HomeMy WebLinkAboutMD Packet 2-02r~~ 2-oZ~ ~~~'Ia~` OF I~;TENTIO~ NC? . 9G ~,ESO _ ~~'1 ~ riL~`.11.JUir J.~d~'1 ~V~. ~~"L7i~.i ~. ,,~ ~- ~ ~' ~~iTutiT:.DN . r CC~~,~ET~~BLiEr, 4.~at~'~E;v.~~CE tjTSTF.ICT -~~. 13 of the :~unicipai t. "RE~~E, Chapter 13.04 of Tittle -a.-~ ~, • A ~ rovides for an alternat~.ve r de of the C~.t of Ba,~ersf ~Ml~ P ~o ~, ~. .. ~,~~~ovxde for .the payment Ye b wh iCh t~':e C ]. ty LJ~';tC 1 ~. ,:~a _ procedu~ y is ar,d~ expenses of ~,ai;;taina.nc~ . the whole or any part of the ~,os of o-~ernents which are local in nature and operating any pu,bl ~c ~.mpr ~„~Qrt~i.oned among the several rom annual ~aen~f it a~Sessment~ a. f wit~z~.n the ;~a ntenance ~aistr~.ct lots or parcels of property . bl.shed therefor; and e.,ta A ~ t has been transmitted. to t,e W`H~~EAE, a ~jr.ittEn r..a, yes . ' tena-~cG district in acwordance ~~,~: Council to e~tabla.sh a may., ~ Y d the~~2for by Chapter 13,04 0~ with the procedures establ~.she . ~ C t of $a!cersf i.Eld, and • of th.e ~iun~.c zpai Coati cal the Y ~~,~tle 13 o~,~,enrs such for~.ati.on; and t"~ ~ubl.c Works D~.rector rec r ' 1 intends t~~ establish sucn a W~ EP•EA5 , the C ~. ty Counc ~. Distr~.ct No. 2, }he exterior ' ict to be desz9nated Maintenance d~.str , ,, • ter s ecif ied and described. aces of wh.c~ are her,.~.naf .p bound ~,, a Counc~.l of OAS EE IT RES~LvED by th~. C~.ty ~o~t, THERS~' ~ . of California, as follows: the City of Bakersf~-eld, State . ' s .are true and correct, and 1. The foregoing rec~,tal ' cif so f ands and determines • the G~.ty Coun . ~ the City Council of the C~.tY . 2. It is the intent~.on o~ . tint of a mai,nter.ance dzstr~.ct f ~,eld to order the. establ~.snm of Bakers 1,3.04.which district shall the rovi.sionJ of said Chapter , under ~ ~o, 2, generally described xn esi. Hated Ma~.ntenance D~.str~.ct bed 9 intain and operate the local Exhibit "A" attach°d hereto, to ma ^rib~d ~.n sai.d E;~hib~.t. ir~pr©vem~nts also, des • eb declares that the territory 3 . The City Counc ~.l r+er y • and described is the district ' the boundaries sc~ spec ~f xed w~.th~.n • ements; that the expense of ~ ~ benefiting from said local ~.mprov 1 ements is heresy made eratir~n said i~nprov aintainin9 and oa m e exterior boundaries •,str pct; and that th sable upon ,a~.d d~ ~ ~ to be as asses s ecified and descry e • district are hereby ~ the Clem o~ sa ~.d ~, on file in the of f i.ce c~ on that Certain rnap -.ow shown of the Publ~.c Vrorks f 1,eld and in the of f ~.ce cf the City of Bakers . Dia: ram for !~aintenance ++~a and Assess~-ent 9 Bi.reetor- entitled p is;al Year 198.2_ • d Cali, fornia~ for F • No. Z, BaY,Prsf ~.ei ~ o f the D~.str~.Ct line the eXt~-nt ,naicates by a baundarY 83 ~" which map ~ end sha] 1 yot1er`~ for . aid proposed district territory included ~n s district •, tent of the maintenance 11 details as to the ex ht to a t• ~ the rid Council hereby reSeryeS ~, The City ublic and cpera•tion of the P the wor'~ of maintenance ct ion to P~rf °~ . ch determinat~.on and e e tents by City forces, su imprgvem ,~ et and aSSESSment zs ar at the t~.rc+e the buWa be made far each ve .~ e ear in ques~ion• . aPproVed for Lh Y „rs said prop°Sed Council hereby refs 5. The C~-ty b~.ic works .and hereby • to the D~.recfor o= Pu m,aint~nance d~.str~ct he C1erK of the C~.tY make and f zle w~.th t r~c,ts said D~.rector to nd the other d ~. • ~ontainin~ a budget a ci.l a Report in wr~.t~ng Coon nd 13.04 y 130 of chap ter • Sections 13•~4.I.20 a tt~rs speCi.f i.ed ~n a Cit of Bakersf iel~- m Code of the Y • 13 of the Mon i~ ~-pa 1 13.44 of T~-t~,e enti.ng the cost of • n thQ assess-~ent repres which will apPort~-a • to the Formula set on- if any- accords-n9 aintenance and operat m • it "g" attached hereto. forth ~.n Exh~.b ~,_..;....~+---000 -- . ~ E ^k; l~'Y thc:t the f ore~o z~iq kzso _~t ion was I HERBY C~ ' f the Ci 4y a~ ~akersf field at u ssed and adapted by the Cour.czl o ga. . ~~~' thereof held on the 21st day of ~,~; regular ~ecr.~n9 1932, by the fallowing vote: AYES ~;,~„Jti ": E. r,.,~J ~f~~,~?Tr~c;~l, P^'". , ^~Y';~. ~^~TTY, ROCKOFF, ST~nNG _r..,....,,,_... _ ..... ....._...., ....~...._.._......._.~ !!L~ ~ ~~ /~/ Philip I{eir~"~ar K and Ex O~ L ia.o C3.erk of the CIfiY C~ER uncil o~ the City or Bal~ersf ~.el.d Co ~• da of July 1982 ~,~PRCrtIED this ~~ ~ ~ - /B! Mary K. ,hey 1 tr,~ CtY o~ Bakersfield ~1AYQI~ o APPROVED as to ~crm: . /:/ Richard J• oberholzer_ the_ C~.ty or Bakersfield CITY ATTC~~~EY of __ ~~ ` ' ~~.AI~TBN:'~ti+.,~ DISTRICT ,: grid in t~;e City of Bakersf:1e d, Co~~nt of Ker~ , Star z o ~` ~ parcel of 1~ _ ~ bold a '~ort1.0i1 of SeLtlons ~ and 9 of Trw~ah~.p 30 :aoll.;-~, Cal~forn~a, g t . ~ East ~~.D. B. ~ ~i. , more par*icularly descri'aed Gs follows: hail ge 2 7 , • Lion of t}re southerly prc~lon~aticn of the . Beginning at the 111tersec ` ine of r~she Road w~.t~~ the easterly prolo~oa*ian of the k est r~. ght of way 1 ' ~ ~ ne of ~~in ~ivenue as shown JII t~Ie ~9ap of Tract No. 3305 rarth rl ght o.~ ~ ay 1 g t ~ 9 7 5 in ~~a Book ~5 at pages 5I ~ 52~ in the O five of recorded November ~b,. l ~' the :ern County Recoi der; . ~ ~ ~ v along the north right of ~-ay line of ding :'~ven'~e, as shown T~iEi~CE (1) ~ties~erl r ~3~05 and ~;~, of Tract ~vo. 38?5 recorded ~.-~r11 ~Oa 1977 on ~~a,p of said 'Iraq ;~o. P • t a es 38 and ~~ in the Office of the Kern CQUnt:'~ recorder, to ~.n ~1a~a Book. 27 a p ~ • w sterl boundar line of Tract No. 3573 recorded ~~nr.l ~9, i9 , intersect the e Y Y • a a es 3~ and s5 in the Office of the Kern County Reco~'der; in ~~ap Book 2 7 t p g 1 e Z southerl ,and easterly along the boundary THENCE (~~ Northerly, east x y, Y Tract No. ' said Tr~.et No. 3873 to intersect the northwest corner of . lzne of d ~ rl 29 177 in ~'fap Book 27 at pages 3Z and 33 in the 3872 as recorde p Office of the Kern County necox~der; ar~:herl bo~~dary lines of said Tract 1~0. a872, TH~F~vCE {3) .Easterly along. then Y ~ . ., 30 and 31 Tract N'o. 38.71 as reoorded April ZJ, 1977 In ~~~ap Book 47 at pages ' of t~Ie Kern County ~ecordex, and 'bract I~`o. 3870- ~.s re~;o-rc?ed In the Office ' "7 in ~~a Book 27 at pages 2 $ and 29 in the Uf f ice az the i~ern April. 29, 19f p ~' rdei to inter Sect the ~=t5t rg~~t of way line. of r'~s}~~ Read; Coun~y Reco t r on the la.~t nar~ed west right of way line to intersect THENCE (4) Southerly aI g the south line of said Traci No. 3870; ~ t' terl alon t~.c list named south line to intersect the east l~.ne THENCE (5) yes y g of Lot 13 of said Tract .No . 387~I e east line of Lots 13, lea and I of said Tract THENCE {b~ Southerly along th e as said 87~. to intersect the north right of way line of Club view DrI1 No.. 3 . . w line is shown on ~3ap of sa.a.d Tract :hTo. 3871 and ~~ap of .Tract rl gh t o f ay recorded December 2.3, 1976 in I~iap Bcok Z~ at pages 18J and 181 ln~ No. 384 the Office of the Kern County Recorder; • T Easterl alon the last named north right cif way line and e~tenslon THENCE (7) Y g ' sect the norterly xolongztion of the west right cif way line thereof to inter P of Ashe Road; arced ~~est ri ht of way line and extensions THEi~CE (8~ Southerly along the last n g thereof to the Point of Beginning. E~CHI BIT ~~~'~~~ ~~ I ~ s ,,y,,, r" N 'r' .... ~ ~ ~ t V ~. 1 ~~~~C~. G I ~ - ~ a ~ ~~ i r FOR EIS~AL YEA ~ 19 g2 -~ i9~~3 ~-- t 1 ~ r '~i° ~ Ir • r ' ,, i . 1 ~r I ••..r ~ t ~ , 1 1 s • r•f•. ~,wr Ir•nr • 1 • ~ • r~ y~.~.r.,nn• r ( f 1 ••/r M t ~~ r'•-' ,wra 1r~•f I rr• • •' '~ rr 1 r 1 r r ~ r '~1~ r•, r~1 +ry. ..« i frM 1~~ Yr. 'j~ r~1 • . rr ~~ , ~ ~ + ~ ~ •~~~ t -~~ ~ 1 t.N~ T .r..r . r 1 r~ I .r. ~ ~ w~ w w ~ 1 r ~ •' 'n" ~ '• "~r{ • '~ •"• ' r r •( ~./'wr ..r..,,t 1 . ! ..r+r ~ ~ .~... ~'+r ~ i +r 1 I 1 f a i • n • •- ••~~` r• • t # ~ '~ r •.w• ~ r f•.. 1 • I • rw.r ~ • ~ a ~ r I~ ti~ ~- L! •~. •~i~r•~ ~ 1, + ,•w . r ~ ~' r.rl r ~ • ~ ~ +•wr r r. y ~,•+r .•rwr r~•.. r w wrr . w.r ar..l • ~ ~C . r 1 •••r ....~..../ w + * r 1 • t 1 , 11 V 1 r I r ~,rrr I r ~ ...r. I r • r.r~. • w++ r.rirr : •.~r r• ~ w~ ~• "'w Y .fw '•wr ~, r i I 1 { J 1 Ywire 1 •I "".' r rr.r +r r . • • • 1 • r . 1 • I . r r '1 h+ M 1 ~ ~'""- ~ rr t ""•,t~ ~..,..w.......J ~ ~-- .. i~ 1 j R ~ j ~ (~~ 1~ ~ 1 1# •• ~ r••sr rMU ~ . ~ • •• ~ r I r ~ r 1 - r.rw •r-r I r .rnrr , •~I ~ • S1 ~••...,I(r ,'j J•/ •~ l ,,,,.,, • 1 rbV , I , ~ 1 / ` r I • r • •. ~ - ~ Hwv ` ,rill ~ . „~ ~ r ~M ~ 1 a 1 ~ ' ~ • t. `w1„yJNllfl,lrp~••.rrr •'•""' ~' r+nr 1 ..w + ~ r ( • ~ • ~ ~ ~ • \ 1 }' s w ~~ `~ ~ ~ ~ \ w A ~ r rMr r ,~rl•Ir II~~ •r. rA .~ wr f r•1~ I rrI ~ 1MrI ~ rrM• 1 w~'r. ' 1 ~ i 1 . Il • .ter + .'t •M ~ ~ , 1 .. ~ ~ ~, r 1 _ ;~;./~r.+'.~ rf.~ 1 . w ~,/ \ • ~~ _`yv,~ ` ~• 603 ~ (~ ~ ~ - , , • ' /~w~;~.~~ 1 1^ ti r •1 • ' ~' .. ~.. r i E ,• . 7 •r ', a ~ f l , r•~ ' . I~Ir 1 r r 't ` ~ ~ t `,' . , • ~ • l / r y. ~ `~ ~ ~ r / • • ~, • 1 • • ~ l~ • j • , '~ ~'1 K/MI~ i t Ql'1 ?w.+.."r.' ,~ ~ , f ,~ I • ~ w /r ~ ~j •~ .. 1 ~ ~ ~ + ' 1 ~ ~ / ~ ; ~~~ X94 t t w ~ r • I { r ' 'V • ~ /~ ' • 1 '''~ . ,~ f~ kr. ^ ~ : ~, r Cab. r i>, ~ ll fil` y'' ~• i ~ r II • ~ Tf1_ ' ! /t'i ~. , ~~ t y~ r I w a r I w ~ r I~ r J M I ~ ~~~((( I w ! ` '~j~, h "71r ,~ r~ i. ~ y~ r 1 1 M 1 ~• 1 r ,~ ~. r/. ~ .. 1 ~ r '" iI M ~ 1 i i V ~' • I r r r~ • T ( I I 1 i .r ~ 1t ' • ~ 1 t ~ ( 1 ~~ ~FNU+~ ~ r .~lr 1 r ~x ~sswsal~r was Lk~I~ ~Y ~ ct;"T cocrrcts, a>i Tl¢ uzrs. lsECtrs um r~~~ or u•~ s~a~ or+ ryts ,~stss~w ~Y ur CUIi. 5~1iD A~SLSSa'.EY" 4it5 I,;EYIL? G11 "~ 13 a'2 , 5:1: ~ ASSESS"':' ~ ~~ ~,''~ ,~»,..,,~ ~rtu r~ca~a~c t'= :'~L orrice of r~ ~'~ .a•. ' D£YJ~It':"'-~'f Gt P:bL*C ~11-~.SwC~ S+~ID C~ ~~~4•~ ~ ~+1Y Olr ;~! ~:7A~ `•i':iI' R°.002AEtl IN t7iE QFfICE OP ;~ DEPAR`OH7 Of PCbLIC {Alt1R3 ASS ~ ~. »,,, _ t!t ~ :~ C~ r C-E Cf DAY Of ~ 1982.. T#!IS •,!_ OF PUELIC 1A!UC5 F^.'. "'~= OUi.? Il`lOl,^.~t 0* ir1C~ As5E55::+V* IlEti+tEn ~.GI-L~ST FJ~CII P~UtCl2r OF L4'1D 5110~-1t Otl ;lltS ASSESS- lIENY DSJ~CR+~f ' ~ r ~ ~ .. wc>r~stl~snr ua.i*c>txL~ ~fE51h~D f C~ILIF'gRMU TILE Full R.•.COkO *HIS •9••'~";~~~;Kf ,>;.~~......~ 19 E 2 , A: -,,,.,. : y ; ue O F ... c r .. C?tr`~" l bAT DiS`RtC:S J-ut !''ICED Ill 'x'ld Of'fICL Of TIYLrCI','T3CLEltX TIiIS ,~~,-„t, p,;EC~iW~ Oj 22~ CEi , . P KER.`l, STAi~ Of CJ~i.IFOR?l:w. Of RA7 A V~Ru1?':~N ~>... r.:.~.~ .~:~ i a u~ . '._ .... u y~L1t4l~IIr7f CAL:rORrLI t {7 ~ Y 1. 1 J-~. nG~u i~FAI~ITF C~~ ~ ~F B~Y~"~f LLD .b~i~E~'1.~ ~'OF~:'~~U~?~ n ~.he d3.s~tr~.~: t Si~ull he ~.SSej$~~ ~ var~.ous lots and parcels w:~th~. The the foll.awi.ng ra~.e .e assessment shall e~ucl the ,h assessable. lot cr ~,arcel t.h For eac dollar- amount de to ~m i,ned by ~ . (a3 of dollars Mudge tpd the total number ~ . d , n b the dl.str~:ct far ma~.ntenarac~. a . _ , ration of the as~essme~nr. d~.strl.c.t ode r the 23."'` in ~rh ic'ri tMre as'sessn~ent ~s fo. Y . mul t ~.~~. ~.ed by 4'a) ~= a l.ot or parcel for wr,~.cr. ~.~'• the case o~ nc~ the actual ndicat~ ~ . . a subd i~ i s a,t~n ~~a~ ell~.r. units to hz constructed number of dw ~ ~ ~, ~~ rnvEd on. the lot or parcel, has ne..r~ 't or hay been flied ~.n the by ~z ~ e c ~. Y _ , for ~~'~ Bch thQ . ~ order's of `~.ce, or ~,our~t.Y Rec nu~~be~ cif. dwell~,n~ an~.ts to bP actual eructed an tie lot or parcPi has aeon r cos ,: , C~.tv ~~r-.d c~ther~Z.Se ~d~~roved by .the ~ . , . n~s ~ : u f 1 . . . . teat said G~~ro~~als a~ pray ~d ed e ,_ occurrea ~aerore the as to set ~r t~~ . the assessment c~.str~.~:t J e~.~ In on anneal h ,, • ~ ~ ~ n~~Tber of~ before the ~,.tY C~unc~.l, t~~e dwelling units ~e s~,~.tted to be rcei pursuant -. ed on the .lot o.r ~a con~tru~,t .. ~~ ~ - ~ ~ to said approval; ~.vi.ded b Vic} Y and d well~.n un~.ts perrnltted to -the number ~~ d ~ . ct tr: d . . . ~.s be co~nstructe-d in the . axb -- Assessment for each .. lot or parcel c V % z N '~' ~ Ct' Q cl ~ i ~ `•, ~ ,~. ~O~ i f `° r`~ .. r, ~ ~~ ~~ 'Z O ~ 3zwz 1 ~ / ~ ~ ~. C7 C~ w o w y:01 ~ ~ ~` Q D z ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ - - ~ Q w U 3 ,1 i ~ `,. ~ r ~. ~ , r ~: X20 1 ~. Z ~ Q. ~ ~ ~ ~1 tl O d ~i 1 r , O m w i7 ~~ 1 -'~~~ ~ ~ W J Sd <. O ~~ rn z Q o ~, ~ ,~ ~ o f c ~, ~ j _ ?~~ r m I ~, o s' E o co µ 6 5 11 a ~ __~ ~ V r a z -- '~r X11 ~Q j~ -_`"_~~~ r-.a~~. ~' / 2 ~ ~ 1 '~. N~~aS . .li 10 7 I ~ J a~ < ~ --~. o 'OO~Ob v ' / "~ h;~ j .Bv.OS 1, 1''~ ~ ~~~ ~ Q o ~ ;~ ~ c, ff ~' c ~J ~ ~ '~-,0 c E ' .sn,os~~~. 1 f or J ~~ J ~. f ~ ~ ~ ~ ~; J d ° i~ f ~ ` '~ ~~ ,~ l m ~,&b,0 r ~ ~ ,' v~ l3 S'BZ~,` r Q' J ~ - ' `l - ~' ~'~ 1~- i~ ~ ~ ~ 4i ~• 1 ~ ,J 3. o ~.: ~ ~ ;,: .. ~... ~ ~,I ~ ~ ~ ~ ro; '~.~ ~ j 1 o .. ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ z ~~ . , ~, ~ I ~ .6b.0$ 8 `~ r~ J ~ ~ "8b,0 ~• _ ~ Q I ~ Q ~ - 2,~ ~/3 ` f n, i r I i ~ r- ~ ` °i ~~ ~'8b.0s BZ !o ~ ~~ r ~ ~2 1 _ N G n I oa ~' l '~ _ 11 ~ ` °yd SLY °~~\` ~ ,o~ I ~ ` ? sb Os~ 1 ! d" -~L I ~~ '"s J ~' •eb.os\ 8~ •.I r^ ~ V r r ~''~ Sf ~ ~\ 1 i o; 1l ~ ~~ ! C~ ~ fl t i ~n 00.0 + ~/ ~ i s ~ ' V b~ sOZ ,~oe2k ~ ' ~ .•r ~ ~~~.,_ 0 CEO 3•pb.r) 8 ,p~$~ 1 M 0 `~\ ,bi SF '„9y0s ~ ~a~i ~Z 3 8>Q ~ S ZN J l 2 P~ ~~~ o9Zp ~ ~`~P2 1 ~~ „ o b ~ I 1 Ir o `~ 062 '00~ Zb =1~~ / `` ,~~ 08~'.. ~~ J ~ ~ •, ~' ! / ASS i `~'' ~~r ~ J ,~~ ~ ~ ~ SS 1 ~ n~ ~, 3 ri ,OF r `r c, ;- ~ a~ h o 'y ~ ~' ' 1 y. •: lr3 0 /") ~ro~'OZ ar O ~ ~ 3,' ~ ~f ~ V h • t7 I ~ _ 3 3 c' p ' \ ~.77~\` ~ O ~~ ••` ~. •~ ` v ~~ ` ~ 3„Bb,OgoBZy ~b~'bJ M =~ 2 ? ~ ~' "l.ta~0 .. ,n Q b `~ n+ w a ~ sZb 3 0~ ~ ~ ` b ~ r~.,, ~ ~ +~ i ~ V w r I` S qe ~3d Na 3. +~ •."`~ ~ t x w ~' ACS, ti l ~' ~ '".u '` ~ ~ ~ " + . ~ ~ ?" ~.~ ~ + ~ p ^ ~ ~a e ~n.w r , x ~.,~'hR~f fad ~~ ~d ! ..~ N j •~ ,. s y/1A~ ~~'" ~ ~ 4*m,'.'.. .e,,, w~w~}~M-' '4 Lrr t..,r`,~+4'~~1 ~~¢~,~'. J LEI ~ •/`u o9 a 7t ~wi j~.a ° 4 ~ p 'K K,* q ~i~., ~: (mil I. d r yy~. y7~, ?.~lrre ~.'' >Ja~2'~4 ~ _ . ,i'l `` 1~ ~rf~ ~~ Sear 5 °5 t~ '~c3n ~. ~ ;~r ~ 1. • °~ ¢ t r'i I' 'aA JW 4y'~p~ aya t!~ n((' A. ;. ~ 'Y Recording requested by and when recorded mail to: _,\ City of Bakersfield City Clerk's Office 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301 Tract No. 5528, UNIT 3 Lot Nos. 1 through 16 C~OG°~~ COVENANT DISCLOSING INCLUSION IN MAINTENANCE DISTRICT THIS COVENANT is executed on this day of ,199_, by , Delt"ino Brothers (hereinafter, "Owner"), in connection with the Consolidated Maintenance District, located in the City of Bakersfield, California. The real property herein described is located within Tier 1 of the Consolidated Maintenance District, and may be assessed for maintenance of public landscaping on public rights-of way within the district. ..Although .this property may have been assessed a lesser amount in the present tax year, the ultimate estimated annual assessment for maintenance of public landscaping. within this tier, based on full buildout of this district, is $125.00 per single family dwelling, based on 1994 dollars. and labor costs of the district. This covenant may not be amended or modified. without the prior approval of the. City of Bakersfield. This covenant shall run with the land. Property description: Dated this day of ,199_. Owner(s)/Developer(s): City of Bakersfield: By. Public Works Director NOTE: All owner(s)ldeveloper(s) signatures must be notarized. PW j as P:~cov1.COV