HomeMy WebLinkAboutMD Packet 3-65Jan-OS-07 30-26A shoptestar 3234289 (`~1.~ 3-(p 5p,p2 PROPOSITION 218 BALLOT GTTY OF BAILD CONSOLIDATED MAINTENANCE DTSTRICl' ''This at baliat is fair use ofd ~~' aver ofthe ~accel~s~ ideted ~be~Qw! which aye ~ b~ ad ~ -the pity ofkfieid ~iid~ted Mfen~ce ~stric~ ~~}. 'T~s assess~ne~ beet may be usedt~ nida~r su~ppo~it~'or uro~~~sitian ~ inclusi~an within t . "Tube ca~Um,thhi~ss , ~~ ~tUat ~~ . .. ~rrzst he sig~-ed below by the ~ ors 'the ow~r ~ not an mdxv~d b~ ~ ord ve of the o~rner. [TO GA.S'T Tt17S BALLQT, PLEASE RE'IZIRNTf~ISENTIRE PAGE OFFICIAL ASSESSMENT BALLOT rmra~sow~r: ~./ 1. 0)Q,.~l ~h~vperty riiptio~: ~ ~~a~Q ~'he inciivi+~na1 ennv~itt ~~sm~nts shsli nat e~~ ~1„4G.7U per ecivalen# dwelling unit. subs~~ year, as~me~s may inereea~~ by the cx~t of ' ' re~ec~d. in t I.,c~s Anger -- Rive~si+~e -~ tlrange C+-ty / All ~. ~~+~r's n~ P'ri+~ ~n~dex. ' A~SrI~N'~ BA~'T AS sh~~ ~~ ~~ ~c~y ~f _ Bal~eers~eld Include the above d~bed. ~ ~'~ ~~ within ~ ~a~li~ ut~ace ~~tri+~ annd levy au asse~sm~t ~rntto exceed ~ Na the a~naunt set Earth above? Owner Signs~iu~e: Title {~'re,~rea~rg r~nwr~r}: , ~ Zi A ,_ _„i,!' e.~s ~ . ,.~, -- ACS'iAi4/1i/IIa~ ~~~•i~1~ir f~fi~Y~F.~ri~ NOTICE OF EXEMPTION Appendix I FILED ~CERN COUi~TY T0: County Clerk ~ L '~ ~~~1 COUNTY OF KERN 1115 Truxtun Avenue aN~a ~c. n~,nNErr Bakersfield, CA 93301 AuD~r Nr u,E~-COUNT'YCLERK BY ~` DEPUTY Project Title: Addin Territo Area 3-65 Hu hes McKee SW or Tentative Tra ~ N .6369 to the Consolidated Maintenance District. Project Location-Specific: The area is generally bounded by McKee Road on the north, Hughes Lane on the east, a line approximately 1,320 feet south of McKee Road on the south and a line approximately 1,320 feet west of Hughes Lane on the west. Project Location-City: Bakersfield Project Location-County: K_ ern Description of Project: Maintenance of public park, street and median landscaping improvements. Name of Public Agency Approving Project: CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Name of Person or Agency Carrying Out Project: DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS Exempt Status: (Check One) Ministerial (Sec. 21080 (b) (1 };15268 (a); Declared Emergency (Sec. 21080 (b) (4};15269 (b) (c); Emergency Project (Sec. 21080 (b) (4};15269 (b} (c); x Categorical Exemption. State type and section number. Section 15305(f) Statutory Exemptions. State code number. Reasons why project is exempt: Minor alteration_in land use limitations with addition of territory to an existing Maintenance District, CEQA qu deline, City of Bakersfield Resolution No. 212-92. Lead Agency Contact Person: Marian Shaw Area CodelTelephonelExtension: (661 ~ 326-3579 If filed by applicant: 1. Attach certified document of exemption finding. 2. Has a Notice of Exemption been pled by the public agency approving the project? Yes x No _ Si nature: Date: o~ ~ /J 2007 9 Title: Marian P. Shaw,,Civil Engine_ x Signed by Lead Agency x Signed by Applicant Date received forfiling at OPR: 1Votice of Enviranment~l Dvcurn nt Posted by County Clerl~ on 0 end for 34 days thereaifter, Pu~sur~nt to Section 2~ ~S~fC)~ Pudic Resaurces Ca ~: d~ Noe3-65.doc ~~~~'1 City of Bakersfield -Public Works Department Attn: Marian P. Shaw 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301 Dear Ms. Shaw.: RE: Inclusion of Tract Map #6369 in a Maintenance District We the undersi ned, as owners of the property included within Tract 9 Map No.6369 hereby request that the property be included within the Consolidated Maintenance District. This request is in accordance with the requirements of Bakersfield Municipal Code Section 13.04.021. Enclosed is a check in the amount of $2,091.60 as required by the City to cover the costs of this inclusion into the Consolidated Maintenance District. Furthermore, our engineer will supply you with a computer disk copy of the map for your use. We also waive our right to any and all hearings in accordance. with the Brown Act, the Bakersfield Municipal Code, and/or any other law, concerning the formation of or inclusion in the maintenance district. We have signed and are returning the enclosed Proposition 218 ballot (Official Assessment Ballot) indicating ou r consent to the assessment. very truly yo Floyd Hi sely ,~y~i~ ~~ ICS, ~~ ~~ ~.~6 S.W. DEVELOPMENT TRACT 6369 LLC. City ~f Bakersf eld-Public works Department Attn:ll~arian F. Shaw 1501 Truxton Avenue Bakersfield, California 9301 Date: 1-~-200'1 Dear ~s thaw: RE: Inclusion of Tract Iap b3b9 in a 11~aintenance District We, the undersigned, as owners of the property included within Tract I~Iap na. b3 b9 herby request that the property be included within the Consolidated Nlaintenancc District. This request is in accordance with the requirements of Bakersf eld Municipal Code Section 1~.0~.021 Enclosed is a check for $5b.30 for the balance due of previously paid amount ~f $2, 091. b0 as required by the City to cover the costs of this inclusion Into the Consolidated l~Iaintenance District. Furthermore, cur engineer will supply you with a computer disk copy of the map far your use. we also waive our right to any and all hearings in accordance with the Brown Act, the Bakersfield l~Iunicipal Code, and/ar any law, concerning the formation of or inclusion in the maintenance district. we have signed and are returning the enclosed Frapasitian 21 ~ ballot ~Dfficial assessment Ballots indication our consent to the assessment. Canstructlan Serv1 1Vlanag~r y ~ ~~~-~ - { 1! ~.-3 71A 0 ATM' 4F ~ ~ ~R 1 ~ e - - ~ E ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ •~ ~'N N ~.'~! ~~ ~'~N~~~~ ~!N N 1~ V~., kR. MAP AND AS8E8S~EWT DIAGaRAM FOR ADDITION OF TEF~Taa1f (AFlEA 3-65 F~IK~FEB, MG~C~ 8VU) TO 11iE CON~OLDATID MA~IfBVANCE DISTPoCT BAF~RSFIELD, CAIdFORNIA SEC. S, R27E, 1 r ~~ qTY CLERK OF THE qTY OF BAKERSFlEI.O~ CALIFORNIA AN ASSESSMENT WAS LEVIED BY THE qTY COUNgL ON THE L015~ PIECES AND PARCELS OF LAND SHOWN ON THIS ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM. SAID ASSESSMENT WAS LEVIED ON THE _ OAY OF Z0 ;SAID ASSESS>vIENT DIAGRAM AND THE ASSESSfr1ENT ROLL WERE RECORDED IN THE OFFlCE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF SAID qTY ON THE _ OAY OF 2~, REFERENCE IS MADE TO THE ASSESSMENT ROLL RECORDED IN THE OFFlCE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS FOR THE EXACT AMOUNT OF EACH ASSESSMENT LEIfIED CABINETS ~~ v ti ~,, ~j ~~ a~ ~o i 3 V r' n 3 N~ o' ~~ -~ ~k oe q1Y gF'RK OF THE qTY OF BAKERSFlEI.D~ CALIFORNIA FlLED FOR RECORD 1HIS _ OAY OF ZQ_, AT _ ~M.~ IN BOOK _ OF ASSESSI~iENT DISTRICTS AT PAGE ~ IN THE OFFlCE OF THE COUNTY \ RECORDER OF THE COUNTY OF KERN STATE OF CAUFORI~A. JADES W. FlTCH COUNTY ASSESSOR-RECORDER eY CHIff DEPUTY RECORDER RECORDED IN THE OFFlCE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS THIS _ DAY OF . Z0~ DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS BAKERSFlELD~ CALIFORNIA EXHIBIT 'B' FlLE; MD3-65 SHEET 1 of 1 Fl~EO iN THE OFFlCE of THE aTY a~Rlc THIS ~ oAY OF • 20--