HomeMy WebLinkAboutMD Packet 4-26PROPOSITION 218 BALLOT CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CONSOLIDATED MAINTENANCE DISTRICT This assessment ballot is for the use of, the property owner of the parcels) identified below, which are proposed to be included in the City of Bakersfield Consolidated Maintenance District ~CMD}, This assessment ballot may be used to express either support for or opposition to inclusion within the CMD. To be counted, this assessment ballot must be signed below by the owner or, if the owner is not an individual, by an authorized representative of the owner. [TO CAST THIS BALLOT, PLEASE RETURN THIS ENTIRE PAGE] OFFICIAL ASSESSMENT BALLOT Property description: ~.+~%~~~ ~/Z/ ~X ~~ i ~~rC ~~'"%~~ w'j'yj/~ ~/ ~~7VNfj- o~~ ~I~~s olock/tractoro er g~ - _ %_' ,,,, ~/~~~~/~ err ~i~ i r~ ~ ; ~7z1 -~]G Individual annual assessments shall not exceed 125.00 per equivalent dwelling unit.n f' p. ~, . ASSESSMENT BALLOT MEASURE Shall the City Council of the City of Bakersfield include the above described Yes property within the Consolidated Maintenance District and levy an assessment not to exceed Q No the amount set forth above? 4 Dwner Signature. Title {if representing owner): . ~?~ Z Date. ~O d .~ ~~f't~ Ci~?,d r"' .{~ APPLICATION PACKET - LAND D1Y1S10N SUPPLEMENT,DOC ~ ""'~"LL" ~ ,sue ~~'ective: JWly !3, 200Y ~~ .. ~ ,- '-~ r•- ~epten~ber ~', 2002 Gity of Bakersfield -Public Works Department Attn: Marian P. Shaw ~ X01 ~~u~+~un. Aye. Bakersfield, A X301 RE: Inclusion of Tract Map 6137 in a 1Vlaintenance District Dear l~Is. thaw: ~Ve, the undersigned, as owners of the prap~er~y included ~ bract map X137 hereby reuest that the pra~perty be i~eluded ~thi~n the l~ans~o~fidated ~aintenanee District. `his request is in accordance with the requirements of Bakersfield Municipal bode section 1 ~ .04.021. ~i'~. ~ Bnelased is a cheek in the amount of as required by the pity to ewer the casts a~f this inclus~a~n into the l~a~nsafidated maintenance Distriet~ Pur~he~are, our engineer will supply you with a computer disk copy of the map for your use.. we also wa~Ve a~ur right to any and all hearings: in aceorda~ce with the Bra~wo. Aet, the Bakersfield Municipal fade, and~°ar any laws concerning the foro~ati~n of or inclusion in the maintenance district. we have signed and axe returning. the enclosed Proposition 218 ballot ~~f~c~al As~essmen~ Bal~o~) indicating. our nsent the ~essment. white and H Partners And `phan~as and 1~isa l~arasella ~~Ol ice Park Drive, quite ~~~ Bakersfield, California 93 3 09 Very truly yours, Gig Garver a~ I3 Partners ~hamas ar~ s~ .-~ E isa l~aro~se ~la .. ~ 1,,.. MAP AND ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM FOR ADDI110N OF TERRffORY (AREA 4-26, PALADINO, MASTERSON, NE) TO THE CONSOLIDATED MAINTENANCE DISTRICT BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA ~~ BOUNDARY ~- ,~ ~~ ~~ f.6 r Zy ,~, ~ ~OT A PART 1 8 g 1011 7 56 241 4 ~ 3 2 2 1 3 4 5 ~ I6I -- - 3s 12345678 17 61514131 1110 9 18 g ~ 25 ~/ ~- - ~ 49 36 m ,~ ~ ~ 4 26~ ~ 41 87 20 X018 11 /11,~ 1 9 ~ SOLITAIRE F- W W N Z O N Q • ~~1 ~ ~ „ 32 3130 Zg 2 1 8 7 ~ 819 1 31 19 24 2p 18 7 6 232221 5143211 ~ 30 3132 34 3a NOT TO SCALE S~rs~ (~~, ~ G, ~ ~~7 ~~ (~v~~~ ~~ AN ASSESSMENT WAS LEVIED BY THE aTY COUNgL ON THE LOTS, PIECES AND PARCELS OF LAND SHOWN ON THIS ASSESSMENT aAGRAM. SND ASSESSMENT WAS. LEVIED ON THE DAY OF - 2O~ SAID ASSESSMENT aAGRAM AND THE ASSESSMENT ROLL WERE RECORDED IN THE OFFlCE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF SAID qTY ~ THE DAY OF - 2Q_, REFERENCE IS MADE TO THE ASSESSMENT ROLL RECORDED IN THE OFFCE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS FOR THE EXACT AMWNT OF EACH ASSESSMENT LENED AGA9rST EACH PARCEL OF LAND SHOWN ON THIS ASSESSMENT aAGRAM. aTY CLFRK OF THE aTY OF BAKERSFlEI.D~ CALIFORNIA FlLED IN THE OFFlCE OF 1HE/yaTY a.ERK TiiIS DAY K ~ 2O_, an a~Rlc of THE aTY of BAKERSFlEI~o CALIFORNIA EXHIBIT ABA FlIF: MD 4^28 91EE1' 1 d 1 PALADINO DRIVE ~ ~ ~~' FlLED FOR RECORD THIS DAY OF M 20~ AT _,M.~ IN BOOK OF ANENT ~ I aSTRICTS AT PAGE IN THE oFFlCE OF THE OOUNTY li RECORDER OF THE COUNTY of KERN, STALE of CALIFORNIA. Q JAMES W. MAPLES OOUNTY ASSES90R-RECORDER BY ' CHIff. DEPUTY RECORDER RECORDED IN THE OFFICE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS THIS DAY OF - 20~ r aRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS BAKERSFIELD CALIFORNIA mw... ~^ o~~ 49266. EXHIBIT A Bakersf 1eld, in the city of o f , in e 29 East M'D.M.~ Plat there Rang the Official ownship 29 South: is according t° section 9 , T o f Callf orn , of Kern, State Coun`~y Surveyor General• eSe Water District he Office of the conVeYed t0 01c ~ Records, t said land tion of 553 of Of f lclal HEREFROM that por Book 5375, Page 1 EXCEPTING T Ma 19, 1981 In b Deed recorded Y• South 89°48'32„ y bears Qescribed as follows• ection 9 which he Northwest e ~,~ 1~4 of said S g , 23 feet from t feet; and at a point In th 8006-43" East, 3? 0 117„ East 60.00 Beglnring and South 1 North 71 53 West, 3 87.7 7 feet uns thence e South 71 ° 53 ~ 17 ~~ rth East 1, ~ and r and thenc aid Section 9 ~.00 feet eet; and thence No corner of s ~~ East, .120 o west 12p . 00 f 06 43 18 06.,43~~ thence South 18~ nCe North be inning• ~ a . 0 0 feet ; and the t to .the p01nt °f ~ g 0 80.00 fee X105 J,17'~ Eastr ~ . *------------------------------; MetroScaa / Kera Parcel :386 050 06 00 6 RefPrcl# Owner :California Water Service Co CoOwner Site :*No Site Address* Mail :1720 N 1St St San Jose Ca 95112 Xfered Doc # Price Deed Loan Amt Loan VestType IntTy Lender Land Use :8303 Misc,Water,Private Water Company Legal :SECTION 9, TOWNSHIP 29, RANGE 29, :QUARTER Census :Tract: Block: ............. Bedrooms ............. Stories Bathrooms 1st Flr SF Dining Room 2nd Flr SF Family Room Addtl SgFt Total Rooms BsmTot SF Heat Type Bldg SgFt Air Conditn Garage SF Gar~geType Land : $1, 02 0 Struct Timber Other Total :$1,020 Exempt Type o Imprvd fl Owned Tax Area :001071 02-03 Tx :$11.21 OwnerPh TenantPh Map Grid S:9 T:29S R:29E ........... Year Built .. Williamson Lot Acres :.40 Lot SgFt :17,424 Lot Dimen Frame Type :Woad Bldg Shape :A Information compiled from various sources. Real Estate Solutions makes. no r~pr~s~ntations nr ~~rnrrirv-tina nn to f,~nn ~rnn.irirn~~ nr nnsann~nfn»nno n~Fi»~Fnrmnfinv~ nnvi#nivin~ ivi #~tioronnnrf