HomeMy WebLinkAboutMD Packet 4-16r1~ H-/l~ Ghes-~~ Ave ~~.s~ 3. IMPORTANT -OFFICIAL PR OPERTY OWNER ASSESSMENT BA LLOT This Ballot is for the use of the r ~ • • p operty owner of the parcel identified below ' parcel is located within Area 4-16 Che ,which ( sterAvenue, Phase 2 and which ~ to be added ~ ~ } s being ro osed to the Consolidated Maintenance p p maint District and assessed an amount f enance of street landscaping and li htin . or g g This ballot maybe used to ex ress either • • p support for or opposition to the ro osed assessmen#. In order to be counted, this Ballot mu p p . , , st be signed below by an owner or, if the owner is not an individual, by an authorized re resentative of th be deli ~ , p , e owner. The Ballot must then vered to the City Clerk, either by mail or in erson as • p follows. Mail Delivery: If bymail, lace in the recur • p n envelope provided, provide stam s forfirst class osta a an ~ p p g , d place ~n the maEl not laterthan one 1 tale ( } ndar .week prior to July 19, 2000. Mailin lat ' g er than this deadline creates th~ie risk that the Ballot ma not be r ' tim Y ece~ved in e to be counted. Personal Delivery: If in person, to the Cit Clerk ' y at any time up to 12:00 noon on July 19, 2000, at the City Clerk's Office at 1501 Truxt un Avenue, Bakersfield, California, or at the protest hearin itself g at 7.00 p.m, on that date at the City Council Chambers at the same ad dress. However delivered, the Ballot must be received b y the City Clerk prior to the close of the public hearing (whether on Juiy 19t~ or a later continua i ton date} to be counted. TO CAST THIS BALLOT, RETURN EITHER T . HIS ENTIRE PAGE OR THE PORTION BELOW THIS LINE. BALLOT r~ X11/ /~ .(^`*~ N ~/{~~~~j/{ ~A1~ j~~~'1{~~ 'M 1 ~~~ ,~ ,, -~• . ~.. _.,, .~,_ Assessment Amount: 28.86 ' ~ ~ `:- ,- ' ~-~. ~. ~~~ ' ~_ Assessment Ballot Measure ~~ Shall the City Council of the City of Bakersfield add Are - Pha ~ a 416, (Chester Avenue, se 2} to the Consolidated Maintenance District and le an ann excee vY ual asse ment not to d the amount set forth above on the parcel identified? Dated: a No ^ er's Signature 3. IMPORTANT -OFFICIAL PROPERTY OVIIN ER ASSESSMENT BALLOT This Ballot is for the use of the ro ert owner of the ' ' . p p Y parcel ~dent~fied below, which parcel is located within Area 4-16, Chester Avenue Phase 2 ' }and which is being proposed to be added to the Consolidated Maintenance District and assessed an amount for maintenance of street landscaping and lightin . g This Ballot may be used to express either su ort for or o ositi n • pp pp o to the proposed assessment. In order to be counted, this Ballot must be signed below b an owner ' owner i n ' ' Y or, tf the s of an indfviduai, by an authorized representative of the owner. The Ballot must th en be delivered to the City Clerk, either by mail or in person as follows: Mail Deelivery: If by mail, place in the return envelope rovided, rovide stam s p p p for first class postage, and place in the mail not later than one 1 (} calendar week prior to July 19, 2000. Mailing later than this deadline creates the risk that the Bal•Iot ~mayY~not be received in time to be counted. Personal Delivery: If in person, to the City Clerk at an time u to 12:00 noon on Y p July 19, 2000, at the City Clerk's Office at 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, California, or at the protest hearing itself at 7:00 p.m. on that date at the City Council Chambers at the same address. Flowever delivered, the Ballot must be received by the City Clerk riot to the close of the to p publEc hearing (whether on Juiy 19 or a later continuation date} to be counted. TO CAST THIS BALLOT, RETURN EITHER THIS ENTIRE PAGE OR THE PORTI ON BELOW THIS LINE. .... :..~ ;~ .. ~._..~ ~~ ~ r ~. BALLOT ;; ~-=~: ,: . ~so~~~~'~~00~~'~' ~~~ ~~1NQr~A~~1A rR ~.~A#~~R~FI~~.I} c~- ~~~a~ Assessment Amount: $102__.74 Assessment ballot Measure ~_{ 4~~ .{ Shall the City Council of the City of Bakersfield add Area 4-16, (Chester Avenue hase 2} to the Consolidated Main#enance District and levy an annual assessment not to exceed the amount set forth above on the parcel identified? ..~ ,~ Yes ---~ =~-] Dated: ~ ~~-.~ ~; No ^ ~~~ ...-~ ,- ~~ !~ ,~ Owner's Signature BALLOT ~s~~ ~ ~ AN~~#.~~~~ ~Y ~ ~.NA~i ~ ~~~~0~ l~Et•~~~ ~~' Assessment Amount: $ 45.28 Assessment Ballot Measure C~,~',~~~~ 1 ~ ~~, .,, , ~, Shall the City Council of the. City of Bakersfield add ~r"ea.,4-16, (Chester Avenue, Phase 2) to the Consolidated Maintenance District and levy. an annua~i asse~s-~c~~t`~~not to exceed the amount set forth abov ?on the parcel identified? Yes No ~ ~, Dated. ~ ~ ~ . ~~' ~ B Y Owner's Signature ti 3. IMPORTANT -OFFICIAL PROPERTY OWNER ASSESSMENT BALLOT This Ballot is for the use of the property owner of the parce! identified below which parcel is located within Area 4-16, (Chester Avenue, Phase 2) and which is bein ro os . gp p ed to be added to the Consolidated Maintenance D~str~ct and assessed an amount f or maintenance of street landscaping and lighting. This Ballot may be used to express either support for or opposition to the ro osed asse ~ ~ p p ssment. In order to be counted, this Ballot must be signed below by an owner or, if the owner is not an individual, by an authorized representative of the owner. The Ballot must then be delivered to the City Clerk, either by mail or in person as follows: Mail Delivery: If by mail, place in the return envelope provided, rovide stam s p p forfirst class postage, and place in the mail not laterthan one 1 ~} calendar week prior to July 19, 2000. Mailing later than this deadline creates the risk that the Ballot may not be received in time to be counted. P_ ersonal Delivery: If in person, to the City Clerk at any time up to 12:00 noon on July 19, 2000, at the City Clerk's Office at 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, California, or at the protest hearing itself at 7:00 p.m. on that date at the City Council Chambers at the same address. However delivered, the Ballot must be received by the City Clerk rior to the close of the . to p public hearing whether on July 19 or a later continuation date} to be counted. TO CAST THIS BALLOT, RETURN EITHER THIS ENTIRE PAGE OR THE PORTION BELOW THIS LINE. BALLOT ~j , _T.~~ i.~~ p _ ,,.,.. n..~ ,. .,~ i ... ,_,~ ,.. ,. Assessment Amount: $ 49.38 ~_:. .. .~ ~.. , :~ Assessment Ballot Measure .Shall the City Council of the City of Bakersfield add Area 4-16, (Chester Avenue, Phase 2} to the Consolidated Maintenance District and levy an annual assessment not to exceed the amount set forth above on the parcel identified? Yes UJ No ^ Dated: ~ ~' ~ ey. Owner's Signature 3. IMPORTANT -OFFICIAL PROPERTY GINNER ASSESSMENT BALLOT ~~, F i j i .. ) . ((„ ~1 ~°~"This Beall ~ ~~r th .. , 4~ ~ ~~ ~' . e use of the property owner of the parcel identified below whic . h . pa.rce;l, is located within Area 4-16, (Chester Avenue, Phase 2 and which is bein ro os } 9 p p ed to ° -be~~~ added. Ito, ~ th~~~~,~onsolidated Maintenance District and assessed an amount for maintenance of street landscaping and lighting. This Ballot may be used to express either support for or opposition to the ro osed pp assessment.. In order to be counted, this Ballot must be signed below by an owner or, if the owner is not an individual, by an authorized representative of the owner. The Ballot must then be delivered to the City Clerk, either by mail or in person as follows: Mail Delivery: If by mail, place in the return envelope provided, rovide stam s p p for first class postage, and place in the mail not later than one 1 (} calendar week prior to July 19, 2000. Mailing later than this deadline creates the risk that the Ballot may not be received in time to be counted. Personal Delivery: If in person, to the City Clerk at any time u to 12:00 noon on p July 19, 2000, at the City Clerk's Office at 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, California, or at the protest hearing itself at 7:00 p.m. on that date at the City Council Chambers at the same address. However delivered, the Baflot must be received by the City Clerk rior to the close of the to ~ p public hearing (whether on July 19 or a later continuation date) to be counted. TO CAST THIS BALLOT, RETURN EITHER THIS ENTIRE PAGE OR THE PORTION BELOW THIS LINE. BALLOT .~.~ 13l . 46 ~~-~~~.y Assessment Amount. $ ~. . ~. ~. ., Assessment Ballot Measure ~-.Y W:; Shall the City Council of the City of Bakersfield add Area 4-16, Chester Avenue, Phase 2) to the Consolidated Maintenance District and levy an annual assessment not to exceed the amount set forth above on the parcel identified? Yes '® No ^ ``~ r l Dated: ;)~~ gy; ~~' , ,, Owner's S' ur 3. IMPORTANT -OFFICIAL PROPERTY OWNER ASSESSMENT BALLOT ,, This Ballot is for the use of the property owner of the parcel identified below, which parcel is located within Area 4-16, (Chester Avenue, Phase 2 and which is bein ro osed } 9p p. to be added. to the Consolidated Maintenance .District and assessed an amount for maintenance of street landscaping and li htin . g g This Ballot may be used to express either support for or opposition to the proposed assessment. In order to be counted, this Ballot must be signed below by an owner or, if the owner is not an individual, by an authorized representative of the owner. The Ballot must then be delivered to the City Clerk, either by mail or in person as follows: Mail Delivery: If by mail, place in the return envelope provided, provide stamps for first class postage, and place in the mail not later than one (1 } calendar week prior to July 19, 2000..-Mailing later than this deadline creates the risk that the Ballot may not be received in time to be counted. Personal Delivery: If in person, to the City Clerk at any time up to 12:00 noon on July 19, 2000, at the City Clerk's Office at 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, California, or at the protest hearing itself at 7:00 p.m. on that date at the City Council Chambers at the same address. However delivered, the Ballot must be received by the City Clerk prior to the close of the public hearing (whether on July 19~h or a later continuation date to be counted. TO CAST THIS BALLOT, RETURN EITHER THIS ENTIRE PAGE OR THE PORTION BELOW THIS LINE. BALLOT ` y ?~~r~~.R~~'I~~~ ~.«f~! ~~~..+{~~. , . fig ~.~-.r~ r.~ ~" d .... ..s Assessment Amount: $ 41.18 ~ _. tv~~, .. .. _. y ~ ~., Assessment Ballot Measure ` ~ ~~ ~' Shall the City Council of the City of Bakersfield add Area 4-16, (Chester Avenue, Phase 2} to the Consolidated Maintenance District and levy an annual assessment not to exceed the amount set forth above on the parcel identified? Yes L~l Dated: ~~ ~Q~~ No ^ B' Owner's Signature O N Q s0 ~`t ~ ~I S (`~~-, V ~~~ r V/ ~~ ~~ II~ a l~ X ~ ~ ~ N Q ~ N N . ~~ 3 ~ ~ 0 ~ w ~ I,, 'iii ~~ ?~ D ~ ~ N ~ p n ~ O ~ . ~ ~~ ~ ~ 0 .. QO C ~~ ? n ~ ~ ~ . ~f3 O ~~ ~ w ,~ ~. ~. y N cn • O ~' ~ y o ~ ~ n N ~~ ~ N n 't3 (D ~ ~ ~- ~ 0~ ~ n N' iU N - ~ Z r,, ~ ~ -•"'cp Q ~ N .~ rt O . , ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~D ', ~; Q Q ~ Q /~~ - y f i J ~ Q ; ro ~ `~ ~ D ~ rr; ,. ,,~ ~ l `V ~„ r, rl^ ~ ~«~- ~ ~'~ 'i ~ .... ~ W ~ ~ 'rye q F.c3 ~~f.. ".~,t ~ ~~ ~ `M•• (: ~ ~ PSYM V N ~ ~+ f. ` ~;.~~. ttYy~ ~ /~ `y ~~'~ •iM4gV .a E "' ~i ~ ~. YIdR' /~ ,\ ~ ' O ~L O 1y~~L~ ~~~~ ~~ ~ ~~~~ ~5~~ r' ~~~~~ ~~ ~`~ ~ ~~ ~_ 1 ~ : ~4;.. ~ .--~, ~ ~ •~. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ BALLOT :::'~~~~~ ~ 71 i~3~JC~ s ~~ rT~f~ ~~vl~} I T I ~~ ? ~. t= ~~~ I N~ ~ ~`~ ~' ~ ~~~ ' ~ i i } ;d } + ~~ 'r ~ ~ ~+ .''~• '~~ ~ ', i .r i' . s Assessment Amount: ~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~,:.:. ~~~, ~ ~~ : ;~ ~..,~ ;_ ~ ~~ ~- ~:. ~..., . ~. $.~ ~.~:; Assessment Ballot Measure Shall the Cit Council of the City of Bakersfield add Area 4-16, (Chester Avenue, y n not to Phase 2 to the Consolidated, Maintenance District and levy an annual assessme t ~ .. exceed the amount set forth above on the parcel identified? Yes ~ No ^ ~ ~ ~ Dated: ~ ~ . ~ ~'~ . Owner's ~ BALLOT t~'~t~,~ ~ i ~ ~~C}~~~ ,., ~:~ t~~~T~R ~~t 1 I ~' I E~ ~ ~. ~.: ..~~I ~ :~`i~D .........._... ._ ..._ . . a-. ;~~ ~~~'i ~ r' rah .._.r ;. ~~ ; .; Assessment Amount: 24. Assessment Ballot Measure Shalt the City Council of the Cit of Bakersfi P Y eid add Area 4-16, (Chester Avenue hase 2} to the Consolidated Maintenance Dis r ' t ict and levy an annual assessment not to exceed the amount set forth above on the arcel identifi ~ p ed. Yes No ^ Dated: ,~ !~ ~ Owner's Si 3. ~ IMPORTANT -OFFICIAL PROPERTY OWNER ASSESSMENT BALLOT This Ballot is for the use of the property owner of the parcel identified below, which parcel is located within Area 4-16, Chester Avenue, Phase 2}and which is being proposed to be added to the Consolidated Maintenance District and assessed an amount for maintenance of street landscaping and lighting. This Ballot may be used to express either support for or opposition to the proposed assessment. In order to be counted, this Ballot must be signed below by an owner or, if the owner is not an individual, by an authorized representative of the owner. The ballot must then be delivered to the City Clerk, either by mail or in person as follows: Mail Delivery: If by mail, place in the return envelope provided, provide stamps for first class postage, and place in the mail not later than one ~1 } calendar week prior to July 19, 2000. Mailing later than this deadline creates the risk that the Ballot may not be received in time to be counted. Personal Delivery: If in person, to the City Clerk at any time up to 12:00 noon on July 19, 2000, at the City Clerk's Office at 1501 Trux#un Avenue, Bakersfield, California, or at the protest hearing itself at 7:40 p.m. on that date at the City Council Chambers at the same address. However delivered, the Ballot must be received by the City Clerk prior to the close of the public hearing whether on July 19th or a later continuation date} to be counted. TO CAST THIS BALLOT, RETURN EITHER THIS ENTIRE PAGE OR THE PORTION BELOW THIS LINE r v . ~ ~ ~ ~' ~ BALLET ~ ~ ~ - ~ tt jj11 ,~JJ~.~ /1 ,, yM~l~rV(71M~~ ~ ~ ~~M~~~W ~~~ r~~N ~-~ ~ ~ ~ Y ~~ ~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~ ~ ~' ~~ Assessment Amou nt: ~ 53.50 Assessment Ballot Measure Shall the City Council of the City of Bakersfield add Area 4-16, (Chester Avenue, Phase 2} to the Consolidated Maintenance District and levy an annual assessment not to exceed the amount set forth above on the parcel identified? Yes Dated: G 2~ Z'~a o No ^ By: Owner's at e 3. IMPORTANT -OFFICIAL PROPERTY OWNER ASSESSMENT BALLOT ~, This Ballot is for the use of the property owner of the parcel identified below which parce! is located within Area 4-16, Chester Avenue, Phase 2) and which is bein ro osed gp p to be added to the Consolidated Maintenance District and assessed an amount for maintenance of street landscaping and lighting. This Ballot may be used to express either support for or opposition to the ro osed pp assessment. In order to be counted, this Ballot must be signed below by an owner or, if the owner is not an individual, by an authorized representative of the owner. The Ballot must then be delivered to the City Clerk, either by mail or in person as follows: Mail Delivery: If by mail, place in the return envelope provided, provide stain s p for first class postage, and place in the mail not later than one (1) calendar week prior to .July 19, 2000. Mailing later than this deadline creates the risk that the Ballot may not be received in time to be counted. Personal Delivery: If in person, to the City Clerk at any time up to 12:00 noon on July 19, 2000, at the City Clerk's Office at 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, California, or at the protest hearing itself at 7:00 p.m. on that date at the City Council Chambers at the same address. However .delivered, the Ballot must be received by the City Clerk prior to the close of the public hearing whether on Jul 19th or a later continuation date to be counted. y ) TO CAST THIS BALLOT, RETURN EITHER THlS ENTIRE. PAGE OR THE PORTION BELOW THIS LINE. ~ ~' ~ cw BALLOT ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~t ~~~T~~~~~I~ Assessment Amount: $ 98.64 Assessment Ballot Measure ~ ~. ~ ~ ,.~ w" ~ .. :~- Shall the City Council of the City of Bakersfield add Area 4-16, (Chester Avenue, Phase 2) to the Consolidated Maintenance District and levy an annual assessment not to exceed the amount set forth above on the parcel identified? Yes ~ No ^ 1 l i ~~ Dated. By: Own~{r~' Signature P~~- ~ , 3. IMPORTANT.- OFFICIAL PROPERTY OWNER ASSESSMENT BALLOT . This Ballot is for the.. use of the property owner of the parcel identified below_ ,which parcel is located within. Area 4-.~6, (Chester.Avenue, Phase 2) ands which: is bein ~ ro osed ., .. .. g p ,p to be added to the Consolidated ~Ma~nteriance District and assessed ~ anM~~amount for maintenance of street landscaping andlighting. ` ~~~ This Ballot may be used to express either support for or opposition to the proposed assessment. In orderto be counted, this Ballot must be signed below by an owner or, if the owner is not an individual, by an authorized representative of the owner. The Ballot must then be delivered to the City Clerk, either by mail or in person as follows:. Mail Deli_ 'very: If by mail, place in the return envelope provided, provide stamps for first class postage, and place in the mail. not later than one (1) calendar week prior to July 19, 2000. ~ Mailing later than this deadline creates the risk that the Ballot may not be received in time to be counted. Personal Delivery: If in person, to the City Clerk at any time up to 12:00 noon on July 19, 2000, at the City Clerk's Office at 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, California, or at the protest hearing itself at 7:00 p.m. on that date atthe City Council Chambers atthe same address. However delivered; the ~ Ballot must be received by the CityClerk prior to the close of the public hearing (whether on July 19t" or a later continuation date} to be counted. ~~ ~ ~~ TO CAST THIS BALLOT, RETURN EITHER THIS ENTIRE PAGE OR~ THEPORTION BELOW THIS LINE. BALLOT ~' ~ a- ~' ~. ~. ~:5~~i ~ i 1~~;~:~''~i' ~ .... _ _ _ ~- _ _ ~~N~~~ ~~ ~~~~~ f ~ " C ~ ~'" ~"U 67.18 Assessment Amount. $ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .a<~ J Assessment Ballot Measure Shall the City Council of the City of Bakersfield add Area 4-16, (Chester Avenue, Phase 2} to the Consolidated Maintenance District and levy an annual assessment not to exceed the amount set forth above on the parcel identified? Yes No ^ !~ ~~ ~~~ Dated. ~ i . C~ ~ v. ~ ~ i ~~t,'.~ B . ;~ ~ ~ Y Owner's Signature AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ss. COUNTY OF KERN ) Donna Barnes ,being first duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is now and during all the time herein mentioned a Development Associate for the City of Bakersfield, California. That on the ~~ ~ day of June, 2000, she deposited in the. United States Mail; with postage prepaid, notice, a copy of which is attached hereto, addressed to each person whose name and address appears on the attached list, which list contains the names and addresses of the owners of all property to be assessed for the maintenance of certain local improvements within the addition of territory, Area 4-16 (Chester Avenue Phase 2) of the Consolidated Maintenance .District, as shown in the records of the Assessor of the County of Kern. That such mailing was completed not less than forty five .days prior to July 19, 2000, the date set for hearing on this matter before the Council of the City of Bakersfield. 1 K,~ ~r~----- DONNA BARNES DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 C:IWINDOWSITEMP1Aff4-16.wpd ~,1 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ADDITION OF TERRITORY, AREA 4-16 (CHESTER AVENUE, PHASE 2) TO THE CONSOLIDATED MAINTENANCE DISTRICT. 1 NOTICE OF PROPOSED ASSESSMENT 2. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING AND BALLOT PROCEDURE 3. OFFICIAL PROPERTY OWNER ASSESSMENT BALLOT 1. ~ NOTICE OF PROPOSED ASSESSMENT: Your proposed assessment for fiscal year 2000-2001 is $0.00. Your proposed yearly, assessment when improvements are completed is Duration of payments: ongoing on a yearly basis, Reason for assessment: to maintain landscaping and lighting that benefits your property. Assessments are based on a combination of parcel area and building area: see. Public Work Director's report, Exhibit "C," (on file with the City Clerk}. -~~, 2. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING AND BALLOT PROCEDURE: fi NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Public -Works Director of ,the City of Bakersfield has caused to be prepared and filed with the City Clerk a report which provides the basis forthe benefit assessmentfor maintaining street landscaping and lighting to be borne by all ,parcels of ,property within Area 4-16, (Chester Avenue, Phase 2} which includes your property. Said report sets forth the amounts to be provided in the budget for maintenance and operation, a description of each lot or parcel of property in Area 4-16, (ChesterAvenue,fhase 2) by a description sufficient to identify the same, and the amount of assessment to be levied for fiscal year 2000-2001, against each lot or parcel of property. Said report is open to public inspection at the City Clerk's Office, 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, California. A PROTEST HEARING WILL BE HELD REGARDING ADDING AREA 4-16, (CHESTER AVENUE, PHASE 2) TO THE CONSOLIDATED MAINTENANCE .DISTRICT ON WEDNESDAY, JULY 19, 2000, AT 7:00 P.M. or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard in the Council Chambers at 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, California. At such time, the Council will consider the above-referenced report and hear protests. At the protest hearing, protests will be heard regarding the following: the boundaries of the additional territory; the fairness of the benefit formula; the zones of benefit (street andlor park) including tier level; the amount of the assessment on any lot or parcel of .property; if applicable, reservation by the City of the right to elect whether to proceed by either erformance of work b Cit forces or b contract orb combination of both. p Y Y Y ~ Y Any interested owner objecting to any of the items listed herein may file a written protest, signed by himlher, describing the parcel of property so that it maybe identified, and stating the grounds of hislher protest. Any written protest shall be filed with the City Clerk at 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, California. at or before the protest hearing. Individuals may also appear and be heard at the hearing. Any person challenging in court the decision made at the conclusion of such public hearing may be limited to raising only those issues raised at such ,hearing or in correspondence delivered to the City Clerk prior to the close of such hearing. If you need additional information, please contact Donna Barnes at (661) 326-3765. Pursuant to Government Code § 53753, the following procedure will be followed by the City Council to determine whether a "majority protest" exists at the close of the public hearing of protests. An "Official Property Owner Assessment Ballot" (the "Assessment Ballot"} has been enclosed with this Notice. NOTE: THE ENCLOSED PROPERTY OWNER ASSESSMENT BALLOT IS THE OFFICIAL ASSESSMENT BALLOT. ~ IT IS NOT A SAMPLE BALLOT. YOU WILL NOT RECEIVE ANY OTHER OR ADDITIONAL ASSESSMENT BALLOT. IN ORDER TO ~ MAKE THIS ASSESSMENT BALLOT COUNT IN DETERMINING WHETHER A _,~ "MAJORITY PROTEST" EXISTS,YOU MUSTMARKIT"YES" OR"N0," DATE IT, SIGN ~~ IT, AND SUBMIT IT TO THE CLERK NO LATER THAN THE CLOSE OF THE PUBLIC HEARING OF PROTESTS. IF FOR ANY REASON AN ASSESSMENT BALLOT HAS NOT BE RECEIVED BY THE CLERK PRIOR THE CLOSE OF THE PUBLIC HEARING OF PROTESTS, IT WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED. After the Assessment Ballot has been marked "yes" or "no," dated and signed, it may be returned to the clerk in the enclosed, self-addressed return envelope. This Assessment Ballot may be used by the owner or owners of any parcel to express either support for or opposition to the proposed assessment. Please see the Assessment Ballot for instructions respecting the alternative methods for submitting the Assessment Ballot either by mail (which may be done using the enclosed envelope but requires the user to provide the required postage) or by personal delivery, either prior to or at the time of the public hearing of protests. Immediately following the close of the public hearing of protests, whether on July 19t" or on such date as the hearin ma be continued to, the returned Assessment Ballots 9 Y will be tabulated, both in support of and in opposition to~ the assessment, with .the ballots being weighed in accordance with the amount of the proposed assessment, and results will be announced; provided that, in the eventtheClerk requires opportunityto determine whether any Assessment Ballot has been ,,properly signed by an owner or authorized representative of an owner, the City Council reserves entitlement to continue the matter of announcing results to provide the Clerk with such an opportunity. In the event that Assessment Ballots in opposition- exceed those in support, there will be a "majority protest," and the City Council will be precluded from proceeding with the proposed assessment. ~, 3. IMPORTANT -OFFICIAL PROPERTY OWNER ASSESSMENT BALLOT 1; This Ballot is for the use of the property owner of the parcel identified below, which parcel is located within Area 4-16, (Chester Avenue, Phase 2) and which is being proposed to be added. to the Consolidated Maintenance District and assessed an amount for maintenance of street landscaping and lighting. This Ballot may be used to express either support for or opposition to the proposed assessment. In order to be counted, this Ballot must be signed below by an owner or, if the owner is not an individual, by an authorized representative of the owner. The .Ballot must then be delivered to the City Clerk, either by mail or in person as follows: Mail Delivery: If by mail, place in the return envelope provided, provide stamps for first class postage, and place in the mail not-later than one (1) calendar week prior to July 19, 2000. Mailing later than this deadline creates the risk that the Ballot may not be received in time to be counted. Personal Delivery:. If in person, to the City Clerk at any time up to 12:00 noon on July 19, 2000, at the City Clerk's Office at 1501 Truxtun Avenue., Bakersfield, California, or at the protest hearing itself at 7:00 p.m. on that date at the City Council Chambers at the same address. However delivered, the Ballot must be received by the City Clerk prior to the close of the public hearing (whether on July 19t" or a later continuation date) to be counted. TO CAST THIS BALLOT, RETURN EITHER THIS ENTIRE.. PAGE OR THE PORTION BELOW THIS LINE. BALLOT Assessment Amount: $ Assessment Ballot Measure Shall the City Council of the City of Bakersfield ~ add Area 4-16, (Chester Avenue, Phase 2} to the Consolidated Maintenance District and levy an annual assessment not to exceed the amount set forth above on the parcel identified? Yes ^ No ^ Dated: By: Owner's Signature .~ LEGAL DESCRIPTION Area 4-16 Seven parcels of land situated in the City of Bakersfield, County of Kern, State of California, being portions of Section 30, T 29 S, R 28 E, M. D. B. & M., and more particularly described as follows: Parr.Pl nnP~ Beginning at the intersection of the north right-of-way line of 17t" Street (82.5 feet wide) and the east right-of-way line of Eye Street (82.5 feet wide); THENCE (1) North along said east right-of-way line, a distance of 402.00 feet; THENCE (2} East a distance of 75.00 feet within~block 245; THENCE (3) North a distance of 93.00 feet to intersect the north right-of-way line of the alley (33 feet wide) within block 245; THENCE (4) West a distance of 75.00 feet to intersect the east right-of-way line of Eye Street; THENCE (5) North along said east right-of-way line a distance of 313.50 feet to intersect the south right-of way line of the alley (33 feet wide) within block 234; THENCE (6) East along the south right-of-way line a distance of 76.00 feet; THENCE (7) North a distance of 90.75 feet; THENCE (8) (Nest a distance of 76.00 feet to intersect the east right-of-way line of Eye Street; THENCE (9) North along last said right-of-way line a distance of 255.75 feet to intersect the south right-of-way line of 20t" Place within block 205; THENCE (10) East along the south right-of-way line a distance of 132.00 feet ; THENCE (11) South a distance of 198 feet to intersect the south right-of-way of 20t" Street (82.5 feet wide); THENCE (12) West along the last named right-of-way a distance of 3.00 feet THENCE (13) South a distance of 115.50 feet to intersect the north right-of-way line EXHIBIT "A" MAP AND ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM FOR ADDITION OF TERRITORY CAREA 4 -16 CHESTER AVENUE 2~ TO THE CONSOLIDATED MAINTENANCE DISTRICT BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA ~ ~1 UI-I I~ 24TH STREET ^ NOT Tp SCALE 1 1 15 1 23RD STREET 1 1 1 lb1 22ND STREET 1 192 oISTRIcT eouNOaRY 1 S STR E T W z z W Q OT STR ET 9T ~ STR ET ~ ~ ~ ~ W W W W C~ ~ C~ ~ ~ H ~ ~ ~ 8 T S T R E E ISTRICT BOUNDARY 272 J >- ~ 2 W 1,.1 H ~ R ET W 2 U X85 286 287 TRUXTUN AVENUE FILEp IN THE QFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK THIS DAY FILED FOR RECORD THIS DAY OF OF , 20_ 20_, AT _.M., IN BOOK OF ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS AT PAGE IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF THE COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, qTY CLERK OF THE pTY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA JADES W. MAPLES COUNTY ASSESSOR-RECORDER AN ASSESSMENT WAS LEVER BY THE CITY COUNgI ON THE LOTS, BY PIECES AND PARCELS OF LAND SHAWN ON THIS ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM, ~ ~ CHIEF DEPUTY RECORDER SAID ASSESSMENT WAS lE1AED ON THE DAY OF , 20_; SAID ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM AND THE ASSESSMENT ROLL WERE RECORDED IN THE OFFICE OF THE RECORDED IN THE OFFICE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF SAID CITY ON THE OAY TH15 OAY OF , 20~ OF , 20 REFERENq: IS MADE TO THE ASSESSMENT ROLL RECORDED IN THE OFFICE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF PU~.IC WORKS FOR THE EXACT AMOUNT OF EACH ASSESSMENT LEVIED DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS AGAINST EACH PARCEL OF LAND SHOWN ON THIS ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM, BAKERSFIELO, CALIFORNIA EXHIBIT ~6~ qTY CLERK OF THE qTY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA FILE: MD4-16 SHEET t of 1 ,, of Service Street alley, within block 234; THENCE (14) East a distance of 14.42 feet ; THENCE (15) South a distance of 33 feet to intersect the south right-of-way line of the alley within block 234; THENCE (16} South a distance of 115.50 feet to intersect the north right-of-way of 19t" Street; THENCE (17)West along the last named right-of-way line a distance of 11.42 feet; THENCE (18) South a distance of 82.50 feetto intersectthe south right-of-way line of 19t" Street; THENCE (19) South a distance of 115.50 feet to intersect the north right-of-way line of the alley within block 245; THENCE (17) South a distance of 33 feet to intersect the south right-of-way line of Wall Street alley; THENCE (18) West a distance of 25 feet; THENCE (19) South a distance of 115.50 to intersect the- north right-of-way line of 18t" Street; THENCE (20) East a distance of 25 feet; THENCE (21) South a distance of 346.50 feet to intersect the north right-of-way line of 17t" Street; THENCE (22) West a distance of 132.00 feet to the true point of beginning of parcel one. Parcel 2 Beginning at a point on the east right-of-way line of Eye Street (82.5 feet wide)said point being 30.33 feet north of the north right-of-way line of 20t"Street alley (33 feet wide) within block 205; THENCE (1) North a distance of 283.17 feet to intersect the south right-of-way of the alley (33 feet wide), within block 194 THENCE (2) East along the last named right-of-way a distance of 132.00 feet; EXHIBIT "A" ~~~ THENCE (3) South a distance of 283.17 feet; THENCE (4) West a distance of 132.00 feet to the true point of beginning of parcel two. Parcel 3 Beginning at the intersection of the north right-of-way line of 22nd Street (82.5 feet wide) and the east right-of-way line of Eye Street (82.5 feet wide); THENCE (1) North a distance of 107.00 feet; THENCE (2) East a distance of 122.00 feet; THENCE (3) South a distance of 107.00 feet; THENCE (4) West a distance of 122.00 feet to the true point of beginning of parcel three. Parcel 4 Beginning at the intersection of the north right-of-way line of 22nd Street (82.5 feet wide) and the west right-of-way line of the alley (33 feet wide) within block 166. THENCE (1) North along the last named right-of-way a distance of 57.00 feet; THENCE (2) East a distance of 142.00 feet; THENCE (3) South a distance of 57.00 feet; THENCE (4) West a distance of 142.00 feet to the true point of beginning of parcel four. Parcel 5 Beginning at the intersection of the north right-of-way line of 20t" Street (82.5 feet wide) and the west right-of-way line of the alley (16.5 feet wide) within block 206. THENCE (1) North along the last named alley right-of-way line a distance of 346.50 feet to intersect the north right-of-way line of 21St Street, (82.5 feet wide); THENCE (2) East along the last named right-of-way a distance of 140.25 feet; EXHIBIT "A" -,,, THENCE (3) South a distance of 192.50 feet; THENCE (4) West a distance of 123.75 feet; THENCE (5) South a distance of 63.25 feet; THENCE (6) East a distance of 123.75 feet to intersect the west right-of-way line of K Street, (82.5 feet wide); THENCE (7) South along the west right-of-way line of K Street a distance of 231.00 feet; THENCE (8) West a distance of 132.00 feet; THENCE (9) North a distance of 57.75 feet; THENCE (10) West a distance of 8.25 feet; THENCE (11) North a distance of 82.50 feet to intersect a point on the north right- of-way line of 20t" Street said point. also being the true point of beginning of parcel five. Par~pl R Beginning at the intersection of the north right-of-way line of 18t" Street (82.5 feet wide) and the west right-of-way line of K Street (82.50 feet wide); THENCE (1) West a distance of 158.00 feet; THENCE (2) North a distance of 57.75 feet; THENCE (3) East a distance of 26.00 feet; THENCE (4) North a distance of 57.75 feet to intersect the south right-of-way line of the Wall Street alley, (33 feet wide) within block 246; THENCE (5) West a distance of 36.00 feet; THENCE (6) North a distance of 148.50 feet; THENCE (7) West a distance of 70.00 feet; THENCE (8) North a distance, of 140.25 feet; EXHIBIT "A" -~ THENCE (9) East a distance of 26.00 feet; ,~ THENCE (10) North a distance of 12.25 feet; THENCE (11) East a distance of 6.00 feet; THENCE (12} North a distance of 45.5 feet; THENCE (13) North a distance of 33.00 feet; THENCE (14) West a distance of 160.00 feet; THENCE (15) South a distance of 33.00 feet to intersect the south right-of-way line of Service Street alley within block 233; THENCE (16) East a distance of 44.00 feet to intersect the west right-of-way line of K Street; THENCE (17) South along the last named right-of=way line a distance of 462.00 feet to the true point of beginning of parcel six; Parcel 7 ,, Beginning at the intersection of the south right-of-way line of 18t" Street (82.5 feet. wide) and the centerline of K Street (82.50 feet wide vacated); THENCE (1) South a distance of 460.50 feet; THENCE (2) West a distance of 149.75 feet; THENCE (3) North a distance of 1.96.50 feet to intersect the north right-of-way line of 17t" Street; THENCE (4.} East a distance of 42.5 feet; THENCE (5) North.a distance of 115.50 feet; THENCE (6) West a distance of 66.00 feet; THENCE (7) North a distance of 148.50 feet; THENCE (8) East a distance of 113.25 feet to the true point of beginning of parcel seven. S:IPROJECTSIMAINDISTILEGALS1Legal4-16.wpd EXHIBIT "A" -~ CONSOLIDATED MAINTENANCE DISTRICT ~~ CITY OF BAKERSFIELD BENEFIT FORMULA Each parcel in the Street Landscaping Zone of Benefit shall be assessed the amount as defined in (1) below: Each parcel in the ParkZone of Benefit shall be assessed the amount as defined in (2) below: Each parcel in the Street and Park Zone of Benefit shall be assessed the sum of the amounts as defined in (1) and (2) below: (1) shall equal the dollar amount budgeted for the maintenance and operation of the STREET LANDSCAPING (S) within the district, adjusted for prior year fund balance or deficit; Multiplied by (a): The number of Equivalent Dwelling Units (EDU's) for the parcel, and; Multiplied by (t): The factor for the tier level, which equals the street tier number, and; Divided by (b.): The total number of street EDU's in the district. (1) = Sxaxt b NOTE: Undeveloped residential and commercial parcels with no existing adjacent median or street landscaping shall be assessed one-half the number of EDU's for that parcel. Undeveloped industrial parcels with no existing adjacent median orstreet landscaping shall be assessed one-fourth the number. of EDU's for that parcel. In the Berkshire area (3-06) and the Hosking, South H area (5-03}, .only subdivided parcels will be assessed for street landscaping. (2) shall be the dollar amount budgeted for the maintenance and operation of the PARKS (P) within the district, adjusted for prior year fund balance or deficit; Multiplied by (a): The number of EDU's for the parcel, and; Multiplied by (t): The factor for the tier level, which equals the park tier number, and; Divided by (b): The total number of park EDU's in the district. ~~ (2) = Pxaxt b EXHIBIT "C" Page 1 of 4 __~ EQUIVALENT DWELLING UNIT (EDU) CHART An Equivalent Dwelling Unit (EDU) is equal to a single family residence. EDU's shall be calculated by use or potential use per zoning. as follows: , USE EDU REMARKS Agricultural Zone 1.0 Per parcel Single Family (Detached) 1.0 Per parcel Dwelling Unit, less than 5 acres Undeveloped R-1 zoned 4lacre Rounded down to the 5 acres or more. nearest whole number. Undeveloped R-1 zoned, 1lacre Rounded down to the less than 5 acres. nearest whole .number. Multi-Family (Attached) ~ 0.71lunit Undeveloped R-2, R-3 0.711unit Number of units shall-equal the acreage multiplied by 12 rounded down to the nearest whole number. Non Residential 6lacre Rounded to nearest .01 Mobile .Homes in parks 0.71/unit .(Rent Space) Mobile Homes in ~ 1.OOlunit subdivisions (Owner) Mixed Use Each calculated per the above. EXHIBIT "C" Page 2 of 4 EDU EXCEPTIONS Several exceptions have been made to the base EDU rates in the areas listed below due to commitments made at the time of formation of the original, districts. USE EDU REMARKS Polo Grounds Undeveloped R-1 zoned 3.281acre Rounded down to the 5 acres or more. nearest whole number. (Per condition of Annexation) Parkside Village Single Family Dwelling Unit (Vineyard) Multi-Family Dwelling Unit (Shores) Multi-Family Dwelling Unit (Edgewater, Brookhaven, Springs) Non Residential (Castle & Cooke) Non Residential (Parkside Partners) Brimhall & Verdugo Seven Oaks, North & South Undeveloped R-1 zoned 5 acres or more California Avenue Non Residential 1.0 0.861unit 0.58/unit 24.26 7.56 3/acre 1.0 Per parcel plus 0.9 EDU's per 100 feet of California Ave. frontage EXHIBIT "C" Page 3 of 4 USE EDU REMARKS ~~~ Union Avenue Non Residential 3 Per parcel Silvercreek 370-022-04 0.71 /unit ~ Shall b e charged a t ~ R - 3 12 units/Acre rate as per GPA Resolution No. 22-94 Chester Avenue 6lacre Area for each arcel is based p 50% on lot area and 50% on building area. S:IPROJECTSIMAINDISTIFORMULASIExhC99.wpd EXHIBIT "C" Page 4 of 4 EXHIBIT "D" MAINTENANCE DISTRICT AREA 4-16 .~ _f Said assessment is made in accordance with the benefit formula attached hereto. 1999-2.000 BUDGET Gross Budget Amount Required $0.00 (City Staff Services or Contract, Supplies, Materials and Utilities) Estimated Beginning Fund Balancel~Deficit) $0.00 Less: City Contributions NET AMOUNTTO BEASSESSED S:IPROJECTSIMAINDISTIEXHIBITDIMD4-16D.WB2 $0.00 $0.00 EXHIBIT "D" i EXHIBIT "E" ~~ ASSESSMENT ROLL ,- .~ ~- _ MAINTENANCE DISTRICT AREA 416 _~'~ FISCAL YEAR 2000-2001 Assessment Parcel No. ~ Total amount to Total amount as shown on Map be collected for when improvements Exhibit "B" ~ FY 2000-2001 are installed 005-402-01-00-8 $0.00 $41.04 005-411-08-00-5 $0.00 $21.89 005-442-04-00-9 ~ $0.00 $49.25 005-442-05=00-2 $0.~0~0 $24.62 005-452-02-00-6 $0.00 $35.57 005-452-07-00-1 $U.00 $194.26 005-461-06-00-4 $0.00 ~ $67.03 005-461-~10-00-5 ~ $0.00. ~ $35.57 005-481-02-00-8 ~ $0.00 $98.50 005-481-05-00-7 ~ ~ $0.00 $131.33 . 005-481-06-00-0 $0.00 $108.07 005-481-07-00-3 $0.00 $9.58 005-481-08-00-6 $0.00 $8.21 005-492-04-00-4 ~ $0.00 ~ $57.46 005-492-09-00-9 ~ $0.00 ~ ~ $28.73 .005-492-10-00-1 ~ $0.00 $102.60 ~'~, ~ 005-492-11-00-4 $0.00 $13.68 006-012-01-00-2 $0.00 $120.38 006-012-02-00-5 $0.00 $49.25 006-01.2-14-00-0 $0.00 $98.50 006-021-04-00-7 $0.00 $98.50 . 006-021-05-00-0 $0.00 $42.41 . 006-021-10-00-4 $0.00: $42.41 .006-021-11-00-7 $0.00 $4.10 006-021-13-00-3 $0.00 $19.1.5 006-021-14-00-6 $0.00 $51.98 006-171-02-00-5 $0.00 $24.62 006-171-03-00-8 $0.00 $41.04 . 006-171-04-00-1 $0.00 $53.35 006-182-01-00-2 $0.00 $24.26 006-182-02-00-5 $0.00 $45.14 . 006-.182-05-00-4 $0.00 $47.88 006-201-10-00-6 $0.00 $53.35 Total $0.00 $1, 790.36 Date:. City Clerk and Ex officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield 4 S:IMAINDISIIEXHIBITEIMD4-15E.W63 EXHIBIT ~~ E" Page 1 '.,•:;'.::..•:;,..vxn.,;p.iii; }: v;: :..v:n::y..ii:C'[•i1:•iiii..:: ri::Jy. ••:;.: •.: ~:.~:. v:.~.~:::::n~::nw:::n:~:,..: v. •n•x•.~..,.v..v.:~n::~r ........................................................:.................................. .... .n.v.v ....... . .... ... .:...... .v. l.. ....... .......... .... re ..\. ....................nn.:...:::::::•.. ~:: ...::.wn::: rv: ~: ~.: xv:.v .::: •..:. ~:~ ..... .... n~'.n....v ..v .... ... .. .... .......... ~.... J...... .... v.: ~::.:.::..: •. ......::: ~:::: •: v.: ......:nw.vvvw; v..•.vn n•::::;v.. n..: .. ". .... ......................................w.vu:•w..•;•.b...:.:.:.:.:.:.:...:..:~:~::.:..::....:.:.:.:........e...e,.•;.....:..,.,.,.:.......................:::^^: yvvvw::::;:y..y...........n.......:n...:.::::;~: n•.:.: ~:nv~~.::.»': ~: w; ., ...., Lauren Dimberg - Tandy~ro.wpd ~ h..... .....p.ag`e ~ . ~:.::.::.:: •::..yn•.;.y.;•;x'•.i:.}•.}••S.ii;•.;+;;•!:'{•i.:i::.i.1:n::.i:.i:.::.YLii...:'.: •yi;.i;•i'v.;; •. , •:::::::..:v.. ~:::::.vnn:.::: n .:.:::::::.::.:. ....mn h..nn. .. .. ................n... ~..... ...v ... ..........................}.;.}::::::::w::::;.,•::::::::::::::::::::;::0:i;;,:.~.~:::::::v:::::...::::::.:.::n.:.:;w::.:~::::n:.:::::.~::.vnv:vvwv~v:n.::::v:::.,•::::::.~::::n:~::.~.:~:nv:.:~;;•~.;..... .................':....... ...... ............................... '~~ ......n ..................... nnn,v a •.v......n..... ~. ~.~...nnn..... ... ...........................................................S ... ~.v...... .... .n .....................n............ v.... \v..nnn......... ,,, ..............,............................... . .~. .........n... .. .nR ~ .....n...mx n.. xnnn.....e....nn .......................... n.., ........................ ... ...... .. ~.. ~.. ... ... ~ ... ............v.. n.......AF... e.. ........ .n~ ..n. n...,.... n..................... ........................ .................................................................................... v:::.~:.~.~::.vn;••,::~:..:::...:::.~:::::.:~:::::::. ~:.~:~:: .... ... ..n .n.. ... ~.....n..............• ...~...n4.pni.n......nnn..............,...........n...:.:..::::nv:.;~'.'..::.v,~:: :.::.~.::~:.::~ ~., .... _ ..r~ \\l .. • B A K E R S F I E Economic and Community Development Department MEMORANDUM March 20, 2000 T0: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Jake Wager, Economic Development Director SUBJECT: Downtown Streetscape Expansion Project On March S staff representatives from Engineering, General Services, Parks, and Economic and Community Development met to discuss the logistics of constructing the Downtown Streetscape Expansion Project. The project, an extension of the recently completed Chester Avenue., Streetscape Project, is located along 17th,18th,19th, 20th, and 21St streets one block east and west of Chester Avenue. Based on cost. savings discussed at this meeting, the likelihood of extending the proj ect to 22nd Street is realistic: This project will be designed in house. The original engineer's estimate for the project was $1,016,202. Defined funding sources for the project include the following: ISTEA $550,000 (grant has been approved and funds are available) CDBG $180,000 (FY 99-00) CDBG $100,000 (FY 00-01) $830,000 Notification of a second grant, Environmental Enhancement Mitigation (EEM) funds for $250,000 is pending. The Resources Agency will send a list of recommended projects and funding amounts to the California Transportation Commission (CTC) by April 15, 2000. All project applicants will be notified of the status of their application by that time. Sometime in July 2000, it is anticipated that the CTC will give preliminary approval to projects to be funded, with . n......{{ .. ................ ............................ .. ...:..:...: .n ..:.......... ...............: n.... .. x ..... ... ..... ... .. ............ ....................... ......... ~ .... .. ~~ ren im r .. .,, tau e g Tandy ro.wpd page"`2~ Y /: : ry:: f L., ~ funding allocations to be considered at a subsequent Commission meeting upon contract approval based upon when the state budget is approved. Grant funds should be expended as soon as possible after the grant is awarded by the CTC after the second funding vote which is typically dependent on approval of the state budget. If funded, the city would have in hand a total project budget of $1,080,000. , In addition to discussing the funding required, staff also established a tentative time frame for carrying out the project. The estimated timeline is as follows: June 14, 2000. City Council Public Hearing for Maintenance District formation June 28, 2000 Alternate date for the maintenance district formation (potentially due to a limited number of council hearing for budget and maintenance district hearings) June 2000 Construction documents completed July 2000 Project out to bid September 13, 2000 City Council awards construction bid End of September Construction begins November 30, 2000 Project completed The following topics were also discussed at the meeting for the project: Maintenance District Based on project improvements the expansion area would probably be classified as a Street Tier 2. Calculated at six dwelling units per acre, 50%-based on lot area and 50% based on building area, it is estimated that .annual assessments would be between $12 (a parking lot) to $100 (Woolworth's} per parcel. This compares with Chester Avenue as a Street Tier 4 from Truxtun Avenue to 23rd Street, with a range of $22 to $888 per parcel and Tier 1 from 23rd - 24th streets, with a -range of $11 to $30 per parcel. Efforts to establish •a maintenance district would begin immediately. Staff anticipates a June 14 City Council hearing date with June 28 set as an alternate • date due to a limited number of council hearing dates as a result of budget and maintenance district hearings. In several instances, parcels fronting Chester Avenue also border the proposed expansion project boundaries. Property owners already in the Chester Avenue Maintenance District whose property wraps around to one of the east/west streets would not be re-assessed as part of the expansion project. Expansion Project Improvements Streetscape elements reflect a scaled down version of the Chester Avenue Streetscape Proj ect and include square cast .iron street grates, single luminaries, decorative street lights with single banners (thus expanding the seasonal banner program as well), and trash receptacles. The corners of Eye Street on the east side and the corners of "K" Street on the west side would feature lighted bollards. Electrical conduit would be installed for future installation of twinkle lights at ~. `~ the base of each tree well. Since project funds are currently available, Public Works intends to ... ,. 1 ... ...... .. .. ~.... .gyn..... .,. ~\ ,.. .., ........ .. ... .1....:: n......... .. .t.~.~,. :::v;, .,. .~.. :t ~ ...... ..... ~.. ~..,. .nn ....,. .. r. ..x .~.r nvr~.:v.:.m~;v.nnv..w::::: ~•:::.vw:.w::::n •~. .....:..r .................... ,.....,•.....:::.,.~,.•:.,,.:.,~.::.:::...,...,.::.:.. ,,,.. ,..,ti.,..., .. ... ..............~.. ....................................... , . ..................................... '~auren bimberg -~'andy~ro.wpd . ... ,. ,. ,._., ..... ~....v..~ A... .. .. _. ...... ....~... ~ .... ,.. _ ,:,.,,~.~:~.~.:~::~,,::..,e,....3:,,, ag .,......, .................. .......... h......,........... ............. .....vn:. :.... .u..... .a........ n ............. v. ..............nn.....,....:..m. nnn........................................ n:. ~ L..........h. .~ » ....::::::.::.~ ::v:::.::::: n..... , .:................... ............................................. ~..................................................... .... .... .......... . ..................... .................................,... ............,....n ~n....n ~~. .. ~.... .. ....... ............................v.................. ~............ n ..................... ~................... .........n....:.:,:. ,,;:....; ........... n;::n.: ;v.~::.~.v,::::,:: :.::.v..:.v:::. ~:::::.~ •::::::.nv}:•,m'.!nQ>/.O~R:i:.•:h\,'F ~4 viv n, ^., HQ~:.',?~~ii1. '~a~ pre-order the street lights, tree grates, and trash receptacles to expedite construction. The _~~~ J -' alternative would be order these materials after the bid was awarded causing a potential delay in the start of construction while waiting for material to arrive. It is •estimated that this approach would push the completion date toFebruary -March 2001. Construction Schedule Final construction drawings would be completed by Public Works in June 2000. Staff anticipates to put the project out to bid July 2000. Staff intends to submit the recommended construction contract to City Council, at the September 13, 2000 meeting, Bypre-ordering street lights, tree grate and trash receptacles it is anticipated that construction could start immediately after City Council awards the contractor's bid. Miscellaneous Issues In designing, the project, it will be necessary to avoid planting trees above all basements and under overhead structures awnings because trees cannot be planted or grown in either of these situations. These types of conditions exist ~ in approximately 20-25% of the total project area. Depending. on the number of basements and awnings, potted shrubs may or may not be used as part of the design due to space constraints and watering limitations. Staff will allow businesses with outdoor dining encroachment permits to choose between retaining their dining areas or replacing those areas with streetscape improvements because .the sidewalk area is not large ~~ enough to accommodate both. Staff is currently in process of surveying .the project site to determine the areas where the existing hardscape and awnings will impact the design. Another. issue to be dealt with is the replacement of existing trees along the streetscape. Many of these trees are dead, dying, missing or diseased and staff anticipates replacing. such trees with 36" box trees placed for uniformity and appearance. Conclusion Staff has begun the preliminary steps necessary for the establishment of the maintenance district, surveying the project site and finalizing the project design for preparation of the construction drawings. Staff will be notified of the EEM monies by April 15. Please call if you have any questions. , S:IPROJECTSIMAINDIST1Tandy Project Summarymemo.wpd 10/27/00 FRI 09:41 FAX 805 328 1548 BFLll ~CUN is~ ~UMDI ll~v -~~-~ YUtSLlti rruxn~ ~ u~4 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ADDITION OF TERRITORY, AREA 4-9fi {CHESTER AVENUE, PHASE 2} TO THE CONSOLfDATED MAINTENANCE DESTRfCT. 1 NOTICE OF PROPOSED ASSESSMENT 2. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING AND BALLOT PROCEDURE 3. OFFICIAL PROPERTY OWNER ASSESSMENT BAL OT 1. NOTICE OF PROPOSED ASSESSMENT: aa~c~~ ~ a ~~ao ~A#~L I W 1 ~~ ~ ~+i~K ~'~ 1~~X 543 F~~~~I~ ~~ ~~7~~ Your proposed assessment for fiscal year 2000-2001 is $0.00. Your proposed yearly assessment when imp~oveme~ts are completed is $42.54 Duration of payments: ongoing on a yearly basis, . Reason for assessme~#: to maintain landscaping and lighting that benefifs your property. Assessments are based on a combination of parcel area and building area: see Public Work Director's report, Exhibit "C," (on file with the City Clerk). 10/27/00 FRI 09:43 FAX 805 328 1548 liN'LU ~~UIV & ~ulY11Y1 li~v -~-~-~ rubLl~ rru~a ~ U~U 3. IMPORTANT -OFFICIAL PROPERTY OWNER ASSESSMENT BALLOT This Bal(ot is for the use of the proper#y'owner of the parcel identified below, which parcel is located within Area 4-16, (Chester Avenue, Phase 2) and which is being proposed to be added t4 the Consolidated Maintenance Distric# and assessed an amount for maintenance of street landscaping and ligh#ing. This Ballot may be used to express either suppor# for or apposition to the proposed assessment. In order to be counted, this Bailat must be signed below by an owner or, if the owner is not an individual, by~an authorised representative of theowner, ~'he Ballot must then be delivered to the City Clerk, either by mail or in person as follows: M I D five : rf by mail, place in the return envelope provided, provide stamps for first class postage, and place in the mail not later than one {~ } calendar week prior to July 19, 2~Q4. ~f ailing later than this deadline creates the risk that the Ballot may not be received In time to be eaunted~ Person ei~: If in person, to the City Clerk at any time up to 1 ~:QO noon on duly ~ 9, ~~DQO, at the City Clerk's Cif ce at ~ 501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, California, or at the pra~est hearing itself at 7:aa p.m. on that date at the City Council Chambers at the same address. However delivered, the Ballot must be r ce'ved by the City Clerk prior to the dose of the public hearing (whether on July 19~' or a {ater continuation date) to be counted. TO CAST THIS BALLOT, RETURN EITHER THIS ENTIRE PAGE OR THE PORTION BELOW THIS LINE. BA~,lt~T C~~~a~ ~ ~t~~4~ ~~~~~w~o~ ~~~~ ~~e~a c~ ~~~s~ Assessment Amount: ~ ~~ ~ ~~ Assessment Ballot f~leas~re Shall the City Council of the City of Bakersfield add Area ~-9 fi, Chester Avenue, Phase 2} to the Consolidated lVlaintenance Cistrict and levy an annual assessment not to exceed the amount set Earth above on the parse! idea#ified? Yes Q No ^ Qated: By. owner's Signature 10/27/00 FRI 09:40 FAX 805 328 1548 BFLD ECON & CObIM DEV ~~~ ~ ~~~ ~~, ~~ ~~~ ~~ April 25, 2000 At&t Communications ca Inc 34o Mt Kemble Ave Morristown Nj 79605 Dear Property owner , -~~-~ PUBLIC WORKS ~ OQZ ut. t I issa As your mayor, I want to tell you about an exciting, upcoming project that will extend the winni ~ award ng ChesterAvenue Streetscape. The Downtown Streetscape Expansion Pro'ect will broaden the Ches ~ ~ ~ ter Avenue IandscapEng improvement pra~ect one block east and west of Chester alan 17th, 18th 19th 20#h 21 st and 9 22nd streets. vvhile there will be no median down the middle of these streets, the project will emphasize street trees and will utilize a sim lified desi n similar the p g to Chester Avenue Streetscape. The City of Bakersfield views this project as a continuing effort to brie im rovements to the ~ p downtown, thereby increasing property values and bring more people and investment to the area. vllhat will the improvements look like.? You will see ascaled-dawn version of the Chester Avenue irnprovernents. While the City has secured fundin for construction of the ' . 9 se improvements, the issue of maintenance needs to be resolved. All we are asking from propert owners like ou alon th ~ y Y 9 ese streets ~s a commitment to pay for the maintenance of these improvements, As was done an Chester Avenue, a maintenance district would be responsible for the u kee of the street . p p trees, new street 1lghts, trash cans, banners and lighted bollards. I have seen the cost estimates for the proposed maintenance district and I am pleasantly surprised with the reasonable rates. We would like to discuss this idea with you, vUe are arranging personal a ointments with each pp property owner to talk about the proposed maintenance d~str~ct and answer any questions ou ma have, If ou call D y Y y onna Barnes at 326-3765, she will coordinate a meeting at a time and place convenient for you. Thank you for your consideration of this exciting project that will enhance downtown Bakersfield and your property. I know that after you learn mare about this project ou will share our enthusi y asrn for the expansion so that you too can share in the benefits the Chester Avenue p~operfiy owners now enjoy. Your #ruly, Bob Price Mayor i 5D1 Truscttin Av~,rl~lA • RakaccfiAlrl ral~fnrnia 4!~'~t'11 r t~1 t ~~~..~?'7n . Gay ~~~ 1 ~~R..~770 ~~ t~alliwide Bank PU Bo,~ 5493 Fresno, Ca 93755-5493 Chit oaf ~ ~r~~ie~ ,,,,ewe ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ i990 June 2, 2000 Assessors Parcel No. 406-021-OS A few weeks ago, I sent you a letter regardin the ro osed Downtown Sir ' g P P eetscape Expansion Project and the proposed maintenance district one Mock east and west of Che to s r Avenue along 1?'th, 18th, 19th, loth, 21st and 22nd streets, Dur oal has been to share informa ' . ~ tion about the proposed improvements with you and answer any uestions. q The next step is far the City Council to consider formin such a district. Thee ' . ~ nclosed Notice of fearing outlines the date and time of the public hearin scheduled before the ' g City Council to discuss forming a Chester Avenue, Phase 2 Maintenance District, In the enclosed n ' Ot1Ce, the amount listed as your proposed assessment is $00,00. This is because at this time th ere are no improvements installed and, therefore, there is nothin to maintain. g So until improvements are made to your block, ou will not be assessed for these Y improvements. Cnly when improvements are made will you be assessed; that amount for our ro ert which is listed ab v ~ ` y P P Y a o e right, is estimated to be $4~ a 54 per year. An official property o~rner assessment ballot is also enclosed. The ballot ma be used to ex Tess su ' ' ~ ~ y• a P pport for or opposition to the proposed assessment. district. Instructions for votin are outlined on the ballot. $ The City of BakersFeld is respgnsible for fundin and constructin the streetsca a ex an ' ~ g P p lion ~mproverrients. All we are asking from property owners such as yourself is a commitment to pay for the maintenance and upkeep of these im rovements. p we have been pleased with the support of many of the ro'ect's ra ert owners for a P ~ P P y proposed maintenance district. This is ~a chance to expand the Chester Avenue stri~etsca a to the side streets creatiri a A g truly unique area unlike any other in Bakersfield. Vlore importantly, I believe the planned improvements will increase ro ert values and brin a P P y gin re people downtown. Yours t ty, Bob Price Mayor enclosure ~CA1 TwnA*.w A.iwwa.w . ~wLw...r~1J I~~.121..~:_ AAAAr _ ln~~~ AAS A"~7A _ ~._.. /w/-rIl n+ww w~+rw