HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/28/2006 B A K E R S F I E L D Harold Hanson, Chair Zack Scrivner Jacquie Sullivan Staff: Carroll Hayden SPECIAL MEETING NOTICE PERSONNEL COMMITTEE of the City Council - City of Bakersfield Monday, August 28, 2006 10:00 a.m. City Manager's Conference Room, Suite 201 Second Floor, City Hall, 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, CA AGENDA 1. ROLL CALL 2. ADOPT JUNE 22, 2006 AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT 3. PUBLIC STATEMENTS 4. DEFERRED BUSINESS A. Report on solicitation renewal results and Committee recommendation on 2007 Medical Insurance Plan - Hayden 5. COMMITTEE COMMENTS 6. ADJOURNMENT BAKERSFIELD Staff: Alan Christensen Zack Scrivner For: Alan Tandy, City Manager Jacquie Sullivan AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT SPECIAL MEETING · PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Thursday, June 22, 2006 - 11:00 a.m. City Manager's Conference Room, Suite 201 Second Floor, City Hall, 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, CA 1. ROLL CALL Called to Order at 11:00 a.m. Present: Councilmembers Harold Hanson, Chair; Zack Scrivner; and Jacquie Sullivan 2, ADOPT NOVEMBER 3, 2005 AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT Adopted as submitted. 3. PUBLIC STATEMENTS 4. NEW BUSINESS A. Report and Committee recommendation on 2006-07 Medical Insurance Plan Human Resources Manager Carroll Hayden explained 'it is time to review the results of the Blue Cross PPO, HMO, and dental plans for 2005, take a preliminary look at 2006, and recommendations on preparing for 2007. She introduced Mike Schionning and Tim Beck from Buck Consultants. Consultant Mike Schionning explained Blue Cross will be issuing final results in July, which will be used for renewal purposes. The projections being reported today are preliminary and the final results will be brought back to the Committee after July 2006. Agenda Summary Report Page 2 Personnel Committee Meeting ~. *~-~,~-,,, ~ :~ . Thursday, June 22, 2006 ~, ~;?.',:~ ~.'~-, ~ ~ FOr calendar year 2005 the initial projections show the plans should produce a gain of approximately $215,000. This is based on preliminary plan experience available in April for the Blue Cross PPO and dental plans. Final results will be provided by Blue Cross in July. Calendar year 2006 shows overall the Blue Cross HMO, PPO and dental plans are running somewhat better than anticipated when compared to the premium rates. These estimates are based on data through Apdl 2006. The actual renewal will use data through June 2006. Blue Cross projections for calendar year 2007 show the following estimated premium increases: · HMO plan increase of 11.4% · PPO plan increase of 13.1% · Dental plan increase of .8% The Blue Cross plan premiums for 2007 at this time are projected to increase 1.1.7% overall. Based on initial discussions, Kaiser is expecting premium increases between 10% and 15%. The Consultant provided very preliminary estimated dollar amounts for total premiums for 2007. City Manager Alan Tandy pointed out the estimates for total premium dollars for 2007 provided by Buck Consultants did not reflect the hiring of 147 new employees, which will increase the total premiums. The City budget calculations are based on the number of employees,' times the actual premium rates for 2006, plus an estimated increase in premiums. Consultant Mike Schionning stated for calendar year 2007, the consultants' recommendation is that they market the Blue Cross medical plans to ensure the City is receiving market competitive rates. He further recommended insurance plans should not be purchased on pdce alone. Qualifications and service are equally important considerations. City Manager Alan Tandy agreed with marketing the plans. However, each health insurance company has its own list of medical providers and that should be a factor when shopping the plans. There was a great deal of effort last year to encourage employees to go to providers within the .plans as a way to cut costs. If it is necessary to change companies due to premium savings, care should be used to ensure the providers on the plans for the most part will not cause the employees great disruptions with the need to change doctors and dentists. Agenda Summary Report ~ Page 3 Personnel Committee Meeting Thursday, June 22, 2006 Chuck Waide, CCAPE, also agreed with marketing the plans to see if there are better rates available, but expressed the importance of employe, es being able to stay with their current doctors with as little network disruption as possible. Committee Chair Harold Hanson was in agreement with.the recommendation from the consultants to market the Blue Cross medical plans to other companies to ensure the City's current health insurance plan premiums are at market competitive rates. The Committee Members unanimously agreed with the recommendation. 5. COMMITTEE COMMENTS 6. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 11:35 a.m. Attendees: City Manager Alan Tandy; Assistant City Manager Alan Christensen; Assistant City Manager JOhn Stinson; Deputy City Attorney Bob Sherry; Finance Director Nelson Smith; Human Resources Manager Carroll Hayden; City Clerk Pam McCarthy; Ginger Rubin, Human Resources Benefits; Chuck Waide and Pete Rodriguez, CCAPE; Tim Beck, Mike Schionning, and Vivian D. Neudeck from Buck Consultants cc: Honorable MaYor and City Council S:~AC\06 Personnel\P 06'jun 22 summary.doc