HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/14/1990 B A K E R S F I E L D Lynn Edwards, Chair Patricia DeMond Mark Salvaggio Staff: Sue Whitfield AGENDA PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Monday, May 14, 1990 5:15 p.m. City Manager's Conference Room 1. Proposed Ordinance relating to Compensation of Fire Unit and Fire Supervisory Unit Employees 2. Employment of Temporary Workers (Nepotism/Marital Status) MEMORANDUM '"" '" April 25, 1990 CUM MANAG~=R,S OFTIC~ TO: Vice Mayor Ken Peterson FROM: Arthur J. Saalfield, City Attorney ~f SUBJECT: VICE MAyORREFERRAL OF PROPOSED ORDINatE Please refer the following proposed ordinance to whichever committee you deem appropriate: 1) 'COMPENSATION OF FIRE UNITAND FIRE SUPERVISORY UNIT EMPLOYEES. Background: Section 2.84.550 (C2) Sick Leave Accumulation - Additional Vacation in Lieu of Sick Leave is ~ .incorrect and conflicts with the Memoranda of Understanding dated April 1, 1989, No. 89-195, between the City of Bakersfield and the Fire and Fire Supervisory Units. Therefore, it is requested that the language in Section 2.84.550 (C2) of the ~.~1%,~,, ordinance be revised to conform with the Memoranda  ~0~ ~ of Understanding. The recommended revision'is attached. Section 2.84.275 Holiday Pay - Fire Department Safety Personnel is a new section. It is requested that this section be added to the ordinance to designate the payment for holidays for the Fire Unit and the Fire Supervisory Unit. The proposed language which is attached, is consistent with the current Memoranda of Understanding for these Units. Thank you. AJS/meg ORD-REFERRAL FIRE-SL.MEM Attachment cc: J. Dale Hawley Dennis Needham Sue Whitfield ,. DRAFT" ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD AMR. NDING SUBSECTION C. 2 . OF SECTION 2.84. 550 AND ADDING SECTION 2.84.275 TO THE BAKERSFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO COMPENSATION OF FIRE UNIT AND FIRE SUPERVISORY UNIT EMPLOYEES. BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield as follows: SECTION 1. SUbsection C.2. of Section 2.84.550 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 2°84.550 Sick leave - Accumulation - Additional vacation in lieu of sick leave. C. One Hundred Twenty Days and EquiValent Shifts or Over Unused Accumulated Sick Leave. All unused sick leave earned during the calendar year over One hundred twenty days or equiValent shifts accumulated will be converted into additional time at the following rates: 2. Fire Unit and Fire'Supervisory Unit employees who have accrued the maximum' of 56 shifts or 120 days of sick leave and who do not use any sick leave for the entire calendar year will receive.one-half of his/her 5.6 shifts.as vacation per year and the other half will'be paid to the employee no later than January t5th of each y. ear. An employee who has accrued .56 shifts and who used a portion of his/her sick leave during .the cal'endar year will be entitled to convert 75% 'of the unused sick leave to vacation. SECTION 2. ,, Section 2.84.275 is hereby added to the Bakersfield Municipal Code to read as followS: .2.84.'275, Holiday pay -.Fir.e department safety pers°nnel. A. All fire unit and fire supervisory unit employees shall accrueholiday pay at the rate.of six (6) shifts per year to,be paid'as fol!ows: One-half (1/2) or three (3) shifts on or before December' 1st of,each year and one-half (1/2.) or three shifts on or.~before. June 30th of each year. Fire Prevention .Personnel shall~be entitled to standby pay in the amount of $20~00 for each holidaY.for which such employee is required to .standby. ' 'B. Ail fire unit and fire supervisory unit employees required to be on standby status over a holiday shall receive comparable time off at a mUtually agreed upon time. Scheduling shall be done so as not to interfere with the operation of the Fire Safety Control Division, aS staffing is available. sEcTION 3. This Ordinance shall be posted in accordance with the City charter provisions and shall become effective thirty (30) days from and after the date of its passage. o0o- i HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof.held on , by the following vote: CITY CLERK and Ex Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED CLARENCE E. MEDDERS MAYOR of the City of Bakersfield i%PPROVED as to form: ARTHUR J. SAALFIELD CITY ATTORNEY of the City of Bakersfield LCM/meg PERSNNEL,.ORD 4/25/90 MEMO RANDUM April 17, 1990 ACR 2 ? 1990 PERSONNEL OFFICE TO: DALE HAWLEY, CITY MANAGER FROM: ALAN D. DANIEL, ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY SUBJECT: EMPLOYMENT OF TEMPORARY WORKERS 1. The question presented: May the City of Bakersfield deny temporary employment based on marital status alone? Conclusion: The City of Bakersfield may not deny temporary employment based on.marital status. Analysis: California Government Code Section 12940 (The California Fair Employment and Housing Act) states in part: "It shall be an unlaWful employment practice, unless based upon bonafide occupational qualification, or except where based upon applicable security regulations established by the United States or the State of California: (a) For an employer, because of the race, religious creed, color, national origin,-ancestry, physical handicap, medical condition, marital status or sex of any person, to refuse to hire or employ the Person or to refuse to Select the person for a training program leading to employment, or to bar or to discharge the person from employment or from a training program leading to · employment, or to discriminate against the person in Compensation or in terms, conditions or privileges of. .employment.." · (emphasis added) Memo to Dale Hawley, City Manager April 17, 1990 Page 2 Title 2 Section 7292.5 of the California Administrative Code states: "(a) Employment of spouse. An employment decision shall not be based on whether an individual has a spouse presently employed by the employer except in accordance with the following criteria. (1) For business reasons of supervision, safety, security or morale, an employer may refuse to place one spouse under the dir$ct supervision of another spouse. (2) For business reasons of supervision, security, or morale, an employer may refuse to place both spouses in the same department, division or facility if the work involves potential conflicts of interest or other hazards greater for married couples than for other persons. (b) Accommodations for co-employees that marry. If co-employees marry, an employer shall make reasonable efforts to assign job duties so as to minimize problems of supervision, safety, security, or morale. (emphasis added) As noted above, California law requires there be no employment discrimination based'on marital status.. The City has already taken steps to .change its nepotism policy for permanent employees. It is my reading of the above law that it is not limited to permanent employees. Take special note of the sections above which state that a person cannot be refused for a training program leading to employment because of marital status. A program leading to employment could very easily be interpreted as a temporary Position of some type and certainly something less than full-time permanent .employment. Thus, I believe the intent of the lawmakers Memo to Dale Hawley, City Manager April 17, 1990 Page 3 was to apply the non-discrimination law to temporary as well as permanent positions. Another way to look at the matter is to analyze the list in which marital status falls. Part of the list includes race. Certainly the City of Bakersfield could not deny temporary employment to someone because of race. The law makes it clear that marital Status carries the same protection as race. The administrative rules recognize there may be problems; however, if reasonable accommodations can be made by the employer, discrimination may not take place based on marital 'status. The key business reasons for not allowing employment of spouses relate to supervision, safety, security, morale, or potential conflicts of interest, or other hazards which may be greater for married couples than for other persons if such hazards can be demonstrated. Also note that reasonable accommodations must be made for co- employees that marry so as to minimize the problems listed above and thereby protect their job rights. Based on the above analysis, I conclude the City of Bakersfield may not deny temporary employment based on marital status.. It may deny such employment where identifiable problems with supervision, safety, security, morale, or potential conflicts of interest existl ADD:lg cc: Legal opinion File /. CONFLICT.MEM MEMORANDUM April 10, 1990 TO: DALE HAWLEY, CITY MANAGER FROM: ALAN D. DANIEL, ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY SUBJECT: TEMPORARY AND SEASONAL APPOINTMENTS 1. Our office has reviewed the Administrative Rules and Regulations concerning the appointment of temporary and seasonal workers. It is my opinion the current policy may violate Federal law in that no appointments can be made anywhere in the City because of marriage or other relationships to permanent City employees; and, recent court decisions have made it clear that employment cannot be denied unless .you can show certain specific adverse impacts on supervision, safety, security, and morale or if there is a significant possibility of conflicts of interest. Given these concerns, I have rewritten the Administrative Rule & Regulation concerning temporary and seasonal appointments. The new regulation is attached hereto for your perusal. 2.. I am informed the Budget and Finance Committee (?) displayed an interest in the rule concerning temporary appointments. You may wish to share this proposed rule change with the appropriate committee if you deem said rule change to be appropriate. 3. You will notice that the blanket prohibition is continued where it involves a member of the City Council, a City board or commission, or the Mayor. It is my feeling the adverse impacts are aUtomatic if there is a relationship to a City Councilmember, the Mayor, or members of a board or commission. Otherwise, the appointment can be made if 'the department or division head, with your approval, submits a written findings stating that'they believe the temporary employment will not adversely impact the supervision,'safety, security, or morale of the City or the department and the appointment would not involve a significant potential for conflicts of interest. 4. Please advise me as to your thoughts on this proposed policy change. . ADD:lg Attachment cc: Art Saalfield, City Attorney (w/attch.) T&SAPPTS.MEM PROPOSED REVISIONS TO · ADMINISTRATIVE RULES AND REGULATIONS NO. III - 1~9 Subject: GENERAL 'TEMPO~Y AND SEASONAL APPOINTMENTS I. STATEMENT Temporary and seasonal appointments are made for such activities as refuse collection, recreation, park maintenance, and general clerical purposes as well as other special personnel vaCancies that occur. II. PROCEDURE In order to be eligible for a seasonal or temporary appointment with the City, an individual must demonstrate he or she possesses the ·minimum qualifications for the class under consideration. The following policy will be strictly adhered to: 1. Problems often arise from the appointment of relatives of current City employees as an adverse impact on supervision, safety, security, and morale may· occur,· or significant . conflicts of interest may arise. Appointments of relatives of current City Councilmembers, the Mayor or various City boards and commissions would raise all the above adverse impacts. Because of ·these concerns: a) There shall be no appointment to a temporary position within the City of a relative by marriage or blood within the third degree of the Mayor, any member of the City Council, or of a member, of any Board or Commission of the City. b) Appointment to a temporary position ·of any person Who is a relative by marriage or blood within the third degree of a permanent City employee may be. made upon approval of the department or division head and the City Manager with written findings from· the department or division head .and approved by the City Manager stating they believe the temporary employment of the relative will 'not adversely impact the supervision, safety, securitY~ or morale of the City or the department, and the appointment would not involve a significant potential' for conflicts of interest. II. PROCEDURE (cont'd) "Third Degree" is defined as: parents, children, grandparents, brothers, sisters, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, nephews, nieces, uncles, aunts, great-grandparents, spouses, and any corresponding relationship by marriage. c) This rule does not apply to employees hired before this above rules were implemented. .2. An individual appointed on a temporary or seasonal basis may work up to 120 working days (960) hours in any one department in any continuous period of three hundred sixty-five (365) days. 3. Temporary and seasonal employees shall not be eligible for vacation credit, sick leave, or other employee benefits. No temporary or seasonal employee shall attain civil service status because of the temporary employment and may be terminated at any time by the department head upon notification to the employee. 4. Temporary and seasonal employees.shall be compensated for the actual time worked at the hourly or same rate of pay designated in Municipal Code Section 2.84.110, "Temporary Positions", or when not so designated, at the regular hourly rate of pay allocated to the class or position so assigned. III. CITATION City Charter, Section 47.1 Bakersfield Municipal Code 2.72.130, 2.72.200, 2.84.11'0 TEMPAPPT. RR