HomeMy WebLinkAboutMD Packet 3-210409/2003 13:0 661-323-3454 T. MITCHELL ASHE,CPA PAGE 05 ;' q . . M~ 3 -~, ~ P~t.~~OS~'~YUN 2Z8 BALL,O'~. C~TX 0~' BA.~ERSF~EL~7 CONSO~~DATED 1V~,AYI~TENANCE ]a~STRTC'T This assessment ballot is for the use of the property owner of the parcel(s) identified below, which are pro~ased to be included in the Ciky of Bakersfield Consolidated Maintenance District (CMD). This assessment ballot may be used to express either support for or opposition to inclusion within tk~e CMD. To be counted, this assessment ballot miust be signed below by the owner oar, if the owner is not an individual, by an authorized representative of the owner. [TO CAST THIS ~ A.Z,.~O"Z', PLEASE R~'URN THIS E~1~E k'AGE] l~~ '~ ~ALLO~' ~~FT~IAL A.~~~~~ ~ ~~~ ~ ,..maw .. ~ ~~~ Property descript~o~: ~-~ ~ .~~,~.^~ , ~ -+~^~~, (addr~s~~. do~bl~ic,klrract or other le~~l Inc~i~id~a~ an~ua~ assessments shs.I] not exceed ~,25.U0 der e~~~va~e~;t dwelling unit. A~S~SS~~~~' ~,~LL~T N1~ASU~~ shall the City Council of the City Q~ ~ a~ezs~~eid include the above described ,~ ~~s ~ro~ez~y ~~thin the Consolidated N~aintenance district aid levy an assessment not to c~cceed 0 No the a~rnount set l;ortb above? Owner Slgriature~ Title ~~f repr~ser~tin8 owner): ]~flte: R p ~ ~ A `~ ' ~Y / ~~~ J•"' /'~• ~ . • . • ~ Y • ~ / Y W Y~ A ~~^ i.^ ~ / / ~ ~ N R ~ ~ ~ \ .' . . . • ~ ~ ~ ~ . F .. ~ . ~ . + . ~ ~ . . + . . ~ ~ . . . + ~ a . . ~ ~ ~ . . ~ r ~ppuC~rrorv P~~'1CfT • UNO D1VlSrONSUPpr~MFNT.DQC ~~0`'~c~;v~. lily 13.2002 04/0912003 13:0 661-323-3454 ~, February 27, 20Q3 T. MITCHELL ~SHE,CP~ City of Bakersfield --Public Works Department Attn: Marian P. Shaw 1501 Truxtun Avenue Baker~eld, GA 93301 Re: inclusion of Tract ~~ ~0 in a Maintenance dis#rict .Dear Ms. Shaw; PAGE 04 °~,~~~ ~p 1~~7 r 'U~e, the urrdersig~ned, as owners of the pra~art included within Treat T Y , Map ~19a hereby request that the pra~er~y be included within the ~ansolida#ed ,ll~ainfier~anc~ District. This request is in accerdance Sri#i~ the re uirement q s a-f Bakersfield Municipal Dade ~ectian 1 ~,Q4,021. Enolosed is a check in the amount of ~ 1940.40 to caner the casts of inc lus~an within the ~ansali~afied Maintenance district Furtherr~ore our en inset will g supply you with a compu#er dish copy of the map far your use. ` Iltle also waive our right to eny and all hearin s in accardanae with the . . , ~ ~ drawn act, the Bakersfield Mun~c~~el Dade and/ar any other law cor~cernin the forrnatian g ~t or inclus~ar~ in the r~~intenance district. VUe have si ned and are returning the ~n~lased Propas~t~an ~~ ~ bal~at (Ot~cia! A~~assrr~enl Ba!!o~ induce#ing our can~ent to the assessment, Sincerely, . ~r+~-. !r e ~~~~~ Betty L~ Ashe Betty Jayn As ~~~ ~`homa~s Mitchell Asfie, Trustee of the Tham~a~ I~adley she Trust DE-315 ATTORNEY OR PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY (Name, state bar number, and address): TELEPHONE AND FAX NOS.: FOR RECORDER'S USE ONLY Recording requested by and return to: GEORGE MANOLAKAS ~ 71800 X661)395-1705 ATTORN EY AT LAW (661)395-1702 ~ !, ' 5100 CALIFORNIA AVE., #102 BAKERSFIELD CA 93349-0707 ATTORNEY FOR (Name}:THOMAS MITCHELL ASHE SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY bF KERN STREET ADDRESS: 1415 TRUXTU N AVE. MAILING ADDRESS: SAME CITYAND ZIP CODE: BAKERSFIELD CA 93301-0770 BRANCH NAME: MAIN MATTER OF (Name): BETTY LEE ASHE aka BETTY L. ASHE aka B ETTY AS H E DECEDENT ORDER DETERMINING SUCCESSION TO CASE NUMBER: REAL PROPERTY (Estates $100,000 or Less) 51177 ®And Personal Property FOR COURT USE ONLY 1. Date of hearing: l1/26101 Time: 9:00 a.m. Dept./Room: 14 Judge: fiH~~ESA A. GO~~I~ THE COURT FINDS ~~~A°~ ~ COST COa~~~~~~~0 ~E~ 2. All notices required bylaw have been given. 3. Decedent died on (date): JUNE 14, 2001 a. ~ a resident of the California count}r named above. - ~~ K~~ OU~~f b. [~ a nonresident of California and left an estate in the county named above. c. 0 i ntestate ®testate. Q ~ C;~ .~ . ~ ~~~~ 4. At least 40 days have elapsed since the date of decedent's death. 5. a. ®No proceeding for the administration of decedent's estate is being conducted ~~ , _ (~~~ or has been conducted in California. ~ ~ ~ ~" ~` , ~~~~. b. ^ Decedent's ,personal representative has filed a consent to use the procedure provided in Probate Code section 131.50 et seq. 6. The .gross value of decedent's real and personal property in California, excluding property described in Probate Code section 13050, does not exceed $100,000. 7. Each petitioner is a successor of decedent (as defined in Probate Code section 13006) and a successor to decedent's interest in the real ®and personal property described in item 9a because each petitioner is a. ®(will) a' beneficiary who succeeded to the property under decedent's will. b. (no will) a person who succeeded to the property under Probate Code sections 6401 and 6402. THE COURT FURTHER FINDS AND ORDERS 8. No administration of decedent's estate is necessary in California. 9. a. The following described real ®and personal property is property of decedent passing to each petitioner (give legal descripfion of real properfvl: ®described in Attachment 9a. ~, ;~, b. Each petitioner's name and specific ppro a interest ^ is stated in Attachment 9b ®is as follows (specify): THOMAS MITCHELL ASHE, TRUS~E OF THE BETTY LEE-ASHE LIVING TRUST crest ed January 12,1995 10.0 Other (specify): ~~Date: 11. Number of pages attached: XXXXXXXXXXX~XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX~XXXXXX JUDGE OF THE SUPERIOR COURT ~ .e ® SIGNATURE FOLLOWS LAST ATTACHMENT Form Approved by the Judicial Council of California DE-315 (Rev. January 1,1998) Mandatory Form [11112000] ORDER DETERMINING SUCCESSION ~~~ Probate Cods, § 13154 TO REAL PROPERTY (Probate) LEGAL DESCRIPTION Area 3-21 A parcel of land situated in the City of Bakersfield, County of Kern, State of California, being a portion of Section 34, T 30 S, R 27 E, M. D. B. & M., and more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the north quartercorner of said Section 34, also being the intersection of the centerlines of McCutchen Road and Mountain Ridge Drive; THENCE ~1 }South 89° 01' 33" East, along the north line of said Section 34 and centerline of McCutchen Road, a distance of 2288.52 feet, to the beginning of a non-tangent curve, concave northwesterly, having a radius of 1200.00 feet, to which point a radial line bears South 53° 28' 19" East; .~ THENCE (2} Southwesterly along said curve through a central angle of 00° 34' 41 ", an arc distance of 12.11 feet; `_ THENCE ~3} South 37° 06' 22" West, a distance of 397.24 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve, concave northwesterly, having a radius of 885.00 feet; THENCE ~4} Southwesterly, along said curve through a central angle of 14° 50' 42", an arc distance of 229.30 feet; THENCE (5} South 51 ° 57' 04" West, a distance of 258.37 feet, to a point on the north right of way line of Ryzona Drive; THENCE ~6} North 89° 01' 52" West, a distance of 1683.43 feet, to a point on the centerline of Mountain Ridge Drive; THENCE ~7} North 00° 29' 50" East, along said centerline, a distance of 659.22 feet, to the north quartercorner of said Section 34 and the. TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHMENT 9a LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF REAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY PASSING TO PETITIONER A. REAL PROPERTY: (1) An undivided one-third (113) interest in vacant land located in the County of Kern, State of California, more particularly described as follows: PARCEL 1: ALL THAT PORTION. OF THE NORTH HALF OF THE NORTH HALF OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 34, TOWNSHIP 30 SOUTH, RANGE 27 EAST, M. D . B . M. , IN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, WHICH LIES WEST OF THE CENTERLINE OF THE 100 FOOT MAIN CANAL, KNOWN AS FARMER'S CANAL, ,REFERRED TO IN THAT CERTAIN DEED FROM KERN COUNTY LAND COMPANY TO FARMER'S CANAL COMPANY, A CORPORATION, DATED APRIL 20, 1928 AND RECORDED JUNE 25, 1928 IN BOOK 128, PAGE 246 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. PARCEL 2: AN EASEMENT FOR INGRESS AND EGRESS FROM THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN PARCEL 1 HEREIN, OVER A STRIP OF LAND 30 FEET IN WIDTH, THE CENTERLINE OF WHICH IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID SECTION 34, A DISTANCE OF 165 FEET SOUTHERLY FROM THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID SECTION; THENCE WESTERLY AND PARALLEL WITH THE ~ NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID SECTION 34, TO THE INTERSECTION OF THE CENTERLINE OF FARMER'S CANAL, AS DESCRIBED IN THAT CERTAIN DEED FROM KERN COUNTY LAND COMPANY TO THE FARMER'S CANAL COMPANY, A CORPORATION, DATED APRIL 20, 1928 AND RECORDED JUNE 25, 1928 IN BOOK 128, PAGE 246 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. THE NORTH AND SOUTH LINES OF SAID EASEMENT TO BE EXTENDED OR SHORTENED SO AS TO BEGIN ON THE EAST LINE OF SAID SECTION 34 AND END AT THE CENTERLINE OF SAID FARMER'S CANAL. A.T.N.: 497-080-01-00-9 ATTACHMENT 9a -Continued LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF REAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY PASSING TO PETITIONER B. STOCK: (2) A 100 % interest in 36 shares of SHELL CANADA LIMITED; Class "A" common shares, Certificate No. NAB 168402, Cusip No. 82259710 3. -Dated: ~ ~ , 2002 COMMISSIONER OF oua~ ~FC~~~ ~S ..... ~~~; .,,~ . ~.t~; ~. ~ ~ a~ ~ ,~~ ~ Y 'j, 1`'.~~ r ~~~ ~~ ~: SUPERIOR COURT THE DOCUMENT Td ~lHiCH THfS CERTiFfC~°~E iS ATTACF~ED fS A FULL, TRUE AND CORRECT COPY OF THE ORfrfNAL ON FfLE AND OF RECORD fN MY OFFICE. ~~ ~ ~ 2~0~ ATTEST .~~., TERRY McNALLY Clerk of the Superior Court of the State of Ca for ~; ~' and for the County of Kern. ~y _ ~., DE~~TY ~~ ~. ATTACHMENT 9a ~ ~: ~:.~ ;, . ~~. ,... ., ... ... ,.. _. .... 5: ~-[ i. .. :, s,.. ...r ,c .a ~C~ ~;za e>,1 ..\x: SC:.~ r.,,~.x; .; :: di, x.V`a:\~a,~eZn dA ;~ .,+ z •.s::~..,a.: x~ ., a~~.. •A.~..:,.. ..., .. .: ~:: ~?a.,, .. \a~G. a! ..;.> •a ~o.. \.\Ah~\.. .z,. S\~L\b:,'OU.a.y3 @b\u \;`~a~i @., :ate •_. ~n~a\~~UU a , ~. ~ ~ ~ 'S, \ ~ x,• .'..t:. is Y - KB Home Pa e 1 `:John A. Stinson FW: Tr 6190, Bakersfield, Final Ma Kenneth Phun l ) .a.~. ,.. .... „ ..~... .,..., .n. .... ...~ G~ r., ~ , .. ca .~ ~,, i V . . ., ,. ~ ~a ., >:,,., :.tt.~ a a. a,,. „. z ~• a 'C~. ~• av~\~1~ ~5:~ .> r,.. \: .,,.u~. ~..,~.U ~... ..;-. 1... _.. .. .., .... \ \~..:a~....,. ;.:: , ..:.~ ~. .. ...1 ... <..i ~aR .~,. ~. F....~~... ,sC.'k F,~...a i':a.L ~` .:. \•`c ... .~<.ki ,u J`. ;Y\.:~ 3:\H •-_~....:._._.....~ t"a ~` .. ...........\\a .,1 ..i$.,~_.. a~\~.\. \S.~r....~,Y.`,x~... v,:. <Y\Z\ n.1R •"~ `•i ,\i~ ,i ~.v~.,.~•.. ~\, C T _ _....~-.._.--. _. ,' 3 ' zl From: "Phung, Kenneth'° <KPhung@kbhome.com> To: <jstinson@ci.bakersfield.ca.us> Date: 121812004 3:30:38 PM Subject: FW: Tr 6190, Bakersfield, Final Map (Kenneth PhunglKB Home) ~~ John, Attached is the information you requested so a maintenance covenant can be prepared for Tract 6190, so that a Final Map can be recorded. Tract No.: 6190 Number of Lots: 116 Lotsl114 Lots Developable (2 lots will be a permanent detention basin, 4 lots will be a temporary drainage basin) Owners Name: KB Home Greater Los Angeles, Inc. Type of Corporation: KB Home Greater Los Angeles, Inc., A California Corporation Name of Signature: Ron Mertzel, Vice President Township: Sec. 15 & 16 T.29S. R.29E. (APN 387-020-18) & T.29S. R.29E. (APN 386-050-09) Auto Cad of Map: Version 2004 (Attached to E-mail) Hope you got all the information you need. If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact me at 661-295-3646 or on my cell phone at 909-772-9934. Thanks. Kenneth -----Original Message----- From: Henrik Nazarian [mailto:HNazarian@HFlnc.comj Sent: Wednesday, December 08, 2004 2:45 PM To: Phung, Kenneth Subject: Tr 6190, Bakersfield, Final Map Enclosed is the Map per your request (See attached file: F6190_03.dwg) If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me at X215. Thank you Henrik Nazarian, P.E. Project Director/Associate 20950 Warner Center Lane, Suite A Woodland Hills, CA 91367-6537 (818) 251-1200 (818) 251-1201 Fax HenrikNazarian@HFINC.com .~` ~~ K C~,~~ .-~ ~ ~,. ~~ ~~~ . MAP AND ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM FOR ADDffION OF TERRffORY (AREA 3-21, MCCUTCHEN, MOUNTAIN PoDGE SE) TO THE CONSOLIDATED MAINTENANCE DISTRICT I BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA G~1 1/4 CDR. SEC 34-30/27 ~_ ~ 13 12 11 10 9 8 ~~ I 1 I ~' 15 28 29 30 31 U 0- ~ Q ~ 27 26 2519 I W F~ I O ~ ~ N 0 w N ~ 23 24 20 VIEWCREST DRIVE ~ CL FARMER'S CANAL 876 4321 ;143 ~ i-- EWCREST o DRIVE z 42 _ - L= Ur o ~! n 40 ~-----------• ~ 38 EXISTING HOUSES ~~ 9 .r 2010 GENERAL PLAN ER • Ex swR uFT sTA~na~ EXISTING RIDGEVIEW HIGH Sgi00L IaAVi ROCKVIEW DRIVE - .- ---- ~ ~~ DISTRICT 80UNDARY-' ~~ ~~ j TENTATIVE 1RACT 8170 ?w\ I ~~ ~~ ~ ~I ', I Fo. ~~ia°~ FlLED IN THE OFFICE OF THE qTY CLERK THIS DAY OF . 20~ qTY gERK OF THE qTY OF BAKERSFlELD~ CALIFORNIA CANAL EASEMENT r ~_ 1 zn 00 M i QM ZN .~ UZ Wli v~o FIIID FOR RECORD THIS DAY OF 20~ AT _,M.~ IN BOOK OF ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS AT PAGE IN 1HE OFflCE OF 1HE COUNTY RECORDER OF THE COUNTY OF KERN STATE OF CALIFORNIA. COUNTY ASSESSOR-RECORDER AN ASSESSMENT WAS LEVIED BY THE qTY COUNgL ON THE LOTS PIECES AND PARCELS OF LAND SHOWN ON THIS ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM. SAID ASSESSMENT WAS tEIAED ON THE DAY OF . 20_; SAID ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM AND THE ASSESSMENT ROLL WERE RECORDED IN THE OFFICE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF SAID qTY ON THE DAY OF 20_, REFEREriCE IS MADE TO THE ASSESSMENT ROIL RECORDED IN THE OFFICE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS FOR THE EXACT AMOUNT OF EACH ASSESStr1ENT LEVIED AGAINST EACH PARCEL. OF LAND SHOWN ON THIS ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM. qTY CLERK OF THE qTY OF BAKERSFIELD~ CALIFOR~NA T1 CHIff DEPUTY RECORDER RECORDED IN THE OFFICE OF THE DEPARIMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS THIS DAY OF - 20_, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS BAKERSFIELD~ CALIFORNIA EXHIBIT ABA FxE: MD3-21 SHEET , of ,