HomeMy WebLinkAboutMD Packet 3-24M~ 3-aY CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CONSOLIDATED MAINTENANCE DISTRICT IMPORTANT -OFFICIAL PROPERTY OWNER ASSESSMENT BALLOT This assessment ballot is for the use of the property owner of the parcel(s) identified below, which parcel(s) is proposed to be included in the City of Bakersfield Consolidated Maintenance District (hereinafter CMD). This assessment ballot may be used to express either support for or opposition to inclusion within the CMD. In order to be counted, this assessment ballot must be signed below by an owner or, if the owner is not an individual, by an authorized representative of the owner. TO CAST THIS BALLOT, PLEASE RETURN THIS ENTIRE PAGE OFFICIAL ASSESSMENT BALLOT Owner: KERN S CHOOLS FEDERAL CREDIT UNION Property description: See attached Exhibits A & B Assessor's Parcel Number: 497-020-19 Individual annual assessments shall not exceed $ 125.00 per equivalent dwelling unit. AS SES SMENT BALLOT MEASURE Shall the City Council of the City of Bakersfield include the above described Yes Property within the Consolidated Maintenance District and levy an annual assessment not to exceed the amount set forth above? No Date .~ Owner Signature 2002 Kern Schools Federal Credit Union Penelope Fulton Vice President T:1Engineering11949_Kern SchoolslDocsIMAINTENANCE DISTRICT1Ballot.doc Page 1 of 3 •+» s F ~; ' ~i# ~~~ NOTICE OF EXEMPTION Appendix I ~ _ ~~'~~~~~~-.u,,~ w,,.~..a,w...~ ~~ 1~~ ~ ~ ~ fa, ~a~ ~~ T0. County Clerk ~a,.;~f ~ ~~~ ~ ~~~ ~~~~ COUNTY OF KERN 1415 Truxtun Avenue ~ ~4 ~ ~ ~~; ~~~~'~;~~~; Bakersfield, CA 93301 ~ ~~~~~a; ~~~ ~=5~ ~ ~~ ~"~~€ Project Title: Adding Territory~,Area 3-24, Panama, Stine SW) fo}tf~~ C~nsofiid'J~ Maintenance District. Project Location-Specific: generally bounded by Panama Road on the north, Stine Road on the east, a line 1200 feet south of Panama Road on the south and a line 635 feet west of Stine Road on the west. Project Location-City: Bakersfield Project Location-County: Kern Description of Project: Maintenance of public street and median landscaping improvements. Name of Public Agency Approving Project: CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Name of Person or Agency Carrying Out Project: DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS Exempt Status: (Check One) _ Ministerial (Sec. 21080 (b) (1); 15268 (a); _ Declared Emergency (Sec. 21080 (b) (4); 15269 (b) (c); _ Emergency Project (Sec. 21080 (b) (4); 15269 (b) (c); x Categorical Exemption. State type and section number. Section 15305(fl _ Statutory Exemptions. State code number. Reasons why project is exempt.: Minor alteration in land use limitations with addition of territory to an existing Maintenance District, CEQA guideline, City of Bakersfield Resolution No. 212-92. Lead Agency Contact Person: Marian Shaw Area Code/Telephone/Extension: X661) 326-3579 If filed by applicant: 1. Attach certified document of exemption finding. . 2. Has a Notice of Exemption been filed by the public agency approving the project? Yes x No _ Signature: Date: Title: x Signed by Lead Agency Date received for filing at OPR: x Signed by Applicant p ~: r~ r` ry g ~,, xa " ~m ~p ,mow y ~ r^':, ~ ' r. J~ ~ , ~,a ,,, .. ,..._ . ~ ,.~ a w 9 9 :~ 5 ~tN° P ~„~ i.,, ?,,~~ .C"Pa y yr ~ a rF . :<,r u, b yy ~ ~~ i ..,) FERN SCN~tS FEDERAL CREDIT UNION January 14, 2002 City of Bakersfield Public Works Department 15 O 1 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Attn; Marian P. Shaw Subject: Inclusion of (the Southwest corner of Panama Lane ~ Stine Road) in a Maintenance District. Assessor's Parcel Number 497-020-19 To Whom It May Concern; I(we), the undersigned, as owner(s) of the property included within (the southwest corner of Panama Lane ~ Stine Road, APN 497-020-19) hereby request that the property be included within the Consolidated Maintenance District. This request is pursuant to the requirements of Municipal Code Section 13.04.021. Enclosed is a check in the amount of $ 1,505.00 To cover the costs of inclusion within the Consolidated Maintenance District. I(we) also waive my(our) right to any and all hearings (whether pursuant to the Brown Act, the Bakersfield Municipal Code, or any other law) concerning the formation of or inclusion in a maintenance district. I(we) have signed and am(are) returning the enclosed Proposition 21,8 ballot (Official Assessment Ballot) indicating my(our) consent to the assessments. Very truly yours, Penelope Fulton Vice- President Administrative Services PF;sb ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES, 4530 MING AVENUE P.O. BOX 9506 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93389-9506 (661) 833-7955 FAX (661) 833-7989 www.ksfcu.org EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION THE LAND REFERRED TO HEREIN IS SITUATED IN THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF KERN, CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: PARCEL A OF PARCEL MAP WAIVER N0.7-92, AS EVIDENCED BY A CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE RECORDED OCTOBER 2,1992, IN BOOK 6742, PAGE 429, OF OFFICIAL RECORDS, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: THAT PORTION OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 27, TOWNSHIP 30 SOUTH, RANGE 27 EAST, M.D.M., IN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO THE OFFICIAL PLAT THEREOF, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 27, ALSO BEING THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE (1) SOUTH 00° 34' 22.2" WEST ALONG THE EAST SECTION LINE,1182.499 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTH BOUNDARY OF THE ARVIN-EDISON CANAL PER ARVIN-EDISON WATER STORAGE DISTRICT RIGHT-OF-WAY MAP, PAGE 6 OF 15, FILED AT THE KERN COUNT SURVEYOR'S OFFICE AS 10-3, ARV ED. M1 DATED OCTOBER 14,1963; THENCE (2) NORTH 89° 07' S3" WEST, ALONG SAID NORTH CANAL BOUNDARY, 254.11 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT CURVE, CONCAVE TO THE NORTHEAST HAVING A RADIUS OF 170.00 FEET; THENCE (3) NORTHERLY ALONG SAID CURVE, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 80° 43' 27", A DISTANCE OF 239.51 FEET; THENCE (4) DEPARTING SAID CURVE, NORTH 08° 23' 34" WEST, 828.40 FEET, TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT CURVE, CONCAVE TO THE WEST, HAVING A RADNS OF 580.00 FEET; THENCE (5) NORTHERLY ALONG SAID CURVE, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 22° 58' 15", A DISTANCE OF 232.53 FEET; THENCE (6) DEPARTING SAID CURVE, NORTH 31 ° 21' 48" WEST, 7.96 FEET, TO A POINT ON THE NORTH SECTION LINE OF SAID SECTION 27; THENCE (7) ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4, SOUTH 89° OS' 33.6" EAST, 635.165 FEET, TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. T:1Engineering11949_Kern SchoolslDocsIMAINTENANCE DISTRICT1Ballot.doc Page 2 of 3 ~ ~ I ~ ~ I ~ ~ I - - - ~. - ~--~ 9 635.46' PANAMA LANE ~ ~ ~y ~° ~ 'o ~~ ~ '• ~ --- -- 1 i 1 ~ R I ~w w w ~°•00~ I 60' NO~D~M I NSA.-N I NNNM d ~l- J ~ I I 1 w~ I ~ N ~ ~ I , U ~ ~ ~ J ~ Q I Z o~ ~ W~ V ~ U 0 ~Z ZZ I N Z~ ~ ~ ~ m W ; Z Z , 'M Q ~ ~ •~. ~ ~ Q I ° z 1 I I I I n NQ~• I ~t0~~ o~O~~N NNNa ~ d ~E- J `~ a ~_ . ~~ 1 I I O O N AAw M 1` ~ O w m~ ~w W U W Q ~ ~ A W J Q U O O Z H~ •o M K1 U b ~'v, c~1 ~~ a~ ~ • ~ ~, ~~ o~ 00 ' r" ~~ ..., ~w ~ Q; o ~o ~~ O M O~ - ,__ I ~ ( ~ a s