HomeMy WebLinkAboutMD Packet 4-29M~ Y-Zt 3. IMPORTANT -OFFICIAL PROPERTY OWNER ASSESSMENT BALLO ~ ~ ~~ ~~ This. Ballot is for the use of the ra owner of th , p pe~Y a parcel ~dent~f~ed _ below, which parcel ~s located within Area 4-29 B ~ • , faker Street !l} and which ~s being .proposed to be added to the Consolidat ' ed Maintenance District and assessed an amount for maintenance of street landsca in . pg This. Ballot may be used to express either su rt for r ' ' ppo 0 oppos~t~on to the p aposed assessment. In order to be counted, this Ballot must ~ ' ba s~gr~ed k~low by an owner ar, if the owner is not an individual b , y an authorized representatwe of the owner. The Ballot must then be delivered to the Ci . ty Clerk, either by mail or ~n person as follows: Mail Deiiv ry: If by mail, place in the return envelo a rovide ' p p d, pravlde stamps far first class postage, and place in the mail not later than one {1 }calendar week prior to June 23, 2004. Mailin later than this g deadline creates the risk that the Ballot ma not be received in Y time to be counted. ~rsona~ e~i~ : Ifi in person, to the Ci Clerk a# an time u to 12: tY y p 00 ~o~n ~n Jane 23, 2004, at the City Clerk's Office at 1501 Truxtun Avenue, 6akersfield, California, or at the protest hearin itself at 7' g .00 p.m. on that date at the City Council Chambers at the same address. However delivered, the Ballot must be received b the Ci Cierk r y ty p for to the close of the pubic hearing whether on June 23 or a later continuation dot e} to be counted. TO CAST THIS BALLOT, RETURN EITHER THIS ENTIRE PAGE 0R TH E ~~~T~Q~ B~LQw THtS LINE. BALLOT Tax Pccel Num..., r: APN# 018-ova-12 -- Owner Name: SEQUOIA PAINT $88.92 Assessment Amount: Assessment Ballot Measure Shall the City Council of the City of Bakersfield add Area 4-29, Baker Street II} to the Consolidated Maintenance District and le an annual vy assessmen# not to exceed the amount set forth above on the parse! identified? Yes Dated: .~ No r\ By' Owner's Signature 4 BALLQT ~'~ }tf Tax Parcel Number: APN# 016-~fi0-~8 _. Owner Name: _ REMNANT MINISTRIES $8.03 ~~ Assessment Amount: _.. s Assessment Ba11ot Measure r Steal! the City Council of the Ci of Bakersfield ad - tY d Area. 4 2~~u -4B~~r Street Ili to the Consolidated Maintenance District and I evy an«~r~al assessment not to exceed the amount set forth above on the parcel idea ec ~~ Yes No ,~,., ~. ~. ~ ~; Dated. ~ gy, ~ h ~~~s i~~at~~e 4 3. IMPORTANT -OFFICIAL PROPERTY OWNS R ASSESSMENT BALLOT This., Ballot is far the use of the roe owner f ~ • , p p rty o the parcel ~dent~f~ed ~~, below, which parcel ~s located within Area- 4-29 • , Baker Street II} and which ~s be,ng proposed to be added to the Consolidated ' Maintenance District and assessed an amount #or maintenance of street landsca in pg This :Ballot may be used to express .either su rt for or o ' ' ro Redd a ~~ - ppo ppos~t~on to the saeasmt. In order to be counted, this Ballot mint b~ ~ nod b 1 b n owner or if g e ow Y the owner ~s not an individual, byan authorized re resent ' of the. owner. p at1e The Ballot must then be delivered to the Ci Clerk either b m i or in tY ~ y a l person as follows. Mail Delive If by mail, place in the return envefo rovid ' pep ed, provide stamps for first class postage, and place in the mail not later than one ~1 }calendar week prior to June 23, 2004. Mailin later than this ~ g deadime creates the r,sk that the Ballot ma not be received in ti Y me to be counted. Persona! Delivery: If in person, to the Ci Clerk at an time u to 12: tY y p 00 noon on June 23, 2004, at the City Clerk's Office at 1541 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, California, or at the pro#est hearin itself at 7. g .00 p.m. on that date at the City Council Chambers at the same address. However delivered, the Ballot must be received b the Ci Cl rk ' . y ty a prior to the close of the public hearing whether on June 23 or a later continuation date} to be counted. TO CAST THIS BALLOT, RETURN EITHER THIS ENTIRE PA GE ~R THE PORTION ~E:~~w THIS LIhIE~ ,.. :~ BALLOT ~~ -. i Tax Parcel Number: :..: APN# 016-060-07 Owner Name: - REMNANT MINISTRIES '~~ $28.27 `~ -~° Assessment Amount: _ .~~, Assessment Ballot Measure Shall the City Council of the City of Bakersfield add Area 4-29, Baker Street II} to the Consolidated Maintenance District and le an annual vy assessment not to exceed the amount set forth above on the parse! identified? Yes ~ No ~ ._.~ _ . t. _.~ ~ y. ~/ 1 ,,, .~- ~ ~ Dated: ~ , ~ ° ~ ' •~ Owner's Signature 4 3. IMPORTANT - OFACIAL PROPERTY OWNER ASSES^~IENT BALLOT This.: Ballot is for the: use of the roe owner of ' . p p rty the parcel ~dent~f~ed - below, which parcel ~s located within Area 4-29 Bak r ~ e Street lf} and which ~s bung proposed to be added. to the Consolidated Main ' tenance District and assessed an amount for maintenance of street landsca in . pg This Ballot may be used to express either su rt for or o osition to th r ppo pp e p opased assessment. In order to be counted, this 8alfot rnust be si ned below a wrier ~+ or, ~f the owner is not an individual, by' an authorized re resentative of the owner. The B ~ ~ p . allot must then be delivered to the City Clerk, either b ma l or in erson as follow ~ y p s. Ma~.~.i Deliv~yer : If by mail, place in the return envelo a rovi ' p p ded, provide stamps for first class postage, and place in the main not later than one t~ }calendar week prior to June 23, 2004. Mailin later than this ~ g deadline creates the risk that the Ballot may not be received in time to be coun#ed. Personal Delivery: If in person, to the Ci Clerk at an time u to 12:0 tY y p 0 noon on June 23, 2044, at the City Clerk's Office at 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, California, or at the protest hearin itself at . g ?,00 p.m. on that date at the City Council Chambers at the same address. However delivered, the Ballot must be received b the Ci Glerk rior to the Y tY p close of the public hearing (whether on June 23 or a later continuation date to be } counted. TO CAST THIS BALLOT, R.~TU~~ ~~T~E~ T~tS, BT~F~~ PAS ~~ ~~ PoRToI BB~Ow THIS 1H~ ~. ,~ . d BALLOT ~ ~ ~' .. '~ Tax P reel luumr: APN# 01 fi-090-21 owner Name: ~ REFRIGERATION SUPPLIES ~ ~~ ~' $120.38 ~~- Assessment Amount. Assessmen# Ballot M~aa~re Shall the City Council of the City of Bakersfield add Area 4-29, Baker Street II} to the Consolidated Maintenance District and le an annual vY assessment not to exceed the amount set forth above on the parcel identified? Yes ~^ Dated: 0 ~M ~ -',:~ owner's i nature 4 3. IMPORTANT -OFFICIAL PF~OAER7Y OWNED AvSE~~MEN'~' BALL07` This Ballot is for the use of the property owner of the. parcel identified be ow, which parcel is located wi#hin Area 4.29, Baker Street II and which is ~ } being proposed to be added to the Consolidated Maintenance District and assessed an amount for maintenance of street landscaping. This Ballot may be used to express either support for or opposition to the proposed assessment. In order to be counted, this Ballot must be signed below by an owner or, if the owner is not an individual, bar an authorized representative of the owner. The Ballot must then be delivered to the City Clerk, either by mail or in person as follows: Mai! Delivery: If by mail, place in the return envelope provided, provide stamps for first class postage, and place in the mail not later #han one ~ 1 } calendar week prior to June 23, 2004. Mailing later than this deadline creates the risk that the Ballot may not be received in time to be counted. Personal. Delivery: If in person, to the City Clerk at any time up to 12;00 noon on June 23, 2004, at the City Clerk's t3ffice at 1501 Truxtun . Avenue, Bakersfield, California, or at the protest hearing itself at 7;00 p.m. on that date at the City Council Chambers at the same address. However delivered, the Ballot must be received by the City Clerk prior to the close of the public hearing (whether on June 23 or a later cantinuatian date} to be counted. TO CAST THIS BALLOT, RETURN EITHER THIS ENTIRE PAGE OR THE PORTION BELOW THIS LINE. BALLQT Tax Parcel Number: -- APN# 016-Ofi0-010 Owner Name: _ CURTIS & LEIGH ANDERSON ~ ' $24.62 Assessment Amount: ~ =Y Assessment Ballot Measure ~ Shall the City Council of the City of Bakersfield add Area 4~29~~Ber Street II) to the Consolidated Maintenance District and levy an~anual assessment not to exceed the amount set forth above on the parcel iden~ie~' 3. IMPORTANT - OI~FICIAI PROPERTY OWNER ASSESSMENT BALLOT This Ballot is for the use of the. property owner of the parcel identified = below, which parcel is located within Area 4.29, Baker Street 11 and which is . } being proposed to be added. to the Consolidated Maintenance District and assessed an amount for maintenance of street landscaping. This Ballot may be used to express either support for or opposition to the proposed assessment. In order to be counted, this Ballot must be signed below y caner , if the owner is not an individual, by' an authorized re rasentative p of the owner. The Ballot must then be delivered to the City Clerk, either b mail Y or ~n person as follows: Mail Delivery: If by mail, place in the return envelope provided, provide stamps for first class postage, and place in the mail not later than one (1 }calendar week prior to June 23, 2004. Mailing later than this deadline creates the risk that the Ballot may not be received in time to be counted. Personal Delivery: If in person, to the City Clerk at any time up to 12:04 noon on June 23, 2004, at the City Clerk's Office at 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, California, or at the protest hearing itself at 7:00 p.m. on that date at the City Council Chambers at the same address. However delivered, the ballot must be received by the City Clerk prior to the close of the public hearing whether on June 23 or a later continuation date} to be counted. TO CAST THIS BALLOT, RETURN EITHER THIS ENTIRE PAGE oR THE Po~T~~N ~E~ow T~tS ~fN~~ BALLOT ~ n Tax Parcel Number: APN# 016-080-01 ~ JAIME & LYN ESPERICUETA ~` Owner Name: :~, -- $17.7$ ~ `~' c Assessment Amount: " ~? K'+ Assessment ballot Measure r Shall the City Council of the City of Bakersfield add Area 4-29, alter Street II} to the Consolidated Maintenance District and levy an annual assessmen# not to exceed the amount set forth abo~ on the parcel identified? 4 3. IMPORTANT -OFFICIAL PROPERTY OWNER ASSESSMENT BALLOT This ballot is far the: use of the :property owner of the arced identified • p below, which parcel ~s located wrthrn Area 4-29, Baker Street II and which is ~ } berng proposed to be added to the. Consolidated Maintenance District and assessed an amount for maintenance of street landsca in . pg This Ballot may be used to express either support for or opposition to the proposed assessment. In order to be counted, this Ballot must be si ned below . ., 9 by an owner or, rf the owner ~s not an rndivrdual, by~ an authorized representative of the owner. The Ballot must. then be delivered to the Ci#y Clerk, either b mail . Y or ~n person as follows: Mali Delivery: If by mail, place in the return envelope provided, provide stamps for first class postage, and place in the mail- not later than one (1 }calendar week prior to June 23, 2004. Mailin later than • ~ g . this deadline creates the risk that the Ballot may not be received m time to be counted. Pe_ rsanal_ D~iv_gry: If in person, to the City Clerk at any time up to 12:00 noon on June 23, 2004, at the City Clerk's Office at 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, California, or at the. protest hearing itself at 7:00 p.m. on that date at the City Council Chambers at the same address. However delivered, the Ballot must be receiv d by the City Clerk prior to the close of the public hearing whether on June 23 or a later continuation. date} to be counted. To CAST THIS BALLOT, RETURN EITHER THIS ENTIRE PAGE 4R THE P4~TI~ BEt.Ow T~~ t~RE BALLOT Tic Parcel f~u~'ber; Owner Name: Assessment Amount: .. ... APN# 01190-15 •h COUNTY OF KERN-GEN SVCS WILLIAM WILBANKS ~~~ -- 1 $300.50 .. ~~ .~ Assessment Ballot Measure Shall the Ci Council of the Ci of Bakersfield add Area 4-2 ~ ~ er ~ ~ ~~t Street II} to the Consolidated Maintenance District and levy anannual assessment not to exceed the amount set forth above on the parce! identified? Yes No .~...,.. ^( ~ '~ ~~ ~ ~ ~n [dated. !.4 ~ ~ ~ g ~ ; 4 1 , ~~ ~~~ .f' Owner's Signature 4 _ .~. _ T ~_~_______ _ John A Stinson Re Baker St Page 1 ~ v z _ From: Donna Barnes To: John A. Stinson Date: 31912004 8:24:01 AM Subject: Re: Baker St Is the Baker St Maintenance Distriict one of the first cases after the budget crisis? How have the others been handled? »> John A. Stinson 3/912004 8:19:02 AM »> Marian was going to talk to Jack LaRochell first. »> Donna Barnes 3/912004 8:10:24 AM »> So did Marian and Alan Christensen say to change it to equal $3,200? »> John A. Stinson 3/9/2004 7:52:02 AM »> The dollar amount is set in stone, what you have to change is the tier level to accommodate the total cost by EDU and they are charged at 3 EDU's per acre for the building and 3 EDU's per acre for the lot. »> Donna Barnes 318/2004 4:06:46 PM »> Is not the tier a set formula? The lot size, the building, and the proposed scope of improvements, will not change so what needs to change is the $$$ amount used to calculate the assessment. Blame it on the budget. Or take the $3,200 annual cost and split it among .the property owners based onthe square feet and lot size. I don't think the property owners would approve to pay for a streetscape that is not adjacent to their building. »> John A. Stinson 3/812004 3:56:06 PM »> To charge a higher tier is what I suggested on the phone but another alterative would be to include more properties beyond just frontage properties. »> Donna Barnes 3/8/2004 2:36:51 PM »> Old Town Kern Redevelopment Area Project tax increment. Another thought, if the new policy is to cover maintenance costs why not increase the costs to property owners, a higher tier? or change the tier factor. »> John A. Stinson 318/2004 2:25:20 PM »> Donna, what kind of funds might pay for the maintenance district dollar overage annually? »> Donna Barnes 318120041:43:01 PM »> So now you can see the disrepacy of the actual cost versus the assessment. This has been a standard precident in the past. Do you want me to ask Donna Kunz with her approval (or someone else's approval to proceed) based the discrepancy? x`. ~'C. ;"ti`\,, v~.. :pti~\.c ia,... n ., :?:A .t.x, ,.a'%2RS. ;Z. ~G..: ..bS.. )ZOAa :.:. Z\\:.,:\< .\\.. 4 .. ~.,w a. a... vu x~.. aaC,`.:.R' v ... ,.~. 1..:.a... '~.u.~. K1 . .... .. ......SSb ... ~. ..va .. ,....v..., x \~'~S.a:. m,..,v` 3 .. ar r ,.'f ~.. .. .4 Z. 3':'. 'John A. Stinson -Baker St~Mailin Page 1 ~~ , ,. ,,, , .,, . w :\.~., . \ x : H q.. x... ~x s,„ •i C'\ .`; ,mas., .. ., ,: ;~.. ,: a..:..•, ~.~..x ... ...~\~ ..e.x`t~,~~~,C~~.:\~~~. .:QC..,\, ... .,.,....~x 3: .~,1 i~x:...,.,...~Y:-„- '\~ \ ,~~:. • .\~r.:~x'~9 rA. _.~-.__0.,....,~c _..-_._,..~y~,. r..,\.. s~. ti.. .s... _____._"r:~'' ___,... From: Donna Barnes To: =, John A. Stinson Date: 4112/20041:44:58 PM Subject: Baker St Mailing John, Regarding your voice mail; Following the April 14 -City Council meeting, Resolution of Intention I will send a letter April 16 to all businesses/property owners. This letter will be mailed by us but written by the sent by the Association of Old Town Kern. I don't need your help with this one, but please send me the final mailing list asap so I can have our secretary prepare labels. However, for the April 28 mailing I will need your help. The second letter, that will be sent with a cover letter from my department has the ballot and notice of public hearing attached. Lauren .used to generate the ballot and notive and then we would coordinate the mailing. (Proposition 218 requirement to notice 45 day prior to hearing). This letter will be sent by our department. On June 23 -City Council meeting public hearing and adoption of resolution establishing the district. 0 K???? _ __. _-.._T. v _. _-^ _-..--R .i --`^~,i, ,.. :`:vn o• .., .. ~C...w .'.v'~ r.:. 4,,. v.."•,.;x .. Awx'.,v Y~ John A. Stinson - Re: Baker St List Page 1 . ...., .: ,. o ~., ... .... ,.., as ,: ~. ..., .. t \ ,> . ~,'4 \~°" " , ~' a: ~$Z. .\.. . ~ ... .. ~ ,.. .,.. r. ~. , v r. . n.,v ev, a C. n. 'i 3':2. ,\J~ \. ..Se \\ \ti;r.; \~` . ~: ~~c\ ..w.. ..\\Z~ F ~.\\ a .__- QC'i:RS`\ \~ \O .o Z[~~,v y \i\\\`.. vv e.~\!1 .\.___, \'CL`\1 ~~1\`?b. ~C \`~\\~ tSk\.'h ~~y~`~\ l~, \~..' .\l~ Z..R\'.\.v .n ~:.A.v., Cv,.\1 .i\\'A~tt\.v r,\.:,. v.h:: Y b \\. \\ \ -._-~~ From: Donna Barnes To: John A. Stinson Date: 4/6/2004 8:44:35 AM Subject: Re: Baker St List John , Here area a couple of corrections of my own. 016-060-06 Brewer Dolores V. 4200 Hillsborough Drive Bakersfield, CA. 93306. FYI She died! The property has sold (I thought to the guy I indicated(on my list but I don't have an address, thought you may have it. Re:016-190-15 County of Kern 1415 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield CA 93301 We meet with the County General Service yesterday. Staff liked the project and thought the cost was Ok; however, they now must get approval from higher up. Since this will we a hand billing and they do not vote thought we should send it directly to their department, but I don't know for sure since you guys are the maintenance district experts: William A. Wilbanks, Assistant County Administrative Officer for General Services 1115 Truxtun Avenue Ca 93301. My concern with send it to 14215 Truxtun is it may get lost in the shuffle but maybe that is good? Donna. »> John A. Stinson 415/2004 5:29:01 PM »> Donna, the attached file includes dollars and correction in bold. »> Donna Barnes 411/2004 2:43:01 PM »> Attached is my list so you can compare it against yours. I please send me the corrected list. I also need the assessments. __.. .., .. r ., . .u..,.v;. v~. 2 yr \...... . x. . ..u ,. • 5 .. ..\v .., ;,,, d ad dZ„\,'na k\~fn\\.ia...,n :..; v \C ?r."..a~.~:.... :id.o.,D\v r.,:Z,.i,lv,\ ~a'a...\.\&`.. >..,;v:Y:\\1 ~',.P~a d.. ,.. .`cL de ~z,\.::".~\ .. ~\i. \.v \vkwa. .. .:.~}a )k.' .vb.Y~Y.: hd,: Q$.u.vU.t..'~h.~d.rbk. i. •Htt. aCkv\v\~\. JaC. A'.,na9 ...n\.. ~U i.'., ~\C+WA. .\'Y~~1~,. k\\Ad\~v~0 ~.i. "..Q $t.\ ~. 1. ~2.Y,~.~'Nr ~in~\,~.ao .. ~, ... ti ~\". .. .. v \ ., d John A. Stinson Re. Baker St List Pa e 1 , ,, , a, ..,:,., .. ew v, v,.... ,...v \, vv.v~.~ nrovu .,v\ a ;.•r ~. .v. • v ..; n. .~ ,.~.. . 4. x v. u.. v. c.. ... \\\ ., ~. .. .~'. 1 v, xC. ..a vR\.\ ~a .u. .v Vi. au,\u7~ .,k"\ \. aC ae ...~ .~:,\vl;F?,§i\,d\a. .`C'n ,,.i~.•.JJa~ '... 'a\"~„~.. wa ... ~CU.. \), ~.v,~,,,\ \i~\, :. \a•..x~1;~:N\....a.~ Cp >..,,,~5. ~•~ . \~da.i~~. @~\~} \. u....~.o...\, .... \ ~5 . \,. o. `cg\ .,..C~. i~, t, a ~\.,~x ,~.,v\ t \. ,., z.. ~J a ~?u.., )..3. \\a.\.. ~ . Jz,t\ .N \ ,.3\\ \ .. n n 9~\.., . From: Donna Barnes To: John A. Stinson Date: 41612004 8:44:35 AM Subject: Re: Baker St List John , Here area a couple of corrections of my own. 016-060-06 Brewer Dolores V. 4200 Hillsborough Drive Bakersfield, CA. 93306. FYI She died! The property has sold (I though) to the guy I indicated(on my list but I don't have an address, thought you may have it. Re: 016-190-15 County of Kern 1415 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield CA 93301 We meet with the County General Service yesterday. Staff liked the project and thought the cost was Ok; however, they now must get approval from higher up. Since this will we a hand billing and they do not vote I thought we should send it directly to their department, but I don't know for sure since you guys are the maintenance district experts: William A. Wilbanks, Assistant County Administrative Officer for General Services 1115 Truxtun Avenue Ca 93301. My concern with send it to 14215 Truxtun is it may get lost in the shuffle but maybe that is good? Donna. »> John A. Stinson 4/512004 5:29:01 PM »> Donna, the attached file includes dollars and correction in bold. »> Donna Barnes 4/112004 2:43:01 PM »> Attached is my list so you can compare ~it against yours. I please send me the corrected list. I .also need the assessments. -c.- ., _. .. -~- _ .... a J ~ Y 1: .. v i'. , a ~ a.. ~ \ . Zr%. a ,'.x '.', ...~ v. . .. \.~a b, a. \ ,,,, .g.~. ... i .:: ~i<:..; \ d o' 3, C', ~. ,o~v<....;,,,..,._,„... \e,.,d:,;. dz„ a;:\..a>, s•>.#1^W~.,,~t> .. ?n'o~v.~..a~..... a Vo.\.,..,~„' ~.v:;YC:.La. .~.. x,., 1~ Jti, t`c,.. ,..,Xi.. a C. 'd,4,a ~..\u .. ~.._..:.L3v` t'~~O 3, r, V~,.., .\ ~ .. a .o :c< c . , \ ,. , , v ~.... i\ ~, ., a ., u ., , . .. ...., .. .. .. \ .. \ , Z, Asa John A. Stinson -Fwd: Re: Baker St Maintenance District #2 Pa e 1 a ~. a a • ,.,,Zt„ c\ x. 1 • •., 5 b, `I \.~ z. S' ¢ ~., ;`C, a. fit.-\,. z ~ ~c N':' Y,. ~ at ': 1' H. .\ R. \ i '2, .~`fC\"t`.. ,h .. &,.,u`\.•\•, w;.~'C. ~ :.:, \.,,, v.'... d~, ~}. ~: ,v. \,. ~.~\ "' '~., ..\~ \V` ,.. .. ~`"a 1,. .~\. ,. 2.. .$.. ?e..... \.?~ •a ~"... ~ ~. .n \.., ak`, :k\\„v .S~d..4,".: a .\\V.. ., .,,.. ... ... w 1.. .. ;.\ v. ..,\i. ~.a \,1, a 1. ,., R. x. ,k . ,.. ,..._ :~__~`.a,,. ,.. . ;i ,.2~.. ..~~.,s ~.. b.,, a. ._. ~.~_._.. -..___.. ._ .~ ,a\ b ,..:xr.:~x From: Donna Barnes To: Dick Cheung; John A. Stinson Date: 1122120041:30:24 PM Subject: Fwd: Re: Baker St Maintenance District #2 Gentlemen: I need your help to form a maintainance district on Baker Street according to Mairan Shaw I should work with you. Let me know how you wan tot arrange this. Thanks Donna, »> Marian Shaw 1122120041:18:54 PM »> You would be working with John Stinson and Dick Cheung »> Donna Barnes 1122120041:12:07 PM »> Marian, We need to start working on the creation of the Maintenance District#2. I usually have several form letters I use for the district to introduce the property owners to the concept. I used to work with Lauren Dimberg, but now he is retired. Who should I work with on this now? I assume we are creating the district. Of course, I have no idea when the streetscape will be constructed because we don't have all the $$ necessary for construction so it may be a little more difficult to sell the district, although the property owners are not assessed until after the project is completed. Donna. \. \ ,~~Y,o rata .., .,, <;';. , :.:. ~; X; ,.a.. ~,,,. ~ a a ~ c',.n... a o. . ~.., a ..., . u... '.ao a'.L r, Z... ~..:. ,at> ,...+ .~\~\a . , .,.o ...o ., \ .. \A .. ~ ..... .,. \ ... ~,rx~ .,. „... tt_.,. ~. .s .. a.. ~ 1, ., ..h`\, ., ~..t Z r.. .,... .., x .... ,..,, ~ is ... ~: ~ ., .. . ~,. ,...;,:..w,\~,.; aa.,' a'w ao~wa~.~'a...~. .x;:;z i; ~l~ John A. Stinson - Re: Baker St Pa e 1 9 a .,, .... ,, ,. , ,,.,..,,~.. , , 4 .:r.., • .~'.:: ,.. ,. ~ .'..;::..\.\', ~.k x ~ w ,. ..~ ~' S.. 1. .x"O 'rN: +~'... . ,... ,~.., ~, n: ': '..: a.. o. a: ', ..~'t..,R.., >.....,..-_.._ .~, .r.: R.\L. -... ~t.....a1r ::~. ~ Y '.. e\\. ..a\.:ZMa .\, E"i\~."a v~.: S'... • 1.. t, ..,~ ,i ..~1Y,'.'a...: ..?\• .\.~~k 2\;. r~ ?~)a.. ,<?~ .\ i. ).~.v~..\..\ S Cx"..\.:\ From: Donna Barnes To: John A. Stinson Date: 318/2004 2:36:51 PM Subject: Re: Baker St Old Town Kern Redevelopment Area Project tax increment. Another thought, if the new policy is to cover maintenace costs why not increase the costs to property owners, a higher tier? or change the tier factor. »> John A. Stinson 3/812004 2:25:20 PM »> Donna, what kind of funds might pay for the maintenance district dollar overage annually? »> Donna Barnes 3/8120041:43:01 PM »> So now you can see the disrepacy of the actual cost versus the assessment. This has been a standard president in the past. Do you want me to ask Donna Kunz with her approval (or someone else's approval to proceed) based the discrepancy? a .. - --. _ _.. a ~.. ,, .aeil, s~,,.\ ., , .. `Z ~ ~i\.w,,ia~\,,,,d~?. ,x,\.. w a.v„ ' aa,.~. l:~\a?.A. , ~ ,. .\`\` <u,;:;< u~`m ..M.r r.;a , .. : ,A ':,.,a, a'\, t, i. S\.^.r'o~:..., .. ... \ A v.,\xT~r ~ ;U~,,. ~Y .'~„\,a..a ,~\.. \ ~,.;. : e.' „w r, n..r ~...~.~~ \), ~., 3'.\,. . \ , .av. ,'..:1Z~.1 .,, r, .,., ,S ,,,~T, .;aY.>. a. :, a~,,.....ax '.,5~,:,..`a1>Z.. , .w,Y,;:F ,:, ~..,,..... \ ,..,.,., ,.Y. _Ja \\ n A. in on Re: B k r t a Joh Sts a e S Pa e 1 r,., .M.. ~,. k x, +.+ .. .,, .. n: C. ,: , ''..v ti,. ,,, ,.. . a, ,,v~C >..\H,.~ V v, .,~, a ~ wa. ,\, a:,, , ... ~\ '~: a~. t, ~... '~,,: ~~a:... t c\. ,~ ,,.. ,e\a.~ .~ ~,. ,. ,.. !,... S~\a... ~, :~,. ... ~, 3 ~ ~ \ ~~,:. , ~ .a, ., z ;~ , .... ~..,~z, ~ .. e.~ ,c a ,.s~3ra~..,~, w«r~ ~ , ~ .. „ a~\\ \ \.,\.a, ..,,~\.a,.,... , x.. , v,.... ,. ,~.,..Y Y \ _.. .v ~N,\\\i............\ [ .~..,.....:. ,,.\ `5a..,.i ;\\\ba.5 ~C 1~:. ~,O ~a \"~ ,_ \.ca.,.,.1.. ,...___,, :~,..~21.~ .,,@,. From: Donna Barnes To: John A. Stinson Date: 31912004 8:24:01 AM Subject: Re: Baker St Is the Baker St Maintenance Distriict one of the first cases after the budget crisis? How have the others been handled? »> John A. Stinson 3/9/2004 8:19:02 AM »> Marian was going to talk to Jack LaRochell first. »> Donna Barnes 3/9/2004 8:10:24 AM »> So did Marian and Alan Christensen say to change it to equal $3,200? »> John A. Stinson 319/2004 7:52:02 AM »> The dollar amount is set in stone, what you have to change is the tier level to accommodate the total cost by EDU and they are charged at 3 EDU's per acre for the building and 3 EDU's per acre for the lot. »> Donna Barnes 3/8/2004 4:06:46 PM »> Is not the tier a set formula? The lot size, the building, and the proposed scope of improvements, will not change so what needs to change is the $$$ amount used to calculate the assessment. Blame it on the budget. Or take the $3,200 annual cost and split it among the property owners based onthe square feet and lot size. I don't think the property owners would approve to pay for a streetscape that is not adjacent to their building. »> John A. Stinson 3/812004 3:56:06 PM »> To charge a higher tier is what I suggested on the phone but another alterative would be to include more properties beyond just frontage properties. »> Donna Barnes 3/812004 2:36:51 PM »> Old Town Kern Redevelopment Area Project tax increment. Another thought, if the new policy is to cover maintenance costs why not increase the costs to property owners, a higher tier? or change the tier factor. »> John A. Stinson 318/2004 2:25:20 PM »> Donna, what kind of funds might pay for the maintenance district dollar overage annually? »> Donna Barnes 318120041:43:01 PM »> So now you can see the disrepacy of the actual cost versus the assessment. This has been a standard precident in the past. Do you want me to ask Donna Kunz with her approval (or someone else's approval to proceed) based the discrepancy? 1 ~. Fr+am: `` I~x: ~RC~es including this ever shut. • A w w x w x m Fax ~conom;c ~ ~vmmu~i~r ~evel~pmen~ ~ep~r~rnent X00 Truxtun Avenue, Suite 2~D1, ~ak~rsf~eid, CA ~3~Q 1 ~~ V 1 ~ ~~~M~~~ V~ Fax: ~5~1) 381 ~ date: ~ ~ Comments: .~.~ ~. z~,~,~, s--f . ~ J .~~~ o~n3~ G~ Y/~v`~ - nna ~e ~ i F ur2 o@,w~~+ e mae ~ ~ r,~s~ m~ ~silaU~- olU n~~ T R A N S M I S S I O N B A K E R S F I E ~. D November ~~, ~~2 MISTRY UTTAMBHAI ,1 & JANIANABEN 9~ ~ BAKER ST BAKERSFIELD CA g3~~~-418 Assessor Parcel Flo. 0143425 ,5tr$ef address 9~~ BAKER ST' Dear Property Amer, t~v~r the last several weeks, you have been sent fetters about the Baker Stmt Streetscape lmpravernent Project which savers four blocks from Jackson S#reet to Nfles Street. Rro~act funding i$ m plawe and oonstruuc#ian is scheduled to s#art after the new year. The nab step is to add the Baker street Area tp the consolidated Bakersfield maintenance district which enables the city t0 distribute cost savings city-wide. Procedures to establish the proposed hssessmer~t are enclosed.. Please read and follow the attached instr~,ctivns. On page one, the amount listed as your proposed assessment is $OO.oa. This is bet;ause, at this time, them ate no irr~provements installedd and, therefore, there is rtathing #o maintain, So un~l improvements are made to baker Stree#, you will not be assessed for these improvements. Only .when irnproverr~ents are made wilt y8u be assessed; th2~t ~arnount for yvuf property listed ab+ave right is esfumated to be $36.3 p+~r year. Street improvements wii~ Include the installation of street trees with cast iron try grates rr~+seting American wi#h Disabili'~es Act Handicapped ~At~A~ requirements. Ai! trees .will be connected to an autcxnatic irrigatibn system which will be operated and maintained by the City of 8aker~field. hlew decorative single acorn sb~eet lights will lighten up Baker Street at tight, ar~d give a quaint appearance during the day. New trash ~eoeptac~es will replace the existing concrete types now on the street. If you would like fO discuss this project please call Donna Barnes at 32~-37fi~. Oounciimember Sue Benham and Ass+~ciation +of Old Tu~vn l~em members are also available to discuss the improvements an Baker ~#reet, Thank you far your atten~on and pc-sitive consideration of the exci~ng project. Vlte believe that you will share our entl~usi,asm for the stree#scape which is the start of many benef is tv come to the Baker Street area. Sincerely, ~ ~ Donna L. Kunz Economic Development Director enclosures Cslj+ of Bakersfield ~r Economic and Community pevelopment Department 51 ~ Tfuxturr Avenue ~ Bakkersf~eld, Cal~ornia 93301 X561 } 3~fi-37$5 • Fex ~6~ ~ } 32$-1549 . TDD (1) 3~4-3fi3'! CITY CAF $AKERSFIELa ADDITION OF TERRITORY, AREA 4-24 (BAKER STREET] TO THE CONSOLIDATED MAINTENANCE DISTRICT. 1. HaTICE GF PROP~~EL~ ASS-E55MENT ~. NGTI~E CAF PUBLIC HEARING ANC BALLET PROCEDURE ~. t3FFICIAL PROPERTY O~ItNER A~SE~~MENt BA~I.~IT ~. Nt~TI~E ~F PRt~PC~SEG A~SES~SMENT: APN; Name; bite Address pity Assessment: Your proposed assessment for fscal year ~a~~-~Og~ is $o.QO. Your proposed yearly assessment when improvements are completed is shaven above. Duration of payments: ongoing on a yearly basis. Reason for assessment: to maintain street landsoaping that benefits your property. Assessments are based on an equivalent dwelling unit basis per Exhibit "C" ion file with the pity clerk). 1 ~. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ANQ BALLt~T PRpCEaURE: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Public Works Qirec#or of the City of Bakersfield has caused to be prepared and filed with th+e City Clerk a report which provides the basis for the benefit assessment for street landscaping to be barrre by all parcels of property within Area 4-24, ~Baicer Street} which includes your property. Said report sets forth the amounts t+o be provided in the budget for maintenance and operation, a description of each lot ~r parcel of property in Area 4-24, {Baker Street} by a description sufficient to identify the same, and the amount of assessment to be levied for fiscal year ZQ02-20g~, against each lot ar parcel of property. Said report is open to public inspection at the City Clerk's Office, 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, California. A PROTEST HEARING VIIILL BE HELQ REGARDING A~C~ING AREA 4.24, (BAKER .STREET} TCI THE CONSGLIaATED MAINTENANCE CISTRICT GN 1NEDHESQAY, JAN#~ARY 't 5, 203, AT ~:0~~ P.M. or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard in the Council Chambers at 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, California. At such time, the Council will consider the above-referenced report and hear protests, At the protest hearing, protests will be heard regarding the following: the boundaries of .the additional territory; the fairness of the benefit formula; the zones of benefit (street andlor perk} including tier level; the arnc~urtt of the assessment on any Ivt Qr parcel of property; if applicable, reservation by the City of the right tc elect whether to proceed by either performance of work by City forces car by contract, or by combination of both. Any interested owner objecting to any of the items listed her+sin may file a written protest, signed by himlher, d+~scribing the parcel of property so that it may be identified, and stating the grounds of his~her protest. Any written protest shall be filed with the City Clerk at 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, California at or before the protest hearing. Individuals may also appear and be heard at the hearing. Any person challenging in court the decision made at the conclusion of such public hearing may be limited to raising only those issues raised at such hearing or in carrespandence delivered to the City Clerk prior to the close of such hearing. if you need additional information, please contact Lauren Cimberg at 32fi-585. Pursuant to Government Code § 53?53, the fallowing procedure will be followed by the City Council to determine whether a "majority protest" exists at the close of the public hearing of protests. An "Official Property Owner Assessment Ballot" (the "Assessment Ballot"} has been enclosed with this hlc~tice. NOTE: THE ENCLOSED PR~JPERTY GwNER ASSESSMENT BALLOT IS THE CFI=ICIAL ASSESSMENT 6ALt.4T. IT IS NOT A SAMRLE BALLOT. YOU ~NILL NQT RECEIVE ANY OTHER OR AaCI~TIONAL ASSESSMENT BALLOT. IN QRDER Tt~ MAKE THIS ASSESSMENT BALLGT GoUNT IN DETERMINING WHETHER A "MA~,IoRITY PRaTESTt' EXITS, YQU MUST MARK IT "YES" QR "N~," DATE IT, SIGN. IT, AND SUBMIT IT TO THE CLERK NQ LATER THAN THE CLfJSE DF THE PUBLIC HEARING of PROTESTS. IF FoR ANY REASQN AN ASSESSMENT EALLOT HAS IVC~T BE 'Ill C~ RY THE CLERK PRIOR THE CLOSE o~ THE PUBLIC HEARING of PRQTESTS, IT VtiIILL NQT BE CONSIDERED. After the Assessment ballot has been marked eyes" or "no,"dated and signed, it may be returned to the clerk in the enclosed, self-addressed return envelope, This Assessment Ballot may be used by the owner or owners of any parcel to express either support for or apposition to the proposed .assessment. Please see the Assessment Ballot for instructions respecting the alternative methods for submitting the Assessment Ballot either by mail which may be done using the enclosed enveit~p~e lout requires the user to provide the required postage or by personal delivery, either prior to or at the time of the public hearing of protests. Immediately fallowing the close of the public hearing of protests, whether on January 15, 2003 or vn such date as the hearing may be continued to, the retumed Assessment Ballots will be t~bul~ted, both in support of and in opposition. to the assessrnen#, with the ballots being weighed in accordanr.~ with the amount of the proposed assessment, and results will be announced; provided .that, in the event the clerk requires opportunity to determine whether any Assessment Ballot has been properly signed by an owner or authori~ad representative of an owner, the City council reserves entitlement to continue the matter of announcing results to provide the Clerk with sudh an opportunity, In the event that Assessment 8allats in opposition exceed thdse in support, there will be a umajarity protest," and the City Council will be precluded from proceeding with the proposed assessment. 3 \~' 3. IMPORTANT - {OFFICIAL PRC?PERTY OWNER ASSESSMENT BALI~~T This Ballot is fflr the use of the property owner ~of the parcel identified below, which parcel is located within Areas 4-~4, Baker Streets and which is being proposed to be added to the Consolidated Maintenance District and assessed an amount for maintenance of street landscaping. This Ballot may be used to express either support for or opposition to the proposed assessrrrent. In order to be counted, this Ballot must be signed belouv by an owner or, if the owner is not an individual, by an authorized representative of the ouvner. The Ballot must then be delivered to the City Clerk, either by mail or in person as follows: Ma I Delir~e~: If by mail, place in the return envelope provided, provide stamps for first class postage, and place in the mail not later than ~ane ~1} calendar week prior to January 15, ~0~~. Mailing later than this deadline creates the risk that the Ballot may not be received in time to be counted. F~ersonal Delivery: If in person, to the City Clerk at any time up- to 1 ~:~0 noon on January 1 ~, X403, at the City Clerk's Office at 1 ~-Q1 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, California, or at the protest hearing itself at 1:~4 p.m. on that date at the City Council Chambers at the same address. kiowever delivered, the Balla-t must be received by the City Clerk prior to the close of the public hearing whether on January 1l ar a later continuation dated to be coon#ed. T~ CAST THIS EALLC~T, RETURN EITHER THIS ENTIRE PACE oR THE PfJRTlCIN BELt~V~f THIS LINE. BALLET APN: Name: Bite Address: City, Assessment: A~~essmer~t Ballot Measure Shall the City Co~uncii of the City of Bakersfield add Area 4-~~, Baker Street} to the ConsvlMdated Maintenanoe District and levy an annual assessment not to exceed the amount set forth above on the parcel identified Yes ^ No ^ Dated: By. Owner's Signature Untitled Page 1 of 1 The Residents at: The Residents at: The Residents at: 701 BAKER ST 727 BAKER ST 717 BAKER ST Bakersfield CA, 93305 Bakersfield CA, 93305 Bakersfield CA, 93305 (APN: 01608020) (APN: 01608001) (APN: 01608016) The Residents at: The Residents at: The Residents at: 611 BAKER ST 623 SUMNER ST 813 BAKER ST Bakersfield CA, 93305 Bakersfield CA, 93305 Bakersfield CA, 93305 (APN: 01620013) (APN: 01606006) (APN: 01607001) The Residents at: The Residents at: The Residents at: 807 BAKER ST 621E 21ST ST Bakersfield CA, 93305 Bakersfield CA, 93305 Bakersfield CA, 93305 (APN: 01607018} (APN: 01619015) (APN: 01609021) The Residents at: The Residents at: The Residents at: 812 BAKER ST 808 BAKER ST 809 BAKER ST Bakersfield CA, 93305 Bakersfield CA, 93305 Bakersfield CA, 93305 (APN: 01606007) (APN: 01606008) (APN: 01607019) The Residents at: The Residents at: The Residents at: 801 BAKER ST 806 BAKER ST 805 BAKER ST Bakersfield CA, 93305 Bakersfield CA, 93305 Bakersfield CA, 93305 (APN: 01607016) (APN: 01606009) (APN: 01607017) The Residents at: The Residents at: The Residents at: 800 BAKER ST 706 BAKER ST 631E 19TH ST Bakersfield CA, 93305 Bakersfield CA, 93305 Bakersfield CA, 93305 (APN: 01606010) (APN: 01609012) (APN: 01619007) The Residents at: The Residents at: 631 BAKER ST 626 BAKER ST Bakersfield CA, 93305 Bakersfield CA, 93305 (APN: 01620001) (APN: 01619008) l httpalgeoweb/mailinglabels/text_convert_ site.asp 3/11/2004 Untitled Page 1 of 1 ANDERSON CURTIS S & LEIGH BREWER DOLORES V BROWN BILLY R 8220 PORTSMOUTH 4200 HILLSBOROUGH DR 4901 PANORAMA DR BAKERSFIELD CA 93311 BAKERSFIELD CA 93306 BAKERSFIELD CA 93306-1346 (APN: 01606010) (APN: 01606006) (APN: 01620013) CHEKOLE GIRMACHEW COUNTY OF KERN ESPERICUETA JAIME & LYN 631 BAKER ST 1415 TRUXTUN AV 100 BAKER ST BAKERSFIELD CA 93305 BAKERSFIELD CA 93301 BAKERSFIELD CA 93305 (APN: 01620001) (APN: 01619015) (APN: 01608001) FRAUSTO ANTONIO T & VIRGI HASHIM FAMILY TRUST HERNANDEZ YLDEFONSO & GON 1111 TERRACE WY 1819 ALTA VISTA DR 813 BAKER ST BAKERSFIELD CA 93304 BAKERSFIELD CA 93305-3201 BAKERSFIELD CA 93305 (APN: 01607018) (APN: 01608020) (APN: 01607001) KIERNAN HAROLD L & MARTYL MORENO JAVIER NORIEGA FAMILY TR 8608 PONDEROSA AV 3612 VIRGINIA AV 115 PANORAMA DR BAKERSFIELD CA 93306 BAKERSFIELD CA 93307 BAKERSFIELD CA 93305-1320 (APN: 01608016) (APN: 01619007) (APN: 01607016) REFRIGERATION SUPPLIES DI RIVERA FAMILY TRUST ROMERO JOHN R 26021 ATLANTIC OCEAN DR 4815 ZINFANDEL LN 2818 LOYOLA ST LAKE FOREST CA 92630 BAKERSFIELD CA 93306 BAKERSFIELD CA 93306-2625 (APN: 01609021) (APN: 01619008) (APN: 01606009) SEQUOIA PAINT COMPANY THE REMNANT 700 BAKER ST 2700 TRUST AV BAKERSFIELD CA 93305-5211 BAKERSFIELD CA 93306 (APN: 01609012) (APN: 41606007) http://geoweb/mailinglabels/text_convert_owner_summary.asp 3/ 11 /2004 Mailing Label Generator Page 1 of 1 THE RESIDENTS AT THE RESIDENTS AT THE RESIDENTS AT 701 BAKER ST 727 BAKER ST 717 BAKER ST Bakersfield CA, 93305 Bakersfield CA, 93305 Bakersfield CA, 93305 (APN: O l 608020) (APN: O l 608001) (APN: O l 608016) THE RESIDENTS AT THE RESIDENTS AT THE RESIDENTS AT 611 BAKER ST 623 SUMMER ST 813 BAKER ST Bakersfield CA, 93305 Bakersfield CA, 93305 Bakersfield CA, 93305 (APN: 01620013) (APN: 01606006) (APN: 01607001) THE RESIDENTS AT THE RESIDENTS AT THE RESIDENTS AT 807 BAKER ST 621E 21ST ST 812 BAKER ST Bakersfield CA, 93305 Bakersfield CA, 93305 Bakersfield CA, 93305 (APN: O l 607018) (APN: 01609021) (APN: 01606007) THE RESIDENTS AT THE RESIDENTS AT THE RESIDENTS AT 808 BAKER ST 809 BAKER ST 801 BAKER ST Bakersfield CA, 93305 Bakersfield CA, 93305 Bakersfield CA, 93305 (APN: 01606008) (APN: 01607019) (APN: 01607016) THE RESIDENTS AT THE RESIDENTS AT THE RESIDENTS AT 806 BAKER ST 805 BAKER ST 800 BAKER ST Bakersfield CA, 93305 Bakersfield CA, 93305 Bakersfield CA, 93305 (APN: 01606009) (APN: 01607017) (APN: 01606010) THE RESIDENTS AT THE RESIDENTS AT THE RESIDENTS AT 706 BAKER ST 631E 19TH ST 631 BAKER ST Bakersfield CA, 93305 Bakersfield CA, 93305 Bakersfield CA, 93305 (APN: 01609412) (APN: 01619007) (APN: 01620001) THE RESIDENTS AT ,ia.,~~, a~ ~,; 62b BAKER ST `.Y Bakersfield CA, 93305 Y (APN: 01619008) http://geoweb/mailinglabels/get labels_delimited.asp 3/11/2004 W N N E"~ c; ~ ~;' ~ c ~M~ AM ~ ~- z ~~ ~~~~ °~~~~ xa~o ~~o aoUo o vo ~ Uo A x Ao ~ ~ ~~ ° r.IW~-1 `0 O~Ao wOAo OAW~ a '~z ~ z'~z ~ z ""z Woao~~ ~~~~ ~0~~ ~N~ a~~ Zo O~w ~o~0od ~ x z ~ ~ a ~ 0 z M ~ M a M ~ ~ ~ o '~ ~ ~ ~~Uo ~V1'Uo ~V1Uo Z~Ao wwAo ~~wAo ~~r•-lo A'~i~o ~'~'ao wxw a~w ~~w H x°~~ N~a~ ~~~~ ~,N A°°ww U'"W x x a ~ ~ ~ w ~ ~ as ~ as ~a w w x x AO W ~ ~ O V~ M axM~'° ~~"~M. ~~~~ ~~~~ N~~~ DOUo ~OUo OWVo axAo N~Ao z~Ao ooa~ ~~,~~ ~a~ Wawa UC~a Z[W~a ~~~d Zoad d'~~d x 4Nw O~W N ~ ~ ~ ~O a00 V~ ~N~ W ~ ~ (~ z a ~ w ~NM A '`~ ~~ ~'~ V ~r~ ~~~ '~ Aa ~Ao aW ~ ~ ~U~N ~ZV~ ~° ~~ Z,UNo NA~ ON`WW~o O~ao Nza ~~w z h~wz a~¢ Zh~~ ~~ W~" ~~W ~~~ ~~ N ~oa A4 w WN ~ ~' ~ ~ ~ `0 ~ M ~a~~ SAM 0~10`~ w~~ a~o,~ ~~~o ~AVo a~~o [-+WU~ wZ,A~ ~~U ~'~'Ao ~~wo ZQAo ~~az wzwz Zaz ao"w¢ ~~d ~~~~ °~ ~~ ~~~ 0 a w~~ aa~a w ~ x ~ x. ~ ~ ~ E'~ M ~ ~ ~ ~a~ M W `M N~~~ ~~~-~,~ U~~~ ~+tj c ~~Uo ~ U°o ~~Ao o~~o ~~~o wawa Ewa Wp4IJ.ra ~~~~- Ora`" 0~~~ x~~ ~,~w x w V10~Ow M~i w x ~ x ~ x ~ ~ as 0 b!J 0 C~ a~ .~ .~, N N N a/ ai(~O SAO Z~M„ a~M~ oa~~ ~~~~ ~ov~ ~~v~ 0~"Ao w~Ao w~wz ~zwz ~'' 00 '""' ~ W ~ '"' ~ aN~ Goa ~ z ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O ~ O OM1 Z ~ z~~~ ~ ~~^ d'~Uo W ~Uo Z~ ° A ~ ° ~~A° WzWA~ wxw~ ~o~wo ~Nwz N~pgwz Wp~d A Mid x~a z oa E"'~N~ Q4 W ~4 x x ~Ao W ~ ~xM axM Who, ~No~ ~~~~ ~~~o OoUo ~ Uo W~iAc [-+~Ao Apac ~~ao pqW ~aW ~~ ~ ~ wz ~owz wave za~~ ~~x oNw x~ NNW ~o x~ A4N~ W ~ z ~0 ~M M••~ ~+ M 0~ A ~~^ OapUo ~~aA~ x~iAwo Z~Z~"a ~~Ov~~ z a a ~- 0o W ox W ono Q ~ ~ Z ~ O W~~~ Uo ~WAo ~xwo ~'~wz Wo~~ U°~`~ W a ~ w x ~, ~ o ~~"~ ~~~ W ~(~Uo Z A~ 0 ~" ~ z ~~~~ o"w`~ " ~"~ v'"~ w Aa wAo ~ M a Z ~0 awo ~U~,~ v~OUo U F" o 0~~'~ ~Z~o N~oa ~Ww4 WSW "~ aoa w~ ~N Z N a c ~~~^ ~V101N a ~o ~WU° ~~Ao a~Wa ~~~~ 0 ~ ~ W d x ~ ~ " h M ~~ ~Ao M ~"N~o N ~~Vo ~ ~ ~o ~~Ao ~' ,~' W a ~~w~ x~~ ~~w x ~ ~a " M ~~~ W~~~ x~Uo O~A~ ~a~z ZN~~ ~~~~ 0~~ U" as M ~aM AO x ~ x M ~w~~ a~oM,M ~+AUo a~~o ~ZA~ ~~U ~wwo ~pAo w wz zwz z z W~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~. ~ ~ o ~ o a~M ~ M ~~Uo ~~Uo. V' '~ ~ " ~ "~ '° ~a~o U' ~~o W~~a ~~~a O~a~ oM~~ ~M~ w x U O O N M MAP AND ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM FOR ADDITION OF TERRITORY (AREA 4-29 BAKER STREET II) TO THE I CONSOLIDATED MAINTENANCE DISTRICT BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA i~ FlLED IN THE OFFlCE OF THE qTY CLERI( THIS DAY OF - 20_, qTY CLERK OF THE qTY OF BAKERSFlELD~ CALIFORNIA FILED FOR RECORD THIS DAY OF 2Q~ AT ~M.~IN BOOK OF ASSESSMENT OIS1RICi5 AT PAGE IN THE OFFICE OF THE OOUNTY RECORDER OF THE COUNTY OF KERN STATE OF CALIFORNIA. COUNTY ASSESSOR-RECORDER AN ASSESSMENT WAS LEVED BY THE qTY COUNgI ON THE LOTS, PIECES AND PARCELS OF LAND SHOWN ON THIS ASSESSMENT aAGRAM. SAID ASSESSMENT WAS LEVIED ON THE DAY OF - 20~ SAID ASSESSMENT aAGRAM AND THE ASSESSIIIENT ROLL WERE RECORDED IN THE OFFlCE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF SAID qTY ON THE DAY OF - 20_, REFERENCE IS MADE TO TILE ASSESSMENT ROLL RECORDED IN THE OFFlCE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS FOR THE EXACT AMOUNT OF EACH ASSESSMENT LEVIED AGNNST EACH PARCEI. OF LAND SHOWN ON THIS ASSESSMENT aAGRAM. CHIff DEPUTY RECORDER RECORDED IN THE OFFICE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS THIS DAY OF . 20_, aRECTOR of Pu~IC WORKS BAKERSFIELD CALIFORNIA qTY CLERK OF THE qTY OF BAKERSfIEI.D~ CALIFORNIA EXHIBIT "B' Fi~E: MD 4-29 SHEET 1 of 1