HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/01/1990 BAKERSFIELD Lynn Edwards, Chair Patricia DeMond Mark Salvaggio Staff: Sue Whitfield AGENDA PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Wednesday, August 1, 1990 12:00 noon City Manager's Conference Room 1. Ordinance relating to increases in the monthly allowances paid by the Fire Department Pension Fund 2. Job Specifications: Secretary I Secretary II Wastewater Treatment Plant Lab Technician and Operator Financial Investigator Supervisory II (Recycling) Community Services Manager Water and Sanitation Manager 3. Reclassification of the Administrative Aide Position (Mayor's Office) to Secretary I VICE MAYOR REFERRAL (PROPOSED ORDINANCES ONLY) DATE OF REFERRAL: June 28, 1990 REFERRED TO: Personnel Committee (Sue Whitfield) ITEM: INCREASE IN MONTHLY ALLOWANCE (Proposed) An Ordinance of the Council of the City of Bakersfield Adding Subsection E. to Section 2.92.330 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code Relating to Increases in Monthly Allowance Paid by the Fire Department Pension Fund. BACKUP MATERIAL ATTACHED: Yes ~' STATUS: To Council Committee on Committee Report No.. Sent to Council on Public Hearing on Ordinance Adopted (date) Proposed Ordinance Canceled (date) Other cc: Carol Williams Mary Ellen Gonzales REFER7-90 JP June 25, 1990 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD TO: Vice Mayor Ken Peterson /~----~ ..... FROM: Arthur J. Saalfield, City Attorney SUBJECT: VICEMAYORRE~EI~ OF PROPOSED ORDIN~_JD~ Please refer the following proposed ordinance to whichever committee you deem appropriate: 1) INCREASE IN MONTHLY ALLOWANCE. Background: Pursuant to Municipal Code Section 2.92.010, the Fire Department Relief and Pension Fund Board consists of the Mayor, City Manager, Finance Director, Fire Chief and three fund participants elected by the participants. In March 1990, Peat, Marwick, Main & Company completed an actuarial study of the Fire Department Relief and Pension Fund. The results of the study were presented to the Pension Board that met on May 14, 1990. The study indicates that the fund is actuarially sound since it has $600,000 of uncommitted assets over and above the amount required to fully fund the actuarially projected liabilities. Therefore, staff has recommended and the Pension Board concurs with a proposed additional ten percent increase in monthly benefits effective July 1, 1990. If this action is implemented, the uncommitted assets will be reduced actuarially by about $261,000. The proposed increase will not impair the financial integrity of the plan and it will continue to be fully funded with $338,900 of uncommitted assets. AJS/meg ORD-REFERRAL\ PENSION. ME/~ Att acb~nent cc: J. Dale Hawley Dennis Needham Greg Klimko Bill Descary DRAFT ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE~OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ADDING SUBSECTION E. TO SECTION 2.92.330 OF THE BAKERSFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO INCREASES IN MONTHLY ALLOWANCE PAID BY THE FIRE DEPARTMENT PENSION FUND. BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield as follows: SECTION 1. Subsection E. is hereby added to Section 2.92.330 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code to read as follows: 2.92.330 Increase in monthly allowance - Retirements or deaths for period. E. In addition to the increases specified in Subsection C. of this section, commencing on July 1, 1990, the schedule provided in Subsection'A. of this section shall be increased by a one time additional ten percent cost-of-living increase, and monthly payments will be rounded to the next highest even dollar amount after applying this increase. SECTION 2. This Ordinance shall be posted in accordance with the City Charter provisions and shall become effective thirty (30) days from and after the date of its passage. o0o I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on , by the following vote: CITY CLERK and Ex officio Clerk o~ the Council of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED CLARENCE E. MEDDERS MAYOR of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED as to form: ARTHUR J. SAALFIELD CITY ATTORNEY of the City of Bakersfield LCM/meg FIRE-PEN.ORD 5/31/90 CLASS TITLE: SECRETARY I 645 CLASS CHARACTERISTICS: Under general supervision, is responsible for performing secretarial and varied clerical work of considerable difficulty ...... =spccd; and performs other work as required. EXAMPLES OF DUTIES: ..... s Transcribes recorded dictation consisting of reports, statements, letters, articles, and memoranda; composes routine correspondence for signature or signs correspondence for the departmental official; maintains standard and confidential files; reviews outgoing correspondence; screens callers, and corres- pondence; determines matters and materials requiring attention by the official or routes calls, persons, or materials to approp~riate units or persons for disposition; arranges appoint- ments; assigns or processes general office matters independently; prepares contracts and agreements and keeps track of contracts through the various stages; supervises the issuance of various permits and licenses; prepares a variety of statistical, finan- cial, and general reports; maintains financial, personnel, payroll, and other records in conformity with established requirements; acts as secretary to committees or commissions and assumes responsibility for the conduct and control of varied related activities resulting from such assignments. ~ MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: Training and Experience: Graduation from high school or attainment of a satisfactory score on a G.E.D. test, supplemented by course work in stcnc~raphy an~ business practices and book- keeping, and three years .........~ ~L.~~ic and clerical experience of progressively responsible nature; or an equivalent combination of training and experience which provides the capabilities to perform the described duties. Knowledge, Abilities, and Skills: Considerable knowledge of business English, spelling, punctuation, and commercial arith- metic; considerable good knowledge of the organization, regula- tions, procedures, and service of the department to which assigned; good knowledge of modern record-keeping practices and of basic accounting. Ability to make a variety of mathematical computations and tabu- lations rapidly and accurately; ability to keep complex records, to assemble and organize data, and prepare reports from such records; ability to anticipate official requirements and to prepare and assemble materials and alternative actions relating to general operating problems; ability to supervise clerical work and to make decisions in accordance with laws rules and regulations in the assigned area. Skill in the operation and care of a typewriter, word processor, or personal computer~n5 ~-~-~ -~ ..... ~--- and in the rapid and accurate ~"~ .... ~ ip ....... ~ .... transcr tion of recorded dictation; skill in typing 50 net words per minute. Promotion to Secretary II: Promotion to Secretary II from Secretary I is made on a merit basis, without examination, one year after appointment to fifth salary step, subject to recommendation by the department head and approval by the Director of Personnel. Approved by the City Council: Approved by the Miscellaneous Civil Service Board: 6-19-90 CLASS TITLE: SECRETARY II 649 CLASS CHARACTERISTICS: Under general supervision, is responsible for performing advanced secretarial and varied clerical work of considerable difficulty, responsibility, and complexity; and performs other work as required. · EXAMPLES OF DUTIES: ~ Transcribes difficult recorded dictation consisting of reports, statements, letters, articles, and memoranda; indepen- dently composes correspondence for signature or signs correspondence for the departmental official; maintains standard and confidential files; reviews and approves outgoing correspondence; screens calls, callers, and correspondence; determines matters and materials requiring attention by the official or routes calls, persons, or materials to appropriate. units or persons for disposition; arranges appointments; assigns or processes general office matters independently; prepares contracts and agreements and keeps track of contracts through the various stages; supervises the issuance of various permits and licenses; prepares a variety of statistical, financial, and general reports; maintains complex financial, personnel, payroll, and other records in conformity with established requirements; acts as secretary to committees or' commissions and assumes responsibility for the conduct and control of varied related activities resulting from such assignments. ~ MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: Training and Experience: Graduation from high school or attainment of a satisfactory score on a G.E.D. test, supplemented by course work in s ..... ~.~ and business practices and book- keeping, and four years ~ .... ~ ~ ~^~r~..~c an~ clerical experience of progressively responsible nature and some supervisory experience or an equivalent combination of training and experience which provides the capabilities to perform the described duties. Knowledge, Abilities, and Skills: Considerable knowledge of ~usiness English, spelling, punctuation, and ~commercial arith- metic; considerable knowledge modern office practices, procedures, and equipment; considerable knowledge of the organization, regulations, procedures and services of the department to which considerable, knowledge of modern record- keeping practices and of basic accounting. Ability to make a variety of mathematical computations and tabu- lations rapidly and accurately; ability to keep complex records, to assemble and organize data, and prepare reports from such records; ability to anticipate official requirements and to prepare and assemble materials and alternative actions relating to general operating problems; ability to supervise clerical work and to make decisions in accordance with laws rules and regulations in the assigned area. Skill in the operation and care of a typewriter, word processor, perso 1 pute ~ ~ -~ ..... ~^~ nd i the or ns com r ~r~,~ ~-~--~-r~.,~ ~~ a n rapid and accurate ~ transcription of recorded dictation; skill in typin~ 50. net words per minute. Promotion to Secretary II: Promotion to Secretary II from Secretary I is made on a merit basis, without examination, one year after appointment to fifth salary step, subject to recommendation by the department head and approval by the Director of Personnel. Approved by the City Council: Approved by the Miscellaneous Civil Service Board: 6-19-90 CLASS TITLE: WASTE WATER TREATMENT PLANT LAB TECHNICIAN 436 AND OPERATOR CLASS CHARACTERISTICS: Under general supervision, performs skilled technical work in the operation of a waste water treatment plant and the chemical analysis of the waste water treatment plant and the daily analysis of waste water to insure that the plant is operating in accordance with prescribed standards; employee is responsible for handling general operational problems; and performs other work as required. EXAMPLES OF DUTIES: Takes responsible charge of the operation of a waste water plant during the absence of the foreman; performs routine inspection and lubrication of engines and pumps; checks and clarifies skimmer and grit collector; takes periodic sludge readings and adjusts pumping equipment accordingly; takes hourly samples of raw sewage and effluent for plant laboratory and Health Department; performs analysis of waste water and affluent; reads meters; takes temperatures; completes daily logs; makes out standard operating reports; analyzes waste water discharges into the sanitary sewer system for purpose of enforcement of sewer ordinance. ~ MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: Training and Experience: Graduation from high school, supple- mented by college level courses in chemistry and three years analytical laboratory experience, including the operation of a waste water treatment plant; or an equivalent combination of training and experience which provides the capabilities to perform the described duties. Knowledge, Abilities, and Skills: Ability to learn the operation and servicing requirements of sewage plant machinery and equipment, and the process involved in the treatment and disposal of sewage; ability to detect deficiencies of plant machinery and chemical treatment equipment while in operation; ability to read meters and gauges correctly and maintain records of shift operation and prepare reports; ability to carry out or assist in the repairs and maintenance of machinery, equipment, and buildings; ability to perform required chemical tests and analyses. Licenses or Certificates: Possession of a valid California driver's license as required by law for equipment used in performance of duties; pcs~cssion cf a "alid Must pass the Grade II certificate issued by the State Water Resources Control Board no later than three years after the first examination is .~iven after employment. Approved by City Council: Approved by the Miscellaneous Civil Service Board: '~ ' C~ASS~TITLE: FI INVESTIGATOR 608 ? CLASS CHARACTERISTICS: Under general supervision, is responsible for work of average difficulty in investigations for delinquent accounts receivable, delinquent business tax accounts, searches for unlicensed businesses, and performs other work as required. EXAMPLE OF DUTIES: Investigates delinquent business tax accounts, room taxes, and accounts receivable; investigates and searches for unlicensed businesses, follows up on city damage claims and on refuse and sewer billings, business tax accounts, and other accounts receivable returned due to changes in occupants, ownership, or other reasons; pursues collection of delinquent accounts receivable through application of various collection techniques including representing the City in Small Claims Court, prepares case material for the filing of complaints by the City Attorney'~ Office, enforces court judgements, deals with collection agencies; performs field inspections of various businesses for compliance to city ordinances; investigates citizen complaints regarding business practices; watches for transients or out-of-town suppliers operating businesses without the necessary permits or licenses; issues misdemeanor citations for certain ~unicipal Code violations in accordance with procedures prescribed in the California Penal Code; maintains records documenting delinquent account status as well as the schedule for follow-up action; maintains files, records, and prepares correspondence; answers questions and assists other city employees and the general public on subjects related to the work. ~ MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: Training and Experience: Graduation from high school or attainment of a satisfactory score on G.E.D. test, including or supplemented by training or course work in fiscal record keeping; and three years of experience in dealing with the public in an investigative capacity, including a knowledge of business, clerical and collection procedures; or an equivalent combination of training and experience which provides the capabilities to perform the described duties. Kgowledge, Abilities, and Skills: Considerable knowledge of the city and business community; considerable knowledge of the city's tax, license, and fee regulations and other sections of the Municipal Code; good knowledge of general business practices and procedures; good knowledge of the methods and techniques of investigation and collection, knowledge in the operation of standard equipment used in a financial office. Ability to understand legal and other technical material; ability to maintain good relations with businesses and residents of the community; ability to work with other departments in the city; ability to interview and question effectively; ability to keep and review a variety of fiscal records. Licenses or Certificates: Possession of a valid Class 3 California driver's license. Approved by the City Council: CLASS TITLE: SUPERVISOR II (RECYCLING) 722 CLASS CHARACTERISTICS: Under general supervision, coordinates andl promotes the City's recycling program; identifies, recommends and implements recycling/waste diversion programs and practices; and performs other duties as required. EXAMPLES OF DUTIES: Coordinates the City's waste reduction, recycling and resource recovery activities; monitors and evaluates compliance with contractors; works with residents of single family and multi- family properties, industries, institutions and commercial establishments to develop and implement City wide recycling programs; develops and promotes resource recovery and recycling awareness programs; encourages community interest in recycling activities; advertises the recycling program and conducts public relations activities; provides technical expertise to City staff on how to maximize waste reduction; remains current in developments, trends, practices and procedures in the recycling field; assists in budget preparation and administration; prepares estimates and justifications for program expenditures; answers questions and provides information to the public; investigates complaints and recommends corrective action; collects, compiles and analyzes data; recommends modification on state legislation, local ordinances, policies and procedures; researches and prepares technical reports. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: Traininq and Experience: Graduation from an accredited college or university with a Bachelor's Degree in Environmental Science, Public or Business Administration, or a closely related field, and one (1) year of experience in the development, implementation and administration of waste reduction and recycling programs. Knowledge, Abilities, and Skills: Knowledge of laws and ordinances affecting recycling programs; knowledge of waste reduction methods and.resources; knowledge of materials, equipment and methods used in waste reduction and recycling activities; knowledge of research methods and practices; knowledge of public relations and advertising approaches to gaining programs support and compliance. Ability to analyze and interpret federal, state and local laws and regulations relating to waste reduction and recycling; ability to gather and analyze data and prepare clear and concise reports; ability to communicate effectively both orally and in writing; ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with staff, other agencies and the public; ability to supervise personnel; ability to develop, organize and coordinate recycling programs. Licenses or Certificates: Possession of a valid Class "C" or 3 California Driver's license is required. Approved by the City Council: Approved by the Miscellaneous Civil Service Board: CLASS TITLE: AUDITORIL~ COMMUNITY SERVICES MANAGER 910 CLASS CHARACTERISTICS: Under administrative direction, ~ ........ ~ ~ ....... *; .... ~ tho *~;~:~ op~raticns ~ *~ .... ~;*~; ......... ;~ .... ~ ~;~*~ rc!aticns and ccmmunicaticns; performs administrative duties in directing all activities of the Community Services Department; work involving planninG, organizinG, directinG, and coordinatinq activities of the several divisions comprising the department, including the convention center, and parks and recreation; and performs other work as required. EXAMPLES OF DUTIES: Plans, directs, and supervises the operation of the city nuditcrium convention center; promotes and schedules the operation of the auditorium convention center through rental for such things as shows, sports events, musical exhibitions, conventions, and civic events; attends events scheduled in the_________..~"~*~"~ ----~--~~;~*" convention center; implements City Council resolutions on the auditorium convention center operation, rental cost, and fee collection; supervises the operation of the engineering and maintenance staff at the ~ convention center; contracts and oversees concession operations at the auditorium f~ci!ity convention center; maintains contact with touring shows, promoters, and other potential a~-~mconvention center renters; maintains contact with the community through public speaking engagements and media appearances; confers with and advises division superintendents of the Community Services Department on problems related to recreation operations and the design, construction, and maintenance of parks. DESIP3.BLE MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: Training and Experience: Graduation from an_~ ........ .... m accredited college or univerSity with ~__~__ ....... ..-~.~v ~~;~_..~..____ ~_.. a Bachelor's degree in Business administration or Public Administration, or related field; and five years of administrative experience in management of entertainment facilities or other related managerial experience including direct supervision responsibility. Knowledge, Abilities and Skills: Comprehensive knowledge of the administration of a major entertainment facility; comprehensive knowledge of an zuditcrium a convention center and related facilities; comprehensive knowledge of administrative and supervisory methods; considerable knowledge of the entertainment business; considerable knowledge of potential ~convention center user needs and requirements; comprehensive knowledqe of modern principles and practices of parks and recreation administration. Ability to ~"p .... ~ zuditorium cp~raticns organize, direct and coordinate the activities of the various divisions of the City's Community Services Department; ability to promote and negotiate with a variety of potential auditcrium convention center users; ability to oversee the activities of a diversified staff; ability to promote public relations through writing and speaking assignments; ability to work effectively with ~ city zdminictrators officials, emDloyees and the general public. Licenses or Certificates: Possession of a valid Class 3 or "C" California driver's license. Approved by the City Council: Approved by the Civil Service Board: '~?~CLA~'S TITLE: WATER AND TIONMANAGER 916 CLASS CHARACTERISTICS: under administrative direction, performs administrative duties in directing all activities of the ~---..--.----~"-~ ~-~~'~.---- Water and Sanitation Department; work involving planning, organizing, directing, and coordinating activities of the ~ divisions comprising the department, including agricultural and domestic water, refuse collection and disposal, ~=~ =~ ...... ~ ~ .................... ; and performs other work as required. EXAMPLES OF DUTIES: Responsible for the day to day operation of the City's Department of Ccmmunity Scrvices Water and Sanitation; represents the City in contacts with federal, state, county and local agencies involved with water supply, water quality, water rights, environmental matters, weed control, safety and other matters that are of concern to water users, both agricultural and domestic. Responsible for maintaining the integrity of the City's Kern River water rights ownership; negotiates water sales and water exchanges to promote maximum cash flow; negotiates City's position with other Kern River interests relating to Kern River operations; ability to administer policy as established by the City Water Board. Confers with and advises division superintendents of the Ccmmunity Sc~;ice~ Water and Sanitation Department on problems related to the design, construction, and maintenance of paag~s Dgricultural and domestic water systems~ and collection and disposal of refuse, znd rccraatien ~p~rzticn~ Responsible for developing and administering the Department,s annual budget. Performs extensive public contact, explaining the operation of the department. Assigns and prepares.special reports. DES!P~BLE MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: Training and Experience: Graduation from an accredited college or university, with a Bachelor's degree in Business or Public Administration, or related field; and ten years of progressively responsible experience, including administrative experience in the direction of agricultural and domestic water resources or other related managerial experience. Knowledge, Abilities and Skills: Comprehensive knowledge of modern principles and practices of administration as applied to the design, construction, and maintenance of agricultural and domestic water systems,~__~_~=~v~, re~~~~.__.., and collection and disposal of refuse. Comprehensive knowledge of water rights and water measurement techniques. Considerable knowledge in recent developments, current literature, and sources of information in administering a water system. Ability to organize, direct and coordinate the activities of the various divisions of the City's ~----------~-~ ---~ .... .-~ Water and Sanitation Department. Ability to delegate authority and responsibility and to schedule and program work on a long term basis. Ability to establish and maintain effective relationships with City officials, employees and the general public. Ability to express ideas on technical subjects clearly and concisely, both orally and in writing. Licenses or Certificates: Possession of a valid California driver's license as required by law for equipment used in performance of duties. Approved by the City Council: Approved by the Miscellaneous civil Service Board: