SANCO) (C) (661)327-441 f Bakerslield (C) (KERNM) (C) 6401 Truxtun Ave 2615 H St (661)323-4065 Spanish 1830 Flower St Bakersfield COUSIN. LUIS, Mo (BAKER Bakersfield NEWELL. PETER. MD .20960-B Sage Ln Bakersfield 110 E North Tehachapi (800)962-3303 (661)321-3466 MERHL. SANCO) {C) (661)635-3000 Spanish GENSTLER, PAULALAN. MO 8ARNARD. MARION, MD 5397 Truxtun Ave (MERHL) (C) Taft (661)822-1260 SWANSON. PAUL, MO (BREAC. (BAKER. MERHL. SANCO) fO) Bakersfield (925)462-9040 2212 Truxton Ave K ERVA, SUTSO) (C) 2215 Truxton Ave Bakersfield 2121 rdiles St (661)327-5058 NGUYEN, KHOA, MD (KERNM, (661)323-5918 20960-8 Sage Ln Bakersfield Bakersfield Te~achapi 6401 Truxtun Ave SANCO) 3550 O St ~'103 (661)325-1255 (661)327-3371 2615 Eye St Bakersfield (661 )822-f 260 Bake~fiefd 2215 Truxtun Ave Bakersfield (661)321-9396 2212 Truxton Ave BAUER, RANOY. MD (DESVA) (C) (661)322-2273 Bakersfield (661)323-5918 4580 ~lifomia Ave Bakersfield 2215 Truxton Ave DAGOAGAN, MARK, MD (OELAN) (561)325-O825 3550 Q ~101 Bakersfield (661)323-5918 Bakersfield (C) HAGEN. ROBERT, MD (BAKER, Bakersfield ~ 3550 Q St ~I03 (661)327-3371 7agalog MERHL, SANCO) (C) (66t)323-5918 (661)327-4527 8akerslield SECKORO, BRUCE, MD (HIDES. 1120 Kensington ROSBRUGH, JAMES, MO (C) (661)321-9396 MOUCO. NATIV, RIDGE, Oelano Spanish OSTROM, RONALD, DO {KERNM) 2215 Truxtun Ave 6412 Laurel Ave TEHAC) (C) (661)721-7961 177 Aviation St ShaPer 2616 Eye St Bakersfield ~ke Isabella ! lS W E St DALEY, PATRICK, MD (BAKER, (661)391-'4530 Bakersfield (66f)325-0825 (760)379-2681 Tehachapi MERHL, SANCO) (C) HALLER-WABE, TINA, DO (661)323-5918 2530 Dracena TAYLOR, GREGORY, MO (661)822-3241 Spanish .(KERNM) (C) 3550 Q St Bakersfield (MOUCO, NORIN, VfCTO) (C) BONSTEEL, ALAN, MD (COLUS, 820 341h St/~202 Bakersfield (661 }323-4065 8akerslield 3545 Mount Pinos Way (661)323-5918 2215 Truxton Ave JOHNC, PLUMA, SANRO, Frazier Park Bakersfield . SOUIN, TUOLU, WESTS) (661)323-9090 (661)245-3773 (661)327-337! 110 E North 4580 California Ave Taft Bakersfield (925)462-9040 (661)327-4411 NOTE: See Page VI for Hoapi,....__,.m.,~..m~tal Coded (AAAAA) and Page V.~,.~m,m~er Board Certification I IMPORTANT: provider you selocl a Buyer PPO provider at the location where you wiff receive care (see first page of directory for details). Please that the Prudent 10 FAMILY PRACTICE continued 1NM) HEIDRICK, JOHN. DO (RAKER. 8787 Hall Rd PESCHE, MARK, DO (MERHL WILDENBERG, HOPE. MO CHANDRASEKARAN, RAMANI, JAGPAL, XULDEEP, MO (SANCO MERHL, SANCO) lC) Lamont TEHAC) lC) (RIDGE) MD (BAKER, OELAN. MERHL) SIEVl) Spanish (661)845-3731 20960 Sage Ln 1041 N China Lake BI Soanisl? Indian/Hindi Tehachapi Ridgecresl 1205 Garces Hwy//306 201 New Siine Rd ~130 6001 D I'ruxtun Ext//400 MILLER, JOHN, MD (KERNM) lC) (661)821-0199 (760)446-7978 0elano Bakersfield Bakersfield Spanish (661)725-7211 {661)396-8900 (661)638-2280 1830 Flower St PETERSON, ROY, MO (KERVA, WITZEL EVERET, MO lC) 232316Ih St//205 212019th St ~KER, H61SS, RICHARD, MD (BAKER, Bakersfield MERHL) 1041 N China Lake RI Bakersfield Bakersfield MERHL SANC0) lC) (661)326-2191 20960-0 Sage Ln Ridgecrest (661)631-2433 (661)323-2020 Spanish 2201 Mt Vernon Ave//211 Tehachapi (760)446-7978 CHI. JENSEN, N~O (DEi. AN) 2615 Eye St 5000Id River Rd d145 Bakersfield (661)822-1260 YOKOYAMA, LARRY, MO Ja~anese, Mandann, Spanish Bakersfield Bakersfield (661)872-7000 2212 Truxton Ave (BAKER. SANC0) 1205 Games Hwy ~204 (661)395-3000 (661)664-(]212 MITCHELL, ANOREW, MO Bakersfield 25300racena Oelano 6000 Physicians 01 AKER, HELPER, STEPHEN. MD {BAKER, (KERVA. SANPE) (661)323-5918 Bakersfield (661)725-7244 Bakersfield O) (C) MERHL) (C) Soanfs# 2215 Truxton Ave (661)323-4065 (661)322-4744 Spamsh 2024 Young Ave Bakersfield 820-341h St #102 CLAIBORNE, BONNIE, MO 3941 San 0Jmes St ,~I03A Lake Isabella (661)327-3371 Bakersfield (BAKER. GOOHO, TEHAC, JOSEPH, 8RADLEY. MO (BAKER, Bakersfield (760)379-5611 3550 Q SI//103 (661)326-8989 WESTS) MERHL, SANC0) ,El lC) (661)327-9528 4560 Calilornia Ave//100 Bakersfield Spanish 2619 F St HOOVER, GERALD, DO (SANR0) Bakersfield (661)321-9396 YOUNG, JOHN, MO (BAKER, 2023 Truxtun Ave Bakersfield · MERHL) lC) 8akerslield (661)327-4003 {C) (661)327-4411 REMMES, MICNELLE, MD 500 Old River Rd ,~155(661)323-2295 JOTHIKUMAR, THANKARAJAM, Spamsh MORASCA. GARY, DO (BAKER, (BAKER. MERHL. SANCO) lC) Bakersfield 2201 Alta Vista Dr MO (RIOGE) 3550 Q St SANCO) (C) S~anish (661)664-1230 Bakersfield OHO. Bakersfield 4580 California Ave ~100 3807 Union Ave ,~B Spamsh '900 (661)321-9363 , Bakersfield Bakersfield (661)633-9651 1535 N China Lake BI ,~'A-B HOROWITZ. KlM, MD (TEHAC) (661)327-4411 (681)324-2423 223 China Grade LDO0 Ridgecrest Bakersfield (760)446-1691 ICl MORGAN. VAUGNN, MO ROBERTS. DOUGLAS. MO (661)215-5500 2041 Belshaw St (MERHL) lC) (RIDGE) lC) REINHART, GLENN, MD 4580 California Ave KlM. J00, MD (GODHO. MERHL. MOlaVe 2215 Truxton Ave 1111 N China Lake BI Spanish Bakersfield SANG0) 1661 )824-4511 Bakersfield R~ogecrest 20262181 St #8 (6611327-4411 Korean. Spamsi? 4580 California Ave ~100 2079? Santa Lucia St (661)327-3371 (780)446-4571 Bakersfield ~Fe~ac~api 2215 Truxtun Ave SALL, RICHARO, MO (661)328-5565 CONROY, JAMES. MO Bakersfield 4580 California Ave ~'100 (661)327-4411 (661)822-8105 Bakersfield 115 W E St 8akerstietd 9905 8ace St HUERTA. FIOEL, MD (CLOVI. ~66 )325-0825 Tehac~ap~ ~66h327-a411 Bakersfield KERNM) MUZSNAI, DOMINIC, MO (SIMIV) 1661)822-3241 ACEVEOO. ALBERTO, MD DANIEL. CHRISTINE. MO (6611831d 1(]0 £RVA. 1111 Coium0us St lC) 8EMINARIOHUAMAN. OSCAR, {DELAN) ~ENCTA, HUNTI) KOCSI8. TAMA8. MD (SANC0) Bakersfield Hun(Tarian, Romanian. Spanisl? MO IDELAN~ Spamsn Itlhan Spanrsfl Hungarian [66:)326-6500 3550 G SI Soamsh 1205 Garces H',W ~'205! 15 W E St 815 Lakeview Ave tM. JAMES, MO 1BAKER. Bakersfield 1425 Maln SI Oelano Tehacnap~ Bakersfield XERNM) lC) {661)321-9363 0elano [661)721-3530 ~66h822-3241 {6611322-3905 Korean NAOLER. JACK. MO (KERNM) lC) (66~)725-3712 ALVAREZ. CARLOS. MO (BAKER OEJESU8. JOSE. MO IANTEL MARTINEZ, LUIS, MO 5i5 W Colum0us SI rB 67 Evans Rd 61NGH, PRAOEEP, MO (AN?EL, MERHL. SANG0) LANCAt Spamsn Bakersfield Woltord He,giltS LANCA) lC) Soamsl? Soamsn. 7a(~a/og 54(] 1 Wh~le Ln (661)861-8282 (760)376-2276 Ind~an, Hindi, S~)anisl? 10420 Man St 2947 S~erra Hwy 6akersheld ISAACS, R08ERT. MD NEUFELO. RAMON, MO (BAKER 1081 N China Lake Rd Lamonl Rosamond (661)838-4000 Soamsn MERHL) (C) Rlclgecresl (661)845-0108 (661)256-1219 M01NI, JASMINE. MO (BAKER. 223 Chma G~ade Loo~) 500 Old River Rd r105(760)446-3551 5401 White Ln BakersfieLd Bakersfield SRIVASTAVA, SHACHI, MDBakersfield FL0RES. DONALO. MO (DELANi FOUNT. HUNBE. MERHL) ~661~631-9455 (6611664-0473 ~BAKER) (C) i661)836.4000 1317 Mare St %300 Old R~ver Rd ~1 I0 KAEHLER.(c) MARK. MD (TEHAC) NEWBROUGH,(BAKER, MERHL)STEPHEN'(c) MO Bakersfield5000lO River R~I #155 Sflamsn. Tagalog (661)725-4811 1661 )665-0184 118 W E St 232316th St ~405 217 W Kern Ave GARCIA, LAWRENCE, MD MOON, JONG, MO (GOOHO. Ter~achap~ Bakersfield (861)664-1230 MC Farland (KERNM) SANCO) (661)822-3241 (661)321-3288 TANGPRAPHAPHORN. VIBUL, (661)792-3038 Sflamsh Korean. Soamsn 2215 Truxlon Ave 5397 Truxlun Ave MO (WESTS) lC) AMMARI. RAZAN, MO {ANAGE 8787 Hall Rd 406 James St Bakersfield Bakersfield Mandarin. 7hai ENCTA. GARDE, SHERM. Lamont S~lafter (661)327-3371 (805)322-2273 109 A(~kisson Way STLUK) (661)845-3731 (661)746-5788 3 2215 Truxlun Ave Taft AralJ~c, Armenian, Russian. GREGORY. JACK, MO 4580 California Ave ~I00 Bakersfield O'CONNELL, PATRICK, MD (861)765-4124 Spanlsi? Bakersfield (661)325-0825 (BAKER. MERHL) lC) 110 E North SI 3861 Slockdale Hwy KUB0, CALVIN, MO (BAKER, Bakersfield6401 Truxtun Ave TAYLOR.spanishBRUCE. DO lC) Taft Bakersfield (661)327-4411 MERHL, SANCO) lC) (661)327-1431 8787 Hall Rd (805)763-4211 (661)837-9200 OGNIBENE. CHARLES, MD Spanish Lamont 115 W E St GRIFFIN, ARTHUR, MO (BAKER. (ANTEL 'rEHAC) 500 Old River Rd//270 O'DONOGNUE, DONALD, MD (661)833-2000 Tehachapi KERNM, SANCO, WESTS) 105 West E SUp O Box 1900 ',A, MD (668akers0eidl)664-0252 (RlOGE)French TERRY. KYLE, MO (DELAN) (C) (661)822-3241 TafttO8 Adkisson Way Tehacha!oi 400 Reeves Ave//200 Spanis/1, Tagalog 8ARROZO, FIg MO (TEHAC) (661)823-7070 tL, LUCERO, DAVID, MO (INLAN. Ridgecrest 1303 Jefferson St Spanish (661)765-2173 2041 Belshaw Ave RANCH) (C) (760)446-2700 Oelano 105 w E St P 0 Box 1900 4580 California Ave ~'100 Moiave 1400 Chester Ave//J (661)720-9111 Tehaci~api Bakersfield (661)824-4511 Bakersfield PARK. YOUNG. MO (BAKER, (861 )822-3241 (661 )327-4411 (661)327-4100 MERHL SANCO) lC) THORPE. MICHAEL, MD (BAKER. i 15 W E St HELSTON, RAYMONO. MO OLSEN. GARY, MO (TEHAC) lC) llSWESt Korean MERHL, SANCC) lC) Tehachapi (G00HO, GOOSA, SANCO) lC) Tehachai)i ID LUSK, 0AVID, MO (RIDGE) 232316th St//200 6401 Truxtun Ave (800)627-9314 French, German. Spanish (661)822-3241 I111 N China Lake BI Bakersfield Bakersfield 2041 Belshaw Ave P 0 Box 760 1701 271h St Ridgecrest (661)327-5667 (661)322-2273 Mojave Bakersfield 20693 Valley BI (760)446-4571 4580 Californma Ave//10O TIWANA, AJITPAL, MO (RAKER. (661)824-4511 (805)335-0878 Tehachapi MA00ELA, VINCENT, MD Bakersfield GOOHO. MERHL, SANCO) lC) DELLA. GEORGE, MD (RAKER. 2201 Alta Vista Or (661)822-0583 (BAKER. MERHL SANCO) lC) (661)327-4411 tndian/Hindi Bakersfield PARK, YOUNG. MO (BAKER, Ta~alo~ PATEL, MINAL, MD lC) 2635 G St GOOSA, MERHL, SANCO) Spanish ' (661)633-9651 MERHL, SANCO) 1524271h St//201 8787 Hall Rd Bakersfield 3535 San Dimes SI//12 2330 Truxtun Ave//A Korean KER, Bakersfield Lamont (661)325-5513 Bakersfield Bakersfield 23231601 SI//200 (661)326-1600 (661)845-3731 WASHINGTON, STEVEN, MD(661)327-2583 (661)322-4476 Bakersfield 6401 Truxtun Ave Bid90 4580 Ca6fomia Ave 2353 N Chester Ave (661)327-5667 Bakersfield PATEL, PRAGAI1, MO (BAKER, Bakersfield BERRY, PAUL. MD (WESTS) Bakersfield 4580 California Ave #100 (661)322-2273 MERHL, SANCO) 100 E North St (661)391-5640 Bakersfield 2808 F St//A (661)327-4411 Taft (661)327-4411 MASON, KRTRRYN, MI) Bakersfield WHITEHURST III, RICHARO, DO (661)763-3141 HIEBERT, BRYAN, MO (KERNM) (KERNM) (Gl (661)327-4731 (RIDGE) lC) lC) RUCKER. BURNETT, MD 146 N Hill St CARBONELL, ANTONIO, MDSpanish 20960-8 Sage Ln Arvin PERSRAOSINGH, HRRRIHAR, Spanish (MERHL, SANCO) lC) 4580 California Ave//100 Tehachapi 1081 N China Lake Rd (661)854-8131 MO (KERNM) Ridgecrest Spanish. Tagalog Bakersfield (661)822-1260 601 California Ave Spanish (760)446-3551 5401 White Ln (661)327-4411 2212 Truxton Ave 0 Bakersfield 2201 MI Vernon Ave//211 Bakersfield Bakersfield (661)323-6086 Bakersfield (661)836-4000 (661)323-5918 (661)872-7000 NOTE: See Page VI for Hoapital Codes (AAAAA) end Page V for Board Certifl¢etlofl GENERAL PRACTICE continued 3550 Q St ALAM, SYEO, MO (BAKER, 432-8 Lexington Ave BUSCH, RICHARD, MO (BAKER, DE JESUS, HECTOR, MD (BAKER. GOLDBERG, LEONARD, MD (C) Bakersfield GOOHO, MERHL, SANCO) (C) Deiano KERNM) KERNM, MERHL: SANCO) (C) 3737 San Oirnas St ,~101 (661)321-9363 Spanish (661)725-7818 German. Spanisft Spanish Bakersfield 3737 San Dimas St ~102 2201 Mt Vernon Ave/211 2128 Truxton Ave SALMASSI, SADEGN, MD Bakersfield BANSAL, HADHEY, MD (DEL.AN) (661)327-5037 Bakersfield Bakersfield AraPic.(DEL'AN'lranian SANCO) (C) (661)327-3747 Indian/Nindi(C) (661)872-7000 (681)323-3280 GODNESINGHE, IRESHA, MD (RIDGE) (C) 1005 11th Ave ALI, ASHMEAD, MD (ANTEL, 432-C Lexington SI CABRERA, JUAN MARIA, MD (C) DELLICA, ROSEMARIE, MD 900 N Heritage Dr Dido E Delano LANCA) (C) Oelano Tapalog (BAKER) (C) Ridgecrest (661)725-5877 20960-B Sage Ln (661)725-7793 1215 Jefferson St Tagalog (760)446-3355 SEYDEL, JERRY, MD (BAKER, Tehachapi BARROZO, FIL, MD (TEHAC) Delano 507 W Columbus St MERHL, SANCO) (601)822-1260 Spanish (561)721-7080 Bakersfield GOPAL, RAJ, MD (C) 4001 Union Ave 13 2212 Truxton Ave 105 W E St P 0 Box 1900 2101 7th St ,lB (661 328-7070 Indian/Hindi Bakersfield Bakersfield Tehach~pi Wasco 2110 Truxtun Ave (661)323-5918 (661)756-2263 OHARMARAJA, PRITHVIRAJ, Bakersfield 3550 Q St ~103 115 W E St 277 E Front St (681)861-9000 (661)822-3241 MD (ANTEL LANCA, RIDGE) {661)323-8384 TAYLOR, BRUCE, DO Bakersfield Tehachapi Buttonwillow (Cs¢)anish, Tagalog GORENBERG. ALAN, MD Spanish (661)321-9396 (800)621-9314 (661)764-5211 1535 N China Lake BI IB (ARROW, CESVA, STBER, 8787 Hall Rd 9350 N Loop BI 2041 Belsflaw Ave P 0 Box 760 CARTMELL, ALAN, MD (BAKER. Ridgecrsst STMME. VICTO) (C) Larnont California City Moiave KERNM, MERHL SANCO) (C) (760)446-2196 Spanish 1111 N China Lake 61 (661)833-2000 (760)373-I 256 (661)824-4511 6501 Truxtufl Ave DON MICHAEL,  ALIABADI, DAVID, MD (ENCIN, 6ARUIZ, ALTAGRACIA, MD Bakersfield TANTRIMUOALIGE, MD (760)446-8265 Ridgecrest ENCTA, GBANA, HENRY, (BAKER, GOGHO, SANCO) (C) (661)322-2206 (BAKER, MERHL, SANC0) (C) Referral required, piease see NORCE, NORHO, PROHO, Spanish, Tagalog CASTANAREB, ARACELI. MO French. German, Spanish GRIFFIN, ARTHUR. MO (BAKER, page IV SHERM, VALPR) (C) 507 W Columbus St (BAKER, MERHL, SANCO) (C) 5343 TnJxton Ave KERNM, 9ANC0, WESTS) GLINN & GIORDAN0 PHYSICAL Persian/Farsi. Spanish Bakersfield Spanish, Tagalog Bakersfield 109 AdkJsson Way THERAPY INC 1111 N China Lake BI 507 W Columbus St (661)283-6670 Ridgecrest (661)328-7070 Taft (681 )765-2173 1201 23rd St (760)446-4571 8EIN, MARSHALL, MD (CENTU, Bakersfield OOUGHERTY, DAVID, MD 4580 Caflfornia Ave ~100 8akersfield STJHL, UCLAM) (C) (661)328-7070 (BAKER, MERHL, SANC0) (C) Bakersfield (661)327-4357 ALJM, MUHAMMAD, MD (BAKER, 1111 N China Lake BI CATANIA, RO6ERT, MO (C) 2323 16th St (661)327-4411 2701 Calloway Dr MERHL, SANCO) (C) Ridgecrest 6001 Truxtun Ave f300 Bakersfield Bakersfield Indian/Hindi. Urdu (760)446-4571 Bakersfield (661)323-6102 GUPTA, RAMESH, MD (BAKER, (661)589-9~68 6001 A Truxtun Ave #100 KERNM, SANCO) (C) Bakersfield BELLIHGHAUSEN, PAMELA, MD (661)322-2413 DOWNIE, ROBERT, MD (DESVA, Indian/Hindi HERITAGE PHYSICAL THERAPY (661)323-5300 (KERNM) (C) CHANDBASEX,~,RAN, HAMANI, KERNM) (C) 1902 B St 982 N Norma St Sl~anish MD (BAKER, DELAN, MERHL) 1830 Rower St Bakersfield Ridgecrest ALVAREZ, C~RLOS, MD (BAKER, 2201 Mt Vernon Ave/211 Spanish Bakersfield (661}327-4455 (760)446-3611 MERHL SANCO) Bakersfield 1205 Garces Hwy 1306 (800)962-3303 Spanish PAIR & MAROTTA PHYSICAL 10420 Main St (681)872-7000 Delano 4580 California Ave GWlNUP, GRANT, MO (KERNM} THERAPY Larnont 6ERNARDINO, RICAROO, MO (661)725-7211 Bakersfield (C) 5337 Truxtun Ave (661)845-0708 (BAKER, OELAN, SANCO) 2323 16th St 1205 (661)327-4411 2215 Truxton Ave Bakersfield 5401 White Ln Spanish. Tagalog Bakersfield Bakersfield · (661)324-0122 Bakersfield 4580 California Ave (661)631-2433 00ZIER, EMANUEL, MD (BAKER, (661)327-3371 MERHL SANCO) 3505 Jean St SEQUOIA PHYSICAL THERAPY (661)836-4000 Bakersfield CHANG, JAMES, MD (BAKER, 2129 17th St Bakersfield (661)327-4411 MERHL, BANCO) (C) Bakersfield (681)832-2600 20418 Brian Way AMIN, NAVINCXANORA, MD 714 Main St Mandarin, Taiwanese (661)859-2211 TehachaDi (BAKER. KERNM) (C) Oelano 3550 O SI #103 4580 California Ave 1100 HABI6. MD. MOKSEDUL, MD (661)822-5483 2201 Mt Vernon Ave/211 (805)721-2220 Bakersfield (BAKER, SANC0) (C) SOUTHCOAST REHABIUTAT10N Bakersfield Bakersfield AS$OC (661)872-7000 BERRY, MARTIN, MO (BAKER, (661)316-8888 (661)327-4411 535 W 341h St Bakersfield MERHL) (C) CHEN, CHUNG-I~NARG, MD DREW, STANLEY (C) (661)324-4100 1800 West'wind Or 1101 ANDERS, ALPHA, MD (BAKER. 3737 San Oirnas St 1101 (KERNM. MERHL, SANCO) (C} 4580 California Ave t100 Bakersfield HEABA, MERHL, BANCO) (C) Bakersfield Mandarin HALLER-WADE, TTHA, DO (661)327-4685 2801 Chester Ave Bakersfield THERASPORT Bakersfield (661)327-5037 4580 California Ave t100 (661)327-4411 (KERNM) (C) Bakersfield 3545 Mount Pinos Way 3700 Gosford ~G (661)633-5474 6HAMBI, 8RUESH, MD (BAKER. (661)327.4411 EMILIA, EDGAROO, MD (LOSC0, Frazier Park BANCO) (C) STFME, TEHAC) ',C) (661)245-3773 Bakersfield ARUNASALAM, SIVA, MD 2210 Truxtun Ave CHO, KAIKEI, MD (BAKER, 115 w E St 4580 California Ave 1100 (661)832-9737 (BARST, CEDAR. DESVA, Bakersfield KERNM, MERHL SANC0) (C) Teflachapi WESTERN REHABILITATION STMME. VICTO) (C) (661)323-8384 Cantonese Bakersfield ASSOCIATES Spanish 2323 16th St 1504 (661)822-3241 (661)327-4411 337 S 10th St tG 1111 N China Lake 81 BHANG00, $JtRUPINDER, MO Bakersfield FANG, TZANN, MD (C) HANSA, SAHAPHUN, MD Taft Ridgecrest (BAKER, MERHL SANCO) (661)323-6102 Mandarin. Taivranese (BAKER. MERHL, SANCO) (C) (661)763-4194 (760)446-4571 4580 California Ave t100 500 01(~ River Rd/205 1925 17th St  AWAD, YOUSSEF, MD (LONME, Bakersfield CHOUOHARY, RANJIV, MD Bakersfield Bakersfield STMAR) (C) (661)327-4411 (ANTEL. GOOSA, LANCA) (C) (661)663-0443 6001-8 l'mxtu n Ave/260 Indian/Hindi (661)327-5301 AraPic ABALO$, ARTURO, MD (OELAN) 741 Palm Ave Bakersfield 119 S Gold Canyon St FARINHA, PEDRO. MD (RIDGE) 20211 Valley BI Spanish. Tagalog Wasco (661)322-5900 Ridgecrest (C) Tehachapi (760)371-4557 1111 N China Lake BI (661)327-5301 1004 14th Ave (661)756-2263 6HAROWAJ, MANICK, MD Ridgecrest 5001 Comerce Dr Oeiano (681)725-5676 BABER, SALM~, MD (BAKER, (BAKER. MERHL, SANCO) (C) CORDER, MICHAEL, MO MERHL SANCO) (C) 2808 F St IA (KERNM) (C) (160)446-4571 Bakersfield ABRAHAM, JENNIFER, MD 3550 Q St 1301 Bakersfield 4580 California Ave 1100 FEMZARTA, FRANCO, MD (661)327-5301 . (KERNM) (C) Bakersfield (661)327-4731 Bakersfield (KERNM) (C) NASTA, FAKHRUDDIN, MD Spanish (661)321-3161 4580 California Ave #100 (661)327-4411 Tagalog (G00HO, KERVA, MERHL 3550 DSt t 303 & t304 SANCO) (C) 2201 Mt Vernon Ave t211 Bakersfield CORNFORTH, DONALD, MO Bakersfield 20966-9 Sage Ln Bakersfield BAKER, WILLIAM, MD (BAKER, (661)327-4411 (SANCO) (661)324-1455 Tehachapi (661)872-7000 MERHL) (C) Spanish 3900 San Oirnas St BOULDOUKMN, KEVORK, MD 2615 Eye St 820 341h St/202 (661)822-1260 AHMED, MUSHTAQ, MO (BAKER, Bakersfield (BAKER, KERNM, KERVA) (C) Bakersfield Bakersfield 2212 Truxton Ave BANCO) (C) (661)322-3087 AraPic, Spanish, Turkish (661)324-1455 Bakersfield Indiarvl-/indi 3550 Q St #103 (661)833-3688 3737 ,~ Dimas St ti 02 BAUKIAN, MANUEL, MD Bakersfield COSNER, LAWRENCE, MD FERGUSON, EARL, MD (C)' (661)323-5918 1041 N China Lake BI tB 3550 O St 1103 Bakersfield (GEORG, TEHAC) (C) (661)321.9396 (RIDGE) (C) Ridgecr~st Bakersfield · .- (661)327-3747 115 E E St 515 W Columbus IA 1111 N China Lake BI AL-HAGAN, MOHAMMAD, MD Tehachapi Bakersfield Ridgecrest (760)446-6404 (661)321-9396 (HAZEL MADER. STLOU) (C) {661)822-3241 (661)496-6951 (760)4464571 FRANCIS, ROBERT, MD (RIDGE) HELPER, SUSAN, MD (BAKER, Arabic 6ARERJEE, SUPHATIM, MD 6401 Tmxtun Ave · OARDEN, IVY, MD (COMFR, (C) MERHL) (C) 110 E North (BAKER, KERNM, MERHL. Bakersfield * ' ' SIEKI) (C) 1111 N China Lake'81 3941 San Dirnas St #103A Taft SANCO) (C) (661)322-2273 Spanish Ridgecrsst Bakersfield (925)462-9040 1830 Rower St BROWN, EOWARD, MD 4580 California Ave !I00 (760)446-4571 (661)327-9528 115 W E St Bakersfield (GOOHO, MERHL, SANCO) Bakersfield GILLI, WILLIAM, MD (BAKER, IIERRIOTT, DALE, MD (BAKER, Tehachapi (661)326-2200 Spanish (661)327-4411 KERNM, MERHL) (C) MERHL, $ANCO) (661)822-3241 2011 Truxtun Ave 2145 Niles St Spanish Spanish Bakersfield Bakersfield 6001-8 Truxtun Ave/220 1925 17th St (661)631-5544 (661)327-5984 Bakersfield Bakersfield 2531 G St (661)326-6372 (661)326-7797 Bakersfield (661)327-7348 NOTE: See PaDe V1 for Hospital Codea (AAAAA) and PaDe V for Board Certification lease verify that the provtder you select m a Prudent Buyer PPO provider at the location where you will receive care (see first page of directory for details). INTERNAL MEDICINE continued 3, MD (C) HEWITr, JOHN, MO (BAKER, LEE, JO, MD (BAKER, KERNM, 432-B Lexington Ave 4580 California Ave ti 00 REILLY, THOMAS, MO (KERVA) SHARMA, SA#JIV, MD (SANCO) KERNM, MERHL) (C) MERHL, SANCO) (C) Oelano Bakersfield (C) (C) 1524 271h St f305 Korean (661)725-7818 (661)327-4411 Spanish Indian/Hindi, Spanish Bakersfield 4580 California Ave 1100 MEMON, MUHAMMAD. MO PATEL, RAVINDRANATH, MO 20960-B Sage Ln 2110 Truxtun Ave Bakersfield Tehachapi dA. MO (661)325-1312 Bakersfield (KERVA. LONME, STFME, (BAKER, KERNM, MERHL, (661)822-1260 (661)323-8384 HSU, KENNETh, MD (BAKER, (661}327-441 f $TFRA) (C) $ANCO) (C) 2212 Truxton Ave SHIENER, ALAN, MD (ENCIN. )~dg E MERHL SANCO) (C) LIN, MIKE, MD (KERNM) (C) Urdu 6501 Truxtun Ave Bakersfield ENCTA, GRANA, NDRCE, Taiwanese Mandarin. Taiwanese 2212 Tmxton Ave Bakersfield (661)323-5918 NORH0. PROHO, SHERM, 3535 San Dimas t8 67 Evans Rd Bakersfield (661)322-2206 3550 Q St t103 VALPR) (C) Bakersfield Wofford Heights (661)323-5918 PATEL VIJAYKUMAR, MD Bakersfield 1111 N China Lake BI (661)322-2329 (760)376-2276 3550 Q St (OELAN, GOOHO) (661)321-9396 Ridgecrest NUNDAL, NIRBHAI, MO (EMANU} UPPMAN, NICOL, MD (CENTI, Bakersfield Spanish 4580 California A've (760)446-4571 (C) KERVA, $ANPE) (C) (661)321-9363 432 Lexington St ~ Bakersfield Indian/HindL Urdu Spanish MUI, BYRON, MD (BAKER, Oetano (661)327-4527 SHIUE, SHYI-TANG, MD (BAKER. MERHL, SANCO) (C) ,YlO 4580 California Ave 2212 Truxton Ave MERHL SANCO) (C) (661)725-7793 REYNA, ANA, MO (TEHAC) 1700 C St ~TBER, Bakersfield Bakersfield 2222 19th St 8787 Hall Rd Spanish Bakersfield .) (661)327-4411 (661)323-5918 Bakersfield Lamont 276 S Mill St ~ (661)325-2640 3550 G St (661)328-0800 (661)845-3731 Tehachapi IBHIMORI, TErsuo, MD (BAKER, Bakersfield . 81 MERHL) (C} (661)321-9363 MUKHOPADNYAY, MADAN, MD PAUL, JACQUEUNE, MD (661)822-3519 SHUKLA, PANILM, MD (MERHL, 2110 Truxton Ave 4580 California Ave , (BAKER, KERNM, MERHL, (KERNM) (C) 4580 California Ave t100 . SANCO, SOUIN) (C) Bakersfield Bakersfield SANCO} (C) French. Spanish Bakersfield Indian/Hindi, Spanish 6501 Truxtun Ave 815 Lakeview Ave (661)327-4411 3717 Mt PloDS Way ID (BAKER, (661)323-8384 (681)327-4411 Frazier Park Bakersfield Bakersfield IESTS) JOHNSON, ROYCE, MD (BAKER, MADOOX, DENIS, MD (BAKER, (661)322-2206 (661)322-3905 ROBIN, JACOB, MD (ENCIN, (661)245-2387 KERNM) (C) KERVA, MERHL, 6ANCO) ENCTA, GRANA, HENRY, 6401 White Ln Spanish 2030 Truxton Ave MUNNANGI, SIVAKUMAR, MD PE[NADO, ALBERT, MD (MERHL) NORCE. NORHO, PROHO. Bakersfield 1830 Rower St Bakersfield (C) 2323 16fi~ St 1504 SHERM, $TLUK, VALPR) (C) (661)836-4000 ; ~100 Bakersfield (661)326-I 100 1205 Games Hwy/202 Bakersfield German. Spanish (661)326-2200 Oelano (561)323-6102 1111 N China Lake BI SHULL, VERNON, MO (RIDGE) 2201 Mt Vernon Ave/211 MADHAVAN, SETHU, MD (661)721-7275 PEREZ, JOSE, MB (BAKER. Ridgecrest (C) } (BAKER. Bakersfield (ANTEL, LANCA) (C) KERNM, MERHL) (C) (760)446-4571 720 N Norma St IA C) (661)872-7000 Indian/Nindi MUNOZ, AUGUSTINE. MD Ridgecrest 12500 Boron Ave IA (BAKER. KERNM) (C) Spanish SABBAH, CHARLES, MD (760)384-1010 JOSEPH, BRADLEY, MO (BAKER, Boron Spanish 2201 Mt Vernon Ave/211 (COMHO. LOMUN) (C) MERHL SANCO) (760)762-5111 2201 Mt Vernon Ave t211 Bakersfield 115 E E SI SlNGH, MARBIR, MO (DEI.AN) 2619 F St Bakersfield (681)872-7000 Te~achapi (C) Bakersfield MAORILEJO, NELSON, MD (661)872-7800 6001-8 Truxtun Ave 1220 (661)822-3241 733 3rd St (KERNM) (661)327-4003 (BAKER, MERHL, SANCO (C) Bakersfield Mc Farland 3550 Q St 1 303 & ~304 HAIR. 8HYAM, MD (BAKER, (661)325-6372 SNNI, GURSHARAN, MD (661)792-3097 JUNG, JOHNSON. MO (BAKER. Bakersfield SANCO) (C) (BAKER. DEI. AN. GOOHO, MERHL, SANCO) (C) (661)324-1455 1240 S China Lake 81/2 PHAM, MICHAEL. MO (KERVA) MERHL. SANCD) (C) SINGH, SATINDER, MO (BAKER. 815 Lakeview Ave 820-34Lh St/102 Ridgecrsst Vietnamese Indian/Hindi. Spanish MERHL SANC0) 20960-B Sage Ln 2323 16th St t304 Indian/Hindi, Swahili Bakersfield Bakersfield (760)371-7600 Tehacnapi Bakersfield 2011 19th St (661)845-3731 (661)326-8989 NARANG, YARVINOER, MD (661)822-t 260 (661)324-8163 BakersfieM 820-34th St 1102 Bakersfield MANU, RAJEEV, MD (KERNM, (BAKER, SANCO) (C) 2212 Truxton Ave SARKIES, NADIM. MD (BAKER, (66!)323-8159 Indian/Hindi Bakersfield ~UL, MD (661)326-8989 MERHL, SANCO) (C) 1205 Games Hwy/203 SANCO} (C) 8PAETH, MARTA, MD (INLAN. t9~2 B St (66t)323-5918 Arabic MERHL) Detano 3550 G St C) KALOAS, NADER, MD (C) Bakersfield (661)725-6910 5000 Physician BI 1300 516-A W Colum0us St Arabic (661)327-4455 Bakersfield Bakersfield Bakersfield 4580 California Ave 1100 1524 271h St tt50 (661)321-9363 (661)325-7000 (661)633-9080 Bakersfield MASTER, CONSTANTINA, MD Bakersfield 3550 Q St t103 ,, DO (661)327-4411 (BAKER. MERHL SANCO) (C) (661)633-2541 Bakersfield SAWAL, SONIA, MO (KERVA) (C) SRI, JAEPJUAR, MO (LANCA) (C) Greek KANTHN(UMAR, KANTRIAH, 1925 17th St NI2AR, HOWARD, MD (BAKER, (661)321-9396 Tagalog Spanish Way MD (ANTEL, LANCA) Bakersfield MERHL, SANCO) (C) 4300-A Biml~ St 12424-B Mt Mesa Rd 4580 California Ave t100 Spanish (661)327-5301 3941 San Dimas St 1102 Lake Isabella Lake IsabeLla Bakersfield 16914 Hwy 14 Bakersfield (760)379-1690 (760)379-5631 (661)327-4411 4580 California Ave 1100 9278 N' Loop 81 ,, 1100 Mojave MATUK, NLEEN, MD (661)324-6~93 NABBAN, JOSEPH, MD (BAKER, Bakersfield California City (661)824-6282 2323 16th St t500 KARUNAKAR, ARSR, MO Bakersfield OLIVER, KERRY,.MO (BAKER, MERHL, SANCO) (661)327-4411 (760}373-4809 MD (KERNM) (C) (661)327-8651 KERNM. MERHL, SANCO) (C) 3941 Ban Oimas St 1102 Spanish Bakersfield SHAH, ARVINO, MO (KERNM, STRATEGOS, EMMANUEL, MD ~ANCO) (C) Spanish MAY. LANCE. MD (C) 2215 Troxton Ave (661)324-6593 MERHL SANCO) (C) (BAKER, MERHL) (C) 2201 Mt Vernon Ave/211 110 E North St Bakersfield 620 341h St Greek Bakersfield Taft (661)632-5000 RAGLANO, ALAN, 00 (BAKER, Bakersfield 3900 San Olmos KERNM, MERHL, SANC0) (C) (661)324-4721 Bakersfield (661)872-7000 (805)763-4211 3001 Sillect Ave 2201 Mt Vernon Ave t211 (661)322-3087 KAl'Z, ALBERT, MO (CEDAR, 115 W E St Bakersfield Bakersfield SHAH, MUKUNO, MO (ANTEL ENCZN) Tehachapi (661)000-0000 (661)872-7000 LANCA) (C) STRATEGOS, STEPHEN, MD 3737 San Dimas St ll 01 (661)822-3241 EANGlUNAN, FLORENCIO, MB 4580 California Ave li00 1517 N Downs (BAKER, KERNM. MERHL) (C) Bakersfield MC GUIRE, GEORGE, MD (BAKER, MERHL, SANCO) Bakersfield Ridgecrest Greek (661)327-5037 1081 N China Lake Rd {760)446-7714 3900 San Olmos Tagalo([ (661)327-4411 Bakersfield KENI, ARUN, MO (BAKER, Ridgecrest 1916 17th St SHAKESPEARE, EARY, MO ~1, MO MERHL SANC0) (760)446-0652 Bakersfield RATNAYAKE, SAMAN, MD (661)322-3087 ~IERHL, 511 W Columbus MCNAMARA, NANCY, MD (661}322-7309 MERHL)(BAKER' (c)KERNM' MEMCE, (BAKER,1609 28thMERHL'st tA SM{CO) (C) SURI,.ATUL, MO (BAKER, Bakersfield (BAKER, MERHL, SANCO) (C) EATEL, MIHIR, MO (ANTEL, 2128 Truxtun Ave Bakersfield DELAN, MERHL $ANCO) (C) (661)395-1085 2828 H St IG LANCA) Bakersfield (661)321-3750 Indian/Hindi KlM, JAE, MD (BAKER, MERHL, Bakersfield Indian/Hindi (661)323-3280 2021 22nd St 290 A Main St $ANCO) (661)327-2932 12500 Boron Ave IA 6001-B TnJxtun Ave/220 Bakersfield Buttonwiilow Boron Bakersfield (661)633-2229 (661)764-5955 Korean, Mandarin MEDINA, MIGUEL, MD (ANTEL, (760)762-5111 620 341h St 4580 California Ave I100 LANCA) (661)325-6372 SNAMASUNOER, Bakersfield Bakersfield . Spanish PATEL, RJUENONA, MO (BAKER, RAVI, NANOAKUMAR, MO HEEARAGHATI'A, MD (661)324-4721 (661)327-4411 1517 N Downs MERHL, SANCO) (C) (BAKER. MERHL, SANCO) (C) (ANTEL. HIDES, LANCA) (C) 565 Kern St Ridgecrest India/v1.1indi 1902 B St 1517 N Downs TAM, CHARLES, MD (BAKER, Shafter (760)446-7714 6001 D Truxtun Ext 1400 Rldgecrest ' OELAN, MERHL SANCO) Bakersfield Bakersfield (661)327-4455 (760)446-7714 2520 L St 3 (BAKER, (661)746-4937 MEHTA, ARIL. MO (BAKER, (661)638-2280 ' Bakersfield KOTARAC, JACQUELYN, MD GOOHO, MERHL, SANCO) (C) 6001-0 Tmxtun Ext 1400 REDDY. MALLADI, MO (BAKER, SHAMBAUGH, SHAWN, MD (805)328-9500 ,t 1103A (BAKER) (C) Indian/Hindi Bakersfield KERNM, MERHL SANCO) (C) (BAKER, KERNM, MERHL TRAMMEL, CHARLES, DO 3941 San Olmos St if103-B 3941 San Olmos St ~104 (661)638-2273 Spanish SANCO) (C) (ALHAM) Bakersfield Bakersfield 2110 Truxtun Ave 6501 Truxtun Ave O (BAKER, {661)322.3225 (661)322-8466 PATEL, R Jori, MO (BAKER, Bakersfield Bakersfield 4580 carifornia Ave Bakersfield KUSNEL, STEVEN MD (GRANA, MEHTA, VIRAL, MD (BAKER, GOOJO, HEABA, MERHL, (661)323-8384 (661)322-2206 · (~61)327-4411 ' SANCO) (C) SNARKERMAN, ROBERT, MD (C) MEMGA, NORHO) {)ELAN, MERHL SANCO) [C) Indian/Hind/ 110 E North Ind~an/Hindl, Spanish 2615 H St . Spanish Taft 2011 Truxtun Ave Bakersfield 3550 Q SI # 303 & 1304 (925)462-9040 Bakersfield Bakersfield (661)631-5544 (661)635-3008 (661)324-1455 NOTE: See Page VI for Hoapltal Codee (AAAAA) and Page V foe Board CertlflceUon INTERNAL MEDICINE continued TRUONG, DAVE, MD (KERVA. ZELLER. LAWRENCE, MD GOPAL, RAJ, MD (C) REDOY, MALLADI, Mn (BAKER, GWINUP, GRANT, MD (KERNM) MADHAVAN, SETHU, MD WESME) (C) 2120 19th St Indian/Hindi KERNM. MERHL, SANC0) (C) 2216 Truxton Ave (ANTEL, [ANCA) (C) French. Vietnamese Bakersfield 2110 Truxtun Ave Spanish 1902 B SI (661)323-2020 Bakemfield Bakersfield Indian/Hindi Bakersfield 2110 Truxtun Ave (661)327-3371 12500 Boron Ave #A (661)327-4455 (661)323-8384 Bakersfield 3505 Jean SI Boron HABIB, MD. MOK$EOUL. MD {66f)323.8384 Bakersfield (760)762-51 ! I · TU, SHANE, MD (BAKER, (BAKER. SANCO) (C) RUBIN, JACOB, MD (ENCIN, (661)832-2600 KERNM. MERHL, BANC0) (C) 535 W 34th St MANU, RAJEEV, MD (KERNM, ENCTA. DRANk. HENRY, REWITr, JOHN, MO (BAKER, MERHL, BARCO) (C) 6501 Truxtun Ave Bakersfield NORCE, NORHO. PROHO. KERNM, MERHL) (C) 1902 8 St Bakersfield SEIFERT, MARK, MD (ENCIN, (661)324-4100 SHERM, GTLUK, VALPR) (C} 1524 271h St t305 Bakersfield (66 f)322-2206 ENCTA, GRANA, HENRY. ' ISHIMORI, TETSuo, MO (BAKER, German. Spanish Bakersfield (661)327-4455 VALDEZ, ANTNONY, MD (BAKER. NORHO. PROHO, SHERM, f 111 N China Lake Bi MERHL. SANCD) (C) VALPR} (C) MERHL) (C) (661)326-f312 Spanish 1111 N China Lake BI 2110 Truxtun Ave Ridgecrest · MEHTA, ANIL, MO (BAKER. 3807 Union Ave #B Ridgecrest Bakersfield (760)446-4571 MASTER, CONSTANTINA, MO GOOHO, MERHL. SANCO) (C) Bakersfield (760)446-4871 (661)323.8384 SAWAL, BONIA, MD (KERVA) (BAKER, MERHL, BARCO) (C) Indian/Hindi (661)324-2423 K~RIMIAN, BIAMAK, MD Tagalo~ Greek 3941 San Dimas St//104 t925 17th St Bakersfield VANOERHOEK, CORNELJS, MD (BAKER, DE[AN) (C) 12424.8 Mt Mesa Rd Bakersfield (661)322-6466 Lake Isabella (RIDGE) (C) Persian/Far~i. Turkish (760)379-5631 (66f)327-5301 1111 N China Lake BI 2011 Truxtun Ave MUNNANGI, SIVAKUMAR, MI) ~ Ridgecrest ALIABADI, DAVID, MD (ENCIN, Bakersfield 4580 California Ave//100 SRIUE, SHYI-I'ANG, MD (BAKER, (C) (760)446-4571 ENCTA, GRANA. HENRY, (661)631-5544 Bakersfield MERHL, SANCO) (C) 1205 Games Hwy//202 NORCE, NORHO, PROHO, 432-8 Lexington Ave (661)327-4411 1700 C St Oeiano Bakersfield (661)721-7275 VEGA, RICARDO, MD (BAKER, SHERM, VALPR) {C) 0Bland BEIFERT, MARK, MD (ENCIN, (661)325-2640 GOOHO, MERHL. SANCO) (C) Persian/Farsi, Spanish (661)726-7818 ENCTA, GRANA. HENRY, RAHAL, PARAMVIR, MD (BAKER, 6001 A Truxtun Ave//f00 1111 N China Lake BI KARUNAKAR, ARSR. MO NORHO. PRORO, SHERM, YENOKIDA, GORDON, MO IL) OELAN. MERHL SANCO) (C) Bakersfield Ridgecrest (KERNM) (C) VALPR) (C) 4580 California Ave//100 Indian/Hindi (661)323-5300 (760)446-4571 S~anish 1111 N China Lake BI Bakersfield 1205 Garces Hwy WALES, DIRK, MO (C) ARUNASALAM, SIVA. MO 2201 Mt Vernon Ave ~I 1 RidBecrest (661)327-4411 Deiano 4580 California Ave//fO0 (OARST, CEDAR, OESVA. Bakersfield (760)446-4571 (661)721-1200 2323 16Ih SI ~300 Bakersfield STMME, VICTO) (C) (661)872-7000 SHARMA, BANJIV, MD (SANC0) Bakersfield (661)327-4411 Spanish KUMAR, VIN00. MD (BAKER. (C) WALKER, SUSAN, MO I t 1 f N China Lake 61 MERHL, SANC0) lndian/Hindi. S~anish (661)323-1200 Ricigecrest 525 34th St 2110 Truxtun Ave RAVI, NANDAKUMAR, MD 2631 Fashion Pi//A (760)446-4571 Bakersfield CATANIA, ROBERT, MD (BAKER. MERHL, BARCO) (C) Bakersfield Bakersfield (661)632-5160 RABER, BALMA, MD (BAKER, (661)324.4100 (661)323-8384 6001 TnJxtun Ave ~300 1902 B St 400 0Id River Rd MERHL, SANCO) (C) LEE, TOMMY, MO (BAKER. ENCTA, GRANA. NORCE. (661)322-2413 (661)327-4455 8HIENER, ALAN, MD (ENCIN, Bakersfield Bakersfield Bakersfield 3550 O St//301 MERHL. SANC0) (C) (661)632-5160 Bakersfield Cantonese. Mandarin NORHO, PROHO. SHERM, MADRILEJO, NELSON, MD TRUONG, RAVE, MD (KERVA, WARSAW, TERRY, MO (TEHAC) (661)321.3161 3550 0 Bt ~'301 VALPR) (C) (BAKER, MERHL, SANC0) WESM6) (C) $~anish BANERJEE, SUPRA'rIM, MD Bakersfield 1111 N China Lake 61 3560 0 $l t 303 & ~'304 French, Vietnamese 20211 Valley 8l )BAKER, KERNM. MERHL. (661)321-3161 Ridgecrest Bakersfield 1902 8 St Te~achapi BARCO) (C) MAODOX, OENIS, MD (BAKER, (760)446-4571 (661)324-1455 Bakersfield (805)822-5544 1830 Rower St KERVA. MERHL BARCO) SINGH, SARABJIT, MO (BAKER. 820-341h SI ~'*,02 (661)327.4455 WEBER, HANS, MD (HEMET, Bakersfield 2030 Truxlon Ave MERHL. SANCO) (C) Bakersfield ..... STJHL) (C) (661)326-2200 Bakersfield Indian~Hmdi (661)326-8989 German 2011 Truxtun Ave (661)326-f100 2323 16th St ~305 VANDERHOEK, CORNELIS, MD 4580 California Ave Bakersfield Bakersfield (RIOGE) Bakersfield (661)631-5544 MCNAMARA, NANCY, MD (661)327-0807 1111 N China Lake BI PAUL, JACQUEUNE, MD (661)327-4411 432-8 Lexington Ave (BAKER. MERHL, SANC0) tO) TAM, CHARLES, MD IBAKER. Ridgecrest (KERNM) (C) Oelano 2828 H St//G (760)446-4571 French. $12anish WEN, CHUN-YUEH, MD (BAKER, (661)726-7816 Bakersfield DEI.AN. MERHL. BARCO) 815 Lakeviaw Ave MERHL. BARCO) (C) (661)327.2932 2520 L St BakersBeld Mandarin. S~anish 8EZDEK, WILLIAM, MD (BAKER, Bakersfield (661)322-3905 2303 171~ St MERHL. BARCO) (C) MEHTA. VIRAL, MO (BAKER, (805)326-9500 Bakersfield 1524 271h St//150 0ELAN, MERRL, BARCO) (C) WEN, CRUN-YUEH MO (BAKER. BHAIKA, HARPAL, MD (GOOHO, SHAH. ARVIND, MD (KERNM, (661)322-1931 Bakersfield Indian/Hin~i. S~anish , MERHL SANCO) (C) WIENER, STUART, MO (RIDGE) {661)323-5976 2011 Truxtun Ave MERHL BARCO) (C) MERHL. BARCO) (C) 620 34th SI Bakersfield Mandarin. Spanish (C) BHAMBI. BRIJESH, MD (BAKER. (661)631-5544 2303 17th SI 2323 16th St ~401 Bakersfield 1041 N China Lake BI 18 SANCO) (C) 432-B Lexington Ave Bakersfield Bakersfield (661)324-472f RidgecresI 2210 Truxtun Ave Oelano (66f)322.1931 (661)323-8874 SRI, JAERAJAH, MO (LANCA) (C) BROGAL, RABINDER, MD Sl~anish (760)446-6404 Bakersfield (661)725-7818 WOLF. ANDREAS, MO (ANTEL) 4560 California Ave/100 WILKINSON, LEE, MD (C) (661)323.8364 RAIR, BHYAM, MD (OAKER, (C) (BAKER, KERVA. MERHL, 2615 Eye SI CROUDHARy, RANJIV, MD BARCO) (C) German, Spanish SANCO) (C) BakersBeld f 111 N China Lake 81 2323 16th St//401 (661)327-44f I Bakersf)eld (ANTEL, GOOSA, LANCA) (C) f240 S China Lake BI ~2 Ridgecrest Bakersfield 9278 N Loop BI . ' ..: (661)327.8943 IndianXHin#i Ridgecrest California City 119 S Gold Canyon St (76~)371-7600 (760)446-4571 (661 )324-I 203 . WOLF, ANDREAS, MD (ANTEL) Ridgecrest CHOWOHURY. TARASSUM, MD (760)373-4809 (C) (760)371-4567 NALOS, PETER, MD (BAKER, (BAKER, KERNM, MERHL, VANOERNOEK, CORNEUS, MD German, Spanish KERNM. I(ERVA, MERHL, SANC0) (C) (RIDGE) (C) 1111 N China Lake 81 OESAI, KIRIT, MD (BAKER, SANCO, TENAC) (C) 2323 16th ,St 1401 1111 N China Lake 81 ~ · : RidgecresI SANCO) (C) 2f 10 Truxtun Ave ALAM, SYEO, MO (BAKER, Bakersfield Ridgecrest ·" (760)446-4571 21 f0 Truxtun Ave Bakersfield GOOHO, MERHL. SANCO) (661)324.1203 (760)446-4571 ' ' · Bakersfield (66f)323-~384 Spanish WONG, CAROLINE, MD (BAKER. (661)323-8384 OHARMARAJA, PRITHVIRAJ, DELAN, MERGE, BARCO) (C) RARANG, YAOVINDER, MD 3737 San Dimas St #102 MD (ANTEL, LANCA. RIDGE) Spanish DON MICHAEL, (BAKER, BARCO) {C) Bakersfield 5030 Office Park Or tA TANTRIMUDALIGE, MD Indian/Nindi (661)327-3747 (C) Spanish, Tagalog CARTMELL, ALAN, MO Bakersfield (BAKER, MERHL BARCO) (C) f 205 Garces Fhvy ~203 ANOERS, ALPHA, MD (BAKER. ! 535 N China Lake 61 #B' KERNM, MERHL, RANCO) (661)323-2847 French, German. Spanish Delano HEABA, MERHL, BANCO) (C) Ridgecrest 5343 Truxton Ave (661)725-6910 2801 ChesterAve (760)446-2196 650! Truxtun Ave .' ..-:: XU, lIND. MD (MEMME, MERHL, Bakersfield SANCO) (C) f52427thSt#fSO Bakersfield BakersBepd *' :. :..: ': :~ 4580 California Ave (661)283.6670 ~ Bakersfield (661)633-5474 GUPTA, RAMESH, MD (BAKER, (661)322-2206 :.,. :.',: KERNM, SANCO) (C) CHANG, JAMES MD 8AxER~' Bakersfield FERGUSON, EARL, MD (661)633-2541 BELUNGRAUBEN, PAMELA, MD Indian/Hindi (661)327-4411 f041 N CMna Lake Bi #B NYITRAY, WILLIAM, MD (BAKER, (KERNM) (C) f902 B St MERNL BARCO) (C} ~'.' YEH, CNENG*TSUNG, MD Ridgecrest MERHL. BARCO) $1~anish Bakersfield Mandarin, Taiwane~e: L;?'.~;,:';! (BAKER, MERHL, SANCO) (C) (760)446-6404 CZeCh 2201 Mt Vernon Ave//21 f (66f)327-4455 3550 O St fl 03 :. Bakersfield .-. ! .~' Mandarin, Spanish, Taiwanese GOONESINGHE, IRESHA, MD 2110 Truxtun Ave Bakersfield LIN, HUA-LUNG. MO (BAKER, (66f)316-8888 ". ,'?.~...~ 2323 16th St t102 (RIDGE) (C) Bakersfield (661)872-7000 Bakersfield 900 N Heritage Dr Bldg E (661)323-8384 MERHL, SANC0) (C) OREW, STANLEY (C) !d;?. (661)322-6078 Ridgecresf 420 34th St DAROEN, IVY, MD'(COMFR, 2225/9th Bt 4580 California Ave flO0 :: - YENOKIOA. GORDON, MD (C) (760)446-3355 Bakersfield $1EKI) Bakersfield 4580CalifomiaAvet100 (661)327-1792 Sl~anish (661)396-127! Bakersfield · :: ~ 4580 California Ave//100 " (661)327-4411 , .:?; : Bakersfield Bakersfield (661)327-4411 (661)327-4411 · :~', bJ '~;:~?',." NOTE: See Page VI for Hoapltal Codea (AAA.~A) and Page V for Board CerUflcatJon 14 where you will recmve care see fl'~l for detalia) INTERNAL MEDICINE - HEMATOLOGY continued ~ FANG. TZANN. MO SHAH. ARVINO. MD (KERNM. 2525 Eye SI #28 WEEDON. ROBERT. LCSW SLYKERMAN. KELLY. MFT Mandann. Taiwanese MERHL. SANCO) lC) Bakerslield 4560 CaJifornia Ave//435 1412 17Ih St//220 · ' 600 0Id River Rd//205 620 34th SI (805)375-7797 Bakersfield Bakersfield Bakersfield Bakersfield MASTER. CONSTANTINA. MD (661)323-0161 (661)324-1982 (661)563-0443 CARTMELL. ALAN. MD (BAKER. (66!)324-4721 (RAKER. MERHL. SANCO) (C) SOLBERG. PAULETrE. MIL RNM. FRANCIS. ROBERT. MD (RIDGE) KERNM. MERHL. SANCO) (C) SINGH. SATINDER. MO (BAKER. Greek 501 W Atkifls Ave lC) 6501 Truxtun Ave MERHL SANCO) 1925 17th St RidGecrest 1111 N China Lake BI Bakersfield Indian/Hindi, Swahili Bakersfield (760)446-4119 Ridgecresl (66f)322-2206 2011 19th St (661}327-5301 BREWER. LAURIE, MFT 3200 21st'St//101 TANNER. JOAN. MFT (760)446-457I CHANG. JAMES. MD (BAKER. Bakersfield MUNOZ. AUGUSTINE. MD Bakersfield 1412 17th St S//220 iR. MEDINA. MIGUEL. MD (ANTEL. MERHL SANCO} lC) (661)323-8159 (BAKER. KERNM) (661)395-1068. Bakersfield LANCA) Mandarin. Taiwanesa BURl. ATUL. MO (BAKER.Spanish (66I)324-1982 .CO) lC) Spanish 3550 Q St//103 0ELAN. MERHL. SANC0) lC) 2201 MI Vernon Ave #211 BREWER. LIA. MIL 1517 N Downs Bakersfield Indian/Hindi Bakersfield 503 6th St TURNER, UNDA, MIL :04 Ridgecrest (661)316-8888 290 A Main St (661)872-7000 Taft 1601 New Brine Rd//100 (760)446-7714 COSNER. LAWRENCE. MO Gutlonwillow SAINI. GURSHARAN. MO (661)765-0770 Bakerslield (661)322-4000 MUKHOPAOHYAY. MAOAN. MO IRIOGE) (661)764-5955 (BAKER. DELAN. GOOH0. CHRISTIANSEN. ANDREA. MIL ~1. MD (BAKER. KERNM. MERHL. 11 f I N China Lake BI620 34th St MERHL SANC0) lC) 5401 Business Park S//100 UNDERWOOD. JEANNE. MFT SANCO) Ridgecres! Bakersfield Indian/Hindi. Spanish Bakersfield 2025 Westwind Dr//3 2 6501 Truxtun Ave (760)446-4571 (661)324-4721 2323 16th St a304 (661)324-2911 Bakersfield Bakersfield FANG. TZANN. MD VANOERHOEK. CORNELIS. MO Bakersfield (661)328-1233 (661)322-2206 Mandarin. Taiwanose (RIDGE) lC) (661)324-8163 CLAYTON. GLENN. MIL 1601 New Brine Rd//100URIAS. GILLIE. MF-r (BAKER. PATEL. RAVINORANATN. MO 500 Old River Rd//205 1111 N China Lake BI SRIUE. SHYI-TANG. MD (BAKER. Bakersfield 1601 New Brine Rd//f 00 ,'0) (C) (BAKER, KERNM, MERHL. Bakersfield Ridgecrest MERHL, SANC0)(C) {661)322-4000 Bakersfield SANCO) (66f)663-0443 (760)446-4571 1700 C St (661)322-4000 6501 Truxtun Ave MEDINA. MIGUEL. MD (ANTEL. VARANASI. UMAMAHESWARA. Bakersfield EARNEST. KEVIN. MIL Bakersfield LANCA) MD )BAKER. OELAN. GOOH0. {661 )325-2640 1601 New Brine Rd//100VAIL. WILLIAM. MFT Bakersfield 15 W Yeager (661)322-2206 Soamsh KERNM. MERHL. SANC0) lC) VEGA. RICARO0. MO [BAKER. (661)322-4000 Edwards SHAH. MUKUND. MD (ANTEL. 1517 N 0owns 620 34th SI GOOHO. MERHL. SANCO) lC) (661)277-1184 Ridgecrest Bakersfield 6001 A Truxtun Ave 1100 ERICKSON. RICHAR0. MFT LANCA) (7601446-7714 f661 )324-4721 1601 New S~ine Rd #100WEtONER-ALVAREZ. LORI. MIL 1517 N Downs Bakersfield 1615 N Downs ;O Ridgecrest MUKHOPADHYAY. MADAN. MD WONG. CAROLINE. MD (BAKER. (661)323-5300 Bakersfield (661 i322-4000 R~dgecrest CO) (C) (760)446-7714 IBAKER KERNM. MERHL. 0ELAN. MERSE. SANC0~ (Cf YENOKIOA. GORDON MD ;C) (7601499-7448 SHAMASUNDER. BARCO) il) S~anlsh 4580 California Ave ~100 FRANK. ROBERTA. MFT HESARAGHAT'rA. MO 6501 Truxtun Ave 5030 Office Park Dr ~ABakersfield $oamsn WHITE. SYLVIA. MIL {ANTEL. HIDES. LANCA) (Cf Bakersfield Bakersfield (661)327-4411 22651 Shenandoah PI 5500 Ming Ave RVA. 1517 N 0owns (661 )322-2206 (661 )323-2847 Tehacnap~ Bakershela Ridgecrest PATEL. RAVINDRANATH, MD (661)821-(~888 ~66~ i834-8341 (760)446-7714 ~BAKER. KERNM. MERHL. NANSEN. OONNA. MIl WILCOX, CAROL. MIl SHAMBAUGH. SHAWN. MD BARCO) lC) 3200 2151 SI 1101 2200 Oak SI .~8 (BAKER. KERNM. MERHL. 6501 Truxtun Ave SANCO) Bakersfield AHMED. MUSNTAD. MD (BAKER. BERRY. MARTIN. MO (BAKER. Bakersfield Bakersfield MERHL) (C) ~661 )395-1068 1661 )325-3807 6501 Truxtun Ave ~66 i )322-2206 SANCO) (C) 3737 San Dimes SI .~101 KATZ. ETHEL. MFT Indlan/Hindi Bakersfield SHAH. MUKUNO. MO (ANTEL. 3737 San Dimes St ~102Bakershe)d lBdO Westw~nd Dr 1407 (661)322-2206 LANCAI (C1 Bakersfield (661)32;'-5037 Bakersfield NO1 all doctors are listed. TU, SHANE, MO ~BAKER. 1517 N 0owns (661)327-3747 GOLDBERG. LEONARD, MD ~Cl (6611324-2792 Please call the Medical Group KERNM MERHL. SANC0) Rldgecrest ALAM. SYEO. MO (BAKER.3737 San 01mas Bt 1101KRAUTER. COLLEEN. MIl to see il your doctor padici- 6501 Truxtun Ave 1760)446-77~4 GOOH0, MERHL, SANCO) [CI Bakersfield 1601 New Shne Rd ~100 pates Bakersheld 5HAMASUNDER. Spanl$i~ (6611327-5037 8akersf,eld BAKERSFIELD FAMILY MEDICAL ~661)322-2206 HESARAGHATTA. MD 3737 San O~mas St t102HSd. KENNETH. MO tBAKE~. (661)322-4O00 CENTER 4580 California Ave WILKINSON. LEE. MO (C)(ANTEL. HIDES. LANCA) lC) Bakersfield MERNL. SANC0) lC) KRIZ0. ALLENE. MIl Bakersfield {NM. 2615 Eye St 1517 N Downs (661)327-3747 Ta~wanese 2421 Haley St 118 (6611327.4411 Bakersfield R~dgecrest ALIM. MUHAMMAD. MD {BAKER 3535 San O~mas .~8 Bakerslield (661)327-8943 (760~446-7714 MERHL. SANCO) {C) Bakersfield (661)871-1081 CLINICA SIERRA VISTA 6 I5 Lakev~ew Ave SHAMBAUGH. SHAWN. MO Indian. Hindi. Urdu (6611322-2329 MELLON. MARGARET. MFT Bakersfield (BAKER. KERNM. MERHL 6001 A Truxtun Ave ~1100 MCCOR0. WILLIAM. MD 5500 MmG Ave ~210 (661)322-3905 'dCA) (C) SANCO) Bakersfield (BAKER. BROTM. DANIEl {C) Bakersfield 8787 Hall Rd 6501 Truxtun Ave (661)323-5300 French (661)834-8341 :]0 AMIR. NAVINCHANORA. MOBakersfield ANOERS. ALPHA. MD (BAKER. 3737 San O~mas SI ~101 Lamont (BAKER, KERNM) (C) (661)322-2206 HEABA. MERHL. BARCO) (C) Bakersfield MURPHY. JOHN. MIl (661)845-3731 2201 Mt Vernon Ave 1211 TU. SHANE. MD (BAKER. 2801 Chester Ave (661)327.5037 6001 Truxlun Ave 1160 0ELANO C0MM HLTH CfR Bakers/ield 1508 Garces Nwy//I Bakersfield KERNM. MERHL. SANCO) lC) Bakerslield WEBER. HANS. MO (HEMET. (661)323-6410 (661)872-7000 6501 Truxtun Ave (661)633-5474 STJHL) Deiano German PAULIN. EUGENE. MFT (661)725-4780 FELIZARTA. FRANCO. MD Bakersfield NANSA. SAHAPHUN. MD 4580 Califorma Ave 3402 Mt Pinos Way ORUMMONO MEDICAL GROUP ~. MO (KERNM) lC) (661)322-2206 (BAKER. MERHL. SANC0) lC) Bakersfield Frazier Park 111'1 N China Lake BI Taga/oq 1925 17Ih St (661)327-4411 (661)245-3456 35~0 dst 1303 &/304 Bakersfield RidGecrest 8akerslield (661)327-5301 PEVAR. ALAN. MIl (760)446-0265 (661)324-1466 20211 Valley BI 1601 New Stine Rd 1100FRITCH EYE CARE MEDICAL 820 34ih St//202 BAER. HAROLD. MD (BAKER. Tehachapi Bakersfield CENTER Bakersfield KERNM. MERHL. SANCO) (C) (661)327-5301 (661)322-4000 (661)324-1455 5030 Office Park Or//A5001 Comerce Dr CUMMINGS. RANDY. LCSW 9000 Ming Ave 5001E Commercenter Or 1255 REHKOPF. OANIELLE. MILBakersfield JOHNSON. ROYCE. MD (BAKER. Bakersfield Bakersfield :AKER, KERNM) lC) (661)323-2847 (661)327-5301 Bakersfield Sl~anish (661)665-2020 ~.0) Spanish KAZMI. HASHIM. MO (BAKER. HERRIO'TI'. DALE. MO (BAKER. (661)323-4199 3200 2151 St 1101 Bakersfield HIGH DESERT MEDICAL GROUP LARKIN. JOSEPH. LCSW (661)395-1068 2525 Eye St//29 1830 Flower St KERNM. MERHL. SANCO) lC) MERHL. SANCO) Bakersfield Bakersfield 5030 Office Park Dr IASpanish 576 N Norma (661)326-2200 Bakersfield 1925 17th St RiclGecrest RULE. REBECCA. MFT (805)375-7797 '(ER. 2201 Mt Vernon Ave t211 (661)323-2847 Bakersfield (760)375-9879 20412 Brian Way/fA Tehachapi KERN FACUL"~ MEDICAL Bakersfield (66 f)325-7797 MCWILLIAMS. PAUL. LCSW(661)823-0661 GROUP INC (661)872-7000 KOPELMAN. ROBERT. MD 1830 Flower SI (BAKER. KERNM. MERHL LAUGHLIN. ROBERT. MD Japanese 8016 California City BI//8 20412 Brian Way//lA California City Bakersfield KITT. BEE-RUERN. MO (BAKER. SANCO) lC) (BAKER. MERHL. SANCO) lC) Tehachapi (661)872-7000 MERHL SANCO) lC) 5Q30 Office Park Dr//A1041 N China Lake BI//8 (760)373-2642 Thai Bakersfield Ridgecrest (661)823-0661 2201 Mt Vernon Ave//211 2222 19th St RUSSELL. CHRISTINE. MIL 8akerslield l0 Bakersfield (661)323-2847 (661)327-5301 MORTENSEN. EOMONO. LCSW 2014 E St (66f}872-7000 1925 f7th St Norwegian Bakersfield (661)325-2448 SAIKI. JAMES. MO (BAKER. Bakersfield 5500 MinG Ave//130 (661)325-0646 KERN RIVER HEALTH CTR KERNM. MERHL. SANCO) lC) (661)327-5301 Bakerslield 67 Evans Rd MUI. BYRON. MD (BAKER.Spanish MERHL, SANC0) lC) 5030 Office Park Or//A20211 Valley BI (661)832-2700 SLATE, LAURIE, MIL Wofford HeiGhtS 2222 19th St 8akersfie(d Tehachapi 1601 New Stine Rd//100(760)376-2276 Bakersfield (661)323-2847 (661)327-5301 Bakersfield (661)328-0800 {661)322-4000 NOTE: See Page.VI for Hospital Codes (AAAAA) end Page V for Board Certification MEDICAL GROUPS continued MCFARLARO COMMUNITY HLTH MALINI, IYENGAR, MD (BAKER, GERMAN, BARRY, MD (ENCTA. HUBBELL, WHEELER, Mo MELENOEZ, PHIMPP, MO SMALE, CHRISTOPHER, MO CTR GOO JO, MEMC6) (Cf RIDGE) (Cf (BAKER, MERHL) (Cf (BAKER, KERNM, MERHL,(BAKER, SANCO) 217 W Kern Ave Indian/Hindi 1041 N China Lake BI 4023 Stockdale Rwy SANCO) Spamsh MC rutland 6001 Truxtun Ave//160 Ridgecrest Bakersfield Spanish 4000 Physicians BI//201 (661)792-3038 Bakersfield (760)446-7978 (661)322.3114 SAN DIMAS MEDICAL GROUP (661)323-6410 3535 San 0imas St//6 Bakersfield CHUNG. TONG. MO (BAKER. JACKSON. ROBERT. MD Bakersfield (661)327-4885 INC 0URMAZDI. 8EHZAD. MD KERNM. MERHL. SANCO) (Cf (GOOSA) (Cf (661)325-7103 STANLEY. WILLIAM. MD 300 Old River Rd//200 (CHILD. USCUN) Korean. Spanish Spanish MENOF. Z. OIEGO. MO (BAKER. (BAKER. MERHL. SANCO} (Cf · Bakersfield Persian/Fatal 3805 San Oimas St//A 3543 San Oimas SI KERNM. SANCO) Spanish (661)663-4924 2601 Oswell SI #101 Bakersfield Bakersfield Spanish 500 0Id River Rd//100 3543 San 0imas SI 6akersfie~d (661)325-3441 (661)634-9842 2917 Niles St Bakersfield Bakersfield (661)872-9999 503 W Columbus #A (661 )327-3511 PINEDA. GREGORIO. MO Bakersfield JAMALUODIN. UMAIMA. MDBakersfield . (661)663-9094 4000 Physicians BI//201 (BAKER. 0ELAN. MERHL (661)325-3441 (BAKER. MERHL) (Cf (661)324-5275 TERRY. KYLE. MD (DELAN) Indian/Hindi. Spanish MIN. JUM. MO (BAKER. KERNM. Spanish. Tagalog Bakersfield SANC0) (Cf CICCOT'/'O. SALVATORE. MO 3941 San 0leas St//101 MERHL. SANCO) (66~)327-4885 Soanrsh 1303 Jeffersan St 820 34th St ~101 1705 28th St (BAKER. MERHL SANCO) Bakersfield Korean Poland Italian (661)327-3821 4050 A San Oimas St (661)720-9111 Bakersfield Bakersfield 300 Old River Rd//200 Bakersfield (661)395-6900 (661)322-3008 Bakersfield KANNAPPAN, TILLAIRARASl,  SASETIAR.'KATAYOUN. MD(661)633.4964 MD (BAKER. MERHL SANCO) (661)324-4714 UPADHYAYA. JIGISRA. MO (BAKER. MERHL. SANDO) (C} (BAKER. MERHL) (Cf Ara/)l~. Indian/Hindi MORAMEG. EHA8. MD (RIDGEI Spanish CRENSRAW. WENDT. MD 300 Old River Rd//200 AraOic. French. Spanish 300 0Id River Rd #200 COOPER. MARTIN. MD (CEDAR. 2323 16th St '~206 ' (BAKER. MERHL. SANCO) Bakersfield 815 N Downs #A 8akerslield M IDWA, STVIN) (Cf Bakersfield S~anish (661)663-4944 Ridgecrest {661 )663-4800 1 f 11 N China Lake BI(66f)322-4601 300 Old River Rd//200 i1 Ridgecrest WHITEHEAD. RICHARD. MDBakersfieJd RAROLL RICHARD. MO (RIDGE) (760)371-2177 WALKER. ARMI. MO (BAKER. (760)446-457 f 4580 California Ave ~I00 (661)633-4954 (Cf MUZSNAI. OOMINJC. MD (SIMWI MERHL. SANCO) 1 t 11 N China Lake 8lHungarian. Romanian. Spamsn 1609 26th St EHTESHAMI. SHAHRAM. MOBakersfield OAVIS. PHiLiP. MD (BAKER. Ridgecrest 3550 O S~ Bakersfield (BAKER, DEL.AN. HEABA,(661)327-4411 MERHL SANCO) (760)446-4571 Bakersfield (661)633-2229 KERVA. MERHL SAND0) (Cf YOUNG. ROLANDO. MO (BAKER. Spanish (661)321-9363 300 0id River Rd #200 KlM. JAE. MO (8ELLF) (Cf 2021 22nd St Finmsh DELAN. MERHL SANCO) (Cf French. Korean. Spanish OWENS. JOHN. MD (BAKER. Bakersfield ~ 4000 SIockdale Hwy tB Ta~alog Bakersfield '{ Bakerstield 1705 28th St (661)663-4924 4850 Commerce Or .~100KERNM. MERHL SANC0) (C) (661)633-2229 8akerslield 3941 San Oimas St Bid0 101 3551 Q SI · ~ (661)324-6808 Bakersfield EDWARDS. DANA. MD (BAKER. (661)325-1685 Bakersfield Bakersfield "~' LERAMO. OLUSEGUN. MO (661)322.3008 MERHL. SAND0)(Cf i (BAKER. KERNM. MERHL Sign. Spanish KLI$. GREGORY. MO (BAKER. (661 32'7.3821 1661 )634-3800 .~ SANC01 (Cf 300 0Id River Rd ~200 MERHL SANCD) (Cf PARK. ARTHUR. MO (BAKER. WALLRATR. RICHARO. MO ~ 2601 Oswell St ~101 Bakersfield S~anisn GGOSA. KERNM. MERHL. (BAKER) (Cf .: Bakerslield {661 )663-4805 300 Old River Rd ~/200SANCO. TEHAC) (Cf Spamsh r Bakersfield 3543 San Dimas St 3543 San Oimas St (6611872-9999 CHANIL. BOOTA. MD (OELAN. FINBERG. KURT. MO (BAKER. (661)663-4800 6akersfield 8akersheld KAWEA. SIEVI) KERNM. MERHL. SANd0) (Cf ; MEYER. WILLIAM MD (BAKER Laor/an. S~amsh 2200 18th St KOCSIS. TAMAS. MO (SANC0) (661)634-9842 (661)325-93t2 KERNM MERHLi (C) 1205 Graces Hwy//300 Bakerslieid lC) ;'85 Tucker Rd t! 6000 PhyS,clans BI ~210 " Baker slield 16611721-9226 1661)323-7854 815 Lakeview Ave !661 )822.5758 {6611325-9312 ': (661)872-7000 FLORES. DONALD. MO (0ELANi Bakersfield PATEL. HANSA. MO (KERNM. WARREN-JINADU. LINDA. MO '.: RANIMIFAR. MAJlD. MD SPamsh (66f 1322-3905 ~ (BAKER, MERHL, SANCO) (C) 131 ? Mae 5t MERHL. SANCO)(Cf (KERNM SANCO) :i 2601 Oswell Bt ~I01 PATEL. GIRISH. MO (BAKER. PolanD LASCANO. MIGUEL. MO Ind/an/Hmd/ 901 34m St Bakersfield GOOH0) (66~)725-4811 (BAKER. KERNM) 622 34th St Bakersfield Bakersfield {66Z)335-7747 Spamsh, Tagalog (661)872-9999 183;' Truxtun Ave FOK. RANDOLPH. MO (BAKER. 1311 Columbus St tA (661)327-9t54 WEINER. JONATHAN. MO Bakersfield KERNM) Bakersfield PEREZ. LEONARD MO (BAKER. (CLOVI) ICi WROBEL. CHARLES. MO (661)325-6800 S~ams~ . (KERNM) lC) (66f)873-8393 KERNM. MERHL) (Cf 2500 H St 2201 Mt Vernon Ave//211 SHAH. MAN JUL MO (BAKER 2920 F St tH.12 2535 161h SI//100 SOamsh Bakerslield Bakersfield GOOHO) Bakersfield Bakerslietd 503 W Columbus St//B (6611323-6023 (661)872-7000 1817 Truxlun Ave (661)322-7812 (661)634-t000 Bakersfield Bakersfield FONG. OENG. MU (BAKER.LEE. VIRGINIA. MO (PRESB. (6611322-6700 WILLIAMS. RENE. MO (CITRU) (Cf (661)325-6800 MERHL SANCO) (Cf RIDGE) (Cf RAMASWAMI. VASANTHI. MD Spamsn ManPann 7a~wan~se (KERNM 8ANCO) t 314 N Norma Bt SHIPMAN. GARY. MO (GOOHO) 1215 34th St 1041 N China Lake 81//B Indian/Hindi. Sl~amshRidgecrest BROESKE. DANIEL. MO (KERNM) 2215 Truxtun Ave Bakersfield Rldgecresl (Cf Bakersfield 1311 Columbus St (760)448-1114 Soamsh (661)663-6281 (661)322-2331 (760)446-6404 Bakersfield YNOSTROZ~. FRANCISCO. MD 1830 Flower St GARCIA. ANTONIO. MD LEWIS. DAVID. MD (BAKER. (681)873-8393 (BAKER. MERHL. SANCO) Bakersfield WAGNER. MICHAEL. MO (KERNM. MERHL) MERHL. SANCO) (Cf RIVERA. REBECCA. MD (BAKER. Spanish (661)872,7000 (JOHNF) (Cf Spanish 300 0Id River Rd//200 KERNM. MERHL) (C) 300 Old River Rd #200 2201 Mt Vernon Ave ,~2f 1 11 t 1 N China Lake BI1311 Columbus St Bakersfield Spamsh Bakersfield Bakersfield Riclgecrest Bakersfield (661)633-4964 4000 Empire Dr//120 (661)663-4800 (651)872-7000 (760)446-4571 (661)873-8393 CHAHIL. 800TA. MO (nELAN. ~l];J.'ll~ll;i[~"~;'~q'iflqqmJll[~4 2535 16th St ~I00 LOPEZ. ELVA. MO (BAKER. Bakersfield KAWEA. $1EVI) (Cf Bakersfield KERNM. MERHL) (Cf (661)637-0137 (661)634-1000 Sl~anish RIZVl. sYEg. MO (BAKER. Laotian. Spanish ALLEN. EDWARD. MO (BAKER. 8787 Hall Rd 4000 Empire Dr #120 KERNM. MERHL. SANCO) (Cf 1205 Graces Hwy 1300 MERHL. SANCO) Lamonl Bakersfield 4850 Commerce Dr//100 SMALE. CHRISTOPHER. MO PolanD Sl~an~sh (66f)721-9226 3807 Union Ave #A (661)845-3731 (661}637-0137 Bakersfield (BAKER, SANCO) CHALMERS. ANTONIA. MO Bakersfield GARCIA. LAWRENCE. MD MARZAN-TAN. MARIETTA. MD (661)325-1685 Spanish 4000 Physicians BI//201 (BAKER. MERHL. SAND0) (Cf {66t}326-0333 (KERNM) (BARCO) ROOT. ROONEY. DO (BAKER. Bakersfield Spanish Sl)anish MERHL) (661)327-4885 Tagalog ANDREWS. TODD. MO (BAKER. 8787 Hail Rd 300 Old River Rd 1200 Spanish 1705 28th St MERHL) C Lamont Bakersfield 1805 271h St WEINER. JONATHAN. MD Bakersfield Spam~h (661)845-3731 (681)663-4924 Bakersfield (CLOVI) (Cf (661 }322-30D8 2323 t 6th St ~407 MASTERS. THOMAS, DO (661)327-5702 2500 H St HELVI6. RICHARD. MO (BAKER. Bakersfield GIRARD. JOHN. MD (JOHNM) (Cf German. S~anish 3200 21sl St//202 Bakersfield MERHL, SANCO) (661)395.f900 620 34th St 6001 Truxtun Ave//A-130 815 Lakeview Ave Bakersfield 1205 Games Hw¥//102 Bakersfield (661)323-6023 Bakersfield Bakersfield (661)324-4721 Oelano (661)327-5702 (661)725-5514 SHAKESPEARE. CARY. MO (661)327-7345 (661)322-3905 GRAVED, LON. MD (RIDGE) (Cf MATERA, VINCENT, Mn (0ELAN) (BAKER. MERHL. BARCO) (Cf HELVIE. STEPHEN. MO (BAKER. AYYAGARI. RAMCHANDRA. MO 1111 N China Lake Bi Italian. Spanish 1609 28th St fA FOK. RANDOLPH. MD (BAKER. MERHL SAND0) (Cf Ridgecrest 1402 Jefferson St Bakersfield KERNM) (Cf 2323/6th St//203 1830 Flower St//E-218 (760)446-4571 Oelano (661)321.3750 Spanish Bakersfield Bakersfield HALL. LYNOUS. MD (DELAN. (661)725-3070 2021 22nd St 2920 F SI #H-12 (661 )395-1234 (661 )323-3266 GRANA) (C) 1508 Games Hwy//1 Bakersfield Bakersfield 3535 San Oimas St//20 Spanish Delano (661)633-2229 (661)322-7612 Bakersfield 1303 Jefferson St (661)725-4780 (661)323-3266 Oelano {661)725-3576 NOTE: See Page VI for Hospital Codel~ (AAAAA) and Page V for Board Certification 1 6 J IMPORTANT: Pleas .... ify that the prOvider you select is a P~dent Buyer PPG provider at the location where you will receive care (see first page Gl directory for details), J ID WESTERN REHABILITATION1001 Tower Way//150 2619 F St SWAFFORD, ALBERT, MD ZERLIN, GARY, MD (BAKER, ASSOCIATES Bakersfield Bakersfield (MERHL, 6ANCO) MERHL SANCO) (Cf "' 337 S 10th St//G (661)327-4499 (661)327-1425 500 Old River Rd ~1102103 18th St TaR NIELSON, PAUL, MD (MERHL) COPPDLA, ALFRED, MD 6akerslield Bakersfield (661)763-4194 (Cf (BAKER, MERHL, SANCO) (Cf (661)664-2622 (661)327-3448 AYYAGARI, RAMCNANORA, MO Soanisl~ 2634 G St TIVNON, MICHAEL, MO (BAKER, 500 Old River Rd #185 Bakersfield KERNM, MERHL 6ANCO) (Cf O) (Cf (Cf 1830 Flower St//E-218 Bakersfield (661)323-812f 300 Old River Rd 150 ANHALT, JAMES, MD (KERVA) Bakersfield BOXRUO. CYNTHIA, MD (CEDAR. (661)664-9121 Bakersfield (651)323-3266 CHILD. PROSA. STJHL. GRIMES, JAMES, MD (BAKER. (661)663-7600 (Cf ~535 San Oimas SI .~20 UCLAM) (Cf REYNOLDS, DALE, MO (CfMERHL) (Cf - 2801 H St Soanish Spanis# 1921 18th St VALOS, NICHOLAS, MO IBAKER, Bakersfield Bakersfield 2525 Eye St 2525 Eye St Bakersfield ' MERHL, SANC0) (Cf (661)325-0744 ) (66I)323-3266 Bakersfield Bakerslield (661)324-2491 2634 G St 420 34th St ClCCOTTO, SALVATORE, MO (661)327-8511 (661)327-8511 Bakersfield Bakerslield 9000 Ming Ave 112 LEVINS, ANTHONY, MO (MERHL) (661)323-8121 (661)327-7001 (BAKER, MERHL, SANCO)CASTEEN, CAROLE, MO (BAKER, Bakersfield S~anisi~ 2634 G St FREEDMAN, SHELDON, MD Italian IvlERHL) (661 )665-2020 300 Old River Rd//200Soanisi~ Bakersfield (KERNM) (Cf ] Bakersiield 2(]07 171h St SHULER, JAMES, MO (BAKER, (661)323-8121 1830 Flower St 0) (C} (661)633-4964 6a~erstield MERHL, SANC0) (C) LEWIS, MARSHALL, MD (BAKER, MALERICH, MAlINEW. MOBakersfield MAORILEJO, NELSON, MO66I 1327-1475 Spanish MERHL, SANCO) (661)326-2256 4101 Empire Dr 1120 (BAKER, KERNM, MERHL, (BAKER, MERHL SANCO) (Cf FAN. JOSEPH, MD (FOUNT., Bakerslield 2619 F St SANCO) LANG, ADAM, MO IKERNM) (Cf 3550 Q St ,~ 303 & 1304 KERNM) ~C) (661)325-3937 Bakersfield 2634 G St 1830 Flower St 6akerslield Mandarin (661)327-1425 6akerslie~d Bakersfield ER. (661)324-t455 1830 Flower St SORENSON. ROGER. MD (661)326-2256 620-341h St ~'102 Bakersfield (UCLAM) (Cf MACX, JOEL, MO (BAKER) (Cf (661)323-8121 Bakersfield {714)593-2981 2525 Eye St 1801 28th St SWAFFORD, ALBERT, MO PHYSICIANS CLINICAL (661)326-8989 Bakersfield Bakersfield iMERHL SANC01 LABORATORIES INC FLOWERS· CHARLES. MO (6611327-8511 (661)327-2777 500 0lB River Rd ,W110 1900 Truxtun (CENTL DANFR, OANIE. MALERICH, MATIHEW, MD Bakersfield Bakersfield ROBER TORRA, UCLAM) (Cf STAtNER. GREGORY, MO (661)327-9641 OOZIER, EMANUEL. MD &BAKER $oanisn (BAKER. MERHL~ (Cf (BAKER. KERNM, MERHL, ~661)664-2622 MERHL, SANCO) I ~ 11 N China Lake 6112134 Mountain Mesa RdSANCO) (Cf 2031 17th St ~2 2129 17th St R~d(:jecrest Lake lsat)ella 2634 G St Bakersfield Bakersfield 1760)446-4571 !619)379-3602 Bakersfield (661)631-9406 215 Chma Grade LooD 1661)323-8121 CARSTENS. STEYE. 00 3535 San 0imas ,~16 (661 t859-2211 FREEMAN, CARY, MO (KERNM) Bakersfield MCCABE, MICHAEL, MD (BAKER 2215 Truxtun Ave Bakersfield O 4580 Cahforma Ave ~lO(~ ~CI Bakersfield t681 )861.1636 Bakersfield Soamsn (861)393-2331 MERHL) ~C} (661 i632-5000 SWINYER, BRUCE. MD {KERVA) 1661 )327-44! 1 2201 Mt Vernon Ave ,~211 4649 Ptanz Rd 1921 18th SI OGNIBENE, CHARLES. MDBakersfield Bakersfield Bakerslield HARDING· RALPH, 0O (ANTEL. TEHAC) ~66~ ~872-70C0 (661)833-4040 (661)324-2491 Bakersfield2920 F St ,~E-15 420Bakersfield34tn SL 0 h'ahJ, n Spamsn FRITCH. CHARLES, MD [BAKER. TOHM. DONALD. MO iCl METTEN. CARL. MO (Cf (6611335-7755 . 1661)327-4647 105 West ESL.O 0 Bo~ 1960 MERHL. SANCO) (Cf Soanlsf~ 2619 F St I701 26m St Bakersfield WARSAW, TERRY. MD iTEHAC) (661)823-7070 2525 E','e St Bakersfield (661)327-1425 Soamsh · MO 2041 Beisna',v Ave Bakerslield ~661 )324-9606 NYSTROM. MARK. MO (BAKER. 2021 ! Valley BI Molave 1661 )327-8511 WONG, KAl. MD (MERHL. GOOHO. KERNM. MERHL. ARYA. SATYR. MO kC) Tenachap~ 16611824-451 I GEORGE, GREGORY, MD SANC0) SANCO) (Cf Indlan, Hindl. S~amsn 1805)822-5544 PARKS. CHRISTOPHER· MD(BAKER. SiBYl) (Cf 2323 16tM SI ,1501 1830 Flower St 220~ 19tn Si WlLLES, BORIC, MO kDELAN. ~MERHL) 3861 Sloc~dale Hw¥ Bakersfield Bakersfield Bakersheid GOOHO. HANFD) (C) $~amsA Bakersfield (661)327-4484 (661)82F-9165 [66!)327-3500 1401 Garces H',W 820 341h St ~102 [661)837-9200 8787 Hall Rd 3805 San Dimas St WB BUSCH. RICHARO. MO (BAKER. Delano 1661 )325-6334 Bakersfield (66!)845-3731 (661)327-0843 German. Spamsn 2615 Eye SI WASHINGTON. STEVEN, MD~6611631-2020 YAPLEE. STEVEN. MO tSiEVI) (Cf 3805-B San Dimas St 220l Mt Vernon Ave P211 Bakersfield ITRU) 4580 Cahforma Ave GONZALEZ. CASIMIRO. MD3861 S1ockdale Hwy Bakersfield BakersfieLd (661)837-2584 Bakersfield SpamsA Bakersfield (805)327-0843 (661)872-7000 WU. AGNES, MO (Cf (661)327-441 t 1001 Tower Way I150 (661)837-9200 PAIK. YOUNG. MO (BAKER. MARSHALL, ROBERT, MO Mandann , Bakersfield 520t Calilornia Ave d410 MERHL, SANCO) (BAKER. KERNM. MERHL, 1700 C St  (661)327-4499 Bakersfield Korean SANC0) (Cf Bakersfield KLIGER, CRAIG. MD (Cf (661)631-2020 2619 F St 2203 19th S~ 1661)325.2640 ). MD GAITONDE PHYSICAL THERAPY I00! Tower Way I150 (661)327-1425 CO) 2619 F St Bakersfield (6611327-0657 Bakersfield (661)327-4499 Soanlsl~ J (661)327-5401 ALADE, CLEMENT, MD (MERHL. REINHART, GLENN, MD (Cf MCCLAIN. ALBERT. MO (PARA0 LEHMER, JEFFREY. MD (BAKER, SANCO) (Cf 2026 21st St lB RIOGE) (Cf GLINN & GIORDAN0 PHYSICAL UCLAM) (Cf 2619 F St Bakersfield Spamsh FISHER, MYRON, MD (BAKER, THERAPY INC 5329 Office Center ,1120 Bakersfield (661)328-5565 1111 N China Lake BI MERHL) (Cf 1201 23rd SI Bakerslield (661)327-1425 Ridgecrest 2215 Truxtun Ave//1 Bakerslield (661)322-8400 SMITH. THOMAS, MD (CHAPM. (760)446-4571 Ba~erstield (661)327-4357 AMIRPOUR, VAHDATYAR, MO GOOSA. MAMMO. RIDGE) MORLEOGE, 0AVID. MD (BAKER, (661)632-5483 2701 Cailoway Dr LING, RICHARD, MD (KERNM, (KERNM, SANCO) (Cf 1111 N China Lake BI MERHL, SANCO) (Cf FOGEL, STEVEN, MO (BAKER. MD Bakersfield MERHL) (Cf 1524 271h St//202 Ridgecrest (661)589-9066 Mandarin Bakersfield (760)446-4571 Soanis# MERHL) (Cf 2325 17th St (661)327-2500 2030 Truxtun Ave 2215 Truxtun Ave//1 01 GLYNN MARIE J Bakersfield 1830 Flower St SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Bakersfield Bakersfield 1831 Truxton Ave t150 (661)321-9633 Bakersfield ORTHOPEDIC INSTITUTE (661)325-5973 (661)632-5483 Bakersfield MBO GRP g (661)326-1433 MARCH, GLENVILLE, MD (661)326-9165 RABINOV, CYNTHIA. MD GUINTO-MIRANDA, LILIBETH, 2026 21st St//B (BAKER, MERHL, SANCO) (Cf MD (BAKER. KERNM, MERHL) (DANIE, UCLAM) (Cf BRENNER, BRIAN, MO (BAKER, Bakersfield 3536 San Oimas St I18(Cf HERITAGE PHYSICAL THERAPY i 111 N China Lake BI MERHL) (Cf (661)328-6565 982 N Norms St Ridgecrest 1921 18th St Bakersfield Tagalo9 Ridgecrest (760)446-4571 Bakersfield SRIVASTAVA. PRAMOO. MO(661)323-6200 2215 Truxtun Ave//1 (760)446-36i 1 MOHAMMADI, ROSEIN, MO (661)324-2491 (OELAN. GOOHO, SANCO, SHELDON, ROBERT, MO B SIEVA, SIBYl) Sl;anish (661)632-5483 SOUTHCOAST REHABILITATION (KERNM. SANCO) (Cf BROOKS, ANDREW, MD (CEDAR. Laotian· Sl)anisl~ 820 34th St 1101 JACOBS. Si'EVEN, MO (BAKER. ASSOC PersiaP./Farsi COLLO. COLWE) (Cf 1205 Garces Hwy 1208 Bakersfield MERHL) (Cf 1800 Wes[wind Dr ~101 2525 Eye St 1111 N China Lake 61 Delano (805)326-8989 SlTanislt Bakersfield Bakersfield Ridgecrest (661)725-0713 2215 Truxtun Ave//1 SUESBERRY, WILBUR. MO LAKER, (661)327-4685 (661)327-8511 {760)446-4571 SROUR, SARI, MO (BAKER, (DELAN. SIBYl, TULAR) Bakersfield THERASPORT MORTON. RONALD, MD CHANORASEKARAN, MERHL. SANC0) (Cf 1205 Garces Hwy 1207 (661)632-5483 3700 Gosford IG (BAKER, KERNM, MERHL. PAPPANAICKENPAL, MD 500 Old River Rd//110 Oelano WARSAW, TERRY, MD (TEHAC} Bakersfield SANC0) (Cf (BAKER. MERHL, SANC0) (Cf Bakersfield (661)721-1422 (Cf (661)832-9737 Span~sl~ 1205 Ga~ces Hwy ~306 (661)664-2622 S~anisl~ 1001 Tower Way #150-8 Demand 20211 Valley BI Bakerslieid (661)725-7211 Tefiachapi (661)324-6405 (805)822-5544 NOTE: See Page VI for Hospital Codes (AAAAA) end Page V for Board Cmtlflcaflon  OINICOLA. WILLIAM. MO 6001 Truxtun Ave ~/C-320 SHAH. 8HARATI. MD (BAKER. (BAKER. MERHL) (C) Bakersfield KERNM. MERHL. SANC0) (C) 300 Old River Rd//f 25(661)323-5484 4580 Calilornia Ave//100 FISHER. MYRON. MD (BAKER. Bakersfield 6001 Truxtun Ext//320-C Bakersfield MERHL) (C) (6611631-0891 Bakersfield (6611327-4411 LEE. CHUCK-KWAN. MD (BAKER. AMMARI. RAZAN. MD (ANAGE. 2215 Truxlun Ave//1 8401 Truxtun Ave (8611623-5484 Bakersfield Bakersfield 6401 Truxtun Ave SHAH. NITESH. MO IBAKER MERHL. SANCO) (C) ENCTA. GARDE. SHERM. (661)632-5483 (6611631-0891 Bakersfield KERNM. MERGE) (C) Mandann STLUK) (C) FOGEL. 8TEVEN. MO (BAKER. FERGUSON. KATHERINE. MO (6611631-0891 Indian/Hindi 1700 A SI Aral~ic. Armenian, Russian. 1830 Flower St Bakersfield Spanish MERHL) (C) (RIOGE) (C) 9905 Bate Ave Bakersfield (6611327-3271 1 l0 E North St 2215 Truxtun Ave ~1 1041 N China Lake BI//8 Bakerslield (6611325-4450 ' Taft Bakersfield Ridgecrest (6611831-1100 6001 -A Truxtun Ex1//180 (8051763-4211 (661)632-5483 (760)446-6404 MENBEZ, DIEGO, MO (BAKER, Bakerslield 115 W E SI JACOBS. STEVEN. MO (BAKER. GEHLAWAT. DILBAGH. MO KERNM. SANCO) (6611322-8687 Tehachapi MERHL) lC) (BAKER, DEl_AN. MBRHL) (C) Spanisl~ SHAW. GUY. MD (BAKER. JOHNSON. ROYCE. MO (BAKER. (6611822-3241 Spam~h Spamsh. Tagalog 2917 Niles St KERNM) (C) ANDERSON. BRADFORD. MD MERHL VALLE} Id) 2215 Truxtun Ave ,~1 432 Lexington St Bakersfield 2828 H St//F Spanisl~ (BAKER. KERNM. MERHL) (C) 1830 Flower SI Spanish Bakersfield Delano (661)324-5275 Bakersfield Bakersfield 5001 Commerce Or//100 (6611632-5483 (6611.725-6266 MERRILL. GARY. MD (BAKER, (6611323-6483 (6611326-2200 Bakersfield WARSAW. TERRY. MD (TEHACI 4570 California Ave MERHL) (C) 616 34th SI 2201 Mt Vernon Ave//211 (66f1325-8375 (C) Bakersfield , 2920 F St//C6 Bakersfield Bakersfield Spanish (661)327-4411 Bakersfield (6611335-7660 (661)872-7000 YOON. CHRIS. MO (BAKER, HEABA. MERHL) 20211 Valley BI HO. SZE. MD (BAKER. MERHL. {6611324-8990 SUEH. VITUS. MO (BAKER. SCHAUF. VICTORIA. MO Korean Tehachapi SANCO) (C) 2920 F SI ~C-8 KERNM, MERHL SANCO) (C) (RIDGE) (C} 5001 Commerce Dr 1100 ';~. (805)822-5544 4040 San 0imas St ~*A Bakersfield Cantonese. Mandarin ":i'. Bakersfield (8051384-I630 4000 San Oimas St//1 409 W Orummon0 Ave Bakersfield Ridgecrest (661)325-8375 · i; (661)327-3784 MICHALIK. MARCIA. MO (RIDGE) Bakersfield (7601371-2128 ;.i. ALHAID. MOHAMMED. MD IOEA. LILITH BESS. MD (KERNM) 1111 N China Lake BI (661)322-3072 ':~ (C) RidgecresI -, {OELANI lC) SYKES. KAYE. MD (BAKER. ~! Arabic $1)amslt Tagalo(7 ?a(Talog (7601446-457f MERHL) (C) Referral required, please see ';:i 1402 Jefferson St 146 N Hrtl St NGUYEN. DAVID. MD (FOUNT 300 0{d River Rd .w165 page IV :' 0elano An/in GARDE. 0RAO0 SUBUR) Bakersfield BHOGAL. MAOHU. MO (BAKER. ALLCARE THERAPY SERVICES/ 16611725-8693 10611854-3131 french. Spams/~ Vietnamese 166 1663-3100 MERHL 5ANCO) iCI MATRIX ,'i AMIN. HASMUKHBHAIi MD B~5 Lakeview Ave 6401 Truxtun Ave THOMAS. ANTHONY. MO 3801 San O~mas St ,B 330 E Ridgecresl Bi ~'D Bakersfield Bakersfield i (BAKER MERHL. BANg01 ici t6611322-3905 (6611631-0891 (BAKER. MERHL SANCO) IC~ Bakersfield R~dgecresl InClJn/H/nd/ 4580 Cahfornia Ave {661163f-2229 (7601371-141 ::; 300 Old River Rd .'~20lUNG. SUNG. MD (DAKER.PDH. SUE MO 1BAKER MERHL Bakersfield CAYABYAB. ROWENA. MD BAKERSFIELD SPORTS ; Bakersheld MERHL SA,'qCO) (C) SANC0) (C) (6611327-4411 (G00HO GOOSA. QUEEN. MEDICINE & REHABILITIVE : (6611663-7500 Korean Soams/~. Ta(~alog 515 W Colum~aus SI ~A SANGA) THERAPY 4040 San Olmos SI ~B 1524 271h 81 '403 Bakersheld $oamsh. 7agalog 4000 Stine Rd ,~I08 ANZAI. TAKASHI, MO ;BAKER. Bakersfield Bakersfield (6611631-9455 10200 &lam St Bakersfield KERNM. MERHL SAfJCOi/C~ ~661)323-737! (661)322-7337 611 A~rpor! Dr Japanese Lamont L6611834-2300 4580 Cahtornla Ave ,'100 KANTHAKUMAR. KANTHIAH.2201 Mt Vem0n Ave ~21 f Bakersheld (6611845-1788 Bakersheld MD (ANTEL LANCA) Bakersfield (6611391-5751 GAITONDE PHYSICAL THERAPY ~661 ~327-4411 Soamsn (6611872-7000 6401 rruxtun Ave HO. SZE. MO :BAKER. MERHL 2619 F St 169~4 Hwy 14 RAFIQ. REHANA. MD (BAKER. Bakersfield SANC0) (C~ Bakersfield · ~ BHOGAL. MAOHU. MO LBAKER f',lOlaVe MERHL, SANCO) (C) 1661163!-0891 4040 San D,mas SI ,~A(6611327-5401 MERHL. SANC0)~Cl 16611824-8282 Indian. HinCl. Urdu GLINN & GIORDAN0 PHYSICAL 3801 San 01mas S: .~B VANICHAROEN. YUPIN. MO,661 )32;'-3;34 BakerslieKI KATZ. ALBERT. MD (CEDAR. 300 Old River Rd .ri68(WESTS) THERAPY INC (661)63?-2229 ENCIN) Bakersfield r~a~ KHUU. T EH. MO ~BAKER. 1207 23rd SI BOYO. NANCY. MD (KERNMBakersfield ROOfllGUEZ. JORGE. MD l'aft French. Vietnamese (6611327-435 KERVA) i6611327-5037 (OELAN) (C) ~6611763-3606 2204 Q St ,A 2701 Calioway Dr 3630 Golden Sour St .,C KHUU. TIEN. MD (BAKER.Soamsn. 7a(ialog WALKER. SUSAN. MO (BAKER 16611323-632l (6611589-9066 Lake iSBn)ella KERNM MERHL) I5i9 Garces Hwy ~fO5 MERHL) iCI (760)379-3365 Fre/rc~. Vietnamese Delano 2330 Trux[un Ave '~C KLUPSTEEN. MATHILDA. MD HERITAGE PHYSICAL THERAPY 6412 Laurel Ave 2204 Q SI ,~A (661)725-8585 6akersfieKl (BAKER. MERHL SANCO) 982 N Norma SI Lake Isalaella Bakersfield RUIZ-RESTREPO. LUIS. MO (6611323-5485 3801 San Olmos SI ~'BRldgecrest (7601379-1794 ~6611323-6321 (KERNM TEHAC)(C) BakersfielD (7601446-3611 BUSTAMANTE. JAVIER. MDKLUPSTEEN. MATHILDA. MD S~amsn ~ (6611631-2229 JACOBO PHYSICAL THERAPY 116 W E St RUIZ-RESTREPO. LUIS. MD 2828 H St ~F (BAKER. MERHL) (C) iBAKER. MERHL. SANCO) (C) Tehachapl SABER. SALMA. MO (BAKER. (KERNM. TEHAC) {C) Soanish 3801 San D~mas St//B Bakersfield 2631 Fashion PI #A Bakersfield (8051822-4421 MERHL SANC0) (C) Sp,;nlsi~ (6611631-8793 Bakersfield (66I 1631-2229 SACAMOTO. REUMTA. MD 3550 Q SI ~'301 lib w E S! (6611632-5160 KUMARI. SURESH. MO (BAKER (BAKER. MERHL. SANCO) Bakersfield Tehachap~ PAIR & MAROTTA PHYSICAL 300 0id R~ver Rd ~105 MERHL. SANCO) (C) ' 2028 f 7th SI (6611321-3161 (8051822-4421 THERAPY 5337 Truxtun Ave Bakerslield 1524 271~ St//403 Bakersfield COULSON. JOHN. MD (BAKER. Bakerslield (6611663-4700 Bakersfield (6611326-046f . MERHL) (C) (6611324-0122 400 0Id River Rd (661)322-7337 SANGPATSON. PAURIN. MD6f B 34th St KATZ. ALBERT. MO (CEDAR. SEQUOIA PHYSICAL THERAPY Bakersfield 2201 MI Vernon Ave 1211 (KERNM) Bakersfield ENCIN) 20418 Brian Way (6611632-5160 Bakersfield Thai (6611335-7660 3737 San Oimas SI I101 Tehachap~ CARBONELL. EMMA. MD (6611872-7000 67 Evans Rd KLUPSTEEN. MATHILDA. MD Bakersfield (6611822-5483 Wofford Heights (BAKER. MERHL. SANCO) (6611327-5037 (BAKER. MERHL. BANCO) LAVEN. GEORGE. MD (KERNM) (760)376-2276 380! San Oimas St//B SOUTHCOAST REHABILITATION Spanish. Ta~oalog (C) 1524 2?th St ~403 Spanish SCHAUF. VICTORIA. MD Bakersfield ASSOC Bakersfield 1611 Ist SI (RIOGE) (C) (6611631-2229 1800 Wes~ind Or t101 Bakersfield (661)322-7337 Bakerslield 409 W Drummond Ave SHAW. GUY. MD (BAKER. (661)327-4685 2201 Mt Vernon Ave 1211 (6611336-5300 Ridgecresl MERHL. VALLE} (C) Referral required, please see Bakersfield (7601371-2128 page IV (661)872-7000 LEE. CHUCK-KWAN. MO (BAKER. 2828 FI SI//F TERRIO. TIMOTHY. RPT MERHL. SANCO) (C) $CHUMACHER. R08ERT. MDBakersfield PAIR & MAROTrA PHYSICAL 2838 Oswell St CAYABYAB, ROWENA. MO Mandarin (RIDGE) (C) (6611323-6483 THERAPY Bakersfield (GOOHO. GOOSA. QUEEN, 1700 A S1 1041 N China Lake BI ~8 616 34th St 5337 Truxtun Ave (6611873-7100 SANGA) (C) Bakersfield Ridgecresl Bakersfield Bakersfield 5400 Olive Dr Spanish, Tagalog {661 )327-3271 (760)446-6404 (661)3354660 (6611324-0122 Bakersfield 10200 Main St Lamont LEE, SUN. MO (BAKER. MERHL. SEVILLA-ANDERSON, EUNICE, SEQUOIA PHYSICAL THERAPY (6611387-9050 (66 I1845-1788 SANCO) (C) MD 20418 Brian Way 9000 Ming Ave IK7 Korean 6O01-A Truxtun Ext//180 Tehachap~ Bakersfield COULSON. JOHN. MD (BAKER. 4580 California Ave tl0O Bakersfield (661)822-5483 (6611663-9675 MERHL) (C) Bakersfield (6611322-8687 THERASPORT 616 34th St (6611327-4411 3700 Gosford Bakersfield Bakersfield (6611335-7660 (661)832-9737 NOTE: See Page VI for Hospital Codes (AAAAA) and Page V for Board Ce~'llflcatlon 18 ' PHYSICAL THERAPY continued WESTERN REHABILITATIONMAREK. LEE. OPM (GEORG. MANOHARA. SAKREPATNA. MO ~ BEETHS. TONY. MO ~SANCO) lC) MICHAELS. GREGORY. MD  ASSOCIATES KERVA. NATIV) lC) [BAKER. GOOJO. MEMME. 5Danish IRIVER. STMME) · 337 S ~0th St ~G 1041 N China Lake BI MERME) lC) !817 T~uxtun Ave German. S~anis# Taft Ridm:Jecrest Indian/Hind( BYFIELO. JOHN. MO (BAKER. Bakersfield 1OB! N Chma Lake BI ANAGE. (661)763-4f94 (760)446-7978 6001 T~uxtun Ave ,d160KERNM SANCO) lC) t805~325-6800 Ridgecresf 1111 N China Lake BI Bakersfield 3550 Q St # 106 FARTHING. DAVIB. MO (DELAN. (760)446-(1600 :[M. Ridgecrest [661 )323-64f 0 Bakersfield MEMME) lC) MINK. JERROL0. MO (CENTU. 1760)446*4571 MENDOZA. HAUL. MO (GOOSA. (805)327-2100 Sflamsn. Taqalo(~ STJHL) (C) ss&in. AREVALO JR. ELISEO. MOMILLER. MARK. OPM [BAKER. MEMCE) DAVIS. DEAN. MO (MERHL. f205 Garces Hwy 11 f I N Chma Lake BI (GLEME. GLEND. HUNEA) GOOHO. MERHL) lC) Spamsh STBER) lC) Belong Rldgecrest Ta¢alo¢ 277 E Fronf St 5500 Ming Ave ~210 Sirn Spanish 1661 )725-4847 (7601446-4571 1 f5 W E St Bu~onwillow Bakersfield 2215 Truxtun Ave 1401 Games Hwy 81 MIRANDA. GOOOFREDG. MD TellaChap~ {661 )834-8341 Bakersfield Belong (661)822-324f [916)482-9873 ~MERHL TEHAC. WESTS) 3857 Stockdale Hwy MOHANKUMAR N. MO (BAKER (66!)632-5700 i66f)721-5280 S~amsn MITTS. GORDON. MO [BAKER. Bakersfield GOOH0. KERNM. MEMCE. HARPBTBEITH. JAMES. MO ~CI FRANKEL. STEVEN. MD {CENTU 8215 Yrux~un Ave ]. MD GOOHO. SANCO) lC) (661)832-1667 MERME) ManCarm. S~amsl? STJHL) lC) Bakerslield RHL) lC) 2525 H St 386! Stockdale Hw'y Indian/Hind( 3550 Q SI t106 111 t N China Lake 81 (66~ ~663-6281 Bakersfield Bakersfield 600: Truxfun Ave//160 Bakersfield R~dgecresl NICHOLS. JAMES. MO [BAKER 100 (661)324-7208 (6611832-1667 Bakersfield {805)327-2100 17601446-0265 GOOHO. SANCO)lC) PRUNES-CARBILL0. FERNANO0. 820-341h St ~02 (6611323-6410 KAMINSKI. PAUL. MO (ANTEL. FRASER. ELEANOR. MO iKERVA. 1914 Truxtun Ave MD [KERNM) lC) Bakersfield HIDES, LANCA) (CI Bakerslield (ER. Sflamsn (6611326-8989 1517 N Oowns 12424 Mt Mesa BI !661 )324-6588 2201 Mt Vernon Ave ,~211 8737 Hall Rd Ridgecrest Lake Isa~:etla 3940 San D~mas SI Bakersfield Lamont CROW. C. PHO (760)446-7714 ~66I)324-4716 Bakersfield 100 (66f)872-7000 (66~)845-3731 t7~6 Oak S~ ~1 RABINOV. CYNTHIA. MD NELSON. THOMAS. OPM Bakers/ieKI KlM. OWEN. MO (BAKER. 64! 2 Laurel Ave 166! ~325-6800 La~e Isabella NORTH. CHARLES. MD (MERHL, (BAKER. MERHL. SANCO) IBAKER. SANCO) lC) 16611323'5579 KERNMKorean SIEVI) lC)~ 760)379-2681 TEHACI 3535 San 0(mas St//18 2627 H St *f FISHER. JAY. PHO 3550 O SI ~108 HAHN. HYOJOON. MO ;CENTU S~amsn Bakersfield Bakersheld 5401 Busmess Park S .~218 6akerslield STJHL) iCl 22! 5 Tru.,tun Ave (661)323-6200 (661 ~322-2895 Bakersheld (805~327-2100 I ' l I N China Lake ~1 :)se see SCHMIOT. GERHARO. MD PAGSOLINGAN. J. ROOERICK. ~6611322-8833 NAMIHAS. IVAN. MO ~MUN( R~cgecrest ,66~ 1662-6281 1VICES/ [BAKER) lC) OPM ~ELAN. KERNM. GRAHM. JOHN. PHO lC( ~;'601446-4571 OSOVA. SUSAN. MD ICI German KERVA, lC) 50~ W Atklns St 1517 N Oowns KERN RAOIOLOGY ME01CAL 3545 San O~mas St 277 E Front St RidQecres: Ridgecresf GROUP 0 Bakersfield Bu~on'.'ldlow ~760)371-3155 ~760~446-7714 2301 Bahamas Dr , hi0~aa6-0600 ~661 )327-8597 ~9! 6.482-9873 MACILVAINE. MARY. PHO ROSSI. CARL. MO (LOMUN1 (C~ ~a.ersfleid 3867 Stockdale Hw'l 418 Truxlun Ave 1517 N Oowns ,66:,322-1981 .LITIVE ~66~ :832.1666 (661 ~323-0600 ~76dl446-77~4 9,~,ers:,e)d PATEL. GIRiSH. MO (BAKER ,66' ~37.1 ;92 GOOHO) ~C) BARNES. SAMUEL. OPM PASA80C. LIVIU. OPM (DEIGN MURPHY. KATHLEEN. PHD [GOOHO MERHL) 5IEVI) ICi SHAH. MUKUNO. MD (ANTEL.9C'. 0h',e Or '~' ,' Truxtu[1 Ave Bakersfield 3357 Stockdale Hwy ~661:323-6603 R~0gecresl HERAPY 1661 )32;'.3205 B,ikershelO BROWN. MICHAEL. OPM ~651~832-1666 PHILLIPS. JUDITH. PHO 17601446-7714 KLEIN. MICHAEL. MO ,GCOSA SHAH. MAN JUL. MO ,BAKER S~EaT MONTE STjHLi ~GOOHO. MERHL. SANC0) *C) SILL. TIMOTHY. OPM (BAKER. 3309 4tps~chology '5' F Tr,jxlun Ave 500 0lad River Rd ~145 MERHL SAFILO) HESARAGHAI'i'A. MO Ridgecresl 0a~ershelO ~661 J663-6483 Bakersheld 1517 N Downs 93C0 Stockdale Hwy ~'400 ;661 )324-9655 PIERUCCI. JANET. PHO Rldgecresl KRASNY. ROBERT. MD ~UCLA,M, SHAHANGIAN. MICHAEL. MO (661 ~663-8483 ZIMMERMAN. JOHN. OPM Bakersfield 1 I 11 N Chma Lake 8lP_~rs~an ~MERHL SANCO. TEHAC) (C1 t661,323.5556 R~dgecresl ',]81 N Chma Lake BI DAVIS. SC01'T. OPM IGOOHO. 202tl Valley BI ~;'601446-0265 R~d~ecrest MERHL TEHAC) Ten.~cnal~ REE0. EOWARO. PNO ~7601446-0600 2021 t Valle./81 ~6fil )822-5537 14486 8orox Rd ADLER. LOUIS. MD (CENTU. LEVENTHAL. HOWARD. MO fERAPY Te~lachapl 9300 StockOaJe Hwy//400 Boron STJHL) lC) (BAKER. MERitL. TEHAC. SHETH. PULIN. MO ~CENTU (661)822-5537 Bakersheld t 760)762-7671 1111 N China Lake BI WESTS~ STJHLI 9300 Stockdale Hv~ ~400 (661)663.8483 SEYMOUR. KEVIN. PHO (760)446-457! 2215 l(uxtun Ave RlOgecresf t661 )663-8483 R~dgec~est BECKER. WARREN. MO (OELANI ~ 7601446.0266 RAPY HAMILTON. MARK. OPM 17601446.5515 lC) ~661 )663-6281 SPIELLER. SUSAN. MO ~CENTU~ $flamsn Fagaloq LIU. JOHNS. MD (C) (BAKER) BRONNER. PHILIP. MD (SANPE. WALKER. ROBERT. PHD 1205 Garces Hw./ Mandann 3857 Sfockdale Hwy TORBA) lC) S~amsn Bakersfield 4450 California Ave IK1601 New Sline Rd .~155 Oelano 4000 Physicians BI ~'E I01 1111 N Cmna Lake BI ;ICAL (661)832-1666 Bakersfield Bakersfield {661)725-4847 Bakersheld R~Ogecrest (661)323-3686 (66f)396-9777 1401 Ga~ces Hvq BI (661)395-0155 {760)446-457 HORN. LAWRENCE. OPM Oelano (RIDGE. WESME) BUR01CK. RICHARD. MD YUTZLER. F. PHO (MEMCE) LOTYSCH. MAI'tHEW. MDSTARGAROTER. FREO. MO/C~ t3f4 N Norma St (BAKER. MEMCE. MERHL 5500 Ming Ave +'210 {661)721-5280 (TEHAC) lC) 1081 N China Lake BI ERAPY (760)446-3338 2323 16ih Sf//108 (661)834-8341 STJHL. UCLAM) lC) Bakersfield (760)446-0600 Bakersfield 111 ! N China Lake BI (661)663-6281 WAGNER. MICHAEL. MD KESLER. BRETT. OPM (KERVA. (66f)327-202f Ridgecresf MACLENNAN. THOMAS. MD(JOHNF) lC) MERHL) lC) (760)446-4571 2021 t Valley BI GOKLANEY. RAVI. MD (BAKER. (MERHL. TEHAC. WESTS) lC) 1 t 1 CHAH. ANNA. MO (JOHNF) lC) S~anis/i Ridgecrest ITATION Tehachapi GOOHO. MEMCE) .,JOSEPH. BRADLEY. MD [BAKER. 2615 Eye SI f60f H SI ,~f50 C (760)446-4571 (661)822-5537 Indian/Hindi MERHL. SANCO) Bakersfield Bakersfield lOl 9300 Stockdale Hwy ~400 6001 Truxtun Ave t160 2619 F St (661)633-3688 (66f)323-3829 WIEOMAN. MARTHA. MD Bakersfield Bakersfield Bakersfield 2215 T~ruxtun Ave (GOOHO) lC) (661)663-8483 (661)323-6410 (661)327-4003 CHARMS. MATTHEW. MO Baker~lield S~anis# KRAFT. MICHELE. OPM KERCHER. EUGENE. MO MERRILL. GARY. MD (BAKER. (CENTU. STJHL) (661)663-6281 1817 Truxtuo Ave German. Spanish (KERNM) lC) MERHL) lC) 1 f 11 N China ~ko BI MCCLINTOCK. JAMES. MO(661)325-6800 1111 N China Lake BI 1830 Flower St 2920 F St ~CS Ridgecresl (TEHAC) lC) Ridgecrest Bakersfield Bakersfield (760)446-4571 2215 Truxtun Ave (760)446-4571 (800)962-3303 (661)324.8990 Bakersfield MALONE. JIM. OPM (KERNM) MAUNI. IYENGAR. MO (BAKER. 2920 F St ~C-6 CORNFORTH. DONALD. MD (661)663-628f ADLER. LOUIS. MD (CENTU. Italian. Spanish GOO JO. MEMCE) lC) Bakersfield (SANCO) lC) 307 S Chester Ave Inn(aA/Hind( (805)384-1630 Spanish MCGRADY. RONALD. MD STJHL) (C) Bakersfield 6001 Truxtun Ave ~160 2615 Eye St (LANCA) lC) 1111 N China Lake BI (661)831-8673 Bakersfield PATEL. MINAL. MO lC) Bakersfield 11 f 1 N China ~ke BIRidgecrest 4000 Stockdale Hwy/~C (661)323-6410 8787 Hall Rd (661)633-3688 Ridgecrest (760)446-4571 Lamonl (760)446-0265 Bakersfield (661)845-3731 (661)832-36Q0 NOTE: .~ Page VI for Hospital Ceded (AAAAA) and Page V for Board Cerllflcatlon ] J IMPORTANT: Please verify that tile provider you select is a Prudent Buyer PPO provider at the location wllere Y°U will receive .... (see first page ol directory lot details), SURGERY - GENERAL VASCULAR continued 8UL, TANG, SANDYS. MD (BAKER, LEFF. LAWRENCE, MO (BAI(ER, MERHL. SANCO) MEBHL, SANCO) (C) 2521 G St 2005 17th St Bakersfield Bakersfield (661)327-2544 (661)327-4252  REODY, VOOUR, MO (BARBT. POMON, BTMME, VtCTO) (C) 1111 N China Lake 81 AREVALO JR, ELISEO, MORidgecrest .~I 1 (GLEME, GLENO, HUNEA) (760)446-4571 Fagalog 115 W E St SHAKIR, SHABBIR, MO (BAKER, Tet~achapi GOOSA, KERNM, MERHL O (66f)822-3241 SANC0) CO) (C) Arabic. Indian/Hindi ]00 2808 F St ~E Bakersfield ARBEGAST, NEll., MO (SANCO) (661)395-0688 LEXI, (C) STORE. BRUCE. OD (BAKER, A) {C) t711 28tO St MERHL SAN. CO) (C) I Bakerstieid 1524 27th St 1200 (661)327-8538 Bakersfield BLOCH, JACX, MO (BAKER, {661 )631-5686 KERNM) (C) WAGUESPACK, ROBERT, MO Sflanisl~ (BAKER. MERHL. SANCO) {C) 2201 Mt Vernon Ave ~211 2201 1Bib St ',R, Bakersfield 0akers/ield (661)872-7000 (661)321-3303 OERRICK, MARVIN, MO (BAKER, SANCO) 17T 1 28tti St Bakersfield (661)327-8538 FRAZIER, BRUCE, MD (BAKER. BANC0) , t711 28t~ St 6akersheld ] (661)327-8538 0REILLY, RICHARD, MD (BAKER, GOOHO. KERNM. MERHL. · MO SANCO) CO) 2323 16t~ St ~,302 Bakersfield [661)325.4257 PAW. PATRICI(, MO (0AKER. SANCO) {C} ;~)~ 171T 281rl St Bake~'stield t66U327-8538 PUREWAL, SARABJIT, MO (BAKER. SANCO) ER, 1711 281h 51 Bakersfield 300 (661 )327-8538 $OTO-VELASCO. JOSE, MD (BAKER. KERVA. MERHL. ~ER. SANCO, TEHAC) (C) Francis, Italian, S~anish 1524 27th St Bakersfield (661)327-9008 lC0) '300 CHANG, HAU. MD (MERHL. SANCO) (C) 2126 Trux~un Ave Bakersfield 'SH, MD (661)327-3638 OL. CHANG, JOSEPH, MD (BAKER. MERHL SANCO) (C) Mandarin 3535 San Oimas t24 Bakersfield (805)327-3177 KER. 3535 San Dimas St t24 ~C0) (C) Bakersfield (661)327-3177 CHI, JENBEN, MO (OELAN) Jaf~aneBe. Mandarin, Spanish *IN, MD 1205 GarCes Hwy t204 ,lC0) (C) Oelano (661)725-7244 ~B HOUSTON, RENOEI., MD (HIDES, LANCA, TEHAC) 801 N Downs IJ LAN) Ridgecrest 13 (760t375-6261 JOSEPH, BRUCE, MO (BAKER, SANCO, SANMO) (C) 2020 Truxton Ave Bakersfield (661 )323-6660 NOTE: See Page VI for Hoapltal Codea (AAAAA) and Page V for Board Cartlflcatlen RADIOLOGY - DIAGNOSTIC continued ARCNIBEQUE, FRANK, MD KRASNY, ROBERT, MD (UCLAM) SHETH, PULIN, MD (CENTU; HIEBERT, BRYAN. MD (KERNM) OLSEN, GARY, MD (TEHAC) TANGPRAPHAPHORN, VIBUL, (SANCO) lC) lC) STJHL) lC) lC) 115 w E St MD (WESTS) lC) Spamsh 1111 N China ~ke BI 1111 N China Lake BI Spanish Tehachapi Mandarin, Thai 2615 Eye St Ridgecrest Ridgecrest 4580 California Ave 1100 (661)822-3241 109 Adkisson Way Bakersfield (760)446-0265 (760)446-0265 Bakersfield 20693 Valley BI Taft (661)633-3688 LEVENTHAL. HOWARD. MD SHIPMAN. GARY. MO (GOOHO) (661)327-4411 Tenachapi (661)765-4124 BECKER. WARREN. MO (DELAN) (BAKER. MERHL. TEHAC. 2215 Truxtun Ave HYOEN.-RALPH. MO (VICTO) lC) (661)822-0583 TAYLOR. EDWARD. MO lC) WESTS) (C) Bakersfield 2215 Truxton Ave OREILLY. RICHARD. MO (BAKER. (KERNM) lC) Spanish. Ta{~alo{~ S~amsh (661)663-6281 Bakersfield GOOHO, KERNM, MERHL Spanish 1205 Games Hwy 2215 Truxtun Ave (661)327-3371 SANCO) lC) 2201 Mt Vernon Ave ~211 Oelano Bakersfield SPIELLER. SUSAN. MD (CENTU) Bakersfield (661)725-4847 (661)663-6281 (Csl)anish IRANI. HORMUZ. MO (BAKER. 2323 16th St ~302 MERHL. SANC0) lC) Bakersfield (661)872-7000 1401 Garces Hw./BI (661)325-4257 WILLIAMS. GREGORY. MD Oelano LIU. JOHNS. MO lC) 1111 N China Lake Bt 6001 0 Truxtun Ave t420 Mandarin Ridgecrest Bakersfield PALITZ. SHEPARD. MD (BAKER. MERHL SANCO) lC) (661)721-5280 4000 Physicians BI//E 101 (760)446-4571 (661)638-0601 (MERHL) {C) 9300 Stockdale Hwy//300 BEIN. MARSHALL. MO (CENTU. Bakersfield 2521 G St Bakersfield STJHL. UC[AM) lC) (661)395-0155 YAWITZ. BRUCE. MD (CErdTU. JONES. ROBERT. MD lC) STJHL) lC) 1111 N China Lake BI Bakersfield (661)665-0505 1111 N China Lake BI MCGRADY. RONALD. MO 1111 N China Lake BI Ridgecrest (661)327-2544 ZAHRIYA. KARIM. MO (ALEXI. Ridgecrest (LANCA) {C) Ridgecrest (760)446:~1571 PAW, PATRICK, MO (BAKER, DE[AN, GOOSA, SANSA) lC) (760)446-4571 1111 N China Lake BI (760)446-4571 KESHISHIAN. ARA. MD (OELAN) SANC0) lC) 1205 Garces Hwy 1303 CHAN. ANNA. MD (JOHNF) lC) Ridgecrest .. lC) 1711 28th St PolanD 2615 ETa St (760)446-(3265 Armenian. Persian/Farsi Bakersfield (661)725-4847 Bakersfield MICHAELS. GREGORY. MO 1205 Garces Hwy//303 (661)327-6538 _ ; ;t [661)633-3688 (RIVER. STMME) lC) Celano PHILLIPS. CHARLES. MO CHARMS. MATrHEW. MD German. Spanish MACLENNAN. THOMAS. MD (661)725-4847 (BAKER. MERHL. SANC0) lC) LEFOR. ALAN. MD (CEDAR. (CENTU. STJHL)lC) 1087 N China Lake BI {MERHL TEHAC, WESTS) LEFOR, ALAN, MD (CEDAR. Spanish French Ridgecrest Spanish 9300 Stockdale Hwy ~'360 KERNM) lC) 1111 N China Lake BI (760)446-0600 1601 H St 1150 C KERNM) lC) German. Japanese Bakersfield German. Japanese Bakersfield 1830 Flower St Ridgecrest MIRANDA. GOOOFREDO. MO (661)323-3829 1830 Rower St (661)665-0505 Bakersfield Bakersfield PRU NES-CARRILLO. FERNANDO. (661)326-2103 (760)446-4571 (MERHL. TEHAC. WESTS) lC) 2215 Truxtun Ave (661)326-2103 MD (KERNM) lC) CORNFORT,. DONALD. MO S~)anish Bakersfie,d (SANCO) 2215 Truxtun Ave Spanish Bakersfield (661)663-6281 LERAMO. OLUSEGUN. MD S~amsl? 2615 Eye St {66I)663-6281 SHAHANGIAN. MICHAEL. MD (BAKER. KERNM. MERHL. 2201 Mt Vernon Ave 1211 SANCO) Bakersfield Bakersfield NICHOLS. JAMES. MO (BAKER. Persian/FarsiiHUNBE) 2601 0swell St ~101 (661)872-7000 ANOERSON. NOLAN. MD (661)633-3688 GOOHO. SANC0) lC) 1081 N China Lake BI Bakersfield RAJAJOSHIWALA. PARESR. MO (DE[AN. KERNM) OEETHS. TONY. MD (SANC0) 1914 Truxtun Ave Ridgecresl (661)872-9999 (CH[HO. MISHO. SAOOL 1205 Garces Hv¢///303 Spanish Bakersfield (760)446-0600 LOOS. DONALD. MD (BAKER. SAN$C. SOUTH) Oelano 1817 Truxtun Ave 1661 )324-6588 MERHL. SANCO) lC) Indian/H~nd/. Spamsn i661)725-4847 · Bakersfield 3940 San Dimas St 110 E North 2521 G St ENRIQUEZ-DIAZ. JORGE. MD (805)326-6800 8akersfield Bakersfield 'raft (BAKER. MERHL SANC0) DEUTSCH, ANOREW, MD (661)325-6800 Referral required, please see (661)327-2544 (925)462-9040 2521 G St (CENTU. STJHL) lC) OSOVA. SUSAN. MO {C) page IV REED. RODDIE. MO (BAKER. Bakersfield MARTINEZ. HUMBERTO. MO KERNM. MERHL. SANCO) (661)327-2544 111 t N China Lake BI 1081 N China Lake BI SOUTHCOAST REHABILITATION (BAKER. CEDAR. MERHL. Ridgecrest Ridgecresl ASSOC SANC0) lC) 2;'31Bakersfield H St ~A GILL.GoOsA.ZORA.KERvA.MD (BAKER.sANCO) {760)446-4571 (760)446-0600 1800 Westwind Or//101 S~amsh FARTHING. DAVID. MD (DE[AN 1111 N China Lake BI Bakersfield 9300 Stockdale Hwy 1300 (661)327-8386 InCan/Hindi MEMME) lC) Ridgecrest (661)327-4685 Bakersfield ROORIGUEZ. ROLANO. MO 1524 271h SI ~202 Spanish. 7agalog (760)446-4571 WESTERN REHABILITATION (661)665-0505 (BAKER. MERHL. SANCO) (C~ Bakersfield 1205 Garces Hwy RAPPAPORT. MICHAEL. MO ASSOCIATES MICHAEL. MICHEL. MO (BAKER. 2521 G St (6611322-8000 Oelano (CEDAR. CENTU. STJHL) lC) 337 S 10tn St ~G GOOHO. MERHL) lC) Bakerslield MIRO. JAVIER. MO (BAKER. (661)725-4847 11 t 1 N China Lake BI Taft French. German. Spanish (805)327-2544 KERNM. SANCO) lC) 1401 Garces Hw,/BI Ridgecrest (661)763-4194 4000 Stockdale Hwy BALL, RICHARD, MO 9300 SIockdale Hw,/t300 PolanD { 760)446-0265 Bakersfield Bakersfield (661)721-5280 115 W E St ROEFS, JOHN· MD (HAZEL. (661)323-9448 Tehachap~ (66~)665-0505 FRANKEL, BTEVEN, MO (CENTU. STLOU) lC) MIRO, JAVIER, Mn (BAKER. (661)822-3241 PAW, PATRICK, MO (BAKER, STJHL) lC) 2615 Eye St ANDERSON. NOLAN. MO 1111 N China Lake BI Bakersfield (DELAN. KERNM) lC) KERNM. SANCO) lC) SCHMIOT. GERHARD. MO SANCO) lC) Ridgecrest (661)633-3688 1205 Garces Hwy #303 9300 Stockdale Hwy 1300 (BAKER) lC) 1711 28th St (760)446-0265 PolanD Bakersfield German Bakersfield ROOS. EUGENE. DO (BAKER. (661)725-4847 (661)665-0505 3545 San Oimas St (661)327-8538 GARANT. MARC. MD (GOOJO. KERNM) lC) MITI'S. GORDON. MO (BAKER. Bakersfield PHILLIPS. CHARLES. MD UCLAM) lC) 2201 Mt Vernon Ave 1211 ASHMORE. CHARLES. MD (661)327-8597 GOOHO. SANC0) (BAKER. MERHL. SANC0) French Bakersfield (KERNM) lC) 1 I00 4th St 9300 Stockda[e Hwy 1300 2525 H St SHARIATMADARI. FARZIN. MD Spamsh Taft (661)872-7000 Bakersfield (BAKER. MERHL. SANCO) lC) 9300 Stockdale Hwy 1300 Bakersfield (408)371-0728 ROTHMAN. BARRY. MD (CENTU. (661)665-0505 (661)324-7208 PersiarVFarsi Bakersfield STJHL) lC) MOON. JONG. MD (GOOHO. 4(300 Stockdale Hw.///B (661)665-0505 GORDON. RACHAEL. MD 1111 N China Lake 81 BL0CH. JACK. MO (BAKER. Bakersfield (CENTU. STJHL) lC) Ridgecrest KERNM) lC) SANCO) RAJAJOSHIWALA. PARESN. MO Korean. Spanish (661)326-8002 (CHIHO. MISHO. SADDL. 1111 N China Lake BI (760)446-4571 Spanish 406 James St SHIELOS. SAM. MD (OE[AN) lC) SANSC. SOUTH) Ridgecrest 2201 Mt Vernon Ave ~11 Shatter 1205 Garces Hwy t303 Indian/Hindi. Spanish (760)446-4571 SAFRANKO. BRENDA. MO Bakersfield 110 E North (CEDAR) (C) (661)872-7000 (661)746-5788 Oelano GREY 01, CARLILE, MO lC) 1081 N China Lake BI 4580 California Ave t100 (661)725-4847 Taft 1111 N China Lake BI Ridgecrest BUXTON, JOHN, MO (BAKER. Bakersfield (925)462-9040 Ridgecrest (760)446-0600 GOOHO. MERHL. SANC0) lC) (661)327-4411 S0TO-VELASCO. JOSE. MD (760)446-4571 1524 271h St t401 (BAKER. KERVA. MERHL. REED. ROOOIE. MD (BAKER. SAWYER. RAE. MD (ANTEL) lC) Bakersfield MOSHFEGR. MOUSSA. MD SANCO. TEHAC) lC) KERNM. MERHL SANCO) lC) HAHN. NYOJOON. MO (CENTU. 1111 N China Lake 91 (661)323-3896 (BELLF. BROTM. CEOAR. French. Italian. S~anish 2731 H St STJHL) lC) Ridgecrest GREAT. MIDWA. SUBUR. 1524 271i~ St ~301 Bakersfield 1111 N China Lake 81 (760)446-0265 ENRIQUEZ-OIAZ. JORGE. MD WESTS. WHIT1') lC) Bakersfield (661)327-8386 Ridgecrest (BAKER. MERHL. SANCO) lC) Persian/'Farsi (661)327-9008 SHARIATMAOARI. FARZlN. MD (760)446-4571 SHAH. MAN JUL. MO (BAKER. 2521G St 110 E North GOOHO) lC) Bakersfield Taft STEMMER. PAUL. MD (RIOGE) (BAKER. MERHL. SANCO) lC) HAMLIN. J. Mil (CENTU. STJHL) 1817 Truxtun Ave (661)327-2544 (925)462-9040 1111 N China Lake 81 Persian/Far$i lC) Bakersfield 110 E North St Ridgecrest 4000 Stockdale Hwy 1111 N China Lake BI GILL. ZORA. MD (BAKER. (760)446-4571 Bakersfield Ridgecrest (661)325-6800 GOOSA. KERVA. SANC0) lC) Taft (661)326-8002 (760)446-4571 SHAHANGIAN. MICHAEL. MD Indian.'Nindi (661)325-0825 TANG. SANOYS. MD (BAKER. (HUNBE) lC) 1524 271h St t202 MOZA. JOSEPH. MO (SIEVl) lC) MERHL. SANCO) lC) SHIELDS. SAM. MD (CFI.AN) KLEIN. MICHAEL. MO (GOOSA. Persian/Farsi Bakersfield 1314 Garcer Hw./ 2521 G St 1205 Garces Hwy t303 GREAT. MONTE. STJHL) lC) 1081 N China Lake BI (661)322-8000 Poland Bakersfield Poland 11 f 1 N China Lake BI Ridgecrest (661)721-7080 (661)327-2544 (661)725-4847 Ridgecrest {760)446-0600 (760)446.4571 NOTE: See Page VI for Hospital Codes (AAAAA) and Page V for 8oard Certification IMPORTANT: Please verify that the provider you select is a Prudent Buyer PPO provider at the location where you will receive care (see first page el director'/for details). SURGERY - GENERAL VASCULAR continued TANG. SANDYS. MO (BAKER, LEFF. LAWRENCE, MD (BAKER, MERHL, SANCD) MERHL SANCO)(C) 2521 G Si: 2005 17th St Bakersfield Bakersfield (661)327-2544 (661)327-4252  REDOY, VOOUR, MO (BARST, PDMON. STMME, VICT0) (C) 1111 N China Lake 81 AREVALO JR, EMSEO, MD R[dgecrest (GLEME. BLEND. HUNEA) (760)446-4571 Tagalog 115 W E St SHAKIR. SHABBIR, MO (BAKER, Tehachapi GOOSA. KERNM, MERHL, (661)822-3241 SANC0) Arabic. Indian/Hindi Blll.'(~l=;t'~ I|(I|:~:~[~ 2808 F St #E Bakersfield ARBEGAST, NELL, MO (SANC0) (661)395-0688 (C) STONE, BRUCE, O0 (BAKER, 1711 28th St MERHL, SANCO) (C) Bakersfield 1524 27ti~ St 1'200 (661)327-8538 Bakersfield 8LOCH, JACK, MD (BAKER, (661)631-5686 KERNM) (C) WAGUESPACK, ROBERT, MO Sl~anis# (6AKER. MERHL BANCO) (C) 2201 Mt Vernon Ave ~'211 2201 19th Si[ Bakersfield Bakersfield (661)872-7000 (661)321-3303 OERRICI(, MARVIN. MO (BAKER, SANCO) 1711 28th St 6akersfield (661)327-8538 FRAZIER, BRUCE, MO (BAKER· SANCO) 1711 28th St Bakersfield (661)327-8538 0REILLY, RICHARD. MO (BAKER, G00HO, KERNM MERHL, SANC0) (C) 2323 161n St ~302 Bakersfield (661)325-4257 PAW, PATRICK. MD (6AKER, SANCO) (C) 1711 2Btm St Bakersfield (661)327-8638 PUREWAL. SARABJIT. MD (BAKER. SANCO) 1711 28t1~ St Bakersfield (661)327-8538 $OTO-VELA$CO, JOSE, MO (BAKER. KERVA. MERHL, BANCO, TEHAC) (C) French. Italian. Spanish 1524 27th St ~301 Bakersfield (661)327-9008 CHANG, HAU, MD (MERHL, · SANCO) (C) 2120 Truxtun Ave Bakersfield (661)327-3638 CHANG, JOSEPH. MD (BAKER. MERHL SANCO) (C) Mandarin 3535 San Oimas//24 Bakersfield (805)327-3177 3535 San Dimas St//24 Bakersfield (661)327-317'7 CHI, JENSEN, MD (OELAN) Japanese, Mandarin, Spanish 1205 Games Hwy//204 Oelano (661)725-7244 HOUSTON, RENOEL, MD (HIDES, LANCA. TEHAC) 801 N Downs Ridgecrest (760)375-6261 JOSEPH, BRUCE, MD (BAKER, SANCO. SANMO) (C) 2020 Truxton Ave Oakersfield (661)323-6660 NOTE: See Page VI for Hoapltal COdel (AAAAA) and Page V for Board Certification Foundation for Medical Care of Kern County (FMC;) PARTIGIPATING MEMBER dULY - 2002 THIS LIST I$ SUBdEC:T TO C~HAN(3E. IT I$ THE INSUFIED'$ FlESPONSIBILITY TO VEFIIFY THE PHOVIDEFr$ C;ONTINUlNG PAFITI¢IPATION AS A FOUNDATION MEMBEFl. ALLERGY & IMMUNOLOGY Bakersfield, CA 93301 David, Saul Grandhe, ]anardhan Bakhaya, Saad FI~ (661) 325-8499 Premier Anesthesia IHedical Central California Anesthesia 44439 North I Street West, -AND- Group (Hospital Based Physician) #101 Physician's Plaza Medical Group (Hospital Based Physician) 2615 Eye Street Lancaster, CA 93534 (Southwest Surgical Center) P.O. Box 2287 Bakersfield, CA. 93301 (661) 945-1511 201 New Stine Road,//~30 Bakersfield, CA 93303 (661) Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661) 324-0300 Gorenberg, Alan E. (66!) 334-1958 Hale, Kenneth D. Drummond Medical Group DeSilva, Udaya S. Premier Anesthesia Medical I I ! i N. China Lake Blvd. Bourne, Jonathan C. Lancaster Anesthesia Medical Group Ridgecrest, CA 9:3555 Kaweah Anesthesia hledical Group (Hospital Based Physician) (760) 446-4571 Group 1600 West Avenue ] Street P.O. Box 2287 (Hospital Based Physician) Lancaster, CA 9:~534 Bakersfield, CA 93:303 Kitt, See-Ruen 2920 "F" Street, #E- 15 (66 ! ) 949-5000 (66 ! ) 324-0300 Kern County Medical Clinic Bakersfield, CA 93:301 2222 19~ Street (661) 335-7755 Dharma, Kala R. Hemandez, Bias D. Bakersfield, CA 93301 Lancaster Anesthesia Medical Premier Anesthesia Medical (661 ) 325-2448 Brechner (Fen'er), Theresa Group Group 9300 Stockdale Hwy.//I00 1600 West Avenue ] Street (Hospital Based Physician) Leung, Patrick Bakersfield, CA 93311 Lancaster, CA 93534 P.O. Box 2287 804 18~ Street (661 ) 665-7880 (661) 949-5000 Bakersfield, CA 93303 Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 324-0300 (661 ) 323-308 i Chlrman, Guy N. Dinh, Son T. Premier Anesthesia I~edical 4t00 Truxtun Ave, #306 Hum, Gary T. Tanus, Tonny Group Bakersfield, CA 93309 Premier Anesthesia l'4edical Kern Allergy l~edical Clinic (Hospital Based Physician) (661) 325-8499 Group 212 ! i 7~ Street P.O. Box 2287 -AND- (Hospital Based Physician) Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA 93303 Comprehensive Blood ~ Cancer P.O. Box 2287 (661 ) 327-9693 (661) 324-0300 Ctr. Bakersfield, CA 93303 -AND- 6501 Truxtun Avenue (661) 324-0300 ! :~0 North Villa Chow, Steve P. Bakersfield, CA 93309 Porterville, CA. 93257 San ]oaquin Anesthesia Assoc (661) 322-2206 Hut, Young (559) 782-8578 1709 - 20~ Street Lancaster Anesthesia Medical Bakersfield, CA 93301 Emmanuel, Gerry F. Group ANESTHESIOLO Y (661 ) 335-7755 Lancaster Anesthesia l"ledical 1600 West Avenue ] Street Abdou, ~ Group Lancaster, CA 93534 Empire Surgery Center Coleman. Lewis S. ! 600 West Avenue ] Street (661 ) 9~9-5000 4101 Empire Drive Central ~lifomia Anesthesia Lancaster, CA 93534 Bakersfield, CA 9:3309 (Hospital Based Physician) (661) 949-5000 Hyun, Sung (661) 3:35-7755 2615 Eye Street San ]oaquin Anesthesia Assoc Bakersfield, CA 93301 Findley, John R. 1709 - 20* Street Ahn, Mark (661) 324-0300 2920 "F" Street,//E-I 5 Bakersfield, CA 93301 San ]oaquin Anesthesia Assoc Bakersfield, CA 9:~301 (661) 335-7755 1709 - 20* Street Collier, ]ames (66 ! ) 335-7755 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Greater Bakersfield Ipe, Joseph (661) 335-7755 Anesthesiology Fisher, Robert B. San ]oaquln Anesthesia Assoc (Hospital Based Physician) Premier Anesthesia 1Hedical 1709 - 20' Street Balasubramanian, Govtndan 841 l'4ohawk Street,//270 Group Bakersfield, CA 93301 1401 Garces Highway Bakersfield, CA 93309 (Hospital Based Physician) (661 ) 335-7755 Delano, CA 93215 (661 ) 334-1958 P.O. Box 2287 (661) 725-4800 Bakersfield, CA 93303 lyer, Kamalmath -AND- (66 ! ) 324-0300 Premier Anesthesia Medical 2920 "F" Street,//E-! 5 Group Bakersfield, CA 93301 Fflzzell, Robert L. (Hospital Based Physician) (66 I) 335-7755 Lancaster Anesthesia Medical P.O. Box 2287 Bella, Eleuterto Group Bakersfield, CA 93303 Bakersfield Pain Iqanagement i 600 West Avenue ] Street (661 ) 324-0300 Group Lancaster, CA 9353~ 35355an Dimas Street,//12 (661 ) 949-5000 - 1 - (ANESTHESIOLOGY Owens, Robert G. Sdvastava, Shachi ]. (661) 335-7755 CONTINUED) (Hsopital Based Physician) San ]oaquin Anesthesia Assoc 2920 "F" Street, Ste E- 15 1709 - 20' Street Yaker, Kenneth IH. ]agpal, Kuldeep Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA 93301 2525 Eye Street San ]oaquin Anesthesia Assoc (661) 335-7755 (661) 335-7755 Bakersfield, CA 93301 1709 - 20~ Street Palencia, Arturo . (661) 327-8725 Bakersfield, CA 93301 San ]oaquin Anesthesia Assoc Stoll, Mervyn A. (661 ) 335-7755 1709 - 20~ Street Lancaster Anesthesia Medical CARDIOLOGY Bakersfield, CA 93301. Group Baber, Salma A. ]eppson, :John R. (661 ) 335-7755 1600 West Avenue ] Street Golden Empire Cardiology Premier Anesthesia Medical .. Lancaster, CA 93534 3550 "Q' StreeL #301 Group Pannu, Gurnam S. (661) 949-5000 Bakersfield, CA 93301 (Hospital Based Physician) Lancaster Anesthesia Medical Tamer, Moussa P. (661) 321-3161 P.O. Box 2287 Group Premier Anesthesia Medical Bakersfield, CA 93303 1600 West Avenue ] Street Group Banerjee, Supratim (661) 324-0300 Lancaster, CA 93534 (Hospital Based Physician) Comprehensive Cardiovascular (661) 949-5000 P.O. Box 2287 201 I Truxtun Avenue Klm, Chang K. Bakersfield, CA 93303 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Lancaster Anesthesia Medical Park, Gil S. (661 ) 324-0300 (661 ) 631-5544 Group Physician's Plaza Anesthesia Med 1600 West Avenue ] Street Grp Tempo, Tamding Bezdek, William D. Lancaster, CA 93534 (Southwest Surgical Center) Lancaster Anesthesia Medical Bakersfield Cardiopulmonary (661) 949-5000 P.O. Box 2287 Group Medical Group Bakersfield, CA 93303 1600 West Avenue ] Street 1524 27' Street, #150 Krishnadasan, C. (661) 324-0300 Lancaster, CA 93534 Bakersfield, CA 93301 44301 North Lorimer Avenue (661 ) 949-5000 (661 ) 323-5976 Lancaster. CA 93534 Park, Yoong ]. (661) 940-1112 Lancaster Anesthesia Medical Thio, Edward H. Bhambi, Brijesh K. Group Central California Anesthesia Central Cardiology Medical Le, Qui T. i 600 West Avenue ] Street (Hospital Based Physician) Clinic Physician's Plaza Anesthesia hied Lancaster. CA 93534 2615 Eye Street 2110 Truxtun Avenue Grp (661) 949-5000 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA 93301 (Hospital Based Physician) (661 ) 324-0300 (661 ) 323-8384 P.O. Box 2287 Patel, Naina Bakersfield, CA 93303 Physician's Plaza Medical Group Toma, Maher H. Boulware, Terry A. (661) 324-0300 (Southwest Surgical Center) 841 Mohawk Street,#270 HighgTove Medical Group - AND - 201 New Sdne Road, #130 Bakersfield, CA 93309 1524 - 27* Street, #201 Tam O'Shanter Medical Group Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661) 324-0300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 (Hospital Based Physician) (661 ) 334-1958 (661 ) 326-1600 P.O. Box 2029 Wagner, FI. Reinhard Bakersfield, CA 93303 Raval, Narendra Bakersfield Heart Hospital Desai, Kirk (661) 335-7755 Premier Anesthesia Medical Anesthesiology Medical Central Cardiology Medical Group Group Clinic Lee, Hak Soon (Hospital Based Physician) 3001 Sillect Avenue 21 I0 Truxtun Avenue Premier Anesthesia Medical P.O. Box 2287 Bakersfield, CA 93308 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Group Bakersfield, CA 93303 (661 ) 334- i 958 (661 ) 323-8384 (Hospital Based Physician) (661) 324-0300 - AND - P.O. Box 2287 Premier Anesthesia Medical Don Michael, T. Anthony Bakersfield, CA 93303 Sanderson, Harold Group 5343 Truxtun Avenue (661) 324-0300 Physicians Plaza Anesthesia (Hospital Based Physician) Bakersfield, CA 93309 kledical Associates P.O. Box 2287 (661 ) 861-7933 Nason, Irving 841 Mohawk Street, #270 Bakersfield, CA 93303 Physicians Plaza Anesthesia Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661 ) 324-0300 Esposo, Oriente M. Medical Associates (661 ) 324-0300 Highg~ove Medical Group 841 Mohawk Street #270 Wang, :]en F. 1524 - 27' Street, #201 Bakersfield, CA 93309 Schwartz, Kevin (Hospital Based Physician) Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 324-0300 Premier Anesthesia Medical P.O. Box 2287 (661) 326-1600 Group Bakersfield, CA 93303 Neubarth, :Jesse Lee (Hospital Based Physician) (661) 324-0300 Goonesinghe, Iresha C. Central California Anesthesia P.O. Box 2287 Oak Hills Medical Corp (Hospital Based Physician) Bakersfield, CA 93303 Wong, Steve (DBA-The Heart Center) 2615 Eye Street (661 ) 324-0300 Premier Anesthesia Medical 1240 S. China Lake Blvd. #A Bakersfield, CA 93301 Group RJdgecrest, CA 93555 (661) 324-0300 Scurlock, W. Bruce P.O. Box 2287 ~. (760) 371-7600 Premier Anesthesia Medical Bakersfield, CA 93303 Nuval, Eden Q. Group (661) 324-0300 Hasanin, Osama S. San :]oaquln Anesthesia Assoc (Hospital Based Physician) The Heart Center 1709 -20~ Street P.O. Box 2287 Wu, David (dba: Oak Hills Med. Corp.) Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA 93303 San ]oaquin. Anesthesia Assoc 6404 Lake Isabella Blvd,#B (661) 335-7755 (661) 324-0300 1709 - 20~ Street Lake Isabella, CA 93240 Bakersfield, CA 93301 (760) 379-3500 Ishimod, Tetsuo (661 ) 725-6910 (661 ) 398-1560 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Central Cardiology Medical - AND - (661 ) 324-2151 Clinic Nyitray, William 1402 Jefferson Street 2110 Truxtun Avenue Central Cardiology Medical Delano, CA 93215 MacDuff, ,Michael Bakersfield, CA 93301 Clinic (661) 758-3300 2215 "G Street (661) 323-8384 2110 Truxtun Avenue - AND - . Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA 9330 ! 1410 7' Street (661 ) 324-1312 Karimian, Siamak (661) 323-8384 Wasco, CA 93280 Comprehensive Cardiovascular (661 ) 725-9130 EMERGENCY MEDICINE 201 I Truxtun Avenue Reddy, Mailadi Almkiov, Roger Bakersfield, CA 93301 Central Cardiology Medical Tedesco, Dominic ]. Bakersfield Memorial Emergency (661 ) 631-5544 Clinic California Cardiac Surgeons Physicians Medical Associates - AND - 2110 Truxtun Avenue 1711 28~ Street (Hospital Based Physician) 432-B Lexington Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA 93301 420 34' Street Delano, CA 93215 (661 ) 323-8384 (661 ) 327-8538 Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 725-7818 (661) 327-1792 Sharma, Sanjiv COLON & RECTAL SURGERY (CARDIOLOGY Central Cardiology Medical Wang, David Y. Burson, Leslie (DO) CONTINUED) Clinic Drummond Medical Group Bakersfield Memorial Emergency 2110 Truxtun Avenue I 111 North China Lake Blvd. Physicians Medical Associates Karunaker, A.R.S.R. Bakersfield. CA 93301 Ridgecrest, CA 93555 (Hospita! Based Physician) Kern Faculty Medical Group (661) 323-8384 (760) 446-4571 420 34~ Street 2201 Mt. Vernon Ave., #211 Singh, Sarabjit K. (Sam) DERMATOLOGY Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield. CA 93306 Kern Cardiology Medical Group Binder, William A. (661) 327-1792 (66 ! ) 87:~-7000 2323 16~ Street, #305 2323 i 6' Street, #400 Bakersfield. CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Davies, Michael E. Kumar, Vinod (661 ) 32~'-0807 (661) 324-4725 Central Valley Occupational The Heart Center Med Grp 525 34' Street Tam, Charles T. Crowley, Jeffrey ]. 4100 Truxtun Ave. #200 Bakersfield. CA 93301 1524 27~ Street, #201 Bakersfield Dermatology ~ Skin Bakersfield. CA 9~309 (661 ) 321~-6290 Bakersfield. CA 9330 ! Cancer Medical Group (661 ) 63~- 1540 (661 ) 32~-9500 606 34' Street Lee, Tommy C. Bakersfield, CA 93301 Father, Michael B. Golden Empire Cardiology Wen, Thomas (Chun Yuen) (661) 327-3756 Mercy Medi Center 3550 "Q" Street, #301 2303 17' Street 400 Old River Road Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield. CA 93301 Elbaum, David Bakersfield. CA 93311 (661) 321-3161 (661) 32~-!931 2323 16~ Street, #204 (661) 66~-6100 Bakersfield. CA 93301 Maddox, Denis E. CARDIOVASCULAR SURGERY (651 ) 32:~-5333 Hardy, Samuel 2030 Truxtun Avenue Arbegast, Nell Bakersfield Memorial Emergency Bakersfield, CA 93301 California Cardiac Surgeons Gunter, Jeffrey R. Physicians Medical Associates (661 ) 326-1100 1711 28' Street 44215 15' Street West, #309 (Hospital Based Physician) Bakersfield. CA 93301 Lancaster, CA 93534 420:34' Street (661) 32~-8538 (661) 949-0004 McNamara, Nancy Bakersfield. CA 93301 2828 "H' Street, #H -AND- (661) 32~-1792 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Derrick, Marvin R. 801 Downs Street. #B (661) 327-2932 California Cardiac Surgeons Ridgecrest, CA 9~555 Heinrich, Mark (DO) 1711 28' Street (760) 384-2592 Bakersfield Memorial Emergency Mehta, Viral Y. Bakersfield, CA 93301 -AND- Physicians Medical Associates Comprehensive Cardiovascular (661) 327-8538 20211 Valley Blvd. (Hospita! Based Physician) 2011 Truxtun Avenue Tehachapi, CA 93561 420 34~ Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Frazier, Bruce L. (661) 823-7546 Bakersfield. CA 93301 (661) 631-5544 California Cardiac Surgeons -AND- (661) 32~-1792 -AND- 1711 28~ Street 1345 Rocking West Dr. 1205 Garces Hwy.,#306 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bishop, CA 93514 Delano, CA 93215 (661) 327-8538 (760) 873-5139 (661) 725-7818 -AND- Paw, Patrick T. 6417 Lynch Canyon Rd. Moll, Eric Nalos, Peter California Cardiac Surgeons Mt. Mesa, CA 93240 Bakersfield Memorial Emergency Central Cardiology Medical i 711 28' Street (760) 397-3376 Physicians Medical Associates Clinic Bakersfield, CA 93301 -AND- (Hospital Based Physician) 2110 Truxtun Avenue (661 ) 327-8538 6621 Lake Isabella Blvd. 420 34' Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Lake Isabella. CA 93240 Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 323-8384 Purewal, Sari (760) 379-3376 (661) 327-1792 California Cardiac Surgeons Narang, Yadvinder K. 171 i 28' Street Levan, Norman Nichols, Edward L. i 524- 27' Street, Ste 150 Bakersfield, CA 93301 1828 28' Street Bakersfield Memorial Emergency Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 327-8538 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Physicians Medical Associates (66 ! ) 633-2541 (661 ) 324-5392 (Hospital Based Physician) - AND - 420 34' Street Singh, Amdt 1205 Garces Hwy, Ste 203 3820 Wible Rd., #A Luu, Susan Bakersfield, CA 93301 Delano, CA 93215 Bakersfield, CA 93309 2 ! 31 19~ Street (661 ) 327-1792 -:3- McFarland, CA 93250 Fadeff, Chris M. ' Bakersfield, CA 93308 Parks, Christopher R. (661) 792-2149 500 Old River Road,//105 (661) 399-2822 Mercy Medi Center Bakersfield, CA 93311 400 Old River Road Chang, Frank F. (661 ) 664-0473 Kibler, George K. Bakersfield, CA 93311 2828 Eye Street Family Health Centre Meal Grp (661) 663-6100 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Ferguson, William W. 686 West Line Street Shellans, Stephen (661) 327-3091 Southern Sierra Medical Clinic ' Bishop, CA 93514 1041 North China Lake Blvd., (760) 872-4311 Bakersfield Memorial Emergency Cho, Larry #B Physicians Medical Associates Valley Industrial ~ Walk-In Med Ridgecrest, CA 93555 Kim, ]oo R. (Hospital Based Physician) Grp (760) 446-6404 9905 Bate Avenue 420 34~ Street 2601 'G" Street Bakersfield, CA 93307 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Garcia-Martinez, Maria S. (661) 831-1100 (661 ) 327-1792 (661 ); 327-2225 Comprehensive Care Clinic 2615 'H" Street Kubo, Calvin Sorenson, Vernon Claiborne, Ronnie Bakersfield, CA 93301 Golden Valley Medical Ming ~ Ashe Medical Center Central Valley Medical Group (661) 635-3000 Associates 6501 Ming Avenue 2023 Truxtun Avenue 500 Old River Road. #270 Bakersfield, CA 93309 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Griffin, Arthur Bakersfield, CA 93:~11 (661 ) 397-4004 (661 ) 323-2295 109 Adkisson Way (66 ! ) 664-0252 Taft, CA 93268 ENDOCRINOLOGY Clerou, Romain P. (66 ! ) 765-2173 Lusk, David P. ~. 2128 Truxtun Avenue Gualberto, Ruben S. Drummond Medical Group 6001 Truxtun Avenue, #300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield Family Medical 1 ! I 1 North China. Lake Blvd. Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661) 325-5843 Center Ridgecrest, CA 93555 (661 ) 322-2413 4580 California Avenue (760) 446-4571 Comelli, Ruben Bakersfield, CA 93309 Etdnger, Victor G. Buttonwillow Health Center (661) 327-441 I Maddela, Vincent ]. (Hospital Based Physician) 227 East Front Street Highgrove Medical Group i 830 Flower Street Buttonwillow, CA 93206 Hagen, Robert W. 1524 * 27~ Street, #20l Bakersfield, CA 93305 (661) 764-5211 177 Aviation Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 326-2200 Shafter, CA 93253 (661) 326-1600 Cousin, Luis (661 ) 391-4530 FAMILY PRACTICE Mohawk Medical Group Miller, John P. AND GENERAL PRACTICF 5397 Truxtun Avenue Heidrick, John T. (DO) Kern Faculty Medical Group Acevedo, Alberto L. Bakersfield, CA 93309 Preferred Family Care Physicians 2201 Mt. Vernon Ave, #211 1205 Garces Hwy. L#205 (661) 327-5058 6001-D Truxtun Avenue, #400 Bakersfield, CA 93306 Delano, CA 93215 Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661) 872-7000 (661 ) 725-3530 Dagdagen, Mark T. (661 ) 638-2273 I 120 Kensington -AND- Mitchell, Andrew G. Anderson, Gene A. Delano, CA 93215 Bakersfield Family Medical 2024 Young Avenue Mohawk Medical Group (661) 72'1-7962 Center Lake Isabella, CA 93240 6401 Truxtun Avenue 4580 California Avenue (760) 379-5611 Bakersfield, CA 93309 Daley, Patrick Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661 ) 324-4747 Kern Family Medicine (661 ) 327-4411 Moini, Jasmine 820 34~ Street, #202 (Limited to Obstetrics) Barnard, Marion C. (11) Bakersfield, CA 93301 Helper, Stephen D. 300 Old River Road, #110 Niles Surgical ~ Medical Group (661) 323-9090 Helper Medical Corp. Bakersfield, CA 9331 i 2121 Niles Street 3941 San Dimas Street, #103- (661) 665-0184 Bakersfield, CA 93305 Davis, Bradley G. (DO) A (661 ) 325-1255 2300 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Moore, David M. Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661 ) 327-9528 Kern Faculty Medical Group Berry, Paul S. (661) 631-1513 2201 Mt. Vernon Ave., #211 Westside Wellness Center Hess, David M. Bakersfield, CA 93306 100 E. North Street Del Toro, ]orge E. Intensivist Critical Care Med (661) 872-7000 Taft, CA 93268 Mohawk Medical Group Grp (661 ) 763-3141 5397 Truxtun Avenue 201 ! 18~ Street, # 12 Morasca, Gary (DO) Bakersfield, CA 93309 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield Family Medical Bitzer, John (661) 327-5058 (661) 322-3901 Center ! 01 Adldsson Way 100 i 4 Rosedale Hwy Taft, CA 93268 Deol, Shivlnder S. . Horowitz, Klm ]. Bakersfield, CA 93312 (661) 765-4171 4000 Stockdale Hwy., #D Sierra Family Care (661) 589-4412 Bakersfield, CA 93309 20797 Santa Lucia St. Carbonell, Antonio (661) 325-7452 Tehachapi, CA 93561 Neufeld, Ramon H. Valley Medical Group of Central (661) 822-9105 500 Old River Road, #105 CA Dixon, Donald ]. -AND- Bakersfield, CA 93311 5401 White Lane Drummond Medical Group 2041 Belshaw Street (661 ) 664-0473 Bakersfield, CA 93309 111 i North China Lake Blvd. Mojave, CA 93502 (66 I) 836-4000 Ridgecrest, CA 93555 (661) 824-451 i (760) 446-4571 Carlson, Arthur W. ]oshl, Mukesh ]. ! 45 Kern Avenue 901 Castaic Avenue '4- Newbrough~ Stephen B. 9661) 324-1203 Bakersfield, CA 93306 2323 - 16~ Street, #405 Seminario, Oscar R. (661 ) 872-7000 Bakersfield, CA 93301 1425 Main Street Firozi, Mohammad Tarik (661) 324-9829 Delano, CA 93215 2323[ 16~ Street, #300 Buxton, John - AND - (661) 725-3772 Bakersfield, CA 93301 1524 27~ Street, #401 6401 Truxtun Avenue (661 ) 323-1200 . Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA 93309 Seydel, Jerry -AND- (661) 323-3896 (661 ) 322-2273 4001 Union Avenue, #3 1205 Garces Hwy., Ste 101 Bakersfield, CA 93305 Delano, CA 93215 Courser, Darel O'Connell, Patrick (661 ) 861-9000 (66 i ) 323-1200 (Assistant Surgery) Mohawk Medical Group P.O. Box 6374 6401 Truxtun Avenue Terry, Kyle R. Francis, Robert B. (Ir.) Bakersfield, CA 93386 Bakersfield, CA 93309 1303 Jefferson Street Drummond Medical Group (661) 871-6375 (661) 327-1431 Delano, CA 93215 1111 North China Lake Blvd. Olsen, Gary D. (661) 720-9111 Ridgecrest, CA 93555 Enriquez, ]orge A. (760) 446-4571 2521 "G" Street 20693 Valley Blvd. Thorpe, Michael D. Bakersfield. CA 93301 Tehachapi, CA 93561 Mohawk Medical Group Gupta, Ramesh C. (661) 32;L2544 (661) 822-0583 6401 Truxtun Avenue Digestive Disease Center Bakersfield, CA 93309 1902 "B" Street Gill, Zora Park, Young W. (661 ) 321-3465 Bakersfield, CA 93301 1524 27~ Street, #202 2323 ,I 6~ Street, #200 (661) 327-1400 Bakersfield. CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Tiwana, Ajitpal -AND- (661 ) 32:~-8000 (661) 327-5667 2635 "G" Street 1508 Garces Hwy. Bakersfield, CA 93'301 Delano, CA 93215 Gonzalez, Victor Patel, Pragati (661 ) 325-5513 (661 ) 721-9212 Drummond Medical Group 2828 "F" Street, #A I 1 I 1 North China Lake Bird Bakersfield, CA 93301 Wong, Kenneth G. Krishan, Rajeev Ridgecrest, CA 93555 (661) 327-4731 Bakersfield Family Medical Kern Gastroenterology Med Grp (760) 446-4571 Center 2323 - 16~ Street, ~e 401 (FAMILY PRACTICE (DBA-Northeast Physicians Med Bakersfield, CA 93301 Irani, Hormuz CONTINUED) Grp) (661 ) 324-1203 6001 -D Truxtun Ave, #420 5000 Physicians Bird, Ste I00 Bakersfield, CA 93309 Pershadsingh, Hardhar Bakersfield, CA 93301 Lin, Hua-Lung (661) 638-0601 Kern Faculty Medical Group (661) 215-1500 2225 19~ Street 2201 Mt. Vernon Ave., #211 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Keshishian, Ara Bakersfield, CA 93306 Yokoyama, Larry (661 ) 395-1271 Shields ~ Anderson, M.D.'s (661) 872-7000 Centennial Medical Group 1205 Garces Hwy.~#303 820 34~ Street, #101 Madhavan, Stehu V. Delano, CA 93215 Pesche, Mark (DO) Bakersfield, CA 93301 1654 West Avenue ] (661 ) 725-4847 Tehachapi Medical Clinic (661) 326-8989 Lancaster, CA 93534 20960 Sage Lane (661) 945-7181 Klm, ]oo R. Tehachapi, CA 93561 Young, John T. -AND- 9905 Bate Avenue (661 ) 821-0199 San ]oaquin Family Medicine Complete Family Care Med. Bakersfield, CA 93307 500 Old River Road, #155 Corp. (661) 831-1100 Remmes, Michele Bakersfield, CA 9331 i 12500 Boron Avenue, #A 3807 Union Avenue (661 ) 664-1230 Boron, CA 93516 Lee Ho, ]amle Bakersfield, CA 93305 (760) 762-5111 Kern River Health Center (661 ) 324-2423 GASTROENTEROLOGY 4300 Birch Avenue Bhaika, Harpal Mehta, Anil Lake Isabella, CA 93240 Riggs, Peyton D. (DO) Kern Gastroenterology Medical 3941 San Dimas St., #104 (760) 379-2426 Bakersfield Family Medical Group Bakersfield, CA 93301 Center 232316~ Street, #401 (661 ) 322-8466 Loos, Donald 532 South Mill Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 2521 "G" Street Tehachapi, CA 93561 (661) 324-1203 Rahal. Paramvir S. Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 823-2273 432 Lexington St., #B (661) 327-2544 Bhogal, Rabinder S. Delano, CA 93215 Saimassi, Sadegh Kern Gastroenterology Medical (66 i ) 725-1200 Lukens, Robert G. .719 Main Street Group -AND- (Assistant Surgery) Delano, CA 93215 2323 16~ Street, #401 2323 16~ Street, #300 2530 Elm Street (661) 725-5877 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Schale (Embree), Ruth E. (661) 324-1203 (661) 323-1200 (661) 325-2382 601 California Avenue Chaurasla, Om P. GENERAL ~q~IRGERy Martlnez, Humberto D. Bakersfield, CA 93304 1205 Garces Hwy., #202 Anderson, Nolan C. Vincent Phillips, M.D., Inc. (661) 323-6086 Delano, CA 93215 1205 Garces Hwy.,#303 9300 Stockdale Hwy, #300 Seidenstrtcker, Keith L. (661) 721-7275 Detano, CA 93215 Bakersfield, CA 93311 (661 ) 725-4847 (66 ! ) 665-0505 Hlghgrove Medical Clinic Chowdhury, Tabassum A. 1524 27'" Street, Ste 201 Kern Gastroenterology Med Grp Brown, Charles Bakersfield, CA 93301 2323 16~ Street, #401 Kern Faculty Medical Group (661) 326-1600 Bakersfield, CA 93301 2201 Mt. Vernon Ave., #211 Hoon, Jong C. Kern Faculty Medical Group (661 ) 725-5676 Kern Integrity Medical Group 406 ]ames Street 2201 Mt. Vernon Ave., #211 507 W. Columbus St. Shafter, CA 93263 Bakersfield, CA 93306 Abraham, Jennifer Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661 ) 746-5788 (66 i ) 872-7000 Kern Faculty Medical Group (661 ) 328-7070 2201 Mt. Vernon Ave., #211 Naik, Nirav C. Wang, David Y. Bakersfield. CA 93306 Bernardino, Ricardo M. 6001 Truxtun.Ave, Ste 420-D Drummond Medical Group (661) 87~-7000 ' 714 Main Street. #A-B Bakersfield, CA 93309 1111 North China Lake Blvd. Delano, CA 93:)15 (661 ) 638-0601 Ridgecrest, CA 93555 Ahmed, Mustaq (661 ) 721-2220 (661) 446-4571 San ]oaquin Valley Pulmonary Olsen, Gary D. Group Berry, Martin 20693 Valley Blvd. Williams, Gregory G. 3737 San Dimas St, #102 3737 San Dimas Street, #101 Tehachapi, CA 93561 C. Vincent Phillips, M.D., Inc. Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 822-0583 930OStockdale Hwy, #300 (661) 327-3747 (661) 327-5037 Bakersfield, CA 93311 O'Reilly, .Richard (661) 665-0505 Alam, Syed M. Bhangoo, Sarupinder 2323 16' Street, #302 San ]oaquin Valley Pulmonary 6001 Truxtun Avenue, #260 Bakersfield. CA 93301 GERIATRICS Group Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661) 325-4257 Mitchell, Andrew G. 3737 San Dimas St, #102 (661) 836-9891 2024 Young Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661 ) 327-3747 Bhardwai, Manick Phillips, C. Vincent Lake Isabella, CA 93240 C. Vincent Phillips, M.D., Inc. (760) 379-5611 2808 "F" Street, #A 9300 Stockdale Hwy, #300 Alim, Muhammad Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA 9331 I Srijaerajah, T. Bakersfield Lung ~ Sleep Med (661) 327-4731 (661) 665-0505 9300 North Loop Ctr Calil~ornia City, CA 93505 6001-A Truxtun Ave, Ste 100 Bouldoukian, Kevork A. (GENERAL SURGERY (760) 373-4809 Bakersfield, CA 93309 Mohawk Medical Group CONTINUED) -AND- (661) 323-5300 6401 Truxtun Avenue 44725 I0' Street West, #230 Bakersfield, CA 93309 Ramos, Cesar Lancaster, CA 93539 Alvarez, Carlos (661) 322-2273 626 Main Street (661) 945-1611 Valley Medical Group of Central Delano, CA 93215 CA Brown, Edward · (661 ) 721-2100 INFECTIOUS DISEASE 5401 White Lane 253 i "G" Street Amin, Navinchandra Bakersfield, CA 93309 Bakersfield. CA 93301 Reed, Roddie Kern Faculty Medical Group (661) 836-4000 (661) 32;~-7348 2731 "H" Street 2201 Mt. Vernon Ave., #211 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield. CA 93306 Anders, Alpha ]. Carey, Tony (661) 327-8386 (661) 87~-7000 2801 Chester Avenue 422 Center Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 Taft, CA 93268 Rodriguez, Roland Johnson, Royce (66 ! ) 663-5474 (661 ) 765-1122 2521 'G" Street Kern Faculty Medical Group Bakersfield. CA 93301 2201 Mt. Vernon Ave., #2 i 1 Awad, Youssef B. Castanares, Araceli B. (661) 32~-2544 Bakersfield, CA 93306 Bakersfield Family Medical Kern Integrity Medical Group (66 ! ) 872-7000 Center 507 W. Columbus St.' Shariatmadari, Farzln (DBA-Wasco Medical Center) Bakersfield. CA 93301 C. Vincent Phillips, M.D., Inc. Mui, Byron S.K. 210 ! 7~ Street (661 ) 32~07070 9300 Stockdale Hwy, #300 2222 19' Street Wasco, CA 93280 Bakersfield, CA 93311 Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 758-2263 Catania, Robert A. (661 ) 665-0505 (661 ) 328-0800 600 ! Truxtun Avenue, #300 Baker, William F. Bakersfield, CA 93309 Shields, Sam INDUSTRIAL MEDICINE 3900 San Dimas Street (661) 322-2413 ! 205 Garces Hwy.,#303 Christiansen, Wllllard B. Bakersfield, CA 93301 . Delano, CA 93215 2021 22~ Street (661) 322-3087 Chandrasekaran, Ramani (661) 725-4847 Bakersfield, CA 93301 1205 Garces Hwy., #306 Stemmer, Paul F. (661) 327-9617 Banerjee, Supradm Delano, CA 93215 Comprehensive Cardiovascular (661 ) 725-7211 Drummond Medical Group Farber, Michael B. 201 ! Truxtun Avenue 1 i 1 ! North China Lake Blvd. Mercy Medl Center Bakersfield, CA 93301 Chang, ]ames Y. Ridgecrest, CA 93555 400 Old River Road (661) 631-5544 3550 "Q" Street~ #205 (760) 446-4571 Bakersfield, CA 9331 ! Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 663-6100 Bansal, Radhey (661) 316-8888 . Tang, Sandys 432-B Lexington Street 2521 "G" Street Parks, Christopher R. Delano, CA 93215 Chen, Chung-Kwang Bakersfield, CA 93301 Mercy Medi Center (661 ) 725-7793 Bakersfield Family Medical (661) 327-2544 400 Old River Road Center Bakersfield, CA 93311 Baroud, Khalil S. (DBA-Northeast Physicians Meal Tangpraphaphorn, Vibul (661 ) 663-6100 Community Health Center Grp) 109 AdkJsson way 62016 Paso Robles Hwy. 5000 Physicians Blvd. Taft, CA 93268 INTERNAL MEDICINE Lost Hills, CA 93249 Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661 ) 765-4 ! 24 Abalos, Arturo (661 ) 797-2667 (661 ) 632- ! 900 1004 14' Street - AND - Taylor, Edward W. Delano, CA 93215 Baruiz, Altagracla (Grace) U. '6- Bakersfield Family Medical 1524 - 27~ Street, #201 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA 93309 Center Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661 ) 327-5301 (661 ) 622-2206 (DBA-Almond Grove Family (661 ) 326-1600 Fled Grp) Hasanin, Osama S. Karunaker, A.R.S.R. 10014 Rosedale Hwy. Ettinger, Victor G. The Heart Center Kern Faculty Medical Group Bakersfield, CA 93312 (Hospital Based Physician) (dba: Oak Hills Med. Corp.) 2201 Mt. Vernon Ave., #211 (661) 589-4412 1830 Flower Street 6404 Lake Isabella Bird, #B ' Bakersfield, CA 93306 Bakersfield, CA 93305 Lake Isabella, CA 93240 (661) 872-7000 Cho, Kaikei (661) 326-2200 (760) 379-3500 Bakersfield Internal Medicine Keni, Arun H. Assoc Farinha, Pedro L. Helper, Susan 5 ! I West Columbus Street 2323 16~ Street, #502 Drummond Medical Group Helper Medical Corp. Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA 93301 1111 North China Lake Blvd. 3941 San Dimas Street, #103- (661) 395-1085 (661 ) 323-6102 Ridgecrest, CA 93555 A (760) 446-4571 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Kim, ]ae Dandamudi, Satya N. (661) 327-9528 565 Kern Street 44215 W. 15~ Street West, Finstad, Gar'/ Shafter, CA 93263 # i 03 Kern River Health Center Herriott, Dale T. (661 ) 746-4937 Lancaster, CA 93534 4300 Birch Avenue 1925 17'~ Street (661) 948-4429 Lake Isabella, CA 93240 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Ko, Young ]. David, Clarene (760) 379-2426 (661 ) 327-530 ! 44215 North 15'h Street West, #303 Bakersfield Family Medical Firozi, Flohammad Tarik Hewitt, ]. Michael Lancaster, CA 93534 Center 2323 16~ Street, #300 Highgrove Medical Group (661) 945-0723 4580 California Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 1524- 27~ Street, #201 Bakersfield. CA 93309 (661) 323-1200 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Kotarac, ]acquelyn A. (661 ) 32~-4411 -AND- (661 ) 326-1600 3941 San Dimas Street, #103-B 1205 Garces Hwy., Ste 101 Bakersfield. CA 93301 Delano, CA 93215 (661 ) 322-3225 De]esus, Hector M. Hsu, Kenneth 2128 Truxtun Ave. Ste A (66 ! ) 323-1200 3535 San Dimas Street, #8 Bakersfield, CA 92[30 i (651) 323-3280 Bakersfield. CA 93301 Laughlin, Robert L. Francis, Robert B. 0r.) (661) 32:~-2329 Centeral Valley Pulmonary Fled Drummond Medical Group Grp .{INTERNAL MED I 1 ! I North China Lake Blvd. Huang, Ning 1925 - 17~ Street CONTINUED) Ridgecrest, CA 93555 Bakersfield Family Medical Bakersfield, CA 93301 (760) 446-457 i Center (66 ! ) 327-5301 Dellica, RoseMarie B. Freesemann, ]effery M. 4580 California Avenue Kern Integrity Medical Group Highgrove Medical Group Bakersfield, CA 93309 Lee, ]u Hwan 507 West Columbus St. i 524- 27' Street, #201 (661) 327-4411 Bakersfield Family Medical Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Center (661) 328-7070 (661) 326-1600 Hwang, Yong 4580 California Avenue Gilli, William E. ! 147 7~ Street Bakersfield. CA 93309 (661) 32;L4411 Devasla, Ned Wasco, CA 93280 2323 16~ Street, #404 Mesa West Medical Group (661) 758-2449 Bakersfield, CA 93301 6001-B Truxtun Avenue, #220 Lewis, Todd A. (DO) (661) 324-4501 Bakersfield, CA 93309 Johnson, Royce Bakersfield Family Medical (661) 325-6372 Kern Faculty Medical Group Center Dougherty, David 2201 Mt. Vernon Ave., #211 4580 California Avenue Bakersfield Internal Medicine Goonesinghe, Iresha C. Bakersfield, CA 93306 Bakersfield, CA 93309 Assoc. Oak Hills Medical Corp (661) 872-7000 (661) 327-4411 2323 16* Street, #504 (DBA-The Heart Center) Bakersfield, CA 93301 1240 S. China Lake Blvd. #A Joseph, Bradley K. IHadhavan, Sethu V. (661 ) 323-6 i 02 Ridgecrest, CA 93555 26 ! 9 'F" Street 1654 West Avenue ] Dozier, Emanuel (760) 371-7600 Bakersfield. CA 93301 Lancaster. CA 93534 2129 17~ Street Gorenberg, Alan E. (661) 32~-4003 (661) 9'i5-7181 -AND- Bakersfield, CA 93301 Drummond Medical Group lung, Johnson Complete Family Care Medical (661) 859-2211 1 ! 11 N. China Lake Blvd. Centennial Medical Group Corp. -AND- Ridgecrest, CA 93555 820 34~ Street, #101 12500 Boron Avenue, #A 517 Bear Mountain Blvd. (760) 446-4571 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Boron, CA 93516 Arvin. CA 93203 (661) 326-8989 (760) 762-5111 (661 j 854-6 i 66 Grama, Usha Bakersfield Family Medical Kaldas, Nader R. Madrilejo, Nelson Drew, Stanley Center Delano Family Medical Center Centennial Fledical Group Bakersfield Family Medical 4580 California Avenue 1215 Jefferson Street 820 34~ Street, #101 Center Bakersfield CA 93309 Delano, CA 93215 Bakersfield, CA 93301 4580 California Avenue (661 ) 32~-441 I (661 ) 721-7080 (661 ) 326-8989 Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661) 327-4411 Hansa, Sahaphun Kanamort, David E. Manoram, John E. Centeral Valley Pulmonary Med Comprehensive Blood &t Cancer 1717 30~ Street Esposo, Ortente M. Grp Ctr Bakersfield, CA 93301 Highgrove Medical Group 1925 - 17~ Street 6501 Truxtun Avenue (661 ) 3274968 '7'- Master. Constantina L. Preferred Family Care Physicians (661) 323-3280 1402 Jefferson Street Centra| Valley Pulmonary Med 6001 -D Truxtun Avenue,//400 Delano, CA 932 ! 5 Bakersfield, CA 93309 Reynaj Ana R. (661) 758-3300 1G~25- 17~ Street (661) 638-2273 276 South Mills Street,//C - AND - Bakersfield, CA 93301 -AND- Tehachapi, CA 93561 1410 7~ Street (66 ! ) 327-5301 Bakersfield Family Medical (66 ! ) 822-3519 Wasco, CA 93280 Center ' (661) 725-9130 Matuk, Aileen 4580 California Avenue Rico, Oscar 2323 16~ Street,//500 Bakersfield, CA 93309 Bakersfield Family Hedical Singh, Manbir Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 327-441 i Center 733 Third Street (661) 327-8651 4580 California Avenue McFarland, CA 93250 Patel, Raju B. Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661) 792-3097 IHcCauley, Peter S. Comprehensive Care Clinic (661) 327-4411 Central Nephrology Medical 2615.."H" Street Singh, Satinder Group Bakersfield. CA 93301 Rios, Tomas B. 2011 19' Street 5030 Office Park Drive,//A (661) 635-3000 San ]oaquln Wellness 6: hied Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA 93309 Grp (66 I) 323-8159 (661) 323-2847 Patel, Vijaykumar B. 1927- 21~ Street 432-C Lexington Street. Bakersfield, CA 93301 Srijaerajah, T. HcNamara, Nancy Delano, CA 932 i 5 (661) 324-4431 9300 North Loop 2828 "H" Street,//H (661) 725-7793 California City, CA 93505 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Roberts, Douglas E. (760) 373-4809 (661) 327-2932 Peinado, Albert ]. Drummond Medical Group -AND- Bakersfield Internal Medicine I 1 I I North China Lake Blvd. 44725 10~ Street West,//230 Mehta, Viral Y. Assoc. Ridgecrest, CA 93555 Lancaster, CA 93539 Comprehensive Cardiovascular 2323 16~ StreeL #504 (760) 446-4571 (661) 945-1611 2011 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661 ) 323-6102 Saini, Gursharon Strategos, Emmanuel (66 ! ) 63 !-5544 1205 Garces Hwy.,//203 Strategos hiedical Corp. -AND- Penrose, ]ames R. (DO) Delano, CA 93215 3900 San Dimas Street 1205 Garces Hwy.,//306 Bakersfield Family Medical (661 ) 725-6910 Bakersfield. CA 93301 Delano, CA 93215 Center -AND- (661) 32~.-3087 (66 ! ) 725-7818 4580 California Avenue 2323 16~ Street,//304 Bakersfield, CA 93309 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Strategos, Stephen hiui, Byron S.K. (661 ) 327-4411 (661) 324-8 ! 63 Strategos hledical Corp. 2222 19~ Street 3900 San Dimas Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 Perez, lose A. Sanchez, Irene H. Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 321~-0800 Kern Faculty Medical Group Central Valley Occupational (661) 322-3087 2201 Fit. Vernon Ave, Ste Med Grp Narang, Yadvinder K. 211 4100 Truxtun Ave,//200 Suri, Atul H. 1524- 27~ Street, Ste i 50 Bakersfield, CA 93306 Bakersfield, CA 93309 Kern Nephrology hied Grp Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661 ) 872-7000 (661 ) 632-1540 620 34~Street (661) 633-2541 Bakersfield, CA 93301 - AND - Rabban, Joseph T. Sarldes. Nadim W. (661) 324-4721 1205 Garces Hwy, Ste 203 3941 San Dimas Street,//102 5000 J~hyslclans Blvd.,//A-300 Delano, CA 93215 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Valdez,Anthony (661) 725-6910 (661) 324-6593 (661) 325-7000 3807 Union Avenue, (INTERNAL i~IED Bakersfield, CA 93305 CONTINUED) Ragland, Alan (DO) Shao, l~aogang (661) 324-2423 Kern FaculL'y I¥1edial Group Bakersfield Family Medical Nizar, Howard H. 2201 hit. Vernon Ave.,//21 I Center VanderHoek, Cornelis 3941 San Dimas Street,//I02 Bakersfield, CA 93306 4580 California Avenue Drummond hiedical Group Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 872-7000 Bakersfield, CA 93309 1111 N. China-Lake Blvd. (661) 324-6593 -AND- (661) 327-4411 Ridgecrest, CA 93555 Bakersfield Family Medical (760) 446-4571 Pangilinan, Florenclo Center Sharma, Sanjiv 1916 17' Street 4580 California Avenue Central Cardiology hiedical Vega, Ricardo R. Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA 93309 Clinic Bakersfield Lung ~ Sleep hied (661 ) 322-7309 (661 ) 327-4411 2110 Truxtun Avenue Ctr Bakersfield, CA 93301 6001-A Truxtun Ave, Ste 100 Patel, hiihir B. Rahal, Paramvlr S. (661) 323-8384 Bakersfield, CA 93309 Complete Family Care hiedlcal 432 Lexington Street,//B (661) 323-5300 Grp Delano, CA 93215 Shlue, Shyi-Tang 12500 Boron Ave, Ste A (661) 725-1200 1700 "C" Street Warsaw, Terry Boron, CA 93516 -AND- Bakersfield, CA 93301 2021 ! Valley Blvd. (760) 762-5111 2323 16'~ Street,//300 (661) 325-2640 Tehachapi, CA 93561 - AND - Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 822-5544 1654 West Avenue ] (661) 323-1200 Singh, Amrit Lancaster, CA 93534 3820 Wible Rd.,//A Wong, Caroline (661~ 942-2237 Ratnayake, Saman N. Bakersfield, CA 93309 Central Nephrology hiedical 2128 Truxtun Ave. (661 ) 398-1560 Group Patel, Raj A. Bakersfield, CA 93301 - AND - 5030 Office Park Drive '8- Bakersfield, CA 93309 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 399-2822 (661)323-2847 (661) 323-8159 (661) 325-6800 -AND- Khan, Salma H. Yeh, Cheng-Tutsung Suri, Atul H. 3940 San Dimas Street Kern Radiology Medical Group 2323 16`` Street, #102 Kern Nephrology Med Grp Bakersfield, CA 93301 2301 Bahamas Drive Bakersfield. CA 93301 620 34'~ Street (661) 325-6200 Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661 ) 32:L6078 Bakersfield, CA 93301 ' (661 ) 322-1981 (661 ) 324-4721 NEUROSURGERY NEONA TOLOGY Ehteshami, Shahram OBSTETRICS Bhogal, Madhu VanderHoek, Comelis 260 ! Oswell Street, # 101 AND GYNECOLOGY 3801 San Dimas Street, #B Drummond Medical Group Bakersfield. CA 93306 Allen, Edward Charles Bakersfield, CA 93301 11 I 1 N. China Lake Blvd. (661) 87~-9999 (infertility) (661) 631-2229 Ridgecrest, CA 93555 -AND- 3807 Union Avenue, #A (760). 446-4571 4300 Birch Street Bakersfield, CA 93305 Klupsteen, Mathilda Mt. Mesa, CA 93555 (661) 326-0333 3801 San Dimas Street, #B Varansai, U.R. (760) 379-2665 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Kern Nephrology Medical Andrews, Todd L. (661) 631-2229 Group . Fayaz, Imran 2323- 16~ Street, #407 620 34' Street Neurological Surgery az Med Bakersfield, CA 93301 Patel, Sudhir B. Bakersfield, CA 9:3301 Assoc (661 ) 395- ! 900 3801-B San Dimas St. (661) 324-4721 2601 Oswell St., #101 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA 93306 Ayyagari, Ramchandra (661) 631-2229 Wong, Caroline M. (661) 872-9999 3535 San Dimas Street, #20 Central Nephrology Medical Bakersfield, CA 93301 NEPHROLOGY Group Leramo, Olusegun B. (661) 323-3266 Baer, Harold 5030 Office Park Drive, #A Neurological Surgery az Med. Central Nephrology Medical Bakersfield, CA 93309 Assoc. Ceballos, Alfredo Group (661) 323-2847 2601 Oswell Street, #101 2020 Truxtun Avenue 5030 Office Park Drive, #A Bakersfield, CA 93306 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA 93309 NEUROLOGY (661 ) 872-9999 (661 ) 327-3100 (66 ! ) 323-2847 Broeske, Daniel Kern Faculty Medical Group Pitts, Frederick W. Chung, Tong Kazmi, Hashim R. 2201 Mt. Vernon Avenue, 686 West Line Street, #305 3805 San Dimas Street, #A Central Nephrology Medical #21 I Bishop, CA 93514 Bakersfield, CA Group Bakersfield, CA 93306 (800) 660-0133 (661 ) :325-3441 5030 Office Park Drive, #A (661) 872-7000 Bakersfield, CA 93309 Rahimifar, Majid Ciccotto, Salvatore (661) 323-2847 Chalmers, Antonia 2601 Oswell Street, #101 San Dimas Medical Group 1705 28~ Street Bakersfield, CA 93306 300 Old River Road, #200 Kopelman, Robert C. Bakersfield, CA 93301 (66 !) 872-9999 Bakersfield. CA 9331 Central Nephrology Medical (661) 322-3008 (661) 663-4800 Group Wrobel, Charles 5030 Office Park Drive, #A Helvie, Richard E. Kern Faculty Medical Group Copeland, William ]. Bakersfield, CA 93309 6001 -A Truxtun Avenue, # ! 30 2201 IHt. Vernon Ave., #211 442 ! 5 15~ Street West, #315 (661) 323-2847 Bakersfield, CA 93309 Bakersfield, CA 93306 Lancaster, CA 93534 (661 ) 327-7345 (661 ) 872-7000 (661 ) 945-4581 McCauley, Peter S. Central Nephrology Medical Helvie, StePhen ]. NUCLEAR MEDICINE Crenshaw, Wendy Group 2323 16~ Street, #203 · Balachandran, Suppiah San Dlmas Medical Group 5030 Office Park Drive, ,fA Bakersfield, CA 93301 AV Diagnostic Radiology 300 Old River Road, #200 Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661) 395-1234 1331 West Avenue ], #103 Bakersfield, CA 93311 (661) 323-2847 Lancaster, CA 93534 (661) 663-4800 Pineda, Gre~orio (661) 945-1639 1705 28~ ftreet Davis, Phillip ~ Bakersfield, CA 93301 Becker, Warren San Dimas Medical Group Saild, ]ames (661) 322-3008 South Central Valley Radiology 300 Old River Road, #200 (Delano Regional Medical Bakersfield. CA 9331 Central Nephrology Medical Sabetian, Katayoun Center) (661 ) 66:~-4800 Group 2323 ! 6~ Street, #206 1205 Garces Hwy. 5030 Office Park Drive, #A Bakersfield, CA 93301 Delano, CA 93215 Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661) 322-4601 (661) 725-4847 (661) 323-2847 Edwards, Dana C. San Dimas Medical Group Farthing, David 300 Old River Road, #200 Young, Rolando South Central Valley Radiology Bakersfield, CA 93311 1705 28~ Street (Delano Regional Medical (66]) 663-4800 Shah, Arvlnd Kern Nephrology Medical Bakersfield, CA 93301 Center) Group (661) 322-3008 1205 Garces Hwy. Elliot, Frank 620 34" Street Delano, CA 93215 3941 San Dimas Street, #101 Bakersfield, CA 93301 NEuRORAOIOLOr~Y (661) 725-4847 Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661 ) 324-4721 Shah, Manjui (661) 327-382 Truxtun Radiology Medical ]oshi, Mukesh ]. Singh, Sadnder Group 901 Castalc Avenue 201 I 19`` Street 1817 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93308 '9- Finberg, Kurt (66 ! ) 822-5758 Wallrath, Richard 2200 18~ Street Kurian, Leonard S. 6000 Physicians Blvd.,//210 Bakersfield, CA 93301 1331 West Avenue ]., #202 Patel, Hansa Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 323-7854 Lancaster, CA 93534 622 34~ Street (661) 325-9312 Flores, Donald (661 ) 726-7200 Bakersfield, CA 93301 1317 Main Street Lascano, Miguel L. (661) 327-9154 . Warren-]inadu, Linda 901 34' Street Delano, CA 93215 Columbus Medical Group Perez, Leonard Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 725-4811 1311 Columbus St, Ste B Columbus Medical Group (661) 335-7747 Bakersfield, CA 93305 131 i Columbus St, Ste B Fok, Randolph (661) 872-8600 Bakersfield, CA 93305 Williams, Rene' E. National OB-GYN, Inc. (661) 872-8600 Ridgecrest Womens Care 2920 "F" Street, #H-12 Lewis, David 544 W. Drummund Ave, #B Bakersfield, CA 93301 San Dimas Medical Group Ramaswami, Vasanthi Ridgecrest' CA 93555 (661) 322-7611 300 Old River Road, #200 131 I Columbus Street (760) 446-1114 Bakersfield, CA 9331 I Bakersfield, CA 93305 Fong, Deng (661) 663-4800 (661) 873-8393 Ynostroza, Frank . 1215 34~ Street San Dimas Medical Group Bakersfield, CA 93301 Lin, Yeuan-]ong Rizvi, Syed 300 Old River Road, #200 (661) 322-2331 4000 San Dlmas Street, #2 4850 Commerce Dr, Ste 100 Bakersfield, CA 93311 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661) 663-4800 Fox, Jerry (661) 327-1401 (661) 827-9165 904 East Brundage Lane Zapanta, Lydia Bakersfield, CA 93307 Lopez, Elva Root, R. Mark (DO) 1619 Cecil Avenue, #A (661) 327-4279 Bakersfield Ctr for Women's 3200- 21~ Street, Ste 202 Delano, CA 93216 -AND- Health Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661 ) 725-2512 30 Eye Street 4000 Empire Dr, Ste 120 (661) 327-5702 Bakersfield, CA 93304 Bakersfield, CA 93309 OCCUPATIONAL MEDICINE (661) 323-2720 (661) 637-0137 Shakespeare, Cary Davies, Michael E. The Women's Care Center Central Valley Occupational Garcia, Antonio Mansour, Joseph 3550 "Q" Street. #202 Med Grp Columbus Medical Group Columbus Medical Group Bakersfield, CA ~3301 4100 Truxtun Ave, #200 ! 3 i i Columbus St, Ste B 131 I Columbus St. Ste B (661 ) 633-2229 Bakersfield. CA 93309 Bakersfield, CA 93305 Bakersfield, CA 93305 (661) 63~.-1540 (661 ) 872-8600 (661 ) 872-8600 Smale, Christopher 4000 Physicians Blvd. Gualberto, Ruben S. Graves, Lon A. Matera, Vincent Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield Family Medical Drummond Medical Group 1508 Garces Hwy.,#1 (661 ) 327-4885 Center 1 I 11 North China Lake Blvd. Delano, CA 93215 4580 California Avenue Ridgecrest' CA 93555 (66.1) 725-3070 Stanley, William D. Bakersfield, CA 93309 (760) 446-4571 (661) 327-4411 500 Old River Road, #I00 Melendez, Philtpp R. Bakersfield. CA 93311 Hubbell, Wheeler 3535 San Dimas Street, #6 (661) 663-9094 Sanchez, Irene H. (Limited to Obstetrics) Bakersfield, CA 93301 Central Valley Occupational 4023 Stockdale Hwy. (661) 325-7103 Tan, Marietta Med Grp Bakersfield, CA 93309 San Dimas Medical Group 4100 Truxtun Ave, #200 (661) 322-3114 Min, ]um K. 300 Old River Road, #200 Bakersfield, CA 93309 4050 San Dimas Street Bakersfield, CA 93311 (661) 632-1540 ]amaluddin, Umaima Bakersfield, CA 93301 (66 I) 663-4800 3941 San Dimas Street, #101 (661) 324-4714 ONCOLOGY/HEMATOLOGY Bakersfield, CA 9330 ! Terry, Kyle R. Cartmel, Alan (661 ) 327-382 ! Mohamed, Ehab A. 1303 Jefferson Street Comprehensive Blood 6: Cancer 815 North Downs St. Delano, CA 93215 Ctr. Kannappan, Tillatkarasi Ridgecrest, CA 93555 (661 ) 720-9111 6501 Truxtun Avenue San Dimas Medical Group (760) 371-2177 Bakersfield, CA 93309 300 Old River Road, #200 Upadhyaya, ]ig~sha (661) 322-2206 Bakersfield, CA 9331 I Moini, Jasmine San Dimas Medical Group (661) 663-4800 300 Old River Road, #110 300 Old River Road, #200 Chang, ]ames Y. Bakersfield, CA 93311 Bakersfield, CA 93311 3550 "Q" Street, #205 (OB/GYN CONTINUED) (661) 665-0184 (661) 663-4800 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Owens, John R. Vora, Bansi H. (661) 316-8888 Karoll, Richard P. 3941 San Dimas Street, #101 44241 N. 15' Street West, Drummond Medical Group Bakersfield, CA 93301 #305 Davis, Dean L. I 111 North China Lake Blvd. (661 ) 327-382 ! Lancaster, CA 93534 2215 Truxtun Avenue Ridgecrest' CA 93555 (661) 949-5899 Bakersfield, CA 93301 (760) 446-4571 Park, Arthur W. (661) 632-5700 3543 San Dimas Street Walker, Armi Lynn Klis, Gregory R. Bakersfield, CA 93301 The Women's 'Care Center Fang, Tzann ]. San Dimas Medical Group (661) 634-9842 3550 "Q" Street, #202 500 Old River Rd, #205 300 Old River Road, #200 -AND- Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA 93311 Bakersfield, CA 93311 785 Tucker Road, #1 (661) 633-2229 (661) 663-0355 (661) 663-4800 Tehachapi, CA 93561 Francis, Robert B. (Ir.) ONCOLOGYt SURGICAL Bakersfield, CA 93301 Wong, K6a~i Drummond Medical Group Martinez, Humberto D. (661) 327-4499 2323 1 Street,//501 1111 North China Lake Blvd. C. Vincent Phillips, M.D., Inc. Lehmer, Jeffrey M. Bakersfield, CA 93301 Ridgecrest, CA 93555 9300 Stockdale Hwy,//300 Central Valley Retina Med Ctr (661) 327-4484 (760) 446-4571 Bakersfield, CA 93311 5329 Office Center Ct,//120 -AND- Kanamori, David E. (661) 665-0505 Bakersfield, CA 93309 .628 Main Street Comprehensive Blood ~ Cancer OPHTHALMOLOGY (661 ) 322-8400 Delano, CA 93215 Ctr Avery, Robert L. Ling, Richard (661 ) 721-8888 6501 Truxtun Avenue Fdtch Eye Care Medical Center 2325 17~ Street Yaplee, Steven Bakersfield, CA 93309 2525 Eye Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Triangle Eye Institute (661 ) 622-2206 Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661 ) 321-9633 5201 California Avenue,//401 (661) 327-851 ! Bakersfield, CA 93309 Medina, Miguel P. . Mohammadi, Hosein . (661 ) 631-2020 Valley Tumor Medical Group Bradley, Donald M. Fritch Eye Care Medical tenter -AND- 1517 North Downs Fritch Eye Care Medical Center 2525 Eye Street 15 i 9 Garces Hwy.,//10 ! Ridgecrest, CA 93555 2525 Eye Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Delano, CA 93215 (760) 446-7714 Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 327-85 ! i (661) 721-2020 (661) 327-8511 -AND- Mukhopadhyay, Madan Morton, konald 255 West Putnam Comprehensive Blood ~ Cancer Casey, Richard Golden State Eye Medical Porterville, CA 93257 Ctr. Drummond Medical Group Group (559) 788-2020 6501 Truxtun Avenue 111 I North China Lake Blvd. 1001 Tower Way,//I 50-B Bakersfield, CA 93309 Ridgecrest, CA 93555 Bakersfield, CA 93301 ORTHOPEDICS AND (661 ) 322-2206 (760) 446-4571 (661 ) 327-4499 ORTHOPEDIC SURGERY Agrawal, Vivek Patel, Ravl Casteen, Carole Nelson, Donald Drummond Medical Group Comprehensive Blood ~ Cancer 2007 17'~ Street 2108 24* Street,//2 1111 N. China Lake Blvd. Ctr. Bakersfield. CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Ridgecrest, CA 93555 6501 Truxtun Avenue (661) 32~-1472 (661) 327-5065 (760) 446-4571 Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661 ) 322-2206 Chang, Joseph H. Neilson, Paul F. Alade, Clement O. Empire Eye ~ Laser Center 500 Old River Road,//185 Pacific Orthopedic Medical Shah, Mukund G. 4101 Empire Dr, Ste 120 Bakersfield, CA 93311 Group Valley Tumor Medical Group Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661) 664-9121 2619 "F" Street 867 West Lancaster Blvd. (661) 325-3937 Bakersfield. CA 93301 Lancaster, CA 93534 Paveloff, Michael]. (661) 32~-1425 (661) 945-5928 Freeman, Cary Ffitch Eye Care Medical Center -AND- Kern Faculty Medical Group 2525 Eye Street Amirpour, Vahdatyar 1517 North Downs 2201 Mt. Vernon Ave.,//21 I Bakersfield, CA 93301 1524 27' Street,//202 Ridgecrest, CA 93555 Bakersfield, CA 93306 (661) 327-8511 Bakersfield, CA 93301 (760) 446-7714 (661) 872-7000 (661) 327-2500 Shuler, ]ames D. -AND- Shamasunder, H.K. Fritch, Charles Empire Eye b: Laser Center 12424 Mt. Mesa Road Valley Tumor Medical Group Fritch-Eye Care Medical Center 4101 Empire Drive,//120 Mt. Mesa, CA 93240 867 West Lancaster Blvd. 2525 Eye Street Bakersfield, CA 93309 (760) 379-011 I Lancaster, CA 93534 Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 325-3937 (661) 945-5928 (66-1) 327-8511 Brenner, Brian C. -AND- Stainer, Gregory A. Kern Bone ~ Joint Specialists 15 i 7 North Downs George, Gregory Southwest Eye Care ~ Laser 1921 18~ Street Ridgecrest, CA 93555 Triangle Eye Institute 4649 Planz Road Bakersfield, CA 93301 (760) 446-7714 5201 California Avenue,//401 Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661) 324-2491 Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661) 833-4040 Shambaugh, Shawn C. (661) 631-2020 Brooks, Andrew A. Comprehensive Blood ~ Cancer Terrell, John C. Drummond Medical Group Ctr. Gonzalez, Casimlro Triangle Eye Institute ! 111 North China Lake Blvd. 6501 Truxtun Avenue Golden State Eye Medical 5201 California Avenue,//401 Ridgecrest, CA 93555 Bakersfield, CA 93309 Group Bakersfield, CA 93309 (760) 446-4571 (661) 322-2206 1001 Tower Way,//150-B (661) 63/-2020 Bakersfield, CA 93301 -AND- Chandrasekaran, P.R. Tu, Shane H. Comprehensive Blood ~ Cancer (661) 327-4499 255 West Putnam 1205 Garces Hwy. Porterville, CA 93257 Delano, CA 93215 Ctr. Holmes, Victor A. (559) 788-2020 (661) 725-7211 6501 Truxtun Avenue Drummond Medical Group -AND- Bakersfield, CA 93309 i ! I 1 North China Lake Blvd. Tohm, Donald G. Pacific Orthopedic Medical (661) 322-2206 Ridgecrest, CA 93555 Westchester Eye Medical Clinic Group (760) 446-4571 1701 26'~ Street 2619 "F" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Kllger, Craig H. (661) 324-9606 (661) 327-1425 Golden State Eye Hedical Group I001 .Tower Way, #150-B -11 - Coppola, Alfred ]. (Ir.) Nystrom, Mark Delano, CA 93215 Bakersfield, CA 93303 Bakersfield Orthopedic Medical 3805 San Dimas Street, #B (661) 721-1422 (661) 324-0300 Group Bakersfield, CA 93301 2634 "G" Street (661) 327-0843 Zerlin, Gary K. Yaker, Kenneth M. Bakersfield, CA 93301 2103 18~ Street 2525 Eye Street (661 ) 323-812 i (ORTHOPEDICS Bakersfield, CA 93301 . Bakersfield, CA 9330! Grimes, ]ames CONTINUED) (661 ) 327-3448 (661 ) 327-8725 Kern Bone 6[ Joint Specialists Paik, Young N. PAIN MANAGEMENT PATHOLOGY 1921 18~ Street Pacific Orthopedic Medical Bella, Eleuterio Ang, Elsa Bakersfield, CA 93301 Group Bakersfield Pain Management 2441 "F" Street (661) 324-2491 2619 "F" Street Group Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA 93301 3535 San Dimas Street, #12 (661) 326-2256 Ha'Ed, G.B. (661). 327-1425 Bakersfield, CA 93301 1524 27~ Street (661) 325-8499 Anhalt, ]. E. (Jr.) Bakersfield, CA 93301 Smith, Thomas L. -AND- Bakersfield Memorial Hospital (661) 325-0541 Drummond Medical Group Physician's Plaza Medical Group (Hospital Based Physician) -AND- I 111 N. China Lake Blvd. (Southwest Surgical Center) 420 34~ Street Westslde District Hospital Ridgecrest, CA 93555 201 New Sdne Road, #130 Bakersfield, CA 93301 110 W. North Street (760) 446-4571 Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661) 327-1792 Taft, CA 93268 (661) 334-1958 (661 ) 763-421 I Srivastava, Pramod K. Fisher, Myron A. 1205 Garces Hwy., #208 Bourne, Jonathan C. Bakersfield Pathology Medical Hopp, Emery Delano, CA 93215 Kaweah Anesthesia Medical Group Bakersfield Family Medical (661) 725-0713 Group (Hospital Based Physician) Center (Hospital Based Physician) 2215 Truxmn Avenue 4580 California Avenue Stout, Sami 2920 "F" Street, #E-15 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield. CA 93309 3801 San Dimas Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 632-5483 (661 ) 32P-4411 Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661 ) 335-7755 Levins, Anthony D. (661) 322-1937 Fogel, Steven P. Brechner (Fetter), Theresa Bakersfield Pathology Medical (Spine Surgery) Swafford, Albert 9300 Stockdale Hwy. #100 Group Bakersfield Orthopedic Medical 1800 Westwind Drive. #201 Bakersfield, CA 93311 (Hospital Based Physician) Group Bakersfield, CA 933CJI (661 ) 665-7880 2215 Truxtun Avenue 2634 "G' Street (661) 325-5111 Bakersfield. CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA 93301 David, Saul (661) 63:L5483 (661 ) 323-8121 Tivnon, Michael Premier Anesthesia Medical 300 Old River Road, # 150 Group Freedman, Sheldon Lewis, Marshall S. Bakersfield, CA 9331 I (Hospital Based Physician) (Hospital Based Physician) Pacific Orthopedic Medical (661) 663-7600 P.O. Box 2287 1830 Flower Street Group Bakersfield, CA 93303 Bakersfield, CA 93305 26 ! 9 "F" Street Valos, Nicholas (661 ) 324.0300 (661 ) 326-2256 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield Orthopedic Medical (818) 786-7291 - Billing (66 ! ) 327- i 425 Group Dinh, Son T. -AND- 2634 "G" Street 4100 Truxtun Ave, #306 Jacobs, Steven Southwest Surgical Center Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA 93309 Bakersfield Pathology Medical 201 New Sdne Road, #130 (661) 323-8121 (661) 325-8499 Group Bakersfield, CA 93309 -AND- (Hospital Based Physician) (661 ) 334-1400 .OTOLARYNGOLOGYtENT9 Comprehensive Blood ~ Cancer 2215 Truxtun Avenue Busch. Richard Ctr. Bakersfield, CA 93301 Mack, Joel D. Kern I:aculty Medical Group 6501 Truxtun Avenue (661) 632-5483 1801 28~ Street 2201 Mt. Vernon Ave. #21 I Bakersfield, CA 93309 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA 93306 (661) 322-2206 Karoll, Richard P. (661 ) 327-2777 (661 ) 872-7000 Drummond Medical Group Findle~,, John R. 1 i I I North China Lake Blvd. Maleflch, Matthew Marshall, Robert G. 2920 "F" Street, #E-15 Ridgecrest, CA 93555 Bakersfield Orthopedic Medical 2203 19~ Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 (760) 446-4571 Group Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 335-7755 2634 "G" Street (661) 327-0657 Lang, Adam Bakersfield, CA 93301 Schwartz, Kevin Kern Medical Center (661) 323-8121 Modedge, David 'Premier Anesthesia Medical (Hospital Based Physician) 2030 TrUxtun Avenue Group i 830 Flower Street McCabe, Michael O. Bakersfield, CA 93301 (Hospital Based Physician) Bakersfield, CA 93305 Kern Bone ~ Joint Specialists (661) 325-5973 P.O. Box 2287 (661) 326-2200 i 92 ! 18* Street Bakersfield, CA 93303 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Rabinov, C. Rose (661) 324-0300 Miranda, Lilibeth (661) 324-2491 3535 San Dimas Street, #18 Bakersfield Pathology Medical -AND- Bakersfield, CA 93301 Scurlock, W. Bruce Group 202 ! I Valley Blvd. (661 ) 323-6200 Premier Anesthesia Medical (Hospital Based Physician) Tehachapi, CA 93561 Group 2215 Truxtun Avenue (661) 324.2491 Suesberry, Wilbur (Hospital Based Physician) Bakersfield, CA 93301 1205 Garces Hwy., #207 P.O. Box 2287 (661) 632-5483 4580 California Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Sherdll, M.F. Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661) 323-6321 Ruiz, Luis Kern Pathology Medical Group (661) 327-4411 116 West "E". Street 2801 "H" Street Kimpo, Joy C. Tehachapi, CA 93561 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakhaya, Saad IH. Wasco Medical Center (661 ) 822-4421 (661) 325-0744 44439 North 1T~ Street West, 2101 T~ Street # 101 Wasco, CA 93280 Sacamoto, Reulita Swinyer, Bruce P. Lancaster, CA 93534 (661) 758-2263 2028 17~ Street Kern Pathology Medical Group (661 ) 945-1511 Bakersfield, CA 93301 2801 "H" Street, #A Klupsteen, Mathilda (661 ) 326-0461 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bhogal, Madhu 3801 San Dimas Street, #B (661) 325-0744 3801 San Dimas Street, #B Bakersfield, CA 93301 Santos, Mafia A. -AND- Bakersfield, CA 9330 ! (66 ! ) 631-2229 Bakersfield Family Medical Bakersfield Memorial Hospital (661 ): 631-2229 Center (Hospital Based Physician) Kumari, Suresh 4580 California Avenue 420 34~ Street Boyd, Nancy Kern Faculty Medical Group Bakersfield, CA 93309 Bakersfield, CA 93301 3630 Golden Spur St, #C 1524 27~ Street, #403 (661) 327-4411 (661) 327-1792 Lake Isabella, CA 93240 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Wu. Agnes Y. (760) 376-3365 (661) 322-7337 Sevilla-Anderson, Eunice C. 1700 "C" Street ' Southwest Pediatrics Bakersfield. CA 93301 (PEDIATRICS CONTINUED) Lee, Chuck 6001-A Truxtun Ave, Ste 180 (661) 325-2640 1700 "A" Street Bakersfield, CA 93309 Bustamante, Javier Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 322-8687 PEDIATRIC 300 Old River Road, #105 (661) 327-3271 ONCOLOGY/HEMATOLOGY Bakersfield, CA 93311 Shah, Bharati R. Di Nicola, William (661) 663-4700 Lee. Sun Hi Bakersfield Family Medical ' 300 Old River Road, #125 6001 Truxtun Ave, #C-320 Center Bakersfield, CA 93311 Carbonell, Emma Bakersfield. CA 93309 4580 California Avenue (661) 663-3122 Kern Faculty Medical Group (661) 323-5484 Bakersfield, CA 93309 ! 524 27~ Street, #403 -AND- (661) 327-4411 Lee. Sun Hi Bakersfield. CA 93301 9905 Bace Avenue 6001 Truxtun Ave, #C-320 (661) 32:~-7337 Bakersfield, CA 93307 Shah, Hitesh Z. Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661 ) 831-1100 Southwest Pediatrics (661) 323-5484 Digges, ].ohn L. 6001 Truxtun Avenue, #A-180 -AND- 618 34' Street Mahadevan, Ramasamy Bakersfield, CA 93309 9905 Bace Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 44725 North 10' St West, (66 I) 322-8687 Bakersfield, CA 93307 (661) 873-9333 #220 (661 ) 83 I- 1100 Lancaster, CA 93534 Suen. Virus Di Nicola, William (661 ) 942-0300 4000 San Dimas Street PEDIATRICRHEUMATOLOGY 300 Old River Road, #125 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Katz, Albert R. Bakersfield, CA 9331 ! Merrill, Alexander (661) 322-3072 3737 San Dimas St., #101 (661) 663-3122 Christian Medical Services Bakersfield, CA 93301 2920 "F" Street Sykes, Kaye T. (661) 327-5037 Ferguson, Katherine Bakersfield, CA 93301 9330 Stockdale Hwy, Ste 600 Southern Sierra Medical Clinic (661) 324-8990 Bakersfield, CA 93311 PEDIATRICS 1041 North China Lake Blvd., (661 ) 663-3100 Agarwal, Chhaya #B Michalik, Marcia Valley Infant ~ Pediatric and Ridgecrest, CA 93555 Drummond Medical Group Thomas, Anthony J. Complete Family Care (760) 446-6404 ! 111 North China Lake Blvd. 515-A West Columbus Street 1359 West Avenue ] Ridgecrest, CA 93555 Bakersfield, CA 9330 ! Lancaster, CA 93534 Gehlawat, Dilbagh (760) 446-4571 (661) 631-9455 (661) 726-5000 432 Lexington Street Delano, CA 93215 Patel, Sudhir B. Vanicharden, Yupin A! Haid, Mohammed N. (661) 725-6266 3801-B San Dimas St. 510 6~ Street, #A 1402 Jefferson Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Taft, CA 93268 Delano, CA 93215 Ho, Sze (661 ) 631-2229 (661 ) 763-3606 (661 ) 725-8693 4040 San Dimas Street, #A Bakersfield. CA 93301 Poh, Sue Walker, Susan AI-Jawad, ]asim Ali (661) 32~'-3784 Kern Faculty Medical Group 2330 Truxtun Avenue, #C Wasco Medical Center 1524 27~ Street, #403 Bakersfield, CA 93301 2101 7* Street Jung, Sung Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 323-5485 Wasco, CA 93280 4040 San Dimas Street, #B (661) 322-7337 (661) 758-2263 Bakersfield, CA 93301 PHYSIATRY (661) 323-7371 Rafiq, Rehana Anderson, Bradford Amin, Hasmukhbhal C. 300 Old River Road, #165 5001 Commerce Drive, #lC)C) 300 Old River Road, # 120 Katz, Albert R. Bakersfield, CA 93311 Bakersfield, CA 93309 Bakersfield, CA 93311 3737 San Dlmas St., #101 (661) 663-3110 (661) 325-8375 (661) 663-7500 Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 327-5037 Rodriguez, Jorge E. PHYSICAL MEDICINE Anzal, TakashJ 1519 Garces Hwy., # 105 AND REHABILITATION Bakersfield Family Medical Khuu, Tien Delano, CA 93215 Yoon, Chris S. Center 2204 "Q" Street, #A (661 ) 725-8585 500 ! Commerce Drive, # 100 : Bakersfield, CA 93309 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Shiue, Shyi-Tang Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 325-8375 (661) 327-3747 1700 "C" Street (661) 633-5740 Bakersfield, CA 93301 PLASTIC AND Alam, Syed M. (661 ) 325-2640 Byfield, John RECONSTRUCTIVE San ]oaquin Valley Pulmonary Radiation Therapy Associates SURGERY Group Vega, Ricardo R. 3550 "Q" Street, #106 Prunes, Fernando 3737 San Dimas St, #102 Bakersfield Lung ~ Sleep Med ' Bakersfield, CA 93301 Kern Faculty Medical Group Bakersfield, CA 93301 Ctr (661) 327-2100 2201 Mt. Vernon Ave., #211 (661) (661) 327-3747 6001-A Truxtun Ave, Ste 100 Bakersfield, CA 93306 Bakersfield, CA 93309 Cefala, Edward A. (661) 872-7000 Alim, Muhammad (661) 323-5300 Kern Radiology Medical Group Bakersfield Lung 6t Sleep Med 2301 Bahamas Drive Rabinov, C. Rose Ctr RADIATION ONCOLOGY Bakersfield, CA 93309 3535 San Dimas Street, #18 6001-A Truxtun Ave, Ste 100 Davis, Dean L. (661) 322-1981 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA 93309 2215 Truxtun Avenue - AND - (661) 323-6200 (661) 323-5300 Bakersfield. CA 93301 3535 San Dimas St, Ste 2~10 Schmidt, Gerhard Anders, Alpha ]. (661) 63~-5700 Bakersfield, CA 93301 3545 San Dimas Street 2801 Chester Avenue RADIATION THERAPY (661 ) 322-1981 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Orme, Nicholas ]. Child, Jeffrey K. (661) 327-8597 (661 ) 663-5474 Radiation Therapy Associates Kern Radiology Medical Group 3550 "Q" Street, # i 06 2301 Bahamas Drive PSYCHIATRY .(PULMONARY DIS. Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA 93309 " Acharya, Malini CONTINUED) (661) 633-5474 (661) 322-1981 Truxtun Psychiatry Medical Group Hansa, Sahaphun RADIOLOGY Couri, Edgard 6001 Truxtun Avenue, #160 Centeral Valley Pulmonary Med Al-Sheikh, Wajih Kern Radiology Medical Group Bakersfield, CA 93309 GYp 1427 South Lexington St., #L 2301 Bahamas Drive (661 ) 323-6410 1925 - 17' Street Delano, CA 932 ! 5 Bakersfield, CA 93309 Bakersfield, CA' 93301 (661 ) 72 ! -3510 (661 ) 322-1981 Burdick, Richard (661 ) 327-5301 2323 16' Street, #108 ' Athavale, Nitin S. Deeths, Tony M. Bakersfield, CA 93301 Herriott, Dale T. Kern Radiology Medical Group Truxtun Radiology Medical (66 ! ) 327-2021 1925 17' Street 2301 Bahamas Drive Group Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield. CA 93309 1817 Truxtun Avenue Manohara, Sakrepatna (661 ) 327-5301 (661 ) 32~.- 1981 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Truxtun Psychiatry Medical (66 i ) 325-6800 Group Ko, Young ]. Balachandran, Supplah -AND- 6001 Truxtun Avenue, # 160 442 i 5 North 15' Street West, 3940 San Dimas Street AV Diagnostic Radiology Bakersfield, CA 93309 #303 1331 West Avenue ], #103 Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 323-6410 Lancaster, CA 93534 Lancaster. CA 93534 (661) 325-6200 (661) 945-0723 (66!) 945-1639 Mohankumar, H.T. Farthing, David Truxtun Psychiatry Medical Laughlin, Robert L. Becket, Warren South Central Valley Radiology Group Centeral Valley Pulmonary Med South Central Valley Radiology (Delano Regional Medical 6001 Truxtun Avenue, # 160 GYp (Delano Regional Medical Center) Bakersfield, CA 93309 1925 - 17' Street Center) 1205 Garces Hwy. (661 ) 323-6410 Bakersfield, CA 93301 1205 Garces Hwy. Delano, CA 93215 (661) 327-5301 Delano, CA 93215 (661) 725-4847 Rajguru, Saroijini (66 I) 725-4847 Kern Medical Center Master, ConstantJna L. Ganatra, Rasildal B. 1830 Flower Street Central Valley Pulmonary Med Birsner, John W. Kern Radiology Medical Group Bakersfield, CA 93306 GYp RadiolOgy Nuclear Medical 2301 Bahamas Drive (661 ) 324.2033 1925 - 17~ Street Group Bakersfield. CA 93309 Bakersfield, CA 93301 3535 San Dimas Street, #2 ~: (661) 32~-1981 Rios, Carlos O. (661 ) 327-5301 # 10 - AND Truxtun Psychiatry Medical ' Bakersfield, CA 93301 3535 San Dimas St, Ste 2 ~ 10 Group Munoz, Augustlne (661 ) 327-3871 Bakersfield, CA 93301 6001 Truxtun Avenue, # i 60 Kern Faculty Medical Group (661 ) 322-1981 Bakersfield, CA 93309 2201 Mt. Vernon Ave., #21 I Bornstein, Michael (66i) 323-6410 Bakersfield, CA 93306 Kern Radiology Medical Group Grey, Cariile R. Schenkman, Richard D. (661) 872-7000 2301 Bahamas Drive Drummond Medical Group Bakersfield, CA 93309 11 I ! North China Lake Blvd. 1901 Truxtun Avenue Saini, Gursharon (661 ) 322-1981 Ridgecrest, CA 93555 Bakersfield, CA 93301 2323 16~ Street, #304 (760) 446-4571 (661) 324-2488 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bubtenko, Edward (661) 324-8163 Kern Radiology Medical Group Gundzik, John PULMONARY DISEASE/Il~lED -AND- 230 ! Bahamas Dflve Kern Radiology Medical Group Ahmed, Mustaq 1205 Garces Hwy.,#203 Bakersfield, CA 93309 2301 Bahamas Drive San ]oaquln Valley Pulmonary Delano, CA 93215 (661 ) 322-198 ! Bakersfield, CA 93309 Group (661 ) 725-6910 - AND - (661 ) 322-1981 37375an Dimas St, #102 3535 San Dlmas St, #2 -14- Khan, Salma H. (661 ) 945-5855 1817 Truxtun Avenue Hsu, Kenneth Kern Radiology Medical Group Bakersfield, CA 93301 3535 San Dimas Street,//8 2301 Bahamas Drive Naderi, M. ]avad (661 ) 325-6800 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA 93309 Kern Radiology Medical Group -AND- (661) 322-2329 (661 ) 322-1981 2301 Bahamas Drive 3940 San Dimas Street Bakersfield, CA 93309 Bakersfield, CA 93301 McCord, W. Clay Klm, Owen (661) 322-1981 (661) 325-6200 · Martin Berry ~ Associates 465 West Putnam Ave. 3737 San Dimas St, #101 Porterville, CA 93258 Nichols, James F. Shah, Nirav C. Bakersfield, CA 93301 (559) 782-7699 1914 Truxtun Avenue Truxtun Radiology Medical (661 ) 327-5037 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Group Lau, Chester (661 ) 324-6588 1817 Truxtun Avenue THORACIC SURGERY Kern Radiology Medical Group -AND- Bakersfield, CA 93301 Arbegast, Nell R. 2301 Bahamas Drive Truxtun Radiology Medical (661) 325-6800 California Cardiac Surgeons Bakersfield, CA 93309 Group -AND- 1711 28~ Street (661 ) 322-1981 1817 Truxtun Avenue 3940 San Dimas Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield. CA 93301 (661 ) 327-8538 Lee, loon Hak Edmund (661 ) 325-6800 (662) 325-6200 Kern Radiology Medical Group Bloch, ]ack 2301 Bahamas Drive Nijjar, Ajit S. Shahangian, Michael Kern Faculty Medical Group Bakersfield, CA 93309 Kern Radiology Medical Group Orange Coast Radiology Med. 2201 Mt. Vernon Ave.,//211 (661 ) 322-1981 2301 Bahamas Drive Grp. Bakersfield. CA 93306 Bakersfield, CA 93309 1081 North China Lake Blvd. (661) 87:~-7000 Levanthal, Howard (661 ) 322-1981 Ridgecrest, CA 93555 Mercy Plaza Radiologic Med. (760) 446-3551 Derrick, Marvin R. Grp. (RADIOLOGY California Cardiac Surgeons 2215 Truxtun Avenue CONTINUED) Shipman, Gary D. 1711 28~ Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Mercy Plaza Radiologic hied. Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661 ) 632-5481 North Charles Grp. (661 ) 327-8538 Mercy Plaza Radioiogtc hied. 2215 Truxtun Avenue Liu, Norman Grp. Bakersfield, CA 93301 Frazier, Bruce L. Comprehensive Medical Imaging 22 i 5 Truxtun Avenue (661) 632-5481 California Cardiac Surgeons 4000 Physicians Blvd.,//I01 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Uti, Ralph 171 I 28~ Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 (66 I) 632-5481 Orange Coast Radiology Med. Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 395-0155 Grp. (661) 327-8538 Palos, Miguel M. 3303 Harbor Blvd., #D-11 Lotysch, hiatthew 152 Pioneer Lane,//E Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Keshishian, Ara Mercy Plaza Radiologic hied. Bishop, CA 93514 (714) 540-8551 Shields 6~ Anderson, hi.D.'s Grp. (760) 873-6623 1205 Garces Hwy., #303 2215 Truxtun Avenue Wells, Michael Delano, CA 93215 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Patel, Girish Kern Radiology Medical Group (661) 725-4847 (661) 632-5481 Truxtun Radiology Medical 2301 Bahamas Drive Group Bakersfield, CA 93309 O'Reilly, .Richard Maclennan, Thomas 1817 Truxtun Avenue (661 ) 322-198 ! 2323 26~ Street,//302 Mercy Plaza Radlologtc Med. Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Grp. (661) 325-6800 Wiedman, Martha A. (661) 325-4257 2215 Truxtun Avenue -AND- Truxtun Radiology Medical Bakersfield. CA 93301 3940 San Dimas Street Group Paw, Patrick T. (661 ) 632-5481 Bakersfield. CA 93301 18 ! 7 Truxtun Avenue California Cardiac Surgeons Meshberger, Scott D. (661) 325-6200 Bakersfield, CA 93301 171 I 284 Street (661) 325-6800 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Kern Radiology Medical Group Pfaff, Charles L. -AND- (661) 327-8538 2301 Bahamas Drive Drummond Medical Group 3940 San Dimas Street Bakersfield, CA 93309 I 111 North China Lake Blvd. Bakersfield, CA 93301 Purewal, Sarl (661) 322-198 ! RJdgecrest, CA 93555 (661) 325-6200 California Cardiac Surgeons (760) 446-4571 1711 28~ Street Miranda, Godofredo G. Wu, Zhaomai Bakersfield, CA 93301 Mercy Plaza Radlologic Med. Roos, Eugene H. Kern Radiology hiedical Group (661) 327-8538 Grp. Kern Radiology Medical Group 2301 Bahamas Drive 2215 Truxtun Avenue 2301 Bahamas Drive Bakersfield, CA 93309 Tedesco, Dominic J. Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661) 322-1981 California Cardiac Surgeons (661 ) 632-5481 (661 ) 322-1981 - AND - 17 i 1 28~ Street 3535 San Dimas St,//2 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Mitchell, Mark Schale, David Bakersfield, CA 9330 ! (661 ) 327-0267 Antelope V. alley MRI Kern Radiology Medical Group (661) 633-5740 43713 20' Street West 2301 Bahamas Drive UROLOGY Lancaster, CA 93534 Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661 ) 949-8280 (661 ) 322-198 ! ~ Chang, Hau -AND- 3737 San Dimas Street,//i 01 2120 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Lancaster imaging Shah, Manjui Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 327-3638 44725 I 0~' Street West Truxtun Radiology Medical (661 ) 327-5037 Lancaster, CA 93534 Group Chang, Joseph F. (661) 665-0505 3535 San Dimas Street,//24 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Phillips, C. Vincent (661) 327-3177 C. Vincent Phillips, ll.D, Inc. 9300 Stockdale Hwy, #300 Chi, ]ensen Bakersfield, CA 93311 1205 Garces Hwy. (661) 665-0505 Delano, CA 93215 (66 ! ) 725-7245 Reed, Roddie 2731 "H' Street Left, Lawrence Bakersfield, CA 93301 2005 17~ Street (661) 327-8368 Bakersfield, CA 9330 I (661 ) 327-4252 Shadatmadarl, Farzin C. Vincent Phillips, IH.D, Inc. HcBdde, Albert 9300 Stockdale Hwy, #300 Kern Faculty Medical Group Bakersfield, CA 93311 2201 IHt. Vernon Ave., #211 (661) 665-0505 Bakersfield, CA 93306 (661) 872-7000 Suval, William D. Drummond IHedical Group Reddy, Vodur C. ! 111 North China Lake Blvd. Drummond IHedical Group Ridgecrest, CA 93555 1 I I 1 lq. China Lake Blvd. (760) 446-4571 RJdgecrest, C^ 93555 (760) 446-4571 Williams, Gregory G. C. Vincent Phillips, II.D, Inc. Shaldr, Shabbir ^. 9300 Stockdale Hwy, #300 2808 "F" Street, Suite E Bakersfield, CA 93311 Bakersfield, C^ 93301 (661) 665-0505 (661 ) 395-0688 Stone, Bruce C. (DO) ] 524 27~ Street, Suite 200 Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661 ) 631-5686 Waguespack, Robert L. 2201 - 19~ Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 827-9165 VASCULAR (;URGER Y Endquez, Jorge A. 2521 "G" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 327-2544 Gill, Zora 1524 27* Street, Suite 202 Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661 ) 322-8000 Keshishian, Ara Shields 6: Anderson, IH.D.'s 1205 Garces Hwy.,#303 Delano, CA 93215 (661 ) 725-4847 IHiller, John G.O. C. Vincent Phillips, kiD, Inc. 9300 Stockdale Hwy, #300 Bakersfield, CA 93311 (661) 665-0505 IIiro, ]avler E. 1711 28' Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 327-8538 - AND - C. Vincent Phillips, IH.D., inc. 9300 Stockdale Hwy, #300 Bakersfield, CA 93311 -16- FOUNDATION FOR MEDICAL CARE OF KERN COUNTY ANCILLARY PROVIDERS _* * MEMBER GROUPS * * Central Cardiology Medical (661 ) 327-4499 620 34* Street AV Diagnostic Radiology Clinic Bakersfield, CA 93301 1331 West Avenue ],/t103 2110 Truxtun Avenue Golden Valley Medical (661 ) 324-4721 Lancaster, CA 93534 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Associates (661 ) 945-1639 (661 ) 323-8384 500 Old PJver Road,//270 Kern Pathology Medical Bakersfield, CA 9331 I Group Bakersfield Cardiopulmonary Central Nephrology Medical (661) 664-0252 2801 "H" Street Meal Grp Group Bakersfield, CA 93301 1524 27~ Street, #150 5030 Office Park Drive, Suite Greater Bakersfield Anesthesia (661) 325-0744 Bakersfield, CA 93301 A Medical Group (661) 323-5976 Bakersfield, CA 93309 841 Mohawk Street,/t270 Kern Radiology Medical Bakersfield Dermatology and (661) 323-2847 Bakersfield, CA 93309 Group Skin Cancer Medical Group Complete Family Care (661 ) 334-1958 230 ! Bahamas Drive Bakersfield, CA 93309 606 34* Street Medical Corp. Highgrove Medical Group (661) 322-1981 Bakersfield. CA 93301 12500 Boron Avenue, Suite 1524- 27* Street,/t201 (661) 32~-3756 A Bakersfield, CA 93301 Kern River Health Center Boron, CA 93516 (661 ) 326-1600 4300 Birch Avenue Bakersfield Family Medical (760) 762-5111 Lake Isabella, CA 93240 Center Kern Allergy Medical Clinic (760) 379-2426 4580 California Avenue Comprehensive Blood ~ 2121 17~ Street Bakersfield. CA 93309 Cancer Center Bakersfield, CA 93301 Lancaster Anesthesia Medical (661 ) 32 ~-4411 650 i Truxtun Avenue (661 ) 327-9693 Group Bakersfield, CA 93309 -AND- 1600 West Avenue ] Street Bakersfield Orthopedic (661) 322-2206 130 North Villa Lancaster, CA 93534 Medical Group Porterville, CA 93257 (661 ) 949-5000 2634 "G" Street Delano Family Medical Center (559) 782-8578 Bakersfield, CA 93301 1215 Jefferson Street Mercy Plaza Radiologic (661 ) 323-812 i Delano, CA 93215 Kern Bone ~z Joint Specialists, Medical Group Bakersfield Pain Management (661 ) 721-7080 Inc. 8' 2215 Truxtun Avenue 1921 1 Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 Group Drummond Medical Group Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 632-5481 3535 San Dimas Street,//12 I 111 North China Lake Blvd. (661) 324-2491 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Ridgecrest, CA -93555 Mesa West Medical Group (661) 325-8499 (760) 446-4571 Kern Cardiology Medical 6001-B Truxtun Avenue, Group /t220 Bakersfield Pathology Medical Family Health Centre Medical 2323 16~ Street,/t305 Bakersfield, CA 93309 Group Group Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 325-6372 1904 Truxtun Avenue,/tl 686 West Line Street (661) 327-0807 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bishop, CA 93514 Mohawk Medical Group (661) 632-5483 (760) 872-4311 Kern County Medical Clinic 5397 Truxtun Avenue 2222 19' ~treet Bakersfield, CA 93309 Buttonwillow Health Center Fritch Eye Care l"ledicai Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 327-5058 (National Health Services) Center (661) 325-2448 277 East Front Street 2525 Eye Street Neurological Surgery bT Buttonwillow, CA 93206 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Kern Faculty Medical Group Medical Assoc. (661) 764-521 ! (661) 327-8511 2201 Mt. Vernon Ave., 2601 Oswell Street,/tlO1 -AND- /t21 ! Bakersfield, CA 93306 C~alifornia Cardiac Surgeons 20131 Valley Blvd. Bakersfield, CA 93306 (661 ) 872-9988 171 I 28* Street Tehachapi, CA 93561 (661) 872-7000 Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 822-6886 Niles Surgical 6: Medical (661 ) 327-8538 -AND- Kern Family Medicine Group Centennial Medical Group 6439 Lake Isabella Blvd. 223 China Grade Loop 2121 Niles Street Lake Isabella, CA 93240 Bakersfield, CA 93308 Bakersfield, CA 93305 820 34* Street, # 101 (760) 379-1465 (661 ) 399-911 i (661 ) 325-1255 Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661 ) 326-8989 Golden Empire Cardiology Kern Gastroenterology Northeast Physicians Medical 3550 ~Q" Street,//301 Medical Group Group Central California Anesthesia Bakersfield, CA 93301 2323 16' Street,//401 (Bakersfield Family Medical (Hospital Based Physicians) (661) 321-3161 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Center) 2615 Eye Street (661) 324-1203 5000 Physicians Blvd. Bakersfield, CA 93301 Golden State Eye Center Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 324-0300 I001 Tower Way,/tlSO Kern Nephrology Medical (661) 283-1900 Bakersfield, CA 93309 Group Orange Coast Radiology -AND- Valley Tumor Medical Group' Bakersfield, CA 93309 Medical Group 2041 Belshaw Street 867 West Lancaster Blvd. (661) 327-1431 3303 Harbor Blvd., #D-11 Mojave, CA 93502 Lancaster, CA 93534 Costa Mesa, CA 92626 (661 ) 824-4511 (661 ) 945-5928 Brooks, Douglas (714) 540-8551 -AND- Brooks Family Chiropractic South Central Valley 1517 North Downs 2222 "E' Street, #3 Pacific Orthopedic Medical Radiology Ridgecrest, CA 93555 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Group (Delano Regional Medical (760) 446-7714 (661) 324-3771 2619 "F' Street Center) Bakersfield, CA 93301 1205 Garces Hwy. WascoTMedical_ Center Clement, Randal (661) 327-1425 Delano, CA 93215 2101 Street Clement Chiropractic Office (661) 725-4847 Wasco, CA 93280 1220 Oak Street, #H Physicians Plaza Anesthesia (661 ) 758-2263 Bakersfield. CA 93304 Medical Associates Southern Sierra Medical Clinic -AND- (661) 32~-2225 841 Mohawk Street. #270 1041 'North China Lake 721 Palm Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93309 Blvd., #B Wasco, CA 93280 Cunanan, .Carl M. (661) 324-0300. Ridgecrest, CA 93555 (661 ) 758-2263 Chiropractic Center of Delano (760) 446-6404 832 Jefferson Street Physician's Plaza Medical West. side Wellness Center Delano, CA 93215 Group Southwest Medical Associates 100 E. North Street (661) 725-2914 (Southwest Surgical Center) 500 Old River Road, #110 Taft, CA 93268 201 New Stine Road, #130 Bakersfield, CA 9331 i (661) 763-3141 DeGeus, Bradley Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661) 664-0212 809 North Sanders Street : (661) 334-1958 Woman's Care Center, The Ridgecrest, CA 93555 The Heart Center 3550 'Q' Street, #202 (760) 446-2273 Preferred Family Care 525 34~ Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 Physicians Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 633-2229 Elder, Stephen 6001 -D Truxtun Avenue, (661 ) 631-1205 2020 Niles Street, #A #400 AUDIOLOGY Bakersfield, CA 93305 Bakersfield. CA 93309 Triangle Eye Institute Bermejo, Juan (661) 395-1406 (661) 631~-2273 5201 California Avenue, 2201 Mt. Vernon Ave., #40 ! # 109 Flores, David (MEDICAL GROUPS Bakersfield, CA 93309 Bakersfield. CA 93306 10412 Main Street CONTINUED) (661) 631-2020 (661) 87~.-7000 Lamont. CA 93241 -AND- (661) ~45-1188 Premier Anesthesia Medical 1519 Garces Hwy.~#101 CHIROPRACTORSfDC~ Group Delano, CA 93215 Andersen, Kenneth G. Giovanine, Teri P.O. Box 2287 (661) 721-2020 587 Hammond 1030 "H" Street, #2 Bakersfield, CA 93303 -AND- Bakersfield, CA 93304 Bishop, CA 93514 (661) 324-0300 255 West Putnam (661) 323-2086 (760) 873-8215 Portervtlle, CA 93257 Radiology Nuclear Medical (559) 788-2020 Anderson, Laverne L. Guiney~ Paul Group Anderson Chiropractic 5001 Stockdale HWY. 3535 San Dimas Street, #2 6t Truxtun Psychiatry Medical 422 ]ames Street, #2 Bakersfield. CA 93309 I0 Group, LP Shafter, CA 93263 (661) 833-1018 Bakersfield. CA 93301 6001 Truxtun Avenue, # 160 (661 ) 434-3389 (661 ) 32;L3871 Bakersfield. CA 93309 Hamilton, Carol Radiation Therapy Associates (661) 323-6410 Arcuri, Raimonda N. Wasco Chiropractic 936 West Avenue ]-4, #104 1241 Seventh Street 3550 "Q" Street Truxtun Radiology Medical Lancaster, CA 93534 Wasco, CA 93280 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Group (661 ) 949-9994 (661 ) 758-3001 (661 ) 633-5474 ! 817 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bender, Barry Hamilton, Gregory San Dimas Medical Group (661) 325-6800 2911 Niles Street 3901 Stockdale Hwy. 300 Old River Road, #200 -AND- Bakersfield, CA 93306 Bakersfield, CA 93309 Bakersfield, CA 93311 3940 San Dimas Street (661 ) 325-7244 (661 ) 833-6665 (661) 663-4800 Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 325-6200 Beyers,]ohannes ]. Haynes, Jeffrey D. San ]oaquin Valley Pulmonary Beyers Chiropractic Clinic Haynes, Chiropractic Group Valley Infant ~ Pediatric ~ 1111-C West Inyokern Road 3865 Stockdale HWY. 3550 "Q" Street, #201 Complete Ridgecrest, CA 93555 Bakersfield, CA 93309 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Family Care (760) 446-2200 (661) 322-2875 (661) 327-3747 1359 West Avenue ] -AND- Lancaster. CA 93534 Bonnett, Brigette Haynes, Mark ]. 12424 Mt. Mesa Road (661) 7~.6-5000 Victorian Chiropractic In-Line Chriopractic Lake Isabella, CA 93240 2109 19~ Street 4545 Stockdale Hwy, #C (760) 379-0111 Valley Medical Group of Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA 93309 Central CA (661) 325-6325 (661) 325-8644 Sierra Family Care 5401 White Lane 20797 Santa Lucia Street Bakersfield, CA 93309 Bramlett, Bobby ]. Heartsill, Robert K. Tehachapi, CA 93561 (661 ) 836-4000 Mohawk Medical Group Heartsill Chiropractic (661) 822-9105 6401 Truxtun Ave. 3608 Mt. Ptnos Way Frazier Park, CA 93225 Bakersfield, CA 93308 111 I-C West Inyokem Road (661) 245-3748 (661) 399-2525 Ridgecrest, CA 93555 Interim Healthcare (760) 446-2200 1601 New Sdne Rd, Ste 200 Hodges, Wayne Reed, Kel!y Bakersfield, CA 93309 16940-C Highway 14 1715 30~ Street Wortiska, Charles (661 ) 398-1700 Mojave, CA 93501 Bakersfield, CA 93301 1405 Commercial Way, (661 ) 824-9732 (661 ) 322-3997 # i 00 NMC Homecare Bakersfield, CA 93309 5329 Office Center Ct., Hyer, Paul Stuart Ross, Leonard S. (661) 327-4246 #I 30 Mesa .Chiropractic Ross Chiropractic Clinic Bakersfield, CA 93309 6'621 Lake Isabella Bird 6001 -A Truxtun Ave., # 120 DURABLE MEDICAL (66 ! ) 635-3057 Lake Isabella, CA 93240 Bakersfield, CA 93309 EqUIPMENT(DME~ (760) 379-3425 (661) 397-1980 Apria Healthcare O.P.T.I.O.N. Care - (AKA - Homedco) (Optimal Health Services) :Jackson, Rand L. Ryan,:james D. 1314 34' Street 1315 Boughton Drive 4100 Truxtun Avenue, #230 Ryan Chiropractic Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA 93308 Bakersfield, CA 93309 2701 Calloway Dr., #402 (661) 324-4887 (661) 399-8866 (661 ) 327-0833 Bakersfield, CA 93312 (661) 589-3427 Caretran Medical Supply Personal Care ]ensen, Niels 7420 District Blvd. 4300 Ashe Road 2026 17~ Street Salyers, Steven Bakersfield, CA 93309 Bakersfield, CA 93309 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Advanced Chiropractic (661 ) 831-8689 (661) 398-6200 (66 ! ) 325-7123 5300 California Avenue, #340 MK Medical Homecare HOME RESPIRATORY (CHIROPRACTICS Bakersfield. CA 93309 4800 White Lane, #L VicalAire Corporation CONTINUED) (661) 32:~-7074 Bakersfield, CA 93309 4300 Sdne Road,//603 Schall, Jeffrey (661 ) 334-1077 Bakersfield, CA 93313 Jones, :james Schall Chiropractic, Inc. (661) 833-3333 Taft Chiropractic 20241 Valley Blvd. Med-Mart 812 Center Street Tehachapi, CA 93561 4300 Stine Road,//800 HOSPICE Taft, CA 93268 (661) 822-0811 Bakersfield, CA 93313 Kern Hospice, Inc. (661 ) 763-3450 (661 ) 396-3720 4300 Sdne Road, #720 Sottile, Richard -AND- Bakersfield, CA 93313 Keene, Jim Sottile Chiropractic 4705 New Horizon Blvd., (661 ) 327-1012 Sabol 6t Keene Chiropractic 413 South Curry # 18 6647 Ming Avenue Tehachapi, CA 93561 Bakersfield, CA 93309 IMAGING CENTERS Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661 ) 822-4386 (661 ) 397-2999 Advanced~aging Center (661 ) 837-2225 -AND- 437 N. ! St. West Sultze, Stuart 625 Main Street Lancaster, CA 93534 Kilgore, Jeannette I. 345 "H" Street Delano, CA 93215 (661) 949-811 I BeyersChiropracdcClinic Bakersfield, ca 93301 (661) 725-1381 I I 11-C West Inyokern Road (661) 327-2588 -AND- Antelope Valley MRI Ridgecrest, CA 93555 20407 Bryan Way, #9 43713 20~ Street West (760) 446-2200 Tatsuno, George Tehachapi, CA 93561 Lancaster. CA 93534 Ta~suno Chiropractic (661 ) 822- ! 880 (661 ) 9d~9-8280 Kokosensld, Terry 3900 Truxtun Avenue -AND- 420 North Norma Su'eet Bakersfield, CA 93309 2731 Nugget Bakersfield M.R.I. Ridgecrest, CA 93555 (661 ) 322-6021 Lake Isabella, CA 93240 412 34~ Street (760) 371-7654 (760) 379-4621 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Tatsuno, Wm. Stuart -AND- (661) 327-4806 Mass, Michael 1002 Wible Road, #H 925 East Ridgecrest Blvd. i 59 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93304 Ridgecrest, CA 93555 Comprehensive Medical Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661 ) 397-1909 (760) 371-4350 Imaging (661) 327-7991 4000 Physicians Blvd., # I 0 I Thompson, Michael NMC Homecare Bakersfield. CA 93301 (661) 39.~-0155 Mills, Fred Thompson Family 5329 Office Center Ct., 331 South "H" Street Chiropractic # 130 Bakersfield, CA 93304 4301 Stine Road, #B Bakersfield, CA 93309 Lancaster Imaging (661 ) 835-7037 Bakersfield, CA 933 ! 3 (661 ) 635-3057 44725 10~ Street West Morris,Jon (661) 832-1282 Lancaster, CA 93534 ViralAire Corporation (661 ) 945-5855 345 'H' Street Tremblay, Norman G. 4300 Stine Road,. #603 Bakersfield, CA 93301 301-A Taft Hwy. Bakersfield, CA 93313 Truxtun Radiology Medical (661) 327-2588 Bakersfield. CA 93307 (661) 833-3333 Group (661) 83:J-9019 1817 Truxtun Avenue Pedersen, Ted HOME HEALTHCARE Bakersfield, CA 93301 3900 Truxtun Avenue Turner, James SERVICES (661 ) 325-6800 Bakersfield, CA 93309 2010 16~ Street Hoffman Specialized -AND- (66 !) 325-4446 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Homecare 3940 San Dimas Street (661) 327-7838 1013 Columbus Street,#B Bakersfield, CA 93301 Pensinger, Dennis Bakersfield, CA 93305 (661 ) 325-6200 712 North Chester Avenue Vegher, Mary M. (661) 87i-1193 Westchester X-Ray CHILD COUNSELORS (MFCC~ 2012 ~'E" Street 2700 "F' Street, # 113 2026 21" Street Atkins, David Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA 93301 2012 "E" Street (66 i ) 325-3098 (661 ) 324-4022 (661) 327-7351 Bakersfield, CA 93301 LABORATORIES (661 ) 325- 3033 Solberg, Paulette IH. PHYSICAL THERAPY (RPT~ 1630 North Norma Bakersfield Sports Hedicine ~clans Lab Brewer, Lia Ridgecrest, CA 93555 I[ehabilitadon Therapy 513 West-Columbus Street 503 6~ Street (760) 446-4119 4300 Sdne Road, Ste 108 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Taft, CA 93268 -AND- Bakersfield, CA 93313 (661 ) 323-4042 (661 ) 765-6770 706 Battan Street (661 ) 834-2300 -AND- Ridgecrest, CA 93555 825 19~ Street Cooper, Dianne (760) 375-3581 Buch, Dhaval P. Bakersfield, CA 93301 Westchester Counseling Gaitonde Physical Therapy (661) 323-6008 Center Townsend, Randy 2619 "F" Street -AND- 2012'"E' Street 1414 Valhalla Drive Bakersfield, CA 93301 1929 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661 ) 327-5401 Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661 ) 324.9619 (661 ) 836-1924 (661 ) 323-6866 California Physical Hedicine Cowan, Douglas NEUROPSYCHOLOGY 1800 Westwind Drive, Ste Comprehensive kledical 4560 California Avenue, hliddleton, Thomas P. 201 Laboratories #465 1601 New Stine Rd, Ste 185 Bakersfield, CA 93301 1201 Jefferson Street, Ste 3 Bakersfield, CA 93309 Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661) 327-5793 Bakersfield, CA 93215 (661 ) 334-1446 (661 ) 396-9777 (66 I) 725-5252 Cooper, Joel Evans, ]oyce G. OCCUPATTONAL THERAPY 5640 District Blvd, Ste 115 Lab Services Covina Hills Counseling Bailey-Coldewey, Linda K. - Bakersfield, CA 93313 2021 ! Valley Blvd. I 126 North Grand Avenue, Pair ~ I"larot[a Physical (661 ) 398-9580 Tehachapi, CA 93561 #] Therapy -AND- (661) 822-1965 Covina, CA 91724 1723 27~ Street 142 East Tulare Avenue .(LABORATORIES (626) 339-2873 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Shafter, CA 93263 -AND- (66 i ) 634-9970 (661 ) 746-3844 CONTINUED) 10630 Town Center Drive, -AND- #124 Gl,mn, Marie 1201 Jefferson Street, #6 California hledical Lab Rancho Cucamonga, CA 1831 Truxtun Avenue, #150 Delano, CA 93215 1201 Jefferson Street, #2 91730 Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 725-4614 Delano, CA 93215 (909) 394-0039 (661 ) 326-1433 (661 ) 72 i-3250 Frehner, Anthony G. Forden, David H. Harotta, Michael Bakersfield Sports Medicine National Health Services Bakersfield Christian Pair ~ Marotta Physical Rehabilitative Physical 277 East Front Street Counseling Therapy Therapy Buttonwillow, CA 93206 1800 Westwind Drive., #407 5329 Truxtun Avenue 4300 Stine Road, Ste 108 (661) 764-6318 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA 93309 Bakersfield, CA 93313 Physicians Automated Lab (661) 325-9402 (661) 324-0122 (661) 834-2300 2801 "H" Street Girga, Barbara Pair, Bob Gaitonde Physical Therapy Bakersfield, CA 93301 920 Wible Road Pair ~ I"larotta Physical 2619 "F" Street (66 I) 325-0744 Bakersfield, CA 93304 Therapy Bakersfield, CA 93301 -AND- (661) 397-4775 5329 Truxtun Avenue (661) 327-5401 2300 Truxtun Avenue, #D Bakersfield, CA 93309 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Kinser, Audrey (661) 634.-9440 Gaitonde, Sattsh (661 ) 32 i-9491 3200 2 ! ~ Street, # 101 Gaitonde Physical Therapy Bakersfield, CA 93301 Pair ~z l"larotta Physical 2619 "F" Street Physicians Clinical Lab (661 ) 395-1068 Therapy Bakersfield, CA 93301 3535 San Dimas Street 5329 Truxtun Avenue (661 ) 327-540 i Bakersfield, CA 93301 Kuckreja, Karen Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661 ) 861-1636 17 ! 6 Oak Street, # I (661 ) 324-0122 Giordano, Daniel -AND- Bakersfield, CA 93301 -AND- Glinn ~ Giordano Physical 1900 Truxtun Avenue (66 ! ) 323-5579 1723 27' Street Therapy Bakersfield, CA 93301 -AND- Bakersfield, CA 93301 1201 23~ Street (661) 327-9641 7301 Callee Los l"lanzanos, (661) 634-9970 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Quail Diagnostic Lab #13 -AND- (661) 327-4357 Bakersfield, CA 93309 2500 Stine Road, #203 2300 Truxtun Avenue (661) 398-2055 Bakersfield, CA 93309 Glinn ~ Giordano Physical Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 834-9012 Therapy (661 ) 323-6008 Pevar, Alan -AND- 1201 23r~ Street -AND- 1601 New Sdne Road,//100 (Sequoia Physical Therapy) Bakersfield, CA 93301 513 West Columbus Street, Bakersfield, CA 93309 20418 Brian Way (661) 327-4357 #B (661) 322-4000 Tehachapi, CA 93561 -AND- Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 822-5483 5005 Business Park North, (661 ) 323-4042 Scales, Linda # ! 13 Westchester Counseling Simon, Sandra (OTR) Bakersfield, CA 93309 MARRIAGE, FAMILYANrI Center Simon Occupational Clinic (661) 327-9066 '-AND- Rehabilitation a: Wellness Hamilton, Mark L. Tehachapi, CA 93561 2671 Oswell Street, #C ~ D Center Stockdale Podiatry Group (661) 822-5537 Bakersfield, C,~ 93306 2920 'F" Street, #A-2 3857 Stockdale Hwy. (661) 871-0100 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA 93309 PROSTHETICS& ORTHOTlCR -AND- (661 ) 861-8098 (661 ) 832-1666 Bakersfield Prosthetics ~ 6501 Schirra Court Orthodcs Cir. Bakersfield, CA 93313 Siebert, Darin A. Heller, Andrew J. 1920 "G" Street (661 ) 398-2283 Bakersfield Sports Medicine ~ 1505 West Avenue J., #203 Bakersfield, 'CA 93301 Rehabilitation Therapy Lancaster, CA 93534 (661) 281-2127 Glinn, James E. 4300 Stine Road, Ste 108 (661) 742-7070 Glinn 6: Glordano Physical Bakersfield, CA 93313 MK Medical Homecare Therapy . (661) 834-2300 Kraft, Michele 4800 White Lane, #L 1201 23r' Street Stockdale Podiatry Group Bakersfield, CA 93309 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Southcoast Rehabilitation 3857 Stockdale Hwy. (66 ! ) 334-1077 (661) 327-4357 Associates Bakersfield, CA 93309 1800 Westwind Drive, #107 (661 ) 832-1666 Valley Institute of Prosthetics Jacobo, Graciela C. ~ #500 ~ Orthotics (VIPO) Jacobo Physical Therapy Bakersfield, CA 93301 Malone, Jim F. 1524 21" Street 2019 "F" Street (661) 327-4685 4000 Stockdale Hwy, #C Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661) 322-1005 (661) 631-8793 Taldi, Bruce 1. (661) 832-3600 -AND- Western Rehabilitation 44404 North 16'~ St. West, Marotta, Michael Associates Marek, Lee # i 08 Pair ~ Marotta Physical 337 South 10~ Street, #G Stockdale Podiatry Group Lancaster, CA 93534 Therapy Taft, CA 93268 3857 Stockdale Hwy. (661) 949-0504 5329 Truxtun Avenue (661) 763-4194 Bakersfield, CA 93309 Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661 ) 832-1666 .,PSYCHOLOGISTS (PHD) (661) 324.0122 Terrio, Timothy J. Associated Psychologist Clinic Terrio Therapy-Fitness, Inc. Hiller, Hark F. Consultants Pair, Bob 2838 Oswell Street Stockdale Podiatry Group 2920 "F' Street, #B-I Pair E Marotta Physical Bakersfield, CA 93306 3857 Stockdale Hwy. Bakersfield, CA 93301 Therapy (661 ) 873-7100 Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661 ) 323-7792 5329 Truxtun Avenue (661 ) 832-1666 Bakersfield, CA 93309 Vigil, Albert G. Christian, Kathleen (661 ) 634-9440 Rehabilitation 6~ Wellness Nelson, Thomas Sierra Psychology Associates (PEIY$1CAL THERAPY Center 2627 'H" Street 20797 Santa Lucia 2920 'F' Street, #A-2 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Tehachapi, CA 93561 CONTINUED) Bakersfield, CA 93301 (66 i ) 322-2895 (661 ) 822-9 ! 05 Pair ~ Harotta Physical (661 ) 861-8098 -AND- Nguyen, Htr/Duc 2041 Belshaw Therapy Western Rehabilitation Drummond Medical Group Hojave, CA 93502 5329 Truxtun Avenue Associates I ! i ! N. China Lake Blvd. (661) 824-4511 Bakersfield, CA 93309 337 South 10~ Street, #G PJdgecrest, CA 93555 (661 ) 324-0122 Taft, CA 93268 (760) 446-4571 Couture, Eugene T. -AND- (661 ) 763-4194 1800 Westwind Drive., #407 1723 27~ Street Pasaboc, Liviu G. Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA 93301 ~ Stockdale Podiatry Group (661 ) 324.2792 (661 ) 634-9970 Advanced ~re 130 North Villa Dibble, Robert -AND- 2127 'F" Street Porterville, CA 93257 Alpine Center 2500 Sdne Road, #203 Bakersfield, CA 93301 (559) 784-3118 375 East Line Street Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661 ) 322-7616 AND (661) 834-9012 - - Bishop, CA 93514 (760) 873-4357 3857 Stockdale Hwy. -AND- Barnes, Brenda Bakersfield, CA 93309 (Sequoia Physical Therapy) 2227 19~ Street (661 ) 832-1667 Guglielmino, Janet M. 20418 Brian Way Bakersfield, CA 93301 i 30 South Main St. Tehachapi, CA 93561 (661) 327-3205 ' Sill, Timothy Bishop, CA 93514 (661 ) 822-5483 2128 Truxtun Avenue (760) 872-4000 Barnes, Samuel Bakersfield, CA 93301 Rehabilitation ~ Wellness 2227 19'~ Street (661) 324-9655 Katragadda, Chandrika P. Center Bakersfield, CA 93301 Truxtun Psychiatry Medical 2920 "F" Street, #,4,'-2 (661) 327-3205 Stockdale Podiatry Group Group Bakersfield, CA 93301 3857 Stockdale Hwy. 6001 Truxtun Avenue (661) 861-8098 Brown, Hlchael N. Bakersfield, CA 93309 Bakersfield, CA 93309 Savarese, Thomas A. Foot ~ Ankle Institute (661 ) 832-1666 (661 ) 323-6410 500 Old River Rd, #145 Rehabilitation ~ Wellness Bakersfield, CA 93311 Zimmerman, John Center (661) 663-8483 Foot ~ Ankle Institute Lundgren,, Kathe 2920 "F' Street, #B-1 -AND- Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 323-7792 2920 'F" Street, #A-2 500 Old River Road, #145 Bakersfield, CA 93301 2021 ! Valley Blvd. Bakersfield, CA 93311 (66 i) 86/-8098 Tehachapi, CA 93561 (661 )663-8483 (661 ) 822-5537 -AND- Hlddleton, Thomas P. Sheldon, Donald L. 2021 I Valley Blvd. 1601 New Sdne Rd, Ste 185 -21 - Bakersfield, CA 93309 200 New Stine Road,//170 Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661) 396-9777 Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661) 396-8900 (661) 837-2400 Patterson, Brent Truxtun Surgery Center 512 West Line Street SURGICAL CENTERS (BLUE CROSS Bishop, CA 93515 ~,ntelope Valley Surgery CONTRACTING) (760) 872-4099 Center 4260 Truxtun Avenue,//i 20 (HealthSouth) Bakersfield, CA 93309 Pierucci, Janet (BLUE CROSS (661) 327-3636 20 i 2 "E" Street CONTRACTING) Bakersfield, CA 93301 44301 North Lodmer URGENTCARE CENTERR (661 ) 323-5556 Avenue Bakersfield Family IHedicai Lancaster, CA 93534 Center Psychological Services (661 ) 940-1112 4580 California Avenue 2808 "F" Street,//F ' Bakersfield, CA 93309 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield Endoscopy center (661) 327-4411 (661) 325-4023 (Ramesh Gupta, H.D.) (BLUE CROSS Hercy HedI-Center Sanderson, Wesley CONTRACTING) 44:)0 Old River Road 2808 "F" Street 1902 "B" Street Bakersfield, CA 93311 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA 9330 ! (661 ) 663-6100 (661) 325-4023 (661) 327-4455 Hing ~z Ashe Hedical Center Singer, George Bakersfield Surgery Center 6501 Hing Avenue 5301 Office Park Drive, (BLUE CROSS Bakersfield, CA 93309 # 125 CONTRACTING) (661 ) 397-4004 Bakersfield, CA 93309 2 ! 20 19~ Street (661 ) 323-2914 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Pedi Center Walker, R. Bruce (661 ) 323-2020 (Pediatrics Only) 6401 Truxtun Avenue ! 601 New Stine Rd, Ste 185 Empire Surgery Center Bakersfield, CA 93309 Bakersfield, CA 93309 4101 Empire Ddve, Ste 130 (661) 631-0891 (66 I) 396-9777 Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661) 325-1900 Yu~zler, Don 5500 Hing Avenue,//210 Fritch Eye Care Surgical Bakersfield, CA 93309 Center (661) 834-8341 (BLUE CROSS CONTRACTING) ,REHABILITATION CENTER.C; 2525 Eye Street, California Work Diagnostic ~ Bakersfield, CA 93301 Rehabilitation Center (661 ) 327-85 i ! 1800 Westwind Drive Bakersfield, CA 93301 Golden State Eye Center (661 ) 327-0382 (BLUE CROSS CONTRACTING) ~ENTERS 1001 Tower Way,//B- 150 C NTI__~Q~J~[_~~ Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661) 327-4499 Hemorial Center (Bakersfield IHemodal 1Hillennium Surgery Center Hospital) (aka-Kern Surgery Center) 5201 White Lane (BLUE CROSS Bakersfield, CA 93309 CONTRACTING) (661 ) 398- ! 800 6001 -A Truxtun Avenue, Southcoast Rehabilitation Bakersfield, CA 93301 Associates (661 ) 327-3265 1800 Westwlnd Drive,//I07 ~//500 Physicians Plaza Surgery Bakersfield, CA 93301 Center (661 ) 327-4685 (HealthSouth) (BLUE CROSS SPEECH a LANGUAGE CONTRACTING) 6000 Physicians Blvd. ~athology Bakersfield, CA 9330 I Bernard Street (66 ! ) 322-.4744 Bakersfield, CA 93305 (661 ) 861-8255 Southwest Surgery Center (BLUE CROSS Fonssagrives, Dianne CONTRACTING) Kern Speech Pathology 201 New Sdne Road, #130 - 22 - .FOUNDATION MEMBER HOSPITAL-~ NOTE - THESE HOSPITALS ARE CONTRACTED WITH THE FOUNDATION FOR MEDICAL CARE OF KERN COUNTY. IF YOU PLAN DOES NOT UTILIZE FOUNDATION HOSPITALS I.E. BLUE CROSS PRUDENT BUYER HOSPITALS ONLY PLAN PLEASE CONSULT THE LISTING OF HOSPITALS APPLICABLE TO .YOUR PLAN. BAKERSFIELD MEMORIAL HOSPITAL MERCY HEALTHCARE SOUTHWEST 420 34TM Street 400 Old River Road Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA 93311 (661) 327-1792 (661) 663-6000 BAKERSFIELD REGIONAL REHABILITATION HOSPITAL NORTHERN INYO HOSPITAL (HEALTHSOUTH) 150 Pioneer Lane 5001 Commerce Drive Bishop, CA 93514 Bakersfield, CA 93309 (760) 873-581 ! (661) 323-5500 COALINGA REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER RIDGECREST COMMUNITY HOSPITAL 1191 Phelps 1081 North China Lake Blvd. Coalinga, CA 93210 Ridgecrest, CA 93555 (559) 935-6400 (760) 446-3551 DELANO REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER TEHACHAPI HOSPITAL 1401 Garces Highway ! 15 West 'E" Street Delano, CA 93215 Tehachapi, CA 9356! (661) 725-4800 (661) 822-3241 KERN VALLEY HOSPITAL DISTRICT WESTSIDE DISTRICT HOSPITAL 6412 Laurel Avenue (AKA-MERCY WESTSIDE HOSPITAL) Lake Isabella, CA 93240 110 E. North Street (760) 379-2681 Taft, CA 93268 (661 ) 763-4211 MERCY HEALTHCARE OF BAKERSFIELD 2215 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 327-3371 THIS LIST IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. IT IS THE INSURED'S RESPONSIBILITY TO VERIFY THE PROVIDER'S CONTINUING PARTICIPATION AS A FOUNDATION PROVIDER MEMBER. - 23 - ALPHABETICAL PROVIDER LISTING -. ,~ ' Bakersfield Cardiopuimonary Bornstein, Michael Chang, Joseph H. Abalos, Arturo Meal Grp Bouldoukian, Kevork Chaurasia, Om P. Abdou, Wafik A. Bakersfield Dermatology and Boulware, Terry A. Chen, Chung-Kwang Abraham, Jennifer Skin Cancer Medical Bourne, Jonathan C. Chi, Jensen Acevedo, Alberto L. Group Boyd, Nancy Child, Jeffrey K. Acharya, Malini Bakersfield Endoscopy center Bradley, Donald M. Chirman, Guy N. Advanced Foot Care Bakersfield Family Medical Bramlett, Bobby ]. (DC) Cho, Kaikei Advanced Imaging Center Center Brechner (Ferret), Theresa Cho, Larry Agarwal, Chhaya BakerSfield M.R.I. Brenner, Brian C. Chow, Steve P. Agrawal, Vivek Bakersfield Memorial Brewer, Lia Chowdhury, Tabassum A. Ahmed, Mustaq Hospital Broeske, Daniel Christian, Kathleen Ahn, Mark Bakersfield Orthopedic Brooks, Andrew A. Christiansen, Williard B. Al Haid, Mohammed N. Medical Group Brooks, Douglas Chung, Tong Alade, Clement O. Bakersfield Pain Management Brown, Charles Ciccotto, Salvatore Alam, Syed M. Group Brown, Edward Claiborne, Ronnie Alim, Muhammad Bakersfield Pathology Medical Brown, Michael Clement, Randal Al-Jawad, ]asim Ali Group Bubienko, Edward Clerou, Romain P. Allen, Edward Charles Bakersfield Prosthetics ~ Buch, Dhaval P. (PT) Clinical Speech Pathology Almkiov, Roger Orthodcs Burdick, Richard Coalinga Regional Medical Al-Sheikh, Wajih Bakersfield Regional Burson, Leslie (DO) Center Alvarez, Carlos Rehabilitation Busch, Richard Coleman, Lewis S. Amin, Hasmukhbhai C. Hospital (HealthSouth) Bustamante, ]avier Collier, ]ames Amin, Navinchandra Bakersfield Sports Medicine Buttonwillow Health Center Comelli, Ruben Amirpour, Vahdatyar ~: Buxton, John Complete Family Care Medical Rehabilitation Therapy Byfield, John Corp. Anders, Alpha ]. Bakersfield Surgery Center Andersen, Kenneth G. Comprehensive Blood Anderson, Bradford Bakhaya, Saad M. - C - Cancer Center Anderson, Gene A. Balachandran, Suppiah California Cardiac Surgeons Comprehensive Medical Anderson, Laverne L. Balasubramanian, Govindan California Medical Lab Imaging Banerjee, Supratim California Physical Medicine Comprehensive Medical Anderson, Nolan Bansal, Radhey Laboratories Andrews, Todd L. Barnard, Marion C. (11) Carbonell, Antonio Ang, Eisa Barnes, Brenda Carbonell, Emma Cooper, Dianne Anhalt, ]. E. (Jr.) Barnes, Samuel Caretran Medical Supply Cooper, Joel Antelope Valley MRI Baroud, Khalii S. Carey, Tony Copeland, William Antelope Valley Surg Ctr Coppola, Alfred J. (HealthSouth) Baruiz, Altagracla (Grace) U. Carlson, Arthur W. Anzai, Takashi Becket, Warren Cartmel, Alan Couri, Edgard Bella, Eleuterio Casey, Richard Courser, Darel Apda Healthcare Bender, Barry Castanares, Aracell B. Cousint Luls Arbegast, Nell R. Bermejo, Juan Casteen, Carole Couture, Eugene T. Arcud, Raimonda N. Bernardino, Ricardo M. Catania, Robert A. Cowan, Douglas Associated Psychologist Cl. Berry, Martin Catania, Robert A. Crenshaw, Wendy Consultants Berry, Paul S. Ceballos, Alfredo Crowley, Jeffrey J. Associated Physiclans Lab Cefala, Edward A. Cunanan, Carl M. Athavale, Nidn S. Beyers, Johannes ]. Centennial Medical Group Atkins, David Bezdek, William D. Central California Anesthesia - D - Bhatka, Harpal Central Cardiology Medical Dagdagent Mark T. AV Diagnostic Radiology Bhambi, Brijesh K. Avery, Robert L. Clinic Daley, Patrick Awad, Youssef B. Bhangoo, Sarupinder Central Nephrology Medical Dandamudi, Satya N. Ayyagad, Ramchandra Bhardwal, Manlck Grp David, Clarene Bhogal, Madhu Chalmers, Antonla David, Saul - B - Bhogal, Rabinder S. Chandrasekaran, P.R. David, Saul Baber, Salma A. Binder, William A. Chandrasekaran, Ramani Davies, Michael E. Baer, Harold Birsner, John W. Chang, Frank F. Davis, Bradley G. (DO) Bailey-Coldewey, Linda K. Bir. zer, John Chang, Hau Davis, Dean L. Baker, William F. Bloch, Jack Chang, James Y. Davis, Phillip Bonnett, Brigette Chang, Joseph F. Deeths, Tony M. - 24 - DeGeus, Bradley Fonssagdves, Dianne Hale, Kenneth D. - K - De :jesus, Hector M. Forden, David H. Hamilton, Carol Kaldas, Nader R. Del Toro, Jorge E. Fox, Jerry Hamilton, Gregory Kanamori, David E. Delano Family Medical Center Francis, Robert B. (:jr.) Hamilton, Mark L. Kannappan, Tillaikarasi Delano Regional Medical Frazier, Bruce L. Hansa, Sahaphun Karimian, Siamak Center Freedman, Sheldon Hardy, Samuel Kar6ll, Richard P. Dellica, Roseklarie B. Freeman, Cary Hasanin, Osama S. Karunaker, A.R.S.R. Deol, Shivinder S. Freesemann, Jeffery M. Haynes, :Jeffrey D. Katragadda, Chandrika P. Derrick, Marvin R. Frehner, Anthony G. (PT) Haynes, Mark :j. Katz, Albert R. Desai, Kirit Fritch Eye Care Medical Heartsill, Robert K. Kazmi, Hashim R. DeSilva, Udaya S. Center Heidrick, :John T. (DO) Keene, Jim Devasia, Ned Fritch Eye Care Surgical Heinrich, Mark (DO) Keni, Arun H. Dharma, Kala R. Center Heller, Andrew :j. Kern Allergy Medical Clinic Di Nicola, William Fritch, Charles Helper, Stephen D. Kern Bone ~ :joint Specialists, Dibble, Robert Frizzell, Robert L. Helper, Susan Inc. Digges, John L. Helvie, Richard E. Kern Cardiology Medical Dinh, Son T. - G - Helvle, Stephen J. Group Dixon, Donald J. Gaitonde Physical Therapy Hernandez, Bias D. Kern County Medical Clinic Don Michael, T. Anthony Gaitonde, Sadsh (PT) Herriott, Dale T. Kern Faculty Medical Group ' Dougherty, David Ganatra, Rasildal B. Hess, David M. Kern Family Medicine Dozier, Emanuel Garcia, Antonio Hewitt, J. Michael Kern Gastroenterology Med Drew, Stanley Garcia-Mardnez, Maria S. Highgrove Medical Group Grp Drummond Medical Group Gehlawat, Dilbagh Ho, Sze Kern Hospice, Inc. George, Gregory Hodges, Wayne Kern Nephrology Medical - E - Gill, Zora Hoffman Specialized Group Edwards, Dana C. Gilli, William E. Homecare Kern Pathology Medical Group Ehteshami, Shahram Giordano, Daniel Holmes, Victor A. Kern Radiology Medical Group Elbaum, David Giovanine, Ted Hopp, Emery Kern River Health Center Elder, Stephen Girga, Barbara Horowitz, Klm J. Kern Valley Hospital District Elliot, Frank Glinn 6~ Giordano Physical Hsu, Kenneth Emmanuel, Gerry F. Therapy Huang, Ning Keshishian, Ara Empire Surgery Center Glinn, James E. Hubbell, Wheeler Khan, Salma H. Enriquez, Jorge A. Glynn, Marie Hum, Gary T. Khuu, Tien Esposo, Oriente M. Golden Empire Cardiology Hut, Young Kibler, George K. Ettinger, Victor G. Golden State Eye Center Hwang, Yong Kilgore, :jeannette I. Hyer, Paul Stuart Kim, Chang K. Evans, ]oyce G. Golden Valley Medical Hyun, Sung Klm, ]ae Associates - F - Gonzalez, Casimiro Klm, ]oo R. Fadeff, Chris M. Gonzalez, Victor - i - Klm, Owen Family Health Centre Medical Goonesinghe, Iresha C. Interim Healthcare Kimpo, Joy C. Group Gorenberg, Alan E. Ipe, :joseph Kinser~ Audrey Fang, Tzann :j. Grama, Usha Irani, Hormuz l(itt, See-Ruen Farber, Michael B. Grandhe, Janardhan Ishimori, Tetsuo Kliger, Craig Farinha, Pedro L. Graves, Lon A. lyer, Kamalmath Klis, Gregory R. Farthing, David Greater Bakersfield Klupsteen, Mathilda Fayaz, Imran Anesthesia ' J ' Ko, Young Medical Group Jack. son, Rand L. Kokosensid, Terry Ferguson, Katherine Grey, Carlile R. Jacobo, Gractela C. Kopelman, Robert C. Ferguson, William W. Griffin, Arthur Jacobs, Steven Kotarac, Jacquelyn A. Finberg, Kurt Grimes, :james Jagpal, Kuldeep Kraft, Michele Findley, John R. Gualberto, Ruben S. Jamaluddin, Umaima Kdshan, Rajeev Flnstad, Gary Gugiielmino, :janet M. (PhD) Jensen, Niels Krishnadasan, C. Firozi, Mohammad Tadk Guiney, Paul :jeppson, John R. Kubo, Calvin Fisher, Myron A. Gundzik, :john Johnson, Royce Kuckreja, Karen Fisher, Robert B. Gunter, :jeffrey R. Jones, James Kumar, Vlnod Flores, David Flores, Donald Gupta, Ramesh C. Joseph, Bradley K. Kumad, Suresh Joshi, Mukesh :j. Kurtan, Leonard S. Fogel, Steven P. - H - :jung, :johnson Fok, Randolph Ha'Ed, G.B. Jung, Sung ' L - Fong, Deng Hagen, Robert W. Lab Services - 25 o Lancaster Anesthesia Medical Marek, Lee National Health Services Patel, Raju B. Group Marotta, Michael Neilson, Paul F. Patel, Ravi Lancaster Imaging Marshall, Robert G. Nelson, Donald Patel, Sudhir B. Lang, Adam Martinez, Humberto D. Nelson, Thomas' Patel, Vijaykumar B. Lascano, Miguel L. Mass, Michael Neubarth, Jesse Lee Patterson, Brent Lau, Chester Matera, Vincent Neufeld, Ramon H. Paveloff, Michael J. Laughlin, Robert L. Master, Constantina L. Neurological Surgery ~z Paw, Patrick T. Le, Qui T. Matuk, ^ileen Medical Assoc Pedersen, Ted Lee Ho, Jamie Medina, Miguel P. Newbrough, Stephen B. Pedi Center Lee, Chuck Med-Mart Nguyen, Huy Duc Peinado, Albert J. Lee, Hak Soon Mehta, Anil Nichols, Edward L. Penrose, James R. (DO) Lee, loon Hak Edmund Mehta, Viral Y. Nichols, James F. Pensinger, Dennis Lee, ]u Hwan Melendez, Philipp R. Nijjar, Ajit S. Perez, Jose A. Lee, Sun Hi Memorial Center Niles Surgical ~z Medical Perez, Leonard. Lee, Tommy C. Mercy HealthCare of Group Pershadsingh, Harrihar Left, Lawrence Bakersfield Nizar, Howard H. Personal Care Lehmer, Jeffrey M. Mercy Medi-Center NMC Homecare Pesche, Mark (DO) Leramo, Olusegun B. Mercy Plaza Radiologic North Charles Pevar, Alan Leung, Patrick 'Medical Group Northeast Physicians Medical Pfaff, Charles L. Levan, Norman Merrill, Alexander Group Phillips', C. Vincent Levanthal, Howard Mesa West Medical Group Northern lnyo Hospital Physicians Automated Lab Levins, Anthony D. Meshberger, Scott D. Nucal, Eden Q. Physicians Clinical Lab Lewis, David Michalik, Marcia Nyitray, William Physicians Plaza Medical Group Lewis, Marshall S. Middleton, Thomas P. Nystrom, Mark Physicians Plaza Surg Ctr Lewis, Todd A. (DO) Millennium Surgery Center (HealthSouth) Lin, Hua-Lung Miller, John G.O. Lin, Yeuan-Jong Miller, John P. - O- Pierucci, Janet Ling, Richard Miller, Mark F. O.P.T.I.O.N. Care Pineda, Gregorio Liu, Norman Mills, Fred O'Connell, Patrick Pitts, Frederick W. Loos, Donald Min, Jum K. O'Reilly, Richard Poh, Sue Olsen, Gary D. Preferred Family Care Lopez, Elva Ming 6[ Ashe Medical Center Orange Coast Radiology Med Physicians Locysch, Matthew Miranda, Godofredo G. Lukens, Robert G. Miranda, Lilibeth Grp Premier Anesthesia Medical Lundgren,, Kathe Miro, Javler E. Orme, Nicholas J. Group Owens, John R. Prunes, Fernando Lusk, David 'P. Mitchell, Andrew G. Owens, Robert G. Psychological Services Luu, Susan Mitchell, Mark Purewal, Sari MK Medical Homecare . p. - Mc - Mohamed, Ehab A. McBride, Albert Mohammadi, Hosein Pacific Orthopedic Medical - Q - Group Quail Diagnostic Lab McCabe, Michael O. Mohankumar, H.T. Paik, Young N. McCauley, Peter S. Mohawk Medical Group HcCord, W. Clay Moinl, Jasmine Pair &: Marotta Physical - p~ - McNamara, Nancy Moll, Eric Therapy Rabban, Joseph T. Moon, long C. Pair, Bob Rabinov, C. Rose - M - Moore, David M. Palencia, Arturo Radiation Therapy Associates MacDuff, Michael Morasca, Gary (DO) Palos, Miguel M. Radiology Nuclear Medical Mack, Joel D. Moriedge, David Pangilinan, Florenclo Group Maclennan, Thomas Morals, Jon Pannu, Gurnam S. Rafiq, Rehana Maddela, Vincent J. Morton, Ronald Park, Arthur W. Ragiand, Alan (DO) Maddox, Denis E. Mui, Byron S.K. Park, Gil S. Rahal, Paramvlr S. Madhavan, Sethu V. Mukhopadhyay, Madan Park, Yoong J. Rahimifar, Majld Park, Young W. Rajguru, Saroijlni Madrilejo, Nelson Munoz, Augustine Parks, Christopher R. Ramaswami, Vasanthi Mahadevan, Ramasamy Pasaboc, Liviu G. (DPM) Ramos, Cesar Malerich, Matthew ' 1~ ' Patel, Girish Ramayake, Saman N. Malone, Jim F. Naded, M. Javad Patel, Hansa Raval, Narendra Manohara, Sakrepatna Naik, Nlrav C. Patel, Mihir B. h/anoram, John E. Nalos, Peter Patel, Nalna Reddy, Malladi hfansour, Joseph Narang, Yadvlnder K. Patei, Pragad Reddy, Vodur C. Nason, Irving Patel, Raj A. Reed, Kelly - :;?6 - Reed, Robbie Shariatmadari, Farzin Tanus, Tonny Rehabilitation ~; Wellness Sharma, Sanjiv Tatsuno, George Wagner, H. Reinhard Center Sheldon, Donald L. Tatsuno, Wm. Stuart Waguespack, Robert L. Remmes, Michele Shellans, Stephen Taylor, Edward W. Walker, Armi Lynn Reyna, ^na IL Sherrill, M.F. Tedesco, Dominic ]. Walker, R. Bruce Rico, Oscar Shields, Sam Tehachapi Hospital Walker, Susan Ridgecrest Community Hospital Shipman, Gary D. Tempo, Tamding Wallrath, Richard Riggs, Peyton D. (DO) Shiue, Shyi-Tang Terrell, John C. Wang, David Y. Rios, Carlos O. Shuler, ]ames D. Terrio, Timothy ]. Wang, ]en F. Rios, Tomas B. Siebert, Darin A. Rizvi, Syed Sierra Family Care Terry, Kyle R. Warren-]inadu, Linda Roberts, Douglas E. Sill, Timothy The Heart Center Warsaw, Terr/ Rodriguez, ]orge E. Simon, Sandra (OTR) Thio, Edward H. Wasco Medical Center Roddguez, Roland Singer, George Thomas, Anthony ]. Wells, Hlchael Roos, Eugene H. Singh, ^mdt Thompson, Michael Wen, Thomas (Chun Yuen) Root, R. Mark (DC)) Singh, Manbir Thorpe, Michael D. Westchester X-Ray Ross, Leonard S. (DC) Singh, Sarabjit K. (Sam) Tivnon, Michael Western Rehabilitation Ruiz, Luis Singh, Satinder Tiwana, Ajitpal Associates Smale, Christopher Tohm, Donald G. Wescside District Hospital Ryan, ]ames D. (DC) Smith, Thomas L. Toma, Maher H. Westside Wellness Center - S - Solberg, Paulette H. Townsend, Randy Wiedman, Martha A. Sabetian, Katayoun Sorenson, Vernon Tremblay, Norman G. Williams, Gregory G. Sacamoto, Reulita Sottile, Richard Triangle Eye Institute Williams, Rene' E. Saiki, ]ames South Central Valley Truxtun Psychiatry Medical Woman's Care Center, The Saini, Gursharon Radiology Group, LP Wong, Caroline H. Salmassl, Sadegh Southcoast Rehabilitation Truxtun Radiology Hedical Wong, Kal Salyers, Steven Associates Group Wong, Kenneth G. San Dimas Hedical Group Southern Sierra Medical Truxtun Surgery Center Wong, Steve San ]oaquin Valley Pulmonary Clinic Tu, Shane H. Wortiska, Charles Group Southwest Hedicai Associates Turner, ]ames Wrobel, Charles Sanchez, Irene H. Southwest Surgery Center Wu, Agnes Y. Sanderson, Harold Srijaerajah, T. - U - Wu, David Sanderson, Wesley Srivastava, Pramod K. Upadhyaya, ]igtsha Wu, Zhaomai Santos, Maria ^. Srivastava, Shachi ]. Uri, Ralph Sarldes, Nadim W. Srour, Sami 'Y ' Savarese, Thomas A. Stainer, Gregory A. - V - Yaker, Kenneth H. Scales, Linda Stanley, William D. Valdez, ^nthony Yaplee, Steven Schale (Embree), Ruth E. Stemmer, Paul F. Valley Infant ~ Pediatric ~ Yeh, Cheng-Tutsung Schale, David Stockdale Podiatry Group Complete Ynostroza, Frank Schall, Jeffrey Stoll, Mervyn ^. Family Care Yokoyama, Larry Schenkman, R~chard D. Stone, Bruce C. (DO) Valley Institute of Prosthetics Yoon, Chris S. Schmidt, Gerhard Strategos, Emmanuel ~ Orthodcs (VIPO) Young, John T. Schwartz, Kevin Strategos, Stephen Valley Medical Group of Young, Rolando Scurlock, W. Bruce Suen, Vitus Central C^ Yur. zler, Don Seidenstricker, Keith L. Suesberry, Wilbur Valley Tumor Medical Group Seminario, Oscar IL Suitze, Stuart Valos, Nicholas Seydel, Jerry Suri, Atul H. VanderHoek, Cornelis - Z - Shah, Andnd Suval, William D. Vanicharden, Yupin Zapanta, Lydia Varansal, U.R. Zerlin, Gary K. Shah, Bharad R. Swafford, Albert Vega, RJcardo IL Zimmerman, John Shah, Hltesh Z. Swinyer, Bruce P. Vegher, Mary Shah, Manjul Sykes, Kaye T. Vigil, Albert G. Shah, Mukund G. ViralAire Corporation Shah, Nlrav C. - T - Shahanglan, Michael Takii, Bruce !. Vora, Bansi H. Shakespeare, Cary Tam, Charles T. Shakir, Shabbtr A. Tamer, Moussa P. Shamasunder, H.K. Tan, Marietta Shambaugh, Shawn C. Tang, Sandys Shao, Maogang Tangpraphaphorn, Vlbul BANG, LINDA, DOS GORDON, THOMAS, DOS 2415 "G" SI. 500 Old River Rd., Ste (661)323-2527 225 BANG. ROBERT, DOS (661)664-1814 2415 "G" SL GOVINDJI, VINAY, DOS (681 )323-2527 24 t 5 "G" St. BARRS, WARREN, DOS (681)323-2527 6405 Ming Ave. HANFORO, GREGORY, (661 )834-9900 DOS BERRY, THOMAS, ODS 3130 Union Ave. 500 Old River Rd., Ste (661)327-8473 255 HERRERA, EPIFANIO, DOS (661)663-4451 4661 Stockdale Hwy. BLOOM, HOWARD, DOS (661)837-0435 8200 Stockdale Hwy., Ste HERRERA, RENE, DOS .... M9 2200 Chester Ave. (661 )834-9042 (661 )334. ! 923 BREAUX, AARON, DOS HERSHKOWlTZ, ERIC. DOS 2160 White Lane 1023 N. Chester Ave. KERN (661 }833-0707 (661)399-5539 CAMPERO. MANUEL, DOS HUTCHISON, TED, ODS COUNTY 505w.(661 )322. Co,umbus Ave. t 300 M9 8200 Stockdale HWY., Sis CASTEEN, RICHARD, ODS (661)834.9042 202! 19Ih St. IRANt, BARAK, DOS ARVIN (661)861-8000 2415 "G" SI. CHAN, CHEE MOK, DOS (661)32.3-2527 6405 Ming Ave. JELMINI, RANDY, DMD  (661)834-9900 4801 Wilson Rd., Ste C CHANG, WEN, DOS (661 )832-1877 ~" _. MOUNTAIN VIEW FAMILY 116 H St. JUE. PERRY, ODS DENTISTRY (661 )327-2155 5 t 01 Commerce Dr.. Ste 734 Bear Moumain Blvd. CHAU, BOBI, DOS t 02 =... (661 )854-5210 3605 Union Ave. (661 )323-1500  (661)322-2117 KANN, STEPHEN, DOS CHEN. PETER, DOS 1919 G St. ESTRAOA, LUIS, DOS 3150 Panama Lane. Ste I (661)323-8585 734 Bear Mountain Blvd.(661)369-0156 KENIEN. EDWARD, DOS (661 )854-52 I0 CHING, ANTHONY, DOS 3723 Wilson Rd. ~-~-:" GONG, SANDRA, DOS 3873 S1cckdale Hwy. (661)834-4334 101 Comanche Dr. (661)322-7926 · KHALIL, VICTOR, DOS (661)85.,t-5558 CLARK, JAMES, DOS 3400 Wibie Rd. 1805 28th St.. Ste 101(661)835-8872 - . PARTI, ARPANA, DOS 734 Bear Mcunlain Bird·(661)325-5751 KHUU, KENNETH, DOS (661)854-5210 CLARK. JEFF, ODS 4000 Empire Dr., Ste 110 2016 "E" Si. (661 )324-5350 ~ (6611323-2919 KIM, BRIAN, OMO BAKERSFIELD DELGAOO, RICARDO, DOS 100 W. ColumDue, 116 'H' St. 200 ,.~. (661 )327-2 t 56 (661 )325-9466 · DE*I-rLAFF, KENNETH, KlM. NICHOLAS, DOS ~. DOS 100 W. Columbus. CALIFORNIA DENTAL 8200 SIockdale Hwy., SIe 200 CENTER M9 (661)325-9466 3400 Wii31e Rd. (661)834-9042 KNERR, GARY, DOS (661)835.6672 DICKENS. BRADLEY. ODS 2613 G St. COLUMBUS FAMILY 210 S. Monlclair St. (661)322-t 948 DENTISTRY (661 )397-0665 KY, MAI, OOS 505 West Columbus St. DO, FELIClA, DMD 2750 Ming Ave. ~ (661)322-1300 2415 "G* St. (661)396-1701 *- · -. CROSSTOWN FAMILY (661)323-2527 LAI, FELICIA, ODS DENTISTRY DOROTHEO, NEAL, DM D 4120 Truxton Ave.. Ste B 2415 "G' St. 1491 White Lane (661)631-8388 (661 )323-2527 (66 ! )827-9183 LAM, ROLLANO, ODS ~*,* i :~. ·" *" .: MING & H FAMILY EASTMAN, STACY, ODS 4698 American Ave,, Ste DENTISTRY 500 Old River R0., SteA 1621 S. H Street 225 (661 )834-0911 (661 )833-1556 (66 I)664.1814 LEE, CHARLES, ODS PANAMA WIBLE FAMILY FALLETI, ANTNONY, DOS 3800 Niles SI., Ste 3 DENTISTRY 1621 t7th SI. (661)872-6082 3150 Panama Lane, Ste I(661)327-4479 LOGAN, WADE, DOS (661)369-0156 FAWSON, JOHN, DOS 2021 19th St. SMILECARE DENTAL 1491 White Lane (661)861-8000 GROUP (661)827o9183 MAHMOOO, MANJI, DOS 2750 Ming Ave. GAEDKE, MICHAEL, DOS 2750 Ming Ave. (661)396-1701 5329 Olfice Center Ct., (661)396-1701 TOWN & COUNTRY Ste 105 MARTINEZ, MICHELLE, DENTISTRY (661)864-1364 DOS 8200 Stockdaia Hwy.,, M- GENOUR, ARTHUR, DMD 8200 Stoc~dale Hwy., Ste *,'.. 9 2427 H St.. Ste A M9 "'-... (661)834-9042 (66 I)327-3843 (661 )834-9042  GHALAMBOR, MAZlYAR, MASSEE, BRUCE, DOS DOS 1737 261h St. ALEXANDER, JOHN, DOS 180 t 261h St. (661)324-0234 3619 Union Ave, (661)322.8860 MCCLENNY, REESE, ODS (661)323-1248 GILANI, MANSOOR, DOS 4570 California Ave., Ste I 602 341h St. 350 ALEXANDER, LEONARDA, DOS (661)323-2929 (661 )323-3095 2611 G St. GILL, MICHAEL, ODS MCCRACKEN, ROBERT, * - (661)859-0192 1705 Cherry St. DOS AU, CLARENCE, ODS (661)327.1678 5000 Physicians Blvd.. · · 1621 South "H' St. Ste 200 (66 I)833-1556 (66 !)324-6999 :.' is currently participating in the Prudent Buyer Dental Plan · 'ice at 1-800-627-0004. MCMILLIN, EVAN, DDS TARANGO, ANTHONY, PHAM, QUYEN, DDS 4570 California Ave.. Ste DDS 2232 Girard St. TAFT 350 4698 American Ave., Ste (661)725-4690 (661}323-3095 B BEEMER. RANDY, DDS MEHTA, NEERU, DOS (661)834-5660 500 Old River Roi., Ste SAINI, HARDIP, DOS 3941 San Oimas, Ste 104 TEESDALE. ARTHUR, ODS .225 2031205 Garces Hwy.. Ste -..-..-.-. i i ~------ i (661)322-1505 2520 H St. (661)664-1814 (661)725-6910 BRYAN. JOHN, DDS MOVAHEDI, KHOSROW, (661)324-1200 DELGADO, RICARDO, DDS 510 S(xtll St. DDS THOMAS. MARK, DOB 116 "H" St. (661)763-4161 2519 River Blvd. 2415 'G" St. (661)327-2155 LAMONT EASTMAN, STACY, DDS. (661 )873-9632 (661)323-2527 103 Adkisson Way NELSON, EDWIN, DDS THOMAS, WILLIAM, DDS. ~ (661)763-5133 2501 H SI., Sfe A 215 China Grade !:oop GAPPER, RICHARD, DDS -el',-, GILL, MICHAEL, DDS (661)322.2157 (661 )399-1056 1735 28th St. ~ 501 6111 St. NGO, KtET, DOS TOWN & COUNTRY (661 )322-8815 CLINICA SIERRA VISTA (661)765-4475 9600 Rosedale Hwy., Ste FAMILY DENTISTRY KArZ. MARK, DMD 8787 Hall Rd. A 8200 Stockdale Hwy., Sic 3811 San Dimas St., Sic {661)845-3731 GORDON, THOMAS, DDS 103 Adkisson Way {661)589-4258 M9 B , --, i , i (661)763-5133 NGUYEN, CHINH, DOS (661)834-9042 (661 )325-2431 833 'H" BI. TRUONG, HOA, DMD MCMAHON, MICHAEL, GERGES, SHERINE, DDS (661)631-1113 201 New Sline, Sic 110 DDS 8787 Hall Rd. SALSBURY, RICHARD, NGUYEN, TRUONG. DDS (661)836-4095 1314 L St. (661)845-3731 DDS 2701 Calloway Dr., Sic TSAI, ALLEN, DOS (661)325-5796 HOLLINGSEAD, II, 103 Adkisson Way 412 3204 Stine Rd. POUNDS, ANDREW. DOS MARSHALL, DDS (661)763-5133 (661)588-1147 (661)831-9752 232017th St. 8003 Alicante St, NILSON, LYNN, DDS VALERO, LARRY, DOS (661)395-3115 {661 )845-2246 2701 Catloway Dr., Ste 207 H St, LEVALLEY. ROGER, DDS 412 (661)323.7440 8787 Hall Ra. BEEMER, RANDY, DDS (661)588-1147 WEINBERG, MICHAEL. BORON (661)845-3731 103 Adkisson Way ,",~OLAN, DANIEL, DDS DDS MACK, KELLI. DDS (661)763-5133 2200 Chester Ave. 1621 17th St. 8787 Hall Rd. (661)322-4732 (66 t)327-4479 ~ (6611825-3731 TEHACHAPI NUNEZ, JOSEPH. DOS WEST~NICK, MICHAEL. PATEL, SAMIR, DDS 1957 19th St. DDS MAGPAYO, HECTOR, DMD 8787 Hall (661)325-6907 500 Old River Rd., Ste 12560 Boron Ave. OH. SAEKYU, DDS 225 (760)762-0055 (661)845-3731 1900 Brundage Ln. (661)664-1814 SWlNDLEHURST, ROSS. PERRY, LELAND. ODS 8787 Hall Rd. (661)323-1111 YANG, JIN, DDS DMD (661)845-3731 VALLEY FAMILY P~D ERS EN. RAYMOND. 2415 'G" St 12313 Boron Ave. DENTISTRY DOS (661)323-2527 (760)762-5023 PRIMUS. MELISSA, DDS 20300 Valley Blvd.. Ste A 8787 Hall Rd. (661 )822-1134 172926It~ St. YOON, HER SOUNG, DOS (661)845-3731 (661)324-9523 2115 O St, CALIFORNIA [~ ' PEYTO., JAMES, DOS (661)327-8619 2005 t gth st. CITY MC FARLAND HERR, DANfEL, OOS ~661)323-1888 20810 South St.. Sic 5 (661)823-7644 PHILLIPS, MARK, DDS BRONSON, MITCHELL.' ~ 5701 Commerce Dr., S~e DDS - ' -' '"-' - ' """ '' I KAM.301RANDALL,s. Green St. DDS 302 2021 Brundage Ln GRIFFITH, KENNETH, DDS SINERt, KIMBER, DDS (661)822-3593 (661)323-1500 (66 ~ )322-2071 21007 Nemolthalia Ave., 501 W. Kern Ave. SANCHEZ,' DAVID. DDS POH, SIAN, DDS SMITH, ROBERT. DMD Sic B (661)792-3028 20041 Valley Blvd.. Ste 3 2721 'H' St. 2021 Brundage Lane (760)373-1950 (661)324-9709 (661)322-2071 ONG-VELOSO, GLENN, (661)822-7517 PREWETT, WILLIAM. DOS WONG, PERRY, DDS DDS PINE MOUNTAIN TON, THANH, DDS 20300 Valley Blvd.. Sic A 2016 'E" St. 4120 Truxton Ave. 21007 Nemolthalia Ave.. CLUB (661)822-1134 (66 t )323.2919 (661)327-8497 ste B REDELSPERGER, (760)373-1950 YEUNG, JONATHAN, DDS ROBERT, DDS ~ 20300 Valley Blvct., Ste A 2106 20th St. ~ (661)822-1134 (661)324.6053 KOH, STANLEY. DDS DELANO REED, ROBERT, DDS 1600 F St. COLLINS, THOMAS, DOS 4~00 Truxtun Ave., Ste (661)327-2051 16233 Pine Valley Lane. WABCO 390 NICHOLSON, III, CHARLES, Sle 203 (66'~)327-7497 DDS (661)242-3704 RIMMER, M. a., DMD 820 34th St., Sic 201 DELANO FAMILY 201 New Brine Rd., Ste (661)327-7878 DENTISTRY RIDGECREST ADEPT DENTAL CARE 110 SHABTAIE, RAMIN, DDS 2232 Girard Street (661 )836-4090 2750 Ming Ave. (661 ) 725-4690 1408 7th St. ROOD, BRUCE, DDS (661)396-1701 (661)758-6443 1621 S. 'H" SI. CAJIMAT, CASIANO, DDS BOHMAN, ANNE, DDS SACDALAN, JESSE, DDS BRADY, WILLIAM, DDS 416 11Ih Ave. 815 N. Downs, Ste B EASTMAN, STACY, DDS 2600 Oswell St., Ste F 6409 Ming Ave. (661)725-7166 (760)375-9011 1408 7th St. (661)871-4132 (661)834-4100 DELOS REYES, NOEL, BOHMAN, ANNE, DDS (661)758-6443 SAGHARIAN, MAIS, DOS MENDIVlL, GUY, DDB DDS 829 N. Downs, Ste A GORDON, THOMAS, DDS 505 W. Columbus 3807 San Dimas St., Ste 1201 Jefferson St., Sic 1 (760)375-9011 1408 7th St. (661)322-1300 C (661)721-3656 (661)758-6443 SAGHARIAN, MAIS, DDS (661)634-9344 KlM, BRIAN, DDS HOSSEINI, HOUTAN, DDS 1245 7th St. 2160 White Lane MONTANO, DONALD, DDS 1406 Jefferson St. WAUGH, RALPH, DDS (661)758.3021 (a-.81)833-0707 5001 E. Commercenter (661)725-9430 119 S. Gold Canyon SAGHARIAN, MARS, DDS SALIN, I., DD$ Dr.; Ste 170 MALLOUK, PAUL. DDS (760)375-1511 2016 "E' St. (661)395-0500 1319 Main St. 1229 7th St. (661)322-2919 NIVlSON, RICHARD, (661)725.9105 (661)758-5338 SANDOVAL' ROGER~ DOS 3807 San Dimas, Ste C MCCRACKEN, ROBERT, 1030 H S., Sic 1 (661)634-9344 DDS PAWLEY, JAMISON, DD$ (661)323-9421 SALSBURY, RICHARD, 1107 - 11th Ave. 829 N. Downs, Ste A SCHNEIDER, I. CECIL, DDS DDS (661)725-9587 (760)375-9011 3819 Mt. Vernon Ave. 500 Old River Rd., Sle NGUYEN, MINH-TRI, DDS (661)871-4971 225 2232 Girard Street SHAPIRO, HAL, DDS (661)664-1814 (661)725-4690 3403 Wilson Rd. TSCHANZ, MICHAEL, DDS PHAM, NGUYEN, DDS (661)833.9966 2001 "E' St. 2232 Girard Street STEWART, WlLBURN, DDS (661)322-5277 (661 )725-4690 1518 Niles SI. (661 )326-0766 IM?ORT~NI: ~(oaso ¥orih/fhat tho ~entist you $olo¢t i$ currontl¥ participating (n the ~ru~ont Buyor ~ntal P(an by calling customer service at 1-800-627-000,4-. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT I MEETING DATE: October 16, 2002 AGENDA SECTION: Ne~v Business ITEM: ].2.a. TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council APPROVED FROM: Alan Christensen, City Manager DEPARTMENT HEAD DATE: October 7, 2002 CITY ATTORNEY ~'~/'~-~ CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: City Physician Agreements 1) Agreement with Bakersfield Occupational Medical Center (BOMC) 2) Agreement with Southwest Urgent Care 3) Agreement with Central Valley Occupational Medical Group, Inc. (CVO) RECOMMENDATION: The Personnel Committee recommends approval of the agreements. BACKGROUND: On August 7, 2002, a request for proposal for city physician services was sent to 12 providers. Five medical providers submitted responses to the RFP. Four providers were selected to participate in the oral interview process on September 12, 2002. One provider was not selected for the oral interviews due to their lack of occupational medicine experience. The four medical providers interviewed were Willard B. Christiansen, Inc, (Dr. Christiansen), Central Valley Occupational Medical Group (Dr. Davies and Dr. Sanchez), Bakersfield Occupational Medical Center (Dr. Miller), and Southwest Urgent Care Center (Dr. Cousin and Dr. Del Toro). The oral board members were Ron Fraze, Fire Chief, Allen Brown, Police Captain, Carroll Hayden, Human Resources Manager, Pat Flaherty, Risk Management, and Jeff McHale, Manager of Workers Compensation at AIMS (the City's third party administrator for workers' compensation claims). Each medical provider was asked to respond to eleven questions in a forty-five minute time frame. The medical providers were then rated on the following categories: knowledge of the workers' compensation system, general medical competence, customer service, range of services, and cost of services. The oral board members numbers were added together and a total score was given to each medical provider. The top three scores went to Central Valley Occupational Medical Group, Bakersfield Occupational Medical Group, and Southwest Urgent Care Center. October 8, 2002, 3:22PM S:\Meg'~,greements\RFP\City Physician 2002~ADMIN-RPT.DOC ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT Currently, there are three medical providers serving as city physicians: Dr. Christiansen provides services to miscellaneous employees, Bakersfield Occupational Medical Center provides services to Police Department employees and Southwest Urgent Care Center provides services to Fire employees. The Personnel Committee recommends the City continue offering three city physicians. Based on the results from the oral board interviews and input from fire and police, the Personnel Committee recommends approval of the following providers for the new contract: · Police Department employees will utilize Central Valley Occupational Medical Group · Fire Department employees will utilize Southwest Urgent Care Center · Miscellaneous employees will utilize Bakersfield Occupational Medical Center ALTERNATES TO PERSONNEL COMMITFEE RECOMMENDATION: Because Dr. Christiansen has served the City with dedication for fifteen years and because only one point separated the third from fourth place firms after the interview process, alternates are provided as follows: 1. All employees will be required to choose between four city physicians: Central Valley OccupatiOnal Medical Group, Southwest Urgent Care Center, Bakersfield Occupational Medical Center, and Willard B. Christiansen, M.D., Inc. Employees will treat with the physician they select for all work related injuries and return to work physicals. No departmental assignments would exist. 2. Same as original recommendation but all new hire physicals and Department of Transportation physicals and drug tests will be performed by Willard B. Christiansen, M.D., Inc. (meg) October 8, 2002, 3:22PM ; S:\Meg~Agreements\RFP\City Physici~ 2002~,DMIN-RPT.DOC · AGREEMENT NO. CITY PHYSICIAN'S AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into on , by and between the CITy OF BAKERSFIELD, a municipal corporation, ("CITY" herein) and BAKERSFIELD OCCUPATIONAL MEDICAL CENTER, ("CONTRACTOR" herein). RECITALS WHEREAS, CONTRACTOR represents CONTRACTOR is experienced and Well qualified and an expert .in the field of providing physical examinations, workers' compensation treatment, and other related work to employers; and WHEREAS, the CITY does not have expertise currently on staff to perform City physician services; and WHEREAS, CITY desires to employ CONTRACTOR for pre-employment physicals for employees, fitness for duty physicals, and worker's compensation treatment as well as other miscellaneous medical and risk management services, and WHEREAS, on September 6, 2002, CONTRACTOR submitted a response to· Request for Proposals issued by CITY on August 7, 2002. Said Request for Proposal and CONTRACTOR's response are incorporated herein by reference as though fully set forth. NOW', THEREFORE, incorporating the foregoing recitals herein, CITY and CONTRACTOR mutually agree as follows: 1. SCOPE OF WORK. The scope of work is described as: CONTRACTOR agrees to provide, and CITY agrees to utilize, the services of the phYsicians and staff of CONTRACTOR for pre-employment physicals, fitness for duty physicals, and worker's compensation treatment in accordance with Exhibit A, the CONTRACTOR's fee schedule, incorporated herein by reference. CONTRACTOR may perform other work as agreed t° by the parties in writing. CONTRACTOR agrees to provide the listed services to the CITY on a priority basis for CITY employees and management. All documents 'contained in this paragraPh are attached hereto and incorporated as though fully set forth herein. The scope of work shall include all items and procedures necessary to properly complete the task CONTRACTOR has been hired to perform, whether specifically included in the s_cope of work Or not. 2. COMPENSATION. Compensation for all work, services or products called for under this Agreement shall consist of payment of the fee as set forth in Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated by reference. The total compensation paid to the CONTRACTOR shall not exceed TWO HUNDRED FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS ($250,000) for any given year. The compensation set forth in this section shall be the total · compensation under this Agreement inclUding, but not limited to, all out-of-pocket costs and taxes. CITY shall pay only the compensation listed unless otherwise agreed to in writing by the parties. 3. PAYMENT PROCEDURE. CONTRACTOR shall be paid for services rendered after receipt of an itemized invoice for the services provided to CITY and CITY'S review and approval in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. Payment by CITY to CONTRACTOR for services rendered shall be made within forty-five (45) days after receipt and' approval by CITY of CONTRACTOR's itemized invoice. 4. INCLUDED DOCUMENTS. Any proposal documents, including, without limitation, special provisions and' standard specifications and any Request for Proposals, Request for Qualifications and responses thereto relating to this Agreement are incorporated by reference as though fully set forth. 5. 'KEy PERSONNEL. At request of CITY, CONTRACTOR shall name all key personnel'to be assigned to the work set forth herein. CONTRACTOR shall provide background for each of the keY personnel including, without limitation, resumes and work experience in the type of work called for herein. CITY reserves the right to approve key personnel. Once the key personnel are approved CONTRACTOR shall not change such -personnel without the written approval of CITY. 6. NO WAIVER' OF DEFAULT, . The failure of any party to enforce against another a provision of this Agreement shall not constitute a waiver of that party's right to enforce such a provision at a later time, and shall not serve to 'vary the terms of this Agreement. 7. LICENSES. CONTRACTOR shall, at its sole cost and expense, keep in effect or obtain at all times during the term of this Agreement any licenses, permits and approvals whiCh are legally required for CONTRACTOR to practice its profession. 8. STANDARD OF PERFORMANCE. All work shall 'be performed in .conformity with all legal requirements and industry standards observed by an expert of the profession in California. 9. MERGER AND MODIFICATION. This contract sets forth 'the entire Agreement between the parties and supersedes all other oral or written representations. This contract may be modified only in a writing approved by the City Council and signed by all the .parties. 10. EXHIBITS. In the event of a conflict' between the terms, conditions or specifications set forth in this Agreement and those in exhibits attached hereto, the terms, conditions, or specifications set forth in this Agreement shall prevail. All exhibits to which reference is made in this Agreement are deemed incorporated in this Agreement, whether or not actually attached. CITY PHYSICIAN CONTRACTOR'S AGREEMENT S:\MEG~AGREEMENTS\RFP\CI'P¢ PHYSICIAN 2002~BOMC- DR CONTRACT.DOC -'-10/7/2002 3:03 PM 2 of - - Page 8 Pages -- 11. COMPLIANCE WITH ALL LAWS. CONTRACTOR shall, at CONTRACTOR's sole cost,, comply with all of the requirements of Municipal, 'State, and'Federal authorities now in force, or which may hereafter be in force, pertaining to this Agreement, and shall faithfully observe in all activities relating to or growing out of this Agreement all Municipal Ordinances and State and Federal statutes, rules or regulations, and permitting requirements now in force or which may hereafter be in force. 12. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR. This Agreement calls for the performance of the services of CONTRACTOR as an independent contractor. CONTRACTOR is not an agent or employee of the CITY for any purpose and is not entitled to any of the benefits provided by CITY to its employees. This Agreement shall not be construed as forming a partnership or any other association with CONTRACTOR other than that of an independent contractor. · 13. DIRECTION.' CONTRACTOR retains the right to control or direct the manner in which the services described herein are performed. 14. EQUIPMENT. CONTRACTOR will supply all equipment, tools, materials and supplies necessary to perform the services under this Agreement. 15. INSURANCE. In addition to any other insurance or bond required under this Agreement, the CONTRACTOR shall procure and maintain for the duration, of this Agreement the following types and limits of insurance ("basic insurance, requirements") herein: 15.1 'Professional liability insurance, providing coverage on claims made basis for errors and omissions withlimits of not less than One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) aggregate; and 15.2 AUtomobile liability insurance, providing coverage on an occurrence basis for bodily injury, including death, of one or more persons, property damage and personal injury, with limits of not less than One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) per occurrence; and the policy shall: · 15.2..1 Provide coverage for owned, non-owned and hired ~ ,autos. 15.3 Broad form commercial 'general liability insurance, unless otherwise approved by the CITY's Risk Manager, providing coverage on an occurrence basis for bodily injury, including death, of one or more persons, property damage and personal injury, with limits of not less than One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) per occurrence; and the policy shall: 15.3.1 Provide contractual ,liability coverage for the terms of this Agreement. · CITM PHYSICIAN CONTRACTOR'S AGREEMENT S:\MEG~,GREEMENTS\RFP\CI'FY PHYSICIAN 2002\BOMC~ DR CONTRACT.DOC --10/7/2002 3:18 PM - - Page 3 of 8 Pages -- 15.3.2 Contain an additional insured endorsement in favor of the City, its mayor, council, officers, agents, employees and volunteers. 15.4 Workers' compensation insurance- with statutory limits and employer's liability insurance with limits of not less than One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) per occurrence; and the policy shall contain a waiver of subrogation in favor of the citY, its mayor, council, officers, agents, employees and volunteers. 15.5 Except for professional liability, all policies required of the CONTRACTOR shall be primary insurance as to the CITY, its mayor, council, officers, agents, employees, or designated volunteers and any insurance or self-insurance maintained by the CITY, its mayor, council, officers, agents, employees, and designated volunteers shall be excess of the CONTRACTOR's insurance and shall not contribute with it. 15.6 Except for workers' compensation, insurance is to be placed with insurers with a Bests' rating as approved by CITY's Risk Manager, but in no event less than A:V. Any deductibles, self-insured retentions or insurance in lesser amounts, or lack of certain types of insurance otherwise required by this Agreement, or inSurance rated below Bests' A:V, must be declared prior to execution of this Agreement and approved by the CITY in writing. . 15.7 Unless otherwise approved by CITY's Risk Manager, all policies shall contain an endorsement providing the CITY with thirty (30) days written notice of cancellation or material change in policy language or terms. All Policies shall provide that there shall be continuing liabilitY thereon, notwithstanding any recovery on any policy. Copies of policies Shall be delivered to CITY on demand. 15.8 The CONTRACTOR shall furnish the City Risk Manager with a certificate of insurance and required endorsements evidencing the insurance required. The CITY may withdraw its offer of contract.or,can~l th s contract if certificates of insurance and endorsements required have not been provided prior to the execution of this Agreement. 15.9 Full compensation for all premiums which the CONTRACTOR is required to pay on all the insurance described herein shall be considered as included in the prices paid for the various items of work to be performed under the Agreement, and no additional allowance will be made therefor or for additional premiums which may be required by extensions of the policies of insurance. 15.10 It is further understood and agreed by the CONTRACTOR that its liability to the CITY shall not in any way be limited to or affected by the amount of insurance obtained and carried by the CONTRACTOR in connectiOn with this Agreement. CITY PHYSICIAN CONTRACTOR'S AGREEMENT S:\MEG~AGREEMENTS\RFP\CITY PHYSICIAN 2002~BOMC- DR CONTRACT.DOC --10/7/2002 3:21 PM - - Page 4 of 8 Pages -- 15.11 Unless otherwise approved by the CITY, if any part of the work under this Agreement is subcontracted, the "basic insurance requirements" set forth above shall be provided by, or on behalf of, all subcontractors even if the CITY has approved lesser insurance requirements for CONTRACTOR.. 15.12 CONTRACTOR shall provide, when required by'CITY, performance, labor and material bonds in amounts and in a form suitable to CITY. CITY shall approve in writing all such security .instruments prior to commencement of any work under this Agreement. 16. INDEMNITY. CONTRACTOR shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless .CITY, its officers, agents and employees against any and all liability, claims, actions, causes of action or demands whatsoever against them, or any of. them, before administrative or judicial tribunals of any kind whatsoever, arising out of, connected with, or caused by CONTRACTOR, CONTRACTOR's employees, agents, independent contractors, companies, .or subcontractors in the performance of, Or in any way arising from, the terms and provisions of this Agreement whether or not caused in part by a party indemnified hereunder, except for CITY's sole active negligence or willful misconduct. 17. EXECUTION. This Agreement is effective upon execution. It is the product of negotiation and all parties are equally responsible for authorship of this Agreement. Section 1654 of the California Civil Code shall not apply to the interpretation of this .-:.~./ Agreement. 18. NOTICES. All notices relative to this Agreement shall be given in writing and shall be personally served or' sent by certified or registered mail and be effective upon actual personal service or depositing in the United States mail. The parties shall be addressed as follows, or at any other address designated by notice: CITY: CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CITY HALL 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301 'I~ONTRACTOR: BAKERSFIELD OCCUPATIONAL MEDICAL CENTER ~*~'- ~" 5470 California Avenue ~ Bakersfield, 'California 93309 19~. GOVERNING LAW. The laws'of the State of California will govern the validity of this Agreement, its interpretation and performance. Any litigation arising in any way from this Agreement shall be brought in Kern County, California. CITY PHYSICIAN CONTRACTOR'S AGREEMENT S:~VIEG',AGREEMENTS\RFP\CITY PHYSICIAN 2002\BOMC- DR CONTRACT.DOC , --10/7/2002 3:03 PM ' Page 5 of 8 Pages -- 20. FURTHER ASSURANCES. Each party shall execute and deliver such papers, documents, and instruments, and perform such acts as are necessary or appropriate, to implement the terms of this Agreement and the intent of the parties to this Agreement. 2'1. ASSIGNMENT. Neither this Agreement, nor any interest in it may be assigned or transferred by any party without the prior written consent of all the parties. Any such assignment will be subject to such terms and conditions as CITY may choose to impose. 22. BINDING EFFECT. The rights and obligations of this Agreement shall inure to the benefit of, and be binding upon, the parties to the contract and their heirs, administrators, executors, personal representatives, successors and assigns, and whenever the context so requires, the masculine gender includes the feminine and neuter, and the singular number includes the plural. This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of whiCh shall be Considered as an original and be effective as such. 23. ACCOUNTING RECORDS. CONTRACTOR shall maintain accurate accounting records and other written documentation Pertaining to all costs incurred in performance of this Agreement. Such records and docUmentation shall be kept at CONTRACTOR's office during the term of this Agreement, and for a period of three years from the date of the final payment hereunder, and said records shall be made available to CITY representatives upon request at any time during regular business hours. 24. CORPORATE AUTHORITY. Each individual signing this Agreement on behalf of entities represent and warrant that they are, respectively, duly authorized to sign on behalf of the entities and to bind the entities fully to each and all of the obligations set forth in this Agreement. 25. TAX NUMBERS. CONTRACTOR's Federal Tax ID Number: #77-0051579. CONTRACTOR is a corporation? Yes X No ..... ... !Please check one.) · · 26. NON-INTEREST.' No officer Or e~i~/~'~'of the CITY shall hold any interest in this Agreement (California Government Code section 1090). 27. CONFIDENTIALITY. During the term of this Agreement, CONTRACTOR will be dealing with information of a legal and confidential nature, and such information could severely damage CITY if disclosed to outside parties. CONTRACTOR will not disclose to any person, directly or indirectly, either during the term of this Agreement or at any time thereafter, any such information or use such information other than as necessary in the CITY PHYSICIAN CONTRACTOR'S A~REEMENT S:\MEG~GREEMENTS\RFP\ClTY PHYSICIAN 2002'~BOMC- DR CONTRACT.DOC --10/7/2002 3:03 PM - - Page 6 of 8 Pages -- course, of this Agreement. All documents CONTRACTOR prepares and confidential information given to CONTRACTOR under this Agreement are the exclusive property of the CITY. Under no circumstances shall any such information or documents be removed from the CITY without the CITY's prior written consent. 28. NEWS RELEASES/INTERVIEWS. All news releases, media interviews, testimony at hearings and public comments concerning CITY personnel or legal matters arising from or related to this Agreement shall, by CONTRACTOR, be prohibited unless authorized by the CITY. 29. TERM. This Agreement Shall continue for a period of three (3):years commencing November 1,2002. The CITY, as an option, may extend the contract for one additional year with the same terms and conditions. 30. TERMINATION FOR CAUSE. If at any time CITY becomes dissatisfied with the performance of CONTRACTOR under this Agreement, CITY may terminate this Agreement on thirty (30) days written notice. Written notice Shall be given pursuant to the notices paragraph of this .Agreement. In the event of early termination, CONTRACTOR shall be compensated only for work satisfactorily completed up to the date of termination and delivered to and aCcepted by CITY. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed, the day and year first-above written. "CITY" "CONTRACTOR" CITY OF BAKERSFIELD BAKERSFIELD OCCUPATIONAL MEDICAL CENTER By:. By:. HARVEY L. HALL DANIEL GEARY Mayor Corporate Vice President of Bakersfield Operations APPROVED AS TO FORM: BART J. THILTGEN · City Attorney By:, ALAN D. DANIEL Deputy City Attorney Insurance: CITY PHYSICIAN CONTRACTOR'S AGREEMENT S:'A4EG~GREEMENTS\RFP\CITY PHYSICIAN 2002'~BOMC- DR CONTRACT.DOC --10/7/2002 3:03 PM . - - Page 7 of 8 Pages -- APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: CITY MANAGER/RISK MANAGEMENT By: ALAN CHRISTENSEN Assistant City Manager COUNTERSIGNED: By: GREGORY J. KLIMKO Finance Director PF/meg Attachments CITY PHYSICIAN CONTRACTOR'S AGREEMENT S:~VlEG~,AGREEMENTS\RFP\CITY PHYSICIAN 2002~BoMc- DR CONTRACT.DOC --10/7/2002 3:03 PM - - Page 8 of 8 Pages -- EXHIBIT A FEE TITLE OF PERSON ADMINISTERING TEST. COMPLETE HISTORY & PHYSICAL EXAMINATION $ 57.00 ~, Physician EKG $ 40.00 RN or MA AUDIOGRAM (HEARING TEST) $ 20.00 RN or MA PULMONARY FUNCTION TEST $ 35.00 RN or MA SERUM LEAD LEVEL. $ 20.00 RN or MA CHOLINESTERASE LEVEL $ 27.00 RN or MA 'CBC.WITH DIFFERENTIAL $. 20.00 RN or MA BLOOD LIPID PROFILE $ 30.00 RN or MA .RPR (VDRL) $ 20.00 RN or MA CHEMZYN PANEL $ 20.00 RN or MA 'CHEM+CBC+RPR · $ 28.00 RN 0r MA CHEM+CBC WITH DIFFERENTIAL $ 25.00 RN or MA BLOOD GLUCOSE $ 20.00 RN or MA .. URINALYSIS $ 20.00 RN or MA TB SKIN TEST $ 10.00 RN or MA X-RAYS: Chest - PA (single view) $ 45.00 RN or MA PA & Lateral $ 50.00 RN or MA Back - Lumbosacral Spine (2 views) $ 60.00 RN or MA (3 views) $ 65.00 RN or MA (4 views) $ 70.00 RN or MA COMPLETE LUMBOSACRAL SPINE (5 views) $ 83.00 RN or MA URINE DRuG SCREEN · .$ 35.00 RN or MA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (Driver) $ 45.00 RN or MA PHYSICAL EXAMINATION $ · 55:00 RN or MA CARDIAC STRESS TEST. $ 165.00 RN or MA EXHIBIT A - Continued FEE TITLE OF PERSON -.- ' A~DMINISTERING TEST MEDICAL CONSULTATION FOR THREE (3) '" ~ CIVIL SERVICE BOARDS REGARDING $100 per hour MEDICAL APPEALS Physician FITNESS FOR DUTY PHYSICALS AND CIVIL SERVICE RETIREMENT PHYSICALS $50-100 per hour Physician FUNCTIONAL CAPACITY EVALUATION - (AS PART OF DISABILITY RETIREMENT) $100 per hour Exercise Physiologist HEPATITIS INOCULATIONS $35 per Injection RN or MA POST IMMUNIZATION FOR HEPATITIS B $35 RN or MA HAZARDOUS MATERIALS PHYSICALSFOR FIRE · DEPARTMENT HAZARDOUS MATERIALS TEAM $57 Physician MEDICAL/LEGAL WITNESS FOR THE CITY ATTORNEY AND RISK MANAGEMENT OFFICES $200 per hour Physician FUNCTIONAL CAPACITY EVALUATIONS FOR PRE-PLACEMENT PHYSICALS $100 per hour Exercise Physiologist Please include additional tests or services as ar)oror)riate with the fee schedulefor each-test. Full cardiopulmonary stress test, including 02 uptake, . anaerobic threshold, etc. Tonometer-Noncontact $ 15.00 EXHIBIT B CITY OF BAJ~.~tEL~ P/~E-EMPLOYMENT P_I:LY_SJ.CAL, J~ REQUIREMENTS GROUP A- HEAV~ LABQB FEE CBC WITH DIFFERENTIAL $ 20.00 CHEMZYME PANEL $ 20.00 URINALYSIS $ 20.00 TB SKIN TEST $ 10.00 TWO (2) X-RAY VIEWS OF THE LUMBOSACRAL SPINE $ 60.00 PULMONARY FUNCTION TEST $ 35.00 AUDIOGRAM $ 20.00 " EKG (IF 40 YEARS OF AGE OR OVER, OR AT $ PHYSICIAN'S DISCRETION). URINE DRUG SCREEN $ 35.00 SUBTOTAL $ 260.00 Please include additional tests as aopropriate with the fee schedule for each test. /. History & Phy~al ~ $ 57.00 ARCON Lift Analysis No Charge GRAND TOTAL (COMPONENTS OF THE ABOVE PHYSICAL EXAMINATION MAY"BE CHANGED AT THE CITY'S DISCRETION.) CITY OF ~ PI~E-EMPLOYMENT ~ F.~Y~MI~I~TJDJ~ I~EQUIREMENTS GROUP B- ~ LABOR FEE CBC WITH DIFFERENTIAL $ 20.00 CHEMZYME PANEL '- $ 20.00 URINALYSIS $ .20.00 TB SKIN TEST $ 10.00 TWO (2) X-RAY VIEWS OF THE LUMBOSACRAL SPINE $ 60.00 PULMONARY FUNCTION TEST $ 35.00 AUDIOGRAM $ 20.00 EKG (IF 40 YEARS OF AGE OR OVER, OR AT PHYSICIAN'S DISCRETION) $ 40.00 URINE DRUG SCREEN $ 35.00 SUBTOTAL $ 260.00 Please include.additional tests as am)rooriate with the fee schedule .for each test.. History & Physical $ 57.00 ACRON Lift Analysis No Charge GRAND TOTAL $ 317.00 7 COMPONENTS OF THE ABOVE PHYSICAL EXAMINATION MAY BE CHANGED AT THE CITY'S DISCRETION.) EXHIBIT D CITY OF ~ PRE-EMPLOYMENT PHYSICAL ?~,M]t:~_TJD~[ REQUIREMENTS FEE CBC WITH DIFFERENTIAL $ 20.00 CHEMZYME PANEL $ 20.00 :. URINALYSIS · · $ 20.00 TB SKIN TEST $ 10.00 URINE DRUG SCREEN · $ 35.00 CARDIAC STRESS TEST (At physician's discretion) $ 165.00 SUBTOTAL $ 270.0C ,Please include additional tests as aoorooriate with the fee schedule for each test. History & Physical $ 57.00 ARCON Lift Analysis No Charge GRAND TOTAL $ 327.0( (COMPONENTS OF THE ABOVE PHYSICAL EXAMINATION MAY BE CHANGED AT THE CITY'S DISCRETION.) ':'~' EXHIBIT E CITY OF JB~ PRE-EMPLOYMENT PHYSICAL E~ REQUIREMENTS GROUP D PUBLIC ~ ~ (~IRE AN D ~_.O_LLCE) FEE CBC WITH DIFFERENTIAL $ 20.00 CHEMZYME PANEL $ 20.00 BLOOD LIPID PROFILE $ 30.00 URINALYSIS $ 20.00 PULMONARY FUNCTION TEST $ 35.00 AUDIOGRAM $ 20.00 TWO (2) X-RAY VIEWS OF THE CHEST (PA AND LATERAL) $ 50.00 FIVE (5) X-RAY VIEWS OF THE LUMBOSACRAL SPINE $ 83.00 EKG $ 40.00 CARDIAC STRESS TEST (AT DISCRETION OF PHYSICIAN) $ 165.00 URINE DRUG SCREEN $ 35.00 SUBTOTAL $ 518.00 Please include additional tests as approoriate with the fee schedule for each test. History & Physical $ 57.00 ARCON Lift Analysis No Charge GRAND TOTAL $ 575.00 (COMPONENTS OF THE ABOVE PHYSICAL EXAMINATION MAY BE CHANGED AT THE CITY'S DISCRETION.) EXHIBIT F C~TY OF ~ _GEQ_UE E ADDJ_TJD_~IAL RISK MANAGEMEN~ I HUMAN ~ The City of Bakersfield has extensive on-going programs in the area of safety and wellness. From time to time, Risk Management / Human Resources m.ay request the services of the City Physician and his/her staff for assistance in various programs. Please list areas in which you may be able to assist the City, including fees for those services. . (Based on employee population of 1,350) SERVICE . FEE TITLE OF PERsoN PERFORMING THE SERVICE Wellness Screening $10.28 pp Employee Wellness Coordinator · Medical Assistant Classes-Injury & Disease Prevention $0.10 pp Health Educator Newsletter - Monthly $0.!8 pp Employee Wellness Coordinator Promotional / Incentive Programs $0.90 pp Employee Wellness Coordinator *CPR Classes - "Heartsaver CpR" Dues to course materials & other fees, charges will $15.00 / participant Health Educator apply to individuals listed on class roster. *50% off normal rate E R S F I E [, D MEMORANDUM August 28, 2002 TO: PERSONNEL COMMITTEE FROM: CARROLL HAYDEN, HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGER SUBJECT: REVIEW MATERIALS FOR BLUE CROSS Enclosed -for your review are the materials promised at the last Personnel committee meeting. The directory for Blue Cross Prudent Buyer is for Kern County only. Available for check out from my office are the total California directories. However, there are three of them, each approximately one and one-half inches thick, so I decided not to replicate them for everyone. I have about 10 sets, so feel free to check out the total directory, if so inclined. The disruption analysis was done on providers in Bakersfield only. This was because most of Foundation providers are in Bakersfield. This material will be discussed at the September 17, 2002 Personnel Committee meeting. If you have any questions, please call me at extension 3260. BUC( ' CONSULTANTS A Mellon Consulting Company 1801 Century P'ark East Suite 500 Los Angeles, California 90067 August 23, 2002 Ms. Carroll Hayden Human Resources Manager City of Bakersfield 150i Truxton Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Re: provider Disruption Analysis for the Prudent Buyer and Kern Foundation Network,: Dear Carroll: This letter presents the results of the provider disruption analysis for the Prudent Buyer and Kern Foundation networks. The analysis is provided for the dental plan and the PPO medical plan separately. Dental 'Plan The results of the dental plan analysis are shown in Exhibits I and II. Exhibit I shows the total number of dentists in Bakersfield for the Kern Foundation network and the Prudent Buyer network by type of dentist. It also shows the number of dentists who are in the Kern network but not in the Prudent Buyer network. The exhibit shows that there are 53 dentists in Bakersfield who are in the Kern network and 126 in the Prudent Buyer network. Of the 53 in the Kern Network, 15 are not in the Prudent Buyer network. In addition, the Prudent Buyer network has 6 orthodontists, 2 pedodontists, 3 endodontists and 3 oral surgeons, while the Kern Foundation network has no providers in these specialties. Exhibit II shows the claim experience for the twelve months ending July 2002. It shows the dental claims for the top 25 dentists used by the City's employees. These 25 dentists make up 57% of the claims paidfor the 12 month period. Of these 25, 10 are in the Kern network and 14 are in the Prudent Buyer network. There are two Kern network dentists in the top 25 who are not in the Prudent Buyer plan and 6 who are in the Prudent Buyer plan and not in the Kern network. 9 of the top 25 are in neither plan. The 2 dentists who are in Kern but not in Prudent Buyer made up 4.7% of the total claims paid in the 12 month period. The 6 dentists who are not in Kern but are in Prudent Buyer made up 15.2% of the total claims paid in the 12 month period. This is a fairly significant increase in coverage. Based on the information in both exhibits, the move to the Prudent Buyer plan will increase access for the membership, particularly to specialty dentists and not cause significant dislocation. AUG02d3192 Buck Consultants, Inc. 310 1282-8232 Fax 310 1282-0881 Ms. Carroll Hayden AUgust 23, 2002 Page 2 .Medical Plan The results of the medical plan analysis are shown in Exhibits III and IV. This analysis is somewhat more limited because of the significantly larger number of providers that make up the respective PPO networks. However, we believe the analysis does provide sufficient information to make an informed decision on moving networks. Exhibit- III shows the total number of medical providers in Bakersfield for the Kern Foundation network and the Prudent Buyer network. It also shows the number who are in the Kern network but not in the Prudent Buyer network. It shows this information for facilities/other providers, primary 'care providers, and specialty care providers. The specialty care provider listing is an abbreviated list of all possible specialties to provide a general comparison of the networks. Exhibit III shows that for facilities and other non-physician providers, the Prudent Buyer network is significantly larger than the Kern Foundation network. Every hospital and surgery center in the Kern network is also in the Prudent Buyer network. In addition, the Prudent Buyer network has 2 more hospitals and 3 more surgical, centers. The number of labs, DME providers, Home Health Care providers, and prosthetic/orthotic providers are significantly larger in the Prudent Buyer plan, with only one or two providers in each category participating in only the Kern network. For primary care physicians, there are 199 in the Kern Foundation network and 294 in the Prudent Buyer network. Only 30 physicians are in the Kern network and not in the Prudent Buyer network. The majority of these are internal medicine providers; only 2 pediatricians and 40B/GYN providers are in the Kern network and not in the Prudent Buyer network. For the representative list of specialty physicians, there are 239 in the Kern Foundation network and 301 in the Prudent Buyer network. Only 46 physicians are in the Kern network and not in the Prudent Buyer network. The majority of the non-matching physicians are chiropractors - 16 of the 46. Of the remaining 30, 9 are anesthesiologists and 5 are general surgeons. For the other categories, the dislocation is 1 or 2 providers who are not in the Prudent Buyer network. Exhibit IV shows PPO claim experience for the twelve months ending JUly 2002. It specifically excludes the hospital claim experience since the Kern network is a subset of the Prudent Buyer network. This exhibit shows the paid claims for the top 25 in-network providers' (currently Kern Foundation providers) and the top 25 out-of-network providers. Of the top 25 in-network providers, only two - Home IV Inc. and San Joaquin Wellness - are not in the Prudent Buyer network. Together these providers made up 3.4% of the total paid claims. For the non-network providers, 10 of the top 25 are in the Prudent Buyer network. The claims for these providers made up 3.3% of the total paid claims for the 12 month period. Again, based on the information in both exhibits, the move to the Prudent Buyer plan will increase access for the membership and not cause significant dislocation. In addition the members will have access to AUG02/3192 Ms. Carroll Hayden August 23, 2002 Page 3 the entire Blue Cross network in California, which includes most of the large medical centers in the Los Angeles area. If you have any questions regarding this information, please feel free to call either Tim or me. Sincerely, Michael W. Schionning, F.S.A., M.A.A.A. Principal & Health & Welfare Consultant TD:lat cc: Ginger Rubin, City of Bakersfield Tim Beck, Buck Consultants AUG02/3192 Exhibit I City of Bakersfield Provider Disruption Analysis Comparison of Kern Foundation and Prudent Buyer Networks Dental Plans # in Kern # in # in but not in Kern Prudent Prudent ~ Foundation Buyer Buyer General Dentist 51 108 14 Orthodontics 0 6 0 PedodontisffPediatric 0 2 0 Dentist Endodontics 0 3 0 Oral Surgery 0 3 0 Periodontics 2 4 1 Total 53 126 15 AUG02/3192 Exhibit II City of Bakersfield Provider Disruption Analysis Comparison of Kern Foundation and Prudent Buyer Networks Dental Plans Kern Prudent Provider Name Foundation Buyer Paid Claims % of Total Phillips & Jue Dental Yes Yes $24,925 6.20% Ching Anthony G Yes Yes $11,155 2.80% Herrera Epifanio D Yes Yes $7,388 1.80% Casteen Richard Yes Yes $6,467 1.60% Sandoval Roger Yes Yes $6,367 1.60% Nunez Joseph M Yes Yes $6,089 1.50% Gill Michael Yes Yes $5,328 1.30% Weinberg Michael Yes Yes $5,218 1.30% Wilson John C Yes No $12,288 3.10% Stewart Thomas H Yes No $6,707 1.70% Berry Thomas A No Yes $14,431 3.60% Montano Donald R No Yes $11,207 2.80% Reed Robert E No Yes $10,202 2.50% Woolf Jerry J No Yes $8,860 2.20% Tschanz Michael E No Yes $8,285 2.10% Dedicated Dental No Yes $7,808 1.90% Launspach Daniel No No $15,610 3.90% Osborn Robert G No No $9,609 2.40% Tadej Gerald P No No $8,832 2.20% Barker William D No No $8,271 2.10% Kirkpatrick James No No $8,202 2.00% Armstrong Thomas F No No $7,586 1.90% Gassaway Jerry W No No $6,609 1.60% Martz Martin G No No $6,000 1.50% Banducci Michael A No No $5,636 1.40% Total top 25 Providers $229,080 57.10% In Kern and Prudent Buyer $72,937 18.18% In Kern, Not in Prudent Buyer $18,995 4.73% Not In Kern, in Prudent Buyer $60,793 15.15% In Neither Network $76,355 19.03% All Other Providers $172,115 42.90% Total Dental Plan $401,192 100.00% AUG02/3192 Exhibit [II City of Bakersfield Provider Disruption Analysis Comparison of Kern Foundation and Prudent Buyer Networks Medical Plans # in Kern # in # in But not in Kern Prudent Prudent Type of Provider Foundation Buyer Buyer Facilities/Other - Hospitals 4 6 0 - Surgery Center 7 10 0 - Clinical Laboratory 4 61 2 - Durable Medical 7 78 2 Equipment - Home Health Care 4 17 2 - Prosthetics/Orthotics 3 11 1 Primary Care - General Practice 7 20 2 - Family Practice 36 51 6 - Internal Medicine 87 140 16 - Pediatrics 28 39 2 - OB-GYN 41 44 4 Specialty Care - Allergy & Immunology 3 3 0 - Anesthesia 41 67 9 - Cardiovascular Disease 23 29 1 - Chiropractic 29 26 16 - Dermatology 6 7 1 - Gastroentrology 1 t 12 3 - General Surgery 19 29 5 - Hematology-Oncology 8 9 1 - Nephrology 12 12 1 - Neurological Surgery 5 6 1 - Neurology 7 11 0 - Orthopedic Surgery 21 25 1 - Plastic Surgery 3 4 0 - Podiatry 14 14 4 - Pulmonary Disease 12 17 0 - Rheumatology 3 6 0 - Thoracic Surgery 8 8 1 - Urology 7 8 1 - Vascular Surgery 7 8 1 AUG02/3192 .. Exhibit IV City of Bakersfield Provider Disruption Analysis Comparison of Kern Foundation and Prudent Buyer Networks Medical Plans Kern Prudent Provider Name Foundation Buyer Paid Claims % of Total Kern In-network Providers Kern Radiology Yes Yes $68,384 4.80% Physicians Automation Yes Yes $44,192 3.10% Southern Califonia Yes Yes $36,874 2.60% Home IV. Inc. Yes No $33,209 2.30% Truxtun Radiology Yes Yes $31261 2.20% Terrio Therapy Yes Yes $30.600 2.20% Glinn & Giordano Yes Yes $23.330 1.60% Premier Anesthesia Yes Yes $20 514 1.40% Comprehensive Blood Yes Yes $20 457 1.40% Central Cardiology Yes Yes $19 861 1.40% Unilab Yes Yes $18.250 1.30% Foot And Ankle Ins. Yes Yes $17 366 1.20% Kern Dermatology Yes Yes $17 188 1.20% Digestive Disease Yes Yes $16 213 1.10% San Dimas Medical Yes Yes $15 819 1.10% Oakhills Medical Center Yes Yes $15 767 1.10% San Joaquin Wellness Yes No $15 725 I. 10% Mohawk Medical Group Yes Yes $15 364 1.10% Bakersfield Dermatology Yes Yes $14 684 1.00% Kern Gastroenterology Yes Yes $14 166 1.00% Stone Bruce C Yes Yes $14 152 1.00% Sansum Santa Barbara Yes Yes $13 205 0.90% Finberg Kurt R Yes Yes $12 504 0.90% Usc Cardiothoracic Yes Yes $12 121 0.90% Root Rodne¥ M Yes Yes $11,854 0.80% Total Top 25 $553,060 38.70% Other than Top 25 $668,097 47.00% Total In-network Providers $1,221,157 85.70% AUG02/3192 Exhibit IV City of Bakersfield Provider'Disruption Analysis Comparison of Kern Foundation and Prudent Buyer Networks Medical Plans Kern Prudent Provider Nam._._~e Foundation Buyer Paid Claims % of Total Kern Out-of-Network Providers Mercy Air Service No No $13,791 1.00% Hall Ambulance Svc No No $11,245 0.80% Sun Pacific Health No No $8.552 0.60% California Chiropractic No Yes $8.063 0.60% The Pain Management No No $7 467 0.50% Minimed Distribution No Yes $7 305 0.50% Comprehensive Open No Yes $6 540 0.50% Bakersfield Pain Therapy No No $5 470 0.40% Interactive Health No Yes $4 855 0.30% Osbom Robert G No No $4 679 0.30% Sunny Hills Orthopedics No No $4.638 0.30% Wittgrove Alan C No No $4,260 0.30% Comforth Donald E No Yes $4,221 0.30% Apria Healthcare No Yes $3,892 0.30% Right Healthcare No Yes $3,289 0.20% Affiliated Universal No Yes $3,218 0.20% Bimbaum Lawrence No No $2,949 0.20% Sabol & Keene Chiropractic No Yes $2,883 0.20% Easthills Plaza Medical No No $2,813 0.20% Mead Ronald B & .Wh No No $2,776 0.20% Gallagher Brett D No No $2,661 0.20% APnecare Sleep Lab No No $2,546 0.20% Graham Randall T No Yes $2,281 0.20% Wedemeyer Ronald A No No $2,224 0.20% Health Monitoring No No ~2,182 0.20% Total Top 25 $124,800 8.90% Other than Top 25 $77,048 .5.40% Total Out-of-network Providers $201,848 14.30% Total All $1,423,005 100.00% AUG02/3192 Foundation for Medical Care of Kern Coun DENTAL PROVIDER NETWORK dULY ~002 * Unless Otherwise Indicated, Listing is Under General Dentistry ARVIN Gill, Michael L Klein, Stephen M Gong, Sandra J 1705 Cherry Street 3815 Mt. Vernon Ave. 205 South 'A' Street Bakersfield, CA 93304 Bakersfield, CA 93306 Arvin, CA 93203 ~ (661) 327-1678 (661) 871-0780 (661) 854-5558 Greer, David T Knerr, Gary W BAKERSFIELD 600 Coffee Road, Ste P 2613 "G" Street _Alexander, John C · Bakersfield, CA 93309 Bakersfield, CA 93301 3619 Union Avenue (661) 396-9660 Bakersfield, CA 93305 (661) 322-1948 (661) 323-1248 Hanford, Gregory E Kohanteb, Benny B 3130 Union Avenue 505 West Columbus St. Bonna, Susan V Bakersfield, CA 93305 Bakersfield, CA 93301 3809 San Dimas St, Ste B (661) 327-8473 (661) 322-1300 'Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 328-0344 Herrera, Epifanio D Lai, Felicia L 4661 Stockdale Hwy. 4120 Truxtun Ave, Ste B Breaux, Aaron K Bakersfield, CA 93309 Bakersfield, CA 93309 2160 White Lane (661) 837-0435 (661) 631-8388 Bakersfield, CA 93304 (661) 833-0707 Hershkowitz, Eric Lukens, Terrance M 1023 North Chester Ave. 3807 San Dimas St, Ste B Buh'nan, Michael C Bakersfield, CA 93308 Bakersfield, CA 93301 6401 Truxtun Ave, Ste 200 (661) 399-5539 (661) 327-0835 Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661) 323-2916 Joyce, Michael H McCracken, Robert W 5917 Niles Street, Ste 3 5000 Physicians Bivd, Ste 200 Casteen. Richard E Bakersfield, CA 93306 Bakersfield, CA 93301 2021 19~ Street (661) 366-6527 (661) 324-6999 Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 861-8000 Jue, Perry Y McCulloch, James L 5101 Commeme Dr, Ste 102 2701 Calloway Dr, Ste 412 Chau, Bobi V Bakersfield, CA 93309 Bakersfield, CA 93312-2621 3605 Union Avenue (661) 323-1500 (661) 588-1147 Bakersfield, CA 93305 (661) 322-2117 Kann, Stephen E McMillin, Evan J 1919 'G' Street 4570 California Ave, Ste 350 Ching, Anthony G Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA 93309 3873 Stockdale Hwy. (661) 323-8585 Bakersfield, CA 93309 (66i) 323-3095 (661) 833-0101 Kenien, Edward R Massee, Bruce A 3723 Wilson Road 1731 26th Street Ghalambor, Maziyar Bakersfield, CA 93309 Bakersfield, CA 93301 1801 26~ Street (661) 834-4334 (661) 324-0234 Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 322-8860 Klm, Brian S Moss, Michael A 100 West Columbus St, Ste 200 3723 Wilson Road Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661) 325-9466 (661) 834-4334 · Napoles, B Joel Schneider, I. Cecil PROSTHODONTIC~ 3820 Wible Road, Ste C 3819 Mt. Vernon Ave. Alexander, John C Bakersfield, CA 93309 Bakersfield, CA 93305 3619 Union Avenue (661) 832-4774 (661) 871-4971 Bakersfield, CA 93305 (661) 323-1248 Nelson, Edwin R Shapiro, Hall 2501 "H" Street 3403 Wilson Road PROSTHODONTIC~ Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA 93309 Hershkowitz, Eric (661) 322-2157 (661) 833-9966 1023 North Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93308 Nguyen, Truong Stewart, Thomas (661) 399-5539 2701 Calloway Dr, Ste 412 3809 San Dimas St, Ste B Bakersfield, CA 93312 Bakersfield, CA 93301 PROSTHOOONTIC~ (661) 588-1147 (661) 327-3971 Pedersen, Raymond S 1729 26~ Street Nunez, Joseph M Tarango, Anthony Bakersfield, CA 93301 1957 19tn Street 4698 American Ave, Ste B (661) 324-9523 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661) 325-6907 (661) 834-5660 BUTTONWILLOW Molnar, Georgeta Pedersen, Raymond S Teesdale, Arthur R 277 East Front Street 1729 26th Street 2520 "H" Street Buttonwillow, CA 93206 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 764-5257 (661) 324-9523 (661) 324-1200 DELANO Phillips, Mark C Thofnas, William P Abalos, Angela 5101 Commeme Dr, Ste 102 215 China Grade Loop 1004 14~h Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93309 Bakersfield, CA 93308 Delano, CA 93215 (661.) 323-1500 (661 ) 399-1058 (661 ) 725-5676 Poh, Sian Valero~ Larry A Delos Reyes, Noel M 2721 "H" Street 207 "H" Street 2236 Girard Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA 93304 Delano, CA 93215-3808 (661) 324-9709 (661) 323-7440 (661) 721-3656 Prewett, William F Weinberg, Michael ~Fawson, John A 2016 "E" Street 1621 17tn Street 826 Jefferson Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Delano, CA 93215 (661) 323-2919 (661) 327-4479 (661) 725-1797 Redelsperger, Robert J Wilson, John C Klm, Brian S 2106 20~ Street 6401 Truxtun Ave, Ste 200 100 W. Columbus St, Ste 200 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA 93309 Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 324-6053 (661) 631-5585 (661) 325-9466 Sagharian, Mais Winegar, David L McCracken, Robert 505 'West Columbus St. 3600 De Souza Place 1107 11th Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA 93309 Delano, CA 93215 (661) 322-1300 (661) 831-9595 (661) 725-9587 Salin, I PERIODONTICS Mallouk, Paul M 2016 "E" Street Freed, Kathleen H 1319 Main Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 1735 28~ Street Delano, CA 93215 (661) 323-2919 Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 725-9105 (661) 322-8815 Sandoval, Roger E Ramirez, Edwin P 1030 "H" Street, Ste I PERIODON'rlCS 1606 High Street Bakersfield, CA 93304 Gapper, Richard L Delano, CA 93215 (661) 323-9421 1735 28a Street (661) 721-1800 Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 322-8815 -2- .PROVIDER PARTI(~IP.~TIQN MUST BE VERIFIED AT THE TIME OF SERVICES Saini, Hardip Kaur TAFT WASCO 1205 Games Hwy, Ste 203 Bryan, J. Sterling Che Shih-Hsun Delano, CA 93215 510 Sixth Street 210 rn~m Street, Ste (661) 725-6910 Taft, CA 93268 Wasco, CA 93280 RIDGECREST (661) 763-4161 (661) 758-5903 Dracopoulos, George Gill, Michael Kohantev, Benny B 119 South Gold Canyon 501 6a Street 1229 7u~ Street Ridgecrest, CA 93555 Taft, CA 93268 Wasco, CA 93280 (760) 371-4263 (661) 765-4475 (661) 758-5338 ORAI.../MAXILZ. OFAClAL SUR~ Walker, Charles 'Sagharian, Mais Waugh, Ralph B 700 Center Street 1229 7t~ Street 119 S. Gold Canyon Taft, CA 93268 Wasco, CA 93280 Ridgecrest, CA 93555 (661) 763-1501 (661) 758-5338 (760) 375-1511 TEHACHAPI Markiewitz, David 431 South Mill Tehachapi, CA 93561 (661) 822-7827 -3- PROVIDER PARTI(~IPATIQN MUST BF VERIFIED AT THE TIME OF SERVIC-F~ Blue Cross PPO Prudent Buyer Plan'~' Directory of Health Care Professionals & Institutions Southern Counties Imperial, Kern, Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, San Diego, San L'uis Obispo, Santa Barbara, Ventura Indian Wells Valley Surgery Center Mercy - Memorial Home Heal~ PARTICIPATING HOSPITALS 1111 N China Lake BI (66 I)663-~400 Bakersfield Memorial Hospital Ridgecrest. CA 93555 420 34th St (760)446-8100 Optimal Home Health (661)393-8866 I 8a~,ersfleld. CA 93301 Millennium Surgery Center Inc Rldgecrest Regional Hospital Home Health (661 )327.1792 9300 StocX,~aie Hwy #200 Bakersfield. CA 93311 Agency Delano Regional Medical Center (661)663.370(3 (760)446.0624 1401 Garcee Hwy Sunplus Home Health Services Delano. CA 93215-3630 Southwest Surgical Center (800)461-3040 (661)725-4800 201 New S~ine R(] ~130 Good Samaritan Hospital Bakersfield. CA 93309 * 901 Ofive Dr (561)398-89C~ PARTICIPATING HOME INFUSION THERAPY BakerSfield, CA 9,3308 Truxtun Surgery Center PROVIDERS (661)399-4461 4260 Truxtun Ave #120 AHI Pharmacies Inc Bakersfield. CA 93309-0682 (ELCEN. Healthsouth Bakersfield Rehabilitation Hospital (800)443.7756 5001 Commerce Or (661)321-3636 AHI Pharmacies Inc. Jacksonville BakerSfield. CA 93309 {800)443-7756 (661)323-5500 PARTICIPATING DIABETES AND Alph_a Therapeutic Services Inc Kern Medical Center PREGNANCY PROGRAM FACILITIES (800)423-1832 1830 Flower St Kern Medical Center Caremark Inc ~ (ELCEN. BakerSfield. CA 93305 1830 Flower $[ (909)796~7171 (661)326-2000 Eakersfielcl. CA 93305 Childrens Home Care Kern Valley Healthcare District (661)326.2000 6412 Laurel Ave (559)363-7125 (800)927-9224 Lake Isal3ella. CA 93240 PARTICIPATING MENTAL HEALTH i877)251-8855 (160)379-2681 _ Mercy Healthcare Bakersfield FACILITIES Community Infusion Services Inc - (800)897.2423 2215 Truxtun Ave Acute Facilities BakerSfield. CA 93301-3697 Corem Healthcare (661 i632-5000 Bakersfield Memorial Hospital {661 )325-8326 420 34th S{ -Ridgecrest Regional Hospital Bakersfield, CA 93301 Corem Prescription Services {407)852-4g03 {ELCEN. 1081 N China Lake al {661)327-1792 t 09 (Ri~gecrest'760)446-3560A1 93555 Good Samaritan Hospital (805Crescent~546-0208Healthcare Inc 901 Olive 0¢ San Joaquin Community Hospital Ba~ers/ield, CA 93308 Curascrlpt Pharmacy Inc - Hayward 2615 Eye ${ [661 )-399-4461 ~ 510)732.8489 ) Bake~tie~ci, CA 93301 1661)395-3000 Healthsouth Bakersfield Rehabilitation Hospital Curascrlpt Pharmacy Inc - Orlando ~ 5001 Commerce Or {4011652-49~3 Tehachapt Hospital BakerSfield. CA 93309 Factor Support Network Pharmacy 115 W E $1 (661 )323-5500 ~805~388.9336 Tenacnap~. CA 93561 .~EN) 1661)822-3241 Kern Medical Center Gent)va Health Services -Warrsnda · 1830 Flower Sl {877)7~2-2001 5 West Side District Hospital Bakersheld. CA 93305 Heartland Home Health Care and Hospice 110 E North St (661)326-2000 Ta~. CA 93268 t651)633-6522 ~661)763-4211 Tehachapi Hospital Hemophilia Health Services ttswEst TenachaO~. CA 93561 (800)800-66~6 PARTICIPATING AMBULANCE {661)822-3241 Herndon Pharmacy [559)432-6250 This is a Limlled Nelv.13rk. Please rele¢ to Page V Acute PsJ~chiatrlc Facilities Hoffmann Homecare Global Air Charter Memorial Center for Behavioral Health (661)871-I $93 CEN} (7271536.7121 5201 Wh~mt.~ ' Lifecare Solutions Mountain Lifefllght Bakersherd. CA 93309-6200 [5591636-0505 ~ 530)251-2849 ~66 t )398-t 800 Matria Healthcare Inc Schaefer Air Service (925)737-6406 (800)241.3355 PARTICIPATING HOSPICE PROVIDERS (800)323-7969 Hoffmann Hospice of The Valley Millennium Health Inc PARTICIPATING FREESTANDING (661)833.3900 (800)411-9888 AMBULATORY SURGICAL CENTERS Optimal Hospice Care Nova Factor Inc Bakersfield Endoscopy Center (661 )399-8866 i901 )385-3600 t902 B St Nufactor BakerSfield. CA 93301 PARTICIPATING HOME HEALTH AGENCIES (800)323-6832 (661)3274455 Around The Clock Home Care Option Care Inc Bakersfield Surgery Center {661 )395-5800 {661 )399.8866 2120 19tn SI Bakersfield. CA 93301 Bee(care Home Health Agency Prime Infusion Network (661)323.2020 (559)582.9006 {559)624-4244 California Surgery Center In¢ Childrene Home Care Stadtlanders Pharmacy 6501 Truxtun Ave//190 (559)363-7'125 (800)238-7828 BakerSfield, CA 93309-06,33 (800)927-9224 Sunrise Health Management Inc (661)325-8498 Crescent Healthcare Inc (800)310.7995 Empire Surgery Center Partners (805)546-0208 Theracom Inc 4101 Empire Dr#t30 Gentlva Health Servlcae. Lake Elelnore (888)843.7226 BakerSfield. CA 93,309 (909)245-0837 UCLA Home Infusion Services (661 )326-1900 Gan(lye Health Services. Santa Barbara (310)?~4.7021 Fritch Eye Care Surgical Center (8051963.6642 2525 Eye SI BakerS~ CA 93301 Hoffmann Specialized Homecare PARTICIPATING LABORATORIES (661 )327-8511 (661 )871.2740 Please call ~e cenler nearest y~u. Parlk:ipaling hospilals may Interim Healthcare also provide this service. Golden State Eye Center (661)398-1700 Alflgen The Genetics Institute 1001 Tower Way//1608 Bakersfield. CA 93309 Kaweah Delta Hha (800)255-1618 (661)324-6406 (559)624-6400 Ambry Gene(Ica Corporation H60uueal_t~,south P_h. yslclane Plaza Surgical Center Llfecare Solutions (866)262.7~43 ~'nys~ana u~ (209)638-0505 Beutner Laboratories BakerSfield, CA 93301 Matrla Healthcare Inc (716)838.0549 (661)322-4744 (925)737-6401 Bio Tach Clinical Laboratory (800)323-7969 (818)994.5678 NOTE: S~I Plg~ VI roy HoIpllll COdel (AAAAA) and Page V for Board CertlflceUon ! Cockersll and Associates Dermapathology Wilson Genetics Center (80o)3o9-0000 Lincare thc (202)994-1896 (661)833-3333 Comprehensive Medical Laberatorlee Inc Zygen Laboratory (661)836.9181 (661)725.6252 (818)705-3600 Dlanon Systems Inc Maroon Group Inc (800)326-2666 (800)547-8021 Dtanon Systems Inc New City PARTICIPATING MEDICAL PRODUCTS AND Meal Mart Pacific Pulmonary Se 1800)328-2666 SERVICES (661)396.3720 1661 )397-2999 Olanon Systems Inc Tampa Hearing Services i661)822-1880 (800)367.1126 Bakersfield Hearing Aid Co (760)371.4350 Olanon Systems of Colorado (661)325-5001 (760)379.4621 (800)328.2666 Beltone Hearing Aid Center Medic:~ EsoteHx Center for Infectious Disease {760)375.4227 (800)944.3422 (800)874.8532 Delamater Beltone Hearing Aid Center Medical Rentals (800)299.7350 (661)832-5944 (800)231-261 (800)288-6222 (800~444.91 ~ 1 Walls Hearing Aid Center Inc Minimed Inc (800)295-6965 ( 661 )323.1612 (800)933-3322 N M C Homecare Div Inc (800)392-2986 Durable Medical Equipment/Supplies (800)797-0797 (800)874.8532 AV Pulmonary Care Gambro Laboratory Services (661)942-9995 Orthoflx Inc (954)585-1100 (800)$35.4492 Active Living Ostomy Inc Genecare Medical Genetics Cfr (909)808.9734 Orthologic Corp (919)942-0021 Advanced Home Medical (800)937-5520 Genesis Laboratories 1626)453-0900 Orthopliance Group (818)753-1316 1909)737.1359 Affordable Breathing Care Pacific Medical Inc Genzyme Corporation {661 )725.2300 (800)726-9180 (800)284.2678 Animas Diabetes Care Genzyme Genetics (610)644.899~ Pacific Medical Service (800)255.7357 ~661~631-8582 (800~848-~.436 Antelope Valley Orthotics & Prosthetics Quality Patient Care Inc 16611267.0772 (800~969-9933 ~213)972'.9568 Apria-Bakersfield Health Line Clinical Lab Inc ~6611327.4887 Shield Healthcare ~816)954.0202 ~800!372.62¢5 Biolectron Inc ~800~423.3C64 Home Healthcare Laboratories of America 1800)524.0677 (888)522-4~52 ~8001675-88.t I Brundage Pharmacy Sierra Home Medical Immunodiagnostic Laboratories (66~)327.4265 (5101635.4555 ,559~627-4456 Care Medical Systems Smith & Nephew Inc International Molecular Diagnostics Inc ~559)635.4443 (714)799.7177 ~8c01821.5700 Caretran Medical Supply Inc Southwest Medical Inc J A ~Turner Olsg Parasitology Lab ' ~661)831.8689 ~ 3 ~ 0)212-6559 ,8c0 ~966.6662 Cent,'al Coast Medical Supply Sterling Medical Services Kern Pathology Mad Grp Inc (66 t )325-5447 (66 ~ ~833.4700 ,800)273-9940 Kyto Meridian Core Outpatient Services Sweets Home Care {800)328-2666 ~8c0)755.2673 ,661 ~322-3500 Lab One Inc DS Medical Supply Inc Sweets Home Mad cai 1913)888-1770 1770)407-44A4 .559~788-2CO0 Lab Services Depuy Orthotech Team Post Dp Inc (66~)822-1965 (877)377.8968 '(800)339.9295 Diabetes Self Care The Family Earing Aid Center Labcorp Patient Service Centers ,800~366.5250 (888)522.2677 ,661 )322-6670 (888)877.4326 ~800)560-0595 The Hearing Aid Center Los Angeles Diagnostic Lab Diabetes Support Systems ~661)721.2836 (213)484.6907 (800)252-0207 West Coast Wheelchairs Dynamic Medical Systems Inc {800)266.1979 MN Clinical Laboratory Inc (800)226-9080 (310)577.7654 Xcel Medical Pharmacy E B I ~888)923.5111 Myriad Genetic Laboratories Inc (800)526-2579 (601)584.1100 EMPI Inc Prosthetlcs/Orthotlcs National Dermatopathology Laboratory (800)328.2536 Achilles Prosthetics & Orthothics (888)882-0077 Oncotech Inc Edgepark Surgical Inc (661)323-5944 (800)576.6326 1800)307-5930 Bakersfield Prosthetics And Orthotics Center FMC Pharmacy Services Inc (661)281-2127 Pacific Medical Laboratory (888)650.2~00 CPO Clinical Prosthetics & Orthoflcs (323)97 !.0636 Hill-Rom Company lnc (661)323.5944 Pathnet Esoteric Laboratory Institute (323)261-7562 ' DJ Orthopedics ( 818 ) 780.6300 Physicians Automated Laboratory Inc Home Diabetic Supplies (800)726.9180 (661)325-0744 (530)628-4911 Flex-Pads Intl Inc Quest Patient service Centers Home Medical Care Inc (800)431.9899 (800)377.8448 (661)945.2737 Hanger Prosthetic & Orthotlcs East Inc Satellite Laboratory Services Home Medical Supply Inc (800)522-0051 (650)367.9711 (800)726.3059 Ortho Supply lnc Home Sleep Diagnostic Inc (800)944.3422 Specialty Laboratories Inc (800)991-6444 Orthofic Englneedng Co (310)828-6543 Spectra Laboratories Inc Hoveround Corporation (569)741.1300 (510)623-6900 (800)304.3549 Valley Institute of Prosthetlcs & Orthotlcs Inc USC Pathology Reference Lab KCI USA Inc (661)322.1005 (323)442-2 t 96 (800)275-75.39 Unilab Patient Service Centers Lifecare Solutions PARTICIPATING SKILLED NURSING (800)597.1700 (559)636-0505 FAClLmES (800)227-0230 Bakersfield Memorial Hospital - SNF Urocor (800)500-5928 420 341r~ SI (800)32.8-2666 {800)586-9352 Bakersfield. CA 93301 Vlrologlc Inc (800)700.6461 (850)635.11 O0 (800)700-648 ! (66 ! )327-1792 (800)834-0581 NOTE: Bee P~e VI ~or HoN)Ital Co*Jet (AAAAA) end Page V for eoard Certification asa verify b'~al the provider you selecl is a Pruder~t B~ PPO pn~4det al; the location wr~te you wdl receive cate (see first page ~ direcaxy fl3t details). 6 Beverly Manor - Bakersfield Shafter Convalescent Center Gambro Healthcare - Bakersfield 3601 San Oimas St 140 ~: Tulare Ave 49~0 California Ave #IOOA 8akerstielO, CA 93301-1405 Shafter, CA 93253-1834 BakerSfield. CA 93309 1681 )323-2894 (661)746-3912 (661)322-4911 Beverly Manor Health Care Center West Side Dlstrtct Hospital - SNF Gambro Healthcare - Bakersfield Northeast 1131 N China Lake RI 110 E North Si 3761 Mall View Rd Ridgecfest, CA 93555 Taft, CA 93268 Bakersfield, CA 93306 (760)446-3591 (661 )763-,1211 (805)872-9836 Kern Valley Healthcare District DP SNF Gambro Healthcare - Delano 1201 Jefferson $1 6412 Laurel Ave PARTICIPATING FREESTANDING DIALYSIS Lake Isabella. CA 93240 CENTERS Delano. CA 93215 (661)725-3390 (760)379-2681 This is a Limiled Network. Please refer to Page V Mercy Healthcare Bakersfield - SNF Indian Wells Valley Dialysis Center 2215 Truxtun Ave Bakersfield Dialysis Ctr 212 $ Richmond Rd Bakersfield. CA 9330!-3697 5143 Office Park Dr Ri~gecresi. CA 93555-4434 Bakersfield. CA 93309 (760)371-7506 (661 )632-5133 (661 )325-4741 San Joaquin Community Hospital DP/SNF 2615 Eye SI Bakersfield. CA 93301 (661)395-3000 6000' Physicians BI OESAi. KIRIT. MD tBAKER. GUILLORY-SMITH. MICHAEL. 2515 Eye $1 0H. SUNG-MIN. MO (FRESU. Bakerslield BANC0) (ti MO Bakersfield $1EVI. STAGN) (6611322-4744 21 tO Truxtun Ave 841 Mohawk $11270 (661)395-3000 Korean Bakersfield Bakersfield 6000 Physicians Bi 2920 F S1 kE-15 LIN. YONG. CA BAILEY. RALPH. MO {C) Bakersfield 20f 5 21st Bt 2920 F $I -'El 5 (661)323-8384 {661)334-1958 Bakersfield 8aKersfield Bakersfield DINH. SON. MO (SANC0) HALE. KENNETH. MB (BAKER. (661)322-4744 ~661 )335-7755 [6611334-1443 (800)351-7755 V~etnamese KERVA. MERHL) (C) JEPPSON. JOHN. MD ~KERVAi OWENS. ROBERT. M0 (BAKER~ 3861 Stockdale H~ 4~00 Tru~un Ave ~306 84~lonawk St ~270 ~Cl ~CI 8a~ersheld Bakersfield Bakersfield ~4~ Mona,.v~ St t2?O ~20 34m St GORENBERG. A~N. MO (66~ 1~7-g2OO 1661 )325-8499 ~661 ~334.1958 ~axershel~ ~axerstield 6501 Truxtun Ave ~66! 1334q 958 ~661 ~32~-1 LARROW. OESVA. 5TBER. 8A~SUBRAMANIAN. Bakersheld HAH. WON. M0 9300 Stock,ale H'~ STMME. VICTO) (C) GOVINOAN. MD 1661 ~322-2206 Korean KlM. EUNG. MD ~EISENI ~C) ~akershel~ Soamsn ~40~ Garces H~ 2920 F St ,E15 P 0 3ox Z287 ~66:~663-3;37 11 ~ I N Cmna La~e 8i Oelano OOAN. RICHARO. MO ~C) 8a~ersheld R~gecrest (661)725-4800 1830 Rower S{ 1800~35I-~755 ~66; ~334-1958 PALENCtA. ARTUR0. M0 ~SANCOi (760)a46-8265 P 0 Box 2029 Bakerstiet~ HAROING. RALPH. DO KlM. MYU NG. MO. DOCME. Soamsn Ki~. SEE-RUERN. MO ~BAKER Bake~shel~ (661 ~323-2~33 2920 F St rE-15 SiMiV) (C) ~09 2Q:n St MERHL SANCOI tO) (661)335.7755 ELIAS. GHANIM. MO (C) Bakersheld Korean faa, BEA~. HOGH. MD iDANIE) 420 34th St (66H335-7755 26t5 E,,,e SI ,661j335-7755 222~ 19m St ~0~3 rrux~cn Ave Bakersfield HERNANOEZ. B~S. MO Bakersfield 201 New Stme Bakersheld 8a~efsheM (66:)327q ;92 (KERNM. KERVA. MERHL) (CJ [66h395-3000 (8611325-2448 {661~323-2295 FERNANOEZ. HECTOR. MO 841 Mohawk SI ~270 KlM. SUNG. M0 (el ,66:~396-~9e0 LEUNG. PATRICK. MO (BAKER 8EL~. ELEUTERIO. M0 ¢CLOVII (C~ BaKersheld ~orean ?20 ~Bm SI MERHL. SANC01 [C) {G00H0. SANC0) SoJn,s~ {6611334.1958 201 New ShAd RO ~130 8akerstiel~ ~661 ~323-2020 Mjndjnn ra;a~oq 2920 F St ~EI5 HUM. GARY. MO ~661 ~396-8900 26:5 Eye SI 804 181~ St ~01 -A Tru~un Ave ~ 110 BJkers riel0 1830 Flower St 2120 19t~ St Bak~ rsfiel~ Bakersfield Bakersfield leOO)351-7755 Baxersfiel~ Bakerstiel~ &661 (661)323-3081 (66T~325-84H FINDLEY. JOHN. MD {8AKERI ~C) k661 ~323-2172 ~661 ~323-2020 PAROO. ENR QUE. MO ~8A~ER. TANUS. TONNY. MD tBAKER. 84t Monaw~ St ~270 420 34m SI HYUN. SUNG. MO (DEAN. 26~5 Eye St CCLLO MERHL. STJRE) MERHL SANC0. SibYl) lC) 83Kerstmeld 8aWefshelO SANC0. SIEVI) (C) Bawersfield 84~ Mohawk 212~ 17tn St (661)324-7323 (661)327-1792 Ko~ean (66~)395-3000 Bakersfield Bakersfiei~ P 0 Box 2029 P 0 Box 2029 26t5 Eye SI (66~)327-~93 8akersfieM Bakersfield 8akersfiet~ LE CHAU. M. MO ~MERHL) (C) &6611334-1958 8~1 Mohwa~ St 1270 PARI. GIL. MD  (661}~5-7755 (66 h335-7755 ~661)335-7755 ~kersfietd 'BOURNE. JONATHAN. MD FISHER. ROBERT. MO (~[RVA. IPE. ~OSEPH. MO (SANCO, i661)334-1958 84~ Mohawk St ~270 (MAMMO) (C) MERHL. UCSFM) (C) SIEVI) LE QUl. TU. MO ~C) Bakersfield ABOOU. WARK. MO (~KER. P 0 Box 2029 84~ Mohawk St ~270 KERVA. MERHL~ lC} Bakersfield Bakersfield 201 N~ Sims Rd t130 841 Mohaw~ Si ~70 ~661 i324-7323 841 Mohawk SI ~270 (661)335-7755 (661)334-1958 Bakersfield Bakersfield P 0 Box ~029 Bakersfiel~ Bakersfield ter (661)334-1958 COLEMAN, LEWIS, MD lC) GILMAN, mOMAS, MO (661)396-a~0 (661)324-7323 2615 Eye St P 0 8ox 2029 2120 ~gm St P 0 Box 2029 ~66~)335-7755 AHN, ~RK, MO (SANCO, SIEVI) 8aKersf~ld Bakersfield ~ketsfield ~kersfield PATEL, 61PIN. MO [BAKER. (C} (661)395-3000 (66 t )335-7755 (66 t )323-2020 (66~)335-7755 COMFR. MERHL) (C) 201 New St)ne Rd 1130 2615 Eye St LEE. HAX, MD (KERVA. MERHL) 841 Mohawk St 6akersfield COLLIER. JAMES. MO GONICK. GEOFFREY. MO 8akersfie~ (C1 Bakersfield (661)396-8~0 420 341h St {KERNM. SANSC) (C) (661)395-2~0 841 Mohawk St ~270 (661)334-1958 2120 19th SI Bakersfield 2800 F St lA 6000 Physicians 91 Bakersfield PATEL. NAINA. MO {C) Bakersfield (661)327-t 792 Bakersfield Bakersfield ~661 )334-1958 841 Mohawk (66~323-2020 ' OAVIO. ~UL. MO (SIERR) (C) (661)325-0541 (661)322-4744 MAS. JULIO. MO (C) Baker sfield 2615 Eye SI 420 34ffi St GRANOHE. J~ARDH~. MO (C) IYER. ~M~TH. MO (BAKER. 420 34~ St (~1)324-7323 Bakersfield Baxefsf~ld 841 Mohawk St ~270 SANCO) (C) Bakersfield P 0 8ox 2029 (661)395.30~ (661)~4-03~ ~kersfield 420 34th SI (66t)327-17~ ~kersfiel~ P 0 Box 2029 DE ROUEN. JOHN. MO (C) (661)324-0300 Bakersfield ~I Mo~awk SI ~70 (661)335-~55 Bakersfield I~0 R~er St GREENBERG. ~Y. MD (C) (66~)327-1792 Bakersfield P~ERS. GR~T. MO (KERNM) (661)335-7755 Bakersfield 2O~0-A Sage Cfi 841 Mohaw~ St ~270 (661)324~ (C) fie BASER. ~HEER. MO (SANCO. (~1}~3-21~ Tehachapi Bakersfield MEURER. GARY. MD 1~0 Rower St SIEVI) (C) P 0 Box 2287 (661)822-28~ (66~)334.~g58 ~1 Mohawk St 1270 Bakersfield ~ IndiamHmdl 9akem~mld 2920 F St E-15 JAGPAL. KULDEEP. MD (~NCO. Bakersfield (66t)323-21~ 201 New Stine Rd ~ ~ 30 (~ t ~4-1958 ~kersfie~ S IEVI) (661)334-1958 ~V~. ~RENO~. MO ~ 8akersliel~ (661)3~-8~0 OE~ RO~. GE~. MO {~1)335-7755 India~Hindi 2120 t~h St (~ER. MERHL) 2920 F St ~E15 201 N~ Stifle Rd ~130 NUVAL. EOEN. MO (SIEVI) (KERNM) (C) 6akerslield 2200 Oak St 9ake~fie~ ~ersfieM 2920Tagal~F St tE*IS' ~kersfieldt ~0 Rower (661)323-~020 ~kemfleld (800)351-7755 (661)3~-8~0 Bakersfield (~1)323-21~ 2615 Eye St (~1)324-~ 2120 l~h St Bakersfield 8akersfleM 661 )335-7755 ~l~ke2 I~belM ~ur~ (~1)3~-3000 (661)323-2~0 (7~)37~2~1 NO~: ~ p~a VI for gaiplal ~ {~} and Pa~ V for Board Ce~IflcaU~ ANESTHESIOLOGY continued sat Mohawk St//27'0 2120 tBth St FINOLEY, JOHN, MI) (BAXER) PARK, GIL MO (OAKER) ANOER$EN. 0QUGLA$, MACURARAN, CARL, DC BakerSfield Bakersfield 420 34th St Korean 2111 18th St 832 Jefferson St (661)334-f958 (661)323-2020 Bakersfield 841 Mohawk SI ~210 Bakersfield 0slang R0$ENO0. HENRY, MO (COLWE) PO 9ox 1628 (661)321.1792 Bakersfield (661)324-2113 (661)725-2914 (C) Lake Isabella P 0 8ox 2029 (661)324-7323 Soan~$# (160)379-2681 Bakersfield P 0 Box 2029 BERMEJO JUAN 0ANn. BRYAN, OC P 0 Gox 2029 P 0 8ox 2029 (661)335-7755 Bakersfield 2201 M~ Vernon Ave tlC9 4t0t Union Ave *3 Bakersfield Bakersfield (661)335-7155 Bakersfield Bakersfield (6611335-7755 (66h335-7755 GILMAN. THOMAS, MD (661)872-?000 (661)638.0664 P 0 Box 2029 RAVAL, NARENDRA, MD SCHWARTZ, KEVIN, MO YACOUB, ROBERT, MO (SANCO, Bakersfield (KERNM) BERMEJO, JUAN, MA EVANS. GARY, DC (PALOM) lC) SIEVe) (661)3354755 1830 Rower St 2201 Mt Vernon Ave ~I! 930 Truxton Ave #103 420 34th St 201 New SAne Rd #130 GREENBERG, GARY, MO Bakersfield Bakersfield Bakersfield Bakersfield Bakersfield ~661 )872J000 (66t)327-1792 . (661)396-8900 20960-A Sage Ln (661)323.2133 [661)321-O006 841 Mohawk St .d270 2120 19th SI Tehacnaoi 6..H 2 Laurel Ave NEWPORT AUOIOLOGY CENTERS GRAHAM, RANOALL, OC Bakersfield Bakersfield (661)822-2800 L~ke Isabella 5330 Office Center Ct ,~33 5300 California Ave #320 (661)324.0300 {6BI)323-2020 2920 F St E-f5 (760)379-2681 Bakersfield Bakersfield 2615 Eye SI Bakersfield 841 Mohawk St ~270 (800)675-5485 (6611327-2622 SCURLOCK, WILLIAM, MD Bakersfield (661)335-7755 Bakersfield (BAKER) (CT 2920 F Si ,~Et5 (661)334-1958 WELCH, 00NAL MA GUNDERSON. CRAIG. OC 20412 Brian Way ,flA 2901 F St 420 341tl St (661)395-3000 Bakersfield ROSEN00, HENRY. MO {COLWE~ Tehachapi Bakersfield Bakersfield YEH. THOMAS, MO (BAKER, (800)351-7755 SOan~s# (661)823.0717 1661)861-1000 (661)327-1792 MERHL) lC) . P 0 Box 2029 841 Mohawk St ~270 Mandarin HAN, WON, MD Bakersfield HAMILTON, GREGORY. DC Bakersfield 841 Motlawk SI ~'270 Korean (6611334-f968 Bakersfield 2920 F St ,Er5 (661)3354755 3901 Stockdale HW Bakersfield SHUEN, JOSEPH, MO 1661)334-2958 Bakersfield SCHWARTZ, KEVIN MD (56~ ~833-6665 (800)351-7755 (PALOA,I) LIMO, RUSSELL, CRN 201 New Stone Rd d130 HUM, GARY, MO 420 341h St 1709 2din St HAYNES, JEFFREY. DC Bakersfield 1830 Flower St Bakersfield Bakersfield 3866 Sfockdale Hw,t (661)396-6gOO Bakersfield 166 h327-1792 (66; ~335-7755 6a,(ers field 2!20 19th St ABDOU, WAFIK MO iBAKER. 1661)323-2172 641 Mohawk SI ,r270 CLARKE, GARY, CRN {66? ~322-2875 Bakersfield BakerslielcI (661)323-2020 XERVA. MERHL) IPE. JOSEPH, MO (SANCO. (661)32.~-0300 ~,~0~ Garces H;,~y HERRERA. RUOY, DC 8-31 Mot~awk St ~270 SIEVI) ~ ,ad,anD f519 Garces Hw,/ 2615 Eye St 6a~ersfield SCURLOCK, WILLIAM. MO 166: )725-4800 Oelano Bakersfield Ind~an. Hind~ i66h395-3000 ~66h33-l-195B 201 New Slme Rn ~130 ,BAKER! 0UPLAN. NANCY. CRN ,SiEYh i661172!-150S 2920 F St E-15 AHN. MA~K. MO (SANCO. S]EVh Baxersfield 420 3atn SI : i ! i N China Lake BI 5397 Truxtun Ave Bakersheld 201 New Stlne Rd .~130(661)396-6000 6akeFsheld R~gecrest ~667 ~634.9900 (661 )335-7755 Bakersfield 2120 1 gin SI ' 66 ~ ,327-1792 ~ 750)446-4671 (661)396-8900 Bakersfield 84~ .~lo~'a',k S~ ,270 HEYART. GREGORY. OC TAMER, MOUSSA. MO (KERVA. 2'20 !gib SI (66t)323-2020 Bakersfield JOHNSON. TRAVIS. CRN .~300 Cab/Gem Ave MERHL) lC) 6a~ersheld 2615 Eye SI ~66Ii324-1958 lC!i: 'i Cf,da Lake ~1 Bade'st)eld R~dgecrest ,66: ~32 ;'-2622 420 34tn St {66t )323-2020 Bakersfield SHUEN. JOSEPH. MO ( ;'60~446-3551 Bakersfield 26 i 5 Eye St (661)395-2000 20 ! Ne:v SIine Rd ~ t 30 (66? !32;-I192 HOFFMAN. SIGNEE. 0C 84l Mohawk SI 1270 BakershelcI 6000 PrlySlcians BI Bakersfield LAPEE, ROBERT. CRN 20'8 17th SI Bakersfield ~66 I)395-3000 Bakersfield ( 661 ~396-8900 i 081 N China Lake 816.uer st)eld ~ C B,)~ 2029 (66t)322-4744 2!?.0 ~B!n St ~,:gec:es~ 66~ .32:-0333 (661)334-1956 Bakersfield JAGPAL, KU[0EEP. M_D ~SANC0 Bake,she,d , ;'60,446-]551 THIO. EDWARD. MO ,66I ,335-7755 SIEVI) ~66i p323-2020 MARTINET. VINCENT. CRN MARCH. JOHN. 0C ]:'.'.7 SIockdale H',~ e'120 2615 Eye SI BABER. ZAHEER. MO (SANCO Ing~a~,H/n(1~ 26:5 E,/e St :;'09 201n SI 6,i.e~sfleld Bakers field S;E¥1) 201 New SAne Ri] el 30Bakersfield Bbkershe(d ~ 66 T {398-2198 (661 J324-0300 IP~.!JK~ H~nd~ Bakersfield (66: )395-3000 1661 )335. 7755 VIERRA. ANTNUNY. MO 2Ot New Stlne Rd ~130 ~661 )396-8900 2920 F SI E-15 MORG,~N. TERRY. nC 20960-A Sage tn Bakershe(d 2! 20 19th St Bakersfield NARETT0, MARIAN. CRN 5452 Ca(,Iornkl Ave Tenacha0~ ~ 661 )396-8900 Bakersfield 16611335-;'755 1081 N C.qlna Lake :~l 6ake,sheld R~dgec:est ~66! ~633-2134 (66I t622.2690 2!20 1gib SI )6611323.2020 VIERRA. ANTHONY. MO 8a,~erUield 26)5 Eye SI 20960.~ Sage Ln MORRIS. ION. GC WAGNER. HELMUT. MD ~661)323-2020 Bakersfield 're~acnao~ QUIER, ERNEST. CRN 345 H St (BAKER. SANCrl)(CT 2615 Eye Sf (661)395-3000 (661 ;622-2390 !08~ N China Lake 81 8a~ersheld 84f rv~nawk SI e270 Bakersfield 6000 Physicians 81 RtCQecresf 166! 1321-2586 Bakersfield (661)395-3000 Bakersfield WANG. dEN. MO (Si'LUK)(760 446-355i (661)324-0300 ~Q0 Physicians 01 (66f)322-4144 84? Mrnawk St ~'270 PENSINGER, DENNIS. OC Bakersheld WILL1AMSON. PATRICIA. CRN 112 N Chester Ave WALTON. CHARLENE. MO Bakersfield KlM, SUNG. MO (661)3264323 1111 N CAma Lake 8[ Bakersfield (KERNM) 16611322-4744 Korean P 0 Box 2029 R~Gqecresf 20! New SAne Rd ela0 Bakersfield (760)646.4571 ~66h399-2525 f830 Roar SI BEAlTY. HUGH. MO (DANE) ' Bakersfield POOELL GLENN. 0C Bakersfield 2(]23 Truxton Ave ~66h335-7755 ZIMNEY. NELL. CRN (661)323-2172 Bakersfield (6611396-8900 560 N Norma SI ~8 WANG. JEN. MO (STLUK) (661)323-2295 2120 loth St WONG. STEVE. MD (HEMET1081 N Cnma Lake BI R;Ogecres{ 041 Mohaw~ SI ~210 Bakersfield INLAN KERVA. SANCO) Rldgecresl Bakersfield BELL.A, ELEUTERIO. MO (661)323-2020 Afandar,n (;'60)446-3551 (661)324.1321 (GOOHO. SANCO) 2615 Eye St f709 20fa St REE0, KELLY, DC Tagalog Bakersfield Bakersfield 1715 3Otb SI P 0 Box 2029 6001-A Truxtun Ave *1 I0 (661)395-3000 (661)335-7756 BakersfieLd Bakersfield Bakersfield P 0 8ox 2029 WHITEHEAD. RICHARD, MO (6611322-3997 (661)335-7756 (661)325-8499 OGORKIEWICZ, AdC,IA. MD Bakersfield 4580 Cafifornia Ave Il00 ROSS. LEONARD, OC WOLBER. ARTHUR. MO (CT841 Mohawk Sf .270 (BAKER. MERHL SANCO) (CT (661)335-7'755 Bakersfield .6001-A Truxtun Ave ti 20 420 34ifs St Bakersfield Po/isa. S~anisA (66t)327-4411 Bakersfield Bakersfield (66 i)324-1323 500 Old River Rd At 70YACOUB. RO8ERT, MO {SANCO. (661)327-1792 P 0 Box 2029 Bakersfield SIEVl) (CT ~ (661)864-1 to0 Bakersfield (661)664-9600 20f New Sfine Rd #130 RYAN, JAMES. DC Bakersfield 2701 Cdlloway Or WONG, STEVE. MD (HEMET. (661)335-7755 PALENCIA, ARTURO, MO (661)396-8O00 604 Kern SI Bakersfield AGUILERA. FRANCISCO, OC iNLAN. KERVA, SANCO) (CT (SANCO) 2120 tBtfi SI MandariA ' OINH. SON. MO ($ANCO) $~a?isi~ Tall {66! )589-3427. 1709 20.1 SI viemamese t 709 20th SI Bakersfield Bakersfield 4 ! O0 Truxtun Ave ,e306 (661 )323-2020 (66 t )765.2225 SABOL, JASON, DC (661)335.)'755 Bakersfield Bakersfield 8200 Stockdaia Hwy AK3 6647 Ming Ave P 0 Box 2029 (661)325-8499 (661)335-7755 2615 Eye St Bakersfield ' Bakersfield Bakersfield 6501 Truxlun Ave 201 New Stifle Rd 1130Bakersfield (66t)833q I i I (661)837-2225 (661)335-7.755 Bakersfield Bakersfield (66t)395-30~) WU. SHI*JEI, MO (SANCO. (661)322.2206 (661)396-8900 BONNET. 8RIGETrE. DC SALYER$, $TEVEN. DC 2120 19u1 St 3125 loth St ~189 S300 C,lfifornia A~/340 $CRLA) (CT FERRER-BRECNNER, MARIA, MO Bakersfield Bakersfield Bakersfield Mandann.$~nis# (CT (661)323-2020 Referral require~, i)l~se see (661)325-6325 (661)327-?014 Gage IV. TIl~s is a Limited Net- BRAMLEI'T. BOBBY, DC (CT SCHALL JEFFREY. DC 201 New Shne Rd ~130 9300 StOckdale Hwy Al00 2615 Eye St work. Please refer to Page V. 8akersfiel~ Bakersfield Bakersfield 6401 Tru~tun Ave 2024f Valley 8J (661)39~-8<JO0 (661)321-9142 (661)395-2000 Bakersfield Tenachapi (661)321.3466 (661)822-0811 NOTE: See Plge VI for HoapHal Codea (AAAAA) and Page V for Board Certification 8 ~lease vanly that the Drovtder you ~elec~ is a Prudent Buyer PPO provider at the location where you wail receive care (see first page o/directo~'y CHIROPRACTOR continued SORENSEN, TROY. 0C 1535 N China Lake 61 dc 2216 Tmxton Ave CRAWFORO, GREGORY, MO FERGUSON. lAN, O0 (KERNM) 2215 T~xtun Ave ? 1005 St{ne Rd Ridgecrest Bakersfield (KERNM. XERVA) (C) (C) Bakersfield Bakersfield (760)446-9007 (661)327-3371 20960-8 ~ge Ln 1830 Flower St (6611325.0825 (661)398-7246 TEHACHAPI DERMATOLOGY 2215 Truxtun Ave Tenac~api Bakersfield KERCHER. EUGENE, MD SULTZE. STUART, 0C 20211 Valley 81 Bakersfield (661)822-1260 {8001962-3303 (KERNM) (C) 345 FI SI Tehacnao~ (661)325-0825 2212 Truxton Ave FISCHER MANGOLO TAFT 1830 Rower St 8akersfielcl (661)823-7546 3505 Jean St Bakersfield 110 E Nodh BaKersfield (661)327-2568 Bakersfield (661)323-5918 Ta~1 (600)962-3303 (661)832-2600 3550 (~ $1 d103 (925)462-9040 VEGHER, MARY, DC 420 34th SI Bakemfield KUSHEL. STEVEN. MO (GHANA. 11 ! I W Idyokern Rd dC Bakersfield (661)321-9396 FORTENSERRY. JOHN, MO MEMGA. NORHO) (C) Ridg~rest (661]325-0825 (BAKER. KERVA. MERHL 110 E North (760)446-2200 LUU, TRAMI, MO (UCLAM) (C) 0ANIEL, CHRISTINE, MD WESTS) (C) ' Tat~ 2f31 19th SI 6ARROZO, FIL MO (TEHAC) (ENCTA; HUNTI) (C) 420 34t~ Bt (9251462-9040 ; WORTISKA, CHARLES, OC Bakersfield Spanlsil Italian. S~nisil Bakersfield I20 1405 Commercial Way 1100 (805)324-215! 105 W E SI P O Box 1900 115 W E St LAM, KHOl, MO (BAKER, KERVA) Bakersfield Tenac~api Tet~acna0i (561)325-0825 (C) (661)327-4246 MACDUFF, MICHAEL, MD (661)822-3241 (661)822-3241 6~12 ~aurel Ave Soanisn. Vietnamese (MERHL) (C) 115 W E St Lake IsaPella 420 341~ St C ~mlltl{l;t;l=[#t?l'.'tll;[~g;~'B 2215 G St Tenacna0i DESAI. TUSHAR, MO (C) {760)379-368~ Bakersfiel~ Bakersfield {800)627-9314 2215 Truxton Ave Bakersfield GENSTLER, PAUl.ALAN, MO 1661)325-0825 BUXTON, JOHN. MO (BAKER. (661)324-1312 2041 Balshaw Ave P 0 Box 760 (661)327-3371 (MERHL) LAYGO, 8ETrY, MO {WESTS. GOOHO, MERHL SANC0) Moiave 2215 TruxlOn Ave WHIT'r) lC 1524 271~ Bt ~'401 (66f)824-4511 0LUGOS, $CO1T, MD (CHWCO. Bakersfield 110 E NOd~ SI GEORG. KERVA. LOMPO,(661)327-3371 Ta~ Baker{field BAUER, RANOY, MO (DESVA)MOUCO) 2215 Truxtun Ave ~661)325-0825 (661)323-3896 COMPREHENSIVE MEDICAL 2215 Truxton Ave 110 E North Bakersfield 2215 Truxlun Ave IRANI, HORMUZ. MD (BAKER. IMAGING BAKERSFIELD Bakersfield Taft {661 )325-0825 Bakersfield MERHL, SANCO) 4000 Physicians Plaza ~101 (66f)327-3371 (925)462-9040 6001 0 Truxtun Ave ,~420 BLDG E SECKORO. BRUCE, MO (HIDES, 115 W E St GREENSTEIN. JAY, MO (LOMP0. 1661 )632-5000 Bakersfield Bakersfield MOUCO. NATIV. RIDGE. Tehac~api MAOER) (C) LEE. GAHRETr. MO (KERNM. (661t638-0601 {661 k395-0155 TEHAC~ (661)822-3241 20960-8 Sage Ln KERVA. SANCO) (C)  Tenacnag~ Soamsl~ ? COMPREHENSIVE OPEN MRI- 115 W E SI DOCHERTY, STEPHEN, DO 1661 ~822-f260 29960-9 Sage Ln · BAKERSFIELD Tehachal}i (HUNTI. KERNM, SANGA. 22!2 Truxton Ave Tenac~a~i BASS, BAR_SARA. MO lC) 9300 SIock0ale H'w~/*500 (661)822-3241 SANMO. USCUN) (C) Bakersfield I E61)822.! 260 1041 N China Lake BI kB BaKersheld 8ELLINGHAUSEN. REAGAN. MO 1830 Flower St ~661 ~323-59;8 22~ ~ Truxton Ave RKIgecrest ~661 )663-7650 {MERHL) (C) Bakersheld 3550 O St ~I03 (760)446-6404 Panic=paring hos0itals may 2215 Truxton Ave ~8001962-3303 Bake,shelo {66~ ~323-5918 BAUGHMAN, 6HERILYN. MO (C) also provide this senqce Bakersfield BONG. CHRISTOPHER. MO L6Bl )321-9396 3550 GSz (661)327-3371 &KERNM) (C) HARDY, SAMUEL, MO ~WESTS, Baxersheld 20 -~215 G Si · PaFlic;oatmn0 hospitals may 2215 Truxtun Ave 1830 Flower SI iC~ !86:1321'9396 Bakersfield also 0rovide this sem~ce Bakersfield Bakersfield 42C ..lai~ S{ .4580 Cji,torma Ave )661)324-!312 (661)325-0825 (B0O 962-3303 Bakersfield Bakersfield BiNOER. WILLIAM. MO BONSTEEL, ALAN. MO (COLUS OOWNIE, R06ERT. MO ,DESVA ,6611325-0525 (66; 3323 16tn Bt ~400 AHMADIAN. NAVIO. MO (PLUMA. JOHNC. PLUMA. SANRO. KER_NM~ iL) 660r Ming Ave LEE, MARCUS. MO ~EMANU. BakersfieKI SOUh'q, SOUIN. TUOLU. WESTS) 1830 Flower Si 8..l~ersflel~ (6611324-4725 1t0 E Nort~ . ilo E Norl~ Bakersheld +66',397-4004 .'~fan¢arln. F~llwanese CROWLEY, JEI~FREY. MD Tat; Tail (800)~62-3303 HASIA. FAKHRU001N. MO 3550 O Si ; 20 ( BA~ ~ R. ~(ERNM) ~C)(9251462-90,10 (925 ~4~2-9040 4580 Calltornta Ave iGOOHO. XERVA. MERHL. Bakersheld Frenci~ AI(HONOZ, AOEH. MORAO. MO 110 E NOdD SI Bakersfield SANCO) ~61 ~32f-9363 510f Commerce Dr kl01 TaR (rE,AC) (66i)327-44fl 20960-8 Sage Ln LiNION. RONALO. MO BakershelO 115 W E St (6611325-0825 DUERR. KARL. MO Tenac~ap~ 22'5 Truxfon Ave ~66:132?-3756 Ten.lcna0~ BRAOBURN. CHRISTOPHER. DO Frenc.? ~rman. Italian. [66~ 1822-1260 Ba~ersheld ELBAUM. DAVID. MO ~BAKER) !66!J82~-3241 (KERNM) P~,~upue$e. Spanish 22!2 ?ruxIon Ave ,661)327-3371 lC) ALEXANOER. RAYMONO. MOSpams~ 110 E Norm Bakersfield 3505 Jean SI 2323 16l~ Si '~204 2212 Truxton Ave ~COMMI. LOSCO. MOUCO. Tan 1661)323-5918 B,~kersf,eld Baxershelo BOOER) Bakersfield 1925)462-9040 3550 Q St ,~I03 166I)832-2600 (661)3~2-5333 115 W E SI (661)323-59r8 BakershelO GUNTER. JEFFREY. MO (RIDGE: Tenacnap~ 3550 O SI ,H03 0UBCK. CRAIG. 00 LIPPMAN. NICOL, MO [CENTI. (C) 16611822-3241 Bakersfield 1081 N Ch,ne Lake Rd ~66~)32f-9396 KERVA. SANPE) (C) Soamslt (661)321-9396 R,~qecresf HEER, JAGOIPAK. MO {KAINEA. 20211 valley BI ALMXLOV. ROGER. MO (BAKER. (;'60)446-0652 i(ERNM. SANCO) (C) 2212 I'ruxfon Ave BRAR. HARINOER, MO (GEORG. 1830 Flower 61 Bakersfield Tenacham wESTS) (C) TEHAC) ELLIS. PETER. MD (MERHL) (661)823-7546 420 34m St 115 W E SI 2216 Truxton Ave Bawersfleid (66:)323-5918 6621 Lake I~Pella BI Bawe,'slieid Bakersfield (800)962-3303 3550 Q St Te~ac~apm Bakersfield Lake IsaOella (661)325-0825 ~661)822-324f (661)327-3371 HOGAN, CHRISTOPHER. MO~661)32f-9363 (780)379-33;'6 ALVAREZ. ANMAN00. MO P 0 Box f900 420 34Ih S! (RIDGE) (C} 4560 CaiUornia Ave 801 Downs Bt aB (MERHL) Te~ac~aol Bakersfield 1081 N China Lake Rd Bakersfield Ridgecrest Spamsh (661)822-3241 (661)325-0825 Riogecrest (661)327-441 (750)384.2592 820 341r~ St IlO2 EMILIA, EOGAN00. MO (LOSC0 (760)446-3551 Bakersfield BROWN. LEROY, MO (TEHAC) l l0 E NOrth St ' MALCOLM, 00UOLAS. MO JAFFER. 8AEEO, MO 116 W E St STFME. TEHAC) IndianxHind~. Spams,~. Urdu (661)325-6334 115 W E $I Ta~l (0ELAN, MEMME. MEMOR. Ter~acha~i TULAR) (C) §10f Commerce Or d101 AMMARI, RAZAN. M0 (ANAGE. (66I)822-3241 Tenacha0i (805)763.4211 1217 7th SI Bakersfield ENCTA. GAROE. SHERM, (661)822-3241 HUMPHREY. KENNETH, MO !0 (661)327-3756 STLUK) (C) CAROEHAS, ALFONSO. MO Wasco Arat~c. Armeman. Russian. (KERNM) FAGAN. PHILIP. MD (BEARV, (KERVA. SUTMC) (C) [661 )758-4184 LUU, TRAMI, MO (UCLAM) (C) Span~sl~ 2215 Truxton Ave nANFR. GLEME. GOOSA. 2615 Eye St 2131 19IR St 1 I0 6 North SI Bakersfield QUEEN. ROBER, TEHAC) (C) Bakersfield MARTINEZ. 0ENNIS, MO Bakersfietd ra~ (661)327-3371 Spamsn (66f)323-5918 (MERHL) {C) 2215 Truxton Ave I f 5 E E SI NYOEN. RALPH. MO {VICTO) (C) Bakersfield (805)324-2151 (8~5)763-4211 CARMAN. TIMOTHY, MO Tenachapi 2215 Truxton Ave (661)327-3371 MACDUFF. MICHAEL, MO 115 w 6 SI (TEHAC) (661)822-324! Bakersfletd (MERHL) (C) Tenacha0i Bpan~sll 2215 Truxtun Ave 22t 5 G St (661)822-3241 115 W E St FANBER. LESLIE, MO (KERVA) (661)327-3371 Bakersfield Bakersfield 8ALIKIAN. MANUEL, MO TePachapi 6412 Laurel Ave JARAMILLO, ANDREW, MO (661)325'-0825 (661)324-1312 (GEOBG. TEHAC) (C) (661)822-3241 Lake I~l~ (OQCME. MEMME, TEHAC) (C) 2530 0racena RIDGECREST 0ERMATOLOGY115 E E St CHASE DENNIS EMERG MED(760)379-2681 1 IS W E St Bakersfield 801 Oowns St 18 Te~achapi GRP FARBER. MICHAEL, MO Tehachapi (661)323-406.5 B Ridgecrest (661)822-3241 1081 N China Lake Rd Spanish (6.51)622-3241 MAY, LANCE, MO (760)384-2592 BARNES. ROBERT. MO (MERHL) Ridgecre$t 820 34th St ~102 KAEHLER, MARK. MO (TEHAC) 110 E Nort~ St TANERI, OAN. MO (CEDAR, (C) (760)446-f551 Bakersfield 1 t5 W E SI TaR (661}326-6334 Tehachaoi (805)763-4211 CENTU. ENCTA) (C) I f0 6 North St COLE, OYAN, MO (TEHAC)FELIX, FRANCIS, MO (LOOIM) {661}822-3241 115 W E 61 Pe~s~an/Farsi TaN ! 15 W E St 1111 N Chma Lake SI (66f)325-0825 Tehachap) 110 E North SI 221 $ Truxfon Ave Te~c~pi Bid~3ecrest (661)822-3241 TaR Bakersfield (661)822-3241 (760)446-4571 (805)763-421 f (661)327-3371 NOTE: See Page VI toe' Hoapital Codea (AAAAA) and Page V for Board Cel~iflcltton IMPORTANT: Please that t~e ~ele~ is a Prt~nt euyer PRO provider m, the I~mi~n wnem wm receive care (see f~t page o1 direcmry for Oemils). I 9 EMERGENCY MEDICINE continued MC GUIRE, GEORGE, MD PARKER, MALCOLM. MD SAB8AH. CHARLES. MO TOBIAS. JOSHUA. MO (KERNM) 110 E North St DAVIS. BRADLEY, DO (KEHNM) 108! N China Lake Rd (MEMME. MEMOR. RIDGE, (COMttO. LOMUN) 1830 Rower St Taft (C) Rid0ecrest TEHAC} (C) 115 E E 51 6akemfield 16611325-0825 SpanisA (760)446-0652 f 10 E North 51 Tenacllam 1800)962-3303 2300 Truxlun Ave MCCOWIN, JOSEPH, MO Taft (6611822-3241 BROWN, RALPH MO (CLOVI, (MEMME) (C) 18051763-~211 TRAMMEL. CHARLES, O0 COMFR) (CT 6akersfie'~ 2215 Truxton Ave 115 W E 51 SCNMIOT, KEVI#, OO (BAI(ER, (ALHAM'i Spanish, .16611631-1513 KERNM. 5ANCO) (C) 4660 California Ave I ~0 E North St OELi'0RO, JORGE, MD (BAKER. Bakersfield Tellachal)~ 20960-8 Sage Ifil Bakersfield Taft MERHL, SANCO) 16611327.3371 16611822-3241 Tellachal)i 16611327-4411 18051763-4~! 1 6401 Truxtun Ave MCPHEETER$, RILl(, GO PARKS. CHRISTOPHER, MO 16611822-1260 WIGGINS, OAVIO. MO (GOOH0 CARLSON. ARTHUR, MD 8akersfield (KERNM) (C) ~MERHL) 22?2 Truxton Ave KERNM) (DELAN) 1661)322-2273 110 E NOrth Soamsl~ Bakersfield Spanish 145 Kern Ave ' Taft 520 34U1 SI 1102 16611323-5918 2215 Truxton*Ave Mc Fafla~d OEOL. SHIVINDER, MO (BAKER. (925)462-9040 Bakersfield 3550 Q St ~103 Bakersfield 166111~-2149 G00HO. MERHL. SANCO) (C) 110 E North Sf 1661 )325-6334 Bakersfield 16611327-3371 4000 Stockdale Hwy ~O Taft PETERSON, RONALO, OD {6611321-9396 ~HANG, FRANK, MD (BAKER. Bakersfield WILKINSON, LEE. MO (C) MERHL. SANCO) (C) 16611325-7452 (6611325-d825 IKERNM. WESTS) (C) SEMINARIOHUAMAN, OSCAR, 2615 Eye St Man~arin 1830 Rower St 110 E North MO (OELAN) 8akemfiel~l 2828 Eye SI OIXON, JAMES, MO IRIDGE) (C) Bakersfield Taft Spanish ' (600)962-3303 49251462-9~40 1425 Mom St 18611327-8943 Bakersfield 1111 N China Lake BI 16611327-3091 R~d0ecrest 2215 Truxton Ave Oelano WILLEY. PATRICIA, MO (SUTMCl 614 Bernard St 17601445-4571 MENSINK, JAN, MD (GOOSA. Bakersfield 1561 )725-3772 115 E E SI KERVA. LANCA. QUEEN) Tehachapi Bakersfield 0000. BARBARA. OD (GODHO. 115 E E SI 1661 )327-3371 SHELLANS, STEPHEN, MO [6611327-3091 2215 Tn.tax,un Ave (6611822-3241 KERNM) Tenac~a0i (BAKER. TEHAC) 16611822-3241 Bakersfield 115 W E St ZIEGER. CARSTEN, DO (FRENC) CH0. JOHN. MD t05 ','Vest E SUp 0 Box 1900 {6611325-0825 Tel~achaoi (C) MEI'rA, PAUL. MO 1100 Fourtll St 1651 t823-7070 2215 Truxton Ave PETERS ON. ROY, MO (KERVA. 1661 )822 -3241 2215 T~ xtun Ave Ta~ 2041 6etshaw Ave Bakersfield MERHLI (C) 2215 Truxlun Ave Bakersfield 1561 )765-5044 Molave 16611327-3371 20960-8 Sage LA Bakersfield (66~)632-5000 2101 ;'th St dB {66i ,824-4511 3505 Jean St renacnal~i (6611632.5000 ZU'RCHER. RAYMONO. MO Wasco i661)822-1260 420 34th St- ~KER'./A) (C) 166h758-2263 0OWNS. BRIAN. 00 (66 I1832.2600 Bakersfield (66 i 1325-0825 20960-8 Sage tn Bu~lon'..;fllow 8;'87 Hall Rd MOIRE, LAURA. MD iKERVA) ~661 )323-5918 SHOWAH, HENRY. MO (C) Tenacham i6611;64-5211 6412 Laurel Ave 22!5 Trux:on Ave :661)845-3731 420 34111 St 166~ 1822-1260 CLAIBORNE. RONNIE. MO DUHRA. GURJEE~r, MO (KERVA. Lake IsaOella Bakersfield Bakersheld 2212 Truxlon Ave (BAKER. GODHO. TEHAC. ;qICGE) lC} . (7601379-2681 1661)321-3371 ~66t1325-0825 Bakersfield wESTS) MOLL. ERIC, MO cC) 3550 O SI ~'!03 6501 Min9 Ave 1661 )323-5918 In(1~a~'~Hindi 2023 Truxtun Ave R:~gecrest 22t8 l'ruxIon Ave 1661 ~321-9396 166! )3g;*a004 Baxershel~l Ba~ersheld ,:5C1446-7918 L66 ! 1321-9396 16611323-2295 !2 t 2 Tru~on Ave Bakersfield PEI'rINGER, CLAIR. MO (BEARV. SHULL. CHARLES. MO tCOLCH 4560 C,lidorma Ave ,P100 2201 Alia Vista Or ~,lkersfield 166t1632-5275 gESVA. VTCTO) ~C) MOUCO. RIOGE) Bakersfield Bakersfield 4580 Califorma Ave , i 5 W E SI 1081 N China Lake Rd 1661 )327-441 ! 166~ ~323.59'.8 Bakersfield Tenacnap~ Midgecrest 165t 1533-9651 3550 O SI (6811327-4~:~ !66ti812.3241 17601446-0652 223 Chma Gracie Loop ~a,e~s~ld MORGAN. VAUGNN. MO PHAM. MICHAEL. MO iKERVA) SINGH, PRAOEEP. MO (ANTEL. ~661 ;321-9363 {MERHL) V~efnamese {6611215-5500 2215 Tru~ion Ave 29960*8 Sage Ln LANCA) icl ALI. ASHMEAO. MO (ANTEL. 4580 Calllorma Ave FAOEFF. CHRIS. MO (BAKER. {6611327-3371 (66t1822-126~ 1081 N Cmna Lake Rd 20960-8 Sage Ln 166 ~327-441 1005 StLfle Rd ~'200 Bakersfield Bakersfield (7601446-8551 {6611822-1260 COLE. OYAN. MO (TEHAC)~C) 156~ ~308-1246 (66t1325-0825 15611323-5918 8NYOER. OONALO. MO LWESrS~ 2212 Truxlon Ave 115 W E S1 5C0 0la River Rd ~I05 MOSHFEGH. MOUSSA. MO 3550 a SI i tO E aort11 SI Bakersfield Tenacnaoi 5,.x~rsheld IBELLF. BROTM. CEOAR. Bakersfield Taft 16611323-5918 ~6611822.3241 ,661 ~664-047'3 GREAT, MIOWA. SUBUR. [6611321-9363 (661)325-0825 3550 O SI a, 103 C0MELLI. RUBEN. MD ~8,,~E~ FERGUSON. WILLIAM, MO 2631 Fas111on Pi ~'A Bakersheld KERNM. MERHL. SANC0) iC, ~RIOGEi (C) WESTS. WHil'r) 3550 O SI e103 1661i321-9396 110 E Non11 (6611321-9396 16811632-5170 9350 N LDO0 BI 2~01 ;'th St eA Tall 4300-A BlrC11 SI SORENSON. VERNON. MO 1760137'3-1256 1661t756-3263 ~?~ 446-6404 19251462-9940 Lake I~l)ella (BAKER. MERHL WESTS) (C) ALVAREZ. ARMANO0. MO 277 E Front St FISCHER.'JULIE. MO KC) 110 E North St 17501379-1690 420 34In St Ta~l PURCELL. THOMAS. MO Bakersfield (MERHL) (C) Bullonw,tlow 4580 Califurn~l Ave (6611325-0825 (KERNM) (C) 16611325-0825 Soams~ 16611764-5211 Baxersheld 820 341n SI *102 320 James S1 (6611327-4411 MOWRY, GEORGE, MO (CLOVI. 1830 Flower St 6501 Ming Ave Bakersfield Shalter SUTSO) (C) Bakersfield Bakersfield GARCIA-MARTINEZ. MARIA, MO Spamsh (800)962-3303 (6611397-4004 16611325-6334 ~66117..16.9194 (BAKER. GOOSA. MERHL. 4580 Cai)lomB Ave ~'100 SANC0) (C) ANOERSON, GENE, MO (BAKER, Bakersfield Spanish Bakersfield2530 Dracena REILLY.(c) THOMAS. MU (XERVA) SVERCHEK,(KERNM) JAMES.(C) MO 6481MERHL'TruxtunSANC0)Ave (C) 16611327-4411 25~ 5 H St (66 t1323-4065 Spanish ! 830 Flower SI · Bakersfield COUSIN. LUI$. MO (BAKER Bakersfield NEWELL, PE'T~R, MO 20966-B ~ge Ln Bakersfield MERHL SANCO) (C) 166~1635-3000 110 E Nort11 Tehacllapi (800)962-3303 16611321-3466 Spanish GENSTLER, PAUl. ALAN, MO BARNARO. MARION. MO 5397 Truxtun Ave )afl 16611822-1260 SWANSON. PAUL. MD (8REAC, (MERHL) (BAKER. MERHL. SANC0) (C) Bakersfield 2215 Truxton Ave 19251462-g~40 22! 2 TruxlOn Ave KERVA, BUTS0) (C) 2121 Niles SI 16611327-5058 Bakersfield Bakersfield 20960-8 Sage Ln Bakersfield 6401 Truxtun Ave NGUYEN. KHOA. MO (KERNM. 16611123-5918 Tellacllapi 16611327-3371 SANCO) 3550 Q St ~103 (66 I1325.1255 Bakersfield 2615 Eye SI Bakersfield 16611822-1260 2215 7ruxtun Ave 2212 Truxton Ave BAUER. RANDY. MO (OESVA) (C) 16611322-2273 Bakersfiet~ Bakersfield 16611321-9396 Bakersfield 2215 Truxton Ave OAGOAGAN. MARK. MO (OELANI 16611325-0825 16611323-5918 4580 Bali/omi,1 Ave 3550 Q ,t101 Bakersfield 16611323-5918 Bakersfield [C) HAGEN. ROBERT, MO (BAKER. Bakersfield 16611327-4527 ~ 3550 O St 1103 16611327-3311 Ta(1alo~ MERHL SANCO) (C) 16611323-5918 Bakersfield BECKORO. BRUCE. MD (HIDES. 1 t20 Kensir~Ion ROSBRUGH. JAMEel, MD (C) 1661132t-9396 MOUCO. NATIV. RIOGE. Oela~o 177 Aviat~n SI OSTROM, RONALD. DO (KERNM) 2215 Truxlufl Ave 6412 Laurel Ave TEHAC) (C) 16611721-7961 5haffer 2615 Eye SI ~kersfield Lake I~Del~ IlS W E St OALET, PATRICK, MD (BAKER. 16611391..4530 ~kersfield (681 )325-0825 ( 760)379-2681 Tellac~pi MERHL SANCO) (C) 16611320.5918 2530 Oracena HALLER-WAOE. TINA, OD TAYLOR, GREGORY. MD 16611822-3241 $1~lnisil .(KERNM) (C) 3550 0 St Bakersfield (MOUCO. NORIN, VICTO) (C) 820 34111 St 1202 Bakersfield 1661 )323-4065 BONSTEEL, ALAN, MI) (C01.US, Bakersfield 3545 Nl~fll Piflo$ 16611323-5918 2215 Truxton Ave JOHNC. PLUMA. SANRO. 16611323-9090 Fr~ier Pad( Bakersfield SOUIN. TUOLU. WESTS) 16611245-3773 16611327-3371 110 E North 4580 ~lifom;' Ave TaR Bakersfield 19251462.90,10 16611321-4411 NOTE: ~ Pl~l VI fo~' Nolplt,iI Codmo (A~A) Ifld Pl~e V for Board FAMILY PRACTICE continued ~NM) HEIORICK. JOHN. O0 (BAKER. 3787 Hall Rd PE$CHE. MARK. 00 (MERHL. WILDENBERG. HOPE. MD CHANORASEKARAN. RAMANI.. JAGPAL KULDEEP. MD (SANCO. MERHL SANC0) lC) Lemon/ TEHAC) lC) (RIOGE) MD (BAKER. nE(AN. MERHL) SIEVI) $Oamsh (661)845-373f 20960 Sa0e LA 1041 N China Lake BI Soanisft fndiaruHindi 600t 0 Fruxtun Ext/~400 TenachaDi R~dgecrea[ 1205 Garcae Hwy 1306 201 New Siine Rd I130 Bakers/ieicl MILLER JOHN. MO (KERNM) (Ct (661)638-2280 Soanish (661)821-0199 (760)446-7978 0elano Bakersfield (661)726-7211 (661)3go-8900 · 1830 Rower SI PETERSON. ROY. MO (KERVA. WITZEL. EVERET. MD (Ct2323 16Ih ~t 1206 2120 loth St kKER. HEISS. RICRARG. MO (BAKER. Bakersfield MERHL) 1041 N China Lake BI Bakersfield BaKersfielcl MERHL. SAND0) (Ct (661)326-2101 20960-8 Sage Ln Riclgecrest So.lien . 2201 Mt Vernon Ave 1211 Tehachaoi (760)446-7978 (661)631-2433 (661)323-2020 CHI. JENSEN. I~D (DECANt 2615 Eye St 500 Otci River RCI ,d145 BakersfieIcl (661)822-1260 YOKOYAMA. LARRY. MO Bakersfield Bakerst[elcl (66;)872-7000 2212 Truxton Ave Japanese, Mangann. SOamsh 4661)664-0212 MITCHELL. ANDREW MD BakersfieIcl (BAKER. SANCO) t205 Garces Hwy #204 (661)395-3000 2530 Oracena Oelano 6000 Pllysicians .~KER. HELPER. STEPHEN. MD iBAKER. (KERVA. SANPE) (661)323-5918 Bakersfield (661)725-7244 Bakersfield 0) [Ct MERHL) (Ct SoamsA 2215 Truxton Ave (661)323-4065 (66t)322-4744 Soamsll 2024 Youn0 Ave 8akersfielcl 620-341ft St 1102 CLAIBORNE. RONNIB. MD 394t San 0leas St 4U03A Lake )sa~elia (661)327-3371 BakersfieIcl (BAKER. GOGHO. TEHAC. JOSEPH. 9RAOLEY. MD (BAKER. BakersfieIcl (760)379-5611 3550 0 St ~'103 (661)326-8989 WESTS) MERHL SANCO) .E) (C) (661)327-9528 4580 Califorma Ave 1100 I~kerstield Sflamsn 2619 F St HOOVER. GERALD. 00 (SANR0) BakersfieIcl (661)321-9396 YOUNG. JOHN. MO (BAKER. 2023 Truxtun Ave BaKersfieIcl MERHL) lC) Bakersfield [66t )327-4003 (Ct (661)327-4411 REMMES. MICRELLE. MD 500 DILl River Rtl tl 55 (661)323-2295 JOTHIKUMAR. THANI~RAJAM. Spamsh MORASCA. GARY. OD (BAKER. (BAKER. MERHL. SANCO) (Ct Bakersfield 2201 Alta Vista Or 3550 O St . SANCO) (Ct Sflamsh MO (RIOGE) OHO. Bakersfield 4580 California Ave ~100 3807 Union Ave ~B (661)664-1230 8akerstielcl (661 )321-9363 Bakersfletd (661)633-9651 1535 N China ~ke BI '900 . 6aWersfleicl HOR0WITZ. I(IM. MO (TEHAC} (661)327-4411 (661)324-2423 223 China Gracle LDo0 Rl(~0ecrest Bakersfield (760)446-t691 (Ct MORGAN. VAUGHN. MD ROBERTS. DOUGLAS. MO (66i)215-6500 2041 Belshaw St (MERHL) (Ct (RIDGE) (Ct REINHART. GLENN. MO 4580 Call!ores Ave KlM. J00. MO (GOOHO. MERHL. MOlaVe 2215 Truxlon Ave 1111 N Cmna Lake BI Soanish Bakersfield SANCO) {661 )824-45 ] I Bakersfietll R~oqecrest 2026 2161 St IB (6611327-4411 .<crean. S~anlsft 4560 Calilorma Ave 1100 2079~ Santa Lucia St (661)327-3371 (760)446.4671 8akersfielcl Tenachap~ .2215 Truxtun Ave GALL. RICH~RO. MO (661)328-5565 C0NROY. JAMES. MO 4580 Calitorma Ave ~100 ~661 )327-4411 ~661 )822-9!05 Bakersfield 115 W E St Bakersfield 9~5 Bate SI HUERTA. FIOEL. MO (CLOVI. !661 )325-0825 l'enac~am ~66I 327-4411 )akerstieid KERNM) MUZSNAI. 0OMINIC. MO (SIMIV) (661)822.3241 (68h831-t100 ERVA. 111 t ColumOus St lC SEM(NARIDHUAMAN~ OSCAR. ACEVE00. ALBERT0. MD 0ANIEL. CHRISTINE. MO 6akershelo ~DEL.AN) iENCTA. HUNT[) KOCSIS. TAMAS. MO ~SANCO) ~ 66'. 1326-6600 355~ O St MO iOELANi Soaman )Ut.an. Spamsn $pamsn 1205 G3rces H',,v'y ~205 !15 ',V E SI 315 L3ke, qew Ave KERNM) ICl i6611321-9363 Oelano 1661 )721 '3530 ~661 ~822-3241 ,6611322-3905 K*erejn NAOLER. JACK. MO LKERNM) lC) 1681 )F25-3;;2 ALVAREZ. CARLOS. MO IBAKER OK JESUS. JOSE. MO iANTEL. MARTINEZ. LUte. MO 515 W Dol~mCIus St ~B 6;' Evans RCI SINGH. PRAOEEP. MO ~ANTEL. MERHL SANCO) L.ANCA} ,66l )861-8282 ( ~60)376-2276 Ind~ar. Hindi. S~anlsn10420 Ma~n SI 294';' S~erra Hwy 9,.l~ersheld ISAACS. R06ERT. MO NEUFEL0. RAMON. MO IBAKER. 1081 N Chma Lake Rd Lamonl Rosamond 1661 )836.4000 $flamsn MERHL) iC) R'(~0ecrest 1661)845-0;'08 [861)256-1219 MOINI. JASMINE. MD (BAKER. 223 China Gra~e Loop 500 OlD R~ver Rd .~106(760)4a6-3561 5401 While Ln FLORES. OONALO. MO 10ELAN) FOUNT. HUNBE. MERHL) BaKershel0 Bbkersfleid SRIVASTAVA. SHACHI. MOBakersfield $oan,sn Pe~s~an, Fars~, Saan~sh ,661 )631-9455 1661 )664-0473 iBAKER) (C) ~661 )836.4000 1317 Ma,n SI 3CO OICI R,ver Rd 1110 [(AEHLER. MARK. MO tTEHAC) NEWBROUGN. STEPHEN. MO)ndfan. 14)ncli. UrcluAMAZONA. CARLO. MO (KERNM. Deiano Ba.~ersfiaM (CI 500 O1(~ River R~ 1155 $~an~s~. Fa~alo~ [661)F25-481 t L661)665*01BA 115 w E 6l (BAKER· MERHL) lC) BakersfleIcl 21 ? W Kern Ave GARCIA. LAWRENCE. MO MOON. JONG. MO (GOOHO. Tenachao~ 2323 i 61h St e405 136t )664.1230 Mc Pariand Bakersfietd (KERNM) SANCO) ~661 )822-3241 (66t)321.3288 TANGPRAPRAPRORN. VIBUL. ~661)Fg2-'L038 SPamsi? K~ran. Soan~sn 2216/'ruction Ave 5397 Truxtun Ave MO IWE6TS) (Ct AMMARI. RAZAN. MO tANAGE 8;87 Hall Rd 4C6 James St ) 8aker$1ielcl Bakershelcl Mandann. 7ha~ ENCTA. GARDE. SHERM. Lamont S,afler (66;)327-3371 ~805)322-2273 109 A(]kisson Way STLUKI (661)846-3731 !661 )748-5788 ! 2215 Truxtuo Ave Taft AFaOiC. Armeman. Russian. GREGORY. JACK. MO 4580 California Ave 1100 9akersfielcl 0'CONNELL. PATRICK. MO1681)765-4124 Spanish Bakersfield (661)325-0825 (BAKER. MERHL) (Ct t 10 E North St 3861 Stockclale Hwy KU80. CALVIN. MO (BAKER. 64016akersfieiciTruxtun Ave TAYLOR.si)anis/~BRUCE. 00 (Ct Taft BakersfieIcI (661)327-4411 MERHL SANCO) (Ct 8787 Hall Rd (805)763-4211. (661)837-9200 OGNIBENE. CHARLES;MO $~an~sn (66l)327.1431 Lemon/ 115 W E St GRIFFIN. ARTHUR. MO (BAKER. (ANTEL TEHAC) 500 01Cf River Rd 1270O'OONOGHUE. OONALD. MO(661)833-2000 Tehachapi KERNM. SANCO. WESTS) 105 west E Sup 0 Box tB(]O cA. MO (Bakersfieic166 I )664-0252 Frencft(RtDGE) TERRY. KYLE. MO (DE(AN) (Ct (661)822-3241 Tar/t09 Ankisson Way Tehachal)m IL. 400 Reeves Ave 1200 Spamsit Tagalog BARROZO. FIL. MO (TEHAC) (661)823-7070 LUCERO. 0AVID. MO (IN(AN. Ridoecrest 1303 Jefferson St Spamsl~ (661)763-2173 2041 Belshaw Ave RANCH) (Ct (760)446-2700 Oelano 105 W E St P 0 Box 1900 4580 California Ave ~100 Molave 1400 Chester Ave lJ (661)720-91 t I Tehachapi Bakersfield (661)824-4511 Bakersfield PARK. YOUNG. MO (BAKER. (661)822-3241 (661)327-4411 (661)327-4100 MERHL SANCO) (Ct THORPE. MICHAEL. MO (BAKER. t 15 W E St HELSTON. RAYMOND. MO 0LSEN. GARY. MO (TEHAC) (Ct Korean MERHL. SANCO) (Ct Te~lachaoi 116 W E St 10 LUSK. 0AVIO. MO (RIOGE) 2323 16th St 1200 6401 Truxlun Ave (GOOHO. GOOSA. SANCO) (Ct Tenachapi (800)627-9,314 Frencft. German. $~anish 1111 N Chma Lake BI Bakersfield Bakersfield 2041 8elshaw Ave P 0 Box 7~ 1701 27U1 St {661)822-3241 Riclqecrest (661)327-5667 {661)322-2273 Moiave Bakersfield 20693 Valley BI (760)446-4571 4580 Californ~l Ave !100 TIWANA. AJITPAL. MO (BAKER. (661)824-451 t (805)335-0878 Tenacl~api MADOELA. VINCENT. MO BakersfleIcl GOOHO. MERHL. SANCO) (Ct BE(LA. GEORGE. MD (BAKER. 2201 Alta Vista Or (661)822-0E83 (BAKER. MERhL. SANCO) (Ct (661)327-4411 tndiamHindi Bakersfield PARK. YOUNG. MD (BAKER. Ta~alo~ PATE( MIRA(. MO (Ct 2636 G St GOOSA. MERHL SANCO) 1524 27th St 1201 6767 Hall Rd Bakerslield $~1ni$i~ ' (661)633-9661 MERHL. SANCO) 3535 San Dimas St !12 2330 Tmx~ufl Ave IA go~*ean /,ER. 8akersfie~ Lamont q661)326-SSf3 8akers6eld BakersfieIcl. 2323 1601 St aP200 (661)326-164)0 (661)845-3731 . WASHINGTON. $TEVEN. MD(661)327-2583 (661)322-4478 Bakers6ekl 6401 Truxtun Ave 81dg B 2363 H Cheater Ave (661)327-5667 Bakersfield PATE(. PRAGATI. MD (BAKER. 4580 California Ave BERRY. PAUL. MO (WESTS) Bakersfield 4580 CaUfomia Ave 8akerefteld (661)322-2273 MERHL. SANCO) I00 E No~n St (661)391-5640 BakersfieM 2808 F St IA (66f)327-44t 1 Taft (661)327-441 MASON. KATHRYH. MD Bakersfield WHITEHUR$T 01. RICHARD. O0 (66!)763-3141 RIEBERT. BRYAN. MO {KERNM) (KERNM) (Ct (Ct RUCKER. BURNETT. MD 146 N Hill $I (661)327..476t Spanish(RlOGE) (Ct CAROONELL. ANTONIO. MOSpani$it 20960-6 Sage Lo Arvin PERSHAO$1NGH. HARRIHAR. 1081 N China Lake Rd (MERHL SANCO) (Ct 4560 California Ave ti00 Tenacllapi (661)854-3131 MO (KERNM) Riclgecrest S#anish. Ta~alo~ Bakersfield (661)822-1260 601 California Ave $oani$i~ (76~)446-3551 5401 White Lfl (66t)327-44f 1 2212 Tmxtofl Ave 0 Bakersfield 2201 Mt Vernon Ave ~211 Bakersfield 8akersfieid (66t)323-~86 6akersBeid (661)836-4000 (661)323-5918 (66t)672-7000 NOTE: ~e~ PiGi VI for Holpital Co,lea (AAAA~) lad Plg(I V for Board CortlfIcItJofl i I IMPORTANT: Please ve"~Y "t tl~e Pr°Vldor Y°U select is a Prudent BuYor PPO pr°rider at the '°catien ~m Y~u will receive "re (see first Page °' ~irect°~ f°~ OetaL~)' I 1, GENERAL PRACTICE continued j 3550 Q St A~, SYEO, MD (BAKER. 432-6 L~xington Ave 8USCN, RICHARD, MD (BAKER. DE JESUS, HECTOR, MO (BAKER. GOLDBERG. LEONARD, MD (C)" I Bakersfield GOOHO. MERHL SANCO) (C) Oeiano KERNM) KERNM. MERHL SANC0) (C) 3737 San 0(mas St ~'I01 (661)321.9363 S~amsi~ (661)725-7818 German. ~ S,ALI~SSI, ~0EGH, MO 3737 San Oimas St/102 Soanisfl Bakersfield 2201 MT Vemofl Ave 1211 2128 Truxton Ave j (0ELAN. SANC0) (C) Bakemfield 8ANSAL. IL~DHEY` MO (0ELAN) . (661)327-5037 Araoic. Iranian (661)327-3747 (C) Bakersfield Bakersl~eld I i Indian/Hindi (661)872-7000 (661)323-3280 GDONESINGHE. IRE~, MO · (RIDGE) (C) 1005 111h Ave ALI. ANHMEAO. MD (ANTEL' 432.C Lexington ~t CABRERA. JUAN M&RIA. MD (C) DELLICA. ROSEMARIE. MD 900 N Heritage Dr 6ldo E De(anD LANCA) (C) De(anD Tagalog (BAKER) (C) (661)725-5077 20960-8 Sage Ln (661)725-7793 1215 Jefferson St Ridgecrast ~ SEYOEL. JERRY, MO (BAKER. Tehachapi Tagalog t MERHL SANC0) (661)022-1260 64RR0ZO. FIL. MO (TEHAC) Oelano 507 W Columbus St (760)446.3355 I 4001 Union Ave 13 2212 Tmxton Ave Soani~ (661)721.7080 Bakersfield GOPAL, RAJ, MD (C) Bakersfield Bakersfield 105 W E St P 0 9ox 19~0 2101 7th St IB (661)326.7070 Indian/Hind( (661)861-6000 (661)323-5918 Tehachabi Wesco ' 2110 Truxtun Ave i (661)822-3241 (661)758-2263 DHANMAN~JA. PRITHVIRAJ. Bakersfield 3550 Q St 1103 115WESt 277 E Front S1 MD (ANTEL LANC& RIOGE) (661)323-8.384 TAYLOR. BRUCE. 00 Bakersfield · S~anish (661}321-9396 Tehachapi Buttonwifiew (C) I 8787 Hall Rd (800)627-9314 (661)764-5211 Span(s#. Tagalog GORENBERG, ALAN, MO i Lamont 9350 N Loop 81 1535 N China LaXe BI 16 (ARROW. DESVA. STEER. (661)833.2000 California City 2041 Ga(shaw Ave P 0 9ox 760 CARTMELL. ALAN. MO (BAKER. Ridgecrest STMME. VICT0) (C) , (760)373-1256 Mojave KERNM, MERHL. SANC0) (C) (760)446-2196 Spanish  (661)824.45! 1 6501 Truxtun Ave I I ALIANADI. DAVID. MO (ENCIN. 8~RUIZ. ALTAGRACIA. MD Bakersfield DON MICHAEL. Ridgecrest ENCTA. GRAN~ HENRY. BAKER GODHO. SANC0) (C) (661}322-2206 TANTRIMUOALIGE. MD (760)446.0265 { Referral required, please see NORCE, NORH0. PROH0, (BAKER. UERHL' SANC0) (C) t S~anisil. Tagalog CASTARARE$. ARACEU. MO Frenc#. German. S~anisfl GRIFFIN. ARTHUR. MO (BAKER. page iV SHERM. VALPR) (C) 507 W Columbus St (BAKER. MERHL SANC0) (C) 6343 Truxton Ave KERNM. $ANC0. WESTS) .... GLINN & GIDRDANO PHYSICAL Persia/t/Fats(. Siren(s# Bakersfield Sflanislt. Tagalog Bakersfield 100 A~lldsson Way THERAPY INC 1111 N China Lake 8! (661)328-7070 1201 23rd St Riclgecrest 507 W Columbus St (661)283-6670 Taft Oakersfield (760)446.457t SEIN, MARSI~, MD (CENTU. Bakersfield (661)765-2173 · (661)~27`4357 SLIM. MURAMMAO. MO (BAKER. STIHL UCLAM) (C) (661)328-7070 DOUGHERTY` OAVtO. MO 4580 Califontia Ave !100 (BAKER. MERHL SANC0) (C) Bakersfield 2701 CaBoway Dr M ERHL SANC0} (C} 1111 N China Lake 61 CATANIA, ROBENT, MO (C) 2323 t 6th St (661)327-44 t 1 . Ridgecrest 6001 Truxtun Ave 1300 Bakersfield ·" 9okersfield Indian/Hind(. U~u (7~)446`4571 (661)589-~68 6~01 A Truxtun Ave t100 Bakersfiellt (66~)323-6102 GUPTA. R~ESH. MO ~BAKER. Bakersfield 6EU. INGHAUSEN. PAMELA. MD (661)322-2413 00WNIE. ROBERT. MD (DESVA. KERNM. SANCO) (C) NERITAGE PHYSICN~. THERAPY (661)323:5300 (KERNM) (C) CHANORASEK~. RAMANI. KERNM) (C) 19~2 8 St 982 N Norma St IndiaruHindi Ridgecrest ALVAREZ. CARLOS. MI) (BAKER. SOani~ MO (BAKER. O~LAN. MERHLI 1830 ROwer St Bakersfield (760)446.3611 MERHL SANCO) 2201 Mt Vernon Ave/211 $f~anis# Bakersfield (661)327-4455 Spanis~ Bakersfield 1205 Garces Hwy 1306 (800)962-3303 PNR & MAROTTA PflYSICAL 10420 .~_in St (661)872.7000 0elano 4560 California Ave GWINUP. GRANT. MD (KERNM) THERAPY Lamont 8ERNAKDINO. RIC~OO, MO (661)725.7211 Bakersfield lC) 5337 Tn~xtun Ave (661)845-0708 (BAKER. 0ELA~. SANC0) 2323 tBth St ~205 (661)327-4411 2215 Truxtofl Ave Bakersfield 5401 White !.n Sl~amsfl. Tagalog Bakersfield Bakersfield · · (661)324-0122 6akersfleld 4580 Call, mia ~ve (661)631-2433 D0ZlER. EMANUELo MD [BAKER. (661)327-~371 6EQU0t~ I~YSIC~. THERAPy (~1)836.4000 Bakersfield MERHL SANC0) 3505 Jean St CHANG. JAMES.'MD {BAKER. 2129 17th St BakersfieM 20418 Bnan Wsy . (661)327`4411 MERHL' SANC0} (C) Bakersfield TenachaD~ AMIN. RAVINCHANDRA. MD 714 Main St (6~1)8.12.2600 (BAKER. KERNM) (C) Mandarin. Taiwanese (661)859-2211 _ . (661)822-5483 Oelano 3550 Q St ti03 H~8IB. MO. MORSEDUL, MD 2201 Mt Vernon Ave/21 t (805)721.2220 4~80 California Ave I100 50UTHCOA,$T REI~IUTATION Bakersfield Bakersfield Bakersfield (BAKER. SANCO) (C) ASSOC (661)872-7000 BERRY. MARTIN, MD (BAKER, (661)316-8888 (661)327`4411 536 W 34th St Bakersfield MERHL) (C) CREN, CHUNG*I[~ANG. MO 0REW, STANLEY (C) (661)324`4100 1800 Westwind Or t101 ANDERS. Al~. MO (BAKER. 3737 San Dimes St I101 (KERNM. MERHL SANC0) (C) 4580 California Ave Bakersfield HEAEA. MERHL. SANCO) (C) ~kersfietd : (661)327-46~5 2801 Chester Ave Mandarin THERASPORT Bakersfield (661)327-5037 4660 California Ave I100 Baa(erst(eld fiU~LLER-WAOE. TRNA. 00 3700 Gosfon:l e'G (661)633.5414 BHAMBI, BRUESH, MD (BAKER, BakersfieM (661)327`4411 (KERN/vt) {C) 3545 Mount Pinos Way Bakersfield SANCO) (C) (661)327-4411 EMIIJA. EOGARDO. MO (LOSC0. FraZ~er Park {661)832.9737 ARUN~SALAM. SIVA. MD 2210 T~xlun Ave CN0. I~IKEI. MD (BAKER. STFME. TEHAC) '.C} (BARST. CEDAR. 0ESVA. (661)2.15*3773 115 W E Bt 4580 California Ave WESTERN RENABILITATION STMME. VlCT0) (C) 8akersfie~ KERNM. MERHL SANC0) (C) Tenacha0i ASSOCL~TE$ $oaAisA (661)323-6384 Cantonese Bakersfield 337 S 101~ St tG 1111 N China Lake 81 61~NGOO, $ANUPINDER, MD 2323/6th SI 1504 (661)822-3241 (661)327`4411 Bakersfield FANG. TZANN. MD (C) Tsft Rldgecrest (BAKER. MERHL SANC0) HAN.~. $AI~.PflUN. MO {661)763.4194 (760)446-4571 4580 California Ave t100 (661)323.6102 Mandarin, Tanvenasa (BAKER, MERHL SANC0) (C)  AWAO, YOUS~[F, MO (LONME. Bakersfield CHOUDHARY` RANI(V, MD 500 Old River Rd/205 1925 171h St Bakerafield STMAR) (C) (661)327-4411 (ANTEL GOOS~. LANCA) (C) Bakersfield Arab/c 6001-8 TnJxtun Ave !260 Indian/Hind( (661)663.0443 (661)327-6301 ABALOS. ARTURO, MO (DELM, i) 741 Palm Ave Bakersfield 1 t 9 S Gold Canyon St FANINHA, Pf.O RO, MD (RIDGE) 20211 Valley 81 S~anish, Tagalog Wssco (661)322-5900 Ridoecrest (C) Tehachapi 1004 14th Ave (661)758-2263 (760)371-4557 Ill/N china Lake BI (661)327.6301 Oelano 6KARDWAJ. I~llCK, MO (661)725.5676 SANER, S~LM~, MO (BAKER. (BAKER. MERHL SANCO) (C) CORDER. MICRAEL, MO Rld0ecrest 5001 Comerce Dr MERHL SANC0) (C) 2605 F St IA (KERNM) (C) (760)446-4571 BakerafieKI ABRAHAM. JENNIFER. MD 3550 Q St 1301 Bakersfield 4580 California Ave ll 00 FEUZ.~TA. FR~CO. Ilo (661)327.5301 {KERNM) (C) Bakersfield (661)327,4731 6akersfield (KERNM) (C) HASTA. FANHRUOOIN, MO S~anish 2201 Mt Vernon Ave/211 (661)321-3161 4580 California Ave #100 (661)327.4411 Tapalog (G00H0. KERVA. MERHL Bakersfield CDRNFORIH, DONALD, MD 3550QSt ~ 303 & 1304 SANCO) (C) Bakersfield GAl(ER. WIU~. MO (BAKER. (661)327-4411 Bakersfield (6~1)872-7000 MERHL) (C) (SANCO) 20960-6 Sage Itt 3900 San 0(mas St BOULDOUI([AN. KEV0RK. MD Sflanish (661)324-1455. TehachaOi 2615 Eye St 820 34m St/202 (661)822.1260 AHMEO. MUSHTAQ. MO (BAKER. &~kersfield (BAKER. KERNM. KERVA) (C) Bakersfield SANC0) (C) Bakersfield 2212 Truxton Ave Indian/Hind/ (661)322-3087 AraOie. ~is/t. Tuftisa 3550 Q St t103 (661)633-3688 (661)324-1455 Bakersfield 3737 ,~ Dimes St t102 SN, JKIAN, MANUEL, MO 8akersfleki COSNER, LAWRENCE, MO FERGUSON, F. ARL, MO (C)' (661)323.5918 Bakersfield (GEORG. TEHAc) (C) {661)321.939~ (RIDGE) (C) 1041 N China Lake 81 IB 3550 Q St 1103 (661)327.3747 115E ESt · 515 W Columbus la 1111 N China Lake 91 Rldgecrest Bakersfield ..- ~J.-H~, MOHAMMA0. MD Tehachapl Bakersfield Rldgecrest (760)446.6404 (661)321-9396 (661)822-3241 (661)496-6951 (760)446-4571 FPJ~NCIS, R08ENT, MO (RIOGE) HEU~R, SUSIe, MO (BAKER, (HAZEL, MADER. STLOu) (C) B~dERJEE, $UPR~TtM. MO MERh'L) (C) Arabic 6401 Trim'un Ave 110 E Norlh (BAKER. XERNM. MERHL Bakersftak:l, OAROEN. IVY. MO (CDMFR. (C) Taft SANCO) (C) (6~I)322-2273 SIEKI) (C) 1111 N China Lake ~1 3941 Sa~ Dimes St 1103A $~anish Rldgecrest Bakersfield (925)462-9040 1830 Rower St BROWN. EOWAND, MI) 4580 California Ave II00 (760)446.4571 (661)327-9528 115 W E St · Bakersfield (GOOHO. MERHt.. SNdCO) Bakersfield GILU. WILLIAM. MO (BAKER. HERR/OTT. DALE. MO (BAKER. Te~ach~i (661)326-2200 S~anisA (661)327`4411 KERNM, MERHL) (C) MERHL SANCO) . (661)822-324! 2011 T~xtun Ave 2145 Niles St · · Bakersfield Bakersfield S~anisi) S~anish i (661)631-5,,~14 (661)327-5684 6001-6 Trvxtun Ave/220 1925 tTth St 2531 G St Bakersfield Bakersfield BakemfleM (661)325-6372 (661)326-7797 '~ (Mt)327-7348 NOTE: ~ Pege I/I for Ho~tal Codes (AAAAA) ~ Page V for Board Ceftltlcat~ ,,*,~,.-t ~ ~ ~.~ ~..,~m~ 8q'~' ....... ". .... · - ] 12 mum .ocean whom you wilt receive Care (lee ~ page o~ db'ectoe/foe' detalia). INTERNAL MEDICINE continued 3, MO (C) HEWITT, JOHN. MO (BAKER. LEE. aU, MD (BAKER. KERNM, 432-8 Lexington Ave 4580 california Ave !100 REILLY, THOMAS, MO (KERVA) SHARMA, SANJIV. MO (SANCO) KERNM, MERHL) (C) MERHL, SANCO) (C) Oelano Bakersfield (C) (C) 15242?th St 1~5 Korean (661)726-7818 (661)327-4411 Soanish Indian/Hindi, ,~anisi? Bakersfield 4580 california Ave 1100 2fi960-6 Sage Ln 2110 Trt~tun Ave ~A. MD (6613325-1312 Bakersfield MEMON. MUHAMMAD. MO PATEL, RAVINORARA'n~. MD Tehac~api Bakersfield HSU, KENNETH, MO (BAKER. (6613321-4411 (KERVA, LONME. STFME, (BAKER, KERNM, MERHL (6~I3822-1260 , (6613323-8384 . STFRA) (C) SANC0) (C) 2212 Tn~xton Ave SHIENER, ALAN, MD (ENCIN. )ldg E MERHL. SANC0} {C) UN, MIKE. MD (NERNM) {C) U~u 6501 Tmxtun Ave Bakersfield ENCTA, GRANA, NORCE, Ta/wands~ M~n~ar~n, Taiwanese 2212 Truxton Ave Bakersfield (6613323-5918 3535 San 0imas 16 67 Evans Rd Bakersfield (6613322-2206 NORHO, PROHO, SHERM, Bakersfield Wofford Heigl~ts (661)323-5918 3560 G St 1103 VALPR) (C) (6613322-2329 (760)376-2276 3550 Q St PATEL VURTI~UMAR. MD Bakersfield 1111 N China Lake 61 HUNOAL, NIRBHN, MD (EMANU) UPPMAN, NICOL, M0 (CENTI, Bakersfield (0ELAN, GOOH0) (6613321-9396. Ridgecrest (C) KERVA, SANPE) (C) (661)321-93634326panisi?Lexington St/C 4580BakersfieldCalifornia Ave (760)446-4571 fndia/VHindi. Urdu Span~s~ MUI, BYRON. MO (BAKER, Oelano (6613327-4527 SHIUE, SHYI-TANG, MO (BAKER, MD 4580 caJifomia Ave 2212 Tmxton Ave MERHL SANCO) (C) (6613726-7763 MERHL, SANC0) (C) ~TBER, Bakersfield Bakersfield 2222 191~ St 8787 Hail Rd REYRA..ANA, MO (TEHAC) 1700 C St Spanisi~ Bakersfield ) (6613327-4411 (6613323-5918 Bakersfield Lamont 276 S Mill St tC 3550 Q St (6613328-0800 (6613846-3731 (6613326-2640 ISHIMORI, TE"~U0, MO (BAKER. Bakerslield . Tehachapi BI MERHL) (C) (6613321-9363 MUKHOPARHYAY, MAOAN, MO · PAUL. JACQUELINE, MO (6613822-3519 SHUKLA, PARKA, I, MD (MERHL, 2110 Truxtun Ave 4580 california Ave (BAKER, KERNM, MERHL, (KERNM) (C) 4560 California Ave 1100 . SANCO. BOUIN) (C) Bakersfield BaJ(ersfield SANCD) {C) Frencl?. SpanisA Bakersfield In~lian/Hindi. Spanisil ID I BAKER. (661)323-8384 (661 }327-4411 6501 Truxtun Ave 815 Lakevldw Ave (561)327-4411 3717 Mt Pinos Way · Bakersfield Bakersfield Frazier Pa.'~ IEST$) JOHNSON, ROYCE. MO (BAKER. MAOOOX, DENIS. MD (BAKER, (6613322-2206 (6~)322-3905 RUBIN, JACOB, MO (ENCIN. KERNM) (C) KERVA, MERHL SANCO) ENCTA, GRANA. HENRY, 5401(661 )346-2387White Ln $~nisl~ 2030 Truxton Ave MUNRANGI. $1VAKUMAR, MD P~IRAOO. ALBERT, MD (MERHL) NORCE. NORHO, PROHO, 1830 Rower St Bakersfield ~ d100 Bakersfield Bakersfield (C) 232316th St t664 6HERM, $TLUK, VALPR) (C) (661)836-4000 (661)326-2200 (661)326-1106 1205 Games Hey ~02 Bakersfield German, Spanish 0stand (6613323-6102 1111 N China Lake BI SHULL, VERNON, MO (RIDGE) 2201 Mt Vernon Ave ~211 MAOHAVAN, $~THU, MO (6613721-7275 PEREZ, JOSE, MO (BAKER, Rldgecrest lC) ) (BAKER. Bakersfield (ANTEL LANCA) (C) (766)446-457! 720 N Norma St IA C} (~613872-7000 Indian/Hindi MUNOZ, AUGUSTINE, MO KERNM, MERHL) (C) I'3500 Boron Ave tA (BAKER, KEANM) (C) SoanisO SABBAH, CHARLES, MD Aldgecrss! JOSEPH, BRADLEY. MO (BAKER. Boron Span~sit 2201 Mt Vernon Ave/211 (COMHO, LOM_UN) (C) (7603384-1010 MERHL SANCO) (7603762-5111 2201 Mt Vernon Ava 1211 Bakersfield 115 E E St $1~GH, MANBIR; MD (OELAN) 2619; St Bakersfield (661)872-700~ Te~achapi (C) Bakersfield MADRILEJO, NELSON, MD (66138~-7000 6001 -B Tn~xtun Ave 1220 (6613822-3241 733 3rd St I (KERNMI (6613327-4063 (BAKER, MERHL SANCO) (CI BaXersfield Mc Farland JUNO, JOHNSON, MO (BAKER, 3550 Q St 1 303 & 1304 HAIR, SHYAM, MO (BAKER, (6613329-~72 SAINI. GURSHARAN, MO (6613792-3(]97 Bakersfield SANC0) (C) {BAKER, 0ELAN, GOOHO, MERHL SANC0) (C) (6613324-1466 1240 S C,%na Lake BI ~2 PHAM, MIC~L, MD (KERVA) MERHL. SANCD) (C} SIHGH SATINOER MO (BAKER. 81§ Lake~ew Ave 820-341h St t102 Rk]gecrsst Vietnamese Indian/Hindi. $1~anisil MERHL SANC0) Bakersfietd Bakersfield (76~3371-76~ 20960-6 Sage Ln 2323_161h St 1304 IndiarvHinrli. Swa~ili (6613845-3731 (6613326.8989 I~Ud G, YADVINOER, MD Tenac~api Bakersfield 2011 19th St 820-34fh St ~102 (6613822-1260 (6613324.6163 Bakersfield Bakersfield MANU, PA JEEr, MO (KERNM, (BAKER. SANCO) (C) 2212 Truxton Ave (66!3323-8159 IndiatVHindi Bakersfield 6ARKIES. RAG_IN, MO (BAKER. (661)326-8989 MERHL. ~ANCO) (C) 1205 Games Hwy ~203 SANC0} (C) SPKETH, M.M~TA, ILIO (INLAN, 1902 6 St (6613_323-5918 '~)L, MD i~LDAS, RAOER. MO (C) 6~kerslield Detano 3550 Q St AraDic MERHL) AraD~c (6613725-6910 ' 50~0 P~sic~ln 9i ~300 515-A W Columbus St 9._akersfield Bakersfield Bakersfield 4580 calilomia Ave 11 O0 (661)327-4455 1524 2?th St t150 i661)321-9363 Bakersfield MASTER. CONSTANI'INA, MO Bakersfield 3550 Q St ll 03 (5613325-7000 (661)633-~80 ,. 00 (661)327-4411 {BAKER, M~RHL SANC0) (C) (6~1)633-2541 SAWAL, SONIA. MO (KERVA) (C} SRI, JAER.~L~U4. MO (LANCA) (C) Greek Bakersfield i{JUITHAKUMAR. I~L~. 1925 17th St NIZAR, HOWARD, MO (BA)(ER, (661)321-9396 Tagalog Spanish Way MO (ANTEL !..ANCA) MERHL, SI, NCO) (C) 4300-A 8itch St 1Z424-9 Mt Mesa Rd 4580 California Ave 1100 Spani~ Bakersfield 16914 Hwy 14 (661)327:5301 3941 San 0imas St 1102 Lake Isabella Lake Isabella Bakersfield BakerSfield (760)379-169~ (760)379-5631 (661)327-4411 t ~100 Molars MATUK. AJLEEN, MO (661)324-6593 4580 California Ave tl 00 9278 F: Lo~ 91 {661 )824-8282 2923 16th St t500 R.~BAN, JOSEPH. MO (BAKER. Bakersfield California City KARURAKAR, ARSR, MO Bakersfield OLIVER, KERRY, MD (BAKER, MERHL SANC0) (6613327-4411 (76~3373-4809 MO (KERNM) (C) (6613327-8651 KERNM, MERHL SANCO) (C) 3941 San Oimas St ~163 Spanish Bakersfield SHAH, ARVINO, MO (KERNM. $TRATEGOS, EMMJUIUEL, MD ~ANCO) (C) Spanish MAY, LANCE. MO (C) 2215 Truxton Ave (6613324-6693 MERHL. SANCO) (C) (BAKER, MERHL) (C) 2201 Mt Vernon Ave/211 110 E North St BakerSfield 620 34th St Greet Bakersfield Taft (6613632-5000 RAGLANO, N.AN. DO (BAKER, Bakersfield 3900 San Oima~ (6613872-7063 (8053763-4211 3001 Silldct Ave KERNM, MERHL, SANCC) (C) (6~13324.4721 Bakersfield KATE, ,M. BERT, MD (CEDAR. 115 W E St Bakersfield 220199kersfieldMt Vernon Ave t21 t 8HAH, MUKUNO, MO (ANTEL (6613322-3087 ENCIN) Tehacha0i (661)000-0000 (661)872-1630 LANCA) (C) $TRATEGOS, STEPREN, MD 3737 San Olmos St 1101 (6613822-3241 PANGILINAN, FLORE#~IO, M° 4580 California Ave 1100 1517 N Oowns (BAKER, KERNM. MERHL) (C) Bakersfield MC GUIRE, GEORGE, MO (BAKER, MERHL S~C0) Bakersfield Ridgecrest Greek (6613327-5637 1081 N China Lake Rd Tagalog (6613327-4411 (7603446-7714 39(~ San 0imas KENI, ARUN, MO (BAKER, Ridgecrest 1616 17Ut St BakerSfield d, MO MERHL SANCO) (7603446-0652 Bakers["mld RATNAYAXE, SAMAN, MO SHAKESPE.4RE, CARy. MO (6~13322-3087 ~IERHL. 511 W Columbus MCNAMARA, NANCY. MO (6613322-~309 MERHL)(BAKER' (c)KERNM' MEMCE, (BAKER,1609 281hMERHt"st tA SANCO) (C) BURl, ATOL MO (BAKER. Bakersfield (BAKER, MERHL. SANCO) (C) PATEL, MIHIR, MO (ANTEL 2128 Truxtun Ave Bakersfield OELAN, MERHL SANCO} (C) (661)396-1085 2826 H St IG LANCA) Bakersfield (661)321-3750 Indian/Hindi KlM, JAE,-MD (BAKER, MERHL 8akersfleld Indian/Nindl (6613323-3280 2021 22nd St 290 A Mom St SANC0) (661)327-2932 125630 8orBs Ave IA 6001-B Tmxtun A~ 1229 Bakersfield 8ut~onwillow 8oron Bakersfield (661)633-2229 (661)764-5955 goraan. Mandarin MEDINA, MIGUEL, MO (ANTEL {766)762.-5111 620341h St 4580 California Ave 1100 LANCA) (6613325-6372 SRAMASUNDER, Bakersfield Bakersfield . Spanish PATEL, RAJENDRA, MO (BAKER, RAVI, RANOJU(UMAR, MO HESARAGHAITA, MD (6613324-4721 (661)327-4411 1517 N Downs MERHL SANCO) (C) (BAKER. MERHL SANCO) (C) (ANTEL. HIDES, LANCA) (C) 565 Kern St RidBecrest Indlan~lndl 1902 8 St 1517 N Oowns TAM, CHARLES, MO (BAKER, Shaftar (760)446-~14 6001 0 Tmxtufl ~ 1400 Ridgec~est DELAN, MERHL ~1C0) ) (BAKER, (6613746-4937 Bakersfield BakerSfield 2520 L St MEHTA, AKIL, MO (BAKER, (661}639-2280 (6613327-4455 (7603446-7714 Bakersfield KOTARAC, JA~OUELYN, MO GOOHO, MERHL SANC0) {C) 6~o1-0 Truxt~n Ext 1400 REOOY; MALI.~I, MD (BAKER, SHAMBAUGH, SHAW#, MD (805)328-9500 ,t t103A (BAKER) (C) Indian/Nindl Bakersfield KERNM, MERHL SANC0) (C) (BAKER. KERNM, MERHL 3941 San 0imas St tl 03-6 3941 San Olmos St !104 (661)636-2273 Spanish SANCO) (C) TRAMMEL, CHARLES, DO Bakersfield Bakersfield 2110 Tn=tun Ave 6501 Truxtun Ave {ALHAM) O (BAKER. (6613322-3225 (661}322-8468 PATEL. RAJU, MD (BN(ER, Bakersfield Bakersfield 4580 California Ave KUSHEL, $TEVEN, MO (GRARA. MERTA, VlR~, MD (BAKER, G00J0, HEABA, MERHL, (6813323-8384 (661)322-2206 Bakersfield MEMGA, NORHO) OELAN, MERHL., SANCO) (C) SANCO) (C) (~613327-441 ~ 110 E North IndlarVHInB/, Spanish ImllarVNIndl SHANKERMAN, ROBERT, MD {C) 2615 H St Spanisit Taft 2011 Truxtun Ave Bakersfield 3550 Q St t 303 &/304 (925)462-9040 Bakersfield Bakersfield (661)631-5544 (661)636-3000 (6813324-1455 NOTE: ~ pmo,m V~ for Hoepltal Co~m (AAAAA) and Page V for Board Certlflca0on INTERNAL MEDICINE continued TRUGHG, nAVE, MO {KERVA, Z/LLER, LAWRENCE, MD GDPAL, R~I. Mn (C) REGOY, MAU. AGI, Mn (BAKER. GWINUP, (]RANT, MO (KERNM) MADHAVAN, SETNU, MD W£SME) (C) 2120 f9tll St /ndia~/Hin~li KERNM. MERHL. SANC0) (C) 2215 TPJxton Ave (ANTE[.. LARCh) (C) France. t.?etname~a Ba~<ersfleld 2110 Truxtun Ave $oanisll ~akersfield 1902 B St 1661)323-2020 Bakersfield In~lia/vHin~li Bakersfield 2110 Truxtun Ave 1661)327-3371 12500 Boron Ave tA 1661)327-4465 1661)323-8384 Bakerstiald 3505 Jea~ SI Boron HABIB. MD. MOKSEOUL. MO (661)323-~384 Bakersfiel~l 1760)762-5111 TU. SR.{NE. MO (BAKER. (BAKER. BARCO) (C) RUBIN. JACOB. MD {ERG;N. ~661)8~32-2600 MANU. R~EEV. MD {KERNM. KERNM. MERHL.. SANCO) (C) 535 W ~4th SI ENCTA. GRANA. HENRY. HEWITT. JOHN. MD (BAKER. MERHL ~NC0) (C) 6501 Truxtun Ave Bakersfield NORC6. NDRHD. PRCH0. KERNM. MERHL) (C) 1902 B St Bakersfieicl SEIFERT. MARK. MD (ENCIN. 1681)324-4100 SHERM. $TLUK. VALPR) (C) 1524 271h St ~'305 Bakersfield 1661)322.2206 ENCTA. GRANA. HENRY. ISHIMORI. TETSUO, MD (BAKER. German. Spanish BakersfieIcI 1661)327-4455 VALOEZ. ANTHGNY. MO (BAKER. NORHO. PROHO. SHERM. MERHL) (C) 1111 N Chma Lake 81 1661)326-1312 MERHL. SANG0) (C) VALPR) (C) Ridgecrest · MEHTA. ANIL. MD (BAKER. Sganis/~ 1111 N China Lake 81 2110 Tr~xtun Ava 3807 Union Ave ~9 Ridgecrsst Bakersfield 1760)446-4571 MASTER. CONSTANT~NA. MD GOOHO. MERHL. SANCO) (C) (BAKER. MERHL SANG0) {C) India.~'Hindi Bakemfield 1760)446-4571 1661)323.8384 SAWAL. SONIA. MO (KERVA) Greek 3941 San Dimes SI (661 )324-2423 KARIMIAN. $IAMAK. MD Ta~alo;l 1925 17th St Bakersfiel(1 ' 12424-8 Mt Mesa Rd ' (BAKER. DELAN) (C) Bakersfield 1661)322-8466 VANOERHGEK. CORNELJ$. MO Lake Isabella (RIDGE) (C) Per$ia~Farsi. Turkish 1760)379-5631 1661)327-5301 1111 N CIlina Lake BI 2011 Tr~xtun Ave MUNNANGI. 31VAKUMAR. MO Ridgecrsst AUABAOI. _DAVID. MD (ENCJN. Bakersfield 4580 California Ave dlO0 8HIUE. SHYI-TANG. MD (BAKER. (C) 1760}446-4571 6NCTA. GRANA. HENRY. (661)631-6544 Bakersfield MERHL. SANCO) {C} 1205 Games Hwy 1202 NDRC6. NORHO. PROHO. 432-B Lexington Ave 1661)327.4411 1700 C St Oelano VEGA. RICAROO. MD (BAKER. SHERM. VALPR) (C) Oetano SEIFERT. MARK. MO (ENCIN. Bakersfield 1661)721-7275 GOOH0. MERHL. BARCO) (C) Per$ian/Far$i. Sl~.nish 1661)725-7818 ENCTA. GRANA. HENRY. 1661)325-2640 RAHAL. PARAMVIR. MO (BAKER. 6001 A Truxtun Ave ~100 1111 N China Lake BI K.~RUNAI~R. ANSR. MD NDRHO. PROHO. SHERM. YENOKIOA. GORGON. MD *C) eEl.AN. MERHL SANG0) {C) Bakersfieh:l Ridgecrss! (KERNM) (C) VALPR) It) 4580 California Ave ~100 /n¢':arVHindi 1661)323.5300 (760)446-4571 Soanish 1111 N China Lake BI Bakersfield 1205 Games Hwy · WALES. DIRK, MO (C) ANUNASALAM, SIVA. MD 2201 Mt Vernon Ave d211 Ri~lgecrest 1661)327-4411 Delano 45~0 California Ave ~'10~ (BARST. CEDAR 0ESVA. Bakersfield (760)446-4571 1661)721-1200 2323 16m St ~300 Bakersfield STMME. VICTO) (C) (661)872-7000 SHARMA. ~NJIV. MO [SANCG) Bakersfield (661)327-4411 S~anish KUMAR. V1NOD. MO (BAKER. (C) 11 It N China Lake BI MERHL SAND0) !ndian/Hindi. Sl~anish [661)323-1200 WAEKER. SUSAN. MO RiEgecrsst 21 TO ~'ruxtun Ave RAVI. HANOAKUMAN. MO 2631 Fashion Pt ~A 525 34th St 8akersflel~l 1760)446-4571 Bakersfield Bakersfield CATANIA. ROBERT. MD {BAKER. MERHL SANG0) (C) 1661)632-6160 BA8ER. SALMA. MO (BAKER. 16_61)324-4100 1661}323-a384 6001 Tn~xtun Ave ~300 1902 B 51 Bakersfield Bakersfield 400 CI~ River Rd MERHL SANCO) (C) LEE. TOMMY. MO IBAKER. SHIENER. ALAN. MO ~ENC:N. {661)322-2413 (561)327-4455 Bakersfield 3550 Q St 1301 MERHL. SANG0) (C) ENCTA. GRANA. NORCE. 1661)632-5160 Bakersliel~ Cantonese. Manda.'fn NORHO. PRDHO. SHERM. MAORILEJO. NELSON. MD TRUONG. PAVE. MO (KERVA. WAN.~W. TERRY. MD ~TEHAC) (661)321-3161 3550 O St ~301 VALPR) (C) (BAKER. MERHL. SA.NCO) WESME) (C) S~an/~ BANERJEE. SUPRA'rIM MD Bakersfield 1111 N China Lake BI 3550 Q St ~' 303 & r304 Frenc.'~. Viemamesa 20211 './alley 81 rBAKER: KERNM MERHL. 1661)321-3161 Ridgecrest Bakersfield 1902 B St Teflac~aOi SANG0) (C) MADGOX. OENIS. MD (BAKER. 1760)446-4571 (661)324-1455 Bakersfield 820.34m St 1102 (661)327-4455 : (805)822-5544 I'830 Rower St KERVA. MERHL. BARCO) SINGR. SARABJIT. MD (BAKER. Bakersfield · ' . WEBER. HANS. MD (HEMET. Bakersfield 2030 Truxton Ave MERHL. 5ARC0) (C) 1661)326-8989 "' STJHLJ (C) 1661)326-2200 Bakerstield In(li~a~H~ndi German 20 ! I Truxtun Ave 166;)326. t 100 2323 16th St ~'305 V.~NDERHOEK. C0RNELIS. MO 4580-California Ave Bakersliell~ BakersfieKI (RIOGE) Bakersfield 1661}631-5544 MCNAMARA, 'HANCY, MD (661)327-0807 1111 N Cfima Lake 81 PAUL, JACQUEUNE, MO {661)327-~11 432-B Lexino!on Ave (BAKER. MERNL. SAND0) ECl Rid(.~ecrest (KERNM) lC) · Delano 2828 H SI IG TAM. CHARLES. MD (BAKER. French. WEN. CNUN-Y~JEH. MO (BAKER. 1661)725-78t8 ~kersfiel~ OELAN. MERHL. BARCO) 1760)446-4571 815 Lake~ew Ave MERHL SANCO) (C) 1661)327-2932 2520 L St Bakersfield Mandann. S~ni.~il BEZDEK. WILLIAM. MO (BAKER Bakersfield 1661)322-3905 2303 t?m St MERHL. SANG0) (C) ' MEHTA. VIRAL MO fBAKER. (805i328-9500 ~ Bakersfie~l 1524 271h St ~150 0ELAN. MERHL. BARCO) (C) SHAH. ARVINO. MD (KERNM. 1661J322-1931 ~kersflelcl Imlia~Hingi. Sgani.~tt WEN. CHUN-YUEH. MO (BAKER. BHAIKA. HARPAL. MD (GOOHO. MERHL .~.NC0) (C) 1661)323-6976 2011 Truxtun Ave MERHL. SANCO) (C) MERHL. SANG0) (C) 620 34th St Bakersfield ,%fandarl#, Spanish 2323 16[h $I 1401 BakersfieM WIENER, STUART, MD IRIOGE) 6HAMBI, 6RUESN, MD (BAKER. {661)631-5544 8akersfie(cI 1661)324-47~! (C) 2303 ~ 7th St 1041,51 Chma Lake BI iB SANCO) (C) 432-8 Lexingt~ Ave Bakersfield Riclqecresl 2210 Tr~xtun Ars 0e~ano 1661)322-1931 (661)323-8874 BBl. JAER.~AH, MD (LANCA) (C) BNOGAL. 1~BINDER. MO Spanish (760)446-6404 Bakersfield 1661)725~7818 WOLF. ANOREA$. MO (ANTEL) 4580 California Ave WILKINSON. LEE. MO (C) 1661)323-8384 NAIR. SHY. AM. MO (BAKER. (C) (BAKER· KERVA. MERHL SANCO) (C} Bakersfield 2615 ~ye SI CHOUOHARY. RANJIV. MD SANCO) KC) German. S~an/sh 1661)327.4411 11T 1 N Chma Lake BI 2323 loth St .~401 Bakersfield (ANTEL. GOOSA. LANCA) (C) 1240 S China Lake BI d2 RicIgecres! Bakersfield 9278 N Loop BI - ' .. 1661)327-8943 India~vHindi Ri¢lgecreal California City ! 19 S Geld Canyon SI 1760)371-7600 1760)446-4571 (661)324.1203 1760)37~-4809 WOLF. ANGREAS. MO (ANTEL) Ri~gecrss! CHOWOHURY. TAB, SUM. MD VJ~NDERHOEK. CORNEU$.'MO (C) 1750)371.4557 NAL08. PETER. MD (BAKER. (BAKER. KERNM. MEBHL (RIDGE) (C) German. $~anish KERNM. KERVA. MERHL. SANG0) (C) 1111 N C~ina Lake 81 OES.M. KIRIT. MO (BAKER. SANG0. TEHAC) (C) 2323 16Ih SI 1401 1 ! 11 N Chi~l Lake BI" Rid§egret ~ANCO) (C) 2110 Truxtufl Ave ALAM. $~EG. MO (BAKER. Bakersfield Ridgecrest 1760)446-4571 2110 Truxtun Ave Bakersfield GODHO. MERHL. SANG0) (661)324-1203 176~)446-4571 WI~NG. CANOLINE. MO (BAKER. ~kersfield 1661)323-8384 Spanish 0HARMARAJA. PRITNVIRAJ. 1661)323.8384 NARANG. YAOVINOER. MO 3737 San Dim. as St ~'I02 MO (ANTEL. LANCA.'RIOGE) DEL.AN. MERSE. BARCO) (C) DON MICHAEL. (BAKER. JANCO) (C) $gani$il Bakersfield 5030 Office Ps~ Dr iA TANTRIMUOALIOE. MO Indian/Nindi 1661)327-3747 ' S~ani.~. Tagalog CARTMELL..~.J~. MO Bakersr~14 (BAKER. MERHL .~NC0) (C) 1205 Games ~/203 ANOERS. ALPHA. MO (BAKER. t 535 N China Lake BI 19' KERNM. MERH1. SN~IC0) · 1661)32~.2847 F¢ench. German. $~anish 0elano HEABA. MERHL..~ViC0) (C) Ri~gecre~t 5343 Truxtofl Ave 1661)~6-6910 2801 Chester Ave 1750)446-2196 6501 Truxtufl Ave XU. JING. MD JMEMME. MERHL. Bakersfield 1524 271h St 1150 Bakersfield · "' Bakersfield · · ': :' .~C0) (C) 1661)283.6670 : Bakersfield GUPTA. RAMESH. MO (BAKER. 1661)322-22~ ~ 4580 california Ave 1661)63.1-5474 KERNM. SANCO) (C) CI.L~G. JAM~S. MD (BAKEP~' BaXer~fleld FERGUSON. EARL. MO 1661)633-2541 BELUNGHAUSEN. PAMELA. MD Indlan/Nindi MERHL. SANCO) (C) :" "' 1661)327.4411 1041 N China Lake BI lB NYITRAY. WILLIAM. MO (BA~ER. (KERNM) (C) 1902 8 St Ridoecresf MERHL. SANCO) S;anish Bakersfl~Jd Mandarin. Ta~: YEH. CHENG-TSUNG. MD (760)446-6404 Czech ' 2201 Mt Vernon Ave/211 1661)327-4455 3550 G St t103 .. (BAKER. MERHL &~lC0) (C) BakersfleM - ::. 2110 Truxtun Ave Bakersfield ' Mandarin, S~ln~h 7~'wan~.~, GODNESlNGHE, IRESHA, MO UN, NUA*LUNG, MO (BAKER, 16~1)316-8888 ~.. ,.. 2323 16m Bt ~102 (RIDGE) (C) Bakersfield 1681)872-7000 1661)323-8364 MERHL. BARCO) (C) DREW, STANLEY (C) '..:'": ' Bakerslield 900 N Heritage Or Bldg E 420 34th St DAROEN, IVY. MO'(DOMFR, 2225 19m St 1681)322-6078 RigOecrss! 4680 California Ave ,~100 YEHOKIOA, GORDON, MO (C) 1760)446-335'~ Bakersfield $1EKI) Bakersfield Bakersfield "~ ': · 4580r~iforniaAvel100 1661)327-1792 $~an/s/~ 1661)395-1271 , 16~1)327-4411 . ..,; ' · 458~ California Ave II00 , Bakersfi~ld 8akersfieM ,. 1661)327-4411 {661)327-4411 NOTE: ~ RIDe VI ~ Holpltal Co,el (AAA. AA) an~l Page V tot Board ClrUfl¢ltJori 14 ~Ptease verify that Ule provi~r yo~ select il a p~ent Buyer. pf:~3 I:~er at th® ioca~ wfle~ ~ wl~ r~ewe ca~ ($~ tim ~ ~ ~ INTERNAL MEDICINE - HEMATOLOGY continued FANG. ~Z~HR. MD SHAH. ARVINO. MO (KERNM,2625 E,/e $I *2B WEEOON. ROBERT. LCSW SLYKERMAN. I~LLY. MFT . - Mandann. Taiwanese MERHL. SANCO) (C) Bakersfield 45~ ~iforn~ Ave ~5 t412 17~h St ~20 500 0Id River R0 ~05 620 34t~ St (805)375-7797 Bake~ld 8akerstiet~ Bakersfield 9aXersfiel~ MASTER, CONSTANTINA, MO (~1)323-9181 (66t)324-1~2 {66t )663-0443 CARTMELL. ~. MO (~KER.(661)324-4721 (BAKER. MERHL. SANCO) (C) SOLBERG. PAUl. RNM. FRANCIS. R06ERT. MO (RIDGE) KERNM. MERHL SANCO) (C) SINGH. ~TINDER. M0 (BAKER. Greek 501 W At,ns Ave (C) 6501 Truxtun Ave MERHL. SANCO) 1925 17th St Flag,rest 1111 N China Lake 81 Bakersfield Indian/HmEi. Swa~i~ Bakemtiel0 (760)~6-4119 Ridg~rest (66T)322-2206 2011 19th St (661)327-5301 BREWER. ~URIE. M~ 3200 21srSt i101 TANNER. JO~. M~ ~7601446-45~I CHANG. JAMES. MO (BAKER. Oakersfiel~ MUNOZ. AUGUSTINE. MO 14T2 17t~ St S ~R. MEDINA. MIGUEL. MD (ANTEL. MERHL SANCO) (C) (66~)323-6159 (BAKER. KERNM) Bakersfield ~NCA) ManCarin. Ta/~nese SURI. ATUL MO (BAKER. S~amsh (661)395-1068. ~kersfield .C0) (C) S~ms~ 3550 Q St ~103 0E~N. MERHL. SANCO) (C) 2201 Mt Vernon Ave ~211 BREWER. L~. M~ (661)324-1~2 04 1517 N 0owns 8a~ersfiele Indian/Hindi Bakersfield 503 6th St TURNER. LINOA. M~ R,~ecrest (66~)316-8888 2~ A Ma.n St (661}872-7000 Ta~ 1601 New Stifle Rd ~100 (760H46-7714 COSNER. ~WRENCE. MO 8uffonwiUow Bakersfield SAINL GURSHARAN. MO (661)765-6770 MUKHOPAOHYAY. MADAN. MD ~IDGE) (66T)T64-5955 (BAKER. DEAN. GOOHO. CHRIS~ANSEN. ANOR~. M~ ~. MO (BAKER. KERNM. MERHL. 11 ? I N China Lake 81620 34t~ St MERHL. S~NCO) (C) 5401 Business Park S Al00 UNOERWO00. J~NNE. SANC0) R~ecres~ Bakersfield Indian/Hmdi. Soanis~ Bakersfield 2025 WeB,nd Or ~3 Z 6501 Truxtun Ave (7601446-4571 (661)324-4721 2323 16th St ~304 (66T)324-2911 Bakersfield 8axerstield FANG. ~NN. MO VANOERHOEK. CORNEMS. MD 8akersfiel~ (661)328-1233 (661~322-2206 Mandann. Taiwanese (RIOGE) (C) (661)324-8163 C~0N. GLENN. M~ 1601 New Shne Rd dl00 URIAS. 8ILLIE. M~ (9AKER. PATEL. RAVINOHANATH. MO 500 Ot~ River R~ ,205 1111 N Chma Lake 81 SNIUE. SHYI-TANG. MO 1BAKER Bakersfield 7601 New Stine Rd ~100 :O) (C} (BAKER. KERNM. MERHL. Bakersfield R~gecrest MERHL SANC0)(C) {661)322-4000 Bakersfield SANC0) t66t )663-0443 (760)446-4571 ~ 700 C St (661)322-4000 6501 Truxtun A~e MEDINA, MIGUEL, MD [ANTEL. VARANASI, UMAMAHESWARA, Bakersfield ~RNEST, ~VIN, M~ 8a~ersgiela ~NCA) MD (BAKER. bE~N. GOOH0. i661 )325-2640 160t New Stine Rd *Z00VAIL. WlLLI~, M~ 9a~ers~ie~ 15 W Yeager (661)322-2206 Soams~ KERNM MERHL. SANCO) (C) VEGA. RICARO0. MD tBAKER. ~66~ 322-4000 Edwards 6HAH. MUKUNO. M0 (ANAL. l~t ~ N Downs 620 34t~ St GOOHO. MERHL. SANCO) (C~ (66~)277-1 ~ ~NCA~ Rid~ecres~ Bakersfield 6001 A TruxTun Ave ~100 ERICK~ON. RICH~O. M~ '0 15t 7 N ~wns ~7601446-7714 (661)324-472~ Bakersfield 1601 New Stine R~ ~I00WEIONER-ALVAREZ. LORI. Ridgecrest MUKHOPADHYAY. MAOAN. MO WONG. CAROLINE. MO )BAKER. (66~ ~323-5300 Eaxersfiel~ T615 N Downs ~9 (56~ ~322-40d0 CO) (C) (7601446-7~14 ~BAAER. KERNM MERHL. 0E~N. MERSE. SANCO) (C~ YENOKIDA. GOROON. MO ;C; (760~99-7448 SHAMASUNOER. SANC0) ~C) S~an/s~ 4580 Cahforma Ave ~100FRANK. ROBERTA M~ HESARAGHA~A. M0 550I Truxtun Ave 5030 Office Park 0r tABakersfield 5~amsh WHITE. SYLV~. M~ ~IA. (ANTEL. HIOE~ ~NCAI lC, ~aKerslield 8axefsfiei~ 22651 ShenanQoa~ PI 5500 Min~ Ave ~517 N 0owns ~661 i322*2206 (6611323-2847 {661~327-441 t Tenacna~ Ba~ershelo R~gecrest PATEL, RAVINORANATH, MD (661)82t~888 ~66T~834-~41 (760~446-;714 ,BAKER KERNM. MERHL. HANSEN. 00NHA, M~ WILCOX, ~ROL, M~ SHAMBAUGH. SHAWN. M0 SANCOI lC) 3200 21st S; ~101 2ZOO Oak St t9 (9AKE~. KERNM MERHL. 6501 Truxtun Ave 9akersheld Bakersfield SANCO} ~a~e~sheld AHMEO. MUSHTAQ. MO (BAKER. BERRY. MARTIN. MO (BAKER. MERHL) [C~ [66t ~39~-~068 ~66t 1325-3~7 6501 T~uxtun Ave ~66:~322.2206 SANCO) (C) 373~ San O~mas S~ *t0l~TZ. ~HEL. M~ 8akersheld SHAH. MUKUN0. MO (ANTEL. 3737 San Dimes St ~I02Oakersheld 1800 Westwmd 0r ~407 ~66T}322-2206 LANCA) (C) BakershelU ~66~)327-5037 8akersfiel~ TU. SHANK. MD ~9AKER. 151; N Downs t661 )327-3747 GOLDBERG. LEONARD MO ;C~ (661)324-2792 Please call the Medi~ Grouo KERNM MERHL. SANCO~ R,dgecrest A~M. SYn. MO (BAKER. 373~ San O~mas St ~101~AU~R. COLLEEN. M~ to see d your d~:or 6501 Tru~un Ave 176d)446-7714 GOOHO. MERHL. SANC0) ~C) Bakersheld I~1 New Stme R~ ~100 Bawershel~ SHAMASUNOER. S~.]msA (66T132r-5037 Bakershel~ BAXERSFIEL0 FAMILY MEDICAL [661)322-2206 HESARAGHA~A. MO 3~3~ S~n 0~mas St d~02HSU. KENNETH. MO ~BA[Ea. i66t)322.4000 CENTER WILKINSON LEE MO ~C1 (ANTEL. HIOES. ~NCA (C) 8akershel~ MERHL. SANC0) {C) KRIZ0. ~LENE. M~ Oakerslield {NM 2615 Eye St 1517 N Downs (661)327-3747 ra,~yanese 2421 Hal~ St Bakersfield R~ag~Fest ALIM. MUHAMMAO. MO iBAKER 3535 San 0~mas ~8 ~akersheid ~661 )327-441 I (66~)327-8943 (760)446-7714 MERHL. SANCO) (C) Ba~e~s~iemd (661 ~871-1081 CLINICA SIERRA VISTA 8:5 Lak~mew Ave SHAMBAUGH. SHAWN. M0 Indian. Hide. Urdu [66t)322.2329 MELLON. MARGAR~. M~ Bakersfield (BAKER. KERNM. MERHL. 6001 A Truxtun Ave ml0O MCCOR0. WILLIAM. MO 5500 MmQ Ave ~210 m661)322-3~5 'iCA) (C) SANCO) 8akersliet~ (BAKER. 8ROTM. DANIEl (C) 8akerslield 8;8~ Hall Rd 6501 Truxtun Ave (661)323-5300 French 1661)834.8341 )O AMIN. HAVINC~NOHA..M0 Bakersheld ANOERS. ALPHA. MO (BAKER. 3737 San D,mas St wl01 LamonT (BAKER. KERNM) (C) (661)322.2206 HEABA. MERHL. SANCO) (C) Bakershe~a MURPHY. JOHN. M~ (66:)845-373T 2~01 Mt Vernon Ave ~11TU. SHAKE. MO {BAKER. 28Q1 Chester Ave (661)327-5037 ~0l Truxtun Ave ~160 OE~NO COMM HLT~ Bakersfield KERNM. MERHL. SANCO) (C) Bakersfield WEBER. HANS. MO tHEMET. (661)323.64i0 1506 Garces H~ (661)872-70Q0 6501 Truxtun Ave (661)633-5474 STJHL) Delano FELI~RTA. FR~CO. MO BakerstielO ~SA. SAHAPHUN. M~ ~f~J~ PAULIN. EUGENE. M~ (66i)725q780 4580 CahtoFnma Ave 3402 Mt ProDS Way ). MO (KERNM) (C) (661)322.2206 (BAKER. MERHL. SANC0) (C) Bakersfield Fr~ier P~rk ORUMMONO MEOICAL GROUP Ta~a/o 3550 ~St 1303 & 13~ 1925 17th St 1 Ti 1 N Chi~ ~ke BI Bakerslield (661)327-4411 (66~)245-3456 R~egecrest Bakersfield (661)327-5301 PEVAR. A~N. M~ (760)446~265 (661)324-1455 20211 Vamley BI 1~1 New S[me Rd ~10O FRmTCH EYE ~E MEDICAL 820 34t~ St ~202 BAER. HAROLD. MO (B~ER. renacnapi ~kefsfield CENTER Bakersfield KERNM. MERHL. ~NCO) (C) (661)327-5301 (~1)322-4000 (661)324-1455 5030 Office Park Dr ~A5001 Comerce Or CUMMmNGS. RANDY. LCSW 9000 Ming Ave JOHNSON. ROYCE. MO(BAKER. 8akersfield Bakersheid 5001E Comme~enter Or ~255 REHKOPF. OANIELLE. M~ Bakersfield ;~ER. KERNM) (C) (661)323-2847 (661)327-5301 Bakersfield S~ams~ (661)665-2020 ;0) S~ms~ K~MI. HASHIM. MO (BAKER. HERRIO~. DALE. M0 (BAKER. (661)323-41~ 3200 21st St ~kersfiela HIGH DEBERT MEDIAL GROUP 1830 Flower SI KERNM. MERHL. SANCO) (C) MERHL SANCO) ~RKIN. JOSEPH. LCSW (661)395-10~ 2525 Eye SI Bakersfiel~ 5030 Office Park Or ~ASaamsA 5~6 N Norma Bakersfiemd (~1)326.2200 8akersfiel~ 1925 I rt~ St Rtdgecrest RULE. REBECS. M~ (805)375-7797 (ER. 2201 MI VernOn Ave ~211 (~1)323-2847 Bakersfield (7~)375-9879 20412 Bran Way IfA Tehacflapi KERR FACUL~ M~omc~ 8akeFsfie~ (661)325-7797 MCWILLIAMS. PAUL. LCSW GROUP (661)872-7~ KOPELMAN. ROBERT. MO (661)823~1 (BAKER. KERNM. MERHL. ~UGHLIN. ROBERT. MD Jaoanese ~16 CalUorna Ci~ 81 ~8l~0 Roar St Kl~. SEE-RUERN. MO (~KER. SANCO) (C) (BAKER. MERHL. S~CO) (C) 20412 8rman Way ~IA Califoma Ci~ BakersfieM MERHL. ~NCO) (C) 5030 Office Pa~ O~ lA 104i N China ~ke 81 ~BTeflachaoi {7~)373-2~2 (661)872-7~ rh~ Bakersfiema Ridgecrest (~1)823-0~1 2201 Mt Vernon Ave ~211 2222 I~h St RUSSELL. CHRISTINE, M~Bakersfield ~ Bakersfield (66t)323-2847 (661)327-~01 MORTENSEN, EOMON0. LCSW 2014 E St (66 T)872-70~ 1925 17th St No~e~an ~kersfield {~1 )325-2448 SAIKI, JAMES. MO (8~ER, Bakersfield 5500 Ming Ave t130. (661)325-0646 KERN RIVER H~LTH CTR MUl. BYRON. MD (~XER. KERNM, MERHL ~CO) (C) (661)327-5301 Bakerslield 67 Evans fid MERHL. ~NCO) (C) 5030 Office Pa~k 0r tA20211 Vall~ ~ (661)832-2700 S~TE. ~URIE, M~ Wofford Heigh~ 2222 l~h St Bakersfield Tehacfla~i I~1 N~ Stifle Rd At00 (760)376-2276 Bakersfield (661)323-2847 (661)327-~01 ~kusfield (~1)328-08~ (661)322-40~ NOTE: ~e P~ for Holpl~l Codel (AAAAA) a~ Page V for Board Ce~flcatlon [IM~RTANT: Please venN t,al me o~er ~u seJe~ is a P~em Buyer PPO prov~er at l,e r~ation w~em ~ will r~e~ ~ro (~ lint ~ge BI ~ir~to~ for ~ls). J 1 5 MEDICAL GROUPS continued MCFARI.,~NO COMMUNITY HLTH MALINI. IYENGAR, MO (BAKER. 9ERMAN, BARRY, MO (ENCTA. HUBBELL, 'NHEELER, MD MELENOEZ, PHILIPP, MO SMALE, CHRISTOPHER, MO i CTR GOO JO. MEMCE) (C) RIDGE} (C) (BAKER, MERHL) (C) (BAKER. KERNM, MERHL (BAKER. SANCO) 217 W Kern Ave Indian/Hindi 1041 N China Lake BI 4023 Stool(dale Hwy BARCO) Soan~si~ ? MC Faffand 6001 T~uxtun Ave ,.160Ridgecrest Bakersfield Spanish 4000 Physicians 81 ~201 (661)792-3038 Bakersfield (76~)446-7978 (661)322-3114 3535 Ban Oimas St ~6 Bakersfield SAN OIMAS MEDICAL GROUP (661)323-6410 CHUNG. TONG. MO (GAKER, JACI(SON, R08ERT, MO 8akersfiel& (661)327-4885 INC OURMAZOI. GENZAO. MD KERNM. MERHL SANC0) (C) (GOOSA) (C) (661)325-7103 STANtfY. WILLIAM. MO 300 OI;I River Rd 1200(CHILD, U$CUN) Korean. $1:anisit Spanislt MENOEZ, 01EGO, MO (BAKER. (BAKER. MERHL BANCO) (C) Bakersfield Persia,'gFar;i 3805 San Dimes St tA 3543 San Oimas Bt KERNM. SANCO) (661)663-4924 2601 Oswetl St 1101 Bakersfield Bakersfield Soamst~ 500 Old Rwer Rd 3543 Ban Dimes St Bal¢ersfield (66l)325-3441 (861)634-9842 291 ? Miles $I Bakersfield Bakersfield (661)872-9999 503 W Columbus ,*A Bakersfield (66f)327-3§11 PINEDA. GREGORIO. MO Bakersfield JAMALUOOIN. UMAJMA. MO · (661)663-9094 4000 Physicians BI ,*201 IBAKER. OELAN. MERHL. (661)325-3441 (BAKER. MERHL) (C) (661)324-5275 TERRY. KYLE. MD {0ELAN) In~ian/HindL $[~anisl~ M N. JUM, MO (BAKER KERNM. S~amsl~. Tagalog 8akersfle~ SANCO) (C) ClCCOTro, SALVATORE, MO 3941 San Dimes St ,.101 MERHL. SANCO) 1303 Jefferson (661)327-4885 Soamsn 820 34th St ,.101 1 ;'05 281~ St (BAKER, MERHL. SANCO) Bakersfield gorean Delano Italian (86f)327-3821 4060 A San Oimas Bt (661)720-911 6akerstiel~ Bakersfield 300 Old River Rd 1200 KANHAPPAN, T1LL~II(ARASI. Bakersfield (601)395-6900 i661)322-3008 8akersfielcl UPAOHYAYA. JIGISHA. MO  SABETIAN. KATAYOUN. MO(661)633-4964 MO (BAKER, MERHL SANC0) (661)324-4714 (BAKER, MERHL BARCO) (C} Arabic. In~ian/Hindi MOHAMED. ERAB. MD (RIOGE~ (BAKER. MERHL} (C) CRENSRAW. WENOY. MO 300 Old River R0 ,*200AraO~c. Franc& S~am$1?300 01o River Rd/200 COOPER. MARTIN. MO (CEOAR 2323 16111 St 1206' (BAKER. MERHL. BARCO) Bakersfield 815 N Downs lA Bakersfiei0 MIDWA. S'~/TN) (C1 Bakersfield $l~amsl~ (661)663-4~44 Ri00ecrest (66~}663-4800 t 11 f N China Lake BI(661)322-4001 300 Old River Rd IZ00 (760)371.2177 R~dgecrest WHITEHEAD. RICHARD. MOBakersfield KAROLL. RICHARD. MD {RtOGE~ WALKER. ARMI. MO (BAKER. (760)446-4~71 4580 California-Ave 1100 1661)633-49§4 (C) MUZSNAI. DOMINIC, MO [SiMIVi MERHL BARCO) 1111 N China Lake BI Hungarian. Romaman. Sl)anls,'~ 1609 26th St EHTESHAMI. SHAHRAM. MOBaxersfield DAVIS. PHILIP. MO (BAKER. Ridgecrest 35500 SI Bakerstiel0 (BAKER. DE[AN. HEnnA, 156~)327-4411 MERHL. SANCO) (160)446-4571 Bakersfield (661;633-2229 KER'JA. MERHL BARCO) ~C; YOUNG. ROLANDQ. MO (BAKER. S~anish 1661 )321-9363 Finmsh OE[AN. MERHL SANCO) (C) 300 0td River Rd ~200 KlM. JAE. MD (BELLF) (CI 2027 22nd SI 4000 $tOCkdale Hwy ~'BTa~alof Bakersfield French. Korean. SOan~sl~ OWENS. JOHN, MO {BAKER. Bakersfield ~' Bakers(icEd 1 ;'05 28th St (661)663-4924 4850 Commerce Or ~'100KERNM. MERHL. SANCO) {C ~66~ i633-2229 Bakersfield 3941 San Oimas Bt Bide 101 3551 O St · (661)32.~-6008 8a,~ersfield EDWARDS. DANA. MO (8AKER. (661)325-1685 6aKersfietd Bakersfield '" LERAMO. OLUSEGUN. MO {681 )322-3008 MERHL. SANCO) (C) ~66! 1327-382! ~E61,6.~4-3800 (BAKER. KERNM MERHL. $~gn. $1)amsl~ KLIS. GREGORY. MO (BAKER. SANCC, :el 300 010 River Rd ~'200MERHL BARCO) (C) PARK ARTHUR. MO ~8AKER. WALLRATN. RICHARO. MO 2601 Cs'well BI #10! Bakersfielcl Spanish GOCSA. KERNM. MERHL. IBAKER) (CI 9akershed (661)663-4805 300 Old Rwer Rd ~200 BARCO. TEHAC) (C) Bakersfield 35.;3 San D,mas St 3543 San C~mas SI 1661 )6:~-9999 CHAHIL, 9OOTA. MD [DE[AN. FINflERG. KURT. MO IBAKER. (661)663-4800 Bakersfield Bakersheld KA'.'VEA. SiEVI) KERNM. MERHL. SANCO) (CI KOCSIS. TAMAS. MO (SANG0) {66:;634-9842 ~66~ ~325-9312 MEYER. W LLIAM. MD ..BAKER Ldc:~an. S~an~sh 2200 tBth St 6000 Physicians BI ,~210 KERNM MERHL~ ICi ~2A-5 Graces Hwy #300 8~,&ers(ieKI ICl 785 Tucker Rd el 2~0f MI '.!amen Ave t~! f Oe~ano 16611323-~'854 Hungarian Tenacna0. Bakersfief0 8aker$f,e~ [661)721-9226 8~5 L.~keview Ave ~6611822.5758 <66:1325-931~ (66~18;'2-7000 FLORES· DONALD. MO (DELAN) Bakersliefd PATEL NANSA. M0 (KERNM, WARREN-JINAOU. LINOA. Mn RAHIMIFAR; MA JIB. MD Spamsh (86', 1322-3905 M~RHL. BARCO) &C) ~KERNM, SANCOI iBAKER. MERHL..~THCO) tC~ 1317 Ma,n SI 90', 34m St 2801 0swell $I d101 PATEL. GIRISN. MO L8AKER. Delano LASCANO. MIOUEL MO Ifldlafl~Hinoi Ba.erst,e*e GOOHOI 166T (;'25-4811 IBAKER. KERNM) 622 34Ih Sf 8akersheld 8akersheld !66~ 1335.7747 $oamsn. Ta~alog f6611872-9999 I ~ ~ ;' Truxtun Ave FOK. RANOOL~H. MO [BAKER. 1311 Columbus St IA (66 t ~327-9154 WEINER. JONATHAN. MO Bakersfield KERNM) Bakersfield P~REZ. LEONARD, MO [BAKER. iCLOVI) WROBEL. CHARLES. MO (66:1325-6800 Soan~sn 1661 )813-8393 KERNM. MERHL) (C) 2500 H St [KERNM} ICl 2920 F St #H-12 2535 16tn St el00 2201 Mt Vernon Ave r2! 1 SHAH. MAN,JUL MO (BAKER. Soanlsh Bakefsheld 8akersfLe~ GCCHO~ Bakersfield 6akerslfeld 503 W Columbus St #B (66:i323.6023 (661)872.7000 I817 TruxIun Ave (661~322-7612 (661)634-10~0 Bakersfield WILLIAMS. RENE, MO tCITRU) Bakersfield FONG. DENG. MO (BAKER.LEE. VIRGINIA. MO (PRES0 (861)322-6;00 ~6~ 1325-0800 MERHL. BARCO)lC) RIDGE) (C) RAMASWAMI. VASANTHI. MO S~amsn ManEarln TJ~wanese IKERNM. BARCO) 1314 N Norton Bt SHIPMAN, GARY. MO {GOOHO) 1215 34t1~ Bt 1041 N China Lake BI aB Ind~an/Hindi. $Oanrsh R~d0ecr~l 8ROESKE. OANIEL. MO (KERNMI 22~ 5 Truxtun Ave Bakersfield R~dgecresl 1311 ColumOu$ S! (760)aa6-1114 (C) Bakersfletd Soan,sn 166~663-6281 (661)322-2331 (760)446-6404 Bakersfield YNOSTROZA. FRANCISCO. MD tO30 Flower Bt GARCIA. ANTONIO. MO LEWIS OAVIO. MO (6AKER(661)873-8393 (BAKER. MERHL BARCO) Bakerslie~ WAGNER. MICHAEL. MO (KERNM. MERHL) MERHL. SANCO) (C) RIVERA. REBECCA. MO (BAKER. Spamsh (661)872-7000 (JCHNF) (C) S~amsh 300 Cid River Rd 1200 KERNM. MERHL) (C) 300 Cid R~ver Rd ,*200 2201 Mt 'ternon Ave ~211 ? 111 N Chpna Lake BI1311 Columl~us BI Bakersfield Soanrsh Bakersfield 8akersheld Ridgecrest Bakersfield (661)633-4964 4000 Em0~re Dr 1120 (681)663-4800 t6611872-7000 (760)446-4571 (66! 18;'3-8393 CHAHJL. 800Tn. MO (GELAN. I~J;~'ll:ll;i[q."~.It~'j,'lqqltl[l[~'l 2535 16th St ,*10O LOPEZ. ELVA. MO (BAKER. Bakersfield KAWEA. SIEVI) (C) Bakersfield KERNM. MERHL) (C) i661 )6.37..0137 Laorfa?. $~an~sh (061)634-1000 SodA,st! RIZVI. SYED. MO (BAXER. ALLEN. EOWARO. MO (9AKER. 8787 Hall Rd 4000 Empire Or #120 KERNM. MERHL BARCO) (C) SMALE. CHRISTOPHER. MO 1205 Graces Hve/~300 MERHL. BARCO) Bakersfield 4850 Commerce Or ,.100 0Gland Lemon( S~A~Sh (661 )845-3731 (661 )$37-0137 Bakersfield ( BAKER. BARCO) (6611721-9226 3807 Umon Ave IA CHALMERS. ANTONIA, MO Bakersfield GARClA. LAWRENCE, MO MARZAN-TAN, MARIETTA. MO (861)325-1685 4000 P/~sicians 81/201 (BAKER. MERHL BARCO) (C) (661 (326-0333 (KERNM) (BARCO) ROOT. ROONEY. 00 (BAKER. BakersfieM ra~alog ANDREWS. TODD. MO (BAKER. S~ani$1~ $~anis/~ MERHL) (661)327-4885 1705 28Ut St 8787 Hall Rd 300 Old River Rd t20O Spanisi~ Bakerstiek~ MERHL) (C) Lemon( Bakersfield 1805 271h St WEINER. JONATHAN. MO S:~anish (661)845-3731 (661)663-4924 Bakersfield (CLOVI) (C) (661)322-30~8 2323 16Ih St t407 2500 H Bt MASTERS. THOMAS. OO (661)327-5702 NELVIE. RIOHARO MO ~8AKER. 8akersheld 'GIRARo. JOHN. MO (JOHNM) (C) German. S~a~ish 3200 21st SI 1202 8akersfle~ MERHL. BARCO) (681)395-19(HI 620 34111 St 1205 Games Hwy ti02 Bakersfield (661)323-6023 6001 Tr~xt~fl Ave #A-130 815 Lakeview Ave Bakersfield Oelano (6~1)327-5102 Bakersfield Gakersfield (661)324-472'1 (661)7'25-5514 . SHAKESPEARE. CJUIY. MO (6~I)327.7345 16~I)322-3905 GRAVES. LON. MD (RIOGE) (C) MATERA. VINCENT. MO (OELAN) (BAJ(ER. MERHL SANCO) (C) RELVIE. STEP~EN. MO IOAKER AYYAGARI. RAMCHANDRA. MO 1111 N China Lake 81 /(arian. S~oanish 1609 28th St IA FOK. RANDOLPH. MD (BAKER. MERHL BARCO) ' (C) Ridgecrest 1402 Jefferson St 9.1kersfield KERNM) (C) 2323 16tn St 1203 1830 Flower St IE-218 (760)446-4571 Oelano (681)321-3150 SaanisA Bakersfield 8alLersfield .HALL. LYNOUS. MO(0ELAN. (661)725-3070 2021Z2nd St 2920F$tIH-12 (661 )395-1234 (661 )323-3260 GRANA) (C) 1508 Barges Hw'/~1 Bakersfield Bakersfield 3535 Ban Oimas St ,*20 $~anish Oelano (661)633.2229 (661)322-7612 Bakersfield 1303 Jefferson St (661)725-4780 (6~ I )323-3266 Oelano (661)725-3576 NOTE: See Pag~ VI fo( HolpltaJ Co~Mi (AAAAA) Ifld PiBI V for Board CartlflcMIon 'lO WESTERN REHA611 ITATION 1001 Tower Way #150 2619 F St SWAFFORO. ALBERT. MO Z~RLiN. GARY. MO (BAKER. ASSOCIATES Bake~field Bakersfield (MERHL. SANC0) MERHL SANCO) (C) :337 $ ~0tfi St dG (661)327-4499 (661)327-1425 500 Old River Rd 4.I 10 2103 181fi Bt Taft NIELSON. PAUL. MD (MERHL) COPPOLA. ALEREO. MD Bakersfield Bakersfield i6611763-4194 (C) (BAKER. UERHL. SANCO) (C1 {6611664-2622 (6611327-3~8 AYYAGARI. RAMCHANORA. MO Soanisl? 2634 G St TIVNON. MICHAEL. MO iBAKER. lC} 500 Old River Rd 4.185Bake~field ~ERNM. MERHL. ~ANCO) (C) O) (C) 1830 Flower St 4*E-218 Bakersfield (6611328-8121 300 0lO Rwer Rd 150 ANHALT. JAMES. MO (KERVA) Bakersfield BGXRUO. CYNTHIA. MD (CEDAR. (6611664-9121 Bakersfield ~6611323-3266 CHIL0. PROSA, BTJHL, ' GRIMES, JAMES, MD (BAKER, (C) 3535 San Dimes St 4*20 UCLAM) (C) REYNOLDS. BALE. MO (C)MERHL) (C) (6611663-7600 280f H St · Sdamsl? $~amsd 1921 18th SI VALOS. NICHOLAS. MO [BAKER. Bakersfield Bakersfield 2525 Eye St 2525 Eye 'SI Bakersfield MERHL SAND0) (C) {6611325-0744 ) i [661/323-3266 Bakersfield Bakersfield (6611324-2491 2634 G St 420 34th St ~ CiCC01'ro. SALVATORE. MO [6611327-8511 (6611327-8511 Bakersfield Bakersfield 9000 Ming Ave ,~12 LEVINS. ANTHONY. MO {MERHL) (BAKER. MERHL. SAND0)CASTEEH. CAROLE. MO (BAKER. Bakersfield S~amsi? (6611323-8121 (6611327-7001 Italian 2634 G St FREEDMAN. SHELDON. MO 300 0lO River Rd *200MERHL) (66r (665-3020 Soanisn Bakersfield (KERNM) (C) } Bakersfield 2007 f7th St SHULER. JAMES. MO IBAKER. [6611323-8121 f830 Flower St 01 iCI (6611633-4964 Bakersfield MERHL. $ANCO) (C) LEWIS. MARSHALL. MO (BAKER. MALERICH. MATTHEW. MOBakersfield MADRILEJO. NELSON. MO166f1327-1472 $oamsl? (6611326-2256 4101 Emi)ire Or 4.120 MERHL BANCO) iBAKER. KERNM, MERHL {BAKER. MERHL SA~'~CO) (01 FAN. JOSEPH. MO (FOUNT.. BakersfieIcI 2619 F St SAND0) LANG. ADAM. MO (KERNM) (C) 3550 O St 4. 303 & *304 KERNM) LC) [6611325-3937 Bakersfield 2634 G SI 1830 Fldwer St Bakersfield Mandarin (6611327-1425 Bakersfield Bakersfielcl ER, 18611324-t455 1830 Flower St SOREHSON, ROGER. MO 820-341~ St ,102 Bakersfield {UCLAM) (C) MACX. JOEL. MD (BAKER) (C) {6611323-8121 (661)326-2256 Bakersfield ~714~593-2981 2525 Eye St 1801 281t~ St SWAFFORD. ALBERT. MD PHYSICIANS CLINICAL (661)326-8989 BAkersfield Bakersfield [MERHL. SANC01 LABORATORIES IRC FLOWERS. CHARLE_S. MO (6611327-851 f (6611327-2777 500 0Id R~ver Rci ,110 1900 Truxtun ~CENTI. 0ANFR. OANIE. MALERICH. MAYrHEw. MD Ba~ersheld Bakersfield RORER. TORRA. UCLAM) (C) STAINER. GREGORY. MO (6611327-9641 OOZIER. EMANUEL. MO ,BAKER $~amsn (BAKER. MERHLI iCl (BAKER. KERNM.'MERHL. 16611664-2622 MERHL. SAND0) ~ 111 N China Lake BI 12134 Mounfam Me~ Rd BARCO) (C) 2031 17th St 4*2 2129 17Ih BI R~dgectesl L,lke Isaeella' 2634 G SI Bakerstield Bakersfield ,76G~446--1571 {6191379-3602 Ba~(ersheld (66:~631-9406 ~661t859-22H FREEMAN. CARY. MO [KERNMI 215 Chma Glare Looo 1661 )323-8121 CARSTENS.22 ~ 5 TruxtunSTEVE' 00A.,e 3535BakersfieldSan D~mas 4'16 B 4580 C.]hfornla Ave ,!00 --.Ci Bakersfield MCOABE. MICHAEL. MO !BAKER 186:1861-1636 (661/393-2331 MERHL) ~C1 Ba~ersfiel~ B.~KersheKI $~an~s."~ ..r649 Planz Rd 1921 161~ SI t661,832.5000 SKIRTER. BRUCE. MO ~KERVA) 16611327-44! 1 2201 Mt Vernon Ave 4.211 OGNIBENE. CHARLES. MOB..lkerstleld Ba,ersfield Bakersfield HARDING· RALPH. 0O ici IANTEL. TEHACi ,66t .BTZ*?CC0 (6611633-4040 16611324.2491 Bakersheld29ZO F Bt ~E-18 8a~ersheld42.'] 3aln Si 0 ItahJn $~jmsA FRITCH. CHARLES· MO xBAKER. TOHM. OONALO. MO ~01 MET'TEN. CARL. MO (C) (661)335-7755 1661~327-4647 105 West E S~. D 0 Bo~ 1960 MERHL. SAND0) iCI S~amsn 2619 F SI Tenacnao~ Seamen 1701 261n SI Bakersheld WARSAW. TERRY. MD iTEHAC) (661 ~823-;'070 2525 Eve SI B,l~ersheld 16611327-1425 · MO 20.41 8e~snaw Ave Ba,~erslleld ~661 ~324-9606 NYSTROM. MARl(. MD IBAKER. 20211 va)Ia'/BI P..lo)a':e ,66! J327-8511 WONG. IC~l. MO iMERHL.GOOHO. KERNM. MERHL. ARYA. SATYA. MO .C) Ter~acnao~ ~66! 1824-451 ~ GEORGE. GREGORY. MO SANCD) SANCO) (C) Ind~ar~Hmdl. $~an~sn 1805~822-5544 PARKS· CHRISTOPHER. MO )BAKER SiEVI) {C) 2323 16m St ~,501 1830 Flower SI 2201 19tn St WILLES. EORIC. M0 {0ELAN. .MERHL) 386! SIocKdale H:v,t Bakersfield Bakersfield B.~kershe~O GOOHO HANFO) LC) $oan~sn BakershelO 1661 )327-4484 16611827-9165 ~66!1327.3500 ta0t Garces ~20 34~n St ,102 L66! )83;'-9200 678? Hall Rd 3805 San O~mas St 4*B BUSCH. RICHARO. MO ~BAKEM 0e~ano B~lkershe)d 8201 Cahfo~nla Ave #410 LJ~onl Bakersfield KERNMi lC) ,66~ )721-5276 ~661 )325-6334 Bakersfield 166! )845-373t (6611327-0843 German Spanish 2615 E'/e St WASHINGTON. STEVEN. MD ~661,631-~020 YAPLEE. STEVEN. MO [S',6vI) (C) 3805-B San O~mas St '~ 1 ~21 l ITRU) 4560 Cahlorma Ave GONZALEZ. CASIMIRO. MO 3861 Stock(lair Hw./ Ba~Lersfield Bakersfield (66:1837-2584 Bakersheld $oamsn Bakersiieid [805)327-0843 ~6611872-7060 WU. AGNES. MD ~C) (661 }327-44f I t001 Tower Way elS0 (66t1837-9200 PAIK. YOUNG. MO (BAKER, MARSHALL. ROBERT. MO Mandarin Bakersfield 5201 Calilorma Ave *410 MERHL. SANCO) lEAKER KERNM. MERHL. I ;'00 C St r66t 327-4499 Bakersheld Korean SAND0) (C) Bakersfield {6611631-~20 2619 F St 22C3 l gln St (661)325-2640 KLIGER. CRAIG. MD (C) Bakersheld Bakerslield ). MO GAITONDE PHYSICAL THERAPY 1001 Tower Way 4.15D (8611327-1425 CO) 2619 F Si Bakersfield (6611327-065~ Bakerelield (661)327.4499 MCCLAIN. ALBERT. MO {PARAD J 16611327-5401 ALA06. CLEMENT. M0 (MERHL. REINHART. GLENN. MO LEHMER. JEFFREY. MO (BAKER BARCO) (C) 2026 21st St lB RIDGE) (C) GLINN & GIBROANO PHYSICAL UCLAM) (C) 2619 F St Bakersfield $~amsi~ FISHER. MYRON. MO IBAKER. THERAPY IRC 5329 Office Confer ~120 Bakersfield (6611328-8565 1 I11 N C~lna Lake BIMERHLI id) 120t 23rd St Bakersfield (6611327-1425 Rid(~ecresf 2216 Truxtun Ave 4.I Bakerslield (66f)822-8400 SMITH. THOMAS. MD (CHAPM. (7801446-4871 BAkersfield (6611327-4357 AMIRPOUR. VAHOATfAR. MO GOOSA. MAMMO. RIOGE) MORLEOGE. 0AVID. MO (BAKER. (661)632-5483 270f Calloway Or LING. RICHARD. MO (KERNM. (KERNM. BARCO) (C) 1111 N Crt(nm Lake BI MERHL SAND0) LC) FOGEL STEVEN. MD {BAKER. MO Bakersfield MERHL) (C) 152.4 2Tilt St 1202 Ridgecresf (66f1589-9066 Mandarin Bakersfield (7601446-4571 Soan/sn MERHLI 2325"17m St (6611327-2500 2030 Truxfun Ave 2215 Truxtun Ave 11 01 GLYNN MARIE J Bakerslield 1830 Rower SI SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Bakerslield Bakersfield 1831 Truxton Ave ,~15D(6611321-9633 Bakersfield ORTHOPEDIC INSTITUTE (66f1325-5973 (661)632-5483 Bakersfield MEn GRP 9 (6611326-I 433 MARCH. GLENVILLE. MD {6611326-9165 RABINOV. CYNTHIA. MO GUINTO-MIRANDA. LILIBETH. 2026 21 St St lB [BAKER· MERHL SAND0) (C) MO (BAKER. KERNM. MERHL) (OANIE. UCLAM) (C) BRENNER. BRIAN. MD (BAKER. Bakersfield 3638 ~n Dmn~aL$ SI ~18 (C) · HERITAGE PHYSICAL THERAPY 1111 N China Lake BI MERHL) (C) (6611328-6565 982 N Norma St R~dgecrest 1921 18if( St Bakersfield Tagalog R,d0~rast (7601446-4671 Bakersfield SRIVASTAVA. PRAMOO. MO(661)323-6200 2215 Truxtun Ave ti Bakersfield (7601446-3611 MOHAMMAOl. HOSEIN. MD (6611324-2491 (OELAN. GOOHO. SANCO. SHELOON. ROBERT. MO i SIEVA. SIEVI) Spanish (6611632-5483 SOUTHCOAST REHASIUTATION (KERNM. BARCO) (C) 'BROOKS. ANOREW. MD (CEDAR. Laotian. SPanist~ 820 34th St/101 JACOBS. s'rEv[N. MD (BAKER. ASSOC Persian/Fats( COLLO. COLWE) (C) 1205 Games Hwy ~08 Bakersfield MERHL) (C) 1800 Westwind 0r 110 f 2525 Eye St 1111 N China Lake 81 Delano (8051326-8989 Bakersfield Bakersfield Rldgecrest [661)725-0713 2215 Truxtun Ave SUESBERRY. WILBUR. MO LAXER, (661)327-4685 (6611327-8511 (7601446-4571 SROUR, SAMI. MO (BAKER. (OELAN. $1E~/l. TULAR) Bakersfield THERASPORT MORTON. RONALO. MD CHANORASEKARAN. MERHL. SANCO) (C) f205 Garces Hwy ~207 (6611632-5483 3700 Gosford ~G (BAKER. KERNM. MERHL, PAPPANJUCXENPAL. MD 500 0lO River Rd ~110 Defend WARSAW. TERRY. MO (TEHAC) Bakersfield BANCO) (C) (BAKER, MERHL BARCO) {C) BakerSfield (6611721-1422 (C) (6611832-9737 S~anisl~ 1205 Garces Hwy 4*306 (661 )664-2622 1001 Tower Way A150-8 Oelano 20211 Valley 81 Bakersfield (6611725-7211 Teflacllagi (66 f )324-6405 (805)622.5544 NOTE: ~ Page VI for Hoapltal Codel (AA_&~) and Page V for Eolrd Certification ] [ IMPORTANT: Please vanE/that tl.,e provider you .loci is a prudent Buy. ppo provk:let at tile iocaUon where ~ win race. .... e (see fit st page of directory foe d et'id), i 17 · ~ OINICOI,~, WILLIAM. MD 6001 Truxtun Ave ~C-320 SHAH. BHARATI. MD iBAKER. ~ (BAKER. MERHL) (C) 6akersfielO KERNM. MERHL SANC0) 300 Old River Rd 1125 (661)323-5484 4580 California Ave ¢100 : FISHER. MYRON. MD {BAKER· Bakersfield 6001 TnJxtun Ext 1320-C Bakersfield MERHLI (C) (661)631-0891 Bakersfield (661)327-441! LEE, CHUCX-k'WAN. MO (BAKER. AMMARI. RJr. AN. MD (ANAGE. 2215 Truxtufl Ave `d!6401 Truxtun Ave (661)623-5484 Bakersfield Bakersfield 6401 Truxtun Ave SHAH· HITESH. MO (BAKER. MERHL,'SANCO) (C) ENCTA. GAROE, SHERM. {661)632-5483 (661)631-0891 8aicersfield KERNM. MERGE) (C) Mandann STLUK) (C) FOGEL. STEVEN. MO ~BAKER. FERGUSON, ILATNERINE, MD (661)631-089f Indian/Hindi 1700 A SI Arat~ic. Armenian, Russian. · 1830 Rower St Bakersfield Soams# MERHLI (ti IRIOGE) (C) 9905 Dace Ave Bakersfield 1661)327-3271 110 E North SI ; 2215 rruxtun Ave `dl 1041 N China Lake 61 18 Bakersfield Bakersfield Ridgecrest (661)831-1106 (661)325-4450 Tat! 6001-A Truxtun Ex! t180 (805)763-42! (66!)632-5483 (760)446-6404 MENDEZ, DIEGO, MD (BAKER. Bakersfield ! 15 W E JACOBS. STEVEN, MO (BAKER GEHLAWAT, OILBAGN, MD KERNM. SANC0) ' (661)322-8687 Tehachapi MERHL) lC) (BAKER. QELAN. MERHL) (C) S~amsl; JOHNSON· ROYCE. MD (BAKER. (661)822-3241 $flan~si~ 2917 Niles SI SHAW. GUY. MO (BAKER. KERNM) $~amsA, Tagalog MERHL VALLE) (C) ANOERSON, BRADFORD, MO 22!5 Truxtun Ave `dl 432 Lexmgton St Bakersfield Sflamsll [BAKER. KERNM. MERHL) (C) Bakersfield Delano (661)324-5275 2828 H St ~'F t830 Flower SI Sflanisl~ Bakersfield Bakersfield t661)632.5483 1661~725-6266 MERRILL GARY, MD (BAKER (66I)323-6483 5001 Commerce Or 1100 WARSAW, TERRY, MO {TEHACi 4570 California Ave MERHL) (C) 616 34th SI (66!)326-2200 Bakersfield (C) Bakersfield 2920 F $I `dC6 Bakersfield 220t Mt Vernon Ave `d211 (661)325-8375 · Bakersfiel(~ $~amsA 1661)327-441 ! Bakersfield (66! }335-7660 YDON, CHRIS, MO {BAKER, 20211 Valle,/8i HO. SZE, MO {BAKER. MERHL. (66!)324-899~ (661)872.7000 HEABA. MERHL) Tena¢a0~ SANCO) (C) 2920 F SI .~C-6 SUEN, VtTUS, MO {BAKER. SCHAUF, VICTORIA· MO Korean ;~. {805~822-5544 4040 San Olmos SI .dA BaKersfield KERNM. MERHL SANC0) (C) {Ri0GE) ~Cl 5001 Commerce Or 1100 Cantonese. ManCann :~. Bakersfield (805)384-1630 4000 San D~mas SI `df 409 '.¥ Drummond Ave Bakersfield ~. 16611327-3784 MICHALIK. MARCIA. MO (RIDGE) Bakersfield Ridgecresl (661)325-8375 :.i. ALHAI0. MOHAMMED. MO IDEA. LILITN BESS. MD (KERNM) 1111 N Chma Lake BI (66~ 1322-3072 (760)371-2128 ::-¥ (0ELANI fCt {Cl Ric~qecrest ~? Arao c $oamsn rapalo~Fa¢alo¢ (7501446-4571 SYKES KAYE, MO (BAKER MERHL} ici Referral requ,re~, please see .i 1402 Jefferson St 146 N Phil St NGUYEN, 0AVl0. MO (FOUNT 300 0lQ River Rd `d165 page IV : De(anD Ar/m GARDE. ORAC0. SUBURI Bakersfield 8HOGAL. RMDHU. MO LBAKER. ALLCARE THERAPY SERVICES/ .: 1661 ~r25-8693 ~66:)854-3131 FrencA. $Oams~. V~ernamese !661)663-3100 MERHL SANCOI *C} MATRIX S'5 Lake',qew Ave 6401 TruxIun Ave AMIN. HASMUKHBRAI MO Bakersheld Bakershelr~ THOMAS. ANTHONY. MD 3801 San 0~mas SI *'B330 E R,dgecrest BI `dO : tBAKER MERHL. SANCOI (C, ~66:~322-3905 !661 !631-0891 ~BAKER. MERHL. $ANCD) IC, 6aker¢ie!¢ R~dgec:est In(hon. H,ndl 4580 Cahlerma Ave 1667 (63f-2229 i;'60)37! 300 01~ R~,,,er R~ ,~ 20 JUNG. SUNG. MO tBAKER.POH. SUE, MO ~BAKER. MERHL Bakersfield CAYABYAB. ROWENA. MO BAKERSFIELD SPORTS BaKershe~d MERHL SINCe) ici SANC0~ (Cl ~6611327-4411 ~GOCH0 GGCSA. QUEEN· ·MEDICINE & REHABIUTIVE (66~ 1663-7500 ;('oreJtT SoaP, tsP. 7Jgalog 51 B W Co(umOus SI wA 4040 San O~mas St eB 1524 27th SI ~03 SANGAi THERAPY ·Bakersheld $OJn~S~ FJCJiog ~00$1ineRd L AHZAI. TAKASHI. MO ~BAKER BaKershe(d BaKerstietd ~667 ;63!-94E5 ?0200,5,ta,n SI KER,qM. MERHL SAaCOl ,C, i66U323-737! (6611322'7337 ga~ersheld Jafldnese 6 ! t A~rpor! Or Lament [ 66; 1834-2300 4580 Ca,torn,a Ave ,fO0 KANTHAKUMAR. RANTHIAH,2201 MI Vernon Ave '~2! 1 Bakersfield ,6611665.!736 . Bakershel(3 MO tANTEL LANCA) Bakersfield 166 U39f *~7St GAITONDE PHYSICAL THERAPY L66' 1327-a4: ! Soan,sn (6611872-7000 6a01 fruxlun Ave HO. SZE. MO BAKER. MERHL ~St9; St 1691a Hwy 1.1 RAFIQ. REHANA· MO i. BAKER. Bakersfle(d SANCCi ~C, Bakersfield -x 8HGGAL MAOHU. MD ,8AKER Mo[ave MER~L. SANCO) (C) t66 f)63 !-0891 4040 San 9,mas SI ,A ;EB:)32;'-SaD! MERHL SANCOi ~CI ,66! ~824-8232 Bake,she,d 380~ San Dimas S~ oB /nOon. H/riEl Ur.~u VANICHAROEN. YUPIN, MO,66Tt32;.3;36 GLINN & GIOROAHO PHYSICAL Bake~$flelcI KAfZ. ALBERT. MD ICEOAR. 300 Old R~ver R¢ ~'!65¢,NESTSI THERAPY INC (66::63;.2229 ENCINp Bakers!lord r~J~ KHUU. TIEN. MO BAKER ~201 23rd $! 3~3~ San Dlmas SI all01 (661f663-31!0 5?0 61h SI ~A KERNM MERHLI Bakersfield 80¥D. NANCY. MD !KERNMBakersheld RODRIGUEZ. JORGE· MD raft Rencn v~et.ean?ese ~661)327-4357 KER'YAi (661)327-5037 f0ELAN) ~C) )661 )763-3606 2204 Q SI S~.ln,s,'t Bakersfield 2701 Calloway Dr 3630 GOOch Sour SI 'C KHUU. TIEN, MO LBAKER.S~dn~sn. ragalo~ WALKER. SUSAN, MO !BAKER. (661)323-6321 (661)589-9066 L,lke ;$a'~ella KERNM. MERHL) 1519 Garces H~ ~I05 MERHL) lC) Oelano KLUPSTEEN. MATNILDA, Mn 2330 Truxlun Ave '~C HERITAGE PHYSICAL THERAPY (760t3;'9-3365 flenon V~etname$e t0611725-8565 lEAKER MERHL. SANC01 6412 Laurel Ave 2204 O SI ~A BaKersfiel(] 982 N Norma SI Lake ts,ii, ella Bakersfield RUIZ-RESTREPO. LUIS. MO (661)323-5485 3801 San Dlmas St ~'DR~dqecrest (760)379-1794 ~6611323-6321 (KERNM fEHACl lC) BaKershel(~ (760)446-36! 1 8USTAMANTE. JAVIER. MOKLUPSTEEN, MATHILOA, MO $oamsn ~ (661 !631-2229 JACOBQ PHYSICAL THERAPY I !6 W E SI RUIZ-RESTREPO. LUI$, MO 2828 H St (BAKER. MERHL) lC) &BAKER. MERHL SANCO) [C) rehachaJ~ BASER. SALMA. MO IBAKER. (KEBNM fEHAC) lC) Bakersfield S~ams~ 3801 San O~mas SI `dR 2631 Fashion PI ~'A Bakersfield (805)822-4421 MERHL SANCO) (C) S~anlsn BakersfieLd /661)631-2229 SACAMOTO. REUUTA. MO 35S0 Q St ~'301 I T6 W E SI (66! ;63 -8793 (661)632-S160 KUMARI. SURESH. MO IBAKER. (BAKER. MERHL. SANCO) Bakersfield Tenac,apl PAiR & MAROI'TA PHYSICAL 2028 17!) SI (E61)321-3161 (805)822-4421 THERAPY 3(]0 01~ R~ver Rd ~105 MERHL SANCO) (C) Bakersfield COUL$ON. JOHN. MI) (BAKER. S337 rruxfun Ave Bakersfield 1524 27!~ SI `d403 8akersfielQ (661)663-4700 (~kersfield (661)326-0461 MERHL) (C) : (661)324-O122 400 Cid R~ver Rd (66 I)322-7337 SANGPATSDN. PAURIN, MO 616 34in St KATZ. ALBERT. MO (CEDAR. SEQUOIA PHYSICAL THERAPY Bakersfield 2201 Mt Vernon Ave `d211 (KERNM) Bakersfield ENCIN) 204 ! 8 Dnan Way i661)632-S160 Bakersfield C'?a~ (661)335-7660 3737 San 0~mas SI 1101 Tenac~ao~ CARBONELLi EMMA, MO (66!)8;'2-7000 67 Evans Rd KLUPSTEEN, MATHILOA, MOBakersfield Woffor~ Heights (BAKER. MERHL. SANCO) (66!)327-503;' (66!)822-5483 (BAKER. MERHL SANCO) LIVEN. GEORGE. MD (KERNM) (7601376-2276 $~amsA. Fa~a/op lC) 3801 San Olmos SI `dB SOUTHCOAST REHABILITATION 1524 2711~ SI SlTanl$11 SCHAUF, VICTORIA, MO Bakersfield ASSOC Bakersfield 16! f /sl St (RIOGE) (C) (661)631-2229 1800 Wes(wind Or 110! (661)322';7337 Bakersfield 409 W Orummond Ave SHAW. GUY, MO (BAKER, Bakersfield 2201 MI Vernon Ave `d211 (661)336-5300 RidgecresI MERHL. VALLE) (C) Referral re~oired, please see (661)327-46R5 Bakersfield (661)8;'2-7000 LEE. QNUCI[-KWAN, MO (BAKER. (760)371-2128 2828 H St `dF page iV TERRIO, TIMOTHY, APT MERHL, SANCO) (C) SCNUMACHER. ROBERT, MO8akersfleld PAIR & MAROTTA PHYSICAL 2838 Oswetl 5! CAYABYAB. ROWENA, MO Mandarin (RIDGE) (C) (661)323-6483 THERAPY Bakersfield (GOOHO. GOOSA, QUEEN. 1700 A SI 104f N China Lake 81 IB 616 34Ih SI 5337 Truxtun Ave (661)873-710D SANGAI (C) Bakersfield Ridgecresl Bakersfield Bakersfield 5400 Olive Or lA Sl~anr~lt. Tagalog (661)327.3271 (760)446.6404 (661)335-7660 (661)324.0122 ~kersfield 10200 Main 6f Lamonl LEE. $t.~N. MO (BAKER. MERHL. SEVILL~-ANOERSON. EUNICE. SEQUOIA PHYSICAL THERAPY (661)387-90§D (66 I)84S-f 788 SANCO) (C) MO 20418 8nan Way 9(~O Ming Ave Korean 6001-A Tr~l~un Ext t180 fehachapl Bakersfield COULSON. JOHN. MO (BAKER. 4580 California Avn If00 Bakersfield (661)822-5483 (661)663-9675 MERHLf (C} Bakersfield (661)322-8687 THERA~ORT 6f6 34Ih SI (66f)327-44! ! 3700 Gosford Bakersfield Bakersfield (66f)335.7660 (661)832-9737 NOTE: ~ea Pagn VI fei' Hospital Codes (AAAAA) and Plge V foe Bolrd PHYSICAL THERAPY continued  WESTERN REHABILITATIONMAREK. LEE. OPM (GEORG. MANOHARA. SAKREPATNA. MD ;:.m *.II e. m. a i OEETN$: TONY. MO ~SANCO) (C) MICHAELS. GREGORY. MD ASSOCIATES KERVA. NATIV) lC) (BAKER. GOO JO. MEMME.~ $oanisfl (RIVER. STMME) lC) 337 S 10th SI ~ 1041 N China Lake 8I MERME) {ti 1817 Tfuxtufl Ave .German. Taft Ri(]qecresl tndiamHrnBi DYFIELO. JOHN. MD ((lAKER. Bakersfield 1O8! N Chma Lake 81 ANAGE. (661)763-4194 (760)446-F978 6001 Truxtun Ave ,~160KERNM, SANCO) (C) ;805~325-6800 R~dqecres~ :qM. 11 t 1 N Chma ~ke 81 Bakersfield 3550 O St ~106 FARTHING. 0AVID. M0 ~0E~N. ~760)446-0600 Ri~qecrest (661 }323-6410 8ake~tield MEMME) lC) MINK. JERROLD. MD tcENru. ~n. AREVAL0 JR. ELiSEO. MOi;~)446-45~ MEN00~. RAUL. MO ~GOOSA. (805)327-ZI00 Soams~. Ta~loq STJHL~ lC) {GLEME. GLENO. HUNEA) MILLER. MARK. OPM (BAKER. NEMCO) 0AVIS. 0~N. MO (MERHL.1205 Garces H~ 1111 N C~ma La~e 81 GOdHO. MERHL) (C) S~amsn STBER) (C) 0elano R~dqecres~ Te~ac~0i 8u~onwdlow 8akersfiel~ 2215 Truxtun Ave ~ ~01 Garces H~/81 (66H822-3241 (916~482.9873 (661)834-834~ 8akersfiel~ 0elano MIRANOA. GOOOFREO0. MD 3857 Stock,ale H~ MOHAN~UMAR. R. MD (BAKER. ~6611632-5700 ~661)721-5280 ~MERHL TEHAC. WESTS) Mt~S. GORDON. MO (BA~ER.Bakersfield GOOHO. KERNM. MEMCE. HARPSTREITH. ~MES. MD ICl FRANKEL. STEVEN. MD {CENTU. 2215 rruxtun Ave ). MD GOOHO. SANC0) lC) ~661 )~2-1667 MERME) ManCann. Soan~s~ STjHL) ~C 8a~er~fiel~ RHL) (C) 2525 H St 3861 Stoc~dale H~ Indtan/Hindi 3550 O Si ~106 ~ I1 t N China La~e BI i66:~663-6281 Bakersfield 8a~ersfiel~ 6d0~ Truxtun Ave ~16~ 8a~ershel~ ;,~gecres~ NICHOLS. JAMES. MO (BA~ER 100 (661)324-~208 {66h8324667 Bakersfield (805~327-2100 (750)4~6-0265 PRUNES-CARRILLO. FER~NO0. 820-34ln St ~2 (66~1323-6410 GOCHO. SANCOI MO ~KERNM) (C) Bakersfield ~MINSKL PAUL. MO (ANTEL. FRASER. EL~NOR. MD ~KERVA, I9! 4 ;rux~un Ave (ER. S~amsn 16611326-8989 HIOES. ~NCA) ~C~ 2201 Mt Vernon Ave ,21 ~ 3737 Hall Ra ~5~ 7 N Downs ~2424 Mt M~sa 91 [661 ~324-6588 Bakersfield Lamon~ CROW. C. PHO Ri~gecrest L~e ~saoeita 3940 San O~mas 100 (66t)872-7000 {6671845-3731 ~716 Oak St ~I (7~}446-7714 ~66~}321-47~6 RABINOV. CYNTHIA. MD NELSON. ~0MAS. OPM BaKersfiele KlM. OWEN. MD (BAKER. 64 ' 2 Laurel Ave ~66 e .325-6800 ~BA~ER MERHL. SANCO) iBAKER SANCO) (ti ~661 323-5579 KERNM. Sl~[I iCI L~.e IsaCella NORTH. CHARLES. MO 3535 San ~mas St ~18 2627 H St ~1 FISHER. JAY. PHO Korean ,7601379-2681 TEHAC~ 3550 O SI ~106 HAHN. HYOJOON. MO ,CENTU. S2JmSA (661)3~3'6200 ,667,32D2895 8akersheld SCHMIOT. GERHARO. MO ~AGSOLINGAN. J. R~OERICK. ~661 ~322.8833 NAMIH~S. IVAN. MO ;.~MUN~ a~d~ec:est '667 ~66~-62~I 1VICE~ (BAKER) lC) OPM: ~E~N. KERNM. GRAHM. JOHN. PHO ~CI :7~0N~6-45;? 0SOVA. SUSAN. M0: tS~ 7 N QO'.v~S KERN RAOIBLOGY ME01C~L :C8' N C~ma L~ke ,66? )327-8597 ,9'6,482-9873 m ;60~446-7714 2]Gl Bahamas 9r . '6C.446-.~600 MACILVAINE. MARY. PH0 ROSSI. CARL. MO :LOMUN) ,C, Id,erst,ale :' ' ' N Cnma ~661 ,~23-d600 ~76C~446.7714 5:,,e,she~e PAIEL. GIRISH. MO ;BA~Eq BARNES. SAMUEL. OPM PASABOC. LIVIU. OPM (DEAN MURPHY. KA~LEEN. PH0 .66' ,37-1 .'92 GCC~0, ,C, tGOOHO ME,NC) SIEVI) ,C, ~HAH. MUKUNO. MO (ANTEL HERAPY ~661 m327.3205 B.),e~shelO ~66~ '.3~3-~3 ' BROWN. MICHAEL. OPM :651.,832-T666 PHILLIPS. JUOITH. ~O (760}446-;7t4 KLEIN. MICHAEL. MO .GCO~ SHAH. MAN JUL. MO ,BAKER ~GOOH0 MERHL. ~NCO),C~ SILL. TIMOTHY. OPM ;'~AK~R. "~C~e:v ~aE~T ~ CN;E: ST:~L~ ~C) ~:0HQ~ 500 Olao R~ver R~ ~145 MERHL. SAe(CO) HE~RAGHA~A. MO a,c~ec:est ~Ba~ershe10661 ~663- 8483 ~a,2:28 Tr~tu~ AVee rshela , ~ . ~A~IrEL. HIOES. ~NCA~ (C115 t; N 09wnS , :50,446.457 ~6' .2~5.6800 9~c0 Slockdale ~ ,400 ~661 )324.9655 PIEHUCCI. JAN~. PRO R,dgecrest ~RASNY. ROBERI. MO ,bC~M, SHAHANGIAN. MICHAEL. MO (66! ,663-8483 ZIMMERMAN. JOHN. OPM 8akersfiel~ I l 11 N Ch~n4 Lake )1 ' ~r~:d~ ~MERHL, SANC0. TEHAC) (C) 1661,323-5556 R~rest "~8~ N Chma L~ke 81 0AVIS. SC0~, OPM ~GOOHO. 2021~ Vall~ ~1 MERHL TEHAC) Ten4cnao~ REED. EOWARO. PH0 ~:601446'026~ 2021 t Valley Bt .BR? Ja22-553Z :4~a6 8oro~ R~ AOLER. LOUIS. MO [C[NTU. LEVENTHAL. HOWARD. MO IE~ Te~achao~ ~3C0 S[~k~ale H~ ~400 8oron STjHL) (C) ,BA~ER. MER~L TEHAC. SHETH. PULIN. MD ;CENT~ ~661;8~2-553~ ea~e~sfmel~ ~60);62.7671 I1 H N C~ma Late 81 wESFS~ SFJHL~ ~C) 9300 Stock,ale Hv~/400 [661 )663-8483 a,dGecrest Soa~,sn t:: ~ N Cmna Lake 91 9akersfie)d SEYMOUR. ~EVIN. PHO (760)446-4571 2215 hu~tun Ave R~Y (66 T 1663-8483 501 W Atkins am~QeCreSt R~dg~rest BEC~ER. WARREN. MO (0ELAN~ 8akefiheld r ;60~446-0265 HAMILTON. MARX. OPM ~7~)446-55t5 lC) 66i .663-6291 SPiELLER. SUSAN. MO ~CENTu~ (BAKER) BRONNER. PHILIP. MO (SANPE. ~an~s~ ra~Jlog LiU. &OHN~. M0 (C~ ~C) 3857 Stockdale H~ TORRAI (C) WAL~ER. ROBERT ~O 1205 ~r¢~ H~ Mandarin ;IC~ (66t)832.1666 Bakersfield 9a.ersfiel~ (66~)~25-484~ Ba~erstmeid a~OQecrest HORN. ~WRENCE. OPM 1661)323-3686 (66l)396-9777 1401 Ga~ces ~ BI (661)395-0~55 ~6d)446-4571 (RiOGE. WESME) BURDICK. RICHARD. MO YU~LER. F. PHD (MEMCE)Oelano 1314 N No.ma St (BA~ER. MEMCE. MERHL 5500 Mmg Ave 1210 (661)7ZI-5280 L0~SCH. MA~. MO STARGAROTER. FREO. M0 (TEHAC) lC) 1Q81 N Chma Lake BI Rid~ecrest SANC0) 9ake~fiet~ BEIN. MARSHALL. M0 [CENTU. 2215 Truxtun Ave RLdgecrest E~ (760)446-3338 2323 16th St t108 (661)834-8341 STJHL. UC~M) (C) ~ketsheld 1760)446.0600 KESLER. 8RE~. GPM (KERVA. BakersfielG 1111 N C~mna Lake BI (661)663-6281 WAGNER. MICHAEL. MD MERHL) (C) ~66 )327-2021 RmdgeC[esl MACLENNAN. TN0~S. MO (JOHNF) (C) 20211 Valley BI GOK~NE?. RAVI. MD (BAKER. (7~)446-4571 (MERHL TEHAC. WESTS) (C) 1111 N Cbmna Lake ffA~0N Tehac~api G00HO. MEMCE) JOSEPH. 8RAOL~, MD (BA~ER. CHAN. ~NA, MO (JOHNF) (C) SflJms~ R~d~ecrest (661)822*5537 Ind/an/Hind~ 26~5 Eye Si 160~ H St ~150 C 101 93~ St~kdale H~ Y400 ~01 Tru~un Ave I1~ MERHL S~C0) Bakersfield Bakersfield (760)446-457t B~kersfield Bakersfield 2619 F St (661)663-~83 (~1)323-6410 8a~ersfiel~ (661)633-3688 (661)323-3829 WlEOMAN. MART~. MO (661)327-4~3 C~RMS. MA~H~. MD 2215 Truxfun Ave (G00HO) (C) Bakersfield KRA~. MICHELE. OPM KERCHER.'EUGENE. MO (CENTU. STJHL) 1817 Truxtun Ave Gef~n. Spani~ (~ERNM) lC) MERRILL. GARY. MD (8~ER. FrencA (661)~3-6281 Bakersfield 1111 N China ~ Bi 1830 Rower St MERHL) lC) I 111 N China ~ BI MCCLINTOCX, ~MES, MO (661)325-68~ Ri~g~rest ~kersfield 2920 F St ~C6 R]eg~rest (TEHAC) lC) (7601446-4571 (800)~2-3303 Bakersfield (7~)446-4571 2215 Truxtun Ave (66 t )324 -89~ Bakersfield ~LONE, JIM, OPM (KERNM) MALINI, IYENG~, MO (BAKER. 2920 F St IC-6 CORNFOR~, 00~, MO /M/aA. S~ni~ GOOJO. MEMCE) lC) Bakersfield (SANCO) (C) (661)663-6281 AOLER. LOUIS, MO (CENTU. 30~ S Chester Ave India~ifldi (~5)384-1630 S~ntsfl MCG~OY, R0~O, MO STJHL) lC) Bakersfield . ~01 Truxtun Ave ~1~ 2615 Eye St (~NCA) lC) I111 N China ~ke 81 (6611831-8673 Bakersfield PATEL, MINAL, MO lC) 6ake~field t 111 N China ~ 81 Ridgecrest 4~ StrAddle H~ ~ (661)323-6410 8787 H~II Rd (661)633-3~8 Ridg~rest (7~)446-4571 6ake~s/ieiU LamBer (760)446-0265 (661 )~2-3~0 (661)845-3731 NOTE: See Page VI foe Hoapltll Codla (AAAAA) lind Page v for Board Certification SURGERY ~ GENERAL VASCULAR continued '~UL. TANO. SANDYS. MO (6,~(ER. I.~F. lAWRENCE. MD (BAKER. MERHL, SANCO) MERHI. $ANCO) (C) 2521 G St 2005 1?th St Bakersfield ~,ikefsfleld {6611327-2544 (6611327-4252  REOOY. ¥OOUR. MD (8ARST. POMON, STMM[, VICT0) (C) 1111 N C~ina Lake 91 AREVALO JR. ELISE0. MO Rid0ecrest !11 (GLEME. GL/NO, HUNEA) (760)446.4571 Faqalog 115 W E St SHAXIR, SHABBIR, MO (BAKER. Tenac~ap, GOOSA, KERNM, MERHL, 0 {661]822-3241 SANCO) ;O) (C) AraI~C. Ind~an/Hindi )00 2808 F St ~E Bakersfield ARBEGAST, NELL, MO (5ANCO) (6611395..0688 LEXI. (C) STONE, BRUCE, 00 (BAKER, Al (C) t 711 28t~ St MERHL. $ANCO) (C) I 8aKersfiold 1524 2?tll St' t20Q (661)327-8538 Bakersfield BLOCH. JACX. MO (BAKER. (661)631-5686 KERNM) {C) WAGUESPACK. R06ERT. MO S~anlsh 2201 Mt Vernon Ave ~211 (BAKER, MERHL SANCO) (C) ~R. Bakersfield 2201 19th 'St (661)872-7000 6akerslietd (661)321-3303 DERRICK, MARVIN. MO k0AKER. SANCO) 1711 28tn $I Bakersfield {66 ~ )327-8538 FRAZIER, BRUCE. MO (BAKEA. SANCO) 1711 28tn St ! ~66:)32 0REILL¥. RICHARD, MD [BAKER. GOOHO KERNM. MERHL. · MO SANCO) ICl CO) 2323 16m St ~'302 1661 )325-425;' P~AW. PATRICX. MO ~BAKER. SANCOI '01 ~ 7! 1 281n St t66 ~ )327-~1538 PUREWAL. S~RABJIT. MO (BAKER. SANC0) ER. 1711 26m St 300 (661)327-8538 SOTO-VEL~CO. JOSE. MO (BAKER. KERVA, MERHL. ,ER. SANCO. TEHAC) (C) 1524 271h St ~301 Bakersfield (66~)327-9008 ~CO) *~ CHANG. HAU. MO (MERHL. SANCO) (C) 2120 Truxtun Ave SN. MO Bakersfield (66!1327-36~8 CHANG. JOSEPH. MD (BAKER. MERNL, SANCO) (C) 3535 San ClimBs ~4 (8051327-3177 ~ER. 3535 San oimas St ~4 ;CO1 [C) Bakersfield (6~I1327'-3177 CHI. JENSEN. MO (OEIAN) Ja~e~. MamUr~n. Spanist~ UI. MO 1205 Garr~s h'wy ~ JCO) (C) Delano ~9 (6611725.7244 HOUSTON. RENOEL. MO (HIOES. IANCA. TEHAC) 801 N Downs tJ LAN) Riclgecrest ~3 (7601375-6261 JOSEPH. BRUCE. MO (BAKER. SANCO, SANM0) (C) 2020 Tmxton Ave 8akemrmid (6611323-~80 NOTE: ~ Pe~e V~ h)r HoelMlal C(~e~ (~) and Pl~l V fiN' i iMPORTANT: plel~e veiny trait tile pl. Ovfdef y~j W iI i pru(;Mflt 9uy~. ppo pn~a(~t at ifil ioclLkm whim ~ ~ ~ ~ (~ ~ ~ ~ ~ f~ am~) RADIOLOGY - DIAGNOSTIC continued ARCHIBEQUE. FRANK, Mn KRASNY. ROBERT. MD (UCLAM) SHETH. PULIN. MO (CENTU. HIEBERT. BRYAN. MO (KERNM) 0LSEN. GARY. MD (TEHAC) TANGPRAPHAPHORN. VIBUL. ~ (SANCO) (C) (C) STJHL) (C) (C) 115 W E SI MO (WESTS) (C) S~anislt 1111 N China Lake BI 1111 N China Lake BI . Sl~anish Tei~achal~i Mandarin. Thai 2615 Eye St Ridgecrest Ridgecrest 4580 California Ave *'100 (661)822-3241 109 Adkisson Way Bakersfield (760)446-0265 (760)446-0265 Bakersfield 20693 Valley BI Taft (661)633-3688 LEVENTHAL. HOWARO. MO SHIPMAN. GARY. MD (G{~OH0) (661)327-441 t Tenachapi (661)765-4124 DECKER. WARREN. MO (OELAN) [BAKER. MERHL TEHAC. 2215 Truxtun Ave HYDEN. RALPH. MO (VICTO) (C) (661)822-0583 TAYLOR. EDWARD. MO (C) WESTS) (C) Dakersfield 2215 Tmxton Ave OREILLY. RICHARO. MD (DAKER. (KERNM) (C) Sl~anish, Tagalog 50an/$h (661)663-6281 Bakersfield GOOH0, KERI~M, MERHL, Shah{S# 1205 Garces Hwy 2215 Truxtun Ave (661)327-3371 SANCO) (C) 2201 Mt Vernon Ave *211 eelano Bakersfield SPIELLER. SUSAN. MD (CENTU) Bakersfield (661)725-4847' (661)663-6281 (C) IRANI. HORMUZ. MD (BAKER. 2323 16Ih SI 1302 · 1401 Games Hwy BI S~an/sh MERHL SANCO) (C) Bakersfield (661)872-7000 Oetano LIU. JOHNS. MO (C) 1111 N China Lake BI 6001 O Truxtun Ave .~420 (661)326-4257 WILLIAMS. GREGORY. MO (661)721-§280 Mandarin Rid0ecrest Bakersfield PALITZ. SHEPARD. Mn (BAKER. MERHL. BANCO) (C) 4000 Physicians BI #E 101 (760)446-4571 (661)636-0601 (MERHL) (C) 9300 Stockdale Hwy ~'300 8EIN. MARSHALL. MD (CENTU. Bakersfield Bakersfield STJHL. UCLAM) (C) I681)395-0155 YAWITZ. BRUCE. MD (CENTU. JONES. ROBERT. MD (C) 2521 G St STJHL) (C) 11 ! I N China Lake BI Bakersfield {661)665-0505 1 t 11 N China Lake BI MCGRAOY. RONALO. MD 1 f f 1 N China Lake BI Ridgecrest (66f)327-2544 ZAHRIYA. KARIM. MD (ALEXI. Ridgecrest (760)446-4571 (LANCA) (C) Ridgecrest (760)446-4571 PAW, PATRICK, MD (BAKER, 0E~N. GOOSA, BANSA) (C) 11 f 1 N China Lake Bi (760)446-4571 SANCO) (C) 1205 Garces Hwy/303 CHAN. ANNA. MO (JOHNF) (C) Ridgecrest .. KESHISNIAN. ARA. MO (DELAN) 2615 Eye SI (760)446-0265 (C) 1711 28th SI DelanO Bakersfield Armenian. Persian/Fats{ Bakersfield (661)725-4847 MICHAELS. GREGORY. MD 1205 Garces Hwy ,303 (661)633-3688 {RJ_VER STMME) (C) Oelano PHILLIPS. CHARLES. MO .~! CHARMS. MATT'HEW. MD German. S~anish MACLENNAN. THOMAS. MD (661)725-4847 (BAKER. MERHL SANCO) (C) LEFOR. ALAN. MO (CEDAR. (CENTU. STJHL) (C) 1087 N CRma Lake 81 (MERHL TEHAC. WESTS) '~,~ French Ridgecrest S~amsh LEFOR. ALAN. MO (CEDAR. Soanish KERNM) {C) Ii 1111 N China Lake BI (760)446-0600 f601 H St ~'150 C KERNM) (C) 9300 Stockdale Hwy ~'300 German. Jal~anese Bakersfield German. Jal~anese Bakersfield 1830 Flower St Ridgecresl MIRANDA. GOOOFREDO. MD (661)323-3829 1830 Rower St {661 )665-0605 Bakersfield i (760)446-4571 (MERHL. TEHAC. WESTS) (C) 2215 Truxtun Ave Bakersfield PRUNES-CARRILL0. FERNAND0. (661)326-2103  CORNFORTH. DONALO. MO Soanish (6671326-2103 .~! {SANC0) 22! 5 Truxtun Ave Bakersfield MO ~KERNM} S~amsh BaKersfield (667 )663-8281 LERAMO. 0LUSEGUN. MD S~amsl~ ;~! 2615 Eye St {681 )663-6281 SHAHANGIAN. MICHAEL. MO IBAKER. KERNM. MERHL. 2201 Mt Vernon Ave 1211 "~i Bakersfietd {HUNBE) SANC0) Bakers[{eld NICHOLS. JAMES. MO (BAKER. 2601 0swell St ~'101 (661)872-7000 ANDERSON. NOLAN. MO ~i Persian~Fats, i (667)633-3688 GOOHO. sANc0) (C) 1081 N China Lake Bi Bakersfield RAJAJOSHIWALA. PARESH. MO (0ELAN. KERNM) ~.~ DEETHS,s~an~shTONY, MO (SANC0) BakersfieldlDl4 Truxtun Ave R~doecrest (661)872-9999 (CHiHQ MISH0. SAODL. 0010no1205 Garces Hwy/303 .~ (760)446-0600 IOOS. OONALO. MO'i DAKER. SANSC. SOUTHt = 1817 Truxtun Ave ~661)324-6588 (661)725.4847 :r! Bakersfield 3940 San 0imas St MERHL. SANCO) (C) Ind~amH~nd~. S~amsn 2521 G St 110 E Nort~ ENRiOUEZ-OIAZ. JORGE. MD . (805)325-8800 Bakersfield Bakersfield Ta~ ~BAKER. MERHL SANC0) ~. OEUTSCH. ANOREW. MO 1661 )325-6800 Referral required, please see (661)827-2544 (9251462-9040 2521 G St i OSOVA. SUSAN. MD (C) page REEO. ROO01E. MD {BAKER. Bakersfield (CENTU. STJHL) (C) IV ~.~ f 1 f 1 N Cnma Lake DI 1081 N Chma Lake BI SOUTHCOAST REHABILITATION. MARTINEZ. HUMBERTO. MO R~Ogecrest R,dgecrest ASSOC (BAKER. CEDAR. MERHL KERNM. MERHL. SANC0) L661 )327-2544 ~;' (760)446-457f (7601446-0600 1800 Wes~wnd Or ~101 SANCO) (C) 2731 H St ~A GILL. ZORA. MO (BAKER. S~amsh Bakersfield G00SA. KERVA, SANCO) FARTHING. OAVIO. MD (0ELAN 7177 N Chma Lake BI Bakersfield 9300 Stockdale Hwy #300 1561)327-8386 Indian/Hind{ MEMME) (C) R~dgecrest (66f)327-4685 Bakers[{eld ROORIGUEZ. ROLAND. MO ~524 271h SI ~202 f760)445-4571 · i; Si)BraSh. 7agalog WESTERN REHABILITATION (661)665-0505 (BAKER MERHL. SANCOI (C~ Bakersfield 1205 Garces Hw./ RAPPAPORT. MICHAEL. MO ASSOCIATES MICHAEL. MICHEL. MD (BAKER. 2521 G St (66h322-8000 Oelano (CEOAR. LENTO. STJHL) (C) 337 ~ 10tn St eG GOOHO. MERHL) (C) Bakersfield MIRO. JAVIER. MO (BAKER. (661)725-4847 t 1 f I N China Lake BI TaR French. German. S~anish (805)327-2544 KERNM, SANCO) (C) 1401 Garces Hwy 81 R~dgecrest (661)763-4194 4000 SIockdale Hwy 9300 SIockdale Hw'//300 Oelano 1760)446-0265 BALL. RICHARD. MO (66f)721-5280 Bakersfield 115 W E St Bakersfield ROEFS. JOHN. MO (HAZEL. (66f)323-9448 Te~acha0~ i66t)665-0506 FRANKEL STEVEH. MO ~CENTU $TLOU) (C) MIRO. JAVIER. MO (BAKER. (661)822-3241 PAW. PATRICK. MO (BAKER. STJHL) (C) 2615 Eye SI ANDERSON. NOLAN. MO f f 11 N China Lake BI Bakersfiel~ (DEL.AN. KERNM) (C) KERNM. SANCO) (C) SCHMIOT. GERHARD. MD SANCO) (C) Ridgecresl (661)633-3688 1205 Garces Hwy ~303 9300 SIockdale Hwy 1300 IBAKER) (C) 1711 28th St (760)446-0265 Oelano Bakersfield German Bakersfield ROOS. EUGENE. 00 (BAKER. (661)725-4847 (661)665-0505 3545 San Dimes St (66!)327-8538 GARANT. MARC. MO (GOOJO. KERNM) (C) MITTS. GORDON. MD (BAKER. Bakersfield PHILLIPS. CHARLES. MD UCLAM) (C) 2201 Mt Vernon Ave/21 t ASHMORE. CHARLES. Mn French Bakersfield (KERNM) (C) GOOHO, SANC0) (661)327-8597 (BAKER. MERHL, SANCO) 1100 4th St 2525 H SI S~amsh Taft (66f)872-7000 9300 Stockdale Hwy 1300 SHARIATMABARI. FARZIN. MO Bakersfield Bakersfield (BAKER. MERHL. SANCO) lC{ 9300 Stockdale Hwy 1300 (408)371-0728 ROTHMAN. BARRY. MD (CENTU. (66~)66§-0505 (661)324-7208 PersiarvFar$i Bakersfield GORDON. RACHAEL. MD STJHL) (C) MOON. JONG. MO (GOOHO. 4000 $/ockdale Hwy IB (66f)665-0505 1111 N China lake BI BLOCH. JACK. MD (BAKER. Bakersfield (CENTU. STJHL) (C) Ridgecrest KERNM) (C) SANCO) RA. JAJOSHIWALA. PANESN. MO 1 f 11 N China Lake BI (760)446-4571 S~anish Korean. Sflanish (661)326-8002 (CHIHO. MISHO, SADOL Ridgecrest 2201 Mt Vernon Ave ~211 406 James SI SHIELDS. SAM, MD (DEl..AN) (C) SANSC. SOUTH) (760)446-4671 SAFRANKO. BRENDA. MO Bakersfield Shafter f205 Garces Hwy/303 Indian/Hind{. S~anisl~ GREY III. CANI~ILE. MD (C) (CEDAR) (C) (661)872-7000 (661)746-5788 Oelano 110 E Nort~ 1081 N China Lake BI 4580 California Ave ~I00 (661)725-4847 Taft 1111 N China Lake BI Ridgecrest BUXTON. JOHN. MD (DAKER. Bakersfield (925)462-9040 Ridgecrest GOOHO. MERHL. SANCO) (C) (661)327-4411 6OTO-VELASCO. JOSE. MD (760)446o4571 (760)446-0600 REEO. ROOOIE. MD (BAKER. 1524 2?th St 1401 (BAKER. KERVA. MERHL, SAWYER. RAE. MD (ANTEL) (C) Bakersfield MOSHFEGH. MOUSSA. MD SANCO. TEHAC) (C) KERNM. MERHL SANC0) (C) HAHN. HYOJOON. MD (CENTU. t 111 N China Lake 81 (661)323-3896 (BELLE 8ROTM. CEDAR. French. Italian. S~anish 2731 H St IA STJHL) (C) Ridgecrest GREAT. MIOWA, SUBUR. 1524 271h SI 1301 Bakersfield 1111 N China Lake 8l Ridgecrest (760)446-0265 ENRIQUEZ-DIAZ. JORGE. MO WESTS. WHIT'r) (C) Bakersfield (661)327-8386 (BAKER. MERHL. SANCO) (C) Persian/Fats{ (661)327-9008 SHARIATMAOARI. FARZIN. MD (760)446-4571 SHAH, MAN JUL, MD (BAKER, 2521 G St 110 E North GOOHO) (C) Bakersfield Taft STEMMER. PAUL. MO (RIOGE) (BAKER. MERHL SANCO) (C) RAMLIN, J, MO (CENTU, STJHL) 1817 Truxtun Ave (661)327-2544 (925)462-9040 I 111 N China Lake 81 Persian/Farsi (C) Bakersfield 110 E No~h St Ridgecresi 4000 Stockdale Hw,/ 1111 N China Lake 81 GILL. ZORA. MD (BAKER. (760)446-4671 Bakersfield Ridgecrest (661)32§-6800 Taft GDOSA, KERVA, SAN00) (C) (661)326-8002 (760)446-4571 SHAHANGIAN. MICHAEL. MD Indian/Hind{ (661)325-O826 TANG. SANDYS. MO (BAKER. KLEIN. MICHAEL. MO (GOOSA. (HUNBE) (C) 1524 271h St/202 MOZA. JOSEPH. MD (SIEVI) (C) MERHL SANCO) (C) SHIELOS. SAM. Mi} (OELAN) PersiatVFatsi Bakersfield 1314 Garcer Hwy 2521 G St 1205 Garces Hwy 1303 GREAT MONTE. STJHL) (C) t081 N China Lake 81 (661)322-8000 Delano Bakersfield Oelano 111! N China Lake 61 Ridgecrest (661)721-7080 (661)327.2544 (661)725-4847 (' Ridgecrsst (760)446-0600 -, (760)446-457f NOTE: S~e PaGe VI for Hospital Codee (AAAAA) and Pege V for Board Certification 20 IMPORTANT: Please veri~ tl~at the provider you select ia a Prudent Buyer PPG pmvi~Jer at the location1 where y~u will receive care (see first page Gl directory for dote{Isl. SURGERY - GENERAL VASCULAR continued TANG, SANOYS, MO (BAKER, LEFF, LAWRENCe, MD (BAKER, MERHL SANC0) MERHI.. $ANC0) (C) 2521 G St 2(~5 l?th St Bakersfield Bakersfield (661)327-2544 (661)327-4252  REOOY, VOOUR, MO (BARST. POMON. STMME. VICT0) (C) f 111 N China Lake 81 AREVALO JR. EUSEO. MO Ridgecrest (GLEME, GLEND, HUNEA) (7601446-4571 Tagalog 115 W E St SHAK1R, SHABBIR, MO (BAKER. Tefiachapi GOOBA, KERNM, MERHL, ( 661 )822 -3241 SANC0) Arabic. Indian/Hindi ~'~ll;[~t3;¥~l;[ll;l;Td[~ 2808 F St IE Bakersfield ARBEGAST, NELL, MO (SANC0) (661)395-0688 (C) STONE, BRUCE, OD (BAKER, 1711 28111 St MERHL. SANC0) (C) Bakersfield 1524 27t~ St ~200 (661)327-8538 Bakersfield BLOCH. JACK. MO (BAKER. (661)631-5686 KERNM) (C) WAGUESPACK, ROBERT, MO SflanislT ~201 Mt Vernon Ave ~'211 (BAKER. MERHL SANCD) (C) 2201 19tfi St Bakersfield Bakersfield (661)872-7000 (661)321-3303 OERRICI(, MARVIN, MO (BAKER, SANCD) 1711 28th St Bakersfield (661)327-8538 FRAZIER, BRUCE. MO (BAKER. SANC0) TTt1 28tn St BaKersfield 1661 )327-8538 0REILLY, RICHARO, MO ~9AKER. GOOHO, KERNM, MERHL. SANCO) (C) 2323 ?6tn St P'302 Bakersfield (661)325-4257 PAW, PATRICK, MO (BAKER, SANCO) (ti T 711 28m St Bakersfield 1661 )327-8538 PUREWAL, SARAGJIT, MD (BAKER. SANCO) 1711 28th St Bakersfield (661)327-8538 SOTO-VELASCO, JOSE, MO (BAKER. KERVA. MERHL. SANCO. TEHAC) (C) Frenclt Italian. $~an~sll 1524 2711~ St 1301 Bakersfield (661)327-9008 CHANG, NAU. MO (MERHL, IANC0) (C) 2120 Truxtun Ave Bakersfield (661)327-3638 CHANG, ~IOSEPH, MD (BAKER, MERHL SANCO) (C) Mandarin 3535 San Oimas 124 Bakersfield (805)327.3177 3535 San Oimas St ~4 Bakersfield (661)327-3177 CHI, JENSEN, MO (OELAN) Ja~anele. Mandarin. S~i~h 1205 Games Hwy ~204 0etano (661)725-7244 HOUSTON, RENOEL, MO (HIDES. LANCA, TEHAC) 801 N Downs tJ Ridgecrest (760)375-6261 JOSEPH. BRUCE, MO (BAKER. SANCD. SANMO) (C) 2020 Truxton Ave Bakersfield (661)323-6660 NOTE: See Pllge VI for Holpltll Codel (AJUkAA} ind Page V for 8olrd Certification I IMPORTANT: Fqease verify t~at t~e provider you ,leer, a Prudent 6uym' PPO provider &t the Ioca~ whe~ ~ ~0 ~Ne ~m (~ ~ ~ of ~ for ~t,,). I 2 1 Foundation for Medical Care of Kern County (FMC) PARTICIPATING MEMBER JULY - 2002- THIS LIST IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. IT IS THE INSURED'S RESPONSIBILITY TO VERIFY THE PROVlDER'S CONTINUING PARTICIPATION AS A FOUNDATION MEMBER. ALLERGY& IMMUNOLOGY Bakersfield, C.A 93301 David, Saul Grandhe, ]anardhan Bakhaya,Saad M. (661 ) 325-8499 Premier Anesthesia Medical Central California Anesthesia 44439 North 17' Street West, - -AND- Group (Hospital Based Physician) #I01 Physician's Plaza Hedical Group (Hospital Based Physician) 2615 Eye Street Lancaster, CA 9:3534 (Southwest Shrgical Center) P.O. Box 2287 Bakersfield, CA 93301 (66F) 945-1511 201 New Sdne Road, # ! 30 Bakersfield, CA 93303 (661 ) 324-0300 Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661) 324-0300 Gorenberg, Alan E. (661) 334-1958 Hale, Kenneth D. Drummond Hedlcal Group DeSilva, Udaya S. Premier Anesthesia Hedical ! i ! ! N. China Lake Blvd. Bourne, Jonathan C. Lancaster Anesthesia Hedical Group Ridgecrest, CA 93555 Kaweah Anesthesia Hedical Group (Hospital Based Physician) (760) 446-4571 Group 1600 West Avenue ] Street P.O. Box 2287 (Hospital Based Physician) Lancaster. CA 93534 Bakersfield, CA 93303 Kitt, See-Ruen 2920 "F" Street, #E- I 5 (661 ) 949-5000 (661 ) 324-0300 Kern County Medical Clinic Bakersfield, CA 93301 2222 19~ Street (661) 335-7755 Dharma, Kala R. Hemandez, Bias D. Bakersfield, CA 93301 Lancaster Anesthesia Medical Premier Anesthesia Medical (661) 325-2448 Brechner (Ferrer), Theresa Group Group 9300 Stockdale Hwy. #I00 1600 West Avenue ] Street (Hospital Based Physician) Leung, Patrick Bakersfield, CA 93311 Lancaster. CA 93534 P.O. Box 2287 804 18~ Street (661 ) 665-7880 (661 ) 9~9-5000 Bakersfield, CA 93303 Bakersfield. CA 93301 (661) 324-0300 (661 ) 32:~-3081 Chirman, Guy lq. Dinh, Son T. Premier Anesthesia Medical 4100 Truxtun Ave,//306 Hum, Gary T. Tanus, Tonny Group Bakersfield, CA 93309 Premier Anesthesia Medical Kern Allergy Medical Clinic (Hospital Based Physician) (661) 325-8499 Group 2121 17~ Street P.O. Box 2287 -AND- (Hospital Based Physician) Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA 93303 Comprehensive Blood 6t Cancer P.O. Box 2287 (661 ) 327-9693 (661 ) 324-0300 Ctr. Bakersfield, CA 93303 -AND- 6501 Truxtun Avenue (661) 324-0300 130 North Villa Chow, Steve P. Bakersfield, CA 93309 Porterville, CA 93257 San ]oaquin Anesthesia Assoc (661) 322-2206 Hut, Young (559) 782-8578 1709 - 20' Street Lancaster Anesthesia Medical Bakersfield, CA 93301 Emmanuel, Gerry F. Group ANESTHESIOLOGY (661) 335-7755 Lancaster Anesthesia Hedical 1600 West Avenue] Street Abdou, Wafik A. ' Group Lancaster, CA 93534 Empire Surgery Center Coleman, Lewis S. 1600 West Avenue ] Street (661) 4101 Empire Drive Central California Anesthesia Lancaster, CA 93534 Bakersfield, CA 93309 (Hospital Based Physician) (661) 949-5000 Hyun, Sung (661) 335-7755 2615 Eye Street San ]oaquin Anesthesia Assoc Bakersfield, CA 93301 Findley, John R. 1709- 20' Street Ahn, Hark (661) 324-0300 2920 "F" Street, #E-15 Bakersfield, CA 93301 San ]oaquin. Anesthesia Assoc Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 335-7755 ! 7'09 - 20~ Street Collier, :James (661 ) 335-7755 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Greater Bakersfield Ipe, Joseph (661) 335-7755 Anesthesiology Fisher, Robert B. San ]oaquln Anesthesia Assoc (Hospital Based Physician) Premier Anesthesia Hedical 1709 - 20~ Street Balasubramanian, Govlndan 841 Hohawk Street,//270 Group Bakersfield, CA 93301 1401 Garces Highway Bakersfield, CA 93309 (Hospital Based Physician) (661) 335-7755 Delano, CA 93215 (661) 334-1958 P.O. Box 2287 (661) 725-4800 Bakersfield, CA 93303 lyer, Kamalmath -AND- (661 ) 324-0300 Premier Anesthesia Medical 2920 "F" Street, #E- 15 Group Bakersfleld~ CA 93301 Fdzzell, Robert L. (Hospital Based Physician) (661) 335-7755 Lancaster Anesthesia Hedlcai P.O. Box 2287 Bella, Eleutedo Group Bakersfield, CA Bakersfield Pain Hanagement 1600 West Avenue ] Street (661 ) 324-0300 'Group - Lancaster, CA 93534 35355an Dimas Street,//12 (661) 949-5000 '1 '  Owens, Robert G. Srivasuva, Shachi ]. (661 ) 335-7755 (Hsopital Based Physician) San ]oaquin Anesthesia As.mc 2920 "F" Street, Ste E- 15 ! 709 - 20' Street Yaker, Kenneth M. ]agpa[, Ku[deep Bakersfield, CA 93301 San Joaquin Anesthesia Assoc (661) 335-7755 Bakersfield, CA 93301 2525 Eye Street (661) 335-7755 Bakersfield, CA 93301 1709 - 20' Street Palencta, Arturo . (661) 327-8725 Bakersfield, CA 93301 San ]oaquin Anesthesia Assoc Stol[, Mervyn A. (661 ) 335-7755 1709 - 20~ Street Lancaster Anesthesia Medical CARDIOLOGY Bakersfield, CA 93301 Group ~A. ]eppson, John R. (661) 335-7755 1600 West Avenue ] Street Golden Empire Cardiology Premier Anesthesia Medical Lancaster, CA 93534 3550 "Q" Street, #301 Group Pannu, Gurnam S. (661) 949-5000 Bakersfield, CA 93301 (Hospital Based Physician) Lancaster Anesthesia Medical Tamer, Moussa P. (661 ) 321-3161 P.O. Box 2287 - Group Premier Anesthesia Medical Bakersfield, CA 93303 1600 West Avenue :] Street Group Banerjee, SuprarJm (661) 32,1.-0300 Lancaster, CA 93534 (Hospital Based Physician) Comprehensive Cardiovascular Klm, Chang K. (661) 949-5000 P.O. Box 2287 2011 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93303 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Lancaster Anesthesia Medical Park, Git S. (66 ! ) 324-0300 (661 ) 63 ! -5544 Group Physician's Plaza Anesthesia Med 1600 West Avenue] Street GYp Tempo, Tamdlng Bezdek, William D. Lancaster, CA 93534 (Southwest Surgical Center) Lancaster Anesthesia Medical Bakersfield Cardiopulmonary (661 ) ~49-5000 P.O. Box 2287 Group Medical Group Bakersfield, CA 93303 1600 West Avenue ] Street ! 524 27~ Street, #150 Krishnadasan, C. (661) 324-0300 Lancaster, CA 93534 Bakersfield, CA 93301 44301 North Lorimer Avenue (661) 949-5000 (661) 323-5976 Lancaster, CA 93534 Park, Yoong J. (661 ) 940- I 112 Lancaster Anesthesia Medical Thio, Edward H. Bhambi, Brijesh K. Group Central California Anesthesia Central Ca_rdiology Medical Le, Qui T. 1600 West Avenue J Street (Hospital Based Physician) Clinic. Physician's Plaza Anesthesia Med Lancaster, CA 93534 2615 Eye Street 2110 Truxtun Avenue GYp 1661) 94~:5000 .Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA 93301 (Hospital Based Physician) (661 ) 324-0300 (66 I) 323-8384 P.O. Box 2287' Patel, Naina Bakersfield, CA 93303 Physician's Plaza Medical Group Toma, Maher H. Boulware, Ten;y A. (661 ) 324-0300 (Southwest Surgical Center) 841 Mohawk Street, #270 Highgrove Medical Group - AND - 201 New Sdne Road, #130 Bakersfield, CA 93309 1524- 27~ Street, #20 ! Tam O'Shanter Medical Group Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661) 324-0'300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 (Hospital Based Physician) (66 ! ) 334-1958 (661 ) 326-1600 P.O. Box 2029 Wagner, H. Reinhard Bakersfield, CA 93303 Raval, Narendra Bakersfield Heart Hospital Desai, Kirit (661 ) 335-7755 Premier Anesthesia Medical Anesthesiology Medical Central CardiOlogy Medical Group Group Clinic Lee, Hak Soon (Hospital Based Physician) 300 ! Sil[ect Avenue 2110 Truxtun Avenue Premier Anesthesia Medical P.O. Box 2287 Bakersfield, CA 93308 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Group Bakersfield, CA 93303 (661 ) 334-1958 (661 ) 323-8384 (Hospital Based Physician) (661 ) 324-0300 - AND P.O. Box 2287 - Premier Anesthesia Medical Don Michael, T. Anthony Bakersfield, CA 93303 Sanderson, Harold Group .5343 Truxtun Avenue (661) 324-0300 Physicians Plaza Anesthesia (Hospital Based Physician) Bakersfield, CA 93309 Medical Associates P.O. Box 2287 (661) 861-7933 Nason, trying 841 Mohawk Street, #270 Bakersfield, CA 93303 Physicians Plaza Anesthesia Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661 ) 324-0300 Esposo, Oriente Medical Associates. (661 ) 324-0300 Highgrove Medical Group 841 Mohawk Street #270 Wang, ]en F. 1524 - 27~ Street, #201 Bakersfield, CA 93309 Schwartz, Kevin (Hospital Based Physician) Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 324-0300 Premier Anesthesia Medical P.O. Box 2287 (661) 326-1600 Group Bakersfield, CA 93303 Neubarth, Jesse Lee (Hospital-Based Physician) (661) 324-0300 Goonesinghe, Iresha C. Central California Anesthesia P.O. Box 2287 Oak Hills Medical Corp (Hospital Based Physician) Bakersfield, CA 93303 Wong, Steve (DBA-The Heart Center) 2615 Eye Street (661 ) 324-0300 Premier Anesthesia Medlcal 1240 S. China Lake Blvd. #A Bakersfield, CA 93301 Group Ridgecrest, CA 93555 (661) 324-0300 Scudock, W. Bruce P.O. Box 2287 (760) 371-7600 Premier Anesthesia Medical Bakersfield, CA 93303 Nuval, Eden Q. Group (661) 324-0300 Hasanin, Osama S. San Joaqul~ Anesthesia Assoc (Hospital Based Physician) The Heart Center 1709 -20 Street P.O. Box 2287 Wu, David (dba: Oak Hills Med. Corp.) Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA 93303 San Joaquin Anesthesia Assoc 640a~ Lake Isabella Blvd, #B (661 ) 335-7755 (661 ) 324-0300 1709 -20~ Street Lake Isabella, CA 93240 Bakersfield, CA 93301 (760) 379-3500 Ishimori, Teuuo (661 ) 725-6910 (661 ) 398-1560 Bakersfield, CA 9330 ! Central Cardiology Medical - AND - (661 ) 324-2151 Clinic Nyitray, William 1402 Jefferson Street 2 ! 10 Truxtun Avenue Central Cardiology Medical Delano, CA 93215 MacDuff, Michael Bakersfield, CA 93301 Clinic (661 ) 758-3300 2215 "G" Street (661) 323-8384 21 I0 Truxtun .Avenue - AND - Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA 93301 1410 7' Street ' (661) 324-1312 Karimian, Siamak (661) 323-8384 Wasco, CA 93280 Comprehensive Cardiovascular (661 ) 725-9130 EMERGENCY MEDiCINF 2011 Truxtun Avenue Reddy, Malladi Almkiov, Roger Bakersfield, CA 93301 Central Cardiology Medical Tedesco, Dominic ]. Bakersfield Memorial Emergency (661) 631-5544. Clinic California Cardiac Surgeons Physicians Medical Associates - AND - 2110 Truxtun Avenue 171 i 28' Street (Hospital Based Physician) 432-B Lexington Avenue Bakersfield, CA 9330i Bakersfield, CA 93301 420 34' Street Delano, CA 93215 (661 ) 323-8384 (661 ) 327-8538 Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 725-7818 (661) 327-1792  Sharma, Sanjiv COLON & RECTAL ~IRGERY Central Cardiology Medical Wang, David Y. Burson, Leslie (DO) Clinic Drummond Medical Group Bakersfield Memorial Emergency 2110 Truxtun Avenue ! I 11 North China Lake Blvd. Physicians Medical Associates Karunaker, A.R.S.R. Bakersfield, CA 93301 Ridgecrest, CA 93555 (Hospital Based Physician) Kern Faculty Medical Group (661) 323-8384 (760) 446-4571 420 34' Street 2201 Mt. Vernon Ave., #211 $ingh, Sarabjlt K. (Sam) DERMATOLOGY Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA 93306 Kern Cardiology Medical Group Binder, William A. (661) 327-1792 (661) 872-7000 2323 16' Street,//305 2323 16' Street, #400 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Davies, Michael E. Kumar, Vinod (661 ) 327-0807 (66 ! ) 324-4725 Central Valley Occupational The Heart Center Med Grp 525 34' Street Tam, Charles T. Cr0wley, Jeffrey ]. 4100 Truxtun Ave, #200 Bakersfield. CA 93301 ! 524 27~ Street, #201 Bakersfield Dermatology ~ Skin Bakersfield. CA 93309 (661 ) 328-6290 Bakersfield. CA 93301 Cancer Medical Group (661 ) 63~- 1540 (66 I) 328-9500 606 34' Street Lee, Tommy C. Bakersfield, CA 93301 FaTher, Michael B. Golden Empire Cardiology Wen, Thomas (Chun Yuen) 3550 "Q" (661 ) 327-3756 Mercy Medi Center Street, #301 2303 17'~ Street 400 Old River Road Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Elbaum, David Bakersfield, CA 9331 i (661) 321-3161 (661) 322-1931 2323 16' Street,//204 (661) 663-6100 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Maddox, Denis E. CARDIOVASCULAR ~;URGERY (651 ) 322-5333 Hardy, Samuel 2030 Truxtun Avenue Arbegast, Nell Bakersfield Memorial Emergency Bakersfield, CA 93301 California Cardiac Surgeons Gunter, Jeffrey R. Physicians Medical Associates (661) 326-1100 171 I 28' Street 44215 ! 5' Street West,//309 (Hospital Based Physician) Bakersfield, CA 93301 Lancaster, CA 93534 420 34~ Street McNamara, Nancy (661 ) 327-8538 (661 ) 949-0004 Bakersfield, CA 93301 2828 "H" Street,'//H -AND- (661 ) 327-1792 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Derrick, Marvin R. 801 Downs Street, #B (661) 327-2932 California Cardiac Surgeons Ridgecrest, CA 93555 Heinrich, Mark (DO) 17.11 28' Street (760) 384-2592 Bakersfield Memorial Emergency Mehca, Viral Y. Bakersfield, CA 93301 -AND- Physicians Medical Associates Comprehensive Cardiovascular (661) 327-8538 20211 Valley Blvd. (Hospital Based Physician) 2011 Truxtun Avenue Tehachapi, CA 93561 420 34' Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Frazier, Bruce L. (661) 823-7546 Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 63 i-5544 California Cardiac Surgeons -AND- (661) 327-1792 -AND- i 711 28' Street i 345 Rocking West Dr. 1205 Garces-Hw7.,//306 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bishop, CA 93514 Delano, CA 93215 (661 ) 327-8538 ' (760) 873-5 ! 39 (661) 725-7818 -AND- Paw, Patrick T. 6417 Lynch Canyon Rd. Moll, Eric Nalos, Peter California Cardiac Surgeons Mt. Mesa, CA 93240 Bakersfield Memorial Emergency Central Cardiology Medical ! 711 28' Street (760) 397-3376 Physicians Medical Associates Clinic Bakersfield, CA 93301 -AND- (Hospital Based Physician) 21 I 0 Truxtun Avenue (661 ) 327-8538 662 ! Lake Isabella Blvd. 420 34' Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Lake Isabella, CA 93240 Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 323-8384 Purewal, Sari (760) 379-3376 (661) 327-I 792 California Cardiac Surgeons ' Narang, Yadvlnder K. 1711 28' Street Levan, Norman Nichols, Edward L. 1524- 27' Street, Ste 150 Bakersfield, CA 93301 ! 828 28~ Street Bakersfield Memorial Emergency Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661 ) 327-8538 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Physicians Medical Associates (661 ) 633-2541 (661 ) 324-5392 (Hospital Based Physician) - AND - Singh, Amdt 420 34' Street 1205 Garces Hwy, Ste 203 3820 Wible Rd, #A Luu, Susan . Bakersfield, CA 93301 Delano, CA 932 ! 5 Bakersfield, CA 93309 2 i 31 19' Street (661) 327- i 792 '3- McFarland, CA 93250 Fadeff, Chris M. Bakersfield, CA 93308 Parks, Christopher R. (661) 792-2149 500 Old River Road,//105 (661) 399-2822 Mercy Medi Center Bakers'field, CA 9331 I 400 Old River Road Chang, Frank F. (661 ) 664-0473 Kibler, George K. Bakersfield, CA 93311 2828 Eye Street Family Health Centre Hed Grp (661 ) 663-6100 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Ferguson, William W. 686 West Line Street (661) 327-3091 Southern Sierra Medical Clinic Bishop, CA 93514 Shellans, Stephen Bakersfield Memorial Emergency Cho, Larry #8 Physicians Medical Associates Valley Industrial ~: Walk-In Med Ridgecrest, CA 93555 KJm, ]oo R. (Hospital Based Physician) Grp (760) 446-6404 9905 Bate Avenue 420 34~ Street 2601 'G" Street Bakersfield, CA 93307 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA 9330 ! Garcia-Mardnez, Maria S. (661 ) 831 - I 100 (66 i ) 327-1792 (661 )~ 327-2225 Comprehensive Care Clinic 2615 "H" Street Kubo, Calvin Sorenson, Vernon Claiborne, Ronnie Bakersfield, CA 93301 Golden Valley Medical Ming 6[ A~he-Medical Center Central Valley Medical Group (661) 635-3000 Associates 6501 Ming Avenue 2023 Truxtun Avenue 500 Old River Road, #270 Bakersfield, CA 93309 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Griffin, Arthur Bakersfield, CA 9331 I (661 ) 397-4004 (661 ) 323-2295 109 Adkisson Way (66 ! ) 664-0252 Taft, CA 93268 ENDOCRINOLOGY Clerou, Romain P. (66 ! ) 765-2173 Lusk, David P. Catania, Robert A. 2128 Truxtun Avenue Gualberto, Ruben S. Drummond Medical Group 6001 Truxtun Avenue, #300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield Family Medical 11 ! 1 North China Lake Blvd. Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661) 325-5843 Center RJdgecrest, CA 93555 (661 ) 322-2413 4580 California Avenue (760) 446-457 i Com~lli, Ruben Bakersfield, CA 93309 Ettinger, Victor G. Buttonwillow Health Center (661) 327-4411 Maddela, Vincent ]. (Hospital Based Physician) 227 East Front Street HighgTove Medical Group 1830 Flower Street Buttonwillow, CA 93206 Hagen, Robert W. ! 524- 27~ Street,//201 Bakersfield, CA 93305 (661) 764.5211 177 Aviation Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 326-2200 Shafter, CA 93253 (661) 326-1600 Cousin, Luis (661) 391-4530 FAMILY PRA~;TICE Mohawk Medical Group Miller, John P. AND GENERAL PRA~.TI~,F 5397 Truxtun Avenue Heidrick, John T. (DO) Kern Faculty Medical Group Acevedo, Alberto L. Bakersfield, CA 93309 Preferred Family Care Physicians 2201 Mt. Vernon Ave, #211 1205 Garces Hwy.,#205 (661) 327-5058 6001-D Truxtun Avenue, #400 Bakersfield, CA 93306 Delano, CA 932 i 5 Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661 ) 872-7000 (661 ) 725-3530 Dagdagen, Mark T. (661 ) 638-2273 I 120 Kensington -AND- Mitchell, Andrew G. Anderson, Gene A. Delano, CA 93215 Bakersfield Family Medical 2024 Young Avenue Mohawk Medical Group (661 ) 72 i-7962 Center Lake. Isabella, CA 93240 6401 Truxtun Avenue 4580 California Avenue (760) 379-5611 Bakersfield, CA 93309 Daley, Patrick Bakersfield, CA 93309 · (661 ) 324-4747 Kern Family Medicine (661 ) 327-44 ! I Moini, Jasmine 820 34' Street, #202 (Limited to Obstetrics) Barnard, Marton C. (11) Bakersfield, CA 93301 Helper, Stephen D. 300 Old River Road, #110 Niles Surgical ~: Medical Group (661) 323-9090 Helper Medical Corp. Bakersfield, CA 93311 2121 Niles Street 3941 San Dimas Street, #103- (661) 665-0184 Bakersfield, CA 93305 Davis, Bradley G. (DO) A (661 ) 325-1255 2300 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield. CA 93301 Mo6re, David M. Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 32~-9528 Kern Faculty Medical Group Berry, Paul S. (661) 631-1513 2201 Mt. Vernon Ave., #21 ! West. side Wellness Center Hess, David !'4. Bakersfield, CA 93306 100 E. North Street Del Toro, ]orge E. Intensivist Cridcal Care Med (661) 872-7000 Taft, CA 93268 Mohawk Medical Group (661) 763-3141 5397 Truxtun Avenue 2G~l I 18* Street, #12 Morasca, Gary (DO) Bakersfield, CA 93309 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield Family Medical Bitzer, John (661 ) 327-5058 (661 ) 322-3901 Center i 01 Adldsson Way 1 O014 Rosedale Hwy Taft, CA 93268 Deol, Shivlnder S. Horowltz, Kim_]. Bakersfield, CA 93312 (661) 765-4171 4000 Stockdale Hwy., #D Sierra Family Care (661) 589-4412 Bakersfield, CA 93309 20797 Santa Lucia St. Carboneli, Antonio (661) 32S-7452 Tehachapi, CA 93561 Neufeld, Ramon H. Valley Medical Group of Central (661) 822-9105 500 Old River Road, #105 CA Dixon, Donald ]. -AND- Bakersfield, CA 9331 I 5401 White.-Lane Drummond Medical Group 2041 Belshaw Street (661 ) 664-0473 Bakersfield, CA 93309 ! I I I North China Lake Blvd. Molave, CA 93502 (661) 836-4000 RJdgecrest, CA 93555 (661) 824-4511 (760) 446-4571 Carlson, Arthur W. ]oshl, Mukesh ]. ' 14S Kern Avenue 901 Castalc Avenue '4- Newbroughj Stephen B. 9661) 324.1203 Bakersfield, CA 93306 2323 - 16= Street, #405 Seminarto, Oscar IL (661 ) 872-7000 Bakersfield, CA 93301 1425 Main Street Firozi, Mohammad Tarik (661 ) 324.9829 Delano, CA 93215 2323 ! 6~ Street, #300 Buxton, John - AND - (661) 725-3772 Bakersfield, CA 93301 1524 27' Street, #401 640 ! Truxtun Avenue (661 ) 323-1200 . Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA 93309 Seydel, Jerry' -AND- (661) 323-3896 (661) 322-2273 4001 Union Avenue, #3 1205 Garces Hwy., Ste 101 Bakersfield, CA 93305 Delano, CA 93215 Courser, Darel O'Connel[, Patrick (661 ) 861-9000 (66 ! ) 323-1200 (Assistant Surgery) Mohawk Medical Group P.O. Box 6374 6401 Truxtun Avenue Terry, Kyle R. Francis, Robert B. (Jr.) Bakersfield, CA 93386 Bakersfield, CA 93309 1303 Jefferson Street .Drummond Medical Group (661) 871-6375 (661) 327-1431 Delano, CA 93215 1111 North China Lake Blvd. O[sen, Gary D. (661) 720-9111 Ridgecrest, CA 93555 Enriquez, Jorge A. (760) 446-4571 2521 "G" Street 20693 Valley Blvd. Thorpe, Michael D. Bakersfield, CA 93301 Tehachapi, CA 93561 Mohawk Medical Group Gupta, Ramesh C. (661) 327-2544 (661 ) 822-0583 640 ! Truxtun Avenue Digestive Disease Center Bakersfield, CA 93309 1902 "B" Street Gill, Zora Park, Young W. (661 ) 32 i-3465 Bakersfield, CA 93301 1524 27' Street, #202 2323 ! 6~ Street, #200 (661 ) 327-1400 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Tiwana, A]itpai -AND- (661 ) 322-8000 (661) 327-5667 2635 "G" Street 1508 Garces Hwy. Bakersfield, CA 93301 Delano, CA 93215 Gonzalez, Victor Patel, Pragati (661 ) 325-5513 (661 ) 72 ! -9212 Drummond Medical Group 2828 "F" Street, #A 11 i ! North China Lake BIvd Bakersfield, CA 93301 Wong, Kenneth G. Krishan, Rajeev Ridgecrest, CA 93555 (661) 327-4731 Bakersfield Family Medical Kern Gastroenterology Med Grp (760) 446-4571 Center 2323 - 16' Street, ~e 401 (FAMILY PRACTICE (DBA-Northeast Physicians Med Bakersfield, CA 93301 Irani, Honnuz CONTINUED) Grp) (661) 324-1203 6001-D Truxtun Ave, #420 5000 Physicians Bird, Ste IC)O Bakersfield, CA 93309 Pershadsingh, Harrihar Bakersfield, CA 93301 Lin, Hua-Lung (661) 638-0601 Kern Faculty Medical Group (661 ) 215-1500 2225 19' Street 2201 Mt. Vernon Ave., #21 ! Bakersfield. CA 93301 Keshishian, Ara Bakersfield, CA 93306 Yokoyama, Larry (66 i ) 395-! 271 Shields ~ Anderson, M.D.'s (661) 872-7000 Centennial Medical Group 1205 Garces Hwy.,#303 820 34' Street, #101 Madhavan, Stehu V. Delano,-CA 93215 Pesche, Mark (DO) Bakersfield, CA 93301 1654 West Avenue J (661 ) 725-4847 Tehachapi Medical Clinic (661) 326-8989 Lancaster, CA 93534 20960 Sage Lane Tehachapi, CA 93561 Young, John T. (661) 945-7181 Klm, Joo R. -AN D- 9905 Bate Avenue (661 ) 82 I-0199 San Joaquin Family Medicine Complete 'Family Care Med. Bakersfield, CA 93307 500 Old .River Road, #155 Corp. (661) 831-11C)O Remmes, Michele Bakersfield, CA 9331 i 12500 Boron Avenue, #A 3807 Union Avenue (661) 664-1230 Boron, CA 93516 Lee Ho, Jamle Bakersfield, CA 93305 (760) 762-5111 Kern River Health Center (661 ) 324-2423 GASTaOENTEFIOLOG¥ 4300 Birch Avenue Bhaika, Harpal Mehta, Anil Lake Isabella, CA 93240 Riggs, Peyton D. (DO) . Kern Gastroenterology Medical 3941 San Dlmas St.,#104 (760) 379-2426 Bakersfield Family Medical Group Bakersfield, CA 93301 Center 2323 ! 6~ Street, #40 ! (661 ) 322-8466 Loos, Donald 532 South Mill Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 2521 "G" Street Tehachapi, CA 93561 (661) 324-1203 Rahal, Paramvir S. Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661 ) 823-2273 432 Lexington St., #B (661 ) 327-2544 Bhogal, Rabinder S. Delano, CA 932i5 Salmassi, Sadegh Kern Gastroenterology Medical (661) 725-I 200 Lukens, Robert G. 719 Main Street Group -AND- (Assistant Surgery) Delano, CA 93215 232316~ Street, #401 2323 16*'Street, #300 2530 Elm Street (661) 725-5877 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 324-1203 (661) 323-1200 (661) 325-2382 Schale (Embree), Ruth E. 601 California Avenue Chaurasla, Om P. (~ENEFIAL $UF/QE/~¥ Martlnez, Humberto D. Bakersfield, CA 93304 ! 205 Garces Hwy.~#202 Anderson, Nolan C. Vincent Phillips, lt.D, Inc. (661) 323-6086 Delano, CA 93215 1205 Garces HWY..#303 9300 Stockdale Hwy, #300 Setdenstrtcker, Keith L. (661 ) -721-7275 Delano, CA 93215 Bakersfield, CA 93311 (661 ) 725-4847 (661 ) 665-0505 Hlghgrove Medical Clinic Chowdhury, Tabassum A. 1524 27' Street, Ste 201 Kern Gastroenterolo~ Med Grp Brown, Charles Bakersfield, CA 9.1.~01 2.12~ 16' Street, #401 Kern Faculty Medical Group (661) 326-1600 Bakersfield, CA 93301 2201 Mt. Vernon Ave., #211 '5- Moon, long C. Kern Faculty Medical Group (661 ) 725-5676 Kern Integrity Medical Group 406 ]ames Street 2201 Mt. Vernon Ave., #21-1 507 W. Columbus St. Shafter, CA 93263 Bakersfield, CA 93306 Abraham, Jennifer Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661 ) 746-5788 (661 ) 872-7000 Kern Faculty Medical Group (661 ) 328-7070 Naik, Nirav C. Wang, David Y. 2201 Mt. Vernon Ave., #21 I Bakersfield, CA 93306 Bernardino, Ricardo M. 6001 Truxtun.Ave, Ste 420-D Drummond Medical Group (661) 872-7000 ' 714 Main Street, #^-B Bakersfield, CA 93309 11 I I North China Lake Blvd. Delano, CA 93215 (661 ) 638-0601 Ridgecrest, CA 93555 Ahmed, Mustaq (66 ! ) 721-2220 (661) 446-4571 San ]oaquin Valley Pulmonary Olsen, Gary D. Group Berry, Martin 20693 Valley Blvd. Williams, Gregory G. 3737 San Dimas SL #102 3737 San Dimas Street, #101 Tehachapi, CA 93561 C. Vincent Phillips, M.D., Inc. Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 822-0583 9300.Stockdale Hwy, #300 (661) 327-3747 (661) 327-5037 Bakersfield, CA 93311 O'Reilly, PJchard (661 ) 665-0505 Alam, Syed M. Bhangoo, Sarupinder 2323 16~ Street, #302 San ]oaquin Valley Pulmonary 6001 Truxtun Avenue, #260 Bakersfield, CA 9330 i GERIATRICS Group Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661) 325-4257 . Mitchell, Andrew G. 3737 San Dimas St, #102 (661) 836-9891 2024 Young Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Phillips, C. Vincent Lake Isabella, CA 93240 (661) 327-3747 Bhardwaj, Manick C. Vincent Phillips, M.D., Inc. (760) 379-5611 2808 "F" Street, #A 9300 Stockdale Hwy, #300 Afire, Muhammad Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA 93311 Srijaerajah, T. Bakersfield Lung ~ Sleep Meal (661) 327-4731 (6~) 1 ) 665-0505 ' 9300 North Loop Ctr California City, CA 93505 6001-A Truxtun Ave, Ste 100 Bouldouldan, Kevork A. (GENERAL SURGERY ('760) 373-4809 Bakersfield, CA 93309 Mohawk Medical Group CONTINUED) -AND- (661 ) 323-5300 640 ! Truxtun Avenue 44725 10~ Street West, #230 Bakersfield, CA 93309 Ramos, Cesar Lancaster, CA 93539 Alvarez, Carlos (661) 322-2273 626 Main Street (661 ) 945-1611 Valley Medical Group of Central Delano, CA 93215 CA Brown, Edward (661 ) 721-2100 INFECTIOUS OI~EASE 5401 White Lane 2531 "G" Street Amih, Navinchandra Bakersfield, CA 93309 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Reed, Roddie Kern Faculty Medical Group (661) 836-4000 (661) 327-7348 2731 "H" Street 2201 Mt. Vernon Ave., #211 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA 93306 Anders, Alpha ]. Carey, Tony (661) 327-8386 (661) 872-7000 2801 Chester Avenue 422 Center Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Taft, CA 93268 Rodriguez, Roland Johnson, Royce (66 i ) 663-5474 (661 ) 765-1122 2521 "G" Street Kern Faculty Medical Group Bakersfield. CA 93301 2201 Mt. Vernon Ave., #21 ! Awad, Youssef B. Castanares, Araceli B. (661) 32;L2544 Bakersfield. CA 93306 Bakersfield Family Medical ' Kern Integrity Medical Group (661) 87:~-7000 Center 507 W. Columbus St. Shartatmadart, Farzln (DBA-Wasco Medical Center) Bakersfield, CA 93301 2101 7~ Street (661 ) 32807070 C. Vincent Phillips, M.D., Inc. Mui, Byron S.K. 9300 Stockdale Hwy, #300 2222 19~ Street Wasco, CA 93280 Bakersfield, CA 9331 ! Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 758-2263 Catania, Robert A. (661 ) 665-0505 (661 ) 328-0800 . 6001 Truxtun Avenue, #300 Baker, William F. Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661) 322-2413 Shields, Sam INDUSTRIAL MEDI¢INE~ 3900 San Dimas Street 1205 Garces Hwy.,#303 Christiansen, Wllllard B. Bakersfield, CA 93301 Delano, CA 93215 2021 22"" Street (661) 322-3087 Chandrasekaran, Ramani (661) 725-4847. Bakersfield, CA 93301 1205 Garces Hwy., #306 Stemmer, Paul F. (661 ) 327-9617 Banerjee, Supratlm Delano, CA 93215 Comprehensive Cardiovascular (661 ) 725-7211 Drummond Medical Group Farber, Michael B. 201 I Truxtun Avenue I ! I I North China Lake Blvd. Mercy Medl Center Bakersfield, CA 93301 Chang, ]ames Y. Ridgecrest, CA 93555 400 Old River Road (661) 631-5544 3550 "Q" Street, #205 (760) 446-4571 Bakersfield, CA 9331 ! Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661 ) 663-6100 Bansal, Radhey (661 ) 316-8888 Tang, Sandys 432-B Lexington Street 2521 "G" Street Parks, Christopher IL Delano, CA 93215 Chen, Chung-Kwang Bakersfield, CA 9330 i Mercy Medl Center (661 ) 725-7793 Bakersfield Family Medical (661) 327-2544 400 Old River Road Center Bakersfield, CA 9331 I Baroud, Khalil S. (DBA-Northeast Physicians Med Tangpraphaphorn, Vlbul (661 ) 663-6100 Community Health Center Grp) 109 Adldsson way 62016 Paso Robles Hwy. 5000 PhysiCians Blvd. Taft, CA 93268 INTERNAL MEDICINE Lost Hills, CA 93249 Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661 ) 765-4 ! 24 Abalos, 4A~rturo (661 ) 797-2667 (661 ) 632-1900 1004 i Street - AND - Taylor, Edward W. Delano, CA 932 ! 5 Barulz, Aitagracla (Grace) U. '6- Bakersfield Family Hedlcai 1524 - 27' Street,//201 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA 93309 Center Bakersfield, CA 93301 - (661 ) 327-530 ! (661 ) 622-2206 (DBA-Almond Grove Family (661) 326-1600 Med Grp) Hasanin, Osama S. Karunaker, A. ILS.R. 10014 Rosedale Hwy. Ettinger, Victor G. The Heart Center Kern Faculty kiedical Group Bakersfield, CA 93312 (Hospital Based Physician) (dba: Oak Hills Med. Corp.) 2201 kit. Vernon Ave.,//21 i (661 ) 589-4412 1830 Flower Street 6404 Lake Isabella Bivd, #B ' Bakersfield, CA 93306 Bakersfield, CA 93305 Lake Isabella, CA 93240 (661) 872-7000 Cho, Kaikei (661) 326-2200 (760) 379-3500 Bakersfield Internal kiedtcine Keni, Arun H. Assoc Farinha, Pedro L. Helper, Susan 511 West Columbus Street 2323 16~ Street,//502 Drummond kiedical Group Helper kiedicai Corp. Bakersfield, CA 9330 I Bakersfield, CA 93301 1111 North China Lake Blvd. 3941 San Dimas Street, #I03- (661) 395-1085 (661) 323-6102 Ridgecrest, CA 93555 A (760) 446-4571 Bakersfield, CA 93301 KJm, ]ae Dandamudi, Satya N. (661) 327-9528 565 Kern'Street 44215 W. 15' Street West, Finstad, Gary Shafter, CA 93263 # 103 Kern River Health Center Herriott, Dale T. (661 ) 746-4937 Lancaster, CA 93534 4300 Birch Avenue 1925 17~ Street (66I) 948-4429 Lake I~bella, CA 93240 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Ko, Young ]. David, Clarene (760) 379-2426 (661 ) 327-5301 44215 North 15~ Street West, //303 Bakersfield Family kiedical Firozi, Hohammad Tarik Hewitt, ]. Hichael Lancaster, CA 93534 Center 2323 16~ Street,//300 Highgrove kiedlcal Group (661) 945-0723 4580 California Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 1524- 27~ Street, #201 Bakersfield, CA 93'309 (661) 323-1200 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Kotarac, ]acquelyn A. (661 ) 327-44 ! 1 -AND- (661 ) 326-1600 3941 San Dimas Street, # 103-B 1205 Garces Hwy., Ste I 01 Bakersfield, CA 93301 De Jesus, Hector ki. Delano, CA 932 ! 5 Hsu, Kenneth (661) 322-3225 2128 Truxtun Ave, Ste A (661 ) 323-1200 3535 San Dimas Street, #8 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Laughlin, Robert L. (65 I) 323-3280 ' Francis, Robert B. (Jr.) (66 I) 322-2329 Centeral Valley Pulmonary bled Drummond kiedical Group Grp (INTERNAL FlED 1 I 1 ! North China Lake Blvd. Huang, Ning 1925 - ! 7~ Street CONTINUED) PJdgecrest, CA 93555 Bakersfield Family kiedical Bakersfield, CA 93301 (760) 446-4571 Center (661) 327-5301 Dellica, RoseHarte B. Freesemann, ]effery H. 4580 California Avenue Kern Integrity Hedical Group Hishgrove kiedlcal Group Bakersfield, CA 93309 Lee, ]u Hwan 507 West ColUmbus St. 1524 - 27'~ Street, #201 (661) 327-4411 Bakersfield Family Medical Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Center (661 ) 328-7070 (661 ) 326-1600 Hwang, Yong 4580 California Avenue ! 147 7~ Street Bakersfield, CA 93309 Devasla, Ned · Gilli, William E. Wasco, CA 93280 (661) 327-4411 2323 16~' Street, #404 Mesa West kiedical Group (661) 758-2449 Bakersfield, CA 93301 6001-B Truxtun Avenue, #220 Lewis, Todd A. (DO) (661) 324-4501 Bakersfield, CA 93309 Johnson, Royce Bakersfield Family kiedical (661) 325-6372 Kern Faculty kiedical Group Center Dougherty, David 2201 IHt. Vernon Ave., #211 4580 California Avenue Bakersfield Internal kiedlcine Goonesinghe, Iresha C. Bakersfield, CA 93306 Bakersfield, CA 93309 Assoc. Oak Hills kiedical Corp (661) 872-7000 (661) 327-4411 2323 ! 6~' Street,//504 (DBA-The Heart Center) Bakersfield, CA 93301 ! 240 S. China Lake Blvd. #A Joseph, Bradley K. kiadhavan, Sethu V. (661) 323-6102 . PJdgecrest, CA 93555 2619 'F' Street 1654 West Avenue ] Dozier, Emanuel (760) 371-7600 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Lancaster, CA 93534 2129 17~ Street Gorenberg, Alan E. (661 ) 327-4003 (661 ) 945-7181 -AND- Bakersfield, CA 93301 Drummond kiedical Group lung, Johnson Complete Family Care Hedlcal (661) 859-2211 I I I I N. China Lake Blvd. Centennial kiedical Group Corp. -AND- Ridgecrest, CA 93555 820 344 Street, #i01 12500 Boron Avenue, .517 Bear kiountaln Blvd. (760) 446-4571 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Boron, CA 93516 Arvin, CA 93203 (661) 326-8989 (760) 762-511 i (66 ! ) 854-6166 Grama, Usha Bakersfield Family kiedical Kaldas, Nader IL kiadrilejo, Nelson Drew, Stanley Center Delano Family Medical Center Centennial kiedlcal Group Bakersfield Family kiedical 4580 California Avenue 1215 Jefferson Street 820 344 Street, #I01 Center Bakersfield, CA 93309 Delano, CA 93215 Bakersfield, CA 93301 4580 California Avenue (661 ) 327-441 I (661 ) 721-7080 (661 ) 326-8989 Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661) 327-4411 Hansa, Sahaphun Kanamofl, David E. Hanoram, John E. Centerai Valley Pulmonary Med Comprehensive Blood ~z Cancer ! 717 30~ Street Esposo, Odente M. Grp Ctr Bakersfield, CA 93301 Hlghgrove kiedlcal Group 1925 - 17~ Street 6501 Truxtun Avenue (661) 327-7968 '7- Haster, Constantina L. Preferred Family Care Physicians (661) 323-3280 1402 Jefferson Street Central Valley Pulmonary Hed 6001-D Truxtun Avenue, #~X) Delano, CA 93215 Grp Bakersfield, CA 93309 Reyna, Ana IL (661) 758-3300 1925 - 17~ Street (66!) 638-2273 276 South Mills Street, #C ' - AND - Bakersfield, CA 93301 -AND- Tehachapi, CA 93561 1410 7~ Street (66 ! ) 327-5301 Bakersfield Family Hedicai (661 ) 822-3519 Wasco, CA 93280 Center · (661 ) 725-9130 Hatuk, Aileen : 4580 California Avenue Rico, Oscar 2323 16~ Street, #500 Bakersfield, CA 93309 Bakersfield Family Hedlcai Singh, Hanbir Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 327-4411 Center 733 Third Street (661) 327-8651 4580 California Avenue HcFariand, CA 93250 Patel, Raiu B. Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661) 792-3097 HcCauley, Peter S. Comprehensive Care Clinic (661) 327-441 ! Central Nephrology Hedical 261.5."H" Street Singh, Sadnder Group Bakersfield, CA 93301 Rios, Tomas B. 2011 19~ Street 5030 Office Park-Drive, #A (661) 635-3000 San ]oaquin Wellness ~: Hed Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA 93309 Grp (661 ) 323-8159 (661 ) 323-2847 Patel, Viiaykumar B. 1927 - 21 ~ Street 432-C Lexington Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Sriiaeraiah, T. HcNamara, Nancy Delano, CA 9~3215 (661 ) 324-4431 9300 North Loop 2828 "H" Street, #H (661) 725-7793 California City, CA 93505 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Roberts, Douglas E. (760) 373-4809 (661) 327-2932 Peinado, Albert ]. Drummond Hedical Group -AND- Bakersfield Internal Hedicine 1 ! I ! North China Lake Blvd. 44725 10~ Street West, #230 Hehta, Viral Y. Assoc. Rid~ecrest' CA 93555 Lancaster, CA 93539 Comprehensive Cardiovascular 2323 16~ Street, #504 (760) 446-4571 (661) 945-161 i 2011 Trextun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661 ) 323-6 ! 02 Saini, Gursharon Strategos, Emmanuel (661 ) 631-5544 i 205 Garces Hwy., #203 Scrategos Hedical Corp. -AND- Penrose, ]ames IL (DO) Delano, CA 93215 3900 San Dimas Street 1205 Garces Hwy.L #306 Bakersfield Family Hedicai (661 ) 725-6910 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Delano, CA 932 ! 5 Center -AND- (661 ) 322-3087 (661 ) 725-7818 4580 California Avenue 2323 16~ Street, #304 Bakersfield, CA 93309 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Strategos, Stephen Hui, Byron S.K. (661 ) 327-441 I (66 i ) 324-8 ! 63 Strategos Hedical Corp. 2222 19~ Street 3900 San Dimas Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Perez, lose A. Sanchez, Irene H. (661) 328-0800 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Kern Faculty Hedical Group Central Valley Occupational (661) 322-3087 2201 Hr. Vernon Ave, Ste Hed Grp Narang, Yadvlnder K. 21 ! 4100 Truxtun Ave, #200 Suri, Atul H. 1524- 27~ Street, Ste 150 Bakersfield. CA 93306 Bakersfield, CA 93309 Kern Nephrology Hed Grp Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661 ) 87:~-7000 (661 ) 632-1540 620 34~Street (661) 633-2541 Bakersfield, CA 93301 - AND - (661 ) 324-4721 Rabban~ Joseph T. Sarldes, Nadtm W. 1205 Garces Hwy, Ste 203 3941 San Dimas Street, #102 5000 Physicians Blvd., #A-300 Delan0, CA 93215 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Valdez,Anthony (661 ) 725-69 ! 0 (661 ) 324-6593 (661 ) 325-7000 3807 Union Avenue, #B (INTERNAL HED Bakersfield, CA 93305 CONTINUED) Ragland, Alan (DO) Shao, Haogang (661) 324-2423 Kern Faculty Hedial Group Bakersfield Family Hedical NizaGHoward H. 2201 Hr. Vernon Ave., #21 I Center VanderHoek, Cornells 3941 San Dimas Street, #I02 Bakersfield, CA 93306 4580 California Avenue Drummond Hedicai Group Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 872-7000 . Bakersfield, CA 93309 I I 1 ! N. China Lake Blvd. (661) 324-6593 -AND- (661 ) 327-4411 Ridgecrest' CA 93555 Bakersfield Family Hedical (760) 446-4571 Pangilinan, Florenclo Center Sharma, San)iv 1916 17' Street 4580 California Avenue Central Cardiology Hedtcal Vega, Ricardo IL Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA 93309 Clinic Bakersfield Lung ~ Sleep Hed (661 ) 322-7309 (66 ! ) 327-441 i 2110 Truxtun Avenue Ctr Bakersfield, CA 93301 6001-A Truxtun Ave, Ste 100 Patel, Hihir B. Rahal. Paramvlr S. (661) 323-8384 Bakersfield, CA 93309 Complete Family Care Hedlcal 432 Lexington Street, #B (661) 323-5300 Grp Delano, CA 93215 Shlue, ShyI-Tang ! 2500 Boron Ave, Ste A (661) 725-1200 i 700 "C" Street Warsaw, Terry Boron, CA 93516 -AND- Bakersfield, CA 93301 20211 Valley Blvd. (760) 762-511 I 2323 16~ Street, #300 (661) 325-2640 ' Tehachapi, CA 93561 - AND - Bakersfield, CA 93301 (66 I) 822-5544 (661) 323-1200 ! 654 West Avenue ] Singh, Amrit Lancaster, CA 93534 3820 Wible Rd., #A Wong, Caroline H. (661 ) 942-2237 Ramayake, Saman N. Bakersfield, CA 93309 Central Nephrology Hedical 2128 Truxtun Ave. (661) 398-I 560 Group Patel, Rai A. Bakersfield, CA 93301 - AND - 5030 Office Park Drive '8- Bakersfield, CA 93309 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 399-2822 (661 ) 323-2847 (66 ! ) 323-8 ! 59 (661 ) 325-6800 -AND- Khan, Salma H. Yeh, Cheng-Tutsung Suri, Atul H. 3940 San Dimas Street Kern Radiology 1Hedical Group 2323 16' Street,//102 Kern Nephrology 1Hed Grp Bakersfield, CA 93301 2301 Bahamas Drive Bakersfield, CA 93301 620 34~Street (661) 325-6200 Bakersfield, CA 93309 (66 ! ) 322-6078 Bakersfield, CA 93301 ' (661 ) 322-198 I NEONATOLOGY (661 ) 324-4721 NEUROSURGERY Ehteshami, Shahram OBSTETRICS Bhogal, Madhu VanderHoek, Comelis 2601 Oswell Street, # i 01 AND GYNECOLOGY 3801 San Dimas Street, #B Drummond Hedical Group Bakersfield, CA 93306 Allen, Edward Charles Bakersfield, CA 93301 1 I I 1 N. China Lake Blvd. (661) 872-9999 (Infertility) (661) 631-2229 · Ridgecrest, CA 93555 -AND- 3807 Union Avenue, #A (760) 446-4571 4300 Birch Street Bakersfield, CA 93305 Klupsteen, Mathilda Mt. Mesa, CA 93555 (661) 326-0333 3801 San Dimas Street, #B Varansai, U.R. (760) 379-2665 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Kern Nephrology IHedical Andrews, Todd L. (661 ) 631-2229 Group Fayaz, lmran 2323- 16~ Street, #407 620 ~34' Street Neurological Surgery &t hied Bakersfield, CA 93301 Patel, Sudhir B. Bakersfield, CA 93301 Assoc (661 ) 395-1900 3801-B San Dimas St. (661) 324-4721 2601 Oswell St., # I 0 ! Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA 93306 Ayyagari, Ramchandra (661 ) 6~31-2229 Wong, Caroline' IH. (661 ) 872-9999 3535 San Dimas Street, #20 Central Nephrology Medical Bakersfield, CA 93301 NEPHROLOGY Group Leramo, Oluse~n B. (661) 323-3266 BRet,' Harold 5030 Office Park Drive, #A Neurological Surgery a: Med. Central Nephrology Medical Bakersfield, CA 93309 Assoc. Ceballos, Alfredo Group (661) 323-2847 2601 Oswell Street, #I01 2020 Truxtun Avenue 5030 Office Park Drive, #A Bakersfield, CA 93306 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA 93309 NEUROLOGY (661) 872-9999 (661) 327-3100 (66 ! ) 323-2847 Br0eske, Daniel 'Kern Faculty hiedical Group Pitts, Frederick W. Chung, Tong Kazmi, Hashim R. 2201 Mt. Vernon Avenue, 686 West Line Street, #305 3805 San Dimas Street, #A Central Nephrology Medical #21 ! Bishop, CA 93514 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Group Bakersfield, CA 93306 (800) 660-0133 (661) 325-3441 5030 Office Park Drive, #A (661 ). 872-7000 Bakersfield, CA 93309 Rahimifar, Majld Ciccotto, Salvatore (661) 323-2847 Chalmers, Antonia 2601 Oswell Street, #101 San Dimas Medical Group 1705 28* Street Bakersfield, CA 93306 300 Old River Road, #200 Kopelman,.Robert C.. Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 872-9999 Bakersfield, CA 9331 I Central Nephrology Medical (661 ) 322-3008 (661 ) 663-4800 Group . Wrobel, Charles 5030 Office Park Drive, #A Helvie, Richard E. Kern Faculty Medical Group Copeland, William ]. Bakersfield, CA 93309 6001-A Truxtun Avenue, #130 2201 Mt. Vernon Ave., #211 44215 15' Street West, #315 (661) 323-2847 Bakersfield, CA 93309 Bakersfield, CA 93306 Lancaster, CA 93534 McCauley, Peter S. (661 ) 327-7345 (66 ! ) 872-7000 (661 ) 945-4581 Central Nephrology Hedical Helvie, Stephen ]. NUCLEAR MEDICINE Crenshaw, Wendy Group 2323 16~ Street, #203 Balachandran, Suppiah San Dimas Medical Group 5030 Office Park Drive, #A Bakersfield, CA 93301 AV Diagnostic Radiology 300 Old River Road, #200 Bakersfield, cA 93309 (661) 395-1234 1331 WestAvenue J,#103 Bakersfield, CA 93311 (661) :323-2847 Lancaster, CA 93534 (661) 663-4800 Pineda, Gre~orio (661 ) 945-1639 1705 28* ~'treet Davis, Phillip ~ Bakersfield, CA 93301 Becker, Warren San Dimas IHedical Group Saikl, ~James (661) 322-3008 South Central Valley Radiology 300 Old River Road, #200 Central Nephrology Medical Sabedan, Katayoun Center)(Delan° Regional Medical Bakersfield.(661 ) 665-4800CA 93311 Group 2323 16' Street, #206 1205 Garces Hwy. 5030 Office Park Drive, #A Bakersfield, CA 93301 Delano, CA 93215 Bakersfield,. CA 93309 (661 ) 322-4601 (661 ) 725-4847 (661) 323-2847 Edwards, Dana C. San Dim. as 1Hedlcal Group Farthing, David 300 Old River Road, #200 Young, Rolando South Central Valley Radiology Bakersfield, CA 9331 ! 1705 28' Street (Delano Regional hiedlcal (661) 663-4800 Shah, Arvlnd Kern Nephrology hiedical Bakersfield, CA 93301 Center) Group (661 ) 322-3008 1205 Garces Hwy. Elliot, Frank 620 34* Street Delano, CA 93215 3941 San Dimas Street, #! 01 Bakersfield, CA 93301 NEURORADIOLOGY (661 ) 725-4847 Bakersfield, CA 9330 I (661 ) 324-472 i Shah, Maniul (661 ) 327-382 I Truxtun Radiology Medical ]oshi, IHukesh J. Singh, Satlnder Group 901 Castalc Avenue 201 I 19* Street ! 81 7Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93308 Finberg, Kurt (661) 822-5758 Wallrath, Richard 2200 18' Street Kurtan, Leonard S. 6000 Physicians Blvd., #210 Bakersfield, CA 93301 1331 West Avenue J., #202 Patei, Hansa Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661 ) 323-7854 Lancaster, CA 93534. 622 34' Street (661 ) 325-9312 Flores, Donald (66 i ) 726-7200 Bakersfield, CA 93301 1317 Main Street (661 ) 327-9154 . Warren-Jtnadu, Linda 901 34~ Street Lascano, Miguel L. Delano, CA 93215 Columbus Medical Groul~ Perez, Leonard Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661 ) 725-4811 1311 Columbus St, Ste lB Columbus Medical Group (661 ) 335-7747 Bakersfield, CA 93305 1311 Columbus St, Ste B Fok, R~ndolph (661) 872-8600 Bakersfield, CA 93305 Williams, Rene' E. (661) 872-8600 . Ridgecrest Womens Care National OB-GYN, Inc. 2920 "F' Street, #H-I 2 Lewis, David 544 W. Drummund Ave, #B Bakersfield, CA 93301 San Dimas Medical Group Ramaswami, Vasanthi Ridgecrest, CA 93555 (661 ) 322-7611 300 Old River Road, #200 131 I Columbus Street (760) 446-1 i 14 Bakersfield, CA 93311 Bakersfield, CA 93305 Fong, Deng (661) 663-4800 (661) 873-8393 Ynostroza, Frank 1.215 34~ Street San Dimas Medical Group Bakersfield, CA 93301 Lin, Yeuan-]ong Rizvi, Syed 300 Old River Road, #200 (661) 322-233l 4000 San Dlmas Street, #2 4850 Commerce Dr, Ste 100 Bakersfield, CA 93311 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661') 663-4800 Fox, Jerry (661) 327-1401 (661) 827-9165 904 East Brundage Lane Zapanta, Lydia B~kersfield, CA 93307 Lopez, Elva Root. R. Mark (DO) 1619 Cecil Avenue, #A (661) 327-4279 Bakersfield Ctr for Women's 3206 - 21' Street, Ste 202 Delano, CA 93216 -AND- Health Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661 ) 725-2512 30 Eye Street 4000 Empire Dr, Ste 120 (661) 32.7-5702 Bakersfield, CA 93304 Bakersfield, CA 93309 O¢¢UPA nONAL MEDICINE (661 ) 323-2720 (661 ) 637-0137 Shakespeare, Cary Davies, Michael E. The Women's Care Center Central Valley Occupational Garcia, Antonio M,~nsour, Joseph 3550 "Q" Street, #202 Med Grp Columbus Medical Group Columbus Medical Group Bakersfield, CA 93301 4100 Truxtun Ave, #200 131 I Columbus St, Ste B 131 i Columbus St, Ste B (661 ) 633-2229 Bakersfield. CA 93309 Bakersfield, CA 93305 Bakersfield, CA 93305 (661) 63~.- 1540 (661 ) 872-8600 (66 ! ) 872-8600 Smale, Christopher 4000 Physicians Blvd. Gualberto, Ruben S. Graves, Lon A. Matera, Vincent Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield Family Medical Drummond Medical Group ! 508 Garces Hwy. L#1 (66'1) 327-4885 Center I I I 1 North China Lake Blvd. Delano, CA 932 ! 5 4580 California Avenue Ridgecrest, CA 93555 (661) 725-3070 Stanley, William D. Bakersfield, CA 93309 (760) 446-4571 (661) 327-441 ! 500 Old River Road. #100 Melendez, Philipp R. Bakersfield. CA 93~11 Hubbell, Wheeler 3535 San Dimas Street, #6 (661) 66~-9094 Sanchez, Irene H. (Limited to Obstetrics) Bakersfield, CA 93301 Central Valley Occupational 4023 Stockdale Hwy. (661) 325-7103 Tan, Marietta Med Grp Bakersfield, CA 93309 San Dimas Medical Group 4100 Truxtun Ave, #200 (661 ) 322-31 ! 4 Min, ]um K. 300 Old River Road, #200 Bakersfield, CA 93309 4050 San Dimas Street Bakersfield, CA 93311 (661 ) 632-1540 ]amaluddin, Umaima Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661 ) 663-4800 394.1 San Dimas Street, #101 (661) '324-4714 ON¢OLOGY/HEMATOLOGY Bakersfield, CA 93301 Terry, Kyle R. Cartmel, Alan (661) 327-3821 Mohamed. Ehab A. .. 1303 Jefferson Street Comprehensive Blood ~ Cancer 815 North Downs St. Delano, CA 93215 Ctr. Kannappan, Tillaikarasi Ridgecrest, CA 93555 (661) 720-9111 6501 Truxtun Avenue San Dimas Medical Group (760) 371-2177 Bakersfield, CA 93309 300 Old .River Road; #200 Upadhyaya, ]igtsha (661 ) 322-2206 Bakersfield, CA 9331 i Moini, Jasmine San Dimas Medical Group (661) 663-4800 300 Old River Road, #110 300 Old River Road, #200 Chang, ]ames Y. Bakersfield, CA 9331 I Bakersfield, CA 9331 ! 3550 "Q" Street, #205 (OB/GYN CONTINUED) (661) 665-0184 (661) 663-4800 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Owens, John k. Vora, Bansl H. (661 ) 316-8888 Karoll, Richard P. 3941 San Dlmas Street, #101 44241 N. 15* Street West, Drummond Medical Group Bakersfield, CA 93301 #305 Davis, Dean L. I 11 I North China Lake Blvd. (661) 327-3821 Lancaster, CA 93534 2215 Truxtun Avenue Ridgecrest, CA 93555 (661) 949-5899 Bakersfield, CA 93301 (760) 446-4571 Park, Arthur W. (661) 632-5700 3543 San Dlmas Street Walker, Armi Lynn Klis, Gregory R. Bakersfield, CA 93301 The Women's Care Center Fang, Tzann ]. San Dimas Medical Group (661) 634-9842 3550 'Q" Street, #202 500 Old River Rd, #205 300 Old River Road, #200 -AND- Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA 93311 Bakersfield, CA 93311 785 Tucker Road, #1 (661) 633-2229 (661) 663-0355 (661) 663-4800 Tehachapl, CA 93561 Francis, Robert B. (Jr.) ONCOLOGY. SURGICAL Bakersfield, CA 93301 Wong, Drummond Medical Group Mardnez, Humberto D. (661) 327-4499 2323 I Street,//501 I I 11 North China Lake Blvd. C. Vincent Phillips, M.D., Inc. Lehmer, Jeffrey M. Bakersfield, CA 93301 Ridgecrest, CA 93555 9300 Stockdale Hwy,//300 Central Valley Redna Med Ctr (661) 327-4484 (760) 446-4571 Bakersfield, CA 9331 I 5329 Office Center Ct, #120 -AND- Kanamorl, David E. (661) 665-0505 Bakersfield, CA 93309 .628 Main Street Comprehensive Blood az Cancer OPHTHALMOLOGY (661 ) 322-8400 Delano, CA 93215 (661) 721-8888 Ctr Avery, Robert L. Ling, Richard 6501 Truxtun Avenue FHtch Eye Care Medical Center ' 2325 17~ Street Yaplee, Steven Bakersfield, CA 93309 2525 Eye Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Triangle Eye Institute (66 i ) 622-2206 Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661 ) 321-9633 5201 California Avenue, #401 (661 ) 327-8511 Bakersfield, CA 93309 Medina, Miguel P. Mohammadi, Hosein (661 ) 631-2020 Valley Tumor Medical Group Bradl~y~ Donald M. Fritch Eye Care Medical Center -AND- 1517 North Do:wns Fritch Eye Care Medical Center 2525 Eye Street 1519 Garces Hwy., #101 Ridgecrest, CA 93555 2525 Eye Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Delano, CA 93215 (760) 446-7714 Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661 ) 327-85 ! I (661 ) 721-2020 (661) 327-851 I --AND- lvfiJkhopadhyay, Madan Morton, Ronald 255 West Putnam Comprehensive Blood az Cancer Casey, Richard Golden State Eye Medical Porterville, CA 93257 Ctr. Drummond Medical Group Group (559) 788-2020 6501 Truxtun Avenue I 11 ! North China Lake Blvd. 1001 Tower Way, #150-B Bakersfield, CA 93309 Ridgecrest, CA 93555 Bakersfield, CA 93301 ORTHOPEDICS~AND (661) 322-2206 (760) 446-4571 (661) 327-4499 ORTHOPEDIC SURGERY Agrawal, Vivek Patel, Ravt Casteen, Carole Nelson, Donald Drummond Medical Group Co~nprehensive Blood az Cancer 2007 17~ Street 2108 24* Street, #2 1 I I I N. China Lake Blvd. Ctr. Bakersfield. CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Ridgecrest, CA 93555 6501 Truxtun Avenue (661 ) 32 ~'- 1472 (661 ) -327-5065 (760) 446-4571 Bakersfield, CA 93309 (66 I) 322-2206 Chang, Joseph H. Neilson, Paul F. Alade, Clement O. Empire Eye ~: Laser Center 500 Old River Road, #185 Pacific Ord~opedic Medical Shah, Mukund G. 4101 Empire Dr, Ste 120 Bakersfield, CA 93311 Group Valley Tumor Medical Group Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661 ) 664.9121 2619 "F" Street 867 West Lancaster Blvd. (661) 325-3937 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Lancaster, CA 93534 Paveloff, Michael J. (661 ) 327-1425 (661) 945-5928 Freeman, Car/ Fritch Eye Care Medical Center -AND- Kern Faculty Medical Group 2525 Eye Street Amirpour, Vahdatyar 1517 North Downs 2201 Mt. Vernon Ave., #211 Bakersfield. CA 93301 1524 27~ Street, #202 Ridgecrest, CA 93555 Bakersfield, CA 93306 (661) 32~'-851 I Bakersfield, CA 93301 (760) 446-7714 (661) 872-7000 (661) 327-2500 Shuler,' ]ames D. -AND- Shamasunder, H.K. Fritch, Charles Empire Eye ~z Laser center 12424 Mt. Mesa Road Valley Tumor Medical Group. Fritch Eye Care Medical Center 4101 Empire Drive, #120 Mt. Mesa, CA 93240 867 West Lancaster Blvd. 2525 Eye Street Bakersfield, CA 93309 (760) 379-011 Lancaster, cA 93534 Bakersfield. CA 93301 (661) 325-3937 (661 ) 945-5928 (66 ! ) 32~-85 ! 1 Brenner, Brian C. -AND- Stainer, Gregory A. Kern Bone az Joint Specialists i 517 North Downs George, Gregor/ Southwest Eye Care az Laser 1921 18* Street Ridgecrest, CA 93555 Triangle Eye Institute 4649 Planz Road Bakersfield, CA 93301 (760) 446-7714 5201 California Avenue, #401 Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661) 324-2491 Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661) 833-4040 Shambaugh, Shawn C. (661) 631-2020 Brooks, Andrew A. Comprehensive Blood az Cancer Ten'ell, John C. Drummond Medical Group Ctr. Gonzalez, Casimlro Triangle Eye Institute I I I I North China Lake Blvd. 6501 Truxtun Avenue Golden State Eye Medical 5201 California Avenue, #401 Ridgecrest, CA 93555 Bakersfield, CA 93309 Group Bakersfield, CA 93309 (760) 446-4571 (661) 322-2206 1001 Tower Way, #i50-B (661) 631-2020 Bakersfield, CA 93301 -AND- Chandrasekaran, P.R. Tu, Shane H. Comprehensive Blood az Cancer (661) 327-4499 255 West ~mam 1205 Garces Hwy. . Portervllle, CA 93257 Delano, CA 932 Ctr. Holmes, Victor A. (559) 788-2020 (661) 725-721 6501 Truxtun Avenue Drummond Medical Group .-AND- Bakersfield, CA 93309 I I 1 I North China Lake Blvd. Tohm, Donald G. Pacific Orthopedic Medical (66 ! ) 322-2206 Ridgecrest, CA 93555 Westchester Eye Medical Clinic Group (760) 446-4571 1701 26* Street 2619 "F" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA 93301 KIIger, Craig H. (661) 324-9606 (661) 327-1425 Golden State Eye Medical Group 100 ! Tower Way, # ! 50-B -11 - Coppola, Alfred ]. (Ir.) Nystrom, Mark Delano,. CA 93215 Bakersfield, CA 93303 Bakersfield Orthopedic Medical 3805 San Dimas Street, #B (661 ) 72 I-1422 (661 ) 324-0300 Group Bakersfield, CA 93301 2634"G" Street ' (661) 327-0843 Zerlin, Gary K. Yaker, Kenneth M. Bakersfield, CA 93301 2103 i 8`" Street 2525 Eye Street (661 ) 323-8121 (ORTHOPEDICS Bakersfield, CA 93301 . Bakersfield, CA 93301 Grimes, ]ames CONTINUED) (661 ) 327-3448 (66 i ) 327-8725 Kern Bone az Joint Specialists Paik, Young N. PAIN MANAGEMENT PATHOLOGY 1921 18~ Street Pacific Orthopedic Medical Sella, Eleutedo Ang, Elsa Bakersfield, CA 93301 Group Bakersfield Pain Management 2441 "F" Street (661) 324-2491 2619 "F" Street Group Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield. CA 93301 3535 San Dimas Street,/ti 2 (661) 326-2256 Ha'Eri, G.B. (661). 327-1425 Bakersfield, CA 93301 1524 27`" Street (661) 325-8499 Anhalt, ]. E. (Ir.) Bakersfield, CA 93301 Smith, Thomas L. -AND- Bakersfield Memorial Hospital (661) 325-0541 Drummond Medical Group Physician's Plaza Medical Group (Hospital Based Physician) -AND- I I 11 lq. China Lake Blvd. (Southwest Surgical Center) 420 34~ Street Westslde District Hospital PJdgecrest, CA 93555 201 New Sdne Road, #130 Bakersfield, CA 93301 110 W. North Street (760) 446-4571 Bakersfield, CA 93309 (66 i ) 327-1792 Taft, CA 93268 (661) 334-1958 (661) 763-4211 Srivastava, Pramod K. Fisher, Myron A. 1205 Garces Hwy., #208 Bourne, Jonathan C. Bakersfield Pathology Medical Hopp, Emery Delano. CA 93215 Kaweah Anesthesia Medical Group Bakersfield Family Medical (661))25-0713 Group (Hospital Based Physician) Center (Hospital Based Physician) 2215 Truxtun Avenue 4580 California Avenue Srour, Sami 2920 "F" Street, #E-I 5 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA 93309 3801 San Dimas Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 632-5483 (661 ) 327-4411 Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661 ) 335-7755 (661 ) 322-1937 Fogel, Steven P. Levins, Anthony D. Brechner (Fen'er), Theresa Bakersfield Pathology Medical (Spine Surgery) Swafford, Albert 9300 Stockdale Hwy. #I00 Group Bakersfield Orthopedic Medical 1800 Wescwind Drive. #201 Bakersfield, CA 9331 I (Hospital Based Physician) Group Bakersfield, CA 933CJl (661) 665-7880 2215 Truxtun Avenue 2634 "G" Street (66'1) 325-511 I Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield. CA 93301 David, Saul (661) 632-5483 (66 ! ) 32~-8121 Tivnon, Michael Premier Anesthesia Medical 300 Old River Road, #I 50 Group Freedman, Sheldon Lewis, Marshall S. Bakersfield, CA 93311 (Hospital Based Physician) (Hospital Based Physician) Pacific Orthopedic Medical (~66 i ) 663-7600 P.O. Box 2287 1830 Flower Street Group Bakersfield, CA 93303 Bakersfield, CA 93305 2619 "F" Street Valos, Nicholas (661 ) 324-0300 (661 ) 326-2256 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield Orthopedic Medical (818) 786-7291 - Billing (661 ) 327-1425 Group Dinh, Son T. -AND- 2634 "G" Street 4100 Truxtun Ave, #306 Jacobs, Steven Southwest Surgical Center Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA 93309 Bakersfield Pathology Medical 201 New Sdne Road, #130 (66'1) 323-8121 (661) 325-8499 Group Bakersfield, CA 93309 -AND- (Hospital Based Physician) (661 ) 334- ! 400 OTOLARYNGOLOGY (ENT7 Comprehensive Blood az Cancer 221S Truxtun Avenue Busch, Richard Ctr. Bakersfield, CA 93301 Mack, Joel D. Kern Faculty Medical Group 6501 Truxtun Avenue (661) 632-5483 1801 28`" Street 2201 Mt. Vernon Ave. #211 Bakersfield, CA 93309 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA 93306 (661) 322-2206 Karoll, Richard P. (661) 327-2777 (661) 872-7000 Drummond Medical Group Findley, John R. I I I I North China Lake Blvd. Malerich, Matthew Marshall, Robert G. 2920 "F" Street, #E-15 PJdgecrest, CA 93555 Bakersfield Orthopedic Medical 2203 19'" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 (760) 446-4571 Group Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 335-7755 2634 "G" Street (661) 327-0657 Lang, Adam Bakersfield, CA 93301 Schwartz, Kevln Kern Medical Center (661) 323-8121 Morledge, David Premier Anesthesia Medical (Hospital Based Physician) 2030 Truxtun Avenue Group 1830 Flower Street McCabe, Michael O. Bakersfield, CA 93301 (Hospital Based Physician) Bakersfleld,'ca 93305 Kern Bone az L Joint Specialists (661 ) 325-5973 P.O. Box 2287 (66 !) 326-2200 1921 18' Street Bakersfield, CA 93303 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Rabinov, C. Rose (661) 324-0300 Miranda, Lilibeth (661 ) 324-249 i 3535 San Dimas Street, # 18 Bakersfield Pathology Medical -AND- Bakersfield. CA 93301 Scurlock, W. Bruce Group 2021 I Valley Blvd. (66 ! ) 325-6200 Premier Anesthesia Medical (Hospital Based Physician) Tehachapi, CA 93561 Group 22 ! 5 Truxtun Avenue (661) 324-2491 ' Suesberry, Wilbur (Hospital Based Physician) Bakersfield, CA 93301 1205 Garces Hwy., #207 P.O. Box 2287 (66 I) 632-5483 4580 California Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Sherrill, M.F. Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661 ) 323-6321 Ruiz, Luis Kern Pathology Medical Group (661) 327-4411 280 i "H" Street ! 16 West "E' Street Kimpo, Joy C. Tehachapi, CA 93561 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakhaya, Saad M. Wasco Medical Center (661 ) 822-4421 (661) 325-0744 44439 North 17~ Street West, 2101 7~ Street Swinyer, Bruce P. # I 01 Wasco, CA 93280 Sacamoto, Reullta Lancaster, CA 93534 ' (661) 758-2263 2028 17~ Street Kern Pathology Medical Group (661) 945=1511 Bakersfield, CA 93301 2801 "H" Street,' #A Klupsteen, Mathilda (661 ) 326-0461 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bhogal, Madhu 3801 San Dimas Street, #B (661) 325-0744 3801 San Dimas Street, #B Bakersfield, CA 93301 Santos,-MaHa A. -AND- Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661 ) 631-2229 Bakersfield Family Medical Bakersfield .Memorial Hospital (661 ): 631-2229 Center (Hospital Based Physician) Kumari, Suresh 4580 California Avenue 420 34' Street Boyd, Nancy Kern Faculty Medical Group Bakersfield, CA 93309 Bakersfield, CA 93301 3630 Golden Spur St, #C 1524 27~ Street, #403 (661) 327-4411 (661) 327-1792 Lake Isabella, CA 93240 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Wu. Agnes Y. (760) 376-3365 (661) 322-7337 Sevilla-Anderson, Eunice C. 1700 "C' Street ' ' Southwest Pediatrics Bakersfield, CA 93301 (PEDIATRICS CONTINUED) Lee. Chuck 6001-A Truxtun Ave, Ste 180 (661) 325-2640 1700 "A' Street Bakersfield, CA 93309 Bustamante, ]avier Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 322-8687 pEDIATRIC 300 Old River Road,//10'5 (661) 327-3271 .ONCOLOGY/HEMATOLO~Y Bakersfield, CA 9331 i Shah, Bharati R. Di Nicola, William (661 ) 663-4700 Lee. Sun Hi Bakersfield Family Medical 300 Old River Road,//125 6001 Truxtun Ave, #C-320 Center :Bakersfield, CA 93311 Carbbnell, Emma Ba_lLersfield, CA 93309 4580 California Avenue (661) 663-3122 Kern Faculty Medical Group (66'1) 323-5484 Bakersfield, CA 93309 1524 27' Street,//403 -AND- (661) 327-4411 Lee. Sun Hi Bakersfield, CA 93301 9905 Bace Avenue 6001 Truxtun Ave,//C-320 (661) 322-7337 Bakersfield, CA 93307 Shah, Hitesh Z. Bakersfield, CA 93309 (66 i ) 83 I- I 100 Southwest Pediatrics (661 ) 323-5484 Digges, John L. 6001 Truxtun Avenue, #A- 180 -AND- 618 34' Street Mahadevan, Ramasamy Bakersfield, CA 93309 9905 Bate Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 44725 Norr~h 10~ St West, (661 ) 322-8687 Bakersfield, CA 93307 (661) 873-9333 #220 (661) 831-1100 Lancaster, CA 93534 Suen. Virus Di Nicola, William (661) 942-0300 40C~) San Dimas Street  EpIATRICRHEUMArOLOGy 300 Old River Road, #125 Bakersfield, CA 93301 atz, Albert R. Bakersfield. CA 93311 Merrill, Alexander (661) 322-3072 3737 San Dimas St.,//101 (661) 66~-3122 Christian Medical Services Bakersfield, CA 93301 2920 "F" Street Sykes, Kaye T. (661 ) 327-5037 Ferguson, Katherine Bakersfield, CA 93301 9330 Stockdale Hwy, Ste 600 Southern Sierra Medical Clinic (661 ) 324-8990 Bakersfield, CA 9331 ! ~,garwaI,PEDIArRl¢$Chhaya #BI 04 ! North China Lake Blvd., (661 ) 663-3100 Michalik, Marcia Valley Infant ~. Pediatric and Ridgecrest, CA 93555 Drummond Medical Group Thomas, Anthony ]. Complete Family Care (760) 446-6404 I 111 North China Lake Blvd. 515-A West Columbus Street 1359 West Avenue] Ridgecrest, CA 9355S Bakersfield, CA 93301 Lancaster, CA 93534 Gehlawat, Dtlbagh (760) 446-4571 (661) 631-9455 (661 ) 726-5000 432 Lexington Street Delano, CA 93215 Patel, Sudhir B. Vanicharden, Yupin Al Haid, Mohammed N. (661 ) 725-6266 380 I-B San Dimas St. 5 ! 0 6* Street, #A 1402 Jefferson Street Bakersfield,'CA 93301 Taft, CA 93268 Delano, CA 93215 Ho, Sze (661 ) 631-2229 (66 ! ) 763-3606 (661 ) 725-8693 4040 San Dimas Street, #A Bakersfield, CA 93301 PoE, Sue Walker, Susan Al-Jawad, ]aslm Ail . (661) 327-3784 Kern Faculty Medical Group 2330 Truxtun Avenue, Wasco Medical Center 1524 27~ Street,//403 Bakersfield, CA 9330 ! 2101 7~ Street ]ung, Sung Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661 ) 323-5485 Wasco, CA 93280 4040 San Dimas Street, #B (661) 322-7337 (661 ) 758-2263 Bakersfield, CA 93301 PHY~;IATRY (661) 323-7371 ' Raflq, Rehana Anderson, Bradford Amin, Hasmukhbhal C. 300 Old River Road, #165 5001 Commerce Drive, #100 300 Old River Road, #120 Katz, Albert IL Bakersfield, CA 93311 Bakersfield, CA 93309 Bakersfield, CA 933! I 3737 San Dlmas St.,#i01 (661) 663-3110 (661-) 325-8375 (661 ) 663-7500 Bakersfield, CA 9330 i (661) 327-5037 Roddguez, ]orge E. PHYSICAL MEDIClNE~ Anzai, Takashi 1519 Garces Hwy.,#105 .AND REHABiLiTATION Bakersfield Family Iqedical Khuu, Tien Delano, CA 932 i 5 Yoon, Chris S. Center 2204 "Q" Street, #A (661) 725-8585 5001 Commerce Drive, #100 o13- Bakersfield, CA 93309 Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 32S-8375 Shiue, Shyi-Tang Bakersfield, CA 9330l (66 i ) 327-3747 1700 "C" Street (661 ) 633-5740 Bakersfield, CA 9330 I ~ Alam, Syed M. (661) 325-2640 Byfield, John ~ San ]oaquin Valley Pulmonary Radiation Therapy Associates ~ Group Vega, Ricardo k. 3550 "Q" Street, #106 Prunes, emF'~do 3737San Dimas St, #102 Bakersfield Lung a: Sleep Med ' Bakersfield, CA 93301 Kern Faculty Medical Group Bakersfield, CA 93301 Ctr (661) 327-2100 2201 IHt. Vernon Ave., #21 ! (661) (661) 327-3747 6001-A Truxtun Ave, Ste 100 Bakersfield, CA 93306 Bakersfield, CA 93309 Cefala, Edward A. (661) 872-7000 Alim, Muhammad (661) 323-5300 Kern Radiology Medical Group Bakersfield Lung az Sleep Med 2301 Bahamas Drive Rabinovl C. Rose Ctr RADIATION ONCOLOGY Bakersfield, CA 93309 3535 San Dimas Street, #18 6001-A Truxtun Ave, Ste 100 Davis, Dean L. (661) 322-1981 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA 93309 2215 Truxtun Avenue - AND - (661 ) 323-6200 (661) 323-5300 Bakersfield. CA 93301 3535 San Dimas St, Ste 2azl0 Schmidt, Gerhard Anders, Alpha ]. (661) 63:L5700 Bakersfield, CA 93301 · (661) 322-1981 3545 San Dimas Street 2801 Chester Avenue RADIATION THERAPY Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Orme, Nicholas ]. Child, Jeffrey K. (661) 327-8597 (661 ) 663-5474. Radiatio_n Therapy Associates Kern Radiology Medical Group 3550 "Q" Street, #106 2301 Bahamas Drive .PSYCHIATRY (PULMONARY DIS. Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA 93309 Acharya, Malini CONTINUED) (661 ) 633-5474 (661 ) 322-1981 Truxtun Psychiatry Medical Group Hansa, Sahaphun RADIOLOGY Couri, Edgard 6001 Truxtun Avenue, #160 Centeral Valley Pulmonary Med A.l-Sheikh, Wajih Kern Radiology Medical Group Bakersfield, CA 93309 Grp 1427 South Lexington St., #L 2301 Bahamas Drive (661) 323-6410 ! 925 - 17~ Street Delano, CA 93215 Bakersfield, CA 93309 Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 721-3510 (661) 322-1981 Burdick, Richard (661 ) 327-530 l 2323 16~' Sa'eet, #108 Athavale, Nitin S. Deeths, Tony M. Bakersfield, CA 93301 Herriott, Dale T. Kern Radiology Medical Group Truxtun Radiology Medical (661 ) 327-2021 1925 17' Street 230 ! Bahamas Drive Group Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA 93309 1817 Truxtun Avenue Manohara, Sakrepama (661) 327-5301 (661) 322-1981 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Truxtun Psychiatry Medical (661 ) 325-6800 Group Ko, Young ]. Balachandran, Supplah -AND- 6001 Truxtun Avenue, #160 44215 North 15' Street West, AV Diagnostic Radiology 3940 San Dimas Street Bakersfield, CA 93309 #303. 1331 West Avenue ], #103 Bakersfield. CA 93301 (66 ! ) 323-64. I 0 Lancaster, CA 93534. Lancaster, CA 93534 (661) 325-6200 (661)-945-0723 (661 ) 945-1639 Mohankumar. H.T. Farthing, David Truxtun Psycl~iatry Medical Laughlin, Robert L. Becker, Warren South Central Valley Radiology Group Centeral Valley Pulmonary Med South Central Valley Radiology (Delano Regional Medical 6001 Truxtun Avenue, # 160 Grp (Delano Regional Medical Center) Bakersfield, CA 93309 1925 - 17~ Street Center) ! 205 Garces Hwy. (661) 323-6,~10 Bakersfield, CA 93301 1205 Garces Hwy. Delano, CA 93215 Rajguru, Saroijlni (661 ) 327-5301 Delano, CA 93215 (661 ) 725-484.7 Kern Medical Center (66 ! ) 725-484.7 Master, Constandna L. Ganatra, Rasildal B. 1830 Flower Street Central Valley Pulmonary Med Birsner, John W. Kern Radiology Medlcal Group Bakersfield, CA 93306 Grp Radiology Nuclear Medical 2301 Bahamas Drive (661 ) 324.-2033 i 925 - 17~ Street Group Bakersfield, CA 93309 Bakersfield, CA 93301 3535 San Dimas Street, #2.az (661) 322-1981 Rios, Carlos O. (661) 327-5301 #I0 - AND - Truxtun Psychiatry Medical Bakersfield, CA 93301 3535 San Dimas St, Ste 2 az 10 Group Munoz, Augustine (661 ) 327-387 i Bakersfield, CA 9330 ! 6001 Truxtun Avenue, #160 Kern Facult~ Medical Group (661) 322-1981 Bakersfield, CA 93309 2201 Mt. Vernon Ave., #21 ! Bornstein, Michael (661) 323-6410 Bakersfield, CA 93306 Kern Radiology Medical Group Grey, Carlile R. Schenkman, Richard D. (661) 872-7000 2301 Bahamas Drive Drummond Medical Group Bakersfield, CA 93309 I I I I .North China Lake Blvd. 1901 Truxtun Avenue Sainl, Gursharon (661 ) 322-1981 Ridgecrest, CA 93555 Bakersfield, CA 93301 2323 16~ Street, #304 (760) 446-4.571 (661) 324-2488 · Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bublenko, Edward (66 I) 324-8 ! 63 Kern Radiology Medlcal Group Gundzik, John PULMONARY DISEASE/MED -AND- 230 ! Bahamas Drive Kern Radiology Medical Group Ahmed, Mustaq 1205 Garces Hwy.,#203 Bakersfield, CA 93309 2301 Bahamas Drive San]oaquin Valley Pulmonary Delano, CA 93215 (661) 322-1981 Bakersfield, CA 93309 Group (661) 725-6910 - AND - (661) 322-1981 3737San Dimas St, #102 3535 San Dlmas St, #2 Khan, Salma H. (661) 945-5855 1817 Truxtun Avenue Hsu, Kenneth Kern Radiology Medical Group Bakersfield, CA 93301 3535 San Dimas Street, #8 230 i Bahamas Drive Naderl, M. ]avad (661 ) 325-6800 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA 93309 Kern Radiology Medical Group -AND- '(66 I) 322-2329 (661 ) 322- ! 981 2301 Bahamas Drive 3940 San Dimas Street Bakersfield, CA 93309 Bakersfield, CA 93301 McCord, W. Clay Klm, Owen (661 ) 322-1981 (661 ) 325-6200 Martin Berry ~ Associates 465 West Putnam Ave. 3737 San Dimas St, #101 Porterville, CA 93258 Nichols, ]ames F. Shah, Nirav C. Bakersfield, CA 93301 (559) 782-7699 1914 Truxtun Avenue Truxtun Radiology Medical (661) 327-5037 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Group Lau, Chester Kern Radiology Medical Group (661 ) 324-6588 ! 817 Truxtun Avenue THORACIC SURGERY -AND- Bakersfield, CA 93301 Arbegast, Neil R. 2301 Bahamas Drive Truxtun Radiology Medical (661) 325-6800 · California Cardiac Surgeons Bakersfield, CA 93309 Group -AND- 171 i 28~ Street (661 ) 322- i 981 1817 Truxtun Avenue 3940 San Dimas Street Bakersfield, CA 9330 i Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 327-8538 Lee, loon Hak Edmund (661) 325-6~00 (662) 325-6200 Kern Radiology Medical Group Bloch, ]ack 2301 Bahamas Drive Nijjar, Ajit S. Shahangian, Michael Kern Faculty .Medical Group Bakersfield, CA 93309 Ken~ Radiology Medical Group Orange Coast Radiology Med. 2201 Mt. Vernon Ave., #211 (661) 322-1981 2301 Bahamas Drive Grp. Bakersfield, CA 93306 Bakersfield, CA 93309 1081 North China Lake Blvd. (661) 872-7000 Levanthal, Howard (661 ) 322-1981 Ridgecrest, CA 93555 Mercy Plaza Radiolog~c Med. (760) 446-3551 Derrick, Marvin R. Grp. (RADIOLOGY California Cardiac Surgeons 2215 Truxtun Avenue CONTINUED) Ship,an, Gary D. i 711 28~ Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Mercy Plaza RadiologJc Med. Bakersfield, CA 93301 . (661) 632-5481 North Charles Grp. (661) 327-8538 Mercy Plaza Radiolog~c Med. 2215 Truxtun Avenue Liu, Norman Grp. Bakersfield, CA 93301 Frazier, Bruce L. Comprehensive Medical Imaging 2215 Truxtun Avenue (661) 632-5481 California Cardiac Surgeons 4000 Physicians Blvd., #I01 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Uti, Ralph 1711 28~ Street Bake~field, CA 93301 (661 ) 632-5481 Orange Coast Radiology Med. Bakersfield. CA 93301 (661 ) 395-0 i 55 Grp. (66 !) 32~-8538 Palos, Miguel M. 3303 Harbor Blvd., #D-I I Locysch, Matthew 152 Pioneer Lane, #E Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Keshishian, Ara Mercy Plaza RadiologJc IHed. Bishop, C~ 93514 (714) 540-8551 Shields 6: Anderson, M.D.'s Gr~. ' (760) 873-6623 1205 Garces Hwy., #303 2215 Truxtun Avenue Wells, Michael Delano, CA 93215 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Patel, Girish Kern Radiology Medical Group. (661) 725-4847 (661) 632-5481 Truxtun Radiology Medical 2301 Bahamas Drive Group Bakersfield, CA 93309 O'Railly, .Richard Maciennan, Thomas 18 i 7 Truxtun Avenue (661 ) 322-1981 2323 26~ Street, #302 Mercy Plaza Radloiogtc Med. Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Grp. (661) 325-6800 Wtedman, Martha A. (661) 325-4257 2215 Truxtun Avenue -AND- Truxtun Radiology Medical Bakersfield,' CA 93301 3940 San Dimas Street Group Paw, Patrick T. (661 ) 632-5481 Bakersfield, CA 93301 1817 Truxtun Avenue California Cardiac Surgeons Meshberger, Scott D. (661) 325-6200 Bakersfield, CA 93301 171 I 28~ Street (661 ) 325-6800 Bakersfield, CA 9330 I Kern Radiology Medical Group Pfaff, Charles L. -AND- (661) 327-8538 2301 Bahamas Drtve Drummond Medical Group 3940 San Dimas Street Bakersfield, CA 93309 I 111 North China Lake Blvd. Bakersfield, CA 93301 Purewal, Sad (661 ) 322-198 ! I~dgecrest, CA 93555 (661 ) 325-6200 California Cardiac Surgeons (760) 446-4571 ! 711 28~ Street Miranda, Godofredo G. Wu, Zhaomai Bakersfield, CA 93301 Mercy Plaza Radiolog~c Iqed. Roos, Eugene H. · Kern Radiology Medical Group (66 I) 327-8538 Kern Radiology lHedlcal Group 2301 Bahamas Drive 2G~1'5 Truxtun Avenue 2301 Bahamas Drive Bakersfield, CA 93309 Tedesco, Dominic I~rgeons Bakersfield, CA 9330 ! Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661 ) 322- i 981 California Cardiac (661) 632-548 ! (66 ! ) 322-I 981 - AND - 1711 28~ Street 3535 San Dimas St, #2 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Mitchell, Mark Schale, David Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 327-0267 Antelope Valley MRJ Kern Radiology Medical Group (661) 633-5740 437 i 3 20~' Street West 2301 Bahamas Drive URn)LOGY Lancaster, CA 93534 Bakersfield, CA 93309 RHEUMATOLO(~Y Chang, Hau (661 ) 94.9-8280 (66 ! ) 322-198 ! Berry, Mardn 2 i 20 Truxtun Avenue -AND- 3737 San Dlmas Street, #101 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Lancaster Imaging Shah, Manjul Bakersfield, CA 93301 (66 I) 327-3638 44725 I0~ Street West Truxtun Radiology Medical (66 ! ) 327-5037 Lancaster, CA 93534 Group Chang, Joseph F. (661) 665-0505 3535San Dimas Street, Bakersfield, CA 93301 Phillips, C. Vincent (66 ~ ) 327-3 ! 77 C. Vincent Phillips, H.D., Inc. 9300 Stockdale Hwy, #300 Chi, ]ensen Bakersfield, CA 933l ! 205 Garces Hwy. (661) 665-0505 Delano, CA 932 ! 5 (661 ) 725-7245 Reed, Roddle 2731 "H' Street Left, Lawrence Bakersfield, CA 93301 2005 ! 7~ Street (66l) 327-8368 Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661 ) 327-,1252 Sharlazmadart, Farzln C. Vincent Phillips, H.D., Inc. HcBride, Albert 9300 Stockdale Hwy, #300 Kern Faculty Medical Group Bakersfield, CA 93311 2201 Mt. Vernon Ave., #211 (661) 66S.0505 Bakersfield, CA 93306 (661) 872-7000 Suval, William D. Drummond Medical Group Reddy, Vodur C. I ! 11 North China Lake Blvd. Drummond Medical Group Ridgecrest, CA 93555 I 1 ! I Iq. China Lake Blvd. (760) 446-'t571 Ridgecrest, CA 93555 (760) 446-'t571 Williams, Gregory G. C. Vincent Phillips, H.D., inc. Shakir, Shabbir ^. 9300 Stockdale Hwy, #300 2808 "F" Street, Suite E Bakersfield, CA 93311 Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 66S-0505 (661 ) 395-0688 Stone, Bruce C. (DO) 152~! 27~ Street, Suite 200 Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661 ) 631-5686 Waguespack, Robert L. 2201 - 19~ Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 827-9165 VASCULAR ~UR~ERY Enrlquez, ~orge ^. 2521 ~'G" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 327-2544 Gill, Zora 1524 27'~ Street, Suite 202 Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661 ) 322~8000 Keshishian, Ara Shields ~ -Anderson, M.D.'s 1205 Garces Hwy.~#303 Delano, CA '93215 (661 ) 725-4847 Miller, John G.O. C. Vincent Phillips, HD, Inc. 9300 Stockdale Hwy, #300 Bakersfield, CA- 93311 (661) 665-0505 Mlro, ]avler E. 171 I 28~ Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 327-8538 - AND - C. Vincent Phillips, lq.D, Inc. 9300 Stockdale Hwy, #300 Bakersfield, CA 93311 o16- FOUNDATION FOR MEDICAL CARE OF KERN COUNTY ANCILLARY PROVIDERS · · MEMBER GRO~IP$ * * Central Cardiology Hedicai (661 ) 327-4499 620 34~ Street AV Diagnostic Radiology Clinic Bakersfield, CA 93301 1331 West Avenue ], #103 2110 Truxtun Avenue Golden Valley Medical (661) 324-4721 Lancaster, CA 93534 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Associates (661 ) 945-1639 (661 ) 323-8384 500 Old River Road, #270 Kern Pathology Medical Bakersfield, CA 93311 Group Bakersfield Cardiopulmonary Central Nephrology Medical '(661) 664-0252 2801 "H" Street Med Grp Group Bakersfield, CA 93301 1524 27~ Street, #150 5030 Office Park Drive, Suite Greater Bakersfield Anesthesia (661) 325-0744 Bakersfield, CA 93301 A Medrcal Group (661) 323-5976 Bakersfield, CA 93309 841 Mohawk Street, #270 Kern Radiology Medical Bakersfield Dermatology and (661) 323-2847 Bakersfield, CA 93309 Group Skin Cancer-Medical Group Complete Family Care (66 I') 334-1958 230 ! Bahamas Drive Bakersfield. CA 93309 606 34~' Street Medical Corp. Highgrove Medical Group (661) 32~-1981 Bakersfield, CA 93301 12500 Boron Avenue, Suite 1524- 27~ Stre. et,//201 (661) 327-3756 A Bakersfield, CA 93301 Kern River Health Center Boron, CA 93516 (661 ) 326-1600 4300 Birch Avenue Bakersfield Family Medical (760) 762-5111 Lake Isabella, CA 93240 Center Kern Allergy Medical Clinic (760) 379-2426 · 4580 California Avenue Comprehensive Blood ~: 212 i 17'-$treet Bakersfield, CA 93309 Cancer Center Bakersfield, CA 93301 Lancaster Anesthesia Medical (661 ) 327-4411 6501 Truxtun Avenue (661 ) 327-9693 Group Bakersfield, CA 93309 -AND- 1600 West Avenue ] Street Bakersfield Orthopedic (661) 322-2206 130 North Villa Lancaster, CA 93534 Medical Group Porterville, CA 93257 (66 I) 949-5000 2634 "G" Street Deiano Family Medical Center (559) 782-8578 Bakersfield. CA 93301 1215 Jefferson Street Mercy Plaza Radiologic (661 ) 32:~-8121 Delano, CA 93215 Kern Bone ~: ]oint Specialists, Medical Group (661 ) 721-7080 Inc. 22 ! 5 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield Pain Management 1921 18~ Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Group Drummond Medical Group Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661 ) 632-548 I 3535 San Dimas. Street, #12 ! I I 1 North China Lake Blvd. (661) 324-2491 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Ridgecrest, CA 93555 Mesa West Medical Group (661) 325-8499 (760) 446-4571 Kern Cardiology Medical 6001-B Truxtun Avenue, Group #220 Bakersfield Pathology-Medical Family Health Centre Medical 2323 16~ Street, #305 Bakersfield, CA 93309 Group Group Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 325-6372 1904 Truxtun Avenue, #I 686 West Line Street (661) 327-0807 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bishop, CA 93514. Mohawk Medical Group (661) 632-5483 (760) 872-4311 Kern County Medical Clinic 5397 Truxtun Avenue 2222 19* Street Bakersfield, CA 93309 Buttonwillow Health Center Fritch Eye Care Medical Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 327-5058 (National Health Services) Center (661) 325-2448 277 East Front Street 2525 Eye Street Neurological Surgery a: Buttonwillow, CA 93206 Bakersfield. CA. 93301 Kern Faculty Medical Group Hedical Assoc. (661) 764-5211 (661) 327-8511 2201 Mt. Vernon Ave., 2601 Oswell Street, #101 -AND- #211 Bakersfield, CA 93306 California Cardiac Surgeons 2013 ! Valley Blvd. Bakersfield, CA 93306 (66 I) 872-9988 1711 28~ Street Tehachapi, CA 93561 (661) 872-7000 Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 822-6886 Niles Surgical 6[ Medical (661 ) 327-8538 -AND- Kern Family Medicine Group , 6439 Lake Isabella Blvd. 223 China Grade Loop 2121 Niles Street Centennial Medical Group Lake Isabella, CA 93240 Bakersfield, CA 93308 ' Bakersfield, CA 93305 820 34~ Street, #101 (760) 379-1465 (661) 399-9111 (661) 325-1255 Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661 ) 326-8989 Golden Empire Cardiology Kern Gastroenterology Northeast Physicians Medical 3550 "Q" Street, #301 Medical Group Group Central California Anesthesia Bakersfield, CA 93301 2323 16' Street, #401 (Bakersfield Family Hedlcal (Hospital Based Physicians) (661) 321-3161 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Center) 26 ! 5 Eye Street (661 ) 324-1203 5000 Physiclans Blvd. Bakersfield, CA 93301 Golden State Eye Center Bakersfield, CA 93301 (66.1) 324-0300 1001 Tower Way, #150 Kern Nephrology Medical (661) 283-1900 Bakersfield, CA 93309 Group Orange Coast Radiology -AND-' Valley Tumor Medical Group Bakersfield, CA 9:3309 Medical Group 2041 Belshaw Street 867 West Lancaster Blvd. (661) 327-1 3303 .Harbor Blvd., #D-11 Mojave, CA 93502 Lancaster, CA 935:34 Costa Mesa, CA 92626 (661) 824-4511 (661) 945-5928 Brooks, Douglas (7 i 4) 540-8551 -AND- Brooks Family Chiropractic South Central Valley 1517 NOrth Downs 2222 "E" Street, #3 Pacific Orthopedic Medical Radiology ' Ridgecrest, CA 93555 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Group (Delano Regional Medical (760) 446-7714 (661) 324-3771 2619 "F" Street Center) Bakersfield, CA 93301 1205 Garces Hwy. Wasco Medical Center Clement, Randal (661 ) 327-1425 Delano, CA 93215 2101 7~ Street Clement Chiropractic Office Physicians Plaza Anesthesia (661 ) 725-4847 Wasco, CA 93280 1220 Oak Street, #H Medical Associates Southern Sierra Medical Clinic (661) 758-2263 Bakersfield, CA 93304 -AND- (661 ) 323-2225 841 Mohawk Street, #270 1041 North China Lake 721 Palm Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93309 Blvd., #8 Wasco, CA 93280 Cunanan, Carl M. (661) 324-0300 Ridgecrest, CA 93555 (661) 758-2263 Chiropractic Center of Delano Physician's Plaza Medical' (760) 446-6404 832 Jefferson Street Westside Wellness Center Delano, CA 932 ! 5 G~'oup Southwest Medical Associates 100 E. North. Street (66-1) 725-2914 (Southwest Surgical Center) 500 Old River Road, #110 Taft, CA 93268 201 New Stine Road, #130 Bakersfield, CA 93311 (661) 763-3141 DeGeus, Bradley Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661 ) 664-0212 809 North Sanders Street (661 ) 334-1958 Woman's Care Center, The Ridgecrest, CA 93555 The Heart Center 3550 "Q" Street, #202 (760) 446-2273 Preferred Family Care 525 34' Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 Physicians . Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 635-2229 Elder. Stephen 6001 -D Truxtun Avenue, (661 ) 63 I- 1205 2020 Niles Street, #A #400 AUDIOLOGY Bakersfield, CA 93305 Bakersfield, CA 93309 Triangle Eye Institute Bermejo, Juan (661) 395-1406 (661) 638-2273 5201 California Avenue, 2201 Mt. Vernon Ave., #401 # 109 Flores, David (FtEDICAL GROUPS Bakersfield, CA 93309 Bakersfield, CA 93306 10412 Main Street CONTINUED) (661) 631-2020 (661) 872-7000 Lamont, CA 93241 Premier Anesthesia Medical -AND- (661 ) 845- i i 88 1519 Garces Hwy. L#101 CHIROPRACTOR$(D¢~ Group Delano, CA 93215 Andersen, Kenneth G. Giovanine, Tefl P.O. Box 2287 (661 ) 721-2020 587 Hammond 1030 "H" Street, #2 Bakersfield, CA 93303 -AND- Bakersfield. CA 93304 Bishop, CA 93514 (661) 324-0300 255 West 'Pumam (661) 32~;-2086 (760) 873-8215 Porterville, CA 93257 · Radiology Nuclear Medical (559) 788-2020 Anderson, Laverne L. Guineyt Paul Group Anderson Chiropractic 5001 Stockdale 35355an Dimas Street, #2-~: Truxtun Psychiatry Medical 422 ]ames Street, #2 Bakersfield, CA 9 10 Group, LP Shafter, CA 93263 (661) 833-I018 Bakersfield, CA 93301 6001 TnJxtun Avenue, # 160 (661 ) 434-3389 (661) 327-3871 Bakersfield, CA 93309 Hamilton, Carol Radiation Therapy Associates (661) 323-6410 Arcud, Raimonda N. Wasco Chiropractic 936 West Avenue ]-4, #104 1241 Seventh Street 3550 "Q" Street Truxtun Radiology Medical Lancaster, CA' 93534 Wasco, CA 93280 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Group (661) 949.9994 (661) 758-3001 (661 ) 633-5474 181 7Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bender, Barry Hamilton, Gregory San Dimas Medical Group (661) 325-6800 291 i Niles Street 3901 Stockdale Hwy. 300 Old River Road, #200 -AND- Bakersfield, CA 93306 Bakersfield, CA 93309 Bakersfield, CA 9331 ! 3940 San Dlmas Street (661 ) 325-7244 (661 ) 833-6665 (661) 663-4800 Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661 ) 325-6200 Haynes, Jeffrey D. Beyers, Johannes ]. San Joaquin Valley Pulmonary Beyers Chiropractic Clinic Haynes, Chiropractic Group Valley Infant ~ Pediatric ~ I 1 i I-C West Inyokern-Road 3865 Stockdale Hwy. 3550 "Q" Street, #201 Complete Ridgecrest, .CA 93555. Bakersfield, CA 93309 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Family Care (760) 446-2200 (661) 322-2875 (66'1) 327-3747 ! 359 West Avenue] -AND- LanCaster, CA 93534 Bonnett, Brtgette Haynes, Mark J. 12424 Mt. Mesa -Road (661 ) 726-5000 Victoflan Chiropractic In-Line Chrtopracdc Lake Isabella, CA 93240 2109 19~ Street 4545 Stockdale Hwy, #C (760) 379-011 ! Valley IHedical Group of Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA 93309 Central CA (661) 325-6325 (661) 325-8644 Sierra Family Care 540 i White Lane 20797 Santa Lucia Street Bakersfield, CA 93309 Bramlett, Bobby J. Heartsili, Robert K. Tehachapi, CA 9356 ! (661 ) 836-4000 Mohawk bqedlcal Group Hearuill Chiropractic (661 ) 822-9105 6'401 Truxtun Ave. 3608 Mt. Plnos Way Frazler Park, CA 93225 Bakersfield, CA 93308 1 ! 11-C West lnyokem Road (661 ) 245-3748 (661 ) 399-2525 Ridgecrest, CA 93555 Interim Healthcare (760) 446-2200 1601 New Sdne Rd, Ste 200 Hodges, Wayne Reed. Ke!~ly Bakersfield, CA 93309 16940-C Highway 14 ! 7 i ~ 30 Street Wortiska, Charles (661 ) 398-1700 IHojave, CA 93501 Bakersfield, CA 93301 1405 Commercial Way, (66 ! ) 824-9732 (661 ) 322-3997 # 100 NMc Homecare Bakersfield, CA 93309 5329 Office Center Ct., Hyer, Paul Smart Ross, Leonard S. (661 ) 327-4246 # 130 Mesa Chiropractic Ross Chiropractic Clinic Bakersfield, CA 93309 6621 Lake Isabella Bird 6001 -A Truxtun Ave., # 120 DURABLE MEDICAL (661 ) 635-3057 Lake Isabella, CA 93240 Bakersfield, CA 93309 ECIUIPMENT(DME~ (760) 379-3425 (661 ) 397-1980 Apria Healthcare - O.P.T.I.O.N. Care . (AKA - Homedco) (Optimal Health Services) Jackson, Rand L. · Ryan, James D. 1314 34~' Street 1315 Boughton Drive 4100 Truxtun Avenue,//230 Ryan Chiropractic Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA 93308 Bakersfield, CA 93309 2701 Calloway Dr., #402 (661) 324-4887 (661) 399-8866 (661 ) 327-0833 Bakersfield, CA 93312 (661) 589-3427 Caretran 1Hedical Supply Personal Care ]ensen, Niels 7420 District Blvd. 4300 Ashe Road 2026 17'" Street Salyers, Steven Bakersfield, CA 93309 Bakersfield, CA 93309 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Advanced Chiropractic i661 ) 83 !-8689 (661 ) 398-6200 (661 ) 3'25-7 ! 23 5300 California Avenue, #340 MK Hedical Homecare HOME RESPIRATORY (CHIROPRACTICS Bakersfield, CA 93309 4800 White Lane, #L VitalAire Corporation CONTINUED) (661) 327-7074 Bakersfield, C,~ 93309 4300 Sdne Road,//603 Schall, Jeffrey (66 i ) 334-1077 Bakersfield, CA 93313 Jones, James Schall Chiropractic, Inc. (661 ) 833-3333 Taft Chiropractic 20241 Valley Blvd. Me&Mart 812 Center Street Tehachapi, CA 93561 4300 Sdne Road,//800 HOSPICE Taft, CA 93268 (661) 822-0811 Bakersfield, CA 93313 Kem~pice, Inc. (661 ) 763-3450 (66 i ) 396-3720 4300 Sdne Road, #720 Sottile, Richard -AND- Bakersfield, CA 933 I Keene, Jim Sotdle Chiropractic 4705 New Horizon Blvd., (661) 327-1012 Sabol ~ Keene Chiropractic 413 South Curry # 18 6647 Ming Avenue Tehachapi, CA 93561 Bakersfield, CA 93309 IMAGING CENTERS Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661 ) 822-4386 (661 ) 397-2999 Advanced Imaging Center (66 i ) 837-2225 -AND- 437 N. 15~ St. West Sult. ze, Stuart 625 Main Street Lancaster. CA 93534 Kilgore, Jeannette I. 345 "H" Street Delano, CA 93215 (661) 949-8111 Beyers Chiropractic Clinic Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661 ) 725-1381 1 I 1 I-C West Inyokem Road (661 ) 327-2588 -AND- Antelope Valley Ridgecrest, CA 93555 20407 Bryan Way, #9 43713 20~ Street West (760) 446-2200 Tatsuno, George Tehachapi, CA 93561 Lancaster, CA 93534 Tatsuno Chiropractic (661 ) 822-1880 (661 ) 949-8280 Kokosensld, Terry 3900 Truxtun Avenue -AND- 420 North Norma Street Bakersfield, CA 93309 2731 Nugget Bakersfield M.R.I. Ridgecrest, CA 93555 (661 ) 322-6021 Lake Isabella, CA 93240 412 34~ Street (760) 371-7654 (760) 379-4621 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Tatsuno, Wm. Stuart -AND- (661) 327-4806 Mass, Hlchael 1002 Wible Road, #H 925 East Ridgecrest Blvd. 159 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93304 RJdgecrest, CA 93555 Comprehensive Medical Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661 ) 397- ! 909 (760) 371-4350 Imaging (661 ) 327-7991 4000 Physicians Blvd., # 1 Thompson, Hichael NMC Homecare Bakersfield, CA 93301 Mills, Fred Thompson Family 5329 Office Center Ct., (661 ) 395-0155 331 South "H" Street Chlropracdc # 130 Bakersfield, CA 93304 4301 Sdne Road, #B Bakersfield, CA 93309 Lancaster Imaging (661) 835-7037 Bakersfield, CA 93313 (66 ! ) 635-3057 44725 i 0~ Street West Morris, Jon (661) 832-1282 Lancaster, CA 93534 345 "H" Street ViralAire Corporation (661) 945-5855 Tremblay, Norman G. 4300 Sdne Road,. #603 Bakersfield, CA 93301 301-A Taft Hwy. Bakersfield, CA 93313 Truxtun Radiology Hedical (661) 327-2588 Bakersfield, CA 93307 (661 ) 833-3333 Group (661 ) 833-90 ! 9 1817 Truxtun Avenue Pedersen, Ted HOME HEALTH~,ARE Bakersfield, CA 93301 3900 .Truxtun Avenue Turner, Jaymes ~ (661 ) 325-6800 Bakersfield, CA 93309. 2010 16" Street Hoffman pS~lized -AND- (661 ) 325-4446 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Homecare 3940 San Dimas Street (661) 327-7838 !013 Columbus Street,#B Bakersfield, CA 93301 Penslnger, Dennis Bakersfield, CA 93305 (66 i) 325-6200 712 North Chester Avenue Vegher, Hary M. (661) 871-1193 Westchester X-Ray CHILD COUNSELORS (MFcc) 2012 "E" Street 2700 "F" Street, #l 13 2026 21" Street Atldns, 'David Bakersfield, CA 93301 'Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA 93301 2012 "E" Street (661 ) 325-3098 (661 ) 324-4022 (661) 327-7351 Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661 ) 325-3033 Solberg, Paulette H. PHYSICAL THE~RApY (RP~ a~ 1630 North Norma Bakersfield Sports Medicine _A.~s. _oc_iated l~ctans Lab Brewer, Lia Ridgecrest, CA 93555 Rehabilitation Therapy 513 West Columbus Street 503 6' Street (760) 446-4119 4300 Sdne Road, Ste 108 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Taft, CA 93268 -AND- Bakersfield, CA 93313 (661 ) 323-4042 (661 ) 765-6770 706 Battan Street (66 i) 834.-2300 -AND- Ridgecrest, CA 93555 825 19" Street Cooper, Dianne (760) 375-358 ! Buch, Dhaval P. Bakersfield, CA 93301 Westchester Counseling Gaitonde Physical Therapy (661) 323-6008 Center Townsend, Randy 2619 "F" Street -AND- 20 ! 2 "E" Street 14. ! 4 Valhalla Drive Bakersfield, CA 93301 1929 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA -93301 Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661) 327-5401 Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661 ) 324-9619 (661 ) 836-1924. (661 ) 323-6866 California Physical Medicine Cowan, Douglas NEUROPSYCHOLOGY 1800 Westwind Drive, Ste Comprehensive Medical 4560 California Avenue, ~iddleton, Thomas P. 201 Laboratories #4.65 1601 New Sdne Rd, Ste 185 Bakersfield, CA 93301 1201 Jefferson Street, Ste 3 Bakersfield, CA 93309 Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661) 327-5793 Bakersfield, CA 932 ! 5 (661 ) 334-1446 (661 ) 396-9777 (661 ) 725-5252 Cooper, Joel Evans, ]oyce G. OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY 5'640 District Blvd, Ste I 15 Lab Services Covina Hills Counseling Bailey-Coldewey, Linda K. Bakersfield, CA 933 i 3 2021 I Valley Blvd. i 126 North Grand Avenue, Pair 6[ Marotta Physical ' (661) 398-9580 Tehachapi, CA 93561 #] Therapy -AND- (661 ) 822-1965 Covina, CA 91724 1723 27~ Street 142 East Tulare Avenue (LABOkATORIES (626) 339-2873 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Shafter, CA 93263 -AND- (661) 634-9970 (661) 74.6-3844. CONTINUED) 10630 Town Center Drive, -AND- California Medical Lab #124 Glynn, Marie 1201 Jefferson Street, #6 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 1831 Truxtun Avenue, # 150 Delano, CA 93215 1201 Jefferson Street, #2 91730 Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 725-4614 Delano, CA 93215 (909) 394-0039 (661 ) 326-1433 (661) 721-3250 Frehner, Anthony G. Forden, David H. Marotta, Michael Bakersfield Sports Medicine ~: lqadonal Health Services Bakersfield Christian Pair ~ Marotta Physical Rehabilitative Physical 277 East Front Street Counseling Therapy Therapy Buttonwillow, CA 93206 1800 Westwind Drive., #4.07 5329 Truxtun Avenue 4300 Sdne Road, Ste 108 (66'1) 764-6318 · Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA 93309 Bakersfield, CA 93313 (66 I.) 325-9402 (661 ) 324.-0122 (661 ) 834-2300 Physicians Automated Lab 2801 "H" Street Girga, Barbara Pair, Bob Gaitonde Physical Therapy Bakersfield, CA 9330 i 920 Wible Road Pair ~ Marotta Physical 2619'"F" Street (661 ) 325-0744 ' Bakersfield, CA 93304. Therapy Bakersfield, CA 93301 -AND- (661 ) 397-4775 5329 Truxtun Avenue (661 ) 327-540 ! 2300 Truxtun Avenue, #D Bakersfield, CA 93309 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Kinser, Audrey (661) 634-94.40 Gaitonde, Sadsh (661 ) 321-94.9 ! 3200 21" Street, #.! 01 Gaitonde Physical Therapy Bakersfield, CA 93301 Pair ~Z Marotta Physical 2619 "F" Street Physicians Clinical Lab (661) 395-1068 Therapy Bakersfield, CA 93301 3535 San Dimas Street 5329 Truxtun Avenue (661) 327-5401 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Kuckreja, Karen Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661 ) 861-1636 ' 1716 Oak Street, # i (661 ) 324.-0122 Giordano, Daniel -AND- Bakersfield, CA 93301 -AND- Glinn ~ Giordano Physical 1900 Truxtun Avenue (661) 323-5579 1723 27~ Street Therapy Bakersfield, CA 93301 -AND- Bakersfield, CA 93301 1201 23r~ Street (661) 327-.9641 7301 Callee Los Manzanos, (661) 634-9970 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Quail Diagnostic Lab # 13 -AND- (661 ) 327-4357 Bakersfield, CA 93309 2500 Sdne Road, #203 2300 Truxtun Avenue (661) 398-2055 Bakersfield, CA 93309 Gllnn ~ Gtordano Physical Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 834-9012 Therapy (661 ) 323-6008 -AND- 1201 23'~ Street Pevar, Alan -AND- 1601 New Sdne Road, #100 (Sequoia Physical Therapy) Bakersfield, CA 93301 513 West Columbus Street,. Bakersfield, CA 93309 20418 Brian Way (661) 327-4357 #B (661) 322-4000 Tehachapi, CA 93561 -AND- Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 822-54.83 5005 Business Park North, (66 ! ) 323-4042 Scales,-Llnda # I 13 Westchester Counseling Simon, Sandra (OTR) Bakersfield, CA 93309 MARRIAGE. FAMILYAND Center ' Simon Occupational Clinic (661) 327-9066 -AND- Rehabilitation 6: Wellness Hamilton, Hark L. Tehachapl, CA 93561 2671 Oswell Street, #C 6: D' Center Stockdale Podiatry Group (661) 822-5537 Bakersfield, CA 93306 2920 "F" Street, 8A-2 3857 Stockdale Hwy. (661) 871-0100 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA 93309 PROSTHETICS & ORTH(TTICF; -AND- (661) 861-8098 (661) 832-1666 Bakersfield Prosthettcs 6: 6501 Schirra Court Orthodcs Ctr. Bakersfield, CA 93313 Siebert' Darin A. Heller, Andrew ]. 1920 "G" Street (661) 398-2283 Bakersfield Sports Hediclne 6:1505 West Avenue ]., 8203 Bakersfield, 'C~ 93301 Rehabilitation Therapy Lancaster, CA 93534 (661) 281-2127 Glinn, ]ames E. 4300 Sdne Road, Ste 108 (661) 742-7070 Glinn 6: Glordano.Physical Bakersfield, CA 93313 HK Hedicai Homecare Therapy (661 ) 834-2300 Kraft, Hichele 4800 White Lane, 8L 1201 234 Street Stockdale Podiatry Group Bakersfield, CA 93309 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Southcoast Rehabilitation 3857 Stockdale Hwy. (661) 334.-1077 (661 ) 327-4357 A~socJates ~ Bakersfield, CA 93309 1800 Westwind Drive, 8 i 07 (661 ) 832-1666 Valley Institute of Prosthedcs ]acobo, Graciela C. 6://500 6: Orthorics (VIPO) ]acobo Physical Therapy Bakersfield, CA 93301 Malone, Jim F. 1524 21' Street 2019 "F" Street (661) 327-4685 4000 Stockdale Hwy, #C Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661) 322-1005 (661 ) 631-8793 Takii, Bruce !. (66 ! ) 832-3600 -AND- Western Rehabilitation 44404 North 16' St. West, Harotta, Hichael A.~sociates HateR, Lee 8108 Pair 6: Marotta Physical 337 South 10~ Street, 8G Stockdale Podiatry Group Lancaster, CA 93534 Therapy Taft, CA 93268 3857 Stockdale HWY. (661) 949-0504 5329 Truxtun Avenue (661 ) 763-4194 Bakersfield, CA 93309 Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661') 832-1666 PSYCHOLOGISTSfPHO~ (661 ) 324.0122 Terrio, Timothy ]. Associated Psychologist Clinic Terrio Therapy-Fitness, Inc. Hiller, Hark F. Consultants Pair, Bob 283'80swell Street Stockdale Podiatry Group 2920 "F" Street, 8B- 1 Pair ~ Marotta Physical Bakersfield, CA 93306 3857 Stockdale HWY. Bakersfield, CA 93301 Therapy (661 ) 873-7100 Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661 ) 32~-7792 5329 Truxtun Avenue (66 i ) 832-1666 Bakersfield, CA 93309 Vigil, Albert G. Christian, Kathleen (661 ) 634-9440 Rehabilitation 6: Wellness Nelson, Thomas Sierra Psychology Associates Center 2627 "H" Street 20797 Santa Lucia (PHY. SICAL THERAPY 2920 "F" Street, 8A-2 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Tehachapi, CA 93561 CONTINUED] - Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 322-2895 (661) 822-9105 Pair 6: Harotta Physical (66 ! ) 86 !-8098 -AND- Nguyen, Huy Duc 2041 Belshaw Therapy Western Rehabilitation Drummond Hedical Group Hoiave, CA 93502 5329 Truxtun Avenue Associates I I i ! N. China Lake Blvd. (661) 824-451 Bakersfield, CA 93309 337 South 10~ Street, 8G Ridgecrest' CA 93555 (661) 324-0 i 22 Taft, CA 93268 (760) 446-4571 Couture, Eugene T. -AND- (661 ) 763-4194 1800 Westwind Drive., 8407 1723 27~ Street Pasaboc, Liviu G. Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA 93301 POOIATRISTfDPM~ Stockdale Podiatry Group (661) 324.2792 (661) 634-9970 Advanced Foot Care 130 North Villa Dibble, Robert -AND- 2127 ."F" Street Porterville, CA 93257 Alpine Center 2500 Sdne Road, 8203 Bakersfield, CA 93301 (559) 784-3118 375 East Line Street Bakersfield, CA 93309 (66 i ) 322-7616 - AND - BiShop, CA 93514 (661) 834-9012 3857 Stockdale HWY. (760) 873-4357 -AND- Barnes,. Brenda Bakersfield, CA 93309 (Sequoia Physical Therapy) 2227 i 9~ Street (661 ) 832-1667 Guglielmlno, Janet H. 20418 Brian Way Bakersfield, CA 93301 i 30 South Hain St. Tehachapi, CA 93561 (661) 327-3205 Sill, Timothy Bishop, CA 93514 (661 ) 822-5483 2128 Truxtun Avenue (760) 872-4000 Barnes, Samuel Bakersfield, CA 93301 Rehabilitation 6: Wellness 2227 ! 9'~ Street (661) 324.9655 Katragadda, Chanddka P. Center Bakersfield, CA 93301 Truxtun Psychiatry Hedical 2920 "F" Street, 8A:2 (661) 327-3205 Stockdale Podiatry Group Group Bakersfield, CA 93301 3857 Stockdale Hwy. 6001 Truxtun Avenue (661 ) 86/-8098 Brown, Hlchael N. Bakersfield, CA 93309 Bakersfield, CA 93:309 Savarese, Thomas A. Foot 6: Ankle institute (661 ) 832-1666 (661 ) 323-6410 500 Old PJver Rd, 8145 Rehabilitation 6: Wellness Bakersfield, CA 9331 ! Zimmerman, John Lundgren,, Kathe Center (661) 663-8483 Foot 6: Ankle Institute 2920 "'F" Street, 8B-I 2920 "F;' Street, 8A-2 -AND- 500 Old River Road, 8145 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA 93301 2021 i Valley Blvd. Bakersfield, CA 933 i 1 (661 ) 323-7792 (66 I) 861-8098 Tehachapl, CA 93561 (661 )663-8483 Sheldon, Donald L. (661 ) 822-5537 -AND- Hlddlet0n, Thomas p. 2021 I Valley Blvd. 1601 New Sdne Rd, Ste 185 -21 - Bakersfield, CA 93309 200 New Stine Road,//170 Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661) 396-9777 Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661) 396-8900 (661 ) 837-2400 Patterson, .Brent Truxtun Surgery Center 512 West Line Street SURGICAL CENTER~ (BLUE CROSS Bishop, CA 93515 Antelope Valley Surgery CONTRACTING) (760) 872-4099 Center 4260 Truxtun Avenue,//120 (HealthSouth) Bakersfield, CA. 93309 Pieruccl, ]anet (BLUE CROSS (661) 327-3636 20 ! 2 "E" Street CONTRACTING) Bakersfield, CA 93301 44301 North Lorimer URGENT CARE CENTERS (661 ) 323-5556 Avenue Bakersfield Family Medical Lancaster, CA 93534 Center Psychological Services (661): 9't0-I 112 4580 California Avenue 2808 "F" Street, #F Bakersfield, CA 93309 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield Endoscopy center (661) 327-44! 1 (66 I) 325-4023 (Ramesh Gupta, H.D.) (BLUE CROSS Hercy Hedi-Center Sanderson, Wesley CONTRACTING) 400 Old River Road 2808 "F" Street 1902 "B" Street Bakersfield, CA Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 663-6100 (661 ) 325-4023 (661 ) 327-4455 Hing ~z Ashe Hedical Center Singer, George Bakersfield Surgery Center 6501 Hing Avenue 5301 Office Park Drive, (BLUE CROSS Bakersfield, CA 93309 # 125 CONTRACTING) (661 ) 397-4004 Bakersfield. CA 93309 2120 19' Street (661 ) 325-2914 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Pedi Center (661 ) 323-2020 (Pediatrics Only) Walker, R. Bruce 6401 Truxtun Avenue ! 601 New Sdne Rd, Ste 185 Empire Surgery Center Bakersfield, CA 93309 Bakersfield, CA 93309 4101 Empire Drive, Ste i 30 (66 (66 I) 396-9777 Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661) 325-1900 Yutzler, Don 5500 Hing Avenue,//210 Fritch Eye Care Surgical Bakersfield, CA 93309 Center (66'!) 834-8341 (BLUE CROSS CONTRACTING) REHABILITATION CENTER`c; 2525 Eye Street, California Work Diagnostic ~ Bakersfield, CA 93301 Rehabilitation Center (661 ) 327-85 i I 1800 Westwlnd Drive Bakersfield, CA 93301 Golden State Eye Center (661) 327-0382 (BLUE CROSS CONTRACTING) (REHAB CENTERS I001 Tower Way,//B-150 CONTINUED) Bakersfield, CA 93309 (661) 327-,t499 Hemorial Center (Bakersfield Hemorlal Hillennium Surgery Center Hospital) (aka-Kern Surgery Center) 5201 White Lane (BLUE CROSS, Bakersfield, CA 93309 CONTRACTING) (661 ) 398-1800 6001-A Truxtun Avenue, #100 Southcoast Rehabilitation Bakersfield, CA 93301 Associates (66 ! ) 327-3265 1800 Westwind Drive,//! 07 ~//500 Physicians Plaza Surgery Bakersfield, CA 93301 Center (661 ) 327-4685 (HealthSouth) (BLUE CROSS SPEECH & LANGUAGE CONTRACTING) PATHOLOGI~qTS 6000 .Physicians Blvd. Clinical Speech Pathology Bakersfield, CA 93301 42 Bernard Street (66 I) 322-4744 Bakersfield, CA 93305 (66 ! ) 861-8255 Southwest Surgery Center (BLUE CROSS Fonssagdves, Dlanne CONTRACTING) Kern Speech Pathology 201 New Sdne Road,//130 - 22 - FOUNDATION MEMBER HOSPITALS NOTE - THESE HOSPITALS ARE CONTRACTED WITH THE FOUNDATION FOR MEDICAL CARE OF KERN COUNTY. IF YOU PLAN DOES NOT UTILIZE FOUNDATION HOSPITALS (I.E. BLUE CROSS PRUDENT BUYER HOSPITALS ONLY PLAN)~ PLEASE CONSULT THE LISTING OF HOSPITALS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PLAN. BAKERSFIELD MEMORIAL HOSPITAL MERCY HEALTHCARE SOUTHWEST- 420 34TM Street 400 Old River Road Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA 93311 (661) 327-1792 (661) 663-6000 BAKERSFIELD REGIONAL REHABILITATION HOSPITAL NORTHERN INYO HOSPITAL (HEALTHSOUTH) 150 Pioneer Lane 5001 Commerce Drive Bishop, CA 93514 Bakersfield, CA 93309 (760) 873-5811 (66 I) 323-5500 COALINGA REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER RIDGECREST COMMUNITY HOSPITAL 1191 Phelps 1081 North China Lake Blvd. Coalinga, CA 93210 Ridgecrest, CA 93555 (559) 935-6400 (760) 446-3551 DELANO REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER TEHACHAPI HOSPITAL 1401 Garces Highway 115 West "E" Street Delano, CA -93215 Tehachapi, CA 93561 (661) 725-4800 (661) 822-3241 KERN VALLEY HOSPITAL DISTRICT WESTSIDE DISTRICT HOSPITAL 6412 Laurel Avenue (AKA-MERCY WESTSIDE HOSPITAL) Lake Isabella, CA 93240 110 E. North Street (760) 379-2681 Taft, CA 93268 (661) 763-4211 MERCY HEALTHCARE OF BAKERSFIELD 2215 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 327-3371 THIS LIST IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. IT IS THE INSURED'S RESPONSIBILITY TO VERIFY THE PROVIDER'S CONTINUING PARTICIPATION AS A FOUNDATION PROVIDER MEMBER. - 23 - ALPHABETICAL PROVIDER LISTING - A - Bakersfield Cardlopuimonary Bornstein, Michael Chang, Joseph H. Abalos, Arturo. Meal Grp Bouldoukian, Kevork Chaurasla, Om P. Abdou, Waflk A. Bakersfield Dermatology and Boulware, Terry A. Chen, Chung-Kwang Abraham, Jennifer Skin Cancer Hedical Bourne, Jonathan C. Chi, Jensen Acevedo, Alberto L. Group Boyd, Nancy Child, Jeffrey K. Acharya, Mallni Bakersfield Endoscopy center Bradley, Donald IH. Chirman, Gm/N. Advanced Foot Care Bakersfield Family Medical Bramlett, Bobby J. (DC) Cho, Kaiket Advanced Imaging Center Center Brechner (Ferret), Theresa Cho, Larry Agarwal, Chhaya Bakersfield M.R.I. Brenner, Brian C. Chow, Steve P. Agrawal, Vivek Bakersfield Memorial Brewer, Lia Chowdhury, Tabassum A. Ahmed, Mustaq Hospital Broeske, Daniel Christian, Kathleen Ahn, Mark Bakersfield Orthopedic Brooks, Andrew A. Chrisdansen, Willlard B. Al Haiti, Mohammed N. Medical Group Brooks, Douglas Chung, Tong Alade, Clement O. Bakersfield Pain Management Brown, Charles Ctccot. to, Salvatore Alam, Syed M. Group Brown, Edward Claiborne, Ronnie Alim, Muhammad Bakersfield Pathology MedicalBrown, Michael Clement, Randal AI-Jawad, ~aslm Ali Group Bubienko, Edward Clerou, Romain P. Allen, Edward Charles Bakersfield Prosthedcs ~ Buch, Dhaval P. (PT) Clinical Speech Pathology Almkiov, Roger Orthodcs Burdick, Richard Coalinga Regional Medical Al-Sheikh, Wajih Bakersfield Regional Burson, Leslie (DO) Center Alvarez, Carlos Rehabilitation Busch, Richard Coleman, Lewis S. Amin, Hasmukhbhai C. Hospital (HealthSouth) Bustamante, Javler Collier, James Amin, Navtnchandra Bakersfield Sports Medicine Buttonwillow Health Center Comelli, Ruben Amirpour, Vahdacyar E Buxton, John Complete Family Care Hedical Anders, Alpha J. Rehabilitation Therapy Byfield, John Corp. Bakersfield Surgery Center Andersen, Kenneth G. Comprehensive Blood a: Anderson, Bradford Bakhaya, Saad M. - C - Cancer Center Anderson, Gene A. Balachandran, Suppiah California Cardiac Surgeons Comprehensive Medical Anderson, Laverne L. Balasubramantan, Govlndan Anderson, Nolan Baneriee, SupratJm California Medical Lab Imaging Andrews, Todd L. Bansal, Radhey CaliforniaPhyslcal Medicine Comprehensive Medical Ang, Eisa Barnard, Marion C. (11) Carbonell, Antonio Laboratories Anhalt, J. E. (Ji'.) Barnes, Brenda Carbonell, Emma Cooper, Dianne Antelope Valley MRI Barnes, Samuel Caretran Medical Supply Cooper, Joel Antelope Valley Surg Ctr Baroud, Khalil S. Carey, Tony Copeland, William J. (HealthSouth) Baruiz, Altagracla (Grace) U.Carlson, Arthur W. Coppola, Alfred J. (Jr.) Anzai, Takashi Becket, Warren Cartmel, Alan Couri, Edgard Apria Healthcare Bella, Eleuterlo Casey, Richard Courser, Darel Arbegast, Nell R. Bender, Barry Castanares, Aracell B. Cousin, Luis Arcuri, Ralmonda N. BermeJo, Juan Casteen, Carole Couture, Eugene T. Associated Psychologist Cl. Bernardtno, Ricardo M. Catania, Robert A. Cowan, Douglas Consultants Berry, Martin Catanla, Robert A. Crenshaw, Wendy Associated Physicians Lab Berry, Paul S. Ceballos, Alfredo Crowley, Jeffrey J. Cefala, Edward A. Cunanan, Carl M. Athavale, Nldn S. Beyers, Johannes J. Centennial Medical Group Atldns, David Bezdek, William D. Central California Anesthesia - D - AV Diagnostic Radiology Bhalka, Harpai Central Cardiology Medical Dagdagen, Mark T. Avery, Robert L. Bhambl, Brijesh K. Clinic Daley, Patrick Awad, Youssef B. Bhangoo, Saruplnder Central Nephrology Medical Dandamudi, Satya N. Ayyagari, Ramchandra Bhardwai, Manick Grp David, Ciarene Bhogal, Madhu Chalmers, Antonla David, Saul - B - Bhogal, Rabinder S. Chandrasekaran~ P. IL David, Saul Baber, Salma A. Binder, WIIllam A. Chandrasekaran, Ramani Davies, Michael E. Baer, Harold Blrsner, John W. Chang, Frank F. Davis, Bradley G. (DO) Bailey-Coldewey, Llnda K. Bit. zer, John Chang, Hau Davis, Dean L. Baker, William F. Bloch, Jack Chang, James y. Davis, Phillip Bonnett, Brigette Chang, Joseph F. Deeths, Tony M. - 24 - DeGeus, Bradley Fonssagrives,' Dianne Hale, Kenneth D. - K - De Jesus, Hector IH. Forden, David H. Hamilton, Carol Kaldas, Nader R. Del Toro, ]orge E. Fox, ]err,/ Hamilton, Gregory Kanamod, David E. Delano Family IHedical Center Francis, Robert B. (Ir.) Hamilton, Mark L. Kannappan, Tillaikarasi Delano Regional IHedicai Frazier, Bruce L. Hansa, Sahaphun Karimian, Siamak Center Freedman, Sheldon Hardy, Samuel Kar~ll, Richard P. Dellica, RoseiHarle B. Freeman, Cary Hasanin, Osama S. Karunaker, A. ILS. IL Deol, Shivlnder S. Freesemann, ]effery IH. Haynes, Jeffrey D. Katragadda, Chandrika P. Derrick, Marvin R. Frehner, Anthony G. (PT) Haynes, IHark J. Katz, Albert R. Desai, Kirit Ffitch Eye Care IHedical Heartsill, Robert K. Kazmi, Hashim IL DeSilva, Udaya S. Center Heidrick, John T. (DC)) Keene, Jim Devasia, Ned Fritch Eye Care Surgical Heinrich, Mark (DC)) Keni, Arun H. Dharma, Kala R. Center Heller, Andrew J. Kern Allergy IHedical Clinic DJ Nicola, William Fritch, Charles Helper, Stephen D. Kern Bone ~ Joint Specialists, Dibble, Robert Fdzzell, Robert L. Helper, Susan Inc. Digges, John L. Helvie, Richard E. Kern Cardiology Medical Dinh, Son T. - G - Helvle, Stephen J. Group Dixon, Donald J. Gaitonde Physical Therapy Hernandez, Bias D. Kern County IHedlcai Clinic Don Michael, T. Anthony Gaitonde, Sadsh (PT) Herrtoct, Dale T. Kern Faculty Medical Group Dou~herty, David Ganatra, Rasildai B. Hess, David IH. Kern Family IHedlctne Dozier, Emanuel Garcia, Antonio Hewitt, J. Michael Kern Gastroenterology Fled Drew, Stanley Garcia-IHardnez, IHaria S. Highgrove Medical Group Grp Drummond Medical Group Gehlawat, Dilbagh Ho, Sze Kern Hospice, Inc. George, Gregory Hodges, Wayne Kern Nephro!ogy IHedical - E - Gill, Zora Hoffr~an Specialized Group Edwards, Dana C. Gilli, William E. Homecare Kern Pathology Medical Group Ehteshami, Shahram Giordano, Daniel Holmes, Victor A. Kern Radiology IHedlcal Group Elbaum, David Giovanlne, Teri Hopp, Emery Kern River Health Center Elder, Stephen Girga, Barbara Horowitz, KJm J. Kern Valley Hospital District Elliot, Frank Glinn 6[ Giordano Physical Hsu, Kenneth Emmanuel, Gerry F. Therapy ITuang, kling Keshishian, Ara Empire Surgery Center Glinn, ]ames.E. Hubbell, Wheeler Khan, Salma H. Enriquez, Jorge A. Glynn, Marie Hum, Gary T. Khuu, Tien Esposo, Oriente IH. Golden Empire Cardiology Hur, Young Kibler, George K. Etttnger, Victor G. Golden State Eye Center Hwang, Yong Kilgore, Jeannette I. Hyer, Paul Stuart Kim, Chang K. Evans, ]Oyce G. Golden Valley kledlcal Hyun, Sung KJm, Associates Kim, ]oo IL ' F ' Gonzalez, Caslmiro - I - Kim,~Owen Fadeff, Chris IH. Gonzalez, Victor Interim Healthcare Kimpo, Joy C. Family Health Centre Medical Goonesinghe, Iresha C. · Group Gorenberg, Alan E. Ipe, Joseph Kinser, Audrey Fang, Tzann J. Grama, Usha Irani, Hormuz Kitt, See-Ruen Farber, Hlchael B. Grandhe, Janardhan Ishimort, Tetsuo Kllger, Craig H.- Farinha, Pedro L. Graves, Lon A. lyer, Kamalmath Klis, Gregory IL Farthing, David Greater Bakersfield Klupsteen, IHathilda Fayaz, Imran Anesthesia ' J ' Ko, Young IHedlcal Group Jackson, Rand L. Kokosensld, Terry Ferguson, Katherine Grey, Caflile IL Jacobo, Graclela C. Kopelman, Robert C. Ferguson, William W. Griffin, Arthur Jacobs, Steven Kotarac, Jacquelyn Finberg, Kurt Gdmes, James Jagpal, Kuldeep Kraft, klichele Findley, John IL Gualberto, Ruben S. Jamaluddin, Umaima I(dshan, Finstad, Gary Gugiielmino, Janet M. (PhD) Jensen, Niels Krishnadasan, C. Firozi, Mohammad Tadk Gulney, Paul Jeppson, John IL Kubo, Calvin Fisher, Myron A. Gundzik, John Johnson, Royce Kuckreja, Karen Fisher, Robert B. Gunter, Jeffrey IL Jones, James Kumar, Vlnod Flores, David Gupta, Ramesh C. Joseph, Bradley K. Kumari, Suresh Flores, Donald Joshi, Hukesh J. Kurian, Leonard S. Fogel, Steven P. -H - Jung, Johnson Fok, Randolph Ha'Eri, G.B. Jung, Sung - L Fong, Deng Hagen, Robert W. Lab Services - 25 - Lancaster Anesthesia Medical IHarek, Lee National Health Services Patel, Raju B. Group Harotta, Michael Neilson, Paul F. · Patel, Ravt Lancaster Imaging Marshall, Robert G. Nelson, Donald Patel, Sudhir B. Lang, Adam Mardnez, Humberto D. Nelson, Thomas Patel, Vijaykumar B. Lascano,' Miguei L. Mass, Michael Neubarth, Jesse Lee Patterson, Brent Lau, Chester Hatera, Vincent Neufeld, Ramon H. Paveloff, Michael ]. Laughlin, Robert L. Master, Constantina L. Neurological Surgery ~: Paw, Patrick T. Le, Qui T. Matuk, Arleen Medical ASSOc Pedersen, Ted Lee Ho, ]amie Medina, Miguel P. Newbrough, Stephen B. Pedi Center Lee, Chuck Med-Hart Nguyen, Huy Duc Peinado, Albert ]. Lee, Hak Soon Mehta, Anti Nichols, Edward L. Penrose, ]ames IL (DO) Lee, loon Hak Edmund IHehta, Viral Y. Nichols, ]ames F. Pensinger, Dennis Lee, ]u Hwan Melendez, Philipp IL Nijjar, Ajit S. 'Perez, lose A. Lee, Sun Hi Memorial Center Niles Surgical ~ IHedicai Perez, Leonard Lee, Tommy C. Mercy HealthCare of Group Pershadsingh, Harrlhar Left, Lawrence Bakersfield Nizar, Howard H. Personal Care Lehmer, Jeffrey IH. Mercy IHedi-Center NHC Homecare Pesche, IHark (DO) Leramo, Olusegun B. IHercy Plaza Radlologic North Charles Pevar, Alan Leung, Patrick Medical Group Northeast Physicians IHedicalPfaff, Charles L. Levan, Norman Merrill, Alexander Group Phillips, C. Vincent Levanthal, Howard IHesa West Medical Group Nonflern Inyo Hospital Physicians Automated Lab Levins, Anthony D. Meshberger, Scott D. Nucal, Eden Q. Physicians Clinical Lab Lewis, David Michalik, Marcia Nyitray, William Physicians Plaza Hedical Group E'~wis, Marshall S. Middleton, Thomas P. Nystrom, IHark Physicians Plaza Surg Ctr Lewis, Todd A. (DO) MiilenniiJm Surgery Center (HealthSouth) Lin, Hua-Lung Miller, John G.O. Lin, Yeuan-]ong Miller, John P. - O- Pierucci, Janet Ling, Richard Miller, Mark F. O.P.T.I.O.N. Care Pineda, Gregorlo Liu, Norman Mills, Fred O'Connell, Patrick Pitts, Frederick W. Loos, Donald Min, ]um K. O'Reilly, Richard Poh, Sue Olsen, Gary D. Pre-[erred Family Care Lopez, Elva Ming ~ Ashe Medical Center Orange Coast Radiology Med Physicians Lo~sch, Matthew Miranda, Godofredo G. Lukens, Robert G. Miranda, Lllibeth Grp Premier Anesthesia Medical Lundgren,, Kathe Miro, ]avler E. Orme, Nicholas ]. Group Owens, John IL. Prunes, Femando Lusk, David P. Mitchell, Andrew G. Owens, Robert G. Psychological Services Luu, Susan Mitchell, Mark Purewal, Sarl MK IHedical Homecare . p.. ' ]~c - IHohamed, Ehab A. IHcBrlde, Albert Mohammadi, Hoseln Pacific Orthopedic IHedicai - Q - Group Quail Diagnostic Lab IHcCabe, IHichael O. IHohankumar, H.T. Paik, Young N. IHcCauley, Peter S. Mohawk Hedical Group McCord, W. Clay Moinl, Jasmine Pair ~ .Marotta Physical - R - McNamara, Nancy Moll, Eric Therapy Rabban, Joseph T. IHoon, long C. Pair, Bob Rabinov, C. Rose - M - Moore, David H. Palencia, Arturo Radiation Therapy Associates IHacDuff, Michael Morasca, Gary (DO) Palos, Migu_el IH. Radiology Nuclear IHedical Mack, Joel D. Morledge, David Pangilinan, Fiorenclo Group Maclennan, Thomas Morris, ]on Pannu, Gurnam S. Raflq, Rehana IHaddela, Vincent ]. Morton, Ronald Park, Arthur W. Ragland, Alan (DO) Maddox, Denis E. Mui, Byron S.K. Park, GII S. Rahal, Paramvir S. 'Hadhavan, Sethu V. Mukhopadhyay, IHadan Park, Yoong ]. Rahimlfar, Majid IHaddleJo, Nelson IHunoz, Augustine Park, Young W. Rajguru, Saroljlni Parks, Christopher R. Ramaswami, Vasanthi Mahadevan, Ramasamy Pasaboc, Livlu G. (DPIH) Ramos, Cesar Malerlch, Matthew - N - Patel, Glrtsh Ramayake, Saman N. · Malone, Jim F. Naderl, IH. ]avad Patel, Hansa Raval, Narendra Manohara, Sakrepama Naik, Nlrav C. Patel, Mihir B. Manoram, John E. Nalos, Peter Patei, Nalna Reddy, Halladi Reddy, Vodur C. IHansour, Joseph Narang, Yadvlnder K. Patel, Pragad Reed, Kelly Nason, irving Patel, Raj A. - :26 - Reed, Robbie Sharlatmadarl, Farzln Tanus, Tonny - W - Rehabilitation ~ Wellness Sharma, Sanjiv Tatsuno, George Wagner, H. Relnhard Center Sheldon, Donald L. Tatsuno, Wm. Stuart Waguespack, Robert L. Remmes, Michele SheIians, Stephen Taylor, Edward W. Walker, Armi Lynn Reyna, ^ha R. Sherrill, Pl. F. Tedesco, Dominic ]. Walker, IL Bruce Rico, Oscar Shields, Sam Tehachapi Hospital Walker, Susan Ridgecrest Community Hospital Shipman, Gary D. Tempo, Tamding Wallrath, Richard Riggs, Peyton D. (DO) Shiue, Shyl-Tang Terrell, John C. Wang, David Y. Rios, Carlos O. Shuler, ]ames D. Terdo, Timothy ]. Wang, ]en F. Rios, Tomas B. Siebert, Darin A. Rizvi, Syed Sierra Family Care Terry, Kyle R. Warren-]inadu, Linda Roberts, Douglas E. Sill, Timothy The Heart Center Warsaw, Terry Rodrlguez, ]orge E. Simon, Sandra (OTR) Thio, Edward H. Wasco Hedlcal Center Rodrlguez, Roland Singer, George Thomas, Anthony ]. Wells, Michael Roos, Eugene H. Singh, Amrit Thompson, Michael Wen, Thomas (Chun Yuen) Root, R. Hark (DO) Singh, I~lanbir Thorpe, l~lichael D. Westchester X-Ray Singh, Sarabjlt K. (Sam) Tivnon, Michael Western Rehabilitation Ross, Leonard S. (DC) Singh, Sadnder Tiwana, Aittpal Associates Ruiz, Luis Smale, Christopher Tohm, Donald G. Westside District Hospital Ryan, ]ames D. (DC) Smith, Thomas L. Toma, Haher H. Westside Wellness Center - S - Solberg~ Paulette H. Townsend, Randy Wiedman, Hanha A. Sabedan, Katayoun Sorenson, Vernon Tremblay, Norman G. Williams, Gregory G. Sa_camoto, Reultta Setfile, Richard Triangle Eye Institute Williams, Rene' E. Saiid, ]ames South Central Valley Trux_tun Psychiatry Hedical Woman's Care Center, The Saini, Gursharon Radiology Group, LP Wong, Caroline H. Salmassl, Sadegh Southcoast Rehabilitation Truxtun Radiology Hedical Wong, Kal Salyers, Steven Associates Group Wong, Kenneth G. · San Dimas Hedical Group Southern Sierra Hedical Truxtun Surgery Center Wong, Steve San ]oaquin Valley Pulmonary Clinic Tu, Shane H. Wo~ska, Charles Group Southwest Hedical Associates Turner, ]ames Wrobel, Charles Sanchez, Irene H. Southwest Surgery Center Wu, ^gnes Y. Sanderson, Harold Srijaerajah, T. - U - Wu, David Sanderson, Wesley Srlvastava, Pramod K. Upadhyaya, ]iglsha Wu, Zhaomai Santos, Maria A. Srlvastava, Shacht ]. Url, Ralph Sarldes, Nadim W. Srour, Sami 'Y ' Savarese, Thomas A. Stainer, Gregory A. - V - Yaker, Kenneth H. Scales, Linda Stanley, William D. Valdez, Anthony Yaplee, Steven Schale (Embree),'Ruth E. Stemmer, Paul F. Valley Infant 6: Pediatric 6: Yeh, Cheng-Tutsung Schale, David Stockdale Podiatry Group Complete Ynostroza, Frank Schall, Jeffrey Stoll, Mervyn A. Family Care Yokoyama, Larry Schenkman, Richard D. Stone, Bruce C. (DO) Valley Institute of Prosthetics Yoon, Chris S. Schmidt, Gerhard Strategos, Emmanuel 6: Orthotics (VIPO) Young, ~]ohn T. Schwartz, Kevln Strategos, Stephen Valley Medical Group of Young, Rolando Scurlock, W. Bruce Suen, Vltus Central C~ Yur. zler, Don Seidenstricker, Keith L. Suesberry, Wilbur Valley Tumor Medical Group Seminarlo, Oscar IL Sul~ze, Stuart Valos, Nicholas Seydel, Jerry Surl, Atul H. VanderHoek, Cornells - Z - Vanicharden, Yupin Zapanta, Lydia Shah, Arvlnd Suval, William D. Varansai, U.IL Zerlin, Gary K. Shah, Bharad IL Swafford, Albert Vega, ~cardo IL Zimmerman, John Shah, Hitesh Z. Swlnyer, Bruce P. Vegher, Mary M. Shah, l~lanjul Sykes, Kaye T. Vigil, Albert G. Shah, Mukund G. ViralAlre Corporation Shah, Nirav C. - T - Shahanglan, Michael Taldl, Bruce I. Vora, Band H. Shakespeare, Cary Tam, Charles T. Shaldr, Shabbir A. Tamer, Ploussa P. Shamasunder, H.K. Tan, Marietta Shambaugh, Shawn C. Tang, Sandys Shao, Haogang Tangpraphaphorn, Vibul - :>7 - ~ BANG. LINOA. ODS GORDON, THOMAS, DOS 2418 'G* St. 500 Old River Rd.· (661)323.2527 228 BANG, RD BERT, DOS (661 )664- t 8! 4 2415 "G' St. GOVINDJI, VINAY, DOS (661)323-2527 2415 "G" St. BARR$. WARREN, DOS (661)323-2527 6405 Ming Ave. HANFORO. GREGORY, (661 )834-9900 DOS BERRY, THOMAS, ODS 3130 Union Ave. 500 Old River Rd., $te (661)327.8473 255 HERRERA, EPIFANIO, DOS (661 )663-4451 4661 Stockdaie Hwy. BLOOM. HOWARD. ODS (661)837-0435 8200 Stockdale Hwy.. Ste HERRERA, RENE, DOS .... M9 2200 Chester Ave. {661)834-9042 (661)334-1923 BREAUX, AARON, DOS HERSHKOWrT'Z. ERIC, DOS 2160 White Lane 1023 N. Chester Ave. KERN ,661,833.0707 66,,399. 839 CAMPERO. MANUEl., DOS HUTCHISON, TED, DOS COUNTY ,w. co,,m usAve.(661)322., ,,,8200St° d"eHWY"Ste CASTEEN. RICHARO, OOS (66 I)834-9042 2021 19th St. IRANI, BABAK. ODS ., ARVIN (66 i)861.8000 24t s "G' St. ' ~HAN. CHEE MOK, DOS (661)323-2527 6405 Ming Ave. JELMINI. RANDY. OMO -, ·., . Mi (661)834-9600 4601 Wilson Rd.. Ste C '" __.. _ CHANG, WEN, DOS (661 )832-1877 "" .. MOUNTAIN'VIEW FAMILY 116 H St. JUE, PERRY. DOS DENTISTRY (661)327-2155 5101 Commerce Dr.. Ste 734 Bear Mountain Blvd. CHAU. BOBI. DOS 102 =','... ( 661 )854- 5210 3605 U n~o n Ave. (661 )323- t 5C0  (66 ~ )3~2-21 t 7 KANN, STEPHEN, DOS CHEN. PETER. DOS 1919 G St. ESTRADA, LUIS. OOS 3150 Panama Lane. 5te t (661)323-6885 734 Bear Mountain Blvd. (661 )369-0166 KENIEN, EDWARD, DOS (661)8§4.5210 CHING, ANTHONY, ODS 3723 Wilson Rd. GONG, SANDRA. DOS 3873 Stockctale Hwy. (661)834-4.334 101 Comanche Dr. (661 )322-7926 KHALIL, VICTOR, (661)854-5558 CLARK. JAMES· DOS 3400 Wible Rd. PA RTI. ARPANA. DOS 1805 ;.~51h St.. Ste 10 t (66 I)835.8672 · . - . 734 Be&r Mountain Blvd. (681)325-2751 KHUU, KENNETH, DOS (661 }854-5210 CLARK. JEFF, DOS 4000 Empire Dr., $te 110 2016'"E' St. (661 )324.5350 (661)323-2919 KlM, BRIAN, OMO BAKERSFIELD OELGADO. RICAROO, ODS 100 W. Colum0us. Ste 116 'H' St. 200 · ~ (661 )327-2155 (66 ! )325-9466 · ;e · '-:. a OETTLAFF, KENNETH, KlM, NICHOLAS. DOS ~: - -- - - DOS 100 W. Coiuml~us. $te CALIFORNIA DENTAL 8200 SIoc~date Hwy., $1e 200 CENTER M9 (661~325-9466 3400 Wible Rd. (661)83.4.9042 KNERR, GARY, 00$ (661)836-5672 DICKENS, BRADLEY, ODS 2613 G St. "'. COLUMBUS FAMILY 210 S. Monlclair St. (661)322-1948 DENTISTRY (661 )397-0665 KY, MAI, ODS 505 West Columbus St. DO, FELICIA, OMO 2750 Ming Ave. (661 )322-1300 2415 *G' SL (661 )396-1701 ~ · C ROSSTOWN FAMILY (661)323-2527 CAI, FELJCIA, DOS DENTISTRY DOROTHEO, NEAt., DMD 4120 Truxton Ave.. Ste 24 t 5 'G' St. 149 t White Lane (661 )631-8388 (661)323-2627 (661)827-9183 LAM, ROLl. AND. DOS -':~ :'- ' MING & H FAMILY EASTMAN, STACY, 005 4698 American Ave.. DENTISTRY 500 Old River Rd.. Ste A 1621 S. H Street 225 (661)834-0911 (661)833-1556 (661)664.t 814 LEE, CHARLES, DOS '- PANAMA WlBLE FAMILY FALLET1, ANTNONY, DOS 3800 Niles SL. $te 3 OENTISTRY 1621 17th St. (661)872-6~82 3150 Panama lane. Ste 1 (661)327.4479 LOGAN, WADE, DOS (661)369-0156 FAWSON, JOHN, DOS 2021 19th $l. SMILECARE DENTAL 1491 White Lane (661 )861-8000 GROUP (661 )827-9183 MAHMOOO, MANJI, 2750 Ming Ave. GAEDKE, MICHAEl.., DOS 2750 Ming Ave. (66 t )396-1701 5329 Office Center Ct.. (66 t)396.170 ~ TOWN & COUNTRY $te 105 MART1NEZ, MICHELL~ DENTISTRY (661 )864.1364 ODS 8200 Stocxdale Hwy.,, M- GENOUR, ARTHUR, DMD 8200 Stocl~ale I.~., Ste ..'-- 9 2427 H SL, Ste A M9 " (66 I)834-9~42 (66 I)327-3843 (661)834-6042  GHALAMBOR, MAZ]YAR, MASSEE, BRUCE, ODS ODS 1737 2601 SL ALEXANDER, ,JOHN, DOS 1801 261h St. (661)324-0234 3619 Union Ave. (661)322.8880 MCCLENNY, REESE, DOS GILANI, MANBOOR, DOS 4570 California Ave., Ste .. -(661 )323-1248 I 602 ~,m SC ~0 ALEXANDER, LEONARDA, DOS (661)323-2929 (661)323-3095 261 t G St. GILL, MICHAEl., 005 MCCRACKEN, ROBERT, .' (661 )859-0192 1705 Chen'y St. D DB AU. CLARENCE, 00$ ' (66 I)327-1678 5000 Phys;~ciane Bird,, - 1621 South 'H' $L Ste 200 (66 t)833-1856 (661)324-6999 :.' [S currently ~articipating in the Prudent Buyer Dental Plan · 'ice at MCMILLIN, EVAN, ODS TARANGO, ANTHONY, PHAM, QUYEN, DOS 4570 California Ave., Ste ODS 2232 Girard SI. TAFT 350 4698 Amencan Ave., SAd (661)725-4690 · (661)323-3095 B BEEMER, RANDY, DOS MEHTA, NEERU, DOS (661)834.5660 500 Old River R(3., SleSAINI, HARDIP. ODS 3941 San Oimas, Ste 104 TEESDALE, ARTHUR, OOS 225 1205 Garces Hwy.. Sle [l~g~[~~, (661)322-1505 2520 H St. (66 t )664-1814 203 MOVAHEDI, KHOSROW, (661)324-1200 OELGADO, RICARDO, DOS (661)725-6910 BRYAN,510 SixthJOHN'st. ODS DOS THO MAS. MARK. DOS 116 "H' SI. (661)763-4161 2519 River Sl~;'cl. 2415 'G" SI. · (661)327-2155 LAMONT EASTMAN, STACY, DOS. (661)873-9632 (661)323-2527 ~ 103 A(~kisson Way NELSON, EDWIN, DOS THOMAS, WILLIAM, DOS (661 )763-5133 2501 H SI., Ste A 215 China G~ade Looo GAPPER, RICHARD, DOS GILL, MICHAEL ODS (661)322-2; 57 (66 t )399-1058 1735 28th St. 501 6th St. NGO, KIET, ODS TOWN & COUNTRY (661)322-8815 CLINICA SIERRA VISTA (661)765.4475 9600 Roseclale Hwy., SleFAMILY DENTISTRY KATZ. MARK. DMD 8787 Hall Rd. GORDON, THOMAS, ODS A 8200 Stockdale Hwy., Ste 3811 San Dimes St., Ste(661)845-3731 103 Adkisson Way (661)589-4258 M9 B ~ (66 !)763-5 f 33 NGUYEN, CHINH, DOS (661 )834-9042 (661 )325-2431 833 'H' St. TRUONG, HOA, OMO MCMAHON, MICHAEL, GERGES, SHERINE. DOS (661)6~1-1113 201 New Stine. Ste 110 DOS 8787 Hall Rd. SALSBURY, RICHARD, NGUYEN; YRUONG. DOS (661)836..4095 1314 L St. (661)845-3731 DOS 2701 CaUoway Dr.. Ste TEAl, ALLEN. DOS (661)325-5796 HOLLINGSEAD, II, 103 Adk~sson Way 412 3204 Shne Rd. POUNOS, ANDREW, DOS MARSHALL, DOS (661)763-5133 (661 )588- t 147 (661 )831-9752 2320 17th St. 8003 Alicante St. NILSON, LYNN, DOS VALERO, LARRY, DOS (661 )395-3115 (66 ! )84_5-2246 2701 Calloway Dr.. Ste 207 H SI. LEVALLEY, ROGER. DOS 412 (661)323-7440 8787 Hall Rd. BEEMER, RANDY, ODS (661)588-1147 WE1NBERG, MICHAEL BORON (661)845-3731 103 Adkisson Way ,",IOLAN, DANIEL, DOS DOS MACK, KELM, DOS (661)763-5133 2.200 Chester Ave. 1621 17th St. 8787 Hall Rd. (661)322-4732 {661)327-4479 ~ (661)845-3731 TEHACHAP! NUNEZ. JOSEPH, DOS WESTWlCK MICHAEL. PATEL, SAMIR,'OOS 1957 19th SI. DOS MAGPAYO, HECTOR, DMD (661)325-6907 500 Did River Rd., Ste 12560 Boron Ave. 8787 Hall Rd. OH. SAEKYU, DOS 225 (760)762-0055 (661)845-3731 1900'Brundage Ln. (661)664-1814 SWINDLEHURST, ROSS. PERRY, LEI.AND. DOS (661)323-1111 YANG, JIN. DOS OMO 8;'87 Hall ROI. VALLEY FAMILY P~';D EREEN. RAYMOND. 2415 'G' St. 12313 Boron Ave. {661 )845-3731 DENTISTRY DOE (661)323-2527 (760)762-5023 PRIMUS. MELISSA. DOS 20300 Valley Blvd.. Ste A 8787 Hall Rd. (661)822-1134 1729 26111 St. YOON, HER SOUNG, DOS (661)845-3731 i601)324.9523 21~ 5 o st. CALIFORNIA PEYTON, JAMES, DOS (661)327-86f9 2005 19I, st. CITY MC FARLAND HERR. OAN~EL. ODS ~661)323-1888 20810 South St.. Sle 5 [66 t )823-7644 PHILLIPS, MARK. DOS BRONSON, M~TCHELL, ~ ~ KAM, RANDALL` ODS 5101 Comme~e Dc., Sle ODS 301 S. Green St. 102 2021 Brundage Ln GRIFFITH. KENNETH, ODS SINERI, KIMBER, DOS (661)822-3593 (661)323-1500 (661)322-2071 21007 Nemoonalia Ave., 5(~I W. Kern Ave. SANCHEZ,'DAVlD, DOS POH, ELAN. DOS SMITH, ROBERT. OMO SIe B (661)792.3028 20041 Valley Blvd.. Ste 3 2721 'H' St. 2021 ~;undage Lane .(760)373.1950 (66 f )324-9709 (661 )322-2071 ON G-VELOSO, GLENN, (661 )822-7517 TON, THANH. DOS PREWETT, WILLIAM, DOS WONG. PERRY. DOS ODS PINE MOUNTAIN 20300 Valley Blvd.. Ste A 2016 'E' SI. 4120 Truxton Ave. 21007 Nemo0~alia Ave.. ' CLUB (661)822.1134 {661 )323.29 t 9 (66 t )327.8497 sm B REDELSPERGER, (760)373-1950 YEUNG, JONATHAN, DOS ROBERT. DOS 20300 Valley Blvd.. Ste A 2106 20th St. ~ (661)822-1134 (661 )324.6053 KOH, STANLEY, DOS DELANO REED, ROBERT, DOS 1600 F St. COLLINS, THOMAS. DOS 4:00 Truxtun Ave.. Ste (661)327.2051 16233 Pine Valley Lane, wmsco 390 NICHOLSON, III, CHARLES, Ste 203 (66:)327-7497 DOS (661)242-3704 RIMMER, M. a., OMO 820 341h St., Sle 201 DELANO FAMILY 201 New Stine Rd., Ste (661)327.7878 DENTISTRY RIDGECREST ADEPT DENTAL CARE 110 SHABTAIE, RAMIN, DOS 2232 Girard Street (661 )836-4090 2750 Ming Ave. (661 )725-4690 1408 7th St. ROOD. BRUCE, DOS (661)396-1701 (661)758-6443 1621 S. 'H' St. CAJIMAT, CASIANO, {:)DSBOHMAN, ANNE, ODS SACDALAN, JESSE. DOS BRADY, WlLUAM, DOS 416 11th Ave. 815 N. Downs, Ste B EASTMAN. STACY, DOS 2600 Oswell St., Ste F 6409 Ming Ave, - (661)725-7166 (760)375-9011 1408 7th St. {661 )871.4132 (661)834-4100 DELOS REYES, NOEL BOHMAN, ANNE, ODS (661)758-6443 SAGHARIAN, MALE, DOS MENOIVIL GUY, DOS DOS 829 N. Downs. Ste A GORDON, THOMAS. DOS 505 w. Columbus 3807 San Dimes St., Ste1201 Jelferson St.. Ste 1 (760)375-9011 1,~08 7Ih SL {66 I)322-1300 C {661 )721-3656 (661 )758-6443 SAGHARIAN, MALE. DOS (661)634.9344 KIM, BRIAN, DOS ~ HOSSEINI, HOUTAN, DOS 1245 7th St. 2160 White Lane MONTANO, DONALD, DOS 1406 Jefferson St. WAUGH, RALPH, DOS (661)758-3021 ~66 f)833-0707 5001 E. Commercenter (661)725-9430 119 S. Gold Canyon SAGHARIAN, MALE, DOS 5ALIN, L DOS Dr., Ste 170 MALLOUK, PAUL, DOS (760)375-1511 2016 'E' St. (661 )395-0500 1319 Main St. 1229 711~ St. (66 ! )322-2919 NIVlSON. RICHARD, (661 )725-9105 (661 )758-5338 SANDOVAL ROGER, DOS 3807 San Dimes. Ste C MCCRACKEN, ROBERT, 1030 H S., Ste 1 (661)634.9344 ODS PAWLEY, JAMISON, DOS (661)323-9421 SALSBURY, RICHARD, t 107 · 11 Ih Ave. 829 N. Downs, Ste A SCHNEIDER, L CECIL DOS DOS (661)725.9587 (760)375.9011 3819 MI. Vernon Ave. 500 Old River Rd., Ste NGUYEN, MINH-TRI, DOS (661)871-4971 225 2232 Girard SIreet SHAPIRO, HAL, DOS (66 t )664.18 t 4 (661 )725-4690 3403 Wilson Rd. TSCHANZ, MICHAEL DOS PHAM, NGUYEN, OOS (681)833-9966 2001 'E' St. 2232 Girard Street STEWART, WlLBURN, DOS (661)322-5277 (661)725-4690 1518 Niles St. (661)326*0766 IMPORTANT: Please verih/that the dentist you select is currently participating in the Prudent Buyer Dental Plan by calling customer service at 1-800-627-000,f.