HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/28/2000 BAKERSFIELD David Couch, Chair Patricia J. DeMond Jacquie Sullivan Staff: Trudy Slater SPECIAL MEETING NOTICE LEGISLATIVE AND LITIGATION COMMITTEE of the City Council - City of Bakersfield Tuesday, .November 28, 2000 · 1:15 p.m. City Manager's Conference Room Second Floor- City Hall, Suite 201 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, CA AGENDA 1. ROLL CALL 2. ADOPT SEPTEMBER 21, 2000 AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT 3. PUBLIC STATEMENTS 4. DEFERRED BUSINESS A. REVlEWAND RECOMMENDATION REGARDING DRAFTINGAN ORDINANCE OR RESOLUTION OUTLINING THE ANNEXATION.PROCESS WITH CONSIDERATION OF SUGGESTIONS FROM THE ANNEXATION TASK FORCE; REVIEW OF DRAFT GUIDE TO ANNEXATION PROCESS 5. COMMITTEE COMMENTS 6. ADJOURNMENT ° __ DRAFT BAKERSFIELD · Alan Tandy, City Manager David Couch, Chair Staff: Trudy Slater .. Patricia J. DeMond Jacquie Sullivan AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT LEGISLATIVE AND LITIGATION COMMITTEE Regular-Meeting Thursday, September 21, 2000 1:15 p.m. City Manager's Conference Room 1. ROLL CALL Called to order at 1:24 p.m. Members present: Councilmember David Couch, Chair Councilmember Patricia DeMond Councilmember Jacquie Sullivan 2. ADOPT AUGUST 24, 2000 AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT Adopted as submitted. 3. PRESENTATIONS None. 3. PUBLIC STATEMENTS None. DRAFT Agenda Summary Report Legislative and Litigation Committee September 21, 2000 Page 2 4. DEFERRED BUSINESS A. REVIEW AND RECOMMENDATION RELATING TO PERMITS FOR VENDORS CONDUCTING SALES FROM PORTABLE CONCESSION STANDS IN CITY PARKS Recreation and Parks Director Stan Ford explained that staff was seeking a two- prong approach to vending and concessions in City parks. One approach is to seek out companies willing to provide vending machines in the .parks. Another approach is to seek out companies with portable concession stands. Staff prefers to utilize portable and self-contained concession stands due to a number of reasons, including the disrepair of the City's permanent concession stands, the costs involved in rehabilitating them, the constraints placed upon the City relative to the terminations with existing contracts due to current condition of permanent stands, and health regulations in providing other than a building shell for food concessionaires. Request for proposals (RFPs) would show how much interest there is in the community to provide the requested services. Changes in the existing ordinance would be required if proposals were found to be viable. Councilmember David Couch questioned whether a third approach, a third RFP, would be appropriate for permanent concession stands, speaking specifically of the Beach Park concession stand. Councilmember Jacquie Sullivan suggested an assessment of the existing structure at Beach Park, to see how much it would cost to rehabilitate it. Councilmember Pat DeMond commented that her focus was on providing a service 365 days a year. It was agreed the provision of service was of ' primary importance. City.Manager Alan Tandy suggested longer than one year arrangements might result in better negotiated agreements. City Attorney Bart Thiltgen reiterated the City's moratorium on concessions was in still in effect. Committee members agreed that staff should move forward with the proposals to ascertain the level of interest in the community. B, REVlEWAND RECOMMENDATION RELATING TO PORTABLE CONCESSION STAND MATTERS IN AREAS OTHER THAN CITY PARKS The two issues discussed relative to portable concession stands in areas other than City parks centered on zoning (C1 vs. C2) and oversight of a lot site by a primary business over a secondary business. The City's current ordinance indicates C2 Agenda Summary Report DRAFT Legislative and Litigation Committee September 2~, 2000 Page 3 zoning which staff recommends retaining. Oversight by a primary business over a secondary business resolves many unanticipated problems, such as impacts on surrounding business/property owners and mini flea markets. Development Services Director Jack Hardisty indicated outdoor sales are prohibited in C1 zones. City Treasurer Bill Descary indicated a recent resident concern over the primary vs. secondary business issue had been resolved by the primary business allowing the secondary business to operate at the primary business's location. Committee members agreed no further action was needed relative to this item. 5, ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 200 p.m. Staff Attendees: City Manager Alan Tandy, Administrative Analyst Trudy Slater; City Attorney Bart Thiltgen, Deputy City Attorney Ginny Gennaro; Recreation and Parks Director Stan Ford; Development Services Director Jack Hardisty; City Treasurer Bill Descary; Fire Chief Ron Fraze Other Attendees: None. (L&L\L000921.MIN.wpd) DRAFT RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ESTABLISHING AN ANNEXATION POLICY FOR INHABITED ANNEXATION AREAS WHEREAS, the City desires to enhance its annexation policy to provide residents and property owners as well as City of Bakersfield staff maximum opportunity to plan for and coordinate the activities leading to inhabited area annexations by the City of Bakersfield; and WHEREAS, the Council approved Urban Development Committee Report 1-98 on May 20, 1998, improving and expanding opportunities for resident input on the annexation · process; and WHEREAS, this resolution reflects the City's current annexation polic~) processes relating to annexation policy incorporating criteria contained within Urban Development Committee Report 1-98; and WHEREAS, the Council as a whole, and Council members in committee, have listened to individual concerns about the .legal process and pre-legal informational process followed by the City of Bakersfield; and WHEREAS, City staff members have met with concerned citizens individually, attempted to answer their questions, and attended meetings of the County of Kern's Citizens Advisory Committee on Annexations; and WHEREAS, while the City strictly follows State annexation laws and will continue to do so, there is a consensus that additional avenues for resident input would open communications with residents affected by proposed inhabited area annexations; and WHEREAS, the County of Kern has encouraged the City to consider the voluntary actions proposed by its Citizens Advisory Committee on Annexations. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Bakersfield that it is hereby the policy of the Council of the City of Bakersfield that for annexations of inhabited areas initiated by the City staff shall comply with the following requirements: 1) Provide for individual noticing of property owners of protest hearings. 2) Provide individual noticing to all addresses in the proposed annexation area. 3) When publishing legal newspaper notices relating to annexations, use display format entitled "Notice of Public Hearing" on the legal page which will include the words "proposed annexation" within the heading. Page I of 3 D AFT 4) Develop and make available to the public at the City Clerk's Office an information guide which will provide a general outline of the annexation process, including · examples of 1-3 above and sample written protest forms. This guide supercedes the development of a Borderline issue detailing how the annexation process works. The guide will be annually reviewed by staff to determine the need for updating. 5) Place annexation information referenced-in the information guide on the City's web page for access by the public, including upcoming meetings, important hearing dates, and additional information such as hypothetical examples of a property within a proposed annexation area which reflects possible changes in: a) costs or fees; b) the affects on the property tax bill; and c) a listing of potential City revenues and possible expenditures as a result of the proposed inhabited annexation. This uSe of the web page supercedes the use of the annexation hotline. 6) Hold at least one City services faire in each potential annexation area. 7) Work with proposed annexation area residents to coordinate a greater number of small neighborhood meetings in each area so that each resident has an opportunity to attend a meeting. 8) Continue to provide for no further City-initiated "bundling" of proposed annexation areas non-contiguous to each other. .......... 000 ........... Page 2 of 3 DRAFT I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on by the following vote: -' AYES: COUNCILMEMBER CARSON, DeMOND, MAGGARD, COUCH, ROWLES, SULLIVAN, SALVAGGIO NOES: COUNCILMEMBER ABSTAIN: COUNCILMEMBER ABSENT: COUNClLMEMBER CITY CLERK and EX OFFICIO of the · . Council of the City of Bakesfield APPROVED BOB PRICE MAYORoftheCityofBakersfield APPROVED AS TO FORM: By:,, BART J. THILTGEN CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE of the City of Bakersfield. (P:~&L~ResolutionAnnexationPolicy-Draft) (6-15-00) Page 3 of 3 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD URBAN DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE REPORT NO. 1-98 MAY 20, 1998 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL SUBJECT: ANNEXATION PROCESS The City Council referred the Annexation Program to the Urban Development Committee on March 25, 1998. The Committee, at its April meeting, discussed proposed changes and additions to the program. The Committee listened to input from several residents on suggestions for changes to the annexation process. There was a consensus among Committee members that the program be improved and expanded to include more opportunities for resident input. The Committee recommended the following changes: 1. Improve and expand the functions of the annexation hotline to include options for getting information on upcoming meetings, important dates, etc. 2. Provide for individual noticing of protest hearings rather than relying on newspaper ads. 3. Experiment with conducting a resident forum prior to the filing of the annexation to get input from residents and notice the forum. 4. Revise the numbering system used to track survey results. 5. Coordinate a greater number of small neighborhood meetings in each area so that each resident has an opportunity to attend a meeting. 6. Hold at least one City services faire in each potential annexation area. URBAN DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE REPORT NO. 1-98 PAGE -2- MAY 20, 1998 7. Develop an issue of Borderline which details how the annexation .process works. 8. Provide for no further "bundling" of non-contiguous areas. The Committee unanimously approved these changes to the process and recommends Council approval. Respectfully submitted, Cbu~cilmember Kevin McDermott, Chair Vi ndy Rowles Councilmeml~r~l~ricia M. Smith DBT:jp S:~Urb-Dev-Com Rpt 1-98 ATTACHMENT A CITIZENS ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON ANNEXATIONS RECOMMENDATIONS TO IMPROVE THE ANNEXA~ON PROCESS To improve the annexation process involving inhabited properties without 100% land owner consent, the following actions should be considered. VOLUNTARY ACTIONS BY THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 1. Provide individual notification to each property owner of an intention to initiate an annexation. Include the name of the annexation proceeding and information on how to participate in the annexation process within the notification. 2. Publish one display advertisement in the newspaper with the heading "Legal Notice" to announce a scheduled protest hearing. 3. Published notices should give 30 to 45 days advanced notice of hearings/meetings. 4. Adopt a standardized protest letter form. 5. Disclose the criteria for counting and/or disqualifying a protest letter for each annexation. 6. Put annexation information on the web page (City). VOLUNTARY ACTIONS.BY THE COUNTY .. 1. Notify all owners of property within the proposed annexation area upon notification of the '. proposal by LAFCO. t 2. Notify the Citizen's Advisory Committee on Annexations of a proposed annexation. 3. County staff knowledgeable in the annexation process should attend annexation informational meetings held by the City. I:\KLEIN\CmES\ ADVCOMM \IDEAAMD3 MEMORANDUM September 15, 2000 ' TO: LEGISLATIVE & LITIGATION COMMITTEE David Couch, Chair Patricia DeMond Jacquie Sullivan FROM: BART J. THILTGEN, City Attorney F SUBJECT: Responses to 'Citizen's Proposed Annexation Guide Changes At the August 24, 2000 meeting of the Legislative & Litigation Committee, a group of citizens presented the Committee with a list of seven (7) proposed changes to the AnnexatiOn Guide. At the request of the Committee, the following provides written responses to the proposed changes. 1) Include in Preface - third paragraph -"This document will be reviewed and Ul~da~6~'.', by staff each March, but may be reviewed and updated as need during the esponse. Th~s statement ~s a d~rect~on to staff, ratherthan an ~nformabonal item describing t~??:;!:? annexation process and is more appropriately included in the resolution estabiiShi~'"~? an annexation policy. The last sentence of paragraph four of the draft res°luti~,nli~.~?~ provides: "The guide will be annually reviewed by staff to determine the updating." This language is preferable to the proposed language as it restrict the timing of staff's review of the guide to the month of March but all°W~'~;~ review to occur at any time to effectuate necessary changes. :' 2) In the spirit of full disclosure and honesty, we would like the Guide to include information on the impact AB1555 will have on annexations. Response: Since AB1555 simply extends the sunshine date of existing law relating onlYt0' annexation of small (75 acres or less) islands of unincorporated areas, and whiCh~,'*': only exempts the state law requirement for an election when between 25% and 50% written protest is received at LAFCo, inclusion of a description in the guide could create more confusion. The guide is aimed at being a broad view of the process of annexation, and the description of a very limited circumstance, which is primarily determined by LAFCo, not the City, would' complicate the broad view concept. As stated in the guide, "It is by no means intended to cover all the regulations regarding annexations." S:\COUNCIL~VlEMOS~,nnex Guide Reps to Leg&Lit.wpd LEGISLATIVE & LITIGATI( COMMITTEE .,,.::.'~.'..'i, ~.~.~! September 15, 2000 · ''':~'. .... .' '~'." Page 2 · · -,,,'.; City needs to declare standards for counting annexation pr&tests - City to retain discretion in counting standards for each annexation (see #5 on Citizens· ';'i.: ,';~ . Advisory Committee on Annexations City Voluntary list). -,..-. Response: It is strongly recommended that such elimination of council discretion be avOided· 'J ."~ First, it is a maxim of law that one council cannot lawfully "tie the hands"' 0f.a'=~:':* subsequent council. Second, the discretion must be retained to alloW the c0~n~il to determine which standard of counting protests more equitably reflects~the' position of those being annexed. For example, if all the property owners owned rental property in the area, and all wished to be annexed, while 40% of the tenant residents filed wdtten protests, the council would then have the option to annex °r call for an election based upon the council's determination of equity. To' remove th~ council's ability to make this determination (such as only counting registered.~' living in the area) could cause an injustice. ' 4) Add to page 6 after explanation of public observation of protest countingi' Election Code Number. Response:Section 15104 will be added to the sentence ending with "Califomiastate Eh Code."· · ' ' .~... 5) Add to page 8 prOtest Hearing: "by filing a Written protesL".' AlsO, ',f[Ocal should be change to read, "Conducting Authority.". .. ~: .....:,. :-. Response: In reviewing the section of the guide entitled "Protesting Annexations unable to identify where the proposed addition of"by filing'a' ~ .. be located. Therefore, no response can be made. The term',LoC~i' replaced with "Conducting Authority." '".. ' '.' -': ''~'''''.'''.*?;'':~:'* 6) Add to pages 9 and 10: Legal Annexation Name and Numbe~t~ tjti''6~ and Published Notice. Also add to bottom of pages: "by first class ~ail.,,*' · . ' . . .. - ,~ ~:~.-~..~'~_;~,~,:,.~-~.~ · · Response: The annexabon number and name have already been added to the forms. . ,. . . . . sending of nobces by first class mad ~s already required by state law, and ~nclus~on~?7~-_: of this language is unnecessary ' '- · ~ · ~.',:...~:~i~-... ·. ' . . , ..::.:,...*.,~.~:~,~?~../..;~.., 7) Add to pages 11 .and 12, next to Annexation Name: Annexation Number. · '"'.':i.i-~:'* ':' " Response: This proposal has already been accomplished. BJT:laa ~ "' cc: Alan Tandy, City Manager Pamela McCarthy, City Clerk " Trudy Slater, Administrative Analyst S:\COUNCILUVlEMOS~Annex Guide Rsps to Leg&Lit.wpd 'DRAFT ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ESTABLISHING AN ANNEXATION POLICY FOR INHABITED ANNEXATION AREAS WHEREAS, the City desires to enhance its annexation policy to provide residents and property owners as well as City of Bakersfield staff maximum opportunity to plan for and coordinate the activities leading to inhabited areas annexations by the City of Bakersfield; and REPLACE WITH: WHEREAS, the City of Bakersfield desires to establish a fair and equitable annexation policy to provide residents and property owners, as well as the City of Bakersfield staff, legal and proper annexation policies that insure the knowledge and input of all affected citizens of proposed inhabited area annexations by the City of Bakersfield; and ADD TO ORDINANCE: WHEREAS, the City of Bakersfield acknowledges that County residents have the right to freely choose to remain residents of unincorporated areas, the City respects and honors all citizens their freedom of choice recognizing that harmonious relationships within the total community is its most important priority. WHEREAS, the Council approved Urban Development Committee Report 1-98 on May 20, 1998, improving and expanding opportunities for resident input on the annexation process; and Page-'l. REPLACE WITH: WHEREAS, the Council approved Urban Development Committee Report 1-98 on May 20, 1998 which addressed the annexation issue. WHEREAS, this Ordinance reflects the City's current annexation policy processes relating to annexation policy incorporating criteria contained within Urban Development Committee Report 1-98; and REPLACE WITH: WHEREAS, this Ordinance reflects the City's current annexation policy process relating to annexation policy incorporating criteria specifically listed as Item No's. 2, 3, 6 and 8 as contained within the Urban Development Committee Report 1-98; and WHEREAS, the Council as a whole, and Council members in committee, have listened to individual concerns about the legal process and pre-legal informational process followed by the City of Bakersfield; and WHEREAS, City staff members have met with concerned citizens individually, attempted to answer their questions~ and attended meetings of the County of Kern's Citizens Advisory Committee on Annexations; and REPLACE WITH: WHEREAS, City staff members have met with concerned citizens, attempted to answer their questions and attended some meetings of the COunty of Kern's Citizens Advisory Committee on Annexations; and Page 2. WHEREAS, while the City strictly follows State annexation laws and will continue to do so, there is a consensus that additional avenues'for resident input would open communications with residents affected by proposed inhabited area annexations; and REPLACE WITH: WHEREAS, while the City maintains it strictly follows State annexation laws and will continue to do so, there is a consensus that residents affected by proposed inhabited area annexations must be given full and fair information in order to make an informed decision and exercise their freedom of choice. WHEREAS, the County of Kern has encouraged the City to CONSIDER the voluntary actions proposed by its Citizens Advisory Committee on Annexations. Change the word consider to ADOPT NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Bakersfield that it is hereby the policy of the Council of the City of Bakersfield that for annexations of inhabited areas initiated by the staff shall comply with the following requirements: REPLACE WITH: · NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Bakersfield that it is hereby the policy of the Council of the City of Bakersfield that for annexatiOns of inhabited areas, regardless of the population or size of the proposed annexation, the City shall comply with the following requirements: 1. Provide for individual noticing of property owners of protest hearings. Change to: The City will notice all individual property owners of their protest hearing by first class mail, using the most recent County assessment roll. Notices will be mailed no less than 20 days prior to the protest hearing date. Page 3. 2. Provide individual noticing to all addresses in the proposed annexation area. Change to: The City will notice individually to all addresses in the proposed annexation area by first class mail. Notices will be mailed no less than 20 days prior to the protest hearing date. 3. When publishing legal newspaper notices relating to a~. exations, use display format entitled "Notice of Public Hearing" on the legal page which will include the words "proposed annexation" within the ~heading. Change to: The City will, when publishing legal newspaper notices relating to annexations, use display format entitled "Notice of Public Hearing" on the legal page which will include the words "Proposed Annexation" within the heading and will include the legal annexation name and number. Please see example of newspaper notice on Page m of the Guide to the Annexation Process. 4. Develop and make available to the public at the City Clerk's Office an information guide which will provide a general outline of the annexation process, including examples of 1-3 above and sample written protest forms. This guide supercedes the development of a Borderline issue detailing how the annexation process works. The guide will be annually reviewed by staff to determine the need for updating. Change to: The City will develop and make available to the public at the City Clerk's Office the Guide to the Annexation Process which will provide a general outline of the annexation process, including examples of 1-3 above' and sample written protest forms. This information, single copies, will be provided FREE OF CHARGE to the public upon request, to be noted on the cover sheet of said Guide. This Guide will be reviewed and updated by the staff each March, but may be reviewed and updated as needed during the year. Question: Will the Borderline or a publication of a similar nature still exist? Page 4. 5. Place annexation information referenced in the Information Guide on the City's web page for access by the public, including upcoming meetings, important hearing dates, and additional information ** suchas hypothetical examples of a property within a proposed annexation area which reflects possible changes in: (a) costs or fees; (b) the affects on the property tax bill; and (c) a listing of potential City revenues and possible expenditures as a result of the proposed inhabited annexation.** This use of the web page supercedes the use of the annexation hotline. Change to: The City will place annexation information referenced in the Guide to the Annexation Process on the City's web page for access by the public, including upcoming meetings, LAFCo heating and protest hearing dates, City faires and additional important information. The City will post its most current Guide to the Annexation Process on KGOV for public information and shall include all public meetings relating to a proposed annexation process, i.e., LAFCo.public hearing date, protest hearing dates, City Services Faires, etc. Said notices to be posted 20 days prior to the hearings. The City will submit to the Bakersfield Californian and local television stations press releases containing the aforesaid information, including the legal annexation name, boundary description and annexation number 20 days prior to any heating dates as described above. ** to ** in the City's No. 5 statement: These statements cause misgivings on our part. We feel they may be construed as "Teubnerisms" and could cause you problems. Only provable facts should be included. 6. Hold at least one City services faire in each potential annexation area. Change to: The City will hold at least one, but no more than two, City Services Faires in each potential annexation area prior to the LAFCo heating date, which will NOT be construed as or replace public information meetings. The City will notify the affected public 20 days before the Faire and will invite the affected public, members of the Citizen's Advisory Committee on Annexation, County Representatives; specifically the County Supervisor Page 5. representing the designated area of the proposed annexation, as well as the City Council member who would be representing the proposed annexed area. Records of those invited and those attending will be kept and made available for public review. 7. Work with proposed annexation area residents to coordinate a greater number of small neighborhood meetings in each area so that each resident has an opportunity to attend a meeting. OMIT NEIGHBORHOOD MEETINGS ! Change to: The City will hold at least One but no more than two informational public meetings at a public meeting site located near the proposed annexation area. Written invitations to each meeting will be mailed to each address within the proposed annexation area 20 days prior to the meeting. The City WILL NOT sponsor, encourage or participate in private "neighborhood" meetings or gatherings which are not open to all residents or property owners in the proposed annexation area. 8. Continue to provide for no further City-initiated "bundling" of proposed annexation areas non-contiguous to each other. Change to: The City will not "bundle" non-contiguous areas for purposes of annexation and will use the following definition of "non-contiguous": (to be added) ADDITIONS TO THE ORDINANCE: 9. The City will make available to the public all property owner and address lists used by the City of Bakersfield in the annexation and notification process. 10. The City WILL NOT begin an annexation process without written documentation of at least 5 % of the registered voters or property owners approval in the proposed annexation area. Page 6. 11. The City WILL NOT, upon a failed annexation attempt, begin a new annexation proceeding in the same area, or any part thereof, within a two (2) year period. 12. The City WILL NOT use any tracking system of any annexation survey materials which might identify any individual respondents, their geographic location or in any way compromise an individuals right to confidentiality.' 13. The City WILL NEVER force annexation upon unwilling citizens. Page 7. CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CITIZENS GUIDE TO THE ANNEXATION PROCESS Prepared by the Office of the City Clerk November 28, 2000 PREFACE The City Clerk for the City of Bakersfield has prepared this brief summary of the process required by the Cortese-Knox Local Government Reorganization Act of 1985 regarding annexations. This is a general guide intended to assist citizens in their understanding of the annexation process. It does not reflect all regulations regarding annexations. Citizens* are encouraged to get the most up-to-date information available prior to beginning any protest effort, with emphasis on pages 4 through 6 of this manual. This document is provided as a broad, general overview of the 'proceedings 'related to annexations initiated by the City of Bakersfield and may not be interpreted or construed to be complete, conclusive, or as legal advice. Specific and complete requirements as well as additional references to applicable State law may be obtained from LAFCo, 2700 "M" St., Bakersfield, CA 93301. However, specific legal advice should be sought from an attorney. CONTACTS The following addresses and telephone numbers are provided for your information: City Council City Clerk 1501 Truxtun Avenue 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 326-3767 (661) 326-3767 Fax (661) 323-3780 Fax (661) 323-3780 e-maih city_council @ ci.bakersfield.ca.us City Manager City Attorney 1501Truxtun Avenue 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 326-3751 (661) 326-3721 Fax (661) 324-1850 Fax (661)' 852-2020 Development Services Director 1715 Chester Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661.) 326-3733 Fax (661) 325-0266 TABLE OF CONTENTS Annexations at a Glance ........................... '. ......... Page 1 LAFCo Proceedings ......................................... Page 2 City Council Proceedings ..................................... Page 3 Protesting Annexations ................................... Pages 4 - 5 Effective Date of Annexation .................................. Page 5 Annexation Terminology .................................. Pages 6 - 7 Sample Mailed Hearing Notice ................................ Page 8 Sample Published Hearing Notice .............................. Page 9 Sample Written Protest by Property Owner ...................... Page 10 Sample Written Protest by Registered Voter ..................... Page 11 Annexation Flow Chart ...................................... Page 12 ANNEXATIONS AT A GLANCE What is annexation and how does it affect residents of the County? With this guide, the City of Bakersfield will answer these questions and provide a broad overview of the annexation process. It is by no means intended to cover all the regulations regarding annexations. However, we hope it will provide basic information to assist you in your understanding of the annexation process. Annexation is a jurisdictional change, from County to City, of inhabited or uninhabited areas. This jurisdictional change, governed by the Cortese-Knox Local Government Reorganization Act of 1985, can be found in the California Government Code commencing with Sections 56000. The Act is administered and enforced by the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCo). LAFCo has the authority to approve or deny all annexation requests. LAFCo of Kern County is composed of two members from City Councils (throughout the County), two members of the Kern County Board of Supervisors, two members from Special Districts, and one general public member (§56325 & 56332). LAFCo regulates, through approval and denial, boundary changes proposed by other public agencies or individuals. In reviewing proposals for boundary changes, LAFCo is required to consider certain factors prior to approval. These factors include, but are not limited to, conformity between city and county plans, current service levels and the need for future services to the area, and the social, physical, and economic effects that boundary changes present to the community (§56841). Additionally, LAFCo is charged with deterring urban-sprawl and promoting orderly formation and development of local government, based upon conditions and circumstances (§56301). Individuals included in the proposed annexation area have the opportunity to express their opinions at two (2) public hearings. The first hearing is held before LAFCo. The second hearing is held before the City Council of the annexing City. Citizens may submit written .materials and/or oral testimony to both of these entities. The public hearing conducted by the City Council is considered a "protest hearing" where property owner(s) and registered voters', within the area, may protest the proceeding. Within this guide you will find sections on LAFCo Proceedings, City Council Proceedings, Protesting Annexations, and Effective Date of Annexation. Also included is a Glossary of Terms, a Sample Hearing Notice (used by the City) and a Sample Written Protest.. -1- LAFCo PROCEEDINGS Application Review: The LAFCo Executive Officer reviews the application package and, within 30 days, of receipt, determines if the petition/resolution meets all legal requirements, the project's requirements under CEQA, evidence that a satisfactory exchange of property tax has taken place within the time prescribed by law, and whether the application is complete (§56828). Notice of Filing: If all of the documents are in order, the LAFCo Executive Officer issues a Notice of Filing and sets a date within 90 days for a public hearing by the Commission where the annexation proposal will be considered (§56828). Public Hearing: The LAFCo Executive Officer shall give notice of any LAFCo hearing being held by the commission by publishing a notice in accordance with Sections 56153 and 56154, and by posting a notice in accordance with Sections 56158 and 56159. (§56834) Determination of Commission: The hearing shall be held by the Commission upon the date and at the time and place specified. The hearing may be continued from time to time but not to exceed 70 days from the date specified in the original notice (§56840). At the hearing the Commission considers the recommendations of the LAFCo Executive Officer on a number of factors and policies, such as current and future population and density, current and proposed land uses and potential incompatibilities with adjacent properties, current and future needs for public services and the adequacy of the cost of those services currently, conformity with the Commission's policies and standards, and other provisions of law (§56841). The Commission also receives oral and written comments from citizens and other public agencies at the public hearing (§56840 (b)). Adoption of Resolution Making Determinations: The Commission must adopt a resolution making determinations either approving, denying, or modifying the annexation proposal within 35 days from the public hearing (§56851). The Commission may also include specific terms and conditions in the resolution (§56844). Additionally, the Commission designates a "conducting authority," the City Council in the case of a city annexation. The Commission may authorize proceedings to conclude without any further notice, hearing, or election if there is 100% consent of the landowners. ''2- CITY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS The annexation process officially begins when the City Council adopts a Resolution of Application to annex certain territory. The application is filed with LAFCo, along with the certified resolution for annexation. By statute, the resolution must include specific language and must be accompanied by prescribed documentation, such as a statement of the reason for the proposal, a map and legal description of the boundaries of the subject territory, a description of how services will be provided to the area proposed for annexation, and California Environmental Quality Act compliance documentation (§56652). The City and the County will determine a property tax exchange on each proposed annexation. LAFCo reviews the application documents and the City's resolutions affecting the property tax exchange and, if all is in order, a Notice of Filing is issued. A public hearing is then conducted by LAFCo. Citizens may provide written and oral ' testimony. Upon completion of the hearing, the Commission (LAFCo) adopts a "Resolution Making Determinations" either approving, denying, or modifying the annexation proposal. Upon receipt of LAFCds resolution approving or modifying the proposed annexation, the City Council will schedule a public hearing, commonly known as the "protest hearing," within 35 days of the Commission's resolution date. The Clerk will give notice of the hearing, pursuant to Section 56154, no more than 60 days nor less than 15 days in advance of the hearing date (§57002). Notices are distributed by first class mail to each affected agency, the LAFCo Executive Officer, and chief petitioners. Additionally, although not required by State Law, the City will provide written notice to all property owners and property addresses within the proposed annexation area. Citizens interested in information regarding any annexation may request that a special notice be mailed to them. This request must be made, in writing, to the City Clerk. Additionally, the hearing notice is required to be published in a newspaper of. general circulation. The notice will be published as soon as possible, but no later than 15 days prior to the hearing in The Bakersfield Californian. Although not required by State Law, the City will use a display ad format. In accordance with Government Code Section 6061, the notice is required to be published a minimum of one time (§56153). A notice is also required to be posted. The City will post the notice as soon as possible, but no later than15 days prior to the hearing date specified in the notice. It is to remain posted up to the time of the hearing (§56159). The notice is posted on the City's Official Bulletin Board which is located on the west wall near the southwest entrance to City Hall (§56158). PROTESTING ANNEXATIONS Citizens affected by an annexation have two opportunities to voice their concerns regarding the proposed annexation. The first is the public hea'ring conducted by LAFCo. The second, and most important, is the public hearing or "protest hearing" conducted by the City. Under State law this is the ONLYopportunity for citizens affected by the proposed annexation to file an official written protest. Written protests of the proposed annexation must be filed with the City Clerk up to and including the hearing. Any person not filing a written protest, will be deemed in support of the annexation. Any protest filed after the conclusion of the hearing will not be counted in the annexation proceeding. For a protest to be officially counted by the local agency the following procedure should be followed: 1. Protest letter or petition must be filed with the City Clerk of the City 'of Bakersfield after publication of the hearing notice, but before the conclusion of the hearing (§57051). Each protest letter must: a. Be addressed to the City Clerk b. State whether the protest is being made by a landowner o_r registered voter c. State the name and address of the owner of the land as it appears on the property tax bill. If the landowner's address is different from the affected property location, you must include that information d. State the name and address of the registered voter as it appears on the Affidavit of Voter Re~Tistration e. Sign and date the protest letter. You may not sign and date before the publication date of the "Notice of Public Hearing" f. Be filed before the conclusion of the public hearing See Sample Written Protests on Pages 11 & 12 2. Those eligible to protest an annexation must be a land owner of property in the proposed annexation area o__r, any registered voter residing in the proposed annexation area. An individual that is both a registered voter residing! in the proposed area and a property owner may file a protest under either, or both desiqnations. A person who owns multiple properties in the affected area my file a written protest for each property owned. If a property is owned by more than one person, each owner is eligible to file a protest (§57051).. 3. Property owned by more than one person, either in joint tenancy or tenancy in common may each file a protest letter. However, only the individual's proportionate share in the value of the property will be considered in valuing the protest (§57052 and 56710(b)). For example: John and Jane Smith, Joint Tenants, each file a protest as property owners. Each is counted as one-half (as half owners) for a total of one protest.. -4- 4. The name on each protest letter will be matched against the most recent voter registration roll on file with the Kern County Election Official, and/or the assessment (property tax) roll on file in the Clerk's Office, depending on the nature of the protest. The names on the protest letter must match the name on these rolls. Upon completion of the protest hearing, the results are determined as follows: · An election to decide annexation must be held if at least 25% but less than 50% of the registered voters in the territory file a written protest; · An election to decide annexation must be held if at least 25% of the number of property owners who also own at least25% of the assessed value of the land file a written protest; · If more than 50% of the registered voters in the proposed annexation area file a written protest, the annexation proceeding is terminated; · If less than 25% of the registered voters or if less than 25% of the property owners who own less than 25% of the assessed value file a written protest, the annexation will proceed. Any citizen interested in observing the processing and counting of protests by the City Clerk, may do so in accordance with the California State Elections Code §15104. EFFECTIVE DATE OF ANNEXATION The City Clerk will file with LAFCo a certified copy of the Resolution adopted by the City Council. The LAFCo Executive Officer determines whether the City's Resolution meets all the conditions imposed by the Commission and, if so, issues a Certificate of Completion. The Certificate of Completion is forwarded to the City, recorded with the County Recorder, and a statement of boundary change or creation is issued by the LAFCo Executive Officer. The Certificate is then filed with the State Board of Equalization and the County Assessor. The Secretary of State is also notified of this action. In addition, the property tax transfer resolution or agreement, if any, is forwarded to the County Auditor to bring about the property tax transfer (§§57200 - 57204). Once the City receives the Certificate of Completion, the City assumes responsibility for police and fire protection, building inspection, refuse collection, animal control, planning, and other services. -5- ANNEXATION TERMINOLOGY Annexation: A process whereby territory is incorporated into a City. CEQA: California Environmental Quality Act (Public Resources Code §21000 et seq.). Chief Petitioners: Persons designated on a petition or resolution for organizational change, to a maximum of three. Conducting Authority: The entity or agency responsible for conducting the protest hearing for an organization change. Detachment: A process whereby territory is removed from a City. EIR: An Environmental Impact Report (EIR) that is required under CEQA after an initial study reveals that significant environmental impacts may occur due to a project. Governing Body: The Board or Commission or a local agency, either elected by the voters or appointed by a parent governing body. Inhabited Territory: Territory wherein 12 or more registered voters reside. LAFCo: The Local Agency Formation Commission, is the governing body responsible for ensuring the laws related to organizational changes are followed. It is also responsible for making determinations regarding services, land use compatibility, boundaries, and other such issues when organizational changes are proposed. Lead Agency: The agency responsible for preparing an environmental document per CEQA. Local Agency:. Any local governmental entity--city, county, special district, agency--created by State law. Negative Declaration: A jurisdictional boundary change is considered a "project" under CEQA. If under CEQA regulations the project is determined to have no significant impact on the environment, a Negative Declaration is filed. -6- Protest Hearing: A hearing conducted by the Conducting Authority, in this case the City Council, where citizens have their opportunity to officially protest ann'exation to a city. Reorganization: A change to the boundaries of a city, county, special district, county service area or sphere of influence. Responsible Agency: The agency responsible for reviewing and commenting on a completed environmental document per CEQA. -7- SAMPLE OF MAILED HEARING NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD REGARDING PROPOSED ANNEXATION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN of a Protest Hearing before the Bakersfield City Council regarding the proposed annexation of territory to the City of Bakersfield as assigned by the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCo) known as City of Bakersfield ANNEXATION NO. 398, GENERALLY KNOWN AS PANAMA #12. LAFCo has determined the territory to be annexed is inhabited or uninhabited (choose one). The hearing will be held before the City Council of the City of Bakersfield and will begin at 7:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard on WEDNESDAY, JULY 19, 2000, in the Council Chambers, City Hall, 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, California, 93301. The purpose of the hearing is to receive and consider protests against the proposed annexation into the City of Bakersfield. The area being considered is generally located north and south of Panama Lane, west of State ' Route 99 (Freeway 99). See the attached map (Exhibit A) that shows the affected territory. These proceedings were initiated by the property owner or City (chooseoneI . The reason the has proposed this annexation is The specific terms and conditions of the proposed annexation are detailed in the Resolution adopted by the Local Agency Formation Commission. The Resolution is on file at the City Clerk's office. WRI'i-I'EN PROTESTS against the proposed annexation may be filed by any owner of property or registered voter in the territory, with the City Clerk at any time prior to the conclusion of the hearing on the proposed annexation. If you challenge the action taken on this Proposal in court, you may be limited to addressing only those issues raised at the public hearing, or in written correspondence delivered to the City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield prior to the close of the hearing. Dated: Pamela A. McCarthy, CMC City Clerk and Ex Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield Note: Although not required by State Law the City will provide written notice to all property owners and property addresses within the proposed annexation area. -8- SAMPLE OF PUBLISHED NOTICE 1/8 Page Display Advertisement - To be printed on the Legal page of newspaper. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD REGARDING PROPOSED ANNEXATION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN of a Protest Hearing before the Bakersfield City Council regarding' the proposed annexation of territory to the City of Bakersfield as assigned by the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCo) known as City of Bakersfield ANNEXATION NO. 398, GENERALLY KNOWN AS PANAMA #12. LAFCo has determined the territory to be annexed is inhabited or or uninhabited (choose one). The hearing will be held before the City Council of the City of Bakersfield and will begin at 7:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard on WEDNESDAY, JULY 19, 2000, in the Council Chambers, City Hall, 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, California, 93301. The purpose of the hearing is to receive and consider protests against the proposed annexation into the City of Bakersfield. The area being considered is generally located north and south of Panama Lane, west of State Route 99 (Freeway 99). These proceedings were initiated by the property owner or City (choose one) . The reason the has proposed this annexation is The specific terms and conditions of the proposed annexation are detailed in the Resolution adopted by the Local Agency Formation Commission. The Resolution is on file at the City Clerk's office. WRI'i-I'EN PROTESTS against the proposed annexation may be filed by any owner of property or registered voter in the territory, with the City Clerk at any time prior to the conclusion of the hearing on the proposed annexation. If you challenge the action taken on this proposal in court, you may be limited to addressing only those issues raised at the public hearing,or in written correspondence delivered to the City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield prior to the close of the hearing. Dated: Pamela A. McCarthy, CMC City Clerk and Ex Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield Note: A/though not required by State Law, the City will publish in Display Advertisement Format. -9- SAMPLE WRITTEN PROTEST BY PROPERTY OWNER CITY CLERK CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 I (Name) the undersigned property owner do hereby protest the proposed annexation of the territory known as (Insert Name of Annexation) , being proposed by the City of Bakersfield. I own property located at (Insert address or parcel number if no address) The purpose of this letter is to express my opposition of the above entitled annexation. Date: ~ (Print - See page 5, l-e) Print Your Name (As it appears on the property tax bill - See page 5, 1-c) Signature Note: This document is provided as a broad, general overview of the proceedings related to annexations initiated by the City of Bakersfield and may not be interpreted or construed to be complete, conclusive, or as legal advice. Specific and complete requirements as well as additional references to applicable State law may be obtained from LAFCo, 2700 "M" St., Bakersfield, CA 93301. However, specific legal advice should be sought from an attorney. -10- SAMPLE WRITTEN PROTEST BY REGISTERED VOTER CITY CLERK CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 I (Name) the undersigned registered voter do hereby protest the proposed annexation of the territory known as (Insert Name of Annexation) , being proposed by the City of Bakersfield. I am a registered voter in the area proposed for annexation and reside at the following address (Insert address) The purpose of this letter is to express my opposition to the above entitled annexation.' Date: (Print - See page 5, l-e) Print Your Name (As it appears on voter registration - See page 5, l-d) Signature Note: This document is provided as a broad, general overview of the proceedings related to annexations initiated by the City of Bakersfield and may not be interpreted or construed to be complete, conclusive, or as legal advice. Specific and complete requirements as well as additional references to applicable State law may be obtained from LAFCo, 2700 "M" St., Bakersfield, CA 93301. However, specific legal advice should be sought from an attorney. -11- ANNEXATION FLOW CHART CITY COUNCIL REFERS TO CITY REQUEST FOR MANAGER'S OFFICE & CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE PLANNING COMMISSION ANNEXATION -'~ ~ ANNEXATION REVIEW PREZONING PLANNING DEPT. FOR STUDY --~ AND RECOMMENDATION (IF NECESSARY) LAFCO REVIEWS STAFF PREPARES PLAN FOR AND EVALUATES LAFCO SERVICES, ENVIRON INFO CITY COUNCIL SHEET AND TRANSMITTAL ~ RESOLUTION OF APPLICATION LETTER CITY AGREEMENT IS LAFCO HEARING - LAFCO CITY CLERK NEGOTIATED WITH CAO ON SETS PROTEST HEARING CITY COUNCIL TAX SPLIT -~. ADOPTS RESOLUTION MAKING ~ (No later than 35 days ~ PROTEST HEARING (60 day time limit) DETERMINATION after LAFCO decision) ('Fo occur not le~s than 15 no more than BEC]INS I~UBLIC NOTICING 60 days after I,AFCO decision) CITY ADOPTS RESOI.UTION LESS TI lAN APPROVING ANNEXATION 25% PROTEST (wilhin 60 days of I,AFCO decision) J~ ~ ELECTION 4 ~ APPROVED MORE THAN 25% BUT  LESS THAN 50% - ~ LAFCO ORDERS ELECTION FALLS ANNEXATION GOES TO ANNEXATION & ISSUES ELECTION CERTIFICATION OF COMPLETION ~g ANNEXATION FAILS $0% OR MORE PROTEST