HomeMy WebLinkAboutMD Packet 4-21 ~, CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CONSOLIDATED MAINTENANCE DISTRICT IMPORTANT -OFFICIAL PROPERTY OWNER ASSESSMENT BALLOT This assessment ballot is for the use of the property owner of the parcel(s) identified below, which parcel(s) is proposed to be included in the City of Bakersfield Consolidated Maintenance District (hereinafter CMD). This assessment ballot may be used to express either support for or opposition to inclusion within the CMD. In order to be counted, this assessment ballot must be signed below by an owner or, if the owner is not an individual, by an authorized representative of the owner. TO CAST THIS BALLOT, PLEASE RETURN THIS ENTIRE PAGE OFFICIAL ASSESSMENT BALLOT Owner Home Depot II.S.A., IBC. Property description POL-0372 Individual annual assessments shall not exceed $ 125.00 per equivalent dwelling unit. ASSESSMENT BALLOT MEASURE Shall the City Council of the City of Bakersfield include the above described Yes x Property within- the Consolidated Maintenance District and levy an annual assessment not to exceed the amount set forth above? No Date September 7 ~ 200 1 HO ~' OT U A. C., a Delaware corporation Owner Signature anie R. Hatch, Senior Corporate Counsel. ~' S:IPROJECTSIMAINDIST1Ba11ot1Ballot.wpd 2109100 NOTICE .OF EXEMPTION T0: County Clerk COUNTY QF KERN 1415 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 CppY Appendix I Project Title: _ Adding Territor~.(Area 4-21, Mt. Vernon, Bernard NEB to the Consolidated Maintenance District. G Project Location-Specific: e~nerall bounded by Highway 178 on the north, a line 1 /4 mile east of Mt. Vernon Avenue on the east, Bernard Street on the south, and Mt. Vernon Avenue on the west. Project Location-City: Bakersfield Project Location-County: Kern Description of Project: Maintenance of~ublic street and. median landscaping mprovements. Name of Public Agency Approving Project: CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Name of Person or Agency Carrying Out Project: DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS Exempt Status: (Check One) FILE[? _ Ministerial (Sec. 21080 (b) (1); 15268 (a); KERN COUNTY _ Declared Emergency (Sec. 21080 (b) (4); 15269 (b) (c); _ Emergency Project (Sec. 21080 (b) (4); 15269 (b) (c); APR 2 4 2002 x Categorical Exemption. State type and section number. S2Ct1011 15305~f~ JBAMES A. RHOADE DEPUTY _ Statutory Exemptions. State code number. Reasons why project is exempt: Minor alteration inland use limitations with addition of territory to an existing Maintenance District, CEQA guideline, Citj~akersfield.,Resolution No. 212-92. Lead Agency Contact Person: Marian Shaw Area Code/Telephone/Extension:(661 } 326-3579 If filed by applicant: 1. Attach certified document of exemption finding.. 2. Has a Notice of Exemption been filed by the public agency approving the project? Yes x No _ ~7~ ~ . Signature: ~'~t. ~.~, ~~ .,~,..,,..._..,. Date: ~" ~• ~ • P ~~ 1 ~ Title: ~ '~~ ~ . ~ ~~ ~ ~~'' x Signed by Lead Age~y Date received for filing at OPR: x Signed by Applicant Notice of Environmental Documen Posted ~y County Clerk ion ~ end for 30 days thereafter, Per : ant to ~. ~fi3 380p W. Ohapman Ave ~ Orange, CA 92868 X714) 940-3500 August 15, 2001 City of Bakersfield Public Works Department 15 01 Truxton Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Attn: Marian P. Shaw Re: Inclusion of Lot Line Adjustment #P01-0372 in a Maintenance District Gentlemen: We, the undersigned, as owners of the property included within :Lot Line Adjustment #PO1-0372 hereby request that the Property be included within the Consolidated Maintenance District. This request is pursuant ~to the requirements of Municipal Code Section 13.04.021. Enclosed is a check in the amount- of $1,514.00 to cover the costs of inclusion within the Consolidated Maintenance District. Further, our engineer will supply you with a disk copy of the Lot Line Adjustment #PO 1-0372 for your use. We also waive our right to any and all .hearings (whether pursuant to the Brown Act, the Bakersfield Municipal Code, or any other law) concerning the formation of our inclusion in a maintenance district. We have signed and are returning the enclosed Proposition 218 Ballot (Official Assessment Ballot) indicating our consent to the assessments. Very rs, ~~ Rick Manners Site Development Coordinator Western Division RMleht cc: Beverly Robbins Julie Ungerleider Scott Mommer John Schuler Gordon Jennings mswordlmannerslletters1081501 NEBksfldMaint.Dist. USA 36 USC 380 Proud Sponsor LEGAL DESCRIPTION Area 4-21 A parcel of land situated in the City of Bakersfield, County of Kern, State of California, being a portion of Section 22, T 29 S, R 28 E, M. D. B. & M., and more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the west quarter corner of said Section 22, said point also being the intersection of centerlines of Mt. Vernon Avenue and Bernard Street; thence North 00° 15' 20"West, along the centerline of Mt. Vernon Avenue, a distance of 661.69 feet, to the TRUE PINT OF BEGINNING THENCE (1) Continuing North 00° 15' 20"West, along said centerline of Mt. Vernon Avenue, a distance of 195.38 feet; THENCE (2) North 89° 44' 40" East, a distance of 55.00 feet, to intersect the east right of way line of said Mt. Vernon Avenue; THENCE (3) North 00° 15' 20" West, along said.east right of way line, a distance of 50.00 feet; THENCE (4) North 89° 44' 40" East, a distance of 48.00 feet; THENCE (5) North 00° 15' 29" West, a distance of 259.81 feet; THENCE (6) North 05° 27' 40" East, a distance of 27.37, feet, to the beginning of a tangent curve, concave southeasterly having a radius of 38.00 feet; THENCE ~7) Northeasterly along said curve through a central angle of 66° 48' 03", an arc distance of 44.30 feet, to the beginning of a reverse curve, concave westerly having a radius of 50.00 feet; THENCE (8) Northeasterly and Northwesterly along said curve, through a central angle of 130° 06' 16", an arc distance of 113.54 feet; THENCE (9) North 00° 42' 05" East, a distance of 8.00 feet; THENCE (10) North 89° 18' 03" East, a distance of 1175.83 feet; THENCE (11 }South 00° 18' 31"East, along said north right of way line, a distance of 1324.32 feet, to intersect the centerline of Bernard Street; EXHIBIT"A" THENCE (12) South 89° 20' 34"West, along the centerline of said Bernard Street, a distance of 660.42 feet; THENCE X13) North 00° 16' S5" West, a distance of 661.92 feet; THENCE (14) South 89° 19' 22" West, a distance of 660.14 feet, to intersect the. centerline of Mt. Vernon Avenue and the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. S:IPROJECTSIMAINDISTILEGALSILegal4-21.wpd EXHIBIT "A" ^ ~~~~ ~ ~~P / OOp p,L `F0~ .~ Ep15 PQ~~N G~ X12 ~ES~ ~'N Sp,N ~0 4F QG pR0 p OF 356 ~ PEE 1 ~` 8~5~~ 05 p G 5 25 BK 39 8~ N89'18'03"E 1319,66' •~I' _ r1 r . ~ 143, 83' C 1 o~ J ~. N G I ~~ ~ w~ x 0) Q pa. Nm ~ ~~ ~~ I'7 ~ J i UO O ~. Id L2 r J i~ N r r N w I~ ~~ z o~ i tD co co I 489,96 8.539 ACRES 682.05' OF SAN JOAQUIN BK 3905 PG 356 II~S, ~3 -. a ~ ~ 0 200 400 M 0 '~ r- 4m SCALL ~ 1~ - 200' W W N r w tt') o ~D ~ Z 14, 353 ACRES 2 N ~' a w a~ ~. .N W ~, ~~ N89'19'2 "E 660.14" SW 1 4 of the SW 1/4 of the NW 1/4 SECTION 22 T29 S. R28 E. LINE TABLE LINE LENGTH BEARING L1 195.38' N00'15'20"W L2 55.00' N89`44'40"E L3 50.00' N00'15'20"W l4 48.00' N89'44'40"E L5 259.81' N00'15'29"W L6 8.00' N00'42'05"W L7 27,37' N05'27'40"'E CURVE TABLE CURVE DELTA LENGTH RADIUS C1 66'48'03" 44.30' 38.00' C2 130'06'16" 113.54' .50.00' .91' ~i w r M N rn ~O SAND S~~ w~~~o°~ ~~ ova `~,~ U * EXPIRES 12/31 /02 Jj, ~~Q' /9TH ~F C AL~F~Q- 3~"E ~° N7g'S ~~,,•,, 3 325.31' N10'12'S6"W 9,75 0 ° z . • o~ .~ N ~' ~ _ 660.44' _ ~~ _ N89'20'34"E 1320.88' OWNER: ESTER BENTON 136 S. CANYON VIEW DRIVE LOS ANGELES, CA 90040 (310) 276-6719 a '5.338 ACRES n~ Na0'0~~3,g..• .. , r 342,1 660.42' .... .... _ _ .~ D~ ~~ co rn~~ w o ,~ U~ZM a~x ao.m M 3 0 Z coo ~ w ~ ~ V ~-, Joo~ r vz~ ~ ~ 4~x a. a. m _. PG30O ' B BPGi~L3C~[~3 ~ ° ~ ~D~~L~a ~D s ~ C~JL~I~~ ~~IC ~~G~C 00-054 SHEET NO.~ C~6 CHIC 0 ~D ~ ° P~~ ~ ~s B_ 4630 WEST JACQUELYN AVE, SUITE 119, FRESNO, CA 93722 Q~~= 06-06-01 OF ~ SHEET 559-276-2790 FAX 559-276-0850 ~~~ ~Q~ r'a~ . MAP AND ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM I FOR ADDITION OF TERRITORY (AREA 4-21, MT. VERNON, BERNARD NE) TO THEa CONSOLIDATED MAINTENANCE DISTRICT BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA ~o~~os~A~E N89'I B'OJ"E 1319.66' N89'18~03"E 11~5.83~ 143.8 ~ 489.96 _ _ _ _ _ 685.8] ~ ARCEL D-~=--- -__________; '~ \`~~~ ~ I~ i PARCEL B ~~ z ~~ Q -.. .- ~.~__ Z 0 Z w M W~ M M ~' L1 PARCEL C ~ w S89'19'22"W 660.14' O ' N w ^ ~ /NN/ LJ~ ' c YJ j ~ //~ VJ w L O ~ z ~ ~' c ~ w N ~ /~ ~ V/ N ~J O w ~rn v `0• 3 W r N ~ w'^ w ~.1 1 o ~ ~. } ~ o a o z z 0 m WEST 1 /4 CORNER SECTION 22 T29 S, R28 E 660.44' N89'20'34"E 1320.88' FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK THIS DAY OF , 20_. CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA M DISTRICT BOUNDARY ~' 3 M 00 O Z PARCEL A 660,42' _ _ w. ~ f ~ BERNARD STREET FILED FOR RECORD THIS DAY OF , 20_, AT _.M., IN BOOK OF ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS AT PAGE IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF THE COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA. JAMES W. MAPLES COUNTY ASSESSOR-RECORDER BY AN ASSESSMENT WAS LEVIED BY THE CITY COUNCIL ON THE LOTS, PIECES AND PARCELS OF LAND SHOWN ON THIS ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM. SAID ASSESSMENT WAS LEVIED ON THE DAY OF 20_; SAID ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM AND THE ASSESSMENT ROLL WERE RECORDED IN THE OFFICE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF SAID CITY ON THE DAY OF 20_. REFERENCE IS MADE TO THE ASSESSMENT ROLL RECORDED IN THE OFFICE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS FOR THE EXACT AMOUNT OF EACH ASSESSMENT LEVIED AGAINST EACH PARCEL OF LAND SHOWN ON THIS ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM. CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA LINE TABLE LINE LENGTH BEARING L1 195.38' N00'15'20"W L2 55.00' N89'44'40"E L3 50.00' N00'15'20"W L4 48.00' N89'44'40"E L5 259.81' N00'15'29"W L6 27.37' ~ N05'27'40"E L7 8.00' N00'42'05"W CURVE TABLE CURVE DELTA LENGTH RADIUS C1 66'48'03" 44.30' 38.00' C2 130'06'16" 113.54' 50.00' CHIEF DEPUTY RECORDER RECORDED IN THE OFFICE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS THIS DAY OF 20_ DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA EXHIBIT "B" FqE: M04-21 SHEET 1 of 1