HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 12-96(8)RESOLUTION AMENDMENT NO. 8 TO RESOLUTION NO. 12-96 APPROVING MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING FOR EMPLOYEES OF THE BLUE AND WHITE COLLAR UNITS AND ADOPTING SALARY SCHEDULE AND RELATED BENEFITS. WHEREAS, Resolution No. 12-96 sets salaries and related benefits for employees of the White Collar Unit. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield that effective the beginning of the first full pay period following Council action, the Salary Schedule, a part of Resolution No. 12-96, is hereby amended as follows: 1. Resolution No. 12-96 is hereby amended by adding the following class title to the White Collar Unit: 25140 16.611 Geographic Information Systems Analyst 17.439 18311 19.223 20.190 .......... o0o ........... I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on $EP e I ~L_~, by the following vote: CITY CLERK and EX OFFICI(~//CLERK of the Council of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED $£P e I~ 1~ BOB PRICE MAYOR of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED as to form: ROBERT M. SHERFY CHIEF ASSISTANT CI~ ATTORNEY of the City of Bakersfield BL S \Resolution\WhiteCollarGIS wpd 8/24/98 2 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CLASS SPECIFICATION: UNIT: EE04: 25140 WHITE COLLAR TECHNICIANS CLASS TITLE: GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS ANALYST CLASS SUMMARY: Under general supcrvision. assists in thc dcvelopment and maintenance of all facets of a City-wide Geographic Information System (GIS); performs highly technical analytical work in developing. writing, testing and implementing computer programs for thc GIS system: develops and maintains City base map and associated layers: pcr£orms other work as required REPRESENTATIVE DUTIES: The following typical tasks and responsibilities am representative of the position's csscntial duties. They arc dcscriptivc, not limiting Essential Duties: Assists in thc dcvclopmcnt. opcratiom and maintcnancc ofthc Cit?s GIS system; writcs macros and high-level language routincs to maintain and acccss GIS geography and associatcd tabular data: dcvclops and maintains Cit5' base map and associated layers, including the parccl base map and all infrastructurc fcaturcs: performs document research and analysis in preparation for data cnt~, by coordinate geometry; enters data through the usc of coordinate genreeta'. digitizing and other data conversion methods; conducts quality assurance checks on cntcrcd data; communicates cicafly and conciscly orall5 and in writing. DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS: This class is distinguished from the Programmer/Analyst class in that it performs complex procedures and applications involving land basc data and information which requires specialized training and cxpcricnce in GIS systems and programming languagcs. MINIMUM OUALIFICATIONS: Knowledge of: GIS products. techniques, procedures and concept; at least one ofthc following programming languages: Avenue. AML (ARC Macro Language). Visual Basic, C/C+v. or othcr high level OOP (Object Oricntatcd Program) languages; SQL {Structured Query Language): database packages including ORACLE. Microsoft Access and Paradox: AutoCAD expcricncc hclpful: Windows NT operating system: tax parcel recording process and COGO Ability to: Read and interprct planning, engineering and building maps and documents; car~ out tasks indcpcndcntb with careful attcntion to detail; develop programming code to automatc, simplify. and enhance day- to-day GIS opcrations: develop and maintain cffectivc working relationships with GIS users in other departments and agencies; communicate cffisctivcly orally and in writing Training and Experience: Graduation from an accredited collcgc or university with a bachelor's dcgrcc in computer scicnce. geographic information systems. geography, or related ficld and one 5'car recent experience working with a variety ofGIS applications. preferably in local {municipal) government. Additional GIS-rclated qualifying cxpericncc may be substituted for the required education on a ycar-for-ycar basis up to a maximum of tx~o 5 cars Licenses, Certificates or Special Requirements: Valid Califomia Class "C" Driver's License. Physical Conditions or Special Working Conditions: Standard office cnvironment and working conditions. Approved b> the Misccllancous Civil Scrvicc Board: August 18. 1998 Approved b~ the City Council: OF~K~[NAL