HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/27/2001 BAKERSFIELD Harold Hanson, Chair Irma Carson Mark Salvaggio Staff: Alan Christensen SPECIAL MEETING NOTICE PERSONNEL COMMITrEE of the City Council - City of Bakersfield Monday, August 27, 2001 4:00 p.m. City Manager's Conference Room, Suite 201 Second Floor, City Ha11,1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, CA AGENDA 1. ROLL CALL 2. ADOPT FEBRUARY 9, 2001 AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT 3. PUBLIC STATEMENTS 4. NEW BUSINESS A. Report and Committee recommendation on Medical Insurance Renewal Information - Hayden B. Discussion to consider allowing the Retiree Representative voting status on the Insurance Committee - Hayden 5. ADJOURNMENT AC:jp S:~AC~O01 PersonnelCom~pOlaug27agen.wpd DRAFT BAKERSFIELD Alan Tandy, City Manager Harold Hanson, Chair Staff: Alan Christensen Irma Carson Mark Salvaggio AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT SPECIAL MEETING PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Friday, February 9, 2001 3:45 p.m. City Manager's Conference Room 1. ROLL CALL Call to Order 4:10 p.m. Present: Councilmembers Harold Hanson, Chair; Mark Salvaggio and Irma Carson 2. ADOPT AUGUST 3 AND 15, 2000 AGENDA SUMMARY REPORTS Upon a motion by Councilmember Salvaggio, the Agenda Summary Report for the meeting of August 3, 2000 was approved. Upon a motion by Councilmember. Salvaggio, the Agenda Summary Report for the meeting of August 15, 2000 was approved. 3. PUBLIC STATEMENTS None. 4. NEW BUSINESS A. COMMITTEE DISCUSSION AND RECOMMENDATION REGARDING APPROVAL OF NEW JOB SPECIFICATION AND RECLASSIFICATION FOR SUPERVISOR - OFFICE ADMINISTRATION, COMMUNICATIONS AND SPECIAL PROJECTS; AND RECLASSIFICATION FROM SECRETARY I TO ADMINISTRATIVE ASSlSTANTt. City.Manager Alan Tandy provided an overview regarding the reclassification requests. He stated that the two job titles pertain to Rhonda Smiley and Amber Lawrence. He explained that several elements have been combined to come up with the need for the reclassifications. One is a continuing City Manager error over a period of time. Ms.. Smiley has been .employed with the City for more than five years. It has been easy to give her assignments which were outside her job description. For example, she independently prepares the General Information Memorandum, follows up on Council referrals, handles correspondence and coordinates the' City Manager's needs with Department Heads and alike. DRAFT PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Friday, February g, 2001 Page 2 Mr. Tandy stated that the issue of reclassification should have been dealt with in a more timely manner. Over the years, additional assignments were delegated, but he did not realized until recently that he had fundamentally changed Ms. Smiley's job. In addition, he assigned Ms. Smiley the lead on the 'Moroccan delegation. She handled the assignment extremely well and earned the City a commendation from the 'United States Agency for International Development. Mr. Tandy stated the presentation Ms. Smiley made before Council was excellent, and he realized she had capabilities over and above the out-of-class duties she was assigned. Mr. Tandy advised that Ms. Smiley will be in charge of the Employee Incentive Committee and Reward Program. Ms. Smiley will make presentations at Council meetings and will work with department heads and others to identify employees and employee groups who are doing a good job. Meetings .will then be established so that the City Manager can visit with and acknowledge the employees. Also, an element of 'Ms. Smiley's duties will be initiating public information releases. The good things thatthe City does will be put in the form of press releases and other materials.in an effort to get-media coverage. With the combination of past job duty changes and the additional duties, a reclassification is necessitated. These duties will consume in excess of fifty percent of Ms. Smiley's time. Ms. Amber Lawrence will assume the duties that properly move her up to an Administrative Assistant classification, which requires higher skills and more responsibility. CouncilmemberCarson expressed concern regarding the.title of the supervisor position. She stated she was trying to determine what other job descriptions would be comparative to other City government type position within the City Manager's Office. She stated Supervisor is not a title in itself. Office Administration is a title and the duties would be to supervise the office, to be responsible for the communication between the Council, and to oversee other projects deemed necessary by the City Manager. She commented .that if we were to be criticized, we would be criticized for trying to create a lot to justify a position rather than the position being what it is. She recommended the title be Office Administrator. Alan Tandy recommended the title Office Administrator and Communications. Councilmember Salvaggio requested that the record show that the salary for the supervisor position is somewhat less than that of a Supervisor II position. He inquired as to whether the Administrative Analyst position, held by Ms. Trudy Slater, is above the Supervisor II position. Assistant City Manager Alan Christensen responded that Ms. $1ater's position is at the Supervisor II level. Councilmember Salvaggio inquired as to whether the supervisor position would supervise personnel outside the City Manager's Office. Councilmember Salvaggio requested the record reflect Mr. Tandy responded, "no." Councilmember Salvaggio inquired as to whether the supervisor position would compel department or division staff to stop what they are doing. Mr. Tandy stated that this position would not have independent power to do this. He may, however, give direction to the supervisor to call the department and act as his spokesperson. AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT PERSONNEL COMMITTEE February 9, 2001 DRAFT Friday, Page 3 In response to Councilmember Salvaggio's question as to whether the Secretary I position moving to an Administrative Assistant I position would be a reclassification without a-test, Mr. Tandy responded, "yes." In order to determine if this situation could be applied elsewhere, COuncilmember Salvaggio questioned if similarly warranted in another department or division, could a Clerk Typist be reclassified to a Secretary I? Mr. Tandy stated that every budget year, and between budget years on department requests, people can request a classification review on certain personnel. The Human Resources Department is sent to the department to do a job audit, and if, infact, their job duties have changed substantially, we reclassify them. In response to a question by Councilmem§er Salvaggio as to whether a Secretary I could be reclassified to an Administrative Assistant I, if warranted, Mr. Tandy stated, "yes." Councilmember Salvaggio commented that a long time Secretary I is currently in the City Manager's Office. Maybe this position~would warranted alook at Secretary II at some future time. Mr. Tandy stated that Ms. Smiley will be assuming direct supervision and evaluation responsibility of that position. This will provide a better and direct format for monitoring the work and future evaluation. Councilmember Salvaggio indicated he is supportive and felt that changing the title is a good idea. Councilmember Hanson inquired as to the amount of the increase for reclassification to the supervisor position. Upon a motion by Councilmember Carson the title of the supervisor.position was changed to Office Administrator/Public Relations. 5. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 4:30 p.m. Staff present: City Manager Alan Tandy; City Attorney Bart Thiltgen; Assistant City Manager John W. Stinson; Assistant City Manager Alan Christensen and Human Resources Supervisor Anthony Gonzales.~ Others present: Chuck Waide, S.E.I.U. Representative cc: Honorable Mayor and City Council AC:rg BUc )"NSU LTANTs ~5 Murray Oanyon Roacl, Suite ~0~ San Diego, Oalifarnia g2~08-4;3~0 August 9, 2001 Ms. Carroll Hayden Human Resources Manager City of Bakersfield 1501 Truxton Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Re: ' Blended Rates for the Blue Cross Prudent Buyer PPO Plan Dear Carroll: We have developed the blended Blue Cross Prudent Buyer PPO rates as requested by the Insurance committee. The blended rates reflect the impact that the significant reduction in the retiree rates would have on the retiree enrollment. We would eXpect that some of the under age 65 retirees in the California Care plan would elect to move back to the PPO plan because the PPO rates woUld be much closer to the HMO rates. The table below compares the current 2001 rates, the unblended renewal rates for 2002 and the blended renewal rates for 2002. It also shows the percentage difference between the unblended and blended rates. The table shows the biweekly rates for the active employees and the monthly rate for the retirees. City of Bakersfield Blue Cross Prudent Buyer PPO Plan Comparison of Blended.and Unblended Rates Blended Current Renewal Renewal Percentage Rates Rates 'Rates Change PPO - Active Employee $ 96.60 $ 101.22 $ 134.09 '32.5% Employee+ 1 $ 193.20 $ 202.44 $ 268.17 32.5% Family $ 290.22 $ 304.08 $ 402.26 32.3% PPO - Retiree (Monthly) Employee $ 562.09 $ 627.57 $ 290.52 -53.7% Employee+ 1 $ 1,124.14 $1,255.10 $ 581.04 -53.7% Family $ 1,686.19 $1,882.64 $ 871.56 -53.7% Buck Consultants, Inc. 619 I 297-4930 Fax 619 I 297-5220 ' The table shows that blending the rates would increase the active rates by 32.5% while the retiree rates would decrease by 53.7%. This is a significant change in the rates for both the actives and the retirees. Moving to a blended rate will also cause the active employees to share in the cost increases in future years if the retiree experience deteriorates from the relatively favorable experience over the past two years'. If you have any questions regarding these rates or need more detail, please feel free to call either Tim or me. Sincerely, Michael W. Schionning~ F.S.A., M.A.A.A. Principal & Health & Welfare Consultant cc: Ginger Rubin, City of Bakersfield Tim Beck, Buck Consultants " · ~ ~:' BIJC( ~ISULTANTS MEMORANDUM ~ A ]G I ? 2001 August 17, 2001 TO: ALAN CHRISTENSEN, Assistant City Manager FROM: ROBERT M. SHERFY, Assistant City Attorney ~ SUBJECT: Retirees on Joint Employee/City'Insurance Committee The question has arisen as to whether retirees can be members of the above- referenced Committee. Under the current arrangement, they cannot. Each of the MOU's for the various bargaining units of City employees (and the salary resolution for the general supervisory, police supervisory and management units) contains identical language on the composition of the Insurance Committee. That language provides that "The Committee shall consist of representatives from each Unit and the City." The retirees are not a unit. Additionally, any change to the composition of the Committee would be a "meet and confer" item necessitating bargaining with each unit. RMS:dlr cc: Carroll A. Hayden, Human Resources Manager Personnel Committee S:~Manager\MEMOS\JtEmp-CitylnsCommMmo.wpd August 27~ 2001 -" - carroll HaYden,.Human Resources Manager ~ ,. ' ''~ .: City of Bakersfield . '-, 1501 TmxtUn Ave. " Bakersfield Ca 93301 Re:_'. InsUrance Committee makerup .- .- Dear Ms. Hayden: : . fArticlei,_! 8 of our Memorandum of Understanding states: "The-City and Union have agreed that all future meeting and conferring and decisions regarding the structure ofmedical/demal insurance coverage's shall take pl/kde through the Joirit City/Emp!byee ' Medic/al Insurance Committee. The Committee shalI consist ofrepresentati;,,esfrom e~h Unit and the City..", :: - ,. "~. - ,~ When the Committee was established, there was an agreemem that we shOuld ~- -:" 'have'a retiree representative sit in as an advisor to the COmmittee On retiree issueZ The ' theY in~ ghts retiree advisor'did not .have voting rights, nor have ever had v°t 'fi -under'the agreement vetweenme City and Unions , ~: ' ' . ..... ,.~ -~ ..-.,- -- ......... , ' _.' [ · ' ," · /.'.~ i ' k ,'- ' L.' , ~I strongly object to' voting'rights for rettrees being even &scusse, it before a council committee Without first meeting With all effected Unibns.- ' - .... ,, ~ .,' ~i,~fimher object to allowing unmwted guest to sit m on future meet.and confer '~ess~ons, ';vhich is exactlY what the com/m'ttee m~eting are. Margaret Ursin claims ~o be for alternates 9nme .... . an alternate representat~ve'for the'retirees. Thereare n° provisions' ' ' ..l~a " ' ......... ' ' .'., '.'I ' '" "~- ' ' .... ~ :..,. / Committee :esPeCially for an advisory posit~on. .,. .... , ?, :, , .... - , : _. :,.~ . ::~'., ' ,~Both. these issues need mediate'attention. )'-:"' ' ' ¥ ' ~ ._ ', , --- : - ',, ~-,: -;: ...... "' ..... -" ' ~'" ",( _.. ~ ~,~_.,.qln~erelY,:," .~. ~,, ..... '- ,.'~"'-..., .i>: ,.~ \ X ~ .(,. >' ,,?. ~ i_.., fi ,' - [\ ,0-'-. ' .L?' . .,t ~ , ,".',. ~:. 'Charles.G..Waide, Jr.', :): ?, :. '.' ',' ': ;" i:-~. 7:: ,'.,';, .- '- '. . "~,~gmployee melatlOns ~OlIlCer ' _',, ':, ,-,7.,d - -' ' '- . ' ' ': ,. ; . " '-- g \ '-.- D-~ , /' / , ' ' --' t '\' ' ~,' .' J ~ ''3 ' - '~. ' ' .... ;~' ..... , '."" . ' i : & ' '/ Personnel Committee.Members ~-...~,, ~ ,, . .~. :~ ~,. _. ., x . /, . \. ,., ,,,, , ,, ',' . ~ · . .. ~, : /.. \. - , ~ _. ~ ~ , ... '/' b' '~ /' ~.'-., · 'o' '- · , ' ~ , ,. : .... . ., , / ' ?, ~,i.', - ._, ~-.,,:.., - .' '- : ~:-~,. ~ ?i.?,~ . ,~ '-/ -~.'.. % . ;.'~:,_ . ',., I: 1(.7, - '>.:~ ' :, ; ' [' ,, :.. ',' . , .c .,?.. : ( ./ i '~,' ' ' '~ ' r' -i ", ' :?~, '"' ':':"' .~ ~ ' ~.' -" - VI 1'" " / .,,,, ' .' : .'~, . .. .... " - ,' . . '. :.,,. . , , , ,.~- ,~ c. '~', ',, x - , .. .£. : ~'.. _ ." 'Ti , ~' . i-. : ~ · _ . ' ·'" ~° ~" -t ~ {~ " . .' \ ". .... ,,:? · _ .-700; Service ~m~loyee$ m~emm~onm,,Umon~ ~FL-OlO, CL~ ' ": ' \ ',' , .' i . , / i ' ' · ," ' ~ " -" , , '0." ' .'. ' '" ' 't' .. t-., ~.,~, ,t,~.- · .: ~ -~ )...\ . : 1001 ~venteenth Street,o Bakersfield, ¢.A ~330'[,'. 661,.$2,5-7487 · vax-. 66.1,325-78114'~'t- ' '.'. , .. ) . ', ~ :~ >.:, ' , 4.~, ,' . :: , .~ ..'-..~; ~....,.~ ,, , ..,., , , ,'?. _~'.~,'.h, · ., It' -: ,." ' ~ .>f,i .... '.'.',- . "~ ' ~ ~.'. ' , ~ "'~,' .... ' ~' ) ~)>~;,. . ','.'.~. ~ -?~ "~ : - / ~ , / ' "- ' ' ' ' ',' , ~ , ..": .' z I % ', /'~' ' ~'.?' ' ~ ~-% ·