HomeMy WebLinkAboutMD PACKET 1-82~~`~/ PROPOSITION 218 BALLOT CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CONSOLIDATED MAINTENANCE DISTRICT This assessment ballot is for the use of the property owner of the parcels} identified below, which are proposed to be included in the City o€ Bakersfield Consaiidated Maintenance District (CMD}. This assessment ballot may be used to express either support far or opposition to inclusion within the CMD. Ta be counted, this assessment ballot must be signed below by the owner or, if the owner is not an individual, by an authorized representative of the owner. [TQ CAST THIS BALL(?T, PLEASE RETURN THIS ENTIRE PAGE] OFFICIAL ASSESSMENT BALLOT Property Owner: Property description: LA.P., L.P, Julie Randolph, Trustee of the Julie Randolph Separate Trust Dated 2124/98, James F. ~tcheverry, A Single Man and Frances Peterson, Trustee a# the Prances Pet~rsete T~us# Dated 7/9103 ..~.~. ~~~~~.~. Vesting Tentative Tract X6941 an Etchart Road and Old Farm Road ~~ in a portion of Section 1 of Township ~9 South, Range 2~i East -- {address, loflblQCklfr~ct or other legal description} The individual annual assessments for fiscal year Zoa4-2oo5 shall not exceed $14~.7Q per equivalent dwelling unit. In each subsequent year, annual assessments may increase by the cost of living reflected in the l-os Angeles~Riverside-Orange County All Urban Consumer's Consumer Price Index, ASSESSMENT BALLOT MEASURE Shall the City Council of the City of Bakersfield include the above described Yes property within the Consolidated Maintenance District and Levy an assessment not to exceed Q No the amount set forth above? Owner Signature: Title (if representing owner): Date: ~,, Lisa Hance ~~~ ~ ~~ PLANNING APPLICATION PACKET -LAND DIVISION SUPPLEMENT.DOC February 5, 2007 ~~'`~I PROPOSITION 218 BALLOT CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CONSOLIDATED MAINTENANCE DISTRICT This assessment ballot is for the use of the property owner of the parcelts~ identified below, which are proposed to be included in the City of Bakersfield Consolidated Maintenance District (CMD~. This assessment ballat may be used to express either support for or apposition to inclusion within the CMD. To be counted, this assessment ballat must be signed below by the owner or, if the owner is nat an individual, by an authorized representa#ive of the owner, [TO CAST TH/S BALLUT, PLEASE RETURN TN/S ENTIRE PAGE] OFFICIAL ASSESSMENT BALLOT Property Owner: Property description: L.A.P., l..P, Julie Randolph, Trustee o€ the Julie Randolph Separate Trust Dated 2124198, games F. Etcheverry, A Single Man and Frances Peterson, Trustee o~ the Frances P.. temo~ separate st Date.~...~........_.._.~,_~.,~.,..~..~.._._.~...~...~.r._.._ Vesting Tentative Tract 6941 on Elchart .Road and CJId Farm Road in a portion of Section 1 of Township 29 South, Range 2fi Sast (address, Iotlblock/fract or other legal descf~ptivfT~ The individual annual assessments for fiscal year 2~a4-24a5 shall not exceed ~14~ 70 per equivalent dwelling unit. In each subsequent year, annual assessments may increase by the cost of living reflected in the Los Angeles-Riverside-grange County All Urban Consumer's Consumer Price Index. ASSESSMENT BALLQT MEASURE Shall the City Council of the City of Bakersfield include the above described Yes property within the Consolidated Maintenance District and levy an assessment not to exceed ~ No the amount set forth above? ~Jwner Signature; Title (if representing owner): Date: ~- o Randolph ~ ~~ _....~._.~.._.~.. ..~._._..~.....__..~...w...~.r....~...~._ PLANNING APPLfCAT7ON PACKET` -LAND DIVISION SUPPLEMENT,DOC February 5, 2007 ~~~i PROPOSITION 218 BALLOT CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CONSOLIDATED MAINTENANCE DISTRICT This assessment ba##ot is for the use of the property owner of the parcel~s~ identified below, which are proposed to be included in the City of Bakersfield Cansalidated Maintenance District ~CMD}. This assessment ballot may be used to express either support for or apposition to inclusion within the CMD. To be counted, this assessment ballot must be signed be#aw by the owner or, if the owner is not an individual, by an authorized representative of the owner. [TO CAST THIS BALLOT, PLEASE RETURN THIS ENTIRE PAGE] OFFICIAL ASSESSMENT BALLOT I.A.P., L.P, Julie Randolph, Trustee of the,lulie Randolph Separate Trust Dated 2/24198, James ~'. Etcheverry, A Single Man and Frances Peterson, Trustee of the Frances Property Owner: Pe#erson Se,~a~ate 'rust Dated 7/91x3 Pro a descri lion: Vesting Tentative Tract 6941 on Etchart Road and Old Farm Road in a portion of Section 1 of Township 29 South, Range 26 East address, to#Iblockltracf or ofher legal description) The individual annual assessments far fiscal year 2004-2005 shal# not exceed $14~„ 6.7~ per equivalent dwelling unit. In each subsequent year, annual assessments may increase by the cost of lining reflected ire the Los Angeles-Riverside»Orange County All lJrban Consumer's Consumer Price Index. ASSESSMENT BALLUT MEASURE Shall the City Council of the City of Bakersfield include the above described Yes property within the Consolidated Maintenance District and levy an assessment not to exceed Q No the amount set forth above? owner Signature: Title cif representing owner): Date: James F. ~tcheverry PLANNING APPLlCA710N PACKET-LAND DIVISION SUPPLEMENT.DOC February 5, 2007 ~ g~/ PROPOSITION 218 BALLOT CITY OF BAKERSFIEID CONSOLIDATED MAINTENANCE DISTRICT This assessment ballot is for the use of the property owner of the parcel~s~ identified below, which are proposed to be included in the City of Bakersfield consolidated Maintenance District ~CMD}. This assessment ballot may be used to express either support for or opposition to inclusion within the CMD. To be counted, this assessment ballot must be signed below by the owner or, if the owner is not an individual, by an authorized representative of the owner. [TO CAST THIS BALLOT, PLEASE RETURN THIS ENTIRE PAGE] OFFICIAL ASSESSMENT BALLOT LA.P., L.P, Julie Randolph, Trustee of the Julie Randolph Separate Trus# Dated 2124198, James F. Etcheverry, A Single Man and Frances Peterson, Trustee of the Frances Property owner; Peterso,~ n_ Se~arat~ a Trust Dated 719103 ~~~~~~ Property description: Vesting Tentative Tract 6941 on Etchart Road and Qld Farm Road ..~.~ ~_ in a portion of Section 1 of Township 29 South, Range 26 East ..._..~...~..~....~.___._._._.~..w..~...~~.~....~..~..~....~_.~.~._..__ (address, lof/blockltracf or off~er~egal descrrAtron~ The individual annual assessments far fiscal year 2004-2005 shall not exceed $~4fi 77Q per equivalent dwelling unit. In each subsequent year, annual assessments may increase by the cost of living reflected in the Los Angeles-Riverside-orange County All Urban Consumer's Consumer Price Index. ASSESSMENT BALLUT MEASURE Shall the City Council of the City of Bakersfield include the above described ~ Yes property within the Consolidated Maintenance District and levy an assessment not to exceed O No the amount set forth above? ,.~w n.~~... Owner ~i nature: ~~~ .. Francs eterson Title (i~ representing owner): __~„~„_ ~__ ~~ 4 Date: ~-. ~~-. PLANNING APPLICATION PACKET -LAND DIVISION SUPPLEMENT.DOC F®bruary 5, 20n1 , ' I I ! _ ~ _.. _ .~ i ~. 7TH srAt1DARD i;oAU ~ ;~{;~ 1 ,, 1. I r I ... r, /'~. ! 1 .. b; I ~,: :. ... .._... _.._'.t.........' It..l>L^n vie.I..l _ le I ,:c.• ._ .. .. ._ i i tI~.I... : li./ (~-t.l 1t II,L 1,". fJ, r'1';.:'t.- i .r ,i.:.R.L ') i `. t "7,11_ ~ I \ ... ....-ff 1,X1:, .. .. _..... ... ..-{'nY,~t7,7 ._... _ _. _. f ,1::"'., CQ.i1. ff l L.l r I'tl rf t II- ,l,/ h + 6 1 TYPICAL F'I21Vp1E STREET LOCAL (SUBURBANSRESIDENTIAL) ~ ~`!'' ' PrtIVAT[ STRECT SCCI1UN „ ,, ~(,! ~ I i I tY `° i~iil l r l II CROSS S (.110N~90' Ff S4_ unu r t i I-- x '.4, ,f t , £ )A . EA. ,1 hl l ' 1 ~ : I Ir. J,S7 I f I.C, YI I,~A'11. ~ ~ l~yYrp~yypq"IWM~''r ,-~ 7 7-..-f ! , nilar w 1 _.... , FmT A PAR ~ ~ I . If., n' G''[ 1 r I r , ~ / I b / / I ,., t, ,rr ~ u ,~ ; i , ,il E 117(1 Itl, ? A' I Nf•-tt [<i I I. l` A Ufra A' (rlr '. \ 177 d_ Iw,C.9, 1 (V, If, I::;. f 111•I~ ~' 1 ~._.~~ c. •'.,F,vx.,, 'ii.._. 1 ~._.~._.~ .,~_._._._. /R' ~ r tr tti c , t t to f~; r. , ~ I 7 /u h Ut1n A 0.;0; _ ~,'-u~k~'••E: L.I i~"i~•'."'~'f' ~ • --I- ._._._._._._._ ~ -_ C ~ f Sr,:,: 7 / :. .~, ~. t.~ r...rc._ y 0..;n 1Ai ; (.~; ,t rr. ..tt., _ t 7 5 ;.,,. .. .. u:), r r7 h Ir IC'0'JI v.lln rl roi t rt N~. ~,`. r - xB~~ E ! +y-'... y~r ~N19S)'16~ 191AYI r ~ _` ,, I ;. i ~ ~ .~ ~ [ f reU 1 fn lxtr IUaYCr tl t+t a 1FL 1 n.. c u7:r %~.~~ 11654' ( LOT'A e, ,i I I 1' d,.0 (ARM ROAD 5EC'f10h, r!,u i,Ut r to r't n! t r ::{ .._._._:~ Ct ..: l 1145A 5 \ Srb L I I Pffl1141 CF LOi PO ` ~ u,:'n, I I~ ~ I ~~'' ,,.5;. r ~ Y 1 WI,TEI ti611J TI-_I,1"Jf -I899..~_ r,lr U LDI o uai f ,A ,Or r r, nit cnt 1 r,rr ( l r~ - r t t ,' lu!. I tS. , {,.. 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Gr<9 CS.U Y120' PJ,P 60(1 fAIO' CU.O' i,r f' t y :}19 4$ r 1714' f, 31 I;I~' ~ ~t LLAQfi 1 i• ~ f7 ,- r~ Cq,6 : t., - .. t; J 7J 4r L" 45' b 14Nf 5 '~. _ _lUJ !A OWYE ~PRIYAiC 51ACET~• Ii1t003 _Opi_ `. ~,~ tIP 1'~ n1 ^ ~` 0.1 -'~"'~! ~ ~t \ ` ~,+. ~ k a 717'u'10T. `C` n } 1718 a n'A ~ 4.'U' 'Il,O ~ irA ~ a/(i 71.U ,i.r 770 17,0' 7J.li D'!.U 1 ~3 " Zvi ~ a ,ISM,(. ' ) - ~(:yt 7.,'•D i 1113' 5' IT1.7' 132.7 ]J.r ~ ~:.... r ~ ~ 7. M1WI a LOl>k MAt 1 I2 NODAOL 10111 O1P l0i 411TI•>m TOR PANPLCtiA UAI n.9nv IOS,3YS (PRIVATE SIREET)t• n- _-y t ! < ~ 5§.S' 10.0' i5. 71,.7' 75.0' ~ 3U `j ? ~ ~ t H '. Z`• 1 Z, ' ~ t.~ . Q~ ~g ~n 7: { a S ~ 0 MAt< 1 M YOAOL 10111 00!!E IOTI IETIOm IOD a a^ µi, r' N,G' 14.4' 74,4' \4F' 744' i?.i' -70. ~' 71,,1 'NJ;. ~ 7.7? ' 1°~ /~ ,~ 10.1695'" a .. ',~ I f~ 9 ri ¢ ti 43 I'•; {2 ~i 41 ~,5`, 40 ~ J8I ,^~ 38 i 37 5 36- ~ T ~1fr.lZ:1:1 ~, ~ ~ MAE 1 P'100DAOt IOIi 71[TMfD IoR it 5N1 6c { 23 24 2U ~2fi 27 I, r f^ YS (~T. If 69Y1E 4 w N71cA0E bon i Imam 6071 l0 . ^t35 31 a SS '.-~T2 31 •~ 78 to 70 a 21 6. 24 'm 25 ~ ~ ~ bl ,~ ~, Lf _P+ 1 ip„f61 14027 10. ~ 1407] 10.003 510,013 5 N,013 S 14073 10,073 S 10.013 5 14511 3'1¢ ~II ~DI'Slbt' 1 NIAt / n NOCAO110B t IEiwm lOT • "~, ¢ ., ~ 4`I ` ` $ 5-, t. :; I o 4 / ~j ~ ,, ~y ~ .0 ~ 29 ~I ~, I 1. 1 :. 1 9495, ~~ 1~119i 1 i IIOOIiIt lOB ] IETwm 101! ~` ~ r ~?~;: y~n `f / ?t~ ~4, ~ 141013 ~ 1 N7.U' Y7.0' 7P. 77,0' 7'r.0' ]LO 77.0' r7,0' 7),0' 7ZU' 02(r IG ~ u .~Ty. •: •r ~~~K ~ ~ ~ A97 IQ29 5143Y 17,511 IO,AJ 14N7 0. 310.451 10.Y0 4331 1;930 S li k ~ ~ ''1i --~~ 41 y '^ 1 ~ ^ 4.4' ~ ~ 137 ^' S: •, :"yt 14Y4 S 10.707 3 4779 3 }I,TNSF 149N 5 v tS1.U ~(' ~ ii ~It M 12 `y I i" 16 n 2A M 30 ~ Sl ~ 32 " 33 ~~ 0.4 ~ 357 5,.34, Vt t4lllt:' 1519$3' 1'. l LET OOIOIY:iM IMI{/ N[T ACR J A' 7r ', 7S r' 7 i' t74 ' !4 16.4' l tYin 4~'i~il nukg ~t~ ~~ ~I r~ ~ n1~B Im1 ~itmlilflf( ~1 9 "y_ 20 `" R ~, M ununEs 700 7s . f 11.59' a alDl: rAUn19A awl tonKt oNrAll'r 1` .. 1 ~ . / / : O ! ' .~~ -10 5' Ih/ ~ n,374 5 `~J U-., i0 ~'~ S IQW3 5 i 013 5 70.011 7400.3 S 7 4015 3 74073 Ig02S 10.073 S 14N0.~ I~' f 0.0• t<tK WlrJf ,:.'i:u I ~-\ 0' mtv •a.,- \ ~ l ~` ; f'rY 151.7' ro tr 14 {.J":x 1~159YY ~: ' . rJw7:nli rrn fd'U•: 4r~rttSP, ._,: Gn7; ; 31 .-]u LTd Nu.IC tC1k'S5 G9.ni01 ri l: _..<.,.; •... ~ A . '', ~ / Tv - ~)'~"' s.. ~lz' tOt : -lt'.,.-, ~ 6aU 77.0_ 71. 17.7_ 7r,0' 77.x_ ai.(i 771 ri.0' 97A' il. ~I ~ IC ...'?!I.u~ 72' ',li 10. ttb0 1gIM OT ONII 11NTN1Y t1i1MCT ~ x. Drst 4PP,, P r~ 2143 , aPlau. kr '1 rn~ ,,, R ~,„ pniE ti41 lk 0fIUN. 'ti;..t~"Ll 'Udi~,.~~ A~P!t17'.1 ` 2n Rt',. FI FJ,~n(Y:-` s ~ ,.! .-._ .'!A 151 ~.e. ll:~` ~.. .. .~. ~' [i~u'a ^, 1/~' ~. ~' L93YA`If ~ IL MIt1A0k NOOM011NNE YIN 00'0F IAINIOOO O.mIMl01 f1AlONOE recsstr <luir ~ ~ _ ~ 9.[ 9n( for `a ., (CC~RB$. v. ~ .,~ ~ r;_ ,ti~ 740 7U.P 70 , '~ 7 k, ... ( _ o.sor E' ~ 7 US:.... . tl OAt M010 Wi ND F2[D111D COINNT i 1 r' ~(~ p~ '~` 11AM1/ ~ C 1 7 ilJ.r""' 7° ~'~ CAAU5T ; U71~ ,tat (PPoVA7C SiN(ETJ IU1y07 T~ - '~ „~ r~G ~ J. 1 fl ~' 11,,19y'~ yt ~ 11 DiCII1C PAOIC OA0 Alq DLCIOD OOWANY ' PARCEL I \~~ P. 1908 ` Ua; JL,C / rj ~;.,• ~ 21 - 2U 19 iR S.f r: ).If 75.0 ,.i0 I ~k.G' rA0' 75.U' 750 7..U' I rfi0 i.,0 I.0 U.7 ' r~.~I "7' r~ IA w09gC ATbT pp G ~ t•: ~ 1U a, 17 ~ 798 ~i 1, P.N. 1315 \ BOON 13, PAG~U9 1/' : el rrv t.l r I BDON 15, PAGE 38 \ . RR .-1,`,S~ ;;; ~ ~: K ij N/ "j 1'' w 1A ~ y is 2U I[t 25 Y, $4 2, 43 ^ 27 'ry 21 I,r 20 v, 1V fU 17; IG . ~Srl 10 G01 T.Y.: NIOIT NODR K11pN1 ` 1 107'x. ~ ~ `' <' / 7 `~ ,7. :. a r, pr ~ a ~q, ChW1LS 0.519 1Q6R 310,557,8+ 7 11193 1 5t 10 GNA4 NOIM 10111 awl f101A0C 0111001 (RURAL HESYgENTIAI) 141)75 ~N1 7,656 3511. 1,951 6197 IQ573 10,91 S 45N 14502#10,5B85IOAN 03144355F' +4' ~ P\\\\ ~ I 93e' J1u 7oGr °au~ 1f 1h0' 70.0' 750' r5.4' 730' 75 r)' 1:1u rso' r5.o 73rr a~n' 7s D' ro ^sA' 15A.s ~`1 ~~~6nousE 3 / I .. n m Inn ~ n~ nn tin unn nn 1m nl t {Y I umi u1fil .nnli , unn , nin nm I unm lTRii1 , nauuumlmuw a. IDIIp10IAl11 ur, E (tl1AlE at rA9ar o9luilo) / ,I E• I- r 'a~ +!, ` PARCdy ~ P EL 1 PNICEL I ~ ) \._ Ow AY( i0 7'ilAMb'L 7`r LL MItI00D 6N0 0L [ (OGITE at-iNO.Y DbIM6) ~Q~~A~~ ~I~I• ~'~' ~t'IPCii 1 1, P.Y. A.~7 .'_~~'. 1.1~•,,, J Op i:. P. 10098 P,Ij[24111 ~\'I'GRAt fI~?:kHi pAi C I ~ Al4lfhN;;U Ol 4F6. v6^Eltit< IAE"Hfrit nECSY7LtU Fend ix, 1002 R. 1:0.1.; 4;51, 1•A(T 740U U;' ~ ;''I ~ I IAO('t, ,~ ~ ^I '~~ 000.4 4 ,PACE 130 iU f ~I PARCEL + 40. PAGE 199. Bad( 7, PACE D1 ~ ! Ill. 10 O1111Y f9p F10'Oi0 10010 [ (OTAIE ONE-EA1LY 0011X1) 20[ 0.m1ct,Y. Lt,:1uv6 c;r .01' Ot. 1KO7TEtl r; IIEI:0.,U5 `r' t:lJl, 1 6 ;a IL 'i7Jl 1 ''. } (g51'0K' 1; I t0 aoaw 9w1176aalAllau !1 (1uNww ImNtYL t 4 aY.I3tr wfJ i ) ~ ~ ~: { .{„ ` / / J'' ~ / ~ ~• , P.Y. ~?T16 ~ /... flhiGlG ~ A(40M nlm!"•, ~ ~ \ PAA(£L o safa015 A d57PoC,9 'a v ,- ~ ~ r' t>50 I. BOD~l01, PACE 94 I• TrJ'0i(3 tU, )i 14 l PARCEL I .F.~.~F,E(1~1')T.~,E~.~Np7 1'1 '~ ~ } i ~% ~ /}--/r 4X5611 ~Irp'•EO P.H./030 , P.N. 1719 ii, llgl xAgNi mON1101 I1g1 -~ [.damn r ru Er x IOn r'nE1nt AI a t57<rElc Im.r~. i';1y ...... 1.' I '4y fnsY~ ..=-....,.t ,/ 4t-J ~0x 1B, PAGE 56 ~ppN B, PACE 57 `ji.} AI ra ~, P a R`n u.t 1 7, , lrotr A trH, a r..s r .^<:; I I SrftCls \ ' / ~(~ I RR ~ ~ PROJECT '~. 1 i1 ,uA0111of iDI0DI: 11uN111D0E 70NDl , Irt{ta5., nrrrA fn,:HfrIN IrNI I'ra),a lllrFURtf1R 1.1 .~ ~/ (R~RESIDENnAL) ~ SITE '(RURAL RENDENTIAN Imo) ZL DOIdTARY 10100: NON60O19RMY I u o I (;.N 1,3n f,lrnm a olans,U 1'. tau, r71 nnx ms( r,c~ 7JI1, ' / / ~; I „„.h , / ' -' PREPARED BY: ,,,".r,".,.~w'w n s nia. n nt rrwr(L 1 rx rcEn~ u5n l; SlJ,n6. 1 1n rt ,:rl u[,a„ I ..I''' ~~~ ~,~ x..,~~. _ INEER ti ~_ ...__.._..~. _..._.........__ .._..______.._..___.._.. ENG 531>, r,:r: A .,l:.I. a aetnr..1ac4670,. - I I ~ RR . f (RURAL RESIDENTIAL) jl, A7 N -m 11 19 1 _ _ e I'u.ur. ro~Jlr-f~•i,ro' , I I 1 li FRED W. PORTER ~.a ` • kf?P,){Y ISk. 004, ti31, ~ I.{" 1 ~7R E5 Intr. 4m L~ O;fION , , ~ rrla' m v' rr61n\i~ >, • P RTER R r0 ~y v ti114 4 ~( kfCKY)S rA, .. J f 7500 .;r,.x. ~ . :;i"OBGi".~,~.~cY32' •, ,a t J 'I"'4'•' P;G"'R IIIS fi !(CYkL --- O~ m Cn v [I ,.~ PARCEL 3 I . 1 1~,, IBUJ /7134117 14371 ~-\'~ ~ .; 1 ~ ENGINEERING 1 SURVEYIND, INC. ~i nr 7Ye U '-~i t ... , .. .. P,Y 2010 I I t;' (41rc11., ELGU!115. ~ , r I ,G ~. .. .{ Y.U. 9. P 194 ' 1Jlrl 1101.p W:1 I .) ~ 1 1 6 1 1700.1187 81PEET X1,9174187 ;. fxl, r iIU r, 1. ~_._I4. Its. ._,.-t15lr.li ftHlJSf 437„ 11 rjl, ~ ~ ~BAAERBFIEi0, 6191101 ___ __..__._._. .. FANX7407•fOB6 ,li. C' r I' I;,.rh7 U.30 f rk,. I,t1 !' rC 7' U U!il!1N. .._. ___ ............... _- _. ....., -..,. 4 11 ..a-~ \ ~.cl7 s,t 5 ( J,'gE31s 1 1 / scALE: t"-920.' m u . OWNER: SUBDIVIDER: 00.1E uslavmo7 $• o-° I I I rlu 1. )r )l 51 ~ 0 ____. _--°-- a ~ is p Orl .h, rna,•y nAi'7CA 1 !`.I 1, ,;,U PARCEL 4 I , / I ^ BALFIYQNOMEB BAIfANZN011ES PR JOB ND. 05.1051 ~~+ rntnc 1911 R JJ I r+ 1E1 '-- --' '--' a -....~..;,.,,~,:_ _,...,:...~..-.. 711'1 ~ PM 1010 - ~INltn tRlIS 81C~fl5Y~' ! `I OrR 1 6900 NEAMYAYEMIE NODNFI,M'AVENOE 0.r! l~i: r,i `fi] ~ NB 9, P 194 ~/~, Std. Ot"D f0 ~ V ~ ~ f9 b w 11 -, BAYERiREL0,Ga110A BAI~BFEID,CA911X VESTING .,,;{......_.; Ft,Sli ~~ r, ~ «. WRYETA4E ~ M ~ LEGAIDESCRIPTION:~ SHANf STf2FET CE20SS 5E(,1101J --- -•~ ~'~ _ :~ l- __ A PORINN OE PARIt1S'A' AIID ro' a wT Ix1E ADAISIYENT TENTATIVE ' A 90'_ R W E;OAD ACCESS EASLidF:N'r =r. -~-- L- - ~f- -- -- i-i'----'- d~ Rwlus 51TiaM TaFmFr oaU ~ No. 11-04 11E4PORDm NoYpdeE711L 1001 AS OOQOIFNT N0. U _ 1_._..__._ ._.__, _ .__.. -. '. ~---- " L9 /101001/75 OF R11ffILL AEOOIIDS, ALSO 1BMa A POAApI D- TRACT No. 6941 ~•-.-' E SNON ROAD c1 ~-C,J)_P_ 9EA1 1, T0111lM 1/ satN, 1N1N~ x EAST YA7.& k Y, N ME NO OTY OF BAl1EA41flD, 001NTY Q 10114 STALE W GWFg11A 1 OF 1 SHEETS ` I ~ 0 7'I l' ;iTANN(RD ROpli -IY I. ...... 11 ..: I f I! .. - I ,'2~" .int. ~ .. .. ... ., .. .... ., .. a (c r" 1 r SR -i. Tn'ittfral _PF21VA7C 51RCC1 LOCftL (SUBURBAN RESIDENTIAL) ~~ I, I.i 'I E'I n.,, `~, v1 ,al ~ 1 ~ ~ x47 A Pnr:~ ~ ~ I ~ Y ~S:~I n I UI a f U. ~ ~ 1 t. _ ~, \..,.. /,_,_....•• N E ~~~ ~ ~ xSSYkI 809.IY ~ z•.'.c, 1 ~. d! ...... 11S_...r19YrA ,ewl ~~-.. ,,11 . ..__ .3 m , T ~J "' ;i l :_ .~~- t1 V i5„la "u . +u $a ~~ri a v~. m I _. ,.I 1 ~~~/,, r. 11 t: lK i f. ~V I Il Ilil.: ~ ~ C':,J, \ .i'-~.4 ~1 I ~ I 1. .,-.i 1 , ' S ~ . 2e 1J R r 1, •, ,, -%1 - ..-... r; gal nr; - ... .... ....... _ irra ,n -- ._ .. I ,, , I ~ . , ., .. ,..,,, ~ I.l f '~ ' PRIYA'(E S1RF.E'T SEl,TION 1 r~ ~ ~, ~ ~ r' rl ril 4. Yr.~. ' ,1 , I St' >;. I1 r, 1 (:RQSS•-St:CTIUN -~ 9D R W +u1o, ~u .i • r ~ f~l; I I ,nJ,. ~,,~..I J J t'. r• J ( ~ n r. I I P.'.J ' ¢I IJI P Ch D 'h1 ~, ~ t ~ /` ~°~,~~ a'"a°wwsx~'•^ -".....,..._„ ~ . 1. L 0 r IRu` f }( f It . ' f / I I~ / ww;rwwwwwl+Yw•~" •--_. .._._._ IrR it I.p{Y. s 'iC-. / / I Y ' ~~ -/l..> R-1 YI [Y 1. ULIiJ (. 11 IVII U'i.057 -,I'. I ..l'1 I t 1 11 F IG 7t. } 5 4 1 I It 11 Il. 111: I~191 ~ ~' 0,-D I APId ROA'1 5LG11UN ran , nl n,n a .e I JR1101i OF L01 ?fl ~ 0 Il MUl Il-• IISF, T Il, huS n n1 u r :I' i ~ I (, mr I U rwvnl VW Y'INE INQIS~ SR I (Y ~~' .- -fig.-_-.-- u1,~1' Si(U» w,t I ,.,nl isn °'„~ .rr nu •. plaitt I/xA COIPA~Y . (SUBURBAN REST EN11AL) , ~ !,I~a~ ';T ~Y ~, r' n, , o "IillUli 11 ~ i I .5 0117t1'nP LUT1tlIA;(i'~ '~I nl 1Y if r J RDIt tiU l1 . I /r, r ~ _... 433.5' It t{ 1.10 7tr.0' !!, II 1.1'j p ( _ r"'-' 1.1,(~E...-(~ Cnu [5 r~l I [ 710,° ~I7S1 J - t sl t:~ t:r I¢. f,u'[J) to td R n t R. 130384,, < !:' <I ~; 131114 .` ` " i'"'I ,'. .`J..~.. .I.. --vrs, rn, Ere116•PQ4446 1111i/L ASS 1910rQa '' 1:1 '~ I OOx10US GM :. loa3+ 4 i.55B io,579 ia468 4 ` 19,305 ~ ~ • , :., ~ I j '^ -' IRAL7 4446A4r Al ~:~I3N ~•.?i:_~.k,r~]J~.O~€G h ~+;t~ P.lt 75.U' 75t Y14' ^qr ; v (~r,;\7~ Ii ~ ~r~~ r 1. HERNANI 10. PROVINCE 6~ t; S LOT 'O'tJv a ~~c CASIIIE gUtfr' s. IFta ~ 1~s +° 1 11p , ~; Og I - I, • _ _ ~r 2. AtONDRAGOtJ 11. f.7CHEu:RY 4 (~ , ~ 3. ALVA 12. iD~IISA ci M1 _(P17I4AR S11tfEf) ¢; Ig„p. 0 g I ~ u•tl~' ~ J _,_,,,,_,,,_...,.,....-.-'-•---'."'"""'" ~ s`~.!; si. q, DalllO ulu1T 101E "7sY~ f;t4i 9<.11 rAn Yi r<' 1 )' ~i J ~ {. DlnlRrxYEpl d. PYRENEES 1;i. ASAI?lEl ., c' TUT .,`.` / ~ fi1RMa61N1 5. BEARN 16. GANC9dPIE N 25 ~ 2~ ~ 2.3 ~ 22 ;..14r7b ~T 15 ~:Sl:a;..,l.,rlj ~a10 FaxIpYOMEpTASINIRD 6. BAl'f,SUNA 15. CHIN7ILA b5 ~~'~rI,SU4 )arm 1436417,017 g~!'j,~ 10.SI84" U-• ,1,.....-7, ., ~ ETCHART ROAD SE,CIIUN Rprao oRAnAa na 1C, GUNDEMAR ~ P R8.7 85.0 8fU Gl.a IG'a lil3 - - ~~_."'~^"~~~ FFROi08FDg0~-OUTIFIt B. AI.ON50 I%. EBNO '"I~ `-~~1-s nar ,, vs,y ' ~-~: ;.~ Is ~ sR ) ti ~~ 1,. a1'•4;:.~.~ ro , .'" 1gy1g g (SUBURBAN RESIOENTIAL U. BiA11A Joy ~ t1; II,Q6584 ~ 12021114 '' E' 151.1' PONIIOx OF L0119 I I ( ( L - . ^V, N Y PROlOED GT01 fMSI ~ +"J SNES xM OF INE Wr05 OF POR110N lOT 18 --. ,\ _ , , ~~ 182.{: .n 16i+9' t. 1," 01 k1 1] ~1 ( 14AN CO01IY wO Cil6M1Y SRES IMP OF 0E Of ""' b-~~~ 15;t . !1!.--/ 1 w161 OF CxkOT 101C4AR AOCCS EAOIDIT (' = ~a,;~ ~ 2] r 2u ,;I, u,1u 4 / xEPx EOUHtt w CWP ....- '- - _;;;~ .{ ._ _... J:LLLt mr 4446Ytr urr 1{ ~' 11,41) 4 11119 4 Illin 1141 WV '14 'lt,~ (~ ~ 101.1' uu0 ' Ilnll U' ~JI (3 "~~ ALL SIRFEr FLONEt 41Apf AI[ A Y1MIY 4t 47R ~' 6' 7 1s:.r' ~ ca.[r ,~ J to f 1 n.e' 77 ,7.1i 17,4 J.4' na ,r.U t4 I lu'A5 13~ Au 049LL1014L AIO Ax1lRB tr. 84141 RADa AxE 74. g (;I`i Lc.~9 It 28 YI 19 A+ ,, " 12511 4 T ~ f` y AIL t4rJIL fG ro LacAL a. INTIEU RIOx NIE 981. ,,,r„ikl K . 11,7614. LOAN 4 ~ IT?,a'-.. 4 2 .' i l T/ rc , 0 ~^,~' 7 ~ 8 '1 4 a !'J rl I ~'Y ! NL OL-OE-fA0 a gxltlxE RC111N M01 MF 78'. u;.59 I n' H}}}, r ( ~ °• F> 66 :Ya2~ 4 a, ~.f Au aJL-x-EAO AIE ear R~olua u T 2 ~" 1 ~ `( `~ 31 "' t/,ll~ 4 ;^ 11,785 411,788 4 II,SBI 4 1~ 4 11,768 Mal 4 11,.75E 4 II,N7 4 ~+,D i ~ S" NL 6Ap144 AI[ tY 4AOAR 4 I{ , i r; I tl 4 .Y S.:. Ni l4CAl S1NET ILIf81VVEE M81 ME YMY 4T 000'. 2,, 136064 111. 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PORTER girl r s~i ` VS`,, 41 rq",;< ~r f ( t, I n('[ Y 1441 a` i ~, Ir;L 11 , 9970 FAxt81J9110a5 OWNER_-__-'- _ -'-~~SUBDIVIDER~~~ -~ IIA9FAEQ MOVES BAl1AN4r0AlE5 l ( -~. ttW MFANYAVENIE BtODMEAxY'AVENUE tINfE118FIE10,G9970a eAxER~ID,aoebe I LEGAL OESCRIPTION:w ".. ~' ~ ~. oa7E osmnaD~ 'A' I i37tU ~ PR JOB NV OS105e1 ~ r ^~-_-••• - -~.,..,•.•...-,,...,.,.., ~ VESTING ~' A Ix4116x all PARC6S'A' Ala'e' o1IOi UNE A4A141YE11T xa r-o1 IED41nED xOtO1SA 11 4004 OO TENTATIVE , , AS 6MEYT xa 070100Ni8 OF 6471001 REOORDSL ABED 1DIID A P61110N OF gC, 7, TOeN81N ?o SOUIx, RAl10L 976 EAST, Y.0.1. k Y, IR ixE 0TY Of TAME11~10D, OOUxfl OF 16111, BTAIE l1P CAl4'OANA TRACT No. 6941 1 OF 7 SHEETS T ~9~1 February 15, 200? City of Bakersfield public Uvorks Department Attn: Marian Shaw 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 98301 RE: INCLUSION OF TRACT MAP No. X9'41 IN A MAINENANCE DISTRIGT Dear Marian: 05-2058 We, the undersigned, as owners of the property included with Tract Map No. 6941 hereby request that the property be included wi#hin the Consolidated Maintenance District. This request is in accordance with the requirements of Bakersfield Municipal Code Section 13.04.021, Enclosed is a check for $2273.90 as required by the City to cover the costs of this inclusion into the Consolidated Maintenance District. Furthermore, our engineer will supply you with a computer disk copy of the map for your use. We also waive our right to any and all hearings in accordance with the Brown Act, the Bakersfield Municipal Court and/or any other law, concerning the formation of or inclusion in the maintenance district. We have signed and are returning the enclosed Proposition 218 ballot ~0-fficial Assessment Ballot} indicating our consent to the assessment. Respectfully, By By ,' ames F. Etcheverry By: ~_ Frances Peterson ., _,..7 Date: ~ ~,..,.~ `~ Date: ~~`! ~~ Date: ~ 4 ~`~ ~,~ Date:. ~ ~- ~"~ F1LED KERN COUNTY NOTICE OF EXEMPTION Appendix I DEC ~ 8 ?~`~n~ T0: Count Clerk AUDIT ~ ~ nA~~~T~ y C ER-CO NTY ~!E COUNTY OF KERN sY ~~ D~PU~y 1115 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Project Title: Adding Territory Area 1-82, Jewetta, Etchart SW or Tentative Tract No. 6941) to the Consolidated Maintenance District. Project Location-Specific: The area is generally bounded by Etchart Road on the n_rth, he Calloway Canal on the east, a line approximately 1,000 feet north. of Snow Road on the south -. ~ ~- and a ,line approximately 950,feet west of Old Farm Road on the west. Project Location-City: Bakersfield Project Location-County: K_ Description of Project:, Maintenance of public street and median landscaping improvements. Name of Public AgencyApproving Project: CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Name of Person or Agency Carrying Out Project: DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS Exempt Status: (Check One) _ Ministerial (Sec. 21080 (b) (1);15268 (a); _ Declared. Emergency (Sec. 21080 (b) (4);15269 (b) (c); Emergency Project (Sec. 21080 (b) (4);15269 (b) (c); x Categorical Exemption. State type and section number. Section 15305(f) .. _. ,~. Statutory Exemptions. State code number. Reasons why project is exempt: Minor alteration in Ianlan=e lions with addition of territory to an existing Maintenance District, CEQA guideline, City of Bakersfield Resolution No. 212-92 Lead Agency Contact Person: Marian Shaw Area CodelTelephone/Extension: (661) 326-3579 If filed by applicant: 1. Attach certified document of exemption finding. 2. Has a Notice of Exemption been filed by the public agency approving the project? Yes x No _ Signature: Date: ~l - ~U 2007 _,-~-. -. Title: Marian P. Shaw, Civil En ig Weer, IV x Signed by Lead Agency Date received for filing at OPR: x Signed by Applicant Noel-82.doc Notice of Environmental Doc n Posted by County Clerk on~~ and for 30 days thereafter, Pursuant to f Section 21152(C), Public Resdurc~~ C,~de II~