HomeMy WebLinkAboutMD Packet 4-44w~ ~ ~~ ~fy Ci-f y of Bakersfield PUBLIC UVORKS DIRECTOR'S REPORT ADDITION OF TERRITORY, AREA 4-44 (CHESTER AVENUE, 24TH STREET TO GARCES CIRCLE) Fiscal Year 2005-2006 Area 4-44 (CHESTER AVENUE, 24TH STREET TO GARCES CIRCLE}, which is an addition of territory to the Consolidated Maintenance District, is generally described as an area bounded by Garces Circle on the north, K Street on the east, 24th on the south, and Eye Street on the west, and as specifically shown on Map and Assessment Diagram marked Exhibit "B," attached .hereto and incor orated herein b p Y reference as though fully set forth, as an area within the City of Bakersfield. Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 13.04 of Title 13 of the Municipal Code of the City of Bakersfield, referred to as the Maintenance District Procedure, the Public Works Director makes and files this Report and proposed assessment of and upon all parcels of property within the area for the cost of maintainin street g . landscaping improvements. The improvements generally include, but are not limited to, trees, irrigation system, conduits, lights with banners and trash ,cans, in and for said area and are of a public nature. The assessment includes the cost of necessa ,, ry repairs, replacement, water, electricity, care, supervision and any and all other items necessary for the proper maintenance and operation thereof, and all additions and improvements thereto which may hereafter be made. For many years, public parks, public street median and other public street landscaping improvements in the City were maintained throu , h traditional tax revenues.. g After Proposition 13, in 1978, funds available for maintenance and operation of parks, street median and other street landscaping .improvements were substantially reduced. At present, the City's budget does not allow for the cost of all maintenance and operation of street landscaping improvements of the type described above. Thus, without funds for maintenance and operating costs from a source other than eneral tax 9 revenues, the -City does not permit new public parks, street median and other street landscaping improvements to be constructed within the City. Additional territory, Area 4-44 (CHESTER AVENUE, 24TH STREET TO GARCES CIRCLE} is being added to the Consolidated Maintenance District for the maintenance of street landscaping. The area will be assigned the appropriate street tier in the Consolidated Maintenance District. Each parcel will be assessed based on an Equivalent Dwelling Unit basis. EXHIBIT "1" All parcels within this additional territory shall be assessed an amount per parcel as set forth in Exhibit "C". However, parcels will not be assessed until street landscape improvements have been installed. When street- landscape improvements have been completed, street tier 4 assessments will be assessed at the amounts set forth in Exhibit "E". The area will consist of nonresidential use, thus all parcels within the area will be .affected. Sensory benefits from installing street landscaping are aesthetic enhancement and open space enjoyment. Public .street landscaping will benefit all the lots or parcels and will be assessed on an Equivalent Dwelling Unit basis throughout the area. The Benefit Formula is set forth herein as Exhibit "C" and attached hereto and incorporated in this resolution as though fully set forth herein. NOW THEREFORE, I, RAUL M. ROJAS, Director of Public Works of the City of Bakersfield, by virtue of the power vested in me and the order of the Council of said City, hereby submit the Fiscal Year 2005-2006 Budget and Assessment Roll as set forth in Exhibit "D" and Exhibit "E," respectively, attached hereto and incor orated p herein as though fully set forth, upon all parcels of property within additional area (Area 4-44, CHESTER AVENUE, 24TH STREET TO GARCES CIRCLE , sub'ect to be } ~ assessed to pay the cost of maintenance and operation in said area. .n.~~~ ~ ~ ~qi u Dated. ~~~..~. RAUL M. ROJAS Director of Public Works City of ,Bakersfield CITY OF BAKERSFIELD MAINTENANCE DISTRICT AREA4-44 CHESTER AVENUE, 24T" STREET TO GARCES .CIRCLE IMPORTANT -OFFICIAL PROPERTY aWNER ASSESSMENT BALLOT This Ballot is for the use of the property owner of the parcel identified below, which parcel is located within Area 4-44, Chester Avenue, 24th Street to Garces Circle, and which is being proposed to be added to the Consolidated Maintenance District and assessed an amount for maintenance of street landscaping. Chapter 13.04 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code requires that the proposed streetscape landscaping area be included within a maintenance district to provide for future maintenance of any landscaping in the public right-of-way andlor public parks. The total amount of assessment chargeable to the entire maintenance district within Area 4-44, Chester Avenue, 24t" Street to Garces Circle is currently $4,700. The proposed assessment amount was calculated on an equivalent dwelling unit basis throughout the area. This ballot may be used. to express either support for or opposition to the~proposed assessment. In order to be counted, this Ballot must be signed below by an owner or, if the owner is not an individual, by an authorized representative of the owner. The Ballot must then be delivered to the City Clerk, either by mail or in person as follows: Mai, I, Deliv_: If by mail, place in the return envelope provided, provide stamps for first class postage, and place in the mail not later than one (1 }calendar week prior to May 24, 2006. Mailing later than this deadline creates the risk that the Ballot may not be received in time to be counted. Personal Delivery: If in person, to the City Clerk at any time up to 12:00 noon on May 24, 2006, at the City Clerk's Office at 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, California, or at the protest hearing itself 6:30 p.m. on that date at the City Council Chambers at the same address. However delivered, the Ballot must be received by the City Clerk prior to the close of the public hearing (whether on May 24 or a later continuation date) to be counted. If the ballots submitted in opposition to the assessment exceed the .ballots submitted in favor of the assessment, with ballots weighted according to the proportional financial obligation of the affected property, the assessment shall not be imposed. TO CAST THIS BALLOT, MARK EITHER "YES" OR "NO" BELOW, WHERE INDICATED, FILL IN THE DATE, SIGN YOUR SIGNATURE, AND THEN PLEASE FOLD THIS PAGE AND INSERT IT IN AN ENVELOPE TO CONCEAL ITS CONTENTS BEFORE SUBMITTING IT TO THE CITY CLERK ~-~~---N---1 BALLOT Tax Parcel Number: APN# 002-172- 05 Owner Name: SAN JOAQUIN COMMUNITY HOSPITAL Assessment Amount: Fiscal Year 2005.06 $ 0.40 per equivalen# dwelling unit Assessment Amount: Fiscal Year 2006.07 $ 607.00 The duration of the assessments will occur indefinitely. In each subsequent year, annual assessments may increase by the cost of living reflected in the Los Angeles -Riverside-Orange County I All Urban Consumers Consumer Price Index. ASSESSMENT BALLOT MEASURE Shall the City Council of the City of Bakersfield add Area 4.44, Chester Avenue, Yes ~, 24t" Street to Garces Circle to the Consolidated Maintenance District and levy an ,annual assessment not to exceed the amount set forth above on the parcel No __~___ identified? DATED: BY; Owner's Signature CITY OF BAKERSFIELD MAINTENANCE DISTRICT AREA 4-44 CHESTER AVENUE, 24T" STREET TO GARCES CIRCLE IMPORTANT -OFFICIAL PROPERTY OWNER ASSESSMENT BALLOT This Ballot is for the use of the property owner of the parcel identified below, which parcel is located within Area 4-44, Chester Avenue, 24t" Street to Garces Circle, and which is being proposed to be added to the Consolidated Maintenance District and assessed an amount for maintenance of street landscaping. Chapter 13.04 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code requires that the proposed streetscape landscaping area be included within a maintenance district to provide for future maintenance of any landscaping in the public right-of-way and/or public parks. The total amount of assessment chargeable to the entire maintenance district within Area 4-44, Chester Avenue, 24t" Street to Garces Circle is currently $4,700. The proposed assessment amount was calculated on an equivalent dwelling unit basis throughout the area. This ballot maybe used to express either support for or opposition to the proposed assessment. In order to be counted, this Ballot must be signed below by an owner or, if the owner is not an individual, by an authorized representative of the owner. The Ballot must then be delivered to the City Clerk, either by mail or in person as follows: Mail Delivery: If by mail, place in the return envelope provided, provide stamps for first class postage, and place in the mail not later than one (1) calendar week prior to May 24, 2006. Mailing later than this deadline creates the risk that the Ballot may not be received in time to be counted. Personal Delivery: If in person, to the City Clerk at any time up to 12:00 noon on May 24, 2006, at the City Clerk's Office at 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, California, or at the protest hearing itself 6:30 p.m. on that date at the City Council Chambers at the same address. However delivered, the Ballot must be received by the City Clerk prior to the close of the public hearing (whether on May 24 or a later continuation date) to be counted. If the ballots submitted in opposition to the assessment exceed the ballots submitted in favor of the assessment, with ballots weighted according to the proportional financial obligation of the affected property, the assessment shall not be imposed. TO CAST THIS BALLOT, MARK EITHER "YES" OR "NO" BELOW, WHERE INDICATED, FILL IN THE DATE, SIGN YOUR SIGNATURE, AND THEN PLEASE FOLD THIS PAGE AND INSERT IT IN AN ENVELOPE TO CONCEAL ITS CONTENTS BEFORE SUBMITTING IT TO THE CITY CLERK BALLOT Tax Parcel Number: APN# 002-132-10 Owner Name: SAN JOAQUIN COMMUNITY HOSPITAL Assessment Amount: Fiscal Year 2005-06 $ 0.00 per equivalent dwelling unit Assessment Amount: Fiscal Year 2006-07 $ 220.00 The duration of the assessments will occur indefinitely. In each subsequent year, annual assessments may increase by the cost of living reflected in the Los Angeles -Riverside-Orange County /All Urban Consumers Consumer Price Index. ASSESSMENT BALLOT MEASURE Shall the City Council of the City of Bakersfield add Area 4-44, Chester Avenue, Yes 24t" Street to Garces Circle to the Consolidated Maintenance District and levy an annual assessment not to exceed the amount set forth above on the parcel No identified? DATED: BY: Owner's Signature r r r r r rr. ,r rirr r r rr r i t rr r r a ri i rr. r, r rr aii~ r aiir rr r r rioirrir r r r ai ri r r r rrr rr r r rir it ~ rr~r r John A. Stinson -Fwd: Re: Chester Avenue Streetsca a Public Hearin Pa e 1 r r r ~ r ,• From: Darnell Haynes To: Georgina Lorenzi; John A. Stinson Date: 5/1 7/2006 1 0:41:02 AM Subject: Fwd: Re: Chester Avenue Streetscape Public Hearing John A. please incorporate this information into the Chester Avenue Streetscape Admin. Report and follow up with the Manager's Office to see if this is sufficient. Thanks If you need to contact me , I can be reached at 333-4450 on the city cell. »> John W. Stinson 05/17/06 9:22 AM »> Darnell were you sending this to John Stinson in PW or re. the agenda? if re. the agenda... AC is doing this one. »> Darnell Haynes 5/17/2006 9:20 AM »> John, Background information: Within the proposed Chester Avenue Maintenance District, there are 21 property owners that control 38 individual parcels. San Joaquin Hospital owns 11 of the 38 total parcels and are totally supportive of the project. On March 31, 38 ballots were sent to property owners by certified mail return receipt requested, 45 days prior to the hearing as required by proposition 218. To date two property owners have not verified that they have received the ballots. Mr.Edwin Wilson a local owner of three parcels and Constance Sutton of San Francisco, California the owner of two parcels did not confirm receipt of the ballot. The City Clerk has received ballots from 11 property owners including San Joaquin Hospital. Maybe this additional information will help. The administrative report was prepared by Public Works, I provided all the same information to John Stinson at the time the agenda item was being prepared. / /4 / / / ~ // /, / / / / ~ A. tinson - John S Chester Ave MD Pa e 1 From: Darnell Haynes To: John A. Stinson Date: 2/8/200610:06:22 AM Subject: Chester Ave MD Do you .remember the assessment amount for San Joaquin Hospital for the 36,993 sq.ft. bldg? Last week we discovered the $34 assessment was too low.... Jahn A. Stinson - Re: Chester Ave MD Pa e 1 From: Darnell Haynes To: John A. Stinson Date: 2/8/200610:15:6 AM Subject: Re: Chester Ave MD Wow! That was fast. Thanks. Also, Mr. Tandy wanted to look at the assessments to see if they are likely to create reservations /problems approving the district. I will be sharing that information with him at the next meeting he schedules within a day or two. I told him the original budget from Parks was approximately $8,000, but after we applied the formula we could only recover about half of that amount. I am going to initiate meetings with the property owners soon »> John A. Stinson 02/08/0610:09 AM »> Yes, Plug 4.8 EDU's into the spread sheet and it should come out to be $607. John A. Stinson Public Works Dept., Subdivisions Ph: (661) 326-3592 Fax:. (661) 852-2011 istinson @ci.bakersfield.ca.us »> Darnell Haynes 218/200610:06 AM »> Do you remember the assessment amount for San Joaquin Hospital for the 36,993 sq.ft. bldg? Last week we discovered the $34 assessment was too low.... r ~ r r rr r, r r r r r r a ri r a r r John A. Stinson - Re: Establishment of Maintenance District for Chester Ave. from 24th St. to the Garces Circle Pa e 1 From: Robert Sherfy To: Turner, Keitha Date: 2/2/2006 2:51:49 PM Subject: Re: Establishment of Maintenance District for Chester Ave. from 24th St. to the Garces Circle ** Confidential ** Upon further review, you do not need to publish the notice. The requirements of Government Code section 53753 are all that's required. I set forth those requirements in my prior a-mail below. No publication is necessary for maintenance assessments. Bob »> Keitha Turner 02/02/0611:18 AM »> Bob, It is my understanding that this is a new Maintenance District so we will use the 45 day time period for mailing of ballots and publication of hearing notice. Is this correct in this instance? Thanks, Keitha »> Robert Sherfy 2/1 /2006 4:55 PM »> Keitha and John: The requirements are different depending on whether assessments are not being increased, on the one hand, and whether assessments are being increased or a new maintenance district is being formed, on the other. When assessments are not being increased (our annual maintenance district hearings), BMC 13.04.140 requires publication of the hearing "in accordance with state law." Off the top of my head, I don't remember the timeline, but Pam knows. If you need me to research this, let me know. When assessments are increased or a new maintenance district is formed., the same publication requirements apply. In addition, the requirements of Government Code section 53753 must also be followed. This section requires mailed notice at least 45 days before the hearing (where the council will vote on whether to impose assessments} of the total amount of the assessment for the entire district, the amount chargeable to the particular parcel, duration of payments, reason for the assessment and basis upon which it was calculated, and the date, time and location of the hearing. In addition, the notice shall state a summary of the procedures for the return of the assessment ballot, along with the ballot. »> Keitha Turner 02/01 /06 3:33 PM »> Bob, John Stinson (PW) tells me that you are researching the mailing requirement for this MD, and that it appears there does not need to be a mailing but rather a balloting of the property owners. It is my understanding that the publication requirement is 45 days prior to the hearing. When you determine the correct noticing requirements for mailing (if any} and publication could you please let me know? Thanks, Keitha Keitha Turner City Clerk's Office 661-326-3072 FAX: 661-323-3780 kturner@ci.bakersfield.ca.us CC: Roberta Gafford; Stinson, John A. Page 1 of 1 Sohn A, stinson - Re: Chester Ave Maintenance District Formation From: Keitha Turner To: Haynes, Darnell; John A, Stinson Date: 1/30/2006 2:16 PM Subject: Re: Chester Ave Maintenance District Formation John/Darnel/, Okay. This is my understanding regarding the maintenance district. It is new so we need the 45 day noticing period. You want to have the ROI on the April 5th Council meeting setting the hearing for the May 24th Council meeting. Assuming all this is correct, I will give you an ROI (John call me) number and schedule the hearing. The agenda deadline for the ROI to be on consent calendar for the meeting of 4/5 is 1:00 p.m. on 3/24. The agenda deadline for the hearing is 5/12 at 1:00 p.m. We can use 3/24 as the the deadline for you to have the hearing notice, mailing list and maps to me as well. Does that cover everything? Thanks, Keitha > > > Darnell Haynes 1/27/2006 4:07 PM > > > Yes it can wait. Have a great weekend! > > > Keitha Turner 01/27/06 3:26 PM > > > Hello to you too! Long time no see! Yes, normally John A. does maintenance districts but these days they don't usually have hearings. It sounds as if this item may need .the hearing tho. Would it be okay if we do this on Monday? I am up to my eyebrows but have high hopes for next week! kt >> > Darnel I Haynes 1/27/2006 3:22 PM > > > Hello! I am working with John A. Stinson to form a maintenance district for the next phase of landscaping going in on Chester Avenue from 24th Street to Garces Circle. The project will be constructed in the spring of 2006. John and I need to start the process to place a resolution of intention on the Council Agenda for the April 5, 2006 meeting. After that date we will need 45 days before we can have the public hearing on May 24, 2006. Are you the person to schedule a hearing date and give us a resolution of intention number? Just let me or John A. know what you will need and we will provide it within the proper time frame....... Hello again........ file://C:1Documents and SettingsljstinsonlLocal SettingslTemplGW } 00001.HTM 2/9/2006 Page 1 of 1 -]ohn A. Stinson - Re: Chester Ave Maintenance District Formation From: Keitha Turner To: Haynes, Darnell; John A. Stinson Date: 1/30/2006 2:16 PM Subject: Re: Chester Ave Maintenance District Formation John/Darnell, Okay. This is my understanding regarding the maintenance district. It is new so we need the 45 day noticing period. You want to have the ROI on the April 5th Council meeting setting the hearing for the May 24th Council meeting. Assuming all this is correct, I will give you an ROI (John call me) number and schedule the hearing. The agenda deadline for the ROI to be on consent calendar for the meeting of 4/5 is 1:00 p.m. on 3/24. The agenda deadline for the hearing is 5/12 at 1:00 p.m. We can use 3/24 as the the deadline for you to have the hearing notice, mailing list and maps to me as well, Does that cover everything? Thanks, Keitha > > > Darnell Haynes 1/27/2006 4: 07 PM > > > Yes it can wait. Have a great weekend! > > > Keitha Tu rner O 1/27/06 3:26 PM > > > Hello to you too! Long time no see! Yes, normally John A. does maintenance districts but these days they don't usually have hearings. It sounds as if this item may need the hearing tho. Would it be okay if we do this on Monday? I am up to my eyebrows but have high hopes for next week! kt > > > Darnell Haynes 1/27/2006 3:22 PM > > > Hello! I am working with John A. Stinson to form a maintenance district for the next phase of landscaping going in on Chester Avenue from 24th Street to Garces Circle. The project will be constructed in the spring of 2006. John and I need to start the process to place a resolution of intention on the Council Agenda for the April 5, 2006 meeting. After that date we will need.45 days before we can have the public hearing on May 24, 2006. Are you the person to schedule a hearing date and give us a resolution of intention number? Just let me or John A. know what you will, need and we will provide it within the proper time frame....... Hello again........ file://C:1Documents and SettingsljstinsonlLocal SettingslTemplGW}000O1.HTM 1/31/2006 John A.-Stinson -Chester Avenue Streetsca a Maintenance~District Assessments ~ ~~ ~~ Pa ~e 1 From: Darnell Haynes To: John A. Stinson Date: 1 /27/2006 2:17:52 PM Subject: Chester Avenue Streetscape Maintenance District Assessments I contacted the bureau of labor statistics and was able to obtain the the CPI increase from Dec. 2004 through December 2005. That number is 4.5%, which I used to increase the tier rate. I will be using the new tire rate for of $31.60 for calculation purposes and for meeting with the public. I think it would be better if we sit down Monday and figure out the schedule for the public hearing and work with the clerk's office to get it on the appropriate agenda. I am going to contact Keitha about a hearing date and a resolution of intention number so we will have that information when we meet and we can work backwards to develop the timeline. Thanks for all of your work and help. John A. Stinson -Chester Ave S readsheet ~ Pa e 1 From: Darnell Haynes To: John A. Stinson Date: 11231200610:54:07 AM Subject: Chester Ave Spreadsheet So far only $707 of the $8,000 is allocated! I will check on the building square footage of 2712 Chester Avenue. Thanks for the update. Darnell W. Haynes Assistant to the City Managerl Interim Principal Planner 900 Truxtun Avenue, Suite 201 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Phone (661) 852-7509 Fax (661) 328-1548 email dhaynes@bakersfieldcity.us John A. Stinson -Chester Avenue Streetsca a PH II Pa e 1 From: Darnell Haynes To: John A. Stinson Date: 1 /18/200610:48:37 AM Subject: Chester Avenue Streetscape PH II Happy New Year! O.K. I am beginning to make contact with businesses and property owners about the upcoming project. I plan to start scheduling meetings within the next few weeks... Do you need anything from me in order to come up with the assessment amounts? I stand ready, willing and able. Please advise. Thanks.... Darnell W. Haynes Assistant to the City Manager/ Interim Principal Planner 900 Truxtun Avenue, Suite 201 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Phone (661) 852-7509 Fax .(661) 328-1548 email dhaynes@bakersfieldcity.us / ~ ~/ // /, l,' / / / ,% ./ / / / / r / / / / / / / ,, ;/, . //i. //, / //H /;iH.,.. , / / r ., , . ., / a i ,/ John A. Stinson -Chester Avenue Streetsca a Maintenance District Pa e 1 y From: Darnell Haynes To: John A. Stinson; Marian Shaw Date: 11 /29/200510:10:34 AM Subject: Chester Avenue Streetscape Maintenance District I have a list of property owners and an estimated annual budget from Rec And Parks. Can I meet with you or John to find out the next step in the district formation process? Please advise. Thanks. Darnell w. Haynes. Assistant to the City Manager/ Interim Principal Planner 900 Truxtun Avenue, Suite 201 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Phone (661) 852-7509 Fax (661) 328-1548 email dhaynes @ bakersfieldcity.us .,,,._ ~ Darnell. Haynes - Re Chester Avenue Pa e 1 From: Ken Trone ~, To: Darnell Haynes Date: 111161200511:05:38 AM Subject: Re: Chester Avenue The area calculated is approximately 32,000 square feet x .25 per square foot annually is approximately $8,000 annually. »> Darnell Haynes 11116/05 9:32 AM »> After reviewing the plans, can you estimate what the annual maintenance cost should be? Darnell W. Haynes Assistant to the City Manager/ Interim Principal Planner 900 Truxtun Avenue, Suite 201 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Phone (661) 852-7509 Fax (661 } 328-1548 email dhaynes a(~.bakersfieldcitv.us »> Ken Trone .11 /03105 8:08 AM »> Recreation and Parks has completed it's review of the Chester Avenue Streetscape Improvements - 24th Street to Garces Circle. We recommend the tier level assessment be the same as the current assessments for the district that supports the maintenance of the streetscape improvements on Chester Avenue from Truxtun Avenue to 24th Street. ~;////,%../i./..~G///ii / /// .LG/// .,//i////i. ./„//i/..~?,%'!/.7,Y.i... // //////. ,///, ,./// i/.,%i;//,H /.'.///.;//,;,:%. i /';//i////;///,Y.i../.,//, /,/, Ui/,/i,../,///i//./ /// /,i ;!//,'/„~/.Gi,/ !/. //,/../ri/,i/i/;//i/.; ~, .////,Y/.4 // /.// .;UU, / //,i [////,//_~///%///// /,O /in.;!,/;iili /i/,,.Zip//,:S'/.4/ / Join' A. Stinson -Chester Avenue Maint Dist. Pa e 1 - From: Darnell Haynes To: -John A. Stinson Date: 11 /14/200511:27:20 AM Subject: Chester Avenue Maint Dist. Would like to meet with you and Dick and touch base on the next steps in the process. I have a map of current property owners that includes a preliminary boundary line of the potential maintenance district. I also have a list of businesses that have a current business license on file. Please advise when you are available. Thanks for your assistance. Darnell W. Haynes Assistant to the City Manager/ Interim Principal Planner 900 Truxtun Avenue, Suite 201 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Phone (661 } 852-7509 Fax (661) 328-1548 email dhaynes @ bakersfieldcity.us ~ D~rr~elL Haynes - Re:.Chester Avenue ~~ Page 1 ..:.. .~.:.,yy4.,4 ...:~ ...__.., f ...~:.. LL .,~_~ ~... ~ ,:.: __. _ .... From: Ken Trone ~:~ To: Darnell Haynes Date: 1113/2005 2:43:36 PM Subject: Re: Chester Avenue We don't use actual costs for each district within the consolidated district, we use a tier system that spreads the cost. Our records indicate existing district 4-11 (Chester - Truxtun to 24th) is a tier 1 assessment @ 22.80 per parcel, however, we do not have information on the number of parcels in the existing district or the one you are establishing (Chester - 24th to Garces Circle) so I can't give you a total number for a budget. The number of parcels would be a Marian Shaw or Dick Chung question. »> Darnell Haynes 11 /031051:41 PM »> Do you have any idea how much the budget for the first year of maintenance should be? We need a budget so when can allocate the cost per parcel or dwelling unit? Thanks Darnell W. Haynes. Assistant to the City Managerl Interim Principal Planner 900 Truxtun Avenue, Suite 201 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Phone (661) 852-7509 Fax (661) 328-1548 email dhavnes anbakersfieldcitv.us »> Ken Trone 11/03/05 8:08 AM »> Recreation and Parks has completed it's review of the Chester Avenue Streetscape Improvements - 24th Street to Garces Circle. We recommend the tier level assessment be the same as the current assessments for the district that supports the maintenance of the streetscape improvements on Chester Avenue from Truxtun Avenue to 24th Street. / / / / / , John A. Stinson - Re: Chester Avenue Pa e 1 in /"~',~ / „~iia , ~N,• , r r ,o //rr~ i i•'r ~ ~ i / i / r/ i r/r 'iri' rr 'r i o a r ' rai~rr'r ;r ' /i ii, r, ,r„r „~i / r'~r r r/ , ,rr r ri/' ; /' it r'~,;~ri " i/ ~ 'irr r r/ ,r ~ From: Darnell Haynes To: Ken Trone Date: 11 /3/2005 8:45:58 AM Subject: Re: Chester Avenue Thank you for the assistance and prompt response. Darnell W. Haynes Assistant to the City Manager/ Interim Principal Planner 900 Truxtun Avenue, Suite 201 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Phone (661) 852-7509 Fax (661) 328-1548 email dhaynes @ bakersfieldcity.us »> Ken Trone 11 /03/05 8:08 AM »> Recreation and Parks has completed it's review of the Chester Avenue Streetscape Improvements - 24th Street to Garces Circle. we recommend the tier level assessment be the same as the current assessments for the district that supports the maintenance of the streetscape improvements on Chester Avenue from Truxtun Avenue to 24th Street. Page 1 of 1 Sohn A. Stinson - Re: Chester Avenue landscaping - PH II From: Marian Shaw To: Darnell Haynes; Ralph Braboy Date: 10/26/2005 8:48 AM Subject: Re: Chester Avenue Landscaping - PH II Parks - to establish the Tier or actual cost Me and my soldiers - to establish the district Who is going to run interference with the businesses the maintenance assessments are going on? Marian ;-) > > > Darnell Haynes 10/25/05 3:12 PM > > > Who do I need to meet with to begin the process to establish a maintenance district for the above project? Please advise. Thanks file://C:1Documents and, SettingsljstinsonlLocal SettingslTemplGW}00001.HTM 1/11/2006 0 r W-- W•P ANON WO O(J~O O WW00 W ~ CD (n ~ CO Ui O OO -- O -~ ~ O •P ~ c0 J ~ O •P (0 oc~ Jw cowoocn oo .porno aD o ocno s~ •P.rn ~O N0000 00 cn~A~lO O N O~(0 0-~-+OOOOW O-~ 00~000000~~00 00000 00 C0 1 •P (,1~ .P ~1 (O N •P O N •P W J ~ N O OO ~I W W O 00 ~ ~ (3~ (n (0 0 00 "' N ~ (3~ W~•PNN(OW~ ~(31N00~00~J0~~IWODN•PODC31~~000•POO~N~ w ~~~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~ .. ~~.~{~{f}~~WfAAA{f},~~N{f?'69Nffl~~,~~~~~~~~~~~~~NN{f?~ a O jW~IW~~-'00000`""~~WN0~0,P'iODG~CC~DONC~OD~N-+wC~N~~ ~ N ~ ,P N 0~ ~,+,~~, ! ~I 0~ O N ~I W N ~ 0~ N OD ,P I'""`"'i O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Ut Cn U~ (n U1 (31 U1 V1 U1 (31 (31 V7 (11 U1 N N N~~~~~~~~ ~~ ~~~ ~ ..- ~ .~ ~ -+ -- -+ W W W W W W W W W W W W W W WWNWOD00WOJJJJrnrn000WW.P~~~~tncncncn~~~.prnrnrnJJJ N N -- N N N N -+ N N N N 1~~ 1~ N N ~~ -+ ~~ N N N N -- ~ -- -+ N N N ~ ~ 1 ~~ 0 0 0 0 0 0~ 0 0 0~ 0 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 0~~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O~ N~ N W •P N N •P W (n O (~ 00 J O O •P c0 W J W N .A CJt rn J N~ W~~ cn rn W N -- N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N ~ ~~~ oo~JJJJJJJJJ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ W N N O O~ O~ O N~~ 0 0 O N N N O O W N O O N 1~ O N -+ ONO O (0 O U1 U1 ~ O ~ W -- W OD OO N O O -- 00 0 0 0 0 -+ ~ (O ~ O OD O O ~I UI ~I ~ ~ O n nnn nnnnnnnnnnn nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn 2 222 22222222222 22222222222222222222 m mmm mmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm m mmm mmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm~~~ D DDD DDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD m mmm mmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmrnmmmmmmmmmrnmmm . ... ........... .................... 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BAKERFfELD CA 93303 Mailed 3-31-06 {2 ballots} ATTN RICHARD ARANSON KERN SCHOOLS FEDERAL CERTIFIED MAIL CREDIT UNION 70051820 0004 37419250 04-06-2006 P O BOX 9506 Mailed 3-31-06 (2 ballots} BAKERSFIELD CA 93389-9506 ATTN MIMI AUDELO DIRECTOR SAN JOAQUIN COMMUNITY CERTIFIED MAIL I-fOSPiTAL FOUNDATION 70051820 0004 37419298 04-10-2006 P O BOX 2615 Mailed 4-3-06 (1 ballot} BAKERSFIELD CA 93303-2615 ~:1BonnielDarne111Chester Streetscape Ballots labels.doc 43-31-2006 ~H~STER AVENUE STREETSCAPE RALLt~T MAILING AT N MIMI AUDEL(~ DfRECTt~R Return I~~~ei t Received SAN Jt~AQUIN CC~MMUNlTY CERTIFIED MAIL HOSPITAL FQUNDATIUN 70051820 0004 3809 3817 44-as-2aa6 P (~ E(~X 2515 Mailed 3-31-06 (10 balbt} ~AKERSFIELD CA 93303-2615 MR THCJMAS A R4SERTS MS DONNA J R4~ERTS CERTIFIED MAIL 74a9 PENNY MARIE AVENUE 7oo51s20 0004 3741 9229. 04-06-2006 EAKERSFIELD CA 93348 Mailed 3-31-06 (1 ballot} MR KEN C~UARNBERG VALLEY C~UN CERTIFIED MAIL 2728 CHESTER AVENUE 70051820 0004 3741 9230 a4-a6-2aa6 ~AKERSFIELD CA 93301 Mailed 3-31-06 (1 ballat} MR EDWINWUUIL.SQN MS DC~RlS J WILSQN CERTIFIED MAIL 1112 TRU~CTUN AVENUE 70051820 0004 37419182 BAKERSFIELD CA 93341 Mailed 3-31-06 (3 ballots} MRS®BSY ~ HARPER CERTIFIED MAIL 240a CHESTER AVENUE 70051820 0004 3741 9267 04-06-2006 EAKERSFIELD CA 93301 Mailed 3-31-06 (2 ballots} ATTN CC-NSTANCE S SUTTt~N Certified Mail 135 SAN PABL~J AVENUE 7a05182a 4044 3741 9199 Mailing returned 5-8-05 SAN FRANCISCO CA 04127 Mailed 3-31-06 ~2 ballOts} ATTN JAMES ED1iVARD TATE Certified Mail 27oa CHESTER AVENUE 7405182a 0004 37419205 04-05-2aa6 BAKERSFIELD CA 93341 Mailed 3-31-06 ~2 ballots} ATTN CORN SHED. FAMILY TR Certified Mail 398 VIA CARISMA 7aa5 1824 0404 3741 9175 a4-a7-2006 PALM SPRINGS CA 92262 Mailed 3-31-06 ~1 ballat} ATTN COSSA ENTERPRISES Certified Mai! 7212 PALM TREE CIRCLE 70051820 0004 3741 9212 a4-a4-2006 BAKERSFIELD CA 93348 Mailed 3-31-06 ~1 ballot} -:IBOnnielDarnelllChester Streetscape ballots labels.dac 03-31-2005 Cl-#ESTER AVENUE STR~~TSCAP~ BALLET MAILING SI=M LLB ATTN ~R EREESMAN 2701-CNST~R AVENUE BAKERS~'lEt.a CA 93301 Certified Mail 70051820 0004 37419151 Mailed 3-31.00 (1 ballot} Return Recent Received 04-05-2000 ATTN MANNING REVOCABLE TRUST . 8408 CRAUUF'~RU BAY Cor~RT BAKERSFIELD CA 93312 Certified Mail 70051820 0004 3741 9108 Mailed 3M31wo6 (1 ballot} 04-07-loos ~.IBonnielDarnelllChester Str~etscape Ballots labels.doc MAP AND ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM FOR ADDITION OF TERRITORY (AREA 4-44, CHESTER, 24TH TO CIRCLE) TO THE CONSOLIDATED MAINTENANCE DISTRICT BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 30thS1~REETOET- oF~ ~ ~~ a~ ST9 Z9~ = 57REET ~y~ 28th y STREET U 2~~ 8ET a~ 26th CmFFT _ _. NOT TO SCALE -"" istrict Boundary W Z 25th Q STREET w x U 24th REET 23th STREET FlLED IN THE OFFlCE OF THE qTY CLERK THIS ,_ DAY ~ ,_,: 20_,,, qTY CLERK OF THE qTY OF BAI(ERSFIELD, CAUFORNlA AN ASSESSf~ENT WAS LEVIED BY THE qTY COUNCIL ON THE LOTS, PIECES AND PARCELS OF UWD SHOWN ON THIS ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM. SAID ASSESSMENT WAS LEVIED ON THE ,_„_ DAY OF 2O_; SND ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM AND THE ASSESSMENT ROLL WERE RECORDED IN THE OFFICE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF SAID qTY ON THE ,_.+, DAY ~' • 20_, REFERENCE IS MME TO THE 11SSESSI~IENT ROLL RECORDED IN THE OFFICE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS FCR THE EXACT AMOUNT OF EACH ASSESSMIEDIT LEVIED AGNNST EACH PARCEL OF LAND SHOWN ON THIS ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM. FILED FOR RECORD THIS _ DAY OF 20., AT _,_ _,Y., IN BOOK i OF AlT DISTRICTS AT PAGE IN THE OFFlCE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF THE COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF CAt~ORNIA. JAMES W. FlTCH COUNTY ASSESSOR-RECORDER BY cHlff DEPUTY RECORDER RECOROED.IN THE OFFICE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS THIS ._, DAY OF 20,,,, qTY CLERk OF THE qTr OF BAI~ERSFIELD, CALJFORNIA DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS BAI~ERSFIElD, CALJFORNIA EXHIBIT ~B~ fllE: MD 4-44 SHEET 1 of 1