HomeMy WebLinkAboutMD Packet 5-35PROPOSITION 218 BALLOT CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CONSOLIDATED MAINTENANCE DISTRICT This assessment ba~~ot is for the use oft~e pra~perty owner of the parce~~s~ i~enti~ed below which are ro osed to . P P be Included ~n the C~~y of Bakersfield Consolidated M~a~ntenance D~str~.ct ~CIVID}. This assessment ballot ma be ,. . ~ Y used to express ether support for or oppos~t~an to ir~cluszon wxth~n the ~. To be counted, this assessment ballot must be signed below by the owner or, if the owner is not an individual, by an authorised representative of the owner. [TO CAST THIS BALLOT, PLE~4SE RETURN THIS EN?'IRE PAGE] OFFICIAL ASSESSMENT BALLOT Property Owner: Praperiy description: ~/~ /f ~"j9 ~ ' ~ ~~yf~ ~/Q ~pf~ ~ ~ ~' ~, TI ~p ~ ~ ~~ ~~ f ,,, .~ '' (adrlr~ss, lvtlliloc tract ornther 1ega1 . ~ ,~ ~ The ~ndtv~dual annual assessments shall not exceed ~ 146.7t1 per equivalent dwelling unit, In each subsequent year, annual assessments mad increase by the cost of living reflected in the 1»,os Angeles -~ Riverside --Orange County f All Urban Consumer's Consumer Price index. ASSE5SIVIENT ~iA~.~T` EASUI~ Shall the City Council of the City of _~•-' $akersfteld include the above described a~`Yes _ .._.__ .. i.: _.. ~ ..., .__ _..~.. _....:....,...:...._~.., ~..P p ~Y , ~..~... ~,.~ ~ .. . ,.,..,. ~:.:.......~f., r., pro a w~ ~~e ~nsohdatea..,...., ,. , ..~..u ~ ~ ~,~ t . . ~ ~ ~ ,.~...~ ~ ~4.~.~_.. t 1a1~1teuarlC~ ~ ... ~~.- ._.._ M1.~,_ . District and levy an assessment not to exceed O No the amount set forth above? Owner signature: Title (representing owner): bate: tPI~UC~l7'14NP~tCK~7-LANUDIVlS10NS[1PPtEiN~'M:~(~t" Jcmun~y.~ 2(Hi~ ~~ ~~a~ucau~~' NOTICE OF EXEMPTION Appendix I • a ~~~~ T0. Count Clerk ~~ Y COUNTY OF KERN 1115 Truxtun Avenue ~~~'~~~'~~~~ ~~ . AUDITOR CO A~ A~cQl1N~Y ~~~ Bakersfield, CA 93301 BY o~RU~~ Project Title: Adding Territory (Area 5-35, Planz, Coy S or Parcel Map No.11592) to the Consolidated Maintenance District. Project Location-Specific: The area is ge_ ne_y bounded by a line approximately 1,320 feet south of Planz Road on the north, a line approximately 300 feet east of Coy Avenue on the east, and the Kern Island Canal Central Branch on the south and west. Project Location-City: Bakersfield Project Location-County: K_ Description of Project: Maintenance of public park, street and median landscaping improvements. Name of Public Agency Approving Project: CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Name of Person or Agency Carrying Out Project: DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC UVORKS Exempt Status: (Check One) Ministerial (Sec. 21080 (b) (1);15268 (a); _ Declared Emergency (Sec. 21080 (b) (4);15269 (b} (c); Emergency Project (Sec. 21080 (b} (4);15269 (b) (c); x Categorical Exemption. State type and section number. Section 1.5305(f) _ Statutory Exemptions. State code number. Reasons why project is exempt: Minor alteration in land use limitations with addition of territory to an existing Maintenance District, CEQA guideline, Citv of Bakersfield Resolution No. 212-92. Lead Agency Contact Person: Marian Shaw Area CodelTelephonelExtension: (661) 326-3579 If filed by applicant: 1. Attach certified document of exemption finding. 2. Has a Notice of Exemption been filed by, the public agency approving the project? Yes x No _ Si nature: ~ Date: ~~ 2007 g Title: Marian P. Shaw, Civil Engineer IV x Signed by Lead Agency x Signed by Applicant Noes-35.doc Date received for filing at OPR: ~~of,ce of ~nvironrnental Document oun Clerl~ on ~ V ~ ~ ~~'°~ Posted by C tY and for 8~ days ti~ere~fte~, ~u~uant to 2~ ~ ~~ ~ , ~~~iic Re~ou~~~s Code Section ( ~ ~~3~~ .~ 4~ .~ W V ~ ~ l~alzoo~ w.~ ~i- 35 City of Bakersfield ~ Public Uvorks Department _. Attn: Marion P. Shaw ~ 5Q~ `rruxtun avenue Bakersfield, CA,. g3~g~ pear 11~s. Shaw, RE: Inclusion of Parcel Map No.11592 in a Maintenance District We, the undersign as owners of the property included within Parcel Map Na 11592 hereby reques# that the property be included within the Consolidated Maintenance Dist~ct. This request is in accordance with the requirements of Bakersfield Municipal Code, Section 13.o4A21. ~nclased is a check for ~ 1,~4~.7~ as required by the City to cover the .cost of this inclusion. in the Gansalidated ll~aintenance District, Furtherrnvre, our en ineer will ~u I ou with a com titer disk co of g ppyY p py the map far your use. we, also waive our right to any and all hearings in accordance with the gown Act, the Bakersfield Municipal Code, and !or an other law,. y concerning the formation in the maintenance district. we have si hed g and are returning the enclosed Prapositian ~2~8 ballot ~C~ffrcia! _ Assessmenf Ballots indicating our consent to the a,ssessrnent. R ._ ._,, ~ ~ ~~~~ ~kers~el~, .. 33~~ ~~~r~~~ng~~~~.~~~~~ _ - -- -- _ •~ ' ~ ffw caro s~.1y, 3c~ 4 ~'~ 4~~fp~ ~y~y~ ` ' i' ~ . CL. East P1~11z~W"yRd.~y .{ ~]~Q ~ r ~,M M ~f ,~ M. i... Y. qr ~ M Qr ~. / ` iffli. iM511P1 ~ ~ I ~ f W. ~~ Vii..f ~ 17, VWi.SY I I ~f- ' '; 57b' # 1 ! I I I t~ (~ V I E 1 'J~I I I Ip~t~; ' I I~ 1 ~ 1 1 I ~' t N I $ 1 1 ``" I I I I l~ l I I 1 I I ~j I I I ~~ ~! 1 I I I a I I t 1 ~~ 1 ~ I ca 1 I I ~ ~ a ~ ~ G ~- ~ ~ I Eu, Gi##~ '~ t I I `~~ ~ ~ ° ~ ~ 1 a : Sl~l~ ° ~~y~y I ~J i t ~ I ~ I ~ 07 I' Temporary Turrlarovrtd ~,? t ! , ~ ~ i cD °,,,,~- • ' ~ be abandone~t 1 t t t i I ~~ I I ~ ~ I ,. i t ~ I! I i I I r w r ... v. .r .r. ... .rr, .~~ ,1 r y ~ ~ - ~ • I ~I~ ~ Vt~ iL® a9d iA 'y~i~L,4PS -' • ~ • ~ ~ ( 1 ( t I .w. w+ a.. .f. w. ... .fe +r. ww .r w a. ~ ... ~. +. .. ~ I i , ° ~ I r u~ ch ~ :~ ~`~ ~ 11 !p ~`~ 1 Y~ ~ ~ M ~ r 1 1 t a ~ I o / ,, t .w ~ m ,75~ 1 Ft$~0'10" E ~ P10 ~'eSI ~,+ ~ ~ ,. .... '~'"' ~ 1 uy t I ! , Red. 3tr ~ ~ ~,, ~ t i i ' ~ p~fCB~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ', I Gross:l,6ii Acres ° I I ' ' i Neer 1.~2 Acres q t' ~ w ~i ~ , I ~ a~ S 89®2l1'3~° ~ 265.82` ~r~: (~ I ~ i. 0=26°5333" 6. QY42"3~10' 11.0=09517" t~ i T' i ~ 1 r R»476.17 R=25.OQ' R=517 I ~ • t t - r-113.83' ~=sst' r~xr.ox . ~ ' '~ t.=223.4r ~=1as~' ~=so.99' ~ I 1 ~ ~ ~ t ~ti~ ~ z. 0=2&5~ t. o=z~omt•,z a=atrorlri G , ~ ,;,. , q ~ o R=536.17 R:50110' R»5~.1X r Y18~ B 99.9.-^ __ - ..._.-.. C ( ' .- ~ q o r Part:~~2~ ___--,-.- -.. _ 3. o=26°S3'33' e. 4=8!'1555 13. 6-23'~0?'16' _ .._-._ ~ I ~ '« ~ ~ ~ R~506,17 R=50A0 R=7511-34' I o Id=26°53'38' ~ 4 ~~,~R3 tV #.i2acr~s T=121.a1` x:70.93' ~x ~ ~' ~ ~=237.55 t n t ~ IR =1a1a.34' ~ Z~• ~ ~ ~ ~ ~. n=1s~+u~ 9. r~=90"09'OD' ta. 0=~451r ,~ ~•~ T=119.4x" ~1 ~,~ . o R=476.17 R=~.b0' R=750.34' ~.~, T=44.76' 7=50.pOF T=37.$3` ~ ~ ~1.=352.18' ~ `t .~~ ~ a'' c~, ~/~ r.=69~r ~=78.5d" 4=75.56(' ry ~ •~ ~, 5` D='18'~QB'14'1Rt1=lU4°4059'#S,D=bi'17f54' ~ l ~. ~ t~« O R-476.12 R;5Q00' R=5034.27' 1 ~6 /~. ~ ~'• ~ T=67.5'7 T=64.19' T«57A1' 'I 1 ~ ~ ~ 1L ~ ~;~ 148.96' tC134.1d" 1=91.35 t=i14.A2' ( I ~ ~~, ~ Para! 3 ,~ East Planz Rd. t ~5 ~ Gross: 1.717 Aaas N $8°24`i6' qN I 1 1 ~1ec a.9as Ages Q ~ I C ~ U ~ 1 , • ~, \ r .$ ~ I ~ • ~ ~ ` ~ I ` ° Part;ef 5 Utili#ies: 0 1 ~ ~' °' 1 o ~ Prr~ect Site -r ~ ~r Et~icity - P. G. & E, u3 ~ ~ ~ ~ • , ~ ~, Designs#~d ~em~mder o ~, 1 1 ~ ,~ ~ NatGas- P. G. ~ E. v East Vitt ln. I ~ • • ~ , w Gross: 2.541 Aces . ~ "relephorle - A1T ~ `~ '.~'y-, , ~ Net:1.903Ages ~ Cable - Cox Cable o I r . ~q , ~ ~, ~ water- Califarnla Water Sergi Ca. ~ 1 Vicinity M8~ ~ ~, ' ~ . '.~~~ ~ $ ~ Sewer- City( of 6akersr~eld I - So. Line Lot 6 ~'• • ! , ~ 2 .r,...f..._..~,.f__,~ ....~'~ _ .. _ I ! :, _`r '~..:~,. _ .. ~ PrO~OSGd Use ~~rrass): 1 ~ • ' ~ ~ ~ •~ till-1(Indus~ai) = 8.8118 ac. 1 ; ',`~, ', '. ; `~ Prapased Density ~N~#): t I ~ ' • ', ~ ~ IU-i (industrial} = 6.414 x (lVetD. ; I ~ ~/ s ~ '' t ___...~_..___..I ~~ ~ .~ . ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ a ~ . s ~ r ~ ~ ` ~ D = Q5~3~8 ` ' I ` ' ' .. ~ .. ._.: .. ~_;, .,. Tent~t~Ve T=~47.~~' ~, ,, €.-493.x° r~ r I • • ~ • • • ~ • • . In the Cltjl of Bakersfield '` ~(j ~'~ I ~ i~ A Subdivision of a portion of t,ot ~ & T of the `~'~. '~. ~~. `~, `, ~ , ~ 1 • • r ~ ~ ~ ; ~ 0 40 $0 120 160 Sales Map No, ~ of Lands of J.B.Hag~~n fn . , ti ~~et I Section 1l, ~'. 3o S., R, 28 ~. M.D.M. `~ ••~ scam: ~~ = ~' Coon of Kern Mate of California ` tY ~ ~, 4 Parcels x.809 Acres .- ~e~d~iei~s ~~-g~ne~n~ng ' ~ t. Ba f I 2Q03 6th s , I~ersfie d, CA. 93301 1 I , East tt4 cfs~n sue. ~ ~, aw2e 1661 j 326-1 3 Fax: (661 } 326-0421 ~ c ~., s~.17, , ~ ,' • • ... _ . » S 89°28'55" ~ 2,624.47' owner, General ~~an: Ind. .. • . ,. I Leonardo Lopez ~Oriin~: M - # t 2800 S. Vermont Ave. Los Angeles, CA. 90001 SCh001 DtStrICtS: Greenfield Srhod lurid K Co U " FI' 4 Sc~1ooD Ai~t, em nxtn +9 PropOSed Drairtatte: tx. ~ ~ easasa Sheet9 of ~ Sheets