HomeMy WebLinkAboutMD Packet 4-10M~ fro ~ ~'`F~C March 7,1994 SUBJECT: STOCKDALE HIGHWAY, COFFEE/GOSFORD READ LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT Dear Property Owner: In its continuing effort to beautify and upgrade the image of the city, the City of Bakersfield is proposing to landscape the medians in Stockdale Highway and Coffee Road within the area shown on the enclosed map. Improvements will include trees, shrubs, ground cover and an automatic irrigation system in addition to the decorative stamped colored concrete being constructed with the current median project. The initial cost of construction of these improvements will be borne by the City. Maintenance of the landscaping would be through a Landscape Maintenance District. Many Maintenance Districts have been formed within the City to provide .a means of paying the maintenance cost of local landscape improvements. The City is proposing to form a new Maintenance District to pay for the cost of maintaining these improvements. This cost will be fairly apportioned to all property owners within the boundaries of the proposed district. The estimated maintenance cost for non residential properties is $80.40 per acre per year. The estimated cost for multi-family properties is $9 per unit per year. If a district is formed this cost will be added to your property tax bill. An alternate district is being proposed for the properties fronting on Coffee Road should the larger district not receive the necessary support. Enclosed are copies of a typical plan and maps showing the boundary of the proposed Maintenance District and the alternate District. Also enclosed is a self addressed post card on which you may indicate your support of or opposition to the proposed Maintenance District. Please check one of the boxes and return the card to the City by March 25,1994. Once all cards have been received, you will be advised of the next steps regarding this project. Should you have any question or need additional information on this project, please call Lauren Dimberg or John Stinson at 326-3724. These improvements will result in an aesthetic enhancement of Stockdale Highway and Coffee Road which will be a direct benefit to all of the properties in the area. We look forward to your support of this project. Very truly yours, Fred L. Kloepper Acting Public Works Director by JACQUES R. LAROCHELLE Civil Engineer IV Enclosures J RL:Id • B A K E R S F I E L D PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM To: Jacques R. LaRochelle - Engineering Services Manager FROM arian P. Shaw - Civil Engineer III DATE: May 21, 199b SUBJECT: Proposed Maintenance District. We received a phone call from Mr. John Lamar at 3221 Park Drive Tract 4519) for weed control along College Avenue between Park Drive and Morning Drive (see attached photos). There are four em t tree wells on College Avenue and four empty tree .wells on p ~ ~ now if Tract 4519 was in Morning Drive. Mr. Lamar also wanted to k a Maintenance District and what had. happened to the trees. along College Avenue. On April 17, 1985, the City received a letter from H.E. Arron the develo er of Tract 4519 requesting that his Tract be included in a P Maintenance District, but for some unknown reason a Maintenance District was never formed. Parks said, that several years ago after Tract 4519 was acce ted b the City the trees and irrigation timer P Y were stolen. Parks was going to replace the trees and irrigation timer as .soon as the Tract was more. populated, hoping to prevent theft, but found out that no Maintenance District was in place. Parks will take care of the weeds at .this time and if a Maintenance District is formed, will maintain new trees and timer. Being as this Tract is not in a Maintenance .District, should the City roceed with the formation of an Interim Maintenance District to p take care of maintenance adjacent to Tract 4519? Mr. Lamar is in favor of forming a Maintenance District and will send a letter to Mr. Rojas as conformation. ~~ ~~~ W' 1' jas:md4519.mem prepared Tuesday, May 21, 1996 4:21pm ~n.iJ \ o~ ~w~ K~ ~5~~ -'r- c MEMORANDUM c'~LIFO l To: Marian Shaw, Engineer III From: Frank Fabbri, Parks Superintendent Subject: Maintenance District Tract 4519} Date: May 23, 199 The above tract at College Ave. and Morning Drive was constructed a .number of years ago.. It is my understanding from Sohn Stinson that a Maintenance District for the street landscaping was a requirement of development: The district has never been put into place.. . Since the subdivision was isolated for many years, Parks staff had a problem with theft of the landscape material and irrigation components. We discontinued replacement of the landscaping until. the area becomes- more inhabited. The area to maintain consists of less than 14 small planters which will be landscaped with several shrubs each and pos bly a small tree. The estimated annual maintenance cost should not exceed $7~0 to $soo. . The City has a policy of not creating maintenance districts or not assessing the properties when the annual maintenance cost is under $1,00. This area would. fit that policy. cc: Lee Andersen, Community Services Manager Allen Abe, assistant parks Superintendent ~Ken:Trone,.Park Supervisor Georgina Lorenz business tanager ~`~ohn Stinson, Public Works June 5, 1996 SUBJECT: MORNING DRIVE, COLLEGE AVENUE LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT Dear Property Owner: The City of Bakersfield would like your response to an opportunity to improve the street landscaping along Morning Drive and College Avenue. Maintenance of the landscaping would be through a Landscape Maintenance District. Many Maintenance Districts have been formed within the City to provide a means of paying the maintenance cost of local landscape improvements. The City is proposing to form a new Maintenance District to pay for the cost of maintaining these improvements. This cost will be fairly apportioned to all property owners within the boundaries of the proposed district. The estimated 1996-97 maintenance cost for a single family home in this district is approximately $23.00 per year. The estimated cost for apartments is approximately $17.00 per unit. The estimated cost for non residential properties is approximately $140.00 per acre. .Enclosed is a map that shows the boundaries of the proposed Maintenance District. Also is enclosed is a self addressed ` post card on which you may indicate your support of or opposition to' the proposed Maintenance District . Please check one of the boxes and return the card to the City by June 30, 1996. These improvements will result in an aesthetic enhancement of Morning Drive and College Avenue which will be a direct benefit to all of the properties in your area. we look forward to your support of this project. ~ ~E sue, June 9,1995 Subject: White Lane Street Improvements Dear Property Owner: The City of Bakersfield would like your response to an opportunity to improve the street medians along White Lane between Freeway 99 and South H Street. Property records show you own property along this section of White Lane. The City is proposing two construction projects for this portion of White Lane. The first project will be the replacement of the existing medians with new narrower medians to allow for wider travel lanes and better traffic flow; the second project will be the repaving of the roadway. The median project would leave the existing trees in place and pave the new median with asphalt. However, if you and other adjacent property owners so desire, the median could be upgraded to include additional landscaping and stamped colored concrete (see enclosed plan). This upgrade would require the formation. of a Maintenance District to pay for the maintenance of the additional landscaping, but the construction cost would be borne by the City. The annual landscape maintenance assessments would be based on parcel size and would be approximately $150 .per acre per year. Without support of a landscape maintenance district no additional landscaping would be installed and the new medians .would be paved with asphalt as they are now. We hope you will consider this opportunity to improve the appearance of this portion of -White Lane. You have an investment in your property or business on White Lane and this project will enhance the image of your property. Also enclosed is a self addressed post card on which you may indicate your support of or opposition to the proposed Maintenance District. Please check one of the boxes and return the card to the City by June 30,1995. Once all cards have been received, you will be advised of the next steps regarding this project. Should you have any questions or need additional information on this project, please call Lauren Dimberg or John Stinson at 326-3724. Very truly yours, RAUL M. ROJA5 Public Works Director By• Jacques R. LaRochelle Design Engineer Enclosures LAUREN: ILETTER:IWHITELN JRL:ld MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 4-10 (INTERIM) LEGAL DESCRIPTION of land bein ortions of the northeast quarter of Section A parcel g p tion 30 T 29 S R 25, T 29 S, R 28 E, and northwest quarter of Sec , 29 E M.D.B. & M., County of Kern, State of California, more particularly described as follows: Be innin at the northeast corner of said Section 25; g g THENCE 1 North 89° 48' 08" East, along the north line of (~ said Section 30, a distance of 55.00 feet, to,a point on the east line of the west 55.00 feet of said Section 30; THENCE 2 South 00° 35' S2" East, along the last named east ( } nt bein the line, a distance of 1022.13 feet, to a pol g easterl extension of the south line of lots 126 through 129 y of Tract 4519, per map recorded February 20, 1986 in Book 35 of Ma s Pa a 35 in the Office of the Kern County Recorder; p~ g THENCE 3 South 89° 50' 32" West, along the last named south O line and easterly extension a distance of 566.29 feet, to. intersect the easterly line of Tract 4519; 4 South 00° 35' S2" West, along the last named THENCE. ( ) , e easterl line a distance of 302.00 feet, to intersect th Y , centerline of Willis Avenue; THENCE (5) South 89° 50' 32" West, along the centerline of Willis Avenue, a distance of 811.85 feet, to intersect the centerline of Park Drive; THENCE (6) North 00° 36' 59" East, along the centerline of Park Drive, a distance of 557.11 feet, to intersect the centerline of College Avenue; THENCE 7 North 89° 48' 08" East, along the centerline of O College Avenue, a distance of 1322.72 feet, to the true point of beginning. P:~maindist~legals~legl4-10 jas EXHIBITA 1 Exhibit "A" Olive Drive No. 2 Annexation No. 389 A parcel of land being a portion of the northeast quarter of Section 16, T. 29 S., R. 27 E., M.D.M., County of Kern, State of California, more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the northeast corner of said Section 16, as monumented by a Kern County Surveyors concrete monument in a lamphole, said section corner being designated as N. 697,697.005, E. 1,680,084,924, per the California Coordinate System, Zone S; Thence S. 00° 36' 25" E., along the east line of said Section 16, a distance of 662.90 feet to a point being the southeast corner of Tract No. 5775 per map filed for record in Book 41 of Maps, Page 173 in the office of the Kern County Recorder; Thence N. 89° 48' 07" ~V., 55.01 feet to a point on the west right of way line of Fruitvale Avenue also being a point on the existing corporate boundary of the City of Bakersfield and the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; Thence (1} departing from said corporate boundary, along the south boundary line of said Tract 5775, N. 89° 48' 07" W., 1244.75 feet to a point on the east right of way line of Jordan Street; ~~ ° Thence (2) Na 00 27 03 VV., along said east right of way line, 587.33 feet; Thence (3} . 44° 52' 00" E., 28.44 feet to a point of the south right of way line of Olive Drive; ' Thence (4} S. 89° 48' S7" E., along said right of way line, 557.11 feet; Thence (5} S. 88° 56' S2" E., along said right of way line, 330.04 feet; Thence (6) S. 85° 03' 08" E., along said right of way Iine,120.42 feet; Thence (7} S. 89° 48' S7" E., along said right of way line, 240.97 feet to a point on the west line of the east 30 feet of said Section 16, also being a point on the existing corporate boundary of the City of Bakersfield; Thence (8) southerly and westerly, along said existing corporate boundary line, to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. Containing 18 acres (more or less) CHECKED by KERN COUNTY SURVEYORS 4FFfiCE Date Zv f Ap~xoved by u Mr . Raul Rojas ~`Directar of Public Works Ci~:y of Bakersfield 1.501 Truxtun Ave., Bksfld., CA 93301 re: Tract 4519 Maint. Dist. coverage/formation. Dear Mr . Ko j as ~~~II~~ .SUN 1 11996 ~l~~ p~PARTN~~~!~t ~'~~-~N ~. I have been a resident within tract 4519 since Oct. of 1991 and have only b/7/96 recently come to understand that we, the residents of this tract, are not properly within any maintenance district. Several weeks ago I had the .opportunity to speak with city engineer John Stinson who did some excellent research for me to see what our status was as a "city. island" and if there were any existing agreements for sidewalk maintenance, tree plantings for. the existing "tree .wells" etc. Mr. Stinson was able to have the parks and recreation crew come out and clean out the tree wells and remove the .foot high and above grass from the sidewalk making the areas to the north and east neater in appearance. It is my hope -that now there are more residents within this tract that we may be able, with the city's help seek a more. permanent resolution to our lack of regular maintenace. With this in mind I would like to formally request your consideration in including our tract within an existing maintenance district or the formation of another district if we have enough local support. John was able to give me a "dollar" estimate of the cost that we be divided up among the residents of this tract and I for one did not have a problem. with those numbers. Can we do something here? I greatly appreciate your attention to this matter and again many thanks for John's kind attention to my inquiry. John C. La Mar 3221 Park Dr. Bakersfield, CA 93306 (805) 366-2790 ,} ~,>~~~~tf ~ #~ * ~y } :. +:~~:; .~1,,. ... ,y: `fit.. .4 .yi r.,~r' xr`•~: /,?. •,y~ ..? h ri~~ ',~~%S.i: ~ , +.. `, .i~J~i .6., IS. l' S. 'x' t~ , ~6 N ~~ pF ~.~r, 5...~f ' % .h, ... ~ r r. . 1b8 nS~ dank ~. < ' • i,q `'3; R.i A".~y~t fS°,+. ~'a~. vl$ + .rrlr~ r~..;Y J r r ? •~ t~ 1 t I,,~'~yq_l.f m =.,t3r3 ~; ~ ~ ''~-,Y ff., ~ ~~}~~~, ~ i;• " ~` ~ v r a-yy,r i ,~,k, ... : _ .•. 3 .1 -. d ~J ~'...7~:-{~y>~~I'' •5 -•~I ~ t ,h *" ' ,kyf, ~ ~7 ., ,f;,; 'Ft/ ~ .r, t ~ ', 3; {Jtyd'" r ' 7a~ ,~,r, S : '~'.t: P:n 'M ..~ t4 :~ {.{,~~fsV 't Y ~•~',~,,.. :i+'*' 41 I 1, lr.Y?•~~' / •I 'O /( , Ken ~ 'One ~~~ r~___=. r,'. . 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M yam.. r ~~f~~ . ~..h~'~YI~.~rK Y ~jr 1,/99 Edl,Jon •.wy• ~:•~...~.tt~c~~~t~G ~-1~~IS.~ ^ sl~~~l • Bakersfield, Calif., 93305 April 17, 1985 Mr. Dale Hawley Public '~lorks Manager ,City of Bakersfield .1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, Calif., 93301 : .~ S Re: Tract ~to.4519-Marnin Dr,' ,~ . _ ., , , ,, g ~~~~l~g~ eve ~ t~ f~ , ~ , '~~ . 4519 .,, ~~~~ , . . ,: . .; Dear Mr . Hawley; . we hereby request that the property w~.thin tie baundar ~f y Tentative Tract No.45~19 be inclu~~d in ~iaint~n~nce District No. Very Truly Yours ~ . ,~ H. E: Aaron H.E. Aaron Properties. . , , i~ . ~; . ,..