HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/24/1989 James H. Childs, Chair Pat DeMond Mark C. Salvaggio Staff: Mary Strenn AGENDA PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Tuesday, January 24, 1989 5:00 p.m. City Manager's Conference Room ITEM #1 UPDATE ON CANAL TENDER II ISSUE ITEM #2 'PROPOSED ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGES ITEM #3 APPROVAL OF REVISED/TITLE CHANGE JOB SPECIFICATIONS AND SALARIES FOR: (a) Micrographics Technician (614) - revised spec (b) Planning Director (945) - revised spec and salary (c) Economic Development Director (936) - revised spec and salary (d) Finance Director (935) - revised spec and salary (e) Assistant to the City Manager (933) - revised spec and salary (f) Canal Tender II (335) - revised spec (g) ~Trades Assistant (447) - revised spec (h) Public Works Director (956) - title change (i) Assistant Public Works Director (805) - title change ITEM #4 DELETION OF OBSOLETE JOB TITLES CLASS TITLE: MICROGRAPHICS TECHNICIAN 614 CLASS CHARACTERISTICS: Under general supervision, this class Performs filming and ........ ~- reports records and other data copying of maps, permits, ~ ..... , , to be maintained. Reviews and sorts and catalogs various material on file, does typing,-record filinq, answers telephone ~ and performs other work as required. EXAMPLES OF DUTIES: ~. Prepares maps, plans and various other'documents for-fi%ming or ..... ~%P_V-~; operates the filming and reproductio~.~ or copying ~ equipment; sorts material in files for discarding or filming,_ etc; maintains supplies necessary for filming and copying; makes copies for public and writes receipts for such work; performs general records of filming and copying activity, files permits, records and maps, maintains current and inactive files, and i . assists on other clerical work as required. DESIRABLE MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: Traininq and ExDerience: Graduation from high school or attainment of a satisfact~r~-Sc°r~ on a G.E D. test, including or supplemented by one year of experience performing general Knowledqe, Abilities and Skills: Good knowledge of modern office practices, especially those related to rec0rdkeeping and filinq .......... systems, and of the operation of. standard equipment and copying equipment used in a general office. Ability to make decisions of a limited nature in accordance with rules and regulation, and to carry out oral and written instructions; ability to work effectively with the public and other employees; ability to make effective telephone contact, some skill in operation of a ~ typewriter, and the ability to work with little supervision. Approved by the City COuncil: Approved by the Miscellaneous Civil Service Board: CLASS TITLE: PLANNING DIRECTOR 945 CLASS CHARACTERISTICS Under administrative direction, is responsible for directing the administration of the city planning program ~ .... ~"ing ....... Au. an u n ns ec-. tion program. This person assists in the development of. city _~ ., ....· policy and carries out and coordinates implementation of general- policies of the Planning Commission and City Council; and performs other work as required. EXAMPLES OF DUTIES: Plans, organizes, and directs the activities of the professional planning staff in the analysis and preparation of city planning documents; prepares and administers a general plan in accordance with the policies of the Planning Commission; ~ serves as technical staff advisor/secretary to the Planning Commission and Board of Zoning Adjustment; acts ac technical-and staff advisor · -': and Planning Commission liaison to the City Council; reviews and _ approves all. reports and recommendations to be considered by the .... ~"<:" Board of Zoning Adjustment, Planning Commission, and'the City. ..'-.'::{.'.-.:'/'..Council;. .. .. wr~tc~ and dictates.prepares staff~reportsi~.environ-..~..- . <. i,-12%' mental impact statements documents, special' reports,., and other .'-..~:,!h~?il/ items as required; reviews and approves all>the department '- >. ....'- expenditures; directs the preparation. Of the ~ Department budgets; holds and attends staff meetings with the city department._ heads and other administrative personnel to review special problems ........ or questions; assists in the preparation, of new ordinances and the revision of existing ordinances m .... ~"~ '-'~th ~ ..... ~' i u~'~ ~ d pl ~ '- ' ~cqu ........... ; rev ews s ...... -~..~ evelopment ans; -,~. - .... ~l %kc ~^~-~-~ ^= -u~d~-~ '-'~ d; ti ...... ~ ..... ~ ......... cn$ ....... require -attends mee ngs and occasionally gives speeches on specific aspects of city plan- ning to civic organizations. This person also is responsible for the ~eneral administration of the Building Inspection Program.- ........ .._. . _. " ......- DESIRABLE MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: . . Tr'aining and Experience: Graduation from a.recognized college · /i'-.!:-~ .,:. with a degree in planning.'or, a related'field and ten. years of,-:<- .... .- '..professional planning experience or.work related to planning at' the. municipal level. A Master's Degree in planning or a related - field may be substituted for one year of the required experience... Three years of experience in building inspection administration. ., ~ ..... :.~ CLASS TITLE: PLANNING DIRECTOR (Continued) 945 Knowledge, Abilities, and Skills: Comprehensive knowledge of the principles and practices of building inspection and code enforce .ment city planning public administration and staff development; comprehensive knowledge of the physical, social, and economic implications involved in city planning; comprehensive knowledge of the phases of planning and zoning; ..... ~ ................... ~ cf ~ .................. , .......... ~ .......... ;:comprehensive knowledge-of ........ .. :- governmental organizations, transportation, communications, and public utility systems_.as related to.planning ...... Ability to supervise and carry out technical planning research; ability to compose complete reports and research findings in written, graphic, and design form; ability to work effectively with the general public and community agencies; with rcspcct to ~!anning mattcrs; ability to supervise and coordinate the work of others p!anncrs;_ ability to make analyses and recommendations based on planning Studies and field-observations; ability to interpret and apply laws and. regulations to planning projects; ~ ability to present planning information clearly, to the general ........ public. ~:.'~'-'~-. Approved'by th-~ City Council: .... - - ~ · " Approved by the Miscellaneous Civil service Boar. d: CLASS TITLE: ECO50IC DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR 936 CLASS CHARACTERISTICS: Under general direction of the City Manager is responsible for the administration, development and supervision of the City's ~ Redevelopment Program, the development and implementation of the ~ ~. City's Comprehensive Economic Development Program and the coordination of the Community Development Block Program.. EXAMPLES OF DUTIES:~' ~ This program is responsible for the administration, development and supervision..of the City's redevelopment activities and the coordination of. those activities with other governmental ~gencies, private-sectors~developers and lending institutions.. This position is responsible for the development and implementation of~ the City's Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy and the ~c~crcia! Rcvita!izati~n cffcrt Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG). This position directs the coordination, formulation, implementation and management·of projects dealing with economic development;~redevelopment, and commercial· revitalization; supervises the coordination of program·activities with City departments, other-local..governments, state and federal agencies, and citizens~-involved.-or-interested in economic development or redevelopment issues. This position monitors the ~ ~ ~various laws and activities of regulatory agencies relating~to~ ~ ~ii!~ .-i economic development, redevelopment and CDBG,~ and. advises~_~. ~ ~ ~ ............ ~,_the City. Manager','and members of the City Council - regarding pertinent issues; prepares necessary documentation and reports to assure compliance with HUD regulations relative to the Housing and Community Development Act of 1980, and performs other duties as assigned. DESIRABLE MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: Traininq and Experience: Graduation from an accredited college or university with a degree in architecture, economics, engineering, business or public administration, urban planning or a closely related field, and six years of-increasingly responsible experience in comprehensive urban and economic planning is required. This'position requires at least three years of supervision of professional· and technical staff.-This position requires a working knowledge of California .Redevelopment Law, the Housing and Community. Development Act of 1980, and a comprehensive knowledge of the urban planning processes .... Aknowledge.of building design; construction management, loan packaging, rehabilitation finance and grantsmanship is desirable. Knowledge, Abilities; and Skills:~ The~position~requires~strong~ . communication skills in both~written and.spoken form;' as well as strong administrative/organizational skills~This position must be able to address large audiences and officiate public meetings. This position should have a sound'understanding of~land use ~lanning, zoning'principles, California Environmental-QualitY ACt.- (CEQA), real estate development, development financing, bank practice and investment markets. . ~ · CLASS TITLE: C DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR ( inued) 936 This position requires the ability to analyze and interpret data, reports, rules, and regulations into clear and concise reports and recommendations. Must have the ability to work with all levels within City staff,' public agencies and community groups.'. -.-~ ..... .... Approved by the City Council: Approved by the Miscellaneous Civil Service Board: ? CLASS TITLE: FINANCE DIRECTOR 935 CLASS CHARACTERISTICS: Under gcncral administrative direction, administrative w~r4¢ duties in directing ~ activities of the Finance Department; work.involving planning, organizing,, directing and coordinating activities of the divisions compriSing the department, including accounting, caSh ~anagement, purchasing and data processing; and acts as Treasurer of the Central District Development Agency (Redevelopment),' ~=u~-=~ ~ .... ~ ..... ~ ~ ...... Firemen's Disability and Retirement System and various Public Facilities Corporations. EX~PLES OF DUTIES: '-':--" ~:;truotc accounting personnel;--Responsible for the day-'to day._' ':.:.':.:'~.'i"operations of the City's Finance. Department including general-' · .:':<~: for the collection, 'custody,_investment-and disbursement' of city einancial reports for City's licensing 'and revenue collecting programs; directs all major city purchases; and provides general direction of data processing services coordinates-i'.~__ municipal bond issues and other'capital financinQ. Confers with and advises division managers and supervisors in the ....... design and installation of central and department account, in~ ............ systems, the establishment of investment-and purchasing ..... · . policies and the distribution of data processing resources. · .... _-~ '.. Responsible for preparation and a~inistration of the ::'.:; department's annual- budget and assists:the City Manager"'i'n'''the - preparation and'administration of the .city's budgets. Directs ...-. the preparation and distribution of periodic financial , {'.' ~nformation to the City Council and City Manager;i. · ' DESI~BLE MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: ' Training and ExperienCe: '-Graduation-fromTan;.approved-college or- "":'.~/'}';' university with a 'degr~e- in BusineSs'-or Public Administration specialization in accounting or public finance administration and ~ 10 years of progressively~responsible experience in '. '~-' ......... governmental accounting and financial reporting," including t~"~-~ ......... ~ .......... ~ .... and~ experience in systems electronic data processing.systems.. ..... · .... CLASS TITLE: FINANCE DIRECTOR (Contin6ed) 935 Knowledge, Abilities, and Skills: Comprehensive knowledge of municipal finance and accounting principles and techniques, including automated accounting; comprehensive knowledge of governmental purchasing practices and procedures; comprehensive knowledge of principles of electronic data processing; comprehensive knowledge of modern principles, practices, and procedures in municipal budgeting and treasury management.' Ability to plan organize, an~ direct thc aetivitics cf scvcral.. ~ purchac~ cyctcm! ability *~ ~^~ .... ~ata ~ ..... ~ ........ ~"~m~ fcrm. direct and coordinate the various activities of the Finance Department; ability to delegate. authority and responsibility and to schedule and program work on- a long term basis. Ability to establish and maintain effective relationships with City officials, employees and the general public. Ability to express ideas on technical subjects clearly--... and concisely, both orally and in writing. i. "' · -:?i"-?-~."~-.~'.'Approved by City cOuncil: Approved by the Miscellaneous Civil Service Board: CLASS TITLE: ASSISTANT TO THE CITY MANAGER 933 CLASS CHARACTERISTICS: Under administrative direction, performs work of unusual complexity in assisting the City Manager in the general operation and administration of the City Government, is responsible for analyzing and preparing the annual City budget; assisting the City Manager and City Council; providing administrative and budgetary guidance to department heads and departmental .. administrative personnel regarding City services and business affairs; conducting administrative studies and analyses; preparing recommendations and reports; and performing related' · work as required. EXAMPLES OF 'DUTIES: Plans and conducts technical administrative studies and analyses; responsible for the compilation, analysis and control of the annual City Budget; .gathers, ~,.~ .... ~ cva!uatcs tu~y ~ - formulates recommendations, prepares and presents reports and- · special studies;-investigates and evaluates-needs for changes in budgetary allocations during the fiscal_year; answers ........... ~ · correspondence; consults with and assists department heads in solving administrative problems,· assists in implementing City i~i'~i?~ouncil policies; performs difficult analytical studies of · .~.ii!'<i.?i'~!~i~'i.~.rganizational struCture,-'systems,-procedures,-policiesand~. ~ ".'i~ji.~.i~"~>!~practices and techniques; provides administrative and'budgetary.' '. ~?.assistance to departments; 'assists in the compilation and analysis of employee organization's salary and fringe benefit .requests; responsible for the proper flow of administrative materials in the City Manager's office; implements official actions taken throughout the organization and in connection with the various boards, agencies, and Council committees. Responsible for~intergovernmental relations in regards to legislation and grantsmanship. Acts as staff support to the City Manager and~the City Council; maintains permanent records of actions taken by various committees of. the City Council. and various boards and commissions. Works with the City Manager'in organizational development and productivity improvements.-May be · ~..·called upon to work in the areas of Risk Management, Labor· . Relations, Finance,.and Personnel-. ... .~ DESIRABLE MINIMUM·QUALIFICATIONS:_.- ..... Training and Experience: Graduation from an accredited college'·. with a BA Degree'in Public or-Business Administration, EconOmics, or related field, and three years of increasingly responsible··.-.· ........ administrative and financial_experience~ Experience and skill in the operation..of micro-computers. 'Master's Degree desir-able. -' Knowledge, Abilities, and Skills:-Knowledge of administrative techniques, including principles·of budgeting, organization,-_ planning, coordination, and personnel administration; of the techniques of administrative analysis; of statistics and graphic CLASS TITLE: ASSISTANT TO THE CITY MANAGER (Continued) 933 presentation. Ability to~ -~ ..... ...... r ~,~d ~ ...... ; ....... ~ da~ to interpret rules and regulations; devise and effectively prepare and present reports and recommendations; ability to recognize problems and to develop effective solutions; ability to evaluate and edit reports and recommendations; u~i ..... ~ wr~te~,--- c~nc~-~ repor~to;, to establish and maintain effective workinG relationships with City officers, employees and the public; ability to supervise and evaluate the work of technical personnel_,.,o~.. ,..~.~..~j~~ .... ~". Approved by the City Council: - ' Approved by the Miscellaneous Civil Service Board: C~ASS TITLE: CANAL II 335 CLASS CHARACTERISTICS: Under general supervision, diverts, regulates, delivers, and measures irrigation water on a rotational shift basis, including weekends, holidays, and declared emergencies; is responsible for accurate deliveries and diversions; is responsible for canal and/or water facility deliveries security; reports on specific canal conditions; operates light and medium duty vehicles; performs directed canal maintenance; trains new permanent and temporary employees and performs other work as required. EXAMPLES OF DUTIES: On an assigned shift, works as field crew leader in daily water operations; regulates water flow, as directed, at heads of canals or systems; regulates weirs to transport water; regulates gates for water directed; records measurements; performs minor repairs and maintenance on structures and ditches; reports major defects in canal banks and structures due to washing~- erosion, etc; reports rodent activity, aquatic and other weed growth status; reports all potential canal right-of-way encroachments, vandalism, and trespassing; keeps· all measuring devices free from trash and in good operating condition; asSists in repairs'of inoperative or ~mprc~v~_= ioning measuring devices; assists ~,,~ ...... ~ ~ w,~=~_n~=~ Hydrographic. Supervisor or designate in routine measurements of water, flows; · '~ct ..... ~ Hyd ...... ~-~=~;__.performs dispatcher functi0h§ on assigned rotational shift; tabulates water delivery cards and· calculates mean daily flows from recorder sheets; works on debris- cleaning and maintenance and ccnstructicn of canall facilities. DESIRABLE MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: Training and Experience: Three years experience in canal or agricultural water delivery operations; including one year experience in operation of light and medium duty vehicles used in agricultural water delivery and maintenance operations. Knowledge, Abilities and Skills: Thorough knowledge of operation of canal delivery systems; basic knowledge of·methods of water diversion and water measurement;·ability to perform basic mathematics related. to water measurements;carry·out accurate water· delivery assignments· and perform gauge changes on requests; ability to maintain good. relations with public being served; ability to safely operate city vehicles; knowledge in operating radio communication_equipment; ability to prepare written reports on accidents and emergencies; physical condition and'strength sufficient to do occasional heavy lifting of debris. Licenses or·Certificates: -· Possession of a valid Class 2 California~· driver's license as requir'ed'-by-·l'hW'·for'vehicles and equipment used in performance of duties ppp rove~ by the Miscellaneous Civil Service Board: proveo by the City Council: ..'CLASS TITLE: TRADE~SSISTANT 447 CLASS CHARACTERISTICS: Under general supervision, performs work of less than journeyman level in the maintenance and repair of gasoline and diesel automotive and related equipment; makes routine inspection, testing, and maintenance on automobiles, motorcycles, heavy-duty trucks, bulldozers, road sweepers, and other city automotive equipment; assists journeyman mechanics in overhaul and repair of equipment and performing some general repair work as well as changing worn parts on vehicles of all types, and performing lubrication on heavy equipment; assists in the performance of skilled work in the construction, maintenance and repair of munic al facilities and properties; ~si~ ,~~ ..... u .... ~^~- performs other work as required. EXAMPLES OF DUTIES: Performs preventive maintenance and makes minor repairs to automotive equipment, including motorcycles, automobiles, trucks, and heavy equipment; installs lights; adjusts brakes; makes minor electrical repairs; reports major defects; assists mechanics in ---the overhaul of engines, brakes, clutches,~hydraulic systems, and ~~ ~ assists-in the. repair of generators, transmissions; ~ -~' ' .... s~arters, upholstery and suspension systems;...changes wheel bearings; ........... installs starters and lights;~_-..~~=~ ..... ~_~...~..~~ .... ~.assists maintenance . "craft workers ~ in sanding, cleaning, and patching, and. - - performs routine painting; prcparc .... ~~ ~ ..... ~~' performs general, maintenance carpentry-work;·cleans and maintains' shop, tools, and shop equ ment; answc~ ~..~ .... ~ .......... ~ ~W~--~ ............ cn~ %'lc~''~m'· Assists Maintenance Craftsworker, in the operation of a variety of Dower and hand tools in construction, cabinet work, Dlumbin0 and paintino; installation and maintenance of~ sprinkler systems, automatic valves and controller; maintenance or restrooms and playground equipment; operation, maintenance and repair of swimminQ pool and other municipal facilities. Lca~s a ........ DESIRABLE MINIMUM QUALIFICATION: .... Training and Experience: One year experience as a helper or apprentice in one of the trades. .Knowledge, Abilities and Skills: Some knowledge of the methods, materials, tools and techniques"6sed in the repair of light and ...-heavy duty automotive equipment, painting, and carpentry; some knowledge of the operating principles of gasoline and diesel engines; knowledge· of the greasing and. lubrication requirements .... .of light and heavy public works equipment; some knowledge of the .... . ..... ........ methods,-Dractices, tools and ecuipment used in general building' '. - ' trades and builidng maintenance.- ..... · Abilit~ to carry out routine and minor repairs; ability to work effectively with minimum supervision.. Skill in the use of standards tools and equipment of the trade. App'°red by the City Council: ..... ~. Approved by the Miscellaneous Civil Service Board: ? CLASS TITLE: WORKS DIRECTOR 956 CLASS CHARACTERISTICS: The Public Works Director is the designated City Engineer and Traffic Authority for the City. Under administrative direction, performs administrative and professional engineering work in directing all. activities of the Public Works Department; work involving planning, organizing, directing,, and coordinating activities.of the several divisions comprising the department, including engineering, general services, waste water, traffic, street maintenance and repair, sewers and sewage disposal, street cleaning, and equipment; and performs other work as required. EXAMPLES OF DUTIES: Confers with and advises division superintendents on problems related to the design, construction, maintenance of public buildings, sewage treatment plants, streets, sewers, and other public works; supervises the cleaning of streets, and the maintenance of the municipal vehicular fleet; has the power and duty to place and maintain traffic control devices, traffic signals, barriers, signs, safety zones and lanes for traffic; services as technical advisor to the Planning Commission' and ~ serves on the Board of Zoning Adjustment; reviews plans, ~ technical engineering reports, budget estimates, and proposed ~¥~ ~'~ordinances and regulations submitted by division heads; develops ..i~i~i?i!~i~.'~.~general policies.in consultation with appropriate division heads .-.~i .... '~-.~ for'the expansion,· operation~and maintenance of-municipal-public /.i~i.i-!i~/~.~-i~?.works facilities; confers with the City Manager on matters '. ...~¥. ~ .:. concerning major departmental activities and furnishes technical -..- engineering advice on public works problems; confers with- representatives of federal, state, and county agencies on varied public works matters and engineering activities and prepares memoranda and conducts correspondence relative to the department. DESIRABLE MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: Training and Experience: Registered as a civil engineer in the State of California and 10 years of progressively responsible engineering experience including administrative experience in the direction of varied municipal public works programs.. Knowledge, 'Abilities, and Skills: Comprehensive knowledge of ~ modern principles and practices of administration as~applied to~ the design, construction, and maintenance of streets, sewers, ..~.~.- .technical inspection, and other'public~works facilities;~' .. ~'~ ~com~rehe~sive knowledge of the principles and practices of civil englneerlng as applied to the development and management of-. .... . municipal public, works;.comprehensive knowledge.of modern Principles and practices of traffic engineering as-applied to~ ...... . signing.and tr. affic-cOntrol, parking, street design and traffic safety; considerable knowledge of planning and urban development and land subdivision regulations;, comprehensive knowledge of the materials, methods,- and techniques used .in the construction and maintenance of streets and sewers and of the procedures and equipment used in.sewage treatment and disposal; considerable CLASS TITLE: WORKS DIRECTOR 956 knowledge of the principles, practices, and equipment used in modern office management; considerable knowledge of recent development, current literature, and sources of information in municipal public works administration. Ability to organize, direct, and coordinate the activities of the various divisions of a public works department; ability to delegate authority and responsibility and to schedule and program work on a long-term basis; ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with city officials, employees, and the general public; ability to express ideas on technical subjects clearly and concisely both orally and in writing. Approved by the City Council: Approved by the Miscellaneous Civil Service Board: CLASS TITLE: ASSENT PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR~ ~ENGINEERING 805 CLASS CHARACTERISTICS: Under general direction, performs professional engineering and administrative work at an advanced level, and assists the Public Works Director in planning, organizing, directing, and coordinating the various divisions of the department; and performs other work as required. EXAMPLES OF DUTIES: Assists in planning, organizing, and directing the activities of the department and acts for the director in his absence; assists in determining departmental policy and confers with departmental superintendents on matters of the department; answers public inquiries regarding policy; makes studies, investigations, and reports to assist the manager in making presentations to the city Manager or City Council; meets and confers with the general public, contractors, or representatives of other departments or governmental agencies to discuss agreements, policies, budget · items, and programs of the department; makes final review of plans and specifications prior to signing by the manager; prepares or reviews capital improvement and departmental outlay budgets; prepares draft~ cooperative agreements with other agencies; reviews plans and proposals for their relationship with ii~ii'/'.,-/Traininq'and Experience: Registered as a Civil Engineer. in the State of California, and eight years of progressively responsible professional experience in civil engineering, including field and office work. Knowledge, Abilities, and Skills:_. Comprehensive knowledge of the principles and practices of civil, engineering; comprehensive knowledge of the investigation, design, and construction of general public works with emphasis on street, sewage installations; considerable knowledge of the principles and- practices of land .surveying and mapping; considerable knowledge of the principles, practices,-and equipment of modern office management. Ability to plan and supervise the work of technical and ..... professional personnel; ability to make and check complex engineering computations,~and'to prepar~ engineering specifications; ability to supervise the preparation of_. engineering records and to make concise technical reports ..... Skills in the use and dem°nstration.._0f-engineering-office-and Approved by the City Council: Approved by the Civil Service Board: