HomeMy WebLinkAboutMD Packet 5-05NOTICE OF EXEMPTION Appendix I T0: County Clerk ,~ ~° ~~~~ ~ COUNTY 4F KERN ~~~R~ ~`'~~~~ ~~ ~,,~ ,, 1415 Truxtun Avenue °'~'~ 93301 ~ ~ ~~ § ~~ ~~ Bakersfield, CA `'''` ~~s V ._~; W Project Title: Maintenance District 5-OS (Interim) R~ J Project Location-S ecific: enerall bounded b the Panama Lane on the north Union J ~ Avenue on the east the Arvin-Edison Canal on the south and Nadeau Street on the west. Project Location-City: Bakersfield Project Location-County: Kern Descri tion of Project: Maintenance of uublic street and median landscaping improvements. p Name of Public Agency Approving Project: CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Name of Person or Agency Carrying Out Project: DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS Exempt Status: (Check One) _ Ministerial (Sec. -21080 (b) (1);15268 (a); _ Declared Emergency (Sec. 21080 (b) (4); 15269 (b) (c); _ Emergency Project (Sec. 21080 (b) (4);15269 (b) (c); x Categorical Exemption. State type and section number. Section 15305 _ Statutory Exemptions. State code number. Reasons why project is exempt: Minor alteration in land use limitations with formation of Maintenance District 107-86 Sec. III Lead Agency Contact Person:Marian Shaw Area Code/Telephone/Extension:(805) 326-3579 If filed by applicant: 1. Attach certified document of exemption finding. 2. Has a Notice of Exemption been filed by the public agency approving the project? Yes x No ' ~ ate : l ~ °,~.~ Signature: D / ' eer IV-Design x Sig ed by ead Agency Date received for filing at OPR: x S' ned y Applicant ~~c~ ~~ ~nvlronmer~tat ~u~n~nt _ , `..-- l 5 ~ County Clerk nn C ~s~s thereafter, ~~rsus~-~ tt~ 52~)S ouglas M. Wattenbarger JuIY 26, 1995 Mr. Raul M. Rojas. Director City of Bakersfield Public Works Department 1501 Truxton Ave. Bakersfield. California 93301 ATTN: Jacques. R. LaRochelle Design Engineer SUBJECT: Tract 5809 Dear Mr. LaRochelle I. Doug Wattenbar9er, as owner of the property included within Tract No. 5809, hereby request formation of an interim maintenence district far the property. This request is pursuant to Condition No. 9.3 of the staff report approved by the Planning Commission dated 4/3/95, which states that the subdivider shall pay.for all costs for establishing a new maintenance district, or inclusion of the subdivision into an existing maintenance district. 0 Enclosed is a check in the amount of ~140i.00 to cover the costs mentioned above: Further, our engineer will supply you with a description and disk copy of Tract 5809 for use. Lastly, as the owner of the property involved in this request. I hereby waive the aublic hearing and protest hearing portion of the district formation. Your assistance with this matter is greatly appreciated. Si~fce,~ely, DW/c 106 Linda Vista Dr. Corporate Office • • Bakerstield. C~ 93308 • 805-i92-8800 CALIFORNIA ALL•PURPt1SE ACKNOWLEDGMENT No. X907 f. F1 ~, State of California ~- ~~ ~~~ ~~ COUnty of Kern ~~ ;~ ~~ On sept~nber 28, ~ 995 .before me, MARIA ROSA OC~iOA, Notary Public , '; SATE NAME. TITLE OF OFFICER - E.G.. 'JANE DOE, NOTARY PUBLIC" personally appeared Doc~AS IK. wA GER .i NAME(S) OF SIGNER(S) .~ ^ personally known to me - OR - ~ proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(} whose nameO is#~~s ~. ~t subscribed to the within instrument and ac- ., ~' knowledged to me that he~s~:l executed i the same in his/~~i~ authorized capacity(~e~, and that by his/~b~~ +~ si natures on the instrument the erson .3 g (~ p (~~ ~k or the entity upon behalf of which the .,~ ~.~ person( acted, executed the instrument. 1 ~u- aou oc~ f ~ c.~ ~a~~~~ ~ ;~~~ ~°"'00"~ ~ WITNESS m hand and official seal. ~N c~~uNnr y My Comm. E~ire~ OCT4.149s /JL~~ a ~/ ' /~ 1~ ~ /// ~ I 7 //// ~. ~ SIGNATURE OF NOTARY ~; .,: :~; OPTIONAL ~~~ Though the data below is not required by law, it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and could prevent fraudulent reattachment of this form. CAPACITY CLAIMED BY SIGNER DESCRIPTION OF ATTACHED DOCUMENT '~ COVENANT DISC~SING INCLUSION IN :; ~ INDIVIDUAL ~^ CORPORATE OFFICER MA CE DISTRICT IDENT T" ~!v) 1 J ^ PARTNER(S) ^ LIMITED GENERAL ^ ATTORNEY-IN-FACT L~ TRUSTEE(S) ^ GUARDIAWCONSERVATOR ^ OTHER: SIGNER IS REPRESENTING: TITLE OR TYPE OF DOCUMENT ONE (1) PAGE NUMBER OF PAGES SE]iIBER 28, 1995 DATE OF DOCUMENT NAME OF PERSONlS) OR ENTiTY(IESI RAUL M ~ ROJAS wATI'~~1BARGER-MEYS'TII7r DEVEI~OPN~NT OORPORATI , A V 'j a 1 ornla ra ion, SIGNER(S) OTHER THAN N MED ABO E T~[K;I_~S M. ~ do UrlltldY`r1eC~ ,i Iran. y1993 NATIONAL NOTARY ASSOCIATION • 8236 Remmei Ave.. P.O. Box 7184 • Canoga Park, CA 91309-7184 Recording requested by and when recorded mail to: City of Bakersfield City Clerk's Office . 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 THIS SPACE FOR RECORDER'S USE ONLY Tract No. 5809-A Lots 1__ through 73 COVENANT DISCLOSING INCLUSION IN MAINTENANCE DISTRICT THIS COVENANT is executed by the undersigned Wattenbarge=ystedt Development Corporation, a California Corporation, and Douglas M. Wattenbarger, an unmarried man, (hereinafter, "Owner"), in connection with (Interim) Maintenance District 5-05, located in the City cif Bakersfeld, California. The real property herein described will be located within Tier Z of (Interim} Maintenance District 5=05, and rnav be assessed for maintenance ~t' public landscaping on public rights-~ti-way within the district. Although-this property may have been assessed a lessee amount in the present tax year, the ultimate estimated annual assessment for maintenance of public landscaping- within this tier, based on full buildout of this district, is $125.00 per single family dwelling, based on 1995 dollars and labor costs cat the district. It is understood that it is the intent o f the Public Works Department that said Maintenance District No. 5-05 be merged with the Consolidated ..Maintenance .District Beginning July 1. 199b. It is anticipated that merging of Maintenance District N~. 5-05 with the Consolidated Maintenance District will not affect the amount of ultimate estimated annual assessment referenced above. This covenant may not be amended or modified without the: prior approval of .the City. of Bakersfield. This covenant shall run with the land. Dated this ? day of September ,1945. Owner(s)/Developer(s): City of Bakersfield: Wattenbarger-Meystedt Development, a California Corporation and Douglas M. Wattenbarger, an untna 'ed man ~~ -~ ~ ,,~, ~ ~~ ~ v ~ ,, ,. R ul M. Rods ~ ~ ~ ~~- ~-- Public Works Director Dough M. Wattenbarger, Vice-Presi t and Individual r NOTE: All owner(s)Ideveloper(s) signatures must be notarized. PW-jas P:...m~s-os.~ CALIFORNIA ALL•PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT No. 5907 State of California ` County of xern ~~ ,~ ~ On September 28, 1995 before me. MARIA ROSA OCHOA Notarv Public I J ~t DATE TAME, TITLE OF OFF{CER - E.G.. "JANE DOE, NOTARY PUBLIC" personally appeared Dov~LAS M, wATT~~ARG~ yAMEf S) OF SIGNERIS) ^ personally known to me - OR - ~ proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence ~~ to be the persons whose name() is~>~e ., subscribed to the within instrument and ac- ., ~~ knowledged to me that he~s~~: executed the same in his/1~~~ authorized ~~ ca acit ~ and that b his/~~ p Y~ ~~ Y '~ si natures on the instrument the erson 9 (~ p ~}, or the entity upon behalf of which the ~, person( acted, executed the instrument. ' ~u-a~oa~oc~ .. ,` . corms, ~'Ja~~~~ ~ Not ry Pi ~ 1 a c - Ccllfanio ~~~ WITNESS my hand and official seal. y~ "; M1/ Comm. E~gdte~ OCT 4,194e r~ ~ / ~ ~ f ~ ~~7 ~'GNATURE OF NOTARY .s OPTIONAL ~~ ~~ Though the data below is not required by law, it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and could prevent .{ `~ fraudulent reattachment of this form. ,~ CAPACITY CLAIMED BY SIGNER DESCRIPTION OF ATTACHED DOCUMENT ~, ~ ~ INDIVIDUAL COVIEfdANT DISCLaSING INCLUSION IN CORPORATE OFFICER MAINT~ANC~E DISTRICT ~~ ~m~T TITLE OR TYPE OF DOCUMENT ;~ TITLE(S) i ^ PARTNER(S~ ^ LIMITED ;~ ^ GENERAL ONE ~ 1) PAGE ^ ATTORNEY-IN-FACT NUMBER OF PAGES ~~ ^ TRUSTEE(S) ' ^ GUARDIAN/CONSERVATOR ~j ^ OTHER: 28, 1995 ~~ DATE OF DOCUMENT i :~ ~ SIGNER IS REPRESENTING: NAME OF PEAStxVtS) OR ENTiTY(IESI RAUL M • RCa7AS ' ~ WA CER-MEYS"I'~r DE~TR'LOPME~I'T OORPORATI ' ' ~ a ra lon ' SIGNER(S) OTHER THAN NAMED ABOVE ~ an unmarried I~L1f~L~S M. wA cam, ,~ ~, 1993 NATIONAL NOTARY ASSOCIATION • 8236 Remmet Ave.. P.O. Box 7184 • Canoga Par1c, Ca 91309-7184 Recording requested by and when recorded mail to: City of Bakersfield City Clerk's Ot~ice 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakers~teid, CA 93301 THIS SPACE FOR RECORDER'S USE ONLY Tract Na. 58__ 09-A Lots 1_ through 73 COVENANT DISCLOSING INCLUSION IN MAINTENANCE DISTRICT THIS COVENANT is executed by the undersigned Wattenbar er-Me stedt Develop, meet Corporation, a California Corporation, and Dou, las , M. Wattenbarger, an unmarried man, (hereinafter, "Owner"), in connection -with (Interim) Maintenance District 5-05, located in the City of Bakersfield, California. The .real. property herein described will be located within Tier 2 of (Interim) Maintenance District 5-05, and may be assessed for maintenance of public landscaping on public rights-of-way within the .district. Although- this property may have been assessed a lesser, amount in .the present tax year,.. the ultimate estimated annual assessment for maintenance of public landscaping within this tier, based on full buildout of this district, is $125.00 per single family dwelling,. based on 1995 dollars and labor costs of the. district. It is understood that it is the intent of the Public Works Department that said- Maintenance District No. 5-05 be merged with the Consolidated Maintenance District. Beginning July 1,199b. It is anticipated that merging of Maintenance District. No. 5-OS with. the Consolidated Maintenance. District will not affect the amount of ultimate estimated annual assessment referenced above. This covenant may not be amended or modified without the prior approval.. of the City of Bakersfield. This covenant shall run with the land. Dated this ~ day of ~^pt~ ,1995. Owner(s)/Developer(s): Wattenbarger-Meystedt Development, a .California Corporation and Douglas M. Wattenbarger, an un~na~ried man t and Individual City of Bakersfield: R ul M. Ro' s Public Works Director NOTE: All owner(s)/developer(s) signatures must be notarized. PW-jas P:..1int5-o5.crn- County of Kern On September 28, 1995 before me, MARIA ROSA OCHOA, Notary Public DATE NAME, TITLE OFOFFICER - E.G., "JANE DOE, NOTARY PUBLIC" personally appeared DouGLAS M, wA GER , NAME(S) OF SIGNER(S) ^ personally known to me - OR - ~ roved to me on the -basis of satisfacto evidenc p ry e to be the persons whose name) is~~ subscribed to the within instrument and ac- knowledged to me that he~s~~~:~ executed the same in hisl~~a~ authorized capacity~~e~, and that by his./~~~~ signature~s~ on the instrument the person}, or the entity upon behalf of which the person~~} acted, executed the instrument. MARIA ROSA OCHOA . '. COMM. # 1031431 i Notary PubNc - . . KERN couc~f0"~° ~ WITNESS my hand and official seal. ah-comm. e~ ocs~, ~~e ,~ SIGNATURE OF NOTARY OPTIONAL Though the data below is not required by law, it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and could prevent fraudulent reattachment of this form. CAPACITY CLAIMED BY SIGNER INDIVIDUAL CORPORATE OFFICER DESCRIPTION OF ATTACHED DOCUMENT COVEDTAI~i' DISCTASING INCLUSION IN MAINTIIVANCE DISTRICT' VICE PRESIDENT TITLE(S) ^ PARTNER(S) ^ LIMITED n TITLE OR TYPE OF DOCUMENT `~~ ^ GENERAL ONE (1 j PAGE 'C- '~~~~ ^ ATTORNEY-IN-FACT NUMBER OF PAGES ~-f= i ~~ ^ TRUSTEE(S) y~. ^ GUARDIAN/CONSERVATOR ~~- _~ , `~ ^ ~ OTHER, ~~:~ SE:PTE~ER 28, 1995 ~~ ~, ~ DATE OF DOCUMENT =~~ :, ~~ SIGNER IS REPRESENTING: NAME OF PERSON(S) OR ENTITY(IES) .; ;, RAUL M. ROJAS ~° WATI~INBARGER-MEYSTEDT DEVELOPMENT , CORPQRATIO , a Ca 1 ornia o ra ion, an SIGNERS} OTHER THAN NAMED ABOVE ,, an unmarried ~~ man. X1993 NATIONAL NOTARY ASSOCIATION • 8236 Remmet Ave., P.O. Box 7184 • Canoga Park, CA 91309-7184 CALIFGRNIA ALL•PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT No. 5907