HomeMy WebLinkAboutMD Packet 2-04~-~ ~ CITY OF ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~ {~ I) C A ~ I F 0 R N I A ~ I w C~Oo~I~Mb~4S1 ~(~G°3MOC~L~ ~CPGa1G°3~'G~~b~ ~ P~(~a ~OMO~G~~J iaso MARTIN - McINTOSH 2001 WHEELAN COURT BAKERSFIELD, CALIF 93309 ATTN: ROGER McINTOSH RE: TRACT 5678 APRIL 13, 1994 Dear Roger: I recently provided the City Public Works' Department a cost estimate to maintain street landscaping for proposed Tract #5678 at White Lane and Gosford Road. My estimate of $25, 000- was based on landscaping a standard right of way plus a fifteen (15') foot landscape easement on Gosford, White Lane and Pin Oak Park Blvd. Since the cost estimate was provided we have completed our proposed 1994-95 Maintenance District budgets which shows a reduction in .maintenance costs. This can be attributed to a shift of permanent personnel into the Districts and a decrease in the allocated man-hours per acre of landscaping. As more Districts and landscaping are added we are able to spread many of our costs (equipment, supervision etc.) over a larger base resulting in reduced assessments. The 1994-95 budget for Maintenance District 2--4 (The. Oaks } is approximately $0.24 per square foot of landscaping measured from bask of wall to face of curbing. The assessed amount is less because it includes a carry-over from previous years. If you are attempting to estimate costs to maintain proposed new street or median landscaping, I would suggest using a f figure of $0.30 per square foot. This is a reduction from previous years. If you need additional information, phase contact me at 326- 3117. Very truly yours, /~' FRANK FABBRI Park Superintendent cc: Allen Abe, Assistant Park Superintendent Georgina Lorenzi, Business Manager Lauren Dirnberg, Engineer-~Public Works Jack Hardisty, Planning Director Rob Cramer, Park Technician 4101 TRUXTUN AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93309 (805} 326.3117 t A ~~ M E M oRAND _ U fill i ~ ~RY 14b fr J F t r 1 r ~: To' Lauren From: Dlmberg, Public Wo Frank Fabbri p rks Subject: Zone arks Superintendent .. Date• Change--White Lane • March 21, 1994 & Gosford Road .3 a ~~ ,r~° It is my understand' the Northwes ing the current zonin th t corner of Gos f or g °n the vacant ro e present zonin d Road and White p party °n g a block wall with Lane is R-2 , Under requirement, Any land street land line would be scaping between the s scaping is not a the property owner treat curb and s responsibilit property If the zonin y re uir g were changed to R- q ement would becom 1 the block wall the wall and 1 e a Condition of a and landscape andscaping would b pproval. Costs to main ' District and all a included wi tale parcels within the then a Maintenance assessed, The annual co Maintenance Dis ' estimated at st to maintain the trlct would be $25,000, wall and landsca • ping is You have also re ues line ease q tad a cost estimat ment i f the entire e e to maintain under. t to White Lane co asement from the he power based o ntained turf. Curre existing Garden Par n acreage and im nt park maintena ~ k areas provements within the nce costs are play courts etc . As park suc include turf ~ suming the power h as picnic ma' ~ an annual estim line easement wool lntenance, ate of $70,000 C d only ould be used for The Northwest co within est rner of Gosford Road ablished Maintenan and White Lane is easement and stre Ce District 2-4, If located the ann et landscapin was the proposed turfe ual single fami g assessed a alnst d $7Q, ly assessment wo g District 2-4 uld increase a ro ' pA X1matelY cc: Lee Andersen, Co Allen Ab mmunity Services Mana e, Assistant Parks Su gar Georgina Lorenzi perintendent Marian ~ Business Mana er Shaw, Engineer II g I, Public Works ~~ ~ y t ~~ ~. ~1 e Tentative ~"ract 5678 Page 8 9, die additional mai~te~ance district assessment xo osed b the a licaut shalt be reflected in the P P Y Pp C.C.&i~,'s with refcra~ce to ~ proportional diff areoce ~i.e., this assessrncnt is 1.53 times normal assessment). 4 ~0, Preliminary wall and Iandscape plans submitted for approval shall include treatment of towe~r~me enclosure along Dead Bark Drive. Gated access shag be approved by the Flaaaing Director, P.G.BcE. and rho Police Department. ~,, ~~, The C.C.&~.'s shall ' 't lot deveiop~eat to one dwelling as defined by State law. .~.. IZ. ~ Plans for access to Garden Park. from Bark Wood Drive shall be approved prior to recordation of a final asap which cx~vers any part of Phaso "D" as shown on the tentative map. Said plus may bo included with the preliminary wall and landscape plans and shall includo a masonry wall along the north .side of Lot 257 and a ~eeba~istn to diseaur~ge motorized vehicles ~ballards, or a maze). Said plans shall be approved by tho Planning Director, Parks Superintc~nclont and pity l~ngineer. 13. Subdivider shall reabaa~on oil webs as requixed by the State Division of Gil and Gas, 14- Prior to recordation of the first Qhase, the apph'cant shall de1nonstrate to the Planning Director comp~at~ce with Section 16.28.17Q,2.d. X80% tr~rlimurn small lots}. 15~ Lots adjacent to xract 4717 X25$, 259, 260 and Z61 as shown on .the tentative inapt shall be limited to one story constractian. Said restriction shall be roflected on the ~.C.&R."s. 16. Prioz to recordation of any phase weft of the towerline easement,-the a licaat shall re lace the AP _~ extstrng wood fence along the rc,at ~north~ property line of Lots 25$, 259 Z60 and 261 with a b-foot tall masonry bloc. ~-~l~ with 4~~p, Wall bright shaI! be ~~as~r~d cram highest adjaco~t ~rade~ 1?. Side yard lot lines .for those lots north of Camp Wood Court adjacent to Tract 477 sba~l match up to existing lot lanes north of the proposed subdi~isioa so that there is a one-to-oae relationship between the lots of the existing tract and those of tho proposed tract, 18. Lots on the north, side of Camp Wood CQUrt shall be a minimum of 6,000 square f set ifl size amd shall have a lot depth of no less than 100 foot, 19. ~ si~•foot block wall along Pin Oak Park Boulevard and landscaping to match the existiaglandseapi~g to Rhe north shall be ct~nstructed. Any wall tran.~ition necessary from the existingwall along Fia Gak Parr Boulevard and the proposed wau shall be at smooth angles or curves. Sha an ~~ Ip ~Fhicv~ . . ~ g drffercnccs ~n landscape v~ndths will not be allowed. Conceptual landscape piaus shalt address tb~as transition is detail. 20. p`encing between tb,e towerline easement and ad~aceot lots shah include a siA-foot tab chainlink feats ~tneasured from highest grade}. A sit-foot tall masonry block wall msy bc~ inst<~lled in-lieu of a chainlink fence. 5G78,a CITY YLflNN1NU rHn [~u, ~u~ ~< <ua4o r, uc ~' s- ~~ EXHIBIT "A" Nlav i6„ 1994 .t U 14~C~ ~i i Y t'LHtYlYllYlr rKx ~u, ~u5 ~~ r~ti4e r. u~ EXHIBIT B TENTATIVE TRACT Sb78 ESTIMATED COST IMPACTS TO MAINTENANCE DISTRICT 2-04 Tentative tract 5678, ass proposed, wa11 increase tie annual assessment for each homeowner within Maintenance District 2-04. There are two contributing factors to the increase including (1) the reduction of~totai dwellings assessed and (2) introduction of additional city maintained landscaping. The unit of measure to determine the assessment is an EDU (Equivalent Dwelling Unit), A single family residence is 1 EDU. Apartments generally have fewer people pcr dwelling unit and are therefore calculated ~t the rate of one dwelling unit equal to .71 EDU. Vacant multi-family resideDtial zoned property is calculated at 12 dwelling unit per acre far purposes of d+ctermining maintenance assessm~nt~, Tlae current assessment for this property is 4b5.05 EDUs calculated as follows; 54.b (acres) X 12 (dwellings per acre) = 655 {dwellings) 655 (apartment dwellings} X .7I = 4b5.05 EDUs The reduction in EDUs to be absorbed by other homeowners is 17b.Q5 calculated as follows: 4b5.05 existing EDUs} - 289 {proposed lots in Tract 5678} = 176,Q5 The current yearly assessment per EDU is $174.20. 1fie calculated assessment per EDU if the cost resulting from a reduction of EDUs is distributed throughout the assessment district is $198.12: ($24 increase, 14%) The annual cost of maintaining the additional city m~aintaiz~ed landscaping proposed by tt~,xs tract. is $22,600. I~ this cost, plus the cost resulting from a reduction in the Au~miber of units is distributed throughout the district, the annual assessment will be $208.18 {$34 increase, 19.5%}. If the~assessment is kept at the existing level ~$174.~0} for the district, and the proposed tract absorbs all costs of assessment increases, the annual assessment per residential lot in Tract Sb78 wi11 be $315.fi3. This is at a rate of 1.81 times. the existing assessment, If the .tract .absorbs the cost resulting from' a reduction in ..density (EDUs) and the cost of the additio~aT city maiutai~~ed Iat~dscaping is distributed throughout the district (as proposed by the applicant), the district assessment will be 5183+/- and the tract assessment will be $289+/-. This represents a 55'o increase for the existing residents and the tract will be paying at a rate Qf L53 times the overall assessment. s;~t~crs~rs~~af.x,B t B A K E R S F I E L D PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM t Date: March 22, 1994 To: Jim Movious - Planning Dept ' From: ren Dimberg - Engineering Subject: Tent. Tract 5678 - Maintenance District Costs Proposed 1994-95 assessment for R-1 Assume change of use from R-2 to R-l, with additional streetscape Assume change of use and additional streetscape and park costs ~. $174 $2.18 $276 1 k i ~~ ~ ~ f ~~ ~ ~~ ~' - ~ ~r~~~~~~~ ~~~ i 1 i ,~ .I I ~o ~D ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ 3 ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ f ,~ ~ ~ ~, ~~ ;' ~' ~' -~ 1 ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~~r~~ ~ ~~ ~~* ~ .~ ~ ~, :i cp ~~ ~~ °~L~~i dam' ~f ~~~ ~~ ~ _ _ ~. ~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~.C2 ~3 ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ,~ r ~ ~ ~~ ,~ g. ~' , ~ `~ ~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~ ~ 1 ~~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~" ; ~ ~ ~ w ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ 1! l~zg l3~~ ~~~ ~~ ~~ ,~ .~ ~~ ,~ ~ 7 ~ I ~ ~ ~`~ ° ...... ~' ~ ~~~ ~a ~ ~~ ~2 .~- `~ ~ > ~ v.~ a ,g ,~ MHII3TEivAi'VCF HISTRICT •~G. 4 CITY OF i3Ai:E%aFILLD BENEFIT FOR~iL?I~A The vario~ls lots and parcels c~ithir, the district shall be assessed at the rollowir~g rates: . I~'or each zssessable lot or parcel the assessr~ent shall be. the sum of "ti" and "B," as defined blow. "A" shall equal the dollar amount determined by: (a) A portion of tree total number of dollars budgeted by the district for maintenance and operation of the assessment district for the year in which the assessment is levied equal 'to the dollar amount allocat-.ed to raintenance and operation for that year of any ar.d all improvements ir- the district .except parks and except any improvements in or on any parlcs or incident thereto, multiplied by: (b) the number of assessable acres*, or portion thereof, in the ~.ot or parcel; ' and dividEd by: (c) Ch2 number~of assessable acres* in the district. "B" shall equal the dollar amcunt determined by: the sum of . (d) The total number of dollars budgeted by the district far main- tenance and operation of parks ti.ncluding any improvements therein andfor incident thereto) in the assessment district icr the year ire which the assessmer~t is levied (and this sum shall equal the remainder of funds budgeted by the. district far a year after subtraction of the sum descri'ned in (a)~above for that year), multiplied by the numerals 3.24, and multiplied by: (e)(i), the number of detached dwelling units perr~itted to be constructed(even if not constructe.dion the lot or parcel pursuant to the then currently effective zoning .and/or City of'Bakersfield State College Area General Plan as amended,** ar multiplied by: (e)(ii), in the case of a lot or parcel for which a building . permit or permits indicating the actual number of detached dwelling units to be constructed on the lot or parcel has been issued by; the City, or for which the actual number of d~:tached dwelling units to . ATTACHMENT Page 1 of 3 be constructed on the lot or parcel has bFen otharai.se apFroveci by tl~e City, and evidence thereof 'rtas been filed in tl~~e Count}' Recorder's off ice, at~d. provided that said aporo~~al~ anc, f iI; ngs occurred befnre the date set for the annual hearing on t-E~ assess- - ment districi: before the City Council, the number of detached dwelling units permitted to be constructed on the Iot or parcel, - pursuant to said approval; and (d) The total number of dollars budg~~ed by the district for main- tenance and operation of parks {including any improvements therein and/or incident thereto) i.r~ the assess~-~ent district for the year in . which the assessment. is levied (and this sum shall equal the remainder of funds budgeted by the district for a year after subtraction of the sum described in {a) above for that }year), multiplied by the numeral 2, and multiplied by: (f)(i), the number of attached dwelling units permitted to be constructed (even if not constructed) on the lot or parcel pursuant to the then currently effective zoning and/or City of Bakersfield State College Area General Plan as amended, *** or multiplied by: (f)(ii), in the case of a lot or parcel for which a building Permit or permits indicating the actual number of attached dwelling units to be constructed on the lot or parcel has been issued by the City, or for which the actual number of attached dwelling units to be constructed cn the lot or parcel has been otherwise approved by the City, and evidence thereof has been filed in the County Recorder's office, and provided that said approvals and filings occurred before the date set far the annual hearing on the assessment district before the City Council, the number of attached dwelling ';: units permitted to be constructed on the lot ar parcel, pursuant to said~appreval; divided by the sum of (g), the number of detached dwelling units permitted to be con- structed in the district ****, multiplied by the numeral 3.24; and Page 2 of 3 ..,.. ... ..~~r r,wx ,... •.. i..~•.. ... ~.~.,.. , r~ . . ,. ,.. .. a ~i - . ..~ a ... .~. .. ... .. .. ... ... ~_ .. ._ .. _ .. ... . .~ .-... . ~ (h), the number aT attach~d dwelling units. permitted t~~ b~ con- structed ir: Che district. ,multip.ied by the na~nerzl 2. A B ' a x b + d (3,24 x e(i)) + d (2 x f{i)) c x s.24) t' (h x 2) (~R ' A 8 a x b + d (3.24 x e(ii)) + d (2 x f(ii)) ~ Assessment for each . c- g x 3.~4 + h x 2 lot or parcel * The number cf assessable acres shall be ~ete.rmined.by subtracting frr~m the total acreage in the district or parcel or lot, the acreage of public streets, and other government owned land within the district or parcel or lot. **. Detached dwelling units (those dwelling units not joined to any others by any common walls) are deemed permissiole in areas zoned R-1. The ziumber of detached dwelling units permitted to be construc~ed on a lot or parcel shall be deemed to be the numeral 4 multiplied by the number of assessable acres, ar portion thereof, in the. parcel or lot, rounded off to the nearest •,~hole number. *** A~tached dwelling units (those joined to another by one or more common ' walls) are deemed perQiissible in areas zoned R-Z or R-3 and in areas not yet zoned. The number of attached dwelling units permitted to be . constructed on a Iot or parcel shall. be deemed to be the numeral 12 multiiplied by the number of assessable acres, or portion thereof, in the parcel or lot, rounded .off to the nearest whole number. **** The numbers of attached and detached dwelling units permitted to be constructed 'in the district shall be deemed to be the sum of each such type of units permuted to be constructed on all lots or parcels within the district, except that if the number of. detached or attached dwelling units permitted on a lot or parcel is ~•aried pursuant to Paragraphs (e) (ii) or (f) (ii), then the number of dwelling units permitted to be constructed in th.e district shall be deemed to be the sum of the number of dwelling units determined for any such lots or parcels pursuant t~o Paragraphs (e)(ii) and (f)(ii) and the remaining numbers of dwelling units determined as in ** and ***~ above. Page 3 of 3 .. .._ ~' ¢: ,t ~~ June 6, 1988 Pamela L. Cline 9612 Lea Oak Road Bakersfield, CA 93311 City of Bakersfield 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93311 To . t~lhom I t May Concern '88 JUH 7 PM 4:12 cirr c~c~x I am strongly objecting to the assessment levelled in Maintenance District No. 4. ~~~y reasons are thus: l) We are paying for people, who do not have to pay a fee, to come and use our parks. If you do not believe this, come look sometime at all the cars parked around the pa~.lL. The~~~ are obviously not from the neighborhood. 2) We are assessed at $159.OO;.whereas people living just t~ao miles away, in an even higher-classed neighborhood than The Oaks, are paying $45.00. Fairness? Equality? 3) mhe maintenance and mowing job done by the City. is not worth the money. There -are .many different weed. grasses growing in the park and median strips. Rather than spray them, you wait until .they get tall and unsightly .and then just mow them down. Obviously, they will return. 4) Living-next to Haggin Oaks does not mean we all have incredibly high-salaried jobs, we should not all be lumped into the same category. ., 5) This fee increases every year - the services provided surely do not. Yes, prices do go~up, but I am not sure that this is not just a way around some loopholes to make money, for the City government. 6) How fair is your fee systeM? Do the .people in other parts of the city pay this? Do all citizens of Bakersfield haves a district fee? The answer is no to both questions. Then, why are just certain areas being penalized? Areas that will be the least resistant? Not anymore: Page 2 1) When maintenance districts were set up, home- owners in Amberton and other areas were iven the option of whether to g have a park and if so, what the fee ~aould be. We were never iven option or notified o g that f the horrendous fee the City would attempt to collect each year. A ain why the difference in t ~ g ' reatrnent. ~) Some landscaping choices in the area ar Are the trees a e awful. . nd plants chosen ones that require the least amount of mainte nance and water? Hardly. ~ Have you given the eo le i P p n our district alternative ways to cut costs? What about reen concreting the median sari s~ g p Surely this would cut down on a lot of maintenance and costs. Then the City would have to look elsewhere for mone to fatten the ktt Y Y If the people running our city government can ho say they have exhausted nestly every alternative to distric fees and have made the fees fair and equitable to all citiz areas of Bakersfield th ~ ens in all en this would be easier to accept. As it is, we are dust one more bureaucratic mess our c ' ouncil has. gotten us into. I am demanding, on behalf of myself and others in our maintenance district, that this situation be rectifie • . d, that a fair way o.f taxing~all people in Bakersfield for usin .parks be established• a g all nd that the council be aware that ____ ~.mmediate improvement must be made. _..__._ .~ Sincerely, v r-. ~ ~ Pamela L. Cline ,F ~} David and Pamela Cline 9612 Lea Oak Road '~~~ t:-~- -- .. =; - ~ x ~:= _ Bakersfield, California ~~3~-1' ~' `'' ~- (805)664-8356 June 1, 1989 ~F~i~' ~.~~: ~`'. ... Offices of the City Clerk City of Bakersfield . City Council 1501 Truxtun Avenue - Bakersf field, Calif ornia ~ 93301 Re: Maintenance District Four Dear Council Members I am objecting to the amount of assessment on our parcel of land located at 9.612 Lea Oak Road part of Maintenance District Four. We are being assessed $156.39 for 1989-90. I'm sure others in our area are being assessed at or possibly above that amount, but it's the other areas of Bakersfield that I f eel are unfair • for .example, Amberton, at roughly $45.00 to as little as $13.00 for areas by White Lane! I am tired of paying for park maintenance for others to en ' o . ~ Y I am tired of paying for median strips -that are closer to other subdivisions (Amberton, ~~Laurelglen, and Stockdale Estates, to name a few) . Most of all, I am tired of seeing main enance crews ri in pp g out healthy plants and landscaping only to replace it with somethin g else in an effort to have something to keep them busy! .~a The attached article sums up the situation uite we 1. If `I do q .~- not receive an equitable. solution, I will plan toeither remove myself fram the district or dissolve the entire maintenance dis- trict . I have had enough! Sincerely, ..- ,.. . Pamela L. dine c~c: Don Ratty -:.s~: `N N O V '~ d L Q. N O O ~ ~ri ..'., ~ T3 'O W ~~ w •~ ~ ...~ b~~~~ ~. ~ . b ~ ,~ a. ,~ . ~... ~" ""' ~ ~ •~ . O O •.Vr . '~ ~ ~ .ate w ~ o ~ ~ ~ '~ '~ o o ~.' . ao ~ o ~, O ~ ~ ~~ ~~,' ~ y~„~ ~+~ ~, ~ w ~ w O ~ ~ ii • ~. cd ;~ V i•' a O Ci .C! v w ~ ,;,a ~w >-v ~ o ~~ spa vd~aw .~ta.CQ~~O :~ v a '' ~, O O O O +~~;~o. ~. ~ .~o~,tw uoo~~0o a~ c~ ~o ~ ~ t~A ~ v .0.. ~ ~ a' ~ , gi+p a o p ~ w O v ~ O . Q ~y ~. ~ ~~~ ~,.~ . .~ ~~ o ~~. y o0~~~ a~i~~e~o ~0~00 w w a~a~ ~oa ~ ~c,. ~ aooa~ O~ a w ~~ ~v moo. ;~° ,~wa~~ ~o~;~ ~a .~o'u ~•~ .~~~,~ `~~,~ °~ ~`".~°~ o~noi~, ~ °x,33 ~'~ a~~~'~ ~ D'am'' V~ Q~ ~ +~OV1v1 pCpiw~; ~ ~O ~.,m~b w ~ vi N .-+ ~ p ~ ~b ~.0~'~ O{'' O.~ 'a'~ O av y ~,~ ~~ ~ O .~ 4 'd .~ ~ .., ca Cd ~ vl w O 41 ~ O ~~ ~O ~ a U ~ O~p~ ~,~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~ o O by N .boo *,~. ~b ,~c~o•~ ~~0 0 0O0 :~ ~a ._ ~o~ ~ 00~ ~ ~ ~~~~o '• ~ w . • , D ~ O ~ ry~ O Op 'b V~ O ~ V1 Ci r~m/~ ~ O . ~ ~y ~ ~w' •~ ~ 'd --+ O ~ i•~ R ~ `~"' ~, N i+ ~ it VJ ~1 ~ •I~y ~ W ~ ~ •rN • ~ ~.1 a Q~ 1~ ~ O ~~A ~ p 1~+! ~ w ~ U `~3 0+.~ .~ o /~~o.A ~ ~ ~~~ a~ .~4 ri!~! ~.1 i/ ~ ~ ~!J ~ fir.{ as • t/f •~ O A ~"~ ~ c0 ~ O t~ w ~ O Q> ~ ~ Od ~ !~ -c O ... ~ ~ '' a O y w ,~" is ~ Q~ O t+ ~ O O O. 'd 4~ .~.~ ~ it ~ O ~ ~ y ~ O O ~ OA.., O ~~~ .~ ~~ .~OO~ O~ 4?O• .-~P,O~OO~ ... ~ C. O v ,c~ t~ 'd ai ~ +~ ~ ~ ~ p w ~ ~aa a~ ~,~~oa ~ o~~~~ ~~ ~ ~~~~ ~~~ ,t ~ .. ~~ ^~:~ ~.;~ ^~~.~, I~ ~~ ~ w O ~.~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~~~~~~`~a o~ ~a~'•~.~ oar ~'v, u ~ o~ o ~°'~ a~ .fin ~ ~ ~ ~, o ~ ~' ~-- ~ ° ap~~~ ~-o~~ ~a:~~~~• ~~u~ ~c°~y ~~, 00 00 ~,~ ~ ~o~~,,~ ~~,~ ,~ ~ob~ ~w ~ BOO f~f~~- y ~ p~~ O O+~p ~ O C~ O v ~ Rr ~ i~r~ 'd w ~ ~ +g ~.; O 7 'd ~ ~~+ ~~ b ~ ~ .~ ~ ao ~ ~ ~A~ o ~ w~ b off' aR o• +~ u o~ ~ o~ . • ~~~~~ ~ ~,, a v ~ ono, ~ ,~- ° ° • °? ~;~ a~ `~ ~ ~ ~ ~ gyp ~ ~ c0 O ~ O "t7 O .~ ~ ~ ~, C1 ~ ~ "d ~ ~ , r ~j ~'- wow ~~ ~ •~ ~ ~.~1wAV.C11 ~ ~ ~y w ;1i~.i11 ~1 •~ ~ ~~'~ ~+ ~ ~ '~ ~~+1 ~~ M.~) ~~ X1.1 '~ ~ p •~1 ~ ~ ij ~j -~1 1~ ~ • ~ •u~! ~ w •~•,~ ~ A ~ ~ ~ O O 41 ~ cd 0> ~ V .~ ~ ., ""' O O • a.a w ~ ~ ~3 ~.+ ~ ''O ~J '~ s s ~-~- c F'~ J' ~ ~I~ ~ V ~C~s~~~~~~~ • _ ',~ w V ~_ V C ~~ ~~ Ji iii ~.~i9i`~~./~/I' .S IN CE DISTRICT N0. 4 TO BE DELETED: J ~~~ PARCEL ONE -SUMP C~!~~lE1VCING AT SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SECTION 8 , T . 3 0 S . , R. 21 E . , M. D . M. AS SHOWN ON MAP AND ASSESS~!~'I' DIAC~ZAM FOR MA CE DISTRICT N0. 4, FILID IN ECOK 5 OF ASSESS~~]T DISTRICTS AT .PAGE 123 IN THE OFFICE OF THE COt~~'T'Y RECORDER OF THE COU~~TY OF K]~N, STATE OF CALIFORNIA; THENCE NORTH 89 ° 17' 27" WEST, 1097.35 FEET',` TO A POINT ON THE NEST RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF THE ARVIl~j EDISON C~~~AL; 'IH'IlVCE SOUTH 00 ° 42' 3d" WEST, 59.28 F~~T, TO THE BEGI~~G OF A TANGI~IT' CURVE, CONCAVE NORTJ~~ASTERLY, HAVING A RADIUS OF 300.00 FEET; 'T'HENCE SOUT~~FA,STERLY, ON AND AMONG SAID CURVE, THROUGH A CEN'T'RAL ANGLE OF 2~ ° 53' S5", AN ARC DIST~~NCE OF 140.84 F~~`I', TO THE TRUE POIIUT OF BEGINNII~; T~~I{~ N~OR~:R 89 ° 17' 21" NEST, 75.67 FEET; 'THENCE SOU7~H 00° 42' 33" WEST, 400;00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 89° I7' 27" EAST,. 400.00 F~~E'T, TO A POINT ON THE WEST RIG~~T-OF-WAY LINE OF THE ARVIN EDISON C~~'~AL; THENCE NORTIHERLY, ON AND ALONG SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE THE FOLLQ~~G ~ COURSES , (1 } N0~ 3 9 ° 10' S 4" WEST, 44 7.46 ..FEET, TO THE BEGI~~~ING OF A TAN(~NT CURVE , -, CONCAVE NORT~i~rASTERLY, HAVING A RADIUS OF 300.00 FF.~T; THENCE NORT~~WESTERLY, ON AND ALONG SAID CURVE, TTiROUQI A CL~~'RAL ANGLE OF 12° 59' 35", AN ARC DISTANCE OF X8.03 F~~T, TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGI~~G. PARCEL 'TWO - P . G. & E . T~~JERLINE EAHE~!~,NT CON~!CING AT THE SOUTf~EA,ST COR~!]ER OF SECTION 8 , THENCE NORTH 39 ° I7' 27" WEST, ON AND ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SECTION, A DISTAI~TCE OF 109? . 35 ~, T'0 A POINT OI~T THE WEST RIGHT-4F-WAY LINE OF THE ARVIN EDISON C~~ZAL; THF~ICE NOR~~H, ON AND A~CaONG SAID RIOT-OF-WAY LINE THE FOLLO~~JING COtRSES (1) NORTH 00 ° 42' 36" EAST, 116.52 FEET, TO THE BEGIl~1ING OF A TAI~~GENT CURVE {~NCAVE SOUI~~IESTERLY, HAVING A RADIUS OF 200.00 FFET; 7~1CE NORTHERLY, ON AND ALONG SAID CURVE, THROUt~i A SAL ArdC~.aE OF 39 ° 55' 31", AN ARC DISTANCE OF 139.37 FEET; THENCE I~RTH 39 ° 12' S5" WEST, 76.54 ~ FEETT, TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGIl~INNING; Tf~NCE SOUTH O1° 48' 22" WEST, 423.15 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 00 ° 44' 23" ~v~ST, 899 , 05 FEET; 'I~NCE SOUTH 00 ° 43' S9" WEST, 900.34 F~~T; 'I'~NCE SOUTH 00 ° 47' 16" WEST, 525.86 FEET, TO THE BEGI~!~VIlVG OF A. NON-T,ANG~~3'i' CURVE, CONCAVE TO THE NORTH, HAVING A RADIUS OF 1$60.00 FEET FROM NCH POINT TIDE RADIAL POI1~T OF SAID CURVE B~ N0~ 00 ° 47' I6„ FAST; THENCE WESTERLY, ON AND ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A SAL AI~TGLE OF 06 ° 20' 20'', AN ARC DISTANCE OF 205.78 F~~T; THF~NCE NORTH 00 ° 45' 32" EA.~T 511.09 FEET; SCE NORTH 00°~ 44' ~02" EAST, 900. ~Z F~~T; THENCE NOR~:~ 00° 42' 23"EAST, 900.694~ET; 'SCE NORTH Ol° 53' 38" FAST 661.07 FEET TO A PO~Ui T 4N 'I'CE WEST RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE of ARVIN EDISQN C~~1AL AND THE BEGI~~~ING OF A NON-TAN~T CURVE, CONCAVE TO THE NORTHEAST, HAVING A RADIUS OF 550.Q0 FEET, FROM WHICH POINT 't~E RADIAL POINT OF SAID CURVE B~~RS NORTH 53 ° 16' S2" EAST; THENCE S~UT~~~ASTERLY, ON -AND ALONG SAID CURVE, THROUGH A C]~NTRAL ~ OF OZ° Z9' 4~", AN ARC DISTANCE OF 23.96 FEET; THIlVCE SOUTH 39° 12' S5" EAST, 2$8.83 FEET, TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGI~~G. i~l.i„, ,, .., n c a ~,.~_...... _.~ " R1E'VZSED BOUNDARY OF MAIN'I~~~ANCE DISTRICT N0. 4: THOSE PORTIONS QF SECTIONS 7, S AND 17, TOWNSHIP 30 SOUTH, RANGE 27 EAST, M.D.M., DESCRIBED AS FOLL~IS: CON~ICING AT THE NORT1~lEST COR~~ER. OF SECTION 8 , SAID CORNER ALSO BEING ON THEE CENTERLINE OF MING AVIENUE; THENCE SOUTH 00° 22' 10" WEST, ON AND ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SECTION 8, A DISTANCE OF 79.00 FEE T, TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE ALONG THE LINE PARAI~'L WITH AND 79.00 ~ SOtITf~RLY OF THE C'RLINE of sAln MING AVIENtJE, NoRxx 89° 1i' i9" W~~ST, 591.56 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 89° 56' 36" WEST, 330.04 FEET; THENCE NORTH 89° 11' 19" WEST, 248.84 F1~ET; THENCE SOUTH 45° 35' 33'' WEST, 71.16 FEET; THENCE 1~RTH 89° :. 37' 35" WEST, 103.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 00° 22' 25" WEST, 364.80 FEET TO THE BEGI~~dING OF A CURVE, CONCAVE EASTERLY OF RADIUS OF 2013.00 FEET; SCE SOU7~TERLY ALONG SAID CURVE , THROUGH A CE'NT~AL ANGLE OF 19 ° 5 7 ' 41", AN ARC DISTANCE OF 701.31 FEET TO A POINT, THE RADIAL POINT OF WHICH IS NORTH 70° 24' 44" EAST; THENCE SOUTH 19° 35' 16" EAST, 3593.00 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A CURVE, CONCAVE WESTERLY OF RADIUS OF 1987.00 F1~E'T, THE RADIAL POINT BEARING NORTH 70° 24' 44" EAST; THENCE SOUT~~ TERLY ALONG SAID CURVE, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 19°57' 26", AN ARC DISTANCE OF 692.11 FAT THENCE SOUTH 00° 22' 10'' WEST, 74.02 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SECTION 8, DISTANCE TJHEREON SOUK 89 ° 17' 24" EAST, 142.00 FEET, DISTANCE FR4N! THE SO~ST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 8; THII~ICE ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SECTION 8 , SOUTH 89 ° 17' 24" EAST, 258;, 00 FEET TO ~~ THE BEGINNING OF A CURVE, CONCAVE SOUTHWESTERLY, OF RADIUS OF 1950.00 FEET, THE RADIAL POINT BF~4RING NORTH 00° 42' 36" EAST, THENCE SOUI~,ASTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE , THROUGH A CEIN'C'RAL ANGLE OF 63 ° 36' 27" , AN ARC DISTANCE OF 2164.81 FRET TO A POINT, THE RADIAL POINT BE~4RIRTG NORTH 64° 19' 03" EAST; T~111CE SOUTH 25° 40' 57" EAST, 405.63 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A CURVE, CONCAVE NORTJHEASTERLY, OF RADIUS OF 1950.00 FEET, THE RADIAL POINT BF~~RING NORTH 64 ° 19' 03" EAST; THENCE SOUTI:IEASTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE THROUC~I A CAL ANGLE OF 63° 35' 25", AN ARC DISTANCE OF 2164.23 FEET TO POINT, THE RADIAL POINT BEARING NORTH 00° 43° 38" EAST; THENCE SOUTH 89° 16' 22" EAST, 1218.00 FEET TO A POINT DIST~~N'T 13.00 FEET EASTERLY OF THE ~RLINE OF GOSFORD ROAD; TI~NCE NORTHERLY AND PARQT,T.FT; TO THE G~E~IT~LINE OF SAID GOSFORD ROAD AND 13.00 FEET EASTERLY OF THE CENTERLINE TH~EOF, NORTH 00° 39' 24" EAST, 1222.14 1~~T TO A POINT 13.00 FEET EAST OF THE ~RLINE OF SAID GOSFORD ROAD AND ON TIC SOUTH LINE OF THE ARVIN EDISON ~; THENCE ALONG THE SAID ARVIN EDISON C~~NAL THE FO~NG COURSES AND DISTANCES : (1) NORTH 70° 52' 30" WEST, 146.77 FIaET TO THE BEGINNING OF A CURVE, CONCAVE NORI~CASTERLY OF RADIUS OF 300.00 FAT, THE RADIAL POINT BEARING NORTH 19° 07' 30" EAST; TI~NCE (2} NORi'HWESTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE, TROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 31° 46' 36", AN ARC DISTANCE OF 165.95 FEET TO A POINT, THE RADIAL POINT BF~~RING NORTH 50° 49' 06" EAST; THENCE (3} NORTH 39° 10' S4" WEST, 1196.07 FEET, TO THE BEGINNING OF A CURVE, CONCAVE NORTJHEASTERLY OF RADIUS OF 300.00 FEET, THE RADIAL POINT BF~~RING NORTH 50° 49' 06" EAST; THENCE (4) NORTHERLY ALONG SAID CURVE , THROUGH A GII~ITRAL Al~(~LE OF 3 9 ° 5 3 ' 3 0" , AN ARC DISTANCE OF 208.87 FRET TO A POINT, THE RADIAL POINT BF~4RING NORTH 89° 17' 24" WEST; TI~NCE (5) NORTH 00 ° 42' 36" EAST, 175.80 F]~E'T TO TIIE BEGI~~NIIVG OF A CURVE, CONCAVE SOUT~~WESTERLY OF RADIUS OF 200.00 FEET, THE RADIAL POINT BE~4~~ING NORTH 89 ° 17' 24" WEST; 'I~1CE (6) NORT~~GJESTERLY ALONG SAID c~VE, THROUGx A ~~, ANCZE of 39° 55' 3l", AN ARC DISTANCE of 139.37 FEET TO A POINT, THE RADIAL POINT BEARING NOI~H 50° 47' 05" EAST; TENCE (7) NORTH 39° 12' S5" WEST, 365.37 FEET TO THE BEGIN~~IING OF A CURVE, CONCAVE EASTERLY OF RADIUS OF 550.00 FEET, THE RADIAL POINT BEARING NORTH 50 ° 47' 05" EAST; Ti~NCE (8) NORTHERLY ALONG SAID CURVE, THROUGH A C~~N'TIZAL Al~(zLE OF 41 ° 16' 46" , AN ARC DISTANCE OF 39d . 25 FEET; THENCE (9) NORTH 02 ° 03' S1" EAST, 449.06 FEET; THENCE LEAVING SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE NORTH 89° 17' 27" WEST, 2507.69 FEET; THENCE NORTH 00° 42' 36" EAST, 216.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 02 ° 12' 13" EAST, 69.77 FEET; TH~CE NORTH 05 ° 04' 34" EAST, 70.68 FEET; THENCE NORTH 05° 13' 00" EAST, 72.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 04° 09' 10" EAST, 78.60 FEET; TIIDVCE NORTH 00° 28' l0" WEST, 82.91 FEET; THENCE NORTH 05° 28' S5" WEST, 82.91 FEET; TI~1CE NORTH 10° 29' 40" WEST, 82.91 FEET; THENCE NORTH 15° 30' 25" WEST, 82.91 FEET; THENCE NORTH 20° 31' 10" WEST, 82.91 FEET; THENCE NORTH 25 ° 31' 55" WEST, 82.91 FEET; T~NCE NORTH 30° 32' 40" WEST, 82.91 FEET; THENCE NORTH 34° 35' 22" WEST, 76.54 FRET; THENCE NORTH 35° 00' 00" WEST, 146.00 FEET; T~1CE NORM 42° O1' 13" WEST, 133.67 FEET TO THE BEGI~~TG OF A NON-TANG7~NT CURVE, CONCAVE WESTERLY OF RADIUS OF 1200.00 FEET, FR~I WHICH POINT THE RADIAL POINT OF SAID CURVE BF~~RS NORTH 42° O1' 13" WEST; THENCE NOR'I~IERLY ALONG SAID CURVE, THROUGH A C~~l't'l~AL ANGLE OF 63 ° 12' 47", AN ARC DISTANCE OF 1323.93 FEET TO A POINT, T~ RADIAL POINT BF~4~~ING NORTH 74 ° 46' 00" EAST; TI~ENCE NORTH 15 ° 14' 00" WEST, 408.81 F]~ET TO THE BEGINNING OF A CURVE, CONCAVE EASTERLY OF RADIUS OF 1200.00 FEET, THE RADIAL POINT BE~4~~ING NORTH 74° 46' 00" EAST; 'FENCE NORTHERLY ALONG SAID CURVE, THROUGH A CEr~TRAL AI~zLE OF 16° 04' D8", AN ARC DISTANCE OF 336.55, FEET TO A POINT, THE RADIAL POINT BF~~RING NORTH 89° 09' 52" WEST; THENCE NORTH 00° 50' 08" EAST, 555.84 FEET T'0 A POINT 144.16 FEET SOUTH~~tLY OF THE C]E;N'TERLINE OF SAID MING AVIEIV[[JE; THF~ICE NORTH 89° 09' S2" WEST, 60.00 FEET, THnvcE NoRTx 44° 09' S2" WEST, 70.94 FEET; THENCE NORTH 89° 09' S2" WEST, 150.84 FEET; THENCE NORTH 84° 24' 03" WEST, 120.42 FEET, THENCE NORTH 88° l7' 47" WEST, 330.04 FEET; THENCE NORTH 89° 09' S2" WEST, 415.48 FEET, MORE OR LESS TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGI~~G; EXCEPTING THE FOLLOWING PARCELS, PARCEL ONE -SUMP C0~!~1CING AT SOU~T CORNER OF SECTION 8, T, 30 S., R. 27 E., M.D,M. AS SHOWN ON MAI' AND ASSESS~~1T DIAGRAM FOR MAI~~IANCE DISTRICT N0, 4, FILED IN BOOK 5 OF ASSESST!~NT DISTRICTS AT PAGE 123 IN THE OFFICE OF THE COI~~TY RECORDER OF THE COt~~TY OF KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA; THENCE NORTH 89 ° 17' 27" WEST, 1097.35 FEET, TO A POINT ON THE WEST RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF THE ARVIN EDISON C~~1AL; THENCE SOUTH 00° 42' 36" WEST, 59.28 FEET, '~0 THE BEG?~~G OF A TANGENT CURVE, CONCAVE NORTIH~~ASTERLY, HAVING A RADIUS OF 300 , 00 FEET; 't~NCE SOU i' TERLY, ON AND ALONG SAID CURVE, THROUC~II A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 26 ° 53' S5" , AN ARC DISTANCE OF 140.84 FEET, TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGII~~IING; THENCE NORTH 89° 17' 27" WEST, 75,67 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 00° 42' 33" WEST, 400.00 FRET; T~NCE SOUTH 89° 17' 27" EAST, 400.00 FEET, TO A POINT ON THE WEST RIG~xI'-OF-WAY LINE OF THE ARVIN EDISON C~4NAL; THENCE NORTHERLY, ON AND ALONG SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE THE FO~NG COURSES, (1~ NORTH 39°10' 54" WEST, 447.46 FEET, TO THE BEGIN~~ING OF A TANGENT CURVE, CONCAVE NORTJHFASTERT~Y, HAVING A RADIUS OF 300.00 FEET; THENCE NOR~STERLY, ON AND ALONG SAID CURVE, THROUGH A ANGLE OF l2° 59' 35", AN ARC DISTANCE OF 68.03 FEET, TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGI~~G. PARCEL TWO - P.G. & E, TOWERLINE EASII~NT CONfl~VCING AT THE SOUI~3EAST COR~vER OF SECTION 8 , THENCE NORTH 89 ° 17' 27" WEST, ON AND ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SECTION, A DISTANCE OF 1097.35 FEET, TO A POINT ON THE WEST RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF THE ARVIN EDISON C~~~AL; THENCE NORTH, ON AND ALONG S~~ID RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE THE FOLI~WING COURSES (1) NORTH 00 ° 42' 36" EAST, 116.52 FEET, TO THE BEGIN~~ING OF A TANGENT CURVE, CONCAVE SOUTHWESTERLY, HAVING A RADIUS OF 200.00 FEET; THENCE NORTHERLY, ON AND ALONG SAID CURVE, THROUGH A ANGLE OF 39° 55' 31", AN ARC DISTANCE OF 139.37 FRET; THENCE NORTH 39° 12' S5" WEST, 76.54 FEET, TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; TI~NCE SOUTH Ol° 48' 22" WEST, 423.15 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 00 ° 44' 23" WEST, 899.05 1~'EUT; Tf~NCE SOUTH 00 ° 43' S9" WEST, 900.34 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 00° 47' 16" WEST, 525.86 FEET, TO THE BEGINNING OF A NON-TANGENT CURVE, CONCAVE TO THE NORTH, HAVING A RADIUS OF 1860.00 FEET FR(~I WHICH POINT THE RADIAL POINT OF SAID CURVE BE~~RS NORTH 00° 47' 16" EAST; T~NCE WESTERLY, ON AND ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 06° 20' 20", AN ARC DISTANCE OF 205.78 FEET.; THENCE NORTH 00° 45' 32" EAST, 511.09 F1~ET; THENCE NORTH 00 ° 44' 02" EAST, 900.72 FEET; THENCE NORTH 00 ° 42' 23" EAST, 900.694 FEET; THENCE NORTH O1° 53' 38" EAST, 661.07 FEET, TO A POINT ON TIE WEST RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF ARVIN EDISON C~~NAL AND THE BEGII~G OF ANON-TANGENT CURVE, CONCAVE TO THE NORTJKFAST, HAVING A RADIUS OF 550.00 FEET, FRS WHICH POINT T~iE RADIAL POINT OF SAID .CURVE BF~~RS NORTH 53° 16' S2" EAST; THENCE SOUT~'iEASTERLY, ON AND ALONG SAID CURVE, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 02 ° 29' 47" , AN ARC DISTANCE OF 23.96 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 39° 12' S5" EAST, 288.83 FEET, TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGTl~1ING, THENCE NORTH, ON AND ALONG SAID RIC~IT-OF-WAY LINE THE FOLLOWING COURSES (1) NORTH 00 ° 42' 36" EAST, 116.52 FEET, TO THE BEGIN~~1G OF A TANGI~]'T CURVE, CONCAVE SOUI~~WESTERLY, HAVING A RADIUS OF 200.00 F!~'T; THENCE NORTJ~ERLY, ON AND ALONG SAID CURVE, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 39° 55' 31", AN ARC DISTANCE OF 139.37 FEET; THENCE NORTH 39° 12' S5" WEST, 76.54 FEET, Ta THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE SOUTH O1° 48' 22" WEST, 423.15 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 00° 44' 23" WEST, 899.05 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 00° 43' S9" WEST, 900.34 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 00° 47' 16" WEST, 525.86 FEET, TO THE BEGI~~NING OF A NON-TANGENT CURVE, CONCAVE TO THE NORTH, HAVING A RADIUS OF 1860.00 FEET FROM WHICH POINT THE RADIAL POINT OF SAID CURVE BF~~RS NORTH 00° 47' lb" EAST; THENCE WESTERLY, ON AND ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CEN'1~RAL ANGLE OF 06° 20' 20", AN ARC DISTANCE OF 205.78 FEET; THENCE NORTH 00° 45' 32'' EAST, 511.09 FEET; THENCE NORTH 00° 44' 02" EAST, 900.72 FEET; THENCE NORTH 00° ~~ 42' 23" EAST, 900.694 FEET; THENCE NORTH O1° 53' 38" EAST, 661.07 F~~E'T, TO A .POINT ON THE WEST RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF ARVIN EDISON C~~NAL AND THE BEGINNING OF ANON-TANGENT CURVE, CONCAVE TO THE NORTIHEAST, HAVING A RADIUS OF 550.00 FEET, FRC~I WHICH POINT THE RADIAL POINT OF SAID CURVE BE~~RS NORTH 53° lb' 52" EAST; THENCE SOU~TERLY, ON AND ALONG SAID CURVE, THROUGH A CENTRAL AII~~E OF 02 ° 29' 47", AN ARC DISTANCE OF 23.96 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 39° 12' S5" EST, 288.83 FEET, TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGI~~NING. AL~~AS IN MAII.~[~1ANCE DISTRICT N0. 4 TO BE D~ PARCEL ONE -SUMP COl!~1CING AT SOU~T CORNER OF SECTION 8, T. 30 S., R. 27 E., M.D.M. AS SHOWN ON MAP AND ASSESST~IT DIAG~iAM FOR MAINTJENANCE DISTRICT N0. 4, FILED IN BOOK 5 OF ASSESS~~NT DISTRICTS AT PAGE 123 IN THE OFFICE OF TIC COU~~TY RECORDER OF THE COtIN'I'Y OF I~RN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA; THENCE NORTH 89 ° 17' 27" WEST, 1097.35 Fly', TO A POINT ON THE WEST RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF THE ARVIN EDISON C~4NAL; T~NCE SOUTH 00° 42' 36'° WEST, 59.28 FEET, TO THE BEGII~G OF A TANS CURVE, CONCAVE NORT1f~~ASTERLY, HAVING A RADIUS OF 300.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY, ON AND ALONG SAID CURVE, THROUC~i A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 26 ° 53' 55" , AN ARC DISTANCE OF 140.84 1~, TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGII~G; T~IENCE NORTH 89° 17' 27" WEST, 75.67 FEET; TI~NCE SOUTH 00° 42' 33" WEST, 400.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 89° 17' 27" EAST, 400.00 FEET, TO A POINT ON THE WEST RIOT-OF-WAY LINE OF THE ARVIN EDISON C~~dAL; THENCE NORTf~RLY, ON AND ALONG SAID RIC~IT-OF-WAY LINE TIC FO~NG COURSES , (1) NORT~I 39 ° 10' S4" WEST, 447.46 FIDT, TO THE BEGII~VG OF A TANGENT CURVE, CONCAVE NORTJ[~ASTERLY, HAVING A RADIUS OF 300.00 FEET; TI~1CE NORT~~.WESTERLY, ON AND ALONG SAID CURVE, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 12° 59' 35", AN ARC DISTANCE OF 68.03 FEET, TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGIl~1ING. PARCEL TWO - P.G. & E. TOWERLINE EASF~!~1T COl!~1CING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SECTION 8 , THENCE NORTH 89 ° 17' 27" WEST, ON AND ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SECTION, A DISTANCE OF 1097.35 FEET, TO A POINT ON THE WEST RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF THE ARVIN EDISON C~~NAL; Recording requested by and when recorded mail to: City of Bakersfield City Clerk's Office 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 THI5 SPACE FOR RECORDER'S USE ONLY Tract 5679 UNIT 2 Lot Nos. l through 26 COVENANT DISCLOSING INCLUSION IN MAINTENANCE DISTRICT THIS COVENANT is executed on this -day of ,199_, by K le Carter Homes Inc. a California Co oration hereinafter, "Owner"), in connection with the Y ~ ~ ~= ~ Consolidated Maintenance District, located in the City of Bakersfield, California. The real property herein described is located within Street Tier 2 of the Consolidated Maintenance District, and may be assessed for maintenance of public landscaping on public rights-of way within the district. Although this property may have been assessed a lesser amount in the .present tax year, the ultimate estimated annual assessment for maintenance of public landscaping based on full buildout of this district, is $150.00 per single family dwelling, based on 1995 dollars and labor costs of the district. This covenant may not be amended or modified without the prior approval of the City of Bakersfield. This covenant shall run with the land. Dated this _ day of ,199 . Owner(s)/Developer(s): City of Bakersfield: Kyle Carter Homes, Inc., a California Corporation. Kyle Carter Raul M. Rojas Public Works Director NOTE: All owner(s)Ideveloper(s) signatures must be notarized. PW-jas G:IPROJECTSuVIARIANI MAIND ISTICOVENANTICOV l .COV Recording requested by and when recorded mail to: City of Bakersfield City Clerk's Ol~ice 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 THIS SPACE FOR RECORDER'S USE ONLY Tract No. 5b78, Ph. "E" Lot Nos. 1_ through 32 COVENANT DISCLOSING INCLUSION IN MAINTENANCE DISTRICT THIS COVENANT is executed on this -day of ,199_, by Castle & Cook Homes, Inc.,. a California corpor_ anon (hereinafter, "Owner"), in connection with the Consolidated Maintenance District, located in the City of Bakersfield, California. The real property herein described is located within Tier Z of the Consolidated Maintenance District, and may be assessed for maintenance of public landscaping on public rights-of way within the district. Although this property may have been assessed a lesser amount in the present tax year, the ultimate estimated annual assessment for maintenance of ublic landsca in within this P Pg tier, based on full buildout of this district, is $150.00 per single family dwelling, based on 1994 dollars and labor costs of the district. This covenant may not be amended or modified without the prior approval of the City of Bakersfield. This covenant shall run with the land. Property description: Dated this _ day of ,199 Owner(s)JDeveloper(s): City of Bakersfield: Raul M. Rojas Public Works Director NOTE: All owner(s)/developer(s) signatures must be notarized. PW jas P:1~av1.COV 11 • ~Z1 db-W JNiN01 a\ s•. w.~ ItJ •le -~s ~NO .~ _ °tw Z ~NaP ~m • oZa ~. :>~ a.. ~~<, ~~w Nyc D ~ ,~ N ~~N o ~~, ~ D ~g ~, +~; U N~Q s~ N O D x ~ "r e D x 0 0 ti s ti o 1 N 0 ~~~It \~ ~~~~ ~r~ •~OI~ ~ H .~ ~ ~,~ ~~~ ,, i [ ^ ^ 8~ i 'I =~^O~ S ~~'^ = ~ ~»~sO ~i l~i~ 0 ~. ^=Or• j y ~ e• I ^,~~ , li=n i fy•O~ , >>rl• N rn.,~ ~ ~ t3 ~ -~C~ ;: OCO" c ~ O ^_ ~, n..1+ ~ Y. 07 72 C ~ C ' ~Q. p ~ r' ~" r~ O - ± ~YiwT ~ Ai~O < =OIL' •~02 N Own~t zal~ ^ -xt~ 2 C fAC ~ ~ *- iY NON w~~i .s rP - v ~•~ C Or ~ 'N I ~I1* LwltO '~ - + 1J non - S~ ^ - 1'7 I ~ i ~~ ~ ?~^0 nDi~ C~~O t` r no ~ -:cj+~ ~O• ~ ~~M ~ fn O .C -.^ asN =fir ~ ~~- i,.s ; sto NCO ; -~~ ~ -~ ~ wC ^ r ~ y = rG^~ ^ 2 M ' ~- ~ rn yn0 r-=t c ono cJ • ct w ~ •I10 •~wl ~n~ f nw i ~ . - ^ .. i +. 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