HomeMy WebLinkAboutMD Packet 4-34Mj ~(-3y PROPOSITION 218 BALLOT CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CONSOLIDATED MAINTENANCE DISTRICT This assessment ballot is for the use of the property owner of the parcel(s) identified below, which are proposed to be included in the City of Bakersfield Consolidated Maintenance District (CMD). This assessment ballot maybe used to express either support for or opposition to inclusion within the CMD. To be counted, this assessment ballot must be signed below by the owner or, if the owner is not an individual, by an authorized representative of the owner. [TO CAST THIS BALLOT, PLEASE RETURN THIS ENTIRE PAGE] OFFICIAL ASSESSMENT BALLOT Propert Owner: s ~ ~ ut, Y Property description: ~~~,c ~~' ~p . ,.~- q ~ Z (address, lot/block/tract or other legal - The individual annual assessments shall not exceed $ 146.70 per equivalent dwelling unit. In each subsequent year, annual assessments may increase by the cost of living reflected in the Los Angeles - Riverside -Orange County /All Urban Consumer's Consumer Price Index. ASSESSMENT BALLOT MEASURE Shall the City Council of the City of Bakersfield include the above described ,Yes property within the Consolidated Maintenance District and levy an assessment not to exceed O No the amount set forth above? Owner Signature: Title (if representing owner): Date: V ~~ ~ ~szFs~ ~~~.~ ~-2°~-0~ APPLICATION PACKET -LAND DIVISION SUPPLEMENT DOC Murch I0, 2005 ~~~~r~ ~~ur~~ ~~ ~w=~.rE~~ F~~~'=~ q 'TION Appendix I ~~~~ _ ~ N G~UNTY "~~ ~ KERN ~Q~ ~ ~ . as ~ , a ~ U ~,,, #' ~ a.ti~ ~ Avenue .~ rj~j +~ «~ . i~ ~~i ~...., Lr ~ ~N~~, °wu ~:;+;~ ~A 93301 ~ ANN K. BgRN '. UDITOR. r~oi~~~. i ..4,' Territo Area 4-34 Auburn Mornin NE or Tract 5982 to the Co ' =~~,~t~e ~~. >~~ ,~~ ~- -.. ~ a nsolidated i •., c ~ tom. "u" ~t~.., ~ ~~• n w~ .. ~ ..... .i.:.~ ,;~t.; 1MF3~:.i ,.: R;=,a°~ i '~„-~~ ~cific: The r enerall bounded a ea is q ~ ' .. 'i ~ f i i,."~ '.`i.''q 4'w~; ig,a,;~, r , ~~, s, ; v v a line ,a~,ro mately 1,320 feet north ~'"~"' ~ ~'~'~ the north ff r' s ~^ ;;~{:~~~:~ ~ ~~ ,aline approximately 2,680 feet east of Morning Drive on the east, south and Morning Drive on the west. _.-____ y: Bakersfield Project Location-County: K_ ern Description of Project: Maintenance of ublic ark street and median iandsca in im rovement _ N s. A~ Name of Public Agency Approving Project: CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Name of Person or Agency Carrying Out Project: DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS Exempt Status: (Check One} Ministerial (Sec. 21080 (b} (1);15268 (a}; Declared Emergenc}~ (Sec. 21080 (b} (4};15269. (b) (c}; _ Emergency Project (Sec. 21080 (b} (4};15269 (b} (c}; x Categorical Exemption. State type and section number. Section 15305f f~ Statutory Exemptions. State code number. Reasons why project is exempt: Minor alteration in land use limitations with addition of territo to an existin Maintenance District CEQA uideline Cit of Bakersfield Resolution No. _. 212-92. Lead Agency Contact Person: ~Mw ar an, Shaw Area Code/Telephone/Extension: 661 326-3579 If filed by applicant: 1. Attach certified document of exemption finding. 2. Has a Notice of Exemption ; en filed by the public a enc a rovin the ro'ect? Yes x g Y pp g p J _ No _ Signature: ; , ,~ r ; . ~~ .. D ~ ~4 ~ ~ ate. 2005 Title: Marian P_Sh w, Civil Engineer IV x Signed by Lead Agency Date received for filin at OPR: x Si g _ gned by Applicant ~. Noe4.34.DOC ~~ ~ ti,,,~ 11 i .~. MAP AND AS3ES3MENT DIAC~'iAM FOR ADDI110N OF TERRITORY (AREA 4-34, AUBURN, MORNING NE) TO THE CONSOLIDATED MAINTENANCE DISTRICT BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA N O NOT TO SCALE c O c ~i ~~ ~. ~~ ~~ ~. !, E c~ ~.~. .~ ~~ .- N N ~~ ~~ ~~ I N 89'52'34" E 26?3,95 I --~--~ I I 1 1 3 4 6 e ] B 1 10 11 71 13 f1 16 ie 17 18 10 to .~_J .. ,p MORNINOSTAR L1 AVENUE I ~ ...~ I I---- 1 1~ 131 130 ~ ~ 113 1~ I I ~ oe 1e I I iJe 131 1~ 111 1zi I >a e>' ea __ ~" ~ I ~ i 137 a 133 1~e 1xl 1~ i 71 eQ ~~ fir`` ' 111 ~ ~ N , 1 ~ 13e 117 1~ I n es 1e 1 of N ~ 1 136 ~~ ii6 I n a< ~ --~---I M t I 113 1 ~~~"` ~ I I ~C I I A ~ A U B U R N 111 116 110 ~ 74 ~ 60 o ' Imo..-- s tab S TR E 117 E1 I I 76 7e dZ Ot bi 61 ~°' ~ ~ , 103 1 1 tot 111 i I 1 .p 111 I t1o toe I n eo ~ I ~ 101 1 ~ °~ ° ~ "~ 11 too i ` ~ i 1as ) 1 ~ ~ se 61 ~ Z I 1a6 I , ± ~ ~ 1 1 10 106 ~ ~ » 6d 66 I ~ ( , 1 ~ aa'7k % eo 67 6e I s 1 I 1 t 1 ~ I I t e7 N 96 ~ A LEXANDER -- --~ ' ^' 1 _ 13 ~ e1 e0 AUBURN SL _.T~f'" I a~ 0 F F I Nwr R AMP N 66 87 BO 66 .~~_.~__~ I ` 50UTH WEST CORNER , SECTION 18, 29 29 ; DISTRICT 80UNDARY , T.P.0.8. ' FLIED IN THE OFFlCE OF THE qTY CLERK THIS _ DAY ~i~ 20_./ qTY CLERK OF THE qTY OF BAKERSFIELD, CMIFORNIA AN ASSESSMENT WAS LEVER BY 1HE qTY OOUNCE. ON THE LOTS, PIECES AND PARCELS, OF LAND SHOWN ON THIS ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM. SAID ASSESSMENT WAS LEVIED ON THE ._ DAY OF 20~ SA10 ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM AND THE ASSESSMENT ROLL WERE RECORDED IN THE OFFlCE OF THE OEPARTirfENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF SAID qTY ON THE ,_, OAY OF 20~ REFERENCE IS MADE Tb 1HE ASSESStrIENt ROLL RECORDED IN THE- OFFlCE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS FOR THE EXACT AMOUNT OF EACH ASSESSMENT LEVIED AGAINST EACH PARCEL OF LAND SHOWN ON THIS ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM. qTY CLERK OF THE qTY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA N ~, ,~ s3 .,--, '~.,, 41 ,14 w as 3e ~ 3~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 30 31 Jt 33 31 ..~ wAY ~ ..~ e1 au !rt 11 N 89'48'04" E 2678.19 SOUTH 1/4 CORNER SECTION 18 OLEO FOR RECORD TFgS _.___- OAY OF ,_,___.____ 2Q_,, AT ,,,~ _,,M,, IN BOOK _„_ OF ASSESSMENT aS1RICTS AT PACE ~„ IN THE OFFICE OF THE COINITY RECORDER OF THE COUNTY OF KERN, STALE OF CALIFORNIA. BY COUNTY I-SSE5SOR-RECORDER CHIEF DEPUTY RECORDER RECORDED IN THE OFFICE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS THIS `DAY OF 20~ OIRECTCR OF PUBLIC WORKS BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA EXHIBIT 'B' FIIJ~ M04-34 SHEET 1 of 1 3 g N O 0 2