HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/07/1988 James H. Childs, Chair Pat DeMond Mark C. Salvaggio Staff: Mary Strenn AGENDA PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Wednesday, September 7, 1988 5:00 p.m. City Manager's Conference Room ITEM #1 REVISIONS TO MISCELLANEOUS CIVIL SERVICE RULES AND REGULATIONS ITEM #2 FIRE DEPARTMENT JOB SPECIFICATIONS MISCELLANEOUS CIVIL SERVICE BOARD REPORT REPORT NO. 1-88 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL SUBJECT: REVISIONS TO MISCELLANEOUS CIVIL SERVICE BOARD RULES AND REGULATIONS Over tile past several months, the Miscellaneous Civil Service · Board has reviewed four of its rules, and amended them.to insure that the rules for its Miscellaneous employees are consistent with the two other Civil Service Boards and the Charter. RULE 6.07 TERMINATION OF AN ELIGIBLE LIST This rule was updated to allow the Civil Service Board the discretion to terminate an eligibility list after a minimum of one year. This is consistent with the Fire and PoliCe Civil Service Boards' rules. "An eligible list may be terminated by the Board whenever fewer than three names remain on the list, or after a minimum of one year followinq the date of certification." RULE 5.14 RECORDS OF EXAMINATION The language in this rule referring to a two year eligibility list was eliminated to be in compliance with revised Rule 6.07, which allows the Civil Service Board the discretion to terminate aa eligibility list after a minimum of one year. "The Board shall preserve for the duration of the eligible list f ..... (~) vcar~ ~ ..... ~. ) the following records of examination: Honorable Mayor and Members of 'the City Council August 31, 1988 Page 2 RULE 8.04 SEPARATION OF A PROBATIONER This rule was revised to be consistent with the language in the 'Charter. "A probationary employee may be separated from the City at any time during the probationary period without right of appeal of hearing. A probationary emDlo%;ee not holding a permanent position at the time of his/her appointment to another Dosition in the C. ity's classified service may be discharged at any time during, the probationary period without cause, right of a~eal or hearing. Should any employee holding a permanent ~osition at the time of promotion fail to complete the promotional probationary period, he/she shall return to his/he~ former permanent position." RULE 3.01.b.3 THE BOARD This change is included in the Charter revision, and is recommended in anticipation of the Charter change, and to maintain consistency and conformance with the other two Civil Service Boards. "The Civil Service Board for the Miscellaneous Departments consists of five board members as prescribed in Section (209)2 of the City Charter. The Board shall have the authority and respo.ns ibil ity to: (a) Enforce and interpret ~hese ~ules and ~egulations Miscellaneous Civil Service Board August 31, 1988 Page 3 (b) Have charge of all matters to the preparation and conduct of examinations, and in this connection shall: 1) Determine the examination to be conducted 2) Prepare and post bulletins announcing examinations. 3) Make arrangements for and supervise the conduct of the examinations, appointing such experts, special examiners, and other persons as it may deem necessary. No member of this ,~ i'~,-~;.- Board shall sit as a member of the rating ~?. .... panel for any oral examination. The Miscellaneous Civil Service Board requests the City Council's adoption of these revised rules. Florence Norwood, Chairperson Miscellaneous Civil Service Board · f '< Barba Donnel ly Edwin Ingalls 71. James Sughrue, Jr. nmw/ RPT1-88