HomeMy WebLinkAboutMD Packet 4-31M.~ ~- 3 ~ PROPOSITION 218 BALLOT CITY OF BAKERSF[ELD CONSOLIDAI'~'D MAINTENANCE DLSTR[CT This assessment ballot is for the use of the property owner of the parcels} identified below, which are r sed to be included in the City of Bakersfield Consolidated Maintenance District (CMD). This assessment p ~ ,, ballot maybe used to express either support for or oppostt~on to tnclus~on w~thm the CMD. To be counted, this assessment ballot trust be signed below by ,the owner .or, if the owner is not an .individual, by an authorized representative of the owner. [TO CAST THIS BALLOT, PLEASE RETURN THIS ENTIRE PAGE] OFFICIAL ASSESSMENT BALLOT owner Brundage Lane Development, LLP West half of the Northeast .quarter P.M. No. 10949 {Tentative) of Section 3 Townshi 30 South rroperty description: ~ ~......~„~ ,~ ~. ~~.~ _..~ ~._ (address, rp~re~~rr~:rarojh~~~~g~ane 2 8 East ,Mount D iablQ Meridian Individual annual assessments shall not exceed 125.0 ger equivalent dwel~ling unit. AS~iESSNIEI,IT BALI.~T M~AS~URE Shall the City Council of the City of Bakersfield include ~ above described ~ Yes property within the Cnnsolidate~d Maintenance T~istrict and levy an asscssm~nt not to exceed. Q No tt~e amount set forth above? Owner Signature: Title cif representing owner}: Llate; Dan Proffitt (President - , ..~. -14-03 APPUCA 1~J4N PACXEf • L4HD DIYl~ION SUrPd~MEM: DOC B~irilvr: !~ I ~, I001 ~ILEC~ KERN COUN71r° NOTICE OF EXEMPTION Appendix I TO: County Clerk oar 0 1 2004 COUNTY OF KERN ANN K. BARNE77' 1415 Truxtun Avenue ~~TOR-CONTRpLLER-COUNTY~~~RK Bakersfield, CA 93301 °~PUT'' Project Title: A~g Territor~(Area 4-31, Hwy 58, Quantico NE} to the Consolidated Maintenance District. Project Location-Specific: Area 4-31 is e~nerally bounded by East Brundage Lane on the north, a line approximately 1320 feet east of Quantico Avenue on the east, Hwy 58 on the south and the mid-section line of Section 3, T30S, R28E, M.D.B. & M. on the west. Project Location-City: Bakersfield Project Location-County: Kern Description of Project: Maintenance of public park, street and median landscaping improvements. Name of Public Agency Approving Project: CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Name of Person or Agency Carrying Out Project: DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS Exempt Status: (Check One) _ Ministerial (Sec. 21080 (b) (1); 15268 (a); _ Declared Emergency (Sec. 21080 (b) (4); 15269 (b) (c); _ Emergency Project (Sec. 21080 (b) (4); 15269 (b) (c); x Categorical Exemption. State type and section number. Section 15305(fl _ Statutory Exemptions. State code number.. Reasons why project is exempt: Minor alteration in land use limitations with addition of territory to an existing Maintenance District, CEQA guideline, City of Bakersfield Resolution No. 212-92. Lead Agency Contact Person: Marian Shaw Area CodelTelephone/Extension: X661) 326-3579 If filed by applicant:. 1. Attach certified document of exemption finding. 2. Has a Notice of Exemptio b en filed by the public agency approving the project? Yes x No _ Signature:. Date: ~ •l 200 Name and Title: Marian P. Shaw, Civil Engineer IV x Signed by Lead Agency Date received for filing at OPR: x Signed by Applicant S:IPROJECTSIMAINDISTIEXEMPTINOE4-31.DOC Notice of Environ~ental BQCU~ent Posted by County Clerk on ~- ~ ~.,~m.. and for 30 days thereafter, Pursuant to ~-~I~~ ~ ~ ~~,~~, ~~r~~~~ R~~o~~~ce~ ~oc~ OBE 2'~3~ gJnicorn 12oad, lBall~ersfield, C1~ 933m~ - Q~~) 213-15 3 phone X661) 5~~- 264 fax January 8, 2003 Ci of Bakersfield -Public Works Department tY Attn: Marian P. Shaw 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Dear Ms. Shaw: arcel Ma 10949 in a Maintenance District RE: Inclusion of P p luded within Parcel Map No.10949 hereby We the undersigned, as owners of the property inc ~ e uest ' ~ he Consolidated Maintenance District. This r q re uest that the roperty be included within t q p ld Munici al Code Section 13.04.021. rdance with the requirements of Bakersfie p is in acco t ' Ci to cover the costs of this 'the amount of $1,836.50 as required by the ty . Enclosed is a check in tentative co of the • ted Maintenance District. Also, enclosed is a pY inclusion into the Consolida sub' ect Parcel Map. J • rin s in accordance with the Brown Act, the We also waive our right to any and all hea g in • • er law concerning the formation of or inclusion kersfield Munici al Code, andlor any oth , . Ba p in the enclosed Proposition ballot maintenance district. We have signed and are return g the nt Ballot indicating our consent to the assessment. (Official Assessme ) Very truly yours, Brunda a Lane Development, LLP g Dan Proffitt President 66~~ T$~s~k...N~ ~~~a~~. 9 A~~tTENA~C'E 1~~5 i R~4T #4-31 ~ri~Il.t{ L `~• ~ V~~~ ~P~R~~IIETER DFSCR~I'TIC~I~} THAT ~ER.TAf N PARCEL ~F EANI) faYIN~ WITI-IIN THE NDRTH EAST t~tJAI~TE~ ~F SECTION 3, TtJWNSHI~' ~~ SC~~JTH, .~.AN~~ Z~ EAST, ~.D.., CfTY ~~' BA~.ERSFIED} C~t1NTY ~F KE~.N, STATE OF CA~IFCIRNIA, SURE PA~,TICUIJAR.~,Y DESCI~~ED ,AS Ft~LIaO~S: T~EC-IT~NING A,T THE N~~TH Q~~,AR~'ER C~~NER ~,F SAID SE~TI~N ~; rl"HENCE EASTE~;.Y ON A-.ND ALUN~ THE ~Q~TH FINE "f`H.FIi.E~F S~t~TH ~~° ~ 1' 4~" EAAST, zb4~.92 FEET; T~IENCE S+~~UTH 0~° 42' ~3" 'VEST, 5~~.3~ FEET "~'~ A F+OFNT 4F INTERSECTION WITH TIE NORTHERf1Y R..IC~HT ~F '~VAY IJfN ~ aF STATE I~C~UTE ~I-~.ER 58; TIIENCE WESTER,~Y ~N AND AL~3NG SAID SINE, N~i1TH ~~~ 25' 3~#' WEST, d~.1 f .7~ ~"EETy "1 HENCE NORTH $S° lit 48" WES"I', ~32.IU FEET Tt~ .A I'DI~NT DF INTE~.S.EC`1`f{~N WITH THE WEST .EI~'E DF SAID Nt~RTHEAST QUARTER; T~IENCE NQRTHER~Y DN ANH ALONG SAID WEST FINE, NDRTH ~a° 4$' S~'~ EAST, 414.41 FEET Tf ~ THE ~'~IIVT 0 F ~ E~rINN~N+~. CC~NTAII~ING 14.45 ,A.CRES Z' ~ ~6~.~E6E t 99 dCQ +~~,~ ~ ~ T ~Q ~,~ ~n~ MAP AND ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM FOR ADDITION OF TERRITORY (AREA 4-31, HWY 58, QUANTICO NE) TO CONSOLIDATED MAINTENANCE DISTRICT BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 0 H z c~ STATE RTE VI KER 58 FlLED IN THE OFFlCE OF THE qTY CLERK THIS DAY OF • 20~ qTY gDtK OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFlEID~ CALIFORNIA AN ASSESSMENT WAS LEVED BY THE qTY COINIgL ON THE LOTS, PIECES AND PARCELS OF LAND SHOWN ON THIS ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM. SAID ASSESSMENT WAS LEVIED ON THE DAY OF . 20_,; SAID ASSESSMENT aAGRAM AND THE ASSESSMENT ROIL WERE RECORDED IN THE OFFlCE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF SAID qTY ON~ THE DAY OF • 20_, REFERENCE IS MADE TO THE ALIT ROLL RECORDED IN THE OFFlCE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS FOR THE EXACT AMOUNT OF EACH ASSESSMENT LEVIED AGAINST EACH `PARgl OF LAND SHOWN ON THIS ASSESSMENT aAGRAM. qTY q.ERK OF THE qTY OF BAKERSFlELD~ CALIFORNIA aRECTDR of Pueuc wcRKs BAKERSFlEI.D~ CAUFOR~NA EXHIBIT "B' FILE: MD4-31 SHEET 1 of 1 THE NOT TO SCALE FlIFD FOR REOORD THIS DAY OF 20~ AT ~M„ IN BOOK OF ASSESSMENT aSTRICTS AT PAGE S1 THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY REOOROER OF THE COUNTY OF KERN STATE OF CALIFORNIA. JAMES W. FlTCH COUNTY ASSESSOR-RECORDER BY CHiff DEPUTY RECORDER RECORDED IN THE OFFlCE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS THIS DAY OF . 20_,