HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/23/1990 BAKERSFIELD Lynn Edwards, Chair Patricia DeMond Mark Salvaggio Staff: Sue Whitfield AGENDA PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Thursday, August 23, 1990 5:00 P.M. City Manager's Conference Room I. Job Specifications A. Title Changes 1. Community Services Manager to Water & Sanitation Hanager 2. Auditorium'Manager to Community Services Manager B, Revision of Minimum Qualifications 1. Fire Inspector kef AGENDA\PERSAUG1 CLASS TITLE: ~ WATER AND MANAGER 916 CLASS CHARACTERISTICS: Under administrative direction, performs administrative duties in directing all activities of the m ...... ~. ~,~ Water and Sanitation Department; work involving planning, organizing, directing, and coordinating activities of the scvcrz! divisions comprising the department, including agricultural and domestic water, refuse collection and disposal, "=~v~ ~ ...... ~' and performs other work as required. EXAMPLES OF DUTIES: Responsible for the day to day operation of the City's Department of ~._.._.._~ ~-~ Water and Sanitation; represents the City in contacts with federal, state, county and local agencies involved with water supply, water quality, water rights, environmental matters, weed control, safety and other matters that are of concern to water users, both agricultural and domestic. Responsible for maintaining the integrity of the City's Kern River water rights ownership; negotiates water sales and water exchanges to promote maximum cash flow; negotiates City's position with other Kern River interests relating to Kern River operations; ability to administer policy as established by the City Water Board. Confers with and advises division superintendents of the ~ ...... ~' ~'~ Water and Sanitation Department on problems related to the design, construction, and maintenance of parkc aqricultural and domestic water systems; and collection and disposal of refuse. racrc~ti~n ~parztiens. Responsible for developing and administering the Department's annual budget. Performs extensive public contact, explaining the operation of the department. Assigns and prepares special reports. DESIP~BLE MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: Traininq and ExDerience: Graduation from an accredited college or university, with a Bachelor's degree in Business or Public Administration, or related field; and ten years of progressively responsible experience, including administrative experience in the direction of agricultural and domestic water resources or other related managerial experience. Knowledqe, Abilities and Skills: Comprehensive knowledge of modern principles and practices of administration as applied to the design, construction, and maintenance of agricultural and domestic water systems,~_~._,~v ....... ~~~___~.,~ and collection and disposal of refuse. Comprehensive knowledge of water rights and water measurement techniques. Considerable knowledge in recent developments, current literature, and sources of information in administering a water system. Ability to organize, direct and coordinate the activities of the various divisions of the City's ~..-.-..-~ -~~~'~.-~-~ Water and Sanitation Department. Ability to delegate authority and responsibility and to schedule and program work on a long term basis. Ability to establish and maintain effective relationships with City officials, employees and the general public. Ability to express ideas on technical subjects clearly and concisely, both orally and in writing. Liqenses or Cer~icates: Possession of valid California driver's license as required by law for equipment used in performance of duties. ~ Approved by the City Council: Approved by the Miscellaneous Civil Service Board: CLASS TITLE: ~ COMMUNITY SERVICES MANAGER 910 CLASS CHARACTERISTICS: Under a n stra ve rec on, ~ ~__~ ........... ~ .......... ~ .... thc a~ministrativo =~ ~ .... ~=~ ..... +~ ........ ~ ~+; ..... ~ ....... ;~=+; .... performs administrative duties in directing all activities of the Community Services Department; work involving planning, organizing, directing, and coordinating activities of the several divisions comprising the department, including the convention center, and parks and recreation; and performs other work as required. EXAMPLES OF DUTIES: Plans, directs, and supervises the operation of the city auditorium convention center; promotes and schedules the operation of the ~ convention center through rental for such things as shows, sports events, musical exhibitions, conventions, and civic events; attends events scheduled in the ~"~;+~;'~ ;=~;~;+" convention center; implements City Council resolutions on the ~ convention center operation, rental cost, and fee collection; supervises the operation of the engineering and maintenance staff at the ~ convention center; contracts and oversees concession operations at the auditorium facility convention center; maintains contact with touring shows, promoters, and other potential a~-~i4Amconvention center renters; maintains contact with the community through public speaking engagements and media appearances; confers with and advises division superintendents of the Community Services Department on problems related to recreation operations and the design, construction, and maintenance of parks. DESIP~BLE MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: Training and Experience: Graduation from an ~ accredited college or university with ............ ~ ~=~ ~- a Bachelor's degree in Business administration or Public Administration, or related field; and five years of administrative and managerial experience ; .......... ~ ~; ~~; .... ~ ;=~;~;~;~ including direct supervision responsibility. Knowledge, Abilities and Skills: ~ ..... ~.~;..~ v ..... ~ ~ Familiarity with the administration of a major entertainment ~=~;~;+; ......... ~-~;~'~ knowledge of administrative and supervisory methods; considerab!o knowledge of the entertainment business; ccnsi~crablo knowledge of potential auditcrium convention center user needs and requirements; knowledge of modern principles and practices of parks and recreation administration. Ability to supe~-i=c -"~~"- ~ .... ~'~-~ organize, ............. = ......... direct and coordinate the activities of the various divisions of the City's Community Services Department; ability to promote and negotiate with a variety of potential ~ convention center users; ability to oversee the activities, of a diversified.staff; ability to promote public relations through writing and speaking assignments; ability to work effectively with cthcr, city zdmini~tr~tors officials, employees and the general public. Licenses or CertifiCates: Possession of a valid Class 3 or "C" California driver's license. Approved by the City Council: Approved by the Civil Service Board: CHARTER Limitation of Employment (Amended November 8, 1988: amended April Section (202) 20. An officer and/or 21, 1941). employee of the Fire Department may engage in outside employment, business, profession, occupation, trade or calling, only if it is deter- Appointment of Civil Service Board mined by the Fire Chief, pursuant to guidelines Section (209) 2. The Civil Service Board shall consist of five (5) members, appointed by established in department rules and regulations, the City Council, who shall be residents of the that such outside employment, business, profes- City throughout their terms, but who otherwise sion, occupation, trade or calling will not inter- shall have no connection with City government. fere with the performance of his duty as an officer Members shall be appointed for terms of three and/or employee of the Fire Department, will (3) years. Vacancies shall be filled by appoint- not be detrimental to the interests of the City ment for the unexpired term. Within sixty (60) and/or the Bakersfield Fire Department, and will days after ratification of this amendment, the create neither a conflict of interest, a potential City Council shall reappoint two incumbent conflict of interest, nor the appearance of a con- members for terms of three (3) years, two incum- flict of interest. All officers and/or employees of bent members for terms of two (2) years, and one the Fire Department shall be available for duty at (I) incumbent member for a term of one (I) year, any time. (Amended November 8, 1988: the three (3) year term to be that of the incum- amended November 8, 1983). bent with the longest remaining term, the one (1) year term to be that of the incumbent with the shortest remaining term. Members may be (Sections 203 and 204 repealed November 5, removed from office in the same manner as are 1968). elective officers of the City or by unanimous vote of the Council members allowed by law to vote. (Sections 205 -- 207 were repealed on (Amended November 8, 1988: amended November 8, 1988). November 6, 1984). (Section 210 was repealed on November 8, CIVIL SERVICE FOR OFFICERS AND 1988). EMPLOYEES IN THE MISCELLANEOUS DEPARTMENTS OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Duties of Civil Service Board Section (211) 4. The Civil Service Board (Amendment to the Charter of April 6, 193 I) shall, subject to the approval of the City Council, formulate rules and regulations governing selec- Creation and Establishment of Civil Service tion, promotion, and discipline of officers and Section (208) 1. There is hereby created employees of the City of Bakersfield, excepting and established Civil Service for all officers and elective officers, the City Manager, the City employees of the City of Bakersfield, excepting Attorney, members of the Police and Fire elective officers, the City Manager, the City Departments, and members of all boards and Attorney, members of the Police and Fire commissions, which rules shall, to the extent Departments, and members of all boards and deemed feasible by said Board, be consistent with commissions, which shall be known and desig- such rules of the other two Civil Service Boards. nated as "Civil Service for Officers and Employ- The Council may recommend amendment or ?es in the Miscellaneous Departments." repeal of existing rules and adoption of new rules to said Board. C-29 (Bakersfield 2-89) MEMORANDUM August 20, 1990 TO: Vice Mayor Ken Peterson FROM: Arthur J~ Saalfield, City Attorney SUBJECT: VICE MAYORREFERP~L OF PROPOSED ORDINANCE Please refer the following proposed ordinance to whichever committee you deem appropriate: 1) OUTSIDE EMPLOYMENT. Background: Municipal Code Section 2.72.260 currently states that Public Safety officers may not hold any other profession, trade, calling or business. This is in direct conflict with Charter Section (202) 20 which states they may engage in outside employment. Therefore, the proposed amendment to Section 2.72.250 is to bring the Municipal Code into conformance with the Charter. AJS/meg ORD-REFERRAL\ OUTSIDE.MEM Attachment cc: J. Dale Hawley Dennis Needham R. A. Patterson DRAFT ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNCIL OF T~E CITY OF BAKERSFIELD AMENDING SECTION 2.72.260 OF THE BAKERSFIELD MUNICIPAL cODE RELATING TO OUTSIDE EMPLOYMENT. BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield as follows: SECTION 1. Section 2.72.260 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 2.72.260 Outside employment. A. Public safety (peace officers and an office and/or employee of the fire department) may engage in outside employment, business, profession, occupation, trade or calling, only-if determined by the appropriate chief (police or fire), pursuant to guidelines established in their respective department · rules and regulations, that such outside employment, business, profession, occupation, trade or calling will not interfere with the performance of his/her duty, will not be detrimental to the interests of th~ City or the department and will not create a conflict of interest, a potential conflict of interest, nor the appearance of a conflict of interest. All officers and/or employees of the police and fire departments shall be available for duty at any time. B. Ail other employees may hold outside employment if it is determined by their department head and the city manager that the employment will not interfere with the satisfactory performance of their city duties. C. In order to insure that the outside employment is not detrimental to the city or is not a conflict of interest, any employee holding or intending to hold outside employment shall file a statement listing the name and address of the business or person for whom the employee will work, the nature of the work, and the time and hours to be worked. SECTION 2. This Ordinance shall be posted in accordance with the City Charter provisions and shall become effective thirty (30) days from and after the date of its passage. · o0o ..... - 2 - I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting .thereof held on by the following vote: CITY CLERK and Ex Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED CLARENCE E. MEDDKRS MAYOR of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED as to form: ARTHUR J. SAALFIELD CITY ATTORNEY of the City of Bakersfield LT~/meg OUT-EMP.ORD 8/9/90 - 3 -