HomeMy WebLinkAboutMD Packet 5-03October 15, 199 City of Bakersfield City Clerk & City Cauncil Members 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA g33o1 Re: Tract 5001 -Phases I ~ Ii To The City Clerk and Honorable City Council Members: We respectfully request that a new maintenance district be farmed to pay for the exterior tract I.andscap~.ng ma~.ntenance of Tract 5401, Phases I & II, Hosking and South H Street, Bakersfield, CA. We are the first of several tracts to be developed in this area, but at 'your aptian if you choose to include us in an existing maintenance district this would be acceptable. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated, Very truly yours, ~~,.... Bob J. Jackson vice President BJJ / s cc: Mr. De~~ayne Starnes Public Works Dept. POST OFFICE B~?X.9355 • EAKEFiS~IE~.D, CALIF(~RN1.~ X3389 + TELEFN~?NE ~805~ 325-5545 ~; .~, , ' ~( ~` s ~ t~ DE~LEL~PMENT NC ~.. ~ .. . .~ .~ ~: ,. , r .. , : ~, ~ :. ~; , : , GENERAL BUILDING G~NTRACTOR UC X434513 . y~^,.»~~~. „ fig...,, ,--~ -_'- O ctober 15,1992 t ~. City of Bakersfield City Clerk. & City Council. Members 1501 Truxtun,Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Re: Tract 541 - Phases I & II J To The City Clerk and Honorable City Council Members: We respectfully request that a new maintenance district be formed to pay for the exterior tract landscaping maintenance of Tract 5001, Phases I &~ IL, Hocking and South H Street, Bakersfield, CA. We are the first ofseveral tracts to be developed in this area, but at your option if you choose to~include us in an existing maintenance district this would be acceptable. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated. very truly yours, .... Bob J. Jackson Vice President BJJ/s cc: Mr. Dewayne Starnes Public Works Dept. POST OFFICE BOX 9355 • BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93389 • TELEPHONE {805)- 325.5545 • B A K E R S F I E L D PUBLIC WORKS ~ DEPARTMENT . MEMORANDUM ~~ 7 AL ,i T0: ED 5CHULZ FROM: DEwAYNE STARVES DATE: JANUARY 27, 1993 SUBJECT: COUNCIL REFERRAL OF TRACT N0. 5001 Request from Bob Jackson, Bojak Development, to establish or add tract no. 5001 into a maintenance district. Tract no. 5001 is tentatively scheduled to be included in a new Maintenance District No. 5, division 3, on the council meeting of~ March 3, 1993 adopting Resolution and setting the hearing for April 28, 1993. 11018trk.a~e~ jas PROPOSITION 218 BALLOT CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CONSOLIDATED MAINTENANCE DISTRICT This assessment ballot is for the use of the property owner of the parcel(s) identified below, which are proposed to be included in the City of Bakersfield Consolidated Maintenance District (CMD). This assessment ballot maybe used to express either support for or opposition to inclusion within the CMD. To be counted, this assessment ballot must be signed below by the owner or, if the owner is not an individual, by an authorized representative of the owner. [TO CAST THIS BALLOT, PLEASE RETURN THIS ENTIRE PAGE] OFFICIAL ASSESSMENT BALLOT Property Owner: ~If"~In~ ~'~ ~Ta~ ~lt_.~ Property description: W ~(2 O~ ~" 2°~ ~'C~ ~~~ ~ r e--~rWt~l""~~ ~°-r (address, lot/block/tract orother legal The individual annual assessments shall not exceed $ 14b.70 per equivalent dwelling unit. In each subsequent year, annual assessments may increase by the cost of living reflected in the Los Angeles - Riverside -Orange County l All Urban Consumer's Consumer Price .Index. ASSESSMENT BALLOT MEASURE Shall the City Council of the City of Bakersfield include the above described 0 Yes property within the Consolidated Maintenance District and levy an assessment not to exceed 0 No the amount set forth above? Owner Signature: Title (f representing owner): Date: 1 q~ 3~~ o s APPLICATIONPACKET-LANDDIVISIONSUPPLEMENT.DOC January 3, 2006 March 23, 2006 City of Bakersfield -Public Works Department Attn: Marian P. Shaw 1501 Truxtu n Aven ue Bakersfield, CA 9.3301 Re: Inclusion of Tract 6849 in a Maintenance District Dear Ms. Shaw; We, the undersigned, as owners of the property included within Tract Map 6849 hereby request that the property be included within the Consolidated Maintenance District. This request is in accordance with the requirements of Bakersfield Municipal Code Section 13.04.021. Enclosed is a check in the amount of $1,747.85 to cover the costs of inclusion within the Consolidated Maintenance District. Furthermore, our engineer will supply. you with a computer disk copy of the map for your use. We also waive our right to any and all hearings in accordance with. the Brown Act, the Bakersfield Municipal Code andlor any other law, concerning the formation of or inclusion in the maintenance district. We have signed and are returning the enclosed Proposition 218 ballot (Official Assessment Ballot) indicating our consent to the assessment. Sincerely, ~~~ Ralph Abrishami Trend Capital Group r CITY OF H~AKERSFIELD. PUBLIC WORKS DEPA~E~CMENT .. Date: AmQUnt: Account No.: ,. Purpose: ,~ ~ , ~ ~ ~ ApprQVed By: Cash Received By: ~ Employee Signature: Attach ReceiQts Be1Qw L' N RECEIVED ~~ROM ~ u THE SUM ~F ACCOUNT OF~~~ OFFICIAL RECEIPT ~~,~.,~ .~ ~~~~, COUNTY OF ,~~ KERN ~~,' ~~ ~_, CAIIF. R . N0. DATE --~ 19 ~, .~~. DOl1ARS $ r ~ M ~~ ~~~ ~ ., ~ 1~ ~ t~ --~ AMT.OF ACCOUNT $___,~, . CASH `. AMT. PAID $ -~'+C CHECK ..~.. 9AlANCE DUE $ ~ ~A N BY M.O. • ~ ~v~NCY ... _ ~~ .,~ ~ ~,~ ,{ r ~ I! i ~' r J ~~ .•~ I DEPT. 4 : REC. F0~`~ THIS IS NOT A BILL - ASSESSMENT IS THROUGH YOUR PROPERTY TAXES CITY OF BAKERSFIELD NOTICE OF HEARING ON PROPOSED MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 5 DIVISION 3 Your proposed assessment for 1993-94 i~s $~ o. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Public Works Director of the City of .Bakersfield has caused to be prepared and filed with the City~Clerk a Report in writing, which provides the basis for the benefit. assessment for maintaining public parks, street landscaping and other local public improvements~to be borne by all parcels of property within "Maintenance District No. 5, Divi-lion 3 generally bounded by Berkshire Road on the .north,- City Limits on th east, Hosking Road on-the south, and South "H" Street on the west", including your property. Said .Director's Report sets forth the amounts to be provided in the budget for maintenance and . operation, a description of each parcel of property in the proposed maintenance district by a description sufficient to identify the same, and the amount of assessment to be levied for the fiscal year 1993-94 against each parcel of property. Said report shall be open to public inspection at the Public Works Director's Office, 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, California. Any interested owner objecting to establishment of the district~or the boundaries of the district or the fairness of the benefit formula or the amount of the. assessment on any of~his or her parcel or parcels of property to be assessed, or the reservation by the City of its right to elect to perform the work of maintenance by. City forces, may file with the City Clerk at or before the hour fixed for hearing~a protest, in writing, signed by him/her, describing the parcel of property so that it may be identified, and stating the grounds of his/her protest, and may appear at said hearing and be heard in regard. thereto. Public Testimony for the above mentioned district shall be heard by the Council April 14,1993,7:00 P.M., in the Council Chambers. The estimated revenue to be raised for this fiscal year.for Maintenance District 5 Division 3 is $5,247.66. Said Director's Report will be heard by the Council at its meeting to be held on Wednesday, April 28, 1993, at the hour of 7.:.00 P.M., or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard,. in the Council Chambers, City Hall, 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, California, at which time and place said Council will examine said Report and hear protests, if any. If you need additional information, please contact Frank Fabbri at the City Parks Division at 326-3117. Dated: 03/08/93 Carol Williams CITY CLERK, City of Bakersfield EXHLBIT "E" SS Q MAINTENANCE DISTRICT N0. 5 DIVISION 3 FISCAL YEAR 1993 - 1994 Assessment Parcel No. as shown on Map Total Ex_ hibit "B": Assessment 176-100-01-00-4 $ 00.00 . 176-100-02-00-7 $ 00.00 176-loo-04-00-3 ~ $ oo.oo 176-100-12-00-6 $ 00.00 176-100-21-00-2 $ 00.00 176-100-23-00-8 $ 00.00 176-100-24~-00-1 $ 00.00 1b6-100-25-00-4 $ 00.00 176-100-26-00-7 $ 00.00 176-100-32-00-4. $ 00.00 . 176-100-43-00-6 $ 00.00 176-100-45--00-2 ~ $~ 00.00. 176.-100-46-00-5 $ 00.00 176-100-47-00-8 $ 00.00 .176-100-48-00-1 ~ $ 00.00 1.76-100-51-00-9 $ 00.00 176-621--01-00-2 $ 71.58 176-621-02-00-5 $ 71.89 176-621-03-00-8 - $ 71.89 176-621-04-00-~1 $ 71.89 176-621-05-00-4 ~ $ 71.89 176-621-06-00-7 ~ $ 71.89 176-621--07-00-0 ~ $ 71..89 176-621-08-00-3 $ 71.89 x.76-621-09-00-6 $ 71.89 .176-622-01-00-9 $ 71..89 176-622-02-00-2 $ 71.89 176-,622:-03-00-5 ~ $ 71.89 176-622-04-00-8 $ 71.89 176-622-05-00-1 $ 71.89 176-622-06-00-4 $ 71.89 176-622-07-00-7 $ 71.89 . ~ 176-623-01-00-6 $ 71.89 176-623-02-00-9 $ .71.89 176-623-03-00-2 $ 71.89 ~~ ~ 176-623-04-00-5 $ 71.89 176-623-05-00-8 ~ $ 71.89 1 Assessment Parcel No. as shown on Map ~ Total Exhibit "B": Assessment 176-623-06-00-1 ~ $ 71.89 176-623-07-00-4 $ 71.89 176-623-08-00-7 $ 71.89 176-623-09-00-0 $ 71.89 176-623-10-00-2 $ 71.89 176-623-11-00-5 $ 71.89 176-623-12-40-8 $ 71.89 176-623-13-00-1 $ 71.89 176-623-14-00-4 $ 71.89 176-624-01-00-3 $ 71.89 176-624-02-00-6 $ 71.89 176-624-03-00-9 $ ~ 71.89 176-624-04-00-2 $ 71.89 176-6.24-05-00-5 $ 71.89 176-624-06-00-8 $ 71.89 176-624-07-00-1 $ 71.89 176-631-01-00-5 ~ $ 71.89 . -176-631-02-00-8 $ 71.89 17 6-631-03-00-1 $ 71.89 176-631-04-00-4 $ 71.89 176-631-05-00-7 $ 71.89 176-631-06-00-0 ~ $ 71.89 176-631-07-00-3 $ 71.89 176-631-08-00-6 $ 71.89 176-631-09-00-9 $ 71.89 176-631-10-00-1 $ 71.89 176.-631-11-00-4 $ 71.89 176-631-12-00-7 $ -71.89 -176-631-13-00-0 - $ ~ 71.89 17 6-632-01-00-2 $ 71.89 . 176-632-02-00-5 $ 71.89 . 176-632-03-00-8 $ 71.89 176-.632-04-00-1 $ 71.89 176-633-01-00-9 $ 71.89 176-633-02-00-2 $ 71.89 176-633-03-00-5 $ 7.1.89 176-633-04-00-8 $ 71.89 176-633-05-00-1 $ 71.'89 176-633-06-00-4 $ 71.89. 176-633-07-00-7 $ 71.89 176-633-08-00-0 $ 71.89 176-633-09-00-3 $ 71.89 176-633-10-00-5 $ 71,89 176-633-11-00-8 $ 71.89 176-633-12-00-1 $ 71.89 176-633-13-00-4 $ 7.1.89 176=633-14-00-7 $ 71.89 2 Assessment Parcel No. as shown on Map Exhibit "8": 176-634-01-00-6 176-634-02-00-9, 176-634-03-00-2 176-634-04-00-5 176-634-05-00-8 176-634-06-00-1 176-634-07-00-4 DATE : 3-3-93 Total. As sessment $ .71.89 $ 71.89 $ 71.89 $ 71.89 $ 71.89 $ 71.89 $ 71.89 /s/ CAROL G!I LLIAMS CITY CLERK and Ex Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield 3