HomeMy WebLinkAboutMD Packet 3-70~ 3-'7D PROPOSTI'ION 218 BALLOT CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CONSOLIDATED MAINTENANCE DISTRICT This assessment ballot is far the use of the property owner of the parcel{s} identified below, which are proposed to be included in the City of Bakersfield Consolidated Maintenance District {CMD}. This assessment ballot may be used to express either support for or opposition to inclusion within the CMD. To be counted, this assessment ballot must be signed below by the owner or, if the owner is not an individual, by an authorized representative of the owner. [TO CAST THIS BALLOT, PLEASE RETURN THIS ENTIRE PAGE] OFFICIAL ASSESSMENT BALLOT Owner: O~ ~/ !/~ ~2. L,,dr/~ G1~iir~ /~,~~U~ Property description: ~'o ~.~ ~+~ a ~~ ~~'C» 2 3o t, (address, lot/block/tract or atherlegal Individual annual assessments shall not exceed S per equivalent dwelling unit. ASSESSMENT BALLOT MEASURE Shall the City Council of the City of Bakersfield include the above described property within the Consolidated Maintenance District and levy an assessment not to exceed the amount set forth above? Yes ^ No Owner Signature: Tale t re resenttn owner . ,~~ ~~ ~ ! t/*~ ~f P g ~ Da e: ~.~ L~~c ~ ~ t APPLICATIONPACKLT - LAND DNISION,SUPPLPMENT.DOC ohs, aoo~ k k r ~~ PROPOSITION 218 BALLOT CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CONSOLIDATED MAINTENANCE DISTRICT This assessment ballot is for the use of the property owner of the parcels} identified below, which are proposed to be included in the City of Bakersfield Consolidated Maintenance District (CMD). This assessment ballot may be used to express either support for or opposition to inclusion within the CMD. To be counted, this assessment ballot must be signed below by the owner or, if the owner is not an individual, by an authorized representative of the owner. [TO CAST THIS BALLOT, PLEASE RETURN THIS ENTIRE PAGE] OFFICIAL ASSESSMENT BALLOT Property Owner: STl4n/~~~~ J~1~CI~~G CG~~ ~ ~ J,~C,~Gd/~9~~ C~i2~~it.~7i~N Property description: ~0~1 SUN d F ,$'~'~~ S~~ ~ Z~ ,~f 3Q12 ~ ~ ~2~'k7 (03c~ (address, lot/block/tract orother legal) The individual annual assessments for fiscal year 2004-2005 shall not exceed 146.70 per equivalent dwelling unit. NOTE; In each subsequent year, annual assessments may increase by the cost of living reflected in the Los Angeles-Riverside-Orange. County/All Urban Consumers Consumer Price Index. ASSESSMENT BALLUT MEASURE Shall the .City Council of the City of Bakersfield include the above described Yes property within the Consolidated Maintenance District and levy an assessment not to exceed 0 No the' amount set forth above? Owner Signature: Title (if representing owner): Date: Ltl. ~7 ,~R,A~ w. ~ ~ /~'UZ1~G~2 /ZED f2~~/Zflr n/li~~/dam sl~r1~.~ S:IPROJECTSIMAINDISTI~aIlotlNew BallotslBallot.doc 0215/07 NOTICE OF EXEMPTION T0: County Clerk COUNTY OF KERN 1115 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Appendix ~I~1N 2~ 7 2007 AUDIYOR CQ Q~ ~~QUNTY c~I~K BY DEPUTY Project Title: Adding Territory Area 3-70, McCutchen, Mountain Ridge NE or Tentative Tract No. 6387) to the Consolidated Maintenance District. Project Location-Specific: The area is generally bounded by a line approximately 1,320 feet south of Berkshire Road on the north, Stine Road on the east, McCutchen Road on the south and Mountain Ridge Drive on the west. Project Location-City: Bakersfield Project Location-County: K_ Description of Project: Maintenance of public park, street and median landscaping improvements. Name of Public Agency Approving Project: CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Name of Person or Agency Carrying Out Project: DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS Exempt Status: (Check One) Ministerial (Sec. 21080 (b) (1);15268 (a); Declared Emergency (Sec. 21080 (b) (4);15269 (b) (c); Emergency Project (Sec. 21080 (b) (4};15269 (b) (c}; x Categorical Exemption. State type and section number. Section 15305 f f ) ,- Statutory Exemptions. State code number. Reasons why project is exempt: Minor alteration in land use limitations with addition of territory to an existing Maintenance District, CEQA guideline, Citv of Bakersfield Resolution No. 212-92. Lead Agency Contact Person: Marian Shaw Area CodelTelephone/Extension: (661) 326-3579 If filed by applicant: 1. Attach certified document of exemption finding. 2. Has a Notice of Exemption bee ..}~il~d by the public agency approving the project? Yes x No _ Si nature: , :-~ - ~ . p°~~° / ~~ Date: 2007 9 . .~ Title: Marian P. Shaw, Civil Engineer IV x Signed by Lead Agency Date received for iiling~ ~t OP,R: _ ~, ~i ~ ~, x Signed by Applicant G .~~y ~~ !~ ~~ \~~ . ~_~~ i ~ ~~ ,~:r ..~~ ~~~' Noe3-70.doc "` ~~~ ~~ ~f~~~° r ~~ ~~r~ ~ ~',r ~ ~"~ F ~~ ~, r ~- ~~lotice of Env~ranrnen~ai ~ocu ent hosted by Coun Clerk on ~ ' ~, ~~ -end fir ~o d~y~ th~r~~f~~r, Pursuant to ~~cti®n 2~ ~ ~~(C), Public Peseurs~~~~d~ ~ L ~ 5 i E "V' ,LK~f 'l EN6INEERIN& December 14, 2004 City of Bakersfield -~ ~'ublic Works Department Atten: Marian P. Shaw 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301 RE: Phasing of Vesting Tentative Tract Map 63S'~ Dear Mr, Shaw, The owners of the property included Vesting Tentative Tract Map 63 87 hereby request that the City allow the phasing ofthe subdivision as shown on the map. Very Troly Yours, Maurice . Etchechury, PE 2280 ding Avenue Bakersfield, California 93304 Tel: ~661~ 319-?410 ®E-bail: info~pacificengr.com ~ Lic #A71~253 ®Fax: X661) 398-0236 December 23, 2004 City ofBakersfield -Public Works Department Atten: Marian P. Shaw 15 O 1 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301 RE: Inclusion of Section 27, T. 30 S., R. 27 E. in a Maintenance District Dear Mr. Shaw, Old River Land Company recently requested the .inclusion of Section 27 into a maintenance district. This request was submitted along with an application for Vesting Tentative Tract 6387. The fees submitted were calculated based on the lots in Section 27 per PMW 04-0357. The inclusion would be for lots 1 through 6 and lot 9. Lots 7 and 8 were requested to be included in the maintenance district during the processing of Vesting Tentative Tract Map 6351. I hope this provides clarification to the request. If any additional information is required please contact me at 661.319.74.10. Sincerely, Maurice J. Etchechury, PE 22$0 Ming Avenue Bakersfield, Galifarnia 93304 Tel: ~fifi1) 319-7410 • E~Mail: info@pacificengr.com • Lic #A717253 • Fax: ~fifi1) 39fi-0236 PA C I F I C EN&INEERIM6 December 20, 2004 City of Bakersfield -Public Works Department Atten: Marian P. Shaw 151 Tru~tun Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301 l~E: Inclusion of Section 27, T. 30 S., R. 27 ~,, MDM in a Maintenance District Dear Mr. Shaw, We, the undersigned as owners of Section 27, 30!27 hereby request that the property be included within the Consolidated Main enance Distri t. This request is in accordance with the requirements of Bakersfield Municipal Code Section 13.04.x21. Your staffpointed out the merits of including the balance of the section along with Vesting Tentative Tract 63 51. The balance of the property will include Vesting Tentative Tracts 63 87 and 6478. Enclosed is a check I the amount of ~ 25.20 as requested by the City Staff` to cover the casts of this inclusion into the Consolidated Maintenance District. Furthermore, our engineer will supply you with a computer disk cagy of the map far your use. We also waive our right to any and all hearings in accordance with the Brown Act, the Bakersfield Municipal Code, and or any other law, concerning the formation of or inclusion in the maintenance district. We have the signed and are returning the enclosed Proposition 218 ballot ~t7f~cial Assessment Ballot) indication our consent to the assessment. Very Truly Yours, ,r7~. S an Antongiovanni President 226Q Ming A~renu~ ~ake~~fieldi Calif~rni~ 93394 Tula ~66~) 319~74~~ ~ E-Mail: infopacific~ngr.c~m ~ Lic #~i717253 ~ F~~c: X661} 396-0236 ~`~'SCi * ~y~ K ~'$ ii - STANDARD PACIFIC HOMES City of Bakersfield Public Works Mr. Dan Anson 1501 Truxtun Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 May l l , 2007 RE: Tract 63 87 Maintenance District Dear Dan, The information you requested for inclusion of Tract 63 87 into the maintenance district is as follows: Corporate Entity: Standard Pacific Corp., a Delaware Corporation Signatory: Matt Wheelwright Title: Authorized Representative Number of Lots: 313 Total Acreage: 75.34 If there are any questions, please contact me or Jennifer Loge (661) 632-1013 and we will coordinate signatures. Thank you. Sincerely, ~. ~~ Brian W. Grant (661) 632-1000 main (661) 632-1004 direct (661) 632-1054 fax b grant~a7 stanpac. com Bakersfield Division 4700 Stockdale Highway, Suite 100, Bakersfield, CA 93309 TEL (661) 632.1000 FAX (661) 632.1060 www.standardpaci f ichomes.com f `~ ~~, STANDARD PACIFIC HOMES City of Bakersfield Public Works Mr. Dan Anson 1501 Truxtun Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 RE: Tract 63 87 Maintenance District Dear Dan, Mayl 1, 2007 The information you requested for inclusion of Tract 63 87 into the maintenance district is as follows: Corporate Entity: Standard Pacific Corp., a Delaware Corporation Signatory: Brian W. Grant Title: Authorized Representative Number of Lots: 313 Total Acreage: 75.34 If there are any questions, please contact me or Jennifer Loge (661) 632-1013. Thank you, Sincerely, . ~, /,~~ (/ Brian W. Grant (661) 632-1000 main (661) 632-1004 direct (661) 632-1054 fax b grant(cr~,stanpac. com Bakersfield Division 4700 Stockdale Highway, Suite 100, Bakersfield, CA 93309 TEL (661) 632.1000 FAX (661) 632.1060 www.standardpacif ichomes.com l 71~/S A44P /S PROI~IDEO FOP /LLUSTRU~YE PURPOSES (JNLY" PARCEL ~fAAP dYfJIUER NO. U4-0.~5T Pf~OPOSE~1 6flNG A O!l?.SlON OF Pr1(lCfZ ~"OF PrJl~CE1' ~UJf' ~i4FYf~ NO. T-92 AS EYlDENCEO BY CEflllFl~lE OF CO,IfPLd4NLE AECllf'l/EO JN BK. 67¢2 f~ 429 O.R. OF K£/rN LOUN1Y, ALSO BQiYG A ffiJPlh?N OF.SEG' 2T T3DS.~'ZTE AlfIB & ,~ ~ 7flE CITY OF B~ERSF~fZO, GF!!/~YTJ'OFlIEAN, STRfF FIFG4L/FO~P~ 9 LPf.5' - ~6.9.T AC/TES G)P4.£5' 9 L075 - 5T9.05 AG"rPES NEF _ .. APK 491-021/-f# .w ~~ u c NE2 ~ ~ ~ar~ sue: ~ =>~a' ~' o ~e ~. o h~ ~¢ 2~ .~~z1 .~0~2~ ~ ~- ~ r~ ~c~~~ ,~ r~~ v ~~ Qrder sasasass CammQnt: ~ r ~ ~ t L~ ~.~~~ ~wnn ~, i s i ~~~nF i t~~ ~ ~~` i ~~1~1 `E'~ `~~fl ..... ,. . ... _. .. .. .. .~ ... .... ....n~•:+es.3w •Y:~+ns0. MAP AND ASSESSIuIENT DIAGRAM FOR ADDRION OF TERRffORY (AREA 3-70, MC CUTCHEN, MOUNTAIN RIDGE NE) TO THE CONSOLIDATED MAINTENANCE DISTRICT BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA c 0 o~ .N 0 E W 0 I 0 ~o .g t •- N O M m 3~i a~ N O NOT TO SCALE ~^ o~ o~ Zz Z I~- 2 ~1f W x E ~. .V y v ~; S 1/4 CDR. SEC. 27. T305, R27E. T.P.O.& ~ N~t&6~" ~~ 3 0 SMb1'16'E 2649.44' FlLED IN THE OFFlCE OF THE qTY CLERK THIS _ DAY OF 20~ qTY gERK OF THE qTY OF BAKERSflELD~ CALIFORNIA AN ASSESSMENT WAS LEVIED 8Y THE qTY COUNgI ON THE LOTS, PIECES AND PARCELS OF LAND SHOWN ON THIS ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM. SAID ASSESSMENT WAS LEVIED ON THE _ DAY OF . 20_; SAID ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM AND THE ASSESSMENT ROLL WERE RECORDED IN THE OFflCE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF SAID qTY ON THE DAY OF . 20~ REFERENCE IS MADE TO THE ASSESSMENT ROLL RECORDED IN THE OFFlCE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS FOR THE EXACT AMOUNT OF EACH ASSESSMENT LEVIED AGAINST EACH PARCEL OF LAND SHOWN ON THIS ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM. qTY CLERK OF THE qTY OF BAKERSFlELD~ CALIFORNIA DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS BAKERSFIELD CALIFORNIA EXHIBIT ~B' FlLE: MD3-70 SHEET 1 of 1 g W Z F N ail o. ~~IIIIIIIII~ 3 CLEAR CRYSTAL ORNE GLEAMING GEM WAY BLUE BROOK DRIVE 3 z ~ Mc CUTCHEN ROAD as>RICT BOUNDARY CURVE TABLE CURVE IENCTII RADIUS DELTA C1 31.42 2 C2 31.4 2 N69'47'S8'W 949.23' N89'46'47'E 27244' SE caR, sE~ FlLED FOR RECORD THIS DAY OF 20_, AT _,M.~ IN BOOK OF ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS AT PAGE IN THE OFFlCE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF THE COUNTY OF KERN STATE OF CALIFORNIA. JAMES W. FlTCH COUNTY ASSESSOR-RECORDER 8Y CHIEF DEPUTY RECORDER RECORDED IN THE OFFlCE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS THIS _ DAY OF . 20~ W N89'47'S8'W 1253.61' m m 0 v RADIANT STREET