HomeMy WebLinkAboutMD Packet 3-03M~ 3-v3 January 10, 1986 City Council City of Bakersfield City Hall 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93341 Gentlemen: We hereby request theformation of a landscape- maintenance district in accordance with the procedures established therefore by Chapter 13.04 of ~'itle l3 of the Municipal Code of the City of Bakersfield. In-eluded within the District is all the landscaping within - the right-of-way or public landscape easements as shown ors Par- ce1 Maps number 7661 and 7662 in the City of Bakersfield. Also. included is the median on Wible Road south~ot Pacheco Road to Panama Lane and the west side of Wible Lane. between Pacheco Road and Harris Road. A description and map of the proposed district is included. Yours. truly, Auto Mall Associates Clyde Barbeau enclosure ct~ber ~, ~98~ ~ ~ ~ ., ~ ~ ~f ~--, 1 ti ~L,~ J,f ~,~ ~~ ~ k { ' :'i i 4Y~ ! ~" `4 dale ~Iawley C~.ty ng~.neer _- . - _ ~.ty ref Bakersf geld ~~.~ ~~. ~ lC~ ~'rX.axt~un~ Avenue , akersf ~chd ~ Ca~.~.f ~rnia ~88~1 dear ~~ awle~~ ~+Ie hake recewed tie +Condztions of, Apvroval for Parcel Map 762 (Auto N~a~.l project at Pacheco and wible ,Roads, and request your approvs.l on several minor changes to the staff report 'these items have been discussed with. your staff, and I be~.ieve we have their concurrence on ~.~e ~ollowi~g ~~t~ ' ~. ~ ltetn ~ ~ 8ewe~ se~'v~ce was assumed ~o be available in Panama bane 1 b . • ' 1I at ~wib~le ® the grades do not work out for this long of f ~-s~.te . extension since our site is so low ~ we propose to install. a ~.if t s~~t~.on o~~site nt Harris and wible, and discharge into the Harris. ~Poad manhole ~-~ ~~ ~htem ~~ fur cor~ce~t for the ~.nterior sheets is to ost for ~'No ~~,-~ ~~ P Park~.ng ~ and have ~o ~dewahks, with.the landscaping .extending to . the curbline ~ we propose to delete ..the sentence °9a~.1 oth~:rs shah. be 4e5~ w~,de~'~ .. ,~A~ 8~ item 9~ &~~.th t~1e ~;nt~rior 5t~'eets posted f®r "No Parkin. ~-, there., g ~~ ~ . ~.s no need of a ~avl~ent width in e~c~~s ~ ©f the standard a we propose to use a chrb t~ curb w~.dth of 44' ~.nstead of ~8' would .hike to note several etherrevisions to our ..plans for your inf oxmation and comment o ~ ~ . ~~,_~. 1) The owner re nests t~~t the Wible Road median be l.andsca ed to P. ooo~dnate ~.~h the lan~~oaPhh~ required along both sa.des of the str+~et ~ '.~'he ~na~.n°en.ance o~l~ be included in the p~op~~d ~~~,aintenance ~3ist~i~ct`~'~ 2~ The City recently completed some widening and avin work at the P g Pacheco and~wible Road intersection, We have made minor re~risions 'to our plans to incorpora e this, and avoid removal of~much of . that pavemento • CIVIL. ENGLNEERING + MANAGEMENT • ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING • COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND RENEWAL, F3'oyi~ En~in~~rinc~ Cor,~or~tion k~ ~ ..~ r.3z'i~'1'•~ ~}"` ~a. ~,~, r 4 i~ s y ~ +~ Wn r .- ~~ ~. ~4~~E~~~~~~- ~~~ .. ..w 1~A QUAD CONSULTANTS ~ July 28, 1986 Suite 611 Great Western Savings Building 1415 - 18th Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Auto Mall Project - Landscaping Plan Review The landscaping plans you submitted with cover letterd~ated July 21, 1986,have been reviewed on behalf~of the Kern Delta WaterDistrict~. In accordance with District policy,~no trees are to be planted within the__D_istrict pipeline easement which will. _- .____ ave~a mature hei ht reater than 20 feet. Furthermore trees with a ,mature height of 20 feet or less shall .not be~ planted closer -- t an 10 feet f rom the outside ~ edge of ~ the pipeline . T~hi s criteria requires .deletion of six (~ ) proposed Magnolia trees and two ~ 2 ) proposed Chinese Pista~~che trees~a~s shown on drawings returned herewith.. Please submit revised landscaping plans conforming to the above Di~strct policy. B~YLE ENGINEERING~CORPORATION i ~itsw'r ~ Dan Schmidt, P.E. Principal Engineer mgm Enclosure cc: Gilbert .Castle, Jr. BK-KO1-200-10 .~• ~, ~ ~,~ ~ R~cH~aRa ~. o$~Rr~oLZER CITY A?TQRNEY ~fUNIClF'~L LAW; 1501 TRUX1"UN AVENUE . BAKERSfIELD, .CAUF~RNIA 93301 LITtCATloN: ART~IUR ~t, ~~iALRlEtfl flON McGILLIVRAY (805j 32fi-3721 A~istent pity Attorney Assistant City Attorney ~RLAN QAL~ D~lIVlEL }~ ASStstant City a411omey RdBERT M. sHERFY February ~ 0 , 19 8 7 t~e~uty City Attorney r' ~ lNVESriCArioNS: . ~o~r~l~ ~'#fl~lA~ ~W~tLLOW ..., . noN ~aRrlN ~Dsputy City attorney ~. .. City Attorney Investi~!ator ~andal~ J. ~eeb ~~ ~~~7 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ad Consultants ~. .~o~ 3 G'~ 9 - .~ .~~' w'~ ~ ~~~~I~T~t~~. ~l~.s,alia, :A 932`8 .;, . RE: 1~uto Mall Landscaping Dear ~„~~c~y: In response ~~ your letter of February ~, 1987, State . _. ~.aw ~r~equi ~~s that ~.andscape maintenance work be performed by the ~. lowest possible b ider. ~ City maintenance district has only too ~ap~iens : { l 3 perform the work with City staff, or t 2) soli- . ~.t bids foz and award a contract four the work.. I see no . ~ ~- fea~b~.e~ legal arrangement by which, .the maintenance district may.. . ~ontra~ct with the ;adjacent property owner for. maintenance of ~~~ lan~s~a~in+g in the dis~r~ct~ .~ ~ _ Sincerer, . ._ ... A.rtht~r J. Saalfeld Assistant City Attorney ~~~dr . ~.Z~E~ . Fain Dow . cc~ _ Frank Fabbri ., d ch~i~. Dora ~o , Ott ~ . ~~ ~: 'O ~ac~ ardls 1.+y Q~ ~ac~PORarfo''11 ~~' MEM R 0 ANDUM ~'` `' ~~N~-Akt' u,~naH A ~I/FOtt~~ T0: Planning Department, Dave Dow ~:,~ .~` ~ FROM: Public Works Engineering ;N-~ ~t~~ '-~y DATE: January 14, 1986 SUBJECT: AUTOMALL (LANDSCAPE CONCEPTS) 1) No concrete masonry wall is required from Pacheco Road south along Wible Road approximately 1200'. However, City of Bakersfield Standard chain link fence with redwood slats and landscaping is required. 2} Landscape Sections as shown on Sheet 1 of 9(F) should reflect correct over- all landscape areas~~ o be maintained by the District. (Landscape Easement + right of way left after sidewalk and/or curbing). 3) Construction plans and details for the concrete block wall are required and shall be submitted to the Public Works Department for review and approval. 4) Tree spacing along the concrete block wall should be 50' on center maximum typical. 5) Concrete mow strip and 2" A.C. as shown in detail section on Sheet 1 of 9, shall be deleted. 6) Maximum berm height for all landscape medians areas shall be 10" and maxi- mum swale depth shall be 3/4" in reference to adjacent concrete mow strip andJor median curb. ,~ ~.,, ~° HMl 1.f - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD RESOLUTION 24- 7 7 APPENDIX H Date Filed Environmental Information Form (To be completed by applicant) GENERAL I NFORr~sAT I QN , 1. Name and address of developer or project sponsor: 2. Address of project Assessor's Block and Lot Number 3. Name, address, and telephone number of person to be contacted concerning this project: 4. Indicate .number. of the permit application for the project to which this form pertains : ~~~ 5. List and describe .any other related permits and. other public approvals required for this project, including those required by city, regional , state and federal agencies : 1~1Q ~ ,,,,, :. .- 6. Exa.st~ng zoning district :~ - 7 . Proposed use of site (Project for which this .form is filed } ~1~'~i~S t Q~ C'7F `~bt ~1~ ~c~ 1~~~~-lG ~k ~~'. ~ln PGA '~I ~~i ~.-~ PROJECT DESCRIPTION 8. Site size. ~(p (, ~jgj Q, .G fi 9. Square footage. -- 10. Number of floors of construction. 1~~A 11. Amount of off-street parking provided. 1.1.14 12. Attach plans. MaP of f~lh~I2lG"~ (30C9ttif~/~.-R-`~ CZ 13. Proposed scheduling. N~~„ 14. Associated projects. t~(~/~ 15. Anticipated incremen tal development.;~j~/~ '~°Cont. ~ ~ 16. If residential, include the number of units, schedule of unit sizes, range of sale prices or rents, and type of household - size expected . ~1 ,tS, 17. If commercial, indicate the type, whether neighborhood, city or regionally oriented, square footage of sales area, and loading facilities. ~1 ~, l8. If industrial, indicate type, estimated employment per shift,.. and loading facilities. 1w~~ 19. If institutional, indicate the major function, estimated employment per shift, estimated occupancy, loading facilities, and community benefits to be derived from the project . i~l, `,(~ 20. If the project involves a variance, conditional use or rezoning application, state this and indicate clearly why the application is required. ~ ,~,~ .Are the following items applicable to the project or its effects? Discuss below all items checked yes (attach additional sheets as necessary). YES NO _____.. 21. Chan e in existin features of any bays, tidelands, g g ____ beaches, lakes Or hi1lS.or substantial alteration of ground contours. 22 Cha e in scenic views or vistas from existin ng g _..___. residential areas or public lands or roads. X 23. Chan e in attern scale or character o~ general g p -- are~, of project: ____ 24. Si nif icant amounts of solid waste or litter . g ~ 25. -Chan e i~ dust ash smoke- fumes or odors in vicinity. g ~ > 26. Chan e in ocean, bay,. lake, stream or ground water g quality or quantity, or alteration of existing drainage patterns.. 27. Substantial change in existing noise or vibration ___._ levels in the vicinity. ~ 28. Site on filled land or on slope of 10 percent or more. '~ 29. Use or dis osal of otentiall hazardous materials, p p Y _____ such as toxic substances, flammables or explosives. i r'~.- H- 3 ., ,~_ ~. Cont. YES No '~ 30. Substantial change in demand for municipal services ___._ (police, fire, water, sewage, etc.) . at,~{~I1~1~~~P.-~'~Itl~ 4~'T i oil 31. Will the proposal result in: Water service from any public or private entity? (If so, give the name of the entity and provide a letter from that entity outlining its current and future water supply and demand requirements). ~ 32. Substantiall increase fossil fuel consum tion Y p ___._ (electricity, oil, natural gas, etc.). 33. Relationshi to a lar er ro'ect or series of p g p J ____. projects. ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING 34. Describe the project site as it exists before the project, includ- ing information on topography, soil stability,plants and animals, and any cultural, historical or scenic aspects. Describe any existing structures on the site, and the use of the structures. Attach photographs of the site. Snapshots or polaroid photos will be accepted. 35. Describe the surrounding properties, including information on plants and animals and any. cultural, historical or scenic aspects. Indicate the type of land use {residential, commercial, etc.), intensity of land use (one family,- apartment houses, shops, department stores, etc.), and scale of development (height, frontage,~setback, rear. yard, etc.). Attach photographs of the vicinity. Snapshots or polaroid photos will be accepted. CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that the statements furnished above and in the attached exhibits present the data and information required for this initial evaluation to the best of my ability, and: that the facts, statements, and information presented are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Date rJA,4-~. ~tZ P~ bt,~ ~ ~to~IL~ (Signature) For: MAINTENANCE DISTRICT N0. 3 DIVISION 3 (AUTOMALL} LEGAL DESCRIPTION Commencing at the northwest corner of Section 24, Township 30 South, Range 27 East, M.D.B.& M., thence southerly along the west line of said section a distance of 74 feet ~to intersect with the center line of Pacheco Road the True Point of Beginning; Thence ~1} Westerly along said center line of Pacheco Road a distance of 55 feet to intersect the northerly prolongation of the west Right-of-Way line of Wible Road; Thence (2} Southerly along the last named west line to intersect the center line of Harris Road; Thence (3} Easterly along the said center line of Harris Road 25 feet to a point 30 feet west of the centerline parallel to and 30 feet west of Wible Road; Thence (4} Southerly along a line parallel to and 30 feet west of the centerline of Wib1e Road to a point 45 feet north of the centerline of Panama Lane; Thence ~ 5 } Easterly along aline parallel to and 45feet north of Panama Lane a distance of 75 feet; Thence (6} Northerly alang aline parallel to and 45 feet west of the centerline of Wible Road to intersect with, the westerly extension of the north line of Tract 4060 recorded September 6, 1979 in book 29 of Maps, Page 91 in the Office of the County Recorder of the County of Kern; Thence~7} Easterly along said north .line of Tract 4060 and the westerly extension. thereof to intersect the west line of State Highway 99; Thence ~S} Northerly along the west line. of State Highway 99 to intersect the centerline of Pacheco Road; Thence ~9} westerly along said centerline of Pacheco Road to the True Point of Beginning. lega111ega13-3 jas~ EXHIBIT A 1 AMENDED ASSESSIuIENT DIAGRAM I FOR MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO.3 ~ DMSION 3 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA ~~~-•ar (FORMERLY MNN7ENANCE DISTRICT N0. 13) PACHECO ROAD ~~ `'___' - - - _ AN • ASSESStr1ENT WAS ~ 8Y 1FIE aTY tSl. ON THE LQTS,. PIECES ANO PARCELS OF LAND SHOWN ON THIS ASSE551rIENT DIAGRAM. SAS ASSESSMENT wAS LEVIED ON THE _ DAY OF PACitECO ROAQ 1 Y 19lZ ; SAID AST aAGRAM AND THE ASSESSMENT Rdl WERE RECDROED IH Tip OFFICE OF THE DEPARTMENT aF PUBLIC wDRKS OF SAS aTY ON THE DAY ~ W I of 1992. REFERENCE is MADE TO THE - I I ~T ROLL RECORDED W THE OFFICE OF THE DEPARTMENt OF ~' PUBLIC w01fKS FOR THE EXACT AMOUNT OF EACH ASSESSMENT LEVIED 4 Q I AGAINST EACH- PARCEL OF LAND SHOMM ON THIS SIT aACRAM. 3 C~ . sc. sa ~!9' I A o aTY CLERK DF THE qTY DF BAKERSFIELO~ CALIFORNIA 10 9 ~- e N- i 1i ,a i ~I 12 13 f~l i I W 2 I I ti O~ I 1 ~ I ~~ ~ 4 3 W~ ~' ~~ U' O' ~~ W 3! ~~~ 9 T 6 { 11 10 S ~ B I N3 i ~ i sEG u _I I II (~) ~i PANAMA LA ' '~) .SW1 4SEC.T430 7T t ~ I l~I~) ~~~ ![~' 71 >l~ 76 FILED FOR RECORD THIS _ OAY OF 1992 , AT __ _.-M„ iN 800K OF ASSESSMENT . aSTi~TS AT PACE IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER Oi •THE COUNTY OF KERN STATE OF CALIFORNIA. cA~ s. ~sTAo COUNTY CLERK RECORDER 8Y . :,: CNIER'a~Pt11Y 11ECDRDEII RECORDED IN' THE OFFICE OF THE DEPARTMENt OF PUBLIC WORKS TF9S -,,,__ DAY OF ~ 1992 . DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS BAKERSFIELD CALIFORNIA OLEO Ml 1FIE OFflCE OF THE aTY CIERI( THIS _ OAY OF - 1992. dTY CLERK OF THE aTY of BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA IIIL: Oti1110/ !1lET 1 d 1