HomeMy WebLinkAboutMD Packet 4-53~n N-53 .f PROPOSITION 218 BALLOT CITY OP BAKERSPIE4D CONSOLIDATED MAINTENANCE DISTRICT This assessment ballot is for the use of the ro~erty owner of the excel 9 identified below ~ 1' ~) , which ire proposed to be tn-cluded in the City of Bakersfield Consolidated Nlaiotenanco ~istxlct (CMD}, This assessment ballot -nay be used to express ether su orc for or o os~t~oq inclusion w't ' PP pp t0 t htn the CAD. To be counted, this asseas~ment ballot must be si ed below b the Bn Y owner or, if the ou-ner is not ~ individual, by an authorised to resen~tatiYe o~tho owner, P [TO C,~ST T,hflS BALLOT, PLEASE RETURN THIS ENT1R~ ,PAGE) OFFICIAL ASSESSMENT BALLOT tlcDonala's L'oxporatio~4 -John Lueke~ Property Owner; J~-~RR5FIBLD l~lA.R~ETING, LLC - i~xke ~an~ Property description; Vi,~ ins Tract Parcels A & B, Lata 7, ~, 9 and ~0 11 South Cheater Avenue, Bakersfield, CA radld-~ex,R ru~~a~~~w~~,~~ v,,,~~r r~ai ~"be individual anrtua~ assessments sb~ll riot exceed 46.7 ' unit ~ per oqutvalent dwoll{ng ~ each subsequent year, armual assessments rna increase b the c ' ' ' the Los n e .. ' Y Y ost of living xeflecttd to A, g les Rtversid~-Orange CountylAll tlxban Consumers Consu ` max Pnce [ndex, AS5ESSM~NT BALLOT MEASU~t~ Shall the City Council of cbe City of Bakcrs f eld include the above described Xes property within the Consolidated Maintenance District and levy an assessment not to exceed 0 No chc amount set ~Orth above? Owner Signature: ltle (f ~prr~ranttrg owner); Date: ~•'~~r1~~~M~hl~a~wa ~uu~cq~~~11~~~1k Wliyo~ 9/7 'd 0659 'ON Pxea dent - Bakersfield Marketing, LLC Januar 27 2005 aaoa s.aivNOaaw wubi of soot az Nur ~~~~~ KEEN COU' NOTICE OF EXEMPTION Appendix I MAY 222006 T0: County Clerk COUNTY OF KERN 1115 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 ANN K. ~A~NI~T'Y ,~ CLI~RK AUDITOR CONTRaI.I-~~•cOUNT EPUTY D BY - Project Title: Adding Territory (Area 4-53, Brundage, Chester SW or McDonald's) to the Consolidated Maintenance District. Project Location-Specific: The area is generally bounded by Brundage Lane on the north, S. Chester Avenue on the east, a line approximately 180 feet south of Brundage Lane on the south and a line approximately 280 feet west of S. Chester Avenue on the west. Project Location-City: Bakersfield Project Location-County: Kern Description of Project: Maintenance of public park, street and median landscaping improvements. Name of Public AgencyApproving Project: CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Name of Person or Agency Carrying Out Project: DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS Exempt Status: (Check One) Ministerial (Sec. 21080 (b} (1);15268 (a}; - _ Declared Emergency (Sec. 21080, (b} (4};1.5269 (b} (c); _ Emergency. Project (Sec. 21080. (b) (4);15269 (b) (c); x Categorical Exemption. State type andsection number. Section 15305(f) Statutory Exemptions. State code number. Reasons why project is exempt: Minor alteration in land use limitations with addition of territory. to an existing Maintenance District, CEQA guideline, City of Bakersfield Resolution No. 212-92. -Lead Agency Contact Person: Marian Shaw Area CodelTelephonelExtension: (661) 326-3579 If filed by applicant: 1. Attach certified document of exemption finding. 2. Has a Notice of Exemption been filed by the public agency approving the project? Yes x No _ Signature: Date: 2006 Title: Marian P. Shaw, Civil En_. iq Weer IV x Signed by Lead Agency Date received for filing at OPR: x Signed by Applicant Noe4-53.doc c~~~~;~ c~~ E~~,l~~on~ental ®ocu~nent ~~~ ~ o~~n~~~ ~~rk ~n ~®~ ~ (~ a /J~b,~ ,~•7{ .pal 1 .V.4y y.L.9 9~ ~~~~ ~c' Oq~4%3~~7.W^ ~'M~'~'Vi'p~l ~ P~~~C F~ ~~ ~~.~~`~ ~~ a ~::`~ ~ ~~~:~~~ ~ ps ~~ Code JAN, 21. X005 2:42PM MCDONALD'S CORP N0. 6512 P. 2 MCdonald~ ~, - ~~; January 27, 2405 City of 13ake~sfield Public Works Department 1 S01 T~uxton Avenue 13akersfie)d, Ca 93301 McDonald's Corporation 21300 Victory souleverd Suite 900 Woodland Hills, CA 91367.2525 e1e~s~4-oszs Fax; 8151594-7599 Attention: Ms. Marian Sk~aw -Civil Engineer 1V Subject: I>vCLUSION OE VIRGYNA ~'~CT, PARCEL MAPS ~~~,"and `~B" a nd SOTS 7, 8, 9 aid ~0 YN A 11~AINTE~I,A,N'CE _~._. DIS~'RICT, ~ ~ bear Ms. Shaw, 'We, the undersigned, as owner of the property included within Vir inia Tract Pane ~ asAand B, Lots 7, 8, 9 and 10 hereby request that the property be included Within a Traffic ' . S~~nal Maintenance District, This request is pursuant to Resolution No.161-94 in accordance ' . , with Municipal Code Sectson 13.04, Enclosed is a checl~ in the amount of $1518,25 to cover the cost of the formation of the above-rnentioncd district. Further, our engineer Duval) supply you'~ith a disk eo of the lot tan of the ~'ir inia PY p p g Tract, Parcels A and B, Lots 7, 8, 9 andl 0 for your use. We also waive our right to any and all hearings whether ursuant to the B ow .. ~ P r n Act, proposition 218, its enabling legislation, the Bakersfield Municipal Code, or an other law . Y concerning the forlr~ataon of or ~ncl~sion in a maintenance d~stnict. w'e further waive all rights under Proposition 218 to formally vote fox these assessments and by signing this letter, indicate our consent to the assessments, The undersigned are the property owners and the property will toot chin a owr~ershi before g p the formation of the Maintenance District. Thank yo o. Sincerely, McDONALD'S CORPORATION BAKER VELD MA TING L~,C By; By: yohn Lue ,Regional Construction Manager Mike Yarn , s Pr id t g MC d'8 ^ • Southerr- Califot~nia Region - CpN$TRUCTION DEI~ARTMENT TRANSMITTAL ~~: ~i~IA1~1 HA'S'' ~~t.s~~.~a~ ~ +~b1.~+~2.~~4~ ~HLt~~ ~~~"~'~R ~~1~3~~,~~7~ From: MCI a~~~~ ~ru~ - AC~~ ~~rt~#ru~ti~n M~n~~~r A~d~ r~~~: ~ x 30~ ~T~~t~~ ~o~lev~rd, uit~ ~~~~ '~~~1~~ ~i11~~ ~A ~13~7 F~hon~ 1 Fix: ~ 1 ~.~~~.7~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~.~~7,~~~~ Date: January 2S, 2005 McDONALD'S ~ST'AYJRAN'T 11 SOUTH CHESTER AVENIJ~+, ~A RSFI~LD ~CJ~tG~N'T M~ri~n~ I ~n~ ~en~iing y~~ this le~t~r per y~~r r~~u~~~. A~ you l~n~w Mile ~~ng +~wns p~r~ ~f ~hi~ pr~p~rkjr ~r~d Mcao~~l~'~ +~rp~r~ti~n ~~un~ majority, UII~ of ~~, h~v~ ~ Inns-term I~~s~ with ~'~r't~'~ ~rop~rky ~~~ Y~~r pl~~ ~4~. M~~~r~~l~f~ will b~ r~~p~on~ibl~ fir the ~it+~ ~~ fir as ~~v~~lopin~ it end ~air~tair~ir~g it, V1r~ are ~Iso r~~sp+~nsihl~ in eying the annual a~~~~~m~nt an~i r~a~ ~~tat~ tai Fir this ~r~-~~r~y, It ~~ always ~di~fi~uf~ to ~~c~l~in t~ MiI~~ 1~a~g ~t~~ut ~r~ytt~in~ ~n this ~roae. ~~ have ~ lan~u~~~ barrier with him ~an~ t~+~ I~t~nvul~~+~~ +~f ~~v~l+~~~n+ent ~r~~ +d~~li~g ~vith diff~r~nt pity ag~~+~i+~~ including this i~~u~ a~ I~tk~r, 9/l 'd $SS9 'ON d~0~ S,~1dNfl0~W Wb'SI~OI ~44Z '$Z 'N~~ • f r M~~onal~'~ ~orp~r~ation only ~i~n~~ the letter I a~ n~in+~ yon but ~ ha~~-up letter way al~c~ gent to ~~ott Underi~ill with Mike 'Yang's name vn it. ~~ott will try tv explain to trim the r~ee~i ~f the letter. I am al~~ ~efldin~ ~n~'r+~ the si+gn~~d Rropo~itior~ ~1~ Ballot. I a~~r~owle~~i that it way my r~ike of ~v~rlc~~kin~ these ~+~n~itiori~ and I apolo~i~~ for that. ~ want your help in o~t~ir~ing ~learan~~ from yon ~+~ ~I~g. an+~ ~~foty will ~i~n-off our fir~al~ to ~~ a~l~ tea open the restaurant today if nit tomorrow. but it i~ imr~nt that I need to ~+~ your ~le~r~n~ce ~efa-re end of the ~~y to be ~l~le to own t~morr~w. M~[~on~l~i'~ will ~~fir~itely, at~i~~ t~ the ~nn~itior~~ of Approval that way ~giv~n t~ u~ and w~ will h~ on the ~it~ f~f a loner p~ri+~l of time. ~he~~ ar~~ the ~1i~k will ~ ~~liv'er~l to your of~i~e t~~ay a~ won a~ you agr to give u~ a ~I~aran~o to open even on a temporary ~a~i~. ~lea~e let us know a~ goon a~ p~~~i~le. Th~rtk you. Ar~~ n u~t' n M~na~~r M~ nal ' A, LLB ' uth~rn ~~lifo~i~ ~~~ion 9/a a ass9 oN dao~ s,a~dNOaaW wdsz~4~ Soot ~az ~Ndr •,.> { ~~~ ~' a~ pity a~'~~rsfield ~'ublic warps I~epar~e~,t 1~~1 Tru~xta~. A~e~,~.~ ~a~ersfi~eld, a ~~~~1 iVl~C7-~nal~'~ ~Car~ar~,#iQn ~13~~ ~1J~t~ry ~~ulav~rd ~uit~ ~~~ W~~d~~nd Hill, ~A ~13~7-~5~5 ~Y Bf~~4.4~~~ F~;x: ~~ ~/~~~-?5~~ attention:: 11~~. iVlarian ~w - +~ivil l~n~ine~ IV uh~eet; L~~Y~~ IMF V~~T~, T~A~~'~ EAl~~EL 1~ ~~~~~ and `iE"~ ~~d L~T~ 7, ~~ ~ an~~d ~.~ Ili ~ 7'~A~"~`I~ ~I~1~A~~ MAI~~'~I~AI~~E D-IT~T. Dear Ms. ~1~aw, ~~, ~e und~~i,, as owner of ~e l~re~y ia~el~.~edwithin Vir~i~ia T~r~.~t, Parcels A ~d ~, Lots 7, ~, ~ and ~ ~ l~erch~r request that ~e ~roF~~~ 1~e included within a ~'r~.a~c signal lviainter~ance District. ~'hi~ request is ~t~susnt to ~.~~alution I~i`a.1 ~ 1-~~ in acc~r~az~ce wl#~i iVlunicip-a1 ~a~e ~ecti~~ 1 ~.~4. E~clcse~ is a checl~ in the ~~ant of ~ 1~7~.~~ to paver the cost of ~e farmati~an a~~e ab~~v+e-r~entic~ned district. F~zthcr, our engineer ~ri1] su~~l~' ~~~ with a ~isl~ copy +af the ~i~t p~~n ofthe ~'ir~i~.~, Tract, p~cel~ A and ~a acts 7, S, 9 ari~l~ for your use. We also waive our ~~~t t~ any an+d all h~earin~s ~whetl~~r pursua~.t to the Brawn Acct, ~rQ~ositian ~I~, its enal~lia~~ legislations the Bal~e~sfiel~ 14~~.ni~cipal ale, or ar~~ o~~z l~w~ c~z~cerning the f~armstian of ~r inclusion in a rriaintenanc~ ~a~tnct. e ~thez- Valve all rights under Frapa~ition ~ 1 ~ to forrr1~11~ vote fir th~e~~ ~.ssessrn~nts ~~, by signing this lettear, ~u~dicate our consent to tl~e a~s~ssmcnt~. the u~~ersigned have ~l~'~ ownership of the l~~~e~~ and ~ loam. term base, 'Fhe ~~ap~ert~ will not change ownorshi~ ~~f~xe the forn7atian of the 11~ai~teaaan~e district, T"han1~ you incer~ly, 11~c~1~1ALD'~ ~~-~~~ATY+~~' B y:~_"~ ~~.. Johan Lu ,regional Constrwction Max~.ager 9,~E 'd 9BS9'ON ~~~~ S ~ ~1~'N~~~V~. wusa o~ Sooz ea Nvr PROPOSITION 218 BALLOT CITY OF BAKERS~'IEY,D CUNSQtiIDATED MAINTENANCE p~ST~~'~' ~C~is ~~~es~ment ~~h+~t i~ f~-r the u~~ ~f the ~~ owner oi~ t~~ ~~r~el~~~ i~~~,t~f I~l~wa ~vh~ch ~~ ~rap~~e~ to be ~~~u~~d i~. the pity ~f ~~kker~~i+~l~ ~on~~~idated ~+~a~temati~ ~ist~et ~~h~~~, T~i~ s~~~~-~~t b~lla~ m~~ h+~ u~e~ ~~ ~x~~e~~ e~t~,er ~u~p~~t ~"~~ ~~ ~~~it~~~, to i~e~u~i~n w~th~ the +~lU~~, ~'~ ~e e~ut~t~~, this a~~es~t~~nt ball~at must 1~ ~i~n~ hel~w ~~r the +~w~ex +~~, i~ tae vwri~e~ i~ nit ~n in~ivi~i, by ~ ~~~nrii~d ~epr~~~~tativc +~~` the ~wQ+~~. [TO C.rAST T,(~l,~$,B,ALLDT, PLEASE RETURN T1YIS ENT1R~ P,~G,E~ OFFICIAL ASSESSMENT BALLOT ~tc~1~A~ic[ ~ ~ ~u~~br~ticu ~~ha Lu+~1~~a +~rty ~1N~1+~r: B~~R:;F~SL~ 1'~A3TING s LLB - MI~~ YsnS pr+~~eit~r ~e~et~~tl~ri: Yir iri$ Tract ~'~r+c~+~l~ g & B, L~t~ ~~ $~ ~ ~a~ 1a ].i ~uuth ~h~s~t~r ,~vena~, Bak~r~ff~ld, ~ ~dr~t'ca~. lrNl(-1~.Erlhr~lc`~ rlrr ~~ f +~ga~ ~~e i~+d~vi~l ~r~u~~ a~~e~at~~t~ ~hal~ anQt ex~~~~ 4~.7Q ~r e~r~~v~lent ~well~ u~at, ~ ~aeh s~uh~~~u~~t ~~ar, an~u~l ~~~es~~n,ents rn$y f n~t'+e~ ~~ ~e c+~~t ~~ livin x~~e~t i~ ~+~ Lis ~n ~le~-~iv~er~a~e-~'~ a ~~ ~ ~ ~ u~tylAll ~~h~n ~~r~~um~r~ ~~~~uz~er ~ri~~ Index. ~~E~~~EI~~' BT II+iEA~~J~~ ~~eli fi~~ ~i~ ~auneil ~~`tl~e pity o~ ~~a~~r~f e~~ a~-elude the ah~v~ de~e~ ~e~ ~r~pe~- within the ~~r~~1i+~t~+d ,~ainten~n~~ ~xs~~~t Ord levy a~ ~~~e~~m~nt nit t~ e~c~~ ~ N~ ~~~ ~rnnunt yet ~a~th ~bove"~ ~w~~t' ~~~~ture: Title ~~r~'~-'~',4'~h~~n,~ ~tvnEr,~; ~: ~'~41~IM1i~IMla11-~ hiMrwM-aNbl,lht~ 017ii1a~ 9,~b 'd 9859 'ON E~,~ ~ ~ President January 27, 2005 ~~o~ s , a~dNaa~W wd~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ooz ~$z ~N~r .• . t l ,' ~1 l ,i ~~ ~ ~ r I ~, ,, ~~ ~lY~~~l~~l~l~ i , r pity ~f F~a~+er~fi~l~ Public ~w~rks~ I~~p+ent 1 ~ ~ 1 Truxt~n Av~nu~ ]~a~~r~fi~ld, ~~ ~~~~1 ~~~+~r~al+d's Ccrpcr~ti~r~ 1 ~ ~~~ EI C~miri~ R~~I, ~it$ 4~0 fan ~i~~c, ~alifcrni~ 9~1~~ ~~~a~ 7$~•a~~~~ .~tt~ntion: Marian. haw _ civil Engineer Ill ub~e~t_ 11~+~~~m~l~~~ ~mmilment t~ tie ~+an~iti~n~ ~f ~i~pr~r~~l # ~,~, ~n~ ~~ 1 ~ Guth ~hest~r Av~nue~ ~~ker~Iiel~ I~e~r M~+ haws ~u~ is ~+anfirm that M~I~~ria.l~' ~ ~~r~~~~tiun will abide to the ~anditian~ of ~~pr~val items # 11 ar~d 1 ~ i~~u by pu~1i~ ~w~r~~ - ~n~in~~rin~ dated April ~ ~, ~~~~. I ~m i~~uing this letter ~~ a~~uran~+~ t~ ~c~nvir~~e ynu that we gill nit d~~i~t~ ~n the ~~n~.iti~n~ ~f Approval nor try t~ g+~t av-ra,y wit~i. I am eking y+~ur help to ~+~~~cpt ~~ letter ~aee er~~I~~e~~ ~~ ~r~t u~ ~l~~z~~ t+a open the restaurant. wilding and ~afet~r wi11 n~-t ~i-~~`i'r~z~t~l X11 di~~iplin~~ are signed. Tf ynu have any further ~ue~tx~ri~? ~lea.~e feel ~~~ t~ ~~n~.~t n~~ at $1 ~,~'~~.7~~~ ~r ~1$.~19.0~38 Thk ~~r~. ~~: dreg ~em~~ -- M~I~+~na1~'~ I~ireetor efl~e~rel~~ment ~'+~11n l;~uek~n - ~i~na1 ~~nstru~tc~n Maier E~ ~iall+~ - ~wner~~per~t~r ~harle~ e~h - E~~n~mi~ ~~mrnnnity I~ev. I~tre~ter 9/~ 'd $8S9 'ON d~0~ S.O1dN00~W Wb'9Z ~ d l ~OOZ '8Z 'NV~ ~\ ,~~~ i!~ ~~,i11~ ~~, ~~~~ ' pity of ~~rsfi~el~d Fu~blic ''~url~~ ~~~a~tm~ent 1~~1 Tru~t~n ,A~enue ~ersfiel~., ~ ~~~~1 M~a~n~ld'~ ~~rp~r~ti~n ~1 ~~~ Vlct~ra- ~~uleva~rd ~~Itv ~Q~ W~~dl~~d Hili~, ~~ ~1 ~~7-~~5~~ $1 ~1~~4-~~~~ Fax: 61 ~/59~-~~~~ Attenti~~: ~~. Marian ha~v ~- ~i~ril ~ineer 1~ r~~~e+ct: II`~~~~I+Q-t~ ~~ ~II~~A TRA~T~ ~AI~~L 1~IAF~ ~~A~~ ~tn~ ~~~~~~ ~n~ L~'f~ 7, ~, ~ ~n~ 1 ~ Ili A 'Tl~"F'I~ ~I~~'AL 1~4~~TENA1~~~ ~YT~~T. ~~~ Ms, ~-hawa ~~~ the undersign~~, ~~ ~v~rrrer ~f ~e pr+~pert~ inelu~e~ within ~Tiria Tr~et, ~~r~el~ A end ~~ L+~ts '~, ~, ~ ~ ~~ hereh~ request tl~~.t ~e ~r+~perkY be ir~~lt~~ie~ within ~ Tr~f~i~ i~1 M~inten~n~~ ~i~tnet. This r+~uest is pursuant to ~es~luta+~n 1~~.1 ~ 1-~4 in ~~c~rd~tee with Munieip~l ~+~~~ ,~ ~eti~r~ 1 ~ .~~. ~nclose+d is ~ eheel€ in the ~rnaunt ~~' ~ 1 ~ 7~.~~ t~ ~ev~ the +c~st ~f the I'~~n~tien oaf the a~bave-mentioned ~istriet. Furthear, ~~ en~ne~r will ~~~~ly ~~ou with ~ ~i~~ ~~ cif the ~l~t flan ~f the Vixg~~ia Tr~ct~ ~~rcel~ ~. ~~ ~, Lets 7, ~, ~ art~dl ~ ~+~r y~aur u~~. ~~ a,1~~- w~i~e enr ~~~t t~ any ~n~ X11 h~~~n~s whether ~u~r~u~t t~ the ~rc~v~a ~,~t, ~rap+asiti~-n ~1~, its en~hlir~~ legi~latiox~, the ~al~ersfield 1VI~u~iei~al ~~cle, ~r ~ ~~1er 1~w~ een+~~rrun,~ tlae f~rm~tion~~fer ir~~au~i~r~ in a maintenau~e district. "U~~ father v~~ive aI1 ri~lat~ Wider Pr~~p~sitic-n. ~ ~ ~ t+a ~`~rrn~lly vets 1'or these ass+~ssrnent~ ~~~ by ~igr~in~ this letter, in~ii~~te r-ur consent to the ass~ssn~~nts, The un~ersi~gne~ are the ~r~-perk~r ewners and th+~ ~r~pert~ will nit change or~mershi~ bef+are the f+~r~nati~n Qf the Maintenance L~ista~ict. Thl~ ~~u. i~eerel~'y Mc~~~A~~} I~~~~RAT~~1~ ~y: ~~hn Lu n, ~e~i~na1 enst~etion Manager ~A~~ELD ~AI~TII~G, LLB ~~~ Mi1€e Yang, Its Ptir~~~dent 9/9 'd $$59 'QN d~0~ S,O1tlN00~W Wb'9~~Q1 SOOZ '$Z 'N~~