HomeMy WebLinkAboutMD Packet 4-6"^ ~, ~ 4 ~ZC~ ~~' ~~'TI+ON A~ndn ix I ,; 4: '1' r,~~ ; ~' ~~~ice of Planning and ~esearc:~ lGOQ Tenth Street, mom 121 Sacramento, CA 95814 X County Clerk County of Kern 1415 Tru~t.un Ave. ~akPrsfield.. CA 93301 c G ',Y ~ i ,~ , .~' ~: 4 ~, r ~~ ~ < u ,+ ~..~:,: # ~ ... u z ~'^' ~t~ /' .. ~ ' wig ~' Fes: Public Agen City of Ba`~ersfield 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 9301 Project Title: Tr~aintenance District No. 28 map and assessment dia ram. Protect Location--Specific: enerall bound b Claymore St. ~ .day on the east,. Auburn Ave. on the south and Eissler St. on the_ West Project LQCat~.an-City: Bakersfield Project X.~ocation-County: Kern description of Project: Assessment District for t~~e r~ainten~.nce of public street median landscaping, public park ,and other public street Iandsca~in~. ~a~~e of Public en ~ roving Project: City off' Bakersfield -- Public Works Department ~ ~ dame of Person or Agency Carrying aut Project : r~empt status: (Check one) r~ DeWayne Starnes Ministerial ~Se~.21080{b)~1); 152E8); lased Emergency ~Sec.21+04~~)~3); 152~94a}); E~iergency Project ~sec.2108~~b}~4); 15~~9~b)~c))r Cat arical E~~t~:on. State. tyke and section nuer.- Statutory Exeatzans. State code number, ~, ~ ~ ~, t: I~~inor alteration in land use limitations with formation ason~ ~~y ~ro~e'~t, ~.~ ..~~ of mal.ntenance d~.strlct 1a7-S~ Sec. III. Dead Agency Contact Person: DeWayne Starnes Area. Code/Tele~honefExtensian: ~(~S-32b-3581 ~ Y z ~ ~ a.le~ by apl~cant 1. Attach certif ~.ed document of e~ti0n f~.nding. • 2, ~.s a r~atice of e~em~tior~ been filed by the pulalic agency a~~~'oving the ~ro~,t.a { Yes~'~ ~~r ~ L~~I' J „ • Date : ~~?~ ~- Title :. -~~° ~ ~~'-, S ~ tore . Si ed ~ Lid Agency Date received far filing at OPR: ~~6 ~.,, w ~~ ~~ ~ R~-~.sed Qctober 1989 .___ ~ ~ ., .. TQ ~~.G. Sec. 15305 ~~ ~~."~ r- ' ?L .. .... w.,.. r.~> Alexander & Adams 1652 Oak Street Bakersfield, Ca. 93301 ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ w ~~~ ~ J/'~¢. xf'~ ~ `"` '~'. . m ~, ,~ ~: ~ ~~~~~ ~~~ .,~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~z ~~ h FffV~'~--~~ E~H~ BI T rr~rr pity of Bakersfield! Maintenance i~istrict Na, 2~ is genorally doscribed as a district within the ~-ity of Bakersfield bounded by Claymoro Street on the Werth, Piper way an the east, Auburn Street an the south! and Eisler Street on the wort. The following are descriptions of property subject to assessment and the amount if the proposed assessment aginst said parcel of property as set forth in the report. Assessment Parcel No. as shown on Map Exhibit "A" 146-620-01-00-6 146-620-02-00-9 146-620-03-00-2 146-620-04-00-5 146-620-05-00-8 146-620-06-00-1 146-620-07-00-4 146-620-08-00-7 146-620-09-00-0 14..6-620-10-00-2 146-620-11-00-5 146-620-12-00-8 146-62:0-13-00-1 146-620-14-U0-4 146-620-15-00-7 146-620-16-00-0 146-620-17-00-3 146-620-18-00-6 146-620-19-00-9 146-620-20-00-1 DATE: Total Assessment CITY CLERK and Ex 4f f icio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield M.D. N0. 28 ~N ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~#T ~ ~3 ~ ~.~. ~ A~~~~~~' i ~ 1"~~Qt~~~ Y~#~#R P~~~`~R~'Y TAB' ~ ~ TY ~~' ~~#~E~t~~ ILA ~~.K~h€~~R ~ ~ ~.~. ~ A#~ ~. ~.~ ~~~"~'Y A 7~4~ ~~R I~ ~t~ ~A~4~~~'I~L.D, CA ~33~#~ # ~~~~~3~~ f ~-~#~-~~ Your proposed assessment fvr lg9i-92 is X269.20. ~c~^ ~~~'IC~ I~ ~~~E~Y ~~~~ that ~~~ ~'~blic ~ark~ ~irectar of the City of ~akerefield hae ca~~ed to ~~ prepared and filed +~ith the City Clerk a Repast in Writing, Which pra~ride~ the. ba~i~ far the benefit aese~~ment far maintaining neighbarhaad Parke, street landscaping and ether local public imprarremente to be barns by all parcels of property Within Maintenance ~i~trict ~a.~~, i~s generally described a~ a district Within the City of ~akerefield bounded ~~ Claymore street an the Werth, ~`iper ~#ay an the east, Auburn street an the ~auth, and ~i~eler street an the ~e~t~ including year praperty.(~ laid ~irectarr~ Report eet~ f arch the amaunt~ to be prarrided in the budget fir Maintenance and aperatian, a de~criptian of each parcel of property in the prapa~ed maintenance district ~~ a d~~s~riptian sufficient to identify the ~a#~e, and the amount of asees~ment to be berried far the fiscal year 1~~1-9 against each parcel of property. laid report shall be open to public inepectian at the Public ~#arke ~irector'~ office, 1~~31 Truxtun Arrenue, Baker~sffield, California. ~~~ interested a~sner ab,~ecting to the amount of the a~see~ment an any a~ hie or her .parcel ar parcel's of property to be a~eeeeed, or the f~rne~~ of the benefit fermata or formulae, may file ~sith the. City Clerk ~~ ~r before the hour fixed far hearing a prate~t, in Writing, Signed by ,, hi`,~fh~r, describing the parcel of property ~a that it may be identified, ~~d Mating the grounds of hi~fher protest, and may appear at paid hearing and ~~ heard in regard thereto. laid €~irectart~ Report gill be heard by the Council at its meeting to be held an ~#edne~sday, the lath day of ~,~„~,,, 1~~1 at ?: ~~ p. m. , or a~ ~~an thereafter a~ the matter mae heard, in th ~unci h mber~, City #~all, l~C#l ~"ruxtun Arrenue, 8aker~field, California, at Which time and place paid Caunc i l wi l l examine paid Report and hear prate~t~s, if any. tf you need additional information, please contact the City Park ~ivi~sion at ~~~~ll~'. dated: ~~f~~f~#l Carat f~i ~ l iam~ CI~"Y C~.~R~, City of ~aker~f field MEMORANDUM T0: DEWAYNE STAINES, ENGINEER III, PUBLIC Ti~RRS DEPART!!+~NT FROM: ED SCHULZ, PUBLIC WDRRS DIRECTOR BY: M. OCHOA, PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTt!+.~NT DATE: .MARCH 8, 1'91 sva7DC~rm cz~ eov~u ~r~,L - r~rna~ of of/~o/~i Attached is a copy of City Council Referral RECORD #741 regarding C.unication fry Alexander & Ada~s, 1~5~ Oak Street, dated January 15, 191, requesting a landscape n~.intenance district at Piper Way, Auburn Street and Eissler Street. I have Dien requested. to follow-up on the status regarding this referral. Will you please provide Mr. Schulz-with a response as soon as possible. Once status is received and reviewed by Mx . Schulz , I will be entering the inforr~a.tion into the Prue Cc~puter Council Referral Tracking System. Please handle this in your usual prompt canner. Thank you! M-PW91.3 Attachanent ',. _~`.~, 4 CITY COUNCIL REFERRAL MEETIN+Q OF: 01/30/91 REFERREQ TO: PUBLIC WORKS E SCHULZ ITEM: RECORD# 7441 Communication f ram Alexander & Adams, 1652 Oak - Street, dated January 15, 1991, requesting a 1and~cape maintenance district at Piper Way, Auburn Street and Eisler Street. ACTION TAKEN BY COUNCIL: RECEIVE AND REFER TO PUBLIC WORKS DEPARI~MENT. APPROVED AA. BACKUP MATERIAL ATTACHED: YES DATE FORWARDED BY CITY CLERK: 02/01/91 STATUS: PLEASE ENTER THE STATUS INTO THE PRIME COMPUTER COUNCIL REFERRAL TRACKING SYSTEM AB PROGRESS TS MADE. ~_"~ 1 +.....1 ~ ~.~ t ~ + ~ i'~ ~-~ ~'~.... ~.,..,,, ~~l ,, _. _ ~..- .~ ~ ~~~ _~ ,. ,~ ' 1~ ~ ~~ 7r~~ ~a jI I ~ •\ rtiy~ t y ~~'; , . ~ k' 11// i 7770 , eA xR f f ~~ . ~~~!~` ~~ a~°i ~ Ci~~~ Y ~ l i a '~ R Alexander & Adams 1b52 aa~ Street Bakersfield, Ca. 9~30I January ice, ~.~~f Gi t}~ CI ~r~f ~~. ~~ c~~ ~~~ ersf i ei i~~~ Tru~;~ur~ ~~e. ~a~~rsfi~id, ~~. 5' ~~~i ~en~leme~: . . ~ We are req~.~estz n~ that tie 1 at~dsca~e area sL~rr~~cndi nc~ cur Tract ~ ~. ~~ cn F` der Way, A~~~urn ~tre~t , ar~d ~i ssl er ~t~-eet ~ b~e i n~cl ude~ i n cr have fcr~~d a Lar~ds~a~e ~~in~er:an~e District. ~in~erelY~ De4~~yr~~ Adams v l _~ Wm. A e>: ands - L. f t i, ... .-. r. ~~~F ~ ~ ~~Z ; F cc: Tc+m Darr~e~. I , ~u~i ~ ~ W~r~~s I~e~t. ' EXHIBIT "D" MAINTENANCE DISTRICT N0.28 SAtD ASSESSMENT IS MADE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE BENEFIT FORMULA ATTACHED HERETO. 1991-1992 Gross Budget Amount Required (City Staff Services or Contract, Suppties Materials, Utilities, and Overhead Costs} Estimated Beginning` fund Balance 1 Deficit} Less: City Contribution NET AMOUNT TO BE :ASSESSED $5,151.OQ 0.00 ..1:02..00 $5,049.40 Note; Fiscal Year 1989=9~ Delinquencies for This District, Based Upon Information Qbtained From The Kern County Tax Collector's Office, on Niay 6,19.91were: ~Q v ~ y~ ASSPpT. REPORT. Ctit#~CI~ CITY t~~ ~A#~EREF'IEL~ 12 : 44Pt~ BA~CERSF I EL4 ~4A I ~4TE~tA~iC E 4 I STR I C TS D I ~T# PARCEL.#........ ~.t3Tf SEC ... TRACT N4. ACRES. . 28 146-624--{~ 1-4C~-~ 28 46-624-42--44-5~ 28 f 46-6~~-~{~3-44-2 28 f 46-62{x-04-44-5 2S ~ 46--624-4~-44-8 28 f 46-624-46_p{}..I 2S 146-624-47-0~-4 28 f4~-624-4S-a4-? 28 146-624--4-44--4 28 I4b-624-i4-4~-~ 2e . ~46~62C~~1 ~.a4-•~ :~$ ~ 4~~624--.~~-~~--~ _ 2$ ~ ,~6_62~?~- i ~-44--1 2S .146-62:4-14-0-4-4 28 1 q,~,...624-1 ~-44-7 ~8 146~62Q-a b-04~-4 28 146-624-17-~4--3 28 X46-624-18-04-6 2S ~ A~6--624.. g~44-~q 28 l-46-624-24.44--1 28 2t3 re~~rd~ 1 i~~ed. PAGE: 1 R Uhi DATE : 46-- i 3--~ i TQ`AL A~~un~T.. . ~~~. 4~ 2~2. ~~ 252.4 2~2.4~ 252.45 252.4 252. ~4~ 252.4 252.4 21.12 • 41J ~~~. ~~ ~~~. 4~ ~~~. 45 2~2.4~ 252.4 25.2: 4~ 252.45 252. ~~ 252.45 252.45 5, 44~. 44 ~~~~ ~~ 5~ d4~. 04 EXHIBIT 'E' AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING -STATE OF CALIFORNIA} }ss. COUNTY OF KERN) AROL WILLIAMS being first duly sworn, deposes and says: C hat sheds now and during all the time herein mentioned the T ' nd actin Clerk of the City of Bakersf -field, said duly appoi nted a g County and State. .. 6th _ _ .. da of ~ _ dune 19 1 , ___she . _ ~Th a~t o n~ h e y ---- ' nited States Mail, wiah :postage prepaid; a deposited i n -the U .;.:____ ..._ ... a.i c.e;; .:.8 co ; --of:~ ~whi~ch_.. i s .at.tach~ed hereto, add.re~~s:ed -:ao :each ., .: , . n o _, R~Y rson whose name and address appears on the at ached list, which pe ' e names and addresse o_f „the owners of all property contains th _ _.. _ .. .._ aub,~ect to the :es~~sessrnen~t. ._ .. _ _: 10 _- _. . _ . , ., .. :That uch ma i 1 ng :-was -:comp.l eted ..ono _ less :t 8n ___~__ ays . _. - - ~. subse ubnt to the date set for hearing on this matter before~thc 9 Counci 1 of `'the City oVf Baker field. /s/ CAROL WILLIAMS . . CITY CLERK and `Ex-Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield 9 ' f ~~I ~ ~' ~#A~ES ~ AI~DR ESSE85 FOR ~A I #YTEl~ANC E D I STR I C T# ~8 14~r-6~U-D f -006 ALEKAWDER WI LL I A!~ L R~ PATTY A 7946 ~QRR I5 RD BA~C~R SF I ELD ~ ~ A 933I~8 1 ~ ,.;.b~~0..42--C~O-`~ ALE KA~BER W I tt 1 A~# L p~; PATTY. A 7946 ~CIRR I ~ RD BA~ERSF I ELD, ~ A 93308 146-60--03-00-~ ALEKA~€~3ER WIt~.IA~ t ~: PATTY A 7946 ~£~RR IS RD ~A~4ER5F I ELD, ~ A 93308 f 46-6'04-0~-~ ALEKAl~BER W I tL I A~ t ~ PATTY A ?946 t~C3RR I5 RD $ Al~ER 5F I ELI ~ C A 933{38 146-6~0-0~-`00-8 ALEXANDER W I L~. IAf~ L ~.~. PATTY A 7946 f~QRR I S RD sA~cERSF I ELD~ ~ A 9338 ~, 4~,-60_06-00-1 ALEXAh€DER W I la I Ah~ t ~. PATTY A 7946 fi~QRR 15 RD B~KERSFIELD, DA 933#8 . ~, ~~--6~~-07-t30-4 ALE KA~€DER . W I LL I A~ t ~.~. P-A~'TY A ?946 WflRR 15 R D B A~CER S~' I LLD ~ ~ A 93308 1.4~-6~0-Q8-0~-7 ALEXA~fDER W I LL I AN L ~: PATTY ~ 7946 ~ORR I8 RD BAl~ER~P' I ELF ~ ~ a q~~~e .146-60-09-00~D A€EXANI3ER WItL I Ate t ~- PATTY A 794f~ NORR I5 RD . _ __ .. BA~ERS~'IELD, GA :93308 ... _ ,_~ .. _ _ _..- .. - - - _ . WILLIA~# L 9,, PATTY A 7446 WQRRIS RD 146 62t~ :_ i 0 t3I~ ~ ALEXAN $A~CER~F I ELD, ~A ?3308 ._ . .. 146-6~0-X11,-~3U-5 ALEXAWDER WILLIAM t ~-. PATTY A 'T946 Nt3RRIS RD :... _ ~_ .~.:. ~~A~CER5f~3EtD, .:~A 933t3~ . _ _~ _.: _. . _ ... _. _ ...:.. ,.. _ ... _ _ .._ ~~~~ NaRR IS RD. ~~4f~~6-1:2~-~30~~$ ALE XA~I~ER ~~W.~~.L~I A~# t ~y,~. PATTY BA~t~RSF~IE~D~ G~A :33{38 ~, 46--~~p- ~ 3-Dt~- i ASE kA~I3ER W I LL~I A~ L y~ . PATTY A 79~b WD~RR I ~ R D .$ AVER SF~I EtD ~ D A -~~~{~8 ~~46-~620-.;1:4-~t3-4 _ ALE X ANnER W I tL I AM L ~~. P A~TTY A 7946 W~3R R :I 5 R D .. _,. .:- A~CERSF I Ft~ ~.~ `~~G A . 93308 : _ .. __ . -630~:I ~-~~--~ ALEK~~DE~ W ~ t~: ~ A ~ t ..PATTY ~ 796 ~~R R I ~ RD . . _, -~B A~C~~t&F:I ELI ~ ~ A 933€38 __ .,146-+~~-n1:.6_00-~D aLEX~1~~ER WIL~~IA~ t '~~. PATTY `A 7946 NORRI~ RD ~: __ ~BA~ER~F'~~EL`D, -~A 9330 '~ 46-6~~.~Y1~7-00-3 ALEX~~l~#DER W I ~a T~AN~ : .:~- . PATTY A 7946 NC~RR I S RD .N ~A#~E~~~'~ELD, ~~ 9338 ~ ~6-6~~_ 1 ~#-00--6 ALE XAWDER ~W I tL I AN . t .~: PATTY A 7946 NOR R I S `RIB ~BA~CERBP' I EtD ~ CA 93333 J 14~-620- I g..0Q~-9 A€~~XANDER WI LL I AN L ~,~ BATTY A ~ .7946 NQRR I~ RD $ A~CER SF I EtD, C ~4 9338 .146-b20-20-0~- ~ ~4tE XA~DER W I t~. I A~# t ~~ . PATTY A 7946 ~iQRR I S RD B A~CER SF I EL ~ ~ C ~ 93308 ~~ .~ ~- ~. ,~ «~.. ~ W ...5 .. ~ *~"' ~"' .a.:.,. .... U //~~+~~~ G] ~~ ~~ ...~~. •,~ c ~.. ~~ r~3 ~~ ~:.. ~::;~~ 1 ~ fit'`' "" ~r i. ~ N ~ y ~ tD ~ ~ ~ z O -#~ fy lD > 1 (~ , ~ X^ W '!~ K ~ N to Z o -}, o a i ...+. -~ rD o - 0~~~ n Q v J. ...1 ono ,_,,, to ~ ~ ~. r w ~• ~ ~ rn ~ n~ y m ~. ~ ~; ~ D ~ ~ w~ ~~ 5 O~ ~n Q ~~ - rn m ~t ~ ,. p . .; i ,.~ r ~~ ~ ~~ C ~ MA AND ASSESSMENT DIAL .aM FOR MAIM'ENANCE DISTRICT NO. 28 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA FOR FlSCAL YEAR 7997 - 7992 EXHIBIT "B" SCALE: 1 "= 80' C.o.e. CONC. MON, b ri g BROCK~ ss~.oa w ea'~e'o~• E r MIAY ~ W W 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ~g g ~~ Q asnaci ~ouNOnr ,J^ _ _ UNA COURT nW $ W x n n 'f ~'1 ~ `~ 20 19 1g -17 ..~ 16 15 14 13. 12 - ---- ~8 A a n wow ~ ~ AUBURN AVENUE ,r uNCSC~ ~-so~Nr ,~ua~ S. t/4 COR. SECTION t4 29/28 6sooc' N e9'N'o~' E S.E. CORNER SEC. 74 39/18 AN #SSESSMENT ,WAS LEVIED BY THE CITY COUNC~ ON THE IOTS, P. IECES AN0 PARCELS OF LAND SHOIMr ON -THIS ASSESSf~EN1' DIAGRAM. SAID ASSESSi~ENT WAS LEVIED ON THE ,~~ PAY OF 1991.; SAtO ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM MID THE -ASSESSMENT ROLL MERE RECORDED IN THE OFFICE OF THE DEPIIRIMENT OF PUBUC WORKS OF SA10 PTY ON THE _..",.,; DAY ~ 1991. REFERENCE IS MADE TO THE. ASSESSMENT ROLL RECORDED IN THE OFFICE OF THE .DEPARTMENT OF PUBUC .WORKS FOR THE EXACT AMOUNT OF EACH ABSESSAIENT LEVIED` . AGAINST EACH PARCEL OF LAND SHOMIV ON THlS ASSESSMENTS DIAGRAM. PTY CLERi( OF THE qTY OF BAKERSFIELD CALIFORNIA .FILED FOR .RECORD THIS _,,,~ DAY OF 1997 , AT ~~_ ~,µ.. IN 800K ,_„_~ OF ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS AT PAGE .. IN THE .OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF ?ifE COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF CAUEORNIA. COUNTY CLERK RECORDER ' 8Y - CHIEF .DEPUTY RECORDER RECORDED IN THE OFFICE OF THE DEPARTMENT Of PUBLIC WORKS TIiIS _~„ OAY Of .7991. DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS BAKERSFIELD, CAIJFORNU FILED IN ;THE OFFICE OF THE PTY CLERK THIS _, PAY 1991 . CfTY CLERK OF :THE CITY` OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA - i